Download - Oral History in the Archives 档案馆的口述历史€¦ · National Gallery of Art 国家艺术馆 National Gallery of Art dedicated on March 17, 1941 国家艺术馆于 1941年3月17日举行落成仪式


Oral History in the Archives 档案馆的口述历史 National Gallery of Art Washington, D.C. (国家艺术馆 华盛顿)

Anne Ritchie – Senior Archivist and Oral Historian, Gallery Archives


National Gallery of Art 国家艺术馆

National Gallery of Art dedicated on March 17, 1941 国家艺术馆于


East Building dedicated on June 1, 1978 东楼1978年6月1日举行落


Gallery Archives established in 1984 国家艺术馆档案馆建于1984年

Oral History Program began in 1987 口述历史项目始于1987年

50th Anniversary of the National Gallery 1991 国家艺术馆于1991年


Sculpture Garden dedicated on May 23, 1999 雕塑公园于1999年5月


75th Anniversary of the National Gallery 2016国家艺术馆将于2016


National Gallery of Art Dedication March 17, 1941


Andrew W. Mellon Founding Benefactor (创立捐助者)

National Gallery of Art West Building (国家艺术馆 西楼)

National Gallery of Art East Building Dedicated June 1, 1978

(国家艺术馆 东楼,1978年6月1日举行落成仪式)

Why Have An Oral History Program?


Supplement existing written records 补充现存文字记录

Collect new information not already in the archives收集档案馆中没有的新信息

Gain first-hand accounts of events from a cross-section of individuals 从各方面人群取得第一手资料

Gather overviews of the museum over time 收集艺术馆不同时期的概况

Focus on specific events 注重具体历史事件

Oral History Interviewees 口述历史受访者

Trustees and Donors 受托人和捐赠人

Executive Officers 行政官员

Curatorial and Administrative Staff 馆长和行政人员

Building Design and Construction 大楼设计和建造

Observers and Associates of the National Gallery of Art 国家艺术馆的观察员和同事

Special Projects 专门项目

Building Design and Construction 大楼设计和建造

J. Carter Brown (left) &

I.M. Pei (right)


I.M. Pei’s Design Sketches贝聿铭的设计草图

J. Carter Brown, Director (馆长); Paul Mellon, Donor (捐助人); and I.M. Pei, Architect (建筑师)

East Building Construction 东楼的建造

Paul Matisse and Alexander Calder Study the Model for Calder’s Untitled Mobile

Paul Matisse和Alexander Calder在研究考尔德的“未命名移动模型”

Artist Henry Moore Directs the Installation of Knife Edge Mirror Two Piece

雕塑家Henry Moore指挥“两片刀刃的镜子”的安置

Gallery Security Guard 艺术馆安全警卫

Painting Conservator 油画管理员

Conservator in the Paper Lab


Art Handlers Transporting a Work of Art 艺术处理人员运输一件艺术品

Gallery Sales Shop 艺术馆销售店

Education Department Docent Giving a Tour 教育部的讲解员带领参观

Education Department Staff Discussing Leonardo da Vinci’s Ginevra de Benci


Curatorial and Administrative Staff 馆长和行政人员

Arthur Wheelock

- Curator of Dutch and Flemish Paintings

Arthur Wheelock


Uses of Oral History 口述历史的作用

Researching and writing on topics related to the National Gallery 研究和撰写与国家艺术馆相关的课题

Developing general knowledge about the Gallery’s past 开发关于国家艺术馆的基本知识

Mounting exhibitions on the Gallery’s history 开拓关于国家艺术馆历史的展览

Gathering information about the Gallery’s collections and buildings 收集关于国家艺术馆的收藏和建筑的信息

Utilizing as a development tool 用作开发工具

Preserving the Recordings 保存记录

Carefully document each step in the process 仔细将流程中每一步归档

Record interviews using current technologies 使用现代技术记录采访

Learn and use available preservation tools and methods 学习并使用最先进的保存工具和方法