Download - New ^WTEiiy0)P I SSSS^SB ?!10'of * · 2018. 7. 31. · North Wharf on dundaya atZa-m; 1 Special Steamer also sails trom

Page 1: New ^WTEiiy0)P I SSSS^SB ?!10'of * · 2018. 7. 31. · North Wharf on dundaya atZa-m; 1 Special Steamer also sails trom



VOL. XM Wo~22

'• ¦ ! ' '¦ i . : i - •

I I ¦

— ¦ , , ,


LiBOpST ClECfJLATION m THE SOX TZB OT IBEIJJTDPubliii«<i e»ers PBIDA r.ond oY«in<iE<HHon 'on SilTr/ItIUriIon>«n9», ot Nofc « ona;507D-Ctoniicn.8tr«l.(orromn THI nurfisoiu. isuKI.TJEICE-TWO PENCE; Nearly (in Advanoo),8a.ea .Jt: By Post (Yearly), 10a. 6d.

r g- All Chaquos and P. p. Orders, made payable

to COENELI 08 P. EEDKONBI, at' this Office.

THE NEWS Icironlatos extensively amongst thamorchants, traders i.and nubility, - gentry, farmingclasses, <fco., in Watorford, Kilkenny, Tipperaryiand the sonth j of Ireland j gonerally. ; Tho. NEWBhas attained 0. oironlation never equalled by any. paperpublished in Waterford, an<jlL i8 admittedly tho lead^ing journal in this important city, with whioh there IBdiroot daily co-ninunicatidn from London. . :

Particular attention paid to'commercial and agrioul.tuia\ n>atta». -. I \ \ | . .

Advertisements received tor |;he NEWS by all reapeot-able Newspaper Agents in the^ Unltod Kingdom.: Pre-payment requisite from partieEJ not known at the office.


WATEBFOBT>j-Mr. W. KEiJt,T,; Gladstone Street.Mr. JoKtf BEOWS, Meiigher Quay.Misa POWER , Barronstrand Street.Ur. HOQHES , Mayor's: Walk. : :

DUNGABVAN—BBENAN & Co., PeVonshiro Square.TBAMOBE—Miss CLANCY, Befreshment Booms..CAPPOQUIN-Mr. JONES TBOT, 31, AlIeh-Stre<st.CARBICK-ON-3UIB—Mr. JAUE3 HcGiiATH, Main-

Street . . j i (' ¦ ¦ ' • '

LONDON- CLA EKB , SON , '¦&, PLAVT, 85, Grace-!obarch Street. ! : ': :•>

B. F. WHITE & SOK , 33, Fleet Street. . .SHELLEY & Co., 5, Lofidenhan Street, E.C;Templo News Boom, 172, Floet Street.

DUBLIN—Messrs. CHAB. EASON & Sos, Abbey.-at.


A ltered and Additional Service | by GEE AT¦WE8TEBN BAILWAT Cb'mja .sTrtins;andSteamboats, via iliwosD HAV «H J in connection•Witt the WATEEfOED and| LtHDBIOK , WATEB-FOBD 4 CENTBAlj IBEOAHIV and WATEBJ'OBD,DtJNOABVAN, AND LlSHOBE LnfE8. j

Dhorteot Boute and jBeaucodJ Faroa._ ~fc——3tjy Egress i ¦Trains abd Fait \

TOcjS'Vwv. ' Mail Steiroeri,P T ^ , EVERY WEEK DAY. ¦

DOWN .—LBAVE LONDON (Piddingtoa) ni 5.45 p.m.,Sundays: oxceptod, and ABEXVE AT WAXES-JOED (weather and oireumstancca permitting)about 10.15 a.m., in time ; for thj: Trains on

tUe 'Waterford and Limerick, Central Ireland,and Iasmore Lines, j , : i :

UP -Loava Watorford at 5.0 p.m., qaoh Week Day,on Arrival of 1L20 a.m Train frcra Liraonok.10.30 a.m. Train from Maryborongh; ¦ and

1 ll-50 a.m. Train fromilJisniorB, AEBIVINO inLONDON (weather and ciiciumstanoos per-

. cutting) at 10.45 a.m., the following day. _A Soecial Steamer, carrying'Passongors, penflhable

Roods and Liva ;Stock, Sails from yf &L. Company'sNorth Wharf on dundaya atZa-m;1 Special Steamer also sails trom Now Milford to

iWatarford at 7 a.m. on Mondays, oni arrival of tho 9.15Traia from Paddirrton the previous evening. .., -

Pasaengsrs travelling by the Bteamer leaving Water-ford on Saturdays will proceed from New ililford bythg 3 55 or 9.4S Train on Sunday morning. _

Cargo can only bo received Bubjcct to ita beingBhipped in timo for the .

^Steampr '; to bo atartod

o ts'a^TfiAiN

' from NEW MILFOED will, inall caaes, WAIT AEEIVAL of Steamers leaving Wa-terford at 5 p.m. ¦ ; ¦] ! I - _ , . •

Under no ciroumstanoe can Pa3songora holding JLiurdClassTioketa be allowed tho use of Saloon.

FARES-WATERt 'ORD AND. WXDON 18rNOLEB (available 1 week) let Class and 8aloon, 463 Od

'- 2nd Class land Saloon, 35s 6d>> " 3rd ClassandforeCabin. 2U3 Ud

EETOBNS (available 1 month) 1st Class & Saloon, 16a.• • • " " 2nd Class & Saloon oi)a.

I •• " 3rd Claaa and Fore Cabin, 33a t>d.! Further information can bo j obtained from Mr. h.' FOGO Railway Terminus, Limerick ; Mr. W. D. ilo-NAHA EA , Adelphi Wharf , Waterford. Tho REDDCEp

ABES between other important Stations, the TimeTables ond Throngh Bates for Goods, <fco., can be:

• obtained of Mr. W. J. BUSSEH,, thal(irtat Weater^Eauway Company's District Agent, jAdelphi Wharf,.

I Watoriofd. | j - I '

There ffill bo '. no Sailing from :Waterford to New1 MUford o'i SUNDA?, «th DECKUliEB.I On CHEISTMA8 DAY the Trains in England will,

with few exceptions, run as on other! Sundays.HENBY LAMBEBT, General Manager.

Paddiwrtor; Terminus. : : )

imit&D STATES1 :&j GAHAD-Ai-'¦ From Liverpool via Londonderry.SABJIATIAK ... For Halifax & Baltimore...Jan. J

PoiTKEsiAK ... For Halifax & Baltimore...Jan.: 19CIBCASSIAN ... J For Halifax & Baltimore,..Fob. 3

From Queenstown. I ! ' .ASSTB U!? .. For Halifax & Baltimore ... Jan. 4

BATES OF OCEAN PABBAOE.!Saloon, 10 to 18 Guineas ; Intermediate, £& 6s. ;

Steerage at LoweafBates.; . _Through Tickets at 8peoial Bates ttfChicaeo, Winni-

peg (Manitoba), North-West Ttnitory. British Colom-bia,and to all points in the Wesrern States and Canada.

ToariaU, Sportgmon, and others vtsiting.the Cana-dian North-West, can avail thomwlvea of a tpeeiM lowreturn rate to the wonderful Bconory in the BootyMountains and the Sporting distriota. 1 . ¦ • :

1 AB3I8TtD PA88AOE8 TO CAifADA.. .pAirpHLsrg;—Mao of Manitoba - and Canadian

Pacific Eailway i alao recent uuue ol i-ampniew onCaaada and the Western States of America, &c, sentfree. ' ; " \ : • , , . ¦( * Western bonnd paaconcorfl aocompamea

by a

Special Conductor. ; , ¦ ' . _ ¦Fall particulars on application to J. 8COTT & Co.,

Qaeoastown; to AM,AN BEOTHEOS 4 Co., JamesStreet, Liverpool, and Foyle Straot , Londonderry 1 pito Messrs. MDBPHT & WASD, 2, B»rronstrand 8treet,Waterford. . ' I , M

Liverpool , Boa. 5, 1887. ' . t»»

i AMB^S)Iffl!ii8 HAH. "^ 5- , STBAMEES,g^ f S -Lwarpool to Philedel&lxip.


Calling at QueenstowB Thn«dayB,ii First-class Pnli powerea Iron -SteaMtaps. ,

in the Western States. . ., I :For further partionlara opply to. r-, BIOHAIDSON^E , Unt^ t

"' - -¦ LOCAL AOKrfTB I v 1 . , o.SABVEY & SON. Little George a-Bttefet,

iWaterford > ' I ;; .

DOYLK ft HUNT, New Boss. ; j . (03)

T\ /T fj (fa if t ff^ rafferlag from Kervons D«WUtT,:

\ \f/ H H " fi 1 HJB ElhaaBUri VlCaHtf, ami PnmMan

V / fi HJ H H R H tain cure by Local Absorption which¦t_i u -wi v a t wholly preclude* Btojnaolj Drawing;

FOB A valuable treatise, witfc OlaatnUr*rvnf?9 !! ca&c&,teztlnionlAlitttrideitaorieizieiU4*

l l/J lL tin of eminent roMlMloioa,* win b»1 inH lr Bel ¦ emti «»I*1. to plain enrdepe. span;: UyU |_ |y reodptofthreajtaiDji*.

liAESTOir BEHEDI Mnw,w&&£bm tetoAsa.

"FOft tH^B^



.. - , . CnrM 8warty8og»ti . ; ¦¦ - ¦

. - V - ; , :: • • • : .

-i- SsaSBsra^SBw i ;¦;-!• f- : ,: .:,>!•

- 2S •.£*£*&« £ Ss?&«»4wi»»ai far «H.CliiB*l»LJfL S?B£BS{m(K4jattr?3Wa«w»tU|OT*rt» W-f oW&*l *&W

» * ^


;; patorftra : Stoamnhip : Comptvny¦raTENDki>;pBDEaJ)F X4_DE0EMBEB(.

«c- =~ lk W0.^10

?.- — Watorfordr fSnTT . -A-X StoamsUip Company (LimiteS)>-'1Sr>Al*SS*: "X501'* Good* ana Llis tock for Sb'U"* =—1—V : , VT ment 0; th» oondlHons mentioned 10¦¦¦ i ; ¦ ''¦¦¦ ¦ ¦: ¦cS8S2!- ygt* t°- •*? *• ^

ot ""^


Dea-^ -' 1 *£¦"><»¦ SjtnTday. D .:. 7 affnOOnFridar'1 " 9 - ? lii ao°* J eaday. .. 7...1 • nl*htTBOT&V " is -11 S! §JlS ' „ 10...13 mldn'ht

b.ToS. S* Orn

? togs. Cabli'of tto .tcLnors 1Trains" """TO.PaesenBora the Night MaU

KLk^?- '70pM"1

to Mtoro from or to Uterpool;, 25s ;Uook, single, 7«. e<t 1 do OhUdren, 4a. • . ,. vyBt l

rec<tiT0d an(l dtaohargwl . at Camborland Ba»la,. ; . w.'ATER FO ET). A N D UVlEEIOOlV


U..i2 oifnoon Wednejda,, U.V.lo Sor g

Sv=||lb^SsSFriday, ,. 23...10 toora Jrii?/, ,, 23... 6 morningWiSSto.TSSa.' r-" ™riltf'! »CT-6affnoonFriday,! " ,', 30... 2 aifooonl Friday,! „ 80... 10 mornlogFABES—Cabin, Single; 15s; j do. tlnglo—Children landSonants trareUlnK with (amilies) IO3 ; do Uettun (aTail-able for Two months, optional toietiirn from or to Brutol),253.; Deck, single, 7s 6d : do, single. Children, 4s,Goods received and discharged at Clarence Dock, LiverpoolGoods Booked through from all principal Stations onGreat Northern, Greit Western, Lancashire, und Yorkshire,London and' North Western ; London and South Western ;Manchester. Sheffield , and Lincolnshire, and Midland Bail-ways td Waterford. (Throngh Bookings also with Limerick,Tippenrr, Tirarles, £nois, Tuam, Gort, Bathkeale, Listowel,Nencastle and Tralee, &o. 'Goods Booked through from all Stations on Watorford andCentral Ireland Railway, Watorford, SangarTaa,andLisffloreBaQwa;, and Waterford and Limerick &UIWST.Parcels' booked thronga at low Bates to all prinolpal Sta-tiois on liondon and North Western Bail WOT.; WATESFOBD AND NEWFOUT (Star.): FBOU ' WITJBJOED. I FBOB KEWPOET.' As Cargo Offers. Ae Cargo Offers.W A I K f iJ O B B A N D T;O 0 O H A L .AsCarjro offorsi

W A T E B F O B D A N D M E W B O S SFEOU . Nsw Boss—Doily, Sundays exeoptod, at 9.1S a.m.FHOU IW ATEBTOBD—Dally, Sundays eicepted, at 3-1 p.m.W A 1 E B F O B D A N D ' D U N C A N N O N .FBOK DtntCAB/iOH—Daily, 8ondays excopted, at 8.30 a.m.FEOH . WArEaFOBD—Dally, Sundays eicopUsa, at 8-S p.m.UOTB—The Waterford Sceamship Company, Limited, Insureall Goods Shipped by these Lines of Stoamemat 8s. <d. perCent, to Trwers haTisg Yearly Agreements, and is. perCent, to Occasional Shippers, rainos to be doclarot at tlmo ofShipment. Forms ana all Information to be had at thooffices. . . ' I.Kerths secured and every information given by Agents atWATBsjoaD—Waterford Steamship Co. (Limited), HoadOffices, The Mall. ' . 1LJTsaroot—Waterford Steamship Company (limited), 20,Wttter-etieet, and Clarence Dock. ' |itBiSTOI/—Woterfv,rd Steamnbip Company (Limited), 63,Qnecn Squjire—<md Camberluud Basin. ;HEW BOSS - Wuter'ord Steunsbip Company's OlBco.JjaifCASUoa— Waterford titeainifhip Company's OlSce.Yooouil- . !

'IilaxBicz—Lower Shannon Steamship Company's Oflca,ilonnt Konuot Quay, :KIIBUSH—Lower' Shannon Steamship Company's OlBco,Capya Quay. : i


Shippers will please noto Alterations in Sailings: daring Christmas Holidays.

: Regular Bteam Communication betweenWATERFOBD and i o E T D O I T ,


COttK, Dl'BLIN, BELFAST ABO ULASaoW.-< ¦ "». rW\B.E New and powerful ScreT

^——r iHfcs. JL'


INIfltH'iiAUiJljL, itATHLIN, SALTEES, SKJ3EBYVOEE,PORTLAND, TOWAKD, are intended to Bail aj under,weatherpermitting (nnless prevented by unforeseen circumstances),with liberty to Tow Vessels, ana to call at any Fort or Fortsin any order, in or oat of tho ca3tomaj7 coarse, to Beceireand Discharge Cargo, or for any other purpose whatsoever.

' W1TEEFORD TO OU800W.Every WEDNESDAY, direct . ... I ... ... I p.m..

r&Olf GLASGOW TO WATEHrO&DEvery MONDAY iiroct — — ... 1 p.m.

: Bail, to Grcenock...6.30 p.m.Every THTJBSDAY, direct — ... 1 p.m.

Bail, to Orcenock ... 4 p.m.FEIDAYS, 2nd. Oth, 10th, and 80th Doa., via Belfast...I p.m.

Bail. toQrcenock ... 4 p.m.WATzaronD TO BELfAsr ... Evsry BATUBDAY, 1 p.mBELTAST TO WATvnroao..Every:TU£BDAY, rla Dublin.

SAT0BDAY6, ard, 1-th, 17th, and SUt Dec., Direct.•WAT2BT0SD TO DOBLIJ ,

Every 8ATUBDAY , via Ballast, 1p.m.DiniLis TO WATIOTOIU), DI SECT—Every WEDNESDAY.

W«TRyoKD TO OBI—Every THURSDAY, 1 p.m.FEOB COSI TO WATBBroap, direct-jEvery FB1DAY.

WATXBTOKS TO LOBDOK (tit. Kaiherine Dock).MONDAYS, 5th, 12th, and 19th December.

ISATCKDAYS, 3rd, iOth, I7tb, and 31st December.8ATUEDAY. 2«b 1 ecembcr. Goods only. Transhipped

at Plrmoutu. !Loasoa (St. Katharine Dock), TO 7ATZSIOIU> :

THDBSDAYb,- l»t December, 12 oocn;; 8tb, 6 a.m. j 15tb,12 nooa : 22nd, 8 a.m; aad 29tb, 11 a m.

No Transhipment by this route. Ordbrs for oollection ordelivery ot Goods will DO attended to by Lavington Brothers,69, Old Bailoy, E.C. : Qreat Hftrmltage-Siroet, Wapplng, E.,and Archcr treet, South Lambetb, d.VT.

WntRFOED TO PUKODTH,: direct,MONDAYS, ilh , 12th, 19thUecoiober, 4 p.m. t

8ATUBDAY, 24th December,* pm.PtTaocTB TO WAiRRfOni), direii—Every SATDBDAY.

WATERro&D TO SotHuiMnox, direct,8ATUBDAYS, Sr < , 10th, 17th. i and 31st Decrabcr, via

Southampton, 4 p.m. ; SAT JBDAY, i 24tb December,: via 1 lymoatu and Sonthampton, 4 p.m.

BouniAiiJToa TO WATSRTOBD, VIA Plymoath.. . Every FBIDAY. i • .

WATKBJOBD' TO NKwainra.SATUBDATB, 8rd, lOtb, 17th, and Slst December, via

Southampton, 4 p m ; SATOKDA?, 21th Dccombtr,Tii Plymouth and Bouthamptori. 4pm.;

Nrtnuraa TO WiusBTOaD—TUESDAYei,«th, 13th, and20tti December, via London. !

Thcso Stcaznoxs havo oxcollont accommodation forf>aC



! , '. . .- . • — 1 Cabin.- Boturn. DeckWaterford to Glasgow and Belfast 17s. ¦Od. iis. 10s.

• Cork. '... *" s. H*. 5o. ¦; , Dublin, ... ... 12j. i5i 20a. 70. 6,1

Plymouth 4 Soathnmptbh,20s. 30s. 10s'¦"„

¦ ' London, ... ... 22a. 3d 35». lus.¦ I , : Newhaven .;. 20«. i - l"s.Children above 3 and under 12 years of one, Paxv .

Botnm Tickets available for two months—not transferuulu• «» 'Now —The Clyde Shipping Company In»aro all Qoodsshlroed by theso Unes of 8U>amers at 3s id jor cent, to TradershaviSryearly agreomenU, and 5s. per Coat to occasionalShippers. Values to be declared at time of Shipment. Formsin/aia Wormatira to be had at the officer T

For, Bates of Freight, 4o., apply to HOTS* jr. WAEIHO& Col, Plymouth 1 TBOKAS M'OAUMT, London aid South-W«t«rn Kailway Company, Exotor Buiidingi, Arthur Street,We1 d t

«ie I//Vd:W.BaUw

8y i&corrtnz . Housesthronghout London ) Clyde Shii-plne Co,, 7 Albert Square,laiv i Clyde 8nipping Co

BochesMr Bofldingi u4

EliaeiihaU Street, London, E.C. I Clyde .Shipping Co., Bail-troTomces, N«whaven j 21, Carlton; riace; Qlasgow ; customSouse' BoUdiDgs, Oreenockj Dock_Boad, Llmorjok , TownQaayV! Southampton 1 35, Eden Quay, Dublin 1 1 Patrick's{taaJ 'COt


Oustem HOUBO Quay, Waterford.Special forms of Bills of Lading required by tho Clyde

BliiBPlnfr Company, to be had of the ArenU.TJS£h% ddr«»»-''CP»8aii:," WirmaoiiD.



Dtortost and moot .H2ped£tiono Bonto• To Lancashire, TorfciMre, ; and the ZJKdtand-

: Counties, and other Important. i j District * of England and Walei.

•i* "7s mHE8wUflana!PowerMScrow.i-E SSnfei JL eteamijT," MAGNETIC,"SrflCipguKvV or oibar Boitabls i Vessel, is inten-1 l«ni1Ttiirf ffiiTgirriTi' ilini (onlMS prerenled by tmforseen

cJreonau. jeytoMfl oi undo betwosa WiTBBPOap »adAtiEHDOVEY, ear«ylng Passemrars, Merchandise, Mi LivefitbckTln oouJeotiouwlth th« Cambrian iBanways. at LowT eb aSsTtoSsjprlMipjlEMlUh odd,Web,h;To»ns.

rorCoBdlUonij»se Pomi of Conglgnrnwit HoteJ: D B C B M B BB S A- I I i X N O S 1 .

HJ""J &dDeT o»ffn Thonday.lit,Deo,...7 0WnMond»V, 4th „ ... 6«it'a Baad;y, iih „ -9 O mornWed idar. 7th ! ... 6 »ft'n Tuesday, «o „ ...IS noon?rldsy7

r . Mh „ ". J sJfn Tbnrfday, 8th „ ...a »«jVnItondJy, 12th „ ... 8 »tt'B Holiday. , Utb. ,, ..J Ocft nW^ dVy, Mth „ ... fi srt'u Tuesday, ISth „ ..,4 O«ft nFrMifT - 16th ,, ... o »ft'D XTiur»<iy, l*thv ,.8 8O att'nMondiy. lflth ,, ... 5 affn 8und»y, 18th ', ...» ..mornW«V«iay. Sst ,, ^.ooIfnTutsdu;, 20th „ ...1» noonTrmrT 23rf : 8 olt'D Tlmrtday, 21nd „ ...2 15 aft;OJlcto&j, 26th ) ... 8 sft'n Sunday, 25th „ ..8 O aft nWad-sdty Sti " ¦ ' .. 8 alt'n Tuesday, tfth „ ...* Oaft'nFrfdsyT ' 80th " 8 SfoThunir, 28th ,•,...« O eit'n

Llve Stook and Goods Iu»ored on best terms, taluos tobe deolarea, before shipment, ' ' : i ,_ ,¦

Pauenair Fares bttiotm Waterford aW Abenkvev. ¦iSos-W». Od. 8mgl« ; BsMim Tioketij aT»il»bl» for Ono

Mouth. 15»tOd. - ; ' , : _, J . ' _„ „- .„SiEofin CiBia-o*. Single 1 Baton Ticket*, anUabls tor

one Month; »i. ' • . i . : „ObUdrat ™oder Three .Toari of Xg», We» » above Three

and luMler Twelve, Hull.prioe. -,; .,. . ': ¦ I - . \ ¦: ]: .1 Through:Ticket* are issued, between Jkberdorey and allMrts ot Bngjani^ mid Wales. - i.T»«'Puwng«r Aocbuimoda1lott6n the "Magii«ao''J» of aiup*rlor <iaforrptlon, and the Vet** ii flttod throoghoatwith ttoBeotrle light. . '. ' 1 . - ; . ¦ |- i

A Steward and Steward**! on board. M ¦ ;1 yMM»g»»m»y r> on boert «» !•»»• ti» 8t«amet»t Aber.4QT»T«* any "tto* after tba «rrinilor.befpr«tb*. d«pKrtur«

WSSSraf'^SSSSi'J SpioiAIi J ADVASTAGSfllot Of oonveytso* oi ;ilve Stock (ram IreUnd. «wm» toU» ft(wu»bj* eoam o| «>» ?om»ff,¦¦*»- t5!L?!f**o£ Sl*£ toAb w^^ a»«» iwuiln ttsm .ot e>*rs> tor, Untttj -toar boari, '«j<l froa

fTT. "T x ' l-V V!- .'1 ;

Mail !12&S;class I,P-.H' !

8 Stf !S 15'

10 0U 3512 25 j-IS'W I

l~80 !

Jb'litDAY,; DECEMBER 23, 1887

, 3l8ilitta«3


T i- „ ' : j i ' ' ¦¦ ¦

J AEOMATIG . -GINGER ALE,;*f *» . Lemonade, Seltzer Water, Soda' Water, Ginger Beer.WATEBFOED AND LIIIEUICK EAILWAY.¦ Up Trains from Watcr/ orii.

. ' .. -' TEAlgg OH Win BITS.i WAtEETOED ¦ . Mnll , t . . .r „. lO LUtsmcx 1 2 3 12 1 3 3 12 1 1 2 3 1 2 3Class. Class. Class.'ClaBS. Cla3s 'Cl«o

. IM

£.11. A^M. | P.M. I T.X. I r^M.

y*'jrford - i f - •• 7 45 10 15 ! 120 1 a 0 8 SO'Carrlc>on.Su& ... S23 10r-U 1«UW »Sfe 1 9 0 11 15 2 21 4 10 10 C"Ppepry 10 0 13 0 3 5 ;6 10 11 35

®£T— •" ¦"-° as- «- ss ii»SS?.isii:~:-::: • .-• ¦ g-J7l W *, %»».D0H6 '.... ,.,. 12 65 i A a iqLimerickarrivai '". ll""o 1 15 4 30 6 85 l"sO

Down Trains from Limerick.I TBAIBS OS TCIM DATS |Sdyt. i

uirenicx I llail i ' i MaU i i Mall Mall10 WAIBBrOllD. 1343 I i 2 12&3 Us2 |l 2i3ll S&3Jl '3 3CUs3.:Class.'Claes. Class. Cloag.lClaas.lClau,A.M. | A.M. I A.M. P.M. J P.U. I p.m | F.U.

BSS .:: S I& e.f |?l fS ** \& n 011 °Dromkoen,, ... 6 27 .:. Ill 27 .'." 4 30 " '"Pallas „ ... 6 37 , ... .11 37 ... 4 40 n'« ll'ioOola „ ... 6 50 ... ill 50 . . 4 55Junotion anrivo 7 5 10 15 12 5 S25 5 10 ia'"o 12 "oTJpporary...dep 7 40 10 S3 12 40 3 55 5 55 12 50 12 50Clonmel .8 55. 11 20 1 42 ... 7 « I i 20 2 MCarrick.V. 9 31 11 47 2 28 . « 0 S OWaterford arrlv 10 15 1325 3 0 ... 8 3 o ! 8 4 5 345

¦ i : . i . \ . - .. .: : . . . . ¦- JOHN J. UTJBPEY, Secretary.

WATEWFOBD AND CENTBAL IBHXAND BAILWAY,.™» shortest route from •Watorford and Kilkenny to Dublin,lr£!!>' £K'n2?"*. on?e-aiiBh, is via Maryborongh.KETDE5 TlCItrs ara issuod betiebn any two Stations, andaro avaflable for Betura as follow! :-Botwcen Stationswnero tha fare chaiyod i» for a 1 di«tance not eiceeding- 12miles, 2 days. Including the day of issue, Sunday being a diesnon : thus, a Ticket isauod on a Sundny or Monday is avail-able up to Tuesday night, and a Tijket Issued on a Saturday

°P J* Mo,nda'J ,nl8ht. Between Stations whore the Farocharged is for a distance abovo 12, and not exceeding 50 miles,*%W *Sff Vth0

of Usue t thus a Ticket faaaed onTuesday wUl be available np to tho following Tuesday night.

? "Si" sSti0°« "here the Faro charged ia for a distjrecsexceeding.60 miles. One Month. The outward portions ofBotnrn Tickets are .only available for tho train by whiohthey are Issued.



BTATIOBB. 12*3 128 14 8 1243 1 2 3 1 2 3Clas3"Class; Cksa Class. Class. ClissA.a. : A.H i p.u. p.11. noon F.U.

_. . . . I b. m. 1 h. m.: h. m. I h. m. h. mWatorford, departure — 7 15 , 2 30 1 3 50 '12 ¦ —imacow — 7 25 2 40 4 0 12 10 —Mulhnavat „... — 7 35 J 4 10 12 20 —aaiyhale — 7 5 5 ! 3 0 1SS 12 45 —Thomastown — 8 10 I 8 10 4 50 1 0 —Beunetsbrldgo ....1.... — 8 25 3 20 5 5 1 15 1-Kilkonny arrival — 8 5 J I 8 8 7 5 2 5 I S O —

Do departure — 9 0 8 4 0 535 1 4 0 —Ballyrogget — 9 S 5 4 0 ! 6 0 2 5 _Attanagh _ 9 45 ] 4 10 | 6 10 2 15 —Abbeyleix — 10 0 4 21 ' 6 30 2 SO —Maryboro" arrival — ilO 25 1 4 45 7 0 3 0 —Maryborough dop. up — IlO 50 4 56 ! 7 46 8 24 —Portailington Junc... — 1 1 8 — ' 8 7 343 —Dnblin arrivnl ¦ — | 1 0 a i si o t o g u —Athlono Juno, arrlv. — 4 43 — — — —Maryboro' dep. down — 10 31! — '' 7 0 0 62 —MouDtratb .arrival — — | — 7 28 — —Ballybrophy I — 11 0 — 7 4) 10 S5 —Boscrea. ....: — 11 Si• ¦ _ 8 SO j — —Parsonstcwn — 12 4 1 — 9 0 — —Nenugh — 12 23 ' — 0 20 I — —Templomoro _ -.: — . — ; ; — ' 8 14 10 a —

TO WATsaraan


BIAH0B3. 1 2 3 1 & 2 1 2 3 1 2 3 1" 2 3 12&3 1 2 3IClaes. Clas». Class. Class. Class JClou. Claca\ A.U. . A.a. A.a. rp.u.. . P.u. 1 A.n. f.a.

h m ; h m b m h m h m — I nTplomoro dop.l — j — 7 58 1 54 ^ — — 2C 0Ballybrophy • — ! — '. 8 24 2 21 - — 2 17Nenajh - .' — 1 — 7 5 — , — — —Parsonstown . — i — • 7 2) _ ¦ _ _ —Bosrroa - — — 7 51 — — — —Moantrath. -! — — ' 8 31> 3 38 — — 3 - tM'yboro' ar. np — — 8 55 2 55 — — 3 21Athlono June. - 1 — — 735 — — — —Dublin dep. - - 6 0 7 4 0 ' P O I O — — 9 10Portarl'ton Jun' 7 55 : — 10 17 3 45 — — 11 31M/yboro' ax dn 817 i 855 10 31 8 9 — _ 11 «

DOWS TQJLISS goods llollMaryboro' dop: — 1 0 0 10 41 8 15 - — 4 0Abbeyloir -1 — 9 2 0 U 1 S 3 3 5 — — 420Attanagh -! — 028 1135 3 50 — — 435Ballyragget - — 935 115' . 4 0 — — 4 i 5KUkenny arrL - — 10 5 12 20' t 30 - - 5 10

Do. departure1 7 3) 10 13 12 3 ' 4 « — — 5 20Bennotsuridge -j 7 45 IlO 2Z 12 45 5 5 — — 5 SO

-Thomastown .1 8 10 ]i0 35 , 1 0 5 i) — — 5 45"biliyhalo ^ |835 ;10 4 5 | 1 2 i 5 3 s ! — — 6 0Mullinavat • 9 0 !ll 0 1 4) 5 55 — — 8 25Kilmaoow - I 9 10 11 8 1 iO 6 5 — — 6 35Watorfora arrl.! 0 40 ill SU i 2 15 6 30 — — 7 0

HODalHELLKX BBABCB. — Mjryborougb dep., 7.10 a.m.,11.10 a.m., 4.55 p.m t MoaQtmoUlck irr., 7.35 0.m., 11.35 a.m.,5.2'J p.m. Uoantmelltck dop., 8 10 a m., 1.50 .m., 5.(0 p.m. jUaryboroush arr., 8.S4 a.m., 2.15 p.m., 6.15 ; .ra.



~1 1 2 Tl 4 : 6 . ^o 7 8 Frnou f t m a mi a E ^ m ' p m pm p m po P B

!h - m h m l h m hm 'j' h m h m h m h m h aW'frd 8 15 11 0. 12 IS 2 O 4 15 ' 5 30 7 15 9 0 ...rm'rol9 10 11 801 1 20 0 O | 4 4 5 |6 0 7 4 5 0S0 ...

Sunday Trains. 1,~ 1 . I 2 ] 3 4 I 6 I 7 ; 8 9rsO3i axn- a m : p m p m ' p m p m l p m 'p m p m1 hm b m h m h m | h m b m h t a - h n r b mW'frd 9 0 I ... 12 15 2 0 4 31 ... 0 0 i ... ' ...Tm'ro 9 80 I ... 1 30 I 4 0 I 6 3) ... fl SO ... | ...

First Class Suigle Ticket, 1». Benin 1101:01, 1». 6d,: Third ditto. 8d. j Beturn ditto, 1«. Od.; . WHiLIAM EEA, Secretary and Mnnnsor.


• ' raoii WATIBJORD.

STATIONS. Week Days. Sundays.

r. uWatorford ' ... dop. 9 15 3 80Kilmeadtsn ... „ 9 80 3 45Carroll'* Cross Flog 3 67Kllmacthoicas •¦• „ 9 55 4 10Dorrow and Stradbally „ 10 13 4 SODnngarvan : .„ „ 10 83 i toCapp&lh ... „ 10 48 5 5Cappoinin ... ,, 11 3 5 20Liimjro, .- arrlT. HII 6 80

- • 8. b 17. BallwayiLuosore' ... dep. 11 80 6 45formoy ... arrlv. 13 10 e 21

l o1 ::: :: 185 84.


SanOariS. b w. Hallway. ¦ t, it. i. n. A.U. —

Traloe . . •¦• dep. — S O 10 SO i. a. A. a

c^r^ :::

:: - ?.S

SS - =MSOW .. ... . „ - 9 5 125 - -y«rmoy ... ... ,, - 9 » 2 15 — -Lismore... ... arriv. — 10 35 S O — —

U>nu>'io '* I''n^

m7dev. 7 6 0 11 80 8 20 :

~ —

Cappoquin >. „ 8 0 Kg SS ~ ~$$£&*- - :: IS-iS *S = -D^SwiSteadbaily « 4 S 1« 4 00 - -Kilmaothoma* ... f, » 8 2 SO 445 - —

wSrtord ; ::.' arrival 9 45 8. U 5 tO - -, ¦ : TBOMAff OIIALLKY, Uimagcr,

• T T ¦n/TTTUT WHO WISH TO HABET ATOA l l l\/l Cr l\|' BB HAPPY 8B0UL0 »t3

±%Lj i-i ITXXJX^ raHTOAHTPABTo/THa1t!f i£uM) % EKCSIPT 01 VAHS AVP AODBS38. ^VttsSouare,S5 SL . Doa'V delo<«ena «t <mo»»lt costs TW ¦nothlcs.



«« Valusblo


. By J. A.BAJIM.M.D,, (U.S.,):: rbls Book 'ihoold b« read by every one, yonns or oia¦ W rfew™T&2v&D DlfiBASE. ] -

< '¦¦¦¦ • - . • ' ' HOW TO B20AIB HEALTH. < :

TlVmn » TREATlflE on th* LAWS OOVEHNINQ LIFEB Sd* tbVCAOsST eX|>^OM». .»»« TBEATMENT~t.UAi *rtmj m dcMndlna on Exasuiaion of Nerroas vitality,

SSpiSaon of the Hetrt, Noises te the He»<! «na Bin,SdedlS*!/ ImptJrea = afeht tna. emoTv,,1 InaigtrtlQn

J^ ^Sa S " ether Ulmentj, whiob. If Berieetod,

msU>r£r*xb <5T flltw?1 ot- U* Hertoos «ad allmeoUry"vSPtmebatx to th» wimblework oontaln.nanynse-{| ! &» wf^ SS5S!.


, i: *¦

'¦ '

r~$': \ - :-y \> ;. '¦ :: jrs!i'Jr\. BMA±i.t»j, i **iJ¦'¦¦ [ ¦ ¦ >^-:. :

-» ". ' x(S


n addition to over TWELVE THOUSAND PRIZES already taken tyStoci: fed on'thcoo¦ ' . Cakes may be added the following :— '

SMiiJHFIELD FAT STOCK- SHOW, 1887.- I • . • AT THIS snOW . "

3 Champion Prizes, 10 Onps.i&'i 'riret, 33':Second, and 56 otber Pii-zcs v;ere taken- byL ; .- Sfbofc fed on these Cuk<!3.

|" '• - BIRMIN GHAM 1 FAT STOC K SHOW , 1887.i . . ¦ 3 Champion Prizes, 21 First Prizes,' 2S Seconds 65 other Prizes trero taken by Stock -! , . fed on these Cakes. • '

! NORWICH FAT 8MKr SHOW , 1 1887. ,: 4 Champion Pcizes, 31 First and other Prizes were taken by Stock fed on thG30 C<*fcc3


Unequalled for all classes of Stock, Erery delivery is guaranteai to Analysis."WATERLOO ROUND LINSEED CAKES—Gnaranteed at least 95 per cent.

of purity. ;

Ilannfaotnroa by tho \7atorloo- Llillo Co., Umitod, HULL.. ; '. . . '

. '/.-' . _ . .' . . • O ¦


TWENTY-TWO GOLD AND PRIZE MEDALS AWAEDED.P1 [ fTti rVri-nTfT) (fWl fV fni tr irii AR tf!

As originally nudo,bynllilK/JiiSflb Ol mH MiLfe CAOTRELL &- C0CHIUN1

^ M iif Ol ^ Ifil ini n PP Made ONLY byIbfetty - ©Bllfla OAMTRELL & COOHRAt lE,

: Under Special Bcjiotrotlon.

® 5)) H19 F7J1 d IMP 99 Th: Drink f °r tht Qout u cnd Max atic.m nnimUW- ¦ Made onIy bynnAn.onnnnno CANTRELL & COCHRAUE,


Purveyors to Her Hajesty'a Houce3 of Parliament,AND TO





: tSblendld Collection of TABLE SETS, ¦ WEDDIN G PEESENT6 and GIFTS in grca7' DE9SEET SETS, ' variety.-' BEEAKFAST SETS, ;


\ Hortticry "^roathd '' uador Sliadca.

O. P O W E R : & S O N S ,. .(nll-tf) '/, 8. fc 33, Gpect Gcovrro'a Stsczi, X7c.tos£osd.

: (2?»otoqtodj "by E^giotsc-tioa)' i O R I G I N A L L T , PEEPAR ED BY| :

¦ SiS 'o «3T . M K

'wr-'j iJP- iEL-' . ¦ ¦ ¦

I : ! ' . ¦ '

' ' "Nittgra WorkB/Eajlo Wharf Road, ¦London , Jono 20th, 1885.; " Wo horoby certify that we have «nppliocl Mr.! M. J. MuflpnT, WaWord, nlth llaohlnory,i to., 6c, for tho Monnfaotnra of Crated Waters, having all tha latest .Improvements , onctteinsr, I in-over? rcyioot eimilar to that wbioh coined the Hlgboot 'Anarda at tho InteraatiomJ HealtnI , ' Exhibition, Condbn, 1884, namely—3 QoWjl 2 SllTer, and 2 Bronio Uodale. - •

: (Signed) ¦' "¦ BADt:tTT ii FOETUB.". • i : " 85, TJppor Wbitcoross Btrast, Los'abn, April 16th, 1887.

" Wo osrUfy tbat we hayo onppliod Mr. MDEPHT, Waterford, wlth onr Patent A. alsa Se»m-!c:a Gcncrttoci and Hill's Patant Aold Tap on aboJo date.

' ' ; . (8Ignfcd) " HJLTWAUD, Trttn & Co."; "Blako 8trcot,Btrotford Eoia,Mar.6hcatcr, J0NE 28th, 0887-

"I horoby nortify that I havo thia day fqrwarded ono bf xay Obmpicto Patent EconomicalGold Soda. Water Planpi to >Itj Mi J. Mnnrirr, Watorford, to make 2,000 dozon of hishlvCorbonatod Waters per doy. j | (8i(n)od) ; .. .. . . . " DAK • ETLANDB.

. "'.Niagra'WorltB, Eajlo Wharf Koad,,London , Jnno 28th, 1887;DEAE SIE—WO bro in receipt of ¦ yonr e'steeniod order for Pump for tbo Artesian Well, tihlah

rrill bo dcapatohed. ot once—Yonra faitbfiJly, ' • : " BABKBXT & FOSTBB."

: ¦ . ;F0fAS3:A! -UTH WATEKSV. _ <: ,I Cteonjjly eooommcadod by tbo j Pconlty in canca of Gout, Bhoumotic1 ' ' . ' , _ '¦; ¦ ' ' . '' ' Gout;. uadi' ''»iiepraft ib; . . / . ' '. .' (oyiajSm)

i j - ; ; .;. . ¦ ¦

.;,,:,. ;¦.:., "¦ .

¦ ,,

;. ,..: ,- ,. y, -:. .;.;

~~" . , : .:;,.:;. ;: .;, v/ - 1

{ . . :<kr ,v :.. ¦• • .

¦= . . . . . - : ; , : . :

¦ ¦¦ ¦ . .


'- . . .

" ¦• ¦

. ¦


i j SILVERSFfRifNG • CREAMERY, :I . . P I L T O W N , I R E L A N D . ¦ ¦ • ' ¦ ¦>

3UTTEB from tbo BILVEE8PEINU: DAIBY obfalncd »he First Prise at tbo Eojal AfjricDlturar'.Society's Show held «t Waterford in 1873. First Prise at Boya'l Agrieultaral Society's 8bowI .- a,t Cork in 1870. First Prise nt Boyal.AffriciiUornl Society '* Show at Dublin in 1878. • • ¦• :| ; . , Aho tho Silver Medal at;P.lltowo Local Show. . . . . ; . . .


Ije Sole Agency for; tKe Salle of this veryisuperiorBatter in! "Wfaterfwd.'1 '

- ¦ . ' .

- ¦ ¦ ¦ - ..-. . - I

1 - I - - ¦' ' i ;¦

. . . - ¦ ¦- : ¦ i" .

¦ - .¦ - . - ¦ ¦

- !

Q23"' It¦¦te made Fresh every morning from sVeet Cream, and we bare arranned for DailvI : ] ¦ ' ¦ .¦

Supplies to be tent ID. ' .. ; ¦ . *

*AHIli T[ ' <!l90CBBB,: . . WmB;]} .QPiuw/;. 'A) i lD PB07I8I0S J£gBOtsMlf T8, .I . ¦ ¦ . • ; • =

¦ ' . , ; ¦ ; ¦• ¦ ' ;, ' 88i: ¦ f& :$, 8i>j .. /. 0^<Kr»

; • ¦' 'yr.:A T;a%fQf ip»A A .LW ;'WWOTI! T![£(6IJ< ' ' '. - ' ¦' . V- !c " '

j' • -; ¦ v- 1 -;v^;iv;fil i;:s- .i:ii ' ^iiO-iEl

'j a'1 -V.':

¦.. ./ • : ;|Sj.; THE.^gS^T^r;;- i;SQp.P;,:EyERYWHER<e-.:: "¦ ¦ '¦¦ . ' - ¦ ¦¦

. ; ¦ ¦) ¦ ' , : :U- '-i :- ¦VPACTOBif l SD \ .bjj1 jlCOSS-- ;: .1

' '¦ ' : '¦</ ¦'(: i l l . ¦'. ': . , ¦.

'. '¦¦ '. "'. '1

^I-;n^&r: '1-2-0; & - :• 14 ) » VV j&pxi l&^^^M }^i .

' i ¦ • " •


, ! ! ' i ' ¦ • • ; ¦' ¦ '.¦¦ ¦ ¦

1 . ¦ ¦ ¦"' ¦


r .' • ; ¦ ¦ ;'


MAY 9, 18 9.

I '• BsaisTSBSVFpR ;

¦ ¦1. .; :"v;^TO.T T?'if'8ffiGM'.cb"px-ScU-( VBANBW88I011 ASBQAD. j Jt fJXJL\I/ HU ivi POST:—BJd^ -

ffotelg,lEB AITGEt HOTSL, ,

MKECHANTS' Q0AY, WATEBFOBD.. . M B S . . .P . C T J E B A N : ' j

TOEGS to respectfally inform ' ber many Frienaa¦du> nnd the Pablic that she has OPENED tbdaboye Establishment-, nud hopes to eeonre theidpatronage by strict attention to their requirement*and comforjt. ¦ ; . ¦ '

BEEAKPASTS, Dm ras, and SUPPEES . read* atthe shortest notice, ' and on tho moat reasonable!terms. ¦ . . ¦

Mrs. C. wllcita a trial, and la conHdent herVisit ors will be well pleased.' Bw>ft, well nired nnd cleanly, at the lowest charge 1" .Ladies and Gentlemen boarding nlU find it to,(beir advantage to patrqnlse this Hotel- («^0.1y.)

BlGctwator Vnlo Ilotol,L I 3 M O E E .

J O H N N O d; " ' - " —•YTISJTOES and Commerci dnueEioS viQlid^V tbo abovo Hotel .Clea,u, Comfortable CbargdModerate, and AcipmnJodation Excellent. A Bath

Boom ttell supplied with Uot and Cold Water.Cars meet the arrival of every Train.

r.ILZ£BICir-Tlio Olontworth¦

^A First-olasa Family and Commercial Hotel.mHE " Glentworth" is tbo nearest Hotel inJL tho City to the Bailway Station, Banlai, Stoam-boat Offices, Telegraph and Post OfBne, end to all pnb-llo plaooa of amnaement. P. KiiKWA, Proprietor. 1415, anai6, Glenttrorth-streot , Iimeriok. Jol8SOUTH KENSINGTON

Privato Booidontial Family dub." GLENDOWEB MANSION,". 13, 15, 17, and 10, BARRttf OTON ROA D, S.J7.,

LONDON.• (Tho best and most convenient position in Town).Ono ml ante from Sonth Kensington Station ; ten'minntog to WoBtminate r j eighteen minutes to theCity— Mansion Honse Station ; near Parka, Gordons,Albert Hall , and Museums.

FOB Familioa wishing to avoid expense of Housekoopiag. Visitors to Town, or Gentlemen desiringtho advantage of a Clab, combined with tho priraojand comfort of Home, at a moderate Cost.Introduction or reference required. dlfl-tfC&: Address Secretary, THE GLENDOWEB

EE3IDJJNTIAL CLUB arid PEIVATE HOTEL,Harrington Eoad, South KonsinRton, S.W.

IHE AITGBL HOTEInn&IS Large, Comfortable, end conveniently «itnatcdJL HOTEL, haa roeently bean thoron(?hly paint«d

and renovatod by tbo pr&ent Proprietor, Mr. HEALY.For Gontlemen and families cominj to Dnblin onlegal bnplneaa , it will be found mast convenient ) being•itaatcd next to the. Four Coarta j and for Wedding

Parties end Visitors to Dnbliu, the accommodation'issecond to none in tho Kingdom. 'Private Sitting and Dining Booms, Coffeo»rooci forLadies, Bod-rooms from Is. 3d. to 2a. each. Smoking

and Billiard Booms.John .Tamospn and Sou*' Seven years' old Malt jGainnesn's Stout. Bass's Ale. Wines, Brandies,Champagnes, Liquenre3 , &c.

BICHAR D HEALY, Proprietor. al3.1yImperial Ilotol,

LOW.T2E SACKVILLE-STBEET, DUBLIN(Opponiti)tho General Poat-OIHce and Tolcrrraph Ono»)Tho moat central in tho City.

/nOUPLETELY remodelled ond re-furniahed.e*-\ .Mtsmlflcont Ladies' ColToe-Eoom, Dining-Boom,8mokins-Eoom, BUliard-room.11 Charces modorataCHAELE8 LAWLER,"wpri?b£* f8.t


LOWEB BBIDaE-STEEET, D U B L I N ,lira. RICHARD COFFET, Btoprietms. (widow of tK>latt RICHARD COPFEY).

MOST Centrsil ; immediiito neighbourhoodof Law Conrta and Telegraph Omcos | a feSrdoors from King's Bridge Tramway Lino ; five to tenminutes' drivo to any City Eaiteay ; nowly deooratedro-fnrnisltcd, and supplied with evory modern improve-mont requisite for this comfort ot visitors, under theporsonal nnporvision of ITri. COFPZT and family.Ejgs, linttor. Cream, and Vegetables from the Farmdaily. Notwithstanding present high rates, torms aremost moderate Breakfasts from Is. 3d. Bods, fromIs. Od. each. Table d'Hoto dtily. thico o'clock ; SUE-days, five o'clock. '"Soup, Two Joints, Vegetables andCheese, 2u. only, ;ANi^bt Porter in attendant.. _ A11 Servants paid bythe PropriotreBs. All communl ,lZ»Bs to be addressed,Itrs. COFFEY, Great *O)obo Hotel ,

Lower Bridge-street , Dnblin.No oommnnication with any otbor hoose.: f26.1rDHI21 cad COnilEaciAl HOSEL,


M I C H A E L . K I R - W A N-tr-n-AVING purchased '¦ th» Interest in the aboveJfJL HOTEL, begs toannounco that, this Estab-lishment OpEKBD on SATUEDAYi FEB. IB, 1870.

M. K. trusts, ty strict attintion to thooo whopatroniBe THE SHIP AKTJJ COJHIBB OIAI. HOTEL, tomerit a continnance of their patronage.

Quay, Wnterford, Feb. 12- 1885. f28.tfTJio Bnrliiiflftoa IJootaurant,

27, HI. ANDEEW.STUEET, DUBLIN,Oyakr and Shell-Pith, Lvnch>vn, Dtnntr end Suiro»r

Rooms; CBVR0B-LAKE ,(next door to Hibernian Bank).

TT UNCHEON8 ana Dinners, Sonp, Kah, En--U-J trees, and Joints, &c, Snppem, Fiia and Uoafc.Gamo alwuys ready.Tho BILtABD BOOM is elegantly appointed.

: .CST ¦ LUNCHEONS at 'the* eltgintfrfiteea KsbBoCet, oonsUt of Oysters, tobntors, Crabs, andSavonry Fish, and a varietr of Meat andother Sand-wiches. Wines and 8pint» of the finest Quality.Jamoson's Seven Years' Old M&lt. Martell's Brandy.14 years old. Ales and Stoat from tho best Breweriesand in perfeot condition. ' Finost Bed Bint BarrenOysters. Over 1,000 Boxes of very old Cigars in Stook,purchased by th« Ute lift Corlew. , A trialiqlloiiol. . mOMAS .F. COBL.ES3. PBOPCirToi™ - (n23

BiAD V/r!Ar YOUfl ffllEHUfl 8«TABOTJr

j/. 17ABNEB'S

kFE OURE,.The Great Specific

¦¦'¦ " ¦ *°? ¦


¦ . ua>'. /


lAWOiBSiinS-L «^iKo'«im¦¦ujyUjUUlUI 9U*uir<rroii Tnuuc*.Bb^ i

¦' ' ' , EonwniaB.

K«MjBHB| ^ n;fn tnk;rit)i th«Ht. s v.nHHNHl^HI <)°'l'r<i>T. I caotneted¦ ¦¦^^^^ ¦¦ifar in) kutwy dteon,I%^&^LHIIIIIIII^HLI'io*- •»»>•<* ">» todatimlM^^^^ BKB^^^^ n 4M*&4 d«meiiocood> TotH^ ^ ^ H Uiree

montt»pMt I hmB^^^^^^^^^^^^B-:3ate"Uii g "WiMmra

IHH^^^^^^^^^I Um Cm*, ind »m LuwH| H^ ^ ^H' » *• SP * bsUth ia I«v«t

. ¦ • " .' ¦.. ! , • • - . . . I - . tttt « tftrnmiiTT^

- ¦ - ^OniaHuoBrrai »r»nT.Oti»o<nr: .:' tar,t0.'jai»ltsM be«a • mo»t naHuJJ tat tfiai

becsntt ef livtf iad.tttow . iMtiV . 'WM «aMtoMo«U tb» mot * mmn tfvntSm k tS *ii fMMMr/,0»<fclUUttd. Tttad NT«rifiM>]tt7VBttti«rdWIM Mgoad. ' Z trl«| IftMWtXt Bu I Coi*, wa »»9O0» ia»-bnltti Una «nr btlm, sH bsA tjmptotus sat p s t mhiving aistnmia. .- ¦. ; - ¦< _ /:. , . . • • • . • .' .".r. :*- (si«o«S) ynxuir wuukjn*

For B«l« by tJl s TMitiin* v«jd<n* te'thy. VTmrntt #^r^ uvt&««te?Bir««tV

O OV . VJ J ,0 g, W ATjBB > OfiP, /-' : : '¦ ' . ' ¦ ¦ aOAD SEBSI g ' '

'To B(«l Oontradott, ';md t i»'iiairmibii»;'Omi v- * ' . ¦' ' ' ' . ' Pin>)ifwiii(>. ' ' '¦ t " '¦ '

r\AYfl for.ibldm* BOAJ) JB^BlOKS.Dre.*J vlooi to BprlnjAwlm 'tsiBST11'

¦¦¦¦'- '*¦ •

i-0 b'OlMfeB ¦» '¦:'i - •" '"'¦:¦>*¦ '8<l" I ;;*'Ei "iteit^ STI'Sffl


] '.




¦ ¦ "

\- ¦ ¦ : '



• ¦




¦ : -^

soL'baoire''' JBp TApiks 'i"" 'JOBSEETE—id, KAS8i!t7 8TEET, DDTBLIN.(Prom Iato Most Bevel: Dr. O*BBI*H, Bisliop o!

• ' ' ; ¦¦ ! ¦'..

:; Wit«rfor«.) ' . -, ;

; .' . *" I hart used irr. 8olb»birsr BstcUdii iiti toeat idran-U^

to ay right, their ooaUa* acd comfartlnfpropexUeaprovtes jno«t agreeable »nd benettdil, eflect* wHch fierSexporieacod Irom «nrother kind of fj kiToTpe We' ' • ¦

•rr D. O-BUIK, Wiop 61Werfonl."(From Moot. Br - Dr, Conwiy, Lord Bisbop' of

Killato.) . . '¦" Tho mtperie; - had foT some Ume ofUr. E.Boloroonj- By . • tes ms to «t»t«: they are tb«only lenses T . . eoM soi oomfort tola dtalrM

viiffi11*' * I m ,lBd«oar gl»<Uh«t I proonwdtheso £ur ¦ , i,<orth« uB» oi other gl&ww ijidpAblf . > lm»gU« that «qc!i «Utbe.OU' "


: r. Bishop of Km«l», B*Uiaa."! Doaais, I Bishop' o!•¦ • : nfert.) ¦¦• •¦' • . Ure.Eit - tie Spec-

^—-i- -*1—V"'™Hy you*. 1 hire not clnnjedtho da.dM ot MXnet l toewSorixliiUTjraoniai."fPinucf pjeoAB.ttshopotaontertl Longhica."From Latir Very'^fe* the Dpan of Limerick—"Imort iay that for 38 jein. Mr. Solomonf Qtuael have

C. (yOinnLL, P.P., u mtwh pleased to itate that Mr: Sololmom eiioeucles ibive proved to bo lnvaloablo to him, afford.

tomed,—Hewmarket, cooa y Cork.The E«v. J. Losr.P.P., hariny bM one of those benefitedby th.nj* of Mr. Soloooii' Spectaelei, cooriderVStrishtto «Uto that ho nniliicei grot comfort from thasa Uowaslenw*. be «nd«rod auch tnnoyme* fronTotWOU«>e««id|0bl,k», .Howholiai tha adniiUga ofttMwaISSSS^SBS?!10'of *Ilsht' he b4liavMt lS«The Bev Canon A F SCBLLT. P.P. has pleasure la rcportlnato Mr. Bolomooi that tha remit of'ten jVrf ns« ol hkBpeotacles ls most oUrfactory.. Whether by day or trtSdilUght, darinp loogthenod- .lady, the falleat easo and comfortare onjoyed. He oonildert thit he own mach of tho preerrotlon of his light to the excellent Uotet he had tbe Sfortune to procure.—Clerlhao, Tipperary. e

: (From tbe Bev. FATBICK XAVELLE, P.P.)V Duis t(m-I have been for soma time mlnff Voar Spec.tacles, «PMi»lly Jt night, and m happy to iafora yoa, withtjio greatest benefit, and a»oii comlort. I ha<« lately readwith them for three hoar» anluterraotedlr it nlo-ht wuvS..the BUghUit lnconyenlenoe 6r distress of sfgit.—1 sm, /onnitralr, PATBIC* LAVELLI, P:P,, Cons', Co HoVo"To Mr. Solomons, OjticUn, Dubtto/' • ' 7

Hr. E;8oL0KO3s' Spectacles h»v« been 'unid by' «mln«utMembers of tnoTaoulty, Nobility, >.:i»rgy,' 4c.,¦ Jnctndiarhis Grace the Met IUv. ' Dr. if OetU«a' /^chbUhop ofArmagh ; Bis Emlnrao« lit* Cardinal McCabe, Arcbbi hopof Dublin : hi* Eminence'C«rdtoFlToru>. Archhisbop olSydney j hl» Oraoe tbe Iato Mo« Eev Dr. Leahy Arch.bisDop o*- QHMV.i . Mpsk B«», Di'.ieahjrl. Bi.hop ofDromore ; Muit Her. Dr. 1 Dorian bishop of Down >ndCOni.or; Host E«». Pr. Power, ljlsbop of Waterford • MostHer. Dr.Delany, BUhop oICork.| Ma«t fl«V,Dr.'i'kirersJiJBishop of Koos ; Molt uot. Dr. Higgio., Bi»hop of Ketrr&c., So. ' . ' '¦ " *' •«•¦ Persons in tbecoantry can be 'applied wlthghectaclesto.; ,t>T ¦ f»it . . fjepuin promptlj- : ttaoded. to. lotproTedTelestopes. Opera, Ha<->, and Ksld -lasoea; also Micrnaconeiat most nvWciale prices j Baromet^rs^Thorm'ometenS MejrioI^nteint. fce.' > ¦ ¦¦• -7r*r»"»: CAUXIUN : I—if consequence of .nomeront aXUihol * atmposition, it is necossary to note name and »ddreu and toobser»»-Onl» W be had from Mr E. 8OIOMO'H«, OptSaiifBroieasiecUly establiabed in DuMiu II years).." .^ IP"

Somber. HIHBTEEIT,.:HAeSAir.8TEEEI', OVBLIT4Entrance fey. Hall Door, within on« door;of D*w»m. trm*'D0BLIW. T*at7n dou sot virit (&» PrWjiCcf/, C,; ;ntcticn «<t)i ony ollur houuer pmm o/idDu/iSnWfa? «r i tf i srnanu, snd hj oapJouinoithar AOEJIXs.nor.iiiAVBLLEEn

UlHETEEk HA8aADJ3Tx.EET, OVBUS .a f , ?"


Confcc oaory aid 1 Go&c3liiicnt :B 0 0 M 8 , ". "' ¦ '

12, STEAND STBEET. T B A U O B E , .' W . B I B id P

: ¦'*"BEOS to intimate to his Frieiids and nomcToog

Visitors to Tranjore that b^^aB Qt'JBNEDth^ above Establishment , where they" can'be sup-plied, with Fir8t-CUi8T"Goo33 on most reasonabletertn'rf.J

¦ ¦-' ¦ ¦ ¦'.

¦ '¦¦ ¦ . . '


. - • ' ¦• '¦

A Choice Stock of Wines', Brandy, Whiskey,Bues's Ale; Gulnoess 'a Pirter, Cigars,"Sa, &¦*. •

LDNCHBOHS , . SARDwioHiis. ,TEA, and CojrCEB.Iced llinprul WaterB, 8d.: . . - '--

We^diflgs. Ball8 , and|Pie-nfc Parties snppScd.

\7AtTSa3"iissoiPi , ¦; ¦. ¦;-48,- MICIIABL STBEET, 7,' BAB &OKSTUAS'D STEEcr,'* "WATBM(Jto. ' ' : (j*18-Xl)


W6 are* now buying-'Direct- fromImpprtdrs, at the public sales; andcan oifier on Terins ftdly '.Equal toLondon Houses. Samples irea onapplication. The Trade only sup-iplied. !

@gil?i© & W.6of B rWarren's Place, CORE.

TZ EATINO'S COUGH LOZEN'OElS. ' ¦• Oldr8t ahd BcstBcmcdy

XEAXTNQ'a COUGH 1V02ENQES." | Oldest and Be»t fieincdy.If EATING'S COUGH LOZENQKS. i

! Oldat and Best Eempdy.


•"• . Oldest Md Beit Bonedy ¦

KEATMG'B COUGH L0ZKKGE8. ii, , . . . . '

: Oldest ajdBeiiVBemyiyjV EATING'S COUGH LOZENGES. ' , lAX : Oldest and Best Bemtdy.

Xf EATING'8 COUGH LOZESGE3. ' . • ¦¦"•v ¦ ¦

I Old»st and Best BcmBd/.:EATING'S COUGH LOZENOE8. • ;

" .Aax i Dociot, wiu. TCU. TOa'Vthere Uno better Coogb1 Uedidoe th»a KEATQIO'SLOZEiraEa Osa (lvo relief ; U y<m *t>fler¦ > ¦ Irottcon n tr/ tbdmb*tone*|they-wUl enittand »h«y will ;m* lojor* ffoor h««5tb i theycontain only the cars** arair*. skilfslly oom-blned. 8old er<n7wber*b> W.tnls, "]

j: • ;/ ."OdiOBBRi:'.;. ' !:

8all tie FiNEBTj '. T^A [ . ibe^'M 'ptodwtusit: | Be. * Poaoa." M«gnlfl*nr Te«« •t,2«: (3d f: ud 2«, ;i ponnid, «pd jbholoe'PUck t«o» at.¦

; ;li;«d " 8d:,;«aa ik-W.;rp«aet-;—-—rf^HBEEPENCE ' ONLxJ.W ' thi'1


; to. tea .pnnods ia>VwiSghl.i^PAB^JBEa ¦• POST to any p^<rfiiJS.UBite* JOaj^oo). '-

50, K%; WUJ^

¦ Yi MAbevymfiMiiAdrvWitr - ; ? ¦ •'¦•• ¦ ¦ '¦iE-'pflfeSI1!¦ w '¦ <*p* -.'i * .¦//!&%.,,M.V .: MADfi WITH rtbnJriQ U t lt f jl'. ij -r;^:.;,. .

I r^^— A- .— -ill ¦ A _r asm jl . I fcj * IMft 11BM * k Y - ** - 'AM^^^k.. ¦ ' w>frtftgq Mw^Ciygpi • ..WUQ nxOwHfe^^

Page 2: New ^WTEiiy0)P I SSSS^SB ?!10'of * · 2018. 7. 31. · North Wharf on dundaya atZa-m; 1 Special Steamer also sails trom



! Important Executor1* Bait Of . • -.. ¦



ASTEPHBN8 Esq.. J.P. (Administrator in

0 this case) has favoured Mr. WABBBK withinstructions to Sell by Anotion on FRIDAY, 80thDECEMBER, 1887, atEOSETOWN, near Atthure-town, the TENANTS INTflEEST in the follo»-imr Valuable Farms x—• - - ::\ :_ :_ : \ ":r::.".":"

LOT 1—Part of the lands of Roaetown, oontaingl07aOr 5p ototnto, with Mo Besidenoe and linn Buildingsthereon, hold by letter of lease at the moderate yearlyront of lOO. ¦' ¦ !

LOT 2- -Port of. tha landa of Rosetown, oontalning68a 3r 33p statute, held as a statutory tenancy at theonnoal ront of ,£31. ' . ': ' " > "

LOT 3—Part of tho -lands of Grange, contammif 87a8r B7p statute, held aa Lot 2, tha j Judicial Bent . being.£50 a »<£ir.' -. . '¦ '. - . • ¦ ¦ '

; DESCRIPTIVE PARTICULA8... Lor 1— Bosutown, oa whioh Btand the Dwelling-house and JParm Buildings, is of a superior quality,for Feeding; Dairy or Tillage ; Jgld out in suitablyefcod fields,! good fenoea, well watewd, and nioelvtimbered, at present in prime heart and-condition, andall is grass, with the exoeption of about IS acres ofotubble. : The DweUing-bonso i« a oomtnodious andsnbstautial Bnilding, at for the immediate occupationof a rcspeotkblo family, approached from the mainroad ; by a short avenne. The Out-offices are con-veniently constructed of best materials, and in goodrepair, and comprise Stabling and Stalls for 60 to 80head of Cuttle, large ' .Barn, and several other usefulBuildings. ' '¦ '¦ :

LOT 2-j-Rosetown adjoins Lot 1, and is prime soundFeeding or Tillage Laud; laid out in boat Htyla, wellfenced , sheltered and watered, witb 5 uores, highlymanoredj last season, under Greun Crop andPotass, and the remainder in.grass.

Lor 3—Grange, A Compact Farm besida themaiu road, at present in a high state of cultivation ,with good fei'O-e aud plenty ot' water , 15 sores inetnoo ^o , about 5 flcrcs aoder Toraipa, the rest ingrans. This Holding j9 about hatf-a-mile distantironi Lots 1 aud 2.

Th« tluej fVma are held from Lord Templomorowho is well known to be one of tho bobt-Landlordsin Ireland, and for the laat two years has gi?eu anabatement ol > ££5 per ceut on tan rents, thuo leavingthe reduced Veut for Lot 1 .£75 ; Lot 2 .£23 5« ;Lot 3 £37 10s.

i'Dc »,iu.o , Property will be sold in one, two , orthr<*e Lotd as may be deemed udviaable on the dayot Sal". ;

BOSErOWN is Bituato about 8 Miles from NowBosa, li nt Artnurdtonrn, and within 1 mile of Duu-brody Abboj\ , . ;

ImmoaiuW possession can be given to the -Pur-ohaaer. ;

Terms and Conditions at sale. Sale on thePromines at II o'clock in the Forenoon.

Foe further uailiutilaro ipply toMessrs DOBBYN , TANDY and McCOT ,

Solicitors Waturford :or to the AnoUoneer.

Also ou sama d*y will bo sold immediately afterabove '• '

Tha ENTIRE HOUSEHOLD FUEKIT0UE, about5 Acres prime Swedu Turni ps in drill , a quantityFarm Yard Manure , aud tho Residue f Effects.

Terms—Uatin and S por cent. Commission.. GEO. VV. WAEh.EN, Anctioueor and Valuer.

Offices and Salerooms, No* Uoad, Gorey. 2t



Attractive Clearance PALSOr 11 HEAD or CATTLE, 2 HABNEBR HOBSES,


QtXJBSCEIBEE has been favoured with instnict-© ions from JOHN S. BtACKETT, Esq., to sellthe above by iPUBLIC AUCTION without reserveqt BELLtNE HOUSE, Bessborough, near Piltown,Co. Kilkenny, on WEDNEBDAT, 28th DEOEMBEB,1887, i commencing at 11 O'CLOCK SHARP withOnt Door ejects, in order that if possible all maybe eold la one day- ¦ ¦

Belline House is Trithin 1} miles of FlddownBailnay Station, 3 of Carricfc-cn-Sair and 9 ol¦Wateiford. i .

For Particulars see large posters and hand bills,tthicb can be bad from-¦ , S. D. WILSON, Auctioneer, Valuator, Ac

: Kilkenny and Waterford.


m THE;

HIGH i-OCET OF JUSTICEi ; ; IN IEELAND. :Chancery Diviiion—llasttrof iht Bollt.

In tie Hatter ol the Companies' Aots, 1862 andl£67 i and in the Matter of the BANSHA"WOOLLEN MILLS, Lnnrn>, in Liquidation.

nno' BE SOLD BY TENDEE, ith e extensiveJi , well-established Basioess of the BANSHAWOOLLEN MILLS CO., situate at Baasba, inthe County of Tipperary, together with the WoolMill thereof i aleoTPHE LACKEN MILLS, eltuutemidway between Bansba and Tippernry, and whichhas b'»en used aa on Aoxilary to the Bansba Mills ;and ako all the WOEK1NG PLANT. MACHI-KEET:' COUNTING-HOUSE FIXTUEE8,FUENITUEE, and all otber Appliances attachedto both tho Premises, and Conveniences for carry-inff on of the said Trade and Business j togetherSith THE1 ' INTEEEST IN THE PEEMI8ESin and npon which tho said Trade and Businessis carried I on, nbicb "ill be Sold by Tender(Pursuant to the Order of the Chancery Division,dited the 6th December, 1887), as a Going Con-cern, in one Lot.

The Debts Doe the Concern and the Stock inTrade are to be taken by the Purchaser at a Valu-ation of an independent person, to b« selected bythe Judge. I ' , .

This Property forms tbe well-known WoollenM1113 situate at Bansha and Lacken, In the Countyof Tipperary. and is famous for the Wools andClotbs there manufactured. It Is a Station on tbeWaterford and Limerick Eailway, and has amplemeans of communication with all the adjacenteeaportel Too Goods manufactured at these Millshave had a wide reputation for their quality andoplebdid manufacture. .

Tbe '"Bansba Premises are held under LandedEstates', Court Conveyance for ever, subject to 4s.7Jd. psr aDDutn.

Tbe La<-lien Premlkes are held for an uuexpirwltoro , of 31 yearn from 1863, oubjeut to 411 0a. 4d.psr annum.

Tenders i to bo «ent Sealed, endorsed " Tenderfor tbe; Ban»ba and Lacken Woollen Mills Com-psiuj- ." to Mt'BSrs. CA*n & CLAT, Solicirors havingCarriage of tbe Sol,-, 21, St, Andrew 8treet;Dnllin. on or before , the 11th d>iy of January,1883, by whom same pill bo submitted, scaled, tothe Ki gbt HuD. tbe Master of tbe; Rolls, on Mon-day; the 23rd day of January, 18S8, at bis Conrt ,Fi-n r Courl8, Dublin , for acceptance or otbi-rwfae,oa wblob occaBion all parties interested may attend.

Tbe.ihiihest or nny Tender Mil not necessarilybe accepted. 1

Tbe ' Sale ' "ill give to thu PnrchaBer all thePremises 1n which tbe business bas been carriedon and the benefit, of courea. of tho custonjera ofthe' Company. | ¦ : . '¦ :

For particulars and conditions of Snip,apply toHrtisrB. 1 CABET & CLAY, Solicitors, for the¦ ' J Provliionul Liquidator, 'bavins Carriage

i of Salt", 21, St.'Andrew 8treet, Dublin jGEOBOE D0NALD80N, Esq , the Provisional

, ' ¦ ' Liquidater.Bansba, 'lipperary ;Mes3rs.;WM. J. & A. L. EYAK, Solicitors for the

j ' Petitioner, 24 St, Andre* Street, Dublin.Hots.—A foU description of all the Machinery at

both Mills' can' be seen by intending Purchasers attbe; Oflee of the Solicitors having carriage.


j ' I - Boflotuljor Fairo, 1887.

tntHtm Ordinary GoodiTrains or Special Traina TrillJJ_ carry lite 8todt from' the nndormontioned Fairs 1

IfotjtasUe Pig Market, Batnrday 10 'Tipperary Cattle Fair. Saturday 10Tnam, for Dnnmore Fair, Monday 12Pttllaa, for Cwpamoro Fair,' Monday 12IloacaitlaCiitlo Fair, Monday 12 . . .Eathkeale Pig Market- Monday 12Tralee Pis Market, Monday 12 'Eathkeala CoWa fair; Tuesday J8TAbbeyfeals tor Castle&l»nd Ffllr eanccday 14Ennfa, for Cprofln Fair, Wednesday Ulimerick Junction,. Eothdownsy, Pig HarkoVWod

ccsdiiy 14 ' i * " iBirdhill.'Borrisokano Pig Market, Thnreday, 15Tnam Oattle Fair, Thnrsday 15 ' -Ennis. 'forjpoonbegFaif, Friday 16 . •Birdhitt, for BoBore* Kg Market,: Satttrday 17

En&is, forSUdytart Fab, Monday 19CkUr. for Clocheen Pig Market, Monday. 19Fethara PU Market, Monday 19 i •Fethard'CatloFtir, Tuesday 20 i .listowel PicUatktt.O'oetdsy, 20 , . . .lisioirel Ctttie Fair. Wedneedsy 21P»llae, for Cappawhite Fair, Wednesday 21 .iSixmilebrldge. for KUUahen Fair/Friday 23Corrick-oipulr Pig Market. Monday 2«.

j Castleeonntll, for Newport Fair, Tuesday 27. CabVPig Market, Thursday 23. , ' ¦

Carriok-on-Snir C*Ulfl Fair, Thursday 29Tralee, forDingle F»lr,: S«tard»j( 81

: Ennli; for E&nutymon Ftir, fUtorday, 81 . . . , ,i Thi »>ove if Ukaa from thePubliibed List of Fairs

bat th« Comptoy do not jgnmruitoei lti eorreotness.FatHABD FAIB—IOU Ta«»d*y, 20th Dooember. •

SMCSII Tnii. with Buyw», will' le»T« Wattrford nt

T'1% I? JOBWBOBEEirB/ftdBo iiMiMBr.i TrffteMtnW'tC^noei limerick,'November, 1887.

thttStK tiSoUtoMMtardB«ed« which cure.jj ® I igStK&SlSSff St.•Jji-L 1«j s (JME' M iinaimi*i) Ipr -ik when*rer. fh#-fcjtir wS U g i ^i imy ^aiftva rSob» ob--IHLa- r f , S r fmiwlili" TTrrOTimT, r"a Grqopa,.Md

fi * % y^Syb°"r-^v-°'

Coras! Coras I Corao l& GREAT BOON TO ALL SUFFEEEEa.

P^bFESSi LEtlS, ¦Anatomical Prof s itor of the Pathology of- ' thi

• ¦ ! 1 Human Foot,FEOM '¦ SYDNEY, AUSTEALIA,


ParBea in City and Neighbourhood sufferingfrom Corns, Banions, Callosities, Wdrts, Chilblains;Diseased j Toe Nails, Weakness of the Ankle, Softand Tender Feet, and every DiBorder.of the Feetarid barid>B, : effectually CUBED WITHOUT CUT-TING 6i CAUSING THE SLIGHTEST PAIN,by Professor LEWIS, tvbo will be in attendance at

j MR. TIFFIN'S,85. M A L L , W A T E E F O B D .

A niah ! having been expressed by1 several Ladlesand Gentlemen tnat Professor LEWIS should visitthis City,'he is most happy to gratify that wish,and bega to say that he may be consulted asabove, i , '

In oddresaiBR Persons having Corns, he wouldobserve tbat he has succeeded in discovering amethod hereby the most troublesome Corn,whether hard or soft, may be removed, either fioma child or adolt, without any pain whatever, andtbe patient is enabled to wal k Immediately witb j/cr-feot ease and comfort. Ladies and gentlemen arerespectfully informed that Mr. LSWIB extractsCorns on: an entirely new system. ProfessorLEWIS'S Lotion for Eheumatisia^Neoraliga, Cbil-blains , Wfakness of tbe Ankles , Soft and TenderFeet, and large Toe Joints, in Bottles, 6s. to 7s. 6deach. Corns , bunions, Callosities, Nails growinginto tbe Flesh, and every disorder of tbe'Feet andHands that can be mentioned will be eradicatedwithout any pain whatever. Fees for extractingCorns, Banions, and Warts tbe same as inLondon, Paris, Manchester, Liverpool, Glpsgow,Sydney, 4c. Testimonials from the leading pro-fessional men of the day, which may be inspectedat any time on application. Families waited onat their own residence on receiving ore day's noticeby letter ;or otherwise. Established thirty-twoyears under distinguished patronage.

; LOCAL TESTIMONIALS.NovtaruiB 2ftra, 1837.—Professor Lewis bas this day ax-

tructoJ tnreo Tory sore coma from my feet , wbi -h foryeirg buve caused me great nauoyance. He did not gWo mot)ie sUg'ittBt pain during the 0|>o ratlon, and 1 now expe-rcncA conii ileto comfort wboa nalki£?. Ho porformoa am'iro exi^'Wod operation on Mrs Howard who Batteredfrreat Ij from numorom cor B), ond with eqaally satisfactoryre8alt3-J W HOITU.D, Town Clerk and Solioitor, Cotherinc-atreet , Watertord. •. DECEKBEB 2BD, 1887—Professor Lewis hns extracted two

corns ftom mv feoi without the sli^htodt pain—EICHIUDMOHBISST, Undertaker, Watorford.

U9, I/iDT LIKE, WiTERfOBD. DECEIIBIB . 1ST, 1887.—ProfLewis has this day removed throe corns Irom my feot with-oai the s irthtest pain, to my great satiafabtloo. aud X CUDrecommend' him with confidence to anyone Buffering fromcorns— .r. W. B. CojrsoLir.

58 and 53, Quay, Watorford, Decomber 7th, 1887.—Itaflords mo moch pleosore to state tbat Professor Lewis ex-tracted - three corns from my foot this morning, in thomost nkflfu] and painless mannor. Tbo operatlo o did nrtoccupy caaoy mxna 'oi, and has reUored tormeots of longBtandfng.—JOSEPH B. TOBIH .

lOra UZCIEIIBIS. 1887.—Professor Lowla extracted foucomB and1 two bnnionfl, withoat pain, in a Tory short timoI can confidently recommend him.—MICHAEL COX, J.P.

IOIB DKC.1, 1887.—Professor Lowis has extracted from mosome mostipainfol corns in a Tor/ Batisfactor/ manner, endwithout thalcast pein. J. A. TOBIH .

NsTnoTTT,: DEC., . 13TB 1887.—Professor Lewis has thisday gjren my family great Batisfaction by removing cornscompletely und without pain. W. E. K ITLZ .

Waterford December 20th, 1887—1 have much pleasurein bearing! testimony to the Tory skilful and satisfactorymanner in ; which Professor Lewi, has romoTod two cornsand other inpediments to walking*, from tho effects of wbiohI hud long .stiffened. To all tboso who have had experienceof tbe agony produced by corns and othor torments ofthe feet, 1 can certify that tbo treatment adopted byProfcMor Lewis giTO3 immediate relief, and Eccurca perfectcomfort.—EDWIDJJ S Kmti.

Professor; Lewis has this day extracted several cornsfrom my feet withoat the slightest pain, I would etronglvrccommendi him—Jons HSXRB, Builder, Dooomber 22nd,18R7. ;

December 22nd 1887—Professor Lowla has this day re-moved from my foot s very troublesome com without tholeast discomfort or Jain to mytoll—Tnotun O'MILLT.

Professor Lewis has remoTOd four painful conn from myfoet without tho slightest pain and to my entire catis-foction—EOBEET Powzn, Ballyneale, Corrick-on-Sair

Professor Lewis has token BOTorid tronblesomo.corns andremored two banions from my foot withoat caaiiicg mo anypain Tf hate for. I can confidently recommend him to any-one reqnirinir his services—M H PrrnoBnT.

TESTIMONIALSCBlsvr , ' N.B., 15th November, 1884— Profeacor

Lewis hae certainly very much benefited mo, althoughI had some doubts as to submitting my case to him,aa I am the one who prosecuted Dr Wolff, a sc-callodChiropodist, at Cambridge. Or Wolff waa sentencedto six weeks' imprisonment with hard labour. In-stead of suoh an unfortunate termination to my secondvisit to o> Chiropodist, I am able to say I am thoroughlysatisfied with Professor Lewis's treatment. — RightHon. JOHN N PLTJKKBTT.

ABERDEEN, 14th December, 1885.—Professor Lewishas given me great relief by removing four corns frommy foot .withont any pain whatever.—BISHOP OFABERDEEN AND OEKTTKT.

EOOKHCESX, Co. COBK , March 7, 1879.—Profe3:orLewis haa extracted sevoral corns from my footaucoesufntfy, and without the slightest pun.—JOHNDALX. M.P.

BAIILDU, December 2nd, 1879.—I willingly boartestimony , to the skill and ease with trMoh ProfessorLewis eruiicated corns and bunions that troubled mefor many years, : and to tho ease and comfort I feelnow when walking ; and I. therefore, feel confidencein recommending him to oil needing bis professionalsorvioes.—HUGH COITWAY, Bishop of KillsJa.

8 BOTAL-TERRACE; KINGSTON, October 3. 1881.—Professor Lewis has extracted five corns and one bunionfrom my j feet giving' me no pain whatever.—LadyGENEEAI/ WADDY.

BBUJX—I have much pleasure in certifying thatProfessor Lewis has in a most adroit manner rolievodme of an tagrowing nail of big toe, without tho slight-est pain.-^CtBMBNT W. E. GOBDAN , Fiscal.

MACOONALD FLAGS, GBEEHOOK , June 20, 1884.—For somo time post I have been troubled with painsin my feet, and lately they have bocomo almost in-aofforable, so muob so that I required to walk withextreme caution. To-day Professor Lewis extraotedten corns hard and eoft, and ono bunion, frommy feet, j and that without tho slightest pain, while-1read an newspaper. The operation was performedmoat skilFnlly. — W B CAMPBELL, Solicitor.

LIHEEICE, 11th Jnly, 1879—1 bear willing testi-mony tn the skill and delicacy of handling with whichProfessor Lewis bas eradicated tho corns which hodfor manj1 years BO painfully interfered with thofreedom of walking. There sooma thorefore no roomto apprehend a return ot an affliction, from which sofew adnlU of either sex oro free.—D. L. MENIBAII,J.P. i

TiuLEg, 2Gth May, 1879.—Professor Loiris has this dayremoved a vory painful corn from tho eoto of my footto my 8-tIaraction and without lain. — J S FinmtmiCE,

43, HiOE-BTBTur, LuBOjur.—I beg to state that ProfessorLewis has operatoi on a patient ot mine to my entire satis-fiiction. !ni9 experience and ability undoubted.—J. M.JOHBSTOB Boon, M. o.

LIIUBICB, J2th Jnjy, W70.—Profcsjor Lenls has extractedcorns from me, and I have much plmsaro in certifying thatI hi»e uot the ilighuat lncoaTonience from tha foot¦dsce.—M.' V. BURKS, M. D.

firs C in, HOWTH, i7th April, 1882.—Professor Lewishas this day removodfoar bard endetx soft corns from tnyfdot . to my tntire' tatufiiciion, und witboat pain.—J. H.HUuaszu.' Jottico ot Peace for County Dublin.KTTii niiRT , -Mh NoTombor, 188L-Profcssor Lewis hasthis u*y imracted five corns, hard aud soft, from my foot,witn great Bkill andexc«rtuci3, anii withoat han>glufllotcdtat: : eiigousst jula.—J. J. IX, Lieat.-Ool., Cork Hill,Kiilaruey.' I

3o FinwiLUUf PLACI, Dontio, 7tb UoTembor, 1£31—Pro-ten or Lewis citric tod ueroral hard and soil jorn> frou smember of my family satisfactorily and painlessly.—OeosauV. JJPT7II, II.D.

O^ABHoUf , Ain, 25th January, ISSi.—I havt had thisafternoon: uTerol corns extneted by Pro.'estor Louisandi hiTO pleasure Is testifying that be has operatodonboth in ! a most workmanlike Kyle.—WILLIAM SIBWABT,J.P.

Mount Yornon, Btranraer, Feb. 6, 188J—Prof. Lewishas removed from my feet two corns and one bunion with-out pain, ond has afforded mo xnacn comfort, hATing donehis wort In a p.ofesdonal manner.—OZOBOB OABIUCX,Surgeon Doatiit,

Cirllslt. June Htb, 1S33,—Professor Lowls has removedoevo al corns from my fe«t in a very k&tiitictory manuor.—J. HAvnunzLD, Oorernor of Her Majesty'* Prison.

Mt Lefris has remored osrorol coras from my teei with-out pain, l aaid I strongly rocommeod him u B most •kilfnlChiropodist.—Bight Bon. J. A. Toan.

KronboU, 18th Angost, 1881.—Professor Lowis baa verysacceasfally extracted some corns from mj foet, from whichI fret very much relieved i and tbe can bdng permanoatIs extremaly gratifying.—KicBOUs WBITWOBTB.

1| Scotch-Street, Whitehaven, 17tb August, 1883.—l eavemuch plaisnro in testifyina; to tho gnut skill and profes-dooal apltnde of Professor Lewis who has this day removodfrom ray feet corns and calloaltes and reUotod m« ot»discasodl toe null, without any pain.—CSASLBS T. DiiTOS,L.D.B.. Qcntol Snrgeos.

Carrlckfergus, 16th Amjost, 1883.—Profeaor Lewis bosextracted saveru corns from my wife's feet without pain,and affording Instant relief. I can with eooftdcaca neons-mend hlh> to anyone Bnffering from corns.— 1). TAflOAirt,M.D. . Kttrceon-Maior M.ML Dmt.

Ban |Lodgd, taitown-Malbay.—Prof. Lewis has ex-tracted several corns and a bad bunion from my foot without causing the lent pain. Strongly recommend him toanyone requiring his services.—J. £. EXALT, Phyateus andSargeonJ ' .

60 Suphon's Oroon, Dublin.—Professor Lewis removedsoTml eainfal corn* to-day from my wife's foot most¦Ulfally; and withoat casslns tho least pain orlncon.Ttnienoe. I m presont dorlnjr tha operation.— Dr. BOBT.Fx&aroopr.

Prospect House, EnnWdllen, 16tb lUy, 1880.—ProfessorLewis hat this day removed four corns from ay feet, with-oat the teart pain, and la a very Bitlsfictory minaer.—HiirBT PLIWS, Trnfflo Manager O.H.K. i

BsLTifr, 27th November, 1880.—Professor L«wi» has re-xaored serersl ooms from my feet, and haj not g'VOnfmethe Bllghtest pain.—J P QBXXCT, Adm.

B CasscxBT, . TJIXBIICX, 8rd Aagost, 1879.—D» B Fit»gonld h is been operated on by Professor Lewis with greatsuccess. 1 can . recommend him to anyone suffering fromcorns. & i. * . . .

OALWI I, Uth October, 1878.—Professor LowU has this dayremorea, in a tnoet snecessfol way, two diseased toe noilsfrom mi wife, withont any pain. They were of long »tand-lng i v d I can oonndeatly recommend him. I wasprosontat tho o lention, and he Bhowed great skill-*nd dexterity.—Tnoius H PBUTU, Physician and Burgeon.

TlwaaB inAf 9t.ti WTftV. 1 tMl_T>nnt>n«ru/\t> TiA^r4«l iS*)H tfiisiday ran oied, without the slightest psln, s, bunloa from myfoot—JO? HAEEIB,Managar. ¦ -

BAUISA, *tb ¦Decentber, 1S79. -I bave been operated oato-dfty by Professor Lewis, who eradicated corns from mewithont any nun and most quickly, and to my entire satis-faction. —V J Bun, Seo Mayo Oreod Jory.

Locs tcx, 11th Angost, IS79—Profe«sor Lewis hu nvmored ;from nine and my wife's feet eerersl corns of long

.Standing, and very annoying.: Be didio to my entire satis*factionrwith muoa flkin, and Causiiig no pain.1—J TDTUSO;8ob-Inry«c*or Bask of Inland. '

CAaTUcrowa Hotni, CnnisTrrawi, Co Wzzross—Coloneltbe Honourable John A Kine has mnoh pleuure in testifyingto tbe great skill with which Pioteuot Lewis haa tbl» day.April 1st, 1882,' extneted his eorni and banioni, withoutgiving bint the slightest pain.

UXV OTTIID, Itrrnnas.—Profeasor Lewis bas removed•even corns and two bunions witboat any pain, very quickly,and to my. «nttre satisfaction. — O J Morann-OitAJrT,Msjor-Oeoeral. ¦ .

/'Zmiorzsi, 9th ribruuj , lS83—Proltmor LewU bu ex-tneted several corns from my feet, : wbleb have bees ex-owdingly tron leeome. He hw mated me no psin, and,{b«r««OT«l»p«*r»to beqtiite sacoe»«fal — J W PEIU,fct. Qenextl ttoyslEnsineen.

.! HOLLOWAT'B OISTMBST Ajrb PosA—Tbeoelemedies are Bneqnslled ttoOBghoot tbe world for UA test,worn*, fonl, spjres, bod breasts, swl uloert." UMd »o-cordlnk to directions tiveo with them there is no wound,r*4 W,J«nlowa» Bor», hpwMr«r obttfawU or longstand-ing, bit wfll yield to theirbesllncsnaVewitiT* nopertiee.iurl poor wOeran who have Tjeea' patlrats fn the Urgeonblrnfa. )*) etm of emineofsarieons, and h«Te, erWa B«J« or no beoeAt frwa their TnUmeat, Ure•eat i iortmsily «o«d by HoUowiy^ Ofaitoert *s4 P1U«-¦or sMadalti nrelliact, tomonnv('Bilef,'Tu>d dlteue*ofh. site »>e» l» "notEia, thU ou Vt uid with so moob

T^ /i^V'

V | ¦



r ¦¦ ¦

¦' ¦ '¦¦ ¦ ¦



Cheap Presents and¦ i j


OUE. j jMOYELTY CfHMTEEDuring the phriatmas Week, we will /place .on | Solo for) the


OlS-Si3! tij'iiJOGt.SiL^T7hxoh ombrMoa a Gootlly Colcotion of Japaneno, Chincbo, and ZatUca Aiiiolca

at Prio33 vory mnoh. under Cost.

— ¦ - p- . . j . . .

To be Reaid before trie Leading Article !_L . | ____ ;•1 6ood, i ggoEta'blo, Souoohold gngomatioa I

JAMES i HEAE|I E !<& :OOo 9^| , i ' . IMMENSE j . • ¦

Display [af Otarisima^ | Ho^oltiosCANNOT BE BEATEN.

s.TPECi-A-LiTinEia. . :600 Lidics' Leather Bn^s iA ilorocco and Eussian Leather, Snake and Aligator Skin, vcryin^ from100 Albams—Mueical , Flor il , Plaeh,- Morocco, &c—from ijd. to £3 Z E. ;Tbe Entire Stock of a M inufaotcrer in Olive Goods; including Ink Stands, Writing De3ko, WorkBoxes, Jewel C neea, Ladles' ond QenUemen'e Dressing- Cases, &c. ;We direct special attention ' to oar Stock of Decanters, in Whito, Green, and ,Telloi7 Glass (withand without ]£»ndlea), at 7Jd, worth la: lid. Also Extra Soperior ditto in Orloioon

at lOJd, worth 2e 6d. Beaatifnl Vacc3 at 6d, worth Is; at 7t, \70rtb, lo Od j nt la 3d,worth 8s 6d. : iDolls 3d. each, worth 6d j a ;6d, v/orth lo; at lo, worth Is Od ; onda larger variety in higher pricc3.Cosiea from la 6d to 18s 6d In Exqutaito Dcaiirno. i

Evorybody olionld nco tuoco Gooda. Ifc 7on't tafco 5 minutoa. ITo pi'caciaL' feo Bay.

I : ON VIEW EVEETi DAY AT63 & 64,; Q U A Y , j W A T E R F Q R D .

CHRISTMAS : PRESENTS & FANCY GOODSUnder our Popular Small Profit System,


Aa ^auoaciily fecsgo, Siofe, aaS2 Atfcsaotivo f3S06SOP

U S E F U L AID E L E G A N T ARTICLES,Coitoblo for Oifla or Presentation,


Parcoto packed and Eorwai-dcd oa noual to any Address by Po3t or Bail.





H- WHITE T; CO.'S,00 D 01, Q U A ! : ,

jy29.8m W A T E E F O B D


MES CUBBAN, ANGIjL HOTEL, QUAYWATCHJOED, ia prepared to let weekly or

yearly, to a Solvent Tenant Or Tenants, the largeBottling Store, the two Homo Stable, and the largeLoft running over both. ITbeoe Preoiineo openInto a large and spacious Yard ; aro approached bya convenient Entrance fron tbe Quay, and imme-diately^ndjoin the Hot*). Tho wholo Concernwould»iie admirably suited for Buildera, or forpersons in tbo Bottling Tiaae, and indeed toe pe r-oona In any General Trade. o28

Apply to tbe Proprietress at tho Hotel.



I ¦


j onn EABmne^on a coua,KING'S INN STREET! 3OAP W0EK8,

D U B L f N .1 ¦


EoTABLisnED] ! 177 6. [


Chriotoca Pcsconsca Arrancononta,: 1887} i

FBST, Eooond nnd Third CUGS Eeturn Ticlrotaissacd for dlstinoos odder 50 miles , on Torn-

DAT, 20th DEOBUBEB, or inbrmodiato days to Sun-DAT, 25th DEOBIIBBR, inolaaive, nUbouvollablo forreturn, Tip to and including 2nd JAKUABT, 1883.

Theee arrangecrenta will q'Uo apply to BooicinQswith other Companies. h

i JOHN BOBEET8, TraiHo Hanowr.TrafEo Manager's Ofllco, Liikcriok 9th Deo., 16S7.


FO'KBEPPB & SC N8 beg respectfully

O to invite the attenti( n.of tho people of Water-ord and the aarronnding dlttrlota to tho large atook of

HEAD-STONB8, TOHB8, and SIONUMEKTS Ol tha OOW-Bt ityle and beat iraterial proeorablo, inolndiiigf b-Br&etook of Interlaced Celtic Croi»w. "V &J& ;P. O'K. 4 SONS are prepared toentorlntoCiim *for every description of Stood and Marble Work for

Cemoterfca, ! &o. CHIBNET PIEOE O prepared and set.By their oitonalvo premuoa tboy can oioonto any

works entrtuted to them at the ehortcstnotioo, in thec:t ttjlo, end on tho moat rcasouoblo torms. op3-ly

Or. V< qt. B. EA|2?LOB, E.D.O.X.,D E t i T A L B TR O E O i f ,

if ATE of 10, HUME i STEEET, DUBLINil A . may bo Consulted Daily atto) 3 5 , H A L L , WATEBFOBD. (jjl

mHE WOEST COUGH is stopped and relief givenJL In Bronobltls, Hoareonea), Bore Tiroat, DT DB,LEBAUD'8 PABTLLLE DBOIfCHlQUE, a BClenUllo ro-medy, withont polsoioas or inaaesotu ionodlont, >nd enlDComporablo VOICE LOZENGE, lj, post tros la ii.

TNDIGESTION.—The onl» radical rooiedy. TheJ_ weakatt ttomich U rtiiolited to hetlthv, oAtonlsation and a- permanent eati sBooledbr Dr.LEBiVD 'SJUJUBE DIGESTIF. Of 0 1! ChemljU, lj. p«n>t—Bttahamft Co., Canrlemont plain Doblta. /' olt.t

| EHOHAEI. jHIOEIE. —'Now and Second-hand { Bookseller, Dealer in

Antiques and Article* of Vcrtu, Prints.i Painting etc,

2, BACHELOR'S WALK, DUBLIN.Libraries Purchased for Cash at Highest Price.

Tbe largest stock ©{ lSeoond-b«oa Books inDotllo, always on, View, at Moderate

| PrleW je.24

> ASTIOX TO MOTHEBs!_Aro you broken tnyour rest) bra sick ohild suffering with 'the pain ofontting UethP Go at oatei to a ohemisf ana get abottle ofllfn. WIKSLOWM 8OOTBIHO Sraor. Itwill relieve tho poor lafftrbr immediately. It isperfectly , harmless and pletaant to taste. It pro-aaoes s> aatnral, qniet »l m by elievisg the ohildfrom_palfl,and th» little itiornbawakes "as brightM a button." Is soothei the ohiid, it soften* fheftuns, allay* all pain, relie r is of wind, regnlate* the.bowels, sind Is ue best kv oym rome4y for dysenteryand diatrhosa, whtUwr ariiitg from t««thin'g or oth«daasas. Mr*. Winalow's N othing Syrup Is sold byM«41oiatIHftlvT Ttrywb ini tAU \h p t tbottl* '• ¦ ' i ' . j

Decoyations ibr Ojhristmas— ' ' : ' ' V- _ ' : , ' ,PEEVENT A OBUSH! AT !

Off j -:


fiBfiuHsr a a (LIMITED)

<& 8OEE9W A T E R F O R D


SelJOi'taoa, kcfilio, ffosgiiooa £) .Ga[LltllTED]

Are now ohowinj

THE BLARNEY TWEED ,Same aa supplied to

¥1. O'BEIEI. <


THE Pmcc is -la. 6D. Pen YAED


53 <& 54, Q,TJ\ATTW A T E E P O E D .



BEGS to call tbe attention of hia Cuntomoro andthe Irish Public to the fact that he has been

awarded a GOLD MEDAL and. DIPLOMA for the supe-rior excellence of bis exhibit of a Celtic Stone Crossat the Boston Exhibition of 1883 ; ako tho HIOHEOTPOIZED awarded at tho recent Dublin and CorkExhibitions for his specimens of Coltio Crosses.

All kinds of Monnmontal and Ornamental Stoneand Marb'e Works i Celtio Cro;:c3 in great varioty.

Altaro, Fonts, Mural Tubloto, &o., ozecuted onthe moat reasonable Terms and shortest notico.

Further particulars can be had on application toEDWAED O'SHEA, jy25


i ; . POB DA1E.

QAPETY BICYCLE, nearly now. Apply atk3 tbls Office.


; Clirifltmoa Awasifji^Mnta./OvEDINABY : BErUE$ **iCI?ETS, Local «\J> Through; iwood from lie 20th to the 25th Inot-,inolnnlve, for distances under 60 Miles, will be avail-able for Return up to and inolndlna tho 2nd Jannarynext ; those issued for distance* over 50 Miloo bolnjavollablo, as usual, for One Month.

iOn MONDAY, 2Cth DECEMBER, rotnrn TicketsWill be Usued at oll Stations by tho Ordinary Trains,according to Clasi, at SinetB FARES, avauablo fortho day only, i

BY OEDEE.Head Offiocsi Waterford Terminus, 13tb Deo., 1887.

! WILLIAM JONES & CO.,Pianoforto and Ilncio T7orohouao,


j W I L L I A M J O N E 8 tt C O .: Invite Intending Parchosera ofi PIANOFOETE8, HABMONIUM8, AMEBI0AN' OBGANS, AND OTHER MUSICAL{ j INBTBUMENTS,*lo iospoot thoir Stook, wbioh has been seleotod fromtboFaotoriesofiCoiiLAED & COLLABD, BBO*DWOOD,KIBKMAH, and: other FirsUolass Makore , and whichfro offered on terms oerUin to meat the approval

1 1 of the Pablio. - \, A' GUAKAHTZB GIVEN WITB EAOIl iRgTnUUBHX.! Old Pi»Lofort«s takea In exohango I also Eomovod{Paokod, Stored,; 4o.foot Balls I Foot Balls I ; Foot Balls I Foot Balls.I Be«tQoaUty onlyS* 6s6d,7s 6d, 846d, 0i 6d, 10s 6dI When cash.. is sent with;order the Goods are for'warded: carriage paid, to nearest Railway Station.] COBNETS-SlJ i 80s 1 40s. COM with HanOIei, Locks, to4o. Lined fif.

20 EET COHCEBTmAS-3* 8d | 8» | 6t 6d » 8 «d|10*«aiiai «d I l t ot 17a M. .,

i ACCOHDIOHS-/i6dil0.|12j0d|18«,17«6d|20».I VLCTES—1»1 2»i 8* 14ar7« 6dj and npwnrdj. ¦1N8TBUCT1ON BOOKS (or VloUa, Iluto, Concertina,

Accordion, Buwo, *o—7d 4 U Id Poat Pr««,ISSIBtlCTION. BOOKS tor Coraat*, GnlUr, CUrionetU,t o > - l M \ AP o *Br *e,

i Books ol Sonots. Httlout Airs, Bong* witb nnubtor:AooordiOD, Conoertlu, rintej Violin, *o-7d tod U Id Foat

Tha Hewett Plkootorto Mnxlo and Bongs la Stock. Uosiowhloh mar not be In (took ordorad dally,

! . VTOLIHB-fla. 8a, 10a, ia»; 6d, X5a, op to Mat Violin'Ouoa with IocV, ftamUaa. and Hooka. Japuwad f« «d,'8s 0d, 10a. YloUnBowt>Jr9*,£»,8a6d, ta. lSTlSa-¦A bit ot Baporlor VWlB iSkrl i f Ia7» h*l «i Beat Violin' Strion la <4 Two HMJttolin BMop 64, * Soaon orAocrllbeU*nratVloU» BtiJngi, 10d. ""¦ ¦ ~*

; PtanofortM for, Hlr» {a, 7« fid, 10a and 12s «d per Month,i TTff—»minm« asd Jj uMxiota OrgAas KteqaAliy low ntes.

WItLIAM JONES fr CO.,120 , Q U A Y . , W A T E R F O R D .

' Quick sensibility! U im«p«rabi» from « read;naentuidlnffi ¦ ¦ i '



THIS UNEIVALLED TEA will be- sent Post Free to any Honsa la the

Kingdom. -. Send a - Postal Order for 2a.which can be obtained at any Post Office,nnd a POUND of this SPLENDID TEAwill be with yon next day FREE of CAR-EIAGE.

Bo anro and give your full AddrtEs.


2s. T E ~L ! 2s.Watorford and Iiimorioh Bailuay. :

¦JXTOTIOE IS HEREBY GIVF,N, that nil•L.N Artiolca found in tho Company's carriage!, ocwhiah may bave beon loft la any of tbe Stations of thelino prior to the 80th Jnne, 1887. and nlso all Articlesand Parcels rcoeivod for convoyanoe boforo the above-mentioned date, the contiguous of which have not boonfound, or have refused them, will bo sold if notckiined within two weeks from this datn.

: By OrderJOHN J. MTJRPBY, Sccrotary

Hood OfEco, Watorford Torminua , 22ad Doc, 1887.Oond your Carto or Cabinet

AND P.O. for 2s., and we will send you 121 copieo, Carto Bize, highly finished. Carto orCabinet copied to Cabinet size, 8s. Gel. per dozen.

J. WEIGLEY & Co., 6, Cremorne Eoad,d23.Gt . Chelsea, London.

Sric!m I Briclcj I Bricfco I


d23.4t° ATHY.

E 2 2 B A O E D I II A E Y V Zl L,PER 23. Oa. FOUND.

lujTOODFOBD, BOURNE & CO. are nowv V eelling mo3t Excellent T<:a at TWO

SHILLINGS per Pound, which they confidentlyrecommend.

P ickageo of their different priced deliciouBflavoured Teas, from Glba. to lOlbs. in weight, areoonlj " f ree" by Parcels' Poat on receipt of Order¦rcltl Remittance.


EIcj.7 Grocery, Batory, end Provicioa1 WAHEHOUSE,


H A V I N G purchased ' Mr. Bounds' Intereat in the Premioea, beg to intimate to

their Friends and the Pnblio tbat they haveOPENED tho above Establishment in thoGrocery, Bakery, and Provision Trncio, where theywill oupply Firat»claE3 Goods on moot EeasonabloTerms.

A Choice Stock of Groceries, Bread, flour.Oatmeal, Bacon, Hamo, Butter, Ohec-ce, Egjs,&c, &c.

A Superior Quality of BEEAD wil l ba oupplied.

A Trial respectfully 8oliitited

N.B.—CONNOLLY & Co. intend supplying nonobat the Be3t Articles in tba TrccJe, at the moatreatonable terms. ol4

TO aroBsncnmHE BE8T SPOETING AMMUNITION coldil- by N. M. ALLEN,nlltf Colbec-street. Waterfcrd.

P QB TSA I T OmAKEN DAILY by Mr. WINTEB , and TiniohJi. in tho best sty lo of ABT, at bieipprovod


/fUiSCDLAP—The tnsteleoo natural Aperient•ASA Water.

Trlj^SCULAP—For Conatipatiou cnd lndige3-

7P^SCULAP—Por Billions Attacks and•£x-l Headaches.

7CTS0ULAP—0are3 all derangements of thaj U i-A Stomach , Livur, and Kidnoya.

7TJ1SCULAP—Ia gentle, safe, and certain.

7T71S0ULAP—Of nil Ohemiota.JUHA B23.13

H H ITS A T . n OB I C E

M^LIFFOED, L.D.S., Jt.C.S.E., Bc=i-

B. U dent SnrjjeoD DKNTIST, 134,PAEADE QUAY, bas now secured the ccrvicc3 ofDE. HILLS, (Doctor of Dental Surgery, BostonCollege), who will be in regular Daily Attendance ,in addition to tbo usual operators.

GZ71 Tboro ia also attendance in Dnngarvanevt-ry Tuecday, at 17, Parnell-iitredt' ; Currict,New Ko33, and Lismore, fortni ghtl y. Tbia docanot intorfero with tho daily atteudmco in Wattr-ford. All correspondence to ba «y drc;acd to 134,Pctado Qnay.



THE BESTF O E P U E I T Y , S T & E 'H G T H ,

F L A V O U E .

" Poit Fruo." 3 lbs. on receipt of P.O.O. for Ci.or Sample Quarter Tor yd., htatnpa.

f f A n c c j H E A H I T C ci cono28 BUOWNLOW HILL, LIVFEPOOLd 0m

Convent do la Cto. Union dca Czczou, Coura,



for YOUNG GENTLEMEN under Nino Years clAge.

Termt Uodcrate.For particular!! apply to the


11th Edition. Po3t Frco for 12 Stamps.CHE mjIIAII EAIU:


HAIIICT i'AEKEB. Sold by C. E. IIILIO, 21,Claverton Street, London, S.W.

" Everybody should read thin littlo book."—Salimn. nll.l3t°

cn. E . nAvr rj CY ,BURGEON DENTIST ,


j \ LL the LATEST luvaovcaztrxB in AMBMOAHA\ DEHTUTBY, nt most ModerateCbnrg€3.

I Servants and otbors attended at Half-price, ovoryMOHDAT, WSDHEBDAT, and PBIOAT EVENIHQ, from

p m to 10 p m.

! AN IIIPOETANT DISCOTEBT io announced intho " Paris Figoro," of a valuable remedy for nervousdebility, physical azhanstion, and early decny. Thodi scovrry was made by a mUsionery in Old Mexico jit eavod him from a miserable exhtonoe and an earlyffravo. We loam that tba Eer Joseph Holmes,Bloomsbury Mansions, Uloomsbary 8qa»ro, London,W.O., will send tbo proaoription, free of charge, onreceipt of a self addressed stamped envelope. :


PEAEL WtiiTB TEETH ASD FEAOEAHXIBBITH.—Use Woodo' ABSOA-NoT TOOTH PABTIas recommended by Madame MAJUI Uoo.tbe>rima Donna). Sold everywhere in Pots, 6d and

Is each Caution—See Woods, Plymouth, oncavar.

I FIG FABEB ANU MARKETS.\ At Cloghecn and Fethard monthly pig m»rk-U, heldon Monday hut, the supply «u largo. Waterfordboyers, as nsaal , wore principal buyers, at 37s por cwtfor a aupply ef 700 in each fair. Dnng»r»an monthlybig fair was held on Tuesday 1 tbe supply of pigsfiumberod 1,200. The sama buyer* pnrohassd this lotako at 37s per owt .I Oa Wednesday the supply of plgioa sola at thaWeekly market held on Ballybiiokaa nnmberad 700 (from this aapply Messrs Denny parahaaed 250 jPBiohardton, VO ; Slattery, 100 | Uatterson, 100. Thetop prioe paid for beat qo»lity lean aiublaa was 87s.

WATEBFOBD BACON MABKETI Messrs Matterson it Co, Glen Baoon Works, qnote'Waterfard Bacon »t 42a to 62» ) demand bod. Voreinsupply large. Danlah 40* to 48. Pigs 87s per owt.

8AL> OV A, LXCSHSID ' HODSI—To-day UessrsPendsr A Dwjer, AnoHooeers, sold the inUrut ef theliMuaed hons* lately hel4 by Mr MU)ha«l Walab, ]Mayor's Walk, to Mr Thoma* Callahaa for 4140 and ;»uotloB fee*. Mr Danford, Solr, had earrlsjcs of the* 'f tha sale. , , . . ; : '. . : ; . : '

" Is there no hope," the aiok n»a said. : ¦ 'Tb« dlimt doctor shook his he»4 j ! iAnd took his leave with sign* of sorrow, "¦ 'Despairing of his fe< to-inonom : > j ;Bat a friend oame in who latub'd and said. - "'I" Cheer up old man I Too'rTiK* ystdMdL, 4If you'll give np drag* ln9*nX% Hm?\ - , . - -j1



JANUARY 6th VC W X h V T B D A Y) , 1888,(Under the auspices of tho Newtown G.A.A.),


will take place on a w«ll-adapted andconvcnientJGiound. : • . ,


: The Committee deairo it to bo noderstood thstthere will be no Sola of Drink permitted on tbeField.

Entries close with tbe Hon. 8e« oy TOXSDAT,tbe 27th lnst., and tbe result of tbe draw will bepublished tbe following Saturday in Tsa WATSE-POCD Niwa and HvniUr Exprtn.

By Order of tbe Committee.THOMA8 F; WALSHE, President,MICHAEL F. 6HEEHAN, Uon See.


1 I R B . UA 0 K E T 1 ,Having returned from the London Markets, is

now prepared to show at the above Address,A LARGE and WELL-8ELECTED STOCK


Lacc3 and Fancy Goodci of all descriptions

All Goods marked at Lowest Prica for Caab


Homo Corod Dacoa.

TTN consequence of the present Low Price payinSiL ¦ for Pigs, wo aie now selling primeWATEBEOED, COEK fi LIMEBICK BACON

At fiixjcrKO $cr Pound, Retail.J. FANNING & CO.

WatDrford, Nov. 4th, 1887.

Waterford fftathetfi:nrater/oroT., December 2Zr&, 1887. :

BLACK OATS-Sapply ali IiHy incresioi j decard slowat our qaotaUoM V

HATrVE WEEAT—IToio oCerks. . \11A1ZE doll. V

rOEEIOH WHEAT—I(o ciics*.FLOUE dol\



~ Old. : . Na

V7irEAT,i»-bar/eloT2301b3. B. d. a. : d|«. d. ti d .— White - • - 0 0 0 t o 0 0 ; 0 1 8 0 . < , 00 0_ lied - • • • 00 0 00; 018 D 17 0— Shipping do • • 00 0 00 . Op) O (.0 0

BABLET, per barrel of 2211b». j— Grinding . . • 00 0 00. 0,00 0 CO 0— MaltinJ . - 00 0 00 01* 0 L5 0

OATS, porbrrrel | I_ Black - - 0 0 0 0 0 0 8 0 8 10_ Giey, - 00 U0 , 000 0 00 0

FLOUE, per iict, of 2801b». . . I_ . Ei-SuporOnca - 23 0 U) 0* » 00_ Fines - - 2 5 0 20' 0 00 u ' 00 0_ 3rd» . - . 20 0 21 0 00 0 00 0

OAT2IEA1, per Sack - - i .7 0 18 OJJ I) 0 0 0BEAN , por Cwt. - - • . 6 0 6 V ~> 0 P 0pnr.T.Altn do C O 6 0 0 0 oc o

FOEEIQN. : | Fact.WICEAT, per barrel of 2£01b3.

~ ~ '«¦ d. "«~

d— 0de33i - • - • -18 6 to 18 0— Ued Winter • • • - - ,00 0 00 o— Spring . . . . . CO 0 00 0— Co lforoinn No. 1. • - - - 20 0 20 3

IHUIAN COKN , . ¦ .00 0 CO 0— — Ibroil and Fosonlan - . 00 0 00 0— — DannWan - ¦ 11 « 14 0— — Do. Old • • ".00 0 00 0— — Galuti . . "0J 0 00 0— — Odessa - - - • 00 0 00 0

FI/QUB, American, per barrel of lOGlbs, • " °° ° M 0— Fre ich, per Back, of S80lb». . 'fiO 0 00 0

INDIAN HEAL, American, por Back . -,00 0 00 0_ i Home ilanu!a:ture, per I 15 3 is a

1 tack, of 280!ba. Ji 3 1S 8

Imports If Exports for KCSJ: ending Thursday 22ndlllPOUTa. EXPOiti'a.

Indian Corn... — Qnarters Indian Corn — QuartersWucat 20i do Wheat — BarreljOats — do OaiS — do.Eirloy 30 eacis Carlo/ — do.rir,n» (o™ tacks FIOUT. — Sacko 'Fl0QT I 2280 & bcg3 Oatiacal - doireal 28 Sack*. Indian meal... — do

(Corrected thii day for the Waterfcrd News.)PEOVISION8.

Cicoa Pioa, per out. — — 37a. Od. to20j. 0O&rfc»Ks do. — — M 0 00 0Pm do. — — 8 0 00 0UtiEa , por ton — — £22 00 0 00 0LIHD (chiindler'B) — — 20 0 00 0

UDTCHEES" MEAT.BIXF, per lb. — — Oa id to 0a Od.Mrnos, por lb. — — 0 0 0 9LiMB , per qr. — — 0 0 0 0VSIL, per lb. — — l> 0 0 0Pom, iior lb. — — 0 6 0 8rit i u,N EW -0U3DU1ID Codfish , per CTH. — Mo. od. to C0i Od,Ecorcn, Eonnd, por barrel 24 0 00 0

i»> . 3plit Librador— — 18 0 00 08 A _ UO ) , t>erlb. — — 0 0 0 0OEILOE , por do. — — 0 0 0 0Sots, per do. — — 0 10 0 0TUBBOT. per do — — 0 10 0 0

FOWL A1TD EQQ3.CniciEHB , per pair — — fli. 01. toOa 03.COCK Tnaxsis, por pal — — 13 0 00 oUon Do. — — 8 0 0 oDocxunas ,por pair — — 3 0 0 0QKXSK , do. — — 8 0 0 0haoe, per 120 — — 10 0 o 0Duck ligga — — 10 0 0 0Foni, per pair — — > 0 o 0

TIUBEE.ItED PIHE per ton , — — 70a. 0d. to SOJ OdTELLOW PmBpor do . — — 03 0 00 uS FIVES, per 1000 — — OS 0 00 0LiTUS, por do. — — 10 0 00 0

COALS.Coals, per ton — — 14 0 00 0Dolirercd, por do. — — 15 0 00 O

POTATOES.Price per»to»e (rotail) — Cs 3d, toO». Sta.Do. do. (wholesale) — 0 4 0 0

BEBAD.WIIITB, porUb3. — — Os.Sd. Qt.Od.IloossnoLD, per do — — 0 U 0 0

• VTBIE^EY.CtTBUjr, por gallon — — ICa. Od. to 20j CdCom. puncheon - • _-___ w 3 18 aWOOL AHD HIDES.Hojttot Wool , por lb. — — 0J . Cd to 03 101Wether ond Eire, do. — -» ' 00 8} 00 01ESJn — — 00 0 00 0UiDts, po • ont. — -. 20 0 24 0Kira, per ont. _ — 19 0 £0 0CiLT, per dozen — _ 15 0 £4 0

Wotoj fora Suitor ZScrhot2?unvocr o/ /!rJ;»ru weiphedat the Public Butter ilarlet

for week ending Ir iday (thit day), and prices.Gatorday, — 17 — Cjj Od. to 108s. OdHondaj, — 0 — 09», Od. to 00«, OdToeaday, — 0 — OOt. Od. to 0O«, OdWednosdaj — 14 — 038. Od. to 100«. 04Thnrsilaj, — 13 — 05*, Od. to 112a. 04I'riday, — 0 — 00s Od to UOj. 04

No. of Firkins corrtspondinj; neok last jcir 81Price per owt tit. to 112], I

Fodder end Green Crops.QAT, per ton, — , — OOJ. 04 to E5i Od.STRAIT, wheatea par do. — £0 0 1 0

Do. Bhcai — — CJ 0 I i 0Do., oaten, — , — 65 0 70 0Tciutm, per do. — . — 17 0 18 0UuraoLca, per do. — — 13 0 20 0CiEBors, per do. — — 0) 0 CO 0

^Itths, ^idttiBpcg, and |l cnths«nnounc«mmtio/i3ir()u,lfarWa}ii, t DtalKt.mutt t§ jp rtjtli

M A B E I A G E . .December 14, at 8t Tbomu's Church, Dablin, CharlesJames Lillr, E*q. D I. BI 0, to Eleanor Erellne, second(LiDjhter of John Enhaw, Esq, of BiUjrhxdea, lipperur. i . . : '

D E A T H S : :December Uth, la her 76th rear, Zlljaboth Blackettwidow ot John iJUckett, Eon, J P, tt Bcllim, PUwwn. 'Not ember 7, >t Mdooomt, Jobs Joomb, (eoosd ton ottha hto Jstoph Honner, Eta. CUrk ot the Crown for coTippenrr, tleeplj refrett«d. . •December i7. tt Dablin, Eluibeth Ooonrln*. ddast daajrh-tor of the laU John Hall Kortoo, ProTincUl Bank OoSm,December 20, tt CUrisdt Ptrk. Etit, Xlagttows. John 'Wtrinj. Etq, J P, of Pottlwtto, 00 TUlkeSTTlirt Myears. . . ,December 21, 1837, tt Brandon. Ntw Bow, Bob«rl timl« j aa, tUth eon ot tb. UU Phfilp PoylZ ¥l F"' T^

LOCAL BAIIiWAT TKAFKlLTrmffleR4eri tt t [or »w» «»d(ii| VEQSMBBB 160k, igs7.

iWttertoxd ¦ffttmrford xilkannj . Wtterfordtad tndCntrtl Junction ; DnSSfi;I Limerick j IrsUnd Bailwty I SJ™(•(fflO .mllei (Slmllet , (28»mile I IdiSSr.oj«m). 1 open) open) : (i3a»llo»)

C 1. 4. « 1. 4. t 1. d. I £. 1, 4PMtenften. ; 1 ¦ . 'Ptroels, &o,l 168 0 0 ltfl 0 0 ' W U 0Ooods,Ctttle 4 7 7 0 0 8 0 0 0 118 8 0Total 3003 0 0

~ ftB 0 0 138 0 0 SoT7


Correkp'dlng ¦ i 'we«k I MM I JT . 881» 0 0 W 0 » MB D t ' W \f «

* Isolude* 139 mllaa of Joint Line* worked by Wtt«rfordand limerick Etllwty Coniptny u tgtlnMl 131 Bll«|lut

mOWLE'S PENNYROYAL AND SX L-L PILLS for FEMALESI qniokl, oomct »Il IrrJS«-Uritaes, tad roller* the dlstretaiog sgrmptom* to pr?r«*ent with the tex. Botat It. ljd. tod it. M.t ot ellChemltU. Sent anywhere on noelot of 16 OT 84itampe \>j tbfl.MtJier, E,T. TOWLB, Obemiak.KoUiiu.n«m. . 1 1 j ;

THROAT IBRITAMOH AITD OODOH/—Sbro-new ud drjD«t». tlokling ud lniUtUn, imdtu&txaeongh «od affeeUnt tb* n>ie». Tn tbWmptoMDM Epp* OljeeriM Jitjobw. U *MVMTMWib *gUode tt tb* moweotTthey wtetriM ttw* «o?toeklor, tfc. Gl/oeytw I a tbeir Ht **i>U «mbe I *.be»HB«tMtireLr btUa r. BalTJalr iaboi*: Ectint U. lja.,r uiti\*i•' tana Bm* QoZuL mS.

mssmmn¦ i s ju>J 3B3tc3 Sitfy Sa^ ^ £ t H t ^H 3 8gBH

-TBE CHRISTMAS BAZAAR] IN MJ> OF 1H8 POOB! ' Eeliored byJi THE SISTBB8 OF CHARITY, ,;To be held In the TOWK HALIi on TtranuT

DEOSKBIB 27tb, hot been POSTPONED toTHUB8DAT, DEOB UBBR 2toh, 1887. ;

OK tbat day will be BAFFLED tbe followtog, PEIZE8 :—A beanti/ol Siatne of the Saored Heart and a Pound

Note. Highest and lo»e*t throw. TtokeU, 1».A h»nd«ome DInnor Serrise and and an Embrof<3»redCn«Won. Hlghett and lowest throw, ' Tloket*. ItA Case of Chamascne aod a WsJant Cbeai Table.Highest aod lowest throw/ Tlekete, It. ¦ ¦Two Silrer Salrers. Highert and loweft throw. TiokeU, 1*.A Desert Sarrine aod Piano 8too7. Si Ami and lowesithrow. <TioketJ, 6d. •A h&ddsome Table Corer and an Etenln? SenioeHUhett and lowest throw. Tickets 6i

ocrTUW*A gentleman's- Dressing Case and an EmbroideredCusbison. Highest and lowest throw. Tickets, 6d.An Etening SerWee and a Handsome Doll. Highesk

and lowest throw. Tioket». 6d.A pretty ' Afternoon China Tea Serrioe and and Em.

broidered Oipsy Table. Highest and lowest throw.Tickets, 6d.A beautifully Dressed Doll Tickets, 8d.

A 8plendld Lottery, amongst which will be a Urgenumber of handsome and useful Prf«s, Ctrriij*Bags, a handsome Electro-plated Tea and CoffeeService, a wallnnt What-not, a Tiating Card TablePrieo-dlen Chair, handsome Bronte Jogi, GiptyTables, embroidered Ousfaions, Coseys, a largs nnmberof baantif ally dressed Dolls. Foot-stool*. Fender-stool,Ottomans. Fire-soreess, Albambra-framed Piotorej, olarge Booking Horse, Ao Ao.

A BAND WILL ATTEND.Doors to be opened at 1 o'clock ; olose at 4-39 ;

ro-opon at 8-30 ; closo at 10 o'Clook. Entrance, Cd 1children half price.

mHE 8ISTEE8 OF CHABITY gratefully ao-JL knowledge the following donations tofr&rda taoirChristmas Bazaar 1—

Very BeT. J. A. Phelan, £hEOT. W. J. Walsh. £1.Captain O'Taole, jBl. . • , .Bicbard Harney, Esq., £1. ,Miss Connolly, Lottery Prizes.Mrs. Whittle, do. do.Mrs. L. Whelan, do. do.Biohsrd Dillon, Esq., An Alarm: Clock end a prettyChimney Ornament.Dr. Wbito, a Blbla.Mr. Heine, arretty Clock.FOB ST. MAKTIH'B OBPHAKAQB.—T. Ejan, E3q.,103. Mrs. Aheamo, John-sroet, towards Xmasdlnnarfor orphans, 8s.Dr. Stephenson—One pound towards the erection ofthe 8tatne of the 8ocred Heart for the sew Con-rent.FOB THB POOB.—Mrs. Bellsrd, £1 ; Mr. E. BcllordLondoo, 10s. ; W. J. Smith, Esq., £3 ; Meters,Coortenay Broa, £2 2s. ; H. Denny, Esq., John'sHill, 5s* :


i, To be heldON ST. STEPHEN'S DAY.

AT TSAM OEB ,V\ ill commence at Twdra o'Clock, ebarp.

mWO GBOUNDS have been laid out forJL HURLING" nnd FOOLBALL.

IHTEH'CODNTT HUBUNO MATCH.—Droofcano,Co Tipperary T. Mooncoin, Co Kilkenny.iNTEa-Comrrr FOOTBALL MATCH—Tramore, Co

Waterford T. Kells, Co Kilkenny. <,Matches in which Fenor, Crooke, Piltotrn and

Waterford will Uke part.Trains leave Waterford- for Tramoro every hour.CD" No 8ale of Drink will be permitted on tho

Field.By order of tbo Committee,

T. J. QUIGLEY, Hon. 800.


Great Southern & Western ' 100iMidland Great Western ... ... ; J lGreat Northern Railway .,, ,,, IOC]Dublin Wioklow and wexford E0

BANC6.Nationgl Bank 18iProvincial Bank '• ... ... 19*Bank of Ireland 231}

HAEVET & 8ON, Stockbrokers, Watorford.

mt WHuitrttixl! fjteto s" BB JDST, AND TEAK HOT."

C H B I 8 7 X I A D .

Christmas '.—blessed word of talisnnnicpower ! drawing earth BO near to Heaventhat mortals can all but hear the mightychorus, Gloria in Excelsu Deo, reverberatingthrough those unbuilt portals which eye hathnot seen ; so near that earth seems earth nolonger, but, filled with a subtle and un-speakable happiness, appears for one day toenjoy immunity " from that Divine Cursewhich blasted universal nature six thousandyears ago. What human being can say thathis heart ta not lifted up to welcome the Kiflgof the Days, who gathers under the nativeroof-treo the friends, the nearer than friends,who in childhood shared its shelter in com-mon ; who interprets the secret musings of thesoul, wafting them to those for whom they areintended, though mountains and seas inter*vene ; who, with Mosaic Rod, draws forthabundance from hearts as cold and hard asgranite ; who sets the air vibrating with thechiming of bells and the laughter of children ;who gaily decks the homes of the humble* andfills with gladness and light the hearts of4 theirocenpants ; and who recalls the day when" theRedeemer visited the earth with the sublimeintention of unbarring the gates which a Godhad closed and none bnt a God could open, sodof loosing the serpent-folds which locked intheir fierce embrace the bruised And brokenform of fallen manJ :

There is one thing that must not be lostsight of. Those on whom Heaven haslavished the riches of earth need hardly be re*minded in a Christian country of their daty iaregard to the poor. Surely that man's enjoy*men: is poisoned who knows thU there isone who, while he feasts in the midst ofluxury, surrounded by light and warmth, isshivering at his doorstep, and .biding the timewhen the anguish of hanger will be dosed inthe unconsciousness of death. Let those ofthem who are deaf to the voice of doty knewthat the remembrance of having soothed thewretched in their woe is. full of a holy delight,and that what they give to tie poor they giveto Him who gave, them wherewithal to gjve.

We have one more word to say. It givesus pleasure to say it. > In accordance withthat time-honored custom which modempolish has not yet succeeded in polishingout of existence, and in the words whichwill be sounded in so many tonguei dieworld over on the year's most joyom day, w»cordially wish our readers ; -


( Outrage- '«p<m a Prism.

An outrage has been done in the name ofthe Government, which will draw down upontheir heads the direst curses ~ of Heaven,They hare laid sacrilegious hand opbd tBS*consecrated person of a ; priest 1 : ratterMatthew Ryan was sentenced on yeatwdajto a month's imprisonment'.. An attempt wasmade to strip him of bla clothes while IB jailin the evening. He resisted, and TOuwfugy.'The infidel Governiaeht 'of France 6»vefl«descended to thi? idepth of blackest iftfan*,And this is the" Qdvenunerir that^wsnlsvPenter into amicable Telatjons wft& the Eeadhof'the Church 1 Perhaps itte dotrafe is pis|t athat insane project CocciUatioa in Roiisand persecution of the, priest* in Injlud,are then the two weapon»*y whichp l f m o O fhold of ChristffxdotWiftD beJobdoedJot A*benefit of poUosophio: : ]bbm^ mmS ^hopeless programme 1 ]

;J. { \ Vl%% f *«. _;.-—-^^v-'. ,**'*M^^Ba* *'tPI->*^**IMJWMil

^yARjAea».l-*-.i | ¦

tbisand mn

Page 3: New ^WTEiiy0)P I SSSS^SB ?!10'of * · 2018. 7. 31. · North Wharf on dundaya atZa-m; 1 Special Steamer also sails trom


t "



: ] ¦ ' i- i ' ';: tv, ; :U<;! The:0bri8tmaa.

at:«U,i lnjt j» ih«rigjh 'j» >ajqjy- pt6f flerinanio in^Sja L^n .LatiniUaai'j U- i ny i

!*as 'certainly un*rll c reiriembcta'many inters

in ¦{4$\£ears ago inbc<eatteaj what sarrelic of! the ChristThe j Germans wbrought "the (jxAigave , it a new aiithe Angl -Saxonigood .'¦Catholic hac!and•¦ ibnrn ! it at CCftild had. destrcScandinavians, atSjucone,' the ash vthe world-tree, wsrtjth three roots, bon earth. On. ttalong them ran <giawing into theThe Berpant andtbe younger Eddsthein 1 trying to isacred tree amo:Tacitns speaks inMarsii, a mid-Gefdnv/m tana, madis pine tree, and *be words 'of Tacitas bare beensupposed to re£er| to'r a,1 sacred' inclosnre sibont amonstrous pine d^di atedl to

the earth-gpddess.

In one of the Wartburg Minnesinger's lays;w.e harelines eUmt the world-tree jLong after its real mean-ing was lost : ! J ' ;u!\yl :v';:': - - . ' V - ' ; j . ¦ ¦ .

' ' '' ", A gallant tree isi gm>wiBgr high, 1 ' . !' ¦ ¦'¦ !• A garden gay adoriwjg. '> ¦ '• ' • '¦ " • I 'Its roete run down to iell below,

4 , . Its crown ton'eavm above doth throw, : '\\ \ . Where God dQth Sit In iojden gflqw.; ; , . •> !xi{. It$ brcwohes take the morning; ¦¦ - . v

- ' ; • ' Its branches spread |the whole world through,

|. - , And birds thereon ate ataging., ', "' ' '_ ¦ . \Otfrled, in the ninth? centlury, sings of the cross

in similar strains, deriving his ideaai rpm "Jfggdra-aill. which be translatJe^r fntoi th'e tree of lifeln thegarden i'of: the chtirolH4tbicross, , 'S<? alsp Alcuin,writing; among the Franks, says of the cross,- "Itsposition is suchthat tpe! upper portion reaches theBkies, the lower portida foncnes ..the earth, the rootreaches to hell. Its branqbes extend to all partsof (the earth."—THR CornhitlMagcuine. I

The X

HOW THE LANDLORDS OJBTAI&ED IT.1547,—The Englbb i conn8catioiia of Irish land

began in the reign:|of'fcdiWr4T I J : : ^ . , ( ' ' :1553—The work of conflBcatlbn 'was continued by

Philip! and Mary, who laid forcible claim j to thecountry! of O'Moore and i O'Connor, Bincej whichtime Lets and Offaly [navetbeen styled " Queen's"and"Eing'8" Counti .]' . ' j

¦'. • : 1;'K - iy . - ' J : < A ' .V ''¦¦ 1 58-7Queen Elizabeth.: confiscated remorse-lessly. - . • ;i ; .i" 'j.

¦'. " ¦! 1 :-: i. :V " J:M : : - :' . 'x 1672-rSir Thomas iS ith i failed .to establishEnzIisbVspttlere iniiUlster. .; \-y- AA - A : ! / ;: '1586—140 proprietors' were jrpbbed>6f their fandsin MunBter. . ; 'y' \ : "

\ '¦"¦:'¦'¦ ¦ ¦ ' ¦ I :- ; A :A \ i . A . ':¦ ¦

1698-r;Af ter the rebellion j of Shane O*NeiU, hisestates, numbering moBt of ;tne Northern Cobntiea.were confiscated and) vested in ;the*. crown^ TheEarLof Deamond>;i prpp0r4;y,8tr«tching o»er someof the1 fairest p jraons of , pork", Limerick, Kerry,,Tipperary, WaterfprdMnd: Dublin were seized byf' her Majesty s chief goyerapt of Ireland.": -] \[ : 'Y.[?;1611-rJames I. ftrn^ed'tt Scheme fortbe coloniz-ation of Uleter, by ijwhich, the lands were derided into! lots of 1,000/ 1, 00{ arid! 2,000, acres, and nlyEnglish: settlers were 'admitted. / The b order : ofBaronets was eatabliBhed in this; year to provide a'f and foii the defence of the new English settlementin lielah'd. : ' ¦ . ¦ ! ;-;?- -' ?' ¦ : ' ¦' • ': V. ¦"•¦

¦•'•':'• •¦¦'':; . :" f_ : 1 •: * :r: '

¦ il61I~May lL-rTb^ j first patent Ip land w.Ulster was issuec^ tof IJichloUia Bacon. Jainesl.,sot content with ' jilajotingr a garrison of English;settlers 1 in Ulster sought to extend his plantationschemes to tbe other three prdvinces. A ertwd ofEnglish'- adventurer*;} known as". Disbpverera,''engaged ia the work of i diBpoBseasingtbe righttoloccupants. Lelanc ,th|e historian,: declares that themost iniquitous practices were used. ? ¦ : ' .!' . .I :164a~Ang.- lS-fGr^niweU ' landed" in>'iteland.He confiscated fou fifthB

of all ihfe soiL ; He made

a wholesale clearanw of J in r, tjlater, and Mun«ster by bis infumoos ict; of Settlement;: ordering,that/ every despoiled :fLrisb man foond pit the left

1660—By the l .h aafl Wth lists'pi:Charles II.there w s another! : settlement. It was deviised toconfirm the Oromwelliin! 8eitlers in the poWeWonswhich ! 'they had ;jtaken from th6 deYofedi Irishadherents of Charlte t eBecond's father :¦" ; |. . : '; JiS92i-|A land taii of;thre& sbflUqgs'i poand onrental'wafl levied. :i j i , :.j '. | /: ; '¦;, • ' \ '- :¦< -:,::;\" : , <;, 1703—In the relga-

Qaeeb ; Anne, 6 sbdden

fall in prides rendered farmers unable to pay jrents;'- ¦ 1709—By an . Actfj 6 <Annp, no; goods cotlld betaken in execution nnl!«^ the sheriff had previouslypadd j'ttxe landlord!Jhi8 ;»!nfdue.: ' } f '. '''i - ;y . - :- i : :;:' ". '¦.

• 1731—jTJnder Georgia; n.i arrears of rent weremfide recoverable bjrdfatfe?*; • ' j - i -r i *'^-v -. |y ' : ;: '- '

1813—The great t {is* inirenU' took place. ' •¦' •1822-rTne. failure ai jtae potato <jropcaa«ea *

great famine. ¦¦' " " ¦ ¦ V- -^ v -f f * \ \~. ¦. ;V- - -lv ;J.-/ -' fe-- ;:i:,;; ::1888-rTJnder -Wttlwf :\ «w';:tf«ffli ;wwe'i

re oTiCTable ior mow ittoan Itit-jfes; T e AbtofGcorgf IV

^preTenHng tpe » of;brikrnpt


(7—Great ¦ desjtitc idon ;tenaife ijfail we

ofth^pjotato crop.' • '¦ JfV V ^J ;'i ';: j2y'' - :'4':-

V;:';f-'" - '! !;i'

: *• '* '''?•'¦'1849-tUnder Vic<|orl i turrpr prov'Wfifn yr« made

for th|Q s leof

\bani <OT.<^ ci? afj ! 6 j m?vmlsaibners were appomt d to snperfritend e sale.ofknimmbeM:estate«,Mi jL- ;/ .;.| \i|i ;;^^84&. Octr a5^^e^^|Coihii ^e :to^xOiD^blla commended^

cstablifllied, to facfli^Ireland.! AT>g31-r:*h<

^1>er Estatete» cartedKDoutntof twenty-Jpre

lS79-Michael D it!. Miy( And L QaWa, iit

< loraisin jln''Iielanu''9kiteM Lan&uim• :Jejde rs 0f tne I*and lit:' .1.13asi *~n&aOnBl> 1 0B


Eli AS ¦¦ - ¦ EJL J fciii'JafT A: • •* TJ Iv A A M IvW

j *iipi>it6 wlyVChriirtniM tre««henf < e. . It no oii'byher.Eqrop ean fa fli .thmthowS<^aina>«nbrigtn;v Kelts o\knew not ling'of it, and'tt it baaltoj-FriWB and lwy, /even Intomporkatiii i. . "The,vCnjrigtfin'a* treeknoyik tp vp^ i tijfiis.'h- 'Tliwwhtea his ] »rent8J i*rh6 haid Bpent^minyrUrst |htrpdaced|Jt some> Englanc . what astonishment itprised - deHgh£tt afforded;1 • Thenafl tree[ with as is the ash fagot. /ben they jnoceptied Chri9tianityJtree into their new religion; ahdfnification. ; The missionaries t^dendunc d it, and made .every: .the idolatrous symbol in pie^w,iristmas jn token that tpe Holyyedv 'heathfiniBm.t; Among [thed prpbibly among the !Anglo*ras the i8ucred; tree; Yggdraal ;s, according t<> the Edda,; an ash"le in heaven, one in hell, and oneie , trele: branches sat an j eagle,i sqdirrel, and about it? rdota,oa, j wjis ; coiled: a great'serpent.the eagle are ever |n strife, says, and, the| squirreltons betweeniake jpeace. ;Bnt probably thelg -the Germans -was al pine.his annals of ,a temple that thermah]xace, called Tafaila, i. e.; to fe8emblfe ihe iearth; [Tanne

d of Ireland.

tl}e; i,tj4a^ ipf ;lg«UK


tWtf ?^ 'y &w£mB

¦ . V^:. : . :' ¦ •: : . .• • ¦¦¦' -• Christ-/;-

.ii^'lv . -.r ' ;: :• '• . ! ; ¦. .}; ;: thfUl trOO,¦;-r ;;: 'K .:iv. : • ¦- . !. •¦b ::brightiV | - - . - :| .i i ' . -V. : !.V - v :; i ' 'IHId Wi Jf ft *-"l ¦ •

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Wi ¦ : • ¦•! ,¦ ' - Swrf»i;<2, l*'tt' iv\ / ¦¦¦^r ^: ¦-'¦- ¦:.¦:mih-:- ' A M th;«n;:«;h;i <m.[ : ¦¦¦ : .¦ ',.•.. • < - .-i

1:4'/ - • '•W: ' '¦ ':. nei .plabe ;ftlll)i rept / - . V:V: ' ' :¦• ¦¦ ¦y '- '::\ ':¦' "'. '¦' and [dean grapes wide : , ' • . ' ;; ¦ . :¦ < '.;

•. . - , . ' < ¦ ! '¦:¦ '- ita:-;p'b-ndron':i ' :jaw8. :. ^: - . \ . . -¦.. . - ¦ '. r : s ThB ;. 'little : rtookihfes iare <¦ ' : .V . , : ;• ¦¦ : -)iU. Jhung np,1 :'andT baby's . ' : j ¦'¦¦ :¦¦¦ ' ¦ ¦¦ ! ipst \ roakes f o u r J Won't' '¦/ ':¦'. : /

! Olp ga&ta Clans be;, snrpriaed ' : :¦' ' : '•¦•.!: i/Whea, he: finds there is no more ! I //There's is An, elegant place up in the 'I ' -.'¦' .

¦'¦ Tree -ior hang: Tphny'B [ , \ gna and ft'¦. . ^ plaeei'f(i|r Mary . and brie for Kate to;

leave' there dolla upon. But I for littlebaby jblaekayesj a Tower branoh he mnatohoosb- . jWnera aha may reach and {Tod theplace.iho'at Bung-her first new shoee. Tarn .~ down thfer. -Ught a little how,; sol Old Santo? Clans , j enn ' see. And baby and . all ;

. muit go to bed and be as good as good i: c n Be.- And to-morrow j morn get ':" ; up; early,- after a long night's '. ,

sleep,andcomesoftlydownto theXmastreea nd

: . i ¦ ¦

¦ • ¦ -¦¦

. s e e - ¦ ¦

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¦ . , .


, "Who will get the fiwk peep/ '. j V - : ¦ ; . . ¦ —Philaiaphia Neuii

\ & L A D S T O N E . • ¦'• .¦

. • : ' ' - '

: . : I •¦. :. . , ; .

¦¦¦ ;. . » . ; . . . , ¦ - .;:


< WrtH a purpose firm and steady,Wife a lance that's always ready,

Eja unfaltering onward goes ; :lake » Wallace in " the fight. !Like a Hero in h'w might,

; He's a terror to his foes ? ; ¦

: With a presoience that is saro, ;! And a motive that is pore,! He seeks to turn tho madness .' Of Erin's misery and tears,i And the bitterness of years,I Into harmony and gladness.

! With learning that's voluminous,; And eloquenoe that's; luminous, ' .¦ , Aid an eye that's never dim ;He^agiant

in the fight, ;r For. jnstioe and for right ! ' . . ¦ ' ¦' Up, je patriots, follow nico ! .By the labours he hath donej 3 . :iBy the victories he hath won, ¦: By the splendourof his fame, ' ;i Snatohthe fleeting hour, . ' :And hoist him into power ; : .

He is worthy of the same. : . :Wejabh r the machinations, ' :

i'A&dt 'thd crooked deviations, :' Of this Government despotic. ; .

;Eng|aad; ye are free ! - . :.Then kiok them in the sea. : ,j B .speedy and emphatio I ' . ;

I ' : i tt6cml and Radical


:;•; } ' . BT 8TDNBT WA0MAN. .; ' ¦ ¦' ' ¦Ftpin p'et the hill and o'er, the: plain". The wintry shades are creeping - ,To silent vales and bowers wherein¦

Autumnal Warmth is sleeping* ; ~But lore to you and love to me, ' : '

jXhejsamesweet joy is bringing :For injonr hearts the whole year throughjThelvioleta are springing. • .

No more the rambling robin's notes .iArO iSJlTeri ohoes calling ; j '

iThB trflMfi inn1nBn fnrajiton nfiafcs - .ir iAndj frosted leaves are: falling. ;The brow's sad waul from out the grove,

. IThe ifield-brook lonesome singing, , 'We so iroely heed, for in onr hearts .

jThe violete are springing. ¦ :And so 'twill be when old and gray,


affeoKon'a tether,•; ' ' ;Oar lore mil bring both'joy and hops

.-.;¦ 'To qljeok lif«'e antnrrin weatUor.

And when around our failing forma1 ': Death's sombre shades are dinging,Hpw aWeet toknow deep in the soul¦. ,;:jThejvioleta'are springing. , ! '

/• -{ .A

[.: : - PHANTOltfS:•¦,




;:¦ ; . ;¦: •;¦ ¦¦



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They comB from >tha lands where our dead solves' -

, slee p. . -"

;¦ ';¦ ¦ ¦;

¦'¦ ¦¦•

, \:v ¦ ¦

•¦• i ? ¦ ¦' ¦.

¦ ¦ " ¦ ¦¦"•

In the 4pst 9f the vanished years j ' ¦Theu: faces bringbaok life's summer timo, :-: -When the dayaj flowed on in a low, aweet rhyme,-. Andthe]eyesw^reunaim : :Tnerrf8: jb iw^

8( in


W -Floats 'out oa tbe tremulous air V::' ¦. • I ¦• '¦ ¦¦* • ¦". ' .¦ : '': ¦> ; '

ThBre'sakiesda my brow-r-the sigu and the zealOf iiloTOafld.iif trnstunbetrayed'j ana J feel ; .

Their shadowy handson my hair. ;. ', . '¦:£.' ¦':; '/ ¦' ' .¦.„. ¦¦ .Ana om^fiipeglows witha'jfulee^gracedv'i : ¦» . > '': ' '; A»4!* "P? fwTeia;8inUe mow> riwe', f i '^.i -WJifvei f ta saiaigWtpr :

Thi tate dad the ffoldin her hair. :Thj .ifJ^ ,pa«*whereonI-rarf :{ '¦ ¦. v . :,; - .y - f f lmv i «sa»[iniifao8e golden tones ;' > ;¦'¦¦! ¦<, : ' ¦ ¦:¦ ¦:¦ :• '•:A olM^^

<rf Wr«»nd»copter of te*ri.> .-i :¦'

W-VQ mmm the weary yeari, .;^vV;; ¦ . , .^.V ¦ ¦•

:«:A|id*|«l j«oo*ery p£; weddit f'ebirtei. '; ; - ! ; ^ [¦¦ : . :-;;:|w<ieiiwj«wi{ni: o.ryoiiak

!tha .:were wreilfulfiUed^f 0^ ti ^ \ ^ 'f -- ' ¦-;- ;' .''R- ' :':;;-:A- "V-

'&]Bii*S 'ef 9X7*»B and a wliisporedvow; ;; v .; :; :¦• •:; ' . iAif fW I^H sUinlflis 'brow'i :'"' :¦V-v¦ ¦ -.:

§ttt'the lon Is faing ; the W ¦: :

-¦> i^|tftfjf>:b«w 4on. [Mfiwy'sf doof ; '¦¦ • <:. ¦¦:/ • . •; >\ '•&¦ J;-IjBtwiBnf'gtit ay arnu for!alait carets— ; ,-;•;¦.^',0¦i ; j '.|p&i ))& -;flomPr ;• :; :^i!:,'; / ' > -lv.v|i \




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tttMibf •- Zj -USL- '*'1'f y y f "''¦'¦ f r f i- ¦£?*:

RuiiiW Ndra r iChauirds—Unit? !of fche

ie Proi<J*i jWWe aaccept tbeor: it iB


eacjouselr-.- .' *

' . ¦¦ • ¦ ¦ '.

¦¦¦ -|.

5TIB CHANGE^ j , ,, ' line pf : its pastorateen Connbils gathersanset, the' eametjby P: Becari8ei the !

, 'xnrpngday,throt:theJ innr]beehitaujTroth in

x>rgau,-cfment ; of'taconism

jh thdie toht : ai

inapiis cue unurccHis TOICIB. Tha

the Mystical B<>to the falsehood

h and lait P OALUO v"u uniuicn |iu uuo ptuwu tuii iuuu»ouiuujjr

one. through; nil eternity. ; There ia "one bodyione • spirit." ; As Uhere (ia only' one Holy Ghost,there j ig '¦¦only: one j body. ' Tour life; does: notquicken i or lahlmate : two bodies* ¦! Every' b\pdy.hasi its own personal life. St. Cyprian;flays,*'OneGod,'o'ne.phiist/:.oM ' *Chnxob/V':\'A d'yqn :'Km:em-ber th,e

; prayer of j our Iiord. : He prayed theFather that His Apostles might ; be; onje;"even

e are. one. ee anthey maknow thithe wbrword, ,b(sufferingpurpose,

tt Thon In!d isidividicauee1 mei

in opiniand ambitiollv divid wb agreejy diffi the l


ITS OKpiarrtow TO OOD'. ¦ I , 'Why, then, is the (intellects , of men ihearts : of men in]charity' hnitea the!and in love of onehope/ i and ctiarityjthough: not over aternal, essential, aijlect, and heart, and1unity of the phurolconsequence. ! Anddeparture where th

believe, that the ejbas created iljs inteinversion of the trabegan in Pentecost]visible/ and external(juence. Tt. Cyprialwonderful beauty tis like the unity oiLord, which ^ evento rend. That ga>top throughout.' iunity of tbe Chareheavenly mysteries,1descends from the 'fectly inimitable by

subsists on the Bodyand has an office in toffice P; To bear 'vto the unity of Jesuto the unity of thecannot i be divided,been made from it


THE PRANCISC2The town of AWirtyrdom of tbteiign of ElizabethJen from'uodins. ! Passi M<

Dphertj*, i and 1, CaUrjid Feriiall, threecanB, bad distinguisbed themselves ayear: 1588, and at length became thevictims | of their enemiea. Cthese aposfchad spent upwards jof eight years tthe mphnrainous [tarts of the PrcLeinster, abiding par :ifcitlarly In those unfidistricts1 of the counties of Wicklow, Car]Werford, to 'whichin great u)ultit»dfrom mountain toMysteries; encouwtaring the sacrame:: I Their-jqurneyingat night,' and, as

Kjdj'. iyas theisuah airoantedness, oold;nger by;whiply men clung'afflicted cout


e d ey were encomthe affection of <a; i they shared j

eir sorrows, andsufferingsdepartedfallen a a



i'to tirsaing tthe Que nfs C

fj cavi,ei insjA;bWjtherw>fl tin

l ty, ,thcy, boontaken Dy I a pa«y ^a'nd earned amidst t

to the pa|rrison offloL'ced l and oat • to

i*. Hj havir,tbey itorture for a lengtn Of, time,, tt

strangled disembowe lled,' and.wjth the i spirit of . iChristlangenerouslir taj dowi j their litreligion!©! their country and th<1 Tbe chapel -; of the [Penal 1the dtytfct of AbbtoleiX,,»&«It WM j nialibionaly: dtetroyeding ' circumstances i- -In the.couaelli and init otitfide the 1

ii martyrB, dres in suppo

pel ' of thjet of Abbejlibiously ldistancesi—id jnit otitiill, there to.cated to-tl

etui ;tiX WAA

of BEWellthe! thfol TfiBO

E' It bap jn one ;of thesi'/arUbporats, cot<¦'&#$)$ Vaxi ,I the spectacle,tent wifeh loPldi]

tibat , a rparBaron Kna:

y voiiton.

to omu$e themselves witn ttie spectacle.; i , , >i After a fhUe, not o intent tHth loPldng do, they,attempted Nine iron oa' lhtlerference with theftmales l «ngage*vii i inakl% eir tyt ttriu, orpilgrimmage round tie holy:-*ell; This patat>ally : arinsed the, it i natlop

of /the roe I, f bointerp6aed to, proteo i iben . f iTW Wnghtj yonngnobleniau' thought • 3, Jme ti^ngi who , he ostbat 4*opld:-;ft t f crj e^m f cim:?^jWtioB;iJm» -spch'* a mjm&hW;l *''**te*¦8^mo;io bJ::'tifl ge>|. * |»W |jfetetajM^ «i|f::<fcripeii*l>to( !*wt 4 5i «3 i1®SM#2TOft|:duaku, • ibut havjng I »D;foWd^Vtnetr j arpjoie)

London,hatBomeionV(ftnd ^ledgment



tbiBfromi ha«

an uses iito thirdCbriat

d, : AndiBt is one.

Thou in {Me, that!t the wdrld may'. Why is it tbatjnll tell 'me ih a 1

ns. anin will,

er The 'lever be o

Church one ? Faith upites thoa! one belief.; hope unites theiond desire for eternal life ;Iwills of men in lovje of God

another. ' And therefore faith,i reigning ' over the body,llj individuals, creates an irx-id indissoluble unity of intel-will, which make the {external

I] an inevitable and necessaryhere is one of. the - places of33e who misunderstahd thetcjrch .. always beginri They[xternal unity of the I Church

l. The unity of thej Churchand clothed itself; in theunity as a necessary conse-SIVB aj?ain in a nassacre of

>fj |t(ie. garment of our DivineI His craeiflera did not venture

irment was woven from thelit like manner ,he says, the

fob] Js woven from above bysj ! heavenly Sacraments j it'Bead. This unity is per*•j .the world, and incommnnfo, j DLJB of Divine origin, and ityi jwhioh is of Divine creation,this world. And what is thatWitness to the -unity of God,a iChriBt, to the unity of,e way of salvation. That unity. 'Every separation that has: has soon withered and Bussed

£ UJ THE PAST. '; ; ¦


¦ - -: : ¦' ¦ - j • ', f

yleix was the scene of theFrancisean priests, jia the(The subjoined details "arep rof. Hibernix, p. 86 ; andtydom, quoted by' ^reuan,

length became the doomedsmiea, hese apostolic menjof eight years traversing

»rt8 of the Province ofiijularly in those unfrequentedes of Wicklow, Carlow, andhe people bad been, drivenfor shelter. They proceeded

aountain, offering the1 Divineaz tbe dvincr. and admrais-

generally petfoiof their Order s;he . mountain1

,, vfy comfort cdns

aa oeenjf Acts¦cick of telf earthnind bun :. ;. in . aenance oi

»e encodpaBsed,lection of fathers,ey shared in theirTOWS, an<^ neverf had atj length

through a iremote

ioiateryy werered thisimatelynd. tbusd theyt of the

theendue nlted, a

ir fathers.Imes belonr t the'»(under tbedirection ioondsjof tb*<>1L ntilli


virgin, v.coa -day.t

woiee. lBtaaior

,«dbyb here

"1/ ;i|.Tm:- -'i^^,:- , 1pBtAKEti '-KjiMIlfG VBTIERB AFTER THE TEBES OP THB

¦¦: "- ¦'

:.- •:;¦ ¦

. .¦" ' ¦


. . •!:'C00*TO' 7:r .

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' I Oar alphabet came direotly to ns f rum theIrish taissionaries. and professors of religioaaiia' wis'dom, who taught Ohristianity to theheathen,! Angles, ; Saxons,! Jutes, Gfoths, Ger.mbn$, Danes, and Swedes several centdrieaiafter the! death of our l otd^ Instead of usingthe Latin names for the letters taken fromthle Chriatian Romans, tbey gave them namesof j their i o.ivn.

; * Their mse; and pious men hadbeen, members of or. were the| pnpila of a classot I learned heathens called ; the Drnids. Inancient Ireland a drnid was prophet, priest,doctor, and tnagioian and the name seems to beconnected with our tford treel. -It ' WBB againstith^ rule iof tho Drctida to write, things down.They |Were in the habit of retiring to the deepestwopds for 'meditation and study, sometimesattended \ tbe Irish, among, whom the Druidsretained j their power the, jongest—becausebelaud was thelardest to reach of all the.greatislandsi tbereaboal and the last to feel theob nges taking place elsewhere in Europe—oHojse th'is pretty system 'of naming the 'letters of jibe Latin alphabet when it Decamecommon, i Instead of calling i Alalpha, as the ¦Latins usually did, they said A, ailm. the wordwQiec stopd in their language for palm tree,and came,:in sound, nearest to alpha, and beganwith an A- Instead of beta they said beitb,ths I word! for birch tree, almost the same insound a the Phoenician, but quite , different inmeaning, i And so with the other letters -. Coll,hazel ; dair, oak ; eadha, aspen ; fearan ,, alder •gort, ivjr ; \huath, whitethorn ; iogha, jew ; HUtmountain ash ; tjnu H. Mne 1; nuim, ash ; oir,broom ; peith, dwarf elder ; $uil, willow ;; tevne,furze" j «r,j heath. '. '¦ They called this alphabetbethlnismpn, chosing out the letters B,L, andN", instead )of the letters A andB' to form a name.—SL Nif Jinlnit ' . ' ¦ • - - ' ¦

WE PALL IN LOYEWe do fall in love, taking us in a lump with

the yonrigt the ' beautiful, the strong, anc* thetealthy. W'e do not fall in love, taking us inthe lump, j witbi the aged, the ugly, the feeble,and the sickly, J The prohibition of the churchisi scavcely? -needed to prevent a man from mar-ryihg his grandmother. Moralists have alwaysborne a special grudge to pretty faces, butras Mr Herbeit Spencer admirably put-it, (longbefore the appearance of Darwin'fr selectivetheory,) '". the saying that beauty is butskin deep ife itself but a skin-deep saying." ¦ Inreality, beanty is one of the very best guides, we:cun possibly have to the desirability, so faras race preservation is concerned, of any man6rJ any woman as a partner1 in marriage. : Afifle . form, ja good figure,; a beautiful bunt, a:round armi and neck, a. fresh complexion, alovely facej are' all outward and visible signsof the physical qualities that on the wholecobfipire to make up a healthy and vigorouswife and ; mother; they imply soundness,fertility, . aj good circulation, a good digestion.Oonverselyj eallowness and paleness are roughlyindicative I of dyspepsia and j anaemia ; . a flatchest is a symptom of deficient maternity,' andwliat we call a had"figurei ift really in one wayor: another an unhealthy departure from 'thecentral nofma and standard of the race. 'Goodteeth mean good deglutition ; a clear eyemeans an active liver ; scrubbiness and under*sizedness mean feeble virility. Nor are indica-tiojos of Imontal tand moiul efficiency by anymeans wanting ' as recognised elements inpersonal beauty. A good-humored face ism itself aloi08t (pretty. A pleasant smile halfredeems unattractive features. ' Low, recedingforeheads '. ! strike us unfavourably. Heavy,HtMid, haltridiotio" covmtenanoES can never bebeautiful, however regular their lines and con-tours. Intelligence and goodness are almostas i , necessary us health and .vigor in order tomjike up our perfect ideal of a beautiful humanface aind fijgrure. The Annllo Bfllvcdere iff nowfool ; the murderers in the chamber of horrorsat Mme. Tbssaud'a are for the most part nobeauties. . What we all fall in love with, then,a&i a race, lie in most cases efficiency andability. VVhat we each fall in love withindividually is, I believe, onr'moral, mental,'and physical complement.; Not; our like, notpur: counterpart ; quite the i contrary ; withinhealthy limits, our unlike and our opposijke.That this is so has long beeti more or less acommonplace of ordinary conversation ; thatit .ifl scient|fioally true, one time with anotherwhen we <4ke an extended rage of cases,' may,1 think, b<i almost demonstrated by sure andcertain warranty of bum n: nature.— Grant4Vf in , in tHe\ Fortnightly f ieviewH

i !:¦ THE EARLIEST DESIGNS OF THB, Y ¦ '¦ , j ; .. CBUCIF1XI0N. ; . -. •. , .' ¦

Among the earliest reprentatipna of tbe crucifix-ioo witb whiich Mr Gam bier Parry is acquainted isonf of the date 586. " It Is on the; first page of. amanuscript ) of the Goapela iajthe LaurentianXlbrary et Florouee. Here the figure of Christ iaentirely draped, hanglug upon u croJa somewhathigher thanlthose on each side, where hang the twothTjBvefl."' Tbe next in date is; A. D. 642, amongt&4'treasures of the cathedral ait Monza, where isai imall cross, sent by Gregory the Great to theQueen Theodolinda on the birth " of her sonAdjilowald; I «'The figure of CUriat ia here de-signed as standing on a suppedaneuuj, and nailedto |an inlaid piece of the troe cross, His bq'dy, be-Jno^'^ranM ifrrioi th« nftcV tnthe f al **. tha aimt aridfee being tare." These are bpth 'Groek. Rev-rence wne: »howD in the famous crucifix at Lucca

bjp i|;he filjrSce of " CbrUt a« (ttje JDbjrdi f-Itffe,standing beJore the crosa crowned/ - Thji date of'tbU: is probably 'not later than'the B.lxth century.

'. It : jiraa brottatbt to Lucca ia AV D. ;:788j: A similarInraince.iii jfptod in painHng;4n!fi uj^uakoript of: the[ Goipeli belonginj-;tp;)1 eJ j | ry.:olvNied-'ertnnMter, 4t Reniburg, wh^h repre^'Mix dinaf draped 6ettre^e cr<)M.|iHth a. nimbus.Jbi vjttfrot la. . ft i iWiBft Btfci. ewtotjr,: '

.•An' 'tm&t,j^^f :rt.v^;' ^fi«^V^?%:#y^i«|'the Cat edlt d Pf wr n ; li ji^done^^-Ore robX'oi: J<^»s »bx t!v^ J>ti! ; In

thlii the

Wl mM Wvi^rfM:-jW(Je>,f M«oidl te4.

;<4WiT"f;' i

[ i A ^EMARKABEX»B PAB4DE. ' ;, The ; Chinese residents of San .FttmeSsco bad aremartBble parade recently In honor iof a great;idol, ; known as '" Tan Wong," rwehtlj. brought ¦from >Ca bins. The parade was of Oriental mag-nificence, but was confined to streeta and alleys in|Chinatown. Tbe coetumes, bannern and Oriental,weapbns were brought from China espfloially or¦' :.this occasion. There were one thousand Cbiaa- jmen jq line, aai numerous Chinese Wome,n onrichly capftrisoned horses. The entirje coiamnpresented a bl&ze of color. The women wore longBilken gowns, and at their sides walked attendantshclding; high over ' their heads banners of gold.The men in tbe procession carried antique; weapons,long gilt maces, elaborately carved swprdsjon Bpearsaround ; whose points were coiled gilt lizards,snakes, jand flaming |dragons.' A nilmber of tallbanhere: that sprang twenty feet in. the air pre-ceaea another Heavily armed battalion, attired Inthe j brightest yellow, ¦ and carrying. i weapons, notwo of ; which . were • alike. Immediately pre*ceding the mighty JOSIB Tan Wong was ia, band ofmusicians, pounding huge gongs and iettle drums,while , aj body of i cannoneers kept npaiconstantfusillade of firecrackers. Twelve .worshippers,clad : in flight. yellow, carried Tan Wongi who satin a huge chair. About him and behind sa<attendant priests iin long black satia robes thatswept the the ground. , They were accompanied by.bearera, whose censers were hungirooi the ends of,long;red poles. Following Tan, Wong was *dragon 176 feet long, and described as the mostgorgeous ever seen in America- He was supportedby sixty worshippers. This monster iopened hismouth, writhed his body, and by appliances knownonly to the Chinese, kept , up a general out v/ardappearance of be>ng possessed of life. /JPhe idolwill be placed in a Jo&8 bouse. ; '

¦ . A FLUNKEY ALL OVEK.A reverend canon, ,of the Anglican cb'uroh ielates

that on one occasion it fel l to his lot to marry bisfootman to his cook. The footman would persistthroughout the service in putting his finger to hisforehead .every time hit. master addressed bim, inaccordance with custom. The reverend gentlemanremonstrated in an nndertone— j . '

''Don't , touch your forehead, John, ibut'say tbewords after me." : Then aloud, " Wilt thou takethis women,±" i : ¦ ! j ' •> ¦

John bearing in mind the vicar's bint, replied—"After you, sir," and the assembled friends burst

into laughter. ; : ¦ : j


MAJESTY'S. ABMY can obtain all infor-mation as to tbe Conditions) of Service and advan-tages of the Army on-application at any Post Office.

Great prospects ; of promotion are : offered toeligible Young Men. ' (

Applications can be made, either personally orby Utter, to tbe Officer commanding the Be'gimen-tal District at CLONMEL, or to tbe nearest Volun-teer Sergeant Instructor or other Recruiter.

Not only to Protect but to Promote Trait , andbring Good Men together. . !¦ . '

ESTABLISHED I860.Flint and Co/s British, and ForeignCommercial Inquiry Offices .

HEAD OFFICES -.—5$, OHBAPSIDB, Lon-- dou, and BOW LANE. London, KCJ . .tip—-a -Bankrupt. Faflore (or " £30,000 in less than ayear's trading, . for Testimonials see below as to- efficiencyof oixr information iu (be above ease. Ai.other£5,QOO (FiveTlio'a8aadj9 fonnds) saved to oar gubsaribert. NiB -Not- f one of them rictlmised that inquire of as.TJBEM8.—SabscrlptlonB: Throe Qulnaui per annum ; 40,nqulrieB, Biz stamps leach, inquiry j extra inquiries la anyone year, T*o and threepence oaoh, or Ten poands per ban-V T '" ¦ "~XE8THar0WIAI<S ' ' ' ¦From H. Oielgnd, iron merchant, 65, Qroceohorctt Street,London, E.C.—", Hovember 19, 1879.—Becently, actdnKDponyoar advice, I declined to nell to a certain inn otherwisethan for immeditate caeli, and now I bear they bate filed apetition for liquidations ¦ . . . , : • ; . - ¦ •I have maoh pleasure in bearing testimony to tho value- othe information recebed through you in Ibis instance.—Messrs. Flint and Company .O • ¦ . ¦¦ ¦ ¦:Memoraadom from Cromar, Scott, and Co., iron mfircnant,Neptune Works, LiverpooL—" Neptnne Workg, LiverpoolNovember 24th 1879.—.Oear Bin,—ait a Bankrupt, and yourmemo. 18th instant. Wo acted on tha Information yon mo-puea us in reference to 30,892, and thereby saved a low un-doubtedly of £M J. From What we have seen of our planfor Obtaining information we .'think you. deserving of versupport, ana we shall oerlainly recommend yoa wheneverwe «aa. ' U'fcjmklDg- you for jour attention to our inquirlef,we remain, 'yours truly, Uromar, Scott, and CoV, per Win XW Mecs—Messrs Flint and Company." • '• . ':;Uust Lancashire Paper Mill company. Limited Bodolifie,near' MSncbester. (luembers IS years).—" Klrs,-^We doabout JUk>,UOO per annum. > With this we do not make £50a year bad debts. This we attribute to tbe exoelleot infor-mo , bn we receive through yon. N.B.—Send us another £14worth'of obeqnea.—Messrs illnt and Company. V : • '. ! 'Ajfeot—<J Jf t^EDJliONI), W*T«aroa» Naws. (jyiM-tf,


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Raving now Opened, in connection with hi»i Ironmongery and General Sonnets, * i

TRUNK &'GOBLIN FA€W)BII» pieparedto BnjppljJ on the ShorU«tNotice'





¦ ¦ ,


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FUN EBA i ^EQTJIBI^S. At Prices to meetall oluMt. [ \ \ ' .

¦: . -. i ; , . , .• c&FJFXJsr s' i - ^i: - ." ¦

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. Jrm ihepIaintit 'J \ th , it:ika : l M:%~\ , - ; .. ,, Oak, <a*; 'bf 'ti^tf tn<mtti^$^ii*<\:K'-y - ¦";v ;

; - , ¦- \' '% p \ : -^ 7J:i : :xh;:

;M _ ¦: ,, AlVthe, y«oit«.|Mficji«i| ib ;» : u »ri lt ( fc;': ¦ , «tock,'and th;,»v-I»^ :»Wlf;i: S t«iepiw*a i imiaia^M : ^Uj ^m^mM^

for Ftmtrsl* fc tie n refpectable noanhi^«afl «. '\

'¦\ The r'yBW4<MpHproM

- AuTaoEisiD~ ,ooo,(io6 j a - niB^. EDINBUEQH!-23, er A^ g^Badnlk &£&$. StofelS S MHone1 Kong, JaStM KtMdrA W>im t ^mSewta;. i riti^^elb^nW^OTYork; Porii, San %if randaop/ n S^SydneyjjYoKqnam*.' ^fcy, ¦'¦¦:'i- ;,-iiA ';!-'v 'V%l?-i"<&$The 'panic *eceiT'esm<'i'i«yoa deporifcbirtibills of -wohange, ffl^;fcMegta S2 5letters of credit ana o»roxil«i, iK ';juinnu3rlcollection, and trsnsadtB baniimf »ia lal^Tfagenerally ' : ; ' '' -^mWm W¦r , . . , - ISTKBBST; Atitow*tt: i;'tBirtit*rl: At. 3, 4; or S months' inpttoe—0 wiSea^MiiAt 6, 7, or 8 months' Kbtioe--4'*-ts^ aAt9 to',12 montbV notice *- 'i^Vh^' At 3, 5jor 7 years?,totice . —5 i y, ;;jV !aH|

i Interest paid half-yearly, in London- 5ffl(B,, j i) IB CKJOUMfl—"UtXH¦ .

¦ ' ' ] • ' • ' '"¦ '* ' '•¦ -I I^MH: Carrent aoconnta opened and ohe<Ji;boo|Ml

.Interest t 2J per cent. per. AnnanilaJIdwBrninimnm I monthly balance, if' \»6t h»l&itMaSlvanees made against approy bankiag *i<Si fi' Pay and Penriona dratrnii:i In«untnb«SEBSabsoriptipns, and, other periodicAirpa i>i>yat a uniform oommiSBioU of \pee -.iienk£&>is4#c

Secnritifs bought, aoW and r?6eiv,e<J fpr*ssi(hfrom oonatitn<mtsof the Bask". /Interestand tHicollected at a pniform ootnmlsBicra of half}«(r-'ei

Drafts fesned npoii the Bank's EaateraxBtsiMonrront rates, free ofbommtssioB. , Batse jnegotiated, and every description of exohanK»b?Oondnotedi ' ' ¦ :. - : / : . - ';,' . :'- '; . j f - -;'1- 1 ' '¦"¦;. ¦}&'¦¦£%,¦ A writingTroom.ia ^aetapart j i t the :-JM &U£for ttsa of jtne Bank's etiawmf tn, * A, A ¦. . . r , .i /|A Ba gbgo andsAgency Dejwtroeptb«»l»teladded for the cenyenience of Eastern oonfytaei

The fnJJe8t information can be obt*iMablcation at any of the Branches and Ajjenciw or; QEOEGE .WILLIAM THOMSON; Se«j

The following figures show tjhe »te»dy ia«the business here and abroad since tbe oomme^of the Bank :— ' > ' "'. ' " u '¦' :i'!:- '- '.t :AA80th September, 1884 ...... Banking Aflsete... ge31st December, „ ; ¦ '¦ '.,¦ j . •• ':!;.; IJ31at Marob, * 1885 .,.;.. '¦¦ " „". ! . ; • ¦ ¦¦„., 2130th Jnne, „ ...;.. . : ' S '\ "

¦ "%:':d$30th September, „ ; ' ', „ L l .iSj31st December. ;, ...... ,, ! ¦¦W*i81st Marcli, 1886 ....... ¦' "

. ' W«30th September, . ...... • ' „ "; . ¦' .•w

Slot March, 1887 .. ;. ,/ ; ; '• ¦...:«; Pree Farms i for . the jMilttonJi

. ¦ • . I ¦ : ¦ ' ¦

w : •: ¦¦¦¦ '•;;>¦ <v M§

MANITOBA AND ranV.GAi(ippj &$Qm¦.: j • • ¦ . . • WEST, ' :; . :¦ ¦! -^^m

WHICH Comprises 160,000,000 Acrta'jbest Wheat Land in the World>;SXd||[

000 of the Wat Grazing Land.: $aUwa{jrc0a)lcation, open to all parts of theContinentry;JnfpFarms for1 Sale ic all, parts ojt, Canada.:, j4*Passages granted to A^< ltar I*bot»a^Female Domestic Servants, Vhq arc: iit'jdemand. :| • ' ; ¦ - ,, : "

¦; ¦:. . :ff- . . ;{.i>v^;&

Apply tor tbe New Government /Paip)uHaps, and if all information to 'j C i ti ' WtSM!. - ¦ iTHOMA5:;;0OJWQlfep«iii1

j ,. . Canaoaan Qo»toBfflijn<i[iNothamberlahd Housp. Bere»ford-PW«!fe.>Di

0 v B E. ; F o »::MiiSSSSI[ 'KOljJjOWA'jr'S'- :- - €f il0tmWOK9^^^IMPORTANT DISCOVIBT—NO ttos it fetiifiwOTiThe diacovdry of tbjjgCKntmcntfca^pi ytptfattt'jiMi

able, boon to thousands of ¦•nfferersr'iA|B^ Hon or near the seai!of Bnffering,itoraie.B»ji.ajnBHpertiea are ponveyed to erory p»rt. Thngit^^Mward wootfdfl and nloera of the ft W|UdE[fS(niBIWOHB, otr^ngthensthe Bpinadma|R^&oueM^|Tons weakness and depression, sod SB tBlMm^HTHEOAT, If VNQB , and CKXBP. J»o"IotiUaHMspair oi onto, whilst this Ointment -cao/M'ttfor the , reputation it bears in e^BTyimUMJglobe is folly borne out by the BU£C«S« jsIwMcorroborated as it is, by tea onjWi froa»-|iall olaaaes nd oonntriea. \'¦>. ' IA ~"?$%$truly formldiable and dressed di i Sicpasins, norvoua twitchings*, nU^nltttCwJiMsciatica, wfll yield whe»troei ; ]6f fitaSIn no oases fs it more important i Y-f i ^v tm j G,thoroughly Md effectndWooitveaWwswniof the skin jto too e&e 'pp b&ti&mbring ite s thing infln«W!e«fe $%jjmduoe ease, ftomfprt, «^tft*W<euyJtj 3Tg»&1SO Dy waJCou in aypxOp^AwV'QOv PL- MH/«IjBanunation,iandti) pnriiy'fiie.blooK J'QSj Ff ii; BAD Lxqfs, BAD 3B»i^%r<3W>^UiiCBBAXidiiS or AIL ; K fi|«.-~Th*5tijthje Ointment heals, in *;«ctt«"|»blejfttjkind of UliJoration,, aoftBna tBe wul?otissues, cau|e» '"prottd.*/ fliwi^^ tft|WiJM:an;d loathjotee dioBari<rt to 'biteMSfW

temporary, but are radical a idjpf thMimf b z.I _ PlLKS, FlfeTUXAS, AHU ABBC^U K»|fflC«(i¦' i iijftf affections must be cartful Fi.*teKnctwto the plan recommended inJ.thfr^&ft*fpifiTho Olntmcmt must :be ttpp ed'tipbtl g«;to; purify blood, Khato'Tt^Wf tfpMgestums vehicbare ao f«tUe {•c*nWMt|gKdiBease; : j

¦,- .. ¦. •;" ¦ • : • - • • ¦L\ ''-4 '.-i^Mif WJ^m'¦¦ DBoracAft EycAMgkKiqgi ffi WA'W&a%itocoB*jnx *i:U mzmmmmmawellings np remedy e j y'$&mentjit prevwitH the foTnuwwoi'and is an inwuable reindd . <Discharges a wheu dUigeBtoitiected, ~the *or«t case .WPf iiahort >p«>«M.tiBiaJ'vvS! ,i:! ^im«m (¦ »;ontki] :raiM H^ff hut.nfti'imHl tlo irtj. AAtttZBjflHBBli

¦kf. hnnfl Awrft ty faw Wy * wtfcXJjJBHfelBothth * Qi ntot <tod,: mBad Legs T11

^ ^^

Page 4: New ^WTEiiy0)P I SSSS^SB ?!10'of * · 2018. 7. 31. · North Wharf on dundaya atZa-m; 1 Special Steamer also sails trom


THE SI8TEE8 OP CHABIJTT' j BAzAAB.!The Sistera of Charity, -who at this eeaacia of

joy and thankfulness, 6ee ithat tbo poor do notfeel the severe pangs of want, whan those aroundare enjoying the blessings of life,; have for yearspast appealed to the public i to I support theirBazaar: in order to raise*itha nwessary fundsto meet the increased - CUIIR ^on ttieiriresonrceBduring fthis time which is so trying to many.The Miiual event was fixed for inert Tuesday,hnt as; it has been decreed that; tbat day shallbe marked as a general holiday they ; have d&;termined on a postponement till Thursday^on which day it has been definitely arrangedthat the Bazaar will b e ; held. : [ At intrvalflduring tho evening seine'; of .our best knownvocalists have promised to contribute songs,and this should induce a more' extended publiosupport that lros been accorded to the yearlyappeal ' for some time bastl The fee : foradmission has been fixep at the very lowfigure of sixpence, which every one who visitsthe Bazaar this year will , be obliged to pay.Tbe charge is but a trivial one, and the charit-ably disposed are never during the long ' yearasked to contribute' to un object more deserv-ing of support. We can only hope that thegenerouB instincts of nature will prompta hearty recognition of the good sisters' labours.They work unceasingly and]keep the grimshadow of poverty from many a door, buttheir well directed efforts can be of but littleavail if their charitable works do'not receivepractical recognition from a grateful public.

TBE K0N8 OF TBS GOOD BHEPBBBD.As tbe boly season of Christmas'is now so near

us, we are sure tbe time will.cot "be allowed to passwithout bringing peace and consolation to tbe oncedespised and rejected of tha world, but who arenow secure witaln the houie of tbo IIUOB of theGood Shepherd, trying to retrieve the.past andforecast the future . One ofiths! highest of all thonoble works tbat Christians can engage in is therescue of those whom the world, in its pride andbitterness, thinks fallen too low for rescue or com-passion. " Every woe a teat ' can claim, except anerring sister's shame," savs the cynical poet. Butit is the crowning glory ef Christainity, after j theexample of iU Divine Pounder, the true Shepherd,who came to seek and save that which was tost." For I am not come to call the just but sinners,"Bbovis that even those outcasts are not beyond Hisministrations. In our midst we are blessed withtbe borne of the Good Shepherd, wbero ,thewretched, forlorn outcast seeks a borne ; for alreadyshe bos been spurned from tbe jJarent'e dour withanger and scorn. Sad reflection, tbat she whomthey at one time loved as tbe apple of their eye, isnow degraded and dispised. Their jlove has beenqueuched by tbe torrent of her Infamy ; but theyshould remember tbat " many waters cannot ex-tinguish true charity," Where, then, aboil the pooroutcast turn for a! borne P Spurned from tbe shelterother parents' roof, is she to return to a world ofsin and misery, bringing in her path pestilence anddeatb P God forbid ! Grace comes to tbo rescue,and grace triumphs. She turns her footsteps tothe Convent of ibe Good Shepherd, where the everkind, gentle and anxious Slater,receives the des-pised and rejected ' huted and disowned by her own;with open arms is she received , for in her fallon sisterBho sees tho image of hor Divine j Master, althoughdark in sin, remembering; there is more jo; in Heavenat the conversion of ouo sinner than tho ninety-ninejust. Will yon refuse to co-oporale tn tbe noolt) workand help by your alms the " Good Shepherds" to carryon this great work of charity and mercy F If you lovoGod, if yon valno tho souls of yoar fellow-creatureaand your own—if the fire of true charity bnrna inyour heart—if the desire to promote ! tho best interestsof society—be generous to the Magdalen Asylum ; andyon, ladies of Waterford, as you value the purity ofwomanhood—the honour of your sex—with hearts ten-der, compassionate and forgiving, ' extend your pro-tecting arms to your wandering Bisters, for they areyour sisters, and, but for temptation, might bo as pureand virtuous as you. Let not this season pass withoutshowing your zeal for thej salvation of the erringones, and in return you wUl ¦ hate the bleasingofmany a broken-hearted parent, joined with the prayerof her-that was lost and waa lound, and who willoffer ,to tho Throno of the Giverot every good gilt,that " Peace" wbioh He camo to bring may bo yours.

There is an impressuion abroad that! tho Convent oftho Good Shepherd, tho home - and Tefoge ot the poorMagdalen, Hennessy'B Road, in eell-supporting, andtherefore, needs no further practical Bpnipatby 01 thepublic This is erroneous. Wo j will say no more, audTrill leave this great and noble wort of charity m thahahdB of ' the people of this good Catbolio city, satis-fied they will not fail to prove themselves worthy ofthe same for which they haveevef b«eu proverbial,where works of charity vrere to bo done, giving aidto the SiBters of the Good Shepherd , if not in money,at least is Bending them laundry work. To keep em-ployed and to support eighty , poor Magdalene, issurely on easy nay of rendering rr cch-iHeded assist-ance to a most meritorious institate.-J-Communicated.

AT OUR CHARITABLE INSTITOTIONSTo-day we paid a visit to tbe principal charitable

institution's in this city, and found them all in ex-cellent order, and tbe poor in each .cared for aswell as possible. Tbe food in the 'different insti-tutions on Christmas Day will be as follows :—

THE WoBsfi'otrsB.—For ' breakfast-*- bread, but-ter and tea. Dinner—Beef, etc!, as supplied byFlynn Bros* Inmates in tbe houqe,lQ32.

FAHNINQ'S INSTITUTE,—Breakfast— bread,, but-ter and tea. Dinner—roast beef on'djplbm pudding.Contractors for meat, Flyan Broi ; 89 Inmates inthe house. ;' I I

HOLT GHOST HOSPITA L.—Breakfaat-j-teu, . bread,batter, and eggs. Dinner—roust mnikra and plumpudding. Contractor for meat, Sir Qiiinlan. Inmatesin the honso. 35. r

UTTLE BIBTEES Oif THE TOOK.Here the greatest variety o{ food will bo given

the inmates numbering 120, all old people The goodSisters (14 in number, nearly all j foreigners), willprovide tbo poor on' Christmas Day with *a brealcef&stof bread, butter, tea, and eggs, and a dinner ofroas and .boiled meats, puddings, soup, orangestobacco, &c- Tho inform us that ladies —Catholicsand Protestants — usually send them in paddingscooked. They have room for 12 more inmates ; butthey sadly require some bed clothes. ' They keepshoemakers and carpenters at work on the premisoiand we are informed that tho Messrs ¦¦ Cox BroB.always Bnpply them, with timber ! f reo of ohargvThe nnceasing and tireless energy of these ladies forthe poor i3 really snrprisinu citizens should go Eeefchtu fiHmimW« inntitDtion.


j TO THE EDITOB OF THE HEWB.DEAB 8IE—Allow me publicly tq protest against

tbe selection of the City Hall; Waterford, as tbeplace where tbe next County Convention Si to heheld. Who is responsible for this , arrangement Ido not know, but I do know tbat jthe ProvisionalCommittee, composed of Messrs. Davin, Prewen,Wyse Power, and O'Eiordan—* vrbo| are, under theguidance of bis Grace of Caahel, the controllingpower in the G.A.A. at present—hodt sanctioned theselection of Kilmacthomas as a. suitable place fortbe Convention. I do not think <bat there is amore inconvenient place than; Waterford in tbo

XL is simply aosura to as* u.eic£»ic» **vw* iBim«iBollyduff Upper, &c, to attend in 'WaUrford, andremain f o r the night , as they myet.iif tbey wait rillthe business is concluded. Tte " City Hall" is atthe end of the city, remote from the railwaystations, to that delegates having tcf travel by railcould not remain longer tban half post two o clock(and business does not commence till one p.m), ifthey wished to get home ot a reasonable hour.Unless tbo delegates from tbiu braiJch leave at thetime I mentioned, they must remain knocking aboutthe city till ball post eight o'clock, and then, afterthey come out in Carrick, have to wftlk six or sevenIrish miles on a winter's night,;and delegates fromthe other branches in this neighbourhood must dothe same.—I am, dear sir, yours , &a., I _ ;

J. FLE'IIINO, Hon. Sec., Katb£ormaclt Branoh.

IMr 0 P Redmond, who Was elected one ofthe hon/ eca. of the County | Executive. at

themeeting: in KilmacthomaB, bas-hao nothing todo with the aiTarigement cotophuned of, nothaving been consulted.- i | / | !

WATEEFOBD TEEBIBB c6OB8li.G CLJB.tstlent--MrDDoolin,Vlce-pro8id«nt-rMtGCan.ningbam. Jndge-Mi V Quinnnsitj.pec-Elr:J .

T°beClLond mating under til.' £»rice, drg to

inb for tbe present year was beld, to-day at Bally-Saneefhigh.

Pin tbe presence of b goodly company.S in¥to tbe«barp frost of tho lprenout couple of9X eit %u foundT impossible to prixut? »" at%&*. and w a consequence, W«f ?«>• "

^Sbe divided, whilst tbe members'].take "«¦ notrun atoli; Appended are details :-i I

WATKBFOiD CJ ULMHOB 8T**»-{0pen.)i S-oi Dogi of and undnr.!

HrJ Barry1 " St&g" b Mr B .'dtttford's Boy-

°°jto'ji: tqcM'» "Kotij-ha" beat M . T] Donnolly>

"S^rffi "Boxer" bcit k " jT Barton'."

"w-' heUn'. " Euthcorby | ij?\" «?»•• Mr' f8

She?'..'' Monntotoeer.;; . I , .^! J j %,

%VM!K-«ai i(^-| ^»-i> S^5,,bU^"M-M^S" &; W. » »«. Turn" Ti^^lB Conning. ^T/fenJout tf'SSft Sij

'cffld^Uo'ra.hi i^b .J HlU'. to nudoubtedly a tribhti to Waterford workman.

•• Dc^OTCroM".. ,,'Hl.wthorll>>'ibeat iir U Byan'« "X, Gilinartln, JTobn-strfet,; MUS WaUb, Mis*toJ Caulflsld a Hftwtborn, , , , Kl .e,rQuay, »nd jM.s. .ihearne,

"Nijjscr. ; ! ^BBX TIES ^ .| . ! ¦ . Patrick-street, elw hatn * Urge dispUy olrpnewl

¦• ! ¦•• Sting1' t " Kathl i" ¦ V • ' dwper,, as bu tin. Hackett at ber new eit.blUb.

"Bathcntbir Boy" beat 'Boxer- , m nt ln Broad-itrett. ¦ . ! i ; ¦;. .: *

MBlttfFatbion-' bwt'Vltt lwTD, ; ; dta, .g,tatttb, 4rdblU U|aitol 4fa«^el»- ibe W-

'¦- •• ««»H S!kii».J» i ; but witbcot inward comforts all tbefe tfilngi would•!Bfing". WS&m^mar- ¦ ¦ '¦ «» <* *rji UWe •**U oom "b1» f d V W'T•' Bhse Gos1' b»»t " BiM *¦•¦"f¦" : "" V;\j

i i

. ke fflerrT » HtppUy oor waoU

Joe.'' ¦' i ¦ ". I\ ••. :- j ,

¦ t. -/wiirfB*. Bon ¦toM,l»ke«.ODOeoll»t*ln*l W0¥wbox?f' rrmtj

¦ HfHaSK H- i- f Ssas»*sstf ?¦ TTr,,i..UJ I Wf ir * rU ¦¦l.i.»7| j^LW iitJi" !!i& >MI MMT«{ •Qtbaotbtr il io«Boi«»4 to

1 :Vv- -- ' . r !¦ ' . . ¦; ¦ ';;- 'tei:y *i-?i iV:. • * . * • , : ' . '.

¦ ¦;;. . ¦ ! ¦ ¦

¦ ! • ' ¦'

¦ — ~ -<3hna,tvaa9 m ;:6u» " City;1!-;¦• ' -{-•-

ete itvTt t^osV years:>hl«t, drift, man intoChrStL^ •^

UK,t?;Wak 6n tk*e Shore of . Time,te¦ M ".? "'- • aV-f Wociatlonp ever brlhgs back•a aS,; f TkT thuat time ^81?qniokly bS-thstM t II M* ure8b0M ot aootb^r ortJoVoyclea-the or^n»^ h ;r8 ¦***£?* ° amei to! ""siirethe ordinary l«e of man. ,.We feel with theapproachand thn* 8

''Vy^r iB growing. anSeni"-and .the .knowledge doea not b«ng unalloyed &

feS yn,VOted''l--1OJOUB OOrl:i A' no «»H»tt|tt» e ate

t™ L? POW0*- Those >ho have passedr.w£* * • /W-isiceaseless show . rise ;up Ikephantoms to oppress the heart. Never ig their ab-SStTSSA^p11' tha" *f D S th° fo^ Md¦ With many timp/baB almost obliterated!such re"•fn*f •j;A"

he tMn8a tUat bavo be°* nurryinBon to.dim distance, grow snialle^ and smaller tilllike tbe lessening Qljects on the;

distant horizob,tbev fade ,nto m] t. so too do those who were onceiovea, fade, from our mental vision. Is' it not"¦range .that dur ng this season of festivity thememories of eyei ts long past ; nnd gone shouldrush back upon ui P ; iPure, aa tho spr ag from its fountain-heart woll-'nff,n Through the h t sands in the wilderness lono, iU>mo back aga a from their shadowy dwelling, iAll the sad me nodes of days that are gono.Aye, ; tbe phanfesms of tbe past' flit back to meetus—some dim, sh idowy and undefined—bot othersstanding out wltK sharp outlines. ! Those images oftho past that B»nnd ont with the greatest promi-nence on tbe toblets of our recollection are everthose which give UB most pain in their recalling,this is a strange paradox of nature. We ajl knowcf it , and yet *lth eagernet; we welcome itscoming. : ; [Yes, Christmas is ever welcomed Is it not thenwhen by a simple token old friendship is renewed,and love is revived, and many are madei-happylPWith what joyous anticipations dp children look forits coming ? In their childish imaginations theytreasure up the recollections of all tbe goqd thingswhich must accompany the advent of the festiveseason, and their joyous laughter and happy smiles,whilst speaking of the treasures: to come, help Inno small degree to make the season a welcomo onefor all. . '. ;But after all times must have sadly changed ifwe are to believe all we read of bow Christmas wasspent in days past and gone, j Thejn we are ,told tho

Baron ln his castellated hall entertained his re-tainers ; for weeks at a stretch. : We must havegrown veiy matter of fact since ttio days when

"A Christmas revel off would ohcoriThe poor man'a heart for half the year."

While it can hardly be hoped that this year'sChristmas cheer will bftve such ;a lasting effect;very many in this city will derive pleasure and pro-fit from the approaching holidays; The principalshops here will close on Saturday, iand will not re-open till Wednesday, the employees thus beingafforded tbe much needed relaxation of a threedays' holiday. - i j ! ;

Although the almost total, absence of holly andivy from the windows of our princi pal businesshouses could not but be noted by the passer by, yetthe preparations to meet tbe public wants ever felt ;ot this period were even on a more extended scale!than has been customary for ' years paBt. This we.particularly noticed on visiting some of the principal!shops in* tbe city. Everywhere there itas bustle:and excitement. Nothing was left undone to secureat least a modicum of the Christmas trade, andjudging from tLe

^number of people at the various

counters, it ia pretty evident that in moBt in-stances such efforts were attended with the bestrpRnltR. * ' i

On entering Jleasis. James Hearne & Co.'s wellknown establishment we were first struck with thoartistic manner in which the toy table is arranged.Here every class of toy invented for vbildren ts ex.blbited, and as a result is tbe object of much at-tention from tbe youthful members of the com.munlty. Walking on further ia Another table onwhich a variety of coBtly articles orb to be seen, andthen-one reaches tbe fancy counter, (which extendsthe tntire length of tbe watehouBe). In this de-partment goods in tbe utmost variety are offeredfor sale. Here are to be had albums and work-boxes. Inkstands and brackets, of every imaginablekind. "Walking to tbe other side of the house thevisitor immediately sees the Christmas and .NewYear's card counter—nnd here again exvep'ionaltaste has been displayed in buying the goods offeredfur sale. In the Hosiery Department silk hand-kerchiefs of almost every kind aro to be had. Thisis pretty apparent to those who ut night time, whenpassing, take a glance at tbe windows of this famedCBtabllBhtnent. Here recently a large arch of suchhandkerchiefs was ingeniously exhibited, and tbevariety of the colors displayed was certainly verygreat. Or -Jbing a person cuunot fall to remarkon vlsiti/ y/his establishment-—the)great taste dis-played lirthe Bbow of the splendid stock, the promi-nent manner in which Irish manufactured goodsare arranged, and the attractive: way in whicheverything is placed for view. I

Messrs. P. TobliTs splendid concerns never ap-peared to greater advantage than, during thisChristmas time. . When viewed from tho outeideone could never really imagine that; everything in-side was carried out on such aa extensive scale. Thewareroom's show plainly that there is an evidentdesire on the part of the proprietors to keep pacewith the . wishes of the public in: every respect.Passing to the inner room tbe first ihing that attractsattention is a very fine show case containing somesplendid specimens of Pnrisiiin millinery. . Thenlooking round one sees sacb a multiplicity of thingsrequired i iu everyday .life that ' a difficult taskit would be to name an article which is not tobe bud. Here are rich Spanish luce ball dresses,magnificent eiderdown coverlets, far boos in skunk ,bear and squirrel, plastrons in.all the fashionablefurs, muffs and cupes in . beaver, skunk and bear.Here are j nlso shown tbe' ictoal prize exhibits atManchester Exhibition of Messrs. Booth and' Pox,Cork. Tbeseare readily.conve 'rted into appropriatepresents by the addition of artistiq monograms andcrests, which, by $be way,, can; be seen in course ofembroidery at tbe fancy work counter. In theouter or old shop a magnificent array of articles,suitable for presents, is to ba seen, and here alsoyf e ore informed umbrellas ;cau;ibe covered infive minutes by a patent process. , 3n tbe other de-partments tweeds and bats of Irish and every othermanufacture can be had, but space does not admitof our enumerating further ithe 'many noveltiesoffered for sale in this model establishment.

Messrs. i Bobertson, Ledlie, Ferguson & Co. havethis year | in their Christmasic'lsplay fully uphelda reputation which time .has only, helped tostrengthen. In tbe millinery department theymake a really splendid show in all the most ap-proved styles. They have a very Urge nnd varieddock of mantles, costumes, jbopta utd shoes, silkhandkerchiefs, scarfs and gloves in every BBadeandcolori Dg. A considerable part of the warehouse hasbeen set apart foi the display of toys, and c rtfi!'!-everything which one could j deiire to amuse ii,iyoung with la to be bad here. > Every new toy de-vised for'tbe pleasure of tbo rUlng generationis for sale. It would be difficult! to mention inone short paragraph a tittle of itbe *lmoat countlessnovelties wbich this firm hoi displayed for thepublio to choose from, but one thing is certain, thatintending purchasers will have no difficulty iu ob-taining any article wblch ono might naturally sup-nose woulcvbe sold at any such establishment.

i Messrs; JEdward Deevy and Co. nave shewn thattbey are fully alive to the necessity of-procuringthe most enticing gooda for salo at a time whencompetition is so keen. In the »arious depart-ments they have goods to suit; every taste, and atprices to ! moet tbe wishes of oil; Tbey havebea'ntiful ladies and gentlemen's K.mcy handker-chiefs ; a fine collection of toys, Christmas cards,work:boxes and fancy articles ; an attractive ehowof latest French and English | millinery ; a variedassortment' of ludies dolmannelte«; paletots, furcapes and Bllng sleeve mantles, end also an ex-tensive dieploy of umbrellas, ' gloves, anlrts andhosiery. This establishment pill ttndoubUslly re-pay a visit. ' • I ¦

Messrs, Kelly Bros, have alao oa their countersa very valuable collection of handsome goods.Muffs, ombrellos, mantles,, cloths, and millineryof every description can be badi here. Tbe: displaybos been made specially suitable to the occasion,and cannot fall to attract much, attention.

Mr. H. Grainger, Barronstrand-street, • bos inthe windows of his establishment a really capitaldisplay. Here can be • bad dolls, i homes and care(toy ones) ipuzzelfl, drum*, and k variety of tin toys,Christmas i and New Year's IcardB, lithographedviews of Waterford, work-boxes and boskets, albums ,jewellery, iind a very large variety of articles suit-able for gifts for thd precept staaon. : In themillinery department there ia !a lalrge assortmentof seasonable ijoode, ' j '. '¦. ' . ' .

In Mrs. Kelly's. Quay, "11 the seisoo's noveltie*are shewnJ Everything wemaVIe ii . bere d>j<la;,edin puzzling va.ifty, and the requirement, ol allcUBe* of pnrt-haeei* me carefully catered fbr.

Mr P J Sullivan , in addition to maay[anlts ofJr.»h maouU.-tu i-e—iuiluding |a . Mal'suit 'of Win.O'Urlen tw«*d—exhibits tbe Atyyor a cloak, wbioois to be'wdrn i 'S our Cble/ MagistritM for. tbe en-

Messrs; Murpby. Button and quinn have a stockwatch is certainly equal to that of any house of the«md in tbe city. Here an abundant supply ofgood things is on view. Wine, which* " maketbthe heart rrow glad," and the Blue Eibbon'•¦ Armylonng ; Man'a Average are sold in addition towe oau»i bou bons, figs, nuts, ord other things¦which are looked on as essentials of Christmascheer. | . '.Proceeding up Broad-street on Wednesday even-Mg the first thing Which attracted our attention wasthe splendid elebtric lamp which Mr. Jam«B O'Neilhas had placed over, the door of¦ his grocery concetna. Mr. O'Neill offers the necessities and»u the luxurlos looked for at this season.1 , :All kinds of Christmas provender (.an also be hadot tbe oaUblishmpnts of Messrs. : George Walpole& bons, Quay; Messrs Chapman Brothers, Mrs EyanMicbael-street ; Mr Philip Murphy.-MichaaUtreet ;fllr J. Higgius, Patrick-street, Mr. Euan's B irron-strand^treet. Mr. Curran's B.-irronBtrand-atreet, MtJ rhelan's High-street ; Mr B F PheUn , Quay j MrJ Morrissy, Arundel-squsre ; Mr M Power, Broad-street ; Mr D Keogh, Quay , and in fact in almostall the grocers' establishments in tbe city. ¦For many weeks past very lar e assortments ofChristmas cards have been exhibited by MeB3rg.Harvey ¦ & Company, Messrs. Kelly, George's-street ; Mrs. Dawson and J. Browne , Quay : Mrs.Kelly, Parade Quay, and W. Croker, Mall.Mr. Walter Bishop—who now runs no less thanthree shops—has in eaoh a splendid 'show of con-fectionery. In the windows of bia Michael-streetconcern , a large Christmas tree is the object ofmuch concern to every youth who pusses that way.Messrs. W. J. Smith & Company have made, goodprovision for tbe approaching ux-rry making dayB,and Mr Grainger, Mr Waddell and Mr Corlette hu vetnlren core to provide tbe most inviting things fortula.Messrs. P. M. Doyle, W. .Whittr . A. L. Eynn,0 Keeffe nnd Mrs. H ogan offer pipes of every de-fcri ption, and recommend them us. suitable forChristmas presents, whilst in almost.,every houseof business something is exhibited to Jetnlnd UBthat this is Christmas time. ""'

G A E L I C N O T E SI understand a further Convention of tbe County

Watorford Delegates Is to be beld in tho TownHall , on Tuesday next, in order to comply witbwhat certainly appears a very complicated rule.Tbe Provisional Committee have now decided, thatwhere there are forty clubs, each elected represen-tative should have at least twenty-one votes. Scru-tinies must bo repeated until this result is attained—oo the rule says—but I must Bay, it appears tome, that in p:actlse this will be found to he A diffi-cult provision to carry out.

I understand that at Tramore, on St. Stephen'sDay, the burling and football teams will be set toplay on separate grounds, otherwise the profjaintnecould never be got through. The draw took placelast evening, with the following result :—

Drombano v. Mooncoin (hurling) , Tramoro v. Kells(football) ; Fenor v. Crooke (do.) Tho driV in othormatches was postponed until this evening. PiltownImvo written, stating thoy will visit Tramoro, and theT. F. Meagher's are also expeoted.

On the Waterford and Central Ireland Eailwoy, theWaterford and Limerick Eaiiway and tho TrainoreEailway special train arrangements have been made,so that competitors should find no difficulty inreaching the scene of actiou in time for the openiDgmatch , wbich ia fixed to begin ut twelve o'clock.

The tournament at Kilmacthomas, which I beforehinted was in contemplation, has been fixed forTwelfth Day. ' Now, I understand everything willbe done by the energetio Hon. Sec- , and the hardworking committee to seek for euca success, us it isin tbe power of mortals to command- Entries closewith the Hon, Sec. on next Tuesday, and on Fridaynext, the draw will appear ln the columns of THCNEWS.

On New Year's Day, a nuojber of nmlches]be pluytd at Ballyduff Loner, vtbich should attracta large attendance. Mr. Nolan's team, after theirrest, should be prepared to tako the field againstall corners.

1 The Wuterford Commercials in the rubber tie;with the Clonmel team at Carrick , on Sundny,suffered a singularly aafortunsxte defeat. In the firstlive minutes, owing to a miBluke on tbe part oftheir poal keeper, the major score was recordedagainst them, and althoug h they played splendidlytight through the match , and succeeded ia placingpo less tbHO nine points to their credit , the goal ,and only scoie made by Clonmel, nullified theeffect ot all their efforts, and they had to taste tbebitterness of defeat, although undoubtedly deservingof u victory. ;

FUNERAL OF JOSEPH MALCOMSON , Een1 Tho remains of this highly estcoraed young gontlo-mail whoao death is so Binoerel; regretted , ut thetarly ago of 20, wero interred on Monday in tbo Cemo-tery John's Hill. Tbu funoral was very largoly andrespectably attended. Tbo. pall-bearera wero ihu eaptand crow of tho late ilrTJalcomson's yacht Loadsiartiz. John Power (captain), and Willikm Mackey,William Power, James Power, Thomas Gioady. andPatrick'Power. Three walked on one sido, and threnon the other. Following tbe ooffio wore iho ohiulaonrntrs, viz i—William King, anclu ; Grorgo PMalcomson, J T Modlycott , D L, J P , Guorgo Morris ,J F, Master George Morris , Tho offico-bcarerd cf tbuDunmoro East Horticultural Association then came ,and inoluded cho Hon Dudley F Forteecno, C PorcuvalBolton, P Horney (who with tho Lato JosephMalcouison, hon seorutary of this ytur 'aebow), and ROT Mr Gillmoro. Representing the har-bour and' fishermen, etc, of Danaiorr. were—ThoHarbour Master Mr Dunne, Me i' G Kant , Sergeantdutcliffe, Q I C ; William Jones , Patrick Pow,-r , Johu(Joonan, James Hiinauberry , William Power , JobnMaokoy, James Edmonds, M U'Djnooll , M Walsh ,K DioKeno , Mr Georgo Kont , Mr J Kent , tto.AmoDgst the gcnoral publio present werd :— Ttryllav Dean Morgan ; Eov Henry Lino , M A ; Rev It HOhtUtie, M. A j Eov 14 Forde, llev Mr Webb, ltevMr Thornton, Mr S B Pirn, Dr Eingroso Atkins, DrGeorgo I Maokesy, J P, Dr O'Ftrrell , ' Dr WilliamMackesy, Dr Connolly, Dr Mooley, Dr Martin , DrDeEonzy, Dr V Whito, A 0 Rooorts. 'Slr Kobott JPaul, J G VVhite, J 1' ; Georgo P Malcomson , GeorgoMaloomson, junr ; Wm Mslcomsoa , William Malcom-son, ,junr ; Major Caffo, Captain Carow, R T Carow ,J; F, fiobort Uobbyn, Bolioitor ; Daniel Dunford,solicitor :. Archibald McCoy, solicitor , WilliamGallwey, j P ; H J Gallwey, W H Smith, W ASargent, B L , BS Proosor Manager National Bank ,Waterford . | Eev J Hall, Henry Morris, RobertWialloy, Waterf ord titandard ; County In-spector Whelan Ii I C; James Sheo, C Porcovaliiolton, Edward Courtenay District Iuspcotor Ball ,B I C ; J MoCoy J E Tobin, J Tobin , E S Blee, V 8 ;Congrero . Kogars, J £ \ Major Maunsoll , J P ;Laurence A Eyan, J P : Edward Jacob, A Noleon,J Kirwan , J H Snow, Lapham, Lapham jan, H«nryBell , William Kobertson A Uobortsoa, M F FitzgeraldAid Clampott P Barroo , Anthony Oodogon, X C;Wm Sage J A. Power,""*B

vW Fennessy. P Whally,Andrew Horn, , J H JoneB^^an, Biohird Hassurd,ijl'citor ; Potriok Curran, J A Coltorphe, Mr CGalgey, W M Jonos, Willia^i Hassard, AbrahamStephens, J P, A C, Anderson, J P ; Cant Dawson,0 Morloy, J P j W G D Qofl , J ? ;Ald Eedmond,Cipt Armstrong, J P, I W Anderson , J P, C E DennyW Wright, Capt Davis, TC ; J Lee, P J Harty, C Bea,A Dobbyn, V 8 ; J Allingbam, J Koynett , Portlaw ;J" Hcarn, Pierso Kelly, solr ; Goo Nolan, F WightmanU W Penrose, T Ainswottb, J W Downoy, Capt Park,T and J Walah, the Mall , W Prica J P Grares , J P,

i G Strangnun, J Strangtnan, D L ; John Strongman,S Strangman, F Jocob, J J Murphy, J Tlghe, C E,J Otway, i C E ; JB Eawloy, 8argoon Dentist | MrMoDonough, T Atkins, Major Hoboon, Mr SWphenson ,Ftiirbrook ; Capt DeLooy, J P j A Bloomfield, CaptCaldicott, J- P j McQaaide, J Dobbyn; 0 Wilson,

ohn Waddoll, eto., etc.

ENTEETAINMENT AT CLONEA(From a Comzponient) . ¦

On Sunday evening last, a most interesting lectureillustrated by magio lantern piotures, was delivered byMr. E. E Brennan, of Dangarvan, ia aid of tho fundsof the local branch of tbe G.A.A. Tbd lecture waaentitled . - '? All round tho World, or Ovor tho Sea withthe Sailor." '.Commencing at tbe villago'of Clonca, ofnhioh Mr Brennan hod talcen several photographs dur-ing a recent visit whiah be paid to tbe lboahty. Heoonduoted h!» audienosr rapidly through Euglund,France, Portugal, the Suez Canal, Egypt, India,China, Japan, and homo again 'through' America toIreland.' -Of tho lecture it is impossible to give anadequate description : it was the work of a masterpousessing a thorough knowledge of his sabjoot , theresult, of extepsivo reading an na» plainly endoat bythe inoxbttaotible fund of fact, bistorial aud Iegondry,at tha disposal of the leotarer. Humorous , grave,sarcostio, and pathetic' by turns, be kept his Learersspoil-bound for over an bour. Whether treating ofouuaio antiquity, i or the latest results of civilization.the Pyramids of Egypt, or tho newest faslobs at Xeddobo was equally at home ; and was particularly effeot-ive in the portion rulating to tbat " Greater Ireland"beyond tha sea, whero there's bread and work for all ,aud where eo many, of ijiur Dearest and dearest havofound the peace and prosperity denied th.'m in tho landof tbelr birth. Tho eioetlunt illuatratijas gave addi-tioual point U> tho lecture, and helped to make it whatit must unhesitatingly b*. pronounced " a thoroughsuccess." At the conolnsiou ol the leotura proper, MrBrennan showed some jidmirable portraits of thomost prominent members of the National Party, Budas each was recognised bo was loadly oheorod, Wm.O'B*ien'« namo in punioukr being recuircd withTociferout appUusc- He also diipkyed somn Irres-istibly ' comio piotorea, wbioh fairly broaght down thehouse. DnriuiJ the interval* Mill O'Toolo played anadmirable eoleotioo of matlo, and Mis* L. Flemingsans " Mj Mary of tbo Curling Hair" with moon tasteand feeling t in respon«8 to an Imperative encore shogave the " DUM Littla 8h»mrok of Ireland/'

A warm ' vote of thinks, propot»d in hii own happyway by Father Condon, w*a aw*rdcd to ilr Brenoan ,who in acknowledgment eipre«<od (ho ple&iurs be feltia oomioir U> the auittabo* ot tho member* of thaG.A.A.7 and said US'would be alwayil most happy to do'what lay ia hu power to forward tbe interests of theorganization. The .ringing of "God

^Savo Ireland"

by the wbob boose brought (be proceeding* to a close,and. tbe company wnarutod, hating enjoyed a mostagreeable evening." Amount thoae present were thoBeT J Powar, Bjv T Condon, D Gl«e»oo, P L G, BPower, P L G. M Terry, P L Q, P NogenJ, J Nngeat,Iflstei Power, Miu Moore, Mut Dowley, Min 8hana-b«n?Mr» Toole, MU* Sheebai>;!MIu Mdlooey, MiltPhnlan.etc, etc, Meun Hogtn. O'Donnell, Sheehah,add Moor* bad oharge of tbe arrangemfnu, and theyoerWnly dl»oh»rged their dutle«. in aa ndmlrabloti^awwy. . :

; ;:¦ '. ¦ • . '¦ ¦'. . ¦ ¦ • . '

. > ' -. . t • ¦ . •

KJLUA0T80XAB BOABD OF aUABDlANS.—| '' '¦ '¦¦ . "i . . ' . '.ToMTJiT.?

¦¦ :* ¦ ! ' ¦

I JAHM <POW»B, E«q., chairman, presided. : A]«b«reseot i Metf «.D. Oleeton, Vi Walsh, D. Eiersey,and B. Henebertjr ! " ; i ' - ¦ • ¦ ¦ ¦ '¦ .• ¦ ! . . . . . ." IVI»A»CI»II.—A bug dlsouwlOD took plaoeontbefinaaoUl ooditioa lot the unloni The aooonnte haven it yet tww elated, oilng to oarHin ontdlandiug debt*

1 ¦ . : ¦ ¦ . * ¦ I - > v iV

n,,, ' \ ' \ / I , ' ¦

; English Opinioa: on Irolandi *~r~ — . * • ¦ : ;HOME EULE DEPTJRA,TION JN WATEB-..\ ' :.' POBD: ¦ ' ¦, " . • : -

¦ ¦

• | . | LAE^E PUBLia MEETING. : '¦I The news arrived "very ''unexpectedly ' oh last

Tji^eoday afternoon that an Euglish Home Bole!deputntton were 'speeding.down to -Waterford.onth* Kilkenny train. This srrived at 6.80 p-m. Onth^.platform wore—The Major (Aid Power), CaptToole, T.C, (Muynr-electlAld Strange; Aid Bed-mond, Aid Kelly, Messrs A' FHrrcll, T.C j E Hearn ,T.C. ; J J Power, T.C. ; E Phelao.T.C ; M" Tlerney,T.C ; P McNamara, T.C ; W. G Fisher, T.C ;; J U.\g-glQB,.T(C ; E Morrissy, T.C j M J Murpby.iT.C. oodothers. There was no gatbering;at tbe Terminus,few having' beard of the arrival of the friendly Brl-t6us. A carriage, was in ' waiting, *nd- tbby werelmmediatelv pncorterl tn Commlas's Hotel; Themeeting was held in the Concert EoouiJ • Town

. Hall, which was crammed ] on floor and gallery.Those on the platform were—Tbe members of thodeputation s Mr T M Wilson, representing EastNorthamptonshire } Mr 8 W Taylor, North; North-amptonshire ; and Mr P D McGowan, N E North-amptonshire i also the Mayor (Aid E Power) , whopresided, Aid L A Eyan, Aid Redmond, AidStrange, Mr Manning. T.C ; Capt Toole (M.tyor-elect), E H Harveyi T Qulon, T.C ) B Hearne, TC ;PiJ Sullivun , T.O ; J Knox, T.C ; J Hi {fi{lnB. T.C ;M ,J Murp hy, T.O j P McNomars, T.C ; "B Mor-riesy, T.C ; M Tierney, T.C; H Grainger, T.O,(Hi>{b Sheriff) ; J Power, T.C. , •

Mr P Walsh , eec, read the followinpr address :—" To Messrs Millar, Wilson, P A Taylor, ! and J. D

MoGowan , members of tho Kottering and Wellington¦ |Liberal Association. : : ; 'i" GENTLEMBN — We, tho Mayor and Citisens of

Waterford , in publio mei-ting assembled, beg to giro}'<ju a wnrm and hearty greeting on your arrivalamOngst us. We aro dotiply sensible of your kind andpatriotic purposo iu visiting our oounty, and we lookwith confidence to tbe attainment of our commonobjeot, namely, tho redrcsBS I of the grevious wrongn(rpm which Iroland has so long Buffered, aud by thorestoration of her Native Parliament, a apoedy returnofj tho happiness and prosperity whioh have boon solobj i alion to our pooplo. .

f ' Tbron(?h yon weltouder our gratoful thanks to thagdnorous English Domooraoy whom you so worthilyrepresent and by whoao powerful did we are certain toattain onr longed-for political independence, j ,

f ' \ Wo regret extremely that owing to the short notioorcpoivod of your intopded visit to our City wo havoboon unable, to havo a saitablo demonstration arrangedtojcreotyou , but , nevertheless, we tender to you onrbest and wartnost wishes for your welfare and oaf cnostgrateful thanks for your patriotic efforts on our behalf.

pSignod on behalf of tbo Citizens, ' ' :" R ICHARD POWBB, Mayor."

(Mr Taylor, who was received with great ap-plause, said he brought them a message of sym-pc thy and love in that hour of darkness and ofneed. He brought that mesoago fro m tbe demo-cracy of England to tho democraoy of Ireland. Thebands and tho hearts of the two countries werocli Eyed in a way they had never been for centuries(c jeers). The Liberal Party, of which be was ahumble member in Eng land, bad never entered ouany conflict with CIOSB interests but they had pre-vailed. They bad pot on their armour, ond wouldnot put it off till perfect freedom was awarded totheir Irish brethren (cheers). They had three par-ties in England—Whig, Tory and Eadicul. Hewould illustrate tbe doctrine of each by a singleillustration. Take an old fellow ttoubled with acorn. Ho calls In the aid of three physicians. DrRadical advises to have tbe corn pulled out Ly theroots. "Ob , no," says Dr Conservative , "youmust not do that—it would ba tampering with tbemiri's constitution" (laughter). And while holdingtbp dispute Dr Liberal steps in and pares the cornddwn , giving temporary relief. When he saw thoGrand Old Man (cheers) ,it Notting ham witb thewe|if}ht of his 78 years upon bin shoulders, leavingbit retirement and home, and tbe rest he bad sowe|ll earned (hear, bear), vltb bis locks so whiteand ' sparse, to plead on behalf of down-troddenIreland, be resolved to do all in bis power to crownhis hoary head witb triump h (loud cheers). LordElCburcbill aud the Tories in general proposed togo! ob witb British Legislation. An engine driveralight BS well drive his train along a line alreadyblb;ked (hear , bear). Tbos? Unionists were con-tinually dining together (laughter). They wereperhaps fulfilling tbe Scil pturu l injunction—to eat,drink and be tuerry, for to-morrow they die (laugh-let and cheers). The situation might be summed upin! tbe tale of tbe two dogs who had beou tied, andwexo toBHed around in tbe wind—

"It blow by starts, aud it blow by fits ,And it blew thoso dogs about ,Till one little dog was blown to bits ,And tho other blown inside ont. "

(laug hter) . He had been In company with tbe natio-nal membetauud a more gentlemanly and honest sotof Imen hi? never mixed with ln his life (cheers).He concluded by expressing his absolute couvictionof tho ultimato success of Home Bale.

Mr Taylor iatrodnced himself at a bona f i d eworlwingmau (loud oheora). Ton daya ago he waxnarking at bricks and morter. Ho was not preparedfoe the amount o.' landlord injustice he met within j Ireland. As an Englishman hq advised them ifthey, could not combat this discaao by any othorweapon than tbo Plan of Campaign , tbun by all meansth^y should go in for the Plan (loud cheers).

Mr M'Gowan said they wero delegated to obcorvothe etato of public opinion throughoat the country.At : firs t they had misgivings as to ho* they shouldproceed , but tho oordiality and kindness of their Irishhoi's soon dispelled all misgivings. Ha boliotodHum J Halo woald bo as great an advantage. >o Englandas jto Ireland (hear, hear). The great ohjeotion urgedugaihst it was " soparation " It was an idle objection.England is tbo great market for Irish produce.England has all the advantages of established oredit,of ji thoroughly tried system of jurisprudence, and ofeverything that constitutes tho life and dignity of anation (hoar , hear). Then there was the religionsobjection. From what thoy witnessed in Irelandtha^ ] wore convinced that thore existed no

suchobjection. Frotcatanta a a , well an Catholics assuredtbijm. of this. Ho was sorry ho could not Bay thoBame * of tho Protestant ministers. Then there was thatobjection pcouliar to tho Irish oharaoter—quarrolsomo-ness (laughter). Centuries ago Simon da Montfortestablished their Parliament , and they had boeuquarrelliug over since (laughter and cheers). They (thoEnbljsh peoplo) had dono many unreasonable things,ancf Tjhon tlm Irish nation had a Parliament theywotild do many unreasonable things (langhtor). Thenthey ; wonld find what practical politics wero, andwould qaarrol as only Irishmen can (laughter). Iu acorivtrutition . with Lord liurleigh he asked what wasbe going to do with Mr Parnell'8 bill. " To throw itout" was bis lordship's roply. " But ," said I, " whatwill you do with tho Irishman P Ton can't throw himout OJ well os the bill" (laughtor). In the supremehodr ot trial the love and tho sympathy of tbe Eogltthpeople would bo theirs (loud ohuore).

Ali Strange said the deputation had still somothinginsljraotivo to eee—a benob of magistrates adminis-teribjt Coercion J OB ice. These worthies over-ratedtha defendants' objjotions beforo thoy hear them(lat ghter). Aid Strange procooded , in aluoid speech,to i lastrate this phase of the situation. Tho Enfflishnat on would not allo w itself to bo degraded by snobona ilments (cheers). He proposed a vote of sympathywitty tho Coercion " Criminals."

Capt Took', (Mayor-eleot) seconded tho propoeal,Thdy , had plenty Wm. O'Briona in Ireland—

Mr Taylor—Hear, hear.Cipt. Toolo (continuing)—And Wm. O'BrienoBses

too Tuughtor), whoso pettiooats tho Govornment mightbo s taaling by and by (laughter).

K r Manning, T C, proposed a voto ot thanks to theMa; o? (ohoers). Their motto was " Tbo TTntouohodCity," oo called becanso thoy drove all hostile arma-monts from thoir port. They : should obango thatmotto | they would no longer , resist the English in-vadbn (ohoors). Their watch-word should bo Godbless ] tho English, domooraoy, and God savs Iroland,(obdets).

AlriVVilson seconded the motion, whioh was carriedby d elamation. '

T ia meeting then dispersed cinginn " God Save Iro-lanc.? . ¦¦

A 8W0BN STATEMENTThe Hull Newt Bays ; The following is romark-

ablt proof of the wonderful powers of an astonish'ing new remedy i Henry Coabes, of 11, CbeatbamPin o, Adelaide Street, Hull, railway : employ*?,whe hud been a terrible suderer for many yearsfror i rheumatism in its worst formj, having readof i ,: detoiinined upon a trial, which has beenatte nded 1 with tbo most extraordinary results' jaud being anxious tbat bis experience should boknovn to other sufferers, be|detormined to bringIt f rward iusuob a manner as; to leave no possibledou >t of its' reliability, So he (appeared before Mr.E. iling letou, a comuiisaionerl and made oath asfoil iBs i—Ho affirmed that he bad been totally un-able to work for a long time. jand had been con-flnelito bis bed for a considerable period ; tbat hehad tried various dootors ' and [many romeJiei, butthai bo grow norea inetedd of better j . that at thattlini i his joints were so swolliin tbat be could notwed ¦ boots, and two cratohea wore hardly miBclentto s< import him. After having ', heard of St Jacob'sOil be purobued a bottle. In twelve hours ho(put i relief, aud persevering in its use, be is nowcund of rlieumatism, works daily, and can notonlj walk with ease without u| stick, but caa run jhe Enthusiastically recommeodf this great remedyto aayono euflering from any 'form'of rheumatismas it baa not only done wonders for him but manyof hid friends." Beferring to Ithe fotegolng, D. T.Wufakerv 0L.D., Inter-collegjate Law Ltetorerat Gtoahndife (Joiversity, writes from ; bia realdenle, 6, Scroops. Terrace,; Cambridge i " I havemuctJ pleaaaro ln stating thatj having been con*vluctd iroui well-autbenticated cuies witbin myperaibol kU'iriledge of tho great success which haJatte ittxl t 'te employ ment of Jacobs'Oil ln cases ofrhei ifcatiDiu and neurajlglo, Ij bnvo recomojocdedit to eeveral friends, and it bas been niediiu inyboui d for tbe o affections , with verj botioflcAlrtaultn." - ' . ¦ : :- ¦ : { : ¦ i l i i '


I THE ELY TENANT^ VICTOET ¦' ¦,Mr, Labouchere, in Truth o|f this week says—

" Of: course I' am very glad t<> eee tbe Marquis ofEly bobnobbloj? with Fatbef Doyle and knocking'ond -t to bliu to the extent of a rent ledfictioo pf60 per cent, and tbs relpgtatenient of tbe evictedtent dU who were compelled to lake refuge in New-Bos (' Workhouse, But I tike leave to doubtwbe her this Marquis would ever ' have drool; winewitl this prieit if it had not [ cn, for the Plan 'ofCan taign. Certainly tbe: Plan la a marvellouscbai ceoer of tbe proud and eralter of the humble.It i Of tens tbe manners of landlotda and' pfettnt*then' from being ferocious as. tbe Art*.never dl8.By- tbe-way, do not let o* forget tbat it WkS iL-tea fd'bj Mr O'Brien, who' I* now in TuUamoreGaoli and by Mr DIUlou, yrho'is only not in goalbecj d*e hn does not happen U be in Ireland! l?otbei a two gaolbirds (for I am inre neither of thesetwo gentlemen will object toj my so' detqtlbingtbeio) we owe this 'great modern obaateuer atapoliter of the Irtah ari»tocraoy|" ' . ''„ , !|^"l V

. T rben yon bear lotplcioua pertooi bo«rt <( 'beiBjrtbo friend*, of tbtir kind, Mktl»«(n wh»t«ort;ojrtaiittMt'f^' ' ¦' -':' - :

; • ¦:¦ • ¦-¦- fT1;


DBGIMBBR 23( - 1887, , - , Local and Distent Gossip.

; »

'. ¦

" : .

: The members of the English Deputation, whocame into this oity on Tuesday evening, mutt havebean greatly struck with tf e heartiness of theirreception, knowing, as they d d, that'their comingwas almost unheralded^ In the evening the Mayorreceived a telegram announcing the intended visit ;ths members of the Corporation ! were hurriedlyinformed of tbe fact, and tboyj proceeded In a bodyto welcome tbe incomers on thoir arrival from Kil-kenny by tbe 6 80 train. : I - :

iTbe deputationists were tacorted to CommlnVHotel ,, whero tbey bad arranged to take up theirqoartera. . The local bands on being informed of thearrival of tbe visitors turned odt without a moment'sdelay, nnd proceeding to thelHotel greeted theuowith " God Save Ireland" and other National airs.

The oound of musio in tbe streets, and tho aotlonof tbe National and Literary Club in Ulumninntingthe windows of the Club premises, had the effect ofquickly spreading tbe report ot the, advent of sym-pathisers from across the Chancel , with the resulttbat at eight o'clock tbe Largo Boom, Town Hall,was crowded to its utmost cupAuity. The delegates,who shortly after appeared, Bjjoke.taa very hopefultone, and were heartily cbeerJ I by all present, iindundoubtedly tbo meeting spoke volumes for tbesincerity of the Waterford people.

I have been informed that it is tbe intention tohold a meeting on a Tery extensive scale nt Bath-go'rmack on New Ycur'B Diy. There- are manyreasons why such a gathering ! is absolutely neces-sary to the near future. Humour has firmly fixedon many minds that before the New Year dawns theebeuu* ot the county, laden vitb writs , will be onthe march. As the report goes tenants in Bath'gorinnck nnd Clonea districts lire to receive tbo firstattentions from Mr. Hudson and bis worthies, andIt . ia for the purpose of offe 'ing advice and ef-couragement to those who are to play a prominentprat iu the Impending proceedings that tho meetingffl tn l\n hoM.

ID tbe lust is3no of tbo NE X B it wan stated thatMr Maurice Power, vegetable lealor, Broad street,was fined for keeping light weights. Now althoughthere Is no shopkeeper in'iBroiid-streDt exactlyanswering that description, Mr. Mmirice - Power,grocer, has naturally felt~thit tbo publio mightimagine ho nas the Implicated party. That beingso- It is only fair to etatd that although tbename in our last iesuo was 'correct, the iiddresawas not properly given, as thei clleged delioquen'lives iu Patrick-street, and not in Broad-Jtreot usannounced.

The Nuns and Pupils of the Sacred Heart Con-veDt , Ferry bank, Waterford , [ have made a veryappropriate and tasteful selection for their offeringto His Holiness, the Popo, on1 the occasion of hisSacerdotal Jubilee. Tho gift takes tho form of asalver and cruets for the' U3e! of tho altar. Theyare made out of pure silver, and are of beautiful de-sign, The cruets are entwined with National «m-UemB. ID the centre nt the Bal<j er there Is a suitableinscription Burrounded by shamrocks, the wholebeing surmounted by the Papal arms.

The articles are moot artistically wrought , whilethe wjrkmanobip is exquisite, and reflects thehighest credit on the emiment firms ot Smith &Sou, Wicklow-street, Dublin. ' They aro enclosediu a morocca case, lined with green Butla , also ofIrish a.anufacturo. Tho following is tho inscrip-tion ou tbe salver s—" Jubilee gift to His Holiness,Pope Leo XIII , from tbe Nuos and Pupils, Do8act6 Ccaur De Marie, Ferrybank. Dioccuo ofOsaory, Ireland , 81st December, 1887.

The dencription given by Sanitary Ofilcer Har-rison of tbe condition of certain bouses in Alexander-street shewn forcibly tbo miterable condition inwhich some of our poor live. 6f four bouses onlyiu this locality bo spoke, and the tale be told wusthat ia tbeoo not less than 180 eoals drag out amiserable existence. Tbe borisea are utterly de-ficient iu oanltary accommodation—in a tenementalportion of one of them a man , Eiis family, a horse, agout aud a number of hens all llvo.togethor I

And all this is related in tbil nineteenth ceoturyof boasted civilization. Tha categorical statementof the Sanitary Inspector did admit of no defence ,so the accused party had but one plen, poverty, topec in. Because he was poor 130 who were poorersaould suffer. Tbe Bymp.itbdtic feelings of thomagistrates were not deeply torched by this appeal,but they seasoned juatico with |mercy, and decidedto fine the accused—who had befo re been repeatedlycautioned—£2 and coato^-certlinly not too saveroa punishment. ' >

By Invitation u ntfbber of tlie membeis of tbeCorporation went down to tb p Electrio LightingDepot on Monday, for tho purpose of seeing a" u now compound high and lot? pressuro oon enn-densini; engine" nt work there, i The old machineryhaving been found insufficient'to effectively carryou the city lightlog, Messrs. i Lalng, Wharton &Down procured thin ono for tbo purpose.

With grave air and wisdom in their every look,these jjuardiaoo of the public puroe carefully exa-mined all the different styles!of lump displayed,passed their verdict on tbu ara and incandescentsystems, and camo away junt ab wico as they werebefore. ¦

One thing pretty evident tojus all 18 Ihnt thoelectric li ght in the city hoe eensibly improvedlinea this 80 horse power engine wus brought Intorequisition. Tbe blinking so jpainfull y apparentbefore has sensibly diminished, land iu illuminatingpoiTer tbe lamps shew a considerable and muchneeded improvement. !

Several of tbe guardUus of tbe Carnck-ou-SuirUnion at their lost meeting ebi-wed themselves tobo possessed of eminently philantbropio ideas.AmoDget thoso who attended Peking relief werooevural unemployed vioikaien who were anxious tolabour, but failed to got anythlug to do. Tiiese menare in the eyes of the la.v uafit for out-door relief ,ind if they want support ut the ratepayers costuiust come into tbe workbo'uee and bring theirfamilies witli them. To some bonest , b*rd>trorkiu gtnen the workhouse, bas even a griuter horror thanthe jail , but starve tbpy may outside before theguardlaoo can by law step In and mako provisionor rhom.

It was men suoh as tboce who sought work orout relief from tbe Carrick guardians on Saturday.The ratepayers, no doubt, would be willin g to con-cede- what was asked, but the dominant body ofthreo in Dublin , known as tbe Local GovernmentBoard, have decreed tbat no eucb genercaity shouldbe thown , aud they were, therefore, debarred fromsucdorlug tbe needy at tbe pnblio expense. A re-lief fund was tbe only alternative, and tbii wasstarted immediately by tbe guardians who quicklysubscribed a substantial oaia, rrbiah was im-mediately distributed amongct thoco nho were soBodlv in want of it.

On Taeeday o drag hunt with hounds, tbeproperty of Mr Widger, of this city, was enjoyedgreatly by all who took part in it. The meet tookplooa at Williamsto'vn, where a very largo companybad assembled. A run of over two hours' duration ,resulted, and all who took pnrt ia it were throughlypleued with tbe day's sport. It is stated that tbenext meet will be on St. Stephen's Day at EilcoraCroE3. .

I havo beoD informed tbat It was Mccars. JamesBudd, of Tramore, and Lett,' of Wexford, whomade the valuation on tbo Ely property, which re-sulted in. a rtduction of fifty per cent, being con-cedud to the tenants. - Those valuers : visited > bislordship's property on not lessjtban 32 townUudurand! their report must undoubtedly havo baeo ostartling one, now tbat wo know- its sequel. :

The Xoias number of tbo Cy cliit and AthUl * ha*come out with tbe high sounding when pronouncedname of Heo-Haw-Watha ^ The' letter-press, whichis Entirely in veraei'should proVe highly ontertiln '-Ing I to nil those for whom athletes and - athleticsports' have any interest.' Tbo illuotiation* arevery well executed, iudeud*. and in foot, the nuuiberis very good value for the modetit sizpenco at whichit can ba procured. ' ; " ' ' '"

The Mayor ¦ Eleot, mindful of the wants of tbepoor, baB given orders for a Christmaa dinner to'beprovided for all tbn families in this city relieved bytbo St. Vincent de Paul 8oclety, ¦ :

It is currently reported that overtures are aboutbeing mode by the Great Southern and . WesternEaiiway for tbe purchase of the Wdttifurd , Uuu-garyan & Llsmore line. Witb that object In viewtbe permanent way was quite recently Inspected bytwo ; engineers, acting under ' the direction of tbeG. S. & W. B. Company. ! Are tbo ratepayerswilling that this line, for wbioh they pay to dearly,should fall into the hands of these big monopolistsin railway affairs t • ¦. • ¦/ . . • ¦ ¦. • . '¦¦ . ¦

,CITY PETTY SESSIONS—Tnw DAY.(Before ^be M»yor, Dr Scptt, J Uyani J 81att«ry>

i MJ Cox, and D O Bodkin). . : . . . ... . .LiccNsiKa CASI —Sergeant Montgomery sum-

moned Mrs Curran, Qany, for selling. , drink afterclosing hour, II o'clock, on tbo 1-i'h ,init. ,MrDucford.defended. • Complain&ut saw 8ot9mencoming out through (ho ball door, and three on theproiiilses apparently: flnlabiofr a ilrluk,; ' . Ml«»O'Connor, " barmaid, deposed that ib'e Mleved itwaa:only 11 o'clock, and tbut the woo :.<v«retravellers. Fln«l 10s. v i * . .: . . : . ;;, -

Tbe following licence traoifett were gran ted t—From Bobert F Pbelan to Wuluin Qu Inn, King-street j and , from Catherine Oiwild <o &5iohaet

,Orlfl.Dj'Newg»teiire«t.; * '. .• ¦ ¦ ! • ¦ : ¦ ¦ : ¦ : ; - - ,'< > ijwfniAiHO . i. PouciKur.—Sergeant Jpbnaoncharged TbomrTKuox for assaulting him 'while ondutv on the 20th irut. PrUoner (a travellingjeweller) thrust some evergreen* \utq, bit face j itdM pot hurt blm wriously.. Fined lO* r. , ¦• ' .. ' Ak ' AMWO*TIO».—Mary( Dpnne, applied ,/oradmluionfortwo iitle g}rU Batned Blteo Wallfc*).uuuiMary Wallace, lu(o tbs IndoibrVH Mhool, ,pt(the ;«round that their father bad de*ert«l,tbem.jflranted. , . , ' .";j. " ., ' ,- . . : t '; \. , .: ;, <

TO ¦ O O B B S S P O N D B l f T B. J IP C—In " The Btlction Scent'* •« JBfcoy MIJTuDptttlcal <wpr««*Ion». In tbe e»««rnrte to jaettpWrtqt»lrttn«ita of rbymi, aeflte irta Bfp^r to»t^*»d]artgardad. ( '" ' ": ¦¦ ¦' " ' M ' " '" " f ' - r- .-'.rjPo,~W?MIA ' not im«ji ioi(ii .Lwm. iQB*.:

WATBBFOBD IWro2T—WM)!»MDAT, 'Mr Paiuy Powxa, V C, in the ohair. -,, - '

Also present—Capt.du Lacy, P. J. Po*er/M.P->Dr Scott, Hon. D. F. Fortune, Aid Bedmond.Aid Clantpetr, Aid Kelly, Dr. Q. I. Maokeav>Capt MaunselL Messrs. Momtsy, Phelan, ForrietaUO'Toole/ Beady, Kenny, Gnuit, Donpby, Allen,Fisher, Hickey. Walsh, Corcoran, M'Gr»th, Tiarney,Connolly, Byan, Hnlly, M'Don'nld, Brennap, Dooley,Bonyaue, Cadogant Bbgeri, E)llot. . : , ; ;EE-ILS0T10H Of THS COAIBHIN—UB P. J. P0W1B,

'. U.V . '.TBttS ,. WHAT H* THrMK* ABOIT1J : TB»MAOisT.oAor—A jtrviLT eosnm. . .. ¦

_ . . . . !; Aid Eedino'ud 'rose and proposed the re»olectloaof Mr ,P XPower. M.P, M.thufr chairman,.and fo-do'Ing 'Bo'Wd be (Mr ?.) had been deprived of thecommission of the peace by tbe unprinorpl«d ToryGovernment, wbioh for a.¦port time .put him opt ofthe chair. But now . be was elected by th^ peoplefor the Balliuaktll division, which w&» a fai;,high«Thonour to him (Mr r.) than that emanating fromthe contemptible govecamen( which coerced andimprisoned our . leaders' (hear, hear). ' By MrPower's oourteous demeanour be had always givoothe utmoot satisfaction iu tie chair (be^r, hear).For . nearly i}0 years coercion had been need, andused In vain.' But, after all, tbe peoplo of Englandhave awakened to the queition of Home Bule, andby tbeir jx>werful aid—bjeked by gqch men as MrP J Power, and the National Party—and sustainedby the people of Ireland, we* are at last almostwithin viaw of what every prosperous nationpossesses—namely, tbe right to govern onraelves(hear, bear).

Mr. Fisher seconded the resolution. Tbey wereonly too glad to be able to reinstate him in tbeposition he occupied with so much credit to theboard, and dignity to himself , (bear, hoar).Mr, Power wig deprived of the commission of thepeaco beoiuse he advocated the Phn of Cam-paign.

¦' ¦' . • •Dr. Scott—I wish to eay a few ,words, not in

support of tbe resolution no" in opposlti> n to it.I have no objection to Bee . the lnt« chairmanreinstated (bear, hear). When a roau is down Idon't like to trample on him. 1 would ask whetherit is prudent or poliJo for 'gentlemen to introducethis matter with a great political flourish. Somaventletnan suirirested that tiasmucb as the re-solution. ' was . proposed and eecond<>d by twojournalists their object might have beoa to supplycopy, (laughter). I would eay as AlderinauKedtnoud eald, tbat Home Rule will . soon begranted. However, us that may take some time,it Is for us to 8eu that tbo buolocea of tho union Isproperly doas iu tbe meantime. The monetary andfinancial condition of tbe union especlully will de-mand attention (hear, bear). Unless ail puttiescombine for this purpose it will not be doneproperly. . I have no objection, whatever to the in-troduction of polities. But it is only when tbeadtalilstraUvo work is done that we SiioulddiscuRS frtrnnpnnH mrtft^m— nr hnvrt nnraujustfinentd or divcrhttcncnti, aa tbeJFrenuhterni it (bear, ¦"¦¦¦.

Aid. Hedinoud aaid that as rejurdi his supplyingcopy (laughter), ha wculd only eaj that Dr. Scott ha4•applied copy in his time, and very bad copy it was(laughter, io whioh tho doctor joined.)

Mr. ('adoeao said ho bad no purnonul objection toMr fower. He (Mr C&dogan) wan as sUanch a LiberalM there wan in tho country, if tbat meant an ttdvocatoof liberty in tho true sense of the word. Iu tho dis-oharge of their dnty there they should , an ttentlomonand eu Chrlsuant , avoid evurv taoject that wouUirritate thone that differed from them politically orreliffionBly (hear , hear).

Tho Chairman then pot tha question , whether Mr.P. J. Power bo elootod chairman. About flvs "nooa 1'woro heard. •

Tho Chairman oaid tho " >»yoa'' had it. ¦Somo cries of " poll" wero railed at thlj

point.Aid. Claoipett said no one in tha minority caliod foe

a poll-Mr. Cadofan thought it would ba absurd to voto for

a man aa&aJtnously elected*.Aid. Clampott asked tha Chairraia to put the aotioa

again. -Cries of " poll; poll" wore vehemently ropeatod, and

a. acono of great confusion followed , nearly all thamembers of 1;ho board spearing togethor.

Mr Cado,Taa—What do you want of a poll ? MrFishor i Tho ex-ojjilio'i havo not the power MrCadog&u i !tr Finher , you haio no right to speak now.

It was inpossiblo to noto tho disoassion at thispoint , each guardian's voico being drowned in thogonoral uprour.

Mr Fortoaooe said aa no caonidato opposod MrPower it would be useless to tako a poll (" poll, poll.")

Mr Power, M.P , eaid tho majority or minority oon'dohallengo a poll (hear, hear). The Chairman put thomotion. .

Tho following did not voto—lI»oBra Maunsell , Oido-gan, Scott ,, Forteeoao, Clampctt, Elliott, Bojora.Captain do Lacy made no reply on his name beingcalled. Tho remainder of tho guardians voted forMr Power.

Cletk—Tbo motion as far as numbers go iscarried unanimously (laughter from the ex-oulolos).

Dr Scott (aid if they did vote they would only beimitating tbe bad tasto of tho other side. Ho wouldhave voted for Mr Power rather than for any man inthat board room (hear.) But their conduct waa sointolerant, so oaloulatod to provoke ill-feeling, tbat forthoso who wore inclined to join everything reasonablein tho present agitation, it wag impossible, if thoy weromen of spirit, to have (Usociatioa with them (loudapplause from tho ez-oQcius , a chorus of disclaimersproceeded from the majority of thoso present.)

The Chairman then declared Mr P J Powor dulyeleoted chairman of tho board.

Mr P Powor vacated tho chair, whioh was taken byMr P J Power, amidst BDplance. ' .

Tho newly-elected Chairman than eaid—Gentlemen, Ihavo to thank you very much for tho honour con-ferrod on mo. My first duty is to thank tho electorsof BaUinaWill division (or appointing mo gnardian.This action was unsolicited ou mj part and conse-quently I appreciate it tho more. It is far more hon-orable to bo thoir oloctod guardian than to be thonominee, of Doblin Castlf. I bavo aUo to thanksoveral members of this board for their conduct inoffering to reniffn in my favour. Some ifontlemon have•aid wo should not introdnco polities. I have a alightlydifferent view; Tha conduct paraned by th» Ooyorn-munt with reifard to your humble norvant was political ,and con»eqoootly quite germaci to tbo subjuct (boar,hear). While on tbis subject I think it is only duo totho board , KP its la to and as Its present chairman, togivo particulars nith referencu to the notion of theUoiernmoot in my regard (hear , hear). In tho dis-ohargo of tlioiJ pnblio duties whioh I bjlievo to boinoumbent u)>oa ovory publio tain, and »t tha roquoatof my consutaonoy, .1 »ttended A poblio meeting atMothel ia Novomoer. Oa tho Oth Nor, I recoired acommunication from tho Lord Chancellor wbich I shallnnw i«o^ ki\ (.K IR hftnvd i—

" Lord Chancgllort Ofics,Four ConrM, Dublin,(tb day of November, 1E37.

" CtE,—I ooi dlrootcd oj tht Lori . CouicaUof to laform.voa thit hli atieatloa hai «aa ullud ,to tha reportpnbUthed In th» liwuUr Eipr<u of ths Jth imtuit o(a meeting held at ZIotbnl, OJ Saoday, tht Wtbultimo. : • . ¦ ¦ ' ¦

" From fiat resort it wouli iippsar that you wortone ot the principal promoters ot tha meeting, and thatthe objeotj oftne miotloy, us oxplilJoJ Djr the otulraunwere, nratl/, to celebrate the •nilrerur/ of toe ulrta atthe. Plan of (^U3p<dffn | and, (scondlr, to u ablith th*Plan ot Campaign among the teninti of a localproprietor. - • ' .

It la further reported that you tad tha other ipeakenat tbe meetln; itro'igl/ adrueited ib» td^ption of tuo Fl»nof Cnmpolgn, pnd that resolutions in favour of it» tmtboiiwere propowl mod adopted la jonr presence, a A witbyourco nourr«ico. . . H ^'

" Tbe absolute illegality of the run or Cstapitg ihas boon authorituUrelr eitabllilied, and it cannpt bapormittod th".t. a migUtrato eaall tako aay pirt m recom-mending lt» adoption. . • . ¦ - • '. •

" 1 am, tbnrofore, to request tnat yoa will taform tb«Lord CbanceUor whether it 1J tbe fact thit joa werejrAsent at the meeting, ami, If no, tn far. lab him wlt& aa/ezpUuatioa of each oon not that yoa maj detlre to offer-^I am, «ir, yonif obodient Mrvaci, . - • ¦. ¦ i i .¦ " J HooisT Lrarliosm." ,I did not think it .fit . to' enter into any ezplarnvtipmbut I replied acknowledging tny' ipoeoh, a report , ofwhich appeared in tho Munittr Ezprest. . Daring myabaonch in Englan d on political bualnpss a writ o{fuptrttdsai tiai left at my home. On arriving 'home.I fonnd tho writ and reolied i— ¦ •..

i ¦ " • i ¦ •• Kewtowh HonM, ' '" Tcuaora, Hov. iSth, 1£37.'' •

", Bin.—Oa rotanimg froW; Enjtmd Uta lent jveekI found a writ from the Lord CbMcellor (ODercediJir otfrom tbe comralsjlon of tbo poaoo. , . .

" I refrained from entering into any «ljknatlon of m/oonducb ia nply U> your rommaoieauon of ih« Otb tn>(..believing that »o. ezplanatioq tnta ms ooald iffoct wb>tregardoa at > foregon* retolv* oa t&« part of . Uio liordCtanoellor awt Wi odvisen, • '' ' "

•:• Owing to tha uooonstitutlsnil Mtlon wblon oban«rt«r-lx» tha proatedlng* of th» prt«ot sovemawnt iq tenitlto their political opponent*, I Uueva . it imponibb todischarge' thn datiea ot' magirtrate in bannon/ with th*lnt£rt»S> of tbe paallo peace, heooe J notlted tba notlotof the Lord ClianceUor"! aotioa with BtiifactlOD. . . -

" I im under tbe Impreixloa .that •oma rCt the raoiieminent' Uwjren la 'and out of Inlind oontlte tb«Flan ot Campaign i not only luUnabl* aafler tbe otrean-•Unco, bot Hdctly lemO, «nd I ilwU be glad to lean oowhat authority tU 'a%olof« UUgalitr* ot U*T}aa ofCamtnlirn hu been ' aathorfutlvelr ettabhjhea.' ¦

, ",& am not' (nrprutd 'at tt» daeUioa . ol the LordOoasocllor.j biit I am very Ouoh «arBri»ed «t Uunaaou

•^Tatotu'thaf • »Ho!a'te llWUt^ of lh» Plan ofCaanilga tM :b«ea> 'autbortUtltel/ - e»tal)lt«b«V'andib*i Mi cannot b« permitted UMit.»nuri«tr»t^»h»at»k«any part In «ecommtndls| tti idoptlpn? . Coming iroaion* woo' U t l»-"jn, anaVtrca a Judge, the flrrt ol ia«*»•tatement*U Mtoandiug. It teeni to me to b» «btolirtelanfounded in fiict. ;> , • : : ' T > ¦ - ¦ L ." ' i.", ' ::

" Not only Uiu no asthorltatlve and blsdlag dadftoa;•ver beltn gifjn "by any of H««' H«4e;ty*» 1ooaiU on |h«qnatloa 'nUM by tie-Pkn of CiniMlgn,'- tmt cm tl» oilyocauloa cm wlioll any tribmai wia uk«d to 'glvaoaoplolon on tb« qaa«Upn,.thoJ ary oonldnot belndaeed }oagroa to' » vewtct. ' ' . ' ' :

"It U trn« that the Qoain'i Beabb dlvkten of the High ¦'Court of Juttoe in giving indnmeutO'V a totally ditttnntqnMUo* declared by the manttae 'of two p tltk mmabm,thattkeTUn «( Campaign wu'Uleinl, but (W ettUr IM»ot JaJffO* tn sot law, and It the Lotd Chancellor thistatney are, b* te the drtt Judge woo hu ever tnurulueda notion to untoond.-I am, ai>, yoar obedient,oervtst, :;.". . - . ¦•¦ ¦- ¦ ¦ - - ; ¦ ' ¦ ' p J Powia.

"J K«J«ntJientaI|riie.'E»q:, " ; . , . •. .„ .. «• Lord CbanOtliof't Baerttaty'* Ofloe, '• ' ¦

, ' • , . *'- **•'.OO«T*» iJnWln," . . , , j r , ' .

: : - ] ¦ - ¦ ¦ J \- ¦ ¦- ". ' " Tr»mo»; Dec «tfC ISW.J, .'Blrr-I »b»Il be- gUd to- tiow-lf mi letter of tbe SCalt. reached joo, aDdfl»owh*nl may nji«o»» r«rly—I «¦,.llr.Vourobedient »«vant, , - .. | ,-. :, , , : ..... • , - ,; i %. ' : . :. ••. ,: '» • • ' • , . . (. . t.J Powat., J H"na*fj«w«a*5»«ill '' \ -'-• '¦ . "Lord Ch*n«*Uer'« ¦Meratary'a Qfie*,! ; . « JaurCwH IhiNta/'Jt '•'. That U the co«?e»pondflBe» iOjf« .»i» I am eon-corned. In referenos to my qaew tha Lord Chao-CeUor repliad ha did' tnl ' tfinlr itUmpbrUat, and he¦aw no rea«on for ant.rit.friW'lh»- iab}«rf. ¦ Thl.qoery r-wta-Oni whw iwth r rM- tba PUa vt 'iUapalfB ;4Mte*d , UJtf**) tofjiliort . OteimUmWuiSriih; wtf tiof i,, bMiM'.I-, mm jl». . »B; b*on»n»w«r»ble. I h»v# 1(0 t^u*Jrt« Vefjri f?rHI M ,• ^^•f S ^ S f S B l ^ m• ^¦ m^TmmAooortev to A («»UII«»,' toiyMA'th* <*t-*mmJoInedT' 1 »»»• tJ»*y»i*«W Mm* t»4»tky3

the poiition la whioh we ftnd the leaden cf the «x>tin«ryplaced, it wonld not beitarprltiaf U the men ofIreland wen called upon to adopt -(otanwrattbod(hear, bear, and laughter trpm ttt* n-ofiotee). So tarfrom thinking; I am down, or regarding tb* maeUtiaeyu a poaiUoa.,whieh a katlpaaliit might hold withhononr, if. it yraa'. DaeeMacr to "* .» Mrty to thabrigandage that , exists. In tbU counb*fil tbesnaraeoflaw and ordor-rl vfould ; toort. and coutemn. andloathe it tf ah objeot of dUUonoM (ebeenUr, Whilehere I will hold my opinion*,>nd seek to'4k6harf« myd sty in tbe interest 6f tht ratepayer*; .", '¦ .,

Mr Power; M.P., ' thoalef» Wboard room,1 and litPhilip Power'retook tWoh2*. '" '

• ¦'-: :'::/ ;- :-¦ ¦nn&itr.

'- '-' "' '¦¦•'- •

¦¦"• ¦

¦--¦: A long Q1BOH»*1OA on the !Qnt aor>nliaf liook plaoe,

ln the oonf«a cf whioh ': '¦',- '¦ "¦ '• ¦'¦ •' '•• - iMr Fortesone proposed to. »top> oot-dooritelief al-

together for a time; ¦• > - ¦ ¦ ¦<• ¦ ¦ ' . ¦¦¦• ¦-¦ n -. -.KAid Eedmond said1 they wew gtviag twiea aa much

relief in England in unions Hoi bigger thai that ofWaterford. . ¦ '¦'

¦-¦¦ - . . . -J . : ¦ 'T -¦ . - .• - ¦ -•

Aid Clampett said la one of the Dublin Unions whiohcontained 3,700 inmates tho out-door-relief #aa bat £MIn Waterford It waa twice that* ' ¦, '"¦ '. -r

Mr Cadogan moved that a oommittea bo appointed.It was finally agreed to appoint a citjeo'mmittae.¦ ¦ ' ' ' nrvi*riacft. . ' 'On the motion of Mr Either, seconded by Mr Hearne,

it was agreed that tho site oa Mr NoUn't property boohanged as desired. n " ' ¦ '¦¦ ,' .' •¦-,. The OleVk of Works, certified itr.Bayla'r to be^ntitledto the aum of X60, on aoooant ' of contract -/or theereotion, of labourer*' cottage*.' • '• ','" ;• ""

Messrs Dobbyn, Tandy, and MoCoy wrote lujjgest-ing that the guardians appoint a comnjitteB to conferwith thorn as to completing tbe titles referred to lastweek. - . ¦ : * ' ¦ ¦ ' : • ' • ¦ • ¦ . . I • '. -

Mr O'llara, Oolleotor, informed th« board tbat h»rooeived tl)'e rent of T Waish'it cottage, Inohaaira.

' A LOAD QBANTU). ; 'The Commissioner* of Pahlio Works wiote'gtating

tho sum of £613 would - bo advanced to. tbe Saardianiunder tbe Publio Health Act for the parpjse of coa«etroctlng gowBrage works at Tramoro, the loan to Horopaid in 80 yeaM at the nte' of 3J por oont per annuminterest.' The loar. will be iunod fa two tnatilmonta,£100 and J>2I .<I ' ' ' * • ' ' ' • ' "

• ' XILUCADEH SISFSirtABT. . 'At an, extraordinary roeatin/r o( tho abOTe^Messrs

Kosby, • Crotty, Hearne, : Oongh. and Hickay; boiuairenent , the committee named .£500 for fretting up a)i«pensary/ and doctor's - residence.- Tha Jl^dical

Offloer agreed to pay.interest on grtUnj riha houae.• W00D8TOWS piSPEJISAET. ¦ «,

Tho Committee adopted the plan /or tde' watera apply at .£252. 16s Od j and resolved that tbu rate-payers of Faithlcgg contribnta X50 (owardt tho coatof the watar aufply at Pattaga, and that tbe reaaininyoosta bo paid by the tho towqlauds of P^uasoEast andWest.

sriri OF tea BOOII. ¦ • : ot : :; >HemaJnlng, 1,032 ; no. list year, lf i lB t eoit Of croviaions,coniomed. £131 U Ad ; coat fiat je->r, £120 2« Id j ttrcmsvcoat, £3 5)d t cost iut yenr, £4 3|d ; no, on pat^obr relief,Wl | no. lut year, I,i53 1 oott, £V3 Da M j cost last yeir,£'D i* 1A ¦ ' ¦ '¦ ¦ ' >¦

D UNO A R VAN , UNIQH—T. isxeaDAT.. (Front our Reporter.') - • •

Mr SIUOK O'BsitH ia tbe chair.Also present : Messrs R' 'Walsh, P Tobin, T

O'Neill , E Wall , M Byao, M Flynn. . *' " -KEHoTjiBAtros.—Too Ixical Government Board

wrote sanctioning the payment of £9 9s to DrFhnn , us remuneration for sarvlces jpetformod assul iititiite for Dc Holland - -

ENOOUBAOINO HOHS Xn vvtrBr.—T|ie bojrddocid^il to huy 100 piir of stocftia^i .hujd-lcnit '>ytbo Dun^arran' Industrial Association, nt Is porpair. j . , * . . : . ¦;

A G RANT OV J&i,a79.—The commietlonere ofPublic Works wrote iDformlng tbe board that theirrequest for a loan of .£4,979 under tbe Labourers'Acts will be ' complied wjth j to. "be repaid in 50ycara, at 3J percent per annum interest. ,

MEDKIAL IBSPXOTOB'B ' ESPOBT.—Tbe LocalGovernment Board enclosed a oopy of the MedicalInspector's observations oa ¦ the removal of awoman with two children, ono of whom was Buffer-{QR from mewlej, into tho fever hospital.*: Thereport was as follows i—• • i . ¦ '' .

Copy 0/ Dr O'FarreU'i obimation*.1 Dated 14th December, 1237. •

From a sanitary point of view tho Isolation of thofamily (as carrtod oat by the U.O.) U the only reallyeffective measure to check the propagation ol thedisease, and it may be the means of eaviag ooacdorabloexpanse to tho district. . , : -

THE INQOIBT Mr O'Neill—I have few remarksto make about the late Inquiry into tbe election ofclerk of the workhouee. , There were severalcharges brought againat the board of guardian 1,and of coarse I am . Implicated- You ara-c^ne-rally o corrupt and rotten board (a langh). OfconrJO . thore la no Soak without its black sheep.Thore were different elections here and I was cun-vaneod at every election. Mr Brennan canvassed me.I promiBed to voto for certain paries for a certainamount and that amonnt I was never piii (laughter).Mr Doiror also callod upon me, and I promised to votofor him on certain conditions 1 aa for Mr Dower It istime enough for him to pay me (laughter)—and thatpayment la gratitude , whlofi I never got from thorn.I want to clear my character befora the public Ididn't ask for a bribe or favopr from aayc/ue. If theyare good enongh to thank me, to givo me gratitude,I want no more. I want to lot tha pnblio know myopinion about the lato inquiry. I know thero are menequally conscientious with mreolf. I never got afarthing. 1 nsver promised nor over asked lakoofany-thing except gratitude. I didn't get it. Thoy cannotsay every memher of the board is corrupt..¦ A PUZZLING QUISTION.—Mr Plyun said thoMaster aikcrt him to (apply, coma hardwara not to bohad in town except in his concern. Being a guardianhe would not do that unless on an order from thoboard. ' . . . ' "

Mr O'Neill Very honorable indeed. . ' . / .Order—That tho Master get the goods wherever

they are to be had cheapest. Adjourned. • ¦ .

OARU1CK VNIOK— SATDRDAV, .,. (Prom our Reporter). ¦

Mr JOHN'SIIEA in,the chair. . . .Prespnt t Motsra M V Power, W Hearno, P .Wall ,

W Walsh. T Ulor, J Eookett, T M'Grath, WJ8.1com»on, 0 Mansuol.l , Earl Beuborongh , J Wo 11,

Kdmond Power, W White, J Wallace, M Morrin, WThompson, E Barry, M Terry , T Bowers , T-W»lf,C*pt Cildioott, T O'DoanollJ WJ Wall, Count da taPoer, Capt de la Poor, P Driscoll, J H Power, KJ'Donnell . nnd Jobn Gorman. ' ¦


Mr Terry propased tbat tbe salary of the school-cult trees bo changed from , j£30 to. £35 .withoutrations. His reason for dotoif to was toe depres-sion of prices. Cattle-were only onn-thlrd of whatthey bad bem. In Ducjarvan the clerk's sakrywas reduced by £40. " . ' ; . .. ?.- '¦ : ,

Mr T O'Dounell seconded the motion. ¦ . ¦.Mr P Wall asked Mr Mullics, clerk, the v.tloe

of tbe rations. - .Clerk : £14 or -416. ; Air P W llopposed, tbo motion ; it fas a molt shabby pro-posal. ' ' ; _ ;, ¦, , . , ., .' ;

The Cbairmaa said the calarj iy»s paid from^beCouBolidated Fund. , Ha prnpote ae *a ^mmeadriuieot that the teauher get £13'in lieu of railons, .

Mr. P Wall eecoodtfd the cbitrina.o'p motion, andMr; B Barrj supported iu , . . ¦ . '. . . -;'• ! ,

Mr Uearoo said tuey ad'ertlwl s>t .ft,«e>'«tin,r»?oon that very day, aod no» tbey wunt«4 tocban^the. ttruii. . . ,' ¦ , :

: ' .¦;.. . ¦ , : ¦ ¦: ¦. .

lit M T f p wet iuke.1 would the locrea*j couiefrom* the Local Gorerniiient .Boardf T « jjlerk(aid they never like 10 linulfp ior.ijads on tbadonsolidated fund. ! . . . . ... . ..'.':' . . . . '. . ' • .

Mr MalisiiujS'in sajd tbo elect ion/if fccboolinijtrnsa, ioonld-dj't pn^oeed If the motioa ,w»s adapted. . . -

Clork—Havlog issuai aq aJ«Briiaem«.ut \i woaldnot' be proper.Jo c^aoge tbe jteiruis .ofjji 'ni'n. c

'.. yCtrl Brsaborpugb maiuU\oe4 tb*t th» <;b»iruuin ,

could not put bis »ia«nduieuf wiUuqt no-'wea., . .... .,The f• llof 10 was the neaalt t~ . : .T .- 1 ¦'-.

' ¦ , -.J'or-^ .Bsrry, Oorman, .T«rr/, , 'Oriitb,^T Power, Wh't«. 1 Wall, t.O'Daanqil, fci t-CJrer, , ..

M'¦¦¦V..Power, ,Boweri,-Bockett; Wat**, TnoujDebn..rW-W*lt^R, .

¦¦'. '.. ' ' i , , ; . ! ,, ..,-. •: . .„, ' . ' . , . - .'

Againtt—nturi W Wall. HearpeK_ *P W,*li r ¦„ ¦Willie*, E«rl Beajboroagb,* M o»fleldj Laloty.».Cildicott, ' llaicomsbn,'. Mprris. Count dp 1* Poor, ,Capi da la Poerf.j; ;H totre>#1T, W*U.PP*tf«" r? ; .

! The numfeen being e ual e d^Wofl warVleft to .,',the cbsirmau's dUcrotion. He, declared, tl ft motipa t'lOBt- ' . '" ' - " " , 1 •

." ¦¦¦ [ ¦ '! '¦ ' : ¦ ; . . ; . ' ) ¦ ; . .¦' ' .-si r i'i J ; ¦ : ; ' ¦>- . ¦.¦¦

1 . _ , " *" SHOTIQK. JOX, BCSOOUCWMI*.,,; („ • [, There were three candldaM* f« the pffloe of, , .female teaober—Siat;er Mary Teraea, Nolan, MissM«>v Anne Lo ergojC *M XbtujoUuif i *. J"lt»., ¦

;gfSSrSan UM-dMJtiW*^^:UrtUn»Order by whioh»i» v r eottmaDMtr«i,|b«;. .bert for education In T*»VB nr>'jW:P>:V wt wpAL , , ,: Mf T M'QrathieoSoHlaTBSE^oiwilttoMi1 •-

: Mr 'jp Wallt-Tk» LSLTOrfv^HiBt Board ¦?otJd, "'!noti saneti«rt-h«9?iWowi trtefctttttt* #Wfc*>J^y*/• ¦'¦'It iriUnn>.b> <ipyt«d- ioaT«ft «rrt Uj»IMnT.'¦ ¦' ¦ '¦¦•'' Mr JtpeiMV-TV%.'-msa*«i afc%*« iTfc«i l»-''a#t< omils U .^M. r

:Mr 'H»a<nfrr^TjB« day eight' ¦:*«k, i i !B ?yf f ij &m !!R^*s-I don't koow..whiit-T »l1fWli:JU •T. orotfih- „«ttyk kind of » nnflKUafhUt.H, N*r'ffekirn*tewa»«Ie<r,/to say: Out Hrli S k & 'btf ff ^&f rf iZ ^ilt} ';Eookett WM a vUltOTtl»«r«,-«« JOsaJHtsSSId Wttii ^idown t« WaterfonMei1*1 e*1'"*****?**'1-**!'i>ol»»V- .Mr P Wall >: M..fa»#4e->yo«i4tt l»|w o»*-."tho#e things. % Xto viiainMtaitiuBtpattiM^deatioatQ ithe_ *b^rd,wb»« »eMi,tot«4 *f+ .: ^'r-r.^

.i >j .'",vf!«iil/ F*r UUt ritia*rM—UmKM.. Banr DiJioV .,« ,Oorinan. ' Terry, • HoQrath,.' Power, (Ba>Uy«leuhy). „ ..mite, '3 w*f i SS; \ 1 *«*«*SFISW, f,;Po*ew, Be«st«it,-W*W»T-l.i'T' "."':'!! :'• '' '¦': /j_'1l»Hei^M it^allv Ws01»a»^TWio^ fl BUV-^hAmn.k ' • ¦ " '¦'¦¦¦¦ "'*- *--::iM>«i l<iTr>rhn 'rde l»ro ti°{%7 e~?t.u i^*&££^

,Sts;ws aiiilii

Page 5: New ^WTEiiy0)P I SSSS^SB ?!10'of * · 2018. 7. 31. · North Wharf on dundaya atZa-m; 1 Special Steamer also sails trom






Oh 1 WUye'dwdt in BMhJohem 'v . '.

',i Whco. the »tar of thi Lord ohono bnsht I ,

To bats aheUerea the* holy wandwer*: On the blessed ChristnjM ,nlght j •

To hatekiBsed thirtenaw, wayworn feqfri-O* &wotHtsr tmdeflted,. ;> . . ,,

'.„ - , •:Ana wjth TflTerent wonder 'and a&ep dell(jnti^To hate femdod ttio Holy.Chiia l: ,

Huab ! mush a gloi7 ,ww*'or thoo t• ¦Bpt that caio inay atiU.oe>'' n6; ¦ • • • :Pot are there not little one* still toi «d

¦For th» cake of tb« ChUd d}T»no Piire there no wandering Pugnms now,

Xo thy heiit aad thy homoto take f .And are ti»BH( no mothers whose weary hearts

You oaa oomfort for Mary's sake t. ¦.

Oh ! to hare' kridt at Jeene* foot, .And to have learnt Hia heavenly lore I

To bare llatnod to the gentle lessons ho taughtOn mountain, and sea, and shore I _

While the 'rich and the mighty knew Him not,To haTe meekly done hia will i,

Hnoh t for the worldly reject him yot,Yon can sorre and fore Him still.

Simo cannot silenoe His miRHty woraa,And thon«h»gca have fled away,

Hia gentle accents of loTo dmneSpeak to your soul to-day

Oh I to have eolaned that wcflmns onaIWhom the riRhteons dared despUeJ

To hwe tendorly bound up their scattered hair,i Ana hare dried her tearful eyea 1

Hush I .thoro' are broken hearts to oootho,;And penitent tears to dry,

When Magdalen preys for you and thom,Prom her hom6 in the starry eky.

Oh ! to havo followed the monraful wayOf thoso faithful few folora I

And grace, beyond even an anger* hopo,The orosa for our Lord hate borne I

To have shared in his tender mother a grief,To have wopt at Mary's sido.

To have lived as a child in her home, ana thcajln her lonnjj caro have died I

Hush I and with morent soTrovr still,Mary's great anguish eharo ;

And learn forthe sake of her Con dinno,Thy cross, like HU to bear.

The Borrows that weigh on the eoul unito"With those whieh thy Lord has borne.

And Mary will comfort thy dying hour,Nor leave thy eoul f olotn. ,

Oh! to have teen what we now odoro,And, though, veiled to faithless eight.

To have known, in the form tHntJcrjtu woro.The Lord of Life and Light ! :

Hush 1 for he'dwells amongst ua BW,And a craco can yet be thine.

Whiob the cooffer and doubter can never knowThe Presoi ea of the Divine.

Jeans is with his ohildroa yot,For hia word can never decoive ;

Go where His lowly Altars' ris'sAnd worship and believe. : .



: Sons and daughters of all nations,Como with joyous acclamations ICome this blessed Christmas morn,

. Praise and homage to return .For Gid's greatest boon on earth—

; : Thanks for our Bedeemor'a birth I• Come with joyous transports holy,

! i Lore&nd gratitude, most dnly! ¦' Bonder for this gift of heaT'n—; . The Son of QodIn mercy giv'n; . To man—The-Chriat of Virjrin born—. ; Ble::rf be pi Christmas morn I

; Coma' with cantioles of praise,; And joyonoo in those Christmas lays,i That treat of the alliance bleat.1 Of Christ with man, in whoso behest: Tho woud'rous union Heav'a directedWas on this Festival effected.

: Christmas-day cornea over' meetly,: All its ooonda breathe music sweetly",

: All 't'o coothiDg influences; Soothes man's spirit, soul and senses,• Christmas chimes and intonations• All of joy are inapiratioua.'. '. EE MADDEN


BT MICHAEL FEANCI8 SHEnHAN,Anther of " Tempted by Gold," " An Awkitard

1 UictM' " Friendthip and[ Love," " Boa{Tie Union MM Carritd," etc. etc.

: CH A PTEE L' THE PHEIUDCi Lovo is but a flower they cay,j .Blooms and fadeth in a day ;J In the light of woman's eyea

: Srightly blooms and quickly dies ). Yot, tho' brief its blczroma be,' Love, I love no flower like theo 1

And tho world wero very drear,¦ 'Were not lovo still comawhore near.Thus I mused one lrvely June evening many'

tanny years ago, as I strolled hither and thitber be-side a rippling, laughing brooklet called the Ardent,that ran sear the dear old spot that einca infancyI called my home. I was twenty-three and In love—-in love with the. fairest and sneetest maiden thatever trod old mother Earth. I who bad laughed toscorn love's ;onng dream; I wbo had derided Cupid,and looked upon him as a very falee god, ikdeed,vras bow, perforce, gl£d to worship at bis shrine. 1bad ever thought that first love and everythingappertaining to it was mere sentiment—nothingmore. Wby, not two months before, when caked bya pretty, gushing inlaa what I thought o! first lore,I replied quite emphatically :—

: ¦ First love i5 a pretty romance,: i Not half as sweet as 'tis reokonod ;

And wheu ono awakes from tho tranca1 Thero's a vast deal of fan in the second.And e'en should a second pubaido,

: • A lover should never despair ;Norths world is uncommonly nido,

I And Trpmcn uncommonly fair*Tfco foots thalrropfcrca may toll,¦ ¦Whohavonovcr been pot to tho tot—

i A firctlovolaaUvory well,; Bat bslisvo BO tho bet oaVo tho best. -

' HOCT differently X tkoughtnorcJ This nido.uiderorld held only oao fair maiden for me, and cho I

could ever adore. j; I «srnfl Banaal Austin Morgan, only con of Mr.

Thomas Morgan, of Jo/ Lodge, Bossmore, and ebe70s \ Cecily Bandford, eldest daaghUr of CaptainFrederick Sandford, BJJ. My fattier was a farmerct the true yeoman type, witn his wbolo heart cen-tred in bis (era, neve? meddling in politico, exceptco fcj os they related .to; the Land Question. Myiother was a comely affable woman, with her heartCentred In her children—particolarlyin me her onlydon. I had two sisters, Margarita and Alice,jtannjjer than sjycelf.1 Oar home lay quite convenient to the tea shoro.To the east of it rose the KilcloroncUffs—bijn, per*] isndicolar clifts, where t be curie ITS and goM* founda home. Jasper Greet was our Ctarest nelgnbour.Ho was the owner of a small estate, was a magistrate< f ttte {County, oad was my god-fatber. Since myinfancy 1 was on terms of the utmost intimacy; wltbJes£»rjGrcer. Toonga be was my senior by twentyitzn, yet I verily believe between no two uad there<57er existed • f nendsbm so deep and sincere as oars,To bim I confided ail my hopes and fears, ail myfaturelniins and ambitions. With him I built' m*air castiKB, and always received as encouragingia)iU-;ah I bow I miss it now. . Jasper Groor waacbildtsp. The b'appieat day of my boyhood was tu«day lon'wbioa Jasper Grcsr (nt»moined." A Uolidayia'ttio dasls, so to speak, of one> ecnooUays.\ Howno looked forward to it 1 Edit we long fVrJtlTo bo'away for a time frum cn*3 masters and drybooks; to fling to too winds oil tbongota of logic analore, and be free to roan at will, Is what ecaoolbojstoro felicity1 on earth.. '. \ I| I waa'attending Bcbool at the' Bathgarvan 8emi-nary,' «Tnen'ito my indtascribaila deligct JasperGreer appeared one evening,' with the . intelligencethit I yrea tohave-a holiday-.' He wos going to betnrriedL and I was to be btut mao. ' Hyw theotberbojs enWedime I And I in my calflib, boyisa pridekas'delighted at their esrr. It. was the turuingiot iatD};i!chool4ay», OutllttfiSl wag regarded

pith cildneaa and iadiffeienoo by ! my feliow pupile.After I jww iookeiopon a8,» panxmaga net be metjtrith every, d*y.,J3ute»erytaIng has u end In thisnorm, dna toy,ecooal<lay» ooon came to on «nd. 1V7ns a boy DO longer j I was a main, with all a man'*Instiacia, p&«sions«sd aspiratiW* j X cast 'in aylot witH my countrymen in tlioir struggle for inde-pendente 11 stodifd (By country's fclStory > I rvodof ber| glories and her;Wrongs, until her freedomecamis almost a jwwaioa with me.

! Captain Sandfotd WM my greatest enemy. HeIwas a, ; rank ConttrratiTe, and a bitter partisan totoot. |He h«das(greatan avorBlonfor the " mereIrishrjf," as a certain black gentlematt has for holykmter.! I took particnlaf care on eferj available oc-jcadoapisot for the fan of the thing however—In thepress and on the platform, to flpwince ¦Upendtr*aaodttrd's partiauuhlp, in holding him up to thetcotn land iridioute,; of the world, as a fpedmen ofEngUid'B adminstMtors of josticaia Ireland, andearned to return-«whatJ snapped my flogers at—bis undying hate.i Stranm that I should meet mytat« 14 the person of hlsdaaghtor, and beoomd inafter years—Bnt I anticipate. .

The 'Sandfords resided about three miles fromBossmore, sad two from JOT Lbdcre. The Cu>t*<n

4: thejosWo*oe BJt fttfc dterirta/long»t rl*d to ttw /end oom« to wgardUamSiWim.and ElsJaoafci. Their plat*-was ed? i^ms.! It stood oa ma eminence about a quartera mOe <£t the- MA* nedisnr square boUdinir"te U2&£***&*!& ' '»J™»toeeS:tW^y

I»fef» bea<rtifuljDea4owa^ir««a< in;

1 r*H^,Jfi8LMHWr1i* *»». »W$« »1&


Berene eww§8(pn_of oonntenMicoiCdaiirbrillftnt «• And whieh.of the^Tessea Sanatbrd do you admire |But I would flmi consult !M.iy/ $ or M»y 1 whose!¦??i aMP-ir-\ r^^rA


%*l5-e*- hf t !!3 m°3tP -"V' ta Str- j , emilelloved to sceTwhosihanddldmeg.^toclsspW I'iii

¦ Ly~u°w ffl* •?ridp- ?t *?' ^ 6 r " 0> l teplied with ' "*»"«>••¦" r PrefM CeoUy- who8e: eyes glowed; at my approach: May wWd:• *E53w!!ii'^i '"-a w,h^n'J.^

r8t. 1** ? eMr Pi l tblnk ber tbe ''"'esfane.jiweetest maiden *I have! explain all. May ! would adviso roe. May would oon-iB^tifnl-a» a dream; famr than the'tdirejt.liJy.! ever met or aeen. I like j nd admire. Jaapar. and I sole me. This wis tny resolve, my deolaion, when;Hen. was-no doy-hke and Vapid lovelineM of face, flatter myaeU that .the adulratjon is rfloiprocal." ; tbe grey dawn o< a September morning glimmeredIn ge rfce: wad ^thotwbt were damped On; her : ; , He turned in his seat, afa gazed at m9, •« Ihope through the blinds reminding me that another day!

o ,wh™|o^ad;lauRhter,'«oorn; deliWite mi8- ,y.op are not going to makej a fool of yourself by fall- bad come. Then1 bayard and weary, affliotedMnohlefc JlorhflJ aboht/the louirves J of her .exquiBite; Ing in lovo with Cecily 8aidford;' ho aaid, " becausa ;mlnd ani sick at heart, I i retired to my couch; andmonta 'and- oblong 'dimpled cheeks. .tWllke; her| her' father would prefer to eeo her burned at tbe :woa soon burled in slumber : broken at times bysuter, her hair was 'black, jet blick, which she wore! .stake, rather than, wedded1 ito you. My advice to conflicting dreams ¦ >inW^laWerday^fasbiim^ropp ltotha


save i you. Bandal, is—Uon't 1 tlon't 1" uteamj.

tha fringe ' which' sue wore bii 'ber forebead/und! "ThankB," I said in a! somewhat: frigid tone; : : c H A P T E K Vwhioh tended so muchr to erinaBCe'ber1 beatty. Her; 'perhaps 'the advice 1B junneccBsary. •: But as for : , " ' -eyeajwere blue and 'dreamy, half Kidderi beniath i Captain ¦Sandford's wratbj if Cecilj lovedme. lt " CEcar SAMOTOBD B END.their lontf dork lashes and mllk-wbltollas. One was1 would, not tronblB me In tiil. lpaat—in rant I wonld Tho forost birds were ainging in tho mortln^puided on;bbbolding her to momentarily 'conclude enjoy it more than anythiria else." I The myrtle and the ivy \»ero in bloom,which lndttfcea^im.Sxadmire most her fprmbr: her i » But remember Ceoily js under age, and Coptaln : '&'Sj"M! w tab 'face.lMedruto.STZed.' herform was perfectloil-riay; Sandford could make a fella of you.S ' • When we fiJd her in her tomb,it wa* a form such as'she posseraed'whwh , induced " I wUl remember," I sak *l WM n00?' "hen I awoke> T°o aun was ?himnffOrpheus of the GoWeh Ly£to descend to' the home No more was said durini the drive that morning. ;wi

ib "nuaual brlllnnoy into my chamber. I jumpedof the doomed to seek bl/beloved-£uryd>ce. ; But aa I walked slowly [borne, after parting with .o°* of bed lmw iately.v took a bath; and had m,

. Myjacquaintanco with them began at a ball given Jaaper, sweet memories of Cecily filled my soul. .to»ot completed; whon . Blta entered with a letterby Lsdy Cave—another of onr neighbours—In bonr I had drunk deep of tbVspell, and my mind was ;1D,fS5 bB"<1- ' , t ' w . , „ ' . „ . • .our of tbe retorn of her son, Sir Bichard Cave, from plunged In that dreamy intoxication, whioh Is more . Ton haTe BleP4 vory lonS Eandal, she observedthe wars ; ana the part both played in my life, cf of tho heart than the braiu. « So Captain Sand- °? ber "P*™!??9-, ," A strange boy called an hourlova and hope, sorrow and joy. his story, event- ford could make a felon of me." I murmured, «uce, with this letter for you. But we did not careful bub real,^boll relate. ° ; ' ¦' ' - well we nhall BGB." 1 > 'to disturb you. It might not bo, wo thought, of

C H A P T E E II: j , HOW vrn IIET.: ; Bloos mo I how my eyes wore centred

j On her. whon the ballroom door :\ Opened, and the lady entered1 ' Like a queen upon the floor 1! 'Twas as if that summor even; Some superlative perfume, Wafted by the breath of Heaven; Suddenly had filled the room 1

. Irish County Society, says an English writer, is aspecies of appallingly exclusive little Heaven herobelowi where godB and goddesses only foregather,and whose doors are hopelessly and remorselesslycloaed against " nobodies 1" Those forlorn beings,wbo in no way bavo the slightest connection ' withtbe "families," wbo do not possess a Sector for anuncle,' or a Dean for tbird cousin, or a dead grand-mother, wbo was tbe widow of a Yiscount's son, orany Bunllar olaims to consideration j' who are noteven '' professional," and who have the fatal taintOf trade clinging around them—these miserablemortals though they may constitute eight-tenths ofthe population of an Irish County, have no place,not the smallest, accorded the-n in ttteEIysian fieldsand on tbo Olympian heights of Irish CountySociety. These Pariahs who are invited to no din-nor parties or evening parties, or any other discrlp-tion of parties, and whose presence even at a publicconcert is regarded as rather on intrusion oj theupper; fraction of the population, may be well-off,well-dressed, well-educated, but nnlesa they canfind some " Openy/Sesame 1" they remain outsidethe pule all' their lives. And when tbe> whole oftbe unhappy country is yet further rent asaunderand clsaunder by contemptible divisions and sub-divisions, the lower circles and upper circles, tbeezclueive cliques, and yet more exclusive cliques ofthe miserable, ant-hill they term " Society" In theirscantily populated country places, and dull anddreary provincial towns, the ignorant outside worldwonders vaguely why tnere is not a bond of unionanywhere In tne blighted land of Ireland 1 Nowwe &ll|know how too true this ia. As if tbero couldbe unity of feeling between the cold, selfish , dis-dainful patrician and Ibe poor di-spUed pleblan 1And for this state of affiirs who sball oay tbat theariatourats are not alone to blame. Those wbosupplied them nitb tbe means whereby they clodtheiBbelven in richest raiment, and on whose tolltbey fattened find mado merry were, to use avuljjar phranei " as dirt beneath tbeir feet." Theirdoore -were clooed against them, an 1 on their gateswas incribed a new version of Dante's inscription :—

i . All hope abandon yo of entering here.At a gatberiog such 03 this—a gathering of

aristocrats—I appeared on the night of Juno 21st,1$—, if or tbe finst time in my life, in company witbmy friend Jasper Gr«er. i. He won my " Open,StfBame." I bad often wished to attend eome eucbguthering, to eee and leurn for aiyeelf wbat differ-ences 'existed between aristocrats oad plebians.

! Mindful of Jusper Gicer's advice, whom I soonmissed in the maze of the ballroom—" wben inKouiOjU) do as Bouie dots"—1 coauluded, if tbe op-portunity occurred to try a tiip on tbe " lightfuntotftio toe," wltb some pretty maiden. Tbeopportunity came sooa«r tbaa 1 aalicipated.

Lad^ Cave 1 was a kind and genial Uo3toi3. Hermotto, was that no person, no matter whom, shouldbo slighted at ber house. and it was this charac-teristic tbat : made Lady Cave so popular witb allclasses: around Boasmora.

A great many of her guests bad ignored, andavoided me, I was u etranger i a their midst—aplebita who was prejudiced agairwt them—a fire-brand who was endeavouring to deprive them oftheir power—^noy, their very existence in tae land.This Is what tbey thought, this is wbat they mur-mured amongst themselves, and this is wbat L*dyCave heard. Her ire was roused. She was chattingto a winsome maiden, nbou. I hod internally votedtbe qoeen of tbe ballroom, when tbe first whisperreacued her. Suddenly ebe started up, and lookedaround the room. Perceiving me standing in acorner isolated and alone, she beckoned me to her.I app'ioacbed.14 Mr. Morgan," she caid, " I see you ore not en-joying yourself, This muat not be. I command it.As the friend of Mr. Greer—(turning to tbe younglady beside her)—I aui about paying yon a compli-ment; by introducing you to toy favourite friend,Miss Cecily Sandford, and I insist that both of youwill dance together, not once, but twice, thrice,haif-L-dozan of times."

: Then she introduced us. I bowed to MLss Sand-ford, I thanked Lady Cave, and assured ber that Iwould be most happy to obey nor command, if itwere agreeable to Miss Sandford.

Him Sandford smiled—sucb a smile, bewitching,fascinating, tbe angela must have taugbt it to berss she slept. In tbat moment there flashed acrossmy mind the'consciousness tbat I had never behelda! lovtilicr girL The compact was made—a fatefulcompact 1 Then we danced. I alnays like dancing,but tha nigbt I revelled in it Never before had Icp fair a partner. It was delicious, entrancing,captivating this whirling uround the ballroom wltbmy arms around Mies Sandford's waist, and berhead touching my brcaat. Anon, we bad a walk inthe garden. Toe ballroom opened into a conservatorywhich led intoifehe garden. And (that e garden !A thoaoandsleeping flowers gave their sweet breathto tbe; nlgbt wind. Tbo silver flowers of tbe orangetrees gleamed white in tbo pale moonlight. Abovea thousand stars' shone in tbe dark blue sky.; I felt as in a dream. Mica Sandford spoke to meWithout reserve or restraint. Her voice, I fancied,was sweeter than the lilt of a bird, or the chime ofa silver bell.

j " V|Pe have known yon long by repute Mr. Morgan,she taid, " my sister May ia o, great admirer ofyours> and would you believe it, sbo Is a little rebel.Tells papa tbat it is a burning shame the way Ire-and ess been treated by England, and that it istime tbe TJntjon ihould bo repealed. I must indncoyou to May."

' Here was a revelation to me—Captain Sandford'sdaughter a Nations list 1 Wonders would • nevercease.! _ I replied, " you honor and flatter me at tbesame time. Miss Sandford X will be tnoat happy—nay, I am most anxious to meet yonr suiter. Batmay I ioquirj wbat are yoar views with regard toour peoples 8 Togg le for independence."| "Mine I'.' > DU exclaimed, " O, I really don't

bnowi Mr. Morgan j I hardly knuw the meaning ofthe term • Independence.' Will yon kindly tell monbat you mean by It t"

j " To be iideptndent of Enjlaud as far as tbemaking of . onfr own laws are concerned, I replied."'f Were that| right granted us, none of thoce bur-rowlag ecDOes, the turning adrift of our people fromtbeir | Dome»,I the rasing of tbe ruof-lrevs to theearth; tne dying by tbe ruadaldps, would occur. Ourpeople irould posses3 bnppy nomea, tbe emigrantsnipo.would be Idle in bur harbours, and peace andcontentment I would blew our land. But X fear Ibora iyou, l irs Sandfoid,"' I continued after apause, during whioa sbe romained silent. " Wewill now relora to the ballroom, where I bope youwill do me the honor of-introducing mo to yoursister." t

. '.'Ifo, Mr. 1 [organ," she cried wistfully, and;Ioouldioave i«( ra a tear glittered io ber blue forgrUmenst eyes'/' <• you do not bore me. Oo tbe con-troy yon have Ictmrmed me with your eloquence."She tiien took my arm, and without another word,we. entered th > ballroom. Iiidy Cave met 'na onour eptruna;; "I hope , Ciiclly, you tavo uado aCoD»4rv«Uvw >f Mr. Ilorgao," ebe caid. "Wo,Lady. Cave," sbe replied; with a winsome •wile," but! T fear K r. Morgan baa mode a rebel of mo."- ; Tfljn May and Jttn. Sandford came up. (TbeCaptain aeUk m if ever attended a bait) Cecilyintroduced, ni;' I bowed to both } Mrs. Sandfurdshook, bands i I felt intoxkated with delight Asis a dream, I beardMay expressing tbe pleasure itafforded her I > meet tbe nutnorof " Called Away."I bowed my a :knowledgmenu and thanks.

Then we de need, May and I. It was tbe happieotnlgbti of my 1 fe. Those of Lady Cave's guest* wboignored me a the commencement were quite tract-Able towards he end. . •

; When tbo int faint tinge of dawn bedecked theeastern skies, Mrs. Sandford, and ber two daughtersreturned bom] . Something' like regret filled myeoul, jas I conducted Cecily to her carriage.

I " I) have ni ver known until to nigbt, Miss Sand-ford, what Eden's %ht was like." I murmured asI pressed bet) bud, and feeling recklea, fascinated,overcome by I know not what, I raised it to my lips.

Thus we roes and parted. . ¦ . .

The days passed on. A great obange bod comeover the spirit of my dream. I found in earth andair and sky an encbantme it, vaguo and exquisite,whioh I had never known >tfore Cecily Sanaford'seyes haunted me. I was bat a child of nature afterall—an admirer of t'ae beautiful, whether in art ornature. Cecily Sandford «as beautiful, and I lovedher. I had to own it to myself at large. I lovedher, and wbat cannot love do P Three months be-fore, I woa denounclnff Cr ptain Sandford j to-dayI was wooing the Muse, 'thus in praise ¦ of hisdaughter :— !

In the still and mystio twilightOf a balmy day in Ju io,When tho earth scorned robod in oplondcur'Neath the dim rays o the moon jWhen tho glorious en: i had vanishedIn tho far and golden Teat ;And the lark the akie forsakingIn tho meadows sought its nest ;When the streams wont forth ahummins>Thro' the valleys, aonio of mirth jAnd sweet dews were gently follinu,Gladdoning roao-buda Et their birth.In that hoar of peaco>nd gladness,Like a my of Eden's Ught, 'Came into our little wjorld,A fair maiden robod ifl vrbito—She was young and vo'ry tondor,O, her face was like a] arcamOf eomething bright and paro and holy,Say a rill at morn's bekta ;Katnrcs children can j oa marvelIf our hearts wero won 'that nightBy that fair and gt>ntlb!maidonBobed in nature's parfcst whito ?I have seen of maidenf manySinoa my manhood's vraiing hoar ;Graceful maidens pare and tender,Fairer than the faircat floncr ;Bat I've never yet eceb any

. . Half eo grao.ifnl, half [so fairAs that winsome blnq-oyo maidenWith tbe gontla qaootuj air ;Who came into onr worldLlko a ray of Eden's |ight ;Whim swoot dews wore gently fclllcr;On that balmy Bummob'j night.I may never more behold her,

• W« may never—neverimeot,For at morn's davn aha vanishedLike a sunbeam, ah 1 too floet.But until life's dream is over,Bo it soon or be it long,And boncath the tomb Cor everSleeps this humble oblld of eonc,

On that balmy summers nightWhon I caught 'or onA briof motnontA faint glimpso of Edba'o light I

We did mest ngnln, many a time and oft, at LadyCave's, on tbe Strand, atad on the cliffs. At firstcasually, then by design. I Peopled talked, as peopletfill talk, until the end of time. I cared not, Cecilyloved me, tboi was all I cajred about. As yet shehad not told tue in so inauy words, but I read it inher eyes, and a hundred Ilittle signs confirmed mybelief. In all our rambles May accompanied us.We were fust, friends, Majf and I. I liked May—sweet winsome May ; butj I loved Cecily. Of allthe millions of mortals that constitute'this world,I ovor and over a^ain tof J myself , she and I weresingled oat to share each ot.ner'8 deutioy. CaptainSandford was away in England during all this time—a happy incident perh&ps for us, though if tbetruth must be told, I did not give a moment'sthought to wbat ho would taink or say, whether bewould be pleased or angryj when he learned all. 1bad come to the conclusion, If Cecily acceptedme—and I waa sure ebb would—to marry ber.Well whether Captain SaAdford waa pleased or not,I would ask bis consent, But I would not crave it,if be refused it, I would marry Cecily all tho eame ;providing Cecily loved md. :

Two months after, " ihea tho ear was In tbebarley, and the troods wero turning BO re," oneevening down by tbe «(a ohoro, Cecily confessedber love, and promised to be mine—mine for evermore. : -;

It was an evening th it I sball ever remember.Tbe sky was cloudless, se reno and beantiful ; thesun shone full on the blue tvaveo—over Heaven andearth, over water and knd, over hill end valleythere bung a sweet eileucO, sucb aa one can fancyreigns in tbe great world above. The words werespoken : tbe words that t'oo whispering trees, andtbe blue waves of the oioan have listened to eversinco the world began. | '

Cecily Sandford bad promised to bo my wife ; shehod whispered " yes," to the appeal that camestraight from my heart, ^j took her to my heart,and pressed my first I1I03 of love and bliB3'on herlips. A fig now for my enemy's anger. I had wonbis daughter, und what jvtould I not brave for hetsake t I" Poor May 1" I murmured that night in thesolititude of my chambor,Jwaa it roy fancy that aeyou wished us joy and.happiness, a cob was in yourvoieo P I


Tho rosy and tho briar by, tho water running olearGives joy to tho linnet and tho boa ;

. Their little notes aro glad: but mine are very cad,For my true love has proved fatao to ino.Twelve months have pawed air ay. It ia on eron-

ing in Autumn agala. I'am taking my favouritewalk by tbe Ardent—thui time wit 1 a ead andaching heart. My friend, ' tbe friend of my boy-hood, Jasper Greer, is n> more. To-duy ho woolaid to ilcep for ever bsnt>atb tbo colossal oaktrees that surround the] (Busstnoro Churchyard.After an 'illaeiu of two months' duration, caused bya tall in tho hunting nMld. be packed peacefullyuwtiy. By his mil, reidjaitor the funeral , ho be-queated all his real estate to me, out of which Iwas bound to pay Mra. GriJjr annually tho sum of£500. But all tola irare; I me no concern. Whatconcerned me moat ROS tuit on bis death bed—erotbe filui bad gathered in! bis eyes and tbe hoarsedea-th-rattlrt sounded in | bis throat—ho declaredthat Cecily Sandfurd nas falae to me—unworthy tobe my wife. I recall bu words now, sy, eachword is impriused on my heart in letters of fire.I bear my breast to the 'cooling brec-to tbat fansmy cheek, and I cost mycc^U down on tbo tali gratatbat grows rank beneatu . my feet ; tbe pain at myheart becomes unbearable!. Could I doubt my.friend's dying nords f No, no, I could eee by tbo 'tremor taat auook bin alinOJt Utelee3 tiody, tbe painit cost bim to tell me taat which bo knew would fill 'Diy soul witb anguiib. I ' :: He cluspod my hand in bis, " I am about to leave >

you—farewell, B'undal," I Be mariourcd brokenly," you whom I have loved pi) a father loves his onlychild, and my last momenta ore mado bright andcappy wlta tne tooagbt (but you loved and con- 1fidod ia me la return. Yi^a have, however, latterly,as It is quite natural, chosen another love ; but ouewbo is, 1 a in sorry to nay, umvorthy of you." Iwas spellbound—stupefied; with horror and pain,unable to utter a word. { V I grieve to pain you,Kandal," he continued, " but you will bits* mo in,the after years fur too pain wbioa I inflict on you :now. Cecily tiandford ifl/ 1 repeat, unworthy of jyour love, unworthy to be your wife. I saw ber on ,the cllffa not three months oiuce, at ton o'clock atnignt with a man. That nun nai Bryau Fuulknor, !and Irum what I caw and ! beard, I tell you sbe isunworthy of your love, unfit to be yoar wifo. Puther to tbe toot yourcslf, a«d yon will find tbat myworda are, -. alas I too true. Sort will moke yoarmark eome day in the world of literature, Bandai,and remember——". Hoi caid no more, in amoment the band I beldjtras Ufeles3 j my friend.since Infancy, was 0 corpce.

How vividly I recall tbt| ; death-bed ccene now asI lie prone on tho grass, | with tbo incessant mur-muring Ardent making niusio for my throbbingtemples, and a robin red breast mocking my misery !by carolling forth a blithesome molody from a yewtree' faard by " And this ici the realization of my lovedream,": I murmured, " poeticg Bryan Faulkner!surreptitiously at nigbt. iMy Cecily meeting Bryan :Faulkner I Wbat could' bave possessed . her fBryan Faulkner tbe.rouci i tbe eon of ber father'swoiktuan. He who bad |broken almost every lawhuman and divine, Bryan Faulkner I the terror oftbe timid i be whom oil blobest men regarded withfeelings of disgust. Ob; Cecily, Ceoily, what•ecrot is in yonr life f Acd I loved you so, I be.lieved|in you so thoroughly." I start up suddenly,it is very dark. I walk homo j my mother anxiouslyawaits my return. j ; v

" Oh I Banjul," she tclaims when I enter," where' bare you beess;?" Then noting myhaggard face, she continues, " Oh I BandaJ yonAM ilL Hai anything happened to yon f"

" No, Mother, I reply in as careless, a tone as Icould assume, "nothing! Baa happened to me, Isupposotbe reason I look Ul U' because of my1 nothaving bad any sleep duiitg the three'Ust nights.Besides Joiper Oreera deith bat aflected me veryinncb." I

¦ ' ¦ • ¦

\\ . ' '¦ -


; " Ob I you should not tale his death so much tote»rt" *ha replied with \all ' a ¦ motfaM'«( tender-ness. ''; We mast all lecJi d this world of. woe. someday sooner or later, and] irust and pray thai poorJgiper has gone to a 1 drld where lorrow Is an-known.! Ton require slertj' and rest very much,Eandal.'ybu do, indeed." ' '' 1 declined my mother** inviUtloo. to bave som»U», but topk a glatt ol wine initead. Then Isought my chamber, can myself across my bedand sobbed aloud in the ah inisb of my «onL - ¦ .¦: Pr«witt|r l arow. Isodd not ilMrJ. lpac*Jmyehambei Ontfl ny laM fa r y aebfd. , ,i If Jupar Grieera d, teg 'word* tr*r« trae, 1iraold hlfl as •tern*! Ut 1 re|l to CtoUy. I would|« n«ln rf»o oy u art, MrfftSJid o*l» ji*'

I . i jO H A P T E B III. .¦ - I ' ' j tOVl'B TOUHO VJIUK ' '! ' O, th|iraVnothingh»lf toiweotlnlifej . ! A* lore's young dream. ¦. . .

For a.Ume as we drove bomelo tbe dawn, JasperOperand I, 10 word was exchanged between os. Iwasthloking >f Cecily'* blue forget-me-not eyes, andareaibing *w< et and hsppy dreams. ! ¦\ It Waa a 16 ely moruujg-Hi morning to dream of30, tae dark; leia. and juom p t winter—a morningwhen' the M iokbird and throstle, tbe lark and theH*n#»SMKI 1 If Joj and fcope aloae wer* to be tbeportlpnof to s lower worlbV , ¦ 11. AtiUstJas ?«t broke »b« spell. •:. ' ¦ ¦ ' : . . - ¦ •j * ",fm "•« •* to •""• «>Joyrd youmlf immenselyil,


of your eflemle»l* t night, Randal/'

"l??,? .* 'J0'*4,?/1*1'w' *» W«M #t «oy One» 0 rWbl * SP ti-: ' "A«, not my enemy'*drag itert,.; tt e Mines Sandfprd'* charming girla.i r,l <»th««:i»b«retli»Iandll**now, «h P' Heta*w tM>l *m mockhvtoe*. " Where are an your

^ i?& [x^&f rM **!!*-***:y t i Sj S Sh iuik- ¦ 'AhuimiitJ & tiati&uar¦ •fVH HI'." I1 P"* »¦••*?." TW'W^* i *¦ I i ¦

• ,¦ ¦

. • ' ! ." • ¦ !

l-f I V - : ' ! !. • •

much importance." ¦I snatched the letter almost rudely from her

hand in my excttment, eoi confident was I that Itwas from Cecily; or had some reference to ber. Iwas not mistaken.' The letter was from; May> nndran as follows :—

Tho Elms, Eocsmoro, Tboroday 'morning.Diia ME. Slowuir,—we aro In great trouble, Ccolly io

xniflsing since lost night. Papa is aw ay in EogUnd, and woneed yonr aealntauoo and adueo fery much. If cnnT.nlcnt,Jdndly como over at once, and obUge, yoxun slucorel/,: . ¦

' MAI SmDroaD.1 I read it twice over, my brain confused, myheart throbbing, my bands trembling, Then Iturned to Rita, : who was stil l in tbo room. Bit aknew my secrut 1 Bita was in my confidence.

: "Rita,"-1-said, "this, is from May Sandford.Cecily, sho soya, diiappeared last DiRht, and It ap-pears that no trace of her can be found. The Cap-tain is away in England; and sho wants me to goovef at once.. " O, Bita," I continued, as she lookedat me in mute astonishment, and my voice Boundedstrange even to tuyBelf. 'j O, Bita. I fear there in[coma great secret in Cecily .Sandford's life—comogreat secret tbat was the prelude te her disappear-ance on last night. However, I will ride over atonco to The Elms; Tell Morrio to saddle • Tidy'immediately." :

I She withdrew without a word—overawed at theintelligence—overawed at my wild haggard face.

It was evening, notwithstanding my mod haste,when I was fairly on tbe road. My mother insistedoa iny partaking of some breakfast ; my sisters in-sisted on something olso, and I was forced to becontent. . ,

I am now just past my prime ; my hair is tingedwitb grey ; my limbs have loat their former nimble,ness. Tetevery detail of ;that Autumn evening areas olear before my mind's eyea, as if 'twero yeoter-day it all ocenred. It wis a peaceful, calm, andbappy evening. The golden beams of tbe eun, aabe faded in tbo west, lingered over the mountaino,and touched the tip of every bill with gold. Tbetrees were resting in tbe sweet cool breeze, and thoflittering sparkling wavelets, aa tbey broke uponthe strand made a lulling sound tbat rrao sweet tohoar.

There aro time3 in tho lives of all, when we seemto be liviDg, revelling in the past ; when tbe brainis busy conjuring bappy memories, flooding the ooulwitb ever cbonging visions, which come up eoquickly, so thrillingly, tbat words could not describeour feelings. Then tha flood comes again. Oh 1how bitterly now, caetin]r you Into tbe depths ofdespair, and miking you eorronfully, bitturly thinkof what miqUt have been I

Such were my tuoughU jsuch wero my sensationstbat Autumn evening long ago, as I rode over toIhe Elms. But in tbe wildest flight of my fancy,I never thought , never dreum't that it would bo mylot, my wretc hed lot, to hearken to the intlllgencethat I waa tbat evening destined to bear, or to be-hold the sod and appalling apectalc, I waa destinedthat evening to bebold. Uow can I tell it P Ob Ireader, pity me. Even to-day, years after—longytars after—it all happened. A tremor runs throughme, and the tears gather in my eyes aa I dwell onit. To tell it in tho cold inattcr-of-tone of theprofessional story-teller Io what I cinnotido. Therefore I must, reader, witb your Indulgence, tell it inmy own simple way. ,

As I rode up to tbo house, I noticed a crowdaround the place—farmers, la'bourora, ttBhcrmen,in every day drea*. Tbe first I encountered waoa. fisherman, Tom Brien by name, whom I accostedby inquiring wbat brought him there.;"A sad business indeed, elr" he replied, and

rough and blunt fisherman though he was , thereWere tears in bis eyes, and a sob In his voice. " Asad business indeed, sir, one which I pray to God Imay never see the like; again, you see sir JimBoynane and myself wero fisninj; this morning inmy bolt down by tbo cliffs. When I spied all ofa sudden sotnetaing appeared to be a womanlying on her back under UB In tho water , 1 drowJim's attention to it und he agreed that it was awoman. We set about oh tbe inBtant to haul berin, after some trouble wo succeeded, though poorthing I Bbo was as light as a feather. Wbenwe laid ber in Ibe bottom of tbe boat, tbeo andonly then did we know who we had. It teat £H»»Uieily , the Captain!'^daughter."

I waited to hear no more. I jumped off myhorse and ran into tbe; bouoo like one deranged.I rushed up to tbe chamber of death, pushing alltbat came in my way rudely asido, and the sightthat met my gaze shall remain green in memorywhile life lawtfl. There on her downy coucb layCicily Sandford, my queenly Ctcily, cold and stilland dead, I had no though now whether sbe waafalsa or true, I gasod mutely on her pallid facefor a moment, my heart swelled with emotion, I felta obocbing sensation at my toroat, then overcome bymy feelings', I cast mycelf on ray fenees beside bercoucb, I covered ber pale face with kisses. 1whispered in her ear,deaf now toall earthly eoundrj,tbat henceforward tbe world waa to me a desert,that for me it held no joj*8, tho ceaseless flow of litnmight pass by, the joyous eongs of birds, und sweetmusic might babble up and come rippling fro myoung and happy bearta,' but I snould know na joyever more.

Wbat need to tell of all tbat followed, of tboinquest, of tbo jury's verdict of" Found Dronned,"of the funeral, the Urgeat, tho most imposing everseen in the locality. Cicily Sandford was laid torest forever with manifeptationo of tho utmost,Borrow and regret.

No one ever thought, cave May and I, tbat sbebad beoa cruelly murdered, cruelly thrown from thacliffs by Bryan Faulkner, who38 body was washednsbore, disfigured by eels and dogfish—a thing toohideous to look at, tea days after ber funeral, yetno it was. ;

Ia her endeavours (poor Guiletaa Cicily) to re-form him from bis evil waya sne led Bryan Faulknerinto tbe belief that sho admired and loved him.That was the beginning of ber troubles ; it involvedher Into a. mpori wbioh sne found it difficult toextricate herself without setting thopubllo s tonguegoing—without creating a scaodal, which sbedesired above all things lo avoid, ebe endeavouredto induce bim : to leavo the country by profferinghim nla passage to America. With this intentionBbo met bim by appointment on tho cliffs, the nightthat Jusper Greer saw nnd hearkened to all thatpissed between them, but the wretch was ineihor-able, he loved her. with all tbo love of his eavogonature, and he would novor give ber up, no, noteven for all Darner's gold. Sho met him again byappointment on tbo clifia tho night of ber cruolmurder, and tbe theory is that ho spurned her gold,and tbat Bi.e defied him j then becoming possessedby tbo devil, whose offspring bo was, bo clutchedher in his arms and dragged ber with him overtho cliffs.

Captain Sandford never recovered from tbo shock,and twelve months after be was laid besldo bis beatbeloved buthapplcss daughter, in tho Bosamorochurchyard. We were oaemies to the last—blackand bitter enoinles. TBO years after hU death' .1married May, iny life bos since been one of suu-8bino, peace and tranqaility. Tbe daily - round oflife goes on with ito bad und good side, its craving3for tbe attainable and losttainablo, its loves andbitee, but as we glide down tbe stream together,qecuro in each otnora love, wo aro at peace withtbo world and content, i

We often visit, May and I, a beautiful adornedmound in the Bostmore churobyard, to offer up ourearnest prayer,, and drup a client tear to tbememory of the beautiful frail, yet gailosesi flowertbat moulders underneath.


THE DTTNGARVAN TOWN HALLA special meeting cf tbe Dungarvan Town Com-

missioners was held on last Friday for tbe purposeof taking euoh steps as might bo deemed necessaryfor tbe purchase of the Town Hall from tbepresent owners Messrs Merrlck and Kuddell. TheCommissioners present were 1—Captain Gibbons,(obalrman) 1 Messrs Jf Walsb, B Fhelan, T Power,Thomas McCarthy, Capt Veale, B Greene, TMarshall, John R Dower; John Culiinan.B Greene,and John Cur ran. [ ¦ '

Tbe Chairman explained all tbe clrcumijtanocs inconnection with tbe sale .cf tbe Town Hal) by LordWaterford to tbe ¦ present proprietors ¦ wblcb hasalready been made public.

Mr McCarthy, remirkod that at the time tbecommissioners got no notlco of the sal* and tbeyrelied entirely on the promise given by Lord Water-ford'* ogent to renew tbe lease .whon Itshool ex-pire. . . . ; : ¦

¦¦ - - i . ¦ - . - ; . !A memorial ' wa* read, signed numerously b/ tbe

priuolpal Inhabitant*; or tbe town, requesting theCommustoners to come to terms wltb Mestrs Mer-riob and Buddell for tbe purchase of th? hall, asMr Buddell bad stated, in bis reply to CaptainGibbons' pamphlet, tbat 'tbe people of Dungarvanbad lost' notbloR by his purchase of tbe Town Hall,nor were tbey likely to lof? anything.

Tbe memprlaihta stated tbey baa reason to bopethat Me*»r» Merrick and Buddell would, meet themon fair tetms ; with regard to puroh/ue, or grantthem a renewal of tbe lease at (be pretest rent.,

Mr McCarthy moved, that in accordance with tbeterm* of the memorial, tbat a deputation . wait onM««*r* Merrick and Buddell, witb a view to *omearrangement abbot the Tfwn Hall. .

MrTJrrvene seconded the proposition., Mr W*Uh suggested that tbe deputation should

be composed of the Cbti»m»o, Mr P Wbelao, Mr JT Budd, and the Clerk. I .

After a prolonged diacjiulon, it wa* decided taattbe Uepotation *bon'4 Offer Mr Buddall £310 or£316 tor tb«Jf«« *impl« of tt« building or, failingthat, to ijufc bin fM rwwiral of tb« UM« «t pmtu

' : ' ' ¦ ' ' : ' " ¦ • • ":• ¦ ¦ ¦ \

; " V . '

- ' '" -. ¦'¦

¦¦ ¦""'¦ ¦¦¦t.*: :l:f ;n u <h ly,

T^pAE the ^Tillage of Zillingdorf, in LowerAustria, lives Maria Haas, an intelligent

\ and industrious woman, whose story of physicalj suffering and final relief, as related by herself,I is of interest to Englishwomen. "I was em-! ployed," she says,. " in the Work of a largeI farmhouse. Overwork brought on sick head-i ache, followed by a deathly fainting and sick-I ness of the stomach, until I was unable to

retain either food or drink. I was compelledto take to my bed for several weeks. Gettinga little better from rest and quiet I sought todo some work, but was soon taken with a painin my side, which in a little while seemed tospread over my whole body and throbbed inmy every limb. This was followed by a coughand shortness of breath , until I finally couldnot sew, and I took to my bed fo;- the second,and as I thought for the last time. Myfriends told me that my time hud nearly come,and that I could not live longer than whenthe trees put on their green once more. ThenI happened to get one of the Seigel pamphlets.I read it, and my dear mother bought a bottleof Seigel's Sy nip,- which-I took exactly accord-ing to directions, and I liad not taken thewhole of it before I felt a chaii?e for the better.My last illness began June 3rd , 1882, andcontinued to August 9rh , when I began "totake the Syrup. Very soon I could do a littlelight work. The cough left mo, and I wasno more troubled in breathing. Now I amperfectly cured. And oh! how happy I am!I cannot express enough gratitude for Seigel'sSyrup. Now I must tell you that the doctorsin our district distribute;! handbills cautioningpeople against the medicine , telling them itwould do them no good, and many were therebyinfluenced to destroy th^ Soirel nnwnl ilo+s :




j ip-o;E D W A B D D 0 W L E Y

EEQS to inform the Public that bis Boats plyregurally between Waterford and Cnrrici-

on-Suir. Goods of all descriptions, which are to boforwarded to Waterford, or via Waterford to anypart of Ireland, Englund , Scotland , or Wale3, willbe received at hie GOODS STOBES, QUAY, CAB.BICK-OU-SUIB. Goods from all parts , for Car-rick-on -8uir and surrounding country, received utWaterford direct from the Stca-rers and Eallwaye.Freight charges will bo found most moderate. Fullinformation as to Bates of Freights, times of Sail-inga, etc, etc., to bs had at the Omoxs— (a20.ti


Agent at Waterford—Mr. TH0IJA8 DOYLE. Tnoiiia STEZLT.


Monu&cturors and (Joueral Mdr- «HK^ohants. The Trade only eupplled. ^BxNo Retail Catalogue* on appll- «K|>

mOST NAI1&¦ - / •¦• a'. : V : ! - . - .. ; /.i J ;.! :;iite : r.Ogilvie & Moore«dfliiHWi:«Warren's Plipe, CORK,

C c:3 - - 1Q, HU2EAUD


Achnittodly tho JfHEDJ miTSSAZ. TrABBCa non Cupplioa SpSaC^ St-f^Sft. ._ to tho Crado. - (cO.tcy) ¦¦ ¦¦- ¦¦ - • "' ' ¦ - ¦ ¦¦¦"—- TTlOBTY-FOtrB PAOI PxMPHtM, JQustriUd,

' -ID containing Medical and otherfTestinfoiSiilfl,CJ !E2 iSa "> L T . "S? 9 £Z\ liat of prices, and generaHnform»tioa,'gratiB, o?•J. u. i- - u_ post free. All sufferers eboald'rcad it. ' '

GfOlLB MEBAL IE,IBM »._ T^«.!?ffr2^"e- :•_ !SffPSTASIQ) IS THE BEST



\p 'W i Konnano Improved,from 3s. caoh.

Clippers Sbarponcdin bast manner bySpooial Machinery, atIo. 6d. each (Caoh).


3La ^. ibfiC E3 SJ • SAFETY IN PABAFPIN LIGHTING. PAINS DT TfiE BACK ' v ' 'la 6d. each (Caoh). fphEFBIES' 8AFETY LAMP. The GOLD Tha v.mMn T^ t JS^ jki 2S fC.sOharlier Unives and ^

Ah- i"v««io«.ot«oow «0 j^MteSdSSSLlSSSa r^L^SSK%S-%SKSS':tiiamor ttiuvoit »uu BtnLDDia TBADB EXHIBITIOHB Be- I thsa h»d »«, Imv «j> flutt* tKT I t*Uk.4»*»to_

OharlieP Steel ; commended by the Insurance Com. SL i*?**** to «f»l» Ud., *d«I»«75orfte*ta»,\ For Shoeing Bunting HOIKS. paniea. Tbe only real Safety. Ex- bf& iff j &t 1 ""*«'"' **T*?,?f?F [

\\ FARRIERS' TOOLS j y ^ WBttSSaav. oZt* lmp0MiblC< ****<?» #*t*:****k* :U In Groat Variety. JU> A Light of 43 Candlo Power for T S^ J S I^' 'A\ Portable Forges, Vices, Anvib, _ 5 hours at a coat of Three Farthing.. x hJt t u SSS tSS^^ Siki\\, etc. TThEFBIES' SAFETY LAMP. For PUBLIC b£ai froTSfoS^ hSmT SSZ SSTf-W HORSB NAILS , - ESTABLISHMENTS. , yf . ShJtSSnwSf ilr).:.;- The Beat In tho World. " Puna LJOHT ; FEM FEOH Sain,, ' — ;—-; / ¦'; '. . ~*. ,

_, , . Eisr TO Tani j MOOXBATB COS. PAIN IN THE KKEE.t • ,r ;\ Kennatl S BOUPTWH O» OIL."— M. Foy Bifiero, &nthAhb«7, yoe«h«l. .Coik.«WUh»«M»;il»r.- ' i;x M,V«»«»M-» «

Bodeira Dublin Mn. KtptUi wUh« w *tkU ttoO »E*t«aS«d «rl*l' ,

f^ H£5"f ©"-wfeB ria&nar11 S£2KaE«S!3S^\\\ HOrSe SHOOS .. Ono Defrles give8 M much Ught THE TintnAT AOTi m rr

rT*%/ / vrfU wear longer than hand. oa we formerly got from iiv« DOP«X » O rSSSSFaiS?t2Sr> 01*. U». ^! '/ mode, though much cheaper ; —Meurs. B. and F.1 Keane, Cap- Mn. VerSlr h» ( S«tS f k TVSmSSSSif ,-J Stem OB. per dozen icti. . poquln. *gg ?L^."* » ^ TitSS ^ iSi- j¦—- _ ^EFEIES' SAFETY LAMP. For TABLE tS gSSSS taw SwTfa.rt/ZJ SSJS5*S !

?fI?i\Tl\UM J?i QOW , " AND DOMESTIC USE. ¦ ««*. Ahj ow ¦tu S/TioSSSi S&'S^ilZ <lililNlNAlN 01 DUX\ p, "The be*t Lamp. I erer tried, »nd •^ ' ^ t m tlkm i^ f SSBSaill

^ - '4WcTinmhlfi St DUBLIU l haT8 tbo;8ilber,laiiick1*, *nd other».t UESRIUI, PAiuiTm wobiriarffinri nLUSnamDle OU » UUOLiUV. ~Lord Muskerry, Drumcolloghor BprfaiX t rJsStl SlJJSmJrSSSn Si^^ "'j' ' County Limerick. i - i . : I un oott h»ppy to iafon* mimiilS*£3<mW:4(SOMCEff WISBE, D^ ag^S iiglBr8. .: SSSHSSS SSSx ^

A DCM0IOU0 OSOOAOBSC candla pow^ BEADINO LAMPS. SrStaiS/SSr"1* «*<i-»i'»**« «*S$?? 1• 2O.candle power. POPULAR LAMP, Toar BdtH* wo»d«riM*j>U»«<>»- - TP.H.>X*lt..'JI1S.Y BE OBTAINED OF lO-candlapower. —~ -.,: DT8PKJ>aU; ' .• •: > • • i i


AII, w , r7;R f t - owati} tmaj > i<*Mim<*¥-GEOCEES AND WINE MEBCHANTS. ™ . ~ . . . . W A f: w t w u : . . .. .. ¦ • TH ..L .-V n l .l ci _V-JP***»lallJSLBP

whlcb, while profearieg to be safety, are actnall* SSilaSE!?tJSSS i»SS&iUanvfactu reri) — mOre dangeron* thaa tho old form* of Parefflp OU i ^Y^S ^ lfiSSSUS SSBEWLEY 'ft ©iAPli h^nXofbkburne^

II'> 8AMTT i:i"On the W&f c*W$fyM

pan*.). 6caOT"ioB. s .xHD i)KsiaM . .« ijBBaa®D U B L ' r:J-: A8Cat la W23Urf


II ii II f i "¦ -^ ^¦¦U'B B' " • • ¦ ' •!'•!. - ¦ ; . .- : it. ;;.:•¦',' :J, l irvT^SHPetll . \ T¦!<¦¦¦» SPKCJMO A<3«6* o» «HH . S¥tw."-Ont l ' . : \ . ' ;Y<\ V• ;. '; . l ¦,'.t..^T.VT>rftl*mtnjrToU«tBo«p»no«r brior«U>«imbU«tk»o»lyo»*J g—jai '-i 'iu-,L-i |W l£^W.*£kZJ j ''nooniwd by th* medic«i prot*M<ni u h«Tiik «mnj | *•*»••*; ""• mti»j am» rm: rrmftr.Vrntm •,- .

tilth* TUtout 8o*p* thuThir* bMQ nconwMjudl ~~—">' ' '"- ' ¦ f - -^ t k,X r tp syf oiiian4MlTftat*tluuS*AIUoii iaikwdBaltk*iBoiAM*a) YlTTTIllf ITnhrnirit 'tfTrttl'Tmf'iM 1 n&i&ia^*oothiw tb*lcrlUUoB «l »**klm.'W,VMn; t figgg'?J!?5fSl? ^^ SSSJBSBBLcroft, M.o., i0.o.p.ri»t« star aaM*o»tojMwWitaf« SEs&sE&EESS -WSNBNMummmm

Wben we n d- our lt tnore, wlioW.-' to;- STSSSi *Bat»iiffi«iSi3at^^WWB^Hisit ottr ««i m-l mm m^*WW§S!^*T^

¦ ¦! ¦ ¦ ¦¦

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but now, wherever one is to be fonndL it ft fe t ;• •

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like a relic. TEe few preserved are' borrowed^to read, and I h\ rot lent mine.; for tak'\ "3«|''arbtind our d istrict. V^ople have come eighteen.miles to j^eV me to buy the medicine^ for

them,knowing that it cured me, and'"io be sure!-to -get tho rigut kind. I know a .woinan whowas ¦twwi ig like death, and who• told theiathere was no help for her, that she hM consultedseveral doctors, but none could help hejv Itold her of Seigel's Syrup, and wrote ther^ahiae:down for her that slie might make no mistake;She took my advice and the Syrup and nowshe is in perfect health, and the people aroundus are amazed. The medicine has made suchprogress in our neighbourhood that people, saythey don't want the doctor any more, but the$take the Syrup. Sufferers from gout, who wereconfined to their, bed and could hardly movea finger, have been cured by it. . There is agirl in our district who caught a .cold by going;through some water, and was in bed five yearswith costiveness and rheumatic pains, and hadto have an attendant to watch by 'her. ' Therewas not a doctor in the surrounding district'towhom her mother had .not applied' to relieveher child, but everyone crossed themselves an.4said they could not holp her. Whenever thelittle bell rang which is- rung in our. placewhen anybody ia-doad, wo thought surely it wasfor her, but Seigel's Syrup and Pills saved, and now she is as healthy as anybody^goes to church, and can work even in thefields. Everybody was astonished when • theysaw her out, knowing how many years she hadbeen in bed. To-day she adds her gratitudeto mine for God's mercies and Seigel'sSyrup.—MAEIA IT A AS ."


HEALTHnAGIIETiari, tho Great Cuto for

Bheumatiiia, Constipation, Xirer Cooplftiofc, :CDUAHI3. Lumbago, Nervou* Exhau*- Coniumptaon,.u Sciatica, tion, Aithnut, PknrUj .

Goat, Bronchitis, Female Disorder*.Kidney Dtac&ss, Pulmonary Affeo-r General and LoeuEpilepsy, • ¦ tion*, Debility, :Paralytii, Neuralgik, Fnnetioiuu - Dij-Indigcition, Spinal AflmenU, . ordor*. . -

fTfinn^Vir» T«rM r tTJ/ETTON'S WOBLD FAMED PATENSUanaCinjj Director. yy Curatire Magnetic Applianw* md« Torall part* of tbe body. . . . . . : ¦ ¦

We make onr Appliance* *t Frioe* within Uje reao-'of all. Belts, from I0». 6d. | Special Power, (rod 17 •Cd. Lung InTigoratort, from 12g. 6d-1 Spodit Pcrxrafrom 21a. Other appliaLoes aocordiaslr. : . ¦

SCUTICA. . - . ; . • •Killeuey, Moontatb, Qoaeu'« C»-.

HoTemb«r iltb, 1S37. , ,HaTlnff on two occ»slo« reo«lt»d ntj im! b«asS( U

atUdu o( 8d»Uc«- from 4hb tua of UumWetton * Co'*.MAjsetio Appliances, I itroacly rwo»m*n<l tlMir u»t*thoaa laflcriBg from tija» UU<&L Otk«» to whoa I har»rcoommendod tluia haf* ruMiivd aqou teseU. : i ¦* . aJYMOUBltWBBAT.

INDIGESTION AND NEBVOtrSNESS.E.L Coostabola rr, EoacBUCT. Co. flalwiy,

* 7id 8vptesibcr, 1B87. '' j: "I bej to fonnrd nr.knuolkited UttMemf ¦>¦• to tb«cCoct* prodaood br ;oar. Uxurattlo Am Uiaom. • I taUta*prerioualj to wtariig them from lndlta«UQn,, <iii'ii:i«>ii«w,-and pains throaga the wool* frama, with oth*r totta-Iaritie*, bat »laa> adopting yoai trtatnant Bur cotuUtatirahas sndergoiia * eonplet* ehasgv, a»4 I hat* tdtinilaaaoerable beaelts slao* patttoc on mar -wiuMttrit -appliances. . . JOUJJflXKXI.

PAINS IN THE BACtC' .-( .; .Biakot Inlaod, BalUaMOta. Co. Kayo,

Abcat a year ago I rot a bod watti*r w»loffi«wa* ••' «poin In UT hack. I lmnwdiaWj got os* of 700 bait*whlcb cured alJ, and I bad no rotomox tb«Mla iaa*.

R. JOStS TiKiaMfn} .

8 EVEBE CHRONIC BHEUHATBititfonraltmo*,' Br»7, Kth J<am, lVJ.

Un Copeland JOD« i, hasp; to iatom K*sR* WtMoa, ttetthe MagnaUa B«lt which six proesrw! from tjbasa.]*stwinter for b«r sntaM's vwha* ooartWialr' ea**d-tk4Utter of rtry SOTCK ehronio tbMmt&fc'loT O» idlMof which «tery otheT form of faotait >s4 fallsd. . ;

EROST COGS, BJWNdHIAL A*i*W1 >T\ . • .-, - : ¦ . . . ¦. --W3' (!i'' k**B I

hanma«k*)MMaM lB H

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¦ «r o«r ¦iw&k&Samtutdthi^irt' aiwfi. . Vr.HinilHm