Download - OB_Salman

  • 8/8/2019 OB_Salman




    Personality contributes to personal traits in a person. For instance, Malik was an instant

    leader and throughout the movie, he exhibited those traits. Chandu was the member of Companybut he had leadership abilities.

    Internal self-esteem

    Individuals who believe that they can control whatever happens to them lie on the

    internal self esteem. In the movie, Malik believes on his abilities he was the self-esteem man.

    External Self esteem

    Individual who believes that what happens to them is controlled by outside forces such asluck or chance. In the movie chandu believes that whatever bad happen to him its just cause of



    In the film police judged people from which group they belonged.

    Halo effect

    This theory applies on selecting a person on a particular trait or a unique quality. For

    instance in the movie, Malik select the Chanud for his strong courage and determination with his


    Creative potential

    Chandu has creative potential he did some decisions which is appreciated by malik and


    Individual decision making

    Company is running on individual decisions took by malik

  • 8/8/2019 OB_Salman


    Performance evaluation

    It deals with individual grading after a task has been done such as that as Chandu show

    off good work Malik will evaluate him and gave him nice apartment to live and car also.



    Everybody in the company was positively motivated by malik, but negatively from the

    chandu.. motivation is key role of success. Malik knows that chandu is motivated towards his

    work so malik takecare of chandu.

    Theory X and Theory Y

    Chandu fall in the theory X because he was very aggressive type of person,

    Mailk comes under the theory Y because he cares of each member of company.

    Intrinsic factor

    This factor contributes to inner satisfaction of a person. For instance, the

    satisfaction level of Chandu was raised when he moved to Hong Kong.

    Self Efficacy Theory

    In the beginning of the movie, Syed and Annes considered themself to be

    the best amongst all. Chandu belief that he is capable of performing tasks without support of

    malik when they fought.

    Reinforcement Theory

    This theory implies the factor of reinforcement as that done by Malik in the

    film. He reinforced a positive behavior amongst the company people.

  • 8/8/2019 OB_Salman


    Goal setting theory

    Company gang set specific goals which is control Mumbai as well as increased gang in

    other countries.


    Job design

    Company did not want to repeat mistake which is done by aslam so they divided

    chandus work with his friend.

    Job enlargement

    Malik worked to enlarge job of gang. So he met with foreign gangs to increase his power.

    Skill Variety

    Each member of the company had specific skill; either being a good leader player or a

    good employee. This exhibited the strong skill variety of the company members.


    Ability means a persons capacity to do work. For example, Malik got the ability to run the




    Emotions are feelings attached to a person on what he feels. In the movie Chandu was

    emotionally attached with Warsi, but warsi was killed as he abused against the malik.

  • 8/8/2019 OB_Salman


    Decision Making

    This is the criteria through which managers reach to a game plan. In the movie,

    Malik got the power to made decisions.

    Interpersonal conflicts

    Due to some reasons interpersonal conflicts between chandu and malik arises and that

    leads to broke the company.