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Oregon & Northern California俄勒岡、北加州神木 買 2 送 1


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Page 2: Oregon & Northern California

摩特諾瑪瀑布-哥倫比亞河峽谷-綺麗湖-克拉馬瀑布市 Multnomah Falls – Columbia River Gorge – Crater Lake – Klamath Falls

早餐後,驅車前往全美第二高的瀑布──摩特諾瑪瀑布,每年超過兩百萬遊客來觀賞這個古老的瀑布,使其成為俄勒岡州的名勝之一。瀑布暴跌620英呎,其流量變化通常在冬季和春季最高。隨後前往Vista House鳥瞰哥倫比亞河峽谷的頂級美景。午後抵達全世界最大火山形成的湖泊──綺麗湖。湖長六英哩,寬四英哩半,深1932英呎,是全美最深的湖泊。碧藍的湖水,震撼人心,綺麗湖寧靜之美,仿佛來到人間仙境,是世上難得一見最美麗的湖泊之一。夜宿克拉馬瀑布市。

After breakfast, heading toward Multnomah falls. Multnomah Falls is the second highest year round waterfall in the United States. Nearly two millions visitor a year come to see this ancient water fall making it Oregon’s number one public destination. Afternoon, visit Crater Lake National Park, the lake was formed after the collapse of Mount Mazama an ancient volcano that erupted approximately 7,700 years ago, the length of lake is 6 miles and which is 4 miles with a depth of 1932 feet. Overnight at Klamath Falls. 熔岩床國家古蹟-夏斯塔湖水晶鐘乳石洞-桑戴爾玻璃橋-雷諾 Lava Beds National Monument – Lake Shasta Caverns – Sundial Bridge – Reno

早餐後,前往默達克熔岩床國家古蹟,驍勇善戰的傑克酋長曾在此以寡敵眾,對抗美軍長達半年之久。廣大的熔岩、特殊的洞穴及萬年冰窖是地理上的奇蹟。隨後前往參觀夏斯塔湖水晶鐘乳石洞,您可以乘船遊覽幽靜碧綠的夏斯塔湖,來到湖畔的神秘入口,由當地專業嚮導帶領、進入一個奇妙又美麗的地底世界。下午途經北加州地標──桑戴爾玻璃橋,此橋以玻璃做橋面,長700呎,寬23呎,只供行人及自行車使用。傍晚抵達全世界最大的小城市──賭城雷諾,夜宿雷諾。After Breakfast, visit Lava Beds National Monument volcanic eruptions on The Medicine Lake shield volcano have created and incredibly rugged landscape punctuated by cinder cones, lava flows, spatter cones, lava tube caves and pit craters. During The Modoc War of 1872-1873. The Modoc Indians used these lava flows to their advantage. Under the leadership of “Captain Jack’s Stronghold” A natural lava fortress. Continue tour to most beautiful crystal cave of Northern California Lake Shasta Caverns with a cruise on scenic Lake Shasta. Then processd to Sundial Bridge, it's a glass bottom bridge, designed, for pedestrian and bicycle only. Overnight at Reno,"The Biggest Little City in the World."

雷諾-太浩湖-加州首府-舊金山 Reno – Lake Tahoe – Sacramento – San Francisco

上午出發,前往太浩湖,此湖位於海拔六千英呎以上,跨越內華達和加州之間的滑雪勝地,更是夏季旅遊及泛舟的好去處。隨後專車前往舊金山,途經有百年歷史的加州首府。中午抵達舊金山,著名的金門大橋,九曲花街,藝術宮及漁人碼頭等都能讓您流連忘返。尤其是舊金山高低起伏的地形,配合維多利亞式的古典建築,加上涼爽舒適的氣候,被譽為全美最受歡迎的城市之一。傍晚行程結束,您可以在舊金山中國城自行離團或在奧克蘭中國城離團。Depart in the morning, heading Lake Tahoe. It's famous for camping, hiking & fishing in the Summer, skiing in the Winter. Continue tour to San Francisco, on the way stop at the capital building at Sacramento. Arrive San Francisco at noon, after lunch start tour to the world famous Golden Gate Bridge, Cable Car, Lombard Street, Fisherman’s Wharf and Palace of Fine Arts. Tour members you can dismiss in San Francisco China Town or Oakland China Town.

俄勒岡 綺麗湖摩特諾瑪瀑布、水晶鐘乳石洞Oregon & Crater Lake

五天四夜5days 4nights


HIGHLIGHT:UC Berkeley, Napa Valley, Redwood National Forest, Oregon Coastline, Cape Blanco Lighthouse, Portland, Multnomah Falls, Columbia River Gorge,Crater Lake, Lava Beds National Monument, Lake Shasta Caverns, Sacramento, Reno.


奧克蘭-柏克萊大學-那帕酒鄉-紅木國家森林-尤利卡 Oakland – UC Berkeley – Napa Valley – Redwood National Forest – Eureka


After breakfast, Visit UC Berkeley, You can explore the Campus and walk around The Campanile (Sather Tower). Continue traveling to world famous winery ── Napa Valley, for Sonoma winery tour, Afternoon proceed to Redwood National Forest. Home of the world’s Tallest Trees. Old-Growth coast redwood. The trees can live to be 2000 years old and grow to over 300 feet tall. Later afternoon enter the Redwood National Forest as highlights includes: Chandelier Tree, Tree Shop, Founder’s Tree Grove and The Avenue of Giants. Overnight at Eureka.

尤利卡-俄勒岡海岸線-開普布朗哥燈塔-波特蘭 Eureka – Oregon Coastline – Cape Blanco Lighthouse – Portland

清晨即起,專車沿著海岸公路北上,進入俄勒岡州著名的海岸線──Oregon Coastline, 輕柔的海風,蜿蜒的海岸、澎湃的浪花,奇形的礁石,有時可見海狗、海獺、徜徉其間,海灣美景,令人心曠神怡,不虛此行。中午抵達俄勒岡最古老的燈塔──開普布朗哥燈塔。這座燈塔建於西元1870年、高245呎。隨後前往波特蘭參觀市區,如中國城、玫瑰花園都在我們巡禮之中。還有別忘了逛一下免稅精品街如 Louis Vuitton, Tiffany Co., Rolex等名牌精品商店。夜宿波特蘭。Leave California in the morning, heading toward Oregon, traveling along the Oregon Coastline, visit the oldest standing lighthouse on the Oregon Coast Towers ── Cape Blanco Lighthouse, 245 feet above the ocean, it was commissioned in 1870. Afternoon continue tour to Portland, visiting China Town, The Rose Test Garden and Duty Free finest store, such as Louis Vuitton, Tiffany Co., Rolex etc. Overnight at Portland.







Tour Fare

$368 $0 $298 $538

第三人 雙人房(第一,第二人)

第四人/小孩 單人房

舊金山海灣遊輪。San Francisco Bay Cruise.

自費行程Optional Tour

小孩 Child $大人 Adult $

3rd PersonTwin4th Person

/ Child Single五天團5 Days Tour

每週日出發 Depart Every Sun, (6/22 ~ 8/31/2014)

= Overnights1

San Francisco




Klamath Falls

Napa Valley Sacramento



Lake Tahoe

Lake Shasta Caverns

Redwood National Forest

Crater Lake

Lava Beds National Monument

Multnomah Falls



Oakland / UC Berkeley

Coos Bay



國家公園及景點門票每人必付費用National Park & Admission fee

mandatory for all Passenger


Crater Lake, Lava Beds National Monument, Redwood National Forest, Entrance fee and Sonoma Winery, Lake Shasta Caverns Admission fee are mandatory for all Passenger.

上車地點:7:15am 奧克蘭中國城 Courtyard Marriott 九街和百老匯走道

(Pick-Up) Oakland China Town Courtyard Marriott 9th Street and Broadway sidewalk 8:00am 柏克萊大學鐘樓前廣場

UC Berkeley The Campanile (Sather Tower) Entrance area

Page 3: Oregon & Northern California

摩特諾瑪瀑布-哥倫比亞河峽谷-綺麗湖-克拉馬瀑布市 Multnomah Falls – Columbia River Gorge – Crater Lake – Klamath Falls

早餐後,驅車前往全美第二高的瀑布──摩特諾瑪瀑布,每年超過兩百萬遊客來觀賞這個古老的瀑布,使其成為俄勒岡州的名勝之一。瀑布暴跌620英呎,其流量變化通常在冬季和春季最高。隨後前往Vista House鳥瞰哥倫比亞河峽谷的頂級美景。午後抵達全世界最大火山形成的湖泊──綺麗湖。湖長六英哩,寬四英哩半,深1932英呎,是全美最深的湖泊。碧藍的湖水,震撼人心,綺麗湖寧靜之美,仿佛來到人間仙境,是世上難得一見最美麗的湖泊之一。夜宿克拉馬瀑布市。After breakfast, heading toward Multnomah falls. Multnomah Falls is the second highest year round waterfall in the United States. Nearly two millions visitor a year come to see this ancient water fall making it Oregon’s number one public destination. Afternoon, visit Crater Lake National Park, the lake was formed after the collapse of Mount Mazama an ancient volcano that erupted approximately 7,700 years ago, the length of lake is 6 miles and which is 4 miles with a depth of 1932 feet. Overnight at Klamath Falls.

熔岩床國家古蹟-夏斯塔湖水晶鐘乳石洞-桑戴爾玻璃橋-雷諾 Lava Beds National Monument – Lake Shasta Caverns – Sundial Bridge – Reno

早餐後,前往默達克熔岩床國家古蹟,驍勇善戰的傑克酋長曾在此以寡敵眾,對抗美軍長達半年之久。廣大的熔岩、特殊的洞穴及萬年冰窖是地理上的奇蹟。隨後前往參觀夏斯塔湖水晶鐘乳石洞,您可以乘船遊覽幽靜碧綠的夏斯塔湖,來到湖畔的神秘入口,由當地專業嚮導帶領、進入一個奇妙又美麗的地底世界。下午途經北加州地標──桑戴爾玻璃橋,此橋以玻璃做橋面,長700呎,寬23呎,只供行人及自行車使用。傍晚抵達全世界最大的小城市──賭城雷諾,夜宿雷諾。After Breakfast, visit Lava Beds National Monument volcanic eruptions on The Medicine Lake shield volcano have created and incredibly rugged landscape punctuated by cinder cones, lava flows, spatter cones, lava tube caves and pit craters. During The Modoc War of 1872-1873. The Modoc Indians used these lava flows to their advantage. Under the leadership of “Captain Jack’s Stronghold” A natural lava fortress. Continue tour to most beautiful crystal cave of Northern California Lake Shasta Caverns with a cruise on scenic Lake Shasta. Then processd to Sundial Bridge, it's a glass bottom bridge, designed, for pedestrian and bicycle only. Overnight at Reno,"The Biggest Little City in the World."

雷諾-太浩湖-加州首府-舊金山-都柏林 Reno – Lake Tahoe – Sacramento – San Francisco – Dublin

上午出發,前往太浩湖,此湖位於海拔六千英呎以上,跨越內華達和加州之間的滑雪勝地,更是夏季旅遊及泛舟的好去處。隨後專車前往舊金山,途經有百年歷史的加州首府。中午抵達舊金山,著名的金門大橋,九曲花街,藝術宮及漁人碼頭等都能讓您流連忘返。尤其是舊金山高低起伏的地形,配合維多利亞式的古典建築,加上涼爽舒適的氣候,被譽為全美最受歡迎的城市之一。夜宿都柏林。Depart in the morning, heading Lake Tahoe. It's famous for camping, hiking & fishing in the Summer, skiing in the Winter. Continue tour to San Francisco, on the way stop at the capital building at Sacramento. Arrive San Francisco at noon, after lunch start tour to the world famous Golden Gate Bridge, Cable Car, Lombard Street, Fisherman’s Wharf and Palace of Fine Arts. Overnight at Dublin.

都柏林-咆哮山莊及森林火車-洛杉磯 Dublin – Roaring Camp / Steam Train – Los Angeles





Depart Dublin in the morning, proceed to Bear Mountain area and stop by visiting Roaring Camp you can stroll around the redwood trees and take a one hour steam train tour (optional) inside the park. Your wonderful forest trip start by riding this 19th Century Steam Train. Arrive Los Angeles in the evening.

俄勒岡 北加州神木綺麗湖、摩特諾瑪瀑布、咆哮山莊Oregon & Northern California

七天六夜7days 6nights


HIGHLIGHT:San Francisco, UC Berkeley, Napa Valley, Redwood National Forest, Oregon Coastline, Cape Blanco Lighthouse, Portland, Multnomah Falls, Columbia River Gorge, Crater Lake, Lava Beds National Monument, Lake Shasta Caverns, Sacramento, Reno.


洛杉磯-舊金山-都柏林 Los Angeles – San Francisco – Dublin

早上出發,離開洛杉磯,沿著五號公路北上前往全美最美麗的港灣城市──舊金山又名三藩市,抵達後參觀聖瑪麗教堂,同性戀街及全美最有名的中國城──唐人街。晚餐後途經金銀島及海灣大橋來到奧克蘭,夜宿都柏林。Depart Los Angeles in the morning, proceed to the one of the most beautiful city in the US── San Francisco, When we arrive, we will visit Saint. Mary Church, Castro Street and Chinatown. after dinner pass by Bay Bridge and Treasure Island, overnight at Dublin.

柏克萊大學-那帕酒鄉-紅木國家森林-尤利卡 UC Berkeley – Napa Valley – Redwood National Forest – Eureka

早餐後,前往聞名全美的公立大學──柏克萊大學,參觀校園及鐘樓。隨後專車轉往舉世聞名的葡萄園莊──那帕酒鄉,彷彿來到了世外桃源,特別安排參觀酒廠品嘗一下葡萄美酒,真是個千載難逢的機會。午後進入北加州紅木國家森林,飽覽各種紅木奇觀,汽車穿越樹洞,樹屋商店,世界最高的樹,巨人神木大道,傍晚抵達美國最孤單的小鎮──尤利卡。夜宿尤利卡。After breakfast, Visit UC Berkeley, You can explore the Campus and walk around The Campanile (Sather Tower). Continue traveling to world famous winery ── Napa Valley, for Sonoma Winery tour,

Afternoon proceed to Redwood National Forest. Home of the world’s Tallest Trees. Old-Growth coast redwood. The trees can live to be 2000 years old and grow to over 300 feet tall. Later afternoon enter the Redwood National Forest as highlights includes: Chandelier Tree, Tree Shop, Founder’s Tree Grove and The Avenue of Giants. Overnight at Eureka. 尤利卡-俄勒岡海岸線-開普布朗哥燈塔-波特蘭 Eureka – Oregon Coastline – Cape Blanco Lighthouse – Portland

清晨即起,專車沿著海岸公路北上,進入俄勒岡州著名的海岸線──Oregon Coastline, 輕柔的海風,蜿蜒的海岸、澎湃的浪花,奇形的礁石,有時可見海狗、海獺、徜徉其間,海灣美景,令人心曠神怡,不虛此行。中午抵達俄勒岡最古老的燈塔──開普布朗哥燈塔。這座燈塔建於西元1870年、高245呎。隨後前往波特蘭參觀市區,如中國城、玫瑰花園都在我們巡禮之中。還有別忘了逛一下免稅精品街如 Louis Vuitton, Tiffany Co., Rolex等名牌精品商店。夜宿波特蘭。Leave California in the morning, heading toward Oregon, traveling along the Oregon Coastline, visit the oldest standing lighthouse on the Oregon Coast Towers ── Cape Blanco Lighthouse, 245 feet above the ocean, it was commissioned in 1870. Afternoon continue tour to Portland, visiting China Town, The Rose Test Garden and Duty Free finest store, such as Louis Vuitton, Tiffany Co., Rolex etc. Overnight at Portland.


舊金山機場,行李提取處與您會合。Arrival in San Francisco, please meet your tour guide in baggage claim area at 4:30pm.









Tour Fare

$508 $0 $378 $758

第三人 雙人房(第一,第二人)

第四人/小孩 單人房

小孩 Child $大人 Adult $

小孩 Child $大人 Adult $

小孩 Child $大人 Adult $

3rd PersonTwin4th Person

/ Child Single七天團7 Days Tour

六天團6 Days Tour

五天團5 Days Tour

$438 $0 $338 $648

$368 $0 $298 $538


6 Days Tour members, depart from San Francisco, evening transfer to Airport. Have a pleasant flight back to hometown. (Please arrange departure flight after 9:30pm.)


5 Days Tour members, depart from Reno, evening transfer to Airport. Have a pleasant flight back to hometown. (Please arrange departure flight after 8:00pm.)

每週六出發 Depart Every Sat, (6/21 ~ 8/30/2014)

= Overnights1

Los Angeles

San Francisco Dublin

Roaring Camp




Klamath Falls

Napa Valley Sacramento



Lake Tahoe

Lake Shasta Caverns

Redwood National Forest

Crater Lake

Lava Beds National Monument

Multnomah Falls



Oakland/UC Berkeley


Coos Bay



舊金山海灣遊輪、咆哮山莊森林火車。San Francisco Bay Cruise, Roaring Camp Steam Train.

自費行程及門票Optional Tour & Admission

*紅木國家森林、綺麗湖、熔岩床國家古蹟門票及那帕酒廠、 水晶鐘乳石洞景點門票,所有團員必須支付。 Redwood National Forest, Crater Lake, Lava Beds National Monument Entrance fee and Sonoma Winery, Lake Shasta Caverns Admission fee are mandatory for all Passenger.

*特別聲明:咆哮山莊森林火車、蒸汽火車頭有可能更改為柴油火車頭。 Roaring Camp Steam Train may change to Diesel Train.

國家公園及景點門票每人必付費用National Park & Admission fee

mandatory for all Passenger

Page 4: Oregon & Northern California

Red Lion Hotel - Portland / Vancouver Washington

Hilton Hotel - Fremont / Newark

Holiday Inn - Dublin

Days Inn - Klamath Falls

Red Lion Hotel - Eureka

Sands Regency Hotel & Casino - Reno 著作權所有 • 本公司保留法律追訴權。 PCC USA Vacation Inc. Copyright reserved


1. 訂位時繳交訂金每人 USD $100(訂金恕不退還) ,餘額請於出發前 30 日繳清。2. 繳清費用者,視同瞭解行程及各項規定(事後不得異議)。3. 出發前 22-29 天取消者,每人收取消費用 15% 之團費(以目錄之價格為準)。4. 出發前 15-21 天取消者,每人收取消費用 25% 之團費(以目錄之價格為準)。5. 出發前 8-14 天取消者,每人收取消費用 50% 之團費(以目錄之價格為準)。6. 出發前 3-7 天取消者,每人收取消費用 75% 之團費(以目錄之價格為準)。7. 旅客因故取消(包括因事,因病或出庭事宜)。本公司將所有已繳交之費用扣除上列取消費用,無息退還。 所有取消通知請以電郵或傳真傳送到黃金假期訂位組 (以黃金假期收到當日起計算)。8. 出發前 48 小時及當日不克成行(包括因事,因病或出庭事宜)或搭錯旅行團時,全部團費恕不退還。9. 出發前未繳清團費者(包括代理旅行社)本公司有權拒絕其參加。旅客因而產生任何損失與本公司無關。 本公司強烈建議,為降低意外發生時所造成旅客的額外損失,請另外購買旅行保險(或取消保險)。


1. 乘坐豪華空氣調節遊覽巴士或其他交通工具。2. 由經驗豐富的專業華語導遊隨團服務,並做詳細介紹及遊覽觀光。3. 住宿設有私人浴室之旅館。4. 遊覽巴士托運行李每人限一件(限重 50 磅,限尺寸 30 英吋X 18 英吋X 10 英吋)。如超重 或超出數量,本公司有權酌收費用。


1. 行程中往返機票及全部的膳食(行程上特別包餐除外)2. 司機、導遊服務費及其他小費。3. 各種醫療保險及旅行意外保險。4. 一切純屬個人性質之費用,例如電話費,洗衣費、旅館餐飲費及閉路電視或網路等等。5. 機場及旅館行李搬運費。6. 所有必付費用及自費項目之自費行程、門票及飛機,渡輪費用。7. 付小孩及第4人費用者(包含零團費者),以不佔床位為原則(如需加床,費用自付)。8. 買2送1或買3送1, 同房任何一人如不能參加,必須要在出發前14天取消, 如違反規定者,則需 繳交罰款(支付小孩或第四人團費),同房者(或拼房者)必須支付罰款,不得異議。


1. 所有行程係由黃金假期PCC USA VACATION INC.以其豐富之經驗精心設計,本公司將竭盡 所能以求行程之安全及住宿之旅館按照行程所列來進行,但如因本公司無法控制之因素而必 須改變行程或更換旅館,本公司當竭盡所能安排,但不需為任何變動負擔任何責任。2. 為適應各地交通時間及政治因素之可能變動,並為維護團體之最高權益,本公司之領隊有權 視當時之情況保留所有行程之更動權及更換同等級旅館之權利,團員不得異議。3. 有關之旅行安全問題,各航空公司、遊輪公司、汽車公司或各大飯店原有其個別之條例,直 接對旅客負責,如遇交通延誤、車輛故障,行李遺失或損壞、意外等情事,當根據各該公司 所定條例為解決之根據與本公司無關。4. 旅途中所訂之餐宿及遊覽等,均為本公司依豐富之經驗所訂,不得因個人之特殊需要而要求 變更,如欲變更其所增加之費用,則由各自負責,不得異議。5. 為維護團體之最高利益,若是任何旅客有妨礙團體之正常活動及利益之情況,本公司之領隊 人員有權取消其繼續參加旅程之資格,已繳交之團費恕不退還,自該旅客離團之時算起, 一切行動均與本公司無關。6. 本公司導遊未接受照料殘障人仕之專業訓練,如需要特別照料本公司恕不負責提供。7. 如遇罷工、政治因素、天氣不良或其他人力不可抵抗之因素,而導致行程延誤,其因耽誤時 間而引起之額外費用,則由全體團員共同分擔,不得異議。8. 所有行程若因人數不足未能成行時,本公司得於出發前通知旅客更改出發日期或無息退還費 用。(退費部份,只限旅行團團費部份,其他費用一概與本公司無關)。9. 本公司強烈建議孕婦、嬰兒(2歲以下)不適合長途旅行。 為了公平原則,巴士座位團員需每日輪換,請與導遊合作,避免無謂的紛爭。 如出現電腦或人為結算錯誤,本公司保留重新向旅客發出正確發票的權利。

RESERVATIONS AND CANCELLATION1. Deposit - USD$100 per person (non-refundable)2. Final Payment - Final payment at least 30 days prior to tour departure date.3. Cancellation - All cancellation written notice must be made directly to PCC USA Vacation Inc. either by mail or fax only. The following scale of charges will apply when notice of cancellation is given after the booking is confirmed. •22-29dayspriortodeparture:15%oftourfare(basedonbrochureprice). •15-21dayspriortodeparture:25%oftourfare(basedonbrochureprice). •8-14dayspriortodeparture:50%oftourfare(basedonbrochureprice). •3-7dayspriortodeparture:75%oftourfare(basedonbrochureprice). •Within48hourspriortodeparture.Includingnoshowsondepartureday:100%oftourfare. TOUR FARE INCLUDES1. Transportation: By deluxe air-conditioned motor coaches with reclining seats.2. Hotel accommodation: Based on two adults sharing one room, double occupancy when booking triple and Quad rooms (included child fare), no extra bed. Based on sharing room with 1st and 2nd adult.3. Sightseeing: Excursion and entrance fees to national park of specified in the itinerary.4. Tour director: Escorted tours are conducted in Chinese speaking by professional tour director.5. Meals will be provides as mentioned in the itinerary. TOUR FARE NOT INCLUDES1. Any optional tour or activity not included in itinerary.2. Meals not detailed in the itinerary.3. Any personal charges, such as, excess baggage, phone bills, laundry, beverage, movies, internet access and insurance of all kinds.4. Transportation fee to/from your home town to the airport.5. Tips to tour directors, drivers, bellmen, maid etc. GENERAL CONDITIONS AND RESPONSIBILITY1. Tour cancellation: PCC USA Vacation Inc. reserves the right to cancel or re-schedule any tour departure in accordance with operating requirements or circumstances beyond its control. If cancellation is made any time prior to departure of the tour, PCC USA Vacation Inc. only. Liability will be to refund to the passenger the amount it has received for the tour booking, PCC USA Vacation Inc. will try to re-book the same or similar tour, subject to availability.2. Seat rotation: All seats are rotated daily and particular seats on coaches can not be booked.3. Itinerary variations: PCC USA Vacation Inc. constantly strives to improve tour itinerary and features. If such improvements can be made or unforeseen circumstances beyond our control make changes necessary we reserve the right to vary itineraries and to substitute hotel.4. Passport & visa: To enter and leave the Canada all passenger (including children) must be in possession of proof of citizenship such as passport, birth certificate, non-US citizens must carry a valid passport and VISA or alien card.5. PCC USA Vacation Inc. responsible to the passenger for supplying the services described in this brochure, except where such service can not be supplied or the itinerary used is changed due to delays or other cause of whatever kind or nature beyond the control of the PCC USA Vacation Inc. in such circumstances, PCC USA Vacation Inc. will be the best to supply comparable service, accommodations and itinerary and there shall be no refund in this connection.6. In the case of computer or human billing errors. We reserve the right to re-invoice passengers with correct billing.7. PCC USA Vacation Inc. reserves the right to decline, to accept or retain any person as tour participant should such person's health mental condition physical infirmity or general deportment impede the operation of the tour or the rights. Welfare of enjoyment of other tour participant.8. Baggage is carried at own risk and baggage insurance is recommended.9. Our tour directors are not professionally trained in supplementing disabled person. PCC USA Vacation Inc. is not in the position of providing any kind of special tending. It is strongly recommended that infants under two years old are not suitable for long distance travelling. The general conditions under which you agree to utilize the services of PCC USA Vacation Inc. may not be amended in any way, except in writing by an authorized officer of PCC USA Vacation Inc.. By venue for all claims shall be the county of Riverside, state of California and such claims shall be determined according to the law and jurisdiction of the state of California.


