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Page 1: New words and useful expressions in Unit 3. amphibious vehicle [Am5fibiEs]

New words and

useful expressions

in Unit 3

Page 2: New words and useful expressions in Unit 3. amphibious vehicle [Am5fibiEs]

amphibious vehicle[]

Page 3: New words and useful expressions in Unit 3. amphibious vehicle [Am5fibiEs]
Page 4: New words and useful expressions in Unit 3. amphibious vehicle [Am5fibiEs]

1 to notice or understand the difference between two things, or to make one person or thing seem different from another:

(常与 from, between连用)区别;区分 distinguish between right and wrong. 辨别是非 distinguish from right from wrong He's color-blind and can't distinguish (the

difference) between red and green easily.


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2 distinguish yourself to do something so well that you are admired and praised for it:

他们作为全心全意的社会工作者而出人头地 .

They have distinguished themselves as dedicated social workers.

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Now and thensometimes but not often: ■every now and again/then ■ once in a while ■ from time to time ■occasionally ■ sometimes

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product noun [C or U] 1 something that is made to be sold, usually

something that is produced by an industrial process or, less commonly, something that is grown or obtained through farming:

石油是许多中东国家最重要的产品。 Petrol is the most important product of many

Middle-East countries. produce noun [U] food or any other substance or material that is

grown or obtained through farming, especially that which is produced in large amounts:农产品

agricultural/dairy/fresh produce

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production noun [U] 1 the process of making or

growing goods to be sold: 2 the amount of something that is

made or grown by a country or a company:

Swedish industrial production has fallen steadily this year.

Wheat production has risen over the years.

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Page 11: New words and useful expressions in Unit 3. amphibious vehicle [Am5fibiEs]

PERFUME [] [C or U] a liquid with a pleasant smell,

usually made from oils taken from flowers or spices, which is often used on the skin:

香水What perfume are you


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★★★★★abrupt ◆Unexpectedly sudden:意外的,突然的: an abrupt change in the weather.天气的突然变化 ◆ (of behaviour) rough; (指行为)粗鲁的 , 唐突的 : * He has an abrupt manner. 他举止粗鲁 . ▲abruptly adv. /abruptness n

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★★★★★convenient 1. fitting in well with people's needs or plans; giving no

trouble or difficulty; suitable 我们必须安排一个合适的时间和地点开会 . * We must arrange a convenient time and place for the

meeting. 你明天开始工作方便吗 ? Will it be convenient for you to start work tomorrow? It is more convenient some time to use ATM than to go

into bank.

2 near or easy to get to or use: Our new flat is very convenient for (= near to) the kids'

school convenience inconvenient & inconvenience

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adjective, adverb 1 for or during the night: an overnight stop in Paris You can stay overnight if you want to.

2 suddenly and unexpectedly: She became a star overnight.


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★★★★expectation 1 [C usually plural] when you expect good things

to happen in the future: The holiday lived up to all our expectations (= was

as good as we were expecting). I have high expectations for this job (= I believe it

will be good). We did so well - beyond all (= better than) our

expectations. 2 [C or U] when you expect something to happen: Considering the injuries he's had there can be little

expectation of him winning the race. Our expectations are that the UK will cut its interest


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★★★★ monitor verb

to watch and check a situation carefully for a period of time in order to discover something about it:

The CIA were monitoring (= secretly listening to) his phone calls.

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★★★★release 1 to give freedom or free movement to someone or something: He was released from prison after serving two years of a

five-year sentence. 2 to move a device from a fixed position to allow it

to move freely: He released the handbrake and the car jumped forwards. 3. to allow something to be shown in public or to be

available for use: The minister has released a statement explaining the

reasons for his resignation. 4 If a company releases a film or musical recording,

it allows the film to be shown in cinemas, or makes the musical recording available for the public to buy:

The band's latest album will be released next week.

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★★★★recognition 1.When he returned to his home town

after the war, he found it had changed out of all/beyond all recognition

(= it had changed so much that he no longer recognized it).

2 If you are given recognition, people show appreciation of your achievements:

Ella complained that the company never gave her any recognition for her work.

He was presented with a gold watch in recognition of (= to show appreciation of) his years as club secretary.

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★★★criterion noun [C] plural criteria a standard by which you judge, decide

about or deal with something:

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1 to say that something is true or is a fact, although you cannot prove it and other people might not believe it:

[+ (that)] The company claims (that) it is not responsible for the pollution in the river.

[+ to infinitive] He claims to have met the President, but I don't believe him.

An unknown terrorist group has claimed responsibility for this morning's bomb attack.

noun [C] a statement that something is true or is a

fact, although other people might not believe it:

[+ that] The government's claim that it would reduce taxes proved false.

Can you give any evidence to support your claim?

★★★★★ claim


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★★★★valid 1 based on truth or reason; able to be


My way of thinking might be different from yours, but it's equally valid.

Compare invalid (NOT CORRECT).

2 A ticket or other document is valid if it is based on or used according to a set of official conditions which often include a time limit:

My passport is valid for another two years.

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★★★★application official request for something,

usually in writing: 对这份工作 , 我们接到 400人的申请 . We received 400 applications for the job. 2.act of putting a theory, discovery,

etc to practical use 在工业上对科学的应用 he application of science to industry.

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3. when you spread or rub a substance such as cream or paint on a surface, or a layer of cream or paint:

每日敷用叁次 . * three applications per day 4. concentrated effort; hard work 专心 ; 努力 : 要成为作家就得狠下功夫 . Success as a writer demands great


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to be or go before something or someone in time or space:

The band ~d the parade 乐队带领游行队伍在火山爆发之前常发生地震 Volcanic eruptions are usually ~d

by earthquakes It would be helpful if you were to

precede the report with an introduction.

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★★★★current [usu attrib 通常作定语 ] of the present time;

happening now现在的 ; 现行的 ; 当前发生的 : current issues, problems, prices 目前的议题、 问题、 价格 2. Passing from one to another; circulating: current bills and coins.流通的支票和货币n.涌流 , 趋势 , 电流 , 水流 , 气流

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★★★★★ hang on ◆①to wait for a short time: Sally's on the other phone - would you like to

hang on? Do you need the toilet right now or can you

hang on for a while? Hang on a minute - I'll be with you in a moment! ◆② to hold or continue holding onto

something: Hang on tight - it's going to be a very bumpy


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★★★★★get through ◆①to succeed in talking to someone on the

telephone: I tried to phone her but couldn't get

through. I got through to the wrong department. ◆②to use up or finish something: get through the work/money/ food ◆③get through sth (EXAM) phrasal verb to succeed in an exam or competition: She got through her exams without too

much trouble.

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◆④to succeed in making someone understand or believe something:

We can't get through to the government just how serious the problem is!

Get it through to him that he must rest.要让他了解他该休息了。