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Produktiivinen aukkotäydennys

Peitä sivun oikea laita ja harjoittele peruskielioppia oikein olan takaa.


Nobody (ei ole saanut surmaansa) in the latest unrest. ________________________________________________ WAS/GOT KILLED

Unless (ellei sada) tomorrow we'll go on a picnic. ________________________________________________ IT RAINS

They wanted to know (olimmeko ymmärtäneet) the instructions. ________________________________________________ IF WE HAD UNDERSTOOD

These laws (ei saa rikkoa) by anyone! ________________________________________________ MUST NOT BE BROKEN

How many films (olet nähnyt) in your life? ________________________________________________ HAVE YOU SEEN

(Pitikö sinun) take my pen? ________________________________________________ DID YOU HAVE TO

Mr Gold (sanotaan olleen) a rich man once. ________________________________________________ IS SAID TO HAVE BEEN

You'd rather be somewhere else, (eikö niin)? ________________________________________________ WOULDN'T YOU

Nobody heard (minun tulevan) home last night. ________________________________________________ ME COME

These books are not (ne, jotka) I bought! ________________________________________________ THE ONES THAT


(Tuskin mitään) could be said in his defence. ________________________________________________ HARDLY ANYTHING

He got the first prize, (mikä) surprised everyone. ________________________________________________ WHICH

(Jotkut teistä) must have seen something. ________________________________________________ SOME OF YOU

What was life like (1800-luvun lopulla)? ________________________________________________ IN THE LATE 1800S

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(Työttömien ongelmat) are increasing. ________________________________________________ THE PROBLEMS OF THE


Nothing (hän ei koskaan tehnyt) to the matter! ________________________________________________ DID HE EVER DO

(Tuo sinun ystäväsi) looks familiar. Who is he? ________________________________________________ THAT FRIEND OF YOURS

(Kenet ystävistäsi) do you want to invite to the party? ________________________________________________ WHICH OF YOUR FRIENDS

Brian is (vanhin poika) in the family. ________________________________________________ THE ELDEST SON/BOY

Mike (oli tapana kävellä) to school every day. ________________________________________________ WOULD WALK/USED TO



(Onnistuin saamaan) a good summer job. ________________________________________________ I SUCCEEDED IN GETTING

Angela went to (yhteen parhaista kouluista) in the country. ________________________________________________ ONE OF THE BEST


I can't (tottua heräämään) so early in the mornings. ________________________________________________ GET USED TO WAKING UP

(Makaan rannalla) with my friends. Wish you were here. ________________________________________________ I'M LYING ON THE BEACH

A lot (pitäisi tehdä) to help the less fortunate. ________________________________________________ SHOULD BE DONE

(Ne meistä) who shouted for help, were rescued quickly. ________________________________________________ THOSE OF US

(Olin sanomaisillani) something stupid when you stopped me. ________________________________________________ I WAS ABOUT TO SAY

(Mitä enemmän) I listen to you, (sitä paremmin) I understand you. ________________________________________________ THE MORE, THE BETTER

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(Kalleimmat) products are kept under lock and key. ________________________________________________ THE MOST EXPENSIVE

I was stopped by (eräs sveitsiläinen) customs officer. ________________________________________________ A SWISS


What (tavallisesti tapahtuu) mustn't (tapahtua) again. ________________________________________________ USUALLY HAPPENS,


This computer (ei voi korjata). ________________________________________________ CAN'T BE REPAIRED

When I was young, we moved (paikasta toiseen). ________________________________________________ FROM PLACE TO PLACE

I've been an entrepreneur (90-luvun lopulta lähtien). ________________________________________________ SINCE THE LATE 90S

This shirt is not (tarpeeksi suuri). ________________________________________________ BIG ENOUGH

This time I bought (kaksi kertaa niin monta) roses for my girl. ________________________________________________ TWICE AS MANY

Which of these books was (vähiten kiinnostava)? ________________________________________________ THE LEAST INTERESTING

They (katselivat itseään) in the mirror. ________________________________________________ LOOKED AT THEMSELVES

I have been away (joulusta lähtien). ________________________________________________ SINCE CHRISTMAS

I haven't seen him (moneen vuoteen). ________________________________________________ IN MANY YEARS


(Etkö nähnyt minua) walking down the street yesterday? ________________________________________________ DIDN'T YOU SEE ME

Which of these books have you read? (En kumpaakaan.) ________________________________________________ NEITHER

(En ole koskaan pystynyt) live up to my parents' expectations. ________________________________________________ I HAVE NEVER BEEN ABLE TO

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You (olisi pitänyt pyytää) my help. ________________________________________________ SHOULD HAVE ASKED


He lives in Liverpool, (eikö niin)? ________________________________________________ DOESN'T HE

I always enjoy (mennä ulos) to eat in the evening. ________________________________________________ GOING OUT

Grammar, (josta) I don't enjoy very much, is good for me. ________________________________________________ WHICH

I suppose you (olet syntynyt) here. ________________________________________________ WERE BORN

I’ve got a good (tiedot) of history. ________________________________________________ KNOWLEDGE

I don't want (että tulet) with us tonight. ________________________________________________ YOU TO COME


(Niiden jotka) sprayed the graffiti on the wall should clean it off. ________________________________________________ THOSE WHO/THE ONES


My grandpa (osaa hiukan) Russian. ________________________________________________ KNOWS A LITTLE

We respect (toistemme) opinions. ________________________________________________ EACH OTHER’S/ONE


I can't do (mahdottomia)! ________________________________________________ THE IMPOSSIBLE/WHAT IS

We should help (tuota sokeaa). ________________________________________________ THAT BLIND PERSON

(Odottamaton) happened! Our team lost the game. ________________________________________________ THE UNEXPECTED

Dustin Hoffman is (aika hyvä näyttelijä). ________________________________________________ QUITE A GOOD ACTOR


This coat (on kaikkein parasta) quality. ________________________________________________ IS OF THE VERY BEST

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The rich are getting (yhä rikkaammiksi). ________________________________________________ RICHER AND RICHER

Life is getting (yhä kalliimmaksi). ________________________________________________ MORE AND MORE



(Minun puolestani), he can do what he likes. ________________________________________________ AS FAR AS I’M


Dinner (valmistettiin parhaillaan) when you phoned. ________________________________________________ WAS BEING PREPARED

I suppose (olisin voinut tehdä) my homework more carefully. ________________________________________________ I COULD HAVE DONE

(Jostain syystä) I have lost my appetite. ________________________________________________ FOR SOME


(Ellet varaa) the tickets in advance, you won't get in. ________________________________________________ UNLESS YOU BOOK

This (on taipumus olla) more difficult for young people. ________________________________________________ TENDS TO BE

That was expensive, but (se oli sen arvoista). ________________________________________________ IT WAS WORTH IT

(Ei ole väliä) how many times you apologize, I can’t forgive you. ________________________________________________ NO MATTER/IT DOESN’T


(Täällä) that we met for the first time. ________________________________________________ IT WAS HERE

The Blairs didn't come (myöskään). ________________________________________________ EITHER


My schooling will take (vielä kaksi vuotta). ________________________________________________ TWO MORE YEARS/ANOTHER


Only (vähän) people attended the concert. ________________________________________________ FEW

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(Koko) October was rainy. ________________________________________________ THE WHOLE OF

What (olet tehnyt) all day? ________________________________________________ HAVE YOU BEEN DOING

I'm sure my friend (tulee) in a minute. ________________________________________________ WILL COME

I would never finish this task, if you (et auttaisi) me. ________________________________________________ DIDN’T HELP

We (olisimme menneet) for a walk, if it hadn't rained. ________________________________________________ WOULD HAVE GONE

You (olisi pitänyt nähdä) his face! ________________________________________________ SHOULD HAVE SEEN

That house (pitäisi maalata) this summer. ________________________________________________ SHOULD BE PAINTED

That job (olisi voitu tehdä) much more efficiently. ________________________________________________ COULD HAVE BEEN DONE


I will tell him the news, when he (palaa) back. ________________________________________________ GETS

(Kukaan ei saa) cross the police line without permission. ________________________________________________ NOBODY IS ALLOWED TO

I (en ole voinut) attend classes this week due to illness. ________________________________________________ HAVEN’T BEEN ABLE TO

(Minua on käsketty) to keep quiet in class. ________________________________________________ I HAVE BEEN TOLD

You (et saa polttaa) on these premises. ________________________________________________ MUSTN’T SMOKE

(Täytyikö sinun) make me look like a fool? ________________________________________________ DID YOU HAVE TO

I promise (olla tekemättä) anything stupid while you're away. ________________________________________________ NOT TO DO

(En voinut olla kuulematta) what you said. ________________________________________________ I COULDN’T HELP


The customs officer (pani meidät avaamaan) our suitcases. ________________________________________________ MADE US OPEN

We (pantiin avaamaan) our suitcases. ________________________________________________ WERE MADE TO OPEN

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Sharon (tulee joskus) to school late. ________________________________________________ SOMETIMES COMES

She was (eilen täällä). ________________________________________________ HERE YESTERDAY

The laptop I bought last week (oli varastettu). ________________________________________________ WAS STOLEN

If I had my way, Latin (opetettaisiin) in more schools. ________________________________________________ WOULD BE TAUGHT

That man (ei koskaan annettu anteeksi) for what he did. ________________________________________________ WAS NEVER FORGIVEN

This matter (tullaan päättämään) tomorrow. ________________________________________________ WILL BE DECIDED

There (täytyy olla) something wrong with this engine. ________________________________________________ MUST BE

Someone (on saattanut olla) here before us. ________________________________________________ MAY HAVE BEEN

I know just the person who (saattaisi voida) help us. ________________________________________________ MIGHT BE ABLE TO

It's very important (osata puhua) English convincingly. ________________________________________________ TO BE ABLE TO SPEAK


You (et saa aina tehdä) what you want. ________________________________________________ AREN'T ALWAYS


That (olisi saattanut olla) a good idea. ________________________________________________ MIGHT HAVE BEEN

I (jouduin lähtemään) early. ________________________________________________ HAD TO LEAVE

(Pitikö sinun näyttää) your passport at the border? ________________________________________________ DID YOU HAVE TO SHOW

That (piti nähdä) to be believed. ________________________________________________ HAD TO BE SEEN

(Eikö minun tarvitse tavata) the doctor anymore? ________________________________________________ DON'T I HAVE TO SEE

Peter (on täytynyt myöhästyä) his train because he isn't here. ________________________________________________ MUST HAVE MISSED

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I (on aina täytynyt ansaita) my own spending money. ________________________________________________ HAVE ALWAYS HAD TO


How (uskallat) suggest something like that! ________________________________________________ DARE YOU/DO YOU DARE


The lovers (oli tapana soittaa) each other every day. ________________________________________________ WOULD CALL/USED TO



We (on tapana mennä) a sauna on Saturdays. ________________________________________________ USUALLY HAVE

I (en ole tottunut juomaan) beer. ________________________________________________ AM NOT USED TO


If you (sattuisit näkemään) my friend, tell him to look me up. ________________________________________________ SHOULD SEE/HAPPEN TO


I will see you again, (eikö niin)? ________________________________________________ WON'T I

You broke this vase, (vai mitä)? ________________________________________________ DIDN'T YOU

I’m quite a girl, (eikö totta)? ________________________________________________ AREN'T I

You haven’t been here before, (ethän)? ________________________________________________ HAVE YOU

Smoking (tiedetään olevan) hazardous for your health and wallet. ________________________________________________ IS KNOWN TO BE

Ben (sanotaan voittaneen) the lottery. ________________________________________________ IS SAID TO HAVE WON

All my friends (näyttävät menneen) somewhere. ________________________________________________ SEEM TO HAVE GONE


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(Uskon ymmärtäväni) what the artist is trying to convey. ________________________________________________ I BELIEVE TO


Paige (väittää löytäneensä) a handsome boyfriend on the net. ________________________________________________ CLAIMS TO HAVE FOUND

Mother (sanoi tekevänsä) French toast and pancakes. ________________________________________________ SAID SHE WOULD MAKE

(Luulimme myöhästyvämme) our flight. ________________________________________________ WE THOUGHT WE WOULD


We (uskoimme nähneemme) an apparition. ________________________________________________ THOUGHT WE HAD SEEN

You (nähtiin pudottavan) that valuable bust on the floor. ________________________________________________ WERE SEEN TO DROP

Madonna (nähtiin makaavan) in the sun with Guy. ________________________________________________ WAS SEEN LYING

(Minun on tärkeää) remember to do everything I promised. ________________________________________________ IT'S IMPORTANT FOR ME


If cigarettes (ei mainostettaisi), people wouldn’t smoke so much. ________________________________________________ WEREN'T ADVERTISED

My new bike (oli varastettu). ________________________________________________ HAD BEEN STOLEN


Many recitals (on pidetty) in this concert hall. ________________________________________________ HAVE BEEN HELD

A new housing estate (rakennetaan) here next year. ________________________________________________ WILL BE BUILT

Your room (valmistellaan parhaillaan), sir. Be patient. ________________________________________________ IS BEING PREPARED

Something (pitäisi tehdä) about the situation. ________________________________________________ SHOULD BE DONE

You (olisi pitänyt kuulla) what she said! ________________________________________________ SHOULD HAVE HEARD

That window (ei voi avata). ________________________________________________ CAN'T BE OPENED

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My schedule (olisi pitänyt muuttaa) to coincide with theirs. ________________________________________________ SHOULD HAVE BEEN


These laws (ei ole hyväksytty) in Parliament. ________________________________________________ HAVEN'T BEEN PASSED

I hope my family (tullaan huolehtimaan) if I don’t return. ________________________________________________ WILL BE TAKEN CARE OF

My word (ei olisi uskottu). ________________________________________________ WOULD NOT HAVE BEEN



Here in Finland (syödään) Karelian pies every now and then. ________________________________________________ WE EAT

Do you know what (minä olen kiinnostunut)? ________________________________________________ I AM INTERESTED IN

He (varmasti) to come tomorrow. ________________________________________________ IS SURE

We (todennäköisesti) to leave the day after tomorrow. ________________________________________________ ARE LIKELY

She (todella) say that to my face. ________________________________________________ REALLY DID

We had no idea he (oli lähtevä) so soon. ________________________________________________ WAS TO GO/LEAVE

Julia (oli sanomaisillaan) something she would later regret. ________________________________________________ WAS ABOUT TO SAY

What (pelkäät)? ________________________________________________ ARE YOU AFRAID OF

Dresden (tuhoutui) during the war. ________________________________________________ WAS DESTROYED

I really should (leikkauttaa tukkani). ________________________________________________ HAVE MY HAIR CUT


When (maalautit talosi)? ________________________________________________ DID YOU HAVE YOUR HOUSE


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Do you (osaatko) any French? ________________________________________________ KNOW

I (en ole voinut) do any push-ups lately. I've got a broken wrist. ________________________________________________ HAVEN'T BEEN ABLE TO

She (ei ole voinut sanoa) anything like that about me! ________________________________________________ CAN'T HAVE SAID

He (ei ollut osannut korjata) the car himself. ________________________________________________ HADN'T BEEN ABLE TO


You (olisit voinut tehdä) me another sandwich. ________________________________________________ COULD HAVE MADE

This assignment (olisi pitänyt tehdä) by now. ________________________________________________ SHOULD HAVE BEEN


(Saammeko) go now? No, you (ette saa). ________________________________________________ MAY WE, MAY NOT

You (olisi parasta) do as I say! ________________________________________________ HAD BETTER

You (et saa antaa) your friends control your life. ________________________________________________ MUSTN'T LET


Is this the way English (pitäisi opettaa)? ________________________________________________ SHOULD BE TAUGHT

The robber (oli viety) to the police station. ________________________________________________ HAD BEEN TAKEN

The decision (täytyy tehdä) right away. ________________________________________________ MUST BE MADE

(Teille lähetetään) further information about this. ________________________________________________ YOU WILL BE SENT

(Minulle ei kerrottu) anything about the accident. ________________________________________________ I WASN'T TOLD

This house (on rakennettu) in the seventies. ________________________________________________ WAS BUILT

I hope you (tulet onnelliseksi). ________________________________________________ WILL BE HAPPY

I wish (en olisi näyttänyt) him how to handle a gun. ________________________________________________ I HADN'T SHOWN

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I wish (et joisi) so much beer! ________________________________________________ YOU DIDN'T DRINK

I wish (olisi) more products to choose from. ________________________________________________ THERE WERE


Isn't it time (tajuaisimme) that war is no solution? ________________________________________________ WE REALIZED/FOR US TO


He can't play tennis (vaikka hän harjoittelee) every day. ________________________________________________ ALTHOUGH HE


You (et ehtisi) the bus, even if (juoksisit). ________________________________________________ WOULDN'T CATCH, YOU


He looked nonchalant, as if nothing (ei olisi tapahtunut). ________________________________________________ HAD HAPPENED

If I (olisin ollut) more courageous, I (olisin kosinut) to her. ________________________________________________ HAD BEEN, WOULD HAVE


If you (et puhuisi) so loudly, I (voisin kuulla) the news broadcast. ________________________________________________ DIDN'T TALK/SPEAK,


I'll let you know as soon as he (tulee). ________________________________________________ COMES

When (sinä olet syntynyt)? ________________________________________________ WERE YOU BORN

What (kello on)? ________________________________________________ TIME IS IT/IS THE TIME

We (olemme ostaneet) this apartment two years ago. ________________________________________________ BOUGHT


Why (et tehnyt) anything about the matter? ________________________________________________ DIDN'T YOU DO

The alarm (oli soinut) for hours. What had happened? ________________________________________________ HAD BEEN RINGING

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Josh (asettui pitkäkseen) on the sofa as soon as he got home. ________________________________________________ LAY DOWN

(Olen soittanut) this number for ages. Why don't they answer? ________________________________________________ I HAVE BEEN CALLING

(Olin nokkaunilla) when you phoned me. ________________________________________________ I WAS TAKING A NAP

Do you have (hyviä neuvoja) for me? ________________________________________________ GOOD ADVICE

Phil has acquired (hyvät tiedot) of mathematics. ________________________________________________ A GOOD KNOWLEDGE

I am (18-vuotias) high school student. ________________________________________________ AN 18-YEAR-OLD

Does this store sell (naisten kenkiä)? ________________________________________________ WOMEN'S SHOES

(Bensan hinta) has reached a new high. ________________________________________________ THE PRICE OF GAS


How could we ease (asunnottomien ongelmia)? ________________________________________________ THE PROBLEMS OF THE


That happened (kauan sitten). ________________________________________________ LONG AGO/A LONG TIME


Seldom have I heard (niin hauskaa juttua). ________________________________________________ SUCH A FUNNY STORY

(Useimmat suomalaiset) love the sauna. ________________________________________________ MOST FINNS

You (olit varmaankin) very ill yesterday. ________________________________________________ MUST HAVE BEEN

We (olemme ehkä unohtaneet) something. ________________________________________________ MAY HAVE FORGOTTEN

How (uskallat) say such things? ________________________________________________ DARE YOU/DO YOU DARE


You (ei olisi tarvinnut tuoda) your CDs. ________________________________________________ NEEDN'T HAVE BROUGHT

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I (minun oli määrä) finish this by today. ________________________________________________ WAS SUPPOSED TO

He (piti minua ystävänä). ________________________________________________ CONSIDERED ME A



They (onnistuivat) their efforts. ________________________________________________ SUCCEEDED IN

You shouldn't (hävetä) your background. ________________________________________________ BE ASHAMED OF

(Kissamme ansiosta) the fire was noticed in time. ________________________________________________ THANKS TO OUR CAT

Jack (ei kuuntele) anything I say. ________________________________________________ DOESN'T LISTEN TO

(Keskity) your driving and keep your hands on the wheel! ________________________________________________ CONCENTRATE ON

He (syytettiin) stealing the money. ________________________________________________ WAS ACCUSED OF

Your handwriting is (samanlainen kuin) mine. ________________________________________________ SIMILAR TO

Our success (riippuu) you. ________________________________________________ DEPENDS ON

She (ei ole voinut tehdä) it alone. ________________________________________________ CAN'T HAVE DONE

I (oli tapana istua) twiddling my thumbs. ________________________________________________ WOULD SIT / USED TO SIT


(Kaikki ovat) sad every now and then. ________________________________________________ EVERYBODY IS

Close friends can forgive (toistensa) faults. ________________________________________________ EACH OTHER'S/ONE


Was there anything (tehtävissä)? ________________________________________________ TO BE DONE

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It was (kahden tunnin) walk. ________________________________________________ TWO HOURS'/A TWO-


I had (niin hauskaa) at the party last night. ________________________________________________ SUCH FUN

The show lasted for (puolitoista tuntia). ________________________________________________ ONE AND A HALF HOURS

(Toinen miehistä) escaped from the police. ________________________________________________ ONE OF THE MEN

She is (vakavammin sairas) than I expected. ________________________________________________ MORE SERIOUSLY ILL

The instructions (olisi pitänyt lukea) more carefully! ________________________________________________ SHOULD HAVE BEEN


(Oli) foggy yesterday. ________________________________________________ IT WAS


(Oli) also a rain shower. ________________________________________________ THERE WAS

(Kymmeniä lampaita) were killed by the wolves. ________________________________________________ DOZENS OF SHEEP

The Rock Circus is (tunnetuimpia) tourist attractions in London. ________________________________________________ ONE OF THE BEST-KNOWN

Do you know (molemmat sisareni), Mr Darcy? ________________________________________________ BOTH (OF) MY SISTERS

It's expensive to collect (vanhaa taidetta). ________________________________________________ OLD ART

Last winter was (yllättävän lämmin). ________________________________________________ SURPRISINGLY WARM

Couldn't you behave (järkevämmin)? ________________________________________________ MORE SENSIBLY

That would be (huonoin) choice. ________________________________________________ THE WORST

Don't you have (omaa kelloa)? ________________________________________________ A WATCH OF YOUR OWN/YOUR


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(Kaksi ystävääni) didn't turn up. ________________________________________________ TWO OF MY/TWO



We had to defend (itseämme) against the mosquitoes. ________________________________________________ OURSELVES

The two brothers had not seen (toisiaan) for years. ________________________________________________ EACH OTHER/ONE


(Kuka teistä) threw that pineapple through my window? ________________________________________________ WHICH (ONE) OF YOU

Don't believe (kaikkea mitä) they say about me. ________________________________________________ EVERYTHING (THAT)

(Joku teistä) must have seen the streaker. ________________________________________________ ONE OF YOU

He's a jolly good fellow, (mitä) nobody can deny. ________________________________________________ WHICH

Is Austria a (keskieurooppalainen) country? ________________________________________________ CENTRAL-EUROPEAN

Samson has had (pitkä tukka) for a while now. ________________________________________________ LONG HAIR

I never (pitänyt sinua) my best friend. ________________________________________________ CONSIDERED



(Minun ei annettu) see the film. ________________________________________________ I WASN'T ALLOWED TO

(Tulisin mieluummin) along than stay here. ________________________________________________ I WOULD RATHER COME

The captured soldier (kieltäytyi paljastamasta) any details. ________________________________________________ REFUSED TO REVEAL

What's (tv:stä tulee) tonight? ________________________________________________ ON TV

There's an interesting programme (radiossa) tomorrow. ________________________________________________ ON THE RADIO

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(Olivatko uutiset) good? ________________________________________________ WAS THE NEWS

(Kumpikin teistä) knows what I'm talking about. ________________________________________________ EACH OF YOU

Have you heard (viimeisimmät) news? ________________________________________________ THE LATEST

Not until yesterday (kuulin) what had happened. ________________________________________________ DID I HEAR

(Kaikesta huolimatta) everything, I still love you. ________________________________________________ DESPITE / IN SPITE OF

I can give you a ride (autollani). ________________________________________________ IN MY CAR

Promise me (ettet ikinä tee) that again. ________________________________________________ NEVER TO DO


(Toinen) of them succeeded, (toinen) failed. ________________________________________________ ONE, THE OTHER

I saw (kaikenlaisia) bright lights in the sky. ________________________________________________ ALL KINDS OF

(Liian vähän) people become teachers these days. ________________________________________________ TOO FEW

I tried the licorice and the vanilla flavours. (Edellinen) was interesting, ________________________________________________ THE FORMER, THE

(jälkimmäinen) dull. LATTER

We (kielsimme) having seen anything suspicious. ________________________________________________ DENIED

Where's the money? I need (ne) now! ________________________________________________ IT

Tell me if (aikaa on vielä). ________________________________________________ THERE IS STILL TIME

I couldn't (olla nauramatta) when I saw her new hat. ________________________________________________ HELP LAUGHING

(Kukaan ei tiedä) where he has gone. ________________________________________________ NOBODY KNOWS

In two years' time I (olen valmistunut) from high school. ________________________________________________ WILL HAVE GRADUATED

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We (emme voi mitenkään) make the earlier bus. ________________________________________________ CAN'T POSSIBLY

(Ei kannata huolehtia) me, I'll be just fine. ________________________________________________ IT'S NO USE WORRYING


(Viime vuosina) his accent has improved. ________________________________________________ IN THE PAST FEW YEARS

(Kuinka pitkä matka) from London to Brighton? ________________________________________________ HOW FAR IS IT

This cider isn't (tarpeeksi kylmää). ________________________________________________ COLD ENOUGH

(Ainoa) that makes me hesitate is the price. ________________________________________________ THE ONLY THING

My composition was (aivan liian pitkä). ________________________________________________ MUCH TOO/FAR TOO


(Ennen pitkää) we'll see what the result will be. ________________________________________________ BEFORE LONG

I can't drive any (pitemmälle). We're stuck! ________________________________________________ FURTHER

Are you saying you were (aivan yksin) in that haunted house? ________________________________________________ ALL BY YOURSELF


(Rikas) isn't necessarily happy. ________________________________________________ A RICH PERSON

Is (16-vuotias) boy mature enough to drive a car? ________________________________________________ A 16-YEAR-OLD

I got my driving licence when I was (18-vuotias). ________________________________________________ 18 YEARS OLD

You are (ainoa) I respect in this room. ________________________________________________ THE ONLY ONE

My son was (sairas) yesterday and today he is (sairaampi). ________________________________________________ ILL/SICK, WORSE/SICKER

Have you been (terve) this spring? ________________________________________________ WELL

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I wish he would speak (hitaammin). ________________________________________________ MORE SLOWLY

I speak Spanish very (huonosti), even (huonommin) than French. ________________________________________________ BADLY / WORSE

Jack and Jill worked (ahkerimmin) going up that hill. ________________________________________________ HARDEST

The food in this restaurant is (mitä herkullisinta). ________________________________________________ MOST DELICIOUS


I ate (mitä herkullisimman) doughnut. ________________________________________________ A MOST DELICIOUS

On second thoughts, it's (herkullisin) doughnut I've ever had. ________________________________________________ THE MOST DELICIOUS

(Koko Suomi) basked in the sun yesterday. ________________________________________________ THE WHOLE OF FINLAND

In fact, it was sunny (koko viikon). ________________________________________________ THE WHOLE / ALL WEEK

I have (vähän) friends because of my temper. ________________________________________________ FEW

I know (jonkin verran) about love and I can guess the rest. ________________________________________________ A LITTLE

The winning team made (vähemmän) mistakes. ________________________________________________ FEWER

I like bananas (paljon). ________________________________________________ A LOT

We received (paljon vähemmän) info than you did. ________________________________________________ MUCH LESS

They could have sent us (paljon enemmän) faxes. ________________________________________________ MANY MORE


Riding is (mielenkiintoinen harrastus). ________________________________________________ AN INTERESTING HOBBY

I (harrastan) other things, too. ________________________________________________ GO IN FOR

(Minä haluan) to go abroad next summer. ________________________________________________ I WANT

Derek (haluaa) to come along as well. ________________________________________________ WANTS

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(Ihmiset menevät) to church on Sundays as a rule. ________________________________________________ PEOPLE GO

Nothing interesting ever (tapahtuu) here. ________________________________________________ HAPPENS

(Mitään ei tapahtunut) yesterday either. ________________________________________________ NOTHING HAPPENED

Are you worried about the state of (ympäristö)? ________________________________________________ THE ENVIRONMENT

(Ajattelin) our teachers (opettivat) us well. ________________________________________________ I THOUGHT, TAUGHT

There's a (reikä) in my bucket. ________________________________________________ HOLE


Why are you (aina) on my case about homework? ________________________________________________ ALWAYS

We are (melkein perillä). ________________________________________________ ALMOST THERE

She is (noita, mikä) is surprising. ________________________________________________ A WITCH, WHICH

She went to sleep with a clear (omatunto). ________________________________________________ CONSCIENCE

I'm (pettynyt) you. ________________________________________________ DISAPPOINTED IN

Peter was (nolostunut) after being caught red-handed. ________________________________________________ EMBARRASSED

What has (hallitus) done for the little guy? ________________________________________________ THE GOVERNMENT

My neighbour is (aika hiljainen). ________________________________________________ QUITE QUIET

Are you (hullu)? This gravy is too (rasvainen)! ________________________________________________ CRAZY, GREASY

You (arvasit) right; our (vieras) is Wright. ________________________________________________ GUESSED, GUEST


Your dog is running (irrallaan) again. ________________________________________________ LOOSE

You don't want to (menettää) my trust, do you? ________________________________________________ LOSE

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Times are tough, (erityisesti) for the underprivileged. ________________________________________________ ESPECIALLY

What did people do in the evenings (keskiajalla)? ________________________________________________ IN THE MIDDLE AGES

Our (rehtori) has got (periaatteita). ________________________________________________ PRINCIPAL, PRINCIPLES

That was an (jännittävä) story (paitsi) the ending. ________________________________________________ EXCITING, EXCEPT FOR

(Kaunis) weather (vaikuttaa minuun) positively. ________________________________________________ BEAUTIFUL, AFFECTS ME

In other words, it has (myönteinen vaikutus) me. ________________________________________________ A POSITIVE EFFECT ON

I'm (läpikotaisin) familiar with these matters. ________________________________________________ THOROUGHLY

What (olet kiinnostunut)? ________________________________________________ ARE YOU INTERESTED IN


How many cars (tehtiin) in Finland last year? ________________________________________________ WERE


New models (on suunniteltu). ________________________________________________ HAVE BEEN PLANNED

We ask you (olemaan tupakoimatta) in the corridors. ________________________________________________ NOT TO SMOKE

I regard (sinua parhaana ystävänäni). ________________________________________________ YOU AS MY BEST FRIEND

Right now (minua tanssituttaa). ________________________________________________ I FEEL LIKE DANCING

No sooner (olin avannut oven) than everyone yelled ‘Surprise!’ ________________________________________________ HAD I OPENED THE DOOR

Nobody (ei olisi voinut tehdä) it better, Carly! ________________________________________________ COULD HAVE DONE

I refused (auttamasta) him. ________________________________________________ TO HELP

I can’t (välttää tapaamasta) the dentist any longer. ________________________________________________ AVOID/PUT OFF SEEING

You seem to take delight (loukkaamisesta) others. ________________________________________________ IN HURTING

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The good news (ovat levinneet) faster than ever. ________________________________________________ HAS SPREAD

Who defends (lasten oikeuksia)? ________________________________________________ CHILDREN'S RIGHTS

(Kukin opiskelija) knows what to do. ________________________________________________ EACH STUDENT

(Se, mitä) you told me was outrageous! ________________________________________________ WHAT

It has been (niin lämmin kesä). ________________________________________________ SUCH A WARM SUMMER

What is (huonoin) way to die? ________________________________________________ THE WORST

Do you follow (viimeisintä muotia)? ________________________________________________ THE LATEST FASHION

I woke up (jo kello 5). ________________________________________________ AS EARLY AS 5 O'CLOCK

(Miten ihana) morning this is! ________________________________________________ WHAT A LOVELY

(Varoituksista huolimatta), I put all my eggs in one basket. ________________________________________________ DESPITE WARNINGS


The concert lasted (puolitoista tuntia). ________________________________________________ AN HOUR AND A HALF /

________________________________________________ ONE AND A HALF HOURS

I have (samanlaisia) thoughts about him. ________________________________________________ SIMILAR

Are you afraid of (pimeää)? ________________________________________________ THE DARK

(On aina ollut) people who are loners. ________________________________________________ THERE HAVE ALWAYS


(Kaikki, mitä) I told you is true. ________________________________________________ EVERYTHING THAT

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(Kuunteleminen) is easier than (ymmärtämistä). ________________________________________________ LISTENING,


There is (tuskin mitään) chance of that happening. ________________________________________________ HARDLY ANY

(Tuollaisessa tilanteessa) I would call my lawyer. ________________________________________________ IN SUCH A SITUATION

Mum asked me (olemaan puhumatta) the matter. ________________________________________________ NOT TO TALK ABOUT

(Jotain odottamatonta) could always happen. ________________________________________________ SOMETHING



Where can you find (parempaa seuraa) than this? ________________________________________________ BETTER COMPANY THAN


(Eräs vanha ystäväni) came over to see me last night. ________________________________________________ AN OLD FRIEND OF MINE

(Nykymaailmassa) there are many poor people. ________________________________________________ IN THE MODERN WORLD

I will be there (pikemmin kuin luuletkaan). ________________________________________________ SOONER THAN YOU


Is this lamp (pitämisen arvoinen) or shall I throw it away? ________________________________________________ WORTH KEEPING

My life seems OK (kuultuani) your story. ________________________________________________ AFTER HEARING

(Ei kukaan) the nurses ran to my rescue. ________________________________________________ NONE OF

Do you have any idea about (määrästä aikaa) this will take? ________________________________________________ THE AMOUNT OF TIME

(Olipa kerran) there were 3 little girls who went to the Police Academy. ________________________________________________ ONCE UPON A TIME

They were (kullekin annettiin) very hazardous duties. ________________________________________________ EACH ASSIGNED

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Imagine (millainen maailma on) in thirty years' time. ________________________________________________ WHAT THE



This company (perustettiin) in 1975. ________________________________________________ WAS FOUNDED/ESTABLISHED/SET


The rate of inflation (on vähenemässä). ________________________________________________ IS


Economic growth is (hitaampaa) than a decade ago. ________________________________________________ SLOWER

The Gross National Product is growing (hitaammin), too. ________________________________________________ MORE SLOWLY

(Käytännöllisesti katsoen kaikki) households have a TV set. ________________________________________________ VIRTUALLY ALL

Scientists know (yhä enemmän) about (yhä vähemmästä). ________________________________________________ MORE AND MORE, LESS


Kevin (ei näytä tehneen) any mistakes in his exam. ________________________________________________ DOESN'T SEEM TO HAVE


(Sinuna) I wouldn't bring that subject up ever again. ________________________________________________ IF I WERE YOU

You speak (ikään kuin omistaisit) the place! ________________________________________________ AS IF YOU OWNED


Our garden shed (vahingoittui) in the storm last night. ________________________________________________ WAS DAMAGED

Mark was sure he (myöhästyisi) his meeting. ________________________________________________ WOULD BE LATE FOR

You (ei olisi tarvinnut sanoa) that! ________________________________________________ NEEDN'T HAVE SAID

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I (ei koskaan annettu katsoa) horror films on TV. ________________________________________________ WAS NEVER ALLOWED TO


The culprit (on täytynyt olla) aware of leaving fingerprints. ________________________________________________ MUST HAVE BEEN

(Haluan sinun tekevän) something for me. ________________________________________________ I WANT YOU TO DO

I warned you (ettet tekisi) that. ________________________________________________ NOT TO DO

(Minun on mahdotonta) forget what you said. ________________________________________________ IT'S IMPOSSIBLE FOR ME


I know (miten nauttia elämästä). ________________________________________________ HOW TO ENJOY LIFE

(Nämä viimeiset viikot) have been just wonderful. ________________________________________________ THESE PAST FEW WEEKS


Here (on kaksi hyvää neuvoa). ________________________________________________ ARE TWO PIECES OF


Don't carry (liian paljon matkatavaroita) on your travels. ________________________________________________ TOO MUCH LUGGAGE

That is (mitä kummallisin ajatus)! ________________________________________________ A MOST STRANGE


I have had hardly (omaa aikaa) in the past few weeks. ________________________________________________ ANY TIME OF MY OWN

Who is (tunnetuin suomalainen kirjailija) today? ________________________________________________ THE BEST-KNOWN


There are (paljon vähemmän) young writers today than before. ________________________________________________ MUCH FEWER

(Kuka näistä herroista) is your cousin? ________________________________________________ WHICH OF THESE


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(Monien kielten osaaminen) is an asset. ________________________________________________ KNOWING MANY


(Politiikka on ) interesting. ________________________________________________ POLITICS IS

(Tämän maan poliitikot) sometimes think only about themselves. ________________________________________________ POLITICIANS IN THIS



I keep dialling (väärän numeron)! ________________________________________________ THE WRONG NUMBER

This book was (mitä mielenkiintoisin). ________________________________________________ MOST INTERESTING

Finnish nature is (parhaimmillaan) in July. ________________________________________________ AT ITS BEST

Why doesn't he like appearing (julkisesti)? ________________________________________________ IN PUBLIC

This hasn't been proved (tieteellisesti). ________________________________________________ SCIENTIFICALLY

My host talked to me (mitä ystävällisimmin). ________________________________________________ IN A MOST FRIENDLY/KIND WAY

This needs to be done (niin pian kuin mahdollista). ________________________________________________ AS SOON AS POSSIBLE

What have you been up to (viime aikoina)? ________________________________________________ LATELY

I ran into my old flame (tässä yhtenä päivänä). ________________________________________________ THE OTHER DAY

(Jonain päivänä) I'm going to break the world record! ________________________________________________ ONE OF THESE DAYS


Martin was late for school (kuten tavallista). ________________________________________________ AS USUAL

(Jo lapsena) I was interested in dinosaurs. ________________________________________________ EVEN AS A CHILD

(Jo 1969) man went to the moon. ________________________________________________ AS EARLY AS 1969

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You are (niin mukava ihminen) in so many ways. ________________________________________________ SUCH A NICE PERSON

The band performed (poikkeuksellisen hyvin). ________________________________________________ EXCEPTIONALLY WELL

There is one (kuuro) in our school. ________________________________________________ DEAF PERSON

Has (kukaan teistä) seen my keys? ________________________________________________ ANY (ONE) OF YOU

(Toinen) of my dogs is an alsatian, (toinen) is a beagle. ________________________________________________ ONE, THE OTHER

(Useimmat ihmiset) are interested in voting. ________________________________________________ MOST PEOPLE

(Useimmat opiskelijoistani) have got future plans. ________________________________________________ MOST OF MY STUDENTS


(Tuskin mitään) can be learnt by (kopioimalla kaiken). ________________________________________________ HARDLY ANYTHING,


(Siellä ei ole mitään). ________________________________________________ THERE IS NOTHING


Do you (tunnetko itsesi) tired? ________________________________________________ FEEL

Is there (mitään, mitä) I can do? ________________________________________________ ANYTHING THAT

(Jokainen) of my friends sends their love. ________________________________________________ EVERY ONE / EACH

Have (toinen) piece of cake. ________________________________________________ ANOTHER / A SECOND /


I (olen kuunnellut) to CDs all morning. ________________________________________________ HAVE BEEN LISTENING

I wish you (oppisit kunnioittamaan) your parents. ________________________________________________ WOULD LEARN TO


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He talked to me (ikään kuin en tietäisi) what he was up to. ________________________________________________ AS IF I DIDN'T KNOW

You (olet ehkä ollut) right about this all along. ________________________________________________ MAY HAVE BEEN


Oh, Lord, please (älä anna minun tulla väärinymmärretyksi). ________________________________________________ DON'T LET ME BE


(Nähtyäni) Miss Helga taking a bath, I believe in love again. ________________________________________________ AFTER SEEING/HAVING


This book (oli ostamisen arvoinen). ________________________________________________ WAS WORTH BUYING

What (saa sinut uskomaan) in his innocence? ________________________________________________ MAKES YOU BELIEVE

(Kielsin sinua avaamasta) that box. ________________________________________________ I TOLD YOU NOT TO OPEN

I (annettiin käyttää) the executive toilet for a week. ________________________________________________ WAS ALLOWED TO USE

We don't seem to have much (yhteistä). ________________________________________________ IN COMMON

When was (viimeinen kerta) you saw this guy? ________________________________________________ THE LAST TIME

What did you do (viime kerralla) you were in Vegas? ________________________________________________ (THE) LAST TIME

The buses run (joka kymmenes minuutti). ________________________________________________ EVERY TEN MINUTES


There are about (kuusi miljoonaa) people in Finland. ________________________________________________ SIX MILLION

I think she is (kolmissakymmenissä). ________________________________________________ IN HER THIRTIES

(Kaksi kolmasosaa) of our population live in cities. ________________________________________________ TWO-THIRDS

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This tree is (kaksisataa vuotta vanha). ________________________________________________ TWO HUNDRED YEARS


We took (kymmeniä valokuvia). ________________________________________________ DOZENS OF PHOTOS

My parents live in (Pohjois-Suomessa). ________________________________________________ NORTHERN FINLAND

You can stay at my place (toistaiseksi). ________________________________________________ FOR THE TIME BEING

I can't (mitenkään) remember all these expressions. ________________________________________________ POSSIBLY