Download - Neuro-design with a fMRI brain scanner, let's neuromarketing!

  • 1. 11 Neuromarketing & Neuro-Design? How to study the consumers emotional and decisional brain PR. ARNAUD PETRE NEUROMARKETING ASSOCIATION CHAIRMAN (.BE) MANAGING DIRECTOR BRAIN IMPACT

2. 2 Aware? 3. 10% What I declare maybe what I think ____________ 90% Non-conscious World what and how my deep brain decide I cant tell about NEUROMARKETING MAIN PARADIGM 4. WHAT I SAY Declarative Preferences Slow Decision System Weakly or un-correlated with Buyings and Doings mainly meta-cognition, confabulation and the No Button WHAT I AM Neuro-profile depends on thickness of some deep brain areas Correlates with Big5 Personality Test Unconsciously Modulates people decision e.g. big accumbens people are less influenced by prestigious brand name My Vision 3 interacting World WHAT MY BRAIN WANTS ME TO DO 100% unconscious Fast Decision System Sex and Survival even to choose a jam jar! your proposals have to trigger there! Frontal Cortex Limbic brain Accumbens 99% 1% 5. 1924 First human EEG Libets exp on freewill 1983 6. 1992 First human brain functional MRI Blind test preference area more activated by Pepsi) youll choose Pepsi ( VMPFC activation) Cued test No more preference in the brain but memory area is more activated by Coca, your Coke choice is memory based and not taste based ! D. Kahnemann Nobel Price / Economy 2002 7. 0 to 5% SOM in last 5 years 8. 8 Neuro-tools (invention - applied to marketing from) Functional MRI (1992 - 2008) Machine : 2,5 -10mln EEG-ERP (1875 - 1961) Machine: 500 -10 000 Neuro - Tools? and a lot of others neuro looks like Others Behavioral stuff Eye Tracking (1950 - 1960) Facial Coding (1970-1979) Galvanic Skin Response (1900- 1965) ElectroMyoGraphy (1792-1961) Cognitive Science o IAT (1984-1998) o Implicit Priming (1984-1998) Management Neuro Looks like o FRAP (e.g. SalesBrain) Dry HeadSet EEG < 100$ EEG 1-2 channels f MRI 9. 9 FAQ EEG vs fMRI EEG (from 12k-50k /mission) 12 to 48 for dry headset measurements points each +/-16msec (scalp only) Could be Mobile, Mass Research feasible, available nearly everywhere Should not be too expensive (price is often over-estimated ) NO UNCONSCIOUS EMOTIONAL OR DECISIONAL MEASUREMENTS Needs a lot of participants (30-50) and a lot of repetitions fMRI (from 25k-100k /mission) Until 1Mln measurement points in the whole brain (each 100ms to 2 sec) Full Access Deep Limbic and Decisional Brain (Accumbens, Caudate N, Putamen, Globus pal., Amygdala, Hippocampal, Insula) Not Mobile, Expensive, Scare Resource & Few Specialists NO MASSIFICATION ( no full representative sample) 10. 10 Mirror + Eyestracker 3T fMRI Screen within the MRI MRI Head Set, Joystick, Mouse. What / Where / Why but How ? 11. 11 From Brain Activation to Functions EEG (from 12k-50k /mission): Great for Visual & Attention Vision Attention Global Engagement Conscious Emotions Pain / Surprise fMRI (from 25k-100k /mission) Vision/ Perception/ Sensation Cognition / Emotion / Decision Buying and Behavioral Intention Unconscious/Conscious Emotions Empathy Trust Vision/ Attention Sex Appeal Memory Complexity / error detection Reading or Music processing Music Taste Appeal / Smell Appeal Danger Disgust Cost-Benefit (e.g. Price/Quality) Negative and Conscious Thoughts Branding Powerness 12. 12 EEG for EEG Fast snapshot of Visual/awareness impact Local adaptation of existing commercials EEG + Eyestracker PoP/PoS Print Advertising fine-tuning of commercial / pack fMRI for fMRI Brand & Product & Price Complex Interactions Ad and commercials Testing and Com (re)positioning, Product or Pack Design / Product taste or smell / Product R&D fMRI+ Eyestracker Shopper experience / Customer pathway Pack or Product Design (+3DVR) Shelf / PoP/PoS Design from scratch (+3DVR) Web Site and Digital Apps Usability 12 13. 13 ESOMAR - BEST OF ANY TOOL AVAILABLE fMRI offers the most in-depth & extensive cognitive/emotional assessment available ESOMAR /36 questions to help commission neuroscience/2011 14. 14 About Beauty ? 1 2 3 15. 15 golden ratio 1:1.618 is in our brain beauty and esthetic is of course computed in our brain 2 The golden ratio computing area 16. 16 1 2 17. 17 Cars and fMRI (Erk 2002) |17 Estetic value prediction: Given by Obrito-frontal cortex (sport>berline>small) Sport car activates more Reward Circuitry and gives an higher Self Image (Striatum-sex and decision related) Small CarSports Berline 18. 18 |18 Luxury cars (Schaefer & Rotte, 2007) Luxury goods activate more the reward and pleasure center (striatum) Porsche deactivate DLPFC, you cant think its turns you sex-motional (activation of the pleasure, you love it!) Opel brand deactivates the pleasure center and switch you on a rational way you will dislike it Same car with or Putamen (striatum) is activated by luxury value of a brand 19. 19 |19 Product and Famous Expert makes You Buy ? Famous and expert Famous but non expert 20. 2020 Caudate Nuclei best predictor of Well Known sucessfull association with a brand The emotional value of the Star is then given to the brand (via MOFC activation) MOFC (conscious positive emotion ) (computes cost / benefit) 21. 21 Some Cars design activate human face recognition area (ffa) 22. 22 Guys, Do You prefer 1 2 Sharp or Curved Design 50% / 50% but Amygdala (fear area of the brain) is more activated for sharp design (sharp= more injury risk) - Small amigdala people are less sensible to anxiety and will choose sharp one (i can manage risk im a good mate attractive for sexual partner) - Big amigdala people are more anxious and will choose curved design 1 2 23. 23 5Les Interfaces Digitales, les Apps et Sites web convertir un max et augmenter lergonomie des applis Comprendre pour Optimiser...DIGITAL WORLD fMRI+EyesTracker 24. 24 Which Popup* ? Clic Intention (eyes track reveal it is to close Popup window! 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Attention Memory Overload Visual Impact Positive Emotion Conscious & Negative Thoughts Reading Errors detection Category benchmarks *illustration 25. 25 Demo? We look forward to welcome you in our fMRI facilities and office in Brussels / Washington / Maastricht / Barcelona / Bangkok For Any question [email protected] 26. 26 A FLOP STORY Ik Bob Mee 26This test is a fast snapshot based on 4 people (2Fr+2NL) fMRI session/ confidence level p