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N 6 m e t h K a t a l i n


Rules &Practice

Enclllshffil#*x.J I I I

GrammarM6sodik, javitott kiadds



Sz6kesfeh6rv|r, 2006

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L]NIT 14








Contents - Tartalom

Simple Present (I do)Egvszerii jelenPrcsent Continuous (I am doing)Folyamatos jcler-rSimole Prcscnt vcrsusPresint ContinuousPast Simple (I did)Egvszerii mirltPast Continuous (I was doing)Folyarnatos rnfltPrescnt Perfect (I have done)Befejezett jelenPast Sirnple versusPresent PerfectPresent Perfect Continuous (I have been doing)Befelvezett folyamatos jelenPast Perfect (I had done)Befejezett mriltPast Perfect Continuous (I had been doing)Befejezett folyamatos mriltFuture Simple (I will)Egyszerri jov6

Jov6 id6re vonadcoz6 feltdteles (if,1is id6hat'iroz6i melldkmondatok (when, after, before...)Future Continuous (I will be doing)Folyarnatos jov6Furure Perfect (I will have done)Befejezett jov6Future Perfect Continuous (I will have been doing)Befejezett folyamtos jov6

Jov6 id6s szerkezetekto be going to doSirnple Present, Present Continuousversus Sirnple Fruture and to be going toIJsed to, wouldVal:rhaTo be toTo be about toTo be due toTenses MixedIgeid6k vegyeserlModal VerbsM6dbeli segddigdkPart I (can, to be able to, could, was able to)Part 2 (could, could have)Part 3 (must, must have, can't, can't have)Prrrt 4 (may, might, may/might have done,to be likely to, may/might as well)Part 5 (may, can, to be allowed to, let)Part 6 (must, have to, need, needn't have)PartT (should, should have, ought to, ought to have)

Part B (should egydb haszn;ilata; subjunctive - kot6m6d)

l 5


1 aZ J


3 I


















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Part 9 (dare to, I daresay)Part l0 (could, can, would, will - 6haj, kiris, felaj:inlds)Had betterWould ratherIt's time, It's high timeConditionalFeltiteles m6dI wishB{rcsakPassive VoiceSzenved6 szerkezetCausative (have/get sth done, get sy to do, make sy do)MriveltetisReported / Indirect SpeechFiigg6 beszddInfinitive (to)F6ndvi igenivGerund (-itg)F6ndvkdpzesGerund (-ittg) versus Infinitive (to)Participle (-ing, -ed)

Melldkndvi ds hatdroz6i igenevekRelative Clauses (who, which, that...)

Jelz6i melldkmondatokPurpose ClausesC€lharir oz6i mellikmondatokInversionForditott sz6rendEmphasis, Cleft Sentences (It is ... that' what ... all ...)Nvomatdkositds. kiemelisEmbedded QuestionsBeigyazort kdrddsek

Question Thgs

,lJgy"" kirddsArticles (the, a/an)N6ve16k

- rUccnlnxGrammar testsA,ngol nyelvtan pildamondatokbanIrregular verb formsAnswer key

99101I04LINIT 22


















l I 5

l l B










^ 1 /L L +

2 t7



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I(EPZES: Egyes sz{m harmadik szemdlyben az ige -s ragot kap. Segddige : do, does.

Helyesirds:I. Ha az ige vdg6n -o, -s, -ch, -sh vagy -x dll, akkor egyes szdm harmadik szemdlyben az ige -es v€gz6-

d6st kap.d.o - d.oes, go - gnes, catch - cntcltes, relax - relaxes, wash - washes

2. Rendhagy6 alakok: hape - has, be - is

Kiejtis:i. H" ", ige vdgdn lzl,ldzl, lsl,lshl,ltshlvagy /ks/ hangokat ejtlink, akkor az ige vdg6re keri.il6 -es

vtgz6dest lizl-nek ejtjirk. relax - relaxes, mis - misses2 lk/, lpl, lrlh.angok :ur.6n az egyes szdm els6 szemdlini -s vdgz6ddst /s/-nek ejtjiik. tnhe - tahes

3. A fenti kdt eseten kiviil, a tobbi esetben az -s v4.gz6d6st lzl-nek ejtjiik.4. Adnes kiejtdse ldLzl asayskiejt€se lsezl

Allit,is:I vou we thev work.He she it works.

I ),ou we they do not (don't) work.

He she itdoes not(doesn't)


Eldcintend6 kirdds:Do I vou we thev work?Does he she it work?

tend6 kdrdds:

AI vonatkozd kdrdds:anWho

Which studentlvorks here)

How many people

Wl-rat kind of peoplework herel


Which studentdoesn't work heref

F{ow manv people

What kind of peopledon't work here I

*Az cgvszcrfi jclcn id6vcl lcggyakabban haszndlatos hacitqzos4rk (always, oftcn, usualll, rarely = 1eldol' sometimes, occasionally

.t..;r i inaigJtOigc.tOttlt i t1"rt taueuc,h"rfi i igcliqig."G{eirgl*iyshaipy).I lycnesctbenaldtigdtti jvctiahatrirozdsz6'Ausuallyis

. ,,ritr"ti,.,.,Jr.ou?6b,i!-gvdb r"n&r.."i.ig"t krEgr6Etd.or6k (cviry diy,'cvery week, once a month, twicc a wcck, thrcc timcs a ycar

ctc.) azonb:rn dllhatr.rak a mondat clcjin ds a vdgdn is.


do I you we they rvork?

Who does he she it work withl

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SrvpLe pneseNr


I. Ismitl6d6 cselekviseknil. Gyakori hatiroz6sz6k is hatdroz6k: always, usually, never, often,sometimes, rarely, seldom, every day, every week, twice a month stb.

Nyiror-r gyakran megyek kiilfoldre.

2. Ha valamir6l dltaldnossrigban beszdliink.A pincdrek dttermekben dolgoznak.

3. Ha iircik igazsdgr6l beszdliink.A Fold a Nap koriil forog.

a) A vonat 8-kor indul.Tbe nain leayes nt B o'chck.

I ojlen go abroad. in swm.rner

Waiters work. in restauronrs.

The Earth goes rownd. the Sun.

b)Mikor kezd6dik a film ma este)What titne does the f.lrn begin tonigbt?

4. Ha valamilyen cselekvdst kcizvetitiink, pl. TV-n, rddi6n.... ds Eles l6zsi bedobja a labddt a kapuba-a-al .. . and ElesJrizsithrowsthe ballinto thegoal!

5. Ha valamilyen menetrendszrcrii dologr6l, vagy valamilyen m(lsor, program id6pontjrir6l beszeliink.

6. Here is there utdn, ilyenkor azonban a sz,orend megviiltozik.Itt jon Jack. DE! Itt jon 6.Here comes Jach. (Ha szemdlyes ndvmdst haszndlunk Here he cornes.

a sz6rend visszav{ltozik. )


'l Make these sentences negative. Tegye tagado alakba a mondatokat!

1. Mr Brown goes to church every Sunday Mr Brown doesn'l go lo church every Sundoy.2. The Prime Minister plays football in his fi'ee time .3. Their cl-rildren watch Cartoon Network beforc going to bed.4.My r-reighbours often give parties in their flat. ...........5. Jack and Jill always play hide and seek after school6. lack learns Engl ish at his placc of work. . . . . . . . . . . . . .7. He usually asks stupid questions.

2 Make YeslNo guestions. irjon etdontendd kerdeseket!

f My sister play's the piano rn a jazz band. Does your sister ploy the piano in a iozz hond?2. Tl-re members of the band get home late.3. They usuirlly have a cup of coffee before they go to work.4. The singer has to eat two eggs before singing.5. The show starts at l0 o'c lock. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6. The stars meet people fiom all over thc world.

3 Readthe answers and complete the quertions. Olvassa el a v1laszokat es eg1szitse ki a kerdeseket!

1. Where doyouwork?I work for a tr:rvel agenq{

2. What time .

Davidf He gets home zrt about 8 pm.

3. Who

1 0

I go to school with rny sister.

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EcYszrn0 relrru

4. How often .

I meet them twice a week.

5. Why .... home latel

Sheila? Because she works until9.30.

6. Do ... well at schooll

Yes, they do. My children never get any grades worse than four.

7. Does

Yes, he does. My son goes to London Studio. It's a very good language school'

4 Complete each sente nce with a present simple form using the words given. Egeszitse ki a mon-

datokat a megadott szavakkal! Haszn1lia az egyszert ielent!

I. Wlrat do you do for a livingf

you do

2. Par . .. getting uP earlY

not like

3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . languages a t schoo l l

you learn

4 . . . . . . . . . . . . a f l a t o f h i s o w n l

Peter have

5. She .... much money

not earn

6. We . ... too much time watching TV

not spend

7. Whv the doctor if You .... welll

you not see / you not f€el

8. Who ..... the flat with?

she share

5 put the verb into the correct form. Sometimes you have to use the negative. Tegye az igdket

megfelel6 atakba! Ndha a tagado alakot kell haszndlni.

1. "Which cofi doyoulike (you / like)?" "The blue one."2. "Why

i t . t t

3. ,.How much .. ...(this TV / cost)f" "It is about {I80.'4. ..When ...........(your plane / take off)f" "At 6.45."

5. .,Why ..(you / marry) that beautiful girll" "Because she is already

married."6. .,Whar sorr of music ........ ........(Fiona / listen to))" "She listens to classical

music."7. "Mrs Nicolson, what time .... (your lecture / start)l" "At 5 pm."

6 Ask questions for the numbered parts. Tegyen fet kirdeseket a megszdmozott rdszekre!

f . (l)Tom works (2) in the Department of Foreign Languages. (f ) WIro worksintheDeportnentof Foreign

Longuoges (2) Where does fom work?2. ( I)I hate getting up early (2)at the weekend.

3. (l)when she gets home from work (2)her husband (3)makes dinner.

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SrwpLr pnrsErur

4. ( 1)Sheila never talks about (2)her private life.

5. Mv grandmother listens to (I)the radio (2)when she is tired.

6. Peter always brings (l)presents (2)for l-ris girlfriend.

7. He goes to work (I)with his colleagues. ......

B. (1)The Browns eat out (2)once a mondr.

9. His frier-rd speaks (l)to hirn (2)twice a week

10. Torn always goes out (1)with (2)beautifi,rl girls.

7 Fill in the gap with one suitable word. (Sometimes you have to use the negative). Egeszitse ki amondatokat egy-egy odail16 szoval a megadottak koztil! Neha tagado alakot kell haszn1lni!

breed like (2x) serve go round

I. The sun sels in dre west2. Winr-rie-the-Pooh ...... honey3. Chimney sweepers ..... chimneys4. Does . . . . . c i l ts.

set shoot eat clean

5. F{unters ... animals.6. The earth . .. the sur.7. Hatred ... hatred.B. Waiters . . . . . . people food.

8 a) Read the text and complete fhe sentences below so that they will be true. Olvassa el a szove-get ds egeszitse ki az 6llft6sokat ugy, hogy igazak legyenek!

Mr Jones gers up at 6 o'clock in the mornings. His work starts at 8.30 but he is always late. Mr Joncsnever has breakfast. He only drinks a cup of coffee, which he usually spills or-r his suit and then changesclodtes. After that he makes four or five sandwiches for l-ris lunch. Although Mr lones has a nice redBMW he rarely goes to work in his car, because he hates spending money on petrol. So Mr lones usuallygoes to work by bus. It generally t'akes him an hour to get to work. Sometimes he doesn't get offat theright stop, because l-re always sleeps on the bus. Nobody likes him at work, but it doesn't matter. He is themanager of the company and rvorks eight hours a day At lur-rchtime he eats his homemade sandwiches.He never has lunch in dre canteen because he finds it too expensive. When he finishes his work, Janettakes hirn home in her car. She lives near Mr lones. He usually cooks something for dinner and never eatsout. Mr Jones loves saving money, that's why he is so rich.

1. Mr Jones is never eorly (be / early) for work.2. He . ....(have breakfast) in the mornings.3. It .. ....(take) him an hour to get to work by bus.4. He. . . . . . (be) wide-awake on the bus.5. The workers ......(like) the manager of dre comPany6. He . ..(use) his car very often.7 . He . . . ... .. (have lunch) in the canteen.B. He . . . . . (g") home by bus.

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Ecvszen0 teLrru

b) took at the answers and make questions with the hetp of the text. Tegyen fel kerdeseket a v6la-

szok alapiitn a szoveg segitsdg1vel!

I. When doeshe get up?At 6 o'clock.

2 . . . . .A nice red BMW

By br,rs

Al hour.

In his office.

Because he doesn't like spending money on restaurants.

7.On petrol.

8 . . . . .Flomemadc sandwiches.

9 . . . . .With Janet.

Translate the senfences. Forditsa le a mondatokat!

l. Miel6tt elindulok a munkdba, beveszek kdt nyugtat6t.

2. Ott megy Jack, e zseni.3. Itt jon a buszuul<.4. Minden reggel hldcor tortrdszom.5. 6 soh;r nem torndszik, dltal{ban futni megy

6. furna minden este meleg vacsordval vdrja a ferjdt.

7. I(i eszik szalonn'it reggelirefB. Tc mit szoktdl inni est6nkdntf9. Miel6tt elindulsz otthonr6l, szoktdl reggeliznif

10. I(ivel i{rsz liszni)I l. I(ivel szokott beszdlgeuri a ferjed)12. Mivel tisztitod a birtoraidat)13. Melrrryi pdr-rzt kolt azaut6jiraegy h6napban)

14. Szemliveget hordok, rnert rovidldt6 vagyok.

15. N,v'ir utir-r jor-r az 6sz.16. Minden nydron elutazunk a tengerhez. Mi is'

17. Osszel hullanak a falevelek'IB. Ott rnegy O.19. Nem szeretem a zsrifolt bevdsdrl6kozpontokat' En sem'

20. Az drtekezlet ddlutiin od<or kezd6dik.21. Mikor indul a 722-es jdrat San Franciscobal

22. Pcrez passzolja a labddt Elesnek.23. Mikor kezd6dik a film ma este I24. Melyik macska nem szereti a tejet)

25. Mennyi id6 alatt drsz odal26. Mire koltik a pdnziiketf27. Mllyen ldnyokkal jdr egytitt Tornf28. Melvik tanul6 nern szerti a sziir-rid6t?

29. Atei,ib,ru hriny didt< ldtogatjir az el6adisaitf

30. Atal,iban kivel mdsz sz6rakozni l-rdwdgenkdntl




6 .

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SrvpLr pnrsrnr

1O Here are the rules of the simple present tense. Choose one sentence for each rule from theexercres above, then add your own sentence5 at least two. ltt l{thatja az egyszerfi jelen id6szabalyait. VAlasszon egy-egy mondatot a fenti gyakorlatokbol mindegyik szabalyhoz, 6s irionhozzlt m6g tovdbbi kettSt!

Regular actions General actions Eternal truth Commentaries Timetables,schedules

After here &there

1 4

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KEPZES: to be * ige + -ing

Helyesiri's:1. A, -e-re v(gz6d6 igdkndl az -e leesik. write - writing, srnile - srniLing

2. Ha ^ rro {gyrru,^"gu et egy magdnhangz6ra et 9SY missalhangz6ra.vegz6dtk, aldcor a sz6v€gi

,rl,iss^lhongZS megf,ett6z6 alU. i;* - swim.wing, btt - llitting, sit - sitting ,3. Ha az ige lie-re v7.gz6dtl<, az -ie vegz6dds -y-ra v{ltozik. lie - lying, - d,ing

am workinsYou u,e thev are worlcins

He she it IS workins.

I(drdis:fun I workinql

Are vou we thev workine)Is he she rt workingl

I aln not (I'm not) workinq.

You we they are not (aren't) working.

Hc she it IS not (isn't) working.


I. Ha a cselekvis a kijelentds id6pontjdban folyamatosan zajlik' Gyakori hatdroz'ok: no\ /' at

present, at the moment' just now.^ Mori angolul ranulunk. We are studytng English now'

2. Haa cselekvds a kijelentds ideje kciriil zajlik. Ezt a cselekvdst mdr kordbban elkezdttik, de mdg

nem fejeztiik be.Steuen Spielberg is Tom cruise egy bdrban iszogatnak is beszdlgetnek:

What are yow dning, Stnen?lrnworhing on n nw dncumentarT.


Spielberg azt is v{laszolhatta volna, hogy kdvdt.iszik, de Tom Cruise val6szinrileg nem erre kivdncsi,

hiszen ezr 6 is l6rja. Azolyan esetekben 6'h,it, amikor egy cselekvis egy ideig kitolti az ilettinket, szintin

ezr az igeid6t haszndljuk,'-dg "LLo. is, ha a cselekvds iltltn pillanatban 6ppen nem zajlik'

3.yiltoz6helyzet kifejezdsdre. A leggyakrabban haszn:ilt, viiltozdst krfeiezl igdk: decline - cscikken,

hanyatlik, fall - esik, .roLL.r], rise - n6, emelkedik, decrease - cscikken, increase - n6, improve - javul,

fejl6dik (fejleszt), get better -'jawrl, egyre jobb, get worse - romlik, egyre rosszabb, get late/dark - k6s6re

jrirls.tdtedik, get + melldkniv - v,ilili valamily"ennd, grow - n6 (teimeszt), grow + mell6kniv - vi'ilik

T Cruise: Mit csindlsz most Steven?

S. Spielberg: Egy irj dokumentumfilmen dolgozom'

valirmilyennd (grow cold, grow old).

A rnunkandlkiilisdg mdrtdke csohken'

4. Atmeneti helyzet kifejezdsdre.Ezen rr hdten szorgalmasan tanulok,

mert le akarom tenni a v'u;sgit

The rate of anernployrnent is fallin'9.

Iw xwdying hnrd. this weeh becnuse I want to

pilss the exa.m.

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Pneserur coNTrNUous

5. A megszokott6l eltdr6 cselekvis kifejezesdre.Estdnkdnt rendszerint rornd.szom, de ma inldbba bardtaimmal kiirtviizom.

6. El6re elrendezett, jov6beli cselekvis kifejezisdre.Holnap a f6nokommel vacsordzom.

Mindig hiilyesdgeket kdrdez. (-)A fdrjern fantasztikus. Mindig csindl vacsordt. (+)

I wswally dn exncisa in the menings bwt todayI arn playing cards with rny friend.s.

Ttrnoryow lrn having lwnch with my bos.

He is alwnys ashing stupid tbings.fuIy hwsband. is fantastic. He is nlwaysmahing d:inner

(Err6l m'ir a fl6nok is nrd, s6t taldn mir az asztalfoglalds is megtortdnt.)

7. Abesz6l6 szemponrjib6l tfLlsdgosan negatiy vagy nagyon pozitiv rendszeresen bek<ivetkez6 cse-lekvdsek kifejezesire. I(citelez6 hatiroz6sz6k: olways, forsyer vW consta.ntly.


1 Make questions and negativesentences. Tegye a mondatokat kerd6 estagad6 alakbal

1. Kadry is watering dre flower beds in the garden. k Kothy wolering the flower beds in the garden? Kothy isn't woteringthe flower heds in the garden.2.They're plirnning to go on holiday in winter.

3. Tom and ]erry are chasing the bulldog

4. The rnanager is opening the new plant at the end of next week.

5. I'm looking for a job now

6. The number of refugees is increasing dramatically

2 Ask questions for the numbered parts. Tegyen fel kerdeseket a szdmozott rdszekre!

l. (1)The babysittcr is looking after (2)the children tonigl-rt. (I) Whoislookingafterthechildren tonight? Q) Whois the bahysitter looking after?2. (1)The Beans are looking forward to (2)dreir honeymoon

3. We are flying to (l)Rome (2)next week.

4. The neighbour's sor-r is always telling (l)rude srories (2)to my children.

5. At dre moment we are dealing (l)widr (2)the mosr urgent orders.

3 Match the sentences with the rules. VSlassza ki a mondathoz ill6 nyelvtani szabdlyt!

Temporary action Action at the time of speaking Action around the time of speaking

Changing situation Future action Frequent negative actions lJnusual action

I. Now I1n living in Paris because I have a contract widr Dior for six months. Temporory action2. We are prtrctising English grammar.3. The board is holding a meeting at the end of nexr monrh.4. Her behaviour is irritating. She is always smoking someone else's cigarette.5. Forftnately the rate of inflation is decreasing fast.

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ForYnH,tRtos .telrru

6. I always watch "Be a millionaire" on TV but today I'm going to the cinema.

T.The famous singer is going on a strict diet for several days because next week they are shooting

new video clips. (2)8. My speaking skills are improving quicldv now, because a friend of mine from England is living

with us at the moment. (2)

4 Put the verbs into the correct form. Sometimes you have to use the negative. Tegye az igeket a

megfelelf alakbal N6ha tagado alakot kell haszn1lni.

1. I want to sit for the lalguage exam at the end of dris yea! so lomtoking (take) a course in Er-rglish.

2. Sheila and Dave have lost weight. They . (diet)'

3. Your hr,rsband is a nice grry He ...'. (always/buy) flowers for you'

4.I ... ... (drink) about changir-rg my flat for a bigger one'

5. Patsy ...... (talk) to him until he apologises to her'

6. Iulie (work) now, because she wants to take care of her children until d-rey start

school.7.I'mvery exhausted, so I ...... ... (attend) the evening classes now. I need to relax.

B My fatl-rer ...... (g.t) more and more absent-minded. Perhaps he has too much

u,ork to do.

5 Use the words in brackets to complete the questions and answers. A zaroielben megadott sza-

vakkal egdszitse ki a kerdesekef ds vAlaszokat!

l. "ls anyhody using (anybody/use) the computerf " "Nobody" "Can I switch it off thenf "

2. ,.Who .. (make ) such a noise ?" "I think the Browns

... (redecorate) their flat again'"

3. ,,What (you/smile) atf " "There's some solrr cream on Vour nose ."

4. ,,Why .. .... (Ia.Vwork) so hard these days)" "IJecause he wants to pay his debts

baclt."5. .,Onr American colleague is in Budapest again." "oh, is hel what

make) a survey of the Budapest Stock Exchange."

6. "Why

Z. .,Why ... (he/always/behave) like thisf" "llecause he is

fed up widr everything."B. "I have got a new job." "Fantastic. A.nd how .. (you/get on)?" "Quite

r'vcll, thanks."9. ,.Why is ir that he is always late for work nowadays)" "As far as I know. ..' (he/

learn) to play tenr-ris before work'"

6 Find out the below-defined verbs. Each of them expre.rses a changing situation. TalSlia ki a sza-

vakat a meghatdrozdsok atapiSn! Mindegyik vdtltozo helyzetet feiez ki.

1. Tl-ris happens if tl-re sun is setting slowly lt is getting dork'

2. This happens if a girl is eating too tnuch.

3. This happens if something is improving. ......"""

4. This happens if someone is becoming older. .."""'

5. This happens to the leaves in autumn.

6. This happens if the amount of something is getting bigger

7. This l-rappens if the level of something is dropping' """ ""'

B. Tl-ris happens if the temperature is falling.

9. This happens if somebody is losing weight.

10. This happens if somebody is losing energy

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PnesErur coNTrNUous

7 Underline the words which can express changing situation, then use them to rnake sentenceswith the phrases given below. H(tzza al5 azokat az igeket, amelyek valtozo helyzetetfeiezhetnek ki, maid ezeket felhaszn6lva kdpezzen mondatokat a megadott kifejezesekketl

get better happen increase follow take place decline

get warmer feel beat rise decrease get worse fall

L. The number of English teachers - The number of English teachers is rising.2. The population ofI{ungary3. The number of students who learn Russiur4.My English5. The number of English language learners6. The rate of exportito the E"astJrn market6. The rate of exports to the7. Thc value of the Hunsari

rn markets7 . The value of the Flunsarian forintB. Thc situation in the tTrira World.9. The Eardr's climatc

I0. The size of dre rain torests

8 Put the time expressions into the following categories. Sorolja be az id6hat1rozokat a megfelel6kateg6ri6ba!

always (!), at the mornent, currendy, occasionally rady these days, sometimes, never, hardly ever,normally once a mondt, seldom, most of the time, usually, now, at present, every week, in general, thisrveek, next month

Time expressions used withpresent simple


Time expressions used withpresent continuous

9 Translate the sentences. Forditsa le a mondatokat!

1. Nem drtem, mi6rt n{z rim igy.2. Ahelyzer egyre komolyabb.3. A bardtorn a Kaniiri-szigetekre megy nyaralni. J6 neki.4. A fiam egy tiriember. Mindig hoz nekem ajdnddkot kiilfcjldr6l.5. Novekszik a kereslet az rij termdkiink irdnt.6. Mit tervezel holnapra)7. Ha senki nem nizi a televizi6t. kikapcsolom.8. Sajnos az orosznyelvet tanul6-didk& szdma cs6kken.9 . I ov6 l-rdten megl:irogatjuk Kovicsikat.

10. B{r jobban szeretem a tejes kdvit a kaka6ndl, most kaka6t iszom.11. lack most szorgalmasan tanul, mert szeretne dtmenni a vizsgin.12. Mostandban nagyon furcsa alakokkal jdr el sz6rakozni, remdlem ez nem fog sokriig tartani.13. Azt hiszem, rul sokat gondolsz rd. Pr6bdld meg elfelejteni 6t!14. Minden este a szdrnit6gdp el6n i.ilcjk es dolgozom, de ma cste inlcibb megnizek egy j6 filmet.15. Hfla az dgnek, a BUX index megint novekszik.16. Minek tdmaszkodik a ldny a kdpenl17. A fiam mindig rigja a kormit.18. A pdnziigyi vezet6sdg jelenleg az fj befektetdsi projekti.inkon dolgozik.19. Ez a pincdr mindig rdrn onti a levest.20. A vildg nipessdge rohamosan novekszik.21. A megdlhetis Magyarorszdgon egyre drdgdbb.22. Ndh{ny di'ik rnindig eldobdlja a szcmetet.23. A cegjciv6 h6napban be fogja zirni a kecskemdti iizemit.24. Sajnos nem hallom j6l, hogy mir6l beszdlgetnek.25. Kire vdrnak)26. Mire cdlzolf27.Mir bdrnul azaszakillas fErfil28. Hdny didk dlldogdl mdg a folyos6nf29. M'i'r nagyon vdrod a nyaraldst)30. Min dolgoznak ilyen kemdnyen mostan{banf

1 8

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Folyamatos jelen id6t nem haszniilhatunk:

I. Mentdlis tevdkenysdg et kifeiez6 igdkkel:

do) versus( l am doing)

remember forgetemldkszik elfelejt

realise supposeeszrevesz feltetelez


suspectgyanit, sejt




knowtud, ismer

think*vdl, gondol


2. Erzelmet ktfejez6 igdkkel:

love hate tike dislike wont adore prefer sth to sth

szeret ut6l kedvel nem szeret akar im6d jobban kedvel vmit vmindl

3. Er#kelis t I<rfejez6 igdkkel :

hear see* smell* tasteY

hall l6t, (l6togat) 6rez, vmilyen szaga van, (szagol) vmilyen ize van, (k6stol)

4. Birtokldst, viszonyt vagy fiigg6sdget kifejez6 ig6l<kel:


belong to

tartozik vhov6

consist of6ll vmib6l



depend onfiigg vmit6l

5. I-etez{.st k tfejez-6 igdvel :

to be* - lenni, (viselkedik)

6. Bgydb igikkel:

matter seem qPPear

szamit tiinik l6tszik (megjelen

* A csillaggal jelcilt igdk jelentdsiikt6t fiigg6en dllhatnak folyamatos 4's egysznr(i alakban is.


Simp. pres. ha = vdlni, gondolni valamit (F6leg mondatkezd6 kifejezeskdnt fordul el6 ilyen drtelemben!)

fgy gondolom, igazad van. I thinh yow nre right'

Pres. Cont. ha = gondolkodni valamir6l, gondolni valamire

A jov6mr6l gondolkodom. I'rn thinhing about my fwtwre.Rdd goridolok. I'rn thinhing of you'

1 9

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Srvplr pRrsrrur


,,Can" segddige ha = ldtniA see (Litni) / hear (hallani) / smell (drezni) igiket, a megadott drzdkeldst l<ifejez6 jelentis mellett, mindig2r ,,can" segddigdvel haszndljuk jelen id6ben.

Egy fbrfit ldtok a kipen.7'ajt hallok.Erzem, hogy valami ig.

Pres. Cont. ha = taldlkozni valakivelHdtf6r-r taldlkozom a f6nokommel.


,,Can" segddige ha: Ld. a SEE igindl.Simp. Pres. ha = v'alaminek valamilyen szaga van.

Rossz szaga va.n.Nincsen j6 szaga.

Pres. Cont. ha = szagol, szimatol.A kurydd a virdgokat szagolgatja.


Simp. Pres. ha = valt'Lminek valmilyen ize van.A levesnek rossz izc van.

Pres. Cont. ha = k6stol,,lr4ilyen a levesl" ,,Epp most k6stolgatom."


Simp. Pres. ha = birtokolVan egy aut6m.


Si-p.Pres. ha = lenniNagyon boldog vagyok.

Pres. Cont. ha : viselkedikOlyan gorombiin viselkedik velem.

Most j6l 6rzem magam.Firadtnak n'-rnik.


f can see a. rn&n in the ltictwre.I can hear sorne noise.I can smell (that) sornething (is) buming.

I'm seeing rny ? on Mond,ay,

It smells bad.It dnesn't snoell good..

hwr dng is srnelling the Jhwers.

The soup tastes bad..

"Wat is the soult khe?" "I'rn just tasting it."

I have a car

I'm wry happy.

He is being so rwd.e to rne.

I'm feeling well now. I feel well now.He is looleing tired.. He l.oolu tired..

Pres. Cont. ha : valamilyen cselekvds kifejezdsdre haszndljuk pl. have a shower, have dinner stb.J-Epp zuhanyozik. He\ having a shower.


A FEEL (drez) is LOOK (ldtszik) mindkdt igeid6ben haszndlhat6 a jelentist6l fiiggedeniil. 4

Decide whether the following sentences are right or wrong. Correct them. Dontse el, hogy a ko-vetkez6 mondatok helyesek-e! A hib6s mondatokat iavitsa ki!

1. I arn believing in reincarnation. Wrong.lbelieve in reincornotion.2.He says she is unnanrral ly nice to him at the moment. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

2 0

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PRrsenr coNTrNUous

3. The box is containing books.4. She thinks of her husband5. The Smiths are having guests ltow: ..........6. Yummy The soup is tasting good. ........7.Why does your dog smel l those boxesf . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .B. Your mother looks very exhausted.9. I'm seeing the manager tomorrow.

2 Put the verbs into present simple or present continuous. Tegye az igdket egyszer1 ielen vagy fo-

lyamatos jelen id6be!

l. If the climate is continental, the weadrer grows (grow) cold in autumn.2."Thetemperature is 3 degrees belowzero. Yesterdaythey were2 degrees above zero." "Yes, the

weather . . . . . . . (grow) cold."3. Why (you/make) those sandwichesl ' ..... (we/expect)

guests for dinnerl+. She always .. (close) dre windows before she ... ...... (leave) the ofTice.

5. Who . . . . . . . . (work) on the computer l6. Little children .... (smell) everything that gets into dreir hands.7."Why ... (you/smell) the soupf" *I ..... .... (think), it 's gone off."

B. ..... (Ii l l/stil l/ have) a shower)9. .. . .. .. . . . ... (we/see) an eye specialist tomorrow.

L0.l can't undersrand Watson. He ... .....(be) so rude to everybody in the office. He isn't

usually like drat.11. "Tl-re dinner .. .... (smell) good." "And you don't know how good it

(taste)."12. I usual ly . . . . (stay) in a guesthouse when I ' rn in London, but now I . . . . . . . . . . . . . (stay)

in a hotel.13. she .... (commute) by bus until she ... . (get) a company car.

14. Hello Fred! I haven't seen you for ages. W'rat . '.... (do) here I

15. Don',t forget, that tomorrow we . (meet) our new colleague at dre airport.

16. When ........ (dre meeting /start) tomorrowl

3 Finish the sentences following the example. Fejezze be a mondatokat a p6lda alapi1n!

I. All tlre lights are on. (you/leave) Iou ore olwoys leaving the lights on.2.Tom never listens to the teacher. (he/day-dream) .......... '..3.My son's clodres are on the floor. (he/leave his clothes around)4. Sheila has lost her purse. (she/ose)5. Her husband is sometimes late. (he/arrive) Not sometimes)6. Peter seems to be a bit too aggressive these days. (he/be/like that) .........'7. Has Kathy borrowed money from you againf (she/borrow money/from me) ...........

8. Does your mother-in-law often annoy you. (she/annoy/me)

4 Decide which answer is right. Dontse el, hogy melyik v6lasz helyes!

l. Timothy's mood is very changeable. Nowadays he isberngvery strange agirin.A) is being B) is

2. A traditional Hungarian lunch three courses.A) always consists of B) is always consisting of

3. I :rm worried about my daughter. She is very slim. She ... very litde.

A) always eats B) is always eating

4. What t ime . . . . . . . tonight)B) is the filrn finishing

2 1

A) does the film finish

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Srvpre pnesrrut

5. I1n afraid i t isn' t good for me. I . . . . . . . . . . . a meeting then.A) have B) am having

6. Here .... the men in black.A) corne B) are coming

7. There is Szaracsevics. A.nd now he .... dre ball to Perez.A) is passing B) passes

B. Let's stop here for a few minutes. IA) am getting

.. tired.B) get

9. She ... with everything she starts doing.A) gets bored B) is getting bored

I0. "How is the pudding?" "Wait a minute! I . . . . . . . . . i t . "A) just taste B) arn just tasting

ll. I . in our maintenauce department dris rnonth.A) am working B) work

12. The rate of unemployment .. steadilyA) rises B) is rising

.. how Engl ish grammar . . . . . . . . I13 .A) Are you understanding /is working

B) Do you understand /works

14. I . . . . . . . . in London a t 10 .50 .A) arrive B) arn arriving

15. The plane . in London at 10.50.A) arrives B) is arriving

16. Al l r ig l-r t , L. . . . . what you . . . . . . . . . . r low:A) am seeing / are rneaning B) see / mean

Translate the senfences. Fordftsa le a mondatokat!

l. 6k tdnyleg azt gondoljdk, hogy dn soha nem mondokigazatl2. Altaldban nagyon kedves ember, de mostandban egy kicsit furcsdn viselkedik.3. O nem! A film hdtkor kezd6dik ds 6n aldcor mdg dolgozom.4. Bir jobban szereti a vajat a margarinndl, mindig az ut6bbit veszi, mivel az olcs6bb.5. ,,A f6nok ki akarja rigni az rij titk:irn6jdt!" ,,Es te ezt meglep6nek taldlod|"6. Szegdny Paola! Olyan naiv Mindig mindent elhisz, amit hall.7. Atr.i6l rarrok, a mai napon ezt nerrl tudom megoldani. Egy nagyon fontos taldlkoz6m lesz od<or.B. lflia agg6dik a ferje miatt. Most'andban rul sokat iszik.9. Itt jonnek a bajnokok.

10. Altaldban ndgykor fejezem be a munkdt, de ma hatig dolgozom.1f . El6bb vagy ut6bb rnindig rdun arra, amit dppen csin{I.12. Micsoda gyonvorii 96l! De a Dunaferr mdr tdrnad is, 6s az ellenfel kapujdba dobja a labddt.13. Ndzd! Az drak ma nagyon gyorsan einelkednek a t6zsddn. Ma kell eladnunk a rdszvdnyeinket.14. Kezd elegern lenni a hiilye kdrddseib6l.15. Magyarorsz{gon mikor van vdge az iskolaivneklI6. Ma egy kicsiikordbban fejezztik be az 6rit, rnint dltal:iban, ha senkinek sincsen ellenvetdse.17. Jack ma viszi az i1 csajit a moziba.18. Az igazat megvallva, kezd tele lenni a tudatunk ezekkel ir mondatold<al.19. Hogv 6szinre legyek, dn is kezdem unni 6ket.20. Csak hiily6skedsz! Imddod ezt csindlni.


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KBPZES: ige * -ed, kivdve a rendhagy6 igdket. Segddige : did.

Helyesirds:L. Ha az ige -e-re vtz6dik, a vegz6des csak egy -d lesz. lihe - liked., hate - hated'2. Ha az ige egy mtissalhangz6ra 6s egy -y-ra v6gz6dik, akkor az -y-b6l -ie lesz. n7 - cried., stwdy -

stud.ied.3. Ha az ige egy magdnhangz6ra 6s egy miissalhangz6rav€gz6dik, ald<or az utols6 md.ssalhangz6 mcg-

kert6z6dlk. Jit - ftted, stoqt - stopped, I)op - plpped

Allft,is:I you he she I, I worked,it we they

Eldcintend6 kdrd6s:

DidI you he she itwe drev work)


I vou he she I did not. I I worK.

r t wc tncv I (o ron t ) |

Alanyra vonatkoz6 kdrdds:

WhcrWhat kir-rd of peopleHow many people

worked herel

WhoWhat kind of peopleHow many people

didn't work here)


l. Rendszeres multbeli cselekvds kifejezesdre.

Thvirll' rnindig kocsival mentern dolgozni. Last year I alwnys d'row to work.

2. Olyan cselekvisek kifejezesdre, amelyek a mfltban mdr lezajlottak, 6s ttibbet mdr nem kcjvetkez-hetnek be.

After the school leaving exnm I pased'the intenned:iate sta.te lnngwnge exam.

I learnt o lot of things at school.

2 3

Kiegdszftend6 kirdis:


did I you l-re she it we they workl

Who did you he she we they work forl

Az drettsdgi ut'in letettem akozdpfokir {llami nyelvvizsg{t.

Az iskoldban sok dolgot megtanultam.

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Srvprr pRsr

4. A kiivetkezl id1hatfuoz.okkal: ...ago (five minutes ago, five weeks ago), yesterday, yesterday evening,

last night, last week, last month, last year, last summer, last |anuary, in Mayt in fanuary, on 5f |une (on

the fifth oflune), on Monday, on Ttresday, in 1998, on2"d March 1999 (on the second of March, nineteen

ninty-nine), at 5 o'clock, at 7 o' clock, at half past six etc.

3. Mese, tortdnet elmondisakor.

Ekkor a herceg megcs6koltaCsipker6zsikdt.

A betor6 felment az emeletre dselbdjt a fiiggonv mogott.

Valaki cl akart rabolni. de aztancsorsott az 6ra ds feldbredtem.

Then the prince hissed.Sleeping Beawty.

The bwrglar went upstairs and. hiclbehind. the curtain.

Somebody wanter{. to kidnap rne bwt thentbe alonn-cloch rang and.I wohe uPt.

He was borvt in 1965.Lnst year she got n Nobel Prize.Who snw the f'lrn yesterd.ay nening?

hdtf6nl Why't you d.o your homnpork on Mond.ay?I rnet hirn fwe yenrs a'go.

k<iriilmdnyeire akarunk rdkdrdezni: (Ld.who), how long ago...)

Wby rlid. yougo tbere?How the accidrnt haPPen?When were you in ltaly?Wo yoa go to the cinema with?How long ago you last see hirn?

I didn't tronslate the letter.

1965-ben sziiletett.Mflt dvben Nobel dijat kapott.IC ldtta a filmet tegnap este?Midrt nem csindltad meg a hdzi feladatodat6t du,,el ezel6tt isrnertem meq.

5. A kcjvetkez6 kerd6szavakkal, ha valamilyen cselekvdsPresent Perfect kontra Simple Past) whyf, how), whenl,

Midrt ment6l oda)Hogyan tortint a balesetlMikor jdrt{l Olaszorszdgban)I(ivel rnent6l moziba?Hiirly dwel ezel6tt ldttad 6t utoljdraf


"l Rewrite each senten ce following the instructions given in brackets. Alakftsa 6t a mondatokat az6rojelben megadott utasit6sok szerint!

I. I translated the letter. (negative)2. She worked hard. (negative)3. He travelled abroad. (question)4. Did he ask Pat for her bagf (affi.nnative)5. Paul didn't use a dictionary (affirrnative)6. You er-rjoyed the holiday (question)7. Sl-re rented a flat. (qwestion)B. Did you help himf (afi'rrnatbe)9. We answcred all the questions. (negatfue)

10. Sire left for England. (negotfue)

2 Ask questions for the underlined parts. Tegyen fel kerd6seket az al1h(tzott r6szekre!

l. Sheila asked her father for some pocket money What did Sheilo osk her father for?

2. On dreir way home they ran out of p9!rql.3. Jack fixed an appointment with his boss yesterday4. Thei, $61rowed some money from dre bank.5. When I was younger, I listened to rock music6. I rented a nice flat in this housing estate.7 . Last year I travelled abroad b)' plane.B. It took him twelve hours to get there' .........


2 4

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9. The boss asked him for the report.I0. They interviewed her the following weekI l. The photocopier was out of order.12. Tom called his son on his mobile phone.13. Gary made a few notes during the lecture.14. Eve became Ms Flarper's assistant last year.15. Samuel resigned because he wanted to do something more creative

3 Put the verbs in brackets into the simple past. Sometimes you have to use the question form and

the negative. Tegye a zdrojelben talSlhato igeket mIlt id6be! Neha kdrd6 es tagad6 alakot kell


l. Why didn't you lell (youlnotltell) me drat you wanted to give up your jobl

2. Who .. (close) dre factory downl3. Wl'rich school (you/choose) finally)4. Which schools ...... (join) the International Student Organisationf

5. I . . . . . . . ( lose) my way as I . . . . . . (b.) a stranger in that town.6. L.. (not/understand) why she ... (buy) a house in the countrlt

7. How many people ...... . (see ) him there at the tirne of dre robberyl

8. How many people ...... . (he/see) there at the time of the robberyf

9. What kind of house ..... ..(he/rvant) to buildlI0. How long .. ..... (Mary/stay) in Italy when she ... ... (b.) a babv-sitter?

1I. Who ... (you/not/invite) for your birthdayfI2.I . .. (ring) the bell but nobody (answer) the door.

13. ... (you / call) me at night)14. Which students .... (not/attend) the lecture?15. How long .. .... (you / be) a teacher before you .. . .. (corne) to work for

dris firml16. I .. ...... (not / want) ro wake you up but I . . . ... (forget) to switch off my

mobile.17. . . . . . . . . . . . (he / larow) that you were going to see him)

4 a) Look at the irregular verb forms below and add some more which are spelt simitarly to them.(As many verbs for as many lines you can see). Ndzze meg a rendhagyo mult idei1 ahkokat es

keressen olyan igeket, amelyeknek hasonl6an k6pezz0k a mult idej6t! Minimum annyi ig6t keres-

sen, amennyi vonalat a megadott ig6k mellett l|t, vagy anndl tobbet. Haszndlia a rendhagy6

igek tdbl1zatdt!

1. bring - brought, breu€fu, huy - bought, hwght; fight - fought, fought; think - thought, thought

2. tell - to!g[, told,3 . b e g i n - b e g a n , b e g u n , . . . ; . . . . . . ; ' . . . . . . ' . . ;

larow - krtew, known,break - broke, brokenteach - taught. taughtdr ive - drqve, dr ivgn . . . . . . . . ;

9. fssd - fed, fbd

I 0 . h i t - h i t , h i t . . . . . . . ; " . ' . . ; .

11. sh3k9 - shook, sh4ken12. qive - gave. giveu .

+.5 .6.7.8 .

2 5

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Srvprr pRsr

b) Look at the list you made above and put the correct verbs into the gap. N6zze meg az on 6ltal

k|szitett listat, es eg|szitse ki a mondatokat a megfelel6 mult idei6 igevel!

L I don't likc skiir-rg. I broke my leg last year.2. Aunt Nirncy . ... English for drirry years, but now she is retired.

3. We usuallll go on foot but yestcrday we .... .... to work.

4. Ml' sisrer . . sorne money to him last year and l-re ..... it back last wee [<.

5. L. . . . . . . . soff Ie mi lk in the morning and . . . . ' . . . . dre ki t tcns.

6. Jack an exam in English br'rt hc failed.

7 . My grandfather .. snakes in his flat.B. Lastslurrmerwe .... ...... vegetables butitwasn'twordr it becausewc had toLlse a lotof water.

9. When Mr Black and Mr fones . . . ... , they hands.

I0. L ........ I r,vzrs right but now I know that I was wrong.

11. Thc lccture .... earlier that's tl4ry I was late.

12. My l-rusband . .. rne a lot of funny stories last night.

13. Last vear we ... to Mexico. This was the first time that I had travelled by planc.

14. I . .... a stamp on the envelope and I posted dre letter.

15. After the lesson we . . . . . . . . . . . a bus to Budapest.

5 Read the story and complete it with the verbs below. Olvassa el a tortenetef ds tegye a megadott

igeket a megfelel1 helyre m(tlt id6ben!

ring tell put see

tear find (2x) read

take catch come go

learn want do not know

get write

look kidnap

Last r-r ight I wenlhome and . . . . . . . . . . 11 let ter on my bed. L.. . . . . . open the envelopc ar-rd . . . . . . ' . . . : r smal l

c irrc- l in i t . Mv husband . . . i t . When I . . . . . . . . . the message on dre card I . . . . . . into a panic. I . . . . . ' . . .

that some kidnappers . . . . . h irn and they . . . a ransom. I . . . . . ' . . . . what to do, so I

. the police. They . me not to worry and ... .. to my house immediately Tl-rey ..

around, and then they .. a photo widr them, which th.y .. into dre newsPaPer. Forrunately

a rvitness ... the kidnappers, so the police them very quicldy

6 Write things that you did at the following times. Write sentences as in the examples. lria te, hogy

mit csin6lt a megadott id6pontokban!

I. yestcrday - Yeslerdoy I wenl to see my sister.2. the day befbre yesterday3. at d-re weekend4. last week -

5. last month6. li'rst year -

7 . on Monday - . . . . . . . . . . .8. last night -

9. nvo days ago10. yesterdav morning -

Translate the sentences. Fordftsa le a mondatokat!

I. Ejftlig angol szavakat magolt, mert m{snap dolgozatot irt.

2. Amikor mdg egyetemista voltam, rnajdnem minden este elmentem sz6rakozni.

3. Melyik buszon I'ragytad el a dzsekidetf

2 6

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Ecvszrn0 uulr

4. Hirteler-r fel:illt ds el6rdntotta a vizipisztolydt.5. A rninap megl{togattam a haveromat a b<jrtcinbcn.6. Ot dvig tanultam angolul, irztiin feladtam. A nyelvtanuldst nem nekem taldltik ki.7. Hirry dvig cigarett.a,ztil?8. Thvall'kivel mentdl nyaralni, ds hovd mentetekl9. ,,Hogv tcirtdnt a balesct)" ,,I(hajolt az ablakon ds kiesctt."

10. I(irc hasonlftottak a gyerekekfI I. Te re r-rce pdr dvig tan'irkdnt dolgozott egy kozdpiskoliban, azt:in egy vd.llalathoz rnent.12. Teer-rapcl6tt talilkozt:rm dlmaim hercegdvel, aki rogtc-rn n-reg is kdrte a kezernet.13. EIs6ldt:isra szerelmes lettem beld.14. Mirlt hdten hiirornszor kellett dgynernfit cserdlnem, mert folyton kiboritottam tr k:ivdt.I 5. Shakespearc sohasem j:irt Magyarorszdgon.16. I'et6fi viszont eljr.rtott Oroszorszigba, Icgaldbbis ndhiinyan ezt rillitjdk.).7. A ldn,v teherbe esett, hozz{ment gyermeke apj{hoz, de kit dv rntilva el is vdltak.lB. H'iny emberrel dolgozt{l eg}rutt az el6z6 irodddbanl19. Melyik gverek tolta haza ezt a bevaisdrl6 kocsitf20. Amikor fiatal voltdl, rnilven zendt hallgattdlf

2 7

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ffPzf,S, was/were + igc + -ing


I he she it was working.

You we they were worktng.

Was I he she it workingf

Werc you we they workingl



I. Olyan cselekvds kifejezesdre, amely-a mirlt egy adott.id6pontiala1 folyamatban volt' |ellemz6

id6hitirrozok: (at) this iime last year,-this time last month, at 5 o'clock'

Tegnap ilyenkor a hiizi feladatomat frtam'

2. Olyan cselekvds kifejezesdre, amgly a mult egy

lemz6 id6hati,roznk: from 3 to 4, from Monday

Reggelt6l estig keminyen tanultam.Tegnap hatt6l nvolcig torn{sztam.

Mflt h6napban v6gig kemdnyen dolgoztarn'

Tegrrap egdsz nap esett a h6.

(At) this thne yesterday Iwns doing my hamnuot'k'

adott id6-intervallumdban folyamatosan zajlott' |el -

to Friday, from morning till night.

I was studying hard'ftorn ruoming till night'

Tsterday I ias doing exercises frono six to eight'

I was worhing hard. all last mnnth.

It wns snowing all d.ay yesterd'ay.

3. Olyan folyamatos, multbeli cselekvds l<tfeiezrs€t-e-, amelyet egy mdsil< pillanatnyi cselekvds megsza-

k(tott. Az el6bbit past Continuous-ba, az ut6bbii Simple i"st-ba teiszi.ik. Gyakori kcit6szavak:

when - amikor, while - amig, mikdzben, as - ahogy amint'

Mikozben hazafel| tartottam, eleredt az es6. While I was got'n7 !o.rne, it started' to rain'

A barritn6jir vdrra, amikor taldlkoztam vele. Hewnswoiting-flrhlgirltiend'whenlrnethint"

Ahogy fel az erneletre, ftircsa zajt hallottam. As I was going upstairs, I beard n strnnge nlNse'

4. A mriltban pdrhuzamosan zail6, egyidejii cselevdsek kifejezdsdre. Gyakori kiit6szavak: when -

rrnril<ot. while - arnfg.

Amig a tanar aztij nyelr,'rani szerkezetet magyarazta, white the teacher was explnining the na')

a didTcok bdmultak ki az ablakon."t,tbe stud'entswere loohing owt

Amikor mentem lefeld, 6 6ppen jott felfeld. When I was gutng d'ownstairs' he wns corning


S. Olyan cselekvdsek kifeje#sire, amelyek a multban hosszan tartottak ds ezt hangsulyolni is szeretnink'

Cy"f-ri hatdroz6k: all iay yesierday- tegnap eg(.sz nap, all last week - mrilt hdten v{gig' all last year

- tavaly egdsz 6vben.

2 8

not (weren't)

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FoLvRvRtos vuLr


1 Put the sentences of the dialogue into the correct order. Sorne of them are already given. Tegyea dialogus mondatait a megfelel6 sorrendbe! NdhSny mondat sorsz6ma mltr adott.

Detectivc Poirot (D) is questioningMiss Cruise (C) and Mr lones (J), dre suspects of a crime.

Il D: Ycru weren't. You were in tl-re bedroom widr your wife. She was shouting rvidr yor"r when vousuddenly tool< out your gun and pulled dre trigger.What were you doing drere, Mr PoirotfWhat a shame IWhere yolr met your loveq who is Mr ]ones. Is that right Mr JonesfI was sitting in the wardrobe all the evening.No it isn't. I was in the kitchen.I went to the bedroom.Yes, I was typing a letter then.Now it's yoLrr turn Miss Cruise. What were you doing when you heard the sl'rotsl You si'ty yott

were in dre studyYes, that's right.Making coffee, ehfWell, Mr Jones, you say you were in the kitchen at the time of the murder.Yes, I was rnaking coffee.And what did you do after dre shots, Miss CruisefHow do you knorv dratlI was in love with your rvife and r,vhen you arrived rvith your sccretary I hid in the wardrobe.

2 Finish the sentences with the help of the dialogue. Fejezze be a mondatokat a dialogus segits6gevel!

I. Mrs Jones was quarrelling with her husband when he suddenly look out his gun and pulled the trigger.2. The detectivekneweverything becausehe..... ....... atthe tirneofthe murcler.3. Wrile the detective was sitting in the wardrobeMiss Cruise4. The detective hid in dre wardrobe when .5. When Miss Cruise heard the shots . . . . . . . . . . . (2)

6. While Mrs lones was quarrelling with her husband

3 The police are questioning you, and you have to give an alibi for the following times. A rend6r-s6g kihallgatja Ont. Adjon alibit a kovetkezd idSpontokra!

l. at 7 o'clock on Sunday evening lwos hoving dinner with my business porlner in o well-known reslouront.2. at6.30 onMonday evening3. at 4.15 or-r Tuesday afternoon.4 . a t B pm yes terday . . . . . .5. at 1l last night6. at 5 am dre day before yesterday

4 Put the verbs in brackets into the past simple or past continuous. Tegye a zdrojelben lev6 igeketegyszer1 m0lt vagy folyamatos m0lt idSbe!

1. When the police gol (get) to the scene) the criminal was dimbing (climb) over the fence .2. k . . . . . . . . . . ( rain) heavi ly when ]ames ( leave) home.3. As )ames ..... (leave) home, a bucket ... (f"ll) ontohis head.4. While my neighbour .... ..... (help) my wife to deliver our baby on dre back seat, I

; i 1i:-i[i,ii?,i'::ff:T:fi:?:::::::::: ":l?l3llt; up in ,he rif,

t :C :D :D :J :C :C :D :


2 9

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PRsr corurrruuous

6. Little-Red-fuding-Hood .. .... (walk) happily in the forest, when the evil wolfsuddenly (turn) up.

7. The doctors . (struggle) hard for hours to save his life but it was in vain.B. Mrs Johnson . (prepare) for her lecture all last night.9. The girl often .... (look) back, because she ..... (feel) that

somebody ... (follow) her.'o':::Tl*l i;;i;;j i; ;,f;:,':?::::::1 :::::::i1':&l;l'j,xil: "".5 Choose the correct word or phrase from each pair underlined. Vdlassza ki az al1h(tzott p6rok ko'

zul a helyes szot vagy kifejezest!

I. While I|G;-dnvrnd / drove, an old man steppcd / was stepping off the pavement.2. She *nt-*'o-iRttfg7rn odced in the garden all day yesterday3. Last summcr I went / was going running every morning.4. Wher-r the bucket fell / was falling onto her head, she was screaming / screamed.5. When she left / was leaving home, she was going / went to the bus stop.6. As she went / was going to dre bus stop, she was meeting / met John.7. While Mary fried / was fr)'ing potatoes, she was burning / burnt her hand.8. When I heard / was hearir€ the shots, f phoned / was phonrry the police.9. While we were sailing / sailed, we were singing / sang songs.

10. What were vou doins / did vou do all last weekl

6 Complete each senfence with a suitable time expression. Egeszitse ki a mondatokat a megfelelSid6hat6rozoval vagy kot6szoval !

ago last month when while as all last year

1 . I rnet an old frie nd of mine three weeks ago.2 . . . . . . . . . . w e b o u g h t a c a r .3. . . . . . ... Paul was trying to ring them, nobody answered the phone.4. My modrer was looking for a job5. ..... ..... Pat was comins downstairs. she heard a shot.6. ..... ...... my father was watching TV I was swotting the English words.

7 Translate the sentences. Forditsa le a mondatokat!

l. A filrn kcizben vdgig a kormit rdgta.2. Tegnap egyik filmet ndztem a rndsik utdn.3. Mikcizben a gyerk6c6k egymdst iitottik, a baby-sitter csak olvasgatott.4. lobb f-izetds remdnydben a rmilt h6napban vigig keminyen dolgoztam.5. M6nikdt kinzo fejfijits gyotcirte, mikcizben a ruhdkat teregette .6. A 6-os buszon utaztam, amikor megldttam a firjem a legjobb bardtn6mmel'7. Ordkon dt gondolkodtak, hogyan fordftsdk le ezeket az egvszer(t mondatokat.8. A 66-os riton vezetett, amikor hirtelen egy fekete macska ugrott az aut6jirra.9. A sz6tirt lapozgattam, amikor rdbukkantam errc az drdekes kifejezisre .

I0. A ndpszerri dnekest, Robbie Williamst hallgatta, mikdzben az angol mondatokat forditgatta.11. A sz6ke szipsdg a poros riton b6lddszott, amikor egy piros Ferrari hdzott el mellette.12. Hi't te nem ippen el6addst tartottdl, amikor telefonon hivtalakf13. Bdkdsen evezett, amikor egy nagy fehdr cdpa fellokte a cs6nakj{t.14. Mikozben Pistike felelt, a tandr a kormdt lakkozta.15 . Mikozben a kutat6k ldzasan kdsziil6dtek a k6irlet megkezddsire, a padcinyok rimi.ihen szaladgriltak a ketrecben.16. A j6sn6 mereven n€zte a krist{lygombot, mialatt in Karcszra gondoltam.17. Arnikor feldnk rohant, egy dobozos scir esett ki a kabdtja al6l.18. Mezteleniil dlldogdltam i'telefonkagyl6val a kezemben, arnikor a fiam bedllitott a bardtaival.19. A Fotex vdgig kemdnyen ktizdott a bajnoksdg alatt.20. Thvaly egdsz dvben orvosokhoz j{rt a vesdje miatt.

3 0

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fEPZfSr have/has + ige 3. alakja


I vou we thel [rave done.He she has done


I vou '"ve thev have not (haven't) lone.He she has not (hasn't) done.


Have I rrou we thev donelHas she he donel


I. Olyan cselekvds kifejezdsdre, ahol a tiirtinisndl fontosabb a cselekvds eredmdnye, amely a jelenbenis fenndll.

Ndzd! Valaki betorte az ablakot.

2. Ha valami dpp a jelen pillanatban

Epp rnost |rthaza.

Looh! Sornebodry hns brohen the wind.ow.

kcivetkezett be. (fUST)

3. Ha az irint irdekl6dnek, hogy a cselekvis vdgbe

Ldttdl m'ir valaha struccotfI{rt{l mdr Londonbanl

$ Fifletilnt

A helyhatdroz6 ktfejezes6re ilyenkor nem

4.Havalami MAR (ALREADY +, YET

Mdr megcsindltam a h6^zi feladatomat.Megcsindltad mdr a hizi feladatodatl

He has just arrived. home.

ment-e. (EVER)

Have you wer seen an ostrich?Hatte yow ever been to Lond.on?

az rrila" hanem a rrto" prepozici6t hasznriljuk.

f) bek<ivetkezott,vary MEG (YET -) nem kiivetkezett be.

I hnve alread1 rny hornnuorh.Haw yow dnne your howauorh yet?I haven't rny hornework yet.Mdg nem csindltam meg a hdzi feladatomat.

ALREADY = MAR - csak dllit6 mondatban haszndliuk.

YET = uAn - ha kdrd6 mondatban dll.

YET = MEG - ha tagad6 mondatban dll.

5. Ha valami mir egyszer, kdtszer, hiiromszor stb., tiibbsz,cir megtdftint. (ONCE, TWICE, THREETIMES, SEVERAL TIMES)

Mdr kdtszer voltam kiilfoldon.

3 1

I hape been nbroad. twice.

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Pnesrrur PERFECT

6. Ez az els6, mdsodik, harmadik stb. alkalom, hogy valamit csinrilunk. (THIS IS THE FIRST


Most litom mdsodszorra ezt a filmet. This is the second. time that I've seen this flrn.

T.Havalami mdg soha nem kiivetkezettbe az dletiirrkben. (NEVER)

Mdg sol-ra nem ldttam kigy6t. I have nover seen a snake.


WEEK, THIS MONTH, THIS YEAR, THIS SUMMER etc. id6hatdroz6kkal. (A this summer

ds this morning id6h*{roz6kkal kapcsolatban ld. a Simple Past ds Present Perfect cisszehasonli-

t:is rit ! )

Ebben a h6napban rn'ir hdrom drtekezlerlink volt. W have had. three meetinis this m'onth.

9. Ha a kiivetkez6 kifejezesek szerepelnek a mondatban: SO FAR - eddig, RECENTLY - mostand-ban, LATELY - azut6bbi id6ben, STILL ... NOT - mig mindig nem, IN THE LAST FEWWEEKS

/ MONTHS / YEARS - az elmult prir hdtben / h6napban / dvben, UP TO NOW - mostandig.

I0. A WHERE kdrd6sz,oval, ha arra kdrdeziink rii, hogy valaki merre jdrt a kdrdds elhangzdsa el6tt.

Eddig mdg rnindent drtettem.Mostandban nem ldttarn 6t.Az ut6bbi id6ben sokat beszdlgettiink r6lad.Mdg mindig nem fejeztem be.Az ehnrilt pdr h6napban nem taldlkoztam vele.

Hol voltrill / Merre jirt{lfOrvosndl voltam.

Hat dvc ismeri a bardtn6jdt.1995 6ta hdzasok.Ami6ta osszehdzasodtak, nagyon boldogok.Mi6ta ismeri a bardtn6idtfMi6ta hdzasokf

SINCE ... = ... 6ta (valamilyen id6pontt6l kezd6d6en)

I hat e wnderstood everything so fnrI hnven't seen hirn recently.W've talhed. n lot nbowt yow I'ately.I still hatten't f.nished. it.I haven't rnet hina in the last few months.

Where hatte you been?I've been at the doctor's.

He has hnown his girlfriend' for six years.They have been married' since 1995.They haw beenttery hnppy since theygotmamied.-How long has he hnown hisgirffiend?Hw hng hnve they been mnrried?

I I. Ha valami kordbban elkezd6d6tt is a jelenben is tart. (Bzz,el kapcsolatban ld. a Present Perfect

Continuous-t!) (FOR, SINCE - HOW LONG!, SINCE WHEN|) (A,,for"-ral is a,,how long"-

gal kapcsolatban ld. a Simple Past is Present Perfect iisszehasonlitdsrit!)

mdjus 6taa rnirlt l-rdt 6taami6ta elkoltoztekami6ta osszehdzasodtakaz6taaz6ta is

since Mays'ince last weehsince tltey rnwed.since they got marryied.xsince thenwer since

(pl. Nagyon boldogok, ami6ta iisszeh{zasodtak),Past-ot, a f6mondatban pedig Present Perfect-et


Ha az id6hat{rrozit mellikmondattal fejezztik kiakkor a mell6kmondatban a rrsince" utrin Simplekell haszndlni.

3 2

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Bererrzrn -lrrrru

FOR ... - ...-e, -ja (valamennyi ideje)

kdt hetctiz percendgv dveh.irom h6napjadvek 6taezer cvelz chntilt l<c't ltorrirpjrr


for two weelu

for ten winwtes

for fowr years.

for three months

for years

for ages

for tbe last hvo ruontbs

Use the words given and make senfences in the present perfect. A megadott szavak felhaszn6l6-sdval irjon befejezett jelen idej1 mondatokat!

l. Shc/r-rot/work/l-rarcl/reccntlv Slre hosn't worked hard recently.2. s, ou I ev er l be/to/ ndi a/bcforc I3. drcy/already/take/the/childrcn/to/the/nurscryr4. I/just/kiss f anlvgly I roz^td. . .............5 . You/rn e et/d-re/p rin c e/o n I a I white I ho rs e/ve t I6. You/speak lro I al nariv e-speaker/latelyf ... ........ ..7. Sl're/still/not/finish/'rer/thesis.8. Sl-rc/r.vritc/d-rirw/pagcs/so/far.9. They/be/here/three/tin-res/today

10. He/nevcr/lovc/1'ou.I l . It is the sccond tirnc/1,s11/xckiit. ...........

2 Read the situations and write sentences using the verbs given. Olvassa el a szitudciokat es irjonmondatokat a megadott igekkel!

increase lose catch a cold improve sprain win on the lottery cut

l. Suzanne isn't at home now Shehosgoneohrood.2. ycar 50 per cent of our sales were export sales. Now they're 60 per cent...........3. I am loohing fbr rny glasses. I can't find them.4. tr4ike is in bed. He has a bad cough and a running nosc.5. Your Germrrn was quite poor last year, and now you speak it quite well.6. Monica's knees are srvollen end she cannot rvalk...........7. Liz dtdn't have a penny last week and now she h;rs got :r lot of money8. Aurne's finger is bleeding.

3 Complete the sentences. Use the verbs in brackets. Egdszitse ki a mondatokat! Haszndlja a z6ro-jel ben megadott szava kat !

1. "Do 1'ou know how to rnake pancakef" "No, lhovenever mode pancake." (never/rnake)

. . . . . . . i r . " le lreadl ' / f in ish)3. "Do you want somedring to drinkf " "No, dranks ..rr glass of coke." (just/havc)4. "Is

lim coming to the theatre, toof " "Yes, he .... (not/see/that play/yet)5. "What is Tom working on nowl" "He .. (not/telfme/yet)6. "Do you know lvhere EIm street isf" "We .... there." (never/be)7."Can you help rne with the homeworkf" "Yes,I . . . . . . . . . . i t . " (already/do)8. "Do you l ike your jobf " "Of course. I . . . . . . . . . . . . a hairdresser." (always /want/be )9. "F{ow many goals have drey scoredf " "They ....." (score/five goals/so f.rr)

10. ".. .... to France)" (ever/be) "Yes, I have."I I. "Did you last see him ten years ago)" "Yes, L. .... ......." (not/meet/ever since )12. "How many books have you written)" *I . (write/five books/so far)

3 3

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Pnrsrrur PERFEo

4 Complete the sentences using todaylthis monthlthis year etc. Egeszitse ki a mondatokat a,,todaylthis month/this year" hatdrozok felhaszndl1slval!

I. I ate a lot vesterday but I haven't eaten anythingtoday.2. She read a lot last year but3. Last year the factory reached the target but ............4. I t rained a lot last autumn but. . . . . . . . . . . .5. My favourite handball team won a lot of matches last season but............6. We worked very hard last term but

5 Match the two parts of these sentences so that every sentence is grammatically correct and makessense. Some sentences can match more than one adverb. lllessze ossze a mondatr1szeket ugy,hogy ertelmesek 6s nyelvtanilag helyesek legyenek! Ndh1ny mondatnak egyndltobb pdrja is lehet.

6 Which is correct? For or since? Melyik helyes: a ,,for" vagy a ,,since"?

l. I've had a terrible toothachey2. The standard of living has improved3. I haven't made a decision4. I've worked here5. My car has broken down6. I've read rwo pages7. He's been a vegetarian8. I haven't been able to sleep well9. ]ack hasn't seen his boss

]. a, for 19952. a, for 6 years3. a, since a long period of time4. a, for October l8'h5. a, for ages6. a, for my birthday7 . a, for the end of last year8. a, for 14 hours9. a, for 7 months

10. a, for the last six days1I. a, since last month12. a- for the last month13. a, since a long time14. a, for we metI5. a. since then

a, recendyb, so farc, latelyd, twice this weeke, for twenty yearsf, yetg, for the past hourh, since he saw a dead cowi, in the last few years

b, since 1995b, since 6 yearsb, for a long period of timeb, since October l8'r'b, since agesb, since my birthdayb, since the end of last yearb, since 14 hoursb, since 7 monthsb, since the last six daysb, for last monthb, since the last rnonthb, for a long timeb. since we metb, for then

7 Read the situations and write sentences in the way shown. Olvassa el a szitu6ciot, 6s irjon mon-datokat a p6lda alapjdn!

l. Jack is in Holland again. He has been there twice. lt is the third time lhat he has been there.2. You have visited me three times this month. Yes, it is the fourth time that L...............3.Iack has tried to pass the exam once. It is the second...............4. I have never travelled by plane before. It is ...........5. Jenny l-ras invited us four times. It is............6. Sally has never driven a motorcycle before. It is............7. I have seen this film once. It is ...........8. Anna has never ridden a horse before. It is...........


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Brrnrzrrr .lllrru

8 Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence. Use presentperfect tense. Egeszitse ki a mdsodik mondatot Igy, hogy az jelentdseben hasonl6 legyen azels6 mondathoz! Haszndlia a befeiezett ielen iddt!

l. This is the second timc I've drivcn a Ferrari.l've alreody driven a Fenari.

2. Nancy is still writing her book.S h e . . . . . . y e t .

3. It's a long time since he was abroad.He . . . . . . . for a long t ime.

4. Is Lilly still aw:rke )Has . . . . . . . . asleep yetf

5. I've looked for mv dictionarv everwvhere. I can't find it.I . . . . . .

6. Is it the first time you've been to AfricalHave . . . . . beforel

7. M1, car key is still in the house .I . . . . . . . . . my car key in the house.

8. She put down the receiver just nowShe ... the receiver.

9. I don't know how many times I've seen drat playI . . . . . . . . . . severa l t imes.

I0. We last met in 1992.We ... ... each other for ten years.

9 Translate the sentences. Forditsa le a mondatokat!

1. Nem idrtam Amerikdban'98 novembere 6ta.2. Miora vagy itt)3. ,,Kdpzeldi'Kit dlarcos dpp most tort be a szomszddunk lakdsdba." ,E, hivtad mdr a rend6rsdget)"4. Ezer dve nem ettem almds oitdt.5. Ez a filrn a legjobb, amit valiha ldttam.6. Hiheteden. Ton mir tiz pohi,ir sort megivott ds mdg mindig j6zan.7. Sdtiltdl valaha a Kinai Nagyfalon sz6tirral a kezedbenl8. Tegnap javitotta meg a szerel6 a kocsimat 6s mdr megint lerobbant.9. Okt6ber 6ta vagyok munkandlktli.

10. Ma mdr kitszer taldlkoztam az angoltandrommal.II. Ez a negyedik alkalom, hogy kdsve drkezik.12. Ezen a hdten mdr ndgyszer kdsett el.13.Ez a mdsodik alkalom, hogy repiil6vel utazom.14. Ebben az dvben rndr kdtszer utaztam repiil6vel.15. Mostan{ban nem rudok aludni, mert a szomszdd dlland6an djjel hegedil.16. O a legcsinosabb n6, akivel valaha taldlkozott.I7. Thvalrikolcsonadtam neki kdtszdz fontot, is mdg az6ta sem fizeffe vissza a kolcsont.18. Nem ldttalak a szerdai buli 6ta. Merre i6rt6l?19. Hallottad mdr a legfrissebb hireketl20. ,,N{i6ta g.jti Le6n a bdlyegeketf",,Gyerekkora 6ta."2I. ,]vli6ta keli gy6gytorndra jdrnodl" ,,Hdrom hete ."22. Megavitott'ik m'ir a szerel6k Schu'nacher Ferrarijdtf23. ,,Jirrti^l mdr Erd6lybenf " ,,Igen, egyszer mdr j'irtam ott."24. Kdt dve van sajdt lakdsom.25. Mindig is orvos akartam lenni.26. M(.g soha senkinek nem mondtam el ezt a tidcot.27. Mir tobbszor elhagyta a slusszkulcsdt.28. Eddig mdg nem volt problimdnk a hatdsdgokkal.29. Mostandban sokat r6lad.30. Nag1,611 megvdltoztdl, rni6ta megnyerted a fiSnyeremdnyt.3f . Eddig mdr hdrom oldalt olvastam el.32. Az utobbi id6ben nem taldlkoztak. A mflt h6nap 6ta haragban vannak.33. Mdg mindig nem mesdltem el neked a tortdnetemet.34. Mindig is tan{r akartam lenni.35. Sok kdpet festett, ami6ta befejezte a I(dpz6mfivdszeti F6iskoldt.

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PAST SIMPLE ( l did) versusPRESENT PERFECT ( l have done)

I. This morning, this afternoon, this slunmer, this spring, this winter, this autumn

present pefect: Olyan id6szakban tortdnt rnrikbeli esemdny kozldsdre, amely id6szirk a kozles pillanat{ban

mdq nem zdrult le.

Ma ddlel6tt m'.ir ettem cgy irlm'it. (mdg ddlel6tt van)lizen a nytiron mdr volttrtn ktilfcrldon. (rnig nydr van)

Past Simple: Olvan id6szakban tcjrtdnt mriltbeli esemdnymdr lez{mlt.

Ma ddlel6tt ettem egy ahndt. (mdr ddlutdn mondjuk)Ezen a nydron voltam ktilfoldon. (mdr 6sszel mondjuk)

2. For. . . , How long.. .?

Present Perfect: Ha a ,,for..." ds a ,,How long...f " olyan

Hdt 6ve bar{tok.Mi6ta bardtok)

$ r;flao"t

Ilvenkor a for...= valamennyi ideje, a How long...f = Mi6tal,jcicn id5bcr-r forditjuk magyarra.

Past Simple: F{il a,,for..." 6s a,,FIow long)" olyan id6szakra utal,

Hdt dvig voltak bardtok.Mennyi ideig voltak bardtok?

Az in the last five years, in the last few months' for therd6bataroz6kkal mindig a Present Perfect'et haszndljuk.

Az ehnflt pdr napban sokat dolgoztam.Az elmirlt pdr napja sokat dolgozom.

$ Figyelem!

Ilyenkor a for...= valamennyi ideig, valamennyi id6n dt, a FIow long...| = Mennyi ideig| Ezeket a

mondatokat mflt id6ben forditjuk magyarra.

3. A,,last"-os (last night, last week, last month, last year etc.) id6hatdroz6ldcal mindig Simple Past-ot


Mrilt djjel rnentem haza. I went boru'e last night.

S Figtelem!

I have ea'ten a.n apple tbis rnorning.I have been abroad this

kozlisdrc, arnely id6szak a kozlds pillanatdbran

I ate nn apple this rnorning.I wns nbrond. this surntner.

id6szakra utal, irmely mdg nem zdrult le.

They have been friend's for seven yefr'rs'How long have theY been friend;?

Mennyi ideje! Ezeket a mondatol<irt

amely mdr lezdrult.

They were friend.s fot, snen hng were tbey friend.s?

last five days, for the last two weeks tipusu

I have worked a lot in the last few d.ays.I have worked. a lot for the last few d'ays.


3 6

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Pnrsenr Penrrcr


1 Choose the correct answer. Vdlassza ki a helyes valaszt!

l. Wlren did you ioin the companvfA) hirvc vou joincdll) did vou joinedC) clid t'ou joit-rD) l-rrivc you evcr joincd

3. That 's drc best presentat iort . . . . . .A) I ncver heardB) I didn't hetrrC) I have ever heardD) I used to hear

2 . . . . . . . . . . . in I re lz rnd lA) Did yoLr ever workedB) Have vou ever workedC) Worked youD) Didn't Yor.t have worked

4. . . . . . . . . . . . . a contract last year ancl i t 's st i l l val idA) Wc have signedI3) We have signC) We signcdD) We haven't sigr-red

A) I got lustB) I'vc just gotC) I getD) I just got

A) changcd, have metI3) cl-rirngcd, metC) l-rave changed, h'ave tnet

D) hirve changcd, met

5. ..... ... to her for: the last weck. 6. Tl-re rerlson I iun so sad is drat some bad ner'vs'

A) He hasn't spokenB) He haven't spokenC) He didn't speakD)Hc spoke

7. I t is rhe rnost r ishy business . . . . . B. Our prof i ts . . . . . . . in 1999, but s ince theu thcy ' . . . . . .

A) I'vc never hird to cleal rvith. A) have risen, havc faller-t

B) I'r'e evcr had to deal with. 13) rosc, l-rave faller-lC) I no'er dealt with. C) rised, h'.rve firllcnD) I cver had to deal witl'r D) rose, fcll

9. It is for sure that vou .. ..... d-ris book. 10. You a lot since we ... .

A) you didn't readB) you haveu't rcadC) you not readD) \,ou don't read

2Put the verbs in brackets in the correct form, present perfect or past simple. Tegye a zdroielben

tev6 ig1ket a megfelelS alakba, befeiezett ielen vagy egyszer1 mult idSbe!

l. Yor.r looh awful. Where haveyou been (you/be)f2.I ... (go) to see Totn, but I . .. (not/find) l-rim at home'

3. Sheila ....... (knotr) a lot abouthistorywhcr-r she rvas at school, but she

.. . ... (forget) most of it since then.4. Lirst niqht she ..... (rnear-r) to see a new docutnentary on World War II or-r T{ but she

.. . . . . . . ( forget) i rbor-r t i t .5. Fortunately thc si'rles figures ..... (improve) a lot'

6. "Are vou sl i i l doinq voir homeworkl" "Yes, I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ( f in ish) i t yet.

7."My God. I . . . . . . . . " . . ' . . . . . (par lc) m)/ car here but norv I can' t see i t anpvhere ." "Don't worry I think

the police (tow) it awav because you mustll'1p3rk here ."

B. A snrdent of mine . . .. (give) me a Pen, but I'm afraid I (lose) it' I'm

always Iosing my pens.9. "Is Matthew in Hungary nowf" "No, he ...... (go) back to dre States."

I0. Three people . -.. .'.,.... ... (go) into that flat, but nobody (come) out since then.

I t . Or " rch l I . . . . . . . . , . . . (spra in ) my an lde .12 . "The doorso fmycarareopenbut i . . . . . . . . . . . . . ( leave) thernc losed. " " I ' rna f ra idsomebodv

e l s e . . . . . . . . . . ( o p e n ) d r e m . "13. Mr Claude .......... (smoke) for fifteer-r years, but then he .... (give) it r-rp'

14. How long .. ....... (yorr/be) married) For ten years no\M

15. How lon[ .. (you/live) in Mexico before you moved to Texasl

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PRsr srurprr

3 Rewrite the sentences using the given adverbs. Change the tenses (present perfect, past simple)

accordingly. irja 6t a mondatokat a megadott hatdrozokkal, 6s modositsa az igeid6t a hatdro-

zoknak megfelelSen!

I. Jack (finish) writing his book. 1. last month 2. yetlock finished writing hk hook lost month.Js* hosn't finished writing his hook yel. OrHos lack finished writing his book yet?2. You (change) a lot. l. in the last few years 2. since I Iast saw yon

3. IQthy (phone) you. l. rwice 2. this morning (it's in the afternoon now!)

4. Shakespeare (go) to Ireland. 1. twice 2. never

5. I (drive) a motorbike. 1. two years ago 2. It is drc third time

6. We (meet). I. It's five years since 2. already

7.The Chinese (invent) a lot of things. l. in ancient times 2. since then

8. I (not/speak) Italian. I. for the last three months 2. in the last two years

9. Tom (read) five pages. L so far 2. last night

4 Answer the questions as shown in the example. Use since or for. V1laszolion a kdrddsekre a pel-

da alapjAn! HasznAlja a ,,since"-t vagy a ,,for"-t!

l. Can you play rennis) (four years) Yes, but lhoven'l ployed tennis for four yeon.. -2. Can yo" ila" a bikef (I left university) Ies, bul lhoven'l ridden o hike since lleft university.3. Can you make Goulashl (a year)4. Can you use a word processor) (I was made redundant) ....... '.5. Can you iron your shir ts l ( I got marr ied). . . . . . . . . . . . .6. Can vou speak Germanf ( last summer). . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7. Cany"" pi"y t l ' re f lutel (years) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .B. Can you drive a car) (June)9. Can you r ide a horse) ( I fel l of fone) . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

I0. Can you develop a fihnf (quite a long time) .........11. Car.r you singl (ages)

5 Rephrase the following sentences using the present perfect tense with for or since. Tegye 6t a

kovetkez6 mondatokat befejezett jelen iddbe a ,,for" vagy a ,,since" felhaszn6lSsdval!

l. I last ate ocopus when I was on holiday lhoven't eaten odopus since Iwos on holidoy.2. It's five y""r, iin..I was on holiday !hiven'tbeenonholidoyforfiveyelrc.3. I last went to England in 1996.4. It's five minutes since the meeting was ended.5. It's six years since I last saw dte doctor.

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Pnesrnr PEnrrcr

6. He last sDoke to me when we met in the theatre.7. I last wrote a letter the day before yesterdayB. It's vears since mv husband last hoovered the carpet9. Marv last took a day sf f ln June.. . . . . . . . . .

I0. It's a long time since we last learnt English.

6 Are the underlined parts of the sentences right or wrong? Correct the ones that are wrong.Dontse el, hogy az al6h0zott rdszek helyesek-e! A helytelen mondatokat iavftsa ki!

l. Have i,ou bought a carl lt looks new R/61/I2. Have you tasted Aunt Nancy's cake last night) WRING: Did you toste ...3. John Lennon has written a lot of songs.4. I'm going to fail the exam. I have made too many mistakes.5. I was very exhausted in the last three weeks" . - ' - ' J - - * ^ * * " .

6. I'm very thirsql I haven't drunk anything today .........7. I last saw him three years ago.8. Some of the Roman emperors have been very cruel." - - - " r - -

9. Jack was very busy with his job for dre last month.I0. Iack was very busy with his work last mondr.l l . Jenny was marr ied for a month now... . . . . . . . . .12. Jenny has been married since last month.13. Have you seen camels when you lived in Egyptf14. Did you see camels before I15. I'rn looking for the TV Timesf llave )'ou seen it? ..............

7 Put the verbs into the most suitable form, present perfect or past simple. Tegye az igdket befeie-zett jelen vagy egyszerfi mult id6be!

L A: Have you cul (youlcut) your fingeriB: Yes, I have.A: When did you cut (you/cut) it)B: When I was peeling the potatoes.

2. A: . .... (you/buy) a motorcyclelB: Yes. L..... one (buy) when I earned some extra mone)r

3. A: Do you know about Terryl He ... ...... (give up) his job.

B: Reallyl Why .. (he/do) that?A: He . . . . . . (b") fed up with his boss.

4. A: Your face is red. .. (be) to the saunalB: Yes.A: Who (you/go) withlB: I . . . . . . . . (be) there with a fr iend of mine.

5. A: Where . . . . . . . (you/be)lB: I .. (be) to the doctor.A: .... . (he/prescribe) any medicine IB : Yes , he . . . .

6. A: I ... (hurt) my knee very badly llave you got a bandagefB: I'll get you one. How . .(itlhappen)fA: I wis riding a bike when I ..... (lose) my balance, and ... . (fall) off.

7. A: How long . . . . . . . . . (you/be) between jobs)

B: I'm not between jobs now L. . .. . .. . .. .. (just/find) a job.

A: That's great. F{ow ... (you/find) this jobl

B: I .. ... (read) it in the newspaper and ... (apply) for it.

B. A: . (I(ate/water) the flowersfB: Yes, she . . .A: When (she/water) them)B: She . . . . . . . . . . (water ) them before we. . . . . . . . . (have) lunch '

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PRsr srvpLr - PnrsErur Prnrrcl

9. A; I. ...... (just/see) the play Much Ado about Nothing. " (you/see) tt?

B: No, L.. . . . . Is i t l ike dre bookfA: To be honest, L.... . ..... (r-rot/read) d-re book.Il: L. ... (read) it when l wirs at school.A: When ...... (Shakespeare/write) itfB: I cirn't tell you.

10. A: Wl 'rere . . . . . (You/be)fl l : I . . . . . . . . (be) ou t to sea.A: .... . (you/enjoy) itlB : Yes , L . . . . . (en joY) i t a lo t .

8 Translate the senfences. Forditsa le a mondatokat!

l. - Mit biimulnak azol< az emberekl- B.aleset volt.- Pontosan rni tortdntl- Egy hamion frontdlisan iid<ozott egy busszal.

Z Te{nap kdtszer telefoniiltarn neki, delenki sem vettc fel a telefont.3. Ma mdr kdtszer telefoniiltam neked.4. - Hogy szerezted azt a sebl'relyetf

- Egl; aut6birlesetben, k6t dvvel ezel6tt'5. - Befcjezted mdr a dolgozatjavit{stl

- Nem, nern egdszen. Eddig koriilbeliil a fcldt csin{ltam meg.6. - Te is a viirosbzur lakszf

- Isen.- Rdg6ta vagy rn{r ittf- I(oriilbellil kdt I'r6napja lakom itt.

7. - Mi6rlr ismered az rij kolldg{nkatf- I(dt dve istnerem.- Mit csindlt rniel6tt idejottf- Azt hiszem, egy iskol'iban tan(tott.

8. - Te mennyi idcig voltdl hdzas?- Hiroru c(vig, azt'i lt clvdlturll<.

9. - En t'.,.g '-t-ttt:'tdig '6s vagyok. Mdr ot 6ve, l-rogy osszehdzasodtunk'10. - Hogy tetszett Manchesterf

- Esdszcn kedveltem.- Niennyi ideig laktdl ottf- 6t dvig. Delnost mdr annak is kdt dve van, hogy Londonba koltoztiir-rk.- H{t nem repii:l az id6?

11. Mdr tiz kilomdtert ftitott.12. Most futja a Budapest Maratont otodszorre.13. Mdr otszor indult a Maratonon.14. Most ldtorn ezt a ferfit elSszor.15. Ezt a fErfit mdr l;ittarn egyszer.16. Ez a harrnadik alkalom,Trogy megkdri a kezemet. Most mir taldn igent mondok neki'

77. -Yok, mdr itt a villanyszerel6f- Igcn, de csak tfz percig volt itt.

r s. A4i;tait nprgdij ba inent] otszor vdltoztatott munkahelyet.19. - Ezen a iryiror-r voltam ktilfoldon. (6sz van)

- Tdr-rvlegl En mdr iddn 6sszel is voltam.20. Hol v'olti.l ezen a l-rdtvdgdn) (hdtfi6 van)2I. Ezen a hdw6g6n mdr eleget ettern' (hdtvdge van)22. Ebben a h6napban mdg nern ndztem tdvdt.23. Iden tdlen mdg nem havazott.24. Az elmdlt pdrTr6napban nem taldlkoztam vele'25. Amflt h6napban minden naP torn{sztam'26. Hol voltdl) Egdszen iddig haldlra agg6dtam magam.27. Miota vagy munkandlkiili)28. Taldlt{l mdr valami j6 munk{tl29. Mtir ndgy dlldst negpilyitztarn, de mdg semrnilyen vdlaszt nem kaptam'

30. Ldttdl mdr valaha jegesmedvdt Afrikdbanl


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I(EPZES: have/has + been + ige + -ing


I You we they [ravc been doine.Hc she has been doing.

Thgadds:A Present Perfect Continuous-nak formailag ugyan vanHelvette gyakrabban fordul el6 a Present Perfect tagad6

I you rve thel, have not(haven't)

been doing.

Hc shehas not(hasn't)

been doing.


Have I you we they been doingf

Has she hc been doingl


I. Olyan cselekvis kifejezdsdre, amely a mflt egy adott pillanat:iban elkezd6dcitt, a jgl."!.I t_t^."t:'

s6tvi6szinilleg a jov6ben is tartani fog.le\lemzbid6hatiroz6k: SINCE..., FOR...' HOWLONG...?'

SINCE WIHEN...f (ld. a Present Perfect-et)

M:ir liit 6ve jdr abba az iskoldba.Mtilt het 6ta jdrnal< cgyiitt.

2. Olyan esetben, ha a cselekvds hosszan tart, (elkezdtiik, de mdg mindig.t]1*_f.j.ztiik -be) dt :r_,hangsrilyor.ri is szeretnink. fellemz6 id6hatiroz6k: ALL THIS \4fEBI(, ALL DAY LONG' ALL


tagad6 alakja, de ezt ritk'ibbirn haszniiij{k.alakja.

I hape been trying to reacb hirn all this week.I have been seeing the d'octor all tbis yeatIt bns been raining all d.ay long.

She has beengoing to tbat schoolfor two years.They hnve beengoing out together s'ince lnst weeh

L,gdsz hdtcn pr6bdltam cldrni 6t.L,gdsz dvben v6gig orvoshoz jdrtam.Egdsz nap csak esik.

3. Olyan cselekvds kifejezesdre, amely a bes#d pillanatfig folyamatosan zajlott, ds a jelenben szem-

mel ldthat6 eredmdnye vagy kovetkezmdnye van.

"Why are yowr hands dirty?" "I hm,e beenworhing in the gard.en.""Wht is your hair tphite?" "I have beenw hit ew as h ing t h e ceiling. ""hu batte n blaclz eye.""V/hat hnpe yow been doing?"

"Miert piszkos a kezedf ",,A kertben dolgoztam."(Epp inost h;igyta abb'.r, de a nyoma m6g l'itszik.)

,,Midrt fehdr a hajad)",,A plafont meszeltem."

,lMonoldid v'.tt't. ",,Mit csindlt{lf "

4 1

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Pnesrrur PERFECr coNTtNUous

EXERCISES _ FELADATOK1 Answer the questions in the way shown. V6laszoljon a kerddsekre a megadott modon!

1. Are you writing letters| (for an hour) Ies, l'veheenwritinglettercforonhour.2. Are you learning Germanf (since last year) ..........3. Is I're working on the computer) (since he arrivcd)4. Are they digging the gardenf (for two hours)5. Are drey quarrelling againf (since their son left thern)6. Are you phoning againl (all the morning)7. Are you cleaning the flat again) (all day today)B. Is your husband drinking again) (all day long) .........9. Are your neighbours making a noise again) (all night long) .........

10. Is your daughter learning to skil (for wo weeks)

2 Read the situations and complete the sentences. Olvassa el a szituAci6kat 6s egdszitse ki a mondatokat!

I. I started learning Italian two years ago. I am still learning Italian.I huve been leorning holiun for lwo yeors.

2. Tom started reading this book last month. He is still reading it.

; iilrb;;ii ;;h ;,;;;.; ,";, ;,i";;;;s" i; i;;,;ii ;;i;; "; since rast montrr

tor ten mrnutes.4. Jessica began working for that company when she left universirlz

.. since she left universiry5. Uncle Ben moved to China thirty-five years ago. He is still living there.

for ages.6. The author started writing that book in February He is still writing it.

since February7. Jack started painting his flat last week. He still hasn'r finished it.

B si.,;;;;;,;J;;;hid it;;;;;;;s; sr,. i, ,,il';;;.hi";; since rast week

for an hour.9. Alan fell asleep as soon as he sat down to watch TV

..... since he sat down to watch TV10. Barbie started smokinq when she was 22.

. : . . . . . . . . . s ince she was 22 .

3 Use present perfect or present perfect continuous with the given adverbials. HasznSlja a presentperfect-et, vagy a present perfect continuous-t a megadott hat6rozokkal!

l. She/dance/all night long. Sfe hos heen doncing ollnight long.2. She/dance/with five rnen/so far. She hos donced with five men so for.3. Kathy/write letters/for an hour.4. Kathy/write four letters/so far. .............5. They/travel/since last night...6. Theyy' travel l900 kms. . . . . . . . . . .7. Shel plantlvegetables/since the morning.B. She/plant/a lot of vegetables.9. You/peel/potatoes/for half an hour. ...........

10. You/peel/potatoes/since I arrived home.lI. Matthew/paint/a lot of pictures/since he left the art college.12. Matthew/paint/pictures/since he left the art college.


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4 Read the situations and ask a question for each with the given

6s tegyen fel kdrdeseket a megadott szavakkal!

l. Your friend is reading a book. You ask:(lrow long/read/this Uook; How long hove you heen reoding this book?(lrow many pages/read) How mony pages hove you read?2. You meet a poet. You ask:(how long/write poems)

words. Olvassa el a szituAciokat

(how many poems/write)

3. Your friend is a football player. You ask:(how long/play football)

(how many goals/score)

4. Your classmate has a wedding party You ask:(how rnany people/invite)

5. Your nephew's hobby is collecting stamps. You ask:(how long/collect stamps)

(how many stamps/collect)

6. You meet Spielberg. You ask:(how lor-rg/ direct films)

(how many Frlms/direct)

S Look at the situations and ask two or three questions to find out what the person has been

doing. O/vassa el a szitudci6kat 6s tegyen fel eldontend6 kdrdeseket arra vonatkozoan, hogy a

,"gidott szem6ly mivel foglalatoskodott, illetve hogy mi tort6nt a megadott helyzet el6tt!

1. She is crying. Hosshebeenwotchingolovestory?Hos she been peeling onions?Hos she got bod news?

2. Your hands are dirty

3. His clothes are covered in paint.

4. George has a black eye.

5. Ycru are out of breath.

6. Yor,r look tired.


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Pnrsrrur pERFECr coNTtNUous

6 Read the situations and answer the questions. Olvassa el a szitu1ciokat es vdlaszoljon a kerdlsekre!

1. There is some flour on your T:shirt. What have you becr-r doingl (cook) l hove been cooking.2. There is some white paint on your hair. What have you beer-r doingf (whitewash tl-re ceiling) ........

3. Your clothes are wet. lVhat have you been doingf (walk in the rain)4. His face is red. What has he been doingf (sit in the sauna for hours)5. There is some jam on her mouth. what has she been doir-rgf (eat pancakes) .............

7 Correct the wrong senfences. Javitsa ki a helytelen mondatokat!

l. I l'rave been la-rowing Jemry for ten years. Wrong.lhuve known2. Tony has been playing chess since noon.. . . . . . . . .3. We have travelled for days.4. How long have you been being marr iedl . . . . . . . . . . . .5. We have been walking ten kilomerres so far. ............6. Ted and Jill hirve been going out together for ir ye?lr............7. She hirs been ea.ting six pancakes8. I have leirrnt hard all this week. ........9. "Your hair looks nice." "Yes. I have been having a haircut."

10. "You look exhausted." "I have been working all night long."

8 Put the verb into the present perfect or present perfect continuous. Tegye az igeket befejezettjelen vagy befejezett folyamatos jelen id6be!

l. Goshl Somebody hosstolen (steal) the r,vl'reels of my car.2. I ' r -r-r dcad t i red. I . . . . . . . . . . . (work) hard al l week.3 . How rnuch rnoney . . . . . . . . . . . . . (yon /savc) up f4. Where .. (you/be)f You look ar,vful.5. What ... (she/do)f l{er face is black with soot.6. Do you smokef No, I . (givc) it up.7.How long.. (you/smoke)l8. L.. ........ (write) this book for a while but I . . (not/finished) it yet.9. I ... . (writc) a new book, I can take it to my publisher now

10. Is it stil lsnorvingf Yes, it ..... . (snorv) all irfternoon.I I . Is i t st i l l snowing) No, i t . . . . . . . . . (stop).12. "Has she stil l got that handsomc boyfriendf " "No, shc . (kick) him our."13. Has she stil l got her boyfriendf Yes, they . .... (go) out togedrer for a ycilr'r-roiv.

9 Put the time expressions into the following categories. Sorolja be az id6hat6rozokat a megfetel6 kateg6ri6ba!

\rcsterdav lirst week, in drc lirst few weeks, two wceks ago, all last month, all day long, recentlli fiornMondav to Fiiday up to noq how long (!), for ages, just now, just, for three years (l), all dris week, fbrd're last month, long ago, yet, alreadl', all last year, lll this ycar, at five o'clock, dris morning (!), this year,since we rnet her, in May

Time expressions used withpast tenses (simple irnd continuous)

Tirne expressions used withpresent perfect tense (simple and continuous)


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1O Translate the senfences. Forditsa le a mondatokat!

1. Tfilhajszolta magdt, ezdrt olyan kimeriilt.2. Litttad a tdsk'imat valaholf Ordk 6ta keresem.3. ,,F(rrdszpor van a hajadban." ,,Nelrl csoda. Fit vdgtam."4. Eg(.sz ddlutdn pr6b{lom hivni, de soha nem taldlom az iroddban.

5. Rdg6ta vdrsz rdm)6. ,,Midrt lisztes a nadrdgodf " ,,1\4ert siitemdnyt siitottem."7 . Mir ezer 6ve csopog a csaPunk'B. Mi6ta elhoztam a szewizb6l az aut6t, furcsa hangot ad'

9. Le vagy siilve. Napozt{ll10. ,*Mi6ta sirsz?",,Nem sirok, hagymdt pucoltam."11. Hdr-ry 6raja vezerszl12. Mi6ta van jogosiw{nyodl13. A per mir r(.g6ta hriz6dik.14. A gverekek mdr hetck 6ta alig v{rjdk a nyaraldst.15. Egdsz nap vdsdroltam, is most egy filldrem sem maradt.16. Mdr l'r6napok 6ta kdrem a ferjemet, hogy javftsa meg a csapot.

17. Hetek 6ta kdsziiliimk az eskiiv6rc.18. Napok 6ta nem alszom.19. Azipja az6ta iszik, arni6ta elbocsdtott'ik.20. Sokat eszik, ami6ta teherbe esett.2I. Yerzrk az orrod. Verekedt6l?22. Nem veheti el t6lem a projektet. Ezen dolgozom mdr f6l 6ve'

23. Mfilt l'r6nap 6ta fogy6kririzom.24. Mi6ra pr6b:ilsz munkdt taldlnif25. A,rni6ta csak megl:ittam 6t, rd gondolok.26. Mi'r hat 6ve lakunk alb6rletben.27 . Az elmilrlt kdt dvben citszcir koltozkodtern.25. Fij a hdtam, mert egdsz ddlel6tt vasaltam.29. Hi'ny inget vasaltitl ki eddigl30. Valamir-rek t agyon j6 illata van! Any'ukdm lekvdrt f6zott.


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Kt'Pzgs: had


+ ige 3. alakja

you ne sit we they I

hacl I


I you he sheit we drey

hacl not(hadn't) worked.


Had I I Y"Y he she it I worked)we


I. Olyan cselekvds kifejezesdre, amely egy mdsik megadott multbeli cselekvist megel6z.6en ment vigbe.lellemzi kcit6sz6k: before - miel6tt, after - miutdn, when - amikor, by the time - amire, amikorra

Miel6tt elutazott Anglidba, eladta ahizitt. Before he lejL for Englnnd' he had sold. his howse.Miutdn befejezte a regdnydt, nyaralni ment. After he bad f.nished. his novel, he went on holid.ay.Mire meg6rtette, mdr mindenki elment. By the time be und.erstood. it, nerybod.y hnd. left.

2. Olyan cselekvds kifejezisire, amely egy megadott mriltbeli cselekvist megel6z6 id6pontban kezd6-dcitt, is folyamatosan tartott a megadott multbeli cselekvisig, s6t mig taldn tovdbb is. Ez a szabilycsak azokra azigdkre irvdnyes, amelyeknek nincsen folyamatos alakjuk. Miis esetben ld. a Past PerfectContinuous-t.

Amikor a gyermektik megszi.iletett, mdrkdt dve voltak hdzasok.


Wben their cbild. was bom, they hnd. been married.for two ̂ vears.

1 Read the situations and make sentences from the words in brackets. Olvassa el a szitudciokat. esirjon mondatokat a megadott szavakkal befejezett mult iddben!

L She bought some bread but at home she saw there w:rs a fresh loaf in the cupboard. (her husband/also/buy/some bread) Her hushond hod ako hought some breod.

2. I offered Tom something to drink but he wasn't thirsty (he/just/have/a glass of water).

3. Bob wanted to make a copy of that document. (his secretarylakeadyldolitlforlhim)

4. We expected some guests for dinner last night, but they were late. (their car/break down)

5. Yesterday Sheila met a man who said he knew her but (she/never/see/ him)

6. Unforrunately I arrived home late yesterday evening and (my favourite series/begin)


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BrrElrzrn N/urr

2 Connect the sentences with before, after and by the time. Kosse ossze a mondatokat a

,,before", ,,after" vagy ,,by the time" kot6szavakkal!

l. I arrived home. Somebody had burgled my house.Before I onived hone somebody had hurgled ny house.I onived home oher somehody had hurgled my house.By the lime I onived home somebody had hurgled my house.2.I got back to the office. My boss had phoned three times.

3. Tl-rey met again. He had married her niece.

4. Aunt Nancy turned around. All the sausages had disappeared from the table

5. They got to the station. All the trains had left... '...... '..

6. Anthony and Kelly got divorced. They had adopted two children

3 put the verbs into the past simple or past perfect tense. Tegye az igeket egyszer(i mult vagy be-

fejezett mult id6be!

I. Afte r he hod seen (see) his wife off to the station, he relurned (return) home'

2. As soon as she . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (open) the window, the cat . . ( j "mp) into the room.

3. After the play . (end), the audience . '.... " (go) home'

4. When he . . . . . . . . . . . . (shut) the window, we . . . . . . . (open) the door of the cage.

5. \4rhen she ... .... (already/know) me for a year, she .'. """ (invite) me to

L L . t .

6. After L..... (read) the lctter I (start) to cry

7 . L . . . . . . . . ( l o o k ) o u t b e f o r e I . . . . . . ' ' ( g o ) t o b e d a n d " '

(see) a man sranding on the pavement. when L..... ... (get up) the next morning, he

(be) stil l there, and I '... '. (wonder) whether he

(stay) there 'all night or he . .. '... (be) away and " " (come) back'

8. Before the boss '..... (order) us back to work, we "" "" (finish)

our lunch.9. We . (have) a puncrLlre before we .... ... .. (g.t) to our destinzrtion.

10. The police........ (phone) them so many times before'

I I . Tom . . . . . . . . . . . . (no twa i t ) un t i lwe. . . . . . . . . ( f rn ish) our d inner .

12. John . . . . . . (be) 27 ard,he . . . . . . (b.) in a wheelchair for

twelve years.i3. It suddenly ... (occur) to me that I . ... (forget) my keys'

14. | . . (knorv) you . . . ' . ' (buy) a car '

4lJse the sentences given to complete the second sentence. Ihese sentences are in the order in

which they happeied. But the paragraph starts with the underlined sentence so sometimes you

have to use the past perfect. A' megadott mondatok segitsegevel egdszftse ki a m6sodik monda-

tol A megadott mondatok abban a sorrendben kovetkeznek egymds utdn, ahogy tortentek.

A masodik mondat az al6h0zott rdsszel kezd6dik, igy neha a befejezett m(tlt id6t kell hasznllni.

1. (I) She lived in Egypt for twenry years. (2) Shewrote a bgok on the culture of Egypt. (3)The

book sold *ell. BJfore shewroleohookonthecultureof Egypt, which .'.. well, she '.. """"' in

Egypt for twenry years.Z. f iiWc moved,o N.* York. (2) We got married there. (3) We didn't like living in New York.

oo::-: ... .. . .. r;r;r':"*TY*.*'

"' married' However we


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Pnsr prRrrcr

3. (l) Somebody stole my car. (2) I went to the garage. (3) I didn't find my car in the garage.When I . . . . . . . . . . . . to the garage, I . . . . . . . . . . my car rhere because somebody . . . . . . i t .

4. (1) )ack got back to dre office. (2) Two rninutes later dre telephone rang. (3) It was his wife.When d- re te lephone . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ) )ack . . . . . . . . . . jus t . . . . . back to h is o fT ice . I t . . . . . . . . . . .h is w i fe .

5. (1) Sheila was often late for work. (2) Her boss fired her. (3) She was very disappointed.The boss . . . . . . because she . . .of ten . . . . . . late for work. so she

.... very disappointed.

5 Choose the correct word or phrase underlined in each pair. V1lassza ki az al6huzott szavak eskifejezesek kozul a helyeset!

1. When I Ferx outl / was going out into the garden I saw that somebody trod / had trodden onthe vegetables.

2. When sl-re was getting / got on the bus she realised / had realised that she had left / left herseason-ticket at home.

3. While George took / was taking dre dog for a walk, he was rneeting / met Sue and Patsy whowere / had been l-ris friends for ir long time.

4. Bv the tirne I switched / had switched on dre radio, rny f,avourite prograrnme started / had alreird),.started.

5. When we were arriving / arrived home, the children had gonc / went to bed. They slep! / weresleeping.

6. We had been / werc colleagues for two years when bodr of us were / had been made redurdant.7 . J a s o n l r a d b e e n / w a s a t w o r k f o r a n h o u r w h e n h i s s o n ' s f o r m t e a c h e r @ h i m .

6 Choose the correct answer. Only one is correct. Vdlassza ki a helyes megolddst! Csak egy lehetse-ges jo vdlasz van.

1. Beforc John . ... the children somedting to ear, he .... ...... the table

2. As Tir-ra ..... d're key in dre lock, suddenly a stranger .. her hand.A) Only wns turwing / grabbed are rightB) Only turned f grabbed. are right.C) Both of drem are correcr.D) None of drem ilre correct.

3. He .. ... aslcep when rhe neighbours ....... shouring again.A) had hardly fallen /was beginning B) hardly fell / had begunC) had hardly fallen / began D) wirs hardly falling / begar-r

4. A lot of children .. their p2lrenrs by dre time the war ...

A) had given / laidC) gave / had laid

A) had lost / endedC) lost / ended

B) gave / had lainD) had given / lain

B) lost / had endedD) was losing / ended

B) had found / could hopeD) could have found / had hoped

5. After the researchers .... the remedy many people ... ... ... ro recover from the lethaldisease.

A) found / could have hopedC) could find / had hoped

7 Translate the sentences. Forditsa le a mondatokat!

Mindcn siitemdnyt megk6stolt, mire a lagzinak vdge lett.Elkdsett, rnert hdccizben defektet kaport.R'i kellett jonnom, hogy mig hozzd hasonl6val nem raldlkoztam.Alighogv hazadrtern, megsz6lalt a telefon.


2 .J .

AT .


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Brrerezrn vurr

5. Miel6tt elvdltak. eladtdk a hdzukat.6. Egy pillantdst veren a kdpre, amit mdg a megboldogult Mr. Howard festett r6la.

7. Mihell't felszdllt a gdp, elaludt.8. Miel6tt odaadtarn neki a telefonszdmomat, megigdrte, hogy nem adja oda senki mdsnak.

9. Eladta az 6rit, amit mdg ddesapjdt6l kapott sziilet6snapjdra.10. Amig dszre nem vette a gy$rut, nem ismerte fel a holttestet'I L. Mire befejezte a konlvet, elege lett bel6le.12. Miel6tt a vdltsdgdijat dtadta az emberrabl6knak, felhivta a rend6rsdget.

I3. Miutrin az es6 eliillt, a sivatag vir{gba borult'14. Tok6letesen emldkezett arra, hogy mit mondott egy hdttel15. Azt mondta, hogy mir korbeutazta a vildgot.16. Ti-rdta, hogy a l'inyt mdr ldtta valahol.17. Mire megette a levest, a fia m'ir be is fejezte a vacsordt.18. Mire feldbredtem. mdr besot6tedett.19. Sajnos hidba rohant. Az osszes buszt lekiste.20. Mire az egyetemet befejezte, mdl kdtszer el is v{lt'



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ffPZf,S, had been + ige + ing

Allit,is'I you l-re sheit we they had been working.

Thgadds:A Past Perfect Continuous tagad6 alakja helyett gyakrabban haszndljuk a Past Perfect tagad6 alakjdt.

I you he sheit rve thev

l-rad not(hadn't) been working.

HadI you he she itwe they been workingl


I. Olyan cselekvds kifejezdsdre, amely egy megadott multbeli cselekvist megel6z6 id6pontban kezd6-dcitt, is folyamatosan tartott a megadott mriltbeli cselekvisig, s6t mig taldn tov:ibb is. Olyan igdk-kel, amelyeknek nincsen folyamatos alakjuk, Past Perfect-et haszndlunk. Ld. a Past Perfect-et. |el-lemzb kot6sz6k: by the time, when.

Mire vdge lett az el6addsnak, mdrfel6rdia aludt.

2. Olyan cselekvis kifejezdsdre, amely egy mfltbeli cselekvdsig folyamatosan zajlott, ds annak sz.em-mel l6that6 eredminye, yary kcivetkezminye volt.

A l-raja vizes volt, trrert az es6ben sdtdlt.


His hair wa.s wet, becm.ue he had. bnn walhing in the rain.

1 Read the situations and make sentences from the words in brackets in the past perfect continuous.Olvassa el a szituSciokat, 6s k6szitsen mondatokat a megadott szavakkal befejezett folyamtos mf ltid6ben !

1. I switched on the TV The two top tennis players in the world were playing tennis. (They/play/forl0 nrinutes) They had been ploying for len minules.

2.The police were looking for the robber. Finally they found him. (They/ook for himfor a year.)

3. When I got home, John was sitting in front of the computer. He had just turned it off. (HelplaylcomPuter games)

4. When he kissed her, she smelt cigarette smoke on him. (He/smoke)

5. When Kathy saw ]ack, his hair was full of grass. (He/lie in the grass)

6. When Carla arrived home, she found empty wine botdes all around the house. (Her husband/ravea party)

By the time the lecture f.nished.,be bad. been sleepirry for balfan hour

5 0

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2 Read the situations and complete the sentences. Olvasn el a szitudci6kat, es egeszitse ki a mondatokat!

l. yesterday we practised English. After practising for five hours, we understood how English tenses

rvorked. We hsd been proctising English for five hours when we understood how the tenses worked.

2. I was rrying to phone him all dav yesterday In the evening somebody answered the phone, but it

turned out that it was the wrong number. L. ...... when it ntrned out

3 il. :;-0""t ;^;. ;.;;;r..t with our firrn. Three vears later the conpany closed down.

When the company . ......, we .. . (work) with them for three ye ars.

4. I srvitched on the computer and started ryping. Ten minutes later there was a Power cut and thc

computer stopped. When the computer . ....., I .. for tetr minutes'

5. peter arralged ro meer his girlfriend outside the cinema. Peter arrived drere on dmer and waited'

After fifteen minures his girlfriend phoned him to say that she couldn't go drere. Peter

... for fifteen tninutes when his girlfriend '

6. |ererny and Susie fell in love with each other and started going out together. Tvo Years later they

got married.When Jeremy and Susie ......, drey . tor two years'

7. Fifteen years later Susie and ]eremy decided to separate and started to live alone . One year later thev

got divorced. When jeremy and Susie ...', thty

separately fot a year.

3 put the verb into the most suitable form, past continuous, past perfect or past perfect continuous.

Tegye az iget folyamatos mult, befejezett mult vagy befeiezett folyamafos mult id6be!

1.. The weather rvas awftrl. It wos raining (rain) heavily, and the wind woshlowing (blow).

2.By the t ime L... . . . (g.t) there th.y . . (pl.y) cirrds for

an hour.3. When I sarv Tina again, she was like a skeleton. She . ..... (b.) on a drastic diet for

months.4. Afterthe pol ice... . . .(g.t) areportof a burglary, theyrushed tothescene.

5. By the tirne they found the house made from cakes, |ack and Iill ..

(stroll) in dre woods for hours.

6. Sleeping Beaury (sleep) for years when the Prince found her and wokc her up

with a kiss.

7. Anybody could see that it was a Party of the uPPer class. Everybody ...'

(wear) ruxedoes ancl expensive evening dresses which (cost) 'an arm and a leg.

8. Be fore I got to the universiry he . . . . . .. (already leave) .

9. Even five hundred metres from our house I could hear that my husband was at home, because

UB40 . (PltY) at maximum volume .

10. Our grandparents hacl a wonderful life. They ... (live) together for fifry years

and they said they were still in love.

Il. By the time Tiacy finished her second book, she . ... (g.t) sick and tirecl of it'

12. When I entered the room I wondered what she . . (d") on the floor.

She said she . . . . ( look) for her contact lens, because i t . . . . . . . . . . ( fal l) out '

13. By the time she had her baby, she . ... (p.,t) on twenty kilos.

14. When we passed our final exams at universiry we were htppy but very exhausted because we

.... (study) night and day for weeks.

15. By the time I got to the end of these exercises, I .... '. (understand)


lUt.'|TIt d

5 1

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Pnsr pEnrtcr coNTtNuous - BEruezrn' FoLYAMATos MULT

4 Translate the sentences. Forditsa le a mondatokat!

I. A zenekar ot 6ve zen€lt egyiitt, amikor rigy dontottek, llogy feloszlanak.2. Evekigkemdnyen dolgoztunk, mire mindent megszerezttnk, atnire sziiksdgiink volt.3. Hrisz 6vig tanult szorgahnasan, mire eldrte a cdlj{t.4. Miel6tt a rend6rsdg letart6ztatta, ot dvig lopott aut6ldcal kereskedett.5. Tiz €vet lilt bortonben, tnire kideriilt, hogy drtatlan.6. Evekig pr6bdlt beilleszkedni, de aztdn feladta.7. Amikor 6jra talill<oztam Timmel, mdr kopasz volt. I(emoter{pidra jdrt.

B. Tegnap a bardtom felesdge cisszefutott Cindyvel. Azt mondta, nagyon i6l ntzett ki. Nem csoda,hiszen dvekig csak szdpsdgszalonokba jdrt.

9. Mirr kdt 6rdja dolgoztam a gdpen, amikor lefagyott.10. Mdr tiz oldalt gdpeltem be, amikor a gip dramsztinet miatt ledllt.tI. Mindent elvesztettem, mert nem mentettem el.12. Mi,r h/rsz perce vdrtam Tomra, amikor rdjottem, hogy rossz dtterem el6tt 'illok.

).3. Az utazis vdgdre mdr nagyon kimeri.ilttink, mert tiz 6riLja utaztunk.


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KEPZES: will


* rge

I you he she | . , , I, I wrl l we they


wi[ | I Yol he she it



I. Olyan esetben haszndljuk, ha a beszed pillanatdban dcintjiik el, hogy mit fogunk csin{lni. Spon-ti'n elhatfuozisr6l van sz6.

I'llgo wpstairs andget the keys.

vagy felaj rinlunk valamit.

Felmegyek 6s hozom a kulcsokat.

2. Ha seg(tsiget nydjtunk valamiben,

,,Nem nrdom, hogy kell haszndlniezt a karner{t.",,Majd dn rnegrnutatom neked."

3. Ha valamivel egyetdrtdsben cseleksziink.

,,Visszakaphatn{m a frizetemetl",,Persze. Holnap visszaadom. "

4. Ha valamit megigdriink.

M.g fogom tanulni. Meg(gdrem.

5. Ha valakit udvariasan megkirtink valamire.

Becsukndd az ablakot|

Remdlem, dtmegyek a vizsgdn.Thl{n visszahoz za a kazettit.Val6szinfileg ma dtjon.

"I d.ontt hnow how to wse this'tern.t'

"I'll show you."

"CAn I ha:pe my notebook back?""Of cowrse. I'llgive it bach, t0 !0w tnrnrrrrw"

i hope I will pass the exoln.Perhaps he will bring the cassette back.He will probnbly cnrne round. tod.ay.

I'll leam it. I prorruse.

Wl you close tbe wind.ow, please?

6. A kovetkezf krfejezdsek utdn (Ezek riltakiban bizonyalansdgot fejeznek ki):I hope, I don't hope, I expect, I don't expect, I think, I don't think, I'm sure, I'm not sure, Iwonder, I suppose, I guess, I bet, perhaps, probably.

7. Ajov6re vonatkoz6 felt€teles mondatok f6mondat:iban.

Hir esik az es6, itdron maradunk. If it rains, we will stny nt horne.At fogsz rnenni a vrzsgin ha szorgalmasan tanulsz. fru witt pass the exa.rn if you learn hard..


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Furunr srvplt


A feltdteles ds id6hatrirozoi mellikmondatban egysznrf jelen id6t haszniilunk a jov6 id6 kifeje-znstre. (Ld. Unit I2!)

8. A ,,will' ds Tsz./I. szemdly( alakjahaszndljuk, amikor tani.csot kdrihk valakit6l,hogy mit tegyiink.

Becsukjam az ajt6tlMit csindljunk ma estefHol taldlkozzunk)


Spontaneous decision

Promising something

a rrshall". F;zt aznnban ma mdr tobbnyire csak akkorilletve kikirjtik mdsok vdlem6nyet arra vonatkozian,

Shall I close the d.oor?Whnt shall we dn tonight?Where sball we meet?

Agreeing to do something

After expressions of uncertainty

1 Match the rules of simple future to the sentences that illustrate them. lllessze ossze az egyszerfijov6 id6 szabalyait az 6ket illusztrdl6 p6ldamondatokkal!

9 .10 .I t .

Offering help or something

Polite request

l. "Can you keep a secret))"'Sure. If you tell me,I won't tell it to anyone" Promkingsomething2.Thar suitcase looks hearryr I' l l help you with it. ..............3. "Can you return my notes)" "Of course. I'll give them back to you in the afternoon."4. "Will you pass me the salt, please f" "Here you are."5. "I can't use this photocopier." "Don't worry I' l l show you." .........6. "Could you do it by Monday?" "Yes. I'll do that by then."7. "What do you think about the match)" "I suppose Liverpool will win."B. "Tom, you can't go out until you have tidied up your room!" "I'Il do it in the afternoon- Mum. Bttt

let me go now" "But only if you keep your word." "I will, Mum.""I wonder who will be the first to arrive."I've left my gloves in the car. I'll go and get them.I don't know what to do in the afternoon. All right, I will go and see my cousin.

Complete thesentenceswith I'll + a suitableverb. Egeszitse ki a mondatokat,,l'll" szerkezettel+ egy megfelel6 igevel!

l. I'm bored. I think /'//goround to my friend's place.2. Gosh! It's raining. ....... back for my umbrella.3. "It's rather warm in here." ...... down the heating then."4. "Would you like me to take the children to schooll" 'No, ids a[ right, ....... thcm."5. "Is anybody listening to the radio)" "Nobody" .... it offthen."6. "Do you know how to use this mixerf" 'No, I don' t . . . . . . . . . . . . . . me)"7 . "Enjoy your holiday and don't forget about me" "I won't. postcards."B. "Remember me to your parents." . . . . . . . . . so."9. "I haven't got any foreign currency left" "I have enough. ..... ....... you some."

I0. Thank you for lending me your car. ... ........ it back to you in the evening.I1. I bet ... the game of tennis. I'm better than him.12. "Do you think ....."in love with her at first sightl" "I bet you will."13. "It's rather cold outside" "Then ... a pullover on."14. Good Fleavens! I've left the key of the flat in my office. .... to go back.15. 'We haven't got any bread." "Oh, haven't wef . .... and buy some."


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EcvszEn0 rov6

3 Read the situations and write questions with shall 1... or shall we...? Olvassa el a szitu1ciokat6s irjon mondatokat a ,,shall l" vagy ,,shall we" szerkezettel!

l. Yon ask your friend to take a photo of you but you don't know where to stand. You ask: Whereshalllstond?2. You and vour friend have no idea what to do at the weekend. You ask:3. You are hungry but you don't know what to eat. You ask: ............4. You and your friend want to drink something. But you can't decide whether to drink champagne or

whiskv You ask:5. Yru don't know when vour husband arrives home and vou can't dccide whether to phoue hin or

not. You ask:6. You want to travel somcu'here with vour friend but vr-ru can't decide where. You ask your friencl:

7. Your friend is cold and the window is open. You ask your friend:

4Write sentences with shall 1... or shall we... and the words given. lrjon mondatokat a,,shall l"vagy ,,shallwe" szerkezettel! Vdlasszon a megadott szavak kozul!

go by plane/or by ship where/meet what music/listen to help/you/with it accompany/you

w h a t / p u t o n @ g o j o g g i n g / d o a e r o b i c s s t a y / h e r e m a k e / o n i o n s o u p

L Let's rvatch TU. Whkh thannelshollwe wotch?2. Let's clo some sports.3. I would like to mect you.4. This bag is too hear,y5. I don' t know where the stat ion is. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6. Let 's go to NewYork. . . . . . . . . . . . . .7. Lct's listen to sornc music8. I want to be pretry at the party9. Would yor,r like to eat something hot)

10. I t 's too late to go home now: . . . . . . . . . .

5 Translate fhe sentences. Forditsa le a mondatokat!

I. Ezt a cip6t nem vehetem rneg ebben a h6napban. Vedd csak meg, majd dn adok kolcson pdnzt.2. Ha nem akarok elkdsni, sietnem kell. Azt hiszem, inkdbb fogok egy ta-rit.3. Ncm tudom, hogy kell haszndlni ezt a kamerdt. Majd dn megmutatom neked.4. Meg rnindig nem irtem az angol igeid6ket. Ne agg6dj! Majd in elmagyardzom neked.5. Firadt vagyok. Lefekszem.6. ,,,Veliink jdsszf ",,Nem, itthon maradok."7. Atadna r-reki egy iizenetet)8. Hatra l'raza fogok irni. Megfgdrem.9. Nem hiszem, hogy el fog jc;nni a buliba.

10. Fogadok, hogy itt lesz.I l. Ncrn vagl'olc benne biztos, hogy valaha is lduri fogom mdg.12. ,,Ne feledl<ezz el a taldlkoz6nkr6l!" ,,Ne agg6dj, dn ott leszek!"I3. Szerintem a kisbaba az anyukdj{ra fog hasonlftani.14. Remdlem ltmegyek a vizsgdn.15. Az irocldban fcleitertern a kulcsokat. Vissza kell mennem drtiik.16. Hideg vm idekint. Visszamegyek egy pul6verdrt.17. Ndzi v'.rlaki a tivdtl Ha senki, lekapcsolom.18. ,,F-el tudndl hivni holnap estef ",,Rendben, hivni foglak."19. Szereurdd, ha elmennik a gyerekekirt az 6voddbaf Hagyd csak, majd dn drtiik megvek.20. Flhes vagvf Mit egyiink vacsordraf21. Meg nrdod csindlni egyedtil vagy segitsekl22. Elmondjam neked, mit kell tennif23. Hov'i utazzunk a ny'ironl24. Maradjunk itthon vagy menjtink kiilfuldre)25. Mit igyak| Tedt vagy k{vdt)

5 5

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lovo ro6nr voNATKozo rruErrte s (it) EstooHnrARozol (when, aftel before...)

u TIIEKMoNDAToK Kt ru rzese

A kovetkez6 esetekben az eryszr-rii jov6 id6 (will) nem hasznrilhat6:

l. Id6hatriroz6i melldkmondatokban, vagyis minden olyan melldkmondatban, ami a when - atnikor,after - miutdn, before - miel6tt, by the time - amikorra, amire, while - amig, as soon as - rnihelyt, until,till - amig nem, amig stb. kiit6sz6val kezd6dik.lov6 idejii drtelemben ezekben a melldkmondatokbanaz egyszeriijelen (SIMPLE PRESENT) vary a befejezett jelen id6 (PRESENT PERFECT) haszndl-hat6.

Csak Simple Present (dltal:iban while ds before kot6szavakndl):

Miel6tt lefekszem, mdg befejezem a l'i'zi feladatomat . Before I go to bed., I will f.nish rny honcmork.Amig te a bardtaiddal nyaralsz, addig dnegyedill leszek otthon.

Simple Present vagy Present Perfect (when*, after,

Aid<or vacsordzunk, amikor mindenki hazalon Iamikor mdr mindenki hazajott.Milrelyt befejezem I befejeztem a dolgozatjavitdst,fel fogom l-rfvni.Nem fogok hazamenni, amig6el nem meg I I won'tgo home until he leaves / has left.el nem ment.Miutdn megszokod / megszoktad, mdr nem lesz furcsa. 'ffier youget used. to it / you havegot wsed to

it, it won't be strnnge any loruger

Amikor mdr megfrtarn ahi,zi feladatot,vacsordzhatunk.Amikor a hrizi feladatot irom, oda fogok figyelni.

2. l ov 6 id6re vonatkozi feltdteles melldkmondatokban.

Ha ezt megteszed, el foglak hagyni.Nagyon boldog lesz, ha ezt odaadod neki.

$ Figyelernt

Hasonlitsa iissze a WHEN ds az IF haszndlatdt!

When - amikorAkkor haszndljuk, ha olyan dologr6l beszdltink, ami

Ma este moziba megyek. (Ez biztos)Amikor megyek a moziba, felugrom hozzid.

5 6

$ Figletnnt

A Present Perfect csak akkor haszndlhat6 a ,,when" kcit6sz6val, ha a cselekvdsek kciziittel6idejiisig rill fenn. Ha kit esemdny egy id6ben krivetkezik be, csak a Simple Present haszndlhat6.

While yoa on holid.ay with your friend.sI will be nlone at honte.

until, ds as soon as kcjt6szavakndl):

W will haw d.inneq wben werybod.y arriveshorne / when everybod'y has atrived. bome.As somt as Ifinish / hnvefinished' cowecting thetest-pa.pers, I will call hiru.

Wen I have the horneworlz, we can haved.innerWhen I nryite rny hwnauork, I will cuncentrnte on it.

If yow d.o it, I will lenue yow.She will be very happy if yowgitte it to her

biztos, hogy megtiirtdnik.

I'rngotng to tlte cinema this wening.Wen Igo to the cinema, I will call on yow.

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J0v6 ro6nr voNATKozo reLrnrrrs rs tooHnrnnozot veuErvoNDAToK rtruEzEsr

If - haAkkor haszndljuk, ha valami lehet, hogy bekcivetkezik, de mig egydltaftin nem biztos.

Lehet, hogy moziba megyek rrra este.Ha mcgyek, felugrorn hozzird

I m.ny go to the cinerna tonight.If Igo, I will call on you.


1 Decide whether the underlined parts are time clauses. Dontse el, hogy az alShuzott mondatre-szek kozil melyik iddhatdroz6i mell€kmondat!

1. I don't know r,vhel I will arrive in Budapest . N0. lt's the ohiect of the sentence.2. She says she will resign before she is fired3. They I'rave already decided when drey will launch the project.4. Ur-rtil she apologises to me, I won't speak to her.............5. lacob will inform you, as soon as he receives the details.6. Could vou tell us when the Iapanese Dartner wifl sien the contractf ................7. Could vou give rrs a r ing when the Iapanese partner has signed thc contract) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .B. Do vou happen to know when Timoth)' will come to Hungary|................9. After you have received all d're necessary informalien, please finish dris report.

I0. You will know what to do by the time i'ou get there

2Correct fhe sentences if it is necessary. Javitsa ki a mondatokat, ha szuksdges!

l. When will ),ou go homel frrgft2. I will finish my homework before I will have dinner. Wrong. ... beforelhove ...3. I don't know when my son will marr), that girl.4. What time do you get up tomorrow)5. As soorr as she will get her salary, she will leave the firm. .........6. Until my litde daughter has arrived home, I will be worried.7. He will invite Susie to the parry, when he has phoned her.............B. When ygryq to see Granny give her my regards.9. By dre time Tom refilrns from America, we will have moved away..........

I0. I bet she will come here after she will read your letter.

3 Complete the sentences with when or if. Egeszitse ki a mondatokat ,,when" vagy ,,if" kot6szavakkal!

l. I think she will arrive home today /f she cornes,I will take her to a restaurant.2. I(athf is coming home tonight. ....... she arrives home,I will invite her for a dinner.3. He rnay call me later. .. . ..... he does so, I will tell him that I am fed up with hirn.4. Tim is going to give me a ring. ...... he calls me, I will cancel our meeting.5. Judy is seeing the dentist in the afternoon. I bet she will faint ....... she gets there. She always does.6. . . . . .. . you help rne now, you can ask me for anything.7 . ... ..... yoLl help him cross dre road, hold his hand, because he can hardly see anything.B. I hope he will answer dre phone . he can see who is ringing on his display9. . ... .... you put down the receiver again, it will be the last time drat I have tried to help you.

10. ......... you pur down rhe receiver, don't forget to push the red button. It will set the answerphone.l L Switch off the radio . you aren't listening to it.

4 Complete the sentences with the verbs in simple future, simple present or present perfect. Sometimesboth simple present and present perfect are correct. Egdszitse kia mondatokat a megadott igdkkelegyszer(i jov5, egyszer1 jebn vagy befejezett jelen iddben! N6ha mind az egyszer1 ielen, mindpedig a befejezett jelen helyes.

I don't lcnow when she willcall(call) me back.She hopes he . , . . . . . . . (send) her a postcard, when he . . . . . . . . . . (get) there.

5 7

LL .

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3. When you .. (leave) the classroom, don't forget to switch off the light.4. If you (not/need) his help any more, why don't you tell himf5. After John . (finish) writing this book, he will start another one.6. You haven't told me when you .. (return) from New York"7 . I . . . . . . . . . . (b " ) veryd isappo in ted i f she . . . . . . . . (dece ive) meaga in .8. Tony will never go back to you after he (leave) you.9. It .. (be) very difficult to understand him until you . '... (geQ to know

him well.10. As soon as you .. ..... (give up) looking for the right woman,I am sure you

(find) her.I I. I wonder when she . .. (pay) back her debts.12. I will be at ease only if L... (p"y) back my debts.13. By the time she .. . . . . ... (find) the right job, she (be) old enough to retire.14. She will tell him the news when she ... (go) to see him.15. If you (not/study) hard, you (fail) the exam.

5 Choose the correct word or phrase from each pair underlined. Vdlassza ki az al6h0zott szavak 6skifejez6sek kozill a helyeset!

1. fu soon as she wjL/Tg-ts Eomq she will phone her boyfriend.2. When she will fulqh / has finishecl reading that book, she will start another one.3. I don't know when Tony will arrive / arrives4. When we have dinner / have had dinner, we will go out.5. Before Cecil comes / has come home, I will clean the flat.6. After he will water / has watered the plants, he will do / have done dre washing-up.7. By dre time you return / have returned, we will have left.8. When we clean / have cleaned the cooker, we will use Mr Muscle.

6 Choose the correct answer. Sometimes more than one answer is correct. Vdlassza ki a helyesmegold{st! Valahol tobb megoldds is lehetsdges.

I. She wonders when her children ... to her.

2. After we ..... .... the whole department) we are going to take on new employees.

A) will apologiseC) have apologised

A) will restrucrureC) restructure

3. AIan will travel overseas before heA) will receiveC) wilt have received

A) wili returnC) return

B) apologiseD) are going to apologise

B) have restructuredD) will have restructured

his notice.B) receivedD) receives

B) are going to refilrnD) have returned

4. I don't lanow exacdv when thev

5. If we .. our time doing nothing, we .... . the work until the boss. . . . . back .

A) waste / won't finish / will get B) will waste / don't finish / getsC) waste / don't finish / will get D) waste / won't finish / gets

Translate fhe sentences. Forditsa le a mondatokat!

L Mihelyt al{rirod a szerz6d€,st, utalni fogom a kdrt 6sszeget. Megigdrem.2. Lefogadom, hogy meglep6dik, amikor megtudja, hogy teswdrek vagyunk.


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J0v6 ro6nr voNATKozo FELTFTELES Es rooHnrnnozor vELLfrvoNDAToK <TTEJEZESE

3. Mire I(ata odadq dn mdr nem leszek ott.4. Sajr-ros nem tudom megmondani, hogy mikor lesz bent Mr. Waterman.5. Akkor mondom el nekik a tidcunkat, amikor visszadrnek a jamaikai nyaraldsukb6l.6. Mire Miriam ds a ferje hazajon a ndszritjukr6l, mi mdr mindent elintiziink. (ld. Unit f4)7. Addig rigysem 16 a mesterliSv6,sz, mfg jelzdst nem kap.B. Mihelyt egy kis id6t tudok szakitani rd, el fogok utazni Verondba.9. A.rnikor haza6rek, biztos vagyok benne, hogy a kutlusom vdrni fog. (ld. Unit f 3)

10. Ha nern sietiink, az aruhiz bezdr, miel6tt odadrndnk.11. Szcrinted mit fognak csindhi a gyerekek, mikor hazadriinkl12. Lekapcsohdd a tdvdt, hir nem ndzcdl13. Amig Tim nem fizeti vissza a tartoziisdt, addig nem beszdlek vele.14. Vdrj meg itt, amig vissza nem drek! Okf15. Milrelyt apdm megkapja a ftzetdsdt, rogton szerencsejdtdkra kolti.


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I(EPZf,S: will be + ige + -ing

Alfft,is:I you he she

, I wlll I De worKrng.rt we tnev | |


will | *",i$'n'n I be workinsr

Reggelt6l estig kemdnyen fogok tanulni.Holnap hatt6l nyolcig torndszni fogok.

I will be stud1tng hnrd, frorn moming till night.Tornowow I will be d.oing exercises ftorn six to eigbt'

2 Lh


I you he she itwe they will not (won't) be working.


I. Olyan cselekvds kifejezdsdre, amely a jov6 egy adott pillanatriban folyamatban lesz. |ellemz6 id6-

hatdrozok: at this time tomorrow, this time next year, this time next month, at 5 o'clock.

Holnap ilyenkor a hdzifeladatomat fogom irni. (AD thi,s tim.e tomowow I will be d.oing rny honoeworh.

2. Olyancselekvds kifejezdsdre, amely a jov6 egy adott id6-intervallumdban folyamatosan zailtni

fog. |ellemz6 id6h*aroz6kz from 3 io 4, frornMonday to Friday, from morning till nlght.


3 L (m



4 Wjot





3. Olyan cselekvds kifejezesdre, amely a jiiv6ben hosszan tartani fog, { ezt hangsulyozni is szeretndnk.

Gyakori hatdaoz6k: ali day tomorrow - holnap egdsz nap, all next week - jciv6 hdten vdgig, all next year- jov6re egdsz dvben.

Jdv6 h6napban vdgig kemdnyen fogok dolgozni. I will be worhing hard' all next rnonth.


1 Look at Kate's diary for tomorrow and decide if the sentences below are right or wrong. Ndzzemeg Kate hotnapi programj|t, majd dontse el, hogy az Sllft6sok igazak vagy hamisak!

6. 30 - get up7.00 - 7.20 - have breakfast, read the morning PaPers7.25 - go to work by bus7.40 - arrive at work7.40 - 7.50 - read dre post7.50 - 8.00 - make phone calls8.00 - see and talk to her boss8.30 - IL30 - work in the laboratoryI1.30 - L2.30 - have lunch with a famous scientist12.30 - 13.30 - show her guest around the research centreI3.30 - 15.30 - do experiments in the laboratory16. 00 - leave work16.30 - 17.30 - have a game of tennis with Richard18.00 - arrive home




" srra


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Furunr coNTrNuous - Folyavnros lovo

l. At 7.20 IQte will be sitting on the bus.2. From I'ralf pi-rst four ro half pirst fivc she

No she won't. lhe will he going t0 the bus stop.will be playing tennis witl-r fuchard. Yes, shewill.

3. At 9.15 she will be talkins to her boss4. She will be workinq in the lab from 8.00 to 12.30.5. At quarter to six she will be going home.6. At five o'clock she will be doing experiments.7. At one o'clock she will be having luncl'r.

2 Look at Kate's diary again and make sentences in the future continuous tense. Nezze meg Kateholnapi programjlt, majd frjon mondatokat folyamatos jov6 iddben!

l . At 7 .152 . 4 t 7 . 3 5

she will he reading the morning popers.

3. Frorn 8.00 to 8.304. At i0.005. At I2.00

B. At 5.15 prnQ A t ( 4 ( r r r n

10. At 6.30 prn Perhaps

3 Look at the given time expressions and write down what you will be doing then. Ndzze meg amegadott id6pontokat es irja le, hogy mit fog csinSlni akkor!

At dris time nexr year l'llbe wotking os a habysitter in Rome.At 5 pm tornorrowThis time nexr weekThis tirne tomorrowAt 6 am on SundayAt 10.30 pm on Saturday

4Write senfences in the future continuous with the given verbs and adverbs. irjon folyamatosjov6 idejfi mondatokat a megadott igekkel 6s hat6rozokkall

1. She/stay/with/her/friends/all next week. She willbe sloying wilh her friends oll next week.2. Ilwritel dtis booldall next year.3. Iflhis daughter/be IlcornIheI phone/relativcs/all day4. They/work/on/drelrew/project/all nexr month.5 . Tlr is time next month/lack /lie / in I tlte I sun/inlGreece.6. At tlris tirne romorrow/youlsitlthe/exam.7. This time next week/she/come/down/the/slopes/of/the/French/Alps. .............

8. The Saint lupat/sail/towards/America/this time nexr Sunday

5 Translate the sentences. Forditsa le a mondatokat!

L Az oszr'i,lyf6nok nem tudja majd fogadni IQti anyukdj{t, mert aldcor dpp orijalesz.2. Holnap ilyenkor mdr javdban dolgozni fogok az aratison.3. A f6nokom holnap ilyenkor m{r a Chinoinban fog t{rgyalni, ami aztjelenti, hogy ri, fogok drni.4. Nem tudom majd felvenni a telefonq mert a kurydt fogom sdtdltatni.5. Vasdrnap hatkor m{r a vonaron fogok iilni.6. Jdv6 ilyen.kor Piter mdr Chicagoban fog tanulni.7. Mit csindlsz I'rolnap od<orl Thldlkozhatn{nk.B. Arnikor haza(rsz. i frird6szobiit fogom takarittrni.9. Iov6 hdten ilyenkor anya miir a k6rhdzban fbg fekiidr-ri.

10. iov6 h6napban ilyenkor mir az (j iroddrnban fogok dolgozni.

6 1

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I(EPZES: will have + ige 3. alakja


I Yotr hc she I ruill I l',^u" worked.I t we

2. Olyan cselekvds kifejezdsdre, amely korribban elkezd6dcitt, a jov6 egy adott pillanatriban is folya-

matosan zajlik, s6t mdg rz:utin is folyamatban lesz. Ha az igdnek van folyamatos alakja, akkor a

Future Perfect Continuous-t kell haszndlni. Ld. Future Perfect Continuous.

Mire visszajcissz, bcfejezem a jelentist.Holnapra le fogom forditani a levelet,

Jov6re lesz kdt dve, hogy hdzasok.


By tbe titne you return I will hnve f'nished' the report.By tomorrow I will have translated' the letter

By this tirne next yenr they will bnve been rnawied'

for two yenrs.

1 Read Jack and his friends' itinerary then complete the exercise below. l.Jse the future perfect

tense. Olvassa el lack 6s bardtai utiterv|t, 6s eg1szitse ki az al1bbi feladatot. Haszndlia a befeje-zett jov6 id6t!

Next year Jacl< and his friends will go on a round-the-world expeditior-r on a huge cruiser. According totheir plar-rs they will start on 5th November, from the port of Dover. At the end of December they hopeto get ro the coast ofAfrica. In Egypt they will have a look at the pyramids, then they will go on with theircxpedition and leave for South Africa. Forry days later - at the beginning of February - they will probablvger ro South Africa. They will visit some diamond mines there and perhaps they will try to frnd somediamonds rhemselves. In the first week of March they want to reach the coast of South America, and in

April they will arrive in Mexico. Their next destination will be New York, hopefully in June. They intendro sra)r there rwo months to look around the USA and leave for England only at the end of the summer.If er.'erydring goes according to schedule they will get home in November.

L By l0'r' Nove mber they will hove leh Dover. (leave).2. Bv the end of December . . . . . . ( reach).

3 . B y J a n u a r v . . . . . . . ' . . . . ( s e c ) .4. lly dre beginning of February ...... (get).


I vou he sheWi l l | . ' " * | haveworked l

I lr we rney I


I. Olyan cselekvds kifejezesdre, amely a jriv6 egy adott pillanatdra befejez6dilq lezirul. lellemz6 kot6szd:

by the time. |ellemz6 hatirozik: by tomorrow, by this time next week, by this time next month' by

this time next year stb.


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Furunr PERFECI - Brrarzrn r0v6

5. 81, 6" end of February (leave for).6. I3v April (arrive).7 . BvAugust . . . . . . . . . . . . . ( t rave la round) .B . B v l ) e c e m b e r . . . . . . . . . . . . ( g e t h o m e ) .

2 Look at the example and complete the sentences. Use the future pertect tense. A pdlda alapjdnegeszitse ki a mondatokat! Hasznilja a befejezett jovd id6t!

1. Kathy and John got married in 1999. By 2009 they will have been married for ten years.2.Tim lost his job two years ago. By next year .. .... (b. unemployed)3. I met Susanne five months ago. By next month .. (know)4. It was love at first sight. By tomorrow he .. ... for five years.

(be in love with me)5. Sheila got her present job last November. By lune ... (have)6. My English friend came to Hungary three weeks ago. By the end of next week .

. . . . . . . ( b e ) .7. Jenny got a promotion eleven months ago. By the end of next month

the manager of the company . . . . . . . (b.) .

3 Read the requesfs or questions and react to them using the future pertect. Olvassa el a kdrddse-ket ds v1laszoljon befejezett jov6 idejfi mondatokkal!

I. When can I get my book backf Don't worryl By tomorrow I willhove senl il back to you.(send back)

2. I want you to do the translation Thke it easy I . . it by noon.right now (translate)

3. You still haven't finished your Relax. By the evening I ...... (finish)homework!

4. You should read the compulsory By the end of the summer . . . . .. .. . . all of them.readings. (read)

5. Why don't you move into your flatl The tenants are still living there but by next month they

6. How much mone' do vou owe themt N;;;;.h. B;;;;..i.. . 1::::l ....... allmy debts bacl. (pay)

4 Translate fhe sentences. Forditsa le a mondatokat!

I. Az dv vdgdre tobb ezer ember fogja elolvasni a honlapunkat.2. Holnap ilyenkorra mdr megkapod a csekket. Ne izgulj! Lesz el1.g pdnzed.3. Negyed egyre befejezem ̂ fordrtdst, igdrem.4. I(6s6 van. Mire a szinhizba driink, addigra biztosan elkezd6dik az el6adi^s.5. Hdtf6re meghozom a dontist a fizetdsemeldsekkel kapcsolatban.6. Mire holnap visszajcissz, befejezem a takaritiist.7.Iov6 hdten ilyenkorra mir megveszem a koncertjegyeket.8. A h6nap v€gdre mindenki megkapja a felmonddsdt. Sajnos cigiink cs6dbe ment.9. J6 Karolinnak. Decemberre korbevtazza Dil-Amerikrit.

10. Jov6re lesz ndgy ive, hogy Paul ds Edith ismerik egymdst.lL A pleryka szerint a szemllyzeaigazgato keddre donti el, hogy ki lesz az dj f6konyvel6.12. Hfsv6tra mdr megveszem a BMW-I.13. Olyan forr6sdg van ma. A tavacska ahizad mellett augusztusra ki fog szdradni.14. A hfgom remdlhet6leg jov6 h6t vdgdre befejezi a lakds feltjitdsdt. Seg(teni fogok neki.15. Vera pdntekre le fogja f6nymdsolni a n(.gysziz oldalas jelentdst, aldcor is, ha ez nem a feladata.



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I(EPZES: will have been * ige + -ing

Allit,is:I you he sheit we they

will have been doing.

Thgadds:A Furure perfect continuous tagad6 alakja helyett gyakrabban haszndlj{k a Future Perfect tagad6 alakjdt'

I you he she itrve drey

will have notwon't have

been doing.

wiilI you he she itwe they

have been doingl


r. olyan cselekvds lofejez,estre, am-ety korribban elkezd6dott, aiov6:gy 19"1t pillanatriban is folya-

matosan zajlik rot -Jg anttinis foiyamatban lesz. lellemz'| id6hatitoz6k: by this time next week'

by this time tomorr"*iU-V i.*t rnon.'h,-by next y-earrby lriday sf' f{a az igdnek nem lehet folyama-

tJs alakja, akkor a Future Perfect-et kelhaszndlni. Ld. Future Perfect!

|ov6 hdten lesz hdrom dve, hogy itt dolgozom By next weeh I witl bave been worhing here for three years'

$ Firyetem!

l ov6 hd ten lesz hdrom dve, hogy" ' = B ! nex t weeh ' fo r th ree years '


1 Makesentences with the given words in the future perfect continuous. irion mondatokat a meg-

adott szavakkal befeiezett folyamatos iov6 id6ben!

I . By this time next year/she/work/for/this/company/for/5/years. By this tine next yeor she will huve heen working for

this compony for five yeors.2. By r-rext month/we/learn/Englisl,rfor two years' """"'3. By Iune/theyIgoIour-ltogether/ forthree years' ""'"'4. By the weekendflom/look forlaioblfor a month'5. By f2 o'clock/he/traveffor five hours.6. By the time/you/come/home/I/slee-p/forlhours' " " "' " " "'7. By tomorrow/Mum/clean/the flatlfor three days'

2 Complete the sentences following the example using the future perfect continuous or future

perfect simple. Egeszitse ki a mondatokat a petda alapian! Haszndlia a befeiezett folyamatos

jov6 vagy a befeiezett iovd id6t!

l. How long have you been with Joef W.11, by 10'h ]une we willhove been going out togethetforthreeyeorc. (go out together, 3 years)


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FuruRE pERFECT coNTrNuous - Brraezrn torvaHlRros tov6

2. How long have you been working herel By next month .. (work, 5 years)3. How long have you been studying By the beginning of next term .

Englishf ([earn, for 6 months)4. How long has she been playing tennis) By January . .... (playtennis, 6 years)5. Next month you will celebrate your Yes. By then .. (be married, 15 years.)

wedding anniversary6. Since when have you been teachingl By next term . ..... (teach, 7 years)7 .How longhaveyoubeentheheadmaster By September . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (be

of the grarnmar school) the headmaster of this school, 4 months)

3 Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense. lJse future perfect, future perfed continuous orfuture continuous. Tegye a z1rojelben megadott igeket befejezett jov6, befeiezett folyamatosjov6 vagy folyamatos jov6 id6be!

1. When you come home, the children willbe deeping (sleep).2. Give me a ring on my mobile when you arrive, because I ......

(work) in the garden and won't hear the doorbell.3. By rhe time the boss returns we .... ... (finish) all the tasks he has

given us.4. This time next week I .. (sail) at Lake Balaton.5. By tomorrow she ....... (prepare) for the exams for about a week.6. Julia (sweat) in the gym all next week to lose some weight before

the beauty contest.7. By the afternoon dre secretary ....... (reply) to all the letters.8. By the time you arrive at school, the other pupils ... '. (write ) the

test-paper for rwenry minutes.9. This rime nexr year I . .. ...... (study) law at Yale University for two years.

i0. By 2 o'clock loe ... (run) ten kilometres.11. Bi 2 o'clock loe . . . . . .. .. ..(rut)' for thirty minutes.12 . A t 2 o 'c lock loe . . . . . . . . . . . . ( run)13. )oe (run) all day long.14. By next rveek Sue ... . (translate) two dramas.15. By next week Sue ... ..(translate) dramas for months.16. Sue ... (translate) a new English drama all next week.

4 Translate the sentences. Forditsa le a mandatokat!

I. Szeptemberben lesz tiz €ve, hogy enndl a cdgndl dolgozom.2. Jov6 kedden lesz majdnem egy ive, hogy nem eszem idessiget.3. E h6nap vigin mdr ot ive lesz, hogy angolul tanulok.4. Augusztusban lesz kit ive, hogy fizetem a mos6gip tcirleszt6rdszletit.5. Jov6 kardcsonykor lesz hdrom ive, hogy John is Lilly jdrnak. Hdt nem repiil az id6l!6. Jovlre lesz kit ive, hogy golfozok.7. Decemberben lesz tizenot ive, hogy a Macskdkat ji^tszik a szinhdzakban.8. Dilre Pdter mdr tobb mint tiz 6ri^ja fog vezemi. Messze van innen Madrid.9. Az 4v vigdn lesz egy ive, hogy matekot tan(t nektink Jani bdcsi.

I0. Okt6ber 20-in lesz hdrom ive, hogy Budapesten lakom.lI. Aprilisban lesz hat dve, hogy anya?t "p" falun laknak.12.Ez 6v vigire mdr ot dve lesz annak, hogy ezt a lakdst bireljiik.13. Iov6 h6napban mdr hdrom ive lesz annak, hogy tang6zni tanulok.14. Janurir elsejdn lesz hfsz ive, hogy Pisti nagypapdja ellen6rkint dolgozik a helyi jdratokon.



Page 63: Németh Katalin - Angol nyelvtan

JOVO IDOS SZERKEZETEK (To be going to do)

KEPZES: to be going to + ige


I(drdis:fun Y

I soins to work)Is hc she it goinq to worklAre we you tney golrlg to worKt


l. Ezt a szerkezetet jiiv6beli terv vag'y er6s szdndik kifejezesdre haszn{ljuk.

I alTt gorng to worl(.He she it I S soins to work.We vou they are gong to wori(.

am not sorns to work.He she it IS r-tot go ng to workWe you drey are not going to work.


2. Olyan jciv6beli cselekvds kifejezesdre, amelyr6l biztosan tudni, hogy be fog kcivetkezni, mert en-nek szemmel ldthat6 jelei vannak.

,,Ndzd, Evdnak milyen nagv a pocakja!",,Kisbabdja lesz."

,,Az a haj6 ldket kapott. "

,,El fog stillyedni."

3. Mult idej(i alakja a,,was /were going to". |elentdt.t Ugy volt, hogy... .

,,lr4it fogsz (akarsz) csindlni az egyetem utdn)",,Kiilfoldre fogok utazni. "

Szombaton fgy volt, hogy teniszeziink,de esett az es6.


2. Har,e you typed drat letter yetf3. Have you invited Pat to the partyl4. Have you printed the conract)5. Have 1'ou posted dre lenerl

'Wbat are yougoing to dn ajler university?""Irngoing to travel nbrond."

"Looh how big Eue\ belly is.""She\ going to have a baby."

"Tbat ship has got a leah.""It'sgolng to sinh."

On Satwrd.ay we weregoing t0 pla.y tennis bwtit was raining.

(in the afternoon) Not yet.(tomorow) Not yet(just) ..(after work)

Answer the questions. Use to be going to. V6laszoljon a k6rdesekre a ,,to be going to" szerkezetfelhaszn6l6sdval!

1. Have you washed up the dishes yet) (after lunch) Not yet. fmgoinglowoshlhemupoftulunch.

Write a question with going to for each situation. Tegyen fel kerddseket a ,,going to" felhaszn6-lSslval minden egyes szitudci6ra!

I. Your friend lras just come ollt of a travel agency You:rsk: (where/travel)Where ure you going to travel lo?


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Jovo toos szERKEZETEK

2. L-r the street you meet your friend who is going shopping. You ask: (what/buy)3. Your friend wants to use your phone. You ask: (who/phone)4. Your friend wants to give a party. You ask: (who/invite) .5. Your frier-rd wants to buy a new car. You ask: (what kind of car/bty) '.........6. Your friend has found some rnoney on the street. You ask I'rim: (what/do with it) ..... ........

3 Read the situations and complete the dialogues. Use going to. Olvassa el a szitudciokat 6s eg6-szitse ki a dial6gusokat! Haszndlia a ,,going to" szerkezetet!

L You want to study hard today, because you are taking an exalrl tomorrow.Your Mum: Could you help rnc widr dre clcaning dris afternoonlYou: I\n :rfi'irid not. l'm going to study for my exam.

2. You have some problems with your weight and have decided to take up aerobics.Your doctor: You are a litde bit overweight. Why don't you do exercises?You: You are right.

3. You have an argurnent wid-r your colleague and want to discuss it with your boss.Your colleague: I don't think you are right.You: O.K. We wi l l see. . . . . . . . . . . .

4. After leaving secondary school you would like to apply for admission to the University of Economics.Your classmate : F{avc you decided whirt you would like to do after leaving schoollYou: Yes.

5. You have been lvorking for the same company for thirty years. Now you would like to retire andtravel around the world.Your grandchildren: What are you going to do after you retire)You: You won't bel ievc i t but. . . . . . . . .

4 Read the situations and draw the conclusions. tJse going to. Olvassa el a szitu6ciokat, es vonja lea kovetkeztetest! Haszndtlja a ,,going to" szerkezetet!

l. Your best friencl sally has developed a bellv (have a baby) Sfie isgoingtohoveobahy.2. Your colleague is alw'.lys late, and your boss is very angry about it. Warn your friend. (fire)

The boss3. Mary' is cookinp; something delicious and ]ack is putting out plates for ten people . (l'rave guests)

T h e y . . . . . . . . . .4. Tom has sudder-rly taken out a handkerchief. (sneeze) He.............5. There is a big draught in dris room. (slam) The door6. The skies are grey and the temperafirre is rrbout zero. (snow)7. I.ook at the wings of that plane. They are on fire. (crash) Mv God, it...............8. One of dre students didn't write anydring on the test-paper. (fail) He...".....".

5 Translate the sentences. Forditsa le a mondatokat!

l. I(t fogsz meghivni a szombati sziilinapi bulidra)2. Megfogsz fdzri kabdt ndlkiil ilyen es6s id6ben.3. Nem fogok r6szt venni ezen a szemindriumon. Olyan unalmas.4. Mcg akarod enni az egdsz tortdtl H.{nyingered lesz.5. Bebomlt az dg. Mindjdrt esni fog.6. Vettern tapdt{t, mert hdtvdgdr-r kitapdtdzom a nagysziileim hdz'it.7. Ma cste cl fogorn mondani a firjemnek, hogv elbocsdtottak.8. Mariann ds Pdter 6ssze fognak hdzasodni a nydron. Mir a gldrfket is rnegvendk.9. Le fogsz esni a fdr6l, ha nem vigyirzoll

10. Uristen! Az a r€szeg mindjdrt a vonat ald esik. Mit keres ez ottl1I. N4a este beszdlni fogok a f6nold<el az el6l6.pterdsernr6l.12. Ndzcl! )ancsi rnindjdrt mcgcs6kolja Julislcdt.13. Mcg fognak fiLzni a virdgairn a kertemben, amiket tegnap iiltettem. Olyan hideg van most ldnt.14. A kicsi Lillv azt mor-rdia. balerina lesz.15. f,va nern fogj,r mcgldtogatni Etelkit a k6rl'rdzban. Nem szercti 6t.


Page 65: Németh Katalin - Angol nyelvtan

SIMPLE PRESENT, PRESENT CONTINUOUS(with future meaning) versus


I. SIMPLE PRESENT - Egyszer(i jelen

Ha valamilyen menetrendszerfi dologr6l (vonat, repti{6, busz induldsa, drkezdse), programr6l (pl.rddi6-, TV-m(isor, mozimiisor), boltok, mrizeumok nyiwatartiisiir6l, egydb programok kezddsdnek6s befejezdsdnek id6pontj dr6l beszeliink, egysz,edi j elen id6t haszndlunk.

2 ytrh

2. PRESENT CONTINUOUS - Folyamatos jelen

Olyan jciv6beli cselekvds kifejezrsdre haszndljuk, amit el6re megszervezti.i'nk ds elrendeztiink.

Holnap ddlut{n nem drek rd, mert Prn not free t0m0w0w nftencoon, because ItmZsuzsival fogok teniszezni. plnying tennis with Sue.(Nyilvdn eztmdr Zsuzsi is tudja, hiszen kordbban egyeztettem vele.)


Olyan cselekvds L<ifejez6.s6re hasznriljuk, amit a jciv6ben szeretn6nk v(ghez vinni (hatrirozott szind6'kunk), de a k<iriilmdnyeket mdg nem rendeztiirk el. Nagyon hasonlit a Present Continuous jciv6 idej(haszniilatdhoz, de a ldnyeges ktiliinbsdg abban rejlik, hogy mig a ,,to be going to"-val csak szdnd6kotfejeziink ki, a Present Continuous-szal mrir eggyel tovdbbliptiink, hisz,en a kciriirlminyeket is rigyrendeztiik, hogy az a cselekvis mindenkdppen be is kovetkezhessen.

Mikor indul a buszodlA reoiil6 7-kor 6rkezik.A vonat ot perc mrilva indul.Mikor kezd6dik a fiImfA shownak 8-kor van vige.A bolt 6-kor nyit.Az lrtekezlet lO-kor kezd6dik.

Most miir elegem van mindenb6l.Bemegyek a f6ncikomhoz,ds beszdlni fogok vele.

When d.oes yowr bus leave?The plnne land; nt 7 orn.The train lenves in rninutes.When d.oes the f.lrn start?The sbow f.nishes at B.The shop opens fl,t 6.The rneeting stnrts a,t l0 am.

Now I'rn fed. wp with we?ything. I'rn going to seemy boss and.I'mgoing to talh to hiw.


(Err6l a f6nok nem val6szinrl, hogy tud, csak dn szeretnik mdr v6gre beszdlni vele, aldcor is, ha 6 nemakarja,vagy nem dr rd. Meg fogom kisirelni.)

Most beszdltem meg egy id6pontot a fbncildcel. Ive just fixed" an appointment with rny bos, I'w't'Hdtf6n talilkozni fogok vele. seeing him onMond'ay.

(Itt egy el6re megbes#h talilkozorol van sz6. Bl6rc gondoskodtam'an6l,hogy uatalilkozo mindenkdppen meg-val6suljon, Tehdt a ffinokkel is el6rc egyeztettem. Ilyenkor rilaliban mdr egy konkrit id6pontot is megadunk.)


1 Complete fhe senfences with one of the verbs below. Egeszitse ki a mondatokat a megadott igekkel!

open leave arrive land tast start (2x) finish


3 Putme9

1 . "fi

2 . 83 . 7

(f4. ".


5 . r6 . 17 . O


Page 66: Németh Katalin - Angol nyelvtan

SrHrrplr pREsrrur, PRrsrnr coNTtNuous, StvpLr rurunr, To ee GoING To

l. "How long does the film /osfl" "About two hours. It ........ (start) at 8 o'clock and. . . . . ( f in ish) 9 .50 . "

2. Do you know when the museulns ........13. Don't forget that the meeting .... at Il am.4. *Will you meet me at the airport)" "Sure. When does your plane .. . . -. . . . .. f "

5. Hurry up! Your train . .... in five minutes.6. Do you know when the bus ... in Londonf

2 Your friend wants to fix an appointment with you. Look at your diary for next week and explainto him why you can't meet. A bar{tja id6ponot szeretne egyeztetni. Ndzze meg a naploi1t a iovShetre es magyardzza el miert nem tudnak tal1lkozni!

Friend: When can we get together to discuss a few thingsfYou: Well, let me ger my diary... Let me see . (I) Are you daing (you/do) anythrng at 5 Pm on ThursdaylFriend: No, I can't make it. But are you free on Monday eveningfYou: I'm sorry Nick, but on Monday evening I (2)...Friend: And what about lunchtimefYou: On Monday I (3). .Friend: Well, is Wednesday any good for youfYou: I'm afraid Wednesday is no good either. I (4)..the evening (5). . . .Friend: Are you free at about 4 pm on Thursday afternoonfYou: I 'm afraid not. (6). . . .Friend: Well, we have only Friday left.You: On Friday (7).... . . How about Saturdayf I'm not( B ) . . . . . . . t h e n .Friend: Sarurday is Saturday I've promised my family to stay at home. Maybe Sunday)You: On Sunday I (9)..Friend: Well, it looks like the week after next then.

3 Put the verb into the suitable form, present continuous or present simple. Tegye az igdket a

megfelel6 alakba, folyamatos ielen vagy egyszer1 ielen id6be!

1. "Where oreyougoing (you/go) tonightf" *L.... ........ (go) to the cinema. There is a newfilm on." "When (the fihn/begin)f "

2. Excuse me. What time . ... (th. bus/get) to Brightonl3. The trade fair ... (open) on 5'h November and

(finish) on I" December.4. u ... (you/do) anything this evening)" "No, whyl" "I have two tickets for

the Christmas concert. Would you like to come with mel" "Yes, but whe.n .(it/start)f " "At six o'clock."

5. I . . . . . . . . . . ( f ty) ro New York next week. The plane . . . . . ( take of l at 8.30 am.

6. I think this fihn is horrible. When ..... (itlfinish)f7. Our business partner ...... (come) to our headquarters. He .

(travel) by plane and his plane .. (land) at 14.15. I . '....(rneet) him at dre airport.

and in

Monday Tresday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday

r2,30Lunch wilhhrry6.30pmAerobks

3pmEngltsh lesson6pndinnerwilh obusinuspotlnel



4pmmeel hoss6,30Gyn


Relax lunch wtthny nother-in-low


Page 67: Németh Katalin - Angol nyelvtan

SrH,lptr pnrsrrur, PResrNr coNTtNuous, Stlprr rutuRE, To er GotNG To

8. "Where ....... (yot/go)f" "I (go) to Mrs Marple'slecture." "Is she the lecturer todayl When ...... (the lecture/begin)f""At 5 o'clock. ..... (you/come) with mef"

4 Which is correct? Cross out the wrong answer. Melyik helyes? A helytelen vAlaszt h(tzza 5t!

I. 6 o'clock is no good for me. I'm meeting / I'll meet mv collcague dren.2. "I don't know how to get there." "Don't worry! I'm taking )rou / I'll take you in my car."3. "I'll meet you / I'm meeting you outside the restaurant. Ali rightf" "Yes, that's OK."4. Don't forget, you are taking / )'ou will take the children to the parry tonight.5. What time does your train leave / will )'our train leave tonightl6. "A promise is a promise." "Take it easy I'll keep my word / I'm keePing my word."7. I don't know what to do today I think I am washing / I'll wash my car.B. "Remember to buy some bread too."''OK. I won't forget / don't forget."9. I usually stav at home in the evenings but today I'm going out / I'[l go out.

10. "Flave you decided where to go on holiday)" "Yes, we'll travel / we are travelling to Spain."11. "I hooe I will pass / I'm passins the exam."

5 Put the verbs in brackets into the appropriate future tense. Tegye az iget a megfelelS iov6 id6be!

I feel thirsry I think lwillhave (have) a pint of Guinness.A: How about DublinlB; Everyrhing is arranged. I.. . (fly) from Ferihegy on the last flight tomorrow morning.A: You do not seem to be very h"ppy with ]ohn.B: No, in fact l .. . . .... .. .. . (leave) him as soon as I get a new flat.I have a lot to do. Maybe L.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ( tot I go) after al l . SorryA: What time do we have to be at the bus stationlB: Well, the coach ..(leave) at 11.50.A: Look at fhe leaves on dre tree. They are all brown.B: They .. . ... . .. (fall off) soon.Do you think . .(she / still / live) in Berlin in ten year's timelMary is in New York. She loves shopping and spending money She . ... . (spend)all her money by the end of this holiday

9. Next month I ... ... . (fly) to Chicago.I0. A: Are you still doing the laundryf When will you finish itl

B: When you come back from your work I . .. .... . (finish) with the laundryIl. Someone is at the door. .......(you / answer) it, pleasef12. A: When . . . . . . . . (Tom / arr ive) l

B: Maybe he .. . .. . . .. . . ..(g.t here) for dinner.13. By this time next mondr I ...... .(work) for this company for 10 years.14. Hurry up! I'm sure that our guests .. (arrive) soon.15. What time ... ..,.(dr. last plane / be due) to land)16. The /acksons ....(buy) a farm in the near future.17. Bono .(be) a2 in MayIB. Michael and Paul19 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ( I / sw i tch on) the l igh t l

6 Choose the correct answer Vdlassza ki a helyes megolddst!

3 .


I .2 .

4.5 .


7 n

III1I ,l lI rt '

1 l1J2(2 )2tz ia /L A

252C272829303 1

323334c c

L When doeslheroorfrleave IA) does dre coach leave

2. The guestsA) arrive

B) is the coach leaving

at 7 p.m.B) are arriving

3. The managers ..... a meeting tomorro\MA) are holding B) hold


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Srvplr pRrsrnr, Pnrsrxr coNTrNuous, Stvprr ruruRe, To sr GoiNG To

4 . Wha t . . . . . . . a t t heA) are you going to wear

partylB) are

when she

vou wc:.lnng

5. I will give her a bunch of flowersA) retums B) will retunr

6. I don' t expect they . . . . . . . . here before uoort .A) get R) will gct

7. What ... give him for his birdrdayfA) will y'ou B) are vou goir-rg to

8. "I think I have a ternperatLrre." "I a drermomcter for you."A) .n getting B) will get

9. Granny strawberry cake for the parryA) rnakes B) is going to make

10. As soon as I . . . . . . . . . . . . dr is text, I ' l l have a cup of coffee.A) will translate B) havc translated

7 Translate the following sentences. Forditsa le a kovetkezd mondatokat!

1. Jov6re lesz ot 6r'e, hogy Jimrny kerndnyen iszik.2. Holnap a British Muscumba megvek. Nincs kedved velem jonnil3. Ennyi pdnz aligha lesz elegend6 egy ilyen hosszir ftra.4. - Akkor holnap este hadcor az dlladcert el6tt taldlkozunk.

- Ok, de ne kdis el, mert nem vdrlak meg!5. Biztosra veszerrr, hogy tetszeni fog neki ez a Gucci napszemiiveg.6. Mdjusban lesz kdt dve, l-rogy Moniczr ds Brian haragban vannak.7. Ne hivj 8 ds 9 kozott. Reggelizni fogunk:rkkor.B. Ne idegeskedj! lO-kor mdr el is r(rzok.9. Mihelyt egy kis id6t rudok szakftani rd, meg fogom ldtogatni Mari ndnit.

I0. Ma elmegyiink az ij ir soroz6be. Eljossz veliink)I l. Szerinted ot dv mrilva is mdg mindig az egyetemen fogok dolgoznil12. Holnap Visegr{dra rnegyek kir{ndulli.I3. A ndrnet venddgeink augusztus mdsodik feldben ldtogatnak meg minket.i4. Mi lesz, ha az aut6m nem megy dt a mfiszaki vizsg{nl15. Nem tudom, hogy jov6re mil'rez fogok kezdeni.f6. Mdg nem tudom, hogy holntrp rni fog tortdmi a munkahelyemen. 9-re rigyis megnrdorn.17 . Jov6 nyiirra tal{n befejezzil< 'a hiz(pitdst. Mrir alig v'irom!18. A BUX index roharnosan esni fog.19. Most mdr tuti, llogy nem veszem meg ezt a farmert.20. Mi lesz. ha hdrorn dv mrilva sem lesz kisbab{rnl21. Bev'is:irl'is utdn megiszunk egy j6 kis capuccin6t a kedverrc kdvdh{zunkban. Rendbenf22. Li,.dtatod mennyi festdket vettern. Valamikor a jov6 hdten kifcstem a hdl6szob'im.23. Mikor kell a reptdrre drninkl A gdp 7.20-kor indul a terminal l-161.24. llizom abban, hogv nagy kereslet lesz az /rj termdkiinkrq.25. Urister-r. Az a kamion eltiti azt a kisgyereket!26. Segitene egy pillanatraf Nem drem el azt a polcot.27. Jov6re ilyenkor mdr /amaikdn fogok siid<drezni a napon, ds iszogatom a kedvenc koktdlom.28. A munkandlkiilisdg arinya az elkovetkez6 tiz 6vben csokkeni fog.29. Nem drtern ezt a feladatot. Majd dn elmagyardzom neked.30. Ehnenjiink ti hdtvdgdn korcsoly'izni vagy maradjunk inkdbb itdronl31. - Csindlsz valamit holnap ddlutrinf

- Igen, Johnnal teniszezern.32. Jot6 rniijusban rneg fogjuk iinnepelni a tizedik hdzassdgi dvfordul6r-rkat.33. Hir igy folytatja, m6g a vdgdn bortonben kot ki.34. Mer-rnyibe fog keriilni egy kil6 kenydr, rnondjuk 20l0-benl35. Sz6lok neked, amikor befejeztem a takaritdst. Megigdrem) nem fog sokdig tartani.

7 1

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I. Olyan cselekvds lofejezis&e, amelyet a multban (valaha) rendszeresen vdgezriink, de milr felhagy-

tunk vele. Az irodalmi nyelvben a ,,used to" helyett, ilyen drtelemben, gyakran haszndljdk a ,,would'segddigdt.


Auit,is,Valaha l<6rtyirzatt.

Kdrdds:Valaha kdrrtyizottl

Thgadris:R6gen nem kdrrydzott.


Valaha minden reggel futni jdrtam.Minden reggel kiment a tengerhez.

t .2.lerry used to be fat ..,3. I didn't use to eat cheese ...4. Peter used to be a heavy smoker ...5. She used to be poor ...6. They didn't use to go to the swimming pool ...

He used. to plny card.s.

Did. he use to pln! card;?

He't use to pla.y ca'rd.s.

I wsed. to go rwnning mery rnoming.Etery rnorning he wowld'go to the sea.

l. . . . but now he smokes only one or two cigarettes a day

2. ... but he is slim now3. ... but now I like it a lot.4. ... but now they go there every Sunday5 . . . . @6. ... but now she has a lot of money


1 Make questions and negative sentences. Follow the example. Alkosson kdrd6 6s tagado monda-tokat a pdlda alapj1n!

I. I used to smoke. Did you use to snoke? I didn'l use lo smoke.2. Sheila used to work abroad. ..............3. We used to play baseball a lot. ..........4. Jack and Tom used to be friends.5. Paul used to have a lot of pets.6. They used to earn a lot of money ... . . . . . . . . , . . .

2 Connect the clauses so that they make sense. Kosse ossze a tagmondatokat!

We used to go to the cinema u lot hut we rolher stay at hone now.





5 n

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I .2.3 .4.5 .



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Usro ro, woulD - VnlqHR

3 Complete the sentences with used to and a suitable word. Egdszitse ki a mondatokat a ,,usedto"-val 6s egy megfelel6 igevel!

I. Te rence used to hove o cor but he sold it because it consumed too much petrol.2. When I was a student I ...... a flat but now I have a flat of my own.3. Sharon ...... running every day but now she prefers doing aerobics.4. There a clock tower in the ciry centre but it was pulled down.5. . .. . . .. out a lot wher-r vou were a university studentl6. We . ..... meat but lasl year we stopped being vegetarians.7. She ... a lot of coffee but she had high blood pressure so she gave it up.B. When I was a chi ld I . . . . . . stamps.

4 Compare what these people said some years ago and what they say now. Hasonlitsa ossze mitmondtak a kovetkez6 szemdlyek nehAny 6wel ezel6tt 6s mit mondanak most!

NOW"I suffer from diabetes so I can't eat any sweets."

I used to eot o lot of ice-creom but I cun't eut ony sweels now hecouse I suffer from diobetes.2. Torn: "I am sinqle ." "I'm married with rwo children."

3. Jack: "I earn a lot of money at the company" "IJnfortunately my firm has gone bankrupt

so I'rn unemploved."

4. Sue: "I'm overweight." "I do spors regularly and I'm about dre right weight."


l. Peter: "I eat a lot of ice-cream."

5. Pamela: "I'm betr.l'een iobs." "I rvork for a well-known multinational cotnpany"

6. Tina: "I have a big house." "I live in a flat now

7. Patsv: "I never watch TV' "I'm on sick leave so I watch TV a lot."

B. I(ate: "I don't have a favourite TV program." "I always watch CNN news."

9. Tim; "I don't drink coffee." "I have low blood pressure so I have a cup ofcoffee every morning."

Translate the sentences. Forditsa le a mondatokat!

I. Valaha szerettem 6t.2. R6ger-r rendszeresen jdrtunk szinhizba.3. Az embereknek rdgen nem volt mobiltelefonjuk.4. Gyereld<oromban Jok levelet irtam a bardtaimnak, de ma mdr inkribb felhfvom 6ket telefonon.5. Thrnds bdty6 minden nap hajnalhasadtakor kelt, ds napnyugtakor fektidt.6. Ndhiny dwel ezel6tt sokat taldlkoztunk, de ma mdr szinte alig ldtjuk egymdst.7. Amikor rndg egyetemista volt, sokat jdrt konyvtdrba, de ma mrir alig van ideje olvasni.B. funikor GYES-en voltam, sokat gyalogoltam, de ma mdr mindenhova kocsival megyek.9. Rdgebben magas volt a vdrnyomdsom, de ami6ta munkandlktli lettem, nagyol j6l €rzem magam.

10. Valaha mindent elkovettem, hogy szeressenek es tiszteljenek, de ma ezzrlmfu egydltatin nem tor6dom.I ). A ferjem a hdzassdgunk el6tt rendszeresen elvitt dtterembe.12. Miel6tt ezt alirnyt megismerte, Tamds szorgalmasan tanult.13. Valaha sokat gondolkoztam arr6l, hogy milyen lehet dregnek lenni.14. Valaha konyveket irt, de mdr visszavonult.15. Miel6tt enndl a cdgndl kezdett dolgozni, sok dven .{t munkandlkiili volt.16. R6gebben sokat tolmdcsolt, de ma mdr ridcdn kap megbizdsokat.17. l4iaI6fi megkapta a kinevezisdt, ndgykor jirthaza, de mostandban hdt 6ra el6tt aligha 6r haza.lB. Kordbban nem foglalkoztam a politikdval.19. Kezdetben nem solet utaztam, de mostandban majdnem minden h6napban kiilfijldre megyek.20. Gyereld<ordban nem sportolt, de az orvosa azt tandcsolta, hogy mozogjon.

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Alfft,is:A vonatnak od<or kell megdrkeznie.Ugy volt, hogy a vonat cjd<or irkezik.Mrir ipp indulni akarunk.Mdr ipp indulni akartunk.A busznak nyolckor kell indulnia.A busznak nyolckor kellett indulnia.

I(ird6s:Otkor kell a vonatnak meeirkezniefUgy volt, hogy a vonat odcor drkeziklppp indulni akartoklEpp indulni akartatoklNyolckor kell a busznak indulniafNyolckor kellett a busznak indulnia|

Thgadds:A vonamak nem otkor kell megirkeznie.Ugy volt, hogy a vonat nem od<or drkezik.Nem kdsziiliink elmenni sehovd.Nem kdszi.iltiink elmenni sehovd.A busznak nem nyolckor kell indulnia.A busznak nem nyolckor kellett indulnia.


I. TO BB TO / NOT TO = kell, kellene,

Nyolcra keli odadrnem.Ugy volt, hogy kocsival jottok.Nem kdne puskdznod.

ppp hivni akartalak.Epp indulni kdsziilok.Most 6pp semmit sem szindikozom csindlni.

2. TO BE ABOUT TO / NOT ABOUT TO = az,orrvarr\ hogy... / 6pp csindlni akar valamit

The trnin is to nwive at 5.The *win wd; to aryipe nt 5.We are obowt to leave.W were abowt to leave.The bws is d.we to leaw at B.The bus was d.we to lenve at B.

k the trnin to a.rry"ive at 5?Was the wain to arripe at 5?Are yow about to leave?Wre yow abowt to leave?Is the bws d.we to leove at B?Was the bws d.we to leave at B?

The train is not to nwive at 5.The nwin was not to arrive nt 5.W are not abowt togo nnywhere.W were not abowt to go anywhere.The bws is not d.we to leave at B.The bws wa,s not d.we to leave at B.

fgy van, hogy... / nem kell, nem kdne, nem szabad

I aru to get tbere by eight.'bw

were to corue by are not to use a cheat sheet.

I wns nbout to call yow.I'rn abowt to leaye.['no not abowt to dn anythr,ng.

The train is d.we to leave at 7.The bws is d,we to awite toruowow.

3 T r




4 C tEc

5 Tri3. TO BE DUE TO I NOT DUB TO = kell, valaminek be kell kcivetkeznie

A vonatnak hddcor van az induldsi ideje.A busznak holnap kell megdrkeznie.

EXERCISES - FEADATOK1 Transform the underlined parts of the sentences using to be to. Alakitsa 6t a mondatok al6hu-zott rdszdt a ,,to be to" szerkezet felhaszndlSs1val!

L We planned to head for America but we changed our mind.We were to head for Anerica hut we changed our nind.

2. If evervthins soes risht. the team will arrive at the destination at 6 o'clock sharD.

3. If she missed the bus, what shall we do)


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To ee ro, To se neoul ro, To ee oue ro

4. The rnoney should be transferred this morning.

5. Tl-rey sllould have landed at 5, but due to bad weather conditions they didn't.

6. We should meet the delegation at the airport at 5.45.

7. iack and Iill should have phoned us before leaving for Lor-rdon.

Transform the underlined parts of the senfences using to be about to. Alakitsa 5t az alShuzottreszeket a ,,to be about to" felhaszn1lSsdval!

l. We r.r,anred to leave when the phone rang. We were oboul to lesve when the phone rong.2. The), lr'anted to phone Bill, when he suddenly turncd up.

3. Iack wanted to get on d-re bus, when somebody patted his shoulder.

4. Monica wanted to tell him her secret, when an earthquake shook the house.

5. Iim wanted to get into the lift, when the lights went out due to a Power cut.

6. His parents wanted to call dre police, when he arrived home.

3 Transform the sentences using to be due to. Alakitsa 5t a mondatokat a ,,to be due to" felhaszn5lSsSval!

L Tlre train leaves at 6. The troin is due to leove ut 6.2.The bus arrives at 5.30.3. Our flight takes off at 4.25.4. The |acksons should arrive tomorrow. ..........5. The delegation is arriving at 10 o'clock tomorrow.

4 Complete the sentences. Use the appropriate form of to be to, to be about to, to be due to.

Egeszitse ki a mondatokat a ,,to be to", ,,to be about to", ,,to be due to" megfelelS alaki1val!

l. "Why dicln't you come to the parry)" "I wos oboul logo (go) when my son broke his nose."2. "When will she get here l" "At about 6.45. Her bus ... ....... (arrive) at 6.30."3. She .... (save) the file when the comPuter broke down.4. Our delegation ..... (g.t) to the airport soon.5. You ....... (enter) there. Can't you see the notice which says'No entry"f

5 Translate the sentences. Forditsa le a mondatokat!

l. Maradjatok csendben! Mindjdrt kezd6dik a film.2.Ugy volt, hogy a fErjivel megy Olaszorszigba.3. Mdr dpp indulni akartam, amikor megsz6lalt a telefon.4. A vonatnak hit 6rakor van itt az drkezisi ideje.5. A gipr-rek 4.30-kor kellett volna felszdllnia, de a kcid miatt mig mindig nem szdllt fel.6. A sas 6pp le akart csapni a zsdkmdnydra, amikor az orvvadisz lel6tte.7 ggy voti nogy n el6i&i^srszabadtdri szinhazban t"njq, de rosszid6 ""1T l.prggramot elhalasztottdk.S. Ub volt, hogy a Boeing 747-es jiratitval utazunk, de biztonsdgi okokb6l a jdratot tcjrciltdk.9 Epp neki akart ldtni a munkdnak, amikor a felesige beldpett.

10. Epp le akart iilni, amikor valaki kopogtatott.It. Mjr dpp el akartam hagyni az dffermet, amlkor megdrkezett, ̂z az ember, akire vdrtam.12. Epp be-akarta csukni az ablakot, amikor hallotta, hogy valaki segitsdgirt kidlt.13. A program szerint az el6adis 8.20-kor kezd6dik.14. Epp ki akarta kapcsolni a tdvdt, amikor a hirad6ban megldtta a felesige aut6jat.

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l Putthe sentence givenintothedifferent tenses. Thenamesof the fenses andthenecessaryadverbs are given. Tegye a kovetkez6 mondatokat a megadott igeid6be, a megadott hatdrozovagy hatd rozosz6 fel hasznSlSsdva I !

I wrin lettar/three letters.L . Si.lnple Present - letters/rarety/in the evenings I rarely wrile letters in the evenings.2. Present Continuous - a letter/at the moment................3. SNlnple Past - three letters/ast week4. Past Continuows - letters/from 5 to 6 ...............5 . Present Perfttt - three letters/so far .. . . . ...6. Present Perfect Continuzas - letters/for two hours7. Past Perfecf - three letters/by the time the meeting started8. Pnst Perfect Cont'inuows - letters/for an hour/by the time they arrived

9. Sirnple Future - letters to you/when I am in AmericaI0. Fwtwre Cont'inwous - letters/when vou come homeLl. Futwre Perfect - three letters/by the time you arriveL2. R'tture Perfect Continuous - by the time you arrive/ettersfor an hour .........

4 P t

13. To begoing to - lettersfafter I arrive home ........14. Used. to - a Iot of letters/when I was a child ...... ..

2 Write two or three sentences with the given words, so that fhe use of fenses is correct and thesentences make sense. Translate them io.see the difference in meaning. irjon kdt-hdrom monda-tot a megadott szavakkal ugy, hogy a mondatok 6rtelmesek 6s nyelvtanilag helyesek legyenek!Fordftsa le 6ket, hogy l6ssa a jelentdsbeli k0lonbs6get!

I. They/ive/hereifor_6r4q_re. h lhey hove lived / hove hen living hue for lwo yeors. = Kdt 6ve 6'lnek n.They lived here for two yeors. = K6t 6vig 6hek itt.

2.Ilplaylternislx 5J with Jack.

3. we/ive/here/qineg/199.5.. AB .

4. Bv next vear/she/learn/Enslish/for 2 vears.

5. I/ook after/my/sister's/childrenlf:om 5 to.J-.

6. She/not/be/atAomefor two weeks.

7. How lone/you/live/there| ABC

8. B)' six o'clock/she/finish/it. AB

9. By the time /she/getlhome/they/leave. AB

I 0. When/she I arfive/Iftie / in/ thelbath/tub. AB

I I. When/shelarrleftflie/inlthelba.t/tubfor one hour. A




5 Tr,



1 lI


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Trrusrs vtxeo - lceto6r vEGYESEN

3 Use the verbs in brackets in the correct tense. Tegye a zarojelben levd igeket a megfelel5 igeid6be!

). By four o'clock tomorrow I will hove finished (finish) my exam.2. .. ... . . (you I ever I hear) of anything like that beforef

3. Monica and Brial . (send) my book next week. They've promised it.

4. | ... (not see) Kate this month.5. I ... ...... (know) him since the last Party at Kate's.

6. I am very t i red; I . . . . . . . . . (* t) al l day7 . They ..... (leave ) before Collie returned.B. Do you think that he .... ' ' (recognize) mel

9. lirn ..... (b.) il l since we last '.. (see) each other'

10. I feel hungrir I think I ...... ' '. (have) something to eat.

I I. How long .. (you / play tennis)f12. Wl-rat (yon / like) about rock musicf13. I . (l-rave a bath) when someone ...... (knock) at the door.

14. Susan and Ron .... (b"y) an old cottage in Killarney last summer.

15. After Tom . .. (sleep) for a while, he woke up suddenly

16. We . . . . . . . . (do) our homework at 5 pm tomorrow17. By lst December Ron and Mary (be) in Galway for l0 years.

lB. I i<new that you ... (divorce) your husband.

19. Adrienne ...... (listen) to music at the moment.

20. Joe ...... (drink) heavily all evening.

4 Put the verbs in brackets into the correct fense. Tegye a zdrojelben lev6 igeket a megfelel6 igeid6be!

Tlre talk continued (continue) inside the tent, but Jason ..... (walk away). FIis worst fears

..... (come) true. The hijackers ..... (forget) that one of their men ..

(miss) . What .......(find out) that.he .(kill) himf Jason . ..(sit down) under a

palm tree and . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ( look out) over the sea. He . . . . . . . (s i t ) drere for a long t ime . I t

l:::1,ffifi il,il:'J:l';"j'fi: I'l'":'l ii,lii,ii; ffT;TI;. ... . . .. (shoot) the air-hostesses,

/J M Marks: Hijacked./

5 Translate the sentences. Forditsa le a mondatokat!

I. Nyolc h6napja van bortonben.2. N1'olc h6napig volt bortonben.3. Hdd<or Tommal sald<oztam.4. Hdd<or mdr jav{ban saldcozni fogok Tommal.5. Hddcor Tommal sakkozom. (megbeszdlttik)6. Hat dve dolgozik abban a gyirban. (2)7. Jov6re mdr hdrom dve lesz, hogy egyiitt dlnek.B. lov6re mdr hdrom dve lesz, hogy itt van a cdgndl.9. Nyolct6l kilencig angolt fogok tanul-ni.

10. Nyolct6l kilencig angolt tanultam.1I. Millt hdten nem volt otthon.12. Egy hete nincs otthon.13. Az elmtilt kdt hdtben nem volt otthon.14. Hdt 6rdra befejezi a fordftdst.15. Mire r{jon, hogy mi folyik ott, md.r mindenki le fog l6pni.16. Mire megdrtette a helyzetet, mdr mindenki leldpett.17. Pontban nyolckor vettem fel a pisztolyt a foldr6l.lB. Nyolckor 6pp az erd6ben gombdsztam.19. Amikor a borton6r bevitti a vacsordjdt, mir egy 6rdja holtan fekiidt.

20. A,rnikor a borton6r bevitte a vacsordjdt, aludt.

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MODAL VERBS (must, 'can, could...)M6peru sEGEolcEr


CAN = Kdpes valamireCsak egyszerfi jelen6s egyszerff mult id6benhasznflhat6.

Meg tudom csindlni I can dn it.Meg tudtam csinrilni. I cowld. dn it.

Erzekelist ktfejezfi igdkkel 6s egyes mentrflistevdkenysCg et krfejeztr igdkkel, jelen ds rnultid6ben, mindig a CAN-I Cs mult idejff alakjrita COULD-oI hasznriljuk.

$ p;grytt *t

A,can" segedige mds moddlis segddige utdn egydltaldn nem haszndlhatd, mig a rrto be able to" dllhatm:is m6dbeli seg6digik utrin is (kivdve a,,can, could, could have" segddig6ket). M6dbeli segddigEminden olyan ige k<ivethet, aminek van f6nCvi igeneves alakja.

Kipes lehet rri. He ma,y be able t0 dn it.Kdpesnek kell lennie. IIe mast be able to dn it. / He has to be able to dn it.Biztosan kdpes rd. IIe rw,tst be able to da i't.Kipes lenne rii. He would be able to dn it.Kdpesnek kellene lennie. He showld' be able to dn it.Valaha kdpes volt rd. Ii{e wsed. to be able t0 dn it.

COULD = Altal,lnos kdpessig WAS/WERE ABLE TO = Egy bizonyos .kifeje#sdre a multban. hel;zetben sikeriilt valamit megcsinrilni. (managed to do)

6t 6vesen mrir j6l fsztam. Senki nem z var\ igy sikeriilt befejeznem a munkrit.I cauld, swirn well at the age offipe. Nobod.y d.istwrbed. me so I was able to fni'sh rny wuk.

$ rhletenot

A tagad6 alak a mondat jelentdsdt6l fiiggedeniil, mindkdt esetben lehet a COULDN'f, Tbrmdszete-sen a rrwasn3t/weren't able tott is ldtezik.

TO BE ABLE TO = Kdpes valamireHasznritrhatjuk egyszerff jelen, egysr,eriT mflt,egy szerii jov6, befejezett j elen ds befej ezrttmult id6ben is.Meg tudom csindlni.Meg tudtam csindlni.Meg tudom majd csinrilni.Egyszer mdr megtudtam csindlni.Meg tudtam csindlni,miel6tt megdrkeztek.

I am, able to dn it.I wa,s able to dn it.I will be able to d,o it.I hatte been oble to dn ithrrce.I had. been able to dn itbefore they a:vrived..

Litomazt.Hallom azt.E u .(valaminek a szagit, illatdt)Emldkszem r:i.Megirtem 6t.

I can see itI can hear it.I can srnell it.


I can rernanber it.I can wnderstand. hirn.

Littamazt.Hallottam azt.E "rte^^"t.

I could. see it.I could. hear it.I nuld. smell it.

Bmldkeztem. I cowld. remember it.Meg tudtam drteni. I cowld. und.erstoild' him'.



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2 R6


3 Gm



4 C awe

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Mooarlr srcrotcEx


l Completethe sentences using can or to be ableto. Egeszitse ki a mondatokat a,,can" 6sa,,to

be able to" segddigek felhaszndl1sdval!

1. Ann can speal< tl-rree languages fluendy2. I used to . . . . . . . . . ' . s ing wel l when I was younger '

3. I . . . . . . . . . see you next week' I am very busy

4. Ton-r is only 4 years old but he .'. '. .... ride a bike '

5. Jack is a ver1, talented bq)y He ..... remember everything that he has heard once'

6. I am so llervolls tl-rat I haven't '..... eat anything recendy

7. "I hirve I'rad a terrible hcadache for hours." "Why don't 1'su see the doctorf He rnight

..... give you sotnething for it."

B. Your son is a bright student. FIe must .... Pass the entrance exaln'

9. I have . . . . : . . . . . . . . . . . do i t once, but I don' t know i f I wi l l . . ' " ' do i t again'

10. . . . . . . .you smel l i t l Something is burning'

2 Read about Jitt and tell her about yourself answering her questions. Olvassa el a szoveget Jillr6l

6s mesllien neki magdrol a kerd4seire vdlaszolva!

Well, rvhcn I was a child I used ro be able to do a lot of things that I can't do now. For example I used to

be able ro swip under the water, but I can't do it norv or I used to be able to play the violin quite.well, but

I l ravcn , rp rac t ised i t fb rages .Whataboutyor , r lWhatd idyouusetobeab le todof lusedtobeob le to . . . ' . . . .

i ;;" ill ;;;.;;";;;;irn-g' ,r"'"ii ;"JJiii..;; u" "ui.," J.. i *'"rJ iL.;; ;. ;i" to speak E'grisr.rflr,reltly and I would like to be .able to ski urd so on. And youf What would you like to be able to dol

il; il;.. ;;; ; i;; ;;,h;"g' ,r'"l i n";" ;;"; ;"; ;i; ;; ;. il ; ;;;;; ;i"r. ir'", r wiil evcr be abrcto. I have never been able to climb a rope and I've never been ablc to stand on my hands. How about youl

What have vou never been able to dol

3 Complete the sentences with can I can't I could I couldn't + one of these words. Eg1szitse ki a

.oridutokut a ,,can I can't / could / couldn't" segedigekkel 6s a megadott igekkel!

hear smell see remember understand recognize swim learn

1. I think somebody is knocking at the door. (on you heor it?

2."My l-rusband is rnaking a cake." "Yes, I . . . . . . . . ' i t ' "

3 . She has to ld mc her name. bu t L . . ' . . . . . . . i t .

4. Yesterday I was so tired that .... anydring'

5. it 1,our brotl-rer ar rhe parryl L... ....... hirn. lle used to be fatter.

6. L.. much because a very tall man was sitting in front of me '

7. When I was younger I ... '...... across Lal<e Balaton'

B. L. . . . . why he is doing drat.

4 Complete the answer to the questions with waslwere able to. Eg|szitse ki a vdlaszokat a ,,wasl

were able to" szerkezettel 6s egy odaillS igevel!

1. A: Did evcrybody pass the examlB : Although it wasn't easy at all, everybod y wos oble lo pass it.

2. A: Did you fir-rish the new project before the deadlinefB: Well, we had to work day and night, but we

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3. A: What happened to the girl who fell off the roo0B: She had serious injuries but the doctors arrived just in time and th.y ..........

4. A: I don't understand how the robber managed to escape from the prison.B; Well, I don't think that ..... alone. It's certain that somebody helped him.

5. A: How was your first lesson with my litde brotherf Did you explain to him everything)B: To tell you the truth, he isn't very quick on the uptake, but I . .. . . .. . everydringthat he wanted.

5 Complete fhe sentences using could, couldn't or waslwere able to. Egeszftse ki a mondatokata ,,could, coLtldn't" vagy a ,,waslwere able to" segedigdkkel!

l. It was a very difficult mathematical problem, but we were ohle to solve it.2.My father liked playing music very much. He .... ..... play the trumpet well.3. I sprained my ankle that's why I ....... .... go to the parry last night.4. The photocopier broke down so she ..... make any copies for the lesson.5. ]ason never stays in his office but in the morning L..... speak to him at last.6. The students spoke Bnglish very well but I ....... ..... hear that they weren't English.7.The oil which spilled into the sea killed a lot of animals. The conservationists ...

rescue only some of them.8. Although his car got a puncture he . .. get there on rime, because his sister gave

him a lift.9. First he didn't want to propose ro thar girl but L..... ....,.. convince him.

I0. I left my purse at home so L.. pay at dre checkout.

6 Translate the senfences. Forditsa le a mondatokat!

I. lov6 hiten sem tudunk taldlkozni.2. Ezer ive nem tudtam beszdlni vele.3. Bdr rid<ozben az aut6nk lerobbant, sikeri.ilt pontosan odairni atal6lkoz6ra.4. Kifutottak az id6b6l, fgy nem tudtrik a hat:irid6 el6tt benyujtani a pdlyizanrkat.5. Soha nem is nrdott ineke.lni.6. Lehet, hogy Sam tud neked segiteni.7. YalaJta tiz mrisodperc alatt futottam le a sziz m6teres tdvot.8. Bdr mdr korribban jdrtam ndla, mdgsem rudtam odataldlni.9. A kipen egy piros szoknyds kisldnyt l:itok.

10. Egy szerelmes asszonnyal nem lehet mit tenni.ll. Megpr6bdltuk meggylzni 6t, de nem sikeriilt.12. Sznretndm, ha tudndk folydkonyan beszilni angolul.13. Kiptelen voltam megdrteni, hogy midrt viselkedik igy14. Jack miir hetek 6ta nem tud aludni, mert a szomszid kutydja dlland6an ugat.15. Kem6nyen kellett dolgoznunk, de vdgiil is sil<eriilt megbirk6znunk ezzel a nehdz feladattal.16. Hallod ezt a zajtl17. Ldtod azt a f{rfit az ablaknril)18. Erzed az illatrit)19. Nem emlikszem, mit mondott az 6ra utdn.20. Elromlott az izenetrogzit1m, fgy senki sem rudott iizenetet hagyni.



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I. Kipes volt.

ld. Part I

2. Kdpes lenne / meg tudna csinrilni valamit.

(Feltiteles m6d, lehetsiges feltdtel)

(Nem) tudndk most aludni.I cowld (not) sleep now.

Aludhatnik.I could. sleep.

3. Val6szin(sig - Valami bekiivetkezhet,megvan ri az es6ly.

)ack bdrmikor telefondlhat.

Jack cowld. phone a.t any minute.


Kipes lett volna / meg tudott volna csindlni vala-mit.(Feltiteles m6d, lehetetlen feltdtel)

(Nem) tudtam volna aludni.I could. (not) hatte slept.

Aludhattam volna.I could, hane slept.

Val6szinfu dg - Valami bekcivetkezhetett,megvolt ri az es6ly, vagy nem kovetkezhetettbe, mert a kiiriiLlminyek nem engedtik.

]ack nem lehetett ott, mert akkor velem volt'

Jach couldn't have been tltere, because he woswith me nt thnt time.


1 Read the situations and make suggestions using could. Olvassa el a szitu6ciokat, es tegyen iavas-latokat. Haszn6lja a ,,could" segedigdt!

I. A; I don't know what to cook for dinner.B: (make scrambled eggs) Iou could make some scromhled eggs.

2. A: Have you got any idea where to go on holiday this yearlB : ( to Croat ia ) We . . . . . . . . . . . .

3. A: London is very big. I don't think we will find our way to Susan's house.B : ( b u y a m a p ) W e . . . . . . . . . . . . .

4. A: I'm late. I'm going to miss the train.B: ( take a ta-xi) You . . . . . . . . . . .

5. A: I have to learn English.B: (your wife/teach)

6. A: How can we get to the stationlB: (ask a passer-by) I don' t know We... . . . . . . . . . .

7. A: What shall I do at the weekendlB: (prepare for the exams) You.. . . . . . . . . . .

2 Complete the sentences with can or could. Sometimes either word is possible. Egeszitse ki a mon-

datokat a ,,can" vagy a ,,could" segedigekkel! Bizonyos mondatokn1l mindket segddige lehetsiges.

I. I'rn very sleepy I couldfall, asleep at once.2. The Browns .... arrive at any minute.3. I ... ..... understand why he is so lazil4. We bought a botde of port yesterday I ...... ... drink a glass of it now.

5. I don't think I .... go to see my Grandma at the weekend'6. Listen to the tongue twister I have just learnt. you say it after mel

7. "Well we don't seern to have any luck these days." 'Never mind. Things get better later'"

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8. "Flave you got any plans for dre weekendl" "Not, yet. But we ... go fishing."9. "What do you want to eat for lunchf" "I don't know But L. eat somedring sweet."

I0. ... you eat ten pancakes in one sittingl

3 Complete fhe senfences using could or could have and a suitable verb. Egeszitse ki a mondato-kat a ,,could" vagy ,,could have" segedigdkkel 6s egy-egy odail16 igdvel!

l. "Why didn't you come to the cinema last nightl" "l could have gone but I didn't feel like going."2. Why didn't you say that you were in Brighton. You ... ..... widr us. llotels are very

expensive in England.3. Are you coming to Brighton next week) If so, you ....... with us.4. You .... very exhausted after travelling twenty hours by bus.5. Why do you want to take a taxif Jack ... you to dre station, too.6. Why did you take a taxil Jack ... you to the station.7. Eventually we . last week, because one of my meetings was cancelled.B. I think skiing is easy to learn. Anyone how to ski.9. "Where were you on holiday last yearf " *I . . ... .. to Crete because one of my

friends invited me but I had to work all the summer."10. "Where are you going on holiday next sumrnerl" "Well I ....... to J'amaica to visit my

friends but I don't think I'll have enough lnoney to do so.

4 Complete the senfences with could have or couldn't have and a suitable verb. Eg1szitse ki amondatokat a,,could have" vagy,,couldn't have" segddig6kkel6s egy-egy odaill6 igdvel!

l. "The party was great, why didn't you comel" "Because I wasn't invited. Anlrway it doesn't lnatterbecauie Iiouldn'tlove gone, ihaci to work."

2. Whv didn't you tell me that you were going to Londonl My husband was going d-rere by car. He' . . . . y o u .

3. "Do you think it was Jack who broke into your flat)" "Well, as he has got an alibi, he

4. iilil ;;; il ;;;;; ::;." bread before but yesterday it ate some . It .....very hungry

5. "I'm sorry that I did.n't bring your bicycle back in time." "Never mind. Anyvay Iit as I broke my leg last week."

6. I wonder how you were able to persuade hirn. He is so stubborn. I ..l-rim.

7. My son isn't as clever as yours. He .. . . .. the exam after learning nothing.

5 Translate the sentences. Forditsa le a mondatokat!

l. Nagyon 6hes vagyf Elmehetndnk ebbe azld:jkinai dtterembe!2. Sz6lbatti,l volna. Tudtam volna kolcsonozni egy kis p6nzt.3. Meg tudtad volna venni azt a mos6gdper, de te soha nem rudsz donteni.4. Fel tudtdl volna kelni kordbban is, nem)5. Istenem. Mdr megint olyan friradt vagyok. Hdrom napig is tudndk aiudni.6. Olyan szomjas vagyok, hogy akdr egy liter vizet is meg tudndk inni. Nagyon kimerit6 a bicildizds.7. Nem tudtam volna elmenni Sue sziilinapi bulijdra, mert ald<or dolgoztam.B. Midrt vdrtdl megl Flazamehettdl volna.9. F6zhett6l volna valamit vacsordra. Olyan dhes vagyok.

10. Vehetndk neki egy sz6p vdzit, neml Imddja a Herendit.ll. Szerencsdtek volt. Mdg bent is dghettetek volna a hdzban.12. Felhivl-ratndd hitfi5n az igazgat6t. Alckor bent lesz az iroddban.f 3. Egy nagyon j6lal$st hirdettek a Napl6ban. Most fel is hivhatndd. Adom is a szdmot.14. Miirt hagytdl el) En orold<d nrdtalak volna szererni.15. Nem tudott volna Karen levizssiLzni aneolb6l. Semmit nem ranult.16. Kdr, hogy hazamentek, pedig iti is aludirattak volna.17. Nern tudtam volna segiteni Pdternek. Soha nem szereltem mig aut6t.tB. El tudndk most utazni Barbadosra. Olyan hideg van itt.19. Tornmal nem tal{lkozhatt|l tegnap, mert mdr egy hete ktilfoldon van.20. Az alibije nem el6g meggy6z6. Abban az id6pontban mdg nern lehetett otdron.


eA rA r






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MUST = Biztos, hogy..., MUST HAVE + IGE 3. ALAI$A =

Biztos, hogy...Minden bizonnyal bekcivetkezett valami.

Biztos, hogy hazadrt mdr.He must hape arriped horne.

Biztos, hogy otthon volt.He mwst ltat e been at home.

Bizonydra mdr 6rdk 6ta olvas.He rnwst batte been read:ing for howrs.

Biztos, hogy ald<or dpp aludt.He must have been sleeping then.

CAN'T HAVE + IGE 3. ALAKIA = Biztos,hogy nem kovetkezett be valami.

Biztos, hogy nem ment oda.He can't havegone there.

Biztos, hogy nem volt otdron.He can't hape been at honce.

Biztos, hogy akkor ipp Irem olvrrsc.rtt.He can't hape been read:ing then.

Minden bizonnyal bekiivetkezik valami.

Biztos, hogy tiz perc m/rlva megdrkezik.He mwst aryive in the next ten rninutes.

Biztos, hogy most otthon van.He rnwst be at home now.

Biztos, hogv most dpp olvas.He must be now.

CAN'T = Biztos: hogy nemkrivetkezik be valami.

Biztos, hogy ma nem jdn haza.He can't con'te horne tod.ay.

Biztos, hogy nincs otthon.He be at horne now.

Biztos, hogl, most nern olvas.He can't be rend.infi now.


1 Put in must or can't. Haszndlia a ,,must" vagy a ,,can't" segedigeket!

I. That shop must be very good. The clothes are very nice there.2. That shop . very good. The clothes are so cheap there.3. Have vou got a new job at Phillipsl You ... .. be very h"Ppy4. Kate ...... be at home. I talked to her in her office a few minutes ago.5. Tl-rey have won a lot of money on slot machines. They . ...... be drinking now

6. I cannot understand how Jane has grown her hair in such a short time . It ....... be real. That

is a wig.

2 Complete the sentences with a verb in the correct form. Egeszitse ki a mondatokat egy-egy

odaill6 igevel a megfelelf alakban!

1. I have lost my key I must hove dropped k somewhere at home.2. has noi lived in Veszprdm for a long time. He cln'lknowm ny people here.3. Frances loves music. She must a lot of CDs.4. Tim can't . to the Parrlt He was so ill'5. Mary can't . . now I saw her in the shop a few minutes ago'

6. Anita rnust . ...... at home. She was not at school today

$ riayterlrt

A val6szinfis6g kifejezesdre haszn:ilt MUST is MUST HAVE modrilis seg6digik TAGADO ALAKJA



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7.They must . ... for hours. They look so sweaty8. It's only seven o'clock and Jack is already in his office. FIe must very early9. They can't . .... in through this window The window has bars.

10. You can't . Mary yesterday because she has been in Germany for two weeks.1I. They can't . .... TVThere is no electriciry in the house.12. Sarah must.. ....... dancing lessons. She dances very well.

3 Read the situations and use the words in brackets to write senfences with must have and can'thave. Olvassa el a szitu1ciokat 6s alkosson mondatokat a z1rojelben megadott szavakkal, a,,mLtst have" 6s a ,,can't have" segddigdk felhaszn1l1sdval!

1. I can't find my purse. (somebody / steal I it I on the bus)Somebody must hove stolen it on the bus.

2. There was some lipstick on her husband's shirt. (he / be / urfaithful / to her.)

3. Jack didn't learn anything but he got a five for his test-paper. (he / use / a cheat-sl"reet.)

4. Tim failed his exams. (he / learn / anything)


5. My litde daughter woke up crying. (she / have / bad dreams)

6. When drey got home, it was very hot in the flat. (they / forget / to rurn the heating off;

7. I asked my secretary to post a letter but when I went to the office it was still on her desk. (she /remembe iT to pos t i t ) . . : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

B. They drove past me without stopping. (they / see / me)

9. TI're window of his living room was broken. (somebody / break into / the house)

10. Jason wanted to borrow some money from me. (he / spend / his rnoney / on gambling)

4 Translate the sentences. Forditsa le a mondatokat!

l. Ndzd azt a f1rfit azzal alag:u6,rral! Biztos sok pdnze van.2. O biztos nem b(nos. Mdgaldgynek sem tudna drtani.3. Biztosan nem hiilydskedik. O nem szereti a vicceket.4. Pr6b{ld meg felhivni most! Biztos.otthon van mdr.5. Biztos, hogy nincs azkoddjdban. Epp most besziltem a tid<drn6j€vel.6. Biztos nern fogja jelenteni az igyer a rend6rsdgen. Tril gyiva abhoz.7. Biztos nem fogja elmondani a tidcdt.B. Biztos ralilsz majd valakit, aki szeretni fog tdged.9. Biztos nem ismeri a szabiilyokat.

I0. Biztos, hogy most nem dolgoznak. Scit6t van az iroddban.1I. Ezer 6ve nem taldlkoztam a. szomszddaimmal. Biztosan elutaztak.12. Esik azes6, de nem taldlom az eserny6met. Biztosan otdragytam az iskoldban.13. Ddvid sok mindent vett mostandban. Biztosan megnyerte a f6nyererndnyt.14. Ugy volt, hogy Paul tizkor megdrkezik. Biztosan nem ialdlt ide.15. Patsy az ellerl<ez6jdt csindlta annak, amit kdrtem t6lem. Biztosan nem drtette, amit mondtam neki.16. ,"N4idrt nem vetted fel a telefontf " ,,Biztosan nem hallottam, hogy csdrog, mert 6pp zuhanyoztam."17. Nem taldlom az i.igyfelem ndvjegykdrrydjdt. Biztosan az dtteremben hagytam tegnap este.18. Biztos, hogy Pdter mir )6 ideje ezen az eW konyvon dolgozik.19. Mivel sohasem zirtad le a biciklidet, biztosan valaki ellopta.20. Biztos, hogy nem halt meg. Erzem, hogy m6g mindig dl.










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MooarLr secEorcEr


MAY/MAY NOT =Val6szin( hogy valami bektivetkezik.Val6szinii, hogy valami nem kcivetkezik be.

Val6szinri, hogy (nem) taldlkozik vele.He rnay (not) rneet her

Val6szinfi, hogy otthon van.He way be at home.

Val6szinri, hogy nincs otthon.He ma.y not be at home.

Val6szinri, hogy most ipp (nem) olvas.He ruay (not) be now.


Lehet, hogy valami bekcivetkezik.Lehet, hogy nem kcivetkezik be.

Lehet, hogy (nem) taldlkozik vele.He might (not) rneet hirn.

Lehet, hogy otthon van.He might be at bonce.

Lehet, hogy nincs otthon.He rnight not be at horne.

Lehet, hogy most (nem ) olvas.He rnight (not) be now.

TO BE LIKELY TO DO =Yal6szin(i, hogy...(May ds might helyett hasznilhatjuk.)

Val6szinri, hogy otthon van.He is lihely to be at honre.

Nem nagyon val6szin(, hogy idejon.He is not very lihely to come here.


Yal6szinti, hogy valami bekcivetkezett.Val6szinii, hogy valami nem kcivetkezett be.

Val6szhri, hogy (nem) taliilkozott vele.He may (not) haue rnet her

Yal6szinii, hogy otthon volt.He may hape been at horne.

Val6szinff, hogy nem volt otthon.He may not have been at home.

Val6szinri, hogy mrir 6rdk 6ta olvas.He may hnve been for bours.

Val6szinii, hogy ald<or 6pp olvasott.He may hape been then.


Lehet, hogy valami bekiivetkezett.Lehet, hogy nem kiivetkezett be.

Lehet, hogy (nem) taldlkozott vele.He rnight (not) have met him.

Lehet, hogy otthon volt.He rnight have been at horne.

Lehet, hogy nem volt otthon.He might not hape been at horne.

Lehet, hogy 6rdk 6ta olvas.He might ltaye been read,ing for hours.

Lehet, hogy ald<or olvasott.He might have been then.

Miltatl ankodris kifej ezese :

Igazi^n felhivhatott volna.He might baw phoned. rne.

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MopaL vrnas


Ak'ir meg is eheted.

Akdr le is fordithatom.

Akdr meg is ihatja.


= Akir be is kovetkezhet valami.

'ku rnight ns well eot it. Yagy

'hu mny as well eat it.

I rnay as well nanslate it.I rnight as well nandate it.

He rnight as well drinh it.He rnay ns well d.rinh it.

Paraphrase the sentences using may or might. Alakftsa 6t a mondatokat a ,,frdy" 6s ,,might" se-g 6d ig e k fe I h aszn 6 I 6 sdva I !

l. I don't know if Mary is at home now Perhaps she is. She might he ul home.2. Perhaps they are in the pub. ..........3. Perhaps she is kidding. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4. It is likely that Tom is working now: ..........5. It is likely drat he wants to come with us.6. I don't know if they'll come to dre party Perhaps they will. ..........7. It is likely that we can cope with this problem. (use "be able to")

8. Perhaps they can carry out their plan. (use "be able to")

9. It is likely tl-rat we'll have to take it back today.........I0. I don't know if Paul was at dre party yesterday Perhaps he was.ll. It is likely that they were bored with the lecture.12. Perhaps they went home after the meeting13. It is likely that she had to rent a flat..........

14. Perhaps I have left my gloves in the theatre.15. Perhaps she was having a shower then...........16. It is likely that they were playing cards. .........17. Perhaps they have been going out together for a while.lB. It is not very likely drat Jill is in love with him. ..........19. Perhaps she doesn't want to speak to you. ..........20. I don't think they will come to school today ........2I. Perhaps they didn't understand the task.22.Itis likely drat he wasn't feeling well ...........

2 Complete the sentences with a verb in the correct form. Egeszitse ki a mondatokat egy-egy oda-ill6 igevel a megfelel6 formdban!

l. "Whose is drat bicyclef" "I don't know It moy/night 6e Tom's."2. "What do you drink the Browns are doing now|" "I'm not sure. They ..... TV'3. 'What do you think they have spent dreir money onf" "I don't know They . .. a flat."4. *Why did your brodrer put on his suit last nightf " "I'm not sure. lle ......... his

girlfriend to the theatre."5. "Who was that pretty woman with your brotherf" "I don't know It ...... his

new colleague."6. "Where is your hatf " "I don't know I ...... . it in dre taxi."



5 td

6 R ealA

t .

2 .

3 .

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3 Complete the sentences using might + one of these verbs. Egeszftse ki a mondatokat a megfe-lel6 igevel a ,,might" segddige felhaszndl1sdval!

skid kitl call need wat<e drop

l. firrrr down tl-re volume . You mighl woke the children.2. Be careful with that box. It's very heavy You ... ......... it.3. Don't drrow the rcceipt away You ....... it if you want to make a complaint.4. Drive slowly The roads are very slippery The car5. Don't dr ink d-rat water ' . I t . . . . . . . . . . . . you.6. Don't switch off dre mobile. Our son ..... us later.

4 Complete the sentences using might be able to or might have to + a suitable veib. Egdszitseki a mondatokat egy-egy odaill6 igdvel, 6s a ,,might be able to" 6s ,,might have to" segddigekfelhasznAl6s6val!

climb resit work do lend

I. It's not an easv exercise but we might he ohle to do it.2. I don't plan anything for the weekend because I ...... at the weekend, tocl.

3 . I don ' t th ink I ' ve passed dre exam. I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i t .4. Why don't yott borrow some money from Frank) He . . . : . . . . . . .

. . . . . . ' . yol l solne.5. This rock is very steep but we . . . . . . . . r t .

5 Read the situations and make sentences from the words in brackets. lJse may or might. Olvassa el

a szitu6ci6kat, 6s alkosson mondatokat a zdrojelben megadott szavakkal! Haszn6lia a ,,may" 6s

,,might" segedigeket!

l. Do you know where |ack is|A) (lre I go I cinema) He moy hove gone lo the tineno.B) (he /6ave /ashower )

2. I don't k-now what she is doing here.A) (she / look I for lthe director) . . .B) (she / leave / sometl'ring / here )

3. I wonder why I haven't seen him todayA) (he I Ber l i l l ) . . . . . . . . . . . . .B) (he / rvork / at home)

4. Have you seen my slippers? I can't find them.A) (they / be / under the bed)B) (dre dog / take / thern / into the kennel)

5. I wor-rder why Torn didr-r't come to work on SanrrdayA) (hc lbe l tu ) : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .B) (he I not lknow / drat Saturday was a working dry)...........

6 Read the situations and make sentences with maylmight as well. Olvassa el a szitudciokat, es

alkosson mondatokat a ,,may/might as well" szerkezettel!

1. You don't know what to do at the weekend. You'll have a lot of free time to go to the cinema or tcl

the theatre. Your friend asks: What shall we do at the weekendl You say: Wemightaswellgotothecinemobecause we'll have a lot of free time .

2. You go to the hairdresser but you don't have much idea about rvhat kind of hairdo you would like .

It's all rhe same to you if the hairdresser dyes it or not. Your hairdresser asks: What would you like

me to do with your hairl You say:3. Your colleague asks if lre should copy the letter or not. It is not so important but you say:

4. You are ar a petrol station where dre attendant asks if he should clean the windows of vour cer. Thev

rlre not so dir tv but you say: . . . . . . . . . . .


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Moonl vrRas

7 Paraphrase the sentences following the example. Use to be likely to / to be not (very) likelyto. Alakitsa 5t a mondatokat a pelda alapjdn! Hasznalja a ,,to be likely to /to be not (very) likelyto" szerkezeteket!

1. It is not very likely that Susanne is there. Susonne is not very likely to he there.2. It is not likely drat Jason will understand it.3. It is likely that we'll win the race.4. It is likely that he is worried about us. .............5. It is not likely drat dre Hudsons are still in the offrce

B Translate the sentences. Forditsa le a mondatokatl

l. Terry lehet hogy nincs otthon.2. Yal6szin$leg Paul a tengerentflra megy tanulmdnyi ritra.3. Hdtvdgdn lehet hogy otthon alszom.4. ,,I{ol van Tomf" ,,Lehet, hogy az erkdlyen dohdnyzik."5. ,Mi ez a zajl" ,,A macska val6szinfleg 6pp az egereket kergeti a padldson."6. ,,Nem taldlom ]uditot.",,Val6sziniileg ipp ebddel."7 . Lehet, hogy taldlkozom ma az uj f1nokommel.B. ,,FIol van a sapkddf " ,,Lehet, hogy a kocsiban hagytam."9. Lehet, hogy Jancsi ds Juliska eltdvedtek az erd6ben.

I 0. Val6szinrileg rossz szimot tircs6rzt6rL.ll. Nem vaI6szinfr, hogy ongyilkos lett.L2. Lehet, hogy nem drtette a kdrddst.13. Nem nagyon val6szinii", hogy valaha mlg:6jra ldtom 6t.14. Nem val6szinii, hogy meghiv az eskiiv6jdre.15. Val6szinrileg meg fog bocsdtani neked.16. Val6szinil, hogy vissza fogj'iL utasitani az ajinlarodat.17. ,Jvlit csindlt abityid tegnap este cid<orl" ,,Val6szintilega szobi,46rban tanult."I8. ,,N4idrt nem jott el /erry a sztilinapi bulimra|",,Val6szinfileg nem {rezte j6lmagdt."19. Val6szinfleg mdr dvek 6ta az ul konyvln dolgozik.20. Lehet, hogy mdr hetek 6ta az rij projekttel foglalkozik.2L Igazin segithettdl volna megcsindlni ahizimat.



MAY/CAN = Engeddlyt kdrhetiink, vagyengeddlyt adhatunk valamire.may - udvarias, form{liscan - bizalmas, infbrmiilisA ,,MAf'-t ilyen drtelelnben csak jelenid6ben haszndljuk.

Nem ldphet be.'Ttw

rnny not enter

Ide rnny sit here.

TO BF, ALLOWED TO = Engedilyt kirhetiinkvagy engeddlyt adhatunk valamire.

Egysznr(i jelen, egyszerii mult, egyszmii j6v6,befejezett jelen ds befejezett mriLlt id6benhasznrflhat6.

Nem ldohetnek be.They are not allowed. to enterNem ldphettek be.They were not allowed. to enterNem liphetnek majd be.They won't be allowed. to enter.Nem ldphetnek be mdr dvek 6ta.They haue not been allowed. to enter for years.Miel6tt engeddyt nem kaptak, nem ldphettek be.They hod. nzt been allowed. t0 enter before they gotperwission.


2 1I

3 C6

4 R tfe





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Mooaru srcEorcEr

LET SY DO STH -Hagyja, engedi, hogy valaki valamit csindljon. (Nem seg6dige, de itt tdrgyaljuk.)

Nem dohdnyozhat itt.hw may not srnohe here.

Nem engedtem meg,hogy begyere.Ne engedd, hogy bejojjon!Hadd menjek belMenjtink be.


76u are not alhwed. to srnohe here.Srnoking is not nllowed here.

I didn't le t you come in.

Don't let hirn corue in.Let me go in.Let\ (us) go in.

You may not smoke here.


Read the instructions and ask people for permission. Use may or can. Az utasitdsok alapjdn kerjenengedelyt bizalmas vagy udvarias hangvetelben! Hasznllja a ,,may" vagy a ,,can" seg6digeket!

l. Ask a man on the bus if you can sit down next to him. lvloy I sit here?2. Ask if you can use your colleague's mobile phone .3. Ask if you can borrow your friend's pen. .........4. Ask your boss if you can open the window5. Ask your supplier if you can have his name.6. Ask your sister if you can use the computer. ..............

Readthe following nofes and explain whatthey mean. Use may. Olvassa el a kovetkezSfelirato-kat, es magyardzza el, hogy mit jelentenek!

3 Complete the senfences with to be (not) allowed to + a suitable verb. Olvassa el a szitu6ciokat,6s alkosson mondatokat a,,to be (not) allowed to" szerkezeftelds egy-egy odaill6 igevel!

I. When I was in Rome I wosn'l ullowed to enfer dre Saint Peter's Cathedral in shorts.2. You ..... photos in the museum.3. If you don't show your season ticket, you ... ...... the bus.4. She ...... whisky in the pub because she was under age.5. Peter . . ... a packet of cigarettes in the shop because he was old enough.6. You in the casde only if you put on these funny slippers.

4 Rewrite the sentences using let sy do sth. Alakitsa 6t a mondatokat a ,,let sy do sth" szerkezetfelhaszn6lSsltval!

l. I allow you to leave the room. llet you leuve the roon.2. She won't allow you to smoke in the flat.3.My father didn't a-llow me to go dancing. ...............4. Her husband doesn't allow her to work.5. Paul allowed his sister to use his walky-taILy.............6.My daughter always allows the dog to sleep in her bed............7.I wtll never allow you to marry that man. He is a swindler.8. ]ack has never allowed his brothers to enter his room without knocking.


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Mooal vrnss

5 Rewrite the sentences using to allow sy to do sth. Alakftsa 5t a mondatokat a ,,to allow sy to

do sth" szerkezet felhaszndlSsdval!

I. Slre let me use her car. lhe ullowed me lo use her cur.2. Our teacher always lets us go home before the end of the lesson.3. Your mother will never let you keep pets in the flat.4. Tina has never let her childt'en use nasty words'5. His wife didn't let him go to dre pub with his friends.6. Tom let her use his credit card.7. I wouldn't let him speak to you like that. ...........

6 Translate the sentences. Forditsa le a mondatokat!

l. Elndzdst, bejohetekf2. Hello Iackl El tudsz vinni kocsival)3. Sajndlom. A jelsz6 megaddsa nem ldphet be.4. Mrs Black, elvehetem a kabdtjrit)5. Att6l tartok, itt nem dohdnyozhat.6. Megadn:i a nevit is a telefons z6,mdtl (Megkaphatnti*' . .)7. Mr ]ackson, vedretek egy pillantdst a rajzokral8. Jessica, haszndlhatom a telefonodat)9. Kdzikonyvet nem vihet ki a konlvtdrb6l.

10. Nem engedtdk meg, hogy besz6ljek az iigyvidemmel.11. Nem fogj{k engeddlyezni neki, hogy elhagyja az dpiiletet.12. A bazilikdba nem engednek beldpni miniszoknydban.13. Csak akkor engedik meg, hogy elolvasd ezeket a dokumentumokat, ha nem beszdlsz r6luk senkinek.

14. Ml.gsenkinek sem engedtdk meg, hogy dsatdsokatvtgezzen ezen a teriileten.15. Sohasem fogom hagyni, hogy elmenj.16. Midrt hagytad, hogy megaiizzon?17. En nem hagyndm, hogy a gyerekeim igy viselkedjenek'IB. Tom megengedte a ldnydnak, hogy elvigye ̂ z ̂ ut6jdl19. Eva mindig rnegengedi a gyerekeinek, hogy kis6n fekiidjenek le.

20.Te rnegengedted mrir valaha is valakinek, hogy elolvassa a napl6datl




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MUST = kellI(citelessdg kifejez6sdre (bels6 kdnyszer).

El kell mennem, mert mdr sotdtedik,ds f6lek a sotdtben.I rnwst leme, becawse it's gening d'nrhand,Irn afraid. of the d.nrh.

Csak rillit6 ds csak jelen idej( alakja van.

Thgadris: a 'have to" megfelel6 igeidejii'tagad6 alakjdt haszn:iljuk.

HAVE TO = kellKcitelessdg l<rfejezns6re (ktiLls6 kdnyszer).

El kell mennem, mert ltalnarosan megy avonatom.I hnve to lenve becawse my leaves soon.

F.;gy szer6 j elen, egy szrrii m(rlt, e gysz e16 jov 6,befejezett jelen ds befejez'ett mflt id6benhasznrilhat6.

El kell mennem. I haYe to leave.Nem kell elmennem. I dnn't hat e to leape.El kellett mennem. I had' to leme.Nem kellett elmennem. I d'id.n't hatte to leove.El kell majd mennem. I will have to lenve.Nem kell majd elmennem. Iwon't have to leave.Egy hete iskoldba I bnve had. to go tokell jdrnom. school for nweelz'


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Mooarrr srcrorcrr

MUSTNT = tilos, nem szabad

Itt tilos dohdnvozni . hu nr.wstn't sncohe here.Neki ncm szabacl innia. He ynwstn't c{rinh.

NEED TO DO = Sziiksiges, kell, egyszerfds befejezett jelen ill. mflt id6ben,tovdbbri jciv6 id6ben haszndlhat6.I DON'T NEED TOOda ke ll mcnncm. I need. to go there.Ncrn kell odamennem. I don't need. togo tbere.Odir l<ellctt rllerutetrr. I needed to go there.Ncrn lrellett odamemem. I did,n't ncecl togo there.

NEEDN'T HAVE + IGE 3. ALAI$A =Nem kellett volna, nem lett volna szi.iksiges

Nem kcllert volna iskoldba mennern. (Deeltncrttcrn, is ott veffern dszre, hogl, sziinet van.)I ne edn't have gone to school.


Egv hete nem kell I hnven't had to go toiskoldba jdrnom. scbool for n weeh.El kellett mennern) I hnd had. to leapemiel6tt mcgdrkcztck. before they arciverl.

NEED DO = Sziiksdges, kell, csak jelen id6benhaszn{lhat6.NEEDN'T DO

I need.go thereI need.n't go there.

DIDN'T HAVE TO =Nem kellett

Nem kellett iskoliibamennem. (Nem is mentem.)I didn't hatte to go to school.

1 Put the sentences into the given form. Alakitsa 5t a mondatokat a megadott formdba!

l. I hilve to finish my work before the deadline. (future simple) lwillhuvetofinishmyworkbeforethedeodline.2. She must go home. (simple past) . . . . . . . . . .3. We rnust visit him ir-r the hospital. (simple past) .............4. You must practise it. (future simple, negative)5. Jack didl't have to use his calculator. (future sirnple, positive)6. You won't havc to go there. (simple past, positive) ..............

2 Complete these sente nces with must or have to + one of the following verbs. Egeszitse ki amondatokat a ,,must" vagy ,,have to" segddig{vel 6s a megfelel6 igevel!

go move speak (2x) apologize fly help p.a.-.y do

L Don't bothe r about the money, I've got enough. You don'l hove to pay for any.thing.2. Sal ly is in trouble . I . . . . . . . . . . . . . her.3. Torn was your uncle . You .. to his funeral.4. I . .. . . ... to New York next month. The conference has been cancelled due to the

terror attack.5. Last month L..... ..... out of dre flat I rented. Its owner wants to sell it.6. I think \/otl .. ....... to your son, when he comes home from England.7. I ... .. . my best if I don't want to fail.8. You .... about it if you don't wanr ro.9. I tl'rir-rk she ... ... to Sally She was very rude to her.

3 Complete fhese sentences with mustn't or don'tl doesn't have to. Egeszitse ki a mondatokat a,,mustn't" vagy ,,don't / doesn't have to" segedigdkkel!

1. Jack has problerns with his heart. He nustn'l overwork.2. I will support the family You . . . . .... find a job.

9 1

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MooRL vrnss

3. I can stay up late tonight because tomorrow I ...... ....... get up early

4. Sue has diabetes. She ....... eat any sweets.5. You ...... cross dre road when the light is red'6. Be nice to Mr Nicolson. We ... ... hurt him, he is a very important client.

7 . We . . . ... .. go by bus. Tim has lent me his car.8. I ... forget our wedding anniversary otherwise my wife won't speak to me.

4 Make questions with have to. Tegyen fel kerdeseket a ,,have to" seg6digdvel!

I. Last month I had to borrow two hundred pounds from him.FIow much money did you have to bonow from hin?

2. We will have to travel to San Francisco next month.Where

3. |essie has to find a new job.

W h o . . . . . . . . . . .4. They had to meet an urgent delivery

whv .5. I had to stay in a hotel for a couple of weeks.

How long6. We will have to speak to Julie about our plan.

Who ..7 . I have to buy the tickets today

W h a t . .

8 i


5 Put the sentences into the given form. Alakitsa 5t a mondatokat a megadott form6ba!

I. You needn't do it. (future simple) You won't need to do il.2. I need go home. (simple past) ..........3. You don't need to explain it. (simple past) ..........4. She needs to write it down. (future simple)5. I needn't type it. (simple past) ..........6. He won't need to check i t . (s imple present) (2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' . . . ' . . '

7.They needed to meet him. (simple present) (2) .............8. He will need to fil l the tank. (simple present) (2) .............

6 IJse to where necessary. Tegye ki a ,,to"-t, ahol sztiksdges!

L I wanted to buy some bread but I didn't need lo because my husband had already bought some.

2.If we want to reach the target, we'll need ........ work hard next month.3. She needed . . . . . . .. fire him because he had stolen money from his colleagues.4. I needn't . learn now so we can go out.5. She need ....... meet him at the station today6. She needs . . . . . . . . . speak to him now.7.They won't need ....... find another flat because the owner doesn't want to raise the rent.8. You needn't ........ worry I've already arranged everything.9. He need ........ take a taxi if he doesn't want to be late.

I0. He needs .. go by bus, because the school is a long way from his house.

7 Read the situations and make senfences with needn't have. Olvassa el a szitudci6kat, majd al'kosson mondatokat a ,,needn't have" segedigevel!

I. I bought rwo tickets for the film tonight but later it turned out that my wife had also bought tickets.I needn'l hove hought tkkets.

2. Tom had lunch in a salad bar but when he arrived home he found that his wife had cooked somethingfor lunch. He . . . . . . . . . . . .



9 n


II1.' t 'l .

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Page 90: Németh Katalin - Angol nyelvtan

Mooarrr seceorcer

3. Wher-r she went on a trip, Sheila took her walkman with her but she didn't listen to it in tl-re end.S h e . . . . . . . . . . . .

4. I went to school on Wrednesday but it turr-red out thilt it was a holiday

5. Jill used a public phone to make a phone call because she thought she had left her mobile irt home .Later she found her mobile in her bag. She

6. I called a mechanic to repair my television but later it turned out that my television wasn't out of ordcr,there was only a power cut. I . ... . . ...

8 Read the situations and make sentences with needn't have or didn't have to and the verbs inbrackets. Olvassa el a szituAci6kat, 6s alkosson mondatokat a ,,needn't have done" vagy a ,,didn'thave to" szerkezetekkel !

1. Yesterday I stal,sd in bed late because it was Sunday (get up) I didn'l have lo gel up eorly.2. Yesterday I got up early because I drought d-rat I had to go to work. Later it turned out that I didn't

need to work that day (get up) . . . . . . . . . . . .3. When I looked out of the window dre sun was shining. (takc an umbrella)4. Wl-ren I looked out of the window it was cloudy so I took an umbrella with me. In the end it didn't rain.

(take an umbrella)5. Last week my husband was away (rnake lunch)6. I rnade lunch for my husband but when my husband arrived home he said he had had lunch. (make


9 Translate the sentences. Forditsa le a mondatokat!

l. O a legjobb bar{tod, meg kell bocsdtanod neki.2. Tudod, hogy mikor kell kimenned el6 az dllomdsra)3. Helyet kell tal{lnunk a kom6dnak. Nem dobhatjuk ki.4. Gondoskodnod kell r6la. O a l{nyod.5. H{nyszor kell mdg elmondanom neked, hogy szeredekl6. Midrt kellett bosszantanod az angol tandrodatl7. Mir lliirom h6napja kell szednem ezeket a gy6gyszereket.8. Nem sziiksdges hazakis6rnetek. Egyedil is hazataldlok.9. Ha el akarom tartani a csalddom, taldlnom kell egy j6 dlldst.

I0. Nem volt sziiksdg arra, hogy kihrvjuk az orvost.11. Nem szi.iksdges elmagyarinnod, hogy mi is tortdnt val6jdban.12. Nem lesz sziiksdg arra, hogy lakdst keressetek. Maradhattok ndlunk is.13. Ha magas a vdrnyomdsod, nem szabad kdvdt innod.14. Ha nern akarsz infarktust kapni, nem szabad tulhajszolnod rnagad.15. Nem ldtja a tdblitl Itt tilos megrillni.16. Ebben a t6ban tilos riszni.17. kr nem parkolh^t az a:utf)6val. I(i.ilonben elvontatjdk.18. Nem kellett volna el6fvetnem a Newsweekre . A fdrjem mir el6ftzetett 16.19. Nem kellett angol6rdra mennem tegnap ddlutdn, mert a taniirn6 telefondlt, hogy beteg.20. Nem kellett volna iskoldba mennem tegnap, de csak ott jottem rd, hogy mdjus elseje van.2l. Nem kellett volna sietnem. mert a busz harminc Dercet kdsett.


SHOULD/SHOULDN'T =Kellene / Nem kellene /Nem lenne szabad csinrilni valamit.

Abba kellene hagynia a dohdnyzist.He should.give up swohing.


Kellett volna / Nem kellett volna / Nem lett volnaszabad csinrilni valamit.

Abba kellett volna hagynia a doh{nyzdst.He showld. bavegben ap srnohing.


Page 91: Németh Katalin - Angol nyelvtan

MooRL veRss

Nem kellene komolyan venned.fru should,n't tahe it seri.owsly.

Most a vizsgdimra kellene kdszi.iL-rcim,I should. be preparing fo, *y exa.r'ns nlw.

F{aza kellene mennedlSbould. you go horne?


Vdlaszolnunk kellene a leveldre.W owght to reply to his lener

Nem kellene visszautasftania.'fru

owghtn't to turn it d.own.

Mikor kellene megdrkeznern)What tim.e oaght I to arrive?

go to an estate agency

Nem kellett volna komolyan venned'frw showld,n't have tahen it serioudy.

Eg&z nap angolt kellen volna tanulnia.He should. hnve been leanting English all d'ny long.

Haza kellett volna mennedlShowld. yow hnve gone horne?



IJgyanaztjelenti, mint a rrshould", azonban az rrought to" gyakrabban fordul el6 hivatalos kozegben.

(Pl. torvdnyekben, rendelkezdsekben, szabilyzatokban.)

Vdlaszolnunk kellett volna a leveldre.W ought to hnve replifd to his letter

Nem kellett volna oaghtn't to hnve turryted. it d.own.

4 R


1 Give some advice to fhese people. tJse should or shouldn't. Adion tandcsot a kovetkezd embe-reknek! Haszndlja a ,,should" vagy a ,,shouldn't" segedigdt!

propose to her tafte-cxtrrfcssonsdo exercises

eat any sweetsget divorced work so much 5 U :


I. Iason is bad at maths. He shouldtukeexlralessons.2. Paul is a litde bit overweight. He3. Tiacy wants to keep fit. She4. Jane wants to find a buyer for her house. She ............5. "I really love Anna." "You

6. Jack and Patsy are always quarrelling. They .........7. "I am very tired." "You .........

2 Complete the sentences with should (not) or should (not) have * the verb in brackets. Egdszit-

se ki a mondatokat a ,,should (not)" vagy ,,should (not) have" segedigekkel 6s a zdr6ielben meg-

adott igek megfelel6 alakjdval!

I. You shouldn't argue (argae) with Sue. She never lets anybody persuade her.2. Before buying that expensive television, you ..... (speak) to your wife'

3. Has dre plumber arrived yetl Not yet but he .... ."... (arrive) soon'

4. Helen missed the bus in dre morning. She ....... .. (g"t) up earlier.

5 . I d o n ' t k n o w w h a t t o d o . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ( s t a y ) o r ' , . . ' . . . ' . I ( g o ) f

6. The committee didn't accept Jeremy's application. He .. . . .... .. (hand) it in before

the deadline.7. "Why .. $ lhelp) herf" "Because she is your best friend."

8. What a fool I am. I (take) your advice, but I was too stubborn.

9. Jessie . (fail) but the teachers were very lenient.10. You .(accept) his offer. It wasn't fair.



6 Tra




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Mooaru srcEorcEr

3 Read the situations and write sentences with should (not), should (not) be -ing, should (not)have, should (not) have been -ing. Olvassa el a szitudciokat, 6s alkosson mondatokat a meg-adott szerkezetekkel!

1. Tl'rat m'an suffered serious injuries because he hadn't fastened his seat belt. lle should hove fostened his seotbelt.

2. The clrildren are playing ir-r the rniddle of the road. A car might come at any time. Theyshouldn'tbeplaying in the middle of the road.

3. Your husbar-rd goes home from work early in the afternoon. You are very surprised because at thist ime l - re i s usua l ly a t work . Ask h im: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . )

4. You disapprove of your colleague's behaviour, speaking very loudly while you were having lunch in anlce restaurant. F{e

5. Yesterdav I didn't listen to the teacher so I didn't know what the homework was.L . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

6. You irre afririd that you'll miss your flight because the ta-ri driver is driving very slowlyH c . . . . . . . . . . . .

7. Your colleague went to see you rvithout phoning you. You weren't prepared for that.S h e . . . . . . . . . . .

B. Your business partner promised to get to dre restaurallt before five o'clock. Now it's ten past five ar-rdhe is no t there ye t . He. . . . . . . . . . . . .

4 Rewrite the sentences using ought to. Alakitsa 5t a mondatokat az ,,ought to" felhaszndl1sdval!

l. Do you think I should give up this job? Do you think I ought to give up this ilb?2. You should havc invi ted her. . . . . . . . . . . . .3. Paul shouldn't spend too much money4. Everybody should keep dre rules. .........5. We shouldn' t have punished her. . . . . . . . . . . . .6. He sl-rould be clriving more careftil ly .............

5 Use your own ideas to react. Use should or ought to. TalSlja ki, hogy mit mondana a kovetkez6helyzetekben! Haszn1lja a ,,should" vagy az ,,ought to" segddig1ket!

L I'm bored, I don't know what to do. Iou should read o hook then.2. I drunk too rnuch and I damaged my car. You shouldn't hove driven drunk.3. I missed the bus and I didn't get to the airport in time .4. I tirink I am a bit fat.5. He always wants to keep everything for himself.6. Sue was late for school, because she had overslept.7. It's ll o'clock and rny neigl-rbour is playing the violin.

6Translate the sentences. Forditsa le a mondatokat!

l. Nern kellene becsapnod. 6 ann,il tobbet 6rclemel.2. Figyelned kellene arra, amit mondok neked.3. Abba kellene hagynia a tul6rizitst, ha nem akar megbetegedni.4. Ertesitenem kellett volna 6t a vdltozdsokr6l.5. Midrt kellett volna figyelmeztetneml6. Nem kellene rni.r otthon lenned)7. Meg kellett volna vddenem, de nem mertem belekeveredni.8. Nern kellen volna 6rdkon dt vdrnod rd.9. Szerinted mit kellene tennernf

10. En sz6 ndlktil elhagyndm.11. Ezt a szekrdnyt a szoba mdsik oldaldra kellene tenned.12. Thl:ilnia kcllcne valakit, akiben megbizhat.13. Meg kellene kdrdezniink aput, hog1, mi a vdlemdnye err6l.

9 5

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tr4. Nincs j5 kedve. Nem kellene cukkolnod'15. A nagyi mdr nagyon oreg. Segitentink kellene neki.L6. Ezer 6ve nem taldlkoztunk. M.g kellene Litogatnod minket.L7. El kellett volna halasztanunk az irtekezletet.18. Egdsz ddlucin angolt kellea volna tanulnia, de inkdbb t6vdtn€z-ett.19. Ilyen hideg id6ben nagykabritot kellene viselned.20.H^korin akarsz felkelni. be kellene illitanod az6breszt66rit.


A SHOULD egyib haszndlata (Subjunctive - Kiit6m6d)

l. Bizonyos igik is f6nevek utdn:



Azt javasolta, hogy utaz,zak kiilfoldre.Ragaszkodotthoz,z6., hogy te is gyere.Kciveteltem, hogy mondja eI az igazat.A javaslata, hogy dn is ott legyek, meglepett.

propose inist damandproposal

He wguted, that I sbwld trapel abroad'.He insisted that you shwld cone too.I demand'ed, that he shwld all the truth.Hit sugestion th at I should' aho b e th ne tooh ne by wrpri,se.

What does he sugest yoa shoal'd' da?What daes he ryggat you d,o?He sugeoed that I shoald4o hone.He nggested thot lgo howe.He sugexed that I want home.


1 Fi,, F C


Mit javasol, mit tegydll

Azt javasolta, hogy menjek haza.

Ragaszkodotthozzd., hogy 6 is jiijjon.A javaslata, hogy & is ott legyek, meglepett.Fontos, hogy te is ott legydl.

vital necassil.ty

It i's'inopor-tont thot you shwW be there,It\ essenrtd thdt we shoald go tugether.It's necusaty that loa shw.ld ftnhh it in time.

He insbted that ho cow maHis Wesiion that I olso be there tooh me hY sarprise,Itts bnportant tha,, !u4 ba there a's well.








1 .2.


A 'suggesdt rge utdn rrto" soha nem Cllhat. Csak a k<ivetkez6 szerkezetek helyesek:

Ha a f6mondat Cs mellCkmondat alanya megegyezik, akkor a suggest utdn ,ringD'es alak is rffiat.

Azt javasolark, hogy menjtink haza.

2. Bizonyos mellCknevek ut{n:

importnnt essential

Fontos, hogy ott legydl.LCnyeges, hogy egyiitt, hogy befejezd id6ben.

W sug este d' goiu'g hona

$ Piglelewt

A fenti mondatok rrshould" ndlkiil is helyesek. A bes#lt nyelvben sz{vesebben hasznCljCk a rrto"nClkiirli f6ndvi igenevet.

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3. Egyib melldknevek, amelyek utdn ,,should"


frrry interesting

Furcsa, hogy ezt mondod.J elJemz6, hogy azt csindlja.Meglepett, hogy eljon.Termdszetes, hogy segitesz.

surprising nntural

It\ strange that you should. say that.It\ typical that be should. do that.I was surprised thnt he sbould corne.It\ notural that you shouW help.

hu aregoing t0 regret it. I should.n't do that.'Where shall I put the cbest of d.rawers?""I should pwt it in tbe living-roon't."



4. ,rI.?'utdn, ha azt sr.eretndnk kifejezeni, hogy valami esetleg bektlvetkezhet.

Ha esedeg el6bb befeje zndd a munkdt, menj haza! If yow should f.nish your worh earliery go bom.e.Ha esedeg valaki hivna, mondd meg neki, If anyone should. call rne, tell theno that I will callIrogy visszal'rivom! tbem bach.

5. Az,,l should..." /,,I shouldn't..." ^zt is kifejezi, hogy mit tennik a miisik hely6ben.

Meg fogod bdnni. En uem tenndm ezt.,Hovd tegyem a kom6dot)",,En a nappaliba tenndm."


Finish the sentence so that it means the same as the first sentence. Use should or bare infinitive.Fejezze be ugy a mondatokat, hogy a jelentdsik ne vdltozzon a megadott mondatokhoz kdpest!Haszn1lja a ,,should" segedig6t vagy a ,,to" ndlk}li f6ndvi igenevet!

1. "Why don't you take up temris)" Helen said to me.Helen suggested rhat I should toke up lennis.

2. "I think you'd better book a table," Tom said to them.Tom recommended that. . . . . . . . . . . .

3. "You must pay your debts by next week," BilI said to me.Bill dernanded that

4. "You must come to see me at the weekend." Mrs Thatcher said to us.Mrs Thatcher insisted that ...........

5. "Why don't you ask your father)" my mother said to me.My mother suggested that ...........

6. "You must invite your cousins too," Henry said to her.Henry insisted that . . . . . . . . . . .

7. "You rnust tell me the truth," our teacher said to us.Our teacher demanded

8. "Why don't you give up your jobl" she said to me, which was strange.Her suggestion that .. was strange.

9. "Why not accept their offerl" Mr Smith said to us, which was interesting.His proposal that ..... was interesting.

I0. "I think it would be a good idea to open a new plant in Romania." Mrs Roberts said to them,which was worth considering.Her recommendation was worth considering.

2 Finish the sentences following the example. Egdszitse ki a mondatokat a p6lda alapj1n!

1. lack is here too. It's interesting that he should be here. I didn't invite him.2. Mary says she is tired. It's funny that .. ...... that. She has just started to work.


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3. Tom is satisfied with the job. It's surprising that .. ...... satisfied. He usually hasproblerns widr errerything.

4. Patsy will resign. It's strange that ... .... . I drought she wanted to stay5. Has everybody arrivedl It's very important that everybody .. '. on time .6. I look after my parents who are very old. It's natural that children7 . Terry has damaged dre car again. It's typical of him that . . . . .. . F{e never

drives carefullyB. Peter is late. It 's odd that .. ...... . He is always on time.

Make sentences using if... should..., and find the clauses that match. Keresse meg az osszeill6tagmondatokat, 6s haszn6lja az ,,if ... should..." szerkezetet!



1. I don't drink Jill will phone today but if...,2. It's not very likely that Peter hirs money iu the

bank but if...,3. I don't suppose that we'll finish building our

house next year but if we . . . ,4. I'm not sure that I'll win the race but if L..,5. It's not likely that they will help us but if they...,

t don't think thot lill will phone today hul if she should phone, ask her to come round.

... he will lend you some.

... I'll phone you at once.

... we'll be able to finish the project.

... we'll give a party

... ask her to come round.

toviDOa ) nEbbinlda ,rt(




L2.3 .AT .

5 .

4 Complete the sentences. Egeszitse ki a mondatokat!

I. "Who shall I ask for helpf " "lshould ask vour parents."2 . "Sha l l I meet h im aga in i " "No, I . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . h im. "3. "Shall I put on a jumperf " "Yes, you . It's very cold outside."4. "Shall I go by bus)" "No, you .. .:...... .. by train. It 's more comfortable."5. "Shall I marry herf " "Yes, you .... her. She will make a good wife."

5 Translate the sentences. Fordftsa le a mondatokat!

l. Azr javasolta, hogy hallgassunk rd. (3)2. Azt ajdnlotnrk nekik, hogy jelentsdk az esetet a rend6rsdgen.3. Ragaszkodikhozz{, hogy felhwjuk telefonon, mihelyt dddpjiik a hatdrt.4. Ajavaslata, hogy terjeszkedjiink keletre, drdekes volt.5. I(oveteltem, hogy fizessenek kdrtdritdst.6. Aztjavasoltuk nekik, hogy vegyenek ki p:ir nap szabadsdgot.7. Azt ajdnlottrik nekem, hogy ne menjek oda egyediil.8. Azt kciveteli, hogy mindenki az 6 engeddlydt kdrje, ha el akarja hagyni a tdbort.9. Ragaszkodtam ahhoz, hogy a gyerekek tiz 6rakor mdr dgyban legyenek.

10. ,,N4egve Wem ezt az aut6tl" ,,En megvenndm. Alkalmi vdtel."LI. Azt javaslod, hogy vdljak el a felesdgemt6ll (2)12. En azt javasoltam, hogy gondold dt rijra. (3)13. Ha esetleg taldlkozol Tommal, add dt neki iidvozletemet!14. Ha netdn lill is elmegy a buliba, ne felejtsd el megkdrni, hogy hfvjon fel!15. Ha esedeg meggondolni^ mag!'.t, ami nern nagyon val6szinri, drtesfteni foglak.16. Ha mdgis rigy dont, hogy nem veszi meg a lakdsomat, kiadorn bdrbe.17. Meglep6dtem, hogy felhivott. Ezer dve nem hallottam fel6le.IB. Jellemz6, hogy mindent elmond a sziileinek.19. Furcsa, hogy kdsik. Mindig pontos szokott lenni.20. Fontos, hogy mindenki rdszt vegyen a hidavat6n.


N e m,rA.nylegy dr





1 P u t t

I . I ,2. Sl


E ItrLr

a s z


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Mooarlr srcEolcrr


DARE (TO) DO = F,rysz,er(i is befejezrtt jelenvalamint egysznrii ds befejezett mrilt id6ben,tovdbbd egyszerii jciv6 id6ben haszn{ljuk.DON'T DARE (TO) DOa) mer, merdszelEbben az drtelemben a mai angol ny,elvbeninkdbb a,,have the courage to do sth" vagya,,to be afraid to do sth" kifejezdst haszndljrik.

DARE(D) DO = Csak egyszerfi jelen isegysznrii mflt id6ben hasznrilhatjuk.

DARE(D) NOT DOa) mer, merdszel

Nem merem megtennr.

Meg rnered k6rdeznilOdir mert menni.Nem merte felhivni.Lesz merszed odamenni)

Te mertdl valaha isszembeszdllni a sziileiddell yyur pa.rents?


Csak azt merdszeld! / Ne merdszeld!

Ne meriszeld megpr6b{lni!

,"thya, leviighatok a szoknyridb6leg1' darabotl",,Csak azt meriszeld!"

Val6szir-rfi, hogy 6 csak egy csal6.ElLdpzelhet6, hogy holnap esni fog.

,,Mir elmilrltam tizennyolc ives."

,,Elhiszem, de meg kell mutatniaa szemdlyi igazolv iny it!"

Hadd ldssam) rnersz-e egy kerikcnmotoroznif

b) miltatlankodds, felh:iborodds kifejezis{reHogy mered ezt mondanil How d.are ymt. say it?Hogy merdszeledf How d.are you?

I d.on't d.are to d.o it.I dnn't hove the courage to dn it.I'rn afraid to dn it.Do you d.are to ash him?He d.ared. (to) go there.He did.n't d.nre (to) pbone him.Wl yow d.are (to) go there?

Hove yow eper dared. to object to

Nem merem megtennl.Nem merte felhivni.Meg mered kdrdeznil

I d.aren't dn it.He d.ared not phone.Dare you ash him?

I DARE SAY = a) Val6sziniinek, elkdpzelhet6nek tartom.(Nem pedig,,Ki merem jelenteni, merem rillitani, hogy...")

b) Elhiszem, hogy 6gy van, de ez a hellzeten nem v:iltoztat.

Don't you dare try it!.Mwmtmy, can I cut a, piece offyowrskirt? "frw d.are!"

I d.are say that be is onl n swind.lerIt will rain tomorran', I dare say."Itvn wer IB.t'"I d.are say, bwt you haw toshow rne your ID."

I dare you to rid.e yowr motorbiheon one wheel.

DARE SY TO DO STH = Biztat, felbuzdft valakit valami olyasmire, amimeghaladja a kdpessigeit.


1 Put the sentences into the given form. Tegye a mondatokat a megadott form6ba!

I . I daren't ask him to go away (simple past) , dored n ot usk him lo go owoy. or I didn'l dore (to) osk him to go owoy.2. She won't dare to meet him. (simple present)


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6 7




l . \

3 . V

4 . U



2 . \




3. We didn't dare to say a word. (simple present)4. How dare you speak to her like thatl (simple past)5. Dare you ask her how old she isl (simple future)6. He dares to do anything. (s imple past). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ; . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7. He dare break into that house. (simple future) ....:.............


2 Give all the forms of dare do and daren't do. Adja meg a ,,dare do" 6)s a ,,daren't do" osszes formdiSt!.a)


l. I dore do it. 2. You4. We ... . . i t . 5. You

I. I dsren'l do it.4 . We . . . . . . . . . . . i t .

3 Give allthe forms of dare (to) do and don't dare (to) do in the present simple. Adja meg a,,dare to do" 6s a ,,don't dare to do" osszes alakjdt egyszert jelenben!


2.You5. You

2.Youb. Iou

b)I. I don't dare (to) do it.4 . We . . . . . . i t .

4 Use to where it is possible to use it. Tegye ki a ,,to"-t, ahol lehets{ges!

I. He dares lo beat up anybody He is very sffong.2. She dare ...... walk home alone at night. She is very courageous. :

3. I didn't dare ....... Ieave the house. I was afraid of the soldiers.4. Sheila doesn't dare ........ sleep alone in the flat.5. I dare not ...... look out of the window because our office is on the 22ndfloot6. Iulie dare not divorce her husband, because she is afraid that he will beat her,'7. My son doesn't dare .. . .... play with dogs because our neighbour's Alsatian {og has bitten him

once. ' r i

8. Will you dare . . . . . . speak about it in publicl Aren't you afraid of the consequences f9. How dare you ...... tell me liesl

I0. Do you dare .. . .... drive in LondonlI I. I wonder how she dared . ...... give up her job.12. I dare you ...... jn-p offthe brldge without ropes.13. Have yor, .u., a"r"i ... .. jump Jot fro- a moving carf

5 Rewrite the sentences using have the courage to do sth or be afraid to do s,th wherepossible. Alakitsa 6t a mondatokat a ,,have the courage to do sth" vagy a ,,be afreid to do sth'ifel haszn6l6s6val, ahol lehetsdges !

I. I will never dare to tray extrem sports. lwillnever have lhe courage lo try exlrene sporls.2. How dare you upset your grandmotherl Not possihle.3. I dare you to ride ttrat horse without a saddle.4. Don't you dare to feed your little brother with sand.5. She has never dared to use the lift since she moved into that flat. ....................;..............,.. '.,......,..,. i,6. You say you daren't drive in the city centre )7. You daren't betray your friends, dare youl8. She didn't dare to jump out of the window.9. I dare you to drive home with your eyes closed.

10. Don't you dare deceive us! . . . . . . . . . . . . . ! . . . . . . . . . r . . . . . i .

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6 Translate the sentences. Fordftsa Ie a mondatokat!

l. Hogy meriszelsz igy beszdlni a sziileiddelf2. A kisl:inyom nem mer egyediil otthon lenni. (2)3. En sclha nem mertern megpofozni a gyerekeimet.4. Biztos vagy benne, hogy fet mered majd hivnil5. A kozonsdg el6tt is el mered majd mondani ezt a versetl6. Sohasem merne elhagyni engem.7. Haza mersz memi egyediil, vagy hazakisirjelek!B. Bdrmit meg mer csindlni, soha semmit6l nem tart. (2)9. Te randenizni mersz a taniiroddalf De hiszen 6 hfsz dwel id6sebb ndlad!

I0. Sajnos nem mertem megkdrni al<ez€t.1I. En nem merem ezt megcsinrilni. Tril kocki.zatos.12. Nem mer taldlkozni veled.13. Nern mern6m vdllalni a kockdzatot.14. Hogy mertdl besdtrilni az 6nrh:6zba meziddbl15. El mered majd mondaniazt, amit most nekem eimesdltil, a rend6rsdgen isl16. Val6szinri, hogy 6 egy csal6.17. Hadd l{ssam, meg mersz-e fi.irodni ebben a t6banl18. Elkdpzelhet6nek tartom, hogy mig ma megdrkeznek.19. ,,Apa, elszivhatok egy sz6l cigitf " ,,Cs'ak azt meriszeld!"20. Ne merd elvinni az aut6t a meskirdezdsem ndlkiil!


coul.D, cAN, woul-D, wrLL -

l. Valakit megkiriilk valamire:

Tudod tartani a vonalat?lLdn:i tartani a vonalatlVolna szfves tartani a vonalatlThrtan{ a vonalatfVoh-ra olyan kedves ds becsukndaz ablakotI

2. Valakit6l kdriink valamit:

Egy kil6 almdt kdrek.Egy pohdr vizet kirnik.Egv csdsze kdvdt szeretn6k.

3. Valakit6l engeddly kdriink, vagy valamit

Haszndlhatn{m a f6nymrisol6t?Haszndlhatom a tolladat egy percrefKolcsonvehetndm a tolldt egy percre)

4. Valakinek felaj :inlunk valamit:

Mit tehetek ondrt)SegftheteklMajd dn segitek neked.Majd dn hozok egy aszpirint.

I(drds, 6haj, felaj rinlds, engeddlykir6s kifejezes6re

Con you hold. the kne, pleaselCould. you hold. the line, please?Will you hold the line, please?Woald. you hold. the line, please?Would. you be so hind. as to close the windnw?

Can I hove a kilo of apples, please?Could I hnve aglas ofwateq please?I would. lihe a cup bf cffie, please.


Could I use the photocopier?Can I use your pen for a rnornent?Mny I bonow your pen for a rninute?(A ,M"y... )" a legudvariasabb forrna!)

Whot can I d.o for you?Can I help you?I wi.ll help yow.I'llget you nn a'spiin.

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5. \hlakit valamivel kfnrilunk:

Szeretndl valamit innilK6rsz valamit enni)

Wowld. yoa lihe something to d.rinh?Would, you lihe sornething to eat?


1 Read the situations and write polite requesfs. Use can or could. Olvassa el a szitudci6kat 6s k6r-jen szfvessdget! Haszn1lja a ,,can" 6s a ,,could" segddig6ket!

1.. You are a receptionist and you don't know how to write down a guesCs name. You say:huld you spellyour none, pleose?

2. You want to buy a camera but you don't know how to use it. Ask the assistant:

3. You are a stranger in the ciry and you don't know where the post-office is. Ask a passer-by:

4. The pullover that you are trying on is too small for you. Ask the shop assistant:

5. You want to buy an expensive book but you are short of money Ask your friend:

6. You have a shoe shop and you've ordered some shoes. Tell the supplier that you would like to getthose shoes on Friday

2 Rewrite the sentences so that they begin with Do you think... . Be carefulwith the word order.Alakitsa 6t a mondatokat ugy, hogy a ,,Do you think..." bevezet6 tagmondattal kezd6dienek!Ugyeljen a sz6rendre!

1 . Could you show me how to use it? Do you think yu auW show ne how lo use it?2. Could you lend me your car) ...........3. Could I have breakfast in the room|4. Could I book a table for twol5. Could you give me his addressl6. Could you check the names of the participantsl.................7. Could you post this letter for'r'nel8. Could you translate this text into Bnglish) ................

3 Make polite reguests using will, can, would, could + the given words. K6rjen szivessdget a,,rA/ill", ,,can", ,,worJld", ,,could" segedigek 6s a megadott szavak felhaszn6lSs6val!

1 . pass/the sak Will you pass me tlrc nlt? hn you plss nn thc tf,h? Wwld you pas ne the nlt? Could yw pas me the nh?2. dola favour3. open/the window.....4. help/with the housework ..............5. shoflhow to use this photocopier .........6. frll inlthis form7. s ign/ th is document . . . . : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . r . . . . ! . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . r r1 . . . .8. sii/closer to each other .........9. stop/cryinB

4 What would you say in the following situations? Mit mondana a kovetkez6 szituilci6kban?

I. You can see that your friend is thirsry Offer him something to drink.Would you like something lo drink?

2.You can see that your class-mate is looking for his pen. He can't find it. Offer him your pen.


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3. The soup drat you've ordered is cold. Ask the waiter to bring you another one.

4. You don't know dre time. Ask somebody in the street.Excuse me . . . . . . . . . . . . .

5. You are travelling by plane. You know that your friend likes to sit next to the window. Offer himvoLlr seat.

6. You can see that your girlfriend is cold. Offer her your sweater'.

5 Translate the sentences. Forditsa le a mondatokat!

I. lack nem 6rti ezt az egyenletet. Volndl szfves elmagyar{zni nekil2. Meg tudn{ mondani nekem, hogy jutok el az iillomdsraf3. Volna olyan kedves, ds figyelne a csomagjaimra, amig vissza nem jovokl4. Haszr-rdlhatom a telefonjdtl5. Feltehetcrn a b6rondjdt a csomagtart6raf6. Idehozr-rdd a poharamat)7. Gondolod, hogy tudndl segfteni nekemlB. Csendben maradndtokf Szeretndk t6v6t n(zni.9. Gondolja, hogy kolcson tudnd adni nekem a bicildijdtl

10. Megtenne nekem egy szfvessdgetl11. Gondolja, hogy id6ben le tudnik szdllitani a szabadid6ruhdkat)12. Hoznd, a szimldt, kdremf13. K6rhemdk egy pohdr szdnsavmentes dsvdnyvizet)14. Voh-ra olyan szives, ds hozna nekem egy kdvdt a biifdb6llI5. Gondolod, hogy el rudndd ezt nekem intdznil16. Lenr-rdl olyan kedves, ds leforditandd nekem ezt az'irajinlarot?

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I. HAD BETTER DO / NOT DO = a) fobb lenne, ha valaki csindlna / nem csindlna valamit.b) ]obban tenn6, ha... / ha nem...

lobban tenndd, ha fogn:il egy taxit.Jobb lenne, ha elfelejtendk 6t.]obban tenndrn, ha nem menndk oda.Jobban tenndm, ha maradn6k,igaz?

2. a) | WOULD RAIHER DO / NOT DO= Inkdbb...

Inkdbb most hazamenndk,Most inkdbb nem megyek dolgozni.,,Jcissz)",,Inkdbb nem."Ink{bb vizet imdl)

Tw'd. better tnhe a taxc.They had. bener forget hirn.I'd. bener not go there.I'd. better stay, had'n't I?

I'd. rathergo horne nowI'd. rather notgo to wot h now."Are yow coruing?" "I'd' rather not."Wwld. yow ratber d.rinh wnter?

Inkdbb most elmenn6k valahovd,mintsem itdron maradjak.Most inkdbb tedt inndk, mint k{v6t.


Azt szeretndm, ha inkdbb itdron maradniil.Azt szeretndm, ha most inldbb mindenkit6vozna.Azt szeretnlm, ha inkdbb te vinndd a kutyrit sitrilni.Azt szeretndm, ha ma inkdbb nem menn6l elsz6rakozni.Aztszeretndm, ha inkdbb most nem dohdnyoznil.

,,Kinyithatorn az ablakot)",,Inkdbb ne."

4. IT'S TIME (FOR SD TO DO = Itt az ideje, hogy...

Itt az ideje, hogy hazamenjtink.Itt az ideje, hogy tegyek valamit.

hetiink ki vele.)

Mdr ideje lenne, l'rogy lemossuk a kocsit.Nagyon koszos.Itt az ideje, hogy munkdt keress magadnak.Mdr egy dve nem csindlsz semmit.

6. IT'S ABOUT TIME ... / IT'S HIGH TIME SY DIDtika kifejezesdre.)

Legf6bb ideje, hogy leszokj a doh{nyzdsr6l.

I'd. rather go owt than stay nt howe.

I'd, rnther d.rinh tea than cffie.

= Azt szeretndm, ha valaki inldbb.'.

I'd. rather you stnyed' at howe.I'd. rather werybod.y left now.

I'd. rnther you tloh the d'og for a wnlk.I'd. rnther yow d,id.n'tgo out tod'ay.

I'd, rnther yow d,id.n't smohe now."Can I open the windnw?" "I'd' rathn yoLt d'idn't."

It\ tirne (fo, ul to go horne now.It\ tinoe to d.o sowething.

It\ titne we washed. the car lt's wry d.irty.

It\ tirne you fownd. a job.'hw haven't anything for a' lenr nlw.

STH = Legf6bb ideje, hogy... (Er6s kri-

It\ high tiwe yougnve wp sm'oking.It\ obowt time yowgave up srnoking.

5. IT'S TIME SY DID STH = Itt azideje, hogy... (Altaftiban akkor hasznriljuk ezt avaltozatot, havalamit mdr meg kellett volna csinrilni, vagy legaldbb neki kellett volna ldtni. Panaszt,ktitkit feiez-



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3 Wra,



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Hno sFnrn, woulD RATHER, lT's rlME, lr's HIGH TIME


I Complete the sentences with a suitable verb. Sometimes you have to use the negative' Egeszitse

ki a mondatokat egy-egy odailt6 igevel! Ndha tagad6 alakot kell haszndlni.

l. You haven't done the washing up yet. You'd better do it before your Mum arrives home.

2. Our teacher is not in a very good mood today We'd better not upselher.

3. ]ohn asked you to call him b*ack. You'd bettei ....... him now. FIe must be at home.

4. This book ii required reading. You had better ...... it in the suruner holiday because

later you won't have time.5. Your son has got problems at school. You had better . . .... to his form teacher.

6. )ill is a very ,Jntitiu" girl. You'd better ..1 he1 with your. rude remarks'

7 . If yortdonit take " ,oT .ro*, you'd better ... Paul a ring and tell him that you'll be late.

8. If vou want to get a better mark in maths' you'd better more'

9. Your Dad is ve{, tired a1d is sleeping now You'd better ... '. hirn up'

Z Complete the sentenc es with a suitable verb! Sometimes you have to use the infinitive

sometimes the past form! Egeszftse ki a mondatokat a megfelel6 igevel! Haszndlia a f6ndvi igen-

evet vagy a m(tlt idei1 ahkot!

1. It's very late . It's time togo home now.2. It's very late. It's time we wenl home now.3. You room is very unt idy I t 's t ime you . . . . . . . . . . . . i t .

4. It's very cold in the flat. The temperature is only 18 degrees. It's time

5. Their train leaves at 10 o'clock. Ii's 9.30 now Ii's time they '.'.. for the railway

station.6. The car is running out of petrol. It's time .' ." the tank'

7.The children "t. i..y sleepir It 's time th.y ... .... '.. to bed'

3 Write sentences using I'd rather... + one of the foltowing phrases. irion mondatokat az ,,1'd

rather" kifeiezlssel 6s az atdbb megadott kifeiezesek egyikevel!

stay here eat something cold stay at home walk

have a cup of coffee phone him later go-to-thf-tffie

I. Do you wanr to go to rhe cinema at the weeke nd? l'd rather go to the lheotre insleod.

2. Shal l we go out tonightf . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3. I think we should go home now. .'. '.. '...4. Would you l ike to have a cup of tea? . . . ' . . . . . . . ' . . ' .5. Do you want rne to give you a liftl6. Shall I cook something for dinner?7. Would you like to give him a ringl

4 Finish the sentences using your own idea. Feiezze be a mondatokat!

l. I am very tired so l'drathernolgooullonighl.2. She is not hungry so she would rather not.............3. I arn not well this morning so I'd rather not ...... '.....4. She has overworked so she would rather not ....... '....5. Sheila r.vill have a very difficult exam tomorrow so she would rather not.........."

6. Tom is on a slimrning diet so he would ratler not.'....... '..

5 Write sentences using than. irjon mondatokat a ,,than" kotdszo felhaszndl6sdval!

l. (have a snacldgo to a restauran) I'drotherhaveosnocklhongoto0rcsllurln|2. (go jogging/do aerobics)

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Hno aFflen, woulD RATHER, rr's rME, rr's HIGH TIME

3. (call him back later/wait for him)4.(go by underground/ take a bus)5. (lie down/take an aspirin)

6 Complete the sentences using would you rather 1... . Don't forget to use the past form of theverb. Egdszftse kia mondatokat a,,Would you rather l..." szerkezettel/ Ne felejtse el, hogy mostaz ige mult idejfi alakj6t kell haszn6lni!

L Ale you going to do the shopping or would you rather I did it?2. Are you going to translate these sentences or.........3. Are you going to answer the door or ..............4. Are you going to collect dre children from dre nursery or..............5. Are you going to deposit the money in the bank or..............6. Are you going to rnake lunch or.....

7 Use your own ideas to complete the sentences. Eg6szftse ki a mondatokat!

l. "Would you like me to stay here with you)" "Nq f'd rather you /efi now"2. Do you want rne to help you with your homework or would you rather .... it alonef3. Would you like to go to the opera at dre weekend or would you rather ..... a play in the theatre.4. I'm not satisfied with your marks so I'd rather you .... .... harder.5. I like the teachers here but I'd rather they . .. .. . ... a bit stricter.6. I'd rather you .. talking because I want to concentrate on my work.7. She is very drirsry so she would radrer . . . .. . something now.8. Yclur brother is very tired so he'd rather .... a rest.9. Your brother is very tired so I think he would rather we .... . him alone .

8 Translate the sentences. Fordltsa le a mondatokat!

l. Leg{6bb ideje, hogy cisszehdzasodjatok ds csalddot alapitsatok.2. En inkdbb jobban szeretndk tanulni, mint dolgozni.3. Ideje lenne belenyugodnod :r helyzetbe.4. Almos vagyok, fgyhogy inkribb most lefekiidn6k.5. Szeretnid, hogy segftsek, vagy inkdbb csindlod egyediilf6. Itthon szeretndl maradni, vagy inlcdbb elmenndl valahovd sz6rakoznil7. Nem hiszem, hogy olyan j6l megy az iskola. Igy inkdbb szivesebben venndm, ha ddlutrinonkdnt

tdbbet tanulndl.B. Itt az ideje, hogy bricsrit vegyiink.9. Inkdbb sdtdlndk, mint kocsival menjek.

I0. Azt akarod, hogy elkisdrjen, vagy jobban szeretndd, ha inkdbb itt maradnaf11. Jobban szeretndrn, ha err6l inkdbb nem beszdlndl senkinek.L2. Ez az ernldk tul fiijdalmas nekem, rigyhogy err6l inkdbb most nem beszdlndk.13. Azt szeretndm, ha ink:ibb egyiitt menndnk oda.14. Tom ^ztszeretnl, ha dn inkdbb kint maradnik.15. Jack inldbb most lefekiidne, mintsem hogy megn(zze ezt az unalmas filmet.16. Jobban szeretnirn, ha lehalkitanid a t6v€t. Tril hangos.17. kr az ideje, hogy beszdljiink a riszletekr6l.18. Ideje lenne mdr elfelejtened 6t.19. Jobb lenne, ha nem menndl oda egyediil.20. Jobban tennd, ha nem keveredne bele.21. Jobban tenndm, ha a sajdt feladataimra koncentrdlndk.22. Jobban tennd, ha nem hivnd ki a rend6rsiget.23. Jobban tenndnk, ha most elmondaniink neki az igazat.24. Jasonjobban tenni, ha elhagynd az orszdgot.25. )obban tenndd, ha nefn enndd meg azt a hrist. Romlott.

t ,




3 .

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r. FELTfTELES MoD sr-so ripuse

A felt6teles m6d els6 tipusdba azok amondatok tartoznak, amelyek lehetsdges feltitelt fejeznek \i_e_1dltaldban a jiiv6re vonltkoznak. A f6mondatban WILL segdd-igd_t_,.a mellikmondatban SIMPLEpRESENT tnNSr-tTnGySZER(i IELEN ID6T haszniilunk. Melldkmondatnak mindig az,,iP'-fel

kezd6d6 mondat min6siil. A f6mondat is a melldkmondat sorrendje felcserdlhet6. Ha az ,,i?'-esmellikmon dat az els6 helyen iill, akkor vessz6vel v{lasztjuk el a f6mondatt6l. Ha az,,iP'-es melldk-

mondat a fi6mondatot kciveti, akkor nem hasznilunk vessz6t.

A felt6teles m6d mdsodik tipusa kevisbd val6szinii, de mdg megval6sithat6 feltitelt t4rl_\._!!6,;

mondatban WOULD segddigdt, az if-es melldkmondatban SIMPLE PAST TENSE-I / EGYSZERU

MULI ID6T hasznflun-k. C,,to be" m(rlt idejekint kordbban minden szemdlyben a WERE-I hasz-

n{ltdk, ma mdr azonban a WAS haszn{lata is helyes. Kivdtel ez al6l az ,,If I were you'..." (H1.."

helyedten lenndk...) szerkezet. Ezt mindig ebben a formdban haszndljuk. A melldkmondat ds f6-

mondat sorrendje toviibbra is felcserdlhet6, ds a vessz6 haszniilatdra:uryan z a szab{ly vonatkozik,

mint a feltdteles m6d els6 tipusa esetdn.

Megcsiniilom, ha te is megcsin{lod.Ha te is megcsindlod, dn is megcsindlom.


Megcsindl,ndm, ha koribban teis rnegcsin{ltad volna.

. A feltiteles mondatok kcit6szavai:

I wiU d0 it if you d.o it too.If you d.o it, I will d.o it too.

I would. do it if yow did. it too.If you it, I would do it too.If he was/were there, we would' be happy.If I ntere you, I wouldn't do it.

I wowld. d.o ir if yow had' akodone it earlier

Megcsindlndm, ha te is megcsindlndd.Ha megcsir-r{lndd, dn is megcsindlnrim.Ha 6 is ott lenne, boldogok lenndnk.Ha a helyedben lennik, nem tenndm ezt.


A feltdteles m6d harmadik t(pusa lehetetlen, mdr nem megval6sithat6 feltitelt feiezkt. A f6mondat-

ban a WOULD HAVE + IGE 3. alakjrit, az if-es melldkmondatban a PAST PERFECT TENSE-t /BEFEJEZETT MULT ID6T haszniiljuk. A tagmondatok sorrendjdre is a vessz6 haszndlatdra ugyan-

aznk a szabdlyok drvdnyesek, mint a feltdteles m6d els6 is m{sodik tipusa eset6n.

Megcsindltam volna, ha te is megcsindltad volna. I wowld. haw it if you ltad. it too.

Ha megcsin.iltad volna, in is megcsindltam volna. If yow had. done it, I woald ltave it too.


A vegyes feltdteles m6d aztjelenti, hogy kiilonbciz6 tipusir feltiteles m6dot haszndlunk egy monda-

ton bittit. Pdlddul a f6mondatot 2. feltdteles, a mellikmondatot 3. feltdteles m6dba tessziik.

if = haunless = hacsak nem (Az angol mondatban nem kell mdg egyszer tagadni.)

provided = felt6ve, haas long as/so long as = amerulyiben, feltdve ha


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Cot'totttoruel cLAUsEs

as if = minthasuppose/supposing = tegytik fel, hogy.. rni lenne, ha... (what if)

Ezekre a kcit6szavakra rugyalnuL a szabCly vonatkozik, mint az ,rif'-re, vagyis ut{nuk vagy SIMPLEPRESENT, vagy SIMPLE PAST, vagy PAST PERFECT hasznrilhatd.

r l



A z ,maIid6.

. f f


. f f

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Hacsak nem futsz,le fogod kisni a buszt.Kolcsonadom az aut6mat, feltdve hanem hajtasz gyorsan.Amennyiben leteszed a vizsgit, veszi.inknpked egy aut6t.Ugy tesz, mintha az ovflenne a lakds.Tegyiik fel, hogy a gdp kdsik. :Mi van ha a gCp kdsikfTegytik fel, hogy tudta vo.lna. =Mi lett volna ha, ha tudta volnal

npEgyCb fontos nrdnival6k a feltdteles mondatokrdl:

. K6pess6g kifejezdse feltCteles m6dban:

Feltdteles m6d els6 tipusa:

Ha te meg tudod csindlni, dn is meg tudom csindlni.Ha neked megcsindlni, nekem is sikeriilni fog.

FeltCteles m6d m:isodik tipusa:

Ha te meg tudnrid csindlni, 6s is meg tudnrim csinrilni.Ha sikeriilne megcsindlnod, nekem is sikeriilne.

Feltdteles m6d harmadik t{pusa:

Ha te meg tudtad volna csindlni,6n is meg tudtam volna csindlni.Ha neked sikeriilt volna megcsindlni,nekem is sikeriilt volna.

.If I were you = ha a helyedben lenndk

Ha a helyedben lenndk, nem venndm meg.

.Even if = mdg akkor is ha, akkor sem ... ha

Holnap el kell bfcsfznom,akkor is ha nem akarok.

Akkor sem adniim eI nekik,ha egymilli6 dolldrt kinrilnrinak irte.

Unless you ?^iln, lntt will miss the bus.I'll lend. yoa my car prwid,od, yoa dnn'tdrive fnst.'4s long as yotl pa,Es the etca,//t, we will buya carfor yw.He a,cts a.s if he owned. the flat.Sappose the fl.ight is d.elayed.. =Whnt will happen/Whot if the flight is d.elayed.lSapposo he had hnown it. =Whnt if he had hnown it?

Ifyow con do it, I cato do it tao.If ym.'re able n dn it,I'll be able to d.o it too.

Ifyow cowld. d,o it, I could also d,o it.If you were able n dn it, I would.aho be able to dn it.

Ifyou had been able to d,o it,I coald, hopa dane it too.Ifyou had, been able to dn it,I wowld. hwe been able to dn it tao.

If I were yow, I would.n't bay h.

I will hwe n saygood.-hye to/noffowwm if I dndt waltt to.

I would.n't sell it to thern, won if they offered.nte one ruillion dnllars for it.

o l

. h





A feltdteles m6d harmadik tipusdnil a melldkmondatban (if ut:in) csak a HAD BEEN ABLE TOhaszndlhat6.




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IIa es

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FrlrneLrs voo

Ha a sziileid lal<dsa nem lenne, But for yowr porents',albdrletben lakndnk. we would liue in d.igs.Ha t-r szi.ileid lakdsa nem lett volna, Bwt for yowr parents' flat,albdrletben laktunk volna. we wowld. hnve lived. in d.igs.

.In case hontra if = Arra az esetre ha..., Abban az esetben ha...

Az,,in case" uti.n SIMPLE PRESENI SIMPLE PAST vagy SHOULD rillhat.

Hasonlitsa cissze!

.If it weren't for... = Ha nem lenne...If it hadn't been for... = F{a nem lett volna...

Ha netn lenne rossz az id6.elmenndnk kir{ndulni.Ha nem lett volna rossz az id6.elmentiink volna kir'indulni.

. But for = If it weren't for / If it hadn't been for : FIa

Hil rossz id6 lesz,viszek magammal pul6vert is.Viszek magtrmmal pul6vert is,arra az esctrc, ha rossz id6 lesz.

. I f + should = Ha netdn.. . , F{a eset leg.. .

Ha netiin taldlkoznil vele, add dt iidvozletem.

. If + will/would = Ha hajland6 lesz... / Ha hajland6

Ha hajland6 lesz megcsin{lni,nagyor-r boldog leszek.Ha hajland6 lenne megcsindlni,nagyon boldog lenndk.Nem fogorn elkiildeni neki,hacsak nem lesz hajland6 fizeuri drte.

.,,If' elhagydsa forditott sz6renddel:

Ha Jack helyiben lenndk, nem mennik oda!

Ha esedeg kds6bb drkezndl, hivj fel!

If it weren't fw the bad. weather, we wowld'go on a wip.If it hndn't been for the bnd roeotlteq wewould. have gone on a triP.

nem lenne. .. I Ha nem lett volna...

If the weather is bad.,I will also take a pullover with rne.I will tahe a pwllwer with nce,in case tbe weather is bad..

If yow should. meet hirn, g'itte him my regards.


If he will dn it, I will be very hnPPy.

If he wowld. d.o it, I would' be very happy.

I will not send it to hitn wnles he will pay for it

Egyenes sz6renddel:If I were Jnch, I wowld.n't g0 tbere.Forditott sz6renddel:Were I Jach, I wowld.n't go there.Egyenes sz6renddel:If yow should. nmbe lntery giue me a ring.Fordfton sz6renddel;Should you arcive latery give rne n ring.Egyenes sz6renddel:If you bnd. been there, yow wowld ltape rnet berForditott sz6renddel:IIod. you been there, you wowld hape rnet her

Az els6 esetben csak akkor viszrm el a pul6vert, ha rossz id6 lesz, ha siit a nap nem viszem mlgam-

mal. A mdsodik esetben akkor is elviszem, ha dpp a nap: mert kds6bb mdg rosszra fordulhat az


Ha ott lettdl volna- tal:ilkoztdl volna vele.

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CoNonorunl CLAUSES


1 What will you do in the following situations? IJse the first conditional. Mit fog tenni a kovetkezdhelyzetekben? Haszndlja a feltdteles m6d els6 tipusdt!

I. You travel to London. lf I trovel to London, I will hove s look ot Buckhingon Polace.2. You lose your job. .. . . . . . . . . .3. You get ill.4 . You [o home. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5. Your flight is delayed. ..................6. You are bored with your work..............7.Your friends go round to your place. ........8. You earn some extra money

2 Look at the chain of events. Describe it using the first conditional. IJse simple present in the ,,if"clause and future simple in the main clause. irja le az esemdnylilncot a feltdteles rnod elsS tipus6"nak segitsdgdvell A ,,if"-es mell1kmondatban haszndlja az egyszerfi jelen id6t, a f6mondatbanpedig az egyszerfi jov6 id6t! | : ' : i;'

L I'll fail the entrance exarn.3. I will go to England for a year.5. I will pass the entrance exarn.7. I will study English literature and linguistics.

2. I won't be admiaed to the university' ' I4. I will speak English fluendy6. I will get into the university8.My English will be even better

I. lf lfoilthe enlrame exorn, lwon'l he adnined n the universiff.2. lf l um not udnittedto .............

3 What would you do in the following situations? lJse the s.econd conditional. Mit tenne a kovet-kez6 helyzetekben? Haszndlja a felt6teles m6d mdsodik tipusdt!

I. You find a purse in the sueer. lf I found o purse in the slreel, I would take it to the polke.2.You win a lot of money3. Somebody is knocking at the door at night.4 .Youdamageyour f r iend,Scar . ' . . . . . . . ' . ' . : . . . . . . . ' . . . . . . .5.Yourneigfr.boursaremakingtoomuchnoise.... . . ' . . .6. A man is lying in the middle of the ro1d. ......... ..............:...7.Your car breaks down on a busy road. .........8. You lose your identity card. ..........

4 Describe the chain of events using thesecond conditional. irja te az esemdnylilicot a feltdtelesm6d mdsodik tipusdnak segitsegdvel! ,.

2.I stay at home.4. I don't have to write it in the morning.6. I tell them what happened to me at the weekend.


L. lf the weolher wos bod, I wouh!slay at home.

I. The weather is bad.3. I do my homework.5. I have time to have a chat with my classmates.7.They laugh at me.

I /1,

l - ,t lt it 'l rl ll rl_

1 1 0

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FttnELes voo

5 Put the verb into the correct form. Sometimes you have to use the first conditional, sometimesthe second conditional. Tegye az ig6ket a megfelelS alakba! HasznSlia a feltdteles mod els6vagy m(tsodik tipusdt!

1.. If I were vou, / wouldn't tease him. (not / tease)2. What will she do if she .. dismissedf (be)3. If vou ...... on the problem, you will be able to solve it. (concentrate)4. Would you leave her if she unfaithful to you) (be)5. They ...... us if they find scxne evidence. (inform)6. Will you accept the job if they .. less than you expect. (pay)7. SI-re me to do her a favour if she weren't in trouble. (not / ask)B. Would he mind if L.. .. his book without asking himl (borrow)9. What rvould you do if you a house on fire) (see)

10. L .. involved if I heard somebody crying for help. (not / get)I 1. L . you my secret only if'you promise that you won't tell it to anyone. (tell)12 . I f I . . . . . . h im, Iwou ldapp ly fo r tha t job . (be)13. If you flowers for her, she will be very happy (buy)14. I rvill close dre window, if you (not / mind)

6 Answer the questions following the example. Valaszoljon a kdrd6sekre a pdlda alapi6n!

J. "Why don'r we go or1 footf " 'No. (miss d-rc train) lf we wenl on fool, we would miss the lrain."2 . "Sha l l wc leave r fow" "No. (be too ear ly ) I f . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "

3. "Whv don't you put on this coat)" "No. (everybody / I:rugh at me)

4. "Shall rve have a hamburger now)" No. (cannot eat dinner)

5. "Lct's go by taxi." "No. (be too expensive)

7 lJse your own ideas to complete these sentences. Egdszits:e ki a mondatokat!

1. If 1,6s didn't e'.rt fattv dishes, you would lose weight.2. Hc wouldn't be sleepy3. Woulcl you cal l dre pol ice i f . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4. If vou were ill-5. I woulcl give money to the poor if.......6 . I f I l - rad ch i ld ren) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

8 Match the c/auses. Keresse meg az osszeillS tagmondatokat!

... it rvould have cost too much.

... the jourr-rey rvould have been tnore comfortable .

... dre police rvould have caught him very quicldy

... shc wouldn't have got into trouble .

... their son would have been released.

. . .

I .

f f i . . .I f I had stayed in a hotel , . . .If dre farnily had paid a ransom,...If we had travelled by plane,...If she had taken my advice,. . .Ifdre robber had escaped,...


lf he hod deceived me, I would have heen very dkoppointed.

1 1 1



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Coruorrorunl cLAUsES

9 Put the verb into the correct form. Tegye az iget a megfelel1 alakba!

I. It's good that I saved money If I hodn't soued (not/have ) enough money I couldn't havebought (not/buy)this car.

2. It's a pity that you didn't win the race. If you ..... (win) rhe race, we.... . . . (be) very happy

3. I didn't know Jack's phone ntrmber. If I .... (know) it, I

4 il "k";;;-;;; ilolflifl?.I.] . . (miss) it, she (take) ataxi.

5. Jason was taken to hospital with serious injuries. If he . ... (fasten) the seat belt,he .... . (g.t) injured.

6. Why didn't you tell me that your teacher would visit us) If I ... .... it (know), I. (clean) the flat.

7. Why didn't you prepare for your examf If you . (srudy) hard, you

s wnlairf: ;if ilgl{J.t#"r ;;;; ;b;;; *:Ti:}:}him' v'u10 Writea sentence with if for each situation. irjon felttteles mondatokat minden egyes szitudci6ra!

I. I didn't know that he had that book so I bought it for him.lf I hod known thot he hud thot hook, I wouldn't have hought it for him.

2. Tim's wife was very sad because he forgot about their wedding anniversary

3. I didn't take the book back to the library in time so I had to pay a fine. 1 3

4. Sue didn't go to the cinema because she had to write an essalz

5. As I missed the bus. I had to walk home.

6. My sister didn't have enough money on her so she borrowed some from her friend.

7. You used a cheat-sheet but your teacher noticed it and she took away your rest-paper.

8. You were often late for your work so your boss gave you the sack.

11 Match the sentences. Keresse meg az osszeill6 tagmondatokat!

She won't speak to you...You won't get a promotion...You can take my car...They'll be very proud of themselves...You act. . .lle won't give it to you...

... as if you knew everything.

... as long as they can finish the race.

... provided you don't drive very fast.

... unless you apologise to her.

... even if you pay for it.

... unless you work harder.

ihe won't speok to you unless you apologise to her.

1 1 2

1 4 1





l .2.3 .4.5 .6 .

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Frlrnelrs voo

12 Rewrite each sentence so that it contains the word in capital.hogy tartalmazzdk a nagybetAvel megadott szavakat!

l. I'[ let you go out only if you get home before midnight.l'll let you go out provided you get home before nidnight.

2. We won't go on a trip if the weather is bad.

Alakitsa 6t a mondatokat ugy,

6. Sl-re will lend you some money only if you pay it back before the weekend. PROVIDED

3. What would you do if you met an alien?

4. I don't care that you bring witnesses here. I won't believe your storyl

5. We won't get there in time if we don't take a taxi.

7 . What would happen if they went on strikef

8. It doesn't matter that you beat him up. He will never tell you the trudr.

9. If we don't get there in time, we'll phone you.









LINLESSI0. If somebody from his family doesn't get ill, he won't come home.

13 Put the foltowing sentences into the second and third conditional. Tegye a kovetkez6 mondato'kat mdsodik 6s harmadik feltdteles modba!

L I'll be able to help you if you can tell me something about the case.I would he ohh to help you if you could tell me something obout the case.I would hove heen ohle to help you if you hod heen ohle to tell me somelhing oboul the cuse.

2. We can discuss it onlv if you can come to my offrce.We could discus it only if yoi could cort to my offke.We could hove discused it only if you had heen ohle to cone to my offiee.

3. You can enter only if you can give the password.

4. He can keep his medal only if he can prove that he didn't take steroids.

5. They will be able to catch the murderer if they can identi$r the fingerprints.

6. We can find a solution if we can co-operate.

14 Rewrite fhe sentences omitting if. Alakitn 6t a mondatokat hgy, hogy nem haszniSlia az,,if" kot6sz6t!

I. If I were you, I would deposit the money in a bank.Were I you, I would deposit the money in o honk.

2.If you should miss dre train, give me a ring.3. If I had been there, I would have run away..........4. If she were to leave you, what would you dol5. If they should find some evidence, let me know .........

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CoruorrrorunL cLAUsES - Frnnelrs Hloo

15 Start the senfences with But for..., lf it weren't for... or lf it hadn't been for.... Kezdje a mon-datokat a ,,But for...", az ,,lf it weren't for..." vagy az ,,lf it hadn't been for..." szerkezetekkel!

l. If the weather hadn't been bad, we would have won the race.lf it hodn't been for the bod weother, we would have won lhe roce.But for the hod weather, we would hove won lhe ruce.

2.If yo:u didn't help drem, they would fail the exam.

But for3. If Iohn hadn't been drere, we would have been in trouble.

4. If the car was roadworthy we would go to see you.

5. If drey hadn't had children, drey would have got divorced.

16 Translate fhe sentences. Fordftsa le a mondatokat!

l. F{a nem leszel otdron, nagyorl csal6dott lesz.2. Hahdw(.g(n sz6p lesz az id6, kertdszkedni fogunk.3. Alckor sern fogok segfteni nekik, ha megkdrnek rd.4. Aldcor is el fogok rnenni a buliba, ha apa nem enged el.5. Elviheted az aut6rnat, feltdve ha nem ldped tul a sebessdgkorli^toz{st.6. Ha Jack felmond, dn sem fogok itt maradni.7. Le fog'1iL< kdsni a jiratot, hacsak nem fognak egy ta-rit.B. El fog feledkezni a taldlkoz6r6l, hacsak nem emldkeztetedri,.9. Itt maradhatsz, feltdve ha csondben maradsz.

10. Eladod nekem az aut6dat, ha kdtszer annyit fizetek 6rte, mint amennf it drl1l. Mi van, ha elkdsnek az el6adi,sr6l?12. Megcsindlom a hdzi feladatodat, ha f6zol nekem kdvdt.13. Megvenndm ezt a cip6t, ha nem lenne ilyen drdga.14. Megtenndl nekern egy szfvessdget, ha megkdrnilek rdf15. Tegyiik fel, hogy itt lesznek 6k is, rnit mondandl nekikf16. Ugy viselkedsz, mintha te lenndl itt a f6nok.L7. El nrdndd hinni, ha azt mondand.m, hogy drtatlan vagyok)IB. Ha ossze rudnink jonni, megbeszdlhetndnk pdr dolgot.19. Ha sikeriilne megfejtenitik a k6dot, meg tudndnak szcjkni.20. I(dpes lenndl elaluclni, ha tudn{d, hogy valaki bdrmikor bemel-ret ahi^zadbal2I. fhl{lkozhattunk volna, ha kordbban megbeszdltiink volna egy id6pontot.22. Ha tudtrfl volna vezetni, akkor hazajohettdl volna.23. Ha a rend6rsdg azonositani tudta volna a vdrnyomokat, gyorsan elfoghatta volna a gyilkost24. Ha esedeg taldlkozndl Tommal, mondd meg neki, hogy jobbul'ist kiv:inok.25. Ha esedeg k6s6bb irkezndk, telefondlni fogok nektek.26. Ha esedeg nem drsz ide, hivni fogjuk a zsarukat.27. Ha hajland6 lesz egylittmiikodni veliink, nem lesz mit6l tartania.28. Ha hajland6 lenndl kifizetni a kdrt, nem fordulrldk a rend6rs eghez.29. Ha hajland6 lesz elismerni a biinciss1.gdt, a bir6srig csak kdt dv bortonbiintetdsre itdli.30. Ha a helyemben lett volna, ugyanazt tette volna, mint dn.31. Ha nern lenne Tom, elmenndk kiil{iildre.32. Ha nem lettdl volna, meghirlhattam volna.33. Ha nem lenne rossz az aut6, mi is tltban lenndnk R6ma feld.34. Ha nem lett volna a sioktatd, nem tudtam volna megtanulni sielni.35. Amennyiben a hatdrid6n rul nyujtjdtok be a jelentdst, nem fogjuk tudni megjelentetni.





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I WISH. . . , IF ONLY. . .BARCSAK.. .


Kivdnsiig, 6haj kifejezdsdre a WISH igdt 6s az IF ONLY sz,erkezntet haszndlhatjuk.

l. /elenre vagy jciv6re vonatkoz6 kivrinsrig, 6haj kifejezese:a) r \4[sE-/-rF ONLY+ AT.ANY + STMPLE PAST vagy PAST CONTTNUOUS

Ezt a szerkezetet akkor haszndljuk, ha a jelen helyzettel nem vagyunk megeligedve, de vdltoztatnisajnos nem tudunk rajta. A ,,to be" is a ,,to have",-illetve egyib dllapotot ktfejezrt igdkkel mindig ezta szerkezetet haszndljuk

Biircsak sz€p id6lenne. (De sajnos most rossz id6 van. ) I wish the weather was nice.If only the weather was nice.

b) r \4rrsH / rF ONLY + AI-ANY + WOULD

Ezt a szerkezetet a fentihez hasonl6an akkor haszndljuk, ha a beszel6 eldgedetlen a jelen helyzettel dsazt szeretnl, hogy valami bekiivetkezzik, vagy valaki megtegyen valamit..Illewe, ha olyan.kiviins{g-16l van sz6, amEiy a kds6bbiek sordn mig ikrir be is kcivetkezhet, 6s ezlrt maga a besznl6 is tehetvalamit. Csak cseielcv6 igdkkel, illewe v{ltozdst l<rfejez.6 igdkkel haszndlhatjuk.

I ntisb / If onl^t it wowld stop raining.I wish / If only I wowld. pns the exarn.I wish / If only he wowld. d.o m.e this fmzur.I urish / If only somebocl] would buv nt e a Jlnt .

2. Mtiltra vonatkoz6, teliesii{hetetlen kivilnsdg kifejezdsdre :


Ezt a szerkezetet akkor hasznriljuk, ha a multban valami olyan dolog kcivetkezett be, aminek a meg-tcirtdntjdt sajndljuk, de azon viiltoztatni m:fr nem lehet.

Bdrcsak ne kellene sokat dolgoznom. (De muszdj.)Ilircsak nrdndm a cimdt. (De nem rudom,fsv most nem tudom felkeresni.)Ii'ircsak veliink jor-u-re. (De most sajnos nem tud.)Bdrcsak csne most az es6. (De most nem esik,ds az unalmas el6adds sem marad el.)Biircsak lenne aut6m.

B'ircsak elillna az es6.B{rcsak sikeriilne :r vizsgd.m.lliircsak megtennd nekem ezt a szivessiget.Bdrcsak venne nekem valaki egy lak{st.

Bdrcsak befejezted volna af6iskolai tanulm{nvaidat.B:ircsak elmentem voln'a a buliba.B{rcsak ne hivtam volna fel telefonon.Biircsak ne volna el a laki.somat.

I wish / If only I didn't have to work so ruwchI wish /If only I knew his address.

I wish / If only he was cowing n ith ws non'.I wish / If only it was raiuing ttltv.

I wish / If only I had. a cnr

I wish / If only yow hnd. f.n'ished' your stwdiesat the college.I wish / If only I hnd.gone t0 tbe pa'rty.I wish /If only I hadn't phoned' hinr'.I wish / If only I hadn't sold' ruy Jlat.


l Write sentences beginning with I wish.... irjon mondatokat az,,l wish..." szerkezettel!

]. You want to stay 21r home but you have to go to school. lwish I didn't have to go to school.2. Yor.r can't speak English but you'd love to.3. You would like to be at dre sea now:4. You live in a flat but you'd like to have ir house.

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I wtsn. , , , k oruLv. . .

5. It is raining but you don't like it. ..............6. You have nothing to read and you're bored.7. You don't know any people at the party and you feel lonly8. You are sitting in a boring meeting instead of lying in the sun.9. You want to buy a car but you don't have enough money

I0. You're missing jtour family They aren't there with you. ..........

2 Write sentences with t wish... . irjon mondatokat az ,,1 wish..." szerkezettel!

l. What would you like to be doing nowl I wishlwaslyinginhednow.2. What would you like to havel I wish........3. Where would you like to be) I wish4. Who would you like to be here with youl I wish5. What would you like to be able to dol I wish

3 What would you say in the following situations? Use I wish... would.../ wouldn't.... Mit mon-dana a k6vetkez6 szitudci6kban? Haszndlja az,,lwish... would.../wouldn't..."szerkezetet!

I. You would like to pass the exam but you haven't studied hard recendy You hope that you will passit. You say: lwish tw'ould pas the exom.

2. Your car is very slow. You would like it to go faster. You say:

3. You like your daughter's boidriend. You want them to get married. You say:

4. Your nephew got lost in the forest. The rescue team is trying to find him now. You say:

6. Your son wants to live abroad but you wouldn't like it. You hope he will change his mind. You say:

7 . Your neighbour always uses rude words in front of your children. You don't like it. You say:

8. You wouldn't like Tom to come to the party You don't like him. You say:

4 Put the verb in brackets into the correct form. Use would or unreal past after ,,1 wish". Tegye az1rojelben lev6 ig6ket a megfelel6 alakba. HasznSlja a ,,would" segediget vagy a m(tlt id6t!

l. I wish you were (be) nicer to him.2. I wish I .. . .. . .. . ... (.* speak) a foreign language.3. I wish my children (go) onto universitlz4 . Iw ishL. . . . . . . . . (have)moreexper ience.5. I wish she ... .. . . .. (not complain) about everything.6 . I w ish he . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (no t have to ) jo in the armiz7. I wish you .. (not be driving) so fast.8, I wish the weather .. (b") nice tomorrow.9. I wish my parents .....(buy) that flat for me.

10. I wish he .... (not change) his mind.11. I wish somebody (help) me.12. I wish we . . . . . . . . . (have) a car.13. I wish my family . . . . . . . . . . . . . lnot l ive) so far away

5 What would you say in the following situations? Use I wish + past pertect. Mit mondana a ko-vetkez5 helyzetekben? Az ,,1 wish" utdn haszn1lja a befejezett m1lt id6t!

I. You regret being rude to your mother. You say: lwish lhadn't heen so rude to ny Mum.2. When you were yourlg you gave up your studies at the university It annoys you a lot. You say:

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3. Your husband didn't fasten the seat belt and he suffered serious injuries. You say:

4. You went to a casino where you lost a lot of moneir You regret it. You say:

5. You found a lot of money and you spent it instead of taking it to the police. Later it turned out thatthe money was forged. You say:

6. You went to a restaurant but you hadn't booked a table in advance so you couldn't sit downthe restaurant was fi,rll. You say:

7. You failed your exam because you hadn't learnt anything. You say:


6 Choose the correct answer. Only one is correct. Vdlassza ki a helyes megold6st! Csak egy lehetse-ges megold^s van.

1. I wish l ...... a computer. I could work at home dren.A) have B) hadC) would have D) had had

2. I f Pau la . . . to me. she. . . , . . . . . f i red .A) would listen / weren'tC) had listened / wouldn't have been

B) listened / wouldnt have beenD) had listened / would be

3. If only we .... ........ the credit quicldy We could buy that flat then.A) would get B) getC) had got D) can get

4. But for my salary we couldn't make ends meet. This sentence means the same as:A) If it had been for my salary, we couldn't make ends meet.B) If it hadn't been for my salary we couldn't make ends meet.C) If it were for my salary we couldn't make ends meet.D)If it weren't for my salary we couldn't make ends meet.

5. I wish my parenrs ... a lot of money then I could have gone to universityA) would have B) would have hadC) had D) had had

7 Translate fhe sentences. Fordftsa le a mondatokat!

Bdrcsak tobb id6m lenne a csalddomra.Bdrcsak kivenne a fi5nok pdr nap szabadsdgot.Bdrcsak eldllna az es6.Bdrcsak esne a h6.Biircsak a strandon fekiidnik rnost.Bdrcsak ne kellene holnap dolgozniuk.Bdrcsak megtaldlnd a rend6rsig az emberrabl6kat.Bdrcsak kozelebb lakndnk egymdshoz.B{rcsak in lennil.Bdrcsak lassabban vezetne. Rosszul vagyok.B'ircsak leszokna a dohinyzdsr6l.B'ircsak rudna Tom sielni.lJ'ircsak tudndk riszni.B{rcsak ne fdlndnek a kutydmt6l.Bdrcsak kordbban volna.Bdrcsak jelentettem volna az iigyet a rend6rsigen.Bdrcsak ne lettem volna ilyen kedves hozzit. Nem drdemelte mes-Bdrcsak ne pocsdkoltam volna el annyi plnzt.Bdrcsak itt lettdl volna velem.Bdrcsak elmondtad volna nekem az igazat.

l .2 .a

AT .

5 . .l i .12.I t

14.15 .16.17.18.I9.20.


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A szenved6 szerkezet legfontosabb ismdrve, hogy a cselekvds alanya abesz6l6 mondanival6ja szem-

pontjdb6l ldnyegtelen. Az a fontos, ami a cselekvdst elszrnvedi, vagyis a mondat tirgya. A szenved6

iz,erkezet(imondatban atirgy az alany helydre kertil, az, alany pedig, amennyiben meg akarjuk nevez-

ni, egy,,B)P'prepozici6t kovet6en a mondat vdg6re.

Figyelje meg a kiivetkez6 mondatot! Mi tortinik a mondat dllitm:inydvalf

Ez a cig gytiraha.t ipi.t.



Cqdrahot ipi.teneh. / C'ydrah ipiilneh.

A passziv szrrkeznt rillitmdnya: TO BE + IGE 3. ALAIqAA passziv mondatban tehrit mindig a TO BE keriil a megfelel6 alakba, 6s azt egyeztetiiik sziimban ds.r.m6lyb.n a passziv mondat alanyrival. lsz ige vdltozatlanul harmadik alakban dll.

SIMPLE PRTSENT Thev build a house / houses. A house is built.Houses are built.

PRE,SENTCONTINUOUS They are building a house / houses. A house is being built.Houses are being built.

PAST SIMPLE Thev built a house / houses. A house was built.Flouses were built.

PAST CONTINUOUS They were building a house / houses. A house was being built.Houses were being built.

PRESENT PE,RFECT They have built a house / houses. A house has been built.F{ouscs have been built.

PAST PERFECT They had built a house / houses. A house / houses had been built.

SIMPLE FUTURE They will build a house / houses. A house / houses will be built.

FUTURts CONTINUOUS Theywill be building a house / houses. A house / houses wil l be being built.

FUTUR-E PERFtsCT They will have built a house / houses. A house / houses will have been built

TO BE GOING TO Thev are going to build a house / houes. A house is going to be built.

F{ouses are soinq to be built.

TO HAVE TO / TO BE TO They have to build a house / houses.

They are to build a house / houses.

A house has to be built.H<>uses have to be built.

A house is to be built.Houses are to be built.

MUST/ CAN / SHOULD etc. They must build a house / houses.

They can build a house / houses.

They should build a house / houses.

A house / houses must be built.A house / houses can be built.

A house / houses should be built.


They must have built a house.

They may have built a house.

They should have built a house.

A house must have been built.

A house may have been built.A house should have been built.

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Szeruveoo szERKEZET

A_dja meg a k<ivetkez6 mondatok angol megfelel6jit a titbl{nat alapjrin! (Megolddsokat ld. a 2Sg.oldalon!)

Ebben a keriiletben minden ivben dpiilnek ujhizak.Itt most egy iskoldt dpitenek.Tavaly kdt ittermet ipftettek a vd.rosban.Ezt az iskoldt L9B7 -161 1989-ig dpitemdk.Ebben az dvben rndr hdrom ij hizat dpitettek.Miel6tt a szdlloddt befejeztdk, ipitemek egy uszoddt is.Azt hiszem, ide egy felh6karcol6t fognak ipiteni.Ezt a hizar mig jov6 ilyenkor is ipiteni fogj,il..Jov6 h6nap vigdre felipitik az:dijviroshizit.Ide egy k6rhdzat akarnak I szi,,rdlkoznak ipiteni.Hidakat is kell ipiteni.Itt hidakat kell, hogy dpitsenek.Idc biztos, hogy irtermet dpftenek.Oda dpithetnek gydrat.Bankokat kellene doireni.I(6rl'riizat kcllert volna dpitenitik.


fontos rudnival6k a szenved6 szerkezetr6l:

. Riszeshataroznval rill6 igdk szenved6 szerkezetben:

A riszeshatiroz6t rc-tt{tercqpen fejezheti ki az angol nyelv: prepozici6s sz,erkezettel vagy dgyneve-zett indirekt tdrggyal. Figyelje meg!

Rdszeshatdr oz6 prepozici6s szrrkezettel (to, for) :

AKTiVI gave a book to !ou.He bougl-rt flowersfor me.She told a funny story to rne.

Rdszeshatiiroz6 indirekt t:irggyal:

nruivI gave yott a booh.He bought meflowers.Slre told meafunny story.

Figyelje meg!

A) A f6mondat jelen id6ben van:

(Az emberek) azt mondjdk,hogy Tom nagyon okos.

PASSZiVA book was given to you.Flowers were boughtfor rne.A funny story was told to rne.

PASSZIVYou were given n booh.I was boughtJhwers.I was told afwnny xory.

(Az emberek) arra sz{m(rirnak,hogy el fog menni a vdrosb6l.

!I\e.l az Tggl nyelvben a rdszeshatiroz6 is a egyik elszenved6je, elfoglalhatja a targyhelydt, ez alkalommal_azonban miir prepoz(ci6 igy, mivel a mondat egyrktdJ:gyatent nr*ii'-oniJ, a szenved6 sz'erkez'et kdpzesi szabrilyai szerint a piisziv mondat alanya-iehet, Iittrit a mondatildre keriiLlhet. A leggyakoribb kett6s tiirgyesettel jdr6 igdk offt; pny, show, teach, ttil, t*4give, send.,write, get, buy,

' It is said that... / It was said that = Azt mondjdk... / Azt mondtrik...It is thought that... / rt was thought that = Azt gondolj ik... lAzt gondoltdk... stb.

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PassrvE vorce

n) People sa.y that frrn is very cleverb) It is soid. that Trn is wry claverc) Tbrn is swid, to be very clner

(Az emberek) ,igy vdlik, hogy elvdlt.

a) People thinh tbot he is d.ivorced..b) It is thought that he is d.iporced^

Q lfe is thought n be diporced.

Ugy tudjdk, hogy egy iskoliban dolgozik.

a) People hnow that he worhs at a school.b) It is hnown thnt he worhs at a school.c) IIe is hnown to worh at a school.

(Az emberek) azt gondoljdk, hogy ezeket a

(Az emberek) azt gondoltdk, hogy ]ackmdg mindig kiilfoldon van.

a) People expect that he will leaan the town.b) It is acpected. thnt he wi'll lea,pe the town.c) $e is acpected. to leope the town.

(Az emberek) fgy hiszik, hogy most 6ppegy konyvon dolgozik.

o) People believe that he is wwhing on a booh.b) It is belieped thot he is wmhing on a booh.c) IIe is believe.d, to be wurhing on a booh.

Aztalligi,k, hogy kordbban egy venddgl6bendolgozott.

o) People sa! thnt he worhed in a pub earl,ierb) It is soid that he wwked in a pwb ea'rl'ierc) IIe is soid. to hope workpd' in n pub earlier

(Az emberek) azt gondoljdk, hogy ezr az (,piletet a

(Az emberek) azt gondoltdk, hogy |ack mdrvisszatdrt.

dokumentumokatpdncdlszekrdnybentdroljdk. L9. szdnadbandpitettdk.

n) People thinh that these dncwwents are stored. a) People thinh thnt this was bwilt in tbein a safe. 19th centwry.b) It is thootght that these dncumants are storad in b) It is thoaght thot this bwild,ing wos bwi'lt in thea safe. lgth centary.) These d.ocurnents nre thooght to be stored, c) This is thowght to hape bem bwilt in tbein a safe I9th century.

Ha 'by'' szerkezet van a passziv mondat vdgdn, kdt lehet6sdg van:

People think that Shakespeare wrote this letter. People think that dris letter was written byShakespeare.

It is thought that Shakespeare wrote dris letter. It is thought that this letter was written byShakespeare.

Shahespenre is thought to haye written this letter This letter is thowght to have been written fo Sbahespeart

B) A f6mondat mrilt id6ben van:

n) People thought that Joch wat still abroad. a) People thowght that Jach had. renny.ed^b) It wa.s thought that Jach was still abroad.. b) It wos thooght that Jach had, retwmed.c) Jach wos thoaght to be still abrond^ c) Jach wat thoilght to ltape refi'rned'.

(Az emberek) azt gondoltrik, hogy ezeket a (Az emberek) azt gondoltdk, hogy ezt az dpiiletet adokumentumokat princdlszekrdnyben triroljrik. L9. sziaadban ipitettdk.

a) Peopte belined. that these d.ocwrnents were stored. a) Pnph betiwed, thot this hnd. been bwiltin a safe. in the l9th centu?y.b) It wns believed. thot these dncwrnents wore stord, b) It wos thot this had' been bailtin n safe. in tbe l9th cerrturl.c) These d.ocuments were beliwed to bo stored. Q This wos belioped m hope been built in

the l9th centaty.


in a snfe.

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Ezeket a szerkezetet ald<or haszndljuk, amikor nem ^z a fontos, hogy kik rillitanak valamit, hanem az,hogy mit dllitanak. Ebb6l az kovetkezik, hogy a fenti pdldrik kciziil ab) 4.s c) vitltozat a gyakoribb. Haa melldkmondat alanyrit szeretnink kiemelni, akkor a,,that" kot6sz6t elhagyjuk, ds a mclldkmonda-tot f6ndvi igeneves szerkezettel kotjiil< a f6mondathoz (c) mondat). A leggyakrabban hasznilt f6ndviigeneves szerkezetek: to d.o, to be d.oing, to hape, to be, to hape been d'one. Litige esetdn.' to be, tohave been. A fenti mondatkezd6 lofejezeseken kiviil el6fordulhat m6g az ,rlt is umd'erstood.", ,rlt isalleged.", ,rlt is consid,ered.\ ,rlt is reported?.

. be supposed to... = Azt mondjdk, hogy... / kellene, kellett volna


Err6l a darabr6l azt mor-rdj:tk, hogy nagyon j6.Err5l a tandrr6l tigy tartjdk, hogy nagyon szigor/t.Od<or ott kellene lennem.Le kellett volna mosnia az aut6t.A busznak had<or kellett volna rnegdrkeznie.

be not supposed to... = nem szabad, nem kellene

Nern kellene igy viselkedned.Nem kellene megb'intanod 6t.

. to be done = to get done

A passziv szerkezetben a ,,to be" litigit felvdlthatja a ,rto get"

Tegr-rap ellopt{k a biciklimet.

Senki sem sdriilt meg a balesetben.

Tbis plny is su.pposed to be uery goocl..This teacher is supposed to be ttery strict.I nwt swpposed to be there at f.ue.He was supposed to wash the cnrTbe bus wds supplsed to arvive at six.

hw are not swpposed to behape like are not swpposed to bwrt her

Tsterdryt nry bicycle was stolen.^IDsterdny

rny bicyclegot stolen.

Nobody tvns hwrt in the accident.Noborly got hurt in the accid.ent.

I like being praised^I don't lih.e being nshed.I hate being r|isturbed

The roorn needs to be cleaned..The roont. neecls cleaning.She wants to be taught lessons.She wnnts teaching lessons.Sbe need.s to be loobed after.Sbe needs loobing after.

. Passziv szerkezet -ing-es (gerund) alakja:

Bizonyos igdk ut{n -ing-es alakot haszndlunk. Pilddul ,rto like", ,,to hate" stb. Ha ezeket az igeketpassziv szerkezet k<iveti aldcor a ,rto be" ldtigdb6l ,,being" lesz.

. need to be done = need doing / want to be done = want doing = valamit meg kell csiniilni

Ha a ,,need" segddigdt vagy a ,,want" igit passziv sz,erkeznt kiiveti, akkor azt az ige ,ring"-es alakjahelyettesitheti. Beszilt nyelvben ez a viltozat a gyakoribb.

Szeretem, ha megdics6rnek.Nem szeretem, ha kdrdeznek.Utdlom, ha zavarnak.

A szobdt ki kell takaritani.

Ordl<at kell vennie.

Gondoskodni kell r6la.

. BY is WaTH passziv mondat v(gdn:

Ha valamit eszkcizkdnt haszndltunk a cselekvds elvdgzesdhez, akkor WITH dll a passziv mondat vdgdn.

Egy k6vel iitottdk rneg.


He was hit with a. stone.

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Ha a trirt6n6snek valaki vagy valami a krizrvetlen okoz6ja, akkor BY dll a passziv mondat v6g6n.

Egy lehull6 k6 okozta a haldlit (olte meg). He was hilled. by a folling stone.

. Prepozici6s ig6k passzlv mondatban:

Prepozici6s ige esetdn, h prepoz{ci6 a passzlv tg"d"k utdn dll.

Ezzrla probldmdval foglalkozni kell (az irtekezleten). This problem has m be daalt with(in the rnerting).


1 Complete the senfences. IJse is/arelam or waslwere + one of these verbs in the correct form.Egeszitse ki a mondatokat! Haszn6lja az,,is/arelam" vagy a ,,waslwere" l{tigdket + a megadottigdket a megfelel6 alakban!

1.My motor-cycle wosslolen (ste'al) from the car park yesterday2. These offices ...... (clean) every day3. Breakfast (include) in the price.4. Bread (rrrake) from flour.5. This book . ...... (publish) last year.6. Everybody . ... ... (expect) to attend the conference tomorrow7. These areas .. .,... densely (populate).8. No, it wasn't my fault. The accident ............. (cause) by that truck.9. I ...... ...... (allow) to go out tonight. Are you coming with mel

10. The important parts ...... (print) in italics.l I. You kindly . . . . . .. (request) to send a price list by return.12. The letter I received yesterday (write) in ink.

2 Complete the sentences. Use islare being or waslwere being + one of these verbs in thecorrect form. Egdszitse ki a mondatokatl Haszn6lja az ,,islare/am being" vagy a ,,was/were being"szerkezetekef + a megadott igdket'a nregfelel6 alakban!

1.'IlVhere are the witnessesf" "They oreheingquestioned (question) by the police."2. "YVhy did you spend your holiday at homel" "Because my flat

(redecorate)."3. "Why aren't you in your officel" "Because it ......... (clean)."4. The area .. (search) all day yesterday5. "Where are the documents)" "They .... (.opy)."6. When I went to the office yesterday I could use neither the computer nor the xerox-machine

because th.y .. . . . . . . . . . .(repair).

3 Read the newspaper headlines and make themsentences using the present perfect passive(have/has been...). Olvassa el az (tjsdgcikk cfmeket, majd alakitsa 6t 6ket szenved6 szerkezettmondatokkd befejezett jelen id6ben !

I. TWO MEN INJURED IN CAR CRASHlwo men have heen iniured in o cor aash,






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4 Make these sente nces passive. Use will be or will have been. Tegye a mondatokat szenved6alakba! Hasznalja a ,,will be" 6s a ,,will have been" szerkezeteket!

1. I r.vill finish this book soon. Ihk book willhe finkhed soon.2. They, will have built tl-re house by the time you rerurn.3. Thel'will deposit dre money in a bank.4. Tl-rev will ooen the safe with ir knife. ........5. They will change the name of the street.6. Tlley will h:rve posted the letter by dre tirne she gets back.7.Thev will have rcported it to the police by drat time. ..........

5 Complete the sentences. Use should, have to, must, may and can in the passive. Sometimes youhaveto use the negative. Egeszitse kia mondatokat. Haszndlja a,,should, haveto, must, may" 6sa

,,can" segddigeket szenved6 szerkezetben! Bizonyos esefekben a tagado alakot kell haszndlni!

l. Dogs mustn'l be tuken rnto thc restaurant. (take)2. People ...... about earthquakes. (warn)3. If yor,r get ir-rjured ),ou lvill .... to hospital. (take)4.Ir . . . (eat) . Tl-r is is not ediblc.5. These goods irre perishable. They .. .... u-t cooling trucks. (transport)6. These documents ..... (.opy).You can onlv read them.7. These books ...... (borrow). They arcn't reference books.B. This rnater ial is invisible. I t . . . . . . . . (see).

5 Make these sentences passive. Tegye a mondatokat szenvedS alakba!

I. Tl-rev mlrst have brokcn into that fla t. lhat flot must hove been hroken into.2. Tl-rey sl-rould l-rave called for a doctor.3. Thc1, tnay hirye found dre key in the street4. 'Il-rcy cirn't havc stolen this car.5. They shouldn't l-rave published this article .6. They must have paid for i t . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

7 Paraphrase the sentence so that it means the same as the first, using by or with. Alakftsa 6t a mon-datot ugy, hogy ugyanazt jelentse, mint a megadott mondat, a ,,by" vagy a ,,with" felhaszn6llsdval!

l. Someone used a hamrner to break into dre car. The car was broken into wilh a hommer.2. Foggl'weather causes a lot of accidents. ....... '3. Shakespeare wrote a lot of plays. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4. Someone used a stone to kill him.5. A fal l ing stone ki l led him. . . . . . . . . . .6. Someone used arsenic to poison the food.

8 Make the sentences passive. There are two possible solutions in each case. Tegye a mondatokatszenved6 alakba! Minden esetben ket lehets6ges megoldds l6tezik!

l. Slre gave Jessica a very interesting book. I very inleresling hook wos given to tesko.lesko was given o very interesting hook.

2. He told hcr the trudr.


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3. They offered me a good job.

4. She will teach me German.

5. They have already paid $20 to me.

6. He has shown me the new oftice.

9 Complete the sentences. Use beiig + one of these verbs. Egeszitse ki a mondatokat! HasznSlia a

,,being" alakot + a megadott igdket (passziv gerund)!

treat give ask regard deceive call keep distmb

I. I can't stand being disturfedwhile working.2. Children like '.. . ' '.. '. ' as equal.3. She can remember ...'.... a doll on her third binhday4. I hate waiting.5. She doesn't like ... .'... MollY6. We won't say anything without7. Nobody likes ......8. Women are fed up with ................ as second-class citizens.

10 Complete the sentences. Use getlgot (instead of be) + a verb. Egdszitse ki a mondatokat! Hasz'

nittja a ,,get/got" iget a ,,be" helyett 6s egy megfelel6 iget!

break hurt tow offer wash inform offend Promote told invite renovate

l. "Where is my carl" "I'm afraid it has gollowedaway"2. "Why is Jessica in hospitalf" "Because she has in a car crash."

3. "ThG buitding seems to be quite new:" "It ... last year'"4. I can't see thJblackboard because my glasses yesterday5. Has your car .. . . . ' . . . .". . . f I t is very clean.6. Do you regularly . '.... ' about the newsl7. She won't ............ ... ' '. if she doesn't work hard enough'8. L..... a job but I turned it down.9. Do you think I will ....... .....' to their weddingl

ro. Everybody would ....! r...... if they something rude .

11 Rewrite the sentences using -ing where possible. Alakitsa 6t a mondatokat,,-ing"-es alakba,

ahol ez lehetsdges!

1. I am very ill. I need to be looked after. Pwsible I need looking ofter.2. She is very ill. I need to look after her. Not possihle'3. The car is very dirty It wants to be washed. .....".......4. The windows are very dirry I need to clean them'5. Your house is very old. trt needs to be redecorated'...............6. The room is untidy It wants to be cleaned. ".......'....7. I want to water the flowers.8. The plants are very dqi They want to be watered.9. Your hair is too long. It needs to be cut.


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12 a) Rewrite the sentence so that it means the same as fhe first sentence. Begin your sentence asshown using the word in italics. Alakftsa 6t a mondatokat ugy, hogy a jelentesilk ne v6ltozzona megadott mondatokhoz kdpest! Kezdje a mondatot a megadott modon, es haszndlja a d6ltbetfivel szedett szot!

b) Put the the sentences into the simple past tense. Tegye a mondatokat egyszer1 mult idobe!

1. It is reported. drat the delegation rvill arrive on Mondaya) The delegation is reported to orrive on Mondoy.b) The delegotion wos reported to urrive on Mondoy.

2. It is replrted. that the famous actor is in Hungarya) The famous actor . . . . . . . . .b ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

3. It is tbowght that the rate of inflation will decrease.a) The rate of inf lat ion.. . . . . . . . . .b ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

4. It is belined. drat the Young Democrats have won the elections.a) The Young Democratsb ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

5. It is thowght that the population is falhng.a) The populationb ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

6. It is beliwed. that he went to prison for fraud.a ) H e . . . . . . . .b ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

7. It is nlleged. that Jirckson commited a serious crime .a) Jacksonb ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

8. It is said. that Sheila has been prclrnoted.a) Sheilab ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

9. It is wnd.erstood. that the meeting will be put off.a) The meetingb ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

10. It is said. that they are working.a) ThevD ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

I1. It is expected. that the new currency will be inrroduced in Maya) Tl-re new currency . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .b ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

12. It is exptected that James will spend all his money on gambling.a) Jarnesb ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

13 People say a lot of things about the following people. Write sentences about them using besupposed to. Az emberek sok mindent 6llitanak a kovetkez6 szem1lyekrSl. irjon,mondatokatr6luk a ,,be supposed to" szerkezet felhaszn4l1s1val!

I. Paola walks on the roof at night. Poola is supposed to wolk on the roof ot night.2. Sharon has a lot of money3. Terence is afraid of beetles.4. Tim rvas a priest earlier.5. Sue worked as a spy for the FBI. . . . . . . . . . .6. Peter is looking for a new job. . . . . . . . . . . . .7. Patsy comes from Australia. .............8. Tom is lying in a hospital now9. Jack was arrested for smuggling. ............




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14IJse be supposed to + a suitable verb with its other meaning. (See the rules.) Haszndlia a ,,besupposed to" szerkezetet egy megfelel1 igevel a m6sik jelentdsben! (Ld. a szabdlyokat!)

Post be play finish end start ftrrn

I. You oren't suppwed to he Iate. Everybody will be there on time.2. The meeting . . . . . . . . . . soon.3. We ... .... our work before ten but we couldn't.4. You5. The professor started the lecture earlier than I expected. He ... ......" it at five

o'clock sharp.6. Gosh! L . . .. . . .... .. these letters today but I forgot about it'

7.The children

15 Put the fotllowing sentences into the passive. Tegye a kovetkez6 mondatokat szenved6 alakba!

L I told him not to go there alone. He wos lold not to go there alone.2. She told me to buy some bread3. They told her to be morg careful.4. I told you to be at the station at 5 o'clock sharp.5. He has told us to stay here. ..........6. We told them to be quiet.

16 Complete fhe senfences with said or told. Egeszitse ki a m6ndatokat a ,,said" vagy a ,,told" igdkkel!

J. Jack is soid to be ill.2. We were the truth.3. You are . . . . . . . . . . . to be a l iar.4. Jack was ... ... to stay at home.5. I'm to be clever.6. I was to learn harder.7. She is ...... to have cheated.8. She was .. to cheat.9. He has been .. to come with us.

I0. Tim was . .... .. to have left the country

17 Rewrite fhe sentence s. Begin your sentence as shown using the passive voice of the verb in

italics. Alakftsa 6t a mondatokat! Kezdje a mondatot a megadott m6don, a d6lt betfivel szedett

ige szenved6 alakjdnak felhaszndlits1val! .

1. People say thatthis building was built by the Romans.This buildin g is said to hove heen built hy the Ronons.The Roman s ore suid to have built this huilding.

2. People bekwed that God had created the Earth.The Earth was helkved to have been ueoted hy God.God was helieved to have creoled the Esrth.

3. People thowght that the casde was guarded by soldiers.The casdeSoldiers

4. People thinh that the prisoners were allowed to escaPe by the wardens.The pr isoners . . . . . . . . . . . . .The wardens . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

5. People expect thatthe wages will be raised by the comPanyThe wagesThe company. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : . . . " ' . . . . .


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6. Peoplc hnew that the car had been stolen by a criminal.T h e c a r . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . :A criminal

7. People belia,ed that the bill would be amended by the government.The billThc government . . . . . . . . . .

18 Put the verb into the passive or active in an appropriate tense. Tegye az igdket szenved6 vagycselekev6 alakba a megfelel6 igeiddben!

1. If you touched (touch) this wire, you couldbe killed (kill).2. I rv ish L.. . . . . . . . (al low) to go home.3. Nobody ...... (see) crying since rhirr aggressive teacher

ldisrniss).4. . . . . . . . .you . . . (of fend) i f they . . . . . . . ( tel l ) you the truth)5. Sue .... (stay) with her sisrer now, because her flat

( redecorate).6. The meeting ...... (cancel) if you hadn't arrived.7. I rvould have fainted if he .. ... (arrest).8. For the last couple of weeks I ........ ...... (use) my colleague's car as my car

. (reParr).9. From September to October she ... (stay) in a hotel, as her house

ro. so-.,i-i, .i.iiar." '^Jliilll. ..... (rrear) as adults.

19 Rewrite the text using the passive where possible omitting the underlined words. irja 6t a szo-veget szenved6 alakba, ahol lehets5ges! Az al1huzott szavakat hagyja ki!

Denims, hot dogs, skyscrapers and superrnarkets - but what do all these have in commonfOne thing is that you can find them all over the world. Another is that the United States export them. Soyeu ctrn conclude that American popular tastes and attitudes have conquered the world.American rnovies pliryed an important part in this process. FIowever, after the Second World War a powerfulnew fbrce continued the spreading of American influence, and this was the television.Mauufacruring firrns paid television companies lots of money to show advertisments for their productswhile they r.l,ere broadcasting programs.The television companies also televised programs which viewers watched all over the world. The mostpopular one was "I love Lucy". It was a series about a famous comedienne named Lucille Ball. Wl-ren shedied in 1989, thc TV companies were still broadcasting "I love Lucy". Thousands of people had seen it.In tnusic Iqg could see the process of Americanization in the huge populariry of rock. Rock began as "rock

and rol[", a music that bands first played in the I950s.Thc Arnericanization of popular taste was not restricted to entertainment.The growir-rg populariry of "fast food" spread American eating habits. Blue jeans and T:shirts Americanizedthc dress of people on every continent. And supermarkets changed dre experience of shopping every.wherc.Anothe r feature of A.merican cities spread very quickly These were groups of tall shining buildings.They u,ere so tall dlat pgqplg called them skyscrapers. By the 1980s such buildings were dominating cirycentres all over tl-re world. Skyscrapers were symbols of a name that some historians gave to the centur\{The name was the American century(Arlnprerl ftom: Bryn O'Callaghan: An lllustrated. History of the USA, pp. 136-139)

20 Translate the sentences. Forditsa le a mondatokatl

I. lbgnap rnegnyitottiik az uj bevdsdrl6kcjzponrot.2. Alotto 6tcis nyertesdnek a nevdt dltaldban nem hozziknyilvdnossdgra.3. A cild<ben a szemtanf occsdt is megkirdeztdk.4. A nagybdryjdt sikkasztdssal v:idoljdk.5. Biztos vagyok beme, hogy az unokacicsdmet fel fogjdk venni az egyetemre.

1 2 7

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6. ,,llol van az aut6m)" ,,.{n6l tartok, hogy elvontattdk."7. Mi6ta 6pitik mdr a Nemzeti Szinhizatl8. Mindentit, aki felel6ss6gre vonhat6 az elncik halil{drt, le fognak tart6ztatni.

9. Ajrinlon, hogy a lencsdket haszndlat el6tt fert6tlenitsik.10. Az utakat takaritjdk, igy kdrjtik az aur6sokat, hogy vezessenek 6vatosan.

II. Amikor tegnap bementem az iroddmba, ipp ablakot pucoltak.12. A gyanisitottat reggelt6l estig vallandk.13. Tegnap egdsz nap ugyanazokat a dalokat jdtszottdk a rridi6ban'14. Ebben az dvben hdrom rij termdket dobtunk piacra.15. Bizunk benne, hogy ezt a torvdnfavaslatot m6dositani fogjil<.16. Ezr a cdlkitfizdst teljesfteni kell az iv vdge el6tt.17. Biztosan betortek ahizdba.18. Biztos, hogy nem rabolt{k el.19. Val6szinri, hogy a dokumentumokat a titkrirn6je mdsolta le.20. Nem val6szfnri, hogy kalapriccsal tortdk be az ablakot.2L. Apolcr6l lehull6 szerszdmok okoztdk a halildt.22. Az ajt6t kulccsal nyitondk ki.23. Tom konyveket kapott a szi.iletisnapjdra.24. Nekem azt mondtiik, hogy maradjak in.25. az iskoldban mdg oroszt tanftottak'26. Holnap az uj inemeket fogjrik megmutatni a ldtogat6knak'27. Aflrjemnek tegnap fj rillist ajdnlottak.28. Ki nem dllhatom, ha gyerekkdnt kezelnek.29. Nem szereti, ha a munkrijdr6l kdrdezik.30. Miirt mentdl oda andlktil, hogy meghivtak volnal31. van abb6l, hogy lendznek minket.32. A szobitokat ki kellene mdr takaritani.33. Erre ahizramdr rrifir a meszelis.34. Aztmondjrik, hogy nagyon okos.35. Aztmondt{k neki, hogy nevez'zen be a versenyre.36. Ugy tudjrik, hogy Pdter mir ii,"rtAnglidban'37. Arra szdmitottak, hogy az u1 hidat szeptemberre befejezik.38. Az-t mondtdk r6lunk, hogy mi meg tudjuk oldani a falu gondjait.39. Ugy gondoltrik, hogy megint a FIDESZ fogja megnyerni a vdlasztdsokat.40. lrzthiszik, hogy te mfu v€gezril ehhez hasonl6 munkdt'4L.Ugy tudjdk, hogy Tom mdr k6tszer elvdlt.42. Azt mondjdk, hogy a rend6rsdg keres valakit.43. Azt mondtiik, hogy a ment6osztag tcibb naPon :it kereste a fift.4a.Ugy hittdk, hogy a csapat elvesztette a meccset.45. Aztmondtdk, hogy a bdtyridat felveadk az egyetemre.46. Azt gondoltdk, hogy a bir6kat lefizenik.47.Vgy volt, hogy pontban otkor megdrkezel.48. Ugy volt, hogy a hidat holnap felavatjdk.


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CAUSATIVE (have/get sth done,get sy to do, make sy do...)


KBPZES, rr,q.szNAt-tt

A m(veltetis ldnyege, hogy valamilyen cselekvist missal vdgeztetiink. A kiivetkez6 ot sz'erkeznt a

miiveltetis leggyakrabban haszn{ltvikozata (I-5). Ezen kiviil liteznek mig hasonl6 szerkezetek, de

azok jelentise nem milveltet6s (6-7).

a) Megcsinriltatni valamit (valakivel), dltaldbanszolgdltatdsokneil haszndljuk. A,,to have" igdt kell


a megfelel6 igeid6be tenni.&) Vdamilyen sajniilatos esemdny kifej ezesire.

(Altaldb an a szenved6 szrrkezrt helyettesitdsire.Ld,. a 7, pontban!)

Jov6 lrdter-r lernosatom az aut6mat a szerel6vel. Next weeh I'll hape ,ny ca.r wnshed' by tbe mechanic.Mrilt hdten lemosatram az aut6t a szerel6vel. Last weeh I had. my car waslted. by the mechanic.Epp -ort mosamarn le a kocsit a szercl6vel. I have jwst bnd. my car wasbed' by the rnechanic.

2.TO GET STH DONE (BY SY) = Ilryanaztjelenti, mint a,,to have sth done", de dl6bes#dbenez a gyal<rabban haszn {lt virltozat A ,rget'' is ragozhat6.

)or,6 lrdten megj avittato m a hiztet6t.Mrilt hdten megjavittattam a hiztet6t.Epp most javittattam meg a tet6t.

Arra kdnyszeritettik, hogy megegye.

A fihn megnevetterte a ndz6ket.Mi kdsztette arra, hogy igyonf

Ez boldoggd fog tenni.

Bir nem beszdlek j6l ndmettil, sikeriiltrnegdrtetnem magamSikeri.ilt elfogadtatnia magdt.

Arra kdnyszerftettdk, hogy megegye.A ndz6ket megnevettettdk.Boldoggri tettdk.

Next week I'llget the roof repaired.Lnst weeh I got the roof repaired'.I haw just got the roof repnired.

They ruad.e hiru eat it.They forced. hirn to ent it.Tbe f.lrn mod.e the viwers lnugh.Wbat mad.e hirn d.rinh?Wbat caused. hiw to d.rinh?This will wnhe yow (feel) happy.

Althoagh I dnn't speah Gerznan well,I cowld rnohe rnyself wnd.erstood'.She was able to mahe herself accepted'.

He was rnnde to eat it.The viewers were rnade to laugh.She was rnade to feel happy.


3. a) TO MAI(E SY DO STH = n) k(nysznriteni valakit valamire (Ebben az irtelemben a to force syto do sth szinonimdja.)

b) klsztet valakit valamire (Ebben az drtelemben a to cause sy todo sth szinonimrija.)

c) tesz valakit valamilyenn6

D E !TO MAI(E ONESELF UNDERSTOOD/HEARD... = megdrteti magdt, hallatja magdt...

b) TO BE MADE TO = A ,,to make sy do sth" passziv alakja. Aktiv alakban nincs ,,to", passzivalakban azonban miir van. lJgyartanal a jelentdssel bir, mint az aktiv alak.

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5. TO HAVB/GET SY DO STH = valakivel megcsindltat valamit

Fordittasd le a tid<drn6vel a levelet! Hope the secretary translnte the letter

Milveltetdshez hasonl6 szerkezetek:

6. TO HAVE SY DOING = n) Eleri, hogy valaki valamit kdpes legyen megcsin{lni.b) A.,,yo:u'll have sy doing" azt jelenti, hogy valami meg fog ttirtdnni,

azlesz a v6ge, hogy... (Csak I 2. sz.-ben hasznriljukilyen drtelemben.)

c) Az ,rlwon't have sy doing" azt jelenti, hogy valamit nem engedek meg.

(Altaliban E. sz. I l. sz.-ben hasznriljuk ilyen drtelemben.)

4. TO GET SY TO DO STH = riivenni valakit valamire

Rdvettem a ferjemet, hogy mosogasson eI.Rd fogja venni, hogy menjen el a buliba.

Nemsokdra megtanitunk j{rni.

Megtanitottuk riszni.Ha djjel zajongtok, a szomszidokpanaszkodni fognak.

Igot rny hwsband. to d.o the washing wp.She willget hirn to ga to the party.

We'll hate yoa wnlhing soon.W bad. him swirnrning.If yow rnahe noise at night, you'll have yourn eig h b owr s c ornp lnining.

I had. rny pwrse stolen.I got my nose brohen.

Nem engedern meg) hogy bent dohinyozzon. I won't have hirn snoohing in here.

7. GOT/HAD STH DONE = Egl'megtortint eset elbeszdldsire, valamilyen sajndlatos eseminy

kifejezdsdre. (A szenve d6 szerkezetet helyettesitjiik vele. )

Elloptrik a p€nztir cdmat.Betortdk az orromat.


1 Tick fhe senfences which are similar in meaning. Jelolje meg azokat a mondatokat, amelyek ie-le nt6s0 kben h a so n I 6a k !

L I'm having the roof repaired. - The carpenters are repairing the roof' "'

2. We are having dre office painted. - We are painting the office.

3. Photographs are being taken. - We are having photographs taken.

4.lacl< and Tom are having the rooms cleaned. - Jack and Torn are being cleaned.

5. They are having trees planted. - Tlees are being planted.6. We are developing the fihn. - We are having dre fihn developed'

2 Make causative sentences using present simple or present continuous. irion m(iveltet6 mondato-

kat egyszerl jebn vagy folyamatos ielen id6ben!

l. I / tlre car / paint / now l'm huving the car painted now.2. We l the house / whitewash f every year .. ... . .. ...3. She / the windows / clean I wice a tnonth4. They / the shelves I fix I at the moment.............5. She / her hair / wash f every week . ..... ...6. He I the letter / translate / now

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3 Finish the sentences in the way shown. Use simple past. Fejezze be a mondatokat a pelda alap-j6n! HasznAlja az egyszer1 mult iddt!

L Juc11, corrlcln't praint the flat alone so she hod it painted.2. Sam couldl ' t repair thc car so . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3. Wc c<-ruldn't install central hcating ourselt'es so..............4. Hc couldn' t wash the car so . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5. They ccluldn' t t ranslatc the let ter so . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

4 Add the following adverbials ta the sentence and change the tense accordingly. Helyezze el ahat6rozokat a kovetkez6 mondatban, es modositsa az igeid6t ennek megfelel6en!

She has her flat cleaned.

ir) soon She'll soon have her flat deaned.c) lrrst rnondre ) cvcry rnonth< , r r L v \ r

i) Bv the tirne we arrived

5 Finish the sentences in the way shown. Fejezze be a mondatokat a pelda alapj6n!

I. Your trousers are too long. You'll hovetohovethemshortened.2. Your car is dirty You'll ........3. I c:rn't see the blackboard well. I'll4. Tl ' r is skir t is too loose. I '11.. . . . . . . . . . . .5. I need a copy of these documents. I11.. . . . . . . . . . . . .

6lJse the words in brackets to complete the sentences. Egdszitse ki a mondatokat a z6roielbenta I 6 I h ato szava k fe l h aszn1l 5s6va I !

1. We ore hoving lhe mochines serviced (the machines / service) at the moment.2 . Wl ' ren d id you las t . . . . . . (yourha i r /dye) )3. "\44rV irre drose people digging in youl gardenf" *We .. (the gas / instirll)".4. Your car looks new: . ... (it I paint)f5. I had to ..... .. (glasses /make). I'm short-sighted.6. My grandmother can't hear well. She should . (hearing-aid / buy) for her.7. "I rvould likc to see photos of your baby" "I'm sorrv but I . ..... (not / the film

/ develop / yet.)"

7 tJse to + a suitable verb to complete the sentences. Eg1szitse ki a mondatokat ,,to"-val 6s egymegfelelS igevel!

l. I can't get my husband lo do the woshing up becausc he doesn't like doing the housework.2. Don't worry{ I' l l get my fadrer ........ us sorne luoney3. I1n afi'rrid I don't lanow who the boss is going to dismiss. I couldn't get him ... ...... me.4. If vou don't pay your debts bacl<, I' l l get somebody .... you pay5. The workers are satisfied now I got them ........ overtime by raising their wages.

8 Complete the sentences. Use have sy do sth or get sy to do sth. Egeszltse ki a mondatokat.Haszndlja a ,,have sy do sth" vagy a ,,get sy to do sth"szerkezetet!

L Tl-re sir.rk is full of dirtv dishes. I willget my daughter lo do (my claughter / do) tl-re washing-up.2. The school-y11d is full of litter. I .. .... (dre srudents / pick it up.)3. The l ight went L.. . . . . . (my son / change) dre bulb.4. I don't understand this letter so I .. ..... (my secretary / translate) it.

b) nex t week . . . . . . . . . .d) nor.vf) alrerirdyh) When I went to see herj ) j u s t . . . . . . . .

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5. I was curious so L. ..... (him / tell) his secret.6. There was a shortage of raw materials so I ...... .... (purchasing manager /

order) some.7. I couldn't finish painting the house so I had to ..... .;...... (my children /

finish) it.

9 Rewrite the following passive sentences using havelget sth done. Alakitsa 6t a kovetkez6passziv mondatokat a ,,have/get sth done" szerkezet felhasznllisdval!

1. His money was stolen. He hsd his money stolen,2.My house was broken into. ..........3. Her husband was kidnapped. .............4. His dog was run over. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

10 Use have/get sth done to tett the fotlowing story. Haszniilja a ,,have/get sth done" szerkezeteta kovetkez6 tortdnet elmesd l{sdre !

It was the worst day of my life. No wonder! It was Friday the l3th. The chain of unlucky events startedin the morning whLn I *.trt to the garage and I saw thii my car was not there. Obviorisly it had beenstolen. As I had a very important meeting that day, I had to get to the office by eight o'clock, so Iborrowed my neighbour's car. On my way to the office a lorry ran into the back of the car so it gotdamaged. I was very furious but tried not to show my anger and ran ofiice. I tried to phone mysecretary but I couldn't find my mobile . Then it occurred to me that it was also stolen, since I left it in mycar. By the time I got to the oftice, my business partners had been waiting for me for an hour. They werevery angry and told me that they had no more time, so the meeting was cancelled. It meant that a lot ofmoney was lbst. In the evening I wanted to relax a litde bit so I went to a pub with my friends. One ofthem had a row with the barman, and he started to fight with the bouncers. I tried to intervene, but it wasto no avail, because my nose got broken.

11 Make senfences in simple pasf fense using make and the given words. Alkosson mondatokat amegadott szavak segitsdgdvel 6s a ,,make" ig{vel egyszer1 mIft id6ben!

I. our teacher I we I repeat / the sentences. 1ur teacher node us repeot the senlences.2 .^y husband l l l c ry3. the students / the teacher / laugh4. this aspirin I I I feel / better5. the customs officer / the smuggler / open / his case6. the terrorists / the hacker / give / the password...............7. the bank robbers / the clerk I give I them / the money..8. This smell / she / faint..

12 Make senfences in simple pasf fense using to be made to and the words given. Alkosson monda-tokat a megadott szavak segitsegdvel 6s a ,,to be made to" szerkezettel egyszer1 muft id6ben!

I. we / show /our ID We were mode lo show our lD,2. they / give lthem / their / money3. the children / not / rell, I the truth

i:$ii,'ff:i'J"":;#illl ::: :: :: ::::::: :::::::::: ::: ::::t: ::: :: ::: :::: :: ::: :::: ::::::: :: ::: ::6. I / open / the safe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

13 Make sentences using willlwon't have sy doing sth and the words given. Alkosson mondato-kat.a megadott szavak segftsdgdvel 6s a ,,will /won't have sy doing sth" szerkezettel!

L I / not / he / speak l to I me/ like that l won't have him speaking to me like that.2. in the end / you / everybody I tall< I about / you..........3. I / not I she ltel l / me / l ies. . . . . . . . . .


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4. sooner or later I she lthe students / eat out of / her hand ..........5. your father I not I you / go / home / Iate..........6. the ski instructor / I / ski I very quicldy

14 Use to where necessary. Tegye ki a ,,to"-t, ahol szukseges!

1. Finally I could get Sheila lo sign up for the course.2.The robbers made us ...... l ie down on the floor.3. Wc'll have a consulting group ...... find dre right person for that job.4. Jack and Jill were made ...... enter dre house.5. furgela will get Mary ...... report the case to the police .6. I have already had my watch ...... repaired.7. Wl'ry did you get the receptionist ...... look up that guy's name in the register)B. Christine will be made ...... speak about our secret route.9. I' l l have you ...... skating this winter.

I0. I' l l get a srudent ...... make dris poster.11. Sue will get my fadrer ...... let me go to the disco.

'15 Decide whether the sentences are right orwrong. Dontse el, hogy a kovetkez6 mondatok helyesek-e!

l. He could never make me to do what I hate doing . Wrong. He could never moke me d0...2. We'll have to get our supplier to reduce the prices. flrglrL3. Have you had the manager to sign the documentl.............4. Why didn't you get your brother give you a lift|........,.5. Don't make your children eat spinach if they dor-r't l ike it. ..............6. We have had our house redecorated this year.7. I rvon't have rny roornmates give parties at night.B. I won't have anybody srnoking in here.9. Sharon was made let the kidnappers in the house

10. Whv don't you have your secretary rype this letter for youl ..........

16 Translate fhe sentences. Forditsa le a mondatokat!

l. Tegnap megcsindltattam a vizvezet{l<szerel6vel a csapot, mert mdr hetek 6ta csdpogott.2. Etr6l a gy6gyszert6l jobban leszel.3 . Ez zr ruha fiatalit tdged.4. Nern beszdlek ndmeriil, de rnigis sikeriil megdrtetnem magam.5. I(vel festetted ki a lakdsodatf6. Jov6 hiten megiratja ̂ z iigyvddjdvel a vdgrendeletdt.7. Mi6rt nem fordittatod le ezt a levelet az angol tandroddall8. Tegnap a benzinkriton lemosattam az aut6t.9. Meggy6ztiik Tomot, hogy vdltson ndhdny sz6t a f6nok6vel az irdekiinkben.

10. Midrt nem veszed rd a firjedet, hogy menjetek el nyaralni)I l. R:i rudta venni a sziileit, hogy vegyenek neki egy aut6tl12. Az emberrabl6k arra kdnyszeritettdk a ffszokat, hogy mondjikazt, minden rendben van.13. A vdrnosok kir-ryittattdk vele a b6rondjdt.14. Azt szerettem Laciban, hogy mindig meg tudott nevettetni.I5. Valahdnyszor megn6,zem ezt a filmet, mindig megrikat.16. A gyerekeket arra kdnyszeritettdk, hogy hazudjanak a sziileiknek.17. Az djjeli6rt kdnyszeritettik arra, hogy beengedje a rabl6kat.18. Addig veszekedett a biztonsdgialdcal, amig be nem tcirtdk az orrit.19. Tegnapel6tt a buszon elloptdk ap(nztircilmat.20. Mflt hdten betortek a lakdsunkba.21. Nern fogom engedni, hogy a lesifot6sok ahizam el6tt nyiizsogjenek.22. Nern fogom megengedni, hogy brirki is bemenjen a dolgoz6szobdmba.23. Ne aggodj, hamarosan rijra megtanitunk jdrni.24. M(tk tilen a bdtydm megtanitott korcsolydzni.25. Ha nem tudod tartani a szdd, az lesz a vdge, hogy a rend6rsig megint ki fog kdrdezni rnindenkit.

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t r t


r<fpzfs, HASzNAT-tft

Fiigg6 beszedben a beszel6 egy betezet6 f6mondat utiin k<izli mindazt, arnit valaki mondott vagykdrdezett. A f6mondat igeidejdt6l fiigg6en viiltozhat a melldkmondat igeideje is. Figyelje meg!

Ha a f6mondat jelen id6ben van, akkor a melldkmondat igeideje ruryanaz marad, mint ami eredetilegvolt. Ha a f6mondat mult id6ben van, akkor a melldkmondat igeideje is viiltozik, {ltaftiban egy

,,igeid6vel visszribb csriszild'. Minden igeid6nek megvan a fugg6 beszedben haszndlt megfelel6je.Figyelje meg a vriltozrisokat!

r. Ar.lirAs

Azt mondja, hogy 6hes.Azt mondta, hogy dhes.

SIMPLE PRESENTlack eats a lot ofchocolate.

PR.E,SENT CONTINUOUS]ack is eating chocolate.

SIMPLE PASTJack ate some chocolate.

PAST CONTINUOUSJack was eating chocolate.

PAST CONTINUOUS / SN/IPLE PASTJack was eating chocolate when I entered.

PRTSENT PERFECTJack has eaten some chocolate.

PRESENT PERFECT CONTINUOUSJack has been eating chocolate.

PAST PERFECTJack had eaten some chocolate.

DAST PERFECT CONTINUOUSJack had been eating chocolate.

SIMPLE FUTUREJack will eat some chocolate.

FUTURE CONTINUOUSjack will be eating chocolate.

FUTURE PERTECTJack will have eaten some chocolate.

He sa.ys (that) he is hungry.He said (that) he was hungry.

SIMPLE PASTShe said that Jack ate a lot ofchocolate.

DAST CONTINUOUSShe said that Jack was eating chocolate .

DAST PERFECTShe said that )ack had eaten some chocolate.

DAST PERFECT CONTINUOUSShe said that Jack had been eating chocolate.

PA.ST CONTINUOUS / SIMPLE PASTShe said that Jack was eating chocolate whenshe entered.DAST PERFECTShe said that Jack had eaten some chocolate.

PAST PERFECT CONTINUOUSShe said that Jack had been eating chocolate.

PAST PERFECTShe said that Jack had eaten some chocolate.

DA.ST PERFECT CONTINUOUSShe said that Jack had been eating chocolate,

WOULDShe said that Jack would eat some chocolate.

WOULD BE -INGShe said that Jack would be eating chocolate.

WOULD HAVEShe said that ]ack would have eaten somechocolate.


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Fucco arszEo

A f6mondatban termdszetesen nemcsak a rrto say''ige dllhat, hanem szdmos mds ige is, att6l fiigg6en,

hogy a melldkmondat milyen c6lb6l hangzott el. Pitddul: to complain - panaszkodik' to boast -

dicsekszik, to wonder - kivdncsi vmire, to promise - mcgfgdr stb.


F.tgg6 kdrddsben a melldkmondat sz6rendje egyenes. A fiigg6 kirdds nem kird6mondat! I(6tfile

fugg6 kdrddst ki.ilcinbciztetiink meg, att6l fiigg6en, hogy eldcintend6 kdrddst, vagy kiegiszirendf

(kdrd6szavas) kdrddst tesziink-e fiigg6 beszedbe.

a) Eldcintend6 kdrdis fii'gg6 beszddben:

Az eldtjntend6 kdrddst els6 ldpdsben egyenes sz,orendbe, majd a megfelel6 igeid6be tessziik ds az IF'

vagy \4fHETHER krit6szavalikal kcitjiiLk a f6mondathoz. Az,,if/whether" = ,,-e" sz6cska. Figyelje


FUTURE PER}'ECT CONTINUOUS)rck will have been eating chocolate.

rs/ARE GOING TO|ack is going to eat chocolate.

O h:izaslIs she mnt'ried?

Do vou eat chocolate IDid shc eat chocolatc)FIas shc eaten chocolate)

b) Kieglszitend6 kdrdds fiigg6 beszddben:

Midrt rndrgcslWhy is he angryt?

What do you do)Wl'ren did she leave)Wl-rcre have you beenf

Will vou Dirss tne the saltlWork l-rarder, she told him.

Azt kdrdczi, hogv hdzas-e. Azt kdrdezte, l-rogy h'iz:rs-e.He asks if /whetber she is rnowied.. He nshetl if /whether she was marvied.

WOULD HAVE BE,EN _INGShe sirid Jack would have been eatingchocolate .

WAS/WERE GOING TOShe said drat lack was going to eatcl-rocolirte .

She nsherl if / whether I ate chocolate.Hc ashed if / whether she had. eatm chocolate.He asked if / whether she had' eaten chocolnte .

A kiegdszitend6 kdrddst fiigg6 beszidben szintdn egyenes sz6rendbe ds a megfelel6 igeid5be

tessziik. Ezt a az eredeti kdrd6sz6val ktitjiiLk a f6mondathoz. Figyelje meg!


Felsz6litds ds tiltds, valamint k6rds 6s tandcs idi#sekor fugg6 beszddben, azigeid6t6l fiiggetleniil, a

f6mondat urdn ,,to" infinitive dll, a megfelel6 szemdlyes nivm:is tirgyesetdt kcivet6en. Thgadds esetdn

,,not + to infinitive"-et haszndlunk. A bevezet6 f6mondatban riltaldban a kovetkez6 igdk dllhatnak a

mondat irtehndnek megfelel6en: to ask - megkdr; to tell - elmond, mond, to order - parancsol to

request - ig6nyel, kdr, to warn - figyelmeztet, to advise - tandcsol, to encourage - osztonoz, to forbid -

megrih, tob.g - konyorog, to recommend - ajdnl, javasol, to remind - emldkeztet, to urge - siirget. A

,,to sa/' igit itt nem hasznrilhatjuk.

Azt kdrdezi, hogy'rnidrt mdrges. Azt kirdezte, hogy miirt rndrges'She aslu why be is angryt. She ashed why he wa.s nngry.

He asleed what I a.shed. when she hed left.He asked. where I ltad' been.

He nsherl rne t0 hint the salt.She told. him to worh harder.

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Rrponrro / lruotnrct- sprr+t


Fill in this form, please, he requested her.Get out of here, he ordered me.Don't drive fast.You shouldn't drink more.

n(S Egvib fontos tudnival6k a fiigg6 beszedr6l:\ { -. A rrshall I...", ,rshall we..." kezdet(i mondatok rrl/he should", ,rwe/they should" sznrkeznttfvagy

,,to" ffindvi igendwd alalarlnak dt. Ilyenkor a 'whether" kcit6sz6t haszndljuk.

She hesitnted. whether she sbauld, ent it or not.whether to eat it or not.

Tbey ashed. rne wbether they shuwld'go there.

He requested. her to f.ll in the forrn.He ordwed. n e to get owt of there.He ashed. me not to drfue fnst.He ad.yised. rue not to d.rinh rnore.

Shall I eat it or notl

Shall we go therel

. Moddlis segddigik frigg6 beszfdben:

maymay havemightmustmustn'tcancantt

couldshouldought toneedn'tdon't need towouldhad betterwould rather

rnightmight baoemightba rrhell" - hod to / mast. lta rrbizonld'ra" - rnwstmnostn'tcowld'ha..biztos. ltoary nem ...D - ca'n'tcoald'shoald,oorght toneednttdidntt need. towould.had' betterwould. rather

A modrilis segddigdk tcibbnyire nem vdltozn*. Az alihdzottakra kell jobban odafigyelni, mert ezek-ndl a jelentds dcinti el, hogy m6dosulnak-e vagy sem.

$ Figyeternt

B:ir fiigg6 beszddben a ,,may''-b6l ,,mighd' lesz, ez nem azt jelenti, hogy a ,,might" a ,,may'' mfltidejf alakja.

. Feltdteles m6d fiigg6 besz,edben:

A feltdteles m6d mrisodik 6s harmadik tipusa egydltalin nem vdltozik fiigg6 beszddben, csak az els6feltitelesb6l lesz miisodik felt6teles.

If you sell it, I will buy it. He said' if I sold, it, he wowld' bay it'If you sold it, I would buy it. He said' if I sold' it, he would' bry1 it.If you had sold it, I would have bought it. He said, if I had, sold. h, he wowld haoe bought it.

. Olyan ktizldse\ amelyek riltalinos vagy iir<ikdrvdny(rigazsigot tartalmaznak, 6s azok mdg a kciz'lds id6pontjriban is irvdnyben vannak, nem v{ltoznak.

The Earth goes round the Sun. Our teacher said that the Earth goes round' the Sun.

. Id6hatdrozoi melldkmondatndl a Simple Past vagy Past Continuous igeid6 megmarad, a f6mon-dat dll(tm{nya pedig ritkeriilhet Past Perfect-be, de nem feltdtlentirl kell dtalakitani.

When she was young she played the violin. She soid, whon she was lzung she played' /had' played' the violin.

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F0cco erszEo

. Az,,I wish, would rather, if only''

I u,ould rather you didn't leave.I wish it was raining now

. A szemdlyes ndvmds vdltozdsa:

utdn a mult id6ben lev6 igik nem vdltoznak.

He saitl. he would ratlter I'n't leave.He wished. it was raining then.

tlten, at that timebefore, earlierafow days before, afew d.oys earlierthat d.aythe dny, the netct dd'tlthe day before, the previ.ous d.oytha.t montingin two d.ays'timetwo d.ays befiretbe weehfyeary the weehfthe year afterthe prwi.trws weeh.fyeaq the weeh/the year beforetllat x r rthose x +42there




he /sbeI / m / w e f u shis / herrny fowrtbeythemtheir

. A hatdroz6k vdltozdsa:

110wilgoa ferv days :rgotodaytolTrorrowvesterdaythis morningthe dav after tomorrowthe day before yesterdtrynext r.vcek/yearlast rveekthisthesehcre

I'm eating an applc now.They saw you yesterday.Can you use this rnachinelCan we meet this week)Sallv is going to Hollandthe day after tomorrow.

He said. that he was eating nn apple thm.He said. that they had. seen you the d.ay before.Sbe ashed. if I cowld' use tlte machine.She asked. if we cowld. ,neet tba't weeh.He said. Sally wasgoing to two dayf time.

$ r;sytemt

,,This"-b6l akkor lesz,that", ha id6pont meghatirozdsr6l van sz6.

I'l l go horne r/zi week. She said, she would.go home that weeh.

A mutat6ndvmdskdnt haszndlt 'this", ,rthese", ,rthat", ,rthose" fiigg6 beszddben tobbnyire ,rthe"-vialakulnak dt.

I hL<e these shoes. He said. he lihed. tlte shoes.

Ha azonban a ,rthis" 6s a ,rthese" f6nevet helyettesitenek, akkor ,rit" vagy rrthem" lesz bel6liik.

I'll put these on the wall.


He said he would pwt thnn on the wall.

Rewrite each senten ce in reported speech. Tegye a mondatokat f0gg5 besz6dbe!

1."My lrusband is a mechanic." She said (that) herhusbondwasamechonic.2. "My rvife is workinq now." He said


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Reponrro / lruotnro spercH

3. "We have found a purse." He said4. "Sheila was reading when I entered." She said5. "My sister was living in Oxford at that time." He said6. *We are going to travel abroad." He said......7. "lack was unemployed for years." She told us (that)8. "sandra and |ohn have been living together for a long time." He said9. *We will meet outside the cinema." She said...

I0. "I have had a flat for two years." He said......I1. *We will have been working in New York for a year by June."

He sa id . . . . . .12. "They had left by that time." She saidI3. "Our colleague gave a birthday party" She told us..............

2 Rewrite each sentence in reported speech. Be carefulwith the modal auxiliaries! Not all of themwill change. Tegye a mondatokat f0gg6 beszedbe! Legyen 6vatos a mod1lis segedigdkkel! Nemmindegyik fog megvdltozni !

l. "/ack, she might be able to help you." lle said sfre might he ohh to help him.2. "They may be at home." She said3. "I would like to go with you." lle told me4. "We can speak English fluendy" He said5. "I have never been able to climb a tree," She said ...........6. "I will be very sad if he doesn't invite me." He said7. "We had to agree on a date." He said8. "Tom was able to escape from the prison." He said9."\f I were you I wouldn't phone her," IIe told me

10. 'lVe could get on well with each other." She saidIL "They can't be friends." He said12. "I can't play the violin." She said13. "You mustn't cheat." She told him............14. "You must visit your grandmother." He told her ............15. "They must know something about the plan." She said16. "They may have missed the train." He said17. "We needn't worry" He said18. "You don't need to go home." She told me19. "You'd better stay with us." She told him20. "I should tell him the trudr." She said

3 What were the actual words spoken? Rewrite each sentence in direct speech. Mi volt az eredetimondat, ami elhangzott? Tegye a mondatokat f0gg6 beszddbSl egyenes beszddbe!

1. He told me that I should give him some time. 'You should give ne slme lime."2. He said that they wouldn't like to stay at a hotel.3. She said that she was fed up with her job. ...........4. He told them that they had been very impolite, ...............5. She told me that I didn' t need to help her. . . . . . . . . . . . . : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6. He told her that he had missed her. ............7. She said that she had been looking for a job for months but she still hadn't found one. ..................

8. He said that he had been sleeping then.9. He said that she was cooking dinner when he arrived home.

I0. He said that they were going to get married.11. She told me that she had to look after the neighbour's cats.12. She told me that I mustn't switch on that machine.13. She said that she wouldn't be able to solve the problem

1 3 8

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Fucco aeszEo

4 Are the sentences right or wrong? lf they are wrong, correct them. Concentrate on the adverbials.Helyesek-e az alSbbi mondatok? Ha nem, javitsa ki 6ket! Koncentrdlion a hat1rozokra!

l. He said that she wanred to sray here. Wrong. He soid thot she wunted to stay there.2. Shc told us that she would go home drat day flrgfif.3. Sue told me that she had seen the der-rtist two days before.4. )ack said drat he was going to speak to her next week.5. She told Torn that she was making lunch now6. He told me that he had gone to see her dre day before yesterday7 . Trn said that he had given up smoking Iast vear.B. I told them that I had bought a car the day before.9. He said that he would dismiss ten people tl-re following year.

10. She s:rid drat she had becn working hard yestcrday11. He told us that she didn' t understand this. . . . . . . . . . . .12. She sirid d-rat she would phone again in two days'time. ..........I3. He said that he would have been learning English for a year by dris time next month.

5 Match the report with the actual words spoken. Pdrositsa az eredeti mondatokat az iddzett mon'datokkal!

l. No, I dicln't steal the test-papers./2. Well, I've stolen them. I can't deny it.3. You knou'what I've done)

I've stolen the test-papers! I'm brave, aren't I)4. Why can't you belicve it)

It's me who has stolen drem.5. Yes, it's true . I've stolen thern.6. I don't d-rink, tha.t they've stolen thcm.

I u'cruld klorv lborrt it.

a) He admitted that he had stolen dre test-papcrs.b) He insisted tl-rat he l-rad stolen drem.c) He confirmed drat he had stolen them.d) He doubtcd that drey had stolen them.e) He boasted drat he had stolen the test-papers.

$ Hc denied drat he had stolen the test-papers.

6 Put the sentences in reported speech. LJse the following reporting verbs. Tegye a mondatokatfuggS beszedbe! Haszndlja a megadott igeket!

add confirm a&nit decide predict complain boast object insist deny

I. "I brolie the windorv." He odmitted that he hud broken the window.2. "I' l l apply for drat job."3. " I r ,v i l l pav the bi l l . ' . . . . . . . . . .4. "I didn't har,'e grades worse than five l:Lst year."...5. "I won't do it alone.'(r. "I have hircl to do overtime for a mondr now".........7. " I t 's t rue . Jack has rcsigned." . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .B. "The prices of shares will fall in the first term."9. "And drerc is one more tl-ring. We can't spend molc on new machinery"...........

10. "I rvasn't drerc '.rt the time of dre murder.

7 a) Put the "Wh" questions in direct speech. Don't change the tense. Tegye a kieg4szitend6 kendeseket egyenes beszddbe az igeidd modositdsa n6lk0l!b) Ihe reporting verb is in the past tense. Change the rest of the sentence accordingly. A f6mon-dat mult id6ben van. Modositsa a mellekmondatot ennek megfelel6en!

l. "Why don't you eat more soupf "

a) She asks me why ldon't eol more soup.b) She askcd me why I didn't eol nore soup.

1 3 9

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RepoRrro / lruornecr sprrcH

2. "Where is he from|"a) She doesn't knowb) She didn't know

3. "FIow long has your teacher been teaching Englishl"a) He wants to knowb) He wanted to know

4. 'TVho did you meet last night|"a) She wants to knowb) She wanted to know

5. "What was he doing when you entered the rooml"a) He wondersb) He wondered

6. "Who saw him therel"a) I don't knowb) I didn't know

7. "How often did you meet Sasha when you were in Moscowl"a) He wondersb) He wondered..

8. "Who did you come here withf"a) She asks me.... . .b) She asked me....

8 a) Put the "Yes or No" questions in dired speech. Don't change the tense. Tegye az eldontend6kdrddseket egyenes beszddbe az igeidf m6dosit6sa nelkil!b) Ihe reporting verb is in the past fense. Change the rest of the sentence accordingly. A f6mon-dat mrtft id6ben vain. M6dositsa a melldkmondatot ennek megfelel6en!

l. *Areyoumarriedl"

a) He wants to know if I om nanied.b) He wanted to know if lwos nonied.

2. "Has he ever worked as a managerf"a) I've no ideab) I didn't have any idea...........

3. "Were you sitting in a bar at dlat timef"a) He asks meb) He asked me . . ; . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

4. "Did he have to go to the office yesterdayl"a) He would like to know ........b) He would have liked to know

5. "Does he want to give up his jobl"a) I don' t know... . . . . .b) I didn' t know... . . . . . .

6. "Flave you been waiting long|"

;lf i: l i[oll;::::::::::::::::: :: :::: ::: :::: ::::::: :: ::::: ::: ::: ::::: ::: ::::: : ::::: : :::::: ::: ::::7. "Would he like to go on holidayl"

a) She wants to knowb) She wanted to know

9 Put the "Wh' and "Yes or No" questions in direct speech after Do you know...?, CanlCouldyou tell me...? Tegye a kiegdszftend5 6s eldontend6 kdrd6seket egyenes beszddbe a ,,Do youknow...?' 6s a ,,CanlCould you tell me...?" bevezet6 kdrddsek utdn!

J. "FIow can I get to the station)" Could you tell me how I can gel to the station?2. "Is he h"ppy to see her againl" Do you know.........3. "I{as she come backl" Can you tell me


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Fucco aeszEo

4. "How often do they check the alarm)" Do you know ".......

5. "Are his parents rvorking now)" Could you tell me ........"...

6. "Will they get divorcedl" Do you know .........7. "Where are the ticketsl" Can you tell meB. "Who is she going to dre cinema withf " Do you know........ '

9. "Did thel ' leave for Londonf " Can you tel l me . . . . . . . . . . . .

1O Put the "Yes or No" questions in direct speech after Do you saylthink...? And Did you saylthink

...? Change the tense if needed. Tegye az eldontend6 kerdeseket egyenes beszedbe a ,,Do you

saylthink.. .?" es a ,,Did you saylthink...?" bevezet6 kdrdlsek utdn! M6dositsa az igeid6t, amennyi-

ben sz}kseges!

l. Is sl-rc irt home now) Do you d-rink she is ot home now?2. fu'e they at scl-rooll Did you say theywereststhool?3. Have tl-rey been herel Do yolt think...4. Did they need to borrow moneyf Did you think .........

5. Are dre children playing nowf Do you say......6. Will he marry mel Did you say7. Are drey going to rnove into that flatl Do you say

11 Put the following commands, requesfs and advice into reported speech. IJse the following reporting

verbs. Tegye a kovetkez6 felszolitasokat, k6reseket, tandcsokat filggd besz6dbe! Haszndlia a ko-

vetkez6 bevezetd ig6ket!

advise command order recomrnend warn remind urge b.g request ask encourage

L. "If I were )/oll I wouldl't upset Mr Leone", he said. He udvised me not to upset Mr Leone.

2. "That car is always brcaking dorvn. Don't buy it! said her mechanic.

3. "Will you close the windows, pleasef " said my teacher4. "Cor-rld you supply us with satnplesf " wrote dre sales representative.

5. "lJse the grenadesl" shouted their serge'a.nt. .............6. "You should take a few days off', said my colleague.7. "l)on't fbrgct to phone your modrer!" she said. ....... '."B. "Trv to walk faster!" said her bovfi'iend.9. "Stop laughingl It's not ridiculous" sl-routed their father.

10. "I'ln stirrving. Give me somcthing to eat!" she told them.....'....11. "You are suitable for drat job. You should apply for it", his wife said'

12 Put the following sentences into reported speech. Tegye a kovetkez6 mondatokat filgg6 be-


1. Slrall I drink it or notl Sl-re hesitate d whether to drink it or nol. / she should drink il or not.2. Lct 's go to the cinetna. She suggested.... . . . . . . . . . .3. I don't think this spicy dish is good for your heart. I wouldn't eat it. He suggested4. Shall I put off dre meeting or not| She couldr-r't decide

5. "Will uo., "rrlo* the dustiinl" "Yes" She asked me if.......... and I said

6. "Would you marry herf "'No." She wanted to know .. and I said ......"'..

7."Are vou happyf " "No, I 'm not." She wondered . . . . . . ' . . " . . and I said

B. "Lct 's dance. " He suggcsted . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9. "Lct's not give it to her." A.r-rn suggcsted

b | J " " ' - ' ^ ^ " * b D - " - '

10. "Sh:rll \,ve put au advertisment in the newspaper)" She suggested............ '

11. "What about going to the beach)" He suggested.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12. "How about taking dre dog for a r,valkf" He suggested ...'...... '....

I3. "Sl-rall we phone the police or shall we keep it quietl" She hesitated ....... '... '....

14. "Let's not bodrer about dre details." He suggested ......... '.. '


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REponreo / lruotnro speecu

13 Put the following sentences into repofted speech. Use the verbs in brackets. Tegye akovetkez6 mondatokat fngg6 beszddbe! Haszn1lja a zdrojelben lev6 igeket!

1. "Thank you for your letter", she said. (thank) She thsnked me for my lelter.2. "Have a nice weekend", he said to us. (wish)3. "What a lovely dog!" she exclaimed. (say)4. "llow boring he is!" she said. (complain)5. "Congranrlations on your wedding!" he said to her. (congranrlate) ..............6...YouareanincurableIiar! ' ,shesaidtoherson.(cal l)

14 Rewrite each senfence in reported speech. Tegye a mondatokat f0gg6 beszedbe!

1. "I found a twenry-pound note in my pocket the day before yesterday" she said.ihe said she had found o twenty-pound note in her pocket two doys hefore.

2. "When I was a child, I went to church every Sunday," said Bob.

3. "A few weeks ago my litde daughter started to speak," said Emma.

4. "Sorne years ago I couldn't imagine drat you would also have children," said Tina to her sister.

5. "If Sheila gets a bank loan, she won't be able to pay it back," her brother said.

6. "My neighbours are always quarrelling in the middle of the night," she complained.

7. "If I were you, I wouldn't spend tll -y money on her," she advised him.

8. "We won't need to lend our car to him next week, because he has alrcady had his car repair,ed," she said.

9. "Yesterday I didn't want to go to Jack's party because my husband was there toq" she said.

I0. "They will have reached the coast of America by this time next month," he said.

II. "My students didn't dare to behave badly because drey saw that I was in a bad mood," she said.

12. "You must apologise to her for your rude behavioru otherwise she will be very disappointed," she said.

13. 'Ted can't have been at home by that time since he had left the office at 5.30," he claimed.

14. 'My parents wished they had more money," he said.

15. "You had better stay away from work for a couple of days if you don't want to get ill again," he said.

16. *Shall I show vour brother how this machine worksl" he saic.

L7. "Lets not postpone dre meeting," he said.

I8. "Shall we travel to the sea in summerl" he said.

19. "I would rather you didn't waste yoru time reading that silly magazine," said my mother.

20. "When I entered the room the children were climbing out through the window," she said.


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Fucc6 srszEo

15 Choose the correct answer. Vdlassza ki a helyes megolddst!

1. She said she . . . . . in the garden i f theweather ' . ' . . ' . . n ice.

A) rvould work / had been B) will work / was

C) rvould work / was D) would have worked / was

2.I'm so tired that I can't keep my eyes open. The underlined part in reported speech will be :

A) car-r't keepC) couldu't have kept

3. Tl-rey can'r be at horne now That's for sure. The underlined part in reportcd speech will be:

A) can't be B) couldn't beC) coulc|-r't have been D) might not be

4. She said she would deal with right 'A) it / nowC) d-rat / now

A) it / following dayC) the i dre previous day

B) couldn't keepD) rvasn't able to keep

B) it / drenD) this / then

B) drat/ next dayD) the / the following day

5. I1n not going to do this translation until tomorrow. The underlined parts in reported speech will be:

16 Translate the sentences. Forditsa le a mondatokat!

I. A kolldgdid azt mondt'ik, hogy az iroddban vagy2. A kutat6k azt mondtiik, hogy meg lesziink eldgedve az eredmdmyel.3. Aztmondta Bill, hogy amikor telefondltam neki, dpp fiirdott.4. Azt iillftotta a szomszddom, hogy nem ldtott senkit sem bemenni a hdzamba.

5. Azr hittiik, hogy miel6tt elindultok, telefondlni fogtok.6. Azt gondolt:itok, hog.y in meg fogok bocs{tani.7. Azt mondta Pdter, hogy a n6vdre most a vizsgdira kdsziil.B. Azt gondoltuk, hogy te mdr mindent elint6zt6l.9. Azt hittem, hogy Jack mdr ivek 6ta Amerikdban il.

10. Azt mondta Mrs Black, hogy Thm{st ma kirugtdk az iskoldb6l.ll. Nern gondolruk volna, hogy kdpes v^W ezt a projektet kivitelezni'12. Azt rnondtdk, hogy 6 aldcor Hollandidban volt, de mdgsem.13. Azt mondtdk, hogy te tegnap otkor veluk tdrgyaltdl.14. Azt mondt{k, szdnddkukban rill rij partnereket keresni.15. Azt dllitottiik, hogy ez a konyv mdr megjelent angolul is'16. A bizotts:ig rigy dontott, hogy felbonrjik a szerzldesr. ezzel a ciggel.17. A cikk t"irt6j" azr dllirotta, llogy harminc iwel ezel6tt szemdlyesen is taldlkozott a Seuzo-

kincsek megtaldl6jdval.18. Azt hittiik,le meg nrdod gy6zni Palit, hogy ne menjen oda a gyilkossdg helyszindre.

19. A tanri azt dllitotta, hogy bizony{ra a rabl6t ldtta elszokni.20. A tan{r azt mondta, hogy az essz€t 1ov6 hdten kell beadni.2L Azt rnondtad, nincs sziiksdged segftsigre.22. Aztmondra a fdrjem, hog-y- 6 soha nem lett volna kdpes arra, hogy hazudjon nekem.

23. Aztmondtdk neki a tanirai, hogy le rudnd tenni a vizsgdt, ha kcmdnyebben tanulna.

24. Mi&tmondtad neki azr, hogy ha tudtuk volna, hogy itthon vatr, meghivtuk volna a bulibaf

25. Azt mondra a fi5nokom, hogy ez egy ziiros tigy, is azt is hozzdfi3zte, hogy jobban tenndm, ha

nem avadcoznik bele.26. Azt rnondta, hogy arnikor fiatal volt, nent doh{nyzott.27. Aztmondta a feleiigem, hogv tegnapcl6tt azdrt ncrn akart elmenni sehovtl, tnert mdr kds6 r'olt.

28. )ack azt rnondra, hogy mivel New Yorkbirn mdr j.irt tavaly ny{ron, jov6re Los A.ngelesbe szeretne

tncuui.29. Azt rnondra, hogy a m/rlt hdten ebben a bdrban taliilkozott az iij bardtn1ievel.


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RepoRrro / llrotnEcr spEEcH - Fuccd eeszEo

30. Azt mondtdk, ma minden ki fog deri,ilni.3L. Azt mondta, hogy ezt a filmet fel kellene venni.32. Meger6sftettdk, hogy az igazgat6i i.ilCst elnapoltrik.33. Elismerte, hogy a diplomadolgozatdtmdssal iratta meg.34. Megj6soltrik, hogy a katasztr6fa be fog kovetkezni.35. Eldicsekedte, hogy ndgyesnil rosszabb osz,tilyz totnem kapott ebben a feldvben.36. Ragaszkodott ahhoz, hogy a szirml{rt 6 fizesse ki.37.Tagadta, hogy mrilt h6napban meglitogatta a szi.ileit.38. Megkdrdeztiik a gyerekeket, miirt mondtikazt,hogy az iskoliban minden rendben.39. ftdni akartuk, mi6ta tanulnak angolul.40. Kivrincsiak voltak, kiket hivtunk meg az eskiiv6re.41. MegkdrdeztCk, mi a foglalkozdsom.42. ftdni akartdk, hogy most ippen min dolgozik.43. Kivdncsiak voltunk, mit csindlt az iroddban, amikor beliptiink.44. Elklpzeldstink sem volt, hogy midrt akar elvrilni Tomt6l.45. Megkdrdezte, hogy szeretndk-e megtanulni sielni.46. Tidni szerette volna, hogy van-e esdlye bejutni a dcint6be.47. Megk€rdezte,hogy r€g6ta vrirunk-e rri.48. Fogalma sem volt r6la, hogy hogyan keriilt oda.49. Tudni akarta, eljohet-e veliink szrnhdzba.50. Megkdrdezti.ik, szereti-e a toninelmi tdmdjd konyveket.5I. ftdni akarta, megtesziink-e minden telhet6t az irdekdben a holnaputrini trirgyalison.52. MegkdrdeztCk, ki kell-e takaritani a lakdst, miel6tt elmennek, ds in azt vdlaszoltam, hogy termdsze-

tesen igen.53. Megkdrdeztdk, kcilcscinvehetik-e az aut6t holnaputdn.54. Azr kdrdezt6k, szabad-e itt dohdnyozni.55. Azt kdrdezte Greg, szeretndk-e elmenni vele ma este moziba.56. Aztkirdezte, hogy tegnapel6a ki haszndlta a fdnymrisol6t.57. Tdni akaftdk, hogy ha megkirn6nek engem, megtennim-e nekik ezt a szivessiget.58. Azt tandcsoltuk nekik, hogy vegydk fel a kapcsolatot a biztositdsi iigynokkel.59. Megparancsolta a katondlcnak, hogy ne l6jenek.60. Javasoltuk, hogy iddn nyriron menjtink nyaralni.6L. Aztjavasolta, hogy forduljak szakorvoshoz, mihelyt lehetsiges.62. }Jezitdlt, hogy most otthon maradjon vagy eljcijjon veliink.63. Nem tudta eldonteni, hogy megpdlyiz,za-e azt az illdst vagy csinrilja azt, amit eddig is csindlt.64. Megkirdezte,hogy hozzimenndk-e, de 4n azt mondtam, hogy nem.


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Az angol nyelvben a f6ndvi igendvnek kdt form:ija van: FULL INFINITIVE (TO-val elkitott) dsBARE INFINITIVE (TO ndlkiiLl haszniilatos).

FULL INFINITIVE flO-val elftitott):



lelen idej(r f6ndvi igenivPRTSENT CONTINUOUS INFINITIVEFolyamatos jelen idej( fbndvi igendv

PERFECT INFINITIVEBefejezett (rnult idejii) f6nivi igen6v

PERFECT CONTINUOUS INFINITIVEBefejezett (mrilt idej() folyamatos fi5ndvi igendv


felen idejri f6ndvi igendv, passzivPER-FECT INFINITIVE PASSIVEIlefejezett (mrilt idej() f6ndvi igendv, passziv

Figyelje meg!

Azt rnondjdk, itt dolgozik.Azt mondjrik, most egy fjprojekten dolgozikAzt mondj{k, tavaly ott dolgozott.Azt mondjdk, ivek 6ta ott dolgozik.Azt mondjdk, szeretik.Azt mondjdk, kirugt{k.

A FULL INFINITWE leggyakoribb formdja a PRLSENT INFINITIVE, vagyis az egyszrriiTO-val elldtott f6ndvi igeniv.


l. Cdlhatdroz6i mellikmondatok bevezetisire:

Ehnentem a konyvtdrba, hogykikolcsonozzek egy j6 konyvet.

2. A kcivetkez6 igik utrin:

agree - egyetdrt valamivelaim - cdlja var-rallow - rnegengediappear - t6nik, l{tszikarrange - elintdz, megszervezask sy to - megkir vkit valamireattempt - megkisdrel

to work, to do, to be

to be working, to be doing

to have worked, to have done, to have been

to have been working, to have been doing

to be done

to have been done

He is snid. to worh ltereHe is said. to be worhing on a new project.

He is saicl to hove worhcd. there last yearHe is said. to ltave been worhing there for aga.He is said. to be loved'.He is said, to ltove bem soched'.

I went to the l:ibraty to borrow a good. book.

I agreed. to pny $2000.W nirned. to reach the target.He allowed. rne to go tbere.He nppeared. to be satisf.ed..They arvanged. to mtet hirn.W asked. hirn not to lenpe.W atternpted to prod.uce oil.


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afford - megenged magrinak valamitchoose -valaszt

claim - dllitdecide - dont

Tovribbi igek:

deserve - megdrdemeldetermine - elhatdroz valamitencourage - biitorit, osztlnozenable - kdpess6 teszexpect - elvdrfail - nem sikeriil valami, megbukikforbid - megtiltforce - kinyszeritforget - elfelejt megcsindlni valamitget sy to - rdveszguarantee - garantdlhappen to - tortdnetesen rigy esik, hogyhesitate - habozikhope - remdllearn - megtanullong - vrigyik valamiremanage - sikeri.ilmean - szrinddkozik, akaroffer - felajrinlorder - parancsolpersuade - meggy6zplan - tervez

I g e + t d r g y f t o

Azt tandcsolom neked, hogy forduljszakorvoshoz.Elvdrom t6le, hogy letegye avizsgdt.Azt akarom, hogy megdrtsed.Arra kdrt, hogy segftsek neki.Nem engedem meg, hogy dohrinyozzon.Senkinek nem javaslom, hogy itt maradjon.


Ebben az dptiletben nern lehet dohrinyozni.Nem javaslom, hogy itt maradjunk.

4. Mellikneves ds szdmneves szerkezetekkel:

It's easy / difficult / hard / impossible / safe / dangerous/ biztonsrtgos / veszdlyes (valakinek) megtenni valamit

fru can't ffird. to bwy a hoase now.W cbose togo there.He clairus to hnve seen a UFO.W d.ecid.ed. not to sta! nt howe.


be prepared - fel van kdsziilve valamire Ipretend - tettet, szinlel


promise - megigf,r ,,prove - bizonyit, bizonyulrefuse - visszautasitremember - nem felejt el megcsind-Lni valunitseem - tfinik, ldtszikswear - megeski.iszikteach - tanfttend - hajlamos valamiretell - mondthreaten - fenyeget6zik valamivel, fenyegetnot trouble/not bottrer- nem zavartagamagdttry - megkisirelturn out - kideriilundertake - vdllalwant - akarwarn - figyelmeztetwish - 6hajtwould like/love - szeretnewould prefer - jobban kedvel

Verb+ob jec t+ to

I ad,vise yow to turw to a sltecinl,ist.

I acpect him to pass the exam.I want you to und.erstand. it.He ashed. mc to help hirn.I d.on't ollow lter to srnohe.I dnn't recom.matd. anybod,y to stay here.

Srnohing is not allowed. in this dnntt recornrnend. staying hwe.

prepare - kdsziil valamire

3. Bizonyos lgik targyitk<ivet6en. Pl. want sy to do sth - azt akarja, hogy valaki valamit csin{ljon, asksy to do sth - megkir valakit, hogy..., tell sy to do sth - azt mondja valakinek, hogy..., advise sy to do sth- azt tandcsolja v'alakinek, hogf ..., expect sy to do sth - elv{rja valakit6l, hogy..., would like sy to do sth-aztsz,eretnd;havalaki...,encourrgesytodosth-bdtorit losztonozvalakitarra,hogy...,allowsytodosth - megengedi valakinek, hogy..., forbid sy to do sth - megtiltja valakinek, hogy..., permit sy to do sth- engedilyezi valakinek, hogy..., recofilmend sy to do sth - azt javasolja valakinek, hogy...


(for sy) to do sth kcinnyi I neh6z / leheteden

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It's nice / good / bad to - kellemes I j6 I rosszIt's nice oiyo.t/ him i her to.../ rettiibl" of... lclever of.../ stupid of... lsilly of .../ considerate of '../

unfair of ... to ... - Szdp t6led / t6le, hogy ... / Okos dolog rdsz€r61, hogy ... / Butasrtg volt t6le, hogy. /Figvelmes t6le , hogy ... / Nern igazsdgos t6le, hogy ...t'il happy I glad/*pleased Tdelfuhted I sad ldisappointed / surprised / astonished I amazrd / relieved

(for sy) io - ttoldog vagyok, h"gy ... / Orillok, hogy ... Szomoni /csal6dott / meglepett vagvok, hogy ...

iVlegclobbent / Elkdpeszt / Megnprgtat, hogy (valaki csindl valamit) .. 'to 6e the first / the second / itri ttrira... thre last / the next / the only to do sth - ... az cls6 / a mdsodik

i tr harmadil< I ... az utols6 / a kovetkez6 laz egyetlen, aki .'.

ForuEvr rcrruEv

I(onnfr rnegdrtcni 6t.Tamdsnirk konnpr apdt rnegirteni.

J6ldtni tiged.(Nekcm) nehdz megtanulni az angol szavakat.Els6kint drkezett ds utols6k6nt tdvozott.Mcglep6clott, amikor hallotta a hireket)Oriiltem, arnikor rnegkaptam a kdpeslapodat.Butasdg volt Evdt6l, hogy otdragyta n iil:isit.Okosur tetted, hogy megl'rivtad.

5. Bizonyos kifejezesekben (to be to, to be due to, to be about to, used to' to be likely to, to be

bound to. to be certain to):

Irpp indulni kdsziilok.A vonatnak h:rd<or kcll elindulnia.Val;rl'ra kovdr voltam.A busznirk od<or kell megdrkeznie.Vel6szinir. hogy eljon.O nagl'on okos. Musz'ij lctennie a vizsgdt.Biztos, hogy eljon.

6. Haszndlhatjuk a mondat alanyakdnt:

Olasz nl,elvst tanulni konnyi.

Mcnnvi ideig tart (neked) eljutni az {llom{sralNckern kb. kdt percig trrrt eljutni oda.Mennvi id6t fog iginybe venni, hogy befejczze a konyvet)

It is easy to und'erstand' bhn.It\ easy for Tbrn to wd.erstand. Dndd'y.It\good, to see you.It\ dfficult (for tnt) to lenrn English words.He was tbefirst to nnd. the last to leave.Wns he swrprised' to ltear the nnvs?I was d.elighted. to get yowr postcard..It was stwpid of Eve to give up her job.

It was clwer of you to invi.te hint.

I'nc nbout to lenve.The train is to leme nt six.I wsed. to be fnt.Tbe bws is due to anive at fie.He is lihely to corue.He is very intelligent. He is bownd to pas tbe exaw'She is sure/certain to corne.

To learn ltalian is easy.

He is too young to wnderstand itHe is not talented. enough to go touniversity.

I ashed. how to coruI,lete the fonn.I cnn't decid.e whetber to stay 07' 7't'0t.Have yow explained to her what to d.o?Do you know ltow to get to the stntion?He ruill tell yow what to d.o.I've leawfi ltow to spell tbis word..

How long fues it tahe yow t0 qet t0 tbe stationlIt tnkes me about two minutes to get there'Hrw long will it tahe her to J'ttt'ish the booh?

7. A ,,too + rnellikndv" / ,,mell6kndv + enough" szerkezeteket kovet6en:

Tfl fiirt:rlmdg, hogy meg6rtse.Ncrn el6g tehetsdges ahhoz,hogv egvetemre menjetr.

8. Bizonyos igdket kiivet6en kdrd6sz6t + to + f6n6vi igenevet haszndlunk (ask, decide, know,

remember, e*plain, learn, understand, wonder + what/ho{where/whether * to):

Megkdrdezten, bogyan hell hitljlteni a nyomtatv'inyt.Nem nrdonr elclonteni, hogy w.arad.jak-, vagy sem.Elmagyariiztad neki, bogy mit leell csindlnialTlrdod, hogy hell eljutni a p{lyaudvarrafM.rjd 6 elmondja neked, hogy wit tegyil.Megt'.rnulta m, hogyan hell betfizni ezt t sz6t.

9. A,,take sy a long time / five minutes / hours / ten days to" = ,,tart valamennyi ideig" kifejezdsben.

1 4 7

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Zsuzsinak kit h6napjriba keriilt megszereznla jogosfwdnydt.Eldg sok id6mbe telt, mire megtaldltalal(.


l. Segddigdk utrin (can, could, ilay, needn't, dare):

En "rtnem tudom megcsindlni.Lehet, hogy meghivom 6t is.


A 'need" ds a,rdare" ig6k kCtf6le alakban ldteznek. Lehetnek segCdigdk 6s f6igek egyarrint. Figyeljemeg' a rrto" haszndlatdt!


Hogy mersz igy beszdlni veleml!Nem merek odamenni.Haza kell mennediEzt nem kell holnapra befejeznem.Nem mertem beszilni err6l.


Oda mertdl mennilNem kell megcsinii.Lnom hddSre.Meg kellett l{togatnom.

2. Biz-onyos igdk tirgydtt kovet6en (let sy do sth, make sy do sth):

Nem engedem, hogy odamenj. I d.on't let yowgo there.Arra kinyszeritett, hogy adjam oda a p5nzt{rrcitmat. He rnndr me give hirn my parse.

DE! A rrmake sy do sth" szenved6 szerkezetben miir,rsy was made to do".

fura kdnyszeritettdk, hogy adja oda a pinzt6,,rcdj6,t. He was rnade togbe thern his purse.

3. Bizonyos kifejezdsek utrin (had better do sth, would rather do sth, why not do sth):

Jobban tenndm, ha itthon maradn6k.Inkdbb most lefekiidndk.Midrt ne vegyiink ki pdr nap szabadsdgotf

It moh Sue two rnanths t0 get her drirying l,irence.'

It tooh rne quite a lot of tirne to f'nd' you. i


I can't do it.I rnay iwite hiru. too.

How d.are you speah to me lihe thatlI d.nren'tgo thne.Need. you go horne?I need.n't fi.nish it by tornowow .I d.ared. not speak. about it.

Did. you dare (to) go there?I dnn't need. to dn it by Mond.ay.I needtd. to see ber.

I bad. better stny at home.I wowld rather go to bed..Why not tahe nfew day offi


1 Complete fhe senfences for each situation. A szitu1ciok alapj1n egdszltse ki a mondatokat!

1. A: Could you give my book backl B: Sure. He agreed togiveherhookhotk.2. A: You should work harder. B: I knoq Mum. She expects him............3. A: Why don't you buy a carf B: I have no money IIe can't affcrd4. A: Could you lend me your carl B: No! She refused5. A: Are you going on holidayl B: Yes, to Spain. He is pIannitg.............6. A: Don't forget to post the letter. B: OI(. He reminded her .........


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ForuEvt tcEttEv

7. A: Don't go fast. It 's a very dangerous bend. B: Don't worry! She warned him ...........

8. A: Where shall we stay? B: Go to Jack's Guesthouse. FIe recomtnended them9. A: May I smoke here I B: Please don't. She didn't allow him

10. A: You should see the doctor. B: Do you think sof She advised hirn ...........It. A: Give me dre money! B: Yes, sir. He ordered the cashier12. A: You can see thar driving is not so complicated. B: Tl-rank you for the lessons. He taught him

I3. A: Don't tel l anybody B: I won't . He promised . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .14. A: If I were you I wouldn't go there. B: OK. I won't. He persuaded him15. A: If you tell anybody I will beat you up. B: I' l l keep quiet. He threatened him ..,........

2 Complete fhe sentences with a suitable verb. Egdszitse ki a mondatokat egy-egy odaillS igevel!

t. We didn't feel like going out so we decided to stay at home.2. She said it was a secret so I p.. ........ her not to tell anybody3. As I got up too late I f..... ... to catch the train to London.4. Although I couldn't swim, I found a piece of wood and I m. ....... to get to the shore.

5. My God! I f....... to post the letters that Sue gave me yesterday She will be very

angr11 because it would have been very urgent.6. She committed a serious crime so she d.. ..... to be sent to prison.7. Wher-r the teacher entered dre roorn everybody stopped speaking and r-robody d......

to say a word.B. Seeing how pale I was, she a.. ....... me to see the doctor.9. The exam was very difficult but everybody h. to pass it.

10. I know that we are very busy on 4'r' August but I a. .. to meet the representative

of the trade union for dre same day, because drat is the only day when \,'e can talk to him.

3 Read fhe sentences and transform them following the example. Use ... would like sy to do...,want sy to do... Alakftsa 5t a mondatokat a pdlda alapjdn! Haszn1lja a ,,want sy to do" 6s a

,,would like sy to do" szerkezeteket!

I. "Send me some postcards." Iwould like you to send me some posturds.

2. Slre told him to be silent. Shewuntedhimtobesilent.3. He asked me to lend him my bicycle.4. "Wl-ry don' t you work harderf" . . . . . . . . . . . . .5. IGthy needs your help.. . . . . . . . . .6. "Could you please turn the radio down)' . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7. I asked him to stop talldngB. "Could you give me some advicel"9. He asked me to meet him at the stat iol l . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

I0. I told them to stay:lt home.

4 Complete the questions. lLse do you want me to... / would you like me to...? Egdszftse ki a ker-deseket! Haszn1lja a ,,do you want me to.../would you like me to...?" szerkezeteket"!

1. Slrall I go now or would you like me to go /oler? (go later)2. Shall we go to a restaurant or .. .... ... . . . (cook something) |

3. Have you got your car here or (ler-rd mine))

4. Wil l you speak to Mr Watson or. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (speak to him)l

5. Can you do i t alone or. . . . . . . . . . . . . . (help you))

6. Can you use this photocopier or ......... (show you)f

7. Do you want to be alone or. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (stay here with you))


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5 Make a new sentence usingigdk segftsdgevel!

1. You are exhausted. (seem)2.Tim loses things. (tend)3. jack is preparing for something. (seem)4. Your son is bored with school. (appear)5. His daughter passed the exam. (claim)

the verbs in brackets. irion ui mondatokat a zdroielben megadott

You seen to he exhausted.He tends to lose things.

6. Bill is absent-minded. (tend)7. Sarah is looking for something.8. She lost her glasses. (appear)


6 Make a new sentence following the example. irjon 0j mondatokat a pelda alapi6n!

L It is said that he is marrie d. He is soid to he married.2. It is believed that she is working for the CIA...........3. It is known that /oe has lost his job.4. It is said that they will travel abroad. ..............5. It is thought that her flat is sold.6. It is known that a new bridge will be built. .........7. It is expected that more workers will be employed.8. It is thought that her flat was broken into. ...........9. It is believed that they are doing new experiments. ......,...

7 Connect the senfences following the example. IJse the words in brackets. Kosse ossze a monda-

tokat a pdlda alapjdn! Haszn1lia a zdroielben megadott szavakat!

I. He is very young. He shouldn't watch that film. (t9o) tle is too young to t!.at filry.2. She is old.-She won't be able to do it. (enough) She is not young enough to he uhle to do il.3. She is not very clever. She won't understand it. (enough)4. She is very short. She can't reach the top shelf. (too)5. ]ane is very weak. She won't be able to lift it. (enough) .".'.....:.... '..6. Kathy is lazy She won't do her homework for Monday (too) .......'.7. Kathy is lazy She won't learn the topics for the exam. (enough) .. ......8. Jeremy is very shy He won't speak in public. (too)........"9' I am very tired' r can't finish this rePort today (too)

.....::::.:.....:.........:::10. I am not very fit. I can't climb the stairs. (enough) .. ......

8 Finish fhe sentences following the example. Fejezze be a mondatokat a pelda alapi6n!

I. Everybody was here on time but you are late again. You are always the lust to arrive.2.Iohn left the room first, I followed him. I was the3. When I saw him I was very h"ppy I was very..4. I could easily understand him. It was5. What he said was very complicated. I could not understand him well. It was ...........,6. This problem is complex. I don't know how to solve it. It will be..............7. 'This is Paul." " I 'm.. . . . . . . . .

9 Complete each sentence with what I how / whether I where + fo + one of these verbs. Egdszitseki a mondatokat a ,,whatlhowlwhetherl where + to" szerkezettel + a kovetkez1 igek valamelyikevel!

persuade stay say irnitc accept getuse do look for tell

I. I cannot decide whethertoinvitehimor not.2. Could you tell me ... to the station, pleasef3. I don't know ... .. for the night,I haven't booked anywhere'

1 5 0

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FonEvr rcexev

4. Can you show me ... this cameraf5. The situation was very ernbarrassing, I didn't know .6. Could you tell rne ... ...... in such an awkward situationl7. He is so head-strong and stubborn. I don't know . .. him that l-re is wrong.B. I I ' rave lost rny keys and I have no idea . . . . . . . . . . . . i t .9. I have brokcn my mother's favourit crystal vase. I don't know . .. .. ..... her.

10. This job is well-paid but I shotild have too much responsibiliry I can't decide ........ itor not.

"10 Complete the sentences with dare / dare not I need I needn't / not dare to / dare to I not need toI need to. Pay special attention to the tenses. Egeszftse ki a mondatokat a ,,dare I dare not / need /needn't" vagy a ,,not dare to / dare to / not need to / need to" szerkezetekkel. )gyeljen az igeiddre!

1. Tlre meeting tolnorrow is not so important, so we won't need to go.2.L,astnight mv cousin rrccompanied me home because I . . . . . . . . . . . . . go home ir lone.3. .. . .. ...... finish the project yesterdayf4. Wrll you come with me to the hospital next weekl I will be too anxious and I . ......... go

thcre alone.5. How you do it to your motherl Shame on you!6. | ... ..... write dre essay today so we can go out if Vou wirnt to.7 . The kidnappers were very cruel. The people were scarecl and nobodv . . .. .. sa,v a r,vord.B. Hor.v . . . . you ask me dratl9 . . . . . . . . . . . . . l i e ! You can ' t dece ive me .

1'l Complete the senfences with a suitable word. You mustn't use to. Eg1szitse ki a mondatokategy-egy odaillS sz6val! A ,,to"-t most nem haszndlhatja!

1. Tl-rat bag looks he:rvy Let nte help you widr it.2. The film had a very sad ending, it made her ...3. The robbcrs pointed dre gun at the cashier. They made l-rim ....... them the money

frorn the sirfe.4. My clirughter was ve ry angry bccause I didn't let her .. to thc disco.5. F{ave you had a haircutl It reirllv makes yolr .. .. . . . . . younger.6. I cirn't let rny son ... what he wants. He is too young to decide rvhat is right ar"rd wl'rirt

ls wrol-lg.

7. If I rvcre \<ru, I wouldn't lct mv children ....... to me like tl-rirt. Tl'rcv sl-ror-rldhavc rnclre respect for dreir parents.

B. Trke dris:rspirin. It will make you ...... better.9. Why don't you let him your car. F{e's got a driving licence too, and I think hc

drivcs rvell.10. Lct's ...... TV tonight. There will be a good film on.11 . Ha-h i r -ha . Dor r ' t rnake me . . . . . . . . . . . !

12 Put the verb into the right form: -ing or infinitive (with or without to). Tegye az igeket ,,-ing"-esvagy fdnevi igeneves alakba (,,to"-valvagy an6lkill)!

J. I rvouldn't rccornrnend you loeal it.I think it's gone off. (eat)2. M), parcl'rts don't allow ..... in the house. (smoke)3. They don't allor,v rne ... ...... either. (smoke)4. I rvor,rld recornmend ........ the night here, if everybody irgrees. (spend)5. Tl're customs officer rnadc rne my bag. (open)6. I rvirs made . ..... my bag to the customs officer. (show)7. Her mother ahvays encourirged Suc .. .... as hard as she can. (study)B. I clidr-r't let l-rer my car. Shc has just got her driving licence . (drive)9. I clon't knorv whethcr ..... ... the job or not) (apply for)

10. I dor-r't know this town well. Where do you advise me ... .... for the nightf (stay)

1 5 1

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II. I didn't dare12. You needn't

into her house, because there was a big dog lying in the doorway (go)

.... me the truth now I'll find it out myself. (tell)

13. She was not allowed the cat into the flat. (take)14. He doesn't need .. . the washing up. His wife always does it. (do)15. How dare you .. the car without asking me| (take)

13 Answer the questions using the words in brackets. V6laszoljon a kirddsekre a zdroielben meg'a dott szava k fe I hasznd I Ssdva I !

I. How long did it take you ro finish your homeworkl (2 hours) lt took me two hourc to finlsh my homework.2. How many days will it take Willy Fog to travel around the worldl (80 days)

3. How long did it take him to get to the topf4. How many years will it take the researchers

(2 weeks)to find tl're remedyl (about 5 years)

5. How long does it take your brother to get to school on footf (20 minutes)

6. How long does it take to get to the centre by busf (half an hour)

7.How long does it take to get to Budapest from Veszprdmf (about two hours)

14 Translate the sentences. Forditsa le a mondatokat!

l. Egyetdrtettink azzal, hogy kdrp6toljuk 6t a vesztes6geidrt.2. Azvokac6lja, hogy dv v6g6re eldri a cdlkitfizdst, de ezt nern sikeriilt megval6sitania.3. Ugy r(nilq eligedett az eredmdnnyel.4. Nem trint tr-il rfinik, mindentYelkovettetek a siker drdekiben.6.9W t6nik, nem birk6ztak meg a feladattal.7 . Ugy szerveztiik, hogy hdt 6rakor taldlkozunk vele az dllomdson.S. ltegkrsdreltdk feltuvni a figyelmdt az expedici6 veszdlyeire, de (rgy tdnt, hogy nem sokat tcir6dott vele,

9. Gyermeldcoromban nem engedhettiik meg magunknak, hogy ki.ilfoldre utazzunk.10. Ugy dontottek, hogy j6vdhaBylak a bizottsrig javaslatdt.II. Ez a tulajdonsdga kdpessd teffe arra, hogy bdrkit bdrmir6l meggy6zzon.12. Nem sikeriilt felrevezetnie a hat6sdgokat.13. Felajdnlondk, hogy segitenek az els6ldpdsek megtdteliben.14. Amit mondott, igaznak bizonyult.15. A kirrtly azt parancsoka a szolgi,inak, hogy taldljdk meg a lednydt.16. Megfgdrti.ik any.rnak, hogy irunk neki kdpeslapot, mihelyt odadriink'17. Azt szeretndm, ha te is riszt venndl a versenyben.18. Azt mondtad neki, hogy tor6djon a maga dolgdvallL9. Az orvos azt tan{csolta azallergi{s betegeinek, hogy prir napig ne hagyjdk el a lakdst.20. Aztjavaslom neked, hogy fontold meg a dontdsedet.2l.Iglretettenni konnyi, de betartani nehdz.22. Lehetetlen meggylzni 6t, mert olyan makacs.23. Yeszllyes ilyen dolgokr6l nyilvrinossrig el6tt bes#lni.24. Nagyon figyelmes volt t6led, hogy virrigot vitt6l a tandrn6dnek.25. Orommel venndk r6szt a konferencidn.26.Hnbye dolog volt t6led, hogy meghivds ndlkiil mentdl oda.27. Akommunista orszdgok Magyarorszigvok az els6, aki a liberaliziici6 utjara ldpett.28. Terence volt a kovetkez6. al<:, felmondott.29. f,nleszek az utols6, aki elhagyja a termet.30. T" tulsdgosan is tehetsdges vagy ahhoz, hogy enndl a kis cdgndl maradjdl3I. O mdg nil fiatal ahhoz, hogy megdrtse.32. Nem el6g britor ahhoz, hogy ezt a feladatot elvdllalja.


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Foruevt tcrruev

33. Nen-r nrdom, l-rogy koszonjek el t6le.34. Ncrn ftrdom, l-rol kezdjcrn.35. Ncrn tudja eldonteni, hogy vajon most clinduljon v:rgy rnaradjon.36. Elrnirgva.riztad neki, hogyan kell eljutni a kozpontbaf37. flrdod, hogy mit kell tcnnedl38. Megtrrr-rultad mdq hogv mit kell mondani egy ilycn helyzetbcnf39. Mennyi ideig tart odadrni a munkahclvedre)40. Nckem rndsfdl6riinrbrr keriil, hogy odadrjek az iskoliba.4I. Sok id6t fog igdnybe venni, hogv befejezz|tekezt a projektet.42. Elvirjik t6lem, hogl'ott legyek a fogacldson.43. Azt szeretni, ha dn is ott lcnndk)44. Azt akarorn, hogy maradj itt velern.45. Nem virom el t6letek, hogy segitserek nekem.46. Azt szeretndtek, ha rni is fblmor-rdaninkf47. Inkdbb mosr itdlon marachdk.48. Nern nrdja, mit tegyen.49. Azt r-nondjik r6la, l-rogy elkoltozott.50. Az a hir jdrja, hogy elv:iltdl.51. Azt nondtdk neki, hogy ne mcnjen schovd.52. Azt mondtiik nekem, hogv vdrjam rncg 6ket.53. Hogv merdszelsz fgy beszdlni az ddesanydddalf54. Att6l tartok, nern merek odamenni cgyediil.55. Nem sziiksdges egyediil odamenned.56. Nem fogom hagyr-ri, hogy bdrki zaklasson tdgcd.57. Anvukiim r-rern engedi, hogy velerek menjek.58. En'nem hagyndmlh"gy igi viselkedjen.59. I(dn1'szeriteni fog, hogy hazudjak.60. Megnevertetetr.61. Ett6l il szagt6l rosszul lettem.

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GERUND (- ing)roruEvrEpzEs


PRESENI ACTIVE doing, working, beingJelen idejti, akt(v

PERFECT ACTIVE having done, having worked, having been ,Befejezett (mult idejri), akt(v l

PRESENI PASSTVE being done iJelen idej( passziv j

PERFEiI frnssrvg having been done IBefejezett (mrilt idejii), passziv I


l. F6ndvkdpzdsre. Ebben az esetben az -ING v6gzfrd6s a magyar -ds, -ds kdpzfnek felel meg. Az I-ING vdgz1d&sel ellitott ige kiiliinbiiz6 mondatriszek szerepdt tciltheti be a mondatban. Lehet a Imondat tixgya, alanya stb.

IAz iszdsa hobbija. Iter hobby is swirnrning IAz otthoniilds unalmas. at horne is boring. INdmetiil olvasni konnyebb, mint beszdlni. Rending Gennan is easier tban speaking it.


2. Elciljrir6sz6k (prepozici6k) utdn. IIBdr f[radt volt, toviibb gyalogolt. Atthough he was tired. he carT ied. on walhing. I5z6 ndlkiil ravozott. IIe left without saying n word.. IMit sz6lndl, ha elmenndnk a moziba? What nbowtgoing to the cinem.a? |Bankrabldssal vddoltrik. He was accused. of robbing n banh. ISzeretek horgdszni. I'rn fond' off'shing. INyelvtanuldsban j6 vagyok. I'rngood' at leaming languages. IAlig vdrom, hogy Lissalak. I'rn hohi'ngforryard. to seeing you. IEz az o116 arra val6, hogy papirt vdgjanak vele. This pair of scissors is only for cutting pd.per Ifrdekel a hegymdszds. I'rn interested' in m'ountaineeri'ng, IMozi helyett szinhizba mentem. I wmt n the thattre ir$tcnd "fgtirry n the cinrma. IA sok tanulds ellendre megbukott a vizsgd,m. In spite of learning hard., he fniled. the exnrn. I

Despite learning hard., he failed the exnm. IFejlesztheted a nyelvnrddsodat, ha sok konyvet olvasol. 'bw can imprwe your langwage skills by reading I

d' lot of boo,hs. ICsak ald<or tudsz lefogyni, ha kevesebbet eszel. hw cnn lnse weight only by eating less.


Az eliJljfu6sz6val haszndlt,,ing"-es alak lehet6vd teszi mellikmondatok rdvid(tdsit is, de csak ak- Ikor. ha a tagmondatok alanva azonos.


Miutrin felkelt, feloltozkodott. 'ffiergetting wp, hegot d.resed. IMiel6tt elindultam, telefondltam neki. Bafore leailng, I pboned' him.


DE! Ha a tagmondatok alanya kiiLliinbiizik, akkor nem lehet,,gerund"-dal rcividiteni II

Miutrin felkelt, csin{ltam neki reggelit. After hegot up, I rnad.e hirn breahfast. IMiel6tt elindultam, megadta a telefonszdmdt. Before I left, he gnve we his phone nurnber


1s4 |III

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3. Bizonyos szdkapcsolatokban. A leggyakoribbak a k<ivetkez6k:

It's no use cr1,i1g.It's worth buying it.It isn't worth buving it.It's no good qu'.rrrelling.Is it any good talking about it)There is no point in going there.I feel like walhing.She can't help crying.I can't stand getting up earlySl're is used to staying up late.You will get used to driving on the left.I am accustomed to working a lot.You'll get accustomed to wearing a tie.I prefer reirding lettcrs to writing them.How about swirnmingfWhat about cycling|I have difficulty learning nerv rvords.In spite of lcarning l-rard, I failed.Despite learning hard, I failcd.Instead of rvirtching TV, youshoulcl learn ha.rd.It was a waste of time watching that fiim.It rvas a waste of money buf ing it.I spend a lot of time reading.I waste a lot of time r,vatcl-ring TVShe is alwavs busy doing something.I usr"rrrlll'go running / swimrning 7 sailing /fishing / sightseeing / shopping ctc.

nincs drtelmernegirinem iri megsemmi drtelmeVan annak drtelme, hogy... )nincs drtelmekedvet 6rez valamiheznem bir valamit megdllni, nem tehet r6laki nem dllhatlabozzir vau szokva valamihezhozziszoklk valamihezhozz6. van szokva valamihezhozz:iszokik valamihezjobban kedvel valamit valarnindl

Mit sz6lndl, ha.. . )r-rehdzsdgc tdmad valamibenvalaminek az ellenirevalaminek az ellendrevalirmi helyett

id6pocsdkolds valarnit csin{lnipdnzkidobds valamit csindlniid6t tolt valamivelid6t pocsdkol valamireel van foglalva valamivelfutni / ttszni lvitorldzni I horgi,,szni Iv,ftosndz6 turdra / bev{sdrolli stb. rnegy

4. Vonzatos igdk utdn (a prepozici6 miatt). A leggyakrabban el6fordul6 vonzatos igik:

a ) IGE + I 'RLPOZiCIO + - lNC

succeed (sikenil)insist (rag:r.szkodik)thinking (gondolkozik)dreaming (dhnodik)approve (helyescl)disapproves (nem helyesel)decided (6gy dcint, hogy nern)feel (kedvet irez)look (alig vrirja, hogy)

We'llIIhrShe 's

I clon'tHeWeWeI




a flatdrerc.this the cinema.on holiday

b)tGE + rAncy + PREPozicro + -rxc

SheHeIWe'llWe'llWeI won'tHeHe

congratulated (gratuldl)accused (megvddol)suspect (gyanirsit)prevent (megakad{lyoz)stop (megakaddlyoz)thanked (rnegkoszon)forgive (n-regbocsdt)warned (figyelmeztet)apologised (bocsdnatot kdr)



!0uhitnbirnweto me



the job.the moneyinto my moneyto me.that lies

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A Figletem!

Ha a b) csoportban taldlhat6 ig6ket szrnved6 szerkezetbe tessziik, akkor a tirgy kiesik, mivel azlesz a passziv mondat alanya.

Shc was accused of stealing the moneyI rvas warned against buying that flat.You are suspected of breaking into my house.

5. Bizonyos igdk utrln

adore imddadmit elismcranticipate el6reldtappreciate irtdkelavoid elkeriilconfess bevall, beismerconsider rnegfontoldelay kisik, kdslekedikdeny tagaddetest megvetdislike nem szeretdread fdl, retteg valamit6lenjoy 6lvezescape megfssza, megmenekiil,


fancy szeret, imdd, kedvet irezfinish befelezgive up feladhate utdlimagine elkdpzelinvolve beledrt, mag{ba foglalkeep (on) keen on kedvel. bir valamit

Folyton csak panaszkodott.Folyton megvdrakoztat.Gyakorolj tovdbb!)avasoltam, hogy maradjunk ott.

Elismerte, hogy hibdt kdvetett el.tgadta, hogy kordbban ott jdrt.

long forlikelovementionmeanxmind


postPoneput offpractiserecallrecommendremember*


vdgyik valamireszeretszeretemlitjeler-rt valamitbiin valamit

lemarad valamir6l,kihagy elszalaszt valamitelhalasztelhalasztgyakorolfehd€zjavasol valamitemldkszik valamire

bejelent valamitneheztel, zokon veszellendllmegkockdztatmegakaddlyozmegmentjavasol





Elismerte, hogy kertili az iskoldt. He adnoitted pla'ying trua.nt.Nem tudtam elkeriilni, hogy taldlkozzamvele. I cowldn't awid' meetin'g hirn.Thgadta, hogy 6 vitte el a bicildimet. He d.enied. rny bicycle.Nincs az ellen kifogdsom, hogy odamenjiink. I dnn't rnind going there.Gyakoroltuk a magyarr6l angolra forditdst. W practised. translnting sentences from Hwngarinn

into English.He hept cornpla.ining.He always heeps rue waiting.[Gep on prnctising.I suggested. staying there.

*Bizonyos igdkkel jelentdsiiLkt6l fiigg6en vagy,,gemnd"-ot, vagy ,,infinitive"-et haszndlunk. Ezek'kel az igdkkel a kiivetkez6 fejezet foglalkozik riszletesebben.n(D gougU hasznos tudnival6k a ..serund"-r6l:-

. Mult idej(,,gerund"-ot akkor haszndlhatunk, ha azt akarjuk kifejezni, hogy valami mdr kordb-ban befejez6dcitt, tehdt el6idejfsdgr6l van sz6.

2 t

He ad.rnined hnutng rnad.e a rnistahe.IIe rlenied. h*rog been there earlier

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Forrrtvre pze s

' F{a a ,g€rund" kcizvedenti{ a prepozici6t va€iy az igdt kciveti, akkor a mondat alanydra vonatkozil<.

Ha a mellikmondat 6s a f6mondat alanya ki.ilcinbcizik, de tovdbbra is ,,gerund"-ot szeretndnk hasz-n{lni, akkor a birtokos ndvmd.ssalvagy a szemdlyes ndvmds tdrgyesetdvel jelcilhetjiik a melldkmondatalanyrit rigy, hogy azt kozvetleniil a ,gerrnd" eld tessziik.

Ra gaszkodo tt bozz i, ho gv kifi zcss e a s szeretek elkdsni.Szerettem otthon maradni estdnkdnt.


Ragaszkodotthozz'i, hogy dn fizessem ki a sz.imldt.Nem szereti, ha elkdsunk.Szerettern, ha a gverekeim otthon maradtak estdnkdnt.

Gverekkoromban elvimek Amerikdba.Ernldkszem arra, hogy gyerekkorombanelvittek A.rnerikdba.A magdndletdr6l kdrdeztdk.Nem szereti,l'ra a magdndlettr6l kdrdezik.


He insistecl on pa.ytng the bill.I d.on't lilee being late.I loyed staying at home in the evenings

He insisted 0n rue /rny paying the bill.He rl.oesn't lihe ws four being late.I love.d m.y staying nt bome in theeventnfrs.

I was tahen to Americn as a chibl.I rerneruber being tahen to Anterica ns a child.

Sbe was ashed nbout ber pritate life.She d.oevt't lihe being aslced. about her prfunte life.

' Szenved6 szrrkezet'i rrg€rund"-ot akkor haszndlunk, ha a szenved6 szerkezet alanya ds a bevezet6illitmriny alanya megegyezik.

l Put a suitable verb into the gaps. Use -ing. Egeszitse ki a mondatokat egy-egy odailto igevellHaszn1 ljo n,, ge ru nd " -ot !

l. she confessed stealingthe money that disappeared from the safe last week.2. As she doesn't have t ime to travel overseas this mondt, she postpol- led . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . to

America until next month.3. Her twenty-year old washing machine has broken down again. He considers ....

a new olte.4. /il l has won a lot of money but she can't stop gambling. She risks ..... what she has

won so far.5. I have never seen him doing any sports so I can't imagine him .. ....... a horse either'.6. If you find translation difficult, practise ....siniple senrences firsr.7. I have only five pages left. I'll soon finish .. ... this book.8. I haven't smoked a cigarette for a week. I've given up ....9. We agreed to meet at 5.00. Now it's 5.15. She is always late and keeps me

10. The sun was shining so I suggested .... to the beach.

2Completethe sentenceswith one of theseverbs. Eg|szftse ki a mondatokat a megadott igekket!

admit dread deiay mind put off remember escape recommend resent involve mean

I. British Airways delayed srarring the flight due ro bad wearher conditions.2.I ... meeting the Queen as a child. Shc r,vas a very beautiful lady3. His lawyer was very good. It's no wonder drat he could . going to prisor-r.4. My son ... .. ... having to wash up the dishes. He thinks it's a girl 's job.5. Unfortur-rately investillg more money doesn't . gening more profit in thc shom tenn.6. I've .... posting the parcel unril romorrow.


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7. It's very hot in herc. Would you ... .. ' opening the windowlB. \\/iLl \,.r., co,-,-r" rvith me ro the cler-rtistf I ...... ...... goiug thcrc alonc.

9. Maint:riniug:r clr spending more rloney10. He clicln't *,.,-rt to ..... cl-reiting even if I hird foturcl his chc:rt shcet itr the cicsk.

l l. I rvouldl'r .... ...... walking alone in drat part of dre city It's vcry c1:rngcrous.

3 Complete the sentences for each situation using -ing. Egeszftse ki a mondatokat a szitudcionak

megfeleloen! Haszniilia az ,,ing"-es alakot!

I. A: Wbulcl l,ou lilce to come with rnc to the cinemaf B: I'd radrer stay at homc. She doesn't laucygoing to the dnemo.

2. A: I knorv that you stole my watch. I3: No, I didn't. She der-ried3. A: You've told rnc lics again. B: I1n sorry He adrnitted4. A: WhV don't you take a few da1's offt B: I' l l d'rink about it. Hc considers ...............5. A: Do tnind me using drc pholel B: No, please do. He doesn't mild her6. A: Did vou rvatch the rnatch lait nigl-rtl B: Gosh. I forgot to switch on the TVI

Shc rnisscd . . .7. A: How much suger rvor-rlcl you likc in vour coffee I B: I don't take sugar any lnorc. Thank 1'ou.

S h c g r r v c u p . . . . . . . . . . . . .B. A: I hrrvc 6ccn rvaiting for you for 20 minutes. B: I'm sorry, dre traffic is bad today

Shc kco t l - r im . . . . . . . . . . .9. A: Shlil wc rncet todayf IJ: Let's meet tomorrow instead. She postponcd............

10. A : \4buld vou lilie some sweetsl B: No sweets, drtrnk you. I'm on a diet. She resistcdl l . A: I -et 's t 'akc thc dog for a walk. B: Oi( . FIe suggested . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12. A: Stop plaf ilg rottlette or you will lose eyerything. B: Don't worry

Hc risked

4 Complete the senfence s so that they mean the same as fhe first sentence. IJse -ing. Egeszitse ki a mon-

datokat ugy, hogy a jelentds ne v1ltozzon a megadott mondathoz kepest! Haszndlia az ,,ing"-es alakot!

I. It's harmftii to lie in thc stur from 10 a.m. to 3 p.-. We should avoid lying in the sun from I0 o.m. to 3 p.m.

2. Gina said she was wrong. Gina aclni t ted.. . . . . . . . . . . . .3. I can tell yon that I arn over forty I don't deny..........4. Plcasc cl<rse tl-rc door. Would you mind .............,....5. Shall we lcave nexr rveek instead of this weekf Shall we put off until ucxt rveekl

6. Don't speak so loud. Would you mind )

5 Here are some activities. Write down which ones you like doing, dislike doing, hate doing ordon't mind doing. IJse -ing. irja le az al1bbi tev6kenysegek koz}l melyiket szereti, nem szereti,utAlja vagy melyik ellen nincsen kifog1sa!


sweep the floor water the flowerswatch soap operas go to the cinemarvork in the garden lie in the sunclean the windows travel

I like /ying in the sun.

iron wash up the dishes watch TVlearn languages work sPeakhoover the carpets listen to the news cooktranslate sentences practise grammar drive

I dislike rrontng.

I hare wosllng up the dishes.

I don't mind walering the flowen.

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6 Complete the sentences with the help of the phrases given. Use -ing. Egeszitse ki a mondatokata megadott kifejezesek segftsegevel !

cantt bear cantt stop cantt help cantt stand

J.. I'll ilrva-vs lovc vou. I un'l slop loving you.2. I hare it if I har,c ro lr,ork at night.3. \ \ /hcnevcr I sec a sad f ihn. I alwavs cr\{ . . . . . . . . . . . .4. I'm sorry Madam, but l,our story is so funny that L........5. I nel'er u,atch violence on TV bccause I hate it.6. She is always asking mc stupid questions. She ............

7 Complete the sentences so that they mean the same as the first sentence. Egeszitse ki a monda-tokat ugy, hogy ugyanazt jelents6k, mint a megadott mondat!

l. I can easilv lcirrn l:rngu'a.ges. I1n good at leorninglonguages.2. It's difficult for hirn to do crosswords. Hc is bad at3. I think th;lt cooldng is better dran washing up. I prefer ... to..........4. He can hardly vvait to go olt holiday: He is looking forward to ..............5. They live together but they haven't got narried. They live together without6. We didn't rvatch TV at home. We went to the cinema instead.

I n s t e a d o f . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7. Sue went to school although she felt i l l. In spite of ..............B. )ack alrvarvs watches nature films on TV jack is inte rested in ... ... . . . .. ... .9. As i I'rad lost rny key I climbed in through dre window That was the only way I could get in. I

could gct into the house only bv10. She didn't intend to take on more employees. She had no intention of ..............

8 Complete the sentences using by -ing. Use one of the following verbs (putting them into thecorrect form). Egdszitse ki a mondatokat, a ,,by + -ing" szerkezet felhaszn1lSs{val! Haszn1lja amegadott igdket, ds tegye 6ket a megfelel6 alakba!

take a taxi steal the kevs

use a magniSing glass


visit his family put some photos in

I. I could bu1'd-re flat only by horrowingsome money.2. Sl ' re could escape L'ry . . . . . . . . . .3. Tom could get to tire meeting on time only by4. Wc could understand dre case better by.,............5. She could get r id of her husband by . . . . . . . . . . . . .6. The letters were so small that I could read them only by7. You can make drc book more colourful by

',9Put a suitable verb into the gap. Use -ing. Egdszitse ki a mondatokat egy-egy odaillS ig6vel!Hasznllja az ,,-ing"-es alakot!

1. He left the restaurant widrout poying thebill.2. We have 'uvonderful weather today What about . to the beachf3. Do yon feel like ... a game of tennis with mef4. I'm looking fbrrvard to . .... .... you soolt.5. Aftcr ....... lunch she washed up the dishes.

, 6. We h:rcl to write the tcst-paper without .....:.. a clictionary7. Before ....... downstairs she closed the windows.8. After his medicine, he went back to sleep.9. I 'm looking forward to . . . . . . . . . . . . f rom you soon.

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Ge nuno

10. It is very hot today How about in the seal11. I am fed up with .. ........ overtime. Mainly because I never get paid for it.

12. Aren't you bored with . ...... the same job for so many yearsf

13. She always uses my bicycle without .... me for it.

10 Read the situations and complete the sentences. Use be/get used to. Olvassa el a szitudciokat

6s eg1szftse ki a mondatokat a ,,belget used to" kifeiez6ssel!

I. Kate is English. She came to Hungary and she found the dishes too spicy and fatry

When she arrived in Hungary, she wosn't used to eoting fatry dishes, but she soon got used to it. Now

she quite likes it. She rs usedto eoting spicy dishes.2. Giorgio is Italian. He travelled to japan where he stayed with a family As there were no beds, he

had to sleep on the floor. It was strange for him at first and in the beginning he often had a pair-r in

l-ris back. When he went to ]apan he .... ... on the floor but he soon

...... it. Now he doesn't miss his comfortable bed. He

on the floor.3. Jason is an actor. A few months ago l're started to work as a TV Presenter in an early morning

news programme. At first he found it very hard to get up at 4 a.m. When he started to work for

the TV company he.. . . . . . . . . . ear ly but he had to

it. Now he finds it quite normal. He ... to work early

4. Matthew took up running last year. llowever he hadn't done any sports before. At first he was

always out of bre ath. He .. .. . Fortunately he didn't give it up and he

soon . ... it. Now he can cover long distances without getting tired. He has' already

11 What do you say in these situations? Use I'm (not) used to. Mit mondana a kovetkez6 szitudci'

okban? Haszn6lja az ,,1'm (not) used to" szerkezetet!

I. You don't sleep much during the night and it is a big problem for you.

A: Aren'r you rired during the dayf B: Yes, I am. / on not used lo sleeping so little.

2. You never eat dinner. You don't like eating in the evening.A: Aren't you hungryl B: No,I'm not. L..... nothing before going to bed.

3. You always get up early but you hate it.A: Are you an early r iser l B: Yes, I am, but I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . '

4. You usually go to bed at a late hour and you don't mind this.

A: Aren't you sleepy in the morningf B: No, I'm not. Actually I'm .....'...

5. You always get home from work at seven o'clock in the evening. It's quite normal for you.

A: Aren't you fed up with your workf B: No,I'm not. Actually I ...." '.......... hard.

12 Complete the senfences. Use the correct tense and have to I be able to + get used to. Eg6-

szitse ki a mondatokat, es hasznalja a megfelel6 igeid6ben a ,,have to / be able to" + ,,get used

to" szerkezetet!

I . I've never worked at night. At my new place of work l'll have to gel used to working nights.

2. Getting up early is not my cup of tea. I don't think I ............ rt.

3. I've had to get up early for a ye ar now but I stil l ... . .. ... . ".. ... ' lt '

4. First I hated living on my own but fortunately I soon .... '.. ' rt '

5. How about commuting to workf . . ' . ' . . . . . . . . . . ' . . i t yet)

6. We've just moved to the country but it 's so boring. I don't know when ........ '...... '.. ' it.

7. We have been living in the capital for years so ..... . the noise

and the crowds.8. I hate travelling by plane. However I have no other alternatives so .............. ......... ' it.

1 :

1 6

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13 Complete the sentence with gerund or bare infinitive. Egeszitse ki a mondatokat ,,ing"-esalakkal vagy ,,to" nelktili f6n,6vi igendwel!

l. When Paul came to Hungary he had to get used to driving on the right.2. When she started to work for the radio she wasn't used to .. eady3. We used to ..... .. to work on foot. because we didn't have a car then.4. I'vc got used to ..... ....... in the country Life is more peaceful there .5. )il l used to ..... ...... rwo packs of cigarettes a day but she gave it up.6. Wren we were children we used to ..... .... in the river near our village.7. Have you got used to alone in that big houselB. First it was very difficult to share my flat with someone . I was not used ro .....

together widr anyone.9. I don't mind working in the evenings. I'm used to ... .. ... home late.

14 Complete B's sentences with a suitable verb. Use gerund. Egeszitse ki B mondatait egy-egy oda-ill6 igeve[ haszn6lja az ,,ing"-es alakot!

l. A: Shall we go home before the lecturel B: It's no use gomg home. We can spend only five minutesat home.

2. A: I don't want to eat anything. I'm not hungry B: Well you don't have to. It's no goodif you aren't hungry

3. A: Let's go to the cinema tonight! B: I don't think it's a good idea. Tonight's film is not worth

+ a' ir'i, ,r.r,, i, "ri"-"" il'":Xtl.'ll', i, ir,'', worth ....... I5. A: I don't think we can hear anything interesting in today's meeting. B: There is no point ir-r

6. A: That flat is very cheap. This is a real bargain. B: You think it's worth ... dren.7. A: Why don't you try to convince him. B: It's no use .........) he is very stubbom.8. A: How far is the restaurantl B: It's very close. There is no point in ..... .. by car.

15 Read the sentences and draw the conclusion. Use be worth -ing or be not worth -ing and asuitable word. Olvassa el a mondatokat, 6s vonja Ie a kovetkeztetdst! HasznAlja a ,,be worth -

ing" , vagy a ,,be not worth -ing" kifejezdseket 6s egy-egy odaill1 iget!

1. If I were you I wouldn't buy that flat. The neighbours are horrible . lt isn't worth huying.2. This is a very interesting book..........3. Your parents would only be upset if you told them.4. This soup is very delicious, why don't you taste itf5. I don't think we should keep these shoes. We don't wear rhem.6. We should think about her proposal. She always has good ideas. .........7 . The cinema is quite a long way from here. Why don't we take a taxil

16 Make sentences with there is no point in.... irjon mondatokat a ,,there is no point in..." kifeje-zdssel !

I. Wlry shoud we go if we don't want tol There is no poinl in going if we don't wont lo.2. Why ask anybody, if you know everything. ........3. Why take a bus if it is very closef ........4. Don't drinl< it if you don't like it. ..............5. Why stay in a hotel, if we don't have tof6. Don't go home tonight, if nobody is waiting for you.


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1l Make sentences with it's no use -ing or it's no good -ing. irion mondatokat az,,it's no use-ing" vagy az ,,it's no good -ing" kifeiezesekkel!

shout watch crY tell learn repair worry try

I. He is not the man you need. lf's no use uying after he has left you.2. We've seen that p1ay.. . . . . . . . . . """ ' l t agal l l '

3. She is stil l young. .. .. ... ..... .. . hcr abor-rt it.

4 . That car i s use less . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5. He wcln't understirnd it. '... '......... to explain it to hirn'

6 . That word is no t used a t a l l . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . " " " " " " ' l t '

7. Every'thing will bc all right. ..... irbout it.

B. She isn't d"eaf. """"""' at her'

18 Write sentences using have difficutty -ing. irjon mondatokat a ,,have difficulty -ing" felhasznl'


1. I rnanaged to find mv way rvithout diflicultyr Ihod no diffiulty finding my woy.2. Do you find it difficult to translate these sentences) Do you have3. I think it will be very difficult to coPe with this problem. We'll have..4. I can't understand him because he speaks so fast.5. I t was di f f icul t to f ind a f lat . . . . . . . . . .6. Did y'ou find it difficult to do dris jobl Did you ....... '... '

19 Complete the sentences with a suitable word. Egeszitse ki a mondatokat egy-egy odaill6 szoval!

l. Dorr't waste yollr rime playing colnputer games.2. Tl-rat shirt is bad qualitv It's a waste of moncv ...... '. it.3 . I spend a lo t o f t ime . . : . . . . . . . . . . . : . . . the housework '4. How many hours do you spend Englishl5. Unfortunate\, I always wasle too much time . ' ... nodring.6. What are you doing these daysf I'm busy ...... on our new Prolect.7' Are you busl' ' ' ' ' '" for your Presentation)

2O Complete the sentences with one of the verbs. Egeszitse ki a mondatokat a megadott kifeiezesekkel!

go jogging go skiing go fishing go riding go shopping

). As I'm afraid of sharks I never goswinning even if I stay by the sea.2. Did you .. ...... Iast winter toof Where did you go?3. In the village there was a big stable. When I was a child I often4. If I want to relax I .. . .. . There is a fishing lake near our house.

5. Where are you goingl I am . ... . There is no food at home.

6. I want to lose wiighi, so I decided to .. . , .. . ' every day

2'l Complete the sentences with a suitable word. lJse -ing. Eg6szitse ki a mondatokat egy-egy oda-

ill6 szoval! Haszndlia az ,,-ing"-es alakot!

solve travel hear have go bty aPPly accomgafiy

I. I insisted on lccomplnying her home after the movie. This town is very dangerous.2. You should think of . for that job.

3. We decided against .... by bus. The car is more comfortable.4. My parents don't approve of me to dle disco.5. I've never dreamt of .. .. a flat.6. Have you succeeded in . ...... that problem yetl7. I look forward to . . . . . . . . . . f rom him.B. Do you feel like ... ... a cuP of teaf

2 l


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22 Use the correct preposition and a suitable word. Use -ing. Haszn1lja a megfelel6 prepoziciot6s egy odaill6 sz6t! Haszndlja az ,,-ing"-es alakot!

tell steaf make find go move wear deceive pay be bry have

t. Jack was accused of stealing the money2. I congranrlatcd Sue a lovell, baby boy3. I can't stop hirn ..... a wrong clecision.4. I warned irinr .. that flat. It was roo e-xpensive.5. I will never forgive him .. .... so rude ro me.6. I didn't suspect him .. me lies.7 . She apo log ised. . . . . . . lames . . . . h im.B. Torn insisted .... the bill.9. Tl-re children look forward . to rhe sea.

10. Thcy st i l l haven't succccded . . . . . . . . a job.l l . Have you thought . . . . . . . . . . . . to a bigger ci tyf12. The teachers didn't approve .. . .. ... young girls .. .. high-heeled shoes.

23 What are the missing verbs? The prepositions will help you to guess. Mik a hi;5nyzo ig6k? Aprepoziciok seg ftenek kita16l ni.

l. FIrs family couldn't prevenlhim from mnning away althougl-r they clid everything to keep him at home .2. Evcrybody . . . . . . . . . . . h im on being pr<,rmoted.3. Wc . .. to meering our new colleague.4. The studcnls were most gratef,rl. Thev . ...... the teacher for preparing d-rern fbr dre exu-n.5. I ... ... you against going out with hirn but you never listcn to me.6. Do you .. like going to the cinema tonightf There is a good fihn on.7."Have you ever ...... of travelling around the world." "Well, yes. This is my

dream too."t t':::::"::::t::"ii,ll;:ilu*: so ro a vocarionar schoor Actua'v thev don't

24 Read the situations then complete the sentences on fhe right. Olvassa el a szitudciokat, 6s eg6-szitse ki a mondatokat!

l. A: I want you to go home right now, I insist. B: OK.I insist on you / your going home right now.

2. A: Sue, you shouldn't drink spirits, you aren't 18. B: I'll be 18 next week.He didn't approve

3. A: Sheila, I have passed my driving test. B: Congratulations!Shei la congratulated . . . . . . . . . . . . .

4. A: I'm sorrl,I didn't write to you earlier. B: Never mind!She apologised . . . . . . . . . . . .

5. A: Don't sit on the bench. It has just been painted. B: Oh, thank you for telling me.He warned her . . . . . . . . . . . .

6. A: Why did you lock me into this room) B; Now you can'r escape.She prevented him

7. A: It vrras vev kind of you to take me home, Geoff. B: Don't mention it.jane thanked. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

25 Use doing or having done. Sometimes both are possible. Haszn6lja a ,,gerund"-ot vagy a,, perfect gerund"-ot! Valahol mindkett6 lehetseges.

1. Why did 1,ou deny hovingbroken (break) the windowf Everybody knows you did it.2. It's not worth ..... (tdk) to him about it. FIe won'r understand it.3. Tbm rvas accu.sed of ..... ... (take ) the money from the safe.

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Ge nuruo

4. Now I regret ...... (r"y) what I said. I didn't mean to hurt you.

5. I don't fancy . ..... (g") home by bus.6. She keeps . ..... (phone) our office.7. Jack admined (tell) me lies.

26 Make senfences with passive gerund (being done). Follow the examples. irion mondatokat a

passziv ,,gerund"-dal a pelda alapi6n!

1 .2 .3 ./' t .f

6 .

She doesn't like it if she is called Molly She doesn't like being called lllolf.She was promoted and she was qrateful for that.Sl're is exploited and she can't get used to it............I am always asked about my husband and I dislike it. ..............Tim was rescued from the river. FIe will thank them for it. ..............Mary was left alone in the dark and she was very unhappy about it.

7. After I was disrnissed, I decided not to help them.8. She went there althouqh she was not invited. She went there without

27 Translate the sentences. Fordftsa le a mondatokat!

l. Bdr rndr senki sem figyelt r{, 6 tovdbbmesdlt kozel-keleti dhndnyeir6l.2. Elkoszont t6liik andlkiil, hogy felnezett volna az iisigboL'3. Mit sz6h-rdl ahhoz. ha elmenndnk sdtdlnil4. A felesdgem nagyon szeret enni.5. Alig vdrja, hogy viszonddssa a bardtait.6. A gyerekek mdr alig vdrjdk, hogy nyaralni menjenek.7. Ahelyett, hogy a ldnyegre volna, melldkes dolgokr6l kezdett beszilnr.

8. Annak ellendre, hogy nagyon szigoli tandq a gyerekek rajonganak drte.

9. Sokat rudok John magdn6letdr6l annak ellendre, hogy mdr rdg6ta nem beszdltem vele.

10. Charlie csak aldcor tudja megoldani a feladatot, ha segftsdget kdr.I I. Azutdn, hogy elhalasztotta az lrtekezletet, jegyet foglalt a mexik6i j'iratra.

12. Miel6tt elkoszont, mindenkinek adott valami kis ajdnddkot.I3. Nem 6rdemes az id6nket fecsdrelni rd.14. Meg6ri megvenni ezt a telket. Ez egy j6 befektetds lenne.15. Nem 6ri meg megndzni ezt az el6addst. Azt mondjdk, hogy csapnival6.16. Semrni drtelme ezen vitatkozni. .17. Nincs drtelme megkdrdezni 6t. O sem fog tudni semrnit.18. Gyonyoni id6nk van. Nem lenne kedvetek kirdndulni az erdSbenl19. Akdrhdnyszor megldtom 6t, nem birom megdllni nevetds n6lktil.20. Sohasem birja megdllni sfrds ndlkiil, ha €hez6 gyermekeket ldt a tdvdben.21. Ki nem dllhatom. ha tudomdst sem vesznek r6larn.22. Szerencsdre mdr hozzi' van szokva a til6tizirshoz.23. M$nern szokotthozz{., hogy fi5noknek tekintsdk.24. Nem vagyok hozzdszokva, hogy (gy bdnjanak velem.25. )obbm szeret egyediil lakni, mint valakivel megosztani a lalcisdt.26. Neh6zsdget okoz neki, hogy megdrtesse magdt.27. Szimomra neh6zs6get jelent rij embereld<el megismerkedni.2 B. Id6pocsdkolds ezzel az iiggyel foglalkozni.29. Plnzkidobds lenne megvenni ezt az ̂ fi6t. Tizenot dves ds t:rzliter benzint fogyaszt sziz

kilomdteren.30. A.rnig GYES-en voltam, sok id6t toltottem olvasdssal.3I. Ha szabadsdgon vagyok, sok id6t elpocsdkolok semmittevissel.32. Szerintem ai isz6,s egdszsdgesebb mint a futds, igy hetente kdtszer riszni jdrok.

33. Sikeriilt a bizottsdgnak dontist hoznia tegnaP a fizetdsemelis iigydbenl34. Azigazgat6 ragaszkodik ahhoz, hogy az iskola benevezzena versenyre.35. Ragaszkodunk ahhoz, hogy ldssuk a tfszokat, miel6tt a vdltsrigdijat kifizetjiik.


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36. Azon gondolkodom mostandban, hogy veszek egy jachtot a felesdgem sziiletisnapjdra.37. A sztileid nem fogjdk helyeselni, hogy Tommal mdsz nyaralni.38. lack irrr6l dhnodik, hogy el6l6ptetik.39. Az igazgat6testiilet nem hagyja j6vd, hogy bezirjirk a brightoni iizemegysdget.40. Szerintem a tantesrlilet nem fogaz augusztusi iskolakezdis mellett donteni.41. Tirn gratuldlt, l-rogy megkaptam ̂ z 6sztondijat.42. Ki vidolta meg Tomot azz'al.,hogy betort az adattitrbal43. Gyanitom, hogv Pdter jirt az iroddmban az enged|lyem ndlkiil.44. Nern akaddlyozhatsz meg abban, hogy elmondjam a bir6sdgon azigazat.45. I(dptelenek voltunk megakaddlyozni abban, hogy feljelentsen benneteket.46. lol-rn tegnap megkciszonte I(l:irdnak, hogy adott neki kolcson hiszezer dolldrt.47. Sohasem fogja megbocsdtani neked, hogy megcsaltad.48. En figyelmeztettem Jtilidt, hogy ne menjen hozzi ahhoz a szilhdmoshoz.49. Michael nem fog bocsdnatot kdrni t6led, amiirt nem hivott meg az eskiiv6jire.50. A betor6 elismerte, hogy okt6ber l2-(n 6lopta el Browndk Ferr:irijdt.5I. frtdkelnim, ha nem kell-ene riszt vennem ebben a vdllalkozdsban.52. Minden t6le telhet6t el fog kovetni, hogy elkertilje a veled va16 taldlkozdst.53. Mdg fontol6ra veszern, hogy megveg-yem-e ezt az att6t.54. tgadt:ik, hogy meghamisitottitk az adatokat.55. Amikor Jrilia kisldny volt, irt6zott att6l, l-ra fogorvoshoz kellen mennie.56. Szerencsdre a nagybdcsik{m megfiszta, hogy bortonbe zi'rjik.57. Nincs kedvem korcsolydzni.58. Azt hiszem, abbahagyom a dohdnyzdst.59. Nern hagyhatom otdron a ldnyomat ds a fiamat. Folyton veszekednek.60. Nem is emlitette, hogy megkapta az {[dst.61. A szerve z6kelfogji,k halasztani a kidllit'is megnyitrisiit.62. Nern kockdztadratja meg, hogy a felesdge nevetsdg rirgy'itvi vdljdk.63. Nern tudom elkdpzelni, hogy 6t elbocsdtjrik.64. Nem szeretem) ha a gyerekeket a csalddr6l kirdezgetik.65. Javaslom, hogy vegyiink ki ndhdny nap szabadsdgot.66. Apdd ds 6n nem tartjuk helyinval6nak, hogy brinciz6ldcel laksz egy lakdsban.67. Ha folyton mosolyogsz, a kolligdid kedvelni fognak.68. Elszalasztottaffr, hogy szemdlyesen talilkozzam a miniszterelnold<el, amikor a gydrunkat ldtogatta.69. Nem tudtam ellen{llni annak, hogy rnegvegyem ezt a gyonyorri estilyi ruh{t.70. Bevallotta, hogy lefizettik ndhriny bizalmas informrici6drt.

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GERUND (- ing) versusINFINITIVE ( to)

Bizonyos igdk utdn jelentdsi.iLkt6l fiigg6en vagy,rgerund"-ot, vagy,,infinitive"-et haszndlunk.


abbahagy valamit

Abbahagyta a beszdlgetdst.He stopped. talhing.

2. MEAN DOING =jelent valamit

Ez aztjelenti, hogy mdsik vdrosba koltoziink.It rneans rnwing to another town.


emlikszik valamire,emlikszik arra, hogy kordbban valamitcsindlt

Emldkszem, amikor 5 6ves voltam, talilkoztama kirdlyn6vel.I rernember rneeting tbe Qneen when I was 5.Nem emldkszem, hogy kikapcsoltam-e TV-t.I don't renrernber switching offthe TV


elfelejti, hogy valamit m{r kordbbanmegtett

Tdnl'leg elfelejtetted, hogy taldlkoztdl mdr vele?Dirl you reo@ forget n+eeting hirn?


bdnja, hogy kordbban valamit megtett

Sajndlorn/bdnorn, hogy elrnentem a fogaddsra.I rcgretgoing to the receptiort.

Sajndlom, hogy aztmondtam, amit mondtam.I regret snying what I said..


fdl, retteg valamit6l

Rettegek att6l, ha fogorvoshoz kell mennem.I dread going to the dentist.


ledll/megdll, hogy csindljon valamit

Megdllt, hogy beszdljen vele.He stoppe d to talk to hirn.


akar, sz{nddkozik valamit csindlni

Nem akartalak megbdntani.I rlid.n't nlea,n to hwrt you.


nem felejt el megcsinrilni valamit,emldkszik arra, hogy meg kell csindlnia valamit

Ne felejts el kimenni eli az dllomdsra!Remem.ber t0 Tneet her at the station.

Nem felejtetted el kikapcsolni a TV-t?Did you rernember to switch offthe W?


elfelejti, hogy valamit meg kell tennie

Elfelejtettem kimenni eli az {llomdsra.I forgot t0 rneet him. at tbe stntion.


sajndlja, hogy valamit meg kell tennie(f6leg a rrto say''r ,rto inform", ,rto tell" igikkel)

Sajn{lattal kozoljiik Onnel, de nem fogadtiikcl a pilydzat'it.W regret to inforzn you that yowr application has

been refwsed.Sajndlom, hogy ezt kell mondjam.I regret to (to hnve to) say this.


irt6zik valamit6l (f6leg a ,,to think" igdvel)

Mdg gondolni sem merek arra, mi tortdnhetett volla

I to thinh what might hatte happened'.


5 .

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Genuruo vERsus lrurrNrvr

7. BE SORRY FOR DOING =bocsdnatot kir valamidrt, amit kordbbanelkcivetettSajn'ilom, hogy tegnap olyan goromba voltam.I'm sony for being so rud.e yesterd.ay.

8. TRY DOING =kipr6bril valamit kisdrletkdppen

Kipr6b:iltam, milyen 250 km/hsebessdggel menni. Filelmetes volt.I nied d.riving at n speed. of 250 hph.It was nnif,t"g.

Pr6bdltam a piros gombbal is elinditania gdpet, de dgy sem mfkcidott.I nierl pwshing the red. button to stnr-t tlte rnnchine,bwt it didn't work thnt way either

9. GO ON DOING =folytatja vryanazq amit kordbban is csindlt

Felrrdzen egy pillanatr\ aztin folytatta a levdlirdst.He loohed wp for a nwnent then went onwriting the letter

I0. NEED DOING / WANT DOING =need to be done / want to be done =valamit meg kell csindlni, rdfer

A lakdsra rifir a takaritds.The flat need.s cleaning.Thc fat wants cleaning.

II. BE INTERESTED IN DOING =drdekl6dni valami irrint

frclekel az olvasd.s.I'm interested. in reading.

12. SEB/HEARJSMELL/FEEL SY DOING =l|galhalljal6rzi, hogy valaki dpp csin{l valamit(A cselekv6t a cselekvis kozben kitja/hallja stb.)

Ldttarn A,ndrdst. npp ^"aut6jdt mosta.Ldttam Andrdst, mikozben ^z Nt6j t mosta.I snp Andrew. He wns wnshing his carI saw And.rsw washing his cnr

BE SORRYTO DO =a) eln{zist kdr valamidrt

Elndzist, hogy zavarom, dc beszdlnem kell6nnel.I'ru sony to trouble yow, but I need. to talh t0 yzu.

b) sajniiattal hall, mond, kdzril, Lit valamit

@gynttdr zts kifej ezi sdre )

Sajndlattal hallottam, hogy a fiadat nem vettdk felaz egyetemre .I was son), to hear that yowr son badn't been ad.vnittedto uttiuersity.

TRY TO DO =megpr6bdl megcsinrilni valamit(er6feszitdst tesz)Pr6bdltam elirni a 250 km/h sebessdget, de azaut6 nem nrdott tobbel menni, mint 220 km/h.I tried. to reach 250 hph, bwt the car could.n'trwn faster than 220 hph.

Pr6bdltam lenyomni a piros gombot, de nemtudtam, mert beragadt.I tried. to pwsh the red. bwtton but I couldn'tbecawse itgot stwch.

G O O N T O D O =valami mds dologra t6r it, mint amit elkezdett

El6szbr a mezbgazA*srigr6l beszelg majd rdtirt'az ipara.First he tnlhed. about agricwlture, then he went 0nto talh abowt ind.wsny.

NEED TO DO / WANT TO DO =valakinek meg kell csiniilnia valamit,valaki csindlni akar valamit

Ki kell takaritanom a lakdst. / Ki akaromtakaritani a lakdst.I need to clean the flnt f I want to clenn tlte Jlat.

BE INTERESTED TO DO =irdekl6dve hallgatni/ntzni/olvasni stb.I was interested to hear/see/read/know/learn

frdekl6dve I'rallgattarn, hogy rni tcirtdnt.I was interested to hear what had. happened..

SEE/HEAR/SMELL/FBEL SY DO =litjalhalljal (.rzi, hogy valaki megcsinil valamit(Litjalhallja, hogy a cselekv6 vigigcsindlja acselekvist .)Andrds betorte az ablakot is dn ldttam ezt.Ldttam Andrdst, amikor betorte az ablakot.Andrnv brohe tbe wind.ow and.I saw it.I sow Andrew breah the window.


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Genuruo vERSUS lNrtrutttve

$ Figyelemt

A bevezet6 f6mondat igeidejdt6l fi.iggetleniil vary ^z -ING-es alakot, vary aTO fr6knli, tgynevezett

,,bare infinitive',-et teii haszndtfi.-Az angol nyelvtanban ez ^ szerkezet val6jriban nem ,,gerund",

ii"rr.- .participle", de a kdtfdle haszndlat G,-it g'kontra rrto") iisszevetdse miatt, most itt tdrgyaljuk'

Figyelje meg a kovetkez6 mondatokat!

Ldttam, amikor m'iszott dt a keritdsen.I saw hirn clirnbing wer the fence.

Hallottam, hogy zongor{zik.I heard him playing the ltiano.

Hallgattam, ahogy a madarak dnekelnek.I listened. to the bird's singtng.

Ereztem, l-rogy valami dg.I could. swell sornething buming.

A fi6t ldttdk a hidon sdtdlgatni.The boy wns seen walhing on the bridge.

Ldttam, hogy dtmdszott a kerftdsen'I saw him clirnb wer the fence.

Hallottam, hogy bejott valaki a hi^zba.I heard somebod.y come into the house.

Figyeltiik a rabl6kat, al-rogy iitfutottak a kerten 6s

bemdsztak az ablakon.We watched, the robbers run a.wlss the gard.enand. ckmb in tbrougb the wind'ow.

E et"m,hogy valaki megirintette a vdllamat.I could. feel sornebod'y touch rne on rny should'er

A firit lnittdk, amikor leugrott a hidr6l.The boy wns seen to jump offthe

He began to worh at the age of 14.


They started. to nt'n.


I dnn't intend to leave.


He continued. to read'out the narnel

Bizonyos igdk utdn, jelent6st6l fiiggetleniiLl haszndlhatjuk mind

f6ndvi igenevet.


kezd14 ivesen kezdett dolgozni.

He began worhing at the age of 14.


kezdSzaladni kezdtek.

They stnrted twnning.

INTEND DOINGszindikozik

I dnn't intend. leavlng.


He continued. read.ingout tbe na.lnes.

Nem dll sz{nddkomban elmenni.

Folytatta a nevek felolvasdsdt.

$ Figyetcrnt

A 'hear / see sy do sth" sz,etkez,et passziv alakja mdr tartalmaaL^ a rrto"-t; ,,be heard / seen to do


$ Figyeternt

az rr-ittg"-es alakot, mind Pedig a


1 6 8

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Grnuruo vERSUs lrurnrtve

BOTHER DOINGtcir6dik valamivel

He dnesn't bother phoning /ne.


Nem tor6dik azzal, hogy felhivjon.


He doesn't bother to phone rne.

Mivel az ,,-ing"-es alakkal nem szivesen haszndlnak rr-ing"-es alakot, ilyen esetekben dltaftiban af6ndvi igenevet vdlasztjrik.

I(ezd havazni. It\ beginning t0 snrw. (;*b7irffiin1:rtontg)


1 Put the verbs into the correct form, -ing or to. Sometimes either form is possible. Tegye az ige-ket a megfelel6 alakba! Neha mindket alak lehetsdges.

1. Jack didn't want ro admit uslng (use) a cheat sheet at rhe exam.2. I don't want . ....... (interrupt) you, but I would like ... (ask) something.3. I would be happy if you stopped ....... (complain). It,s so boring.4. We ran out of petrol so we stopped .... (fill) up the tank.5. I can't get a wink of sleep because our neighbour's dog keeps . .... (bark).6. I'rn awfully sorry I didn't mean . (hurt) you.7.Will you remind me ... ..... (make) a phone callat the end of the lesson)B. Unfbrtunately we can't afford ...... (go) abroad for a holiday every surnmer.9. I asked her for sorne rnoney again, but this time she refused .... (give ) me any

I0. why do you keep . . . . . . . (promise) . . . . . . . (d") things, that you knowvou'll never do. It's not fair.

11. Moving to the country means (earn) less money than in the capital.12. Oh, my God! I forgot ..... (switch) off dre iron.13. I will never forget ....... (meet) him. He was such an extraordinary fellow.14. I' l l be happy ....... (see ) him again after such a long time.15. I look forward to . . . . . . . . . . . . . (see) him again after such a long t ime.16. It's no use . . . .. (.ry) over spilt milk.17. I got used to ... (work) 12 hours a day I don'r mind

(work) so much.lB. When I was yottnger I used .... (work) 12 hours a day but I don't do it any

more. I'm retired.19. When we left dre house it started (rain). It hasn'r stopped

.. . . . . . . ( rain) s ince then.20. You cau't stop rne ... ..... (do) what I want to do. You know that. There's no

point in .. (try) to.

2Write sentences about yourself. Follow the example. irjon mondatokat mag6rol!Koyesse a pelddkat!

1. sth you forgot to do losl week I forgot to toke ny driving licence with me.2. sth you regret doing3. sth you didn't rnean to do4. sth you dread doing5. sth you remember doing as a child6. sth you need to do7. sth you tried but gave up doing.........B. sth you are considering doing9. sth you feel l ike doing now .. . . . . . . . .

10. sth you often imagine doingIl. sth you can't stand doing12. sth you wouldn' t l ike to do . . . . . . . . . . . . .


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3 Sarah had an accident and now she suffers from amnesia. There are things she can rememberdoing (4 but there are things she can't remember doing (/) at all. You are her doctor and youare making a list of them. Sarah-nak balesete volt, 6s most amn6ziSban szenved. Vannak dolgok,amire emlekszik, vannak dotgok, amire nem. 6n az orvosa, 6s err6l most egy listat k6szit.

She was good at mathematics./She had a car accident. fShe played truant from school. /Shc spent a year abroad at the age of Ll. /

She went to university /She got a degree in computer programming. XOnce she rescued her friend from a house on ftre. XShe got married at the age of 23. X

Write sentences beginning Sarah can remember..., Sarah can't remember... . tJse -ing. iria le,mire eml6kszik 6s mire nem eml6kszik Sarahl

L. Soroh csn rememher being good ot nolhematics.2 .3 .AT .

4 Complete these sentences with a suitable verb in the correct form, -ing or to.... Egdszitse ki amondatokat a megadott ige ,,-ing"-es vagy f6nevi igeneves alaki1val!

I. Working less rneans eorning (earn) less money2. Did you mean . . . . . . . . (s"y) somethingf3. Moving to the country lneans ....... (have) to commute to your place of work.4. Developing the company means ... (invest) more money5. I rneant ... (phone ) my unclc, but I've forgotten to.6. What did vou mean . . . . . (do))7. We regret . .. . . .. (inform) you that your application has been refused.

regret ...".. (t"y) what I said. I knorv I was very rude.regret . (not / talk) to him about it.regret ........ (tell) you that you've failcd the exam.

11. She regrets . . . . .. (not /study) harder. Now she can't go to universiry12. You' l l regret . . . . . . . (speak) to me l ike drat.13. We regret ....... (try) that our company can't employ you.14. Torn had a serious head injurl: Now he can't remember... .... . (d") things that he

acrually did.15. Did you remember ... .,.. (take) that parcel to the post officcf You know how

Llrgent it was.16. Rernember.. . . . . . . . (give) them my regards.17. I'm so absent-minded. I can't rcmember ....... (switch) offdre iron. I don't

know if I switcl'red it off or not. I hope I did.18. When we travelled to Tunesia you were only onc year old. You can't remember

(travel) there.19. Did you rernember ... ....... (do) every'thing that I asked you to dol20. I remembered . .. (write) the letter and I also remembered

(post) it, but you didn't tell me that I should send it express.2L Aithough Sheila was very/ young then, she can remember ..... (be) taken to

Disney Land.22.Ilooked up from my book when I heard some noise outside but then I went on ....

(read)23. The chairman talked about the sales figures then he went on ......... (talk)

about the investment project.


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24.Frs t l rvorkedasasa lesmanat thecompury then lwenton . . . . . . . . . . . . (b . ) the sa lesm'anager .

25. Pull yourself together. You can't go on ....... (live) like this. You'll ruin your health.

26. Nter speakir-rg twenry minutes about the qualiry problems, our production manager went on

zz ci,oa;.;;;t i f;;n;; 9Tl ::-: -:::

:i.t[ihTl*:trT:[ITi.?,T"me Anyone canclimb in.

28. "I1l never forget ....... (see) Elvis Presley on stage", said Grarrdma.

29. Don't forget (collect) the children from the nursery!

30. *I think I owe you some money" "Really)" "Don't you remember ..... .... '... (lcnd)

me somel"'Well I don't remember ... ...... (lend) you any money"

31. I don't knou' when it will srop . . .. .. (snow). If it goes on like dris, we'll get stuck in

the village.32. Stop (argue)! I'm fed up with it.33. I don't think it's a good idea to stop .. .. (argue) with him. He thinks he is always

right anyrvay34. On our way home we stopped ... (b"y) some presents for our childrer-r.

35. She can'r srop (complain). She is rather pessimistic about everything.

36. I'm awfully sorry for ..... .. (disturb) you yesterday I should have phoned you earlier.

37.I'm sorry . (disturb) you sir, but somebody wants to talk to you urgendy

38. I'm sorry . ........ (trouble) you, but may I ask you to close the window?

39. She is sorry for ... .... (not/go) to the party last night, but shc was very busy

40. M,v son dreads .... (go) to the dentist. He dreads(think) of the sound of the drill.

41. Sl're dreads ....... (think) of her past. She had a miserable life until the ageof 21.

42. I thinl< almost every child dreads (go) to school if they have to write a test-PaPer.

5 Make suggestions. lJse try + one of the following expressions. Always use -ing. Tegyen javaslatokat!

Haszndlja a ,,try" igdt 6s egy megfelel6 kifejezdst az al1bbiak k1zill! Mindig ,,-ing"-es alakot haszn1lion!

drink herbal tea put on the blue one wear contact lenses

move it to the other side of the room @

i. A) This camera won't work.2. A) I don't like dre tablc there.3. A) This tie doesn't match my shirt.4. A) I have a problem with my stomach.5. A) I should wear glasses, but I don't

like d-rem.

B) Have you tried pushing lhe grey button?B) Why don' t you t ry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ?B) riyB ) Have you t r i ed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IB) You should t rv . . . . . . . . . , . . .

6 Complete the sentences. Use try + to or try + -ing with the verbs in brackets. Egeszftse ki a mon-

datokat! HasznSlja a ,,try + ing" vagy a ,,try + to" szerkezeteket a zaroielben megadatt igevel!

l. "This photocopier won't work." "Try pushing (push) the red burton."2. I tried ...... (push) the button, but I couldn't because it got stuck.

3. Don't try .... ...... (move) that shelf. It 's too hear,y for you.4. We tried .... (move) the shelf to the door, but we didn't like it that way either.

5" I tried (put) on my socks, but I felt a terrible pain in my back, so I couldn't put

them on alone.6. "Do you think this jacket matches my trousersl" "Let rne see. Try ... . . (p,rt) on the

black one."7. I have never tried ....... (travel) by plane.B. I'll try (catch) the bus, but I don't have much chance.

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7 Transform the sentences, where it is possible. Use need -ing. Alakitsa 5t a mondatokat, ahol/ehetsdges/ Haszndlja a ,,need -ing" szerkezeteket!

l. I need to wash my clothes. h's not posihletolronsform.2. My clothes need to be washed. lrliy dothes need woshing.3. He wants to repair the windscreen wipers.4. The windscreen wipers need to be repaired.5. I need to look after my grandparents. They are very oId.............6.My grandparents need to be looked after. ..........7. I want to paint the fence.8. The fence needs to be painted., . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9.My husband needs to clean the garage.

10. The g rage needs to be cleaned.

8 Choose the correct form. Cross out the wrong one. V{lassza ki a helyes megold6st! A helytelenthuzza 6t!

l. She needs to so / soins home now.2. Your jacket wants cleaning / to clean.3. We need catching / to catch that train.4. She needs caring for / to care for.5. Your car needs washing / to wash.6. We want to speak to vou / speakine to vou.

9 Read the sentences and write down what the things need. Use the verbs in brackets. Olvassa el amondatokat, es frja le, mit kellene tenni! Haszndlja a z6rojelben lev6 igeket!

l. The walls are very dirty (whitewash) lheyneedwhitewashing.2. Your shirt is creased. (iron) ........3. Your hair looks unkempt and unt idy (cut) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ; . . . . . . .4. I have a bad tooth. (pr[ out) . . . . . . . . . .5. The grass is rather dry (water)

1O This is a description of a photo. Read the description and imagine that yesterday you were in thescene. Write down what you saw and heard. Ez egy kdplefrds. Olvassa el a leirdst 6s kdpzelje azt,hogy tegnap epp azon a helyen j6ft, ahol a k6p kdszult! irja le, hogy mit l{tott 6s mit hallott!

L-r the photo there is a messy office. There are altogether five people in this offrce . Some of them areoffice workers, some of them are friends or clients. The man sitting in the corner is smoking andlooking out of the window l{e can see a cat and a dog in the street. The dog is just chasing the cat andit is barking very loudly The man's colleague, who is sitting by the table in the other corner, is phoning.FIe must be very angry because he is shouting. On the table next to him there is a mobile phone, whichis ringing too, but nodody seems to bother about it. The two ladies who are standing in front of theman's table are probably waiting for him, because they are staring at him. The fifth person in the photomust be a secretary because she is typing a letter. The radio on her table is on. Somebody is playingthe guitar.

I. I saw a man lookingout of the window (look).2. I could smell him (smoke) a cigarette.3 . I h e a r d . ( b a r k ) .4. I heard ... (shout).

5. I saw (phone).6. I could hear .. (iing).7 . I s a w . . . . . . . ( w a i t ) .

8 . I s a w . ( w o e ) .\ / I

9. I could hear.. ...(pl"y) the guitar.

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11 Complete the answers to the questions. IJse see/hearlsmell + bare infinitive (do). Egeszitseki a v1laszokat! Haszn1lja a ,,see/hear/smell" igdket 6s a ,,to" nelkilli f6ndvi igenevet (do)!

]. A: Did I switch offthe TVI B: Yes I saw you switch it off.2. A: Did irnybody come in while I was outf B: I didn't see anybody3. A: How did your brother fall from the treel B: I have no idea. I didn't see him......4. A: Did anybody knock at dre doorl B: I don't think so. I didn't hear anybody............ ..

5. A: Sombodv went out. The door slammed. B: I didn't hear the door ..........6. A: Tl-re sunrise is wonderful at the lake. B: Really) I've never seen the

12 Complete fhe senfences. Use one of the following verbs (in the correct form). Egeszitse ki a ko-vetkez6 mondatokat! Haszndlia a megadott igeket a megfelel6 alakban!

]. I saw a rran dmb lctlmU; out through your bedroom window when you arrived home and I alsosaw hin enler (enter) the house earlier widr your wife.

2. Spring is wonderful. I can listen to the birds ..(sing), and watch the swallows(rly)., . . , \ ^ _ J / .

3. I always watch the sun . .. .. (go down).Ai , found your sister at home . . . . . ... (.ty). She was very disappointed.5. I can smell my children ..... (cook) something.6. She woke up because she heard the bell ....... (ring).7 . When we gor home we were very surprised. We saw our cat .. .. (lie ) right r-rext

to our dog.8. Did anybody see dre building9. Somebody saw yolr ..... (arrive) at d1e scene of the murder. What can you tell us

about itfi0. Did you hear Jack ..ll. Your friends were seen ..... (clirnb) over the fence and then ..........

. . . . . . (go into) your house.

13 Translate the sentences. Fordltsa le a mondatokat!

). Pr6bdltarn megvigi-rsztalni, de nem birta abbahagyni a sir{st.2. Az 6r kell6s kozepdn {lltak rneg, l-rogy vdltsanak ndh{r-ry sz6t.3. Ne culd<old rndr! Nem ldtod milyen idegesf4. Utban hazafeld megdlltunk, hogy igiun[ egy kdvdt.5. Greg nern akart megbdntani tdged. O csak azigazsitgot akarta elmondani.6. Ha ny'iron a tengerentrilra akarsz menni nyaralni, ald<or az azt jelenti, hogy ijt nappalld t6ve kell

dolgoznod.7. MieI6tt elmdsz, beszdlj Jasonnel! Ez perszr nem azt jelenti, hogy t6le kell engeddlyt kdrned, hogy

e lmehess.B. Id6ben tdjdkoztauri akartam a f6nokiinket a riszletek fel6l, de nem sikeriilt eldrnem.9. Nern ernldkszik, hogy valaha is elutazott volna az Egyesiilt Alamokba.

i0. Nem felejtette el lemdsolni ds al:iirni a sztiksdges dokumentumokat.11. Most mdr emldkszem, hogy kordbban mdr taldlkoztam Onnel.12. A nagyrnamdm rndg emlikszil<arra, hogy a szegdny gyerekek meziddb jdrtak iskol{ba.13. Ne felejts el telefondlni azigazgat6helyettesnek, miel6tt hazamdsz!14. A balesete miatt elfelejtette, hogy hozzi,m jott felesdgtil.I5. Nem emldkezett rai, hogy kikapcsolta-e a tivdt.16. Elfelejtettiik apdt emldkeztetni a hdzassdgi dvfordul6jukra.17. Sajnrilattal kell kozcil-ncirn, hogy ezt az illist nem tudjuk onnek felajdnlani.IB. Megbdnta, hogy olyan gorombdn viselkedett a felesdgdvel.19. Sajndljuk, hogy ezt kell mondjuk, de a vizsgdja sikertelen volt.20. Bdnom, hogy nem pilyiztam meg ezt a j6 dlldst.2l.Irtozom attdl, ha kds6 este egyediil vagyok a lakdsban.22. Mdggondolni serr rner arra, mit fog csindLni, ha egyediil kell eltoltenie egy (iszal<6,'t.


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23. A gyerekeim iszonyodnak att6l, ha orvoshoz kell mennii.ik.24. Sajndlorn, hogy tegnap este olyan kds6n irtem.haza, de nagyon sok dolgom voltaz irodiban.25. Eln&6st, hogy zavarom, de beszdlheurik most Onnell26. Most, hogy a felesige meghalt, sajndlta, hogy nem toltott vele egyiitt tobb id6t.27. Sajnitlattal hallottam, hogy mi tortdnt a fiaddal.28. Pr6bdltam megtaldlni az dllomiisra vezrt6 utat, de mivel mdg idegen voltam a vdrosban, nem sikertilt.29. Megprobdltam megkirdezni egv jdr6kel6t, de sajnos kideri.ilt, hogy 6 is csak turista.30. Iill megpr6bdlta levenni a kcinyvet a legfels6 polcr6l, de mivel tril alacsony volt, nem drte el.31. ,,Kdptelen vagyok utoldrni a kereskedelmi kdpvisel6nket." ,y{ mobiljrin pr6bdltad mdr hivnif "

32. Bdrmennyire is pr6bdlom rnegirteni a l{nyomat, nem megy33. Pr6bdlta r-ryiwa tartani a szemdt, de rul f.iradt volt.34. A miniszterelnok el6szor a belpolitikdr6l beszdlt, majd rdtdrt a kiilpolitikdra.35. Az el6ad6 rovid sziinet utdn folytatta a kl6nozds technol6gi{jdnak bernutat{sdt.36. Amikor hazadrtem, a fiam (pp az esszdjdt irta. Vdltottunk pdr sz6t, is foly'tatta az essztitist.37. Eleinte csak a bdlndkat tanuhndnyozta, aztin ritert a cdpdk tanulminyozisira.38. Nem sziiksdges velem jonnod, odataldlok.39. Ez az ember gondoskod{sra szorul.40. A lakdsodra rdfbr a festis.41. Az olalat ki kellene cserdlni az aut6ban.42.kle a szernetes. I(i kellene iiriteni.43. Tdged drdekel a brivdrkodds)44. Erdel<l,6dve hallgattam, hogy rni tortdnt a cdgetekndl.45. Erdeld6dve olvasta a legfrissebb t6zsdehireket.46. Amikor kiniztiirk az ablakon, ldtnrk, amint egy betor6 dpp mdszik dt a keritdseteken.47. f.rdekes, a nagyi nem hallott senkit sem bemenni.48. Erzed, hogy valami igl49. A szemtanr.ik ldttdk, hogy egy fekete aut6 eliitotte az id6s holgyet, majd tovdbbhajtott.50. Mdg soha nem hallotnrnk zongordzni.5I. Mi pedig mdg nem ldttunk benneteket t{ncolni.52. A lakdsba ldpvdn 6reztem, hogy a ferjem f6z valamit.53. Abba kellene hagynom a munkdt, mert kezdek elfdradni.54. Mikor kezdte a Linyod a nyelvtanuldstl55. Szdnddkomban dllt felhivni 6t, de aztin meggondoltam magam.

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t f


Az angol nyelvben az igeneveket az ,,-ing" v6.gz6d6ssel (Present Participle) vary az ige 3. alakjdval

(Past Participle) fejezhetjiik ki.

l. FOLYAMATOS MELLfT<NEVr IGENEV (-6, -6 = -ing)

a) dolgoz6 anyik worhing Ynotbnsfelkel6 nap rising Swnigdnybevev6 munka d' job

b) olriJ:ron dolgoz6 anydk rnotbers worhing nt home

a keleten felkel6 nap the Sun rising in the East

figyelrnet kcjvetel6 munka a job derua.nding concentration

Az a) csoportban a jelz6k6.nt haszndlt Participle <inmagdban dll. Ebben az esetben megel6zheti a

jelzett sz6t, ds mint el6jelz6 funkciondl. A &) csoportban a Participle nem iinmagdban dll, hanem

valamilyen b6vitmdnye van, iry a jelzett sz6 mcigd keriil. Tehrit wt6ielz6kdnt funkcionril. Altald-

ban ez a gyakoribb vdltozat. El6jelz6k6nt dltaldban akkor haszn{ljdk, ha az,,-ing"-es forma

val6jdban nem igeniv, hanem melldkndv. Pilddul: boring - unalmas, exciting - izgalmas, tiring -


2. BEFEJEZF'TT MELLfT(NfVI rCnNfV 1 -t, -tt

a) a betor-t ablakkiontott tejtoltott kdposzta


a megvitatott probldmaa kihallgatott szemtanrik

b) a fiad dltal betort ablakr prrdl6re kiontott tej

th e problern d.iscussed.tlt e witn e s s e s qwesti on ed.

the wind.ow brohen by yowr sontbe rnilh spilt on thefloor.

= -ed, ige 3. alakja)

the brohm wind.owspiltmilkstuffed. cabbage

A sz6rendet tekinwe a befejezett melldkndvi igendwe ugyanaz vonatkozik, mint a folyamatos melldk-

ndvi igendvre. FIa nincs b6vitmdnye az igendvnek, akkor dllhat a jelzntt sz6 el6tt. Ez azonban csak

akkor lehetsdges, ha rilland6sult szdkapcsolatr6l van sz6. FIa van b6vitminye, akkor csak a ielzett szo

mogott {llhat.

3. BEALLO MELLEKNBW IGENfV 1-and6, -end6 = to be + ige 3. alakja)

a nregfontoland6 kdrdds the question to be consideredA kdrdds rnegfontoland6. Tbis qwestion is to be consid.ered.a befcjezend6 projekt the project to be f.nished.A projekt rndg befejezdsre vdr. The project is yet to be f.nished..a fclirjfturd6 dpiilet tbe to be renovated

Az dpiiletet fel kell fjitani. Tbe bwilding is to be renovated..


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4. HATAROZOI IGENEV ( -va, -ve, -vdn, -v6n = -ing, -having done)

AI.AKIAI:PRESENT PARIICPLE, ACTIVE :jelen idejri hardroz6i igendv, aktiv

PERFECT PARTICPLE, ACTTVE :Befejezen (mrilt idejfi) melliknivi igeniv, aktiv

PRESENT PARIICPLE, PASSIVEJelen idejri hatiroz6i igeniv, passziv

PERFECT PARTICPLE, PASSTVEBefejezett (mrilt idejri) hatiroz6i igen6v, passziv

Figyelje meg!A levelet olvasva, sirva fakadt.(Mikozben a levelet olvasta... )Elolvasviin a levelet, sirva fakadt.(Miutdn elolvasta a levelet... )Ldvin, hogy bcirtcinbe kiildtik,nem fudon gondoskodni a csalddjdr6l.Miutdn bortonbe ki.ildtdk, megszokott.

doing, working, being

having done, having worked, having been

being done

having been done

Rt"di"g the letter, slte burst into tears.(While / when rending the letter...)Ilaving read the lener; she burst into tears.(After read,ing the lener...)Being smt to pri.son, he could.n't looh ajierhis fnrnily.Having been sent to prison, he escaped..

haszndlhat6 mellikmondat rcividftdsdre, ha a tagmondatok alanya

She switched on the com.puter and.sat dnwn to swi.tched on tlte cl?npatery slte sat d.ownto worh.

DE!Ha a tagmondatok alanya kiiLliinbtizik, nem rcividithetiiLnk melldkmondatot hatriroz6i igendrwel.

I riayaemt

A hatiroz,oi igendv csak akkoraz,onos.

Figyelje meg!Bekapcsolta a sz6,,mit6g(pet dsleiilt dolgozni.Miutdn bekapcsolta a szimit6g(pet, leii{tdolgozni.

Valaki csengetett is dn ajt6t nyitottam.

Ewib hasznos tudnival6k a ..DarticiDle"-r6l

Figyelje meg!

Ldv6n, hogy a levil fel volt bontva,bdrki elolvashatta.Felbonwa taldltam a levelet.

'Mind a hatdroz6i, mind pedig a melldkndvi igenevet leggyakrabban melldkmondattal forditjukmagyarra.

'While reading / when reading = olvasds kcizbenHa nygryltikos(tani szeretnink, hogy valami egy mdsik cselekvis kcizben megy vdgbe, akkor a,,participle"-t haszndlhatjuk a ,,while / when" k<itZizavakkal is.

'On arrivinr I On entering = megirkezvin, belipvdnA 'to arrive" is a rrto enter" igdk hatdroz6i igeneves alakjdval az rrON" prepozfci6t haszndljuk.

Somebod,y the bell and.I nnswered. the door

Being opened., the letter could. bave been nnyone.I fownd. the letter opened.

A,rnikor hazalrt, egy levelet taldlt a ldbtorl6n. On orriving ltome, he found. a letter on the d.oonnat

'A passziv hatirozni igenevet dltaldban mell6kmondat bevezet6sdre haszndljdk, de passziv drtelmfhat6'roz6i igenevet kifejezhetiink a,,past participle"-lel (ige 3. alakja) is.

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MnlErruwr Es HRrnnozot TGENEVEK

Mivel rend6rok kisdrtik,nem tndott megszokni.Rend6ri kisdrettel drkezett.(rend6rok dltal kfsirve)

Mivel nem tudott senmit, segitettem nekiMivel a gyerekei elmentek otthonr6l,egyedtil |rezte magdt.Mivel a gyerekei mdr nem voltak otthon,egyediil |rezte magdt.


Being accontgronied. by policernen, he could'n' anhred., nccornpanied. by policenen.

There being nobod1 at home,I't feel lihe going horne.Thwe being and' I'ightning,our dog did'n't d.are to lenve the house.

.A,,Having done" mrilt idej( hatiroz,6i igenevet el6idejffsig kifejezesire hasznriljuk.

Miutdn mdr kdtszer elbocsdtott{k,elvesztette az onbecsiildsdt.

Having bem d.ivnissed twice,he hst his self-esteem.

.A,,There is /there are" hat{roz6i igeneves alakja = There being

Ldvin, hogy senki sem volt otthon,nem volt kedvem hazamenni.Mivel mennydorgott ds villdmlott,a kutydnk nem mert kimenni ahiz66L.

.Amennyiben a tagmondtok alanya kiiltinbcizitq a kcivetkez6 m6don rcividithettink hat{ttozni igeniwel:

IIim/IIe not hnowing anytbing I helped. bim'With his left home, be felt hnely.

Withawt his being at honte,he feb lonely.

1 Turn the relative c/auses into -ing c/auses following the example. A ielz6i mell{kmondatokat ala-kitsa 6t folyamatos mell6kn6vi igendwd a pdlda alapiSn!

l. The woman who is sitting nexr ro him is my sister. The womon sifting nexl to him is my skter.2. The bus that was going to London had a puncture.

3. The company wI-rich will close down next month has been bought by Americans.

4. lack will speak to dre delegation which is arriving next week,

5. There are a lot of hotels in this town which ofler cheap accommodation.

6. The srudenrs who were taking part in this competition could learn a lot of interesting things.

7. I know the man who is standing by the window

8. Do you mean the man who is wearing a black hatf

9. Can you see the girl who is reading a magazine?

10. Have you heard about the actor who is coming to Veszprdm soonl

Turn the relative c/auses into -ed c/auses following the example. A ielz6i mell€kmondatot ala-kitsa 5t befejezett mellekndvi igen6wd a p6lda alapiSn!

I . The qualiry of the products drat are sold here are not up to standard'The quility ofihe producti sold here are not up to slondard.

2. Do you like the books that are published by dre University Press?

3. Do you know the woman who was kidnapped by some terrorists?

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4. The murderer who was arrested by the police last week turned out to be Billv's cousln.

5. We found the money that had been stolen from the bank in a black sack.

6. Did you enjoy the programme that was broadcast by CNNI

7. Have you read the letter that was written by our teacherf

8. Did you enjoy the parry which was organised bv tl-re schoolf

9. We received the offer drat was tnade by our business partner.

10. We saw the man who was accused of robbcrv

3 Turn the relative clauses into to be c/auses. Alakitsa at a jelz6i mell6kmondatokat belllo mellek-ndvi igenevv1!

l. The bridge that should be finished in May will join the rwo districts. 'the

hridge to he finkhed in lvloywillioin the two distrkts.

2. We have agreed on the decisions that should be made.3. The question drat should be discussed is far too important.4. Tl-re problem that should be solved is very complex.5. The money that should be borrowed from the bank will solve our problem.

6. The product d-rat should be advertised in the papers is very competitive

7.The campaign drat should be launched next year costs a lot of money ........ ... ..

8. The application that should be worked out must be clear.9. The book drat should be published in lune will be very popuIar.................

I0. The house that should be let will be renovated. ..............

4 Transform the sentences following the examples. The meaning of your senfence must be thesarne as that of the original sentence. Alakitsa 5t a mondatokat a pelda alapjdn Igy, hogy a je-lentes ne vdltozzon!

l. While she was lying in the sun, she was reading a book. Lying in the sun she was rcading o book. / She wasreoding o book lying in the sun.

2. While I rvas listening to the radio, I was correcting test-papers.

3. We were watching the traffic wl-rile we were rvaiting for hini.

4. The srudents were singing wl-rile they were walkir-rg in the forests

5. While I was watching T{ I was eating.

6. While drey rverc clin-rbir-rg the rock, they rvere talking

7. While we were driving to Manchester) \4/e werc listening to music.

B. While he was walking in the rain, he was singing loudly

9. While she was lying on the bed, she was doing a crosswords puzzle.

10. While she 'nvas reading the book, she was crying.


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MrLLErruEvr 6s HarRnoz6r TGENEVEK

5 tJnderline fhe sentence which means the same as the originalsentence. Sometimes more thanone sentence is right. Hhzza al6 azt a mondatot, ami ugyanazt jelenti, mint az eredeti mondat!

A) After readine the letter she burst into tears.B) While reading the letter she burst into tears.C) She burst into tears before she read the letter.A) After she entered dre room she got a shock.B) She got a shock because shc entcrecl the room.C) \4hile she was entering the room she got r shock.

3. Having written the letter she went to bed. A) After writing the letter she went to bed.nj Wnle writirig the letter, she went to bed.C) After she had written the letter, she wcnt to bcd.

4. On arriving home lack found a letter A) Ar soon as he had arrived home he found a letterin the kitchen. in the kitchen.

5. Having done the work, she rvent home.

B) While he was arriving home he found a lctter ir-rthe kitchen.

C) After he had arrived home hc four-rd a letter in thekitchen.

A) She went home, whilc she was doing thc work.B) She went home after doing the work.C) After she had done the work, she went home .

5 Make one senfence from the two using an -ing clause. Kosse ossze a mondatokat jelen idej1 ha-tArozoi igendwel!

l. Jack was plaving football. He hurt his leg. Jack hurt his hg pllying footbull.2. I was reading a book. I fell asleep.3. The woman fell down. She was running downstairs.4. I was clirnbing the tree. I fell from it. ..............5. IGte was riding a bicycle. She had an accident.6. They were coming down in the lift. They heard a strange noise. ........

7 Make sentences beginning with having... . Kosse ossze a mondatokat mult idej1 hatdrozoi igen€wel!

l. She made lunch. She did the washing up. Havingmodelunch,shedidthewashingup.2. I watered the flowers. Then I hoovered the carpet.3. After Tom had phoned |ack, he left home.4. She werlt to dre bus stop after she had bought the newspaper. ..............5 . After they l-rad run olrt of petrol they filled up rheir tank. ... ... .. ..

8 tn which of these sentences could you use the -ing or having... clause? Tick the sentence if you can.Melyik mondatban helyettesithet6 a mell1kmondat jelen idej1 vagy m1lt idej1 hat6rozoi igenewel?

1. Slre switched off the TV and went to bed. / Switching off the lt/, she went to bed.2. The phone rang and she picked it up. X3. Torn turned dre key in the lock and entered dre house.4. We out ol1 ollr anoraks and went outside to build a snowman.5. My neighbour came round and I offered him a cup of coffee.6. I rvas sitting in a restaurant and I saw him with a blond girl.7. Slie gave me her car and I was very grateful. ...............B. I arrived home latc and my husband was very angry ........9. They left home and caught a taxi.

10. I posted the letter and then I gave her a ring.l l . I didn't know his phone number so I couldn't call him up. , ... .... . ...12. We didn't lcave in time so we rnissed the bus.13. She lent her some money and he promised to pay it back.14. After the doctor had examined me he prescribed some medicine.15. As we don't have a car. we find it difficult to set around.

1. Reading the letter she burst into tears.

2. On entering the room she got a shock.


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9 Tick the senfence where you can use fhe -ing construction, and transform these sentences usingafterlbeforelwhenlwhilelon + ing. Pipdlja ki azokat a mondatokat, ahol ,,-ing"-es szerkezettellehet roviditeni a mellekmondatot, majd ennek megfelel6en alakitsa 6t a mondatot! Haszn{lja az,, afte r/ b efo re lw h e n /w h i I e I o n " kot6szava kat !

1. After I had dinner I went to bed. / Aherhovingdinnerlwenltobed.2. Before the guests arrived we had laid the table. f3. While we were watching the film in the cinema) we were eating popcom.

4. As soon as I had entered the house I saw a burglar in my living-room.

5. After we had dug up the garden, Daddy planted the vegetables.

6. When rve arrived home- we found a box on the doormat.

7. We saw a strange light in the sky when'nve were talking in the street.

B. Our dog was barking while the neighbour's cat was walking across our garden.

9. Before lack visited his wife in the hospital, he bought a bunch of flowers at the nearby florist's

10. While Sue was embroidering, she was listening to Beethoven's Fiir Elise.

'lO Change the clauses into having been done or being done construction. Follow the example.Alakitsa 6t a mellekmondatot passziv hat6roz6i igendw! a pelda alapjdn!

I. Since he was accompanied by the police he couldn't escape.Being auomponied hy the'potke he coildn't tirope.

2. Nter he was dismissed, he didn't want to work any more.Having been dismissed he didn'l wont lo work ony more.

3. After he was arrested, he didn't want to meet his girlfriend.

4. Sir-rce she was threatened. shc didn't dare to speak about the murder to anyone.

5. Since the children were warned against going to the sea urlone, they got even more curiotrs.

6. After I was asked to make a report on the Bulls. I travelled to Chicago.

7. After we were made to do the iob. we didn't want to do it.

B. Since they were being followed by a big black car, they were trying to drive faster.

9. After they rvere shown around the factory they seemed to be rather satisfied.


10. After my husband was promoted, he got a higher salary

Connect the two sentences using past participle. Follow the example. Kosse ossze a mondato-kat a past participle (ige 3. alakja) segitsegevel a p6lda alapj6n!

l. He arrived. Hc was accornpanied by policemen. He onived ouomponied hy polkenen.2. The emperor was lying on dre bed. He was surrounded by slaves with pahn leaves.

3. He took part in a competition. It was sponsored by a big multinational company

4. Tim sent his application. l{e was encouraged by his teachers.

5. A'nr-r got the promotion. She was supported by the majoriry of the company

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MrLLfrrufur fs HmnRozor TGENFVEK

12 Complete the sentences for each situation. Use the word given + the ending -ing or -ed. Ege-szftse ki a mondatokat a szitudci6nak megfelel6en! Haszndlja a megadott sz6t 6s az ,,-ing"vagy ,,-ed" vdgz6dest!

l. The film was about dinosaurs. (interest-)a) The film was very inleresling.b) You know I'm inlerested in dinosaurs.

2. Mrs Jackson's lectures aren't very good. (bor-)a) Her lectures are ratherb) I'm with her lectures.

3. I spilled a glass of red wine on the guest. (embarrass-)a) This situation was veryb) I felt radrer

4. If you enter the Marathon race, you must train a lot. (exhaust-)a) It's verv to run 42 kms.b) The ruirners get very by the end of the race.

5. I don't like sad fihns (depress-).a ) T h e v a r e . . . . .b) They make me

13 Choose the conxt word. Cross out the wrong one. V1lassza ki a helyes megoldSrt! A helytelent h(tzza 6t!

l. Are you satisfied / satis{ving-with the results)2. Did you find dre le.sson interesting / interestedl3. It can be very embarrassing / embarrassed to say hello to someone you have never met.4. The fiLn was very funny I was amusing / amused.5. The researchers were disappointing / disappointed widr the outcome.6. There was such a terrible storm that everybody got frightening / frightened.7. The film was terri{ving / terrified.8. Evervbodv was surprising / surprised that he got the job.9. The experience was shocked / shocking.

10. We were astonished / astonishing when we saw her with that strange fellowI I. Why are you always boring / boredl \4hy don't you find something interesting / interested to readfI2. The storv was amused / amusing. Everybodv was amused / amusing, when thev read it.

14 Choose the correct answer Only one is correct. Vdlassza ki a helyes megold1st! Csak egy jo vdlasz van.

1. ... .. entering the house I could smell somethirg ...A) On / to burn B) When / to burnC) While / burning D) On / burning

2. ..... by the majority votes, he won the elections.A) Having supported B) SupportingC) Been supporting D) Supported

3. .. . .. . the bus. she took a ta-ri.A) Being missedC) Having missed

4. . . . . . . . . in the s t ree tA) Walked / screamedC) Having walked / screaming

B) MissingD) Missed

I suddenly heard someone ..B) Walking / having screamedD) Walking / screaming

5. Peter's children went on holiday so he felt lonely This sentence means the same as:A) With his children gone on holiday, Peter felt lonelyB) His children being gone on holiday Peter felt lonelyC) With his children having gone on holiday, Peter felt lonelyD) Feeling lonely, Peter's children went on holidair

6. We mustn't forget about the problems yet ...A) be solve B) to be solvedC) being solved

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D) solved

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Pnnrrcplr - MrllErrurvr Es HRrnnozot TGENEVEK

7. He had been nrned down twice so he thought he would give it up. This sentence means the same as;A) Being turned down twice, he thought he would give it up.B) Having been turned down twice, he thought he would give it up.C) Turning down twice, he thought he would givc it up.D) Having turned down twice, he thought hc would give it up.

15 Translate the sentences. Forditsa le a mondatokat!

I. A cdgndl dolgoz6 n6k tobb mint a feldnek mdr van csalddja.2. Az ablak mellett dll6 fdrfi dlland6an minket bdmul.3. A melletted iil6 holgy a f6nok felesige.4. Az a l:iny, aki piros kalapot visel, osztdlytdrsam volt a gimndziumban.5. A vdroskozpontban dpiil6 irodahitzlesz a vd-[alat (rj szdkhelye.6. Nem 6rdemes olyan aut6t venni, ami tul sok iizemanyagot fogyaszt.7. AtLrl sok selejtes termdket gyirto szerelvdnysorokat le fogjdk cserdlni.8. Az itt tanit6 kollegdk j6l kipzettek.9. A holnap megnyitdsra keriil6 bevdsdrl6kozporltot hdrom 6ven dt dpitettdk.

10. A versenyen rdsztvev6k nagy rdsze ki.ilfoldr6l drkezen.ll. Azok a didkok, akik a feladatukra koncentrdlnak,le fogjdk tenni a vizsgdt.12. A most kdsziil6 jelentds rdszletesen be fog szdmolni rnindenr6l.13. A rogzitett beszdlget6s mindenre fenyt derit.14. A tegnap m6dositon torvdnfavaslat szerint a pcdag6gusok fizetdsit tizenot szdzaldkkal fogj,iL emel-ni.15. Az osszecsapdsokban elhur-rytak tobb miut tr fele kiskoru volt.I6. A mult hdten bemutatott darab 6ri:isi sikert aratott.17. Az drvizkdrosultak szdmdra osszegyijtott penzt dlelmiszerre fogjdk kolteni.I8. A hozzdrartoz6loak mdg azonositaniuk kell a terrortimadds sordn meggyilkolt'ildozatokat.19. A levdl, amit tegnap kaptunk k6zhez, mindenr6l tqdkoztat minket.20. James rndr el is koltotte apdnzt, arnit tegnap vett ki a bankb6l.21. Afelijitdsra koltott p6nzr az Orszdgos Thkarik P(nzr6,r hitelezte.22. Ellkeriltek a mdsodik vil{ghdborit sordn elveszett mrikincsek.23. Az tizemiinkben el6dllitott termdkek tobb mint hawan sziLzallkit n)'ugatra exportiljuk.24. A keleten beszerzett nyersanyagok olcs6bbak.25. A kiad6nk dltal megjelentetett konyvekhez az eg(sz orszig tertiletin hozzi lchet juuri.26. Az osszes itt felsorolt olvasmdny kotelez6.27. Anapon fekve szundikdlt.28. Mikozben a filmet ntzte, a kormdt rdgta.29. Beldpve a szobdba furcsa zait hallott.30. Egy kalandreginyt olvasva dobbent rd a megolddsra.31. Utaz{s kozber-r a walkrnanj6t h'allgatta.32. Futds kozben verseket szavalt.33. A parkban s6tdlva egy aranyldncot tal{lt.34. Mig a bardtjdra vdrt, a kirakatokat n6zegette.35. Thnulds kozben mindig zenit hallgatok.36. Miutdn haza6.rt, bekapcsolta atelevizi6t ds megndzte a kedvenc sorozatit.37. Felolvasvdn a riszwer,6k neveit, kiosztotta a dolgozatokat.38. Befejezvtn a dolgozatot, feldllt ds elhagyta a termet.39. Miutdn rnegtaldltdk a probl6ma kulcsdt, felhivtdk a szabadalmi hivatalt.40. L€ven, hogy le van tart6ztatva) nern tudja kideriteni az igazsdgot.41. Mivel hazudtak nekem, nem tudtam tenni sernmit.42. Ldv€n, hogy megfenyegettdlq nem merte kihivni a rend6rsdget.43. Mivel bdntalmaztik, senkinek sem mondta el, mi tclrtint.44. Mivel megzsaroltdk, kinytelen volt bizalmas informdci6kat el{rulni.45. Ldvdn, hogy kiv:il6 nevelisben riszesiilt, mindig ririember m6djdra viselkedett.46. Rend6ri kisdrettel irkezen a bir6sdgra.47. Gyonyorti holgyek tdrsasdgdban toltcjtte a szabadsdgdt.48. A vdlaszt6keriilet tdmogatdsdval nyerte meg a szavazist.49. A kolligdi osztor-rzdsdre pilydzra meg az igazgat6i dll{st.50. Holnap rakjdk le a jov6 szeptemberben dtaddsra kertil6 ltrvhaz alapkovdt.51. T:ijdkoztattuk a kolldgdkat a holnapi drtekezleten megvitatdsra kcrtil6 tdm{kr6l.52. A rnegolddsra vdr6 probldmdkat fogjuk megvitatni.53. A megvdlaszoldsra vdr6 kdrddsek nagyon fontosak.










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RELATIVE CLAUSES(who, which, that. . .)


Az angol nyelvben a vonatkoz,o ndvmdsoknak jelentds-megktiLl<inboztetf szerePe lehet. A kcivetkez6

vonatkoz6 ndvmdsokat haszndlhatjuk kcit6szokdnt:

who - aki, akik, akit, akiketwhom - akit (Akkor haszndljuk, ha prepozici6 el6zi meg.)whose - akinek a..., akiknek a..., aminek a...which - amely, 'amelyek, amelyet, ami, amit stb.that - ami, amit, aki, akitwhat - az a dolog ami, azt a dolgot amitwhere - aholwhen - amikorwhy - amidrt

A jelzli melldkmondatok kdt f6 tipusa az, agynevezett defining clause (szfikit6 mellikmondat) is a

non-defining clause (b6vit6 melldkmondat).

I. szfKiT6 twnrrfrKMoNDAT (Defining clause):

Ezek a mellikmondatok a mondat egdszenek megdrt6sdhez ndlkiiliizhetetlenek. Mivel szorosan kci-

t6dnek a f6mondathoz, az angol nyelvben mig vessz6vel sem tiirjiik meg ezt a szoros egysdget.

Figyelje meg!

Az a firi, aki segftett nekem, a szomszddban lakik. The boy who/that helped me lipes next doorAz a konyv, ami a ftrldon hever, nem a tied. The booh nhich/that is lying on the f'oor is not yowrs.

Ha ezeket a melldkmondatokat elhagyndnk, akkor a hallgat6 szimira. nem lenne viliigos, hogy

konkrdtan kir6l vagy mir6l beszeliink.

Figvelje meg!

A: A fiir ir szomszidban lakik.B: Melvik firif Kir6l beszilszfA: Az a fiir, 'aki tegnap segftett nekem.B: Mr-rst m{r irtem.

The boy l'ives next d.oorWhich boy? Wo a're ylw talhing about?The boy who helped. me yesterd'av.Now I see.

A f6mondatb6l nem deriil ki, hogy milyen fidr6l bes#liink, erirt a megdrtis szemPontj:ib6l ldnyeges

az alanyt definiril6, konkretizdl6 mell6kmondat. E#rt hivjrik az angolban ezt ^ mellikmondatot

,,defining clause"-nak. Mivel ez a melldkmondat a jelentist sziikiti, magyarul szfikitd mellikmondat-nak nevezziik.

A magyarban az ilyen tipusri mondatok f6mondatrit is melldkmondat{t iltdriban a ktlvetketkez6ktppenkezdjiik: Az a..., ahi/arni... .

Krit6szavak a sziikitf mellikmondatban :

who : akiwhich : ami, amelythat : aki, ami (Tehdt helyenesitheti a ,,who" is a ,,which" kcit6szavakat.)

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Rrunrrvr CLAUSES

A krit6szavak haszndlatriban ldnyeges sz€mpont, hogy a melldkmondat trirgyi vagy alanyi mellik-mondat-e.

. Alan]'i mell6kmondat:

Ha a kcit6szo alanyi mellikmondatot vezet be (aki, ami), akkor a ktit6sz6t mindig ki kell tenni.

Az a liLny, aki melletted iil, nagyon okos. The girl who/that is sitting next t0 !0u is wry clnerAz a szoba, ami az utcd.ra ndz, nagyon zajos. The room which/that faces the st'reet is very noisy.

. Tdrqvi mellikmondat:

Ha a kcit6sz6 t{rrgyi melldkmondatot vezet be (akit, amit), akkor akrir el is hagyhat6. Ez akkor is igyvan, ha a kcit6szohoz valamilyen prepozfci6 tartozik, hiszen a prepozici6 is mindig t{rgyesetet vonz.Ha a kcit6sznt elhagyjuk, akkor a prepozici6 mindig a mell6kmondat vigire keriil.




Az a n6, akit a moziban l{ttunk, Pisti felesdge.Az a n6, aki rnellett ijltdl, a s6g6rn6rn.Az t n6, akivel tegnap beszdlgettiink,a f6ncrk szeret6ie.

Az a konl.ri amit kolcsonadtarn neked, Jozsie. Tbe book (which/that) I lent you is Joe\.Az a konpi amir6l az esszdmet irtam, The booh I wrote my essn! on is very boring.nag)/on unalmas.Az a kcrnpi amit kerestdl, a szekrdny mogott volt. Tlte booh you ha.d. been lnohing ftr wat behind. the ward.robe.






4 , ,


A Figyeterut

A kcit6sz6t nem hagyhatjuk el, ha azt a prepoz(ci6 megel6zi. Ebben az esetben azonban csak a

,rwhom" is a rrwhich" krit6sz6 haszndlhat6. A rrthat" ds a rrwho" nem!

This is the woman abowt whono I'vc nlread.y told. you.This is the booh about which I told. you.

Osszefoglalva tehiit, ha prepozici6 jdrul a kcit6sz6hoz, a kiivetkezi variici6k ldteznek:

Tbis ̂ the booh abowt which I want to talh.:fhis is the booh which I want t0 talh abowt.This is the book that I want to talh abowt.This is the booh I want to tolh about. (Ez a leggyakoribb vdltozat.)

z. s6viro MELLEKMONDAT (Non-defining clause):

Ez a melldkmondat, "hogy az angol megnevezds is mutatja, nem meghatdrozi af6mondat megdrtiseszempontjiib6l. Akdr el is hagyhat6, hiszen akkor is teljesen vildgos, hogy a besz,el6 kire vagy miregondol. Val6jriban csak kib6viti a f6mondat drtelmdt. Mivel nem kdpez olyan szoros egysdget a f6-mondat alanydval, mint a sziikit6 melldkmondat, vessz6vel tagoljuk 6ket. Figyelje meg a kiiltinbsi-get a sziikit6 ds b6vit6 mellikmondatok kcizcitt!

Az az orvos, aki ezt a kdnlvet frta,Nobel-dijat kapott.

The dnctor who wrote this boohgot n Nobel prize.

Dr. Smith, aki (egydbkdnt) ezt a konyvet (is) Dr Swith, who wrote this book, got a Nobel prize.frta, Nobel-dij at kapott.

Az els6 mondatban, ha csak az alanyt n6z,zilk, nem derill ki, hogy konkrdtan kir6l van sz6. Bdrmilyenorvosra gondolhatunk. A mdsodik mondat alanya azonban egy konkrit szemdly, a mellikmondat

The wornan (wbo/tbat) we sa.w at tbe cinnna is Hstls wife.The wornan yzu were sitting next to is wy sister-in-lnw.The woruan we talhed, to yesterd.ay is the boss\ lover


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Jruot H,rtt-lErN/oNDATOK

mdr csak adaldk informdci6val szolgril. Tehdt ha elhagyjuk, akkor is nrdjuk, hogy kir6l van sz6.A vessz6 haszniilatdt ds a kdtfajta melldkmondat kcizritti ktiLlcinbsdget a kiivetkez6 p6lda illusztrdlja alegszembetiin6bben:

Az a rr6vdrem, aki Kanaddban dl, ferjhez rner-rt. My sister wbo lives in Canacla got m.arried'.A n6vdrem, aki (eg,vdbkdnt) IQnad'iban 61, ferjhez menl My sister, wl'to lhtes in Canad.o, got rnarried.

Az els6 mondat szerint t<ibb n6vdrem is van, tehdt sziil<sdg van a kcir sziikitisire, hogy a hallgat6 isrudja, a tdbb n6vtr kciziil dppen melyikre gondolok. A mrisodik mondat szerint, azonban egy n6v4.-rem van, tehrit egydrtelm(l, hogy kir6l beszdlek. Az, hogy 6 mellesleg dpp Kanadriban dl, csak adaldkinformdci6, a jelentds szempontj{b6l nem meghatiiroz6. Rdn6zesre az angol mondatok kiizcitt csu-pfn annyi a kiilonbsdg, hogy az egyikben haszndlunk vessz6t, mig a mdsikban nem. Ett6l az eWvesszfttll fiigg azonban, hogy kideriil-e val6jdban hniny n6vdrem is van. Csak egyetlenegy vagy tcibb|Nyilvdn, ennek csak az irott nyelvben van jelent6sdge.

Krit6szavak a b6vit6 melldkmondatban:

who = aki, rrkitwhich : ami- amit

$ piglelernt

l. A,,that" k<jt6szot itt nem haszndlhatjuk.

2. Akot1szavakat akkor sem hagyhatjuk el, ha azok targyi melldkmondatot vezetnek be, illewe haprepozici6val dllnak.

My sister, wlto you oko like, got married.My sister, wlto you also played. a lot with as aa cbild.,got rnawied..My sister, with whom you also played. n lot,gotrnamied..frwr nnp book, wbich I hape ako read., is veryexciting.Twr new booh, which I've also beard. a lotabaut, has becom.e a best-sellerfrwr new book, nbout wbich I've aho beard. alot, bas become n best-seller

(D gprueU hasznos tudnival6k a Relative Clause-r6l:-

.Whose, where, why, when:Ezekre a kot6szavakra is irvinyesek a fenti szabdlyok. Figyelje meg haszn:ilatukat sztkit6 ds b6vit6 mellikmondatokban!

Sz(k(t6 mellikmondat:6 ^" ^ ldny akinek a lakdsa ledgett. This is the girt whose flat bwrnt d.own.F,z az a hely, ahol megismerkedtem vele. This is the place (where) I wet herF,z az oka annak, hogy mdrges vagyok. This is tlte reason (wby) I nrn angry.Lz az 6u, amikor taldlkoztam vele, borzalmas volt. The year (when) I rnet her was tenible.

A,,whose" kivdtelivel, ezeket a kiit6szavakat is bizonyos esetekben elhagyhatjuk.

B6vit6 melldkmondat:Monica, akinek kificamodott a tdrde, most otthon van. Monica, wltose hnee has sprained' is nt horne now.Velence, ahol megismerkedtem vele, nagyon romantikus. T7nice, where I rnet het; is very rzrnantic.

A n6vdrem, akit te is kedvelsz, fbrjhez ment.A n6vdrem, akivel gyereld<dnt te issokat jdtszott:ll, fdrjhez menr.

Az rij konyved, amit mdr in is elolvastam,llaglron izgalmas.Az fj konyved, amir6l mdr 6n is sokathallottam, best-seller lett.

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1999, amikor is talilkoztam vele, borzalmas dv volt. 1999, when I ruet her; was a terrible yenr.Ezt altizat, aminek a rulajdonosa most kiilfoldon van, This howse, the owner of which is abroad' now, willle fbgj{k bontani be pulled. down.

Az ,,... of which" vonatkoz6 ndvmiist csak b6vft6 melldkmondatban haszndlhatjuk, termiszetesenakkor, ha a birtokos nem szemdly. A rrwhose" vonatkoz6 ndvmdssal utalhatunk mind dl6, mind pedigdlettelen dolgokra, 6s mindkit tipusri mellikmondatban haszn{lhatjuk.

.\\rhat:A,,whaC'kcit6sz6t soha nem haszndlhatiuk a,,thaC' vW a,,which" helyettesitis6re.

Figyelje meg!

What = ,,the thing that", tehdt a ,rwhat" ktit6sz6 magriban foglalja azt a sz6t, ami a f6mondatb6lhirinyzik ds a rrthat" kot6sz6t. Vessz6t soha nem haszndlunk, mivel tulajdonkippen a rrwhat" is szfi-kit6 melldkmondatot vezet be.

Minclen- arnit vettem. haszndlhatadan volt.Az, amit vettem, haszndlhatadan volt.Nem drtem azt a sz6t, amit most mondtdl.Nem 6rtem- .amit mondtiil.

Az. irmit Litt{l- kozttink marad.Amit nchcd mondott. igaz.Arnir6l nesiltcm neked, csak hazugsrig volt.Nern tudom elhinni. amit mondtdl.

Az ;-hirz, irrnit rnost ipitcnek, a testvdremd.(ami most dptil)

Az a kon1v, amit elloptak, felbecsilhetetlen volt.(ami el lett lopva) that I bougbt was wseless.What I bought was wseless.I can't wndtntnnd. the word. that yut. have just nid.I can't wnd.erstand, what yow have said..

What yoa have seen is behveen us.What he told. you is tru.e.Wat I told you abowt was just n lie.I can't believe whnt yow said..

He ahvays catne horne lote, which I d,isapprwed^He hept talhtng d.uring my leson, wbich wns n bttirritatinn.

The house thnt is being bwilt is my sister's.

The booh ttrtat was stolen was invaluable.

.Which:a) A ,,which" kot6sz6nak eddig csak az egyik haszndl,at{rr6l volt sz6.

Ezaz a l-relrq amit S'erekk6nt annyira szerettem. This is the olnce which I lihed. so ruwch ns a child.

Ebben a mondatban a ,rwhich" az egyik mondatriszre utal vissza.

&) A kcivetkez6 mondatban azonban a ,,which" a f6mondat tartalmdnak eg€sz(re vonatkozik. Ebbenaz esetben mindig haszndlunk vessz6t.

Mindig kdslin jott haza, amit dn helytelenftettem.Az 6rdrnon dlland6an beszdlt, ami egy kicsitidegesit6 volt.

. A,,that" egyib haszndlata:A sz(kit6 mell6kmondatban az eddigiek alapjdn hasznrilhatjuk a ,,who/which/that" ktit6szavakategyardnt. Azonban ha a f6mondatban sorszdmndv, hatdrozatlan szdmniv illewe ndvmds, vagy fels6-fokir melldkndv iill, csak a,,thaC'kcit6szot hasznrilhatjuk, mig akkor is, ha szemilyre vonatkozik.

Ez volt a harmadik palacsinta, arnit megettem. Tbat was the third pancake that I ate.V:rn itt mdg valirrni mds is, amit meg kell csindlnod. There is snruething else here that yow'll have to dn.O. a legvonz6bb ferfi, aki valaha is megkdrte He is the most hand.sorne rna.n that has evera kezemel proposed. to me.

.A szenved6 szerkeznt'a mondatokban a magyarban tdrgyi mellikmondatot, mig az angolban ala-nyi melldkmondatot haszndlunk. Ebb6l az kcivetkezik, hogy az angol mondatokban mindig ki kelltenni a kcit6sz6t.

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Jrr-zor wrlLETN/oNDAToK


'l Make one sentence from two. lJse wholthatlwhich. Don't use comma. Kosse ossze a mondato-kat a ,,who/that/which" vonatkozo ndvmisokkal! Ne haszn1lion vessz6t!

l. Tl-rc rnan was my doctor. He gave me the keyThe mon who gave me the key wos my doctor. 0r fhe man lhat gave me the key wos my doclor.

2.Tlte woman has been kidnapped. She lives next door.

3. The building was pulled down. It was built 50 years ago.

4. The restaurant has becn closed. It is on the corner.

5. The computer went wrong. I bought it last year.

6. The girl disappeared. She escaped from the hospital.

7 . The teacher was dismissed. She smacked a child.

2 ln some of these sentences you don't need who or that. lf you don't need these words crossthem out. Bizonyos mondatokban nem szIkseges a ,,who" vagy ,,that" vonatkoz6 ndvm6sokathaszndlni. H(tzza 6t azokat, amelyek feleslegesek!

l. The botde that is in the fridge is empry "thnl" is necessory in lhe sentence2. The botde dmt you saw in the fridge is empry "lhnt" is nol necessdty3. Tl-re rnan who you rnet yesterday is my cousin.4. The woman who gave me the book is very friendly5. Can you fetch me the bag that you put on the tablef6. The book that is on the sofa is not mine.7.The children who are playing in the garden are Jack's friends.B. The children who the burglars kidnapped are twins.9. The document drat I lost was very important.

10. Tl're money that u,as in dre box had been put there by my grandmother.

3 Add the missing relative pronoun (wholthat, thatlwhich) where it rs necessary to use it. Eg6szit-se ki a mondatokat a hianyzo vonatkoz6 nevm|ssal, de csak ahol feltetlenill szIksdg van r5!

l. The purse O I lost had Ft2000 in it.2. The skirt .. ..... you're wearing suits you.3. Thc doctor ....... l ives in the house is an eye specialist.4. Tl-re flowcrs ....... your morher planted are wonderful.5. The street . ...... leads to the square is a one-way street.6. The teacher ...... teaches my son must be very strict.7. The wornan you saw at the parfy is my aunt.B. The fruit .. ....... I have just picked in the garden is very delicious.9. Tl-re children ....... attend this school are very talented.

10. Tl-re suit ... ....... is in the shop-window is very elegant.I I. Magazines ..... write about pop stars' lives are very popular with young people.12. The book . ........ is lying on the table is mine.13. The man .. ...... was here last week has travelled abroad.14. The cake .. ...... my grandmother made is lovely15. The students ....... you met at the school canteen are very hard-working.


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Rimrvr cLAUSES

4 Complete the sentences with a relative clause. lJse the sentences in the box to make yourrelative c/auses. llse a relative pronoun where it is necessa ry. Egeszitse ki a mondatokat egy iel-z6i mellekmondattal! Haszndlja a keretben talilhato mondatokat! Csak ott tegye ki a vonatkozonevmast, ahol feltdtlenill szilksdg van 16!

Some students cheated at the exam.There are test-papers on your table.You met some workers in the tradeur"rion meeting.A driver caused an accident.

I sent a parcel to them last week.Aunt Nancy had cooked dinner for them.The doctor prescribed some medicine for you.You gave me a book last week.

There was a job advertised in dre papers.

1. Have you ever seen ffie film thot is on W tonight?2. Some students .... were expelled from school.

3 . Do you rake the p i l l s . ' . . ' . . ' . . . . I4. The police have found the driver5. Have they received the parcel . . . . . . . . . . ?6. The workers aren't satisfied with their wages'

7 . Wlll you correct all the test-papers .. '. '...... )

B. Did they eat the dinner . . . . . . . )

9. Sheila got the job ...10. I have already read tl-re book .

5 Complete these sente nces using a relative clause with a preposition. Egeszitse ki a mondatokat

prepozicios jelz6i mel16kmondatokkal !

My'son applied for a scholarship.You spoke to a woman at the parqlWe insist on only one d-ring.She was looking for a street.I had always dreamt of a house .

@Judy is dancing widr a man.I was invited to a reception.You are writing with a pen.

Jack is sitting next to a girl.

l. Tlris is the book ltoldyou ohout.2. Do you happen to know the man3. Did she f ind the street . . ' . . . . . ' )4. I have never seen tl-re girl5. This is the only thing .6. I have been looking for the pen .....7. Who was the woman . . ' . . ' I8. The reception ....... was horrible.9. Unforrunately my son couldn't get the scholarship

10. I thought I managed to find the house

6 Complete the sentences with the given relative c/auses then decide which clause is definingand which clause is non-defining. Egeszitse ki a mondatokat a megadott mellekmondatokkal,majd hatitrozza meg, hogy melyik melllkmondat sztikft6 es melyik b6vit6 6rteh1!

whose windows were broken bysome young thugs ...they look after ...rvhose husband is a politician ...where lovers get married in secretwhich is in London ...which is a BMW .. .

... who is wearing a suit ...

. . . the roof of which was repaired . . .

... who I and my husband look after ...

... who lives in Hollyr,vood ...

. . . where I grew up . . .

... that I bought last month ...

8 ,II

9 l rCt


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1. My brother Jack, whose wife is o fomous oclress, knows a lot of film stars.Z.I've got five brothers. My brodrer .. has a private surgery3. I've got four houses. The house .... faces Big Ben.4. My mother, ......, is now in hospital.5. The old lady ... is very rich.6. The house ...... is not far from here .7. Gretna Green, ........, is a small village in Scodand.B. Tl're man .. .... is my teacher of Enelish.9. His aul l t , . . . . . . . , of ten vis i ts him.

I0. Tl-re car .... .. is always breaking down.11. Her car ) . . . . . . . . . . . . , i s in the garage aga in .12. My house, .., has been sold.13. The mansion ........ was owned by our family for cenflrries.

7 Complete the senfences with a relative pronoun. Use who, which, whom, whose, where. Ege-szitse ki a mondatokat a megadott vonatkozo ndvm1sokkal!

I My nephew and niece, who are twins, will start school next year.2. Mozart, ....... opera we will listen to, is one of the world's greatest composers.3. Nero, .... was a Roman emperor, liked poetry4. Skiing, . . . ... is an expensive sport, can be very dangerous.5. The Grand F{otel, we are going to stay, is a luxury hotel.6. The Young Democrats, about ... .. I told you a lot, won the elections in t99B in Hr,rngary7. Jessica, with .. were dancing all night, fell in love with you.8. I haven't seen Jurassic Park, about ..... I have already heard a lot.

8 Decide whether the relative c/auses are defining or non-defining, and use commas and relativepronouns accordingly. Dontse el, hogy a vonatkozo mell1kmondatok szfikitS vagy b6vit6 6ftel-mfiek-e, 6s annak megfelel6en haszn;|ljon vessz6t, illetve vdlasszon kot6sz6t!

I. The rneat lhst / whkh I bought yesterday has gone off . (both possible; no cornruas)2. The tree ...... stands in front of her house is blooming.3. Your brother lim ...... I am sitting next to is very good at maths.4. He is a famous scholar about .... many books have been written.5. The woman ....... you spoke to in the street is my history reacher.6. Backgarnmon ....... is an old game is very popular in dre Mediterranean countries.7. The headmaster of our school ....... is not a teacher by profes.sion is a ve ry nice fellowB. Yeats a Nobel prize was born in Ireland but wrote in English.9. The photos ....... the paparazzis took of the royal family were published in the tabloids.

I0. Is there a shop . . . . . . . sel ls stampsl11. Oxford ancl Gmbridge universities ............... are two of the oldest universities in the world

are often referred to as red brick universities.12. What is the film you are watchingf13. The building you are looking for has been pulled down.14. The parcel the mayor received yesterday had some explosives in it.15. He is a famous politician about many articles have been written.

9ln some of these sentences you can use which or that; in others only which is possible. Also putcommas where necessary. Egyes mondatokban haszn1lhatja mind a ,,which" mind a ,,that" vo-natkoz6 n6vmdsokat, mdsokban csak a ,,which" lehetsdges! Tegye ki a vessz6t is, ahol sz?kseges!

1. The burglars entered the house rvid-r the key that/ I which/ I lost in the department store. (bothposible; no comrmas)

2. Jack hasn't read your lener , that I which/ he received yesterday (only wbich is pasible, cornma. isnecessary)

3. My car which / that I got from my parents got damaged in a head-on collision.

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Rrmrvr cLAUsEs

4. f'hc car which / that I saw in front of her house rvas a Ford Mondeo.5. The Eardr "vl'rich l rhat is the only planet of our solar system where life exists is being destroved

bv people day by day6. f'hc watch which / that I got for my birthclay has been stolen.7. Nl1, rvatch whlqhl-thai is a Rolex has stopped.B. Tl-re lift which / that l-ras just been repaired is out of order again.9. Tl-ris is tl-re bcst play which / that I have ever seen.

10. It rvas the last dring which / that lve did.

'lO ln some of these sentences you can usewhoorthat; in othersonlywho is possible. Also putcommas where necessary. Egyes mondatokban mind a ,,who", mind a ,,that" vonatkozo ndvmdsallhat, mdsokban csak a ,,who" lehetseges. Tegye ki a vessz6ket is, ahol szilkseges!

1. Tl'rc r.vorkcrs whol / that/ built my house didn't do a good job. (both possiblel no cornmas)2. My rvorkers , rvho/ / drat are working on a building construction , are well-qualified. (only who is

possible, comtna is necesary)3. Mv sister who / that you want to speak to doesn't work in this school any longer.4. Ti-re postman who / that dclivered dre letters yesterday is a new one.5. Car-r you sec dre people who / d-rat are standing in front of that shop-window)6. His friends wl-ro i that I don't know vet are said to be influential people.7. J1ll's grandmodrer who / that she is looking forward to seeing lives in the USA.B. I don't want to mcet the people who /that assaulted me.9. Shc was dre most beautiful girl who / that I have ever met.

10. Shc was dre first girl who / that he fell in lovc rvith.

11 Use whose or of which. Also put commas where necessary. Haszndlja a ,,whose" vagy az ,,ofwhich" vonatkozo nevm6sokat! Tegye ki a vessz6t, ahol szilksdgesl

l. I met a rnan. His hair was white. I nel o man whose hoh wos white. (no cornrnas)2.My fiither is very old. His hair is white. Myfother,whosehoirkwhite ,isvuyold. (cowwnas arenecessary)3. This companv was opened rwenty years ago. The owners of the company are Americans. Ifiis

emplny , lhe owners of whith ore Americons , wos opened twenty yeors ago. (cornrnas)4. Cirn \/ou see the housel The windows of the house are open. hnyouseethehousewhosewindowsore

open? (no commas)5. Chris is dancing with a girl. Her parents are very rich.6. Jack uses his parents'car. The tank of the car is never empty

1 ,

7 .'Iom is always using my car. He never fills the tank of the car.

8. )essicir's grandparents live in a small rented flat. Their big house is let.

9. Her grandparcnts live in this small rented flat. The costs of the flat are low

10. Tirn wants to apply for admission to a university The entrance exam of the university is very difficult.

I I. I war-rt to go to Oxfbrd University The tutors of the university are said to be exccllent.

12 Use who or whom. Sometimes neither of them is necessary. Also put commas, where they areneeded. Hasznalja a ,,who" vagy ,,whom" vonatkoz6 ndvmdsokat! Egyes mondatokban egyiketsem kell haszndlni. Tegye ki a vesszdt, ahol szdksdges!

l. The people @ you talked to in the street are very dangerous. (no nrnmas; nn relative pranown is necesan)2. Jack and Jill , about whoml wrote to you , got injured in a car crash.3. His friends ...... he was looking for left the country without telling him about it.4. The teacher hated so much retired.

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5. Your parents of ..... I alwavs think a lot were respectable people.6. Tl-re students most of .... I taught at school got well-paid jobs.7. I couldn't find the doctor you recommended.B. M.v English teacher I respected so much was a very good pcdagogist.9. Joc I fell in love with at first sight married me.

10. The burglars all of . wcre caught by the police were sentenced to eight years in prison.

13 Make one sentence from two using a relative clause. lJse preposition + whom andpreposition + which. Ket mondatbol k6szftsen egyet! Haszndlja a prepozfci6s ,,whom" 6s

,,which" vonatkozo n6vm6sokat !

l. Yesterclay I phoncd Sheila. I apologised to her for my behaviour.Yesterdoy I phoned Sheilo, to whon I opologked for my behoviour.

2. Hc introduced me to his girlfriend. He had been going out with her for a couple of months.

3. His ftneral was on Friday Only a few people came to the funeral.His funeral

4. Tl-rese special ingredients are rather expensive. You havc to make drc c'ake frorn these special ingredienrs.Thcsc special ingredients

5. Or,rr holiday starts on Ist July We are looking fonvard to our holidayOur holiday

6. This is a guide book on Crete. From this book you can get a lot of useful information.

l4Write sentences with alt of I most of + whom /which. irjon mondatokat az,,all of / most of"+ ,,whom lwhich" szerkezetekkel!

1. This sllrruner I read three books. All of them were very exciting.This summer I read three books, oll of whkh were very exciting.

2. Jacl< has four de grees. AII of them are university degrees.

3. Sheila has five children. All of them are secondary school students.

Her neighbour has a lot of flats. Most of them are let.

I met four new members in the meetins. All of them are over 30.

We invited a lot of people. Most of them were our colleagues.


5 .

6 .


B .

9 .

I0 .

The children bought five ice-creams. They ate up all of them very quicldir

Our parents have a lot of friends. Most of them are famous people.

Carole has got a lot of relatives. Most of them live abroad.

Elisabeth writes plenty of books. Most of them are published by the Universiry Press.

15 Use that or what. lf the sentence ,s complete with or without that write (that) - in the gaps.

Haszndlja a ,,that" vagy a ,,what" vonatkozo n6vm6sokat! Ha a mondat ,,that" vonatkozo ndv-mlssal vagy andlkIl is teljes, akkor azt a kovetkez6kdppen iel6lie: (that) - !

L. All dre things (lhot)-you do are a failure.2. Whotl hate is getting up early3. I don't understand . . . . . you me an by that.4. I don't understand dre word ..... you have iust said.


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Rgmrrvr cLAUsEs

5. Everything . . . . . . . . . . . . I had expected catne true.6. ..... .... th.y expected of me was too much.7. Can you remember the thing . ..... he told you that nightfB. Can you remember ... .... he told you that night)9. I couldn't give my children everything . they wanted.

I0. I can' t bel ieve . . . . . . . you sayI i. I'll do the best . . I can to pass my exams.12. I' l l do .... ..... I can to help him to give up drugs.13. I can't give you any more money It's all ...... I have got.14. I dr inl< I 've given to you . . . . . . . I had.15. A,nything . . . . . . . he says is a l ie.16. ... .... he believes is that we are stil l friends.

16 Use your ideas to complete the sentences. You don't need to use any relative pronouns here.Eg1szitse ki a mondatokat! ttt nem szuks6ges vonatkoz6 ndvmdst haszndlnia.

I. Sharon will never forget the time she spenl with the Royol Fomly where she ."vas a baby-sitter.2. The reason ......:. was that I missed you so much.3. That was the year . . . . . . . . . . .4. That was the last tirne5. Sean will always rernember the day6. The reason . .. .. is that she never understands anything first tirne .

17 Join the sentences from Box A with a sentence from Box B to make a new senfence. Kosseossze az A 6s B keretben tal1lhato tagmondatokat!


'I couldn't take part in dre race.Tom and Sarah have a two-week old babyMatthew put me up.The lift was out of orderThe weather was bad.We oaid three hundred drousand forintsfor ihis ten-year-old Toyota Corolla.My purse was stolen at dre railway station


It was a piryIt meant we had to climb the stairs.ft-ril/as-affioymg.It means they can't go out.It was very kind of him.It meant I had to borrow money to be able to go home.We didn't expect it because the weather forecast said itwould'be good.It was quite reasonable

).. lhe olwoys osked stupid queslions , whkh wos lnnoying.


18 Choose the correct answer. Only one is correct. V1lassza ki a helyes megold6st! Csak egy lehet-s6ges j6 vdlasz van.

I. Tl"re tracksuits .. . have arrived.A) which vou orderedC) who you ordered

2. Julia is someoneA) whom I used to work withC) with who I used to work

B) , which you ordered,D) , that you ordered,

B) who I used to work withD) whom I used to work


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Jeuor vrllErMoNDAToK

3. The man .. wants to talk to you.A) that is waiting in the corridorC) , who is waiting in the corridor,

4. The house ...... is my sister's.A) whose walls are yellowC) , dre walls of which are yellow,

A) only'which'is rightC) only'that'is right

5. I cannot send you the samples you asked for.

B) is waiting in the corridorD) which is waiting in the corridor

B) the walls of which are yellowD) , whose walls are yellow,

B) which I that I -

D) only'-' is right

B) The only whatD) Everything what

6 My car .... is a Fiat Uno.A) whose consumption is low B) the consumption of which is lowC) , the consumption of which is low, D) which of consumption is low

7. These are the issues . ..... I 'd like to address.A) , which B) whatC) , that D) -

8. The dring that I don't understand is why she is here. The underlined part can be replaced by:A) All whatC) What

'19 Translate the senfences. Forditsa le a mondatokat!

l. Az a hdz, amit az utca vigdn fehijftanak, tcibb mint sziz 6ves.2. A szomszidunk hdza, amit most ipp fehijitanak, elad6.3. A bdrydm, aki fogorvos, hd.rom 6ve ozvegy.4. Az a b:itydm, aki kiilfoldon dolgozik, a mrilt hiten vett egy lakdst.5. Jessie, akivel mdr te is tal{lkoztdl, holnap irkezik Budapestre.6. A vonat, aminek nyolckor van az induldsi ideje, fdl 6rdt kdsik.7. Az Orient Express, aminek hdd<or van az drkezdsi ideje, kisildon.8. Az a n6, akinek a ferje elvf.gzi a hdzimunkdt, nagyon szerencsis.9. Tomot, akinek a felesige srilyos betegsigben szenved, elbocsdtottdk.

I0. Azzal a fdrfival, akivel most Sue dpp beszdlget, m:ir taliilkoztam.1I. Megndzted mdr a filmet, amir6l beszdltem neked?12. Megp{'lyiztam azt az illist, amit a HVG-ben hirdettek.13. A Duna, ami a Fekete-tengerbe cimlik, Magyarorszdg legjelent6sebb foly6ja.14. Az a kisldny aki a kertben jdtszik, Samantha legkisebb ldnya.15. Az a sz6rrnit6g€p, ami a kirakatban van, csricsmin6sdgri.16. Stant ds Pant, akik a burleszk sztirjai voltak, mdr csak a filmmrizeumban lehet ldtni.17. O az a firfi, aki tetszik nekem.18. A Nemzeti Szinhdz, ami a Duna partjdn dll, jov6re taldn elkdsziil.19. Sheila n6vdre, akit Tom felesdgiil vett, mdr kordbban kitszer elvdlt.20. Az az orvos) aki a balesetben szintdn megsirillt, kimentette a bardtunk linyirtaz4.96 aut6b6l.21. M€g sohasem taldlkoztam olyan emberrel, akivel egyiitt tudndk iLri.22. Ez az ol<a annak, hogy /essie mdg nem telefondlt.23. Ez az aheIy, ahol szivesen lakndk.24. Mnlt h6napban elutaztunk Pui Saint Vincent-ba, ahol tiz iwel ezel6tt . Holrrap megmutatom neked azt az utcdt, ahol John Lennont lel6ndk.26. krryr, akivel most Eva a titkdrn6nk egyiitt jdr, el6liptettdk.27. Az a munkds, akivel most ipp a f6ncik beszilget, kapja meg a legmagasabb prdmiumor az (v vdgdn.28. Amit tettem, irted tettem.29. Meg fogod bdnni, amit tegnap mondtdl neki.30. Minden. amit most itt hallottdl- koztiink marad.

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31. Az olyan aut6, aminek fdb6l kdsziil a mriszerfala, luxusaut6nak szdrnit.32. Az ahiz, aminek pirosra van festve a kapuja, kiad6.33. Azok a rdszvdnyek, amelyeknekazara az ut6bbi id6ben lezuhant, most olcs6n felvdsdrolhat6k.34. A Parlamenr, aminek a kupoldj:it most renovdljdk, Magyarorszd.g egyik legszebb dpiilete.35. Iddn nigy olyan filmet ldtt'am, amelyek mindegyikdt Thrantino rendezte.36. Jack sok pdnzt keres, aminek a nagy reszdt a felesige kolti el.37. Ma tiz olyan tigyfdllel taldlkoztam, akik koztil mindegyik panaszt akart tenni.38. Iddn nydron sok konyvet olvastam, amik koziil a legtobb a mdsodik vildgh'ibonir6l sz6k.

39. Szerintem mdr mindent elmondtam, amit tudni akartdl.40. El fog magyardzni neked mindent, amit nem drtesz.41. Nem igazin drtem, hogy mit (rtesz ez alatt.42. Hogyba nem sp6rolunk, elkolriink minden filldrt, amit keresilnk.43. Id6ben meg fogjuk tudni, mit vdrnak el t6liink.44. Meg fogunk tudni mindent, amir6l rudnunk kell.45. Minden, amit mond, hazugsdg.46. Az vagv, amit eszel.47. Amit csindlni akarsz, az kiptelensdg.48. Bdrmi, amit teszel, csak ront a helyzeten.49. Mindent odaadott neked, amit csak akartdl.50. Odaadta neked, amit nrdott. Tobbet mdr nem vdrhatsz t6le.51. Alland6an hiilyesdgeket kirdez, ami idegesit6.52. Soha nem drti meg mit mondok, ami bosszant6.53. Soha nem hallgat a sziileire, ami elkeserit6.54. Thnulds ndlkiil teszi le a vizsgdit, ami hiheteden.55. A n6vdrem adott kolcson szizezer forintot, ami rendes volt t6le.













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A cilhatdroz6i mell6kmondatoknak kit f6 tipusa l6tezik. Mds-mds kiit6szot haszndlunk, ha a f6-mondat is a melldkmondat alanya megegyezik, illetve, ha kii{cinbcizik.


toso as to/so as not toin order to

Figyelje meg!


) . . .(az€rt),hosy...

Elrnegyek a bankba, hogv vegyek fel egy kis p6nzt. I'mgoing to the banh to withd.raw szrne n40ne!.(En rnegyek e l. . ., hogl' dn vegye k fe l. . . )

Kenrdnyen dolgoznrnk, hogy tobb pdnzt keressiink. W worhed. hard. in to eztvw rnlre rnzney.(Mi dolgoztunk..., hogy mi keressiink...)


Tagadris esetin dltaliban a as not to" sz,erkezntet haszndljrik.

Nem eszem ddessiget, nehogy elhizzak. I don't ea.t nveets so a.s not to get fat.

Bekapcsolta a TV-t, hogy meghallgassa a hireket.(O kapcsolta be..., hogy 6 hallgassa meg...)

Mrilt idejfi f6mondat esetdn, a mellikmondatban a


irok neki levelet, hogy tudja hol vagyok.(dn irok.. . , hogy 6 tudja.. . )


.. . so that . . . wi l l /can . . . ) @zdrt) ,hogy.. .

... in order that ... will/can ... )

|elen idej(i f6mondat esetdn, a melldkmondatban a,,will" lvary a,,carr" segidigdt hasznrfljuk.

... so that ... would/could ... ) ... 1"rU".), hogy...

... in order that ... would/could ... )

He switched on the W so as to ltisten to the naps.

,,would" vagy rrcould" seg6dig6t hasznriljuk.

I'rn utriting a letter to hirn so thot / in wder thathe will hnont where I arn.

I nryote a letter n hirn so that / in wder that hewould lznon, wltere I was.

Adunk neked egy kis pdnzt, hogy rudjdl kenyeret venni. We'llgive you slme mlney so thnt f in order(mi adunk. . ., hogy te nrdjdl. . . ) tltat you can buy sowe brend.

Irtam neki levelet, hogy tudja hol vagyok.(6n fr tam... , hogy 6 tudja.. . )

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Punposr cLAUsEs

Adrunk neked egy kis p€nzt, hogy tudjril kenyeret venni. W gnve yla sllne Tnoney so thot / in mder(mi adtunk..., hogy te tudjril...) thnt you coald. buy sorne brend'


A mellikmondatban szerepl6 segddige tagad6 alakjdt kell hasznrilni.

El fogj:ik vinni a kulcsot, hogy ne tudjak megszokni. They will tahe the hey so that I ca.n't esca.Pe.Felkapcsoltuk a villanl't, hogy ne feljenek a sotdtben. W tumed. on the light so that thry wtaldn't

be afrnid. in the d.arh.


... for fear that... will/can, would/could - att6l tartvdn, hogy

... lest sy should do sth - nehogy valaki valamit csin:iljon

Felvettem a papucsomat, nehogy tcirott iivegre l6pjek. I pwt on rny slippers lest I should. step 0n sz?nebrohen glass.

An6l tarwa, hogy a gyerekek nem tudnak elaludni, Fwfyar that the could' nntfall aslrep, helehalkitotta a TV-t. turned. the W d.own.Lelralkitotta a TV-t, nehogy a gyerekek felibredjenek. He tumedthe W dnwn lest the children shoaW

wnhe u0.

t L -(9 Ep.uef tudnival6k a c6lhatriroz6i melldkmondatokr6l:=

. El6fordnl, hogy azonos alany esetin is a ,,so that / in order that'' kiit6sz6thaszn{ljik. Ez f6kdntakkor jellemz6, ha a melldkmondat kdpessdget fejezki, vagy ha a melldkmondatban tagad6 formiithaszndlunk.

Kordn jottem haza, hogy meg tudjam n(zni a kedvenc a) I're corne home early to be oble to seesorozatomat. my favourite sna'p rpera'.

b) I've corne ltorne eaily so that I can see

Siettem, hogy ne kdssek el az el6addsr6l.

rny favourite soap opera..

o) I hunied so a.s not to be lnte for the lectwre.b) I hunied so tha.t I wauld'n't be late for the



1 Use a sentence from Box A and a sentence from Box B to make a new sentence. Use to I inorder to I so as to. Atlftson ossze mondatokat az A 6s B keretben talSlhato tagmondatokbol!Haszndlja a to / in order to / so as to szerkezeteket!

Att6l tarwa, hogy torcitt tivegre l6p,felvette a papucsdt.


Vffi<e.I opened the windowWe left earlizSue goes jogging every dairYou have to phone the ticket office.jack went to bed.

He put on his slippers forfeor thnt he wouldstep on some brohenglass.

4 Lt


She would like to lose weight.We wanted to get to the station in time.You want to book tickets for tomorrowHe wanted to have a rest.ffi.I wanted to get some fresh air.


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CtHnrnnozor rrrrLlErvoruoarox

t .2 .3 .T̂ .

5 .6 .

We went to lhe lske to cutch some fish.

2 Complete the sentences using to + a suitable verb. Egeszltse ki a mondatokat a ,,to"-val 6s egyodail16 igevel!

1. I hired a car lo he oble rc move around the city easily2.The students went to the library .. the necessary books for their essay3. The bandits paid some money to the witness .. him keep quiet.4. The villagers built dams themselves against the floods.5. We gave our children some small presents for every good mark them to study harder.6. The company launched an advertising campaign ...... .. more products.7 . Our father does some overtime ...... extra money8. The school invites social workers regr.rlarly students about the harmfi.rl effects of drugs.9. We saved up some money abroad for our holiday

I0. Their children got a dog . to take responsibiliry for something.11. I took a painkiller ... my pain.12. Last night I didn't have time my favourite soap opera.13. We didn't have dre opportunity at universitlz14. Are you hungryf I can prepare something15. They didn't have enough money16. I need a psychologist .... .. about my problems. Otherwise I will go mad.17. I need a few weeks from my ilLness.18. Mr and Mrs Hudson are giving a party on Saturday their wedding anniversary

3 Complete the sentences with so as not to + a suitable word. Egeszitse ki a mondatokat a ,,so asnot to" szerkezettel 6s egy megfelel6 igdvel!

I. He went into dre room on tiptoe so as nol to woke up the children who were sleeping.2. I tried to be tactful her. You know how sensitive she is.3. I paid back all my debts ..... money ro anyone.4. We didn't want to speak about grandma's death in front of the children . them sad.5. She gave up sweets weight.6. He took a taxi . . . , . . . . late.

4 Use a sentence from Box A and a sentence from Box B to make a new sentence. Use so that, in orderthat. Kosse ossze a keretben tal1lhato mondatokat! Haszndlja a ,,so that / in order that" kot6szavakat!


@He stood up.She will hide the keys.Let's leave nowThe teacher was very attentive.I cooked everything in the evening.We left the room at different times.

L I shut the window quicUy so lhot my ponot couldn'l fly oul.

My husband could have lunch the next dayNobody would see us together.We won't meet James.@Everybody could see him well.The students wouldn't cheat.He can't leave her.


AT .

5 .6.7.


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Punpose cLAUSES

5 Completethe sentenc e with so that I in order that or to I so as to I in order to + a suitable verb'

Egeszitse ki a mondatokat a ,,so that / in oder that" kotdszavakkal vagy ,,to I so as to I in order to"

-val + egy megfelel6 ig6vel!

L. Could you send me some photos sothotlcan show thcm to my parents?

2. The bJrglar put black rto&itrgr on his l'readso 0snolllreveolhimself.

3. I gave him a good book . ...... he wouldn't be bored.

4. He lent us solne lnonc y ...... ..we could buy the suit that wc saw in the shop-windowl

5. We took uP a course ' " English'

6. They ,u"r-ti to E'gland ' " lluckingl]am Palace'

Z. He deposits a ceriain alnount of money in his savings accolrnt ' ... his son can buy ;.t

flat when he graduates from the university

B. I withdrew somc money from the bank ' " " that nice sofa'

9. She will put the message on the noticeboard everybody will see it.

I0. Ted is gathering his old clothes his rvife can take them to dre poor'

6 Writesenfences with so that. Follow the example. irion mondatokat a ,,so that" kot1szoval a

pelda alapiSn!

I. I slowed down. I didn't want to be dre first to arrive'

I slowed down so thot lwouldn'l be lhe first to onive'

2. He wore a false mousrache and a wig. He didn't u'ant anybody to recognise him'

3. She turned down the radio. She didn't want to wake her husband up'


4. The man spoke very loudly FIe wanted evcrybody to hear his votce.

5. I accelerated. I didr-r't want the FBI to follow me'

6. Don't be late. I want to be able to start dre lecture on time'

7. Sl-re drew the curtains. She didn't want the neighbours to see what she was doing'

g. He switchecl off his mobile. He didn't want anybody to disturb him.

7 Writesentences with for fear that.... irion mondatokat a ,,for fear that'.." szerkezettel!

I. He lcft home verv early He didn't want anybody to see him'

He left very eorly for fear thut somebody would see him.2. She always had a gas spray in her bag. She didn't want anybody to assault her at night'

3. Tiacy ran to the bus stop. She didn't want to miss the bus'

4. The childrcn hicl the video cassettes. Tl-rey didn't want their Parents to find drem'

5. Thev hacl bars put on tl-reir windows. They didn't want anybody to break into their house'

:6. Mr and Mrs Barnes paid a big amount of insurance on their car. They didn't want anybody to steal it'

T.Ieannever swarl in the lake. She didn't wa.nt to catch any infection.







B. Iack has never travelled by ship. He is afraid thrrt it will sink.

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CriHnrnnozot H,lELLernroruonror

SWrite sentences with ,,lest ... should". irjon mondatokat a,,lest ... should" szerkezettel!

L Shc did everything her boss wanted her to do. Sl-re didn't want to lose her job.She did everything her bos wonled her to do lest she should lose her iob.

2. Sally never tclls anydring to her colleagues about her privatc lifc. Shc cloesn't want anybody tomisuse dre information. . . . . . . . . . .

3. ]ack never boasted about his fornrne. He didn't want anybody to be envious of l-rim.

4. Shc kccps a gun irt home . Sl-re didn't $/ant anybody to brc:rk ir-rto her flat.

5. I didn't tell m1, l-rusband about my illness. I didn't want him to get depressed.

6. I rvas rvhispcring. I didn't want anvboc-ly to hear what I was saying.

7. I never excecd the speed limit. I don't want the nolicc to finc mc.

B. We never gamble . We don't want to lclse moncy

9 Translate the sentences. Forditsa le a mondatokat!

l. Ejjcl-nappal dolgozott, hogy tartani tudja a hatdrid6t.2. Tom rninden nap futni ment, hogy fitten tartsa magdt.3. Ftlkapcsolruk a ldmpdt, hogy ldssunk a sotdtben.4. Elmentem az on oshoz, hogy kideritsem, midrt fij dlltrnd6an a fejem.5. A ldnyom beiratkozort egy tanfolyamra, hogy megtanulja l'raszndlni a szcivegszerkeszt6t.6. Pr6b{lt halkan beszdlni, hogy ne dbressze fel a fdrjdt.7. Trr-rit fogtak, hogv ne kissdk Ie a Glasgorv-ba indul6 vonatot.8. Eloltotta a cigarettdjdt, hogy ne zavarja a tobbieket.9. Liz azdrt nem be.szdlt a sziileinek a rossz jegyeir6l, hogy ne keseritse el 6ket.

10. Becsuktam az ablakot az{rt,hogy a gyerekek rneg r1e fizzanak.11. A sziileink kemdnyen dolgoztak, hogy mindig legyen mit enniink.12. A szobatdrsa moziba ment) hogy pdr 6rdra egyediil maradhassanak.13. Az&t ment egyetemre, hogy a sztilei meg legvenek vele eldgedve.14. Holnap foglalok a didksz{ll6ban szobdt, hogy a venddgeink tudjanak hol aludni.15. Jor'5re a g)'erekeinldcel megviink nyaralni, hogy lddrassdk a tengert.16. Ilekapcsolva hagyta a mobiljdt azdrr,hogy bdrki el nrdja drni.17. Eldugta az aj{r-rddkokat azdrt, hogy a gyerekek ne taldljdk meg.18. Letorolte a pisztolyt, hogy a rend6rok ne taldljdk meg rajta az ujjlenyomatait.19. Majd hagyok egy iizenetet az asztalon, hogy Jack tudja, hol tart6zkodom.20. A nagyi hoh-rap ahn{s pitdt fog stitni, hogy oromctszr-rezzr-rl a gyerekeknek.21. Torolte a titkos adatokat a szdrntit6g6pb6l, hogy senki ne ferhessen hozz6.22. Lckapcsolta a villany't, l-rogy sp6roljon az irammal.23. Felhagvott az ddesdggel, hogy ne hizzon el.24. Azokrt a didkokirt, akik puskiiznak, ki fogjdk mgni az!.rt, hogy pdlddt dllitsanak.25. Nagybet(rld<el irt a tibldra, hogy mindenki el nrdja olvasni.26. Az iigyvdd rneg fogja mlltatni a vide6felvdrek az6.rt, hogy vdgre mindenki higgyen neki.27. Mindent el fog kcivetni, hogy senki ne rudja megcdfolli, amit dllit.28. An6l felve, hog1, valaki felisrneri, dlszakdllt ds par6kdt viselt.29. Att6l tartva) hogy kovetik, rdldpett agizra.30. Ugy viselkedett, mint bdrki mds, nehogy valaki gyanrit fogjon, mire is kisziil val6jdban.31. Mindig betartom a szabdlyokat, nehogy a rend6r megbiintessen.32. Att6l tartva, hogy megtdmadj{k, mindig tartott mag'indl cgy pisztolyt.33. Lefekvds el6tt mindig bekapcsolta a riaszt6t, irtt6l tartva, hogy valaki betor a hizba.34. Miel6tt hazament, mindig elv(gezte a munkdjdt, nehogy kirfrgjdk.35. Nern rnert moccani se, nehogy a betor6k meghalljdk, hogy 6 is a hdzban van.


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Bizonyos hatrirozok utdn forditoft aztz kdrd6 sz6rendet haszn{lunk. Ez csak abben az esetben van

igy, ha a hatdroz6sz6t vagy ahatirozit kiemeljiik a mondat legelejdre.

Figyelje meg!

Csak az 6ra utdn ment haza. Egyenes sz6rend:IIe went home onl! nfter the lesson.

Forditott sz6rend:Onl! afrer thr lesson d.M hego home.

Egyenes sz6rend:I hnpe neper seen a wbale.

Forditott sz6rend:Never have I seen a whnle.

M6g sohasem ldttam bdlndt.

Tovdbbi hatriroz6k 6s hat{roz6sz.rl,kz

I. Hardly ever - alig, ritkrlnScarcely ever - alig, ritkin

Alig taldlkozom vele.

Alig beszilek vele.

2. Hardly ... when - alighogyScarcely ... when - alighogyNo sooner ... than - alighogy

Alighogy beldptek a szobdba,m{ris bekapcsoltdk a TV-t.

Alighogy osszehdzasodtak, mdr el is vdltak.

I wer meet birn.Hordly wer d.o I meet him.I scarcely ever sltenh to himScarcely wer do I spenb to birn.

Tbey hnd, hard'ly entered the roorn whenthey switched on the had they entered the roovn whenthey switched' on the TVThey had. scarcely got married' when they got

d.irorced..Scarcely had they got rnarryied' when they got

d:htorced..They had. n0 sllner amived. horne than they

started quanelling.No soanzr had they arryived' home tltan they

started. qunn'elling.

Alighogy haza6rtek, mdris veszekedni kezdtek.

3.ln lunder no circumstances - semmifdle kciriiLlminyek koziitt

In no way - semmikippenOn no condition - semmifdle feltdtel mellett, semmikdppen

On no account - semmikdPPen

Semmifele kortilminyek kcizott sem fogok elkoltozni. I won't rnwe in any circurnstances.In no circumstances will I rnwe.


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Fonofron szoREND

Semmikipp sem fogok felmondani.

Semmikippen sem fogom elhagyni.

4. Neither / nor... - semSo. . . - i s

Mdg nem voltam Ausztrdlidbat. ftt

f,n Veszprimben 6lek. f,n is.

5. Not till / until... - addig ... nem, am(g ... nem

Nem vette dszre, hogy elloptdk a p6nztl,rc6riit,amfg fizeuri nem akart.

6. Never - soha

Mdg sohasem jdrtam New Yorkban.

I won't resign in any wa.y.In no woy will I resign.Iwon't Innpe birn w, a"rry dtcu/nt f on atcy cm"d'ition.On m anotm.t / on nn condition will I lrme bim.

f haryen't been to Australia.Neither hope L / Nor bave I.I lipe in Wszprim.So do I.

He didn't realize thnt his purse wos stolenuntil he wanted to pny.Not till he wanted. to I)d'y, d'M he renlize thathis purse was stolen.

I have neper been to Nap frrh.Nwer hape I bem to New frrh.

I didn't f.nd rny Purse nnlwhere.Nowhere did I frnd ny purse.

He was able to get into the house only bybreahing the wind.ow.Only by breahing tbe wind.ow wos he able toget into the howse.

W can rneet only in this way.Only in this way ca.n pe lneet.

7. Not only ... but also - nemcsak ..., hanem ... is

Nemcsak kiabdl vele, de meg is veri. He d.oesn't only shout with heq but he aho beatsber aP.Not only d.oes he shout with bery but he alsobeats ber uP.

8. Nowhere - sehol

Sehol sem taldltam a p(nztircdmat.

9. Only by - csak a ... dltal

Csak az ablakot betorve tudott belutni ahizba.

10. Only in this way - csak ily m6don, csak igy

Csak igy tudunk taldlkozni.

Il. Only then/when.../after... - csak aztin I amikor... f azlut{n, hogy.:.

Csak amikor rijra taldlkozrunk, W leamt what bad. happened only when we met

tudruk meg, hogy mi tortdnt. again.Only whm we rnet again, did. we leorn whnthnd. happened.

$ Pigyetemt

Ha az 'oily'' azt jelenti, hog'y rregyediil", nem pedig ,rcsak", akkor nem hasznrilhatunk forditott

sz6rendet akkor sem, ha a mondat elejin rfll.

Egyediil Pdter ldtta hogy tortint a baleset.


Only Peter saw how the accident happened^

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lruvrnstot t

12. Seldom - ritkdnRarely - ritkdn

futk{n taldlkozhatunk ilyen oreg emberrel.

13. Litde - kicsit, keveset, nem nagyon

Nem nagyon drtettem, hogy mi tortdnt.

f4. As - ahogy, ak{rcsak

AEn is angolt kezdtem tanulni, akdrcsak a n6verem.(ahogv 5 is tette)

15. So + melldkndv - ilyen, olyan (ha a,,be" ig6vel dll)

Olvan lassri volt, hogy mindenki megel6zte.

W can rarely / seld.owt meet swclt an olcl man.Seld.orn f rarely ca,n u2e meet swch an. old. man.

Little d.i.d. I und.erstnnd wbat had happened..

I English as rny sistet'.

He wns so slow that nerybody wertooh hizn'.So slow was he, that eaerybodry overtooh him.

Swclt was the storvn that the roofs oftLte ltowses got rlesnoy ed..

If they were here, they would help ws.Were they here, they woltld. help us.If they had. helped. thern, they would. haue aca.ped'.Had they helped them, they wowld bave acaped..If he showld phone, tell hirn that I'tn tied. up.Should he phone, tell him. that I'ru tied wp.

16. Such : Csak akkor haszndlhatunk forditott sz6rendet vele, ha a ,,such" a ,,be" igivel onrill6an6ll. felentdse: olyan nagy

Olyan nagy volt a vihar, hogy a hdzak tetejcrnegror-rgdl6dott.

L7 .,,IP' elhagyrisakor

Ha itt lcnndnek, segitendnek.

Ha segitettek volna, megmenekiiltek volna.

Ha netdn telefondl-na, mondd, hogy nem drek rd!


1 Change the word order by putting the underlined paft to the beginning of the sentence. Useinversion. Vdltoztassa meg a szorendet ugy, hogy az al1huzott rdszt a mondat elej6re teszi! Hasz'ndljon ford ftott sz6rendet !

t. Ted has hardly ever caught such a big fish.Hardly ever hos Tod cought such o hig fhh.

2. Shc had hardly entered the room when the phone rang.

3. We had scarcel)'finished building our house when a tornado came and destroyed it.

4. He had no soollc! crossed the road than a mad driver knocl<ed down dre passers-by

5. I seldom makc such a dclicious chocolate cake

6. Tcrencc has scarcely ever spoken to rnc.

7. They rarely play so well.

B. We have never eaten sr,rch bad scrirmbled eggs.


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Fonolron szoREND

9. Tl-rey do not onl), threaten him, but they also beat him up'

10. He didn't realize that his wig had fallen offuntil he got home.

11. I couldn't find him annvhere. (nowhere)

12. He could enter his house only by breaking dre window.

13. You mustn't touch that wire on anv accottnt. (on no account)

14. I won't bctray him on anv condition. (on no condition)

15. He was able to reach what he wanted onl)' in this way.

16. He sarv rhar he had spilled cofFee on his shirt only when he looked into the mirror'

17. He didn't really understand my intention. (Litde...)

18. He left home only after he had closed all the windows'

19. The demand for the new product was so big that the company decidcd to produce more.

20. Her husband was so angry that she got frightened.

21r.If I were you, I wouldn't tease him. (no ,,if')

22.If I should arrive late, don't rvait for me.

23.If I had not got there in time, drey wouldn't have started the meeting.

24. I wouldn't get involved under any circumstances.

2 Choose the most suitable words in italics. Cross out the wrong answers. V6lassza ki a helyes

megold1st! A helytelent h(tzza 6t!

l. Nwer hare I seen / +W-htw*m such a wonderful bride.2. She promised she wowld. nwer g0 there f never would. she go there.3 . So thi fnods were d.evastating / So devastating were the fl.oods drat all the houses had to be. pulled d:*: -4. Only iphen the children hat e wohen up / O"ly when how the wohen wp can we switch on the TV

5. No sooner had I arrived home when /tbnn my husband got home too.6. If showld. you miss f Should yow miss the train, give me a ring.7 . Such wa.s the stnnn f Such the stzr7n was that trees fell down.B. Onlv bv listenine to it twice could.I und.erstand. f I cowld. und'erstand. what the text was about.

9. Onlv Kate d.oes Fnow the solution f hnows the soluti'on.I0. Nor until I met him I beliepe / I belieped. that he had come back.1 1 . Hardly had I said good-bye to one of my relatives when f than I met anothe r one.12. I hand.ed in ruy test-pa.per / Did. I hand. in rny test-Pa.per only after checking it rwice.

3 Make one senten ce from two. IJse scarcely / hardly or no sooner and inversion. The

conjunction word is given! tn the main clause don't forget to use past perfect. Kdt mondatbol

keizitsen egyet. Hasindlja a ,,scarcely / hardly" vagy a ,,no sooner" kifeiezdseket es forditott sz6-

rendet! A kot6sz6 mdr adott! Ne felEtse el a fdmondatot Past Perfect-be tenni!

l. I left the house. It started to sno\MNo sooner had I left lhe house than it starled to snow.

2. Jackson got out of l'ris car. It exploded.


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B .


IO ,

3. He put down the receiver. The phone rang again.

4. She went to bed. There was a knock on the door.

5. Tim killed the fly Another one flew onto his nose.

6. He started his car. A policeman stopped him.

7.The client left the office. Another one entered.than

whenmilk on it.



We switched the TV on. The picture went blank.

I finished cleaning the floor. My children spilt some

I switched on my mobile. It went dead.when

4 Complete the sentences with a suitable word or phrase. Egeszitse ki a mondatokat egy megfele-16 szoval vagy kifejezdssel/

1. Scarcely hod rhe rohhers entued thebonk when the police arrived and caught them.2. In no circumstances can ....... while they are writing the test-paper.3. In no way .. ..... take responsibiliry for the damage.4. Not until the sun rose . where we were,5. Litde did ... .. what he meanr by that.6. Rarely ... such a good film in the cinema.7. On no account the club if you are not a member.8. Hardly when a Ford bumped into the back of my car.9. Only when . we realise that the fabric of the back seat was torn.

10. Should on the lottery, I would buy a flat for my son.

5 Rewrite each senfence so that it contains the words in capitals and so that the meaning stays thesarne. Alakftsa 6t ugy a mondatokat, hogy tartalmazzdk a nagybetfivel megadott szavakat, de ajelentes?k ne v6ltozzon !

l. Had I gone there, I would have been beaten up.lf I hod gone there, I would hove heen beoten up.

2. As soon as he had stopped at the traffrc lights the car stalled.

3. So big were the waves that the sailing boars overturned. SUCH

4. That letter mustn't be sent under any circumstances. NO

5. I noticed that I had lost my purse only when I wanted to pay at the check-out. NOT LINTIL

6. She could not really see the point of this exercise. LITTLE8

7 . Jack never regretted going to college instead of university AI NO TIME

8. The children were too tired to finish the rour. SO

9. We realised that the walls were damp only when we moved into the flat. DID WE

10. I have rarely made such bad Christmas pudding.



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Fonolron szoREND

6 Where can you use inversion? Change the word order of the senfence, if you can. Melyik mon-datot tehet forditott sz6rendbe tenni? Vdltoztassa meg a sz6rendet, ahol ez lehetseges!

l. Only Sheila knew about our plan. not possihle2. We could solve the problem only with Sheila. Possible

ilnly with Sheilo could we solve the problen.3. He could get rid of tinned fish only by reducing the price'

4. Only James was able to escape.

5. He could rescue the girl only with a kiss of life.

6. They could enter the club only by showing their membership card.

7.Tom was the only man who could do something for us.

B. He could get the ignition key that he had left in the car only after breaking the window

9. The only thing he could do was cancel the meeting.

10. His only daughter wanted to live abroad.

7 Rewrite each sentence beginning as shown, so that the meaning staysthe same. Alakftsa at Igy

a mondatokat, hogy a megadott kifejezdsekkel kezdi, de a ielentds ne vdltozzon!

L. As soon as I had put my head on the pillow the doorbell rang.No sooner hod I put ny heid on the piltow thon the doorhell rong.

2. We first met our grandparents only when we travelled to America'Only when

3. I had had my car repaired but I crashed it again.No sooner

4. I switched on dre computer but there was a Power cut and it stopped.Scarcely

5. If he was to get the promotion wl-rat would you sayfW a s . . . . . . . . . . .

6. You can't usually see this kind of animal in this part of the world.Se ldom. . . . . .

7.I reahzed that I had overslept only when the phone rang.Not until

B. He doesn'r have ro say anything about the crime until he has consulted his lawyer.

Only after9. You can see Haley's Commet again only if you live to be a hundred.

Only if10. No journalists were allowed to take part in the wedding ceremony of the famous stars.

On no

8 Reacf to the sentences. Always agree and use the personal pronouns or nouns given. Reagdlion a mon'

datokra! Mindig lftsen egyet a beszel6vel, 6s haszn6lja a megadott szemelyes n6vmdsokat 6s szavakat!

I. I don't want to go to the funeral. (I) Neither do l. / Nor do l.2. He went to the cinema yesterday (she) Sodidshe.3. They wi l l enter the race. (*") . . . . . . . . . . .4. )ack has seen that f i lm. ( I) . . . . . . . . . . . . .5. Tim has never been abroad. (Sue)6. We are going to travel abroad. (th.y)


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7. Jack knows dre island well. iJim)B. We don't know what to do. (we) . . . . . . . . . .9. She wor-r't resign. (I)

10. Hc can't do it alone. (shc)

I1. I hadl't been unfaithful to him beforc wc gor married. (h") ...........12. Joe wanted to go out. (I)13. Thel'are very angry (we)14. Mv son didn't like spinach rvhen he was a child. (my daughtcr)I5. Mv husband doesn't eat mear. (the children)16. I could spcak Russian well. (hc)17. I arn not satisfied with the results. (I)18. They rvon't accept dre proposal. (we)19. You seemcd to be happy (you)20. I have to catch up widr the othcrs. (I) . . .......

9 Translate fhe sentences. Fordftsa le a mondatokat!

l. Sohtrsem voltam kdpes mcgdrteni, mit szereretr abban a fick6bar-r.2. Sohasem ldtnrnk rndg ehhez hasonl6t.3. Sohasem fogod megtudni, rni is tortdnt val6jdban.4. Aligha taldlkozhat az ember ilyen kivril6 szcmd\,is{ggs1.5. Aligha ldtharunk kurydt macskiivirl bar{d<ozni.6. Manapsdg alig ldtni id6s pdrokatk6z a kdzben sdtrilni.7. Nighogy becsuktdk maguk mogdtt az ajt6t, a kisbaba rijra sirni kezdett.8. Alighogy megjavittattd.k a kocsit, fjra lerobbant.9. Atighogy cisszehi.zasodtak, el is viltak.

10. Alighogy elhagyta a bcirtdnt, mdris belekeveredem valamibe.11. Alighogy kildptiink ahizb6l, mdris esni kezdett.12. Semmilyen konilmdnyek kozott nem vagyok hajlar-rd6 vdlaszolni a kird6seire.I3. Semmilyen kortilmdnyek kozott sern fogja eldrulni a legjobb bardtldt.14. Semmilyen koriilmdnyek kozott sem beszdlhetsz igy az ddes.anydddal.15. Semmikdppen sem taldlkozhatsz vele fjra.I6. Semmifdlekdppen sem beszdlhetsz ncki err6l.17. Semmikdppen sem tehetik meg azt veled.I8. Semmikdppen sem fogunk elmenni az eskiiv6jdre.19. Semmilyen feltitel mellett sem vagyok hajland6 ezt tovdbb hallgatni.20. En ncm rudok dnekelni. Ne agg6dj! En sem.21. Jack mdg sohasem jdrt Egyiptomban. ]udy sem.22.kgnap nem f6zriink s.emmir. Mi sem.23. Mindjirt lcfekszem. En is.24. Kdsni fognak. Mi is.25. Jov6 h6ten elutazunk Amerikdba. Tdnyleg) Browndk is.26. Szerencs|re az in gyerekeim nem vdlogat6sak. Az en gyerekeim sem azok.27. A rokonaink rendszeresen megl{togirurak minket. A rni rokonaink is.28. Amig nem ndzett tiikorbe, nem rudta elkdpzelni, mi6rt nevetett rajta mindenki.29. Amig nem taldlkozott velem) nem tudta mi az igaz szerelem.30. Amig Pisti haza nern drr, nem fi-rdra, mi tortdnt a csalddjdval.31. Amig nem tudnak lakdst venni, nem akarnak csalddot alapitani.32. Nemcsak hogy megcsalta a felesdgdt, de mig hazudott is neki.33. Ncmcsak gy'rirft hozott neki, de meg is kdrte a kez6t.34. Nemcsak megvette a lakdst, de fel is fijittatta.35. Nemcsak korcsolydzni jirt tdlen, hanem siclni is.36. Sehol nem vehetsz hdzat ilyen olcs6n.37. Sehol nem tald.ltam a szemiivegemer.38. Sehovd nern ment cgyedtil.39. Sehol sem akarok taldlkozni vele.


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Fonoirorr szoREND

40. Csak rengeteg gyakorldssal tanulhatod meg ̂ z angol nyelvtant'41. Csak (rgy tudja megoldani ezr. a neb€z feladatot, ha segftsdget kdr:42. Csak fgy rudjuk megvenni a lakdst, ha kolcsont vesziink fel a bankt6l.43. Csak akkor ldtta mi tortdnt a lakdsdval, amikor hazadrt.44. Csak azurdn drtette rneg, hogy mennyire fontos voltdl a szim:ira, amikor m{r clhagytad 6t'

45. Csak akkor tudjdk j6 dron eladni az aut6t, ha megjavittatj{k.46. Csak ald<or fogadjdk el a pdlydzatunkat, ha minden kfvdnalomnak mcgfeleltink.47. Csak ily m6don juthattok hozzi a sztiksdges inform'ici6hoz.48. Csak igy tudjdtok megval6sitani a tervet.49. fud<{n ldtni ilyen szdp pdrt.50. fud<dn lchet tal{lkozni ilyen udvarias fiatalernbcreldcel.5I. Ritkdn lehet ilyen finom kenyeret kapni a boltokb'an.52. Ritkdn lchet ilyen drdekes cild<et olvasni.53. Nern nagyon drtette meg, rnir5l is akartam vele beszdlni.54. Nern nagyon tudja elkdpzelni, hogy val6jdbar-r mit is vdrtok el t5le.55. Aligha hitte el, amit mondtdl neki.56. Olyan ereje volt a robbandsnak, hogy a kornydken taldlhat6 cisszes hdzat ki kcllett i.irfteni.

57. Olyan hirtelen jott a tdmadds, hogy a vdros napokig kdptelen volt magdhoz t6rni.

58. Ha ott lettem volna, taldn segithettem volna neked.59. Ha a helyedben lenndk, nem foglalkozndk vele.60. Ha megengedted volna, hogy beszdljek vele, taldn mdg mindig ilne.


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EMPHASIS, CLEFT SENTENCES( l t i s . . . tha t , what . . . a l l . . . )NYOMATETOS|TAS, KIEM ELES

Az angolban, akiircsak a magyarban, bizonyos mondatriszeket hangsriLlyosabbri tehetiink. A krivet-kez6 szerkezeteket haszndlhatj uk hangsulyo zisr a.

I. IT ISAMAS ... THAT/WHO (cleft sentence) = ... aiL/ volt az, aki/ ami...Figyelje meg!


Tim tegnap elvesztette az ffatait.

HangsriLlyos mondatok:

Tim volt az, aki elvesztette aziratait tegnap.O volt az, aki elvesztette aziratait.Tegnap volt, hogy Tim elvesztette az iratait.Az iratait veszterre el Tim tegnap.

Tim lost his d.ocuments ^testerd.a"v.

It was Tim who lost his d.ocwments yesterdny.It was he who lost his d.ocurnents.It was yestwd.ay thnt Tim lost his d.ocurnents.It was his d,ocuments that Tin-t lost yesterd.ay.

It rnoy be his d.nughter wlto he is sining next t0.It mast hope been bis sister wlto yow saw with him.It can't be the sarne booh tltat be readyesterday.

= EzlA.zvolt az, ami...

Tbat's oll I can d.o.This is the only tblng (that) I und.erstand.This was the house (that) we wanted. to buy.

kilveti valamilyen konkrdt dolog, akkor a,,what" kci-

This is whot I don't understond..That is wltat I cowld.n't d.o.This is what he d.oesn't kke.

Figyelje meg!

A ldnya lehet az, aki mellett iil.Biztosan a n6vire volt az, akit ldttdl vele.Ez biztosan nem ugyanaz a konyv, amit tegnapolvasott.

2. THrS rSnMAS... / THAT rS/WAS...

Ez minden. amit tehetek.Ez az egyetlen dolog, amit irtek.Ez volt az ahdz, amit meg akartunk venni.

DE! Ha a ,rthis is", ,rthat is" szerkezetet nemt6sz6t hasznriljuk.

Ez az, amit in nem irtek.Ez az, amit dn nem rudndk megcsindlni.Ez az. amit 6 nem szeret.

$ rigyelemt

Ahogy a p6ldrik mutatj{k, rz,,It is/was..." sz,erkeznt utdn a szem6lyes ndvmris alanyesetben dll,kivive egyes szdm els6 szemdlyben. A mondat elejdn akkor is az ,rlt is / was..." szerkezetet haszndl-juk, ha azwtina kcivetkez6 szo tcibbes sziimot k(vitnna meg. Az rrlt is /was" szerkezntvary ^r,who"vagy a ,rthad'kcit6szavakkal dllhat, de bizonyos esetekben a ,rwhen" ds ,rwhere" krit6szavakkal isel6fordulhat.

It is I / me wlto..., It is yow wlto..., It wns we who..., It was they who..., It is the d.ocurnents that..., It wns thedocurnents that...

Bizonyos esetekben az,,It... who /that'' szprkezet:illhat m6dbeli segddigikkel is.


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NvotrrnrerosirAs, urvElrs

5. Alanyemelds

A melldkmondat alanyrit a mondat elejire tesszii'k is a tagmondatokat fi6ndvi igeneves szerkezettelkritjiiLk cissze.

Val6szinrileg rneg fogja drteni.

Biztos, hogy hazajon.

Ugy tfuik,

Azt mondjdk, kisbabdt vdr.

6. Tdrgyemelis

A mondat tirgyit a mondat elej6re helyezziik. Altaliban mellikneves szerkezetekkel fordul el6.

3. WHAI... = Az ami... / Ami...

Arni most fontos, az az,hogy mindenkibiztonsdgban van.Amit nem szeretek benne, az az,hogymindig elk6sik.Amit most el fogok mondani neked, titok.Amit soha nem hagyhatsz ki, az a rendszeres torna.Amit ]ack tett, ^z az volt, hogy nyiwa hagyta az aj6t.

4. AI-L... = Csak a... / Mindaz atllt...

Csak szerelemre van szilksdgem.Nem csindlsz m'ist, csak panaszkodsz.Nem akar mdst, csak egy j6t aludni az €jjel.Csak annyit tehetsz, hogy figyelsz.

A nimet nyelvet neh|z megtanulni.

Ddvidot nehdz volt megirteni.

Tommal konnyi tdncolni.

Pdtert nem lesz konnpi meggy6zni.

What is iruportant now is that everybody is safe.

Wbnt I dnn't li.he about himis that he is alwayslate.What I'rngoing to tell you now is c, secret.What yow ca,n ncper rniss is regwlar exercise.Whot Jach d.i.d. was leave the d.oor tpen.

All I need. is love.All yow dn is complain.All he wants is agood night\ sleep.All yoa can d.o is listen.

It is lihely thot he will understand. it.IIe is lihely to wnd.erstand. it.It is certain that he will com.e bonce.He is certain to come horne.It senns that wdve h* our way.We senn to ltaye lost owr way.It is sad that she\ expecting a baby.She is sod to be expecting a baby.

It is d.ifi.cub to leam Germon.German is d.fficwlt to lenm.It was difficuh to und.erstand. Davi.d..DavM was d'ifi.cub to und.erstand..It is ensy to dnnce with Tbrn.Tbrn is to d.ance with.It won't be eary to ltersuad.e Peter.Peter wodt be eary to persuad.e.

Do corne in!Do sit dnwn!I do hope thnt he will go home tomnrrow.

I d.o lihe yowr booh.

7. Az i,llitmilny nyomatdkositdsa

liltaldban egyszeriijelen ds egysrrr$mult id6ben haszndlunk nyomatdkositiist a DO vagy a DIDsegidigikkel.

Figyelje meg!

Gyere csak be!Ulj csak le!Tdnyleg nagyon remdlem, hogyholnap mdr hazamegyTdnyleg tetszik a konyved.


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Tdnylcg tetszett a film.Tdnvleg megirtettem mindent.

8. Very - mondatriszek kiemeldsdre:

t d,id. like the f.Im.I clid. wnderstand. nerytbing.

pontosan, ippen, maga a I n a

[n the pe?)/ centre of the townAt the ve?ll sa.m.e ruoruent

A v'iros kell6s kozepinEppen ugyanabban a pillanatbanMdr maga a tdny is megnyugtat6 volt. The very fact was also reassu.ring.


1 Emphasize the underlined part of the sentence. IJse Cleft sentence. Emelje ki a mondat al1huzottrdszdt! Haszn1lja az ,,lt is... / lt was" szerkezetet!

l. Jimmy went to the library the day before iresterda),.It wus the day hefore yuterday thot linmy went to the lihrary.

2. Uncle loe died in a car crash three years ago.

3. The children sot verv sad after thev had heard the news.

4. She didn't let him borrow their car.

5. We will sign the contracts tomorro\M

6. Your colleazuc misht be talkine to his brother.

It might be

7. He must be disappointed about dre refusal of his application.

8. A virus must have destroyed the programme.

I t must have . . . . . . . . . .

9. The championship will take place in Madrid.

I0. I should go on a diet because ! am overweight.

2 Substitute what with a concrete noun so that the new sentence rnakes sense. Helyettesitse a,,what" vonatkozo n1vmdst egy konkrdt f6ndvvel ugy, hogy az uj mondat is {rtelmes legyen!

1. That's what I have been looking for.Thot's the ploce (that) I hove been looking for.

2. That's what she has always wanted to do.

3. That's what I don't understand.4. Th'.'rt's what I would like to see.

5. That 's what she l ikes . . . . . . . . . .

6. This is what nobody knows

7. This is what I wanted to tell you. ..........

8. This is what we need.9. This is what I have always dreamt of. .............

I0. That's wl'rat Jean would like to bry............


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NvovnrErosiras. rrevrLEs

3 Use a clause from Box A and a clause from Box B to make a sentence. Kosse ossze a mondatre-szeket ugy, hogy irtelmes mondatokat alkossanak!


\alhat-shre-#atesWhat annoys meWhat is important norvWhat irritates himWhat he loves about this townWhat I've always wanted to doWhat she hated as a childWhat I did after the parry


rs not to lose our have a swim in the ocean.was going to school.was give him my that it is so peaceful.ivgetting.rrp-earl1zis that his wife is always violence.

l .2 .

Whut she hotes k getting up eorly.


Aa -



4 Use your own ideas to finish the sentences. Fejezze be a mondatokat!

l. All I want to do is frove 0 resl in my ornchoir.2. All he does is3. A- l l he can remember . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4. Al l we have achieved . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5 . A l l I want to say . . . . . . . . . . . . .6. All you need is7 . A l l she can do is . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .B. Al l we would l ike to get. . . . . . . . . . . .9. All we did was

I0. All he promised

5 Put the subject of the clause to the beginning of the sentence. Tegye a mell6kmondat alany1t af6mondat elejdre!

]. It is certain that he will come to the ceremonvHe is certoin lo come to lhe ceremony.

2. It is certain that everybody will get the certificate.Everybody

3. It is likely that the witness will tell us everything.The wiuress

4. It is likely drat we will win the race.W e . . . . . . . . . . . .

5. It is not likely that the professor will accept your essayTl-re professor . . . . . . . . . . , . . .

6. It seems that your wife is not satisfied r.vith the new flat.Your wife doesn't

7. It seems that they have lost their wayThey . . . . . . . . .

B. It seems that our teacher is in a very good mood.Our teacher


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6 Put the object of the sentence to the front. Tegye a mondat t6rgy6t a mondat eleiere!

l. It is easy to learn English. English is eosy to learn. I2. It's difiicult to understand them. They..........

It's difficult to reach him. HeIt's expensive to maintain a car. A car .........It is pleasant to speak to Vince. VinceIt won't be easy to talk about the problem. The problem ..............I t isn' t cheap to keep a dog. A dog.. . . . . . . . . .It is eniovable to dance with her. She............

7 Make the underlined part more emphatic with very. Tegye az al6h0zott rdszt hangshlyosabb6 a,,very" sz6val!

l. We knew how the film would end at the beginning of the film.We knew how the film would end at the very heginning of the filn.

2. Thev could understand the storv onlv at the end of it.

3. The familv lived in the centre of the city.

3 .

D .

6 .7.8 .

4. The burglars left dre house at the next moment.

5. He hit back in the same minute.

6. Jack met his friends the next day.

7. I didn't say anything else but the truth.

8 Translate the sentences. Fordftsa le a mondatokat!

l. Jack az, aki a balesetdrt felel6s.2. A csapat szurkol6i azok, akik megrongriljdk a leldt6kat.3. A v{llalat vezet6i voltak azok, akik cs6dbe juttatt:ik a ciget.4. A bardtaid azok, akik hazudnak neked.5. Egy forr6 nydri este volt) hogy el6szor megldttam 6t.6. Holnap lesz a napja annak, hogy az otodik hrizassdgi dvfordul6jukat i.inneplik.7. Ma van a napja annak, hogy a bizonyitdkot a nyilvdnossdgra hozzik.8. A hdzassdga az, ami tonkretette az €letdt.9. A rcdl ti,rgyak azok, amik j6l mennek neki.

I0. Tegnap volt, hogy el6szor vacsordzni hivott.I l. A vagyona volt az, ami olyan vonz6vd tette szdmira a firfit.12. Ez az, amit tehetek drted.13. Ez az, amit mondani akart neked.14. Ez az. amit6l tartott.15. Ez vok az, amit el akart drni az iletben.16. Ez voLt az, amit a zsarol6k kclveteltek.17 . Ez vok az, ami felkeltette az 6rdeld6ddsit.18. Ez minden. amit adhatok neki.19. Ez minden, amit tudok err6l az iigyr6l.20. Ez minden, amit eldmlt nekik.2L Ez volt minden, amit eldrt.22. Ez volt minden. amit err6l a tim:ir6l el tudott mondani.23. Minden, amit tesz, csupdn felesleges er6feszitds.24. Minden, amibe belefogsz, kudarcba fullad.25. Minden, amit mond, csupdn i.ires beszdd.


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NvovnrErosiTns, UEMELEs

26. Amit tenni akarok, az az, hogy felhivom telefonon.27 . Amit nem igaz{n 6rtek, az az, hogy fordulhatott hozzid segftsdgirt.28. Biztosan meg fog jelenni.29. Btztosul meg fognak id6ben drkezni.30. Biztosan meg fognak tdged hivni.3L Biztosan el fogjdk fogadni a javaslatunkat.32. Yal6szinri, hogy meg fogjdk 6rteni a problimdnkat.33. Val6szinri, hogy jelenteni f"gJdk azigyer a rend6rsdgen.34. Yaloszin(t,hogy v6rks6,gdijat fognak kcivetelni a tiszirt.35. Nem val6szinri, hogy elirik a vonatot.36. Nem nagyon val6szinfi, hogy meg fogunk egyezni.37. Nem val6szfn6, hogy az el6adris pontosan kezd6dik.38. A fiad boldognak trinik.39. Nem trinsz rul eldgedettnek.40 9W tffnik, nem ismer fel tiged.41. Ugy rrinik, tul sokat ivott.42. A szovegszerkeszt6t nem neh6z haszndlni.43. A kinaiakar neh6z megirteni, ha angolul beszdlnek.44. 5ketkonnpi becsapni.45. Nagy aut6t koltsdges fenntartani.46. Az el6adds legelejin el kellett hagynom a termet.47. Afilm legvdgin deriilt ki, hogy a f6h6s is csak egy szellem volt.48. A koldus az utca kell6s kozeoin iilt.


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EMBEDDED QUESTIONS(Where/why/who do you think...?)


Abeigyazatt kdrdds k6t kiilonrill6 kdrdds dtviizete. F;zrk az fgynevezett ,,Mit gondolsz...)", ,,Mitmondtdl... )" tipusti kirdisek.

Figyelje meg!

A magyar nyelvben a kdt kdrdSmondatot ktinnyen egy mondattri alakithatjuk, hiszen csak egymdsmelli kell tenni 6ket. Az angolban azonban a mdsodik mondat kdrd6szava keriil el6re, 6s a f6monda'tot kcivet6en a melldkmondat egyenes sz6rendben lesz. Ha a f6mondat mult idej(i, akkor - akdrcsakfiigg6 beszddben - a mellikmondat igeidejdt is m6dositani kell.

Mit gondolsz, hol dolgozikl Where d'o you thivth he worhs?Mit mondtdl, hol dolgozikl Where d,id. you say he worlud.?

A mai angolban a ,,do you think" a mondat vigdre is keriilhet. Ilyenkor mindkdt tagmondatbankird6 sz6rendet haszndlunk.

Mit gondolszl Hol dolgozikfMit mondtdlf Hol doleozikl

Ki fog megldtogatni minket, mit gondolszlHol dolgozik, mit gondolszf

Mit gondolsz, hi a batdtn6je IMit gondolsz, miirt nem beszdl veledfMit gondol, rniitn vagy munkan6lki.ili)Mit gondolt, horri fogunk menni)Mit gondolt:Ltol<, rn'irita. vdrunk rdtokfMit mondtdl, mennyi id6s?Mit mondtdl, milyen gyakran tal{lkoztokf

What do you think? Where does he work?What did yow sny? Where d.oes he worh?

Who is coming t0 see us) d.o yow thinh?Where d.oes lte n orlc, d.o yow thinh.?

Who d.o yow tbinh his girlfriend. is?Wby d.o yow tbinh he d.oesn't speak to yow?IIow long d.oes he thinh you. hnve been wnernployed?Where be thinh we wowhl. go?How long did. you thinh we bad been waiting for vow?Ifow old. yow say be was?How often yow say yow met?


1 Make one sentence from two. A k6t kdrddsbdl 6llitson ossze egyet ugy, hogy a ielentes ne vdltozzon!

). What do you think) How long has he been unemployedlHow long do you think he hos been unemployed?

2. What does he say) Why is he going to resignl

3. What does your mother think) Where did you spend the night yesterday)

4. What does your boss suggestf What should you dof

5. What do your friends thinkl How much money has Tom won?

6. What do his colleagues recommend) How should she gct dre promotion?

7. What does Julie sayf Which car does she want to buy)

2 1 4

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Brlcyazorr rEnoEsrr

What does your sister think) llow many times a week will I propose to her)B .


10 .

What do you thinkl How often do I go abroadl

What does your father believe) Why don't you speak to himf

2 Make one sentence from two. A kdt kdrddsb6l 1llftson ossze egyet ugy, hogy a jelent{s ne v1ltozzon!

l. What did your colleague think) l{ow many students did the headmaster faillHow mony students did your colleogue think the heodnoster hod foiled?

2. What did he sayl How long has he been going out with your sisterf

3. What did your wife drink) Where rvere youf

4. What did you say) Why did you leave herl

5. What did Iane savf When will she be backl

6. What did her boyfriend sayf How often does he go to the publ

7. What did the boss sayf How will he postpone signing the contractl

B. Wl'rat did you believef Who will I tell your secret tol

9. What did he think) How will he be able to cope with the problem)

10. What did she sayl Which flat does she want to move intof

I l. What did you sayl Who broke into your housel

3 Transform the questions into embedded questions. Alakitsa 6t a kdrddseket bedgyazott k6rddsekk6!

I. How old is he?How old did she believe he was?

2. Wl-rcrr can we get together to discuss a few things|. . . . . . . do you th ink

3. How long has he been learning lapanese). . . . . . . d id she th ink

4. How many times does he have to tell her that he loves herldo you think

5. What time does the next train to London leave?. . . . . . . d i d h e s a y

6. Where have you been). . . . . . . d ic t he be l ieve

7. How ofter-r did he go ruming before the accidentl. . . . . . . d o e s h e s a y

8. Which bus stop do we have to get offat). . . . . . . d id the bus-dr iver say . . . . . . . . . . . . : . . . . . . . . . . . .

9. Why did you tell her the trudrl. . . . . . . d id she th ink . . .

10. What will he say when he realises that he has been deceivedldid she believe


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EMeeoeo euESTroNS - Bracvazon rinoEser

4 Complete the sentences with a suitable question-word. Egdszitse ki a mondatot egy odaill6 kerd6szoval!

I .2 .3 .+.

5 .6.7.8 .9 .


lllhot do you think he likes doing in his free timeldid he say he had seen at the scene of the robberyfdid you say you went swimming a week?do your parents say you can stay in the discofdoes your daughter say she is going to learn after the secondary grammar schoolfdoes your doctor suggest you should spend your summer holidayfdo you think my son isldoes she think her husband stays out late in the eveningsf

... did he believe you wereldid he say he had been made redundantf

5 Use your own idea to finish the sentences. Egdszitse ki a mondatokat!

L Where did he say fie hod got his new cor fron?2.Who did vou sav vou would .. . . . . . . . . . . . . ?3. How long does he say he will

8. How did he think he could . . . . . . . . .9 . Which house do you th ink . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . in to )

10. What kind of f lower do you think she . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . )

Translate the sentences. Forditsa le a mondatokat!

1. Mit gondolt, h:iny ives vagyokf2. Mit gondolsz, mikor fog felmondanif3. Mit mondtdl, hdnyszor jdrtiL mir a Kozel-Keleten)4. Mit gondolsz, mi6ta jdrok egyiitt Zsuzsiva.ll5. Mit gondoltak, mit fogok mondani, ha kideriil az igazsdgl6. Mit mondtdl, kivel mentil moziba tegnapl7. Mit gondoltok, hdnyszor fogom elmagyarinni ugyanazt az egyenletetf8. Mit hittek, mi6rt nem mentiink el a bulijukba?9. Mit gondoltdl, milyen aut6t fogok venni)

10. Mit hitt a fdrjed, rneddig fogod trirni a felreldpiseitl11. Mit mondott a bizottsdg, hdnyszor fogj,ik mig elutasftani a kdrelmiinketf12. Mit gondolsz, mivel fogok Marokk6ba utazni)13. Mit mondasz, hdnyan fognak riszt venni a versenyen)14. Mit gondoltdl, kivel fogunk egyuttmrikodni|15. Mit mondtdl, melyik ruhdt kdne felvennemf16. Mit gondolsz, ki van a vonalban)L7. Mir gondolsz, miirt nem hivtalak eddiglIB. Mit gondolsz, hogy n{z ki Sharon rij bardtja)19. Mit mondtak, mikor fognak megirkeznif20. Mit hisznek, hdnyan ldthattdk a balesetet?21. Mit gondolsz, kinek mondtam el a tcirtdnetetf22. Mit mondasz, melyik nyelvtanfolyamra iratkozzam be I23. Mit gondolt, kivel besz6lgettem, amig6 a mosd6ban voltf24. Mir mondtdl, mennyit fizettl| a lakdsdrtl25. Mit mondtak, mennyit fognak k6rni az aut6irtf26. Mit hittdl, miirt adtam neki hirszezer forintotl27. Mir gondolt'ak, ki vagyok dn)28. Mit mondanak, midrt nem akarnak dolgoznil29. Mit javasolsz, kivel kellene lakdst bdrelneml30. Mit tandcsolnak, kihez forduljak seg(tsdgdrt)


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A.z ,,ugye" kirdisek kifejezese:

I. Kijelent6 mondat + tagad6 utdkirdds (A f6mondat igeidejinek megfelel6 segddigivel.)

| 2. Tagad6 mondat + rfllit6 ut6kdrdis (A ffimondat igeidejdnek megfelel6 segidigivel.)

( + )

You have got a flat,

She is married,

You love school,

They are working now

She went home,

You were swimming,

They have left,

You will come soon,

We can meet then,

You must work hard,

You should do it,

I'd better go now,

( - )

You haven't got a flat,

She isn't married,

You don't love school

They aren't working now,

She didn't go home,

You weren't swimming,

They haven't [eft,

You won't come soon

( - )

haven't youf

isn't she)

don't youf

aren't theyf

didn't shef

weren't youl

haven't they?

won't you)

can't wel

mustn't youl

shouldn't you)

hadn't I|

( + )

have youl

is she|

do you)

are theyl

did shef

were youl

have theyl

will you)

2 1 7

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Quesrron rRcs

We can't rneet drem,

Yon rnustn't work hard,

You shouldn't do it,

I'd better not hurt him,

3. Rendhagy6 esetek

I'm a good cook,

I'm not a good cook,

Close the door,Don't close the door,

Let's have a drink,

Evervbody saw it,Somebodv has taken it,Nobody likes l-rim,

Nothing was O.K. with it,

He said he would be late,FIe said,

Maga az, aki a cdget kdpviseli, igazlAzt gondolod, hogy most mindenrendben van, igaz)

Sz6val nem rnondod meg azigazat.

It's a lovely drrss, isn't it? \ __.._

He d.oesn't seem to be hrppy, d.oes he?

can we ?

must you)

should youl

had Il

aren't Il

arn If

will you|will youl

shall wel

didn't theyfhaven't theyfdo theyl

was itl

didn't heldidn't he that he would be late.

No, it isn't.

hu ore the person wlto represents the f.rrn, are yow?hu think nerything is nll right, d.o yow?

hu won't tell me the won't you?

Tq I khe it too.

No, he is very sad. ind.eed.

4. Allit6 mondat + 6llit6 ut6kdrdds / Thgad6 mondat + tagad6 ut6kirdds

I(fejezheti, hogl az illitisomban biztos vagyok, 6s ezt szeretndm nyomatdkosftani. Tovribbri kife-jezhet meglepettsiget, aggodalmat, drdekl6ddst, agresszivitdst is.

5. A hangsulynak szintdn jelent6s-megkti{<inbciztet6 szerepe lehet.

A)Ha az ut6kirddsndl lefel6 vissziik a hangsulyt, az aztfejezikj, hogy a hallgat6 r4szm6l egyetirtdstvi.rok, azzal kapcsolatban, amit mondtam.

B)Hr az ut6kdrdisnil felfeli visszii'k a hangsfLlyt , az val6di kirdist fejez l<r.

It's you.r 1ten, isn't it?(=Is it your pen?)

No, I haven't.



hu bnpen't been shopping tod.ay, hove yoa?

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,,Ucve" rEno6s

6. FIa szivessdget vagy inform{ci6t kiriink, mindig tagad6 mondatot haszniilunk pozitiv ut6kir-ddssel. Ilyen esetben a hangsullt mindig felvissziik.

Ts, here you are.

Wby not?


1 Put a question tag on the end of these sentences. Tegyen egy utok1rddst a mondatok veg6re!

L You can't help me rvith my English homework, con you?2. lbur brother was expel led from school last week, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . )3 . She has never bcen abroac l . . . . . . . . . . . . . . )4. We irre going to win drc match, . . . . . . . . )5 . I am supposcd to be drere a t 6 o 'c lock) . . . . . . . . . . . . . .?6 . Jack d idn ' t mar ry d ra t womaq . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I7 . F {e rvon ' t be angry i f I am la te , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . fB . I s l - rou ldn ' t bo ther about i t , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I9. He couldn' t swim when he was younger) . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1

10. Alr ' . r is used to l iv ing alone, . . . . . . . . . . . . )11. Pcter used to piay the piano very wel l , . . . . . . . . . I12. Don't speak to me l ike that, . . . . . . . . I13 . I -e t ' s have a dr ink , . . . . . , . . . . f14. Sornebodt 'has lorocked at the door, . . . . . . . . .115. Everybodv was sat isf ied with the results, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . )1 6 . I a m n o t t o l e r a n t , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . |1 7 . S h u t t h e d o o r , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 118 . He wou ldn ' t agree w i th f r€ , . . . . . . . . . . . . . f19. You had nevcr becn there before we met) . . . . . . . . . . .12 0 . D o n ' t b e s o r u d e , . . . . . . . . . . . 121" I may no t smoke here , . . . . . . . . . |

2 Read the situation and write a sentence with a question tag. Olvassa el a szitulciot, es irjon egymondatot a megfelel6 utokdrd€ssel!

I. You are trying on a hat. But you don't like it. What do you say) (suit) lt doesn't suit me, does it?2. The rveadrer is very hot and you suggest having a drink somewhere. What do you sayl

(lct, drink)3. Yor.r cooked something for dinner but your husband didn't want to eat it. What do you sayf (like)

4. You went to the theatre widr your friend but you didn't like the play at all. (bad)5. The weather is very chilly and you can see that your friend is shivering. What do you sayf (you,

c o l d ) . . . . . . . . .6. You went to a shop where the service was very bad. What do you sayl (shop assistants, polite) ......

7. Your friend is slimmer than she was when you last saw her. What do you sayl (lose weight) .......

B. You meet a friend of yours who is running to the bus stop. What do you say) (get up late again)


Tnt bat'ctt't got a telelthotte carr{,, have you?

hu rlon't lpnnt to cotne ,tith *i;6


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Quesrtoru TAGs - ,,UGYE" K€RDES

3 ln the following situation you are asking people to do things for you or you are asking forinformation. What do you say? Make negative sentences with positive tags. A kovetkez6 szitu6-ci6kban szivess{get illetve informdciot ker. irjon a szitu1ci6nak megfelel6 negativ mondatokatpozitiv utokerddssel!

l. You need a carnera. Perhaps Tom has got one. Tom, you hoven'l got 0 t;lmerl, hove you?2. You need a telephone card. Perhaps Liz has got one.3. You are looking for your teacher of Engtish. Perhaps Jason, your classmate, knows where she is. Ask him.

)ason, you . . . . . . . . . . .4. You need a ruler. Perhaps Tim has got one. Ask him.5. You are looking for your glasses. Perhaps Judy has seen them. Ask her.6. You need some help. Perhaps Jill can help you. Ask her.

4 Translate the sentences. Forditsa le a mondatokat!

1. Te rendszeresen jdrsz futni, ugyel'2. Jack most dpp az:,ujl<ollegival beszilget,igaz?3. Jov6 hiten rossz id6 lesz, ugye)4. Az i,,rak ebben az 6vben mdr nem fognak emelkedni, igazf5. Neked nincs sziiksiged segftsigre, ugyel6. lancsi el fogja venni /uliski.t, nem)7 . kgnap nem voltatok otthon, igazlB. Mrilt hdten ldndtok a filmet, neml9. Thvaly eladtdk a gyirat,igazl

I0. Ugye te mdr taldlkoztdl az rij f6nokkel)11. Ugye Jack mdg sohasem jirtMagyarctrszigon kordbbanf12. Mindenki meg volt el6gedve a kiszolgdldssal, nem)13. Senki sem tett panaszt, ugye)14. Valaki bemdszott az ablakon, ugyelf 5. Mdg senki nem iratkozott be a tanfolyamra,igazl16. Mdr mindenki megdrkezett, ugyel17. Ne beszdlj tul hangosan, j6f18. Ne mondd el senkinek. amit mondtam neked. rendben|19. Egydl salitdt is, j6)20. Igyunk egy pohdr scirt valahol, okil21. Talilkozzunk citkor a mozi el6tt, rendbenl22.Ttrjnrlr. dt a kcjved<ez6 napirendi pontra, rendben)23. Ne igydl olyan sokat, j6?24. Nem kellene elmondanom neki, hogy mi tortint, ugye)25. Meg kellene ldtogatnunk, nem igaz|26.k nem szeretndl ma moziba menni, igaz)27.6 nem viselkedett volna igy a helyem6en, igazf28. Miel6tt elindultdl, nem ettdl semmit, igazl29. Mirehaza4,rt6l, mdr mindenki elment, nem|3 0. Nem szabad nilhajszolni a magit, igazl31. Ide enged6ly nem be, ugye)32. lobban tennim, ha nem vitad<oznik vele, ugyef33. Jobban tennik, ha elhalasztandk a tirgyali,st,igazl34. Nem vagyok tul iigyes, igazf35. Tril tilrelmeden vagyok, ugyel36. Trilsdgosan is kivdncsi vagyok, igaz)37. Mi^r indulni k6sztiltcik, nem)38. Ez nem az az vtca) amit, igazf39. Nincsen ndlad toll, ugyel40. Nem a kcinyvit keresi, igazl


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ARTf CLES (the, alan)ruEvr16r

Hatiirozott ndvel6 - THE

Hatirozott n6vel6t haszndlunk:

l. Osztrilyt jelcil6 f6nevek el6tt (dllatok, taldlmdnyok, pinznem):

Az oroszlin az dllatok kirdlya.Mikor taldltdk fel a bicilditfA font az Egyesiilt Kirdlysdg pdnzneme.

2. Sorszdmnevek el6tt:

Ez a mdsodik alkalom, hogy taldlkozunk.6 utoljiira, ds 6 ment el els6k6nt.

3. EgyediiLldll6 dolgok elStt:

the sun, the moon

Mindig is el akart jutni a holdra.

4. A ,,play the..." kifeje#sben (hangszerek el6tt):

play the violin, pla.y tbe guitary play the t?urnpet

Ot ive zongorizom.

5. Fels6fold melliknevek el6tt:

6 volt a legjobb tandr.Nekem volt a legtobb bardtom.Neki volt a legirdekesebb tortdnete.

Sok ember szeret itt ilni.Az 6 tortdnete nagyon irdekes volt.

(DE! most people / rnost boohs f most ca.r / Most people lihe Peter. Most = SOk,rnost exciting / most interesting / ,nlst bnring. Most = nagyon)

Tbe li.on is tbe hing of the nnirnals.When was the bicycle invented?The pound. is tlte cumency of the UI(.

This is the second. time that we have rnet.He was the last to aryipe and. tbe fi'rst to leave.

He has nlwnys wanted. t0 xet t0 the rnoon.

I have been playing the for fwe years.

He was the best tencher.I had. the most friend;.He bad. the mnst interesting story.

Most people lihe living here.His story wa; rnost interesting.

6. The + mellikn6v (bizonyos tdrsadalmi csoportok, rdtegek kifejezesdre):

az oregek the old. a szegdnyek the ptoor a hajliktalanok the hornelessa fiaralok the young a gazdagok the rich a munkanilkiiliek the id6sod6k the eld.erly a fogyatikosok tbe disabled. a sebesij{tek the iniwred.a betegek the sich a halottak the d.eod

7.The * nemzetisig (ndpcsoport kifeje#sire):

a francidk the bench a britek the Britishaz angolok the English az irek the Irisha hollandok the Dwtch a walesiek the Wkh


a spanyolok the Spnnhh

Page 219: Németh Katalin - Angol nyelvtan


(Del a Frenchynan / an. Engtishwnrnnn / on Irishrnaa stb. Tehdt egyes szdmban mdr nem dllhatnak ondll6-

an. Ez nern vonaticozlk a,the Britistrt" 6,s a rrtlte Spanisb" nemzetisig nevekre. Egyes szdmuk: ,,a Brit" 6s


a kinaiak tbe Chinese a portugdlok the Portuguese ajapdnok theJapanese

(Az -ese vdgri nernzetisdg nevekkel hasznrilhatjvk az a fan hatirozadan ndvel6t: a Portugwese f a Japnnese.De ilyen a tlte Swiss - a svdjciak, a Swiss - egy sv:ijci is!)

az olaszok (the) Italions az amerikaiak (the) Arnericans a sk6tok (the) Scotsegy sk6t a Scotegv olasz an ltalian egy amerikai an Ancerican

(Az -an v6gri nemzetisig neveket tehetjiik egyes ds tobbes szdmba is, mintha f6nevek lenndnek.)

8. States / Republic / Kingdom (szavakat tartalmazd orszignevek el6tt):

tlrc United States of America the United Kingdnrn the Czecb Repwblic

9. Tcibbes szdmban dll6 fiildrajzi nevek ds tulajdonnevek el6tt:

Tirlajdonnevek: the Browns, the Wilsons (Browndk, Wilsonik)Egyes orszdgok: the Netherlands, tlte Phil,ippinesSzigetcsoportok: the British Isles, the Bahamas, the SeychellesHegyldncok: the Alps, the Carpathians, tbe, the Pyeneeq the Rochies/ the Rocfo Mowntains tbe Hirualayns

(DE I Ondll6 hegyek el6n nem haszndlunk ndvel6t: pl. Mount Everest, IQlirnanjaro .)

A Hirnaldja legmagasabb hegye az Everest. Tl'te highest mauntain in tbe Himalayat is Maunt Evn'est.

(Egvdb hati.rozott ndvel6vel irlI6 orszdg- is helysignevek: the, the Uhrwine, the Hagwe,the Lebanon, the l4noen, the Gambia)

10. Foly6k, csatorndk, tengerek, dcerinok neve el6tt:

the Blach Sea

(Thvak neve el6tt azonban nem haszn{lunk ndvel6t: Lake Balaton, Lake Garda)

I spent my holiday at Lahe Balaton.

Nversthe Nilethe Danubethe (River) Tbam.esthe (Nver) Arnazon

A Balatonndl toltottem a szabadsdgomat.

If . Egtrijak kifejezesdre:

Magyarorszdg iszaki r6sz6,nRomdnia dili rdszdnGorogorsz{g dilen van.I(ozel-KeletTivol-Kelet

DE! ,,the" ndlki-il:

. 1 , ,h,s za l( -M a gy a ro rs za go nDdl-Olaszorszdgban

Canals Seos Oceansthe Suez Cnnal the Med'itennnenn (Sea) the Atlantic (Ocean)the Panam.o Canal the Red Sea the Pncific

the Ind.ian Ocean

in the north of Hungnryin the south of RomantaGreece is in the Sowth.tbe Mid.dle Eastthe Far East

in nofthem Hungaryin sowthern Itoly






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Gorogorsz{g Ddl-Eur6pdban vzur. Greece is in Southem Ewrope.Ddl-Amerikdban in South AruericaNvugat-Afrikdban in Wst Africa

12. Hotelok, ittermek, siiroz6k neve el6tt:

(DE! Ha az dpiilet nevdben szemilyndv vagy helysdgndv szerepel, akkor nem haszndlunk ,,the" hatdrozottndvel6t. McDonnlds, IGtby\ Corner Restaurant, Hanods)

13. Szinhizak, mozik, mdzeumok, galiridk neve el6tt:

Hotelsthe Ritz Hoteltbe Grnnd Hotelthe Hilton

Theatresthe Globe

Restnwrantsthe Chinese Restawranttbe Twer Restawrnnt

Pubsthe Red Lion (pub)tbe Irish Cat

Cinerna,stbe Corvitt

Museumsthe Nntional Mwsewrnthe British Mwsewrn

Galleriesthe Tate Gallery

14. Ujsdgok neve el6tt:

the Finnncinl Titnesthe Tirnesthe Washington Post

(DE! Magazinok nevc el6tt nem haszniilunk ndvel5t: Elite, Vogwe)

15. Sivatagok neve el6tt:

the Sabara Desertthe Gohi Desert

16. Szewezetek neve el6tt:

the Europenn Union the CM the FBI the BBC

(DEl Gazdasdgi tdrsasdgok, cdgek, ldgitdrsasdgok dltaldban hatdrozott ndvel6 dllnak: LG, GeneralElectric, Voh'0, IBM, Philips)

L7. ... OF ... birtokos szerkezettel:

the Cape of Good. Ilope (fdrenninysig foha) the Tower of Lond.on tbe Great Wall of Chinntbe Musewm of Fine Arts (Szipmilviszeti Milzeum) the Bay of Biscny the (Jniyersity of Lond.on

(DEl The University of Lond.on - t*t Londan Unfuersity)

18. Bizonyos dpi.iletek neve el6tt, ha a niv nem tartalmaz tulajdonnevet vagy helysignevet:

the Wbite House the Ernpire Stnte tbe Acropolis the Vntican

(DE l Ed'ingburgh Ca*le, Bwchingbarn Palace, Wesnninster Abbey, Londnn University, IQnned.y Airport,St Pawl's Catbedral, Matthins Church, Parliornent)

19. ,,the same", ,,the only'', ,,the veqy''kifejezisekben:

Ugyanannyi id6s vagy, minr a bdrydm.Az egyeden dolog, amit utdlok, az a kordn kel6s.Nagy osszeget nyert, de ugyanabbana pillanatban el is vesztette.

hw nre the sarne a,ge a.s my brother.The only tbing I hate isgening wp early.He won a. grea.t a.wzunt of money bwt at the verysflme munent he lost it.

2 2 3

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3 ,va


D .


2O. Gy$r6nevek el6tt:

the police the brignd.e the arwy the underground.

21. Mindl..., anndl = The + melldkndv k<izepfoka..., the + melldkndv k<izepfoka...

egdszsigesebb leszel.


l. Ha riltalinossrigban beszeliiLnk dolgokr6l, emberekr6l. A megszdmlilhat6 f6neveket ilyenkormindig tobbes sziimba tessziir.k. Figyelje meg a kiil<inbs6get az ditalinos is a konkrit esetek kciz<jtt!

Mindl el6bb, anndl jobb.Mindl tobbet mozogsz, ann6l

In general

I don't lihe cats.Waiters worh in resta.urnnts.

Frencb food. is d,eliciows.

tuty hobby is football.Are Ilungarian people nice? lihe playing hid.e and. seeh.

Death is cruel.Life is full of surprisu.

Tlte sooner, the better.The mare exercises you dn, the heabhier yoa will be.

Particular people or things

I lihe the cats you have.The waitns will com.e only for lwncb, they dnn'thave to worh in the morning.I Lihe French food., but the French food this resta.arnntrnohes is horible.The footboll they play is rubbish.Are the Ilungnrian people you hnow hard'-workin'g?Where nre the children? The children nre playing hid'ennd. seeh now.The denth of his father got hirn down.The ffi of my father was hard.

pns0n unhtersity

Particular situation

fufy parents are ot the school now, becauserny teacher wonts to talh to thern. Tbey went tothe school nt 5 o'cl.och.

A sziiLl6k mdr nem iskoliisok, csakbizonyos esetekben l:itogatnak el az iskoliba.

Jnch bns gone to tbe prison to ilsit his son.He is in the prison now.

fack csak Litogat6.

2. Bizonyos helyek el6tt szintin att6l fiigg6en haszndljuk a hatiirozott n6vel6t, hogy dltaftinos hely'

zntr6l v^W eW bizonyos sziturici6r6l van-e sz6, A, kiivetkez6 helyek esetin tesziink kiiLkinbsdget:iltaftlnos is konkrdt helyzet kozcitt.

A) church scbool hospital

Figyelje meg a kiilonbsiget!

General situation


The children a.t scbool now. They goto school frorn Mond.ay to Friday. They leatteearly because school sta.rts nt I o'chch every d,ay.

Mivel a gyerekek mdg iskokisok,ezfut szdmukraaz iskoldba j:irris dltaftinos, mindennapos dolog.


His son is in lnison for burglary.He was sent to prison in May.

A fif rabkint van bortiinben.


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(DE! Mds helyekkel mdr mindig ki kell tenni a hatdrozott ndvel6t: tbe cinerna, the banh, the station.)

B) bed. worh ltome


Sheila. is wry relig'i.ous, she goes to cburch every d.ay.

Sheila hiv6.


Tom was injured.. He was tahen to boEital.He\ in bospitnl now.

Tom betegkint van k6rhdzban.


After school I went to university.I studied English ot unipersiql

Didkkint jdrtam egyetemre.


I went to bed. eorly.I stayed in bed. late.


I go to worb every d.ay.I'ru at worh frorn B to 4,I stort worh nt B and. I finish worh at B.


Igo/come bome nt six every d.ay.I lenpe home at B and. aripe home at 4.I'll stalt a.t hmne.


Tirn is o fishennon. IIe\ nt sea. all d.ay hng.

Sue went to the church to study the frescos.

Sue a munkrija miatt ment a templomba.

Ive gone to the hoEi.tol to rrisit frrn.I'm. nt the hoEitnl now.

fn csak Litogat6 vagyok.

There was o good cnncert at the university, soJock went to the unipersity lax night.

|ack csak a koncert miatt ment az eryetemre.

I went to the bed. and.gaw hirn a hiss.I pat n nice blanhet on the bed..

I'd. lihe to lea:pe by the seo.

3. Egyriltalin nem haszndlunk ndvel6t terek, utci\ parkok, utalg sugdrutak, kcirutak, orszdgok,vdrosok, falvak, tavak neve el6tt.

Tnfnlg* Square Fifth Avenue Bnher Sneet Green ParhPiccad.illy Circus Hungmy Brighton Lahe Gard,a

4. Kiizlekeddsi eszkiiziik neve el6tt, a k<ivetkez6 kifeje#sekben:

go by car tra;rtel by ilnin nanel by bwsgo by taxi

(DEl go in your car f nanel in the red car)

5. ftkezesek el6tt:

to ha:rte lunch to ha:pe dinner afier breahfaa


before sapper

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(DEf Ha a lunch/d.inner/brealtfast el6n metldkndv dll, aldcor haszndlhatunk ,,A.ffln" hatd.rozatlan n6vel6t,

iilewe ha konkrdtan egy bizonyos ebddr6fvacsorAr6llreggelir6l beszdliink, akkor haszndlhatjul< t,,the"

hat{rozott ndvel6t is) :

Hogy izlen az eb{d?Nagyon finom vacsordt ettiink.

6. F6n6v + sz{m el6tt:

Page 34 Platforrn 7 Roorn 12 size 36


I. Egyes szimri, megszi'ml{lhat6 dolgok el6a:

Ettem eg1' alm:it.

2. Szakmdk, foglalkozdsok el6tt:

6 tandr, dn pedig didk vagyok.Mi6ta vagy rend6rf

3. Bizonyos mennyisdgi kifejezesekben:

owen forint kil6jadrrente ot naootnyolc 6rdt nipottt"4 krn / 6rafel kil6f6l fontf6l 6rafdl mdter

Ilyer-r gyors aut6t mdg nem vezettem.Milyen idi6ta kdrdds!

Milyen furcsa alakokkal dolgozik!A strandon kdne lennem ilyen szdp id6ben.

6. Kifeje#sekben:

Siet.Krir.Zuhanye2llq.Vdltani akarok vele nihdny sz6t.F{j a feje.F{j a torkom.Frij a hdtarn.

How wns the luncb?W bad. a ttery nice d'inner

bws I{5

I nte an apple.

He is a teacher and' I'm a stwdent.How hng how you been a policewan'?

f.fu forints a hih.fwe rl.ays n yea'rI howrs n d.ay4 hrns on howrhalf a hilohalf a pownd.half an hourhalf n weter

Wl'tat strange fellows he worhs with!I should. be on tbe beach in sach n'i.ce wenther.

She is in a hwrry.It's a pity.She is hming a showerI want to have a word. with him.She\ got a head.ache.I have a. sore throat.There is a pain in my bach.

4. ,,BW bizonyos" 6rtelemben:

Egy bizonyos Mr )ackson keresi Ont. A Mr Jachson is loohing for you.

5. such a / what a... + egyes sziim(r megszimldlhat6 f6ndv:

f trtaven't dripen such a speed.y carWhat a silly question!


Such i what... f megsziLmlilhatatlan f6n& / tobbes szrimri megszrimlilhat6 fi6ndv:


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'l Put alan or the into the gaps. lf no article is necessary leave the space empty. Tegye a ,,the" ha-tdrozott nevelSt, vagy az ,,alan" hatdrozatlan ndvel6t a megfelel6 helyre! Ha nincs szilksdg n6v-el6re, hagyja a helyet uresen!

1. A: Whcre do you nsuallyhave o lunch) B: Lt lfre canteen.2. A: Well darling, how was .... lunch todal.f l l: It was delicious. You know I love ...... way 12s11

make dris gravy3. A: Dic'l ] 'ou cnjoy .... pla-y last nightf B: I usr,rally enjoy .... plays but to tell you .... tmth, I didn't

cnjoy dris onc pirrticularly4. A; Do you like going to .... restaurants) B: Yes. Lilst week for example we had ..... wondcrful

dinncr at ... ]ack's Corncr Rcstaurant.5. A: You rrrc latc agerin. B: I knorv, but I1n ahval's .... last to arrive.6. A: Coulc'l yotr tcll rnc rvhere ..... train to l.ondon le:rves fromf R; From ..... Platform 6.7. A: lVhcre can I fir-rd .... answer keyl B: It's on ..... page 256.B. A: Do 1'ou oftcn watch.. . . TVI B: No,I prefcr l ister-r ingto.. . . . radio.9. A: Did yolr corne bv . . . . . bus) B: Yes,I took . . . . bus N59.

10. A: FIow'uvas . . . . . journeyl B: Awful . . . . . . bus was packcd.I1. A: Have you had . . . . nice hol iday) B: Of course.L2. A: It's been ...... hard day's night. B: Yes, we've been working like ..... dog.13" A: Which room are you staying inl B: In .... Room 201.14. A: Arc you satisfied with ..... rooml B: Yes, it 's cosyI5. A: Couid von give me a lift) B: I'm sorry but I hevcn't got ..... car here. A: What .... pity!16. A: Did 1'ou l ike . . . . . f i lm? B: I t was . . . . . best f rhn I 've ever scen.

2 Put in the where necessary. Haszn1lja a ,,the" hatdrozott n6vel5t, ahol sz}ksdges!

1. Her hair is fie same colour as rninc.2. I't,e been learning to play ..... flute for sevcn years.3. There are a lot of c louds in . . . . . . sky4. What did you havc for .... breakfast)5. . . . . . more we stLldv . . . . . . rnore we know.6. What 's or l . . . . TV tonigtr t l7. . . . . . Room 24ison.. . . second f loor.B. Can I rurn on ..... TV) I ivant to rvatch ..... ne\^/s.9. My grandmother lives in .... countrlr

10. . . . . . t ime is mone){11. I haven't been to ...... dreatre recendu12. Did you go to ...... cinema yestcrday)13. I make . . . . . . . pancakes alway's . . . . . salne way14. What is . . . . . . capital of /amaical

3 Correct the wrong sentences. Use alan, the or nothing. Some of the sentences are alreadycorrect. Javitsa ki a hibds mondatokat! Haszndlja az,,a/an", ,the" ndvel6ket, ahol szIksdges!

I . It r,r,:rs ve ry cold dat, in winteq in \a,inter of 1997 . o very cold doy / in lhe winter of 19972. First I thought the lock rvas faulty but later I realised that I was trying to get into the Room 22

ins tcad o f l {oom 24. . . . . . . . . . . . .3. Sun rvas shining and therc were no clouds in sky4. I couldn't livc in dte countrl; it 's so boring. ... . .... ...5. Horv long have 1,ou bccn plavirg pianof6. The first man olt the lnoolt rv:rs Neil Amstrong.7. I alr.r,ays have big breakfast before lcaving home.8. Whv do you want to l-rave clog)9. The applc a da1' keeps dre doctor'.lway .........

2 2 7

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I0. Have you ever seen a cat swimmingf ............II. More sweets you eat) fatter you will be.12. His lecture today was the more interesting than it was yesterday ..............13. Mv uncle lived bv sca.14. A;hild needs love.

4Complete thesentences using one of thewords below. lJsethe if necessary. Egdszitse kia mon-datokat a megadott szavakkal, ahol szIksdges haszn1lja a ,,the" hat1rozott ndvel6t!

line 25 hrnctr ground size 42 Barth television radio

1. I usually have some snack for /unrf, because I don't have time to go to a restaurant.2. Why are you sitting on .... .... I You might catch a cold.3. I'm afraid d'rese are too big. Have you got them in ........... I4. In the Middle Ages . ...... was believed to be flat.5. Tllere aren't any good programmes on ..............) we'd better go to the cinema.6. The expression that you are looking for is in7. There is a lot of good music on ... ..

5 Answer the questions using the correct information in brackets. lJse the. A zdroielben megadottvdlaszok kozIl v6lassza ki a helyeset 6s vAlaszoljon a kerdesre! Haszn1lja a ,,the" ndvel6t!

L. What is the currency of the United Statesf (dollar / pound) The dollor.2. Which was invented firstf (bicycle I car ltrain) .........3. Which elephant has bigger ears) (African elephant / Indian elephant)4. What is the currency of Romuriaf (lek / lei) ..........5. Which is a Hungari'an inventionl (ballpoini pen / car) ...........6. Which bird can swiml (penguin / parrot)7. Which animal run the fastest? (tiger / cheetah)8. Which animal is the most intelligentl (dolphin / chimpanzee) ..............9. Which animal is found in Ctrinaf (Polar bear / Panda bear)..........

I0. Which car is more expensivel (Jaguar / Ferrari)

6 Complete the sentences with the + one of these adjectives. Egdszitse ki a mondatokat a ,,the"hatdrozott nevel6vel 6s a megfelel6 mellekndwel!

poor young old rich unemployed

injured sick homeless disabled dead ctdcrty

l. The elderly should be given more help by the government.2. The Paraolympic Games are organized for .3. When the glass factory closed down, the number of ..... ...... increased dramatically in the area.4. The local government is trying to provide free accommodation for .... ... during the

winter months.5. On l"November we commemorate6. After the accident were taken to hospital.7.In a utopian society .... should share what they have with .8. ...... .... have got better chances to find a job than9. Mother Theresa spent her life caring for ....

7 Which nationality are the sentences about? Melyik nemzetisdgr6l szolnak a mondatok?

The ltalionshave a good reputation for their pasta.,....... are known to like bull fights.

..., ... are known to have green fingers. Their tulips are wonderful.

I .2.aJ .


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4. ..... are said to be very proud of their nation.5. ..... are mosdy Roman Catholic and they have fought a lot for their independence.6. ..... invented a great many things in ancient times.7 . . . . . . . . . . . , and . . . . . . . a re re fe r red to as . . . . . . . . . . . . . , as a l l

of them live on the British Isles.are good at making spicy dishes such as goulash, chicken paprikash etc.

..... are famous for their advanced technology They always invent somethingspecial, especially robots.

10. ... .... make the most delicious chocolate in the world.

8 What is the singular of the following nationalitiesT Hogyan mondjuk egyes sz1mban a kovetkez6nepeket?

8 .9.

the Italiansthe Chinesethe Frenchthe Scotsthe lirrksthe Japanese

the Britishthe Dutchthe Swiss

9 Put the only, the very, the same into the gaps. Egeszftse ki a mondatokat a ,,the only", ,,thevery", ,,the same" kifejezesekkel!

L Buckingham Palace is inthevery centre of London.2. I can't copy the words from the board and listen to the teacher at ........ .... time.3. We got there at ... last moment.4. ..... thing we can do is wait.5. You are . . . . . . . . age as my cousin.4. The .. fact that he was there with me made me feel comfortable.5. He is ..... person who can help you.6. I told you in beginning that things would just get worse.7. Is it . solution to the probleml

10 Put the following geographical names under the corred headings. Always use ,,the" withthem. Tegye a kovetkez6 foldrajzi neveket a megfelel6 oszlopba, mindig haszn1lja a ,,the" hat6-rozott ndvel6t!

Czech Republic Netherlands Panama Canal iFlranes Seine Black Sea MediterraneanUnited States Rockies Pacific Danube Andes Alps Atlantic Urals Indian Ocean Tatras SuezCanal Philippines Sahara British Isles Carpathians Bahamas Red Sea English ChannelHimalayas Mississippi Chalahari Nile People's Republic of China West Indies Gobi Ama-zon Canaries

rivers & canals seas & oceans mountarn ranges groups of islands deserts certain countries

lhe lhomes fhe Rockies


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11 a) Here are some statements about some of the geographical places above. Complete the

sentences with the geographical names. Don't forget to use the. ltt van nehAny Sllitas a fenti

foldrajzi hetyek n6melyiker6l. Eg1szitse ki a mondatokat a megfelel6 foldrajzi ndwel! Ne

felejtse el a ,,the" hat1rozott ndvel6t!

l. Tlre first president of fie UnitedStates w:rs George Washington.2. Verdi composed dre Aida for the inauguration ceremony of .....3. Tl-rose who want to go skiing in Slovakia can go to .....4. ..... ... are said to be the borderline between Europe and Asia.5. 20 o/o of the earth's population live in6. The hishest mountain in the world can be found in .....7 . .. ... . . . is the most important river of Hungary and flows into theB. ..... .. connects thrce continents; America, Asia and Australia.9. The :lnccstors of the Flungarians had to comc through ... .

10. Those going on l-roiid:ry to Soudrern Europe can swim in .....11. furica has got two deserts can be found in the north'

can be found in dre south.12. ... are in dre west of the USA.I3. Europe's ffrost extended rnountain rangc is14. ... are a popular destination for tourists in Southern Europe.


cirpital is Teneriffe.

b) Write similar staternents about the following geographical places. irion 6llitasokat a kovetkez6

foldrajzi helyekr6l!

the Amazon the Atlantic the Gobi the Andes the Seine the Panama Canal




12 Here is another group of nouns where you usually have to use the. Put the nouns under thecorrect heading then add some more. Always use the in front of them. ltt van meg nehdnyszo, amivel 1ttatdban uthe" hatdrozott n6vel6t haszn6lunk.Tegye a neveket a megfelel6oszlopba, majd adjon meg hozz6iuk ndhdnyat!

Ritz Festival Hall CIA Red Lion Giobe OdeonNational Gallery National MuseumSun European Union White Flouse €rcatryail/ehha Empire State Building_Houses/Parliament BBC Gulf/Mexico Vatican Olive Restaurant National Theatre

Hotels Restaurants & pubs Theatres & cinemas Museums & salleries

The Globe

Other buildings(common nouns) Organisations Newspapers nf

The Greot Wall of (hina


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13 Which streefs / roads / parks / buildings /companies are the stafements about? You mustn'tuse the. Melyik utcdrol, utrol, parkrol, 6p0letr6l, cegr6l szolnak a kovetkez6 6llit6sok? Mostnem lehet ,,the" hatdrozott n6vel6t haszndlni.

St Peter's Basilica McDonalds I{arrods Lloyds Bank Hyde ParkIBM B'ritish "tirr/tra;rs Buckingham Palace Thafalgar Square

l. British Airwoys is crne of thc biggcst airlines in Europe.2. . . . . . . . . . . . has:r lcading role in compLlter tecl-u-rologir3, If vou want to have a quick mcal, go to . ....., therc is one in almost every big city4. ..... .... is the biggest dcp:rrtmcnt store in England.5. ..... ..., whcrc the Royal Family lives, can be found in the verv centre of London.6. Nelson's Coloumn can be seen in7 . .. . .. . .. is the biggest cadredral in Europe .8. ..... ...... has a 300-vc'.rr-old historv and is saicl to be d-re centre of tl 're world's insurauce

market.9. If yor,r wa.nt to relax in central London, go for a walk in .....

14 Choose the correct form with or without the. Cross out the wrong one. Vdlassza ki a helyesmegolddst! A helytelent h(tzza 6t!

1. A: Why don't rve go to the cinema toniqhtf B: Which cincma shall we qo tof A: To Corvin / Tothe Corvin.

2. I scnt rny Curriculum Vitac to thc Philips / to Philips last week. They need a computerprogralnrner.

3. If 1,ou \vant to read some sensational news, subscribc to the Sunf to Sr-ur.4. The St Iames's Park / St Iames's Park is in ccnrral l,ondon not t(x) far from the Hyde Park / H)de Park.5. Hotel Hilton / The Hotel Hilton looks onto tl-re House.s of Parliament / Houses of Parliament.6. His pl;rne u'il l land at the l(enued)'Airport / at I(ennedy Airport.7. fhe Globe / Globc was foundecl by Shakcspeare.B. The Roval Farnilv usuallv buvs drinqs from Hirrrods / lrorn dre Harrods.9. The lVhite House / Whitc House is the president's residence.

10. If you ilre interested in business you should read Financial Tirnes / the Financial Times.II. I saw e very intercsting exhibition in the National Museurn / in National Museum yesterday12. Which magazine does your modrer read) The Woman's Own / Woman's Own.13. Shc r.vorked for Unilever / dre Unilever for two years but then she got a better offer from the IGaft

Tacobs / I(raft lacobs.14. I've ah.vays wanted to see Broadwa), / the Broadway.15. Oxford University / t[-re Oxford Univerity is one of thc famous red brick universities.16. Dorodrl,'s brother studies law at the Universitv of London / at University of London.\7. A: Which restaurent shall rve go tof B: Let's gcl to the Chinese Restaurant / to Chinese Restaurant.

15 Complete fhe sente nces using a preposition tolatlin etc. + one of the following words. Eg6-szitse ki a mondatokat a ,,to/atlin" stb. eloljdrokkal 6s a megadott szavakkal!

hospital school prison home work university church bed

I. Aftcr leeving second.arl, €trarnmar school I'd like to go lo university.2. You weren't .. yesterday Lucky you! We wrote a test-paper.3. Jack's uncle has been . ...... with an unknown disease for two months now4.My neighbour was arrested )'esterday for smuggling. He was taken5. You look pale. I 'd rathcr you stayed . : fou shor-r ldn' t go . . . . . . . . . . . . . i f

vou fcel unwcll. I'll talk to your boss.6. I think I'm luckl: I've never been ill and I've never been7. A: Why is she alonc with her children) B: Because her l-rusband is . . . . .. fbr frar'rd.8 . H i Dar l ing .Are the ch i ld ren s t i l l . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . )9 . H i Mum! Is Daddy s t i l l . . . . . . . . . . . . ?I 0. I studie d a lot of very intere sting subjects when I was . . .


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tl. Children! It's time to go ... .... . Daddy will tell you the bedside story tonight!

12. Atweekends I like staying ...... ...... ' until eleven.13. When I was a chi ld I had to go . . . . . . ' . . . . . every Sunday14. Grandma is ... again. She says she has to pray for the sick.

16 Complete the sentences with the words given in the brackets. Use the where necessary. Eg6-

szitse ki a mondatokat a z6rojelben megadott szavakkal! Haszndlion ,,the" hatdrozott n6vel6t,

ahol szIks5ges!

f .My parents went to thexhool(school) to speak to my form teacher.2.Whi aren't you at ..... ...... (school) todayl What's the matter with youl _ .3. Whln I was a child I often played tmant and was absent from . (school) a lot.

4. Tomorrow there will be a iob fair at .. . .. . .. (school) '

5. As I was early for .... .. (school), I went to buy some food.

6. Ted was late for ... ..... (school) and missed the test-paper'7. A: Where shall we meet) B: Let's meet outside (school).

8. When I teft .. ....... (school) I went to work.9. I saw your mother near (school).

10. Jennifer is Roman Catholic by religion but she doesn't go to .. (church)'

ll. Some painters are working in ...... . (church) to renovate the frescos.

12. Although he doesn't believe in God, yesterday he went to ... (church) to light a candle for his friend.

13. Last wiek I went to ..... (church), to see my friends'wedding ceremony

14. ... ... (church) was really beautiful, I liked especially the altar'

15. Will you take a photo of us, here in front of '.. '. ... ' (church)f

16. If you commit a crime, you have to go to '..... (prison).

17. Last weekend I was in '... (prison) to visit my uncle.18. He was taken to . . . . . . . . . . . . . (pr ison) for robbery19. The prisoners'families held a demonstration outside ... . (prison) because ofthe dreadfirl conditions.

20. Many people are in .. .... (prison) due to political reasons. -2I. As Sue had an operarion, she had to stay in .... (hospital) for observation.

22. Some funny clowns went to ... (hospital) to cheer up the children lying there.

23. .... ....... (hospital) was a large, whitewashed building at the edge of the town.

24. I used to work in the buffet of ..... . '. .. . (hospital).25. I like my room because the windows look onto '. ..'.. (sea).

26.Ifyouwanttosailarrcundtheworldthenyouhavetospendquitealongtimeat.......... ' .... (sea).

27.t{ t ihenlwasachi ldIusedtoswimalot in . . . . . ,becausewehadanicecoftageby.. . . ' . . . . . . . ' (sea).

28. Don't be shy!Make yourself at . . . . . . . (home).29. When do you usually finish .. .. ... ' (work) |30. I went to ..... ...... (bed) to give her a good-night kiss.31. My children always go to . ....... (bed) after dre bedside-story32. A: Where is my shirtl B: I put it onto (bed).

17 Choose the correct form with or without the. Cross out the wrong one. Vdlassza ki a helyes

megold{st! A helytelent h1zza 5t!

L A: Where are the cats / catsl B: They are lying in the sun on the terrace.

2. A: What kind of pets do you like) B: I like the dogs / dogs but I don't like cats / the cats. A; Yes,

the dogs / dogs are more intelligent than the cats / cats.

3. I think women / the women are tougher than the men / men.

4. I loved the food. Meat / The meat was especially tasty

5. I never eat the meat /meat. I'm vegetarian.6. Life / The life is hard.7. The life / Life of my grandfather was really hard.8. The death / Death can be very cruel sometimes. You can never know why PeoPle / the PeoPle have to die.

9. The death / Death of his parents got him down. He still couldn't get over it.

10. Ail children / all the children are curious.lL All the children / All children who are playing in the garden live with us. We adopted them.


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12. All the people / AII people whose photos you can see on the wall were my students. And they atl

became famous.13. Most people / The most people think that there is life after the death / death.

14. The seeing / seeing is believing.15. I don't [k- swimming / the swimming in cold water / the cold water.16. Unemplo)rmint / thJunemplo)rmeniand homelessness / the homelessness are very serious social

problems that are yet to be solved.

1B Answer the questions following the example. Valaszoljon a kdrddsekre a pelda alapiSn!

L How much is a kilo of apples, please) ilne pound o kilo.2. How much does the petrol costl ..........3. How often do you go to the cinemal4. What's the speed limit herel5. How many days can you take offi6. How much does the silk costf ..........

19 Choose the correct answer. Vdlassza ki a helyes megold6st!

I . He was . . . . . . . . f i rst man to cross . . . . . . . . . Adant ic in a sai l ing boat.

A ) - / t h e B ) - l - C ) t h e / - D) the / the

2. ......... winter holiday I spent in ......... French Alps was one of the best in my life'

A ) - / t h e B ) - / - C ) t h e / t h e D ) t h e / -

3. ......... Sudan and ......... Gambia are the two African countries where I've never been.

A ) - / t h e B ) t h e / - c ) - l - D) the / the

4. Have you got . latest record by ...'..... '.. Red Hot Chilli PepperslA ) - / t h e B ) a / t h e C ) t h e / a D ) t h e / -

5. . . . . . . . . . River Tisza f looded again in . . . . . . . . . . . . Ukraine.A ) t h e / - B ) - / t h e C) the / the D ) - l -

6. George went to see ...... church as it is said to be one of ...... most beautifirl churches in the countqz

A ) a / t h e B ) - / t h e C ) t h e / a D ) t h e / t h e

7. . . . . . . . . . Death of . . . . . . . . . Salesman was wri t ten by Arthur Mi l ler.A ) T h e / a B) The / the C ) - / t h e

8. ........... death always comes unexpectedly That's ".".'.. life.

i l - l - B ) T h e / t h e C ) - / t h e

9. . .. . .. .. .. elderly people like talking about .. . . '.... Past.N - t - B ) - / t h e C ) T h e i -

c ) -10. . . . . . . . . . . . e lder ly need looking after.

A) A" B) The

I l . . . . . . . . . . . . t i m e i s . . . . . . . . . . . . m o n e yA ) T h e / t h e B ) - / t h e C ) - l -

L2 . . . . . . . . . . most peop le ha te . . . . . . . . . c rowd.A ) T h e / t h e B ) - / - C ) T h e / -

1 3 . . . . . . . . . . j o u r n e y b y c a r i s . . . . . . . . . m o s t t i r i n g .c ) - l -


D ) T h e / -

D ) T h e / -

D) The / the

D) Some

D ) T h e / -

D) - / t he

D) The / theA ) T h e / - B ) - / t h e

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A K | L t t 5

2O Translate fhe senfences. Forditsa le a mondatokat!

I. Magyarorszigp|nznemc a forint.2. A varrangvosbika kdtdltfi.3. Els6kdnt drhezctt, is utols6kdnr rdvozott.4. Ez lcnne az utols6 dolog, amir tenndk.5. Ha ncm lenne a Hold, a Fold gyorsabban rnozogna.6. Sok hangszcren tud j{tszani, pdlddul, nagyb6g(:z1k es dobol is.7. Szerintem a Fotex Magyarorszdg legjobb kdzilirbdacsapata.B. A legtobb bajnoksdgot 6k nyertdk rneg.9. Sok ember mdg mir-rdig t'rgy gondolja, hogy a n6nek otthon a helye.

I0. Ez volt a legunalmirsabb fihn, amit valaha ldtti'rm.I L Szerintem az el6adds nagyoll drclekes volt.12. Azirj n1'ugdijrendszerrel az oregek nem mehetnek hatvan ives kor alatt nwrgdijba.13. Az id6sod6 cmbcreket tisztelniiik kellene a fiataloknak.14. krdz anva egdsz iletdben a betcgekr6l ds a szegdnyekr6l gondoskodott.15. A fogyatdkosohnak n:rgyoll nchdz a vdrosban kozlekedniiik.I6. A hajl6ktalanok segits6gre szorulnak.17. A francidk rnir-rdig is btiszkdk volt'.rk hazdjukr:r, nyelvukre ds kulturdjukra, :rkircsal< a werlesiek.18. Egv francia, cg1'angol ds egy holland arr6l vitad<oztak, hogy melyiki.ik a legfejlettebb.19. Az olirszokat g,1'akran hivjdk dig6knak Amerikdban.20. A Csch Kozt{rsasdg is Ukrajna ncfft szomszddos orsz:igok.21. A Ilahamiikon fbgom tolteni a ltyarar.22.Id6n tdlen az Alpokba mcgyiink sielni.23. Verdi az Aidit a Suezi-csatorna rnegnyit6jdra frta.24. Del-Err6pa tengere a Foldkozi-tcnger.25. A Duna kdt rdszre osztja Magyarorszdg f6v.irosdt.26. AKozel-Keleter-r mindig is voltak tertilcti vitdk.27. Iludapest eeyik legel6kel6bb szdlloddja. a l(empinski Hotcl.28. M6g soha nem vacsordztam a Torony L,ncremben.29. Ha nincsen sok id6m, bekapol< r,alamit a Mcl)onaldsbar-r.30. A Cllobe szinhizitt Shakespeare alapitotta.31. Melvik moziba rnenjiink) A Corvinba.32. Mit sz6l-rdl, har holnap elmenndnk a Ncmzeti Milrzeurnba is rr. Nemzeti Gal6ridbaf33. ,,N'lilycn rrngol fijsdgokat szokt'il rendszeresen olvirsnif " ,,El6fizet6je vagyok a Timesnak is a Daily

Tclegrlph-nak."34. A G6bi-sivatag Mong6lidban tal.ilhat6.35. Az !-IlI ds a CIA kemdnyen dolgoznak, hogy rnegtaliljdk a terroristdkat.36. Szeretndk sdtilni egyet a Kinai Nagvfalon.37. A Fehdr Hiz is cilpontja lehct a terrorr{maddsoknak.38. A Buckingham Palota I-ondon kozpontjdban taldlhat6.39. A bdrv*dffr ng1,111'.11111yi id6s, mint:r te n5vdred.40. Az eg1'eden dolog, amit tehctsz ) 2tz az) hogy vdrsz.41. A rend6rsdg ds a tiSzok6sig cgyszerre drkezett a hclyszinre .42. Min6l tobbet olvasol angolul, am{l folydkonyabban fogsz tudni beszdlni is.43. Sokan fgy, gondoljdk, hogy a kuryik intclligcnsebbek, mint a macsk{k.44. Szerintcm minden kisbaba aranyos.45. A szlildszeten az osszcs lcisbzrbir rnegf{zott.46. A halil mindig kegvetlen.47. A firje h:rlila milyen mcgr.izta.48. A gverckeim soha nem akarnak zoldsdgct ds gl'iirnolcscit cnni, csak a hirst szeretik.49. A vail'isos emberek egyszcr egy hdtcn ternplombir rnennch.50. Kdszitettem pdr fot6t a templombirn.51. Megldtogattuk aztlszt'ilytirsunkar a k6rl-r{zban.52. Mdl ndg1, 6",. r,an k6rh'.izban.53. Ha bfrnosnek taliljdk, brjrtonbe z6,rjel<.


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54. A fia egyetemre jdr.55. A konce rt ^z egyetemen volt.56. Altaldban mikor fekszel lel57. Lzirod azt a kcinyvet az 6gyon? Ide tudndd hozni)58. A haldszok mdr megiut a tengeren vannak.59. Iessie mig soha nem fi.irdott a tengerben'60. Kocsival jossz)61. A piros kocsival fogunk menni.62. Nyissritok ki a konyveteket a huszonhetedik oldalon!63. Az 56-os busszal kell menned.64. FA kil6 hagymdt szeretnik.65. Fdl6ra mrilva talilkozunk, ok6f66. ,,N4ennyibe keriil a kortef" ,,Sziz,owen forint kil6ja."67. Egy bizonyos Doktor Watson akart onnel besz6lni.68. Ilyen rossz id6ben nem kellene kirdndulni mennetek.69. Mdg sosem ldttam ilyen j6kipri v6legdnyt.70. Mi\,en szip virdg!7I. Milyen kdr, hogy nem taldlkozhatunk holnap!72. Sripadmak ldtszol. Fdj a fejed)73.Igen, 4s lirzam is van.


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fl ITest 1 - present tenses I

l. This is the first time I ...... a horse. I{A) "- riding B) have been riding IC) have ridden D) ride I

2. He ...... ar the least convenienr rime. IA) always phones B) always is phoning IC) has been always phoning D) is always phoning I

3. Here ......the men in black. IA) are coming B) comes IC) come D) have come I

4. We ......for a walk today IA) don't go B) haven't been going IC) haven't been D) have been going

I5. He ...,.. he is always,right. I'

A) is thinking B) thinks IC) has been thinking D) is believing

I6. There I

A) goes he B) he is going IC) has he gone D) he goes I

N7. Sheila ...... so nice ro everybody today She isn't usually like that. I

A) is being B) is ID) has been being

I8. Since when ... ... our togetherlA) have they gone B) are they going IC) have they been going D) do they go

I" 9. "How is the soupl" "It ,....... good." I

A) is tasting B) has tasted IC) has been tasting D) tastes


10. We usually stay at home in the evenings but today we ............... out with some friends of o*r.lA) will go B) are going IC) have been going D) go

IIII. I ........ such an ugly house. il

A) never saw B) have never seen NC) never see D) never have seen I

12. *Why is she soaked to the skinl" *She......... in rhe rain." IA) has walked B) is walking il

D) has been walking I

13. ....... anything at the weekendl IA) Are you doing B) Will you do IC) Do you do D) Have you been doing I

235 i

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GRnvvRn rrsrs

1 4 . W h e n t h e f i l r n . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' . . . . . . . 1A) is / starting B) is / going to startC) does / start D) has / started

15. We at this hotel until we find a flat.A) stay B) have staYedC) are stayrng D) have been staYing

16. " . . . . . . . . . . you . . your keys againl" 'Not again. I . . . . ' . . . . . . . my keys'"

A) Have / been losing / always loseB) Have llost /am always losingC) Do llose /always loseD) Do I lose lhave always lost

17. Rivaldo .. but the goalkeeper .... his shot.

A) is shooting / saves B) shoots / savesC) is shooting / is saving D) has shot / saves

18. The weather ..... cold.

19. Next month we ...... .... to Singapore'

A) is goingC) turns

A) fiyC) are flying

A) have metC) was meeting

A) was workingC) worked

A) have goneC) had gone

A) did seeC) was seeing

A) movedC) was

B) is growingD) gets

B) will flyD) will flying

B) metD) did meet

B) were workingD) had been working

B) wereD) went

B) seenD) saw

B) had movedD) had been


2 0 . . . . . . . . . . y o u . . . . " . . . , l o n g lA) have / waited B) have / been waiting

, C) are / waiting D) do / wait

Test 2 - past tenses, used to and would

I. The day before yesterday we ... our business Partners'

2. Iack and his wife ...... hard all last week.

3. This summer th.y .. ....... to Holland for their holiday They enjoyed it a lot.

4. My colleagues . .... the windows before they left the office.

A) had closed B) were closingC) had been closing D) were closed

5. Who them drive awayl

6. I haven't been to New York since I to L.A.

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GRRHamR resrs

7.Tilhat ..... you .. when the phone rangfA) were / doing B) was / doingC) did / do D) had / done

8. "Sheila moved into her flat at last." 'Realhl I can't beleve it. How long .. . .. . . .. .... shewith her parents|"

A) were / living B) did / liveC) was / lived D) have / been living

9. What ..... Tom .... all day yesterdaylA) did / doC) was / doing

A) was applyingC) applied

A) had learntC) was learning

A) was paintingC) had painted

18. .. . . . . . . . . smo,ke wheh youA) Used you to / wereC) Did you use to /were

A) use to countC) was used to count

A) used to helpC) had been used to help

B) were travellingD) had been travelling

B) were / doingD) had / done

10. By the time we reached the coast of Africa we ..... ... for twenty days.A) had travelledC) travelled

I I . Howmanypeop le . . . . . . . . . . fo r the job l

12.I . English for five yeirs when I passed the language exam,

B) had appliedD) were applying

B) had been paintingD) painted

r . ' : , . . ! . ' . . . ; . , . ' /OUlger l , , : ''B)'Hadfbu used to / had been ;

, D)'Were you used to / had bpen,

B);W.ould,countD),wpul4 have counted

B:) had u.spd to help.D),was,uqed to help

238' .

B) had been learningD) learnt

13 . One hundred years ago peop le . . . . . . i , . r ; . . . : . . . . . . . . . . . by p lane.A) didn't travel B) wasn't travellingC) hadn't travelled D) hadn't been travelling

14. At this time last month we ... . r. .;...... i ..,. on the beach.A) were lyingC) had been lying

B) were liingD) lay

16. ... you ....... your husbdnd when you heard the shotf i ' ": '

A) Both were f phoning and / pbone is correctB)Onlywne/phoningiscorrect i ; " ' : r "

C) Only did/phoneiJcorrect :. . .

D) None are iorrect. : I ' 1 i.:i 1

17 . When I ; . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . them; they , . . . . . . , , . . , . . ' . r , . : , . ' , . " ; . . . . . ; fo r th ree years . : ' r - f r : : " ; i : ' ,

A) meet / was married B) ,rnet /:'got married ' ',' ,,

C) met / had been being married D),met,7,[xd been married

19. When Uncle Tom was a child, he ....... ..the stars every evening.

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GnRvnrRn rusts

Test 3 - future tenses, firture in the past, to be,to, to be about to, to be due to

l. I 've left the windows open. .. ....... them.A) I'll go and close them B) I go and close.themC) I'm going to close them D) I'm going and I'll close them

2. "What ..... for her birthdayl" "A good book and a bunch of flowers."

4. WeA) are going to B) wouldC) were going to D) should

5. The train is ten minutes late. It arrive at 2 o'clock sharp.

A) will we buyC) would we

3. By next week sheA) will beC) is going to be

A) was about toC) was to

10. By next month JackA) is learning

B) shall we buyD) are we buying

unemployed for two months.B) will have beenD) is

B) wouldD) is due

... Italian for half a year.B) will be learningD) is going to learn

B) is going to run overD) is running over

6. ..... ... anything on Friday eveninglA) Are you doing B) Will You doC) Do you do

- D) Do You Plan to do

7. At this time tomorrow they '..'.. on the train to London.

A) are sitting B) will have been.sittingC) will be sitting D) are going to sit

8. When I'm retired I ......... travel around the world.A) will B) shallC) am to D) am going to

9. The delegation at six.A) is to arrive B) is about to arriveC) will arrive D) would arrive

C) will have been learning

II. My God! That lorry .. .... that cat.

12. Jack ....... his best to pass the exam' He promised.

A) will run overC) will be running over

A) doesC) is going to do

A) is going to getC) gets

A) are seeingC) are going to see

B) will doD) is doing

B) is gettingD) will get

B) will seeD) will have seen


13. I think this football team . ... into the final.

14. We ..... the doctor tomorrow. We've made an appointment'

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Gnauuen rcsts

15. This is the third time I've seen the workers take out tools from the factory I ........... ............. rothe general manager.

A) arn reportingC) am going to report

16. When I get home, my favourite handball team ...... for ten minutes.A) will have been playingC) will be playirtg

A) is going to increaseC) will be increasing

A) is sleepingC) will sleep

A ) i s / i sC) will be / will

B) will reportC) shall report

B) will playD) is playing

B) is increasingD) will increase

B) will have been sleepingD) will be sleeping

B) will be / isD) will be / will be

B) arn lendingD) will lend

B) thoughtD) have thought

B) justD) hasn't already

B) has never metD) hasn't ever met

B) he is beingD) he has been

B) is tastingD) was tasting

B) was increasingD) has increased

B) goneD) had gone


17. Hopefirlly the population in Hungary in the next few years.

18. Don't ring me up at nine because my baby

19. I don't think |ames .... the winner. I bet he

20. O.K. I . . . . . . . . . . . . my car tomorro\rr lA) "rrt going to lendC) will be lending

Test4- tensesmixed

I. I ... . you are wrong.A) am thinkingC) think

2. TomA)c)

arrived home.has justhas yet

3. The poor late Mr Hopkins ...... his children.

4. I don't understand why ......... rude to me. He isn't usuallv like that.

A) had never metC) never met

A) is heC) he is

5. The soup . . . . . . . . . . . . .good.A) smellsC) can smell

A) is increasingC) increased

A) wentC) have gone

6. Fortunately the BUX index ...... in the last few weeks.

7. It was the first and the last rime that I ....... ...... there.

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GnnnavRR rusts

8. Is it the first time that you .... ......this filrnl

9. "It's very cold outside." "All right. I ....... a pullover then."

A) have seenC) had seen

A) am takingC) take

C) worked

13. Sarah ...... you just nowA) has calledC) calls

A) has been improvingC) was improving

A) canC) could

B) sawD) has seen

B) will takeD) .m going to take

B) one month agoD) for last month

D) had been working

B) had calledD) called

B) improvedD) has improved

B) was able toD) have been able to


10. I . .........English from L992 to 1996 then I started to work as an interpreter.A) was teaching B) had been teachingC) taught

lI. Iack and Tom have known each otherA) since the last three monthsC) since last month

D) used to teach

12.By the time I got my degree I ......... as a foreign trade correspondent for three years.A) was working B) have been working

14. I think your English ...... ...... a lot in the last few months.

15. Unfornrnately IA) never saw

... the pyramids.

C) have never seenB) didn't ever seeD) haven't never seen

16. Where ... ) I . . . . . . . . . . .you for three days.A) have you been / haven't seen B) were you / haven't seenC) were you / didn't see D) were you / hadn't seen

L7. By the t ime I . . . . . . . . . from the university, L... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . for twenty years.A) will graduate / am studying B) will graduate / will have been studyingC) will graduate I have been studying D) graduate / will have been studying

18. "Why . . . . . . .1" "L. . . . . on ions."A) are you crying /'ve been peeling B) are you crying /ve peeledC) are you crying / was peeling D) do you cry /'ve been peeling onions

19. The weather is . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . co ld.A) turning B) goingC) growing D) going to flrrn

20. When I . . . . . . . . . . . her we ... . . engaged for two years.A) will marry / will have been B) marry / will have beingC) marry / have been D) marry / will have been

Test 5 - modals

1. Aunt Nancy play the violin well when she was young.

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2. I want to discuss a few things with hirn but I .,. ....reach him for three days.

3. You ....... Terence in Chicago last week because he was in London then.

A) wasn't able toC) can't

A) couldn't meetC) couldn't have met

A) must have missedC) could miss

A) was able to rescueC) could rescue

A) should have toC) can't

A) mustn't have been sleepingC) can't have been sleeping

A) must be givingB) could give

A) areC) should

B) couldn'tD) haven't been able to

B) weren't able to meetD) can't have met

B) might as wellD) have to

B) must'missD) mustn't have missed

4. We dont needto,go by car. We ... . ; . . . . . . . wxlk.A) may walkC) must as well

5. Jack was not on the train. He . . . . . . . . . . . i t .

6. Somebody is knocking at the door I t . . . . ; . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , .Tom.A) has to beC) is likely

B) should beD) could be

B) dared vou toD) could you dared



J7. How ...... go into that housef There was a big dog lying in the doorway

A) did you dare toC) could you dare

8. It is interesting that you ... . . . . ' . . , . . . . . . . . . . .here.A) only be is rigfit.B) both be and should be are rigltt.C) only shwld. be is right.D) None of them are right.

9. They .... the girl who fell into the sea.

10. I went to the cinema but there was no film on. L....... ..... there .A) didnt hav,e to goC) I negdn't have gone

II. You

B) w"ere able to rescueD) could have rescue

B) have toD) must'

B) can't have.sleptD),can't be sleeping

,, . C) must giveD) can give

B) beD) was

B) I shopldn't go,D) I cant have gone,, ,i

12. |ason .....then. He told me that he was working in his office at that time.

13.'What is this noisel" "Our neighbours upstairs ...... ..... a Party again."

14. They insist that everybody

15. They suggested that we by-p1ane. :A) would go B) to go ,C) went D) shoul,d have gone


j - : , r ' j i l

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GnavvnR rusts

16. I'm sitting here doing nothing while I for my exarn.A) should prepare B) should be preparingC) should have prepared D) should be prepared

17. The roads are wet. It ... rained.A) must have B) might haveC) may have D) must be

18. Can't you see the notef You ... smoke here.

I9.Yesterday I ........ school so I could stay in bed until ten. It was 15th March.A) mustn't goC) needn't have gone

B) needn't to goD) didn't have to go

20. When my children grow up, th.y .. ...... do what they like.

A) mustn'tC) don't have to

A) will be allowed toC) were allowed to

A) could haveC) would have

2. I wish .... raining.A) it wouid stopC) it would have stopped

3. We had be t te r , . . . . . . . . . . . h im.A) not to disturbC) didn't disturb

A) didn't goC) hadn't gone

5. It's time . nowA) leavingC) left

A) she wouldn't complainC) she complained

B) shouldn'tD) don't allow to

B) will allow toD) allow to

B) shouldn't haveD) wouldn't have

B) it wouldn't stopD) it stopped

B) not disturbD) wouldn't disturb

B) won't goD) not go

B) to leaveD) we leave

B) she would complainD) she didn't complain

B) If you had met herD) Should you meet her

Test 6 - conditionals, wish, had betteL would rather, it's time...

l. If you had got up earlier, you ...... missed the flight.

4. They would rather ... home late.

6. ....... ....... we wouldn't have reached our destination in time.A) If it were for the car B) If it had been for the carC) If we hadn't been for the car D) But for the car

7. We wish ... about everything all the time.

8. . . . . . . . . . . . . , remind her to give me a r ing.A) If you would meet herC) Should vou have met her

9. I would rather ...... to bed nowA) not to go B) wentC) didn't go D) go


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GReuHann resrs

10. .......... they would be playing tennis nowA) If it hadn't been for the good weatherB) If it were for the bad weatherC) If it weren't for the good weatherD) If it weren't for the bad weather

Il. Would you rather I ............. to university after the secondary grammar schooll

12. If they really... . .. you to go home barefoot in such cold weather, they were indeed cruel.

A) goC) went

A) wantC) should want

1 3 . I w i s h . . . . . . . . . . . . . y o u .A) I wouldn't have metC) I hadn't met

A) ifC) in case

A) in caseC) as long

A) if onlyC) even if

A) unlessC) in case

A) as long asC) unless

20. It's time the childrenA) wentC) to go

B) would goD) will go

B) would wantD) wanted

B) wouldn't meetD) didn't meet

B) providedD) as long as

B) providedD) on that condition

B) even thoughD) only

B) providedD) on condition that

14. You'd better ...... seated.A) to remain B) remainedC) would remain D) remain

15. It isn't raining now but I'll take an umbrella with me it rains later.

16. I'll lend you some money ...... you don't spend it on gambling.

17. She won't marry you ......... you buy her everything she wants.

18. You will miss the bus ...... you take a taxi.

19. You'll be able to recover from this illness ....... you take our advice.B) so longD) even though

B) would goD) had gone

about her work.B) to be askD) being asked

Test 7 - passive, causative

L She doesn't likeA) be askedC) be asking

2. People say that he was a criminal. This sentence means the same as:A) He is said to be a criminalB) He was told to be a criminalC) He is said to have been a criminaiD) He is told to be a criminal


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Gnnvvnn resrs

3. I won't have them smoking here. This sentence means the same as:A) I'll let them smoke here. B) I won't let them smoke here.C) I won't offer them to smoke here. D) I can't stand their smoking here.

4. If you can't keep quiet the police will question everybody This sentence means the same as:A) You'll have the police question everybodyB) You'll have the police questioning everybodyC) You'll make the police question everybodyD) You'll have everybody questioned by ttre police.

5. These letters ...... from five ro seven.A) was being printed B) were printedC) were being printed D) have been printed

6. If the police find Jack,

7. This medicine has some side-effects too. It can also ............ diz,zv.A) get you feel B) have you feelingC) get you to feel D) make you feel

8. "I don't understand this sentence." "Why don't you ...... it| Her English is really good."A) get your secretary translating

' B) have your secrerary uanslate

C) make your secretary translate D) get your secrerary translated

9. Before we moved into the flat, weA) had the plumber repair the taps B) had had the taps repaired by the plumberC) got the plumber to repair the taps D) made the plumber to repair the taps

I0. Tim ... open his suitcase.

13. A book .... her for her birthdavA) had been given toC) will be given to

A) he would be arrestedC) he will be arrested

A) was made toC) was forced

A) Did you allow toC) Have you been allowed

A) get her workC) get her to work

A) would be electedC) will be elected

B) he should be arrestedD) he is being arested

B) was got toD) was got

B) Were you allowed toD) Were you allowed

B) make her to workD) have her work

B) was givenD) has been given

B) shall be electedD) is going to be elected


l l. ......... enter the ofiice without my permission)

12. Unfornrnately we couldn't ...... with us.

14. She got her purse stolen. This sentence means that:A) Her purse was stolen without her noticing it.B) Her purse was stolen and she knew who had done it.C) She had her purse stolen by someone on purpose.D) She had a purse which was stolen.

15. I don't think this parry........ again.

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GRRHavRn rrsrs

16. "Since when ... ...... l" "For two years. They will soon finish it."A) had this theaue been built B) was this theatre builtC) was this theatre being built D) has this theatre been built

17. "How long ..... ........1" "For five months. They finished it last week."A) has the motorway been repaired B) has the motorway been being repairedC) was the motorway being repaired D) is the motorway repaired

18. "Your house looks nice." "Yes, . . . . . . . . . . . . . "A) I had had it painted B) I got it painted.C) I have had it painted D) I had got it painted

19. They wouldn't have done anything lil<e that before. I'm sure that somebody forced them. Who

;i -J; ,t,.-;"tt;" B) had them to doB) get them done C) made them do

20. We didn't let anybody in. This sentence means tfre same as:A) Nobody was allowed to enter.B) We didn't allow anybody enter.C) We didn't allow to enter.D) We weren't allowed to enter.

TestS- repor tedspeech

I. He says that he ..... late and we can start the meeting without hirn.A) will be B) would beC) would be D) was

2 . W h a r d i d h e t h i n k . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . )A) we would do B) will doC; ao D) are doing

3. They said that Tom . .. TV when th.y .. home.A) will be watching f arrive B) was watching f arrledC) was watching / had arrived D) had been watching / had arrived

4. He admiaed that he .... our monelzA) has stolen B) was stolenC) had stolen D) stole

5. She said she was leavingA) two days later B) two days afterC) in two days' D) in two days'time

6. He said that we ... by bus.A) may as well go B) might as well goC) may as well have gone D) might as well have gone.

7. Whv did vou believe that L..A) am'leaving B) will leaveC) want to leave D) would leave

8. He hesitated whether . . at home or . . . . . . . . . . . . . out.A) would stay / would go B) should stay / to goC) to stay / should go D) to stay / go


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9. He said when he . . . . . . . . younger, he . . . . . . . . . . . . . dance wel l .

I0. My sister says she ... ...... rwo letters since she .. down to work.

A) had been / had been able toC) was / could

B) was / had been able toD) was / was able to

B) has written / satD) has wrinen / had sat

to wait for them at the station.B) toldD) insisted

B) would have liked toD) will want to

B) that you should stayD) dlat you to stay

B) had likedD) has liked

B) having boughtD) to have bought


A) had written / satC) had written / had sat

l l . We were . . .A) saidC) suggested

12. Anna asked why I had had to go to New York the day before. The original sentence was:A) Why do you have to go to New York tomorrow|B) Why did you have to go to New York yesterdaylC) Why did you have to go to New York two days beforelD) VVhy did you have to go to New York the day before yesterdayl

13. Sheila asked whether we ...... ...... go to the cinema that night.

14. Who suggested you .. .. away from workl

A) want toC) would like to

A) to stayB) staying

A) likesC) liked

20. He boasted that heA) had bought a flat the following week.B) buys a flar next week.C) would buy a flat the week afterD) would buy a flat the following week.

15. Did you move to this town two years agol In reported speech:A) He asked if I moved to that rown rwo years before.B) He asked if I had moved to that to*n the year before.C) He asked if I had moved to this town rwo years before.D) He asked if I had moved to that town two years before.

16. She said if she me, she wouldn't buy that flat.A) had been B) wereC) would be D) should be

17. He offered . me but I refused his help.A) whether to help B) to helpC) that he should help D) helping

lB. She complained that she all her moneyA) has lost B) lostC) had lost D) loses

19. Your brother said drat he ....... ... iazz music.

Test 9 - gerund, infinitive, participle

I. We could afficrd ..... a new car.A) buyingC) to buy

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2.He was the f i rs t . . . . . and the las t . . . . . . . . . .A) who arrived / leftC) arriving / leaving

3. First he spoke about the past then he ' about the future'

A) went on to speak B) goes on speaking

C) went on speak D) went on sPeaking

4. ,.Who saw fhe burglars in through the window)" "Tim did. He saw everything."

A) climbedC) to climb

A) difficulties to speakC) difiiculry to speak

A) saying / hurtingC) saying / to hurt

A) inC) at

I I . You seem . . . . . . . . . . . . .pa le.A) to beC) being

B) to arrive / to leaveD) to arrive / leaving

B) climbingD) climb

B) difficulty in speakingD) difficulty speaking

B) saying / to have hurtD) to say / to hurt

B) toD ) -

B) beD) to have been

5. Having read the newsPaPer he switched on the TV This sentence means that:

A) He was watching TV while reading the newspaperB) He switched on the TV after he had read the newsPaPer'

c) After he had switched on the TV he started to read the newspaper

D) Before reading the newspaper he switched on the TV

6. I have German.

7.We apologised being so rude to her.A) her for B) to her forC) for her D) her to

8. I regret ..... what I said. I didn't mean ... .'.' you.

9. The issues to be discussed are very important. This sentence means that:A) The issues that should be discussed are very important'B) The issues that have been discussed are very important'C) The issues that are being discussed are very important.D) The issues being discussed are very important.

I0. There is no point .............arguing with her.

12. It is thought that his house was broken into. This sentence means the same as:

A) His house was thought to be broken into.B) His house is thought to have been broken into.C) His house was thought to have been broken into.D) His house is thought to be broken into.

13. .......... . the flat, we found a letter on the floor.A) After enteringB) While enteringC) On enteringD) Entering


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Gnevvan rrsrs

14. She doesn't like ..... .while working.A) disturbingC) being disturbed

A) movingC) move

A) usedC) have got used

A) only'what'C) only'which'

A) only'rC) only'which'

A) , who lives in TorontoC) that lives in Toronto

B) to disturbD) to be disturbing

B)to moveD) to have moved

B) have been usedD) get used

B) only'that'D) that / -

B) only'what'D) that / -

B) - lives in TorontoD) , that lives in Toronto


15. We uied ........ that stove but we couldn't.

16. ...... .... learning hard, he failed the exam.A) In spite B) AlthoughC) Even if D) Despite

17. She needs looking after. This sentence means rhar:A) She needs to look after somebody B) She needs someone to look after.C) She needs being looked after. D) She needs to be looked after.

18. Having been dismissed he couldn't support his family This sentence means that:A) After dismissing, he couldn't s,rpport his familyB) Before he was dismissed he couldn't supporr his familyC) He couldn't support his family so he was dismissed.D) After he had been dismissed he couldnlt support his family

19. Have you ever tried ...... a car at 220 kphf I have. It is terrific.A) to drive B) drivingC) having driven D) to have driven

20. Gening up early is not a problem for me . I . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . to i t .

Test 10 - relative clauses, purpose clauses

I. Have you met the girl ...... your brother is sitting next tolA) only 'that

/ who' B) only Vhich / who'C) - /who/wh ich D) - / tha t /who

2. This is the most exciting filrn ......... ... I've ever seen.

3. Can you see that house are very beautiftrl)A), the windows of which, B), whose windows,C) whose windows (no commas) D) the windows of which (no commas)

4. The only thing ...... you can do is sit and wait.

5. Brian, ., is very handsome.A) who I've already told you about B) I've already told you aboutC) who I've already told you D) that I've already told you

6. I've got four sisters. Ticmorrow I'm going to see my sister

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7. Our teacher I gave a bunch of flowers yesterday had an accident.

8. We moved around in the flat on tiptoe ... wake up the children.

I0. This is the place .... I met Sue last week.A) only 'where' B) only'that'C) only'-' D) - / where

1I. I was wearing a mask . recognise me.

A) , whoC) , to whom

A) in order that we can'tC) lest we should

A) that was very irritatingC) what was very irritating

A) so drat nobody canC) so drat nobody will

L2. ..... he says is interesting.A) The thing whatC) What

A) only', for which'C) only'why'

A) toC) so that I can

A) , who are sleeping norqC) drat are sleeping now

B) thatD) for whom

B) so that we won'tD) not to

B) which was very irritatingD) , which was very irritating

B) so that nobody shouldD) so that nobody would

B) The thing, whichD) The thing, what

B) only', why'D) why/ -

B) to be able toD) so that he could

B) so that I willD) so that I would

B) , who are sleeping nowD) who are sleeping now


9. Everybody was surprised at his behaviour

13. This is the reason ........ you have to forgive them.

14. I gave him this book .. read it too.A) so that he canC) in order to

15. We had a burglar alarm installed ..... be broken into.A) for fear that the house should B) lest the house shouldC) in order the house not to be D) so that the house won't be

16. I'll set the aiarm clock . wake up early in the morning.

17. Dr Watson . all of us have read, will give a lecture on a new phenomenon.A) the book of whose B) whose bookC) , whose book D) the book of whom

18. My flat... is very coslzA) that's in the centre B) which is in the centreC) , which is in the centre, D) what's in the centre

19. Can you see that man in a black hatf This sentence means the same as:A) Can you see that man, who is wearing a black hatlB) Can you see that man, which is wearing a black hat)C) Can you see that man who is wearing a black hat)D) Can you see that man, that is wearing a black hatl

20. My children are very naughty




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Gnnvven tests

Test 11 - inversion, cleft sentences, embedded questions

I. No sooner had we arrived home .. it started to rain.

2. He deceived you. Make the underlined part emphatic.A) It was he who deceived you.B) It's he who deceives you.C) It was him who deceived you,D) It's him who deceives you.

3 . How long d id she say . . . . . . . . . . . . . IA) had they been working togetherB) they have been working togetherC) were they working togetherD) they had been working together

4. 'Jack was late." "

A) thenC) when

A) So was Tina.C) Neidrer was Tina.

A ) -C) why

10. It 's . . . . . . . who needs help.A) IC) him

B) thanD) as


*, Nor was Tina.D) Such was Tina.

B) whichD) what

5. We could write the test-paper only by using a cheat-sheet. This sentence means the same as:A) By only using a cheat-sheet could we write the test-paper.B) Only by using a cheat-sheet we could write the test-paper.C) By only using a cheat-sheet we could write the test-paper.D) Only by using a cheat-sheet could we write the test-paper.

6. I'm sure it was David who Jack was phoning. This sentence means the same as:A) It might be David who /ack was phoning.B) It may have been David who jack was phoning.C) It could have been David who Jack was phoning.D) It must have been David who ]ack was phoning.

7. Should you see a ghost, what would you dof This sentence is the same as:A) Provided you should see a ghost, what would you do.B) What if you saw a ghostfC) As long as you saw a ghost, what would you dolD) If you happened to see a ghost, what would you dol

8. What did you believel Who is hefA) What did vou believe he wasfB) What did i'ou believe was helC) Who did vou believe he wasfD) Who did you believe was hef

9. That's ... I don't iike about hirn.

B) meD) her

11. What does she thinkf How long have you known melA) What does she think how long you have known mefB) How long she thinks have you known mefC) How long does she think you had known melD) How long does she think you have known mel


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GnavvnR rgsrs

12. I went to universiwA) as my sister did B) so did my sisterC) so my sister did D) as did my sister

13. ... ...... the waves that the boat overnrrned.A) So were B) Such big wereC) Were so big D) Such were

14. What Greg did was ..... . the door.A) that he open B) openedC) open D) to open

15. I really understood everything!A) I do understood everything B) I did understood everythingC) I do understand everything. D) I did understand everything.

t6. I knew who the murderer was right at the beginning of the f'lrn.A) at the most beginning of the filmB) when the film had not startedC) at the very beginning of the filmD) at the beginning of the very film

L7. A) It were ]ack and )ill who met the witch in the forest.B) They were Jack and Jill who met the witch in the forestC) It are Jack and Jill who met the witch in the forest.D) It was Jack and Jill who met the witch in the forest.


18. ThaCs allA) can I doC) what I can do

19. All you can do is ....A) runC) running

20. Hardly had we left the building it started to rain.A) thanC) when

C) The forints are

2 . W e w e n t . . . . . . . .A) in the hospitalC) in hospital

3. You'd better stay at home,

D) The forint is

to visit our grandmother.B) to the hospitalD) to hospital

B) what can I do.D) I can do.

B) to runD) that run

B) thenD) that

D) the rich / the poor


Test 12 - question tags, articles

l. ...... .... the currency of HungaryA) Forints are B) Forint is

A) didn't youC) hadn't you

4. .. . . . . . . . . . . l ike pop-music.A) The most peopleC) Most people

B) wouldn't youD) had youf

B) The most of peopleD) Most of the people

5. There is a b ig gap between . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . I ldA) the rich-men / the poor men B) rich / poorC) the rich / poor

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GRRVtr,len rrsrs

6 . Have you eve r been . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1A) in the Cznch Republic B) to Czech RepublicC) in Czech Republic D) to the Czech Republic

7. Have you met . . . . . . . . . f

8. . . . . . . . . . . . . can be found in North America.A) RockiesC) The Rockies

A) the BrownsC) the Browns'

A) won't weC) shall we

A) itC) she

A) Elite and the SunC) Sun and Elite

B) the Brown'sD) Browns

B) Rocky MountainD) Rocky Mountains

B) shan't weD) will we

B) heD) they

B) the Sun and the EliteD) Sun and the Elite

B) won't youD) shan't youl

B) Lake GardaD) River Tisza

B) by red carD) in red car

B) in such lovely weatherD) in so a lovely weather

B) - / t heD) the / the


9. . . . . . . . . . . . . Danube f lows in to . . . . . . . . . B lack Sea.A) the / the B) the / -C ) - / t h e D ) - / -

I0 . Le t ' s go to the c inema, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1

Il. Somebody knocked at the dooq didn't ........f

12. "I read neither magazines nor newspapers." "I do. I read ...... and

13. When I was in America I saw ............... White House but I didn't see ............... Kennedy Airport.A) - / the B) the / thec ) - t - D ) t h e / -

14. Do you like cats or do you prefer ........... dogsfA ) t h e / t h e B ) - / -C ) - / t h e B ) t h e / -

15. Stop quarrelling,A) shall youC) will you

16. We spent our holidays at ...... last year.A) the Lake BdatonC) Red Sea

oKlL7.We will goA) by the red carC) in the red car

A ) - l -C) the / -

18. Why don ' t we go fo r a wa lk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . )A) in such a lovely weatherB) in so lovely weather

19. . . . . . . . . . we gq . . . . . . we get rhere.A) The fastest / the earliest B) Faster / earlierC) Fast / soon D) The faster / the sooner

20. .. . . . . . . . . . . FBI is searching for a bank robber in... . . . . . . . . . Sahara Desert.

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I traael abroad' once A' mnnth.I rarely waryel abrond..I dnn't often tvaryel abroad..Who naryels abroad. a ht? jWl,to dnesn't travel abroad' mery year? IWho dn yow usually waarcl abroad.with? IWhy dnes he tvaoel abroad, so often? iThey are travelling abrond now. IW are naaelling abroad' next weeh. IW uswalty Eend' oar hokd'ay in the horne cowntry bwt Ithis year we A,re naoelling abroad'. IIru so lonely. futy husband. is always / |constantly / forarcr nauelling abroad'. IThe nwrnber of people who travel abroad' is increasing. IcWhat are you domg these d.ays?" I"Nothing special. I'rn nawlling here and' there. II can nfford' it now." I

Last year they tranelled. abrond" I' T.vo ogo wo trapelled. obroad'. IWhy' you tvapel abroad'? |This time yesterd'ay he was ,Tamlkng IW wwe *avelling from' rnorning till night' IWhen / Wilewe were nawlling to Rorne Iwe had. an occidrnt. IWhile we were tra'velling, we wtre taking abrut the school. IW were *a;velling all last night. I"Were Me your pannts?" '"They ha;pe naryelled abroad.," fHaue you oper nanelled' on a hwercraft? IHaae they ,va;ttelled' hune yet? |They hanen't *aryelled. horu'e yet. IThey ha:te nlrend,y travelled' home. IW have *aryelled by plane several times f wire. IThis is the second' time that I have travelled. by plane. IHe has tra:rtelled' nbroad this weeh. IW haarc tra'ttelled six hwnd'red' hilometres so far IW harye traryelled' a lnt in the last few months' ISince when / How hng haoe you been nanelling? IW hape been namlling for three hours f tince noon' IHw hng did. yoa tra:vel f were you traoelling? flM trdilelled f were trattelling for three hours. I'#:H;:!f*' I hnPe been wawttins

IW ha;pe been nauelling all d'ay long. IBefore we glt there, we hnd, na,velled' Ithree hund'red' hilomewes. I

,W';'::naryeted I


Tenses - lgeid6k

Egyszer egy h6napban utazom kiilfoldre.Ritkdn ut^zom kiilfoldre.Nem utazom gyakran kiilfoldre.Ki utazik sokat kiilfoldre?Ki nem utazik ki.ilfoldre minden dvbenlAltaldban kivel utazol ki.ilfotdre)Midrt utazik kiilfoldre olyan gyakranfMost dpp ktilfbldre utaznak.

Jov6 hdten kiilfol&e utazunk.Altaldban itthon toltjtik a szabadsdgunkat,de azid1n kiilfoldre maginyos vagyok.A f6rjem folyton ktiLlfoldre utazik.A ki.ilfoldre utaz6 emberek szdma novekszik.

,,Ndit csindlsz mostandban | ",,Semmi Kilonoset.Ide-oda utazgatok. Most miirmegengedhetem magamnak. "

Thvaly kiilfoldre utaztak.Kit dwel ezel6tt kiilftildre utaztunk.Midrt utaztatok kiilfoldrelTegnap ilyenkor mdr utazott.Reggelt6l estig utaztunk.Amikor/ Mikozben R6mdba utaztunk'baleset irt benni.inket.Mialatt utaztunk, az iskoldr6l eglsz €jjel utaztunk.

,,I{ol vannak a sziiieidl" ,,Kiilfoldre utaztak."IJ taztitl, mdr valaha ldgpdrnds haj6n IHazautaztak mdr)Mdg nem utaztak haza.Miir hazautaztak.Mdr tobbsz or I kitszrr utazffnk repiil6gdppel'Ez a mdsodik alkalom, hogy repiil6vel utazom.Ezen a hiten ktilfoldre utazott.Eddig mir hatszdz kilomitert utaztunk.Az ut6bbi pdr h6napban sokat utaztunk.Mi6ta utaztok mdrlHdrom 6rija lddl6ta utazunk.Mennyi ideig utaztatoklHdrom 6rin irt utaztunk.Nagyon kimeriilt vagyok.Mdr vagy egy napja utazom.Bg6sz nap csak utazunk.Miel6tt odairtiink, hirromszinkilomdtert ut^ztunk.Ez volt a mdsodik alkalom, hogy repi.il6velutaztunk.Mdr kdt 6rrija utaztunk, amikordefektet kapnrnk.Hogyan utazzunk oda)


Page 252: Németh Katalin - Angol nyelvtan

Arucor NYELVTAN pEloevoruoRroKBAN

Nem tudom. En azt hiszem.vonattal fogok utazni.,$ gyerekiink megbetegeden.","Akkor arcnnal hazautaz,om."FIa te hazautaznl,6n itt maradok.Amikor hazautazoL, ne felejtsd elmagaddal vinni a dokumentumokat!Holnap ilyenkor m:ir utazni fogunk.Holnap egdsz nap utazni fogonk.Holnapra hi.romezer kilomdtert tesziink meg.

Ma estdre mir tiz 6rijalesz, hogy utazunk.A nyrir vigin szdnddkomban rillelutazni valahovd.Nizd azokat a b6rondoket a szomszidajtajriban! El fognak urazni valahovd.Ugy volt, hogy pinteken utazunk ktilfoldre,de elhalasztottuk.Valaha sokat utaztam.Nagyap6 valaha g6zmozdonnyal utazott.Ugy van, hogy kedden utaznak haza.Ugy volt, hogy kedden utaznak haza.Epp haza akartak vtazri, amikor kaptakmig egy fontos megbizatrist.Hdwdgdn kell hazautazniuk


Ability - K6pess69

Most tud aludni.Mostandban nem tud aludni.Amikor gyerek voltam, di.lig tudtam aludni.Bdr nagy voltazaj, a gyerekekneksikeriilt elaludniuk.Mi viszont nem rudrunk elaludniekkora zajban.

Probability - Val6szinfis6gPossibility - Lehet6s6g

Olyan f;iradt vagyok. ftdndk most aludni.Most aludhatndk, mert senki nem zavar.Olyan fiiradt voham, hogy dllva eltudtam volna aludni.Ejjel megint dolgoznom kellett.Nem volt gond, amfigy sem tudtamvolna aludni.Alhattam volna, de nem akartam.Otthon alhatotr, mert ^z dgya nemvolt bevetve.O nem alhatott otthon, mert nemvette fel a telefont.Biztosan el fog aludni az el6adds alan.Most biztosan alszik.Biztosan elaludt.

I dnn't hnow. I thinh I'll waoel hy train.

"Our child. hasgot ill.""Then I will trwel home navel horue, I will ony here.When you tra;yel home dnn'tforgetto td.h.e the dncnwents with you.This tirne tnrnowow we will be tra;velkng.W will be traanlling ell df,y tomarrnw.W will harye trapelled, three thousand.hihmctres by tomoww.By tonight we will hape been traanlkng for ten hours.At the end, of the sarnmer I'rngoingto trwel sornewhere.Looh at those in the neighbou* dnuway.Tbey aregoing to tyavel som.ewhere.W weregoing to tratel abroad.on Frid.ay but we put it ofrI used. to tTa.rel n would. travel by *earn engine.They are to tTnpel home on Tuad.ay.Thiy were tu napel horne on Trttioy.They were about to trayel hom.e whentb ey got anoth er impt ortant as signm.ent.They d.ue to traryel home,at the weehend..

He can sleep naw.He't been able to sleep recently.Wen I was n child.I could. sleep until naon.Althougb there wa.s ruuch noisethe children were able to fall'd^sleep.Howcper we werentt able to / could.nttfall asleep in such noise.

I'rn so tired.. I could. sleep nmtI could, sleep now becnuse nobody is diswrbing me.f wns so tired, that I could, haoefallen a,sleep while stand,ing.I had to wmh at night again.It wasn't a ltroblemI cowld.n't ha:rte slept enyway.I could haoe slept but I d,idn't wa,lrt to.He cowld, hane slEt at honebecaase his bed wasn't mad.e.He coild.n't braae slept at hon qbecause he did.n't anstater the phune.He rnustfall asleep d.aring the lecture.He rnust be deeping now.I{e rnwst have fallen asleep.


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Biztosan mdr 6rrik 6ta alszik.Akkor biztosan 6pp aludt.Biztos, hogy nem fog elaludni az el6ad{s alatt.Most biztosan nem alszik.Biztos, hogy nem alszik rdg6ta.Biztos, hogy akkor ipp nem aludt.Val6szhri, hogy elalszik az el6adds alatt.Nem val6szinii, hogy elalszik az el6adds alatt.Val6szinri, hogy most 6pp alszik.Nem val6szinri, hogy ipp alszik.Val6szinri, hogy akkor elaludt.Nem val6szinri, hogy akkor elaludt.Val6szinfi, hogy mrir 6rdk 6ta alszik.Nem val6szin(, hogy 6rdk 6ta alszik.Val6szhri, hogy akkor ipp aludt.Nem val6szfnri, hogy akkor 6ppen dudt.Val6szrnri, hogy el fognak aludni reggel.Nem nagyon val6szinri, hogy elalszanakreggel. Berillitottdk az €breszt66rit.Ali:ir el is alhatnak. Nem maradnak le semmir6l.

Permission - Enged6ly

Alhatok a kanapdjrinf

$hatok a kanapidon|O nem alhat a bardtn6jdvel, amikor aszi.ileinil vannak.Neked nem fogjrik megengedni, hogyegy szobdban aludjdl vele.Mdr hetek 6ta nem engedik meg, hogy aszobrijriban aludjak.Te megengeded, hogy a Linyod egy szobribanaludjon a bardtjrivallTe hagyod" hogy a gyerekeid abarritaiknril aludj anak|

Obligation - Koteless6g

Trilhajszoltad magad. Aludnod kell.Holnap reggel nem alhatok tn 6riig.El kell6rnem a vonatot.Vezetds kozben nem szabad elaludnod.A prilyaudvarokon tilos aludni.Sziiksigem van egy kis alvdsra.

Nem kell aludnom.

SziiksCgem volt egy kis alvdsra.Nem kellett aludnom.Nem lett volna sztiksdges drdga szdllodaiszobdban aludnom, mert volt m6g helya didkszdll6ban is.

He must hape been sleeping for hours.He mast harye been sleEing then.He can'tfall a,sleep d.aring the lecutre.He can't be sleEing now.He can't ha:rte been sleeping for a hng tirne.He cnn't hape been sleeping then.He rna.y / rnight fall ashep during the lectare.He rnay / might nntfd'll asleep during the lectare.He may / rnight be sleeping now.He rna.y / might nnt be sleeping now.He may / might haoe fallen ashep then.He rnay / rnight not ha've fallen asleE tben.He rnay / might have been sleEing for hours.He may / rnight nnt haile been sleEing for hours.He rnay / might ham been sleeping then.He rnay / rnight nlt hdile been sleeping then.They are lihely to wersleep in the moming.They are not l)try lihely to wersleE inthe moming.Thty hatve set the alarm. clnch.rury *bht/ ,r,ol a,s well wenlnE. They wont ni$ arrydtng'

May I sleE on your sofo?Can I deep on your sofa?He rnay not sleE with hisgirlfiend'when thry Me ot her parents' won't be allnwed' to sleep inone rooln with hnI haven't been all.awed' to sleE in hn roomfor weehs.

Do yoa alhw your daaghter to sleePin one roorn with her boyfti'end'?Do you let yoar child,ren sleep at their friends'?

fruhe been rnust sleep.I cantt deep till ten o'chch tnrltorrow.I will harye to catch the tvain."Iiu rnustn't foll wleE while driti'ng.lhu mustn't sleep at the std'tionts,I need, toget sorne sleE. mI needget sowe sleE.I dndt need. to sleep.I need.n't sleep.I needed. mget some sleE.I didn't need to sleE.I needn't ha've slept in an expewivehotel room, because there was apil,cancy in the studant hostel too.

Advice and moral obligation - Tan6cs, erkolcsi koteless6g

Tcibbet kellene aludnod.A professzor el6adrisdn nem kdne elaludnod.Legalibbis in nem tenn6m ezt.

ftu ought to / should. sleep more.fra oughtn't n / shouldn'tfnll dsleep in theprofesor\ lecuue. At least I shouWn't dn this,


Page 254: Németh Katalin - Angol nyelvtan

Arucol NyELVTAN pFLoeH4ot{ontorenNl

Ejjel kellett volna aludnod.Nem kellett volna reggel elaludnod.Be kellett volna dllitanod az 6breszt66rft.

Subjunctive - Kot6m6d

'ku oaght m have / shoald. haw slept at night.

hu oughtn't to haw / shmld.n't ha,pe the moming.'hu ought to ha;ve / should. harye set thealarm cloch.

, Ragaszkodotthoz'26., hogy nriluk aludjak. He insisted that I steep / showld. sleep at their howse.i Az orvos azt javasolta, hogy szedjek altat6t. The d.octor sagested.ihat I tahe / iooh / should. tahei _ ttuping pitk.

I Fontos, hogy most aludjdl. h'; i*pirtant that you steep / shoutd. slee7t now,

I Oare - Mer; mer6szelI!t

! sotetuen nem merrem elaludni, amikor I d.idn't d, to / d.ared, notfail a.steep

I meg gyerek volram. in the d.arh wben I was a child,I Hggy mgrsz igy viselkednil How d.are you behove tihe this?I Val6szrnf, hogy "l*tritj"L a bajnoksrigot. I d,a.resay ihat we will hse the championship.J "N.* dn vagyok a hibds.",,Elhiszem, de el6bb "r'm not atfault." ,,1 daresay, bwtfwst

I mutassa a jogosiwdnydt." show me yoir driri"g licenci.l'

IJPolite requests and offers - udvarias k6r6s, felajanrdsII

I Lehalkftandtok a tiv6t| Nem tudok aludni. Cowld, yow / Wutd you / Wll you tum1 dnwn the TW I can't sleept.I Alhatndk nilatok) Coald.I / May I steE at your plan?I y"ia in alszom a gyerekekkel I witt steep w[th tbe iun*rto.


J Szeremdl itt aludni) Wutd. yow lihe to sleep here?II

JHad better / would rather / tt's (high) time - Jobban tenn6 / Inkdbb I ltl az ideje...II I.P_b* tennim, ha lefekiidn6k. I had. bettergo to bed..I I.Pl+ tenndm, ha most nem feki.idndk le. I had. bener-nutgr t0 bed. now.I Irk4PP most lefekiidnik. I would rather jo n bed now.I l$dbP T.9:t l:m fektidnik le. I woutd. rather-notgo to bed. now.I Most inkdbb lefekiidndk, mint tdvdt n6zzek. I wowld. rothergr io bed. now than watch TVI Az szeretnim, ha most inldbb lefekiidndtek. I would rather-you went t0 bed, nowl y tTt:TdT, ha most inkdbb nem felitidndtek le. I would, rather you'tgo to bed. now.J I" az ideje, hogy lefeki.idjiink. It\ tim.e to go io bed.

J I" az ideie, hogy a gyerekek lefektidjenek . It's time foi the to go to bed..

I It\ tirne the went to bed.I regfbbb ideje, hogy lefeKidjetek . rt's about time yoa went to bed.t lt's high tirne you went to bed..Iponditional / l wish... - Felt6teles m6d / Biircsak...II Ir megiro{ a levelet, feladom. If yow write the lettery I wilt pox it.[ 11" megirndd a levelet, feladnrim. ifioa wrnte the letteri I woitd. post it.I 5l megirtad volna a levelet, feladtam volna. ifyo;u had.writtm tie tenet; I'woutd. haw posted. it.I

Feladnrim most a leveldt, ha lcorribban i woutd. poo his lener now if he had, writtin it earlin.I megffia voha.

I Megi"om a l1r9le5 feltdve, ha feladod. I witt write the tetter prwidcd. / yoa pust it.

J Nem fogom feladni a levelit, hacsak I won't post his httninhss he' ishs rne to.J -"9 nem kir rd.

J Meghfvlak egy kiivdra, amennyiben feladod I witt iwite you fir a cffie as long as

J neKem ezr a tevelet. loa pIst this hnerfor me.

Il zstIl


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Tegyiik fel, hogy megirom neki ezt a levelet, Swpponyg / Suppose I write tbis letter to hirn,

hogyan fog reagdlnil how will he react?

AkIo, ,"rri irof.r"ki levelet, ha megsdrt6dik. I won't write n lettn to hhn wen if he gets offend'ed'.

Ha a helyedben lennik, irndk neki levelet. If I were yow, ̂I wowld' write a letter to him-

Ha nem ienne meg a levil, nem tudndnk If it weren't for / Bwt for the letteq

bebizonyitani, hogy igazunk van. we cowldn't Trove that we ate right.

Ha nern lett volni meg a levdl, nem tudtuk If it bafut''t been for / But for the letter

volna bebizonyitani, h-ogy igazunk van. we cowldn't hane prwed, thal ye were right. .Ha telefondlhatn,itok, nlm [elene If you could, phone, you would'n't have to write a letter

levelet irnotok.Ha telefonrilhattatok volna. nem kellett Ifyoa had' been nble to Phone,volna levelet ftnotok. you wowld'n't hnve had, to write o lettet

Arra azesetre, ha nem drem utol telefonon, In case I dnn't reach hirn on the ph2ne,

frok neki levelet. I will write hirn a letter

Ha nem drem utol telefonon, frok neki levelet. If I d.on't reach him an tbe phone, I will write hfun a lexer lHa esetreg megdrkezne a levele, drtesits! ,{i;,fff

#:!:f i:;tr"Y fHa hajland6 lesz megirni a levelet, If he will write the lener; inem t;lefondlunk a siiiLleinek. we won't Tthone his parents. i

X#al*",fffiff;'Ji:o:"*' '{:;::;!l{tr;::;,!;#*^ |

$ll*.r:tr+*:::takk'r'cudnik i,llfl##ffi::''!#, IPassive voice - Szenved6 szerkezet

IIEbbenkeriiletbenmindenivbenipiilnek nihir;rk. Every year nrw houses are baih in this d'isnict. , I

IIde egy k6rhdzat szdnddkoznak dpiteni. A hospital isgocng yo be built here' IHidicat is kell dpiteni. Brid,ges bane to be bui,lt too. IItt hidakat kell, hogy dpitsenek. Brid'ges a're to be buih here. I


Causative construction - Mfiveltet6s I

]6v6 hiten egy fordit6 irodrival Next weeh I witl hate./get this letter Ilefordittatonia levelet. wansloted by a translating ffice' IKdnyszeritettek, hogy fordftsam le a levelet.

i\l^ThT:I:#l::::l:l#f I

Mi kdsztette arra, hogy leforditsa ezt a revelet , W##rfr#f';Y:;::if{#-, I258 |


Page 256: Németh Katalin - Angol nyelvtan

Alcol NyELVTAN pEtoaNloroRroranll

Rdvettem arra, hogy forditsa le a levelet.A titkdrn6vel fordfttatom le a levelet.Megtarutalak trincolni.Nem fogom megengedni, hogy ahr2amban trincolj anak.A vigin mdg mindenkit tdncra perdftesz.Tdnc kcizben eltortem a ldbamat.

Reported Speech - Frigg6 besz6d

Aztkfrdezte, minden nap megyek-e futni.Trdni akarta, mikor mentem haza el6z.b este.Azt mondta, hogy mdr hetek 6ta jdlr uszni.Azt mondta, el fog utazni.Flabozort, hogy menjen-e vagy maradjon.

Azt mondta, jobban tennim, ha nemmennik el a buliba.Azt mondta, most nem fildna odamenni.Azt mondta, lehet, hogy holnaputdn odamegyArra k6rtek, hogy mdsnap menjek haza.Azt tandcsoltdk, hogy menjek ki.ilfttldre.

Infinitive - F6n6vi igen6v

Kemdnyen tanult, hogy letegye a vizsgiit.A tan:irai cisacinciztik arra, hogyletegye a vizsgdit.Eldcintotte, hogy elmegy vizsgizni.Elvrirjdk t6le, hogy letegye avizsgiit.Lehetetlen letenni ezt a vizxg{rt.Okos dolog volt a r6szdr6l, hogy levizsgizott.

Q volt az els6, aki levizsgrizon.O volt az egyeden, aki levizsgrizott.Muszij letennie a vizsgitt.A vizsgdt letenni neh6z.Nem tudom, hogy vizsgizzam Le.Nem tudom eldcinteni, hogy elmenjek-e vizsgrizni.Ennek a vizsgadolgozatnak a megirdsanekem kit 6r:imba keriilt.Azt mondjrik, holnap vizsgdzik.Azt mondjdk, most irja a vizsgadolgozatot.Azt mondjdk, levizsgdzon.Azt mondjrik, mdr k6t 6r6,,ja irja avizsgadolgozatot.Neked is el kell menned vizsgdr;nil

NgT pto- hagyni, hogy megbukjril a vizsgdn.Inkdbb most vizsgdznik.

rund - F6n6vk6pz6s

A gyaloglds ndha unalmas.Tovribb gyalogolt.Annak ellenire, hogy mrir kilomitereketgyalogolt, mdg mindig nem drt oda.

Igot her t0 tra.nsla.te ths letterI will haoe / get the secreta?' traoslate the lettnI will have yow d.nncing.f won't hape thern d.ancing in my howse.

hw'll hate averybod.y d.ancing.While d.ancing Igot / had lny leg brohen.

IIe a,shed. me if I went rwnning we?y dry.He wanted, n hnow when I had.gone hmne the night before.I{e said. that he hod. been going swirnming fm weehs.He said. he would. leope.He hesitated whether t0 g0 M stay / whether he shoald.goor sta.y.He swi.d. I had. bener n\t g0 t0 the party.

Ife said. he coald.n'tgo there then.He said. he rnightgo there bt. wo d,ays'tirne.They a&ed. me tlgo home the follnwt"g dry.They advised. lne to go abroad..

He leamt hnrd to pats his exa:ms.His teachers encouraged,'him to Ttass his ucams.He d.ecid.ed, to tahe tha exa.rns.They expect hirn t0 pass his exarns.It's impossi:ble to pass this exam.It wa,s clwn of hiru t0 pa^rs the exant.He wat thefirst to pd,ts the exnw.He was the only one to pd,ss the exam.He is bownd. to ltess the pas the exam is dffiab.I dnn't hnow how to pass the exam..I can't d.ecidp whether to tah,e the exam..It tooh ffie ,w0 hours to wtite this test-paper.

He is said. to tahe the exam tottrynow.He is said, to be writing the test-I,a,per now.He is said to haoe possed. the exa;m.He is said to ha:pe been writdng the test-pa.per for twohoars.Do you also need, to tahe the exam?Need, you tahe the exam too?I won't let youfail the exam.I would, rd,ther tahe the etca.n now.

VWhing is sowetirnes boring.IIe went on walhing.Iy sphe of/ DeEite walhing hilamenes he xill hasn,tgotthere.


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Nincs drtelme gyalog menni.Nem drdemes gyalogolni.Mi lenne, ha gyalogolndnkfRagaszkodo n hozz6, hogy gyalogoljunk.Mir hozziszokott a gyalogldshoz.Miutdn harminc kilomdtert gyalogolt, kimertiltnek lrezte magdt.

ItI no ase f no good' / There is no point in wnlhing'It isnlworth walhcng.Wat/How abowtwalhing?He insisted. on walhing.He hasgot wsed' to walhing.After having walhed' thirty hihmetreshe felt extrernely exhawsted.

Participle - Folyamatos, be5l16, befejezett mell6kn6vi igen6v6s hat5roz6i igen6v

Aznkarbsztyevilk, akik a trivot teljesitik, The participants cmnyteting the distance wilt get n prize. i(a uivot teljes it6 r6szttrev6k) jutalmat kapnak. IA tdv, amit teljesiteni kell, Tbe d,istance to be completed. is forty kihrnetres. I(a teljesitend6 tdv) negyven kilomiter. IAriv, amittegnap telEsfrettek , The distance cmnpleted' yesterd'ay was forty kiltmeftes' I(a tegnap megtett tdv) negyven kilomiter volt. IL.iaOb." #tilgawa t"t-,iitozott a farkassal. Wathing in the foreo she rnet the wolf IMiutrinharminc[ilom6tertgyalogolg Hmting walhed. thirty hilm'etres, he felt wry exhawsted'. Inagyon kimeriiltnek 6rezte magit. IS#pncilgyekkisdretdben

- He was wnlking in the parh accornpnnied hy beawtifwl I

(szep holgyek riltal kfsdrve) sdtdlgatott a parkban. lnd'ia. It uin, higy s#p trotgyeti kftertdlq

- Being occom.panied' by beawtiful lad.ies, he felt I

nagyoneldgedettnekdreztemagit. plenwd., ind'eed'. Il,tiut'in traiat<isdrtik 6t, meghii'ta 6ket egy tedra. n*ng been accompanied. howe he invited' them fw ten. ILdtram 6t a parkban sitdlgatni. I saw hirn wolhing in the parh. ILdftam,ahogykeresztiilsitdltaparkon. I saw hirn wolh atoss the parh. ILivdn, hogyiossz id6 volt, a kirinduldst torohik. There being ba.d. weother tbe excurs'i.on wns cancelled.

IRelative clause - telz6i mell6kmondat I

Defining clause - Sziik(t6 mellCkmondae IIAz a i<onyv, ami az asztalon van, The booh which / that is on the table is very interesting, Inagyon drdekes. IAii ferfr, aki a szomszddban lakik, The rnan who / thnt lives next d'oor is very nice. Inagyon kedves. IA Sricsikdm vene nekem azt a konyvet, futy ancle bowght rne thr booh (which / that) Ignue yow Iamit tegnap neked adtam. yesterday. tAzt af{rfii, akit tegnap a szomszidban ldttril, The mnn (who / that) !0a sd'w next dnor yesterd'ay Iletart6ztattdk. hns been awested'. IAz a konyv, amir6r beszdrtiink, erveszett.

Yrtriilfl#/;l;:P,ft:#:ilf#:ffiw n't

IAz a f&fi, akivel regnap beszdltiink, eltfint. The rnan (wbo / that) we talhed. to yesterd.ay bas

IF;:Xfi; whom we tathed. yesterd.ay n^ a;,rpprarrd. I

Az a konyv, aminek a szerz,6j6t dn is ismerem, The booh, whose writer I ako hnow, is very wseful tnagyonhasznos. IAii fetft, akinek a felesdgit te is ismered , The lnan) whose wife you also hnow, is very strnnge I

Inagyon furcsa.

Nekem tetszett az, amitorvastam. It;**fl::;,:Y;:B.r hnd. read.. I

Amit olvastam, drdekes volt. What I read'was interesting. IThe thing (that) I read was interesting I

Nekem minden tetszett, amit olvastam. I khed, werything (that) I read. IMinden drdekes volt, amit olvastam. Everything (that) I read'was interesting



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Atlcol NyELWAN pELonvouoRtoKBAN

Ezvolt a harmadik kcinyq amil glolvasam angolul. That was the third booh (that) I had. read. in Engtish.Ez az els6 alkalom, hogy taldlkozom vele. This is theftrst tirne Qhnt) I haan lnet hir?r.Ez.a legdrdekesebb tcirtinet, amit valaha is Thi,s is the most intnesting story (that)hallottam. I hane wer heard.

Non-defining clause - B6vit6 melldkmondat:Jack kcinyve, ami az asztalon van,nagyon drdekes.

Jach\ booh, which is on the table, is uery intereoing.

Fel fogja venni a maszkjdt, hogy ne ismerjik fel.

Fel fogja venni a maszkjrit, hogy ne tudjanakrdismerni.

!9!fogjl venni a maszkjdt, an6l felvdn, hogyfelismeril< / felismerhetik.Fel fogja venni a maszkjdt, nehogy felismerjik.

Fielding\ booh, about which we talhed., hat got loo.Field;ing\ booh, wbich we talked, about, has got loo.Jach, to wbam. we talhed, yesterd.ay has d,, who we tolhed. to yesterd.E6 hat d,isappeared..Brid.get Jones' Diary, the awthor of whichI aho hnow, is very funny.Brid.get Jones' Dry, whose awthor I aho hnow,iswryfunny.

Helen Fielding, "!":! a kcinyvdt te is Helen, whose booh you'pe ako read., is awryolvastad, nagyon drdekes ember. interesting lterson.Mindig sokat olvasott, ami nekem tetszett. He always read. a lot, which I tihed..Mindig sokat tivdzett, amit dn helytelenftettem. He alnays watched. W a ht, which I d.isapprwed..

Purpose clauses - C6lhat 5roz6i mell6kmondatok

Felvette a szemiiveg6l, hogy elolvassa a levelet. He put on hitgla^ses to / so as to / in mdcr n read, the lettnFelvette a szemtive"get, h;# el tudja He'put on biigla.sses io that hi nwtd. read. / so as toolvasni a levelet. be abte to read. the lennFelvette a maszkjdt, hogy ne leplezze le magrit. He pat on his rnash s0 d.s nnt to / in not togfue

himself anay.He pwt on his mash so that / in ord,n that hewould.n't git e hiruself awa.y.Ife isgoing t0lwt 0n his rnasb s0 that / in order thatthey wodt recognke him.He isgocng t0 put 0n his rnasb so that / in ord,erthat they cadt recognise hirn.He i,sgoing t0 put on his mashfwfoar thnt they will / canrecognise hirn.He isgocng t0qtut 0n hh mash leo they shoald,recognise him.

Fevette a maszkjdt, hogy ne ismerjdk fel. He put on his rnash s0 tha.t / in that they would.n't

Felvette a maszkjiit, hogy ne tudjanak rdismerni. f;:t;f::'#'mash so that / in ord,er that they couhn't

]ack, aki a szomszddban lakik, nagyon kedves. Jach, who lipes next dnry is very nice.A_ bdcsikdm vette meg nekem a Bridget ]ones' fuIy uncle bought me Brid,get jones'Napl6jdt,.amit tegnap neked adtam. Diary, which-Igwe yw yestird,ny.Jacket, akit .tegnap a szomszddban ldttdl, Jach" who yoa sew nerct iaor yestird,ay, has been a:nested.letart6ztattdk.Fielding konyve, amir6l beszilttink, elveszert.

Jack, akivel tegnap, eltrint.

A Bridget /ones'Napl6ja, aminek a szerz6j6t.dn is ismerem, nagyon mulatsdgos.

Felvette a maszkjdt, att6l ftlvin, hogyfelismerik / felismerhetik.Felvette a maszkjdt, nehogy felismerjdk.

Inversion - Forditott sz6rendAz orszdgnak csak ezen ̂ rtsz,6n ldthatszilyen novdnyeket.Aligha ldtni ilyen szip kertet.

recognise hirn.He put on his rnashforfenr that theywould, / could recogni,re him.He put on his rna,sh lea they shoald rengnise hirn.

Only in thi.s part of the coantry can !0a see sacb ptlants.

Hard,ly mer / Sca,rcely aver can ynu see such a beaatifulgardan.


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Ritkdn Limi ilyen szdp kertet.Alighogy megpillantottam, mdris eltrint.

Semmifele kortilmdnyek kozott nem ldthatjaa v6legdny a menyasszony't eskiiv6i ruhdbanaz eski.iv6 el6n.Semmikdppen nem ldthatj{k ezt a darabot.

JEn mig sohasem ldttam cipit. En sem.En mdr ldttam cdpdt. En is.Amig nem integettek, nem ldttam meg 6ket.Mi nemcsak elolvastuk ezt a drimit, de Littuk is.Sehol nem ldthatsz ilyen drdekes kidllitdst.Csak a szemi.ivegit feltdve Litta, hogy mi vankifrva.Nem nagyon liitta, hogy mi van kiirva.Olyan rcividldt6 volt, hogy szemiiveg ndlki.ilsemmit nem ldtott.Oly"r nagy volt adtz,hogy m6ga szomszddvrirosb6l is Litni lehetett.Ha Littdk volna a darabot, tudtak volnavdlaszolni a kdrddseimre.Mi ldttuk a darabot. akrircsak a tcibbiek.

Rnnly / Seldnm cd'n !0u see such a beawtifulgatd'en.

No sooner had.I caaght sight of himthnn he disappeared', bad. I cawght suht of hirn when he d'isappeared'.

In / Und'er no circurnstances con the brid.egroorn see the

brid.e in her wed'd.i'ng d'res before the wed.d'ing'

On no accownt f On no cond.ition / Iru n0 wa'! cd'n they

see this pla'y.Nwer have I seen a shwh. Neither ha;rte I.

I ha:pe nlread.y seen a sharh. So haoe I.Not wntil they waved' d'id I catch sight of thern.

Not only we read. this d'rarna but we ako sary it'

Nowhere can ynu see such an interest'ing exhibiti'on.Only by putting on his glasses could. he seewhat the notice sad.Little did he see what the notice said'.So short-sighted. wa,s he that he could'n't see

an! th ing wit b o ut g las s e s.Such was the f,re that it cowld. wen be seen

frorn the neighbouring town.Had. they seen the play they could'harye answered rny questions.W sarv the play as did' the others.

It\ rne who has to worh in the ffice tlmo?z'ow'

It\ yoa who hns to worh in the offi'ce tlm'owow.

It\ he who has to wwh in the ffice tnmo',rvw .

It\ they who harye to worh in the ffice tnmnrrow.

It\ tom,owow thnt we harye to worh in the ffice.It\ in tbe ffice where yow harye to worh tnmnLTrw'It may be be who we'll have to worh together with.

It rnust be he who we'll hane to worh tlgether with.

It can't be the sarne ffice where we were yesterday.

This is the only thing I agree on.This is what I agree on.Thd.t was the only thing be agreed' on.That was what he agreed' onWhat we f,,gree 0n is price red'u.ction.All we hwe to dn is red.uce the prices.

They are certain to d.gree.Dm is ens! to get on with.I d.o lihe your d,ress.I yowr d,ress.They wmt holne on the wry snme d'ay.


Emphasis, Cleft sentences - Nyomat6kosit5s, kiemel6s

fn vagyok az, akinek holnap aztoditbankell dolgoznia.Te vagy az, akinek holnap aziroddbankell dolqoznia.6 "r, aiinek holnap az irodriban kell dolgoznia.6k azok, akiknek holnap aziroddbankell dolgozniuk.Holnap kell az irodiiban dolgoznunkAz iroddban kell holnap dolgoznotok.6l"h"t az, akivel nekiink majd egyi.inkell dolgoznunk.Biztosan 6 az, akivel egyiitt kell majddolgoznunk.Ez biztosan nem ugyanaz aziroda, aholtegnap jdrtunk.Ez az egyetlen dolog, amiben egyetdrtek.Ez az, amiben egyetdrtek.Az volt az egyeden dolog, amiben egyet6rtett.Az volt az, amiben egyetdftett.Amiben egyetirttink ) ̂ z az drleszdllf-rds.Csak annyit kell, hogy csokkentji.ikazirakat.6k birtor* egyetdrtenelcTommal konnyi kijonni.Tdnyleg tetszik a ruhdd.Tdnyleg tetszett a ruhrid.Ugyanazon a napon mentek haza.

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At tcol NyELVTAN pgLoRvoNoaroreRNt

Embedded questions - Bedgyazott k6rd6sek

Mit gondolsz,ki 6l

Mit gondoltdl, ki 6f

Mit mondasz, mit csindlnak mostlMit mondtdl, mit csindlnaklMit gondolsz, mi6ta torndszik)Mit gondolt'il, mi6ta torndszik)Mit gondol, midrt tettiink neki szivessdgetlMit gondolt, midrt tetttink neki szivessdgetlMit gondolsz, hol jdrtunk)Mit gondolnak, kivel sz6rakoznakl

Question tags - ,,Ugye" k6rd6s

Lusta vagyok, igaz?Nem vagyok lusta, ugyelSzereti a kutydkat, ugye|Nem szereti a kutydkat, Llgye)Hazament,igazlNem ment haza,igaz?Te m{r jrirtril ktilfoldon, ugye?Te mdg nem jiirtril kiilftildon, ugyefNeked haza kell menned, nem igazlNeked nem szabad sokat dolgoznod,igazl]obban tenn6m, ha hazamenndk, nem)Kapcsold ki a szdmit6gdpet, rendben)Ne kapcsold ki a szdmit6gdpet, j6lMenjiink haza, j6lNe haza, rendbenfMindenki itt akar maradni, nem)Senki sem akar itt maradni, igazfValaki itt akar maradni, igaz?Azt gondolod, hogy neked mindig igazad van, mil(indulatosan)IJit ez az az ember, akir6l beszdlt€L, igazl(meglepetten)Nincs vdledeniil egy tollad)Nincs egy zsebkend6d|Nem akarsz velem jonnif (kdrds)Nem akarsz segiteni)

Articles - N6vel6k

A delfin eml6s dllat.6 volt azels6,aki beadta adoLgc:zatdt.A nap ndlktil a foldon nem volna dlet.Tudsz trombit'ilnifEz volt a legunalmasabb el6adds,amit valaha is hallottam.Ez az elladis nagyon unalmas.Sok embernek tetszett az el6ad6rs.A sebesiilteket k6rhdzba kellene szdllitani.

Wo d.o yow thinh he is?Wo is he, dn yow thinh?Who you thinh he was?Wo wns he, d'id. yow thinh?What dn yow say they are d.oing now?What yow say they were doing?How long d.o you thinh he has been doing exerciseslHow long yow thinh he had. been d.oing exerciseslWhy d.oes he thinh we d'id. hirn a fa:ttowr?Why he thinh we had. hirn afwowr?Where d.o yow thinh we ba'pe been?Who d.o they thinh they nre playinggarnes witb?

I'rn lazy, aredt I?I'yn not lazy, aw I?He hves d.ogs, d.oesn't he?IIe dnesn't love d.ogs, dnes he?He went horne, d.idn't he?He't go horne, he?'fru

hape been abroad., hawn't yow?hw hnven't been abrond., have yow?'bw

rnwst go horne, mwstn't yoa?hu wastn't worh hard' wust you?I had. bettergo horne, had.dt I?Switch offthe cornputery will yw?Don't switcb offthe c0w1pute6 will you?Let's go horne, shall we?Let's notgo home, shallwe?hterybod! wa.nts t0 stay here, d.on't they?Nobod.y wd.nts to stay here, dn they?Sornebody wants t0 stay here, dnn't they?'ha

thinh, yzu always right, dn you?

This is the man you haye been tolhing obout, is it?

fru haven'tgot fl, pen, hnve yow?fru dnn't have o hooA, d.o you?hu d.on't wnnt t0 corne with me, d.o yow?bw d.on't wft.nt to help we, d.o yow?

The d.olphin is a rnarnrnal.He was the f.rst to hnnd. in his test-paperWthowt the Swn there would.n't be kfe on the Earth.Can yow play the h%mpet?This was the most boring lecturetbnt I haye ever heard..This lectwre is mast boring.Most people khed. the lectwre.The injwred. should be td.hen t0 hospital.


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Arlcol NyELWAN pEt-oRHaoruoRroKBAN

A britek szeretik a nemzed<6zi konyhdt.Egy francia, egy spanyol, egy ir 6s egyangol a futballr6l beszdlgettek.Szerintem az olaszok fogjdk megnyerni abajnoksdgot.Az Egyestilt Kirdlysdg magdban foglaljaEszak-Irorsz{got is.Szuddn Afrika dszaki r6sz€n taldlhat6.Sok ember mdszta mrir meg a Mount Everestet.A Po foly6 az Adriai tengerbe folyik.Az Oliva Efferem nagyon nipszerii.Tegnap elmenttink a McDonaldsba.

Jdrtilmfu valaha a Globe szinhdnbanlHa friss informdci6t szeretn6l a gazdasigr6I,olvasd a Financial Timest!Ha informdci6ra van szi.iksdged a vildgonlegkeresettebb brinoz6kr6l, ldtogass elaz FBI honlapjdra!Mi mdr Littuk az Acropolist.Az €n aut6m ugyanolyan szin$, mint a tied.Hivtad mfu a tttzolt6s dgot IMindl tobbet tanulunk, anndl tobbet tudunk.A macska szereti a tejet.Midrt nem itta meg a macska a tejet)A gyerekeim egyetemre jrirnak.Elmentem az egyetemre, hogy rnegnlzzekegy kidllitdst.Kds6n le.Odamentem az itgyhoz, hogy megigazftsama takar6jdt.A piros aut6val mentiink.Aut6val jdrok dolgozni.

B"gg"l j6l bereggeliztiink.En sosem reggelizek.A vonat a mdsodik viginyra drkezik.Fdl kil6ra van sziir.ksdgem.Egy bizonyos Smith rir keresi.Ilyen aut6t akartam venni.Milyen sz6phdzlMilyen szdp id6nk van ma!

The British lihe international cwisine.A Frmchrnnn, a Sp d., an Irishrnan and. an Englishmanwere talhing abowt football.I thinh the Itakans will win the champi'onship.

The United' I{ingd'orn includes Northern lrelnnd', too'

The is in the north of Africa.Mnny people hnpe ckrnbed' Mownt Everest.The Po flows into the Ad'riatic Sea.The Olive Restawrant is very popular.ftsterd.ay we went to McDonald.s.Hwe yow ever been to the Globe?If yow want to get up-to-tlte-rninute infonnationnbout the eclnorny, read' the Financial Times.If you need. infornati'on nbowt the rnost wanted'criminak in the world, visit the website of the FBI.

Wbe nlrend.y seen the AcroPolis.

W cw is tbe sarne colowr as yowrs.Hnve you called. the fire hrignd'e?The m.ore we stwd'y tl,te rnore we hnow.Cnts lihe rnilh.Why't the cnt d,rinh the rnilh?My childrengo to university.I went to the universit! t0 see nn exhibition.

We went to bed late.I went to the bed, to ndjust his blnnhet.

W went in the red' ca.rI go to worh by cnrIn the marncng we had n big brenhfa*.I never haw brenhfnst.The trnin nwives ot Platforrn 2.I need. half a hilo of it.A IVIr Smith is loohing for yow.I wanted, to br,ty such n car.What a nice house!What nice wea.ther we have tod'a',y!


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bebearbentbecornebeginbend.betbid, (ffir)bindbitebleed.bhwbreahbreed.bringbroad.castbuild.bum


c&ncd,stcatchchoosecling Qo)c07necostcreepcu,

d.eal (with)d.igdnd.rnwd.ream

Simple past



d"ealtd'wgdidd,rewdreamt /drearned.drnnhdrwe



Past participle



been able tocd.stcaaghtchosenclungc077recostffeptct'tt





Hungarian equivalent

felkel, keletkezik, felmeriilfel6bred

lennielvisel, sztil, hordit,legy6z, meglervdlik valamivdelkezd, elkezd6dikhajlikfogadajrinlatot tesz,196rbek<it (kiinyvet), cisszekcitharap: megcslp (szunyog)vErzikfrij (sz6l), kituj (orrot)eltcir, elt<irikter{ydszt, szii{hozsugdroz, kcizvetit6pitdg, eliget

felrobbang sirva fakad (- out crying)megvesz

kipesdob, hajitelkap, elfogvilasztragaszkodikjiinkertil valamibemriszik, csriszikvig

foglalkozik valamivel:iscsinrilrajzol, elh(rzrh(ndlmodik

esiketet, tdpldl6rezharcoltaldl






Page 263: Németh Katalin - Angol nyelvtan

lnREcuLRn venas



















menektilrepiilmegtiltelfelejtmegbocs{tmegfagy, befagyaszt

k"Pad6rcil, darriln6, termel

akaszt, 169birtokolhallelbrijik, elrejtiittart, megfogmegs6rt


lefeltet, teritvezettrimaszkodik vnek

szcikken, ugrik

megtanul, megtud

elhagy, elmegykcilcs<inadhagy, engedfekszikmeggyfjtelvesz(t

kdszitjelent vrnit, szrindikoziktaldlkozik ..


olvaslovagolcs<ingemelkedik, kelfut

Klr.€szelmondlitkeres, kutat




lean (against) leant















Page 264: Németh Katalin - Angol nyelvtan



speah Qo)spell













takenta.ughttqrntold.thowghtthrownnod /troddcn



eladelkii{dbedll(t, helyezvarrrirzsiit, ragyog16cisszemegydnekelelsiiLllyedleiiLlalszikmegcsriszik6rez, szagol



kiiltkitpterjeszt, terjedelront, elkdnyeztet

^tlloPragasztszriLr, csipmenetel, ldpkediit, lecsapigyekszikmegeskiiszikscipiirmegdagadriszik

elvesz, elvisztanitelszak(tmegmond, elmes6lgondoldobtaPos

meg6rtv{llal, belefog vmibe

6bred, dbresztviselsri

sirbenedvesitnyercsavar, felhtuir


Page 265: Németh Katalin - Angol nyelvtan



Ex. I .2. The Prime Minister doesn't play football in his free time. 3. Tl-reir children don't watch CartoonNework before going to bed. 4.My neighbours don't often give parties in dreir flat. 5. Jack md Jill dor-r'talways play hide and seek after school. 6. Tom doesn't learn English at his place of work. 7. He doesn'tusually ask stupid questions.

F , x . 2 .2. Do the members of the band get home latel 3. Do they usually have a cup of coffee before they go towork) 4. Does the singer have to eat two eggs before singingf 5. Does the show start at 10 o'clockf 6. Dcrthe stars meet people from all over dre worldl

Ex. 3.2. does he get home 3. do you go to school with 4. do you meet them 5. does she get home 6. they do 7.your son go to a language school

Ex. 4.2. doesn't like 3, Do you learn 4. Does Peter have 5. doesn't earn 6. don't spend 7. don't you see / don'tfeel 8. does she share

Ex. 5 .2. doesn't she want 3. does this TV cost 4. does vour plane take ofP 5. don't vou rnarrv 6. does FionaIisten to 7. does your lecture start

8 x . 6 .2. I, Who hates getting up early at weekendsf 2, When do you hate getting up early 3. l, When doesher husband make dinnerl 2, Who makes dinner when she gets home from workf 3, What does I'rerhusband do when she gets home from workl 4. l, Who never talks about her private lifel 2, What doesSheila never talk aboutf 5. 1, What does your grandmother listen to when she is tiredf 2, When doesyour grandmother listen to the radio) 6. I, What does Peter always bring for his girlfriendf 2, Whodoes Peter always bring presents forl 7. I, Who does lre go to work widr) B. 1, Who eats olrt once i1monthf 2, Horv often do the Browns eat outl 9. l, Who does his friend speak to rwice a week) 2. Howoften does his friend speak to himf 10. 1, Who does Tom always go out widr) 2, What kir-rd of girls doesTorn always go out with?

Ex.7 .2. likes 3. clean 4. hate 5. sl-root 6. goes round 7. breeds B. serue

Ex. B.n) 2. doesn't have breakfast. 3. takes 4. isn't 5. don't like 6. doesn't use 7. doesn't have lunch 8. doesn't gob) 2.What kind of car has he got? lWhat kind of car does he havef 3. How does he go to work) 4. Howlong does it take him to get to workf 5. Where does he have lunchl 6. Why does he have lunch d-rere | /Why doesn't he have lunch in the canteen? 7.What does he hate spending money onf 8. What does hehave for lunchl 9. Who does he go home withl

Ex. 9.l. Before I go to work I take two sedatives. 2. There goes )ack, dre genius. 3. Here cornes our bus. 4.I do exercises at six o'clock every morning. 5. She never does exercises, she usually goes running. 6.Anna waits for her husband with a hot dinner every evening. 7. Wlrc eats bacon for breakfastf B. Whatdo vou drink in the eveningsl 9. Do you have breakfast before you leave home ) 10. Who c-lo you goswimming withl ll.Who does your husband usually.speak tol 12. What do you clean your furniturewithl 13. How much money does your father spend on his car a monthf 14. I wear glasses because I'mshort-sighted. 15. Aurumn comes after summer. 16. We travel to the sea every sllmmer. So do we. \7.Leaves fall in autumn. 18. There he goes. 19. I don't like crowded shopping centres. Neither/r-ror do l.20. The meeting starts at 5 pm. 2).. When does Flight No.722leave for San Franciscol 22. Perez passesthe ball to Eles. 23. When does the film start tonightl 24. Which cat doesn't like milkf 25. How muchtime does it take you to get there? 26. What do they spend their money on? 27. What kind of girls doesTom go out withl 28. Which student doesn't like holidaysl 29. How many students usually attend youlecruref 30. Who do you usually go out with at weekendsf


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Auswen rrv

E x . 1 0 .Regrrlar actions: I do exercises at six o'clock every morning. General actions: Chimney sweepers cleanchimneys. Eternal truth: The Earth goes around the Sun. Commentaries: Perez passes the ball to Eles.Timetables, schedules: The rneeting starts at 5 pm. After here & there: l{ere comes our bus.


Er . l .2. Are thev planning to go on holiday in winter) They aren't planning to go on holiday in winter. 3. AreTom and Jerry chasing the bulldogl Tom and ]erry aren't chasing the bulldog. 4. Is the manager openir-rgthe new plant at the end of next weekl The manager isn't opening the new plant at the end of next week.5. Are vou looking for a job nowf I'm not looking for a job now 6. Is the number of refugees increasingdr;rmaticallyf The number of refugees isn't increasing dramatically

Ex .2 .2. l, Who are looking forward to their honeymoonf 2, What are dre Beans looking forward to? 3. 1,Wherc are you flying to next week? 2, When are you flying to Rornef 4. I, What kind of stories / Wratis d're neighbour's son always telling to your childrenf 2, Who is the neighbour's son always telling rudestories toi 5. l, What are you dealing with at dre momentl 2, What kind of orders are you dealing withat dre momentl

Ex. 3.2. Action at the time of speaking 3. Future action 4. Frequent llegative actions 5. Changing.situation 6.Unusual 2lction 7. Temporary action, future action B. Changing siruation, temporary action

E x . 4 .2. are dieting. 3. is always buying flowers for you 4. am thinking 5. isn't talking to hirn 6. isn't working7. arn not attending 8. is getting

Ex. 5 .2. is rnaking, are redecorating 3. are you smiling at 4. is Jack working 5. is he doing, he is making 6. arethc prices rising 7. is he always behaving B. are you getting on 9. he is learning

Ex. 6.2. Sl-rc is getting fat 3. It is getting better. 4. He is growing old. 5. The leaves are turning yellow 6. It isincreasing. / It is rising 7. Ir rs decreasing. / It is falling / It is declining 8. It is growing cold. 9. She isgetting slim. 10. He is getting tired.

Ex .7 .2. The population of Hungary is falling 3. The number of students who learn Russian is decreasing. 4.Mv English is getting better. 5. The number of English lanprage learners is increasing. 6. The rate ofexports to the Eastern markets is declining. 7.The value of the Hungarian forint is rising. B. The situationin the Third World is getting worse. 9. The Earth's climate is getting warmer. 10. The size of the rainforestsis decreirsing.

Ex . 8 .Present sirnple: irhvays, occasionallv sometimes, never, hardly ever, normally, once a month, seldom,rnost of the time, usuaLly every week, in generalPrescnt continLlous: zrlways (see special rules), at the moment) currendy these days, now, at present,this u,eeh, next mondr

Ex. 9.l. I don't understand whv he is looking trt me like that.2. The sinration is getting rnore and more serious.3. Ml'friend is going to the Canary Islands for his holidavs. Good for him. 4. My son is a gendeman. Heis irlrvtrys bringing me presents from abroad. 5. The demand for our new product is increasiug. 6. Whatare \roLr plar-rning for tornorrowl 7.If nobody is watching TV I'll switch it off. B. Unfortunately thenurnbcr of students who learn Russian is falling/decreasing. 9. Next week we are going to see the Kovdcses.10. Although l prefer white coffee to cocoa, I'm drinking cocoa now ll. /ack is learning hard nowbecar,rse he would like to pass the exam. 12. These days / Nowadays he is going out with very strangetypes. I hope it won't last long. 13. I think you are thinking too much about him. Tiy to forget him.14. Evcry evcning I sit in front of the computer and work, but tonight I am watching a good film.15. Thank goodness, the BUX index is rising again. 16. What is dre girl leaning against in the picture)17 . My son is always biting his nails. lB. The finance management is working on our new investmentproject at prcsent. 19. This waiter is always spilling dre soup on me. 20. The world's population is


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risir-rg fast. 2L The cost of living in Hungary is getting more and more cxpensive. 22. Some studcnts arealways dropping litter. 23. The cornpany is closing down its plant in I(ecskemdt next month. 24.Unfortunately I can't hear well what drey are talkurg about. 25. Who are they waiting forl 26. \\4rat areyou getting at? 27. Mrat is drat man widr a beard staring at) 28. How many students are standing in thecorridor) 29. Are you looking forward to the holidavf 30. What are they working on so much now:rdaysl


Ex. l .2.Wrong: is being so nice 3. Wrong: contains 4. Wrong: is drinking 5. fught 6. Wrong: tastes 7. Wrong:is your dog smelling B. Right 9. Right

Ex .2 .2. is growing 3. are you making) are we having 4. closes, leaves 5. is working 6. smell 7. are yousmelling, think B. ls Jill still having 9. We are seeing 10. is being so rucle ll. smells, tastes 12. stav amstaying 13. is commuting, gets 14. are you doing 15. are mecting 16. does the meeting start

8 x . 3 .2. He is always day-dreaming. 3. He is always leaving his clothes around 4. She is always losing her purse .5. He is always arriving late. 6. He is always being like that.7. She is alwavs borrowing money from me.B. She is alweys aunoying me.

Ex.4.2 . 1 ' 3 . 8 4 . , { 5 . B 6 . A 7 . B 8 . A 9 . A i 0 . 8

E x . 5 .l. Do drey really think drat I never tell thc truthl 2. He is usually a vcry nicc man but he is being verystrange these days. 3. No! The film strrts at seven and I'm still working then. 4. Although hc prcfersbutter to margarine, he always buys the latter because it's cheaper, 5. "The boss wants to fire his newsecretary" "Do you find it surprisingf " 6. Poor Paola. She is so nalJve. She is always believing what shehears. 7. I'm afraid I can't make it today I'm having a very irnportant meeting at five o'clock. B. luliaworries about her husband. He is drinking too much nowadays. 9. Here come the champior-rs. 10.Usually I finish work at four o'clock, but today I'm rvorking r,rntil six o'clock. ll. Soor-rer or later healways gets bored with what he is doing. 12. What a wonderful goal! But Dunaferr is on the attack againand throws the ball into the opponent tearn's goal. 13. Look! The prices are increasing very fhst on theStock Exchange. We have to sell our shares toclay 14. I'm getting sick and tired of / I'm sttrrting to getfed up with his stupid questions. 15. When cloes dre academic year end in Hungaryf 16. Today \,'e xrefinishir-rg the lesson a bit earlier than usuai if'nobodl,objects to it. 17. ]ack is taking his new girlfriend todte cinema today 18. To tcll dre truth \,ve are getting fed up with these scntences. 19. To be honesr I'malso starting to get bored with them. 20. You are just kidding. You love cloing it.


Ex. I .2. She didn't work hard. 3. Did he travel abroadf 4. He asked Pat for l'rer bag. 5. Paul used a dictionurry6. Did vou enjoy tl-re l'rolidayl 7. Did she rent a flatf B. You helped l-rim. 9. Did we arlswer all thequestionsf 10. She didr:r't leirve for England.

Ex .2 .2. What did they run out of) 3. Who did Jack fix an appointment with yesterdayl 4. Who borrowed somemoney frorn dre bankl 5. What did you listen to when you were youngerf 6. What kind of flat did yourent in this housing estate | 7. How did you travel abroacl last yearf 8. How long did it take him to gettherel 9. Who did the boss ask for the reportl I0. When did thef interview herl ll. What was out oforderl 12. Who did Tom call on his mobile phonef 13. Who made a few notes during the lecture ) 14.Whose assistant did Eve become last yearf 15. Why did he resigr-rf

Ex. 3.2. closed 3. did you choose 4. joined 5. lost, was 6. didn't understand, bought 7. saw B. did he see 9. didhe want 10. did Mary stay, was I l. didn't you invite 12. rang, answered 13. Did you call 14. didn't :rttend15. were you, carne 16. didn't want, forgot 17. Did he know


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Ex 4. a)2. sell, sold, sold 3. drink, drank, drunk, swim, swam, swum, sing, sang, sung, sink, sank, sunk 4. fly,flew, flown, blow, blew, blown, grow, grew, grown 5. speak, spoke, spoken, choose, chose, chosen, wake,rvoke, woken 6. catch, caught, caught 7. ride, rode, ridden, write, wrote, written B. spend, sPent, sPent,lend, lent, lent, spell, spelt, spelt 9. keep, kept, kept, sleep, slept, slept, meet, met) met) feel, felt, felt 10.put, put, put, cut, cut) cut) broadcast, broadcast, broadcast ll. take, took, taken L2. forgive, forgave,forgiven

b)2. taught 3. drove 4. lent, gave 5. bought, fed 6. took 7. kept 8. grew 9. met, shook I0. thought

Ex. 5.found, tore, found, wrote, read, got, learnt, kidnapped, wanted, didn't k ro*, rang, told, came, looked,took, put, saw, caught

Ex. 6.2. The day before yesterdal, we wrote a test-paper in history 3. At the weekend I saw a very good fiLnin dre cinema. 4. Last week I missed my bus twice. 5. I got a lot of bad grades last month. 6. I travelledabroad lirst year. 7. OnMonday I went to the dreatre with my friends. 8. Last night I didn't do anythingspecial just the usual staff. 9 Tvo days ago my cousins came round. I0. Yesterday rnorning I stayed in bedIate.

Ex .7 .1. He swotted English words till midnight because he wrote a test-paper the next day. 2. When I was auniversiry srudent I went out almost every night. 3. On which bus did you lose your jacketl 4. Hesuddenly stood up and pulled out his water-gur1. 5. The other day I went to see my fi'iend in the prison.6. I learnt English for five years but then I gave it up. Learning languages was not my cuP of tea. 7. Forlrow many years did you smokef 8. Who did you go on holiday with last year and where did you gol 9.Horv d"id the accident happen) He leant over the window and fell out. I0. Who did dre children takeafterf I I. Terence worked as a teacher at a secondary school for a couple of years then he went [o work fora company 12. The day before yesterday I met the prince of my dreams who proposed to me at once. 13.I fell in love with him at first sight. 14. Last week I had to change dre bed linen three times because I keptspilling the coffee. 15. Shakespeare never came to Hungary 16. Pet6fi, however, got to Russia, at leastsorne people say he did so. 17. The girl got pregnant, she married the father of her child, but rwo yearslater rhey got divorced. IB. How many people did you work together with in your former office ) 19.Wl-rich child pusl-red this shopping trolley homef 20. What kind of rnusic did you listen to when you wereyoung?


Ex. I .I 1 , 1 4 , 1 6 , 9 , I 3 , 1 0 , 8 , 6 , 5 , 4 , 3 , L , 2 , 7 , 1 2 , L 5

Ex.2.2. was sitting in dre wardrobe 3. was typing a letter 4. Mr Jones arrived with his secretary 5. she rvastvping a letter / rvent to the bedroom 6. the detective was sitting in tl"re wardrobe

Ex. 3.2. I was doing my homework 3. I rvas relaxing 4. I was watching my favourite TV series. 5. I was playingcomputer games. 6. I was sleeping

E x . 4 .2. was raining, left 3. was leaving, fell 4. was helping, was driving 5. heard, was coming up 6. waswalking, turned up 7. rvere stmggling B. was preparing 9. looked, felt, was followinglO. decided, weremissing, bought

Ex. 5.2. was working 3. went running 4. fel), l screamed 5. left / went 6. was going I met 7 . was frying / burntB. heard / phoned 9. were sailing / were singing I0. were you doing

E x . 6 .2. Last month 3. When 4. all last year 5. as 6. While

Ex" 7.1. During dre film he was biting his nails. 2. Yesterday I was watching one film after the odrer. 3. Whilerhe kids were bearing each other the baby-sitter was reading. 4. In the hope of a better salary, I was

2 7 1

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working hard all last month. 5. Monica was suffering from a splitting headache while she was puttingout the clothes to dry 6. I was travelling with bus no. 6 when I saw my husband with my best friend. 7.They were thinking for hours how to translate these simple sentences. 8. She was driving on road 66when a black cat jumped onto her car. 9. I was thumbing through / leafing through the dictionarv whenI came across this interesting sentence. 10. She was listening to the popular singer Robbie Williarnswhile she was translating the English sentences. 11. The blond beauty was walking on rhe dusty roadwhen a red Ferrari passed her.12. Weren't you giving a lecture when I phoned vouf 13. F{e was rowingpeaceftilly when a big white shark tossed his boat. 14. While Pisti was giving an orirl presentation, theteacher was polishing her nails. 15. While the researchers were feverishlv preparing to start theexperiment, the rats were anxiously running about in the cage. 16. The forrune-teller was staring at thecryst'al globe while I was thinking of Karcsi. 17. While he was running toward Lrs, a can of beer fell outfrom under his coat. 18. I was standing naked with the receiver in my hand when my son urd hisfriends entered. 19. Fotex was fighting hard during the championship. 20. All last year he was visitingdoctors because of his kidnevs.


Ex. l .2. Have you ever been to India before) 3. They have already taken dre children to the nursery 4. I've justkissed an ugly toad. 5. Flave you met the prince on a white horse yetf 6. Har,e you spoken ro a narivespeaker latelyl 7. She still hasn't finished her thesis. 8. She has written thirty pages so far. 9. They'r'ebeen here three times todaiz I0. He has never loved you. 11. It's the second time vou've asked it.

Ex .2 .2. Our export sales have increased. 3. I've lost them. 4. He has caught a cold. 5. Your German hirsimproved. 6. She has sprained her knees. 7. She has won on the lottery B. She has cut her finger.

8 x . 3 .2. she has already finished 3. I've just had 4. hasn't seen that play yet 5. hasn't told me yer 6. have nevcrbeen7. 've already done 8. 've always wanted to be 9. have scoied five goals .so far I0. Have you ever beenII. haven't met him ever since 12. have written five books so far

Ex.4.2. she hasn't read anything this year 3. it hasn't reached it this year 4. it hasn't rained at all this aurumn hasnlt won any this season 5. we haven't worked hard at all this term.

Ex. 5.2 . i , 3 . f , 4 . e , 5 . d , 6 . b , 7 . h , 8 . a , c , 9 . a , f c ,

Ex. 6.2 . a , 3 . b , 4 . b , 5 . a , 6 . b , 7 . b , 8 . a , 9 . a , I 0 . a , l l . a , 1 2 . a , 1 3 . b , 1 4 . b , 1 5 . a ,

Ex.7.2. have visited you 3. time that he has tried to pass the exam 4. the first time that I've travelled by plane5. d-re fifth time d-rat Jenny has invited us 6. the first time that Sally has driven a moror-cycle 7. the secondtime that I've seen this film 8. the first time that she has ridden a horse

Ex. 8.2. hasn't finished her book 3. hasn't been abroad 4. she fallen 5. 've losr 6. you ever been to Africa 7. 've

left 8. has just put down 9. 've seen that play several rimes I0. haven'r merE x . 9 .

I . I haven't been to America since the November of '98 . 2. How long have you been here I3. "Just imaginel Two masked men have just broken into our neighbour's flat." "And have you called d-rcpolice yetl" 4. I haven't eaten apple pie for ages. 5. This film is the best (that) I have ever seen. 6.Incredible! Tom has drunk ten glasses of beer and he is still sober. 7. Have you ever walked on rhe GreatWall of China with a dictionary in your hand) 8. The repairman repaired my car yesterday irnd it hasbroken down again. 9. I have had more free time since October. 10. Today I have met my teacher ofEnglish rwice. 11. This is the fourth time that he has been late. 12. This week he has been late four times.13. This is the second time that I have travelled by plane. 14. This year I have travelled by plane rwice . 15.I haven't been able to sleep recendy because my neighbour is always playing the violin at night. 16. Sl-reis the prettiest woman (that / who) he has ever met. L7. Last year I lent him rwo hundred pounds and hehasn't paid the loan back since then. 18. I haven't seen you since the party on Wednesday Where have youbeenf 19. Have you heard the latest newsf 20. How long I Since when has Leon collected stamps)


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Since he was a child. 2I. How long / Since when have you had to go for physiotherapy? For threeweeks. 22. Have the repairmen mended Schumacher's Ferrari (yet)| 23. Have you ever been toTiansylvania? 24.I have had a flat of my own for two years. 25. I have always wanted to be a doctor. 26.I have never told dris secret to anyone. 27. He has lost his car key several times. 28. We haven't had anyproblems with the authorities so far. 29. We have talked a lot about you recendy 30. You have changeda lot since you won the jackpot.


8 x . 1 .2 . 8 3 . C 4 . C 5 . A 6 . B 7 . 8 8 . B 9 . B r 0 . D

Ex.2 .2. went, didn't find 3. kneq has forgotten 4. meant, forgot 5. have improved 6. haven't finished 7.parked, have towed 8. gave, 've lost 9. has gone I0. went, has come l L 've sprained 12.left, has opened13. smoked, gave 14, have you been 15. did you live

Ex. 3.2. 1. You've changed a lot in the last few years. 2. You've changed a lot since I last saw you.3. l. I(athy has phoned you twice. 2. IQthy phoned you this morning.4. 1 . Shakespeare went to Ireland twice. 2. Shakespeare ne ver went to Ireland.5. l. I drove a motorbike two years ago. 2. It's the third time I've driven tr motorbike.6. 1. It's five yeirrs since we mel 2. We've already met.7. 1. The Chinese invented a lot of things in ancient times. 2.'the Chinese have invented a lot of thingssince dren.B. 1. I haven't spoken Italian for the last three months. 2. I haven't spoken Italian in the last two years.9. l. Tom has read five pages so far. 2. Tom read five pages last night.

Ex. 4.3. Yes, but I haven't made Goulash for a year. 4. Yes, but I haven't used a word processor since I was maderedundant. 5. Yes, but I haven't ironed my shirts since I got married. 6. Yes, but I haven't spoken Germansince last surruner. 7 . Yes, but I haven't played the flute for years. B. Yes, but I haven't driven a car since

)une. 9. Yes, but I haven't ridden a horse since I fell offone. 10. Yes, but I haven't developed a film forquite a long time.Il. Yes, but I haven't sung for ages.

Ex . 5 .3. I haven't been to England since 1996. 4. The meeting has been closed for five minutes. 5. I haven't seenthe doctor for six years. 6. lle hasn't spoken to me since we met in the theatre. 7. I haven't written a lettersince the day before yesterday 8. My husband hasn't hoovered the carpet for years. 9. Mary hasn't taken aday off since June. I0. We haven't learnt English for a long time.

E x . 6 .3. Wrong: wrote 4. Right 5. Wrong: I have been 6. Right 7. Right 8. Wrong: were 9. Wrong: has been10. fught Il. has been married 12. Right 13. Wrong: Did you see 14. Wrong: Have you seen 15. Right

8x .7 .2. Have you bought, bought 3. has given up, did he do, was fed up 4. Have you been, did you go with,rvas 5. have you been, 've been, Did he prescribe, did 6. 've hurt, did it happen, lost, fell 7. have you been,'vc just found, did you find, read, applied B. Has Kate watered, has, did she water, watered, had 9. 've justseen, Flave you seen, haven't, haven't read, read, did Shakespeare write 10. have you been, have been, Didyou enjoy, enjoyed

Ex. B.l.What are those people staring at) There has been an accident. What happened exacdyl A truck collidedhead-on with a bus. 2. I rang him twice yesterday but nobody answered the phone. 3. Today I havephoned you twice. 4. How did you get this scarl In a car accident, two years ago. 5. Have you finishedcorrecting dre test-papersf No, not entirely I have done about the half of them so far. 6. Do you also livein the townl Yes. Have you been here long| I have lived here for about rwo months . 7. How long haveyou known our new colleague I I have known him for two years. What did he do before he came here ) Ithink he taught at a school. B. How long were you married) For three years, then we got divorced. 9. I'mstill married. It's five 1'ears since we got married. 10. How did you like Manchester) I quite liked it. Howlong did you live theref Five years. But it's also two years since we moved to London. Doesn't time flyfI1. He has run ten kilometres. 12. This is the fifth time that he has run dre Budapest Marathon. 13. He


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has entered the Marathon five times. 14, This is the first time that I have seen this man. 15. I have seen

this rnan once. 16. This is the third time that he has proposed to me. Perhaps I will say'yes'to hirn. 17.

Flas the electrician been here yet? Yes, but hc was here only for ten minutes. IB. Before he rctired, he

changed his placc of work five times. 19.'This sumffrer I was abroad." "Were you) I have 'alrcadY been

this aurumn,1oo." 20. Where were you dris weekendl 2l.Ihave eaten enough dris weekend.22.Ihaveu'twatched TV this month. 23. It hasn't snowed dtis winter. 24. I haven't met him in the last fcrv months.

25. Last month l did exercises every day.26. Where have you been) I have worried myself to dcath about

5tou. 27 . How long have you been unemployed ) 28 . Have you fourd a good jobl 29 . I have applied for

five jobs, but I haven't received any replir 30. Have you ever seen a polar bear in Africaf


Iix. L2. Ycs, I'vc been learning Gerrnan since last year. 3. Yes, he has been working on the computer since he

arrived. 4. Yes, they've been digging in dre garden for two hours. 5. Yes, they have becn quarrelling since

their son left them. 6. Yes, I've been phonir-rg all drc morning. 7. Yes, ['r'e been clc;rning tl-re flat all day

today B. Yes, he has been drinking all day long. 9. Yes, they have been making a noise all night long. 10.

Yes, she has been learning to ski for two weeks.F,x.2.

2.Tomhas been reading this book 3. The football match has been going 4. Jessie has been working for

that compan), 5. Uncle Ben has been living in China 6. The author has becn writir-rg that book 7. Jack has

been painting his flat B. Sue has been watching TV 9. He has been slecping 10. She has been smokingE x . 3 .

3. Kathy has been rvriting letters for an hour 4. Kathy has written four letters so far. 5. They I'rirve been

travelling since lasr night. 6. They have travelled 900 kms. 7. She has been planting vegetables since the

morning. B. She has pl'anted a lot of vegetablcs. 9. You have been peeling potatoes for half an hour. 10.

You have been peeling potatoes since I arrived home . 11. Matthew has painted a lot of pictures since he

left the Art College. 12. Matthew has been painting pictures since he left the Art College.E x . 4 .

2.How long have you been writing poemsf How many poems have yott rvrittenl 3. F{ou'long havc you

been playing footballf F{ow many goals have you scoredl 4. How mar-ry people have you ir-rvitedf 5. How

long have you been collecting starnpsl F{orv many stamps have Vcru collected so far) 6. How long have

you been directing filmsf How many tihns have you directediEx. 5.

2. Have you been planting vegetablesf Have you been repairing your carf Have you been working in the

gardenf 3. Have you been redecorating your flatf Have you been painting the housc) 4. Has he becnfighting) Has lrc L-rcen quarrelling with his wifel 5. Have you been runningf Flirvc vou been walking fastl

O. ttave you been working hardl Have you been teaching all dav long) Have vou been studying hardl

8 x . 6 .2.I've been whitewashing the ceiling. 3. I've been walking in dre raiu. 4. Hc's bcen sitting in thc saunzr fbr

hours. 5. She has been eating pancakes.Ex.7.

2. Right. 3. Wrong: We've been travelling fclr days. 4. Wrong: Horv long hal'e vou been m:rrriedf 5.

Wrong: We've rvaliced ten kilometres so far. 6. fught. T.Wrong: She has eaten six pancakes. B. Wrong:I'r,e been learning hard all this weelc. 9. Wrong: I have had a haircut. 10. fught

Ex. B.2. have been r.vorking hard 3. have you saved 4. have you been 5. has sl-re been doing 6. have given it up

7. have you been smoking B. have been writing, haven't finished 9. have written I0. has been snowing 11.

l-ras stopped 12. l-ras kicked l-3. l-rave been goingE x . 9 .

Past tense.s: yestcrday, last week, two weelc ago, all last month, fiom Monday to Fridav, how long (see

special rules), just now, for three years (see special rules), long ago, all last year, at five o'clock, dlis

morning (see special rules), in MayPresent perfect tense; in the last few weeks, all day long, recendy up to norv, how long, for ages, just, for

three years, all tl-ris week, for the last month, already, yet, all this year, siuce we met her, dris morning, this



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Ex. 10 .1. He has been overworking that's why he is so exhausted. 2. Have you seen my bag somewhere? I havebeen looking for it for hours. 3. There is saw dust in your hair. No wonder. I have been cutting wood. 4.I have been trying to ring him all the afternoon, but I can never find hirn in the office . 5. Have vou beenwaiting for me longf 6. Why are your trousers covered in flowersf I have been baking some cake. 7. Ourtap has bcen dripping for ages. B. Since I collected the car from the garage it has been rnaking a strangenoise. 9. You are tamred. Have you been lying in the sun) 10. How long h'.rve you been cryingf I'm rtc.rtcn,ing. I'te been peeling onions. ll. For how many hours have you been drivingf 12. Ho"v long havevou had a driving licencef 13. The trial has been taking long. 14. The children have been looking forwardto the surnmer holiday for weeks. 15. I have been shopping all day and now I havcn't got a penny left. 16.I have been asking my husband to repair the tap for months. 17.We have been preparing for dre weddingfbr weeks. lB. I haven't slept for days. 19. His fadrer has been drinking since he was fired./ disrnisscd.20. She has been eating a lot since she got pregnant. 2I. Your nose is blceding. llave you been fightingf22.He can't take the project from me. I have been working on it for half a year. 23. I have been on asiimming diet since last month. 24. Since when / How long have you been trying to find a job.25.I l-ravcbeen thinking of him since I saw him. 26. We have bcen living in digs for six years. 27. I h:ave movedplaces five times in dre last two years. 28. There is a pain in my back becausc I've been ironing all dremorning. 29. How many shirts have you ironed so farf 30. Something smells vcry good. My rnothcr hasbeen making jarn.


Ex. l .2. He had just had a glass of water. 3. His secretary had already done it for him. 4. Their car had brokendown. 5. She had never seen him. 6. My favourite series had begun.

8x .2 .2. Before I got back to the office my boss had phoned three times. I got back to the office after my bosshad phoned drree times. By the time I got back to the office my boss had phoned three times 3. Beforethey met again he had married her niece. Thev met again after he had married her niece. Ily the time theymet again he l-rad married her niece. 4. Before Aunt Nancy turned around all the salrsages l-rad disappearedfrom dre table . Aunt Nancy turned around after all the sausages had disappeared from the table . By drctime Aunt Nancy turned around all the sausages had disappeared from dre table . 5. Before they got to thestation all the trains had left. They got to the station after all the trains had left. By the time thev got to thestirtion all the trains had left. 6. Before Anthony and Kelly got divorced they had adopted two childrcn.A.r'rthonv and Iftlly got divorced after they had adopted two children. By the time A,nthony and Iftllv gotdivorced they had adopted two chiidren.

Ex . 3 .2. had opened, jumped 3. had ended, went 4. had shut, opened 5. had already known, invited 6. had reird,started 7. looked, went, saw) goq was, wondered, had stayed, had been, come B. ordered, had finished 9.had had / got 10. paid, she had phoned ll. hadn't waited, we finished 12. was, had been 13. occurred,had forgotten 14. knew, had bought

Ex 4.l. sold, had livcd 2. hacl moved, got, didn't like 3. went, didn't find, had stolcn 4. rang, had just got, was5. fired, had often bcen, was

lix. 5.2. gor or-r / realised / had left 3. was takir-rg I met I had been 4. switched / l-rad alreiidy startec'l 5. arrived /had gor-re f were sleeping 6. had been / were 7. had been / phoned

E x . 6 .1 , C 2 . C 3 . C 4 . l \ 5 . 8

Ex.7 .1. He had tasted all dre cakes by the time the wedding reception ended. 2. He was late because he had hada pLrncture on his way drere. 3. I had to realize that I had never met anybodv like him before. 4. I l-radirardlv arrivecl / Hardly had I arrived home when the phonc rang. 5. Befbre thcy got divorccd d-rey l-raclsold their house. 6. She had a look at the picrure which the late Mr Howard l-rad painted of I'rirn. 7. Assoon as d-re flight had taken off, he fell asleep. 8. Before I gave him my phonc number hc had promiseclthat hc rvould never give it to anyone else. 9. He sold the watch which he had received from l-ris father for


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his bithday 10. Until he saw the ring he hadn't recognised the corpse. ll, By the time he finished thebook he had got fed up with it. 12. Before he gave the ransom to the kidnappers, he had called the police.13. After dre rain had stopped, the desert became a sea of flowers. 1,4. He remembered perfecdy what hehad said a week before. 15. He said that he had travelled around the world earlier. 16. He knew drat hehad se e n the girl somervhere before. 17 . By the time she ate the soup, her son had finished the dinner. 1B.Ilv the tin-re I woke up, it had got dark. 19. Unfortunately he ran in vain. He had already rnissed all tl-rebuscs. 20. llv the time he graduated from the universiql he had divorced twice.


E x . l .2. Thel'h:rd been looking for him for a year. 3. He had been playing computer games. 4. He had beensmoking. 5. He had been lying in the grrrss. 6. Her husband had been hrrvir-rg a parqr

8x .2 .2. I had been tryir-rg to call him all day when it turned out that it was the wrong number. 3. When d-recoffrpany closed down, we had been working with them for three years. 4. When the computer stoppedI i'rad been typing for ten minutes. 5. Peter had been waiting for fifteen minutes when his girlfriendpl-roned hirn. 6. Wlren Jeremy and Susie got married they had been going out together for nvo years. 7.Wl-ren ieremv and Susie got divorced they had been living separately for a year.

E r . 3 .2. sot / thcy hird bccn playing 3. had bcen 4. had got 5. had been strolling 6. had been sleepir-rg7. wxu,caring / cost or had cost B. had already left 9. was plal,ing I0. had been living 11. had got12. was doing/ u,ris looking / had f-allelr 13. had put 14. had been studying 15. l-rad understood

8 x . 4 .l. f'l're band had been playing together for ten years when they decided to break up. 2.We had beenrvorking hard for years by dre time we managed to get everything we needed. 3. She had beer-r studyinghirrd for rwentv years bv the tirne she reached her goal. 4. Before the police arrested him, he had beendc:rling in stolen cars for five years. 5. He had been sitting ten years in prison by the time it nrrned outtlrat hc rvas innocent. 6. He had been trying to fit in for years but then he gave itup.7. When I met Tirnagain he was alreacly bald. He had been having chemotherapyr B. Yesterd"y -y fiiend's wife met Cir-rd1rSl-re said she looked really well. No wonder. She l-rad been going to beaury parlours for years. 9. I had beenu'orhing on the computer for two hours when it shut down. I0. I had already ryped ten pages when thecomputer crashed due to a power cut. ll. I lost everything because I hadn't saved it. 12. I had beenrv:riting for Tom for twenty minutes when I realised that I was standing in front of tJre wrong restalrrrlnt.13. At dre end of dre iourney we were very exhausted because we had been travellinq for ten hours.


E r . l .2. Oftbring I'relp 3. Agreeing to do something 4. Polite request 5. Offering help 6. Agreeing to dosorrething 7. After cxpressions ofuncerta.inqr 8. Promisir-rg something 9. After expressions ofuncertainty10. Spontar-reous decision 11. Spontaneous decision.

Ex . 2 .2. I'll go 3. I'l[ nrm 4. I'll tirke 5. I'll switch 6. Will you show 7. I'll send B. I'll do 9. I'll lend 10. I'll give11. I' l l win 12. I1l fall 13. I' l l put 14. I' l l have to 15. I' l l go

I i r . 3.2. What shall lve do at the weekendf 3. What shall we eatl 4. Shall we drink champagne or drink whisky)5. Wl-rat sl-rall I dof Sl-rall I ohonc him or notf 6. Whcre shall we tri'Lvel tol 7. Shall I close the r'vindowf

E.r. 4.2. Shall we go jogging or shall we do aerobicsf 3. Where shall we meetl 4. Shall I help you wid-r itf 5.Shall I accompany you thcre | 6. Shall we go by plane or shall we go by shipl 7.What music sl'rall we listentoi B. Wl'rat shall I plrt onf 9. Shall I make onion soupf 10. Shall we stav hcref

E.r. 5.l. I crrn't buy fl1is pair of shoes this month. Do buy them, I'll lend you some ffroney.2.If I don't want tobe lrrtc. I'll havc to / I must hurnr I think I'll take a ta-ri. 3. I don't know how to use dris camera. I'll show

2 7 6

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you. 4. I still don't understand the English tenses. Don't worry! I'll explain it to you. 5. I'm tired. I'll goto bed. 6. Will you come with usl / Are you coming with usl No, I'll stay at home. 7. Wrll you pass orla message to himf 8. I'll get home by six. I promise. 9. I don't believe that he will come to the parry 10.I bet he will be here. 11. I'm not sure if / whether I will ever see him again. 12. Don't forget about ourmeeting. Don't worry! I'll be there. 13. I think the babv will take after its mother. ).4. I hope I'll pass theexam. 15. I've left the keys in the office. I'll have to go back for them. 16. It's cold outside. I'll go back fora jumper . 17 . Is anybodywatch ingTVl l f r - robody l ' l l sw i tch i to f f . 18 .Cou ldyoug ivemear ingtomorrow eveningf All right, I'll ring you. 19. Would you like me to collect dre children from drenurseryf Don't bother! I'll collect them. 20, Are you l-rungryl What shall we eat for dinnerl 21. Can youdo it alone or shall I help youl 22. Shall I tell you what to dol 23. Where shall we travel in summerl 24.Shall we stay at home or shall we travel abroad? 25. What shall I drinkf Tea or coffee I


Ex. l .2 . Y e s . 3 . N o . 4 . Y e s . 5 . Y e s . 6 . N o . 7 . Y e s . 8 . N o . 9 . Y e s . 1 0 . Y e s .

Ex .2 .3. fugl'rt. 4. Wrong. ...will you get up ... 5. Wrong. ... she gets . .. 6. Right. 7. Wrong. .. . he phones .. .8. Right. 9. fught. 10. Wrong. ... she reads / she has read ...

Ex. 3.2. When 3.I f 4. When 5. when 6.I f 7. When 8. i f 9. I f 10. When 11. i f

Ex. 4.2. will send / gets 3. leave 4. don't need 5. has finished or finishes 6. will return 7. will, be / deccivcs B.has left f . is or will be / have got 10. give / will find ll. will pay back 12. have paid 13. finds / will be 14.goes 15. don't study, will fail

Ex . 5 .2. lras finished 3. will arrive 4. have had dinner 5. comes 6. has watered / will do 7. reorrn 8. clean

E x . 6 .I . A 2 . B o r C 3 . D 4 . A 5 . D

F,x.7.l .Assoonasyousignthecontract lwi l l t ransferthe requiredsum.Ipromise.2.Ibethe wi l lbesurpr isedwhen he learns drat we are brothers. 3. By the time Kate gets there I'll have gone. 4. Unfortunately Ican't tell you when Mr ]ackson will be in. 5. I'm going to tell them our secret when they get back fromthcir holidays in Jamaica. 6. By the time Miriam and her husband retLrrn from their honeymoon, wewill have arranged everything. 7.The marksman won't shoot until he gets a signal. B. As soon as I canget round to it, I'll travel to Verona. 9. When I get home I'm sure that my dog will be waiting for me.10. If rve don't hurry, the department store will close before we get there. II. What do you drink drechildren will be doing when we get homel 12.Willyou switch off the TV if you are nor watching itf 13.Until Tim pays back his debts, I won't speak to him. 14. Wait for me here unril I get back, all right) 15.As soon as my fadrer gets his salary, he spends it on gambling.


Ex. 1 .3. No, she won't. She will be working ir-r the laboratory 4. No, she won't. She'll be working in rhe labfrom 8.30 to ll. 30. 5. Yes, she will. 6. No, she won't. She'll be playing tennis with Richard. 7. No, shewon't. She'll be showing her guest around the research centre.

Ex .2 .2. she will be going to work. 3. she will be talking to her boss. 4. She will be working in the lab. 5. shewill be having lunch. 6. she will be showing her guest around the research centre. 7. she will be doingexperiments in the lab. B. sl-re will still be doing experiments. 9. she will be going to the tennis court. 10.She rvill be at home. Perhaps she will be watching TV then.

F.x. 3.2. I'll be doing exercises. 3. I'll be flying to Rome. 4. I'll be teaching English. 5. I will be sleeping, ofcourse. 6. I'll be cleaning the flat.


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8 x . 4 .2. I'll be writing this book all next year. 3. When his daughter is born, he will be phoning rclatives alldav 4. They witl be working on the project all next month. 5. This time next month iack will bc lying inthe sun in Greece. 6. At dris time tomorrow you'll be sitting the exam. 7. This time next week she'll becoming down the slopes of the French Alps. B. The Saint )upat will be sailing towards funerica dris tin-renext Sunday

E x . 5 .l. The form-teacher won't be able to receive / attend to l(ate's mother because she rvill bc giving a lcssot-t.2. This time tomorrow I will be harvesting. 3. This time tomorrow my boss will be having talks at theChinoin, which means I'll be free. 4. I won't hear the phone because I will be taking rny dog for a rvalk.5. I'll be sitting on the train at six o'clock on Sunday 6. This time next year Peter will be studying inChicago. 7. What will you be doing at five o'clock tomorrow) We could meet. B. When you gct horne I'llbe cleaning the bathroom. 9. This time next week Mum will be lying in hospitrl. 10. This tiue trextmonth I'll be working in my new office.

UNIT 14.

Ex. I .2. they will hirve reached dte coast of Africa 3. they will have seen the pyramids 4. thev rvill have got toSoutl-r Africa 5. they will have left for South America 6. they will havc arrived in Mexico. 7 .Tl'tev u'ill havetravcllcd around the USA. B. They will have got home.

8x .2 .2. He rvill have been unernployed for three years. 3. we'll have knolvrt each other for six months. 4. he willhave been in love with me for five years. 5. She'll have had this job for sevcn moudts. 6. he rvill havebeen here for a month. 7. she r.vill have been the manager of dre company for a year.

E x . 3 .2. 'll have translated 3. 'll have finished 4. I will have read 5. will have left. 6. I'll have paid

Ex. 4.I. By d-re end of d-rc vear scveral thousand people will l-rave read our homepage . 2. By diis titne totnorrowyou'll hirve received the cl-reque. Don't worry! You'll ha',,e enough rnone\{ 3. Bv quartcr past twelve I'llhave finisl-red dre translation, I promise. 4. It's late. Bl.d-rc time we get to drc theatre, the pcrformirncc willhave started. 5. By Monday I will have made a decision about the pay rise. 6. 81, ths time you get bircktomorrow, I'll have finished dre cleaning . 7. By this time next week I'll have bought the tickets fbr theU2 concert. B. By the end of the month everybody u,ill have received their notice. Unforfilnately ourcompany has gone bankrupt. 9. It's good for Caroline. By l)ecember she rvill have trirvcllcci :rrottttdSouth-America. 10. By next year Paul and Edith will have known each odrer for four years. 11. Accordingto rumours the human resources manager will have decided wl-ro the nerv chicf accountant rvill be bvTuesday 12. By Easter I'll l'rave bought d-re IIMW 13. Today's a scorcher. The pond ncxt to your housewill have dried up by August. 14. Hopefully, rny younger sister will have fir-rished redccorating the flatby the end of next week. I'll help her. f 5. By Friday Vera will have copied all dre four hundred pages ofthe report, even if it's not hcr task


Ex. L .2. By next month we will have been learning English for rwo years. 3. By Iunc they will havc bccn goingout together for three years. 4. By the weekend Torn will have been looking for a job for a month. 5. By12 o'clock he will have been travelling for five hours. 6. By dre time yott come birck I will have beensleeping for hours.7. By tomorrow Mum will have been cleaning dre flat for three days.

Ex.2.2. I will have been working here for five years. 3. I will have been learning English for six mondrs. 4. shewill have been playing tennis for six years. 5. we will have been married for fifteen years. 6. I r.vill havebeen teaching for scven years. 7 .I will have been the headmaster of this school for four months.

Ex. 3.2. wtIl. be working 3. will have finished all the tasks 4. will be sailing 5. will have been prepirring 6. willbe sweating 7.wtll, have replied 8. will havc been writing 9. rvill have been studving 10. will have run


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11. will have been running 12. wlll be running 13. will be running 14. will have rranslared 15. rvill havebeen translating 16. will be translating

E x . 4 .1. By September I'll have been working for this company for ten years.2. By next Tiresday I won'r hirveeaterl any sweets for almost a year. 3. By the end of this month I'll have been leirrning Englisl'r fbr fir'ey'ears. 4. By August I'll have been paying the instalments ol-l the washing machine for two ycars. 5. 81'next Christmas /ohn and Lilly will have been going out togerher for thrce years. Doesn'r rime flvl 6. 81,next year I'll have been playing golf for two years. 7. By Scptember ,,Cars" will have been running in tl-retheaues for fifteen years. B. By noon Peter will have been driving for rnore rhan ten honrs. Madrid is along u'a1'from here . 9. By the end of the year Uncle John will have been teaching us rnaths for a year. 10.On 20d'October I rvill have been living in Budapest fbr three year.s. 11. On 6d'April Mum ;urd Dad rvillhrrve Lreen living in dre country for sir ),ears. 12. Bv the end of dris year wc r.vill have bccn renting tl,risflat for five ye:rrs. 13. Bv next month I will have been le:rrning to tango for three vcars. 14. On 1.,January Steve's grandfather will have been working as an inspector on the local buses for ru,enry years.


Ex. 1 .2. I'm going to type it in the afternoon. 3. Not let. I'm going to invite her romorrow 4. I'm just goingto print it. 5. I'm going ro post it after work.

Ex .2 .2. What are you going to buyf 3.Wl-ro are you going to phone) 4. Who arc yolr going to invite | 5. Wliatkinc'lof car are vou going to buyl 6. What are you going to do with itf

Ex. 3.2. I'nt going to take up aerobics. 3. I'm going to discuss it rvith my boss. 4. I'm going to appty foraclmissiott to the Universiry of Economics. 5. I'm going ro travel around the world.

E x . 4 .2. is going to fire you. 3. arc going to have guests. 4. is going to snceze . 5. is going to slam. 6. It's goingto snow: 7. is going to crash. 8. is going to fail

Iix. 5.L Who arc you going to invite to y6s1 birthday party olt Saturdiryl 2.You arc going ro cilrch a c<.rlclrvitl-rout a coat in such rainy weather. 3. I'm not going to take part ilt this scminar toclay It's soboring. 4. L)o you want to eat the rvhole cakel You are going to feel sicl<. 5. Thc skv has got o\/crci1st.It's going to rain. 6. I've bought some wallpaper because ar rhe end of thc week I'm going ro paperour grirudplrentrs house. 7. Tonight I'm goir"rg to tell rny husband that I havc becn flred. B. Mariernneand ?eter are going to get marricd in summer. They have bought thc rings too. 9. You going tofall from the tree if you don't watch out. 10. My God. That drunkard is goine to fall under thc train.Wlrat is he doing therel tl. Tonight I'rn going to speak ro the boss about my promorion.12. LooklJack is going to kiss Iil l. 13. M)'flowers, which I planted yesterday, are going ro carch a cold in thcgarden. It's so cold outside. 14. Little Lilly.says she is going to bc a ballet dancer. 15. Eve is norgoing to visit Etelka in the hospital. She hates her.


Ex. 1 .1. starts / finishes 2. open 3. starrs 4. land 5. leaves 6. arrives

Ex.2 .2. am doing aerobics. 3. am having lunch with Jerry 4. am working 5. am going to rr concerr with myMum 6. I'm meeting my boss then 7 .I'm travelling to Vienna B. doing anything 9. 'm hirving lunch witl-rmv rnother-in-law

Ex. 3 .1. am going to dre cinetna. / does the film begin 2. does the bus get 3. opens / finisl-res 4. Are you doing/ does it start 5. am flying / takes off6. does it finish 7. is coming / is travelling / lands / am meeting S. arcvou going / arn going / does rhe lecture begin / Are you coming


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!,x. 4.The rigirt answcr.s are:

2. Illl t,rhe vou 3. I'll meet you 4. you are taking 5. does your train leave 6. I'll keep my word. 7. I'll wash

8. I won't fbrget. 9. I'm going out 10. we are travelling ll. I will passEx. 5 .

2. 'rn flving 3. I am going to leave 4. won't go 5. leaves 6. are going to fall off 7. she rvill still be living B.rvill have spent 9. arn flying 10. will have finished f I. Will yoLr arlswer 12. will Tom arrive / will get J.3.

I will have been working 14. will arrive 15. is dre last plane due 16. are going to buy 17. will be IB. are

going to paint 19. ShaII IEx . 6 .

2 . B 3 . A 4 . A 5 . A 6 . B 7 . 8 B . l l 9 . B 1 0 . BEx.7 .

l. B1' ns*1 year Jimrny will have been drinking heavily for five years.2. Tomorrow I'm going to th9

llritiih Muserun. Don't you feel lil<e coming widr rnel 3. Such litde rnoney will be hardly enough for sucha long trip. 4. - Scc vor-r at six o'clock tomorrow evening in front of dre zoo then. - OI( but don't be late

L'recatise I ll,on'r wait fbr you. 5. I'm sure that she will like the Gucci sunglasses. 6. By May Monica and

Ilriur will have been at loggerherds for t\\'o vears. 7. Don't call me between eight and nine. We'il be

having L-rreakfast then. 8. Don't worryl By ten I'll have left. 9. As soon as I can get round to it, I will go to

scc Aunr Marlr I0. Tonight we are going to the new Irish pub. Are you coming widr usl ll. Do you think

tl'rat I'il be r.r,orking at the universiry in five yearsf 12. Tomorrow I'm going on a triP to Visegrdd. 13. Our

Gcrnrirn g$ests :rre visiting us in the sccond half of August. 14. What if my car won't pass the M.O.T testf

15. I don't hnow whirt I'll do next year: 16. I don't lanow what rvill happen at rny place of work tornorrow.lly nine I rvill I'rave found our. 17. Perhaps we will finish building olrr house by next slunmer. I'rn looking

fonv:rrc1 to it. lB. Thc BUX index will fall drarnaticaly f9. Now it's for sure that I won't buy d-rese jeans.

20. What if I r,von't have a baby in drree yetrrs'time | 21. After shopping we will drink a good cappuccinoin rn'n,flavourite crrfe. OKI 22. You can see horv much I have bought. I'm going to paint my flat somerinre nexr rveck. 23. When do we have to get to dre airportl Our flight tal<es off at 7.20 from gate l. 24.

I hope rhat therc u'ill be a great demalrd for our new product.25.My God! That tntck is going to run

ovcr rhat child. 26. Will you help rnc for a momentl I can't reach that sbelf. 27. This ti-rne next year I will

bc lving in rhe sun in )amaica'and I'll be drinking my favourite cocktail. 28. The rate of unetnploymentri'ill fall in dre next ten years. 29.I don't understand this exarnple. I'll explain it to you. 30. Shall wc goslir-rting rr thc "r,eekcnd or shall we st'ay at home insteadl 31. A.r'e you doing mydring tomorrow afternoonfYcs, I'm pl:rying tennis widr loln. 32. Next May we are going to celebrate our tendr wedding'arniversary33. If hc goes on like dris, he will end up in prison. 34. How much will a krlo of bread cost,let's say in

2010) 35. I'[ rell you when I've finished dre clcaning. I promise it won't take long.


E x . I .2. Did Sl'rcil:r use ro work abroad) Sheila didr-r't Lrse to work abroad 3. Did we use to play baseball a iotf

Wc clicln't usc to play bascball :'r lot. 4. Did lack and Tom use to be friendsf Jack and Tom didn't use to

bc fi'iencls. 5. Did Paul use to have a lot of pctsf Paul didn't use to have a lot of pets. 6. Dicl drey use to

canr il lot clf r-r-toney) They didn't usc to carn il lot of mone\tE-r. 2.

2.lcrric r.rscd ro be fat but he is slim now 3. I didnlt use to eat cheese but now I like it a lot. 4. Pctcr usedt6 bc a hg11'y smoker but now he smokes only one or two cigarettes a day 5. She used to be poor but ttowshc hrrs '.r Iot of moncy 6. They didn't use to go to dre swimn-ring pool but now they go there everySrrut l . r l :

E r . 3 .2. usccl ro rcnr 3. used to go 4. used to be 5. Did yoll use to go outf 6. didn't use to cat 7. used to drink8. r,rscd to collect

Er . 4 .2. I used to be single bur now I'm married with two children. 3. I used to earn a lot of money but rny firmhas gone bankrupr so I'rn unemploycd. 4. I used to be overwcight but now I do sports regularly and I'rnlrbont rhe right rveighr. 5. I used to be betwecn jobs but now I work for a well-known multinationalconrpxn\. 6. I usecl to havc a big house but I live in a flat now. 7.I didn't use to watch TV but ttow I'm


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on sick learre so I watch TV a lot. 3. I didn't Llse to have :r favourite TV programmc but nclr.v I irh.l,l1,swrltch CNN news. 9. I didn't use to drink coffee but now I have low blood Dressltre so I hirvc rr cno ofcoffce cverv morning.

E-r. 5.I. I used to love her. 2. We used to go to the the atre regularllr 3. People didn't usc to have mobile p'rhones.4. When I was a child I used to write a lot of lerters to my frier-rds but today I r:rthcr ring drerr-r up. 5.Ur-rcle Torn woulc-l get up at the break of dawn and would go to bed at sunser. 6. We usccl to rnccr rr lotsome \rears ago, but today we hrirdly see e ach other. 7 . When he was a university stlldeut he used to go tothe librirry a lot but today he has l-rardly any time to read. B. When I was on materniry le'.rvc I usccl to rvalka lot but today I go alnost everywhere by car. 9. I used to have l-righ blood pressure but sincc I wrrs mrrclcredundant I'vc been feeling very well. 10. I used to do my best to be respccted and ro be lovcd, buttoday I don't care about it at all. 1I. Before our marriage my husband used to take me to restaurrlntsregularly 12. Before he met dris girl Thomas used to work hard. 13. I uscd to think a lor abour what itcould be likc to be old. 14. He used to write books but hc has retired. 15. Before srarrins to rvorli firrthis cornpany he used to be unemployed for many ycars. 16. F{e used to interprret ,r lot-bur roclrrv hehardlv get any assignment. 17. Before being promoted he used to go homc at 4 pm br-rt today hc l-rarcllvgets home before 7 pm. lB. I didr-r't use to deal with politics. 19. In the beginning I clicln't nsc ro rravela lot but now I go abroad aLmost every second month. 20. When he a child he clidn't use ro c1osports, but l-ris doctor advised him to do exercises.


EX. 1,2. ..., the team is to arrive at the destination at 6 o'clock sharp. 3. If she was to miss the bus ... 4. ... is tr-rbe transfcrred ... 5. They were to land ... 6. We are ro meer

'... 7. Jacl< ancl )il l were ro phor-re ...

Ex .2 .2. They were about to phone Bill ... 3. ]ack was about to get on ... 4. Monika was about ro tell hirn hcrsecret ... 5. Jim was about to get irrto the lift ... 6. His parents were about ro callthe police ...

Ex. 3.2.The bus is due to arrive at 5.30. 3. Our flight is due to take off ^t4.25.4. The lacksons are duc roarrive tomorrow 5. The delegation is to arrive at l0 o'clock romorrow

8 x . 4 .2. is due to arrive 3. was abour to save 4. is to 5. are not to enrer

Ex. 5.l. Be quiet! Tl-re film is about to start. 2. She was to go to Italy with l'rer husband. 3. I rvas abour ro le aveudren the phone rang. 4. The train is due to arrive at seven. 5. The flight was dlrc to tirke offtrr 4.30 butdtte to the fog it still hasn't taken off. 6. The eagle was about to strike down on its prev rvhen the hunrcrslrot it. 7.The performance was to be held in an open-air theatre but due to bad weirrher the programmewas cancelled. B. Wc were to travel on a Boeing 747 but for security reasons the flight was ciurcellcd. 9.He was about to get down to work when his wife entered. I0. He was about to sit down whcn sornebodyknocked at the door. 11. I was about to leave the restaurant when dre m'an rvho I was waiting fbr arrivecl.12. He was about to close the window when he heard somebody crying for help. 13. According ro rhcProgramme dre lecnrre is to start at B.20. 14. He was about to switch tl-re TV off when he caught sigl-rt ofI'ris wife's car in dre news.


Ex. 1 .2.I am writing a letter at the moment 3. I wrote three letters last week. 4. I was writing letters fi'om 5 to6. 5. I havc written three letters so far. 6. I have been writins letters for two hours. 7. I had r.vrittcn threeletters by the time the meeting started. B. I l-rad been writinf letters for irn hour by the timc thcy irrrived.9. I will write letters to you when I'm in America. 10. I will be writing leners when you come horne. 1l.I will have rvritten three letters by the time vou arrive. 12. By the time you arrive I will have been writingletters for an hour. 13. I'm going to write letters after I arrive home. 14. I used to write a lot of lettersr v h e n l w a s a c h i l d .


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Ex.2 .2. A At 5 I'rn plaving temis with Jack . S-kor )ack-kel teniszezem. B At 5 I will be playing tennis with Jack.S-kor dpp teniszeznifogok Jack-kel. C At 5 I was playing tennis with Jack. 5-kor dpp Jack-kel teniszeztem.3. A We-havc lived hcri since 1995. B We have been living here since 1995. L995 6ta dliinl< itt. 4. A Bynexr ),ear shc will hirve been learning English for two years. B By next year she will have leamt Englishfbr two years. Jov6re rndr kdt dve lesZ, hogy angolul tanulok. 5. A I was looldng after my sister's childrcnfrorn 5 ro 7 . 5-t6l7-ig a n6v6rein gyerekcire vigyriztarn. B I will be looking after my sister's children from5 to 7. 5-t6l7-ig a n6vdrem gyerekeire fogok vigyfuni 6. A She wasn't at home for rwo weeks. Nem volt

otthon kdt hdtig. B She hasnt been at home for two weeks. Kdt hete nincs otthon. 7. A How long did yor'rlivc d-rere ) Mennyi ideig dltdl ottf B How long have you lived theref Mennyi ideje ilsz ottf C Horv longhirvc you bccn living tGre I Memyi ideje dlsz ottl B. A By slr o'clock shc had finishcd it. Hat 6riira miir beis fejczte. B By six b'clock sl-re will have finished it. Hat 6rdra be fogafejeznt.9. L By the tirne she gothorne they had left. Mire hazrrdrt, miir elmentek. B B1'the time she gets home they will have left. Mirchrrzadr; addigra rnilr elmemrek. 10. A When she arrived I was lying in the bath tub. Amikor mcgirkezett,a fiircl6h{dbin fckiidtem. B Wl-ren she arrives I'll be lying in the badr tub. Amil<or megdrkczik, a fiird6kddburfogok fekiidni. ll. A When she arrived I had been lying in the bath tub for one hour. Amikor megdrkczett,mrir egv 6rrija feki.idtern a frird6kddban. B When she arrives I will have been lying in the batl-r rub for onehour. Mire mcgdrkezik, mdr egy 6rdja fogok a fi.ird6kddbzur feki.idni.

Ex. 3.2. Have vou ever heard 3. will send 4. haven't seen 5. have knorvn 6. have been running 7. had left B.rvill rccognize 9. has bccn / saw 10. r,vill have II. have you been playing L2. do you like 13. was having

/ knocked 14. bor,rght 15. l'rad been sleeping 16. will be doing 17. will have been 18. had divorced 19. islister-ring 20. has been drinking

Ex. 4.rv:rlkcd r1\\''.r)! came, forgot, was missing, will they do, discover, find out, has killed him, sat down, lookedollt, sat / was sitting, got, lit, thought, hadn't returned / didn't retllrn) would shoot.

Ex . 5 .1. He has been in prison for eight months. 2. He was in prison for eight months. 3. At seven o'clock I wasplaying chess rvitl-r Tom. 4. At seven o'clock I'll be plaving chess with Tom. 5. I'm playing ches^s withTorn at sel,en o'clock. 6. He has been working in that factory for six years. / He has worked in that frictoryfor six years. 7. Next year drey will have been living together for three years. B. Next year he will havebeen here at the company fe. three years. 9" From cight to nine I'll be learning English. 10. From eightro nine I rvas learning English. 1I. He wasn't at home last week. 12. He hasn't been at home for au,eck. I3. FIe hasn't been irt home in dre last rwo r.veeks. 14. By seveu he will have finished the translation.f 5. By ti-rc time he retrlizcs what's going on everybody will have left. 16. Bv the time he woke up to thesinration evervbody had left. 17. I picked up the pistol fiorn the ground at eight o'clock sharp. 18, A9eigl-rt I was picking mushrooms in the forest. 19. When the prison warden took in l-ris dinner he hadbeen lying dc:rd for an hour. 20. When d-re prison warden took in his dimer he was sleeping.

UNIT 21.

2I I part IEx . l .

2. be able ro 3. can't / won't be able to 4. can 5. can 6. been able to 7. can/ will be able to 8. be able to 9.bcen able to , be irble to 10. Can you

Ex.2 .I used to be able to sing well and I used to be able to run five kilometres. I would like to be able to speakgood Englisl-r and I would also like to be able to ride a horse. I have never been able to swim under thewrlter and I harve never been able to play dre violin and I don't think I r,vill ever be .

Ex . 3 .2. can smcll 3. can't rernember 4. couldn't learn 5. couldn't recoqnize 6. couldn't see 7. could swim 8.can't understand

Ex. 4 .2. were able to furish it. 3. were able to save her lifc. 4. he was able to do it. 5. was able to explain

Ex. 5 .2. could 3. couldn't 4. couldn't 5. was able to 6. could 7. were able to rescue B. was able to 9. was ablett-r I0. corrldn't pa\


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Ex. 6.L. Wc can't meet / \,v'or1't be able to meet next week either. 2. I haven't been able to speak to hirn for ages.3. Aldrough olrr car broke down on fhe way we were able to / managed to get to the meeting. 4. They ranout of time so thcy weren't able to / couldn't hand in their application before the deadline. 5. He has neverbeen able to sing. 6. Perhaps Sam will be able to help you. I Sam may be able to help you. 7.I used to beable to rttn dre hundred metres within ten seconds. 8. Aldrough I had been to her place earlier, I couldn'tfind m1, rv'ay drere. 9. In dre picture I can see a girl in a red skirt. 10. You can't do anlthing widr a womanin love . 11. We tried to persuade him but we couldn't. 12. I would like to be able to speak English fluentlv13. I couldr-r't understand why he was behaving like this. 14. Jack hasn't been able to sleep for weeksbecause dre neighbour's dog is cor-rstandy barking. 15. We had to rvork hard but finally we were able toccrp'r with this dificult task. 16. Can you hear this noisef 17. Cul you see rhat man by the windorvflB. Can you smell her fragrance / perfume) 19. I can't remember what he said after the lesson. 20. Myansrverphone broke down so nobody was able to leave a message.

2 I I pan2

Ex. L .2. could go to Croatia 3. could buy a map 4. could take a ta-xi 5. Your wife could teach you. 6. could aska passer-by' 7. could prepare for the exarns

Ex.2 .2. could 3. can't4. could 5. can 6. Can you7. can/could B. couldg. couldeat I0. Can you

Ex. 3.2. cor'rld have stayed 3. could stay 4. could be 5. could take 6. could have taken 7. couldn't meet B. couldlearn 9. could have gone 10. could go

8 x . 4 .2. could have taken 3. couldn't have done 4. could have been 5. couldn't have used 6. couldn't havepersuirded 7. couldn't have passed

Ex. 5.l. Are vou very hungryl Wc could go to this new Chincse restaurant. 2. You could have told me aboutit. I could have lent you some money 3. You could have bought this washing machine but you can nevermake up your mind. 4. You could have got up earlier as well, couldn't youf 5. My God. I' tired again.I could sleep for three dirys. 6. I'm so thirsty drat I could drink a litre of water. Cycling is so gruelling. 7.I coulcln't have gone to Sue's birdrdav parry because I w:rs working then. 8. Why did you wait for rne IYou couid have gone home. 9. You could have cooked somedring for dinner. I'm so hungry 10. I couldbuv a nicc vase for l-rer. She loves,,Herendi" ll. You werc lucky You could also have burnt in the house.12. You could phone dre manager on Mondayr He will bc in dre office then. 13. A very good flat wasadvcrtised in the ,,Napl6". You could phone drem now I'll give you rhe number. 14. Wlry did you leaveme) I could hrrvc loved )1ou forever. 15. I(aren couldn't have passed the exam in English. She didn'tlearn anything. 16. It's er pity that they have gone home. They could also have slept here. 17. I couldr-r'thirve hclped Peter. I have never mended a car. 18. I could travel to Barbados now It's so cold inHungary now. 19. You couldn't have met Tom yesterday because he has been abroad for a weck. 20.His alibi is t-tot convincing cnough. He couldn't have bcen at homc at that time.

2 I lp lL r t3

Ex. l .2. can't 3. rnust 4. can't 5. must 6. can't

Ex .2 .3. lrirve 4. havc gone 5. be at home 7. have been running 8. have got Lrp 9. have climbed 10. can'rhave rnet 11. watch 12. have takcn

Ex. 3.2. He must hirve becn unfaithful to her. 3. He must have used a cheat-sheet. 4. He can't have learntanvthing. 5. She must have had bad drearns. 6. They must have forgotten to turn the heating off. 7. Shecatt't hat'e remembered to post it. B. They can't have seen me. 9. Sornebody must have broken into thehouse. 10. He must have spenr his money on gambling.


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Ex. 4.1. Look ar rhat man widr that Jaguar. lle must have a lot of money.2.He can't be guilry He couldn'thurt a fly 3. He can't be kidding. F{e doesn't like jokes. 4.Try to call him now He rnust be at home. 5.He can't be in his office. I've just spoken to his secretary 6. He can't report the case to the police. Hc istoo much of a coward to do so. 7. lle can't tell his secret. 8. You must find someone who will lovc you.9. He can't know the rules. 10. They can't be working now. It's dark in dre offrce. 11. I haven't met myncighbours for ages. They must have left. 12. It's raining but I can't find my umbrella. I must have leftit at the school. 13. David has bought a lot of drings recendy FIe must havc won the jackpot. 14. Paulwas ro arrive at ten. FIe c:rn't have found his way here. 15. Patsy did the opposite of whar I asked her todo. She can't have understood what I told her. 16. Why didn't you answer the phone ) I can't have l-reardit rir-rging because I was having a shower dren. 17. I can't find the business card of my customer. I musthavc left it in the restaurant yesterday evening. IB. Peter must have been working on this one book forquite a long time. 19. As you never locked up your bicycle sornebody must have stolen it. 20. F{e can'thave died. I fcel drat he is still alive.

2l I part 4

E x . 1 .2. They rnight be in dre pub. 3. She might be kidding. 4. Tom may be working now 5. He may want tocome with us. 6. They rnight conre to the party 7.We may be able to cope rvidr this problem. B. Theyrnight be able to carry out dreir plan. 9. We may have to take it back today I0. Terence might have beenat rhe parq{ 11. They may have been bored widr dre lecture. 12. They might have gone home rrftcr themeeting. I3. She m'.ry have had to rent a flat. 14. I rnight have left my gloves in the theatre. 15. She n-righthave been having a shower then. 16. They may have been playing cards. 17. They might have been goingout together for a while. f 8. Jill may not be in love widr him. 19. She might not want to speak to you. 20.They might not come to school today 2 I . They might not have understood the task. 22. He mrly rtot havebeen feeling well.

Ex .2 .2. migl-rt be watching 3. may have bougl-rt 4. may have taken 5. might have been 6. might have left

Ex. 3.2. might drop 3. may need 4. might skid 5. might kill 6. may call

E x . 4 .2. might have to work 3. may have to resit 4. might be able to lend 5. may be able to climb

Ex. 5 .I. B) He may be having a shower. 2. A) She might be looking for the director B) She may have leftsomething here. 3. A) He might have got ill. B) He may be working at home. 4. A) They may be underthe bed. B) The dog might have taken them into the kennel. 5. A) He may have been ill. B) He mightnot have known d'rat Saturday was a working day

Ex. 6.2. You may as well dye it. 3. You might as well copy it. 4. You may as well clean them.

8x .7 .2. Jason is not likely to understand it. 3. We are likely to win the race. 4. He is likely to be worried aboutus. 5. The Fludsons are not likely to be in the office.

E x . 8 .l. Terry might not be at home. 2. Paul may go on a srudy ffip overseas. 3. At the weekend I might sleepirt home. 4. "Where is Tom)" "FIe might be smoking on the balcony" 5. "What's this noisef" "The catmay be chasing the mice in dre attic." 6. "I can't find Judy"

"She may be having lunch." 7. I might meetmy new boss todali 8. "Where is your capf" "I might have left it in the car." 9. ]ack and lill might havelost their way in the forest. 10. You may have dialled the wrong number. lI. He may not have committedsuicide. L2. He might not have understood the question. 13. It's not very likely that I will ever see himagain. 14. It's not likelv that he will invite me to his wedding. 15. She may forgive you. / It's likely thatslre will forgive yo,r. I She is likely to forgive you. 16. It's likely drat they will refuse your offer. / They arelikely to turn down your offer. 17. "What was your brother doing in his room at 5 pm)" "F{e may havebeen studying." 18. "Wlry didn't she come to my birthday party)" "She can't have been feeling well."19. She may have been working on her new book for years. 20. She might have been dealing rvith thenew project for weeks. 21. You might have helped me do my homework.


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2I I part 5

Ex. l .2. Can I use your phonef 3. Can I borrow your pen? 4. May I open dre windowf 5. May I havc ),orrrnarnel 6. Can I use the comouter)

E-t. 2.2.Yr:u rnay not enter here. 3. You rnay not sit on dre bcnch. 4. Yor.r mav not take photos here . 5. You mrl\'not swirn here. 6. You m'.rv not use your mobile phone.

Ex. 3.2. are uot allowed to take 3. won't be allowed to qet on 4. wasn't allowed to drink 5. u,irs allowed ro bliv6. are irllowed to walk

Ex. ,1.

2. She won't let you smoke in dre flat. 3. My father didn't let me go dancing. 4. Her husbancl docsn'r lerher rvork. 5. Paul let his sister use his walky-talky 6. My daughter always lcts the dng sleep in hcr bccl. 7.I will trever let vou lnarry that m:rn. B. Jack has never let his brothers enter his room without knocking.

Ex . 5 .2. Our teacher alw:rys allows Lls to go horne before the end of the lesson. 3. Yor,rr morher r,vill nevcrallow you to keep pets in dre flat. 4. Tir-ra has never allowed her childrcn to use n:rsty words. 5. Hrs rvifc'didn't allorv hirn to go to the pub witl-r his friends. 6. Torn allowed her to use his credit carcl. 7. Ir,vouldn't allow him to speak ro you like that.

8 x . 6 .l Excuse rne! May I come in) 2. Hello Jackl Could / Can you give mc a liftf 3. I'm sorrv You na1' 11e1enter without giving the password. 4. Mrs Black, may I take your coat) 5. I'm afi'irid you arc nor alloweclto / may not smoke here. 6. Can I have your narne and phone numberf 7. Mr Jackson, may I hirvc a lookat dre drawingsl B. )essica, can I use your phonef 9. You may not take out reference books fiom thelibrant 10. I wasn't allowed to speak to my lawyer. ll. He won't be allowed to leave the buildine. 12. Yourtalr 161enter the basilica in a mini skirt. 13. You will be allowed to read this document only if you don'tspeak about it to anyone. 14. Nobody has been allowed to excav2lte in tl-ris area. 15. I'll ncver let you go.16. Why did you let him hurniliate youf 17. I wouldn't let rny children behave like this. 18. Tomallowed his daughter to / let his daughter take his car. 19. Eve always lets I'rer cl-rildren go / allows herclrildren to go home late.20. Have you ever ler anybody read your diaryf

2 \ . I par t6

E x . l .2. She had to go horne. 3. We had to visit him in the l-rospital. 4. You won'r havc to practise it. 5. Jecl<r.vill have to use his calculator. 6. You l-rad to go drere.

F,x.2.2. must help 3. must go 4. won't have to fly 5. had to move out of 6. will have to / mr.rst speak 7. rvillhave to do 8. don't have to speak 9. must apologize

Ex. 3.2. don't have to 3. don't have to 4. mustn't 5. mustn't 6. rnustn't 7. don't have to 8. mustn't

Ex. 4.2. Where will you have to travel to next month) 3. Who has to find a new jobl 4. Why did tl'rey havc rc'rmect an Lrrgent delivery) 5. How long did you have to stay in a hotell 6. Who will have ro speirk roirbout our plan) 7. What do you have to buy todayl

Ex. 5.2. I needed to go horne . 3. You didn't need to explain it. 4. She will need to wrire it down. 5. I didn't necdto type it. 6. He need check it I He needs to check it. 7.'Ihey need meet him. / They need to meer him.B. He need fill the tank / FIe needs to fill the tank.

Ex .6 .2 . to 3 . to 4 . - 5 . - 6 . to 7 . to B . - 9 . - 10 . toEx.7 .

2. needn't have had lunch in a salad bar. 3. needn't have taken her walkman with her 4. needn't hlve sor-rcto school. 5. needn't have used a public phone 6. needn't have called a mechanic.

Ex. B.2. I needn't have got up earlir 3. I didn't have to take an umbrella. 4. I needn't have taken an umbrella. 5.I didn't have to make lunch. 6. I needn't have made lunch.


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E x . 9 .1. Hc is your best friend. You must forgive him.2. Do yott kuorv when you have to meet her at dre stationl3. We must find some roorn for this chest of drawers. We can't dtrow it out.4. You mLrst look after her. She is your dauglrter.5. How malny times do I have to tell you that I love youf6. Whv did you have to annoy your teacher of Englishf7. I've had to tirke drcsc medicines for three months.B. You neech't accompany me home. I can find my way home alonc.9. If I want to support my familii I must find / I ll have to find ri good job.

10. Wc didr-r't neccl to call for the doctor.I L You clon't need to / needn't explain to lxe wl-lat ectuallv happened.12. Vru $,on't nccd to find a flat. You can stay wid-r us as well.13. If t,our blood prcssure is high, you tnusut't drink coffee.14. If vou clon't rvant to get a heart attttck) you mustn't overwork.I5. Cirn't )'ou sec the sign) You rnustn't stop here .16. You mustn't swim in this lake.17. You mustn't park y6s1 car here. Otherwise it will be towed awayI8. I needn'r have subscribed to Newsweek. My husband had already subscribed to it.

19. I didn't havc ro go to the English lesson yesterday because my English teacher phoned me to

drat she was ill.20. I need,n't have €tone to school yesterday, but I only realised it there that it was I" May

21. I needn't have hurricd because the bus was thirty minutes late.

21 . I par tT

E x . l .2. shouldn't car any sweers. 3. should do exercises. 4. should go to an estate agency 5. should ProPoseto her 6. should get divorced 7. shouldn't work so much.

F , x . 2 "2. shor.rld speak 3. should arrive 4. should have got up 5. Should / stay, should I go 6. should have handed

7. should ll-relp B. should have taken 9. should have failed 10. sl-rouldn't have acccpted

Ex. 3.3. Shoulcln't you be at work now) 4. shouldn't have spoken so loudly 5. should have listened to the

reacher 6. should be driving faster 7. should have phoned me earlier 8. should have arrived

Ex. 4.2. You ought ro have invited her. 3. Paul oughtn't to spend too much money 4. Everybody ought to keep

thc rules. 5. We oughtn't to have punished her, 6. He ought to be driving more carefully

Ex . 5 .3. I oughtn'r to missed the bus. 4. I should go on a diet. 5. He oughtnt to be so selfish. 6. She

slrouldn'r have overslept". 7. He oughtn't to be playing the violin at such a late hour.

E x . 6 .1. You shouldn't deceive her. She deserves more than that'2. You should listen to / You should be listening to what I'm saying to you.3. Hc shor-rld give up doing overtime if he doesn't want to get ill.4. I sl'rould have informed him about the changes.5. Why should I have warned himl6. Shouldn't you be at home yet|7. I should have defended her but I didn't dare to get involved / dared not get involved.

8. You shouldn't have been waiting for him for hours.9. What do you think I should dol

10. I should leave her without saying a word.11. I should put this wardrobe to the other side of the room.12. She shoulci find someone who she can trust.13. We should ask Daddy what he thinks about it.14. She isn't in :r good mood. You shouldn't tease her.


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15. Granr-ry is very old. We should help her.16. We haven't met for aqes. You should come and see us.17 . We shoulcl have put "tT tt"r" meeting.lB' He should have been learning English all afternoon but he was watching TV instead.19. In sr"rch cold weather vou should be wearing an overcoar.20. If you wanr to ger up early you should ser rhe alarm clock.

21 . / par t 8

Ex. 1 .2. tho'shor-rid book a table 3. I pav mv debts by nexr rveek 4. we go to see her at the weekepd 5. I shouldask n1'fathcr 6. she invitc mv cousins too.7. that we tell her the truth B. I should give up my job 9. wesh.,lcl acccpr 10. that they should open a'ew plant in Romani:r

b . x . 2 .2. shc shottld sav 3. l-re should be / he be 4. sl-re sould resign 5. be /shoulcl be here 6. look after / shoulcllooli aflcr their pirrents 7. he should clo that B. he be / sliould be late

Ex. 3 .2. It's uot very liliely d-rat Pcter has money in tl're bank but if he shoulcl have any he will lend you some.3. I don't:lrppose drat wc "vill finish building our house nexr yerrr but if wc should finish it, we will givea part\: 4. I'm llot sure that I'll win the rirce but if I should win it, I'll phone you at once . 5. It's not [[ely

,_ that thev rvill l-relp us but if thcv should help, we will bc able to finish tl-re pioject.

E r . 4 .2. shouldn't mect. 3. should put a jurnper on. 4. should go 5. shor.rld rnarry

Ex. 5 .l. He sr'rggestcd that rve should listen to him / that we lisren to him I that we listened to him.2. We rccommcndcd that they should report the case to the police.3. Hc i.sists that wc should phone him as soon as we cross thc border.

1 H" suggestion thar',ve should expand to the East was interesting.5. I r lemrtnd that they pa) 'cotnpcusat ion.6 -Wc sr-rggested that that they should take / that tl-rey take / that they took a few days off.7. They rccommenclecl mc not to go drere alone.8. He c'lcrnancls tl-rat e1,e1'bod_y asli fbr his permission if they want to leave the camp.9. I insisted rl-rar the children be in bed ar ten o'clock.

10. "Shall I buy this car)" "I would buy it. It's a bargain."

J 1 P" yor.r suggesr that I should divorce rny wife /"that I divorce my wifef

J? ]^tugg.:ted that you should think / that you think / that you thought ir over again.]3 If you should meet Tom / should you meet Tom, give him my tegidr.

J1 llrr"lg Jill go ro rhe party, don't forget to ask heito give me " ,irrg.15. Should he change his rni'd, which is not very like$ I;il inform you-.16. Should he decide that he won't buy my flat I'll let ii.

11 ] ytt surprised that she should ring -L ,tp. I haven't heard from her for ages.

J! ]r t typical that he should tell ever).thing to his parents.

l? Jr r strangc that he shouid be late. He is always very puncrual,20. It's irnportant drat everybody should take part in the-opening ceremony of the bridge.

2I I parr9

Ex. 1 .2. She doesn't dare to meet him. 3. We dare not say / don't dare to say a word. 4. How dared you speakto her like thatl 5. Will you dare to ask her how old she isl 6. He dared do / dared,to do anyth i"g. Z. U,rvill dare to break into drat house.

Ex. 2. a)2. darc do 3. dare do 4. dare do 5. dare do 6. dare dob) 2. dare not do 3. dare not do 4. dare not do 5. dare nor do 6. dare not do

E.r. 3. a)2. dare to do 3. dares ro do 4. dare to do 5. dare ro do 6. dare to dob) 2. don't dare to do 3. doesn't dare to do 4. don'r dare to do 5. clon't dare to do 6. don't dare to do


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E x . 4 .2 . - 3 . to4 . to 5 . -6 . -7 . to8 . to 9 . - 10 . to l l . - I to 12 . to 13 . to

L , x . 5 .3. not possible 4. not possible 5. She has never had the courage to use the lift. 6. You say.yott're afraid tcr

clrive iir the ciry ce ntre. 7 . You don't have the courage to betray your friends, do you | 8 . She was afraid tojr-rrnp out of thc window. 9. Not possible. I0. Not possible.

E x . 6 .l. How dare you spcak to your parents like thatf2 My daughter cl:rre not / doesn't dare (to) stay at home '.rlone .3. I never dared (to) smack my children.4. Are you sure that you'll dare (to) call himf5. Will you dare to call hirn in fiont of d're audience as wellf6. He would never dare (to) Ieave me.7. Dare you go hotne alone or shall I accompany you homef8. He dares (to) do / dare do anything. He is never afraid of anything.9. Do you dare (to) give date to your teacherf But she is twenty years older than you.

10. Unfortunately I didn't dare (to) / dared not proPose to her.II. I dare not do it. It's too riskil1.2. He doesn't dare (to) I dare not lneet yoll.13. I wouldn't dare (to) take the risk.14. How dared you walk into the department store barefootlf 5. Will you dare (to) tell what you've told me now at the police toof16. I dare say he is a swindler.17.I dare you to swim in dris lake.lB. I dare say drat they will arrive today19. "Dad, can I smoke a cigarette)" "You dare."20. Don't you dare take the car without asking me.

2l I part l0

Ex . l .2. Could you show me how to use itl 3. Could you tell me where the post-offrce isl 4. Could you give me

a bigger one / one size largerl 5. Can you lend me some moneyf 6. Could you deliver those shoes on

FridayfEx .2 .

2. Do you tl-rink you could lend me yolrr car) 3. Do you think I could have breakfast in the room) 4. Do

you thini< I could book a table for twol 5. Do you think you could give me his addressl 6. Do youthink

vou could check the names of the participants ? 7 . Do you think you could Post this le tter for me ) 8 . Do

you drink you could translate this text into EnglishfEx . 3 .

2. WtlU Could / Would you do me a favourf 3. Will / Could / Would you oPen the windowl 4. Wrll ICoulcl / Would you help me with the houseworkl 5. Will / Could / Would you show me how to use this

plrotocopier) 6. Will / Could / Would you show me how to fill in dris forml 7. Wiil, / Could / Would you

iigl this-docrxnentl B. Will / Would / Could you sit closer to each other? 9. Will / Could / Would you

stop cryinglEx. 4.

2. Would you like my pen) 3. Could you bring / Would you be so kind as to bring another soupl 4. Could

you tell me the time) 5. Would you like to sit next to the windowl 6. Would 1'ou like my sweaterf

I 1X . 5 .

l. Jack doesn't understand dris equation. Will you explain it to him)2. Could you tell me the way to the station / how I can get to the stationl3. Would you be so kind as to keep an eye on my baggage)4. May I use your phone|5. May I put your suitcase on the rack)6. Would you fetch rne my glass


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7. Do you think you could help me )8. Would you be quietf I'd fike to watch TV9. Do you think you could lend me your bicycle)

I0. Would you do me a favour)11. Do you think you could deliver the tracksuit is timef12. Can I have the bill, please)13. Can I have a glass of still mineral waterf14. Would you be so kind as to and bring a cup of coffee for me from the buffet)15. Do you think you cold arrange it for me)16. Would you be so kind as to translate this quotation for mel


Ex. 1.3. call4. read 5. speak 6. not offend 7. give 8. learn 9. not disturb

Ex.2 .3. cleaned 4. to switch on the heating 5. left 6. to fill 7. went

Ex. 3.2. I'd rather stay at home. 3. I'd rather stay here. 4. I'd rather have a cup of coffee. 5. I'd rather walk. 6.I'd rather eat something cold. 7. I'd rather phone him later.

Ex. 4.2. eat anything 3. go to school 4. work for a few days 5. watch TV 6. eat any sweets

Ex^ 5.2. I'd rather go jogging than do aerobics 3. I'd rather call him back later than wait for him. 4, I'd rathergo by underground than take a bus. 5. I'd rather lie down than take an aspirin.

E x . 6 .2. would you rather I translated them. 3. would you rather I answered it. 4. would you rather I collectedthem. 5. would you rather I deposited it. 6. would you rather I made it.

Ex .7 .2. do 3. see 4. learnt 5. were 6. stopped 7. drink B. have 9. left

E x . 8 .I. It's high time you got married and started a family2. I'd rather study than work.3. It's time you put up with the situation.4. I'm sleepy so I'd rather go to bed.5. Would you rather I helped you or would you rather do it alonef6. Would you rather stay at home or would you rather go outl7. I don't think that you do so well at school. I'd rather you learnt more in the afternoons.8. It's time to say good-bye.9. I'd rather walk than go by car.

10. Would you rather he accompanied you or would you rather he stayed here)11. I'd rarher you didn't speak about it to anyone.12. This memory is too painful for me. So I'd rather not talk about it.13. I'd rather we went there together.14. Tom would rather I stayed outside.15. Jack would rather go to bed now than watch this boring film.16. I'd rather you turned down the TV It's too loud.17. It's time we spoke about the details. / It's time to talk about the details.18. It's time you forgot about him.19, You had bener not go there alone.20. He'd better not get involved.2I.I'd better concentrate on my own tasks.22. She had better not call the police.23.We had better tell him the truth.24. Jason had berter leave the country{25. You'd better not eat that meat. It's gone off.


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Ex. l .2. If I lose my job, I won't be able to pay the rent. 3. If I get ill, I won't go to work. 4.If I go home I'll

have a bath. 5. If my flight is delayed, I will have to wait in the departure lounge. 6. If I am bored with my

work, I will look for another job.7.If my friends come round, we will watch a video. 8. If I earn sornc

extra money, I will buy a new hi-fi.Ex .2 .

2. the universiqq I will go to England for a Vear. 3. If I go to England for a yeirr, I'll speak English fluendy

4. If I speak Engtish fluintly, I will pass the entrance exam. 5. If I pass the entrance exam Iwill get into the

universlty 6. Ifl get into the university, I will study English literarure and linguistics. 7. If I study English

literanrre and linguistics, my English will be even better.E x . 3 .

2. If I won a lot of money, I would buy a house at Lake Balaton. 3. If somebody rvas knocking at the cloor

at night, I would be scared to answer the door. 4. If I damaged my friend's car, I would p:ry for the

damige. 5. If my neighbours were making too much noise, I wouldn't bother about it. 6. If a rnan was

lying in the middle of the road, I would go there to see wh?rt happened to him. 7.If my car broke down

on i bury road I would call for help. 8. If l lost my ID, I would report it to the police.Ex. 4.

2. ar home, I would do my homework. 3. If I did my homework, I wouldn't have to write it in the

morning. 4. If I didn't have ro write it in the morning, I would have time to chat with my class-mates. 5.

If I hadlime ro chat with my class-mates, I would tell them what happened to me at the weckend. 6. If I

told them what happened to me at the weekend, d-rey would laugh at me.Ex. 5 .

2. is 3. concenrrare 4. were 5. will inform 6. pry 7. wouldn't ask B. borrowed 9. saw 10. wouldn't get 11.

will tell 12. were 13. buy 14. don't mindEx. 6.

2. we left now, we would be too early 3. I put on this coat, evervbody would laugh at me. 4. we had a

hamburger now, we couldn't eat dinner. 5. we went by ta-ri, it would be too expensive.8x.7.

2. he had gone to bed earlier yesterday 3. you saw a robbery 4. you wouldn't have to go to school 5. I

were rich 6. I wouldn't workE x . 8 .

2.If I had stayed in a hotel, it would have cost too much. 3. If the family had paid a ransorn) dreir son

would have been released. 4. If we had travelled by plane, the journey would have been more comfortable.

5. If she had taken my advice, she wouldn't have got into trouble . 6. If the robber had escaped, rhe police

would have caught him very quicklyE x . 9 .

2. had won / would have been 3. had known / would have phoned 4. had missed / would have taken 5'

had fastened/ wouldn't have got injured 6. had known / would have cleaned T.hadsrudied / would have

passed 8. hadn't invited / wouldn't have had toEx. 10.

2. If Tim hadn'r forgotten about his wedding anniversary his wife wouldn't have been very sad. 3. If I had

taken the book back to the library in time, I wouldn't have had to pay a fine. 4. If Sue hadn't had to write

an essay, she would have gone to the cinema. 5. If I hadn't missed the bus, I wouldn't have had to $'alk

home. 6. If my sister had had enough money on her, she rvouldn't have borrowed any money from her

friend. 7. If you hadn't used a cheat-sheet, your teacher wouldn't have noticed it and she wouldn't have

taken away your rest-paper. 8. If you hadn't often been late for your work, your boss wouldn't have given

you the sack.Ex . l I .

2. You won't get a promotion unless you work harder, 3. You can take my car provided you don't drivefast. 4. They will be verv proud of themselves as long as they can finish the race. 5. You act as if you knew

everything. 6. He won't give it to you even if you pay for it.Ex. 12.

2. We won'r go on a trip unless the weather is good. 3. Supposing you met an alien, what would you dol

4. I won't believe your story even if you bring witnesses here. 5. We won't get there in time unless we take


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a taxi. 6. She will lend you some money provided you pay it back before the weekend. 7. Supposingthev went on strike, what would happen| B. He will never tell you dre truth even if you beat him up. 9.We will phone you as long as we don't get there in time. 10. Unless somebody in his family gets ill, hewor-r't come home.

Ex. I3 .3. You could enter if vou could give dre password. Yor,r could have entered if you had been able to give drepassword. 4. He could kecp his medal only if he could prove that he didn't take steroids. lle could havekept his medal only if he had bcen eble to prove that he hadn't taken steroids. 5. They would be able tocatch the murderer if they could identif,, the fingerprints. Thcy would have been able to catch the murderer,if d-rey had becn able to identify the fingerprints. 6. We could find a solution if we could co-operate. Wecould have found a solution if we had been able to co-oDerate.

E-r. I4.2. Should you miss the train, give me a ring. 3. Had I been there,I would have run away 4. Were she toIeave you, what would you dol 5. Should they find some cvidcnce, let me know

E x . 1 5 .2. your help, they would fail the exam. But for your help, d-rey would fail dre exam. 3. If it hadn't beenfor Johrr, we would have been in trouble. But for John, we would have been in trouble. 4. If it weren'tfor the unroadwordry car, we would go to see you. But for dre unroadworthy car, we would go to seeyor.r. 5. If it hadn't been for dre children, they would have got divorced. But for the children they wouldhave got divorced.

Ex. 16.1 If you aren't at home, he r,l,ill be very disappointed.2.If the weadrer is nice at dre weekend, we'll do the gardening.3. I won't help them even if they ask me to.4. I'll go to the party even if Dadd,v doesn't let me.5. You can take my car provided / on condition that you don't exceed the speed limit.6. If Jack resigns, I won't stay here either.7. They will miss the flight unless drey take a taxi.B. He will forget about the meeting unless you remind him of it.9. You can stay here provided you remain silent.

I0. Will you sell me your car if I pay rwice as much for it than it is worthlI L What if they arc late for the lecture I12. I'li do y6ul homework if you make a coffee for me.13. I would buy this pair of shoes if drey wercn'r so expensive.14. Would you do me a favour if I asked you tol15. Suppose they are here roo, what would you say to theml16. You behave as if you were the boss here.17. Could you believe it if I said that I'm innocenr.18. If we could get together, we could discuss a few things.19. If they were able to break the code, they could escape.20. Could you fall asleep if you knew that somebody might enter your house at any timel21. We could have met if we had made an appointment earlier.22.If vou had been able to drive, you could have come home.23. If the police had been able to identift the traces of blood, they could have caught rhe murderer

very quicldv24. If vou should meet Tom / Should you meet Tom, tell him that I wish him a speedy recovery25. If I should arrive f Should I arrive larcr, I'll give you a ring.26. Should you not get here, we'll call the corps.27. If he will co-operate widr us, l-re will have nothing to be afraid of.28. If you w.ould pay for the damage,I wouldn't rurn to the police.29. If he will plead guilty the court will sentence him for only two year imprisorunent.30. If he had been me, he rvould have done rhe sarne tl"ring as rne.31. But for I If it weren't for Tom, I would go abroad.32.If it hadn't been for / But for you, I could have died.33. But for I If it weren't for dre unroadworthy car, we would also be on our way to Rome.34. Btrt for I If it hadn't been for the ski instructor, I couldn't have learnt to ski.35. As long as you submit the report beyond the deadline, we rvon't be able to publish it.


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Ex. 1.2 . lw ish lcou ldspeakEng l ish .3 . Iw ish lwereat theseanow4. Iw ish lhadahouse.5 . Iw ish i twasn ' training now 6. t *ish I had something to read.7.I wish I knew somebody here. 8. I wish I was lying inthe sun now 9. I wish I had enough money to buy a car. I0. I wish my family were here.

Ex .2 .2. I wish I had a lot of money 3. I wish I were in Crete now. 4. I wish my husband was here with me.5. I wish I were able to climb Mount Everest.

E x . 3 .2. I wish my car would go faster. 3. I wish they would get married. 4. I wish the team would find him. 5.I wish they would stop arguing. 6. I wish he would change his mind. 7. I wish my neighbour wouldn'tuse rude words in front of my children. 8. I wish Tom wouldn't come to the par\r 9.I wish my sisterwouldn't keep interrupting me.

E x . 4 .2. could speak 3. would go 4. had 5. wouldn't complain 6. didn't have to 7. weren't driving B. was 9.would buy 10. wouldn't change 11. would help 12. had 13. wouldn't / didn't live

Ex. 5.2. I wish I hadn't given up my studies. 3. I wish my husband had fastened his seat belt. 4. I wish I hadn'tgone to the casino. 5. I wish I had taken the money to the police. 6. I wish I had booked a table. 7. I wishI had prepared for the exam.

Ex. 6.L . 8 2 . C 3 . 4 4 . D 5 . D

Ex.7 .l .2 .3 .4.5 .

wish I had more time for my familywish the boss would take a few days offwish it would stop raining.wish it would snowwish I was lying on the beach now

6. I wish I wouldn't have to work tomorrow7. I wish the police would find the kidnappers.8. I wish we would live closer to each other.9. I wish you were here.

I0. I wish he would drive more slowly I feel sick.Il. I wish he would give up smoking.12. I wish Tom could ski.I3. I wish l could swim.14. I wish they weren't afraid of my dog.15. I wish we had met earlier.16. I wish I had reported the case to the police.17. I wish I hadn't been so nice to him. He didn't deserve it.

wish I hadn't wasted so much moneluwish you had been here with me.wish vou had told me the truth.



Ex. I .2. are cleaned 3. is included 4. is made 5. was published 6. are expectedT . are... populated B. was caused9. was allowed 10. are printed 11. are ... requested 12. was written

8x.2.2. was being redecorated 3. is being cleaned 4. was being searched 5. are being copied 6. were beingrepaired

Ex. 3.2. Kodak has been bought by American shareholders. 3. $50000 have been stolen from a savings bank.4. American tourists have been captured by terrorists. 5. Twenry people have been made redundant. 6.Hundreds of people have been killed in an earthquake. 7. A car has been stolen from a garage. 8. Afamous star has been rescued by children.


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Ex. 4.2. The house will have been built by the time you return. 3. The money will be deposited in a bank. 4.The safe will be opened with a knife. 5. The name of the street will be changed 6. The letter will havebeen posted by the time she gets back. 7. It will have been reported to the police by that time.

Ex. 5.2. must be / should be warned 3. have to be taken 4. can't be eaten 5. have to be transported / should betransported 6. mustn't be / can't be copied 7. can't be / mustn't be borrowed 8. can't be seen

Ex. 6.2. A doctor should have been called for. 3. The kev mav have been found in the streer. 4. This car can'rhave been stolen 5. This article shouldn't have been published 6. It must have been paid for.

Ex.7.2. AIot of accidents are caused by foggy weather: 3. A lot of plays were wrimen by Shakespe are. 4. He waskilled with a stone. 5. He was killed by a falling stone. 6. The food was poisoned with irsenic.

Ex. B.2.The truth was told to her. She was told the truth. 3. A good job was offered ro me. I was offered a goodjob. 4. German will be taught to me. I will be taught German. 5. $20 have already been paid ro me. I havealready been paid $20. 6. The new office has been shown to me. I have been shown thi new ofiice.

Ex. 9.2. being treated 3. being given 4. being kept 5. being called 6. being asked T.beingdeceived 8. beingregarded

Ex. 10 .2. got hurt 3. got renovated 4. got broken 5. got washed 6. get informedT. getpromoted 8. got offered9. get invited I0. get offended / got told

Ex. 11 .3. Possible. It wants washing. 4. Not possible. 5. Possible. It needs redecorating. 6. Possible. Ir wantscleaning. 7. Not possible. 8. Possible. They want watering. 9. Possible. It needs cuning.

Ex .12 .2. is reported to be in Hungaril The famous actor was reported to be in Hungary 3. is thought toincrease. The rate of inflation was thought to increase,4. are believed to have won the elections. TheYoung Democrates were believed to have won the elecrions. 5. is thought to be falling. The populationrvas thought to be falling. 6. is believed to have gone to prison for fraud. He was believed to have gone toprison for fraud. 7. Jackson is alleged to have committed a serious crime. jackson was alleged to havecommitted a serious crime. 8. is said to have been promoted. Sheila was said to have been promoted.9. The meeting is understood to be put off. The meeting was understood to be put off. I0. are said tobe working. They were said to be rvorking. tI. is expected to be introduced in May The new currencywas exPected to be introduced in May 12. James is expected to spend all his money on gambling.lames was expected to .spend all his money on gambling.

Ex . 13 .2. Sharon is supposed to have a lot of money 3. Terence is supposed to be afraid of beetles.4. Tim issupposed to have been a priest earlier. 5. Sue is supposed to have worked as a spy for the FBI. 6. Peter issuppose d to be looking for a new job. 7 . Patsy is supposed to come from Australia. 8. Tom is supposed tobe lying in a hospital now 9. /ack is supposed to have been arrested for smuggling.

Ex. 14.2. is supposed to end 3. were supposed to finish 4. aren't supposed to turn 5. was supposed to stan 6.was supposed to post 7. are supposed to be playing

E x . I 5 .2. I was told to buy some bread. 3. She was told to be more careful. 4. I was told to be at the station ar 5o'clock sharp. 5. we have been told to sray here. 6. They were rold to be quiet.

Ex. 16.2. told 3. said 4. told 5. said 6. told 7. said 8. told 9. told 10. said

Ex. 17.3. was thought to have been guarded by soldiers. / were thought to have guarded the castle. 4. arethought to have been allowed to escape by the wardens. / are thought to have allowed the prisoners toescaPe. 5, are expected to be raised by the company / is expected to raise the wages. 6. was known to havebeen stolen by a criminal. / was known to have stolen the car. 7. was believed to be amended by thegovernment / was believed to amend the bill.


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Ex. IB .2. was allowed 3. has been seen / was dismissed 4. Would ... be offended / told 5. is staying / is being

redecorated 6. u'ould have been cancelled 7.had been arrested 8. have used / is being repaired 9. was

staying / was being painted 10. be treatedEx. 19.

One thing is that they can be fownd. all over the world. Another is that they nre exponed' by the United

States. Siit can be conclwded. that, the world. has been conqueretl by Arnerican popwlnr tastes and' nttitudes'

... llowever after the Second World War the spread,ing of Aru.erican influence wns czntinued. by a pon'erfwl

nan force, and this rvas television.Loti of rnoney was poid. to telnis'i.on cornpanies f Tilwision cornpanies were pnid. lots of tn'oney by wanufactwring

frrns to show advertisernents for their products u,hlle progravns "Lt2ere being broad.cast.Programs which were watched. by rrietuers all over the world tpere also telnised. by the telmis'i.on cowpnnies.

"'whttt she died in 1989, "I hre Lucy" wat still being broad'cast b1t the w cornpanies' It had' been seen' bt'

thousand.s of people.In music the process of Arnericanization cowld. be seeru in the huge popularity of rock. . . ., a music ttrtat wns

f.rst played by banrls in the I950s.

American enting ha.bits were spread. by thegrowing popwlnrity of "fastfood.". The d'ress ofpeople was Aw't'ericanized'lry btue jeans and. Tshirts on every continent. And the experience of shopping was changed by swpennarhetsevery,ryvhere.... They were so tall that they were called. sl<yscrapers. By the I9B0s city centres were being d.orninated' by sttchbuild.ings all over the world.Skyscrapers were symbols of a name that was giren to the cenhny by sorne bistorians. ...

F ,x .2O.l. The new shopping centre was opened yesterday2. The name of dre lottery five winner isn't usually rnade public.3. In the article dre younger brother of dre eyewitness was also questioned.4. His uncle was accused of embezzlement.5. I'm sure that my nephew will be admitted to the university6. "Where is my car?" "I'm afraid, it has been towed away7. How long has the National Theatre been builtl8. Everybody who can be held responsible for the death of the president will be arrested.9. It is recommended that dre lenses should be disinfected before use .

10. The roads are being cleaned so the motorists are requested to drive carefully1I. When I entered the offrce yesterday the windows were being cleaned.12. The suspect was being questioned from morning till night.13. The same songs were being played on the radio all day yesterday14. We've launched three new products in dre market this year.15. We hope that this bill will be amended.16. This target will have to be reached beforc the end of the year.17. His house must have been broken into.18. He can't have been kidnapped.19. The documenrs may have been copied by his secretary / It's likely that dre documents were copied

by his secretaq{20. The window may not have been broken with a hammer. It's not very likely that the window was

broken with a hammer.2I. He was killed by the tools falling offthe shelf.22. The door was opened with a key23. Tom was given books for his birthday / Books were given to Tom for his birthday24. I was told to stay here.25. We were taught Russian at school. / Russian was taught to us at school.26. Tomorrow the visitors will be shown fhe new plants. / The new plants will be shown to the visitors

today27. My husband was offered a new job yesterdal / A new job was offered to my husband yesterday28. I can't stand being treated like a child.


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29. He doesn't like being asked about his u'ork.30. Whv did you go d-rere wirhout being invited)31. We are fbd up with being looked down on.32. Your roorn needs cle.aning.33. This hotne needs whitewashing.34. He is said to be very clever.35. He was told to ellrer the competition.36. Peter is larown ro have becn in England.37. Tbc new bridge $/as expecred to be finished by Septernber.38. We r,r'ere said to be able to solve the problerns of thc village.39. Thc Young Dcmocrats wcre thought to win the clectiorrs again.40. You are believed to have done some rvorl< similar to this.4I. Tom is ianown to have divorced rwicc.42.'lhe police are saicl to be searching for someone.43. The rescue team was said to have bcen looking for tl're boy for several days.44.The tealn was believed to losc the match.45. Your brother was said to have been accepted to the universitlz46. The judges were rhought to have been bribed.47. You wcre supposed to arrive ar 5 o'clock sharp.48. The bridge was supposed to bc inaugurated romorrow:


L,x. 1.Sentences which irre similar in meaninq: 3. 5

Ex.2 .2. We have the house whitewa.shed every year. 3. She has the windows cleaned twice a month. 4. Theyare having the shelves fixed at the moment. 5. She has her hair washed every week. 6. He is having theletter translated now

F r ?

2. he had it repaired. 3. we had it installed. 4. he had it washed. 5. they had it translated.E x . 4 .

b) Next week she is having her flat cleaned (it's arranged) c) Last monrh she had her flat cleaned. d)She is having he_r flat cleaned now. e) She has her flat ileaned every month. f) She has already had herflat cleaned. g) She never has her flat cleaned. / She has never had-her flat cleaned. h) When i went tosee her she was having her flat cleaned. i) By dre time we arrived she had had her flat cleaned. i) Shehas just had her flat cleaned.

Ex . 5 .2. have to have it washed. 3. have to have my eyes tested 4. have to have it tiehtened 5. have to have themcooied.

-b.x. 6,2 have. your hair dyed 3, are having the gas installed 4. Have you had it paintedf 5. have glasses made 6.have a hearing-aid bought. 7. haven'r had the film developed yet.

Ex .7 .2. to lend 3. to tell 4. to make 5. to do

Ex. B.2. "vill have dre students pick it up 3. had my son change 4. will have my secrerary rranslate 5. got him to

* tgll 6. had the purchasing manager order 7 . get my children to finish / have my thildren finis[E x . 9 .

_ 2,! had my house broken into. 3. She got her husband kidnapped. 4. He had his dog run over.E x . 1 0 .

. . . Obviously_I had l-rad it stolen.... so I had it damaged. . .. I also gor ir stolen ... so I had the meetingcancelled. ... I gor a lot of rroney lost. ... I got my nose broken

E x . 1 I .

? Yy husband made me cry 3. The students made the teacher laugh. 4. This aspirin made me feel bener.5. The custolns officer made the smuggler open his case. 6. T'he terrorists made the hacker give thepassword. 7. Tl'rc bank robbers made the clerk give them the money 8. This smell made her faint.


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Ex. 12.2. They were made ro give them their money 3. The children were made not to tell the truth. 4. The

witnesses were made to keep quiet. 5. She was made to leave the room. 6. I was made to open thc safe.

Ex . 13 .2. In the end you'll have everybody talking about you. 3. I won't have her telling me lies. 4. Sooner or

later she will have the students eating out of her hands. 5. Your fadrer won't have you going home late . 6.

The ski instructor will have me skiing very quicldyE x . 1 4 .

2 . - 3 . - 4 . to5 . to 6 . - 7 . - 8 . to9 . - 10 . - lL . toEx. 15.

3. wrong. Have you had the manager sign the document? 4. Right but "Why didn't you get your brother

to give fou a lift." is also right. 5. fught. 6. Right. 7.Wrong.I won't have my roorunates giving Partiesat night. 8. Right. 9. Wrong. Sharon was made to let the kidnappers in the house. 10. Right.

E x . 1 6 .l. Yesterday I had the tap repaired by d-re mechanic because it had been dripping for weeks.

2. This medicine will make you feel better.3. This dress makes you look younger.4. I don't speak German but I can still make myself understood.5. Who did you have your flat painted byf6. Next week he will have his lawyer prepare his last will.7. Wlly don't you have your English teacher translate dris letterl8. Yesterday I had my car washed at the petrol station.9. We got Tom to have a few words with his boss for our sake .

10. Why don't you get your husband to go on a sulnmer holidayf11. Did he get his parents to buy a car for himf12. The kidnappers made dre hostages say that everything was all right.13. The custorns officers made him open his case.14. What I liked about Leslie that he could always make me laugh.15. Whenever I see this film, it makes me cry16. The children were made to tell lies to their parents.17. The night watcher was made to let the robbers in.18. He was quarrelling with dre security guards so long that he had his nose broken.19. The day before yesterday I had my purse stolen on the bus'20. Last week we had our flat broken into.2I. I won't have the paparazzis swarming outside my house,22. My father won't have anybody entering his study23. Don't worry We'll soon have you walking again.24. Last week my brodrer had me skating.25. If you can't hold your tongue, /ou'll have the police questioning everybody again.


Ex. I .2. his wife was working then. 3. they had found a purse. 4. Sheila was working when she entered. 5. hissister had been living in Oxford at that time. 6. they were going to travel abroad. 7. lack had been

unemployed for years. 8. Sandra and John had been living together for a long time. 9. they would meet

outside rhe cinema. I0. he had had a flat for two years. I l. they would have been living in New York for

a year by June. 12. they had left by that time. 13. her colleague had given a birthday parryF . x . 2 .

2. they might be at home. 3. he would like to come with me. 4. they could speak English fluendy 5. she

had never been able to climb a tree. 6. he would be very said if he didn't invite him. 7. rhey had had to

agree on a date 8. Tom had been able to escape from the prison. f. if he were me) he wouldn'tphoneher. 10. fr.y / we could get on well with each other. Il. they can't be friends. 12. she couldn't play the

violin. 13. that he mustn't cheat. 14. that she must visit her grandmother. 15. they must know somethingabout the plan. 16. they might have missed the train L7. we needn't worry / didn't need to worry 18.

that I didn't need to go home. 19. that he had better stay with them. 20. she should tell him the truth.


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Ex. 3.2. We wouldn't like to stay at a hotel. 3. I am fed up with my job. 4. You were very impolite. 5. You don'tneed to help me. 6. I missed you. T.Ihave been looking for a job for months but I still haven'r found one.B. I was sleeping then. 9. She was cooking dinner when I arrived home . 10. We are going to get married.11. I have to look after the neighbour's cats. 12. You mustn't switch on this machine. 13. I won't be ableto solve this problem.

Ex.4 .3. Right.4. Wrong. ... the next week. 5. Wrong. ... then.6. Wrong. ... rwo days befbre. 7.Wrong. ...the previous year. 8. fught. 9. Right. 10. Wrong. ... the day before. ll. Wrong. ... that I it.12. Right.13. Wrong. ... by that time the following month.

Ex. 5.2 . a ) 3 . e ) a . b ) 5 . c ) 6 . d )

E x . 6 .2. He decided that he would apply for that job. 3. He insisted that he would pay the bill. 4. He boastedthat he hadn't had grades worse than five the previous year. 5. He objected that he wouldn't do it alone .6. She complained that she had had to do overtime for a monrh. 7. He confirmed that /ack had resigned.8. He predicted that dre prices of shares witl fall in the first term. 9. He added that they couldn'r qpendmore on new machinery 10. He denied that he had been there at the time of dte murder.

Ex .7 .2. a) where he is from b) where he was from 3. a) how long my teacher has been teaching English. b) howlong my teacher had been teaching English 4. a) who I met last night b) who I had met the pievious night5. a) what he was doing when I entered the room b) what he was doing when I enrered the room. 6. a)wlro saw him there b) who had seen him there 7. a) how often I met Sasha when I was in Moscow b) howoften I had met Sasha when I was / I had been in Moscow 8. a) who I came here with b) who I had gonethere with

Ex. B .2. a) if he has ever worked as a manager b) if he had ever worked as a manager 3 a) if I was sitting ina bar at drat time b) if I had been sining in a bar at that time 4. a) if I had ro go to rhe office yesterdayb) if I had had to go to the office the day before 5. a) if he wants to give up his job b) if he wanted togive up his job 6. a) if I have been waiting long b) if I had been waiting long 7. a) if he would like to goon holiday b) if he would like to go on holiday

Ex. 9.2. if he is happy to see her again 3. if she has come back 4. how often they check the alarm 5. if hisParents are working now 6. if they will get divorced 7. where the tickets are 8. who she is going to thecinema widr f . if they left for London

8 x . 1 0 .3. they have been here 4. they had needed to borrow money 5. the children are playing now 6. he wouldmarry me 7. they are going to move into that flat.

Ex . I I .2. lle warned her not to buy that car. 3. My teacher asked me to close the window 4. The sales representativerequested us to supply them with samples. 5. Their sergeant commanded them to use the grenldes. 6.Mycolleague recommended me to take a few days off. 7. She reminded him not ro forg.t to phone hismother. 8. Her boyfriend urged her to walk faster. 9. Their father ordered them to stop liughing. f O. Snebegged them to give her soiething to eat. ll. His wife encouraged him to apply foi that"jobl

Ex. 12.2. going to the cinema 3. that she shouldn't eat that spicy dish 4. whether to pur offthe meering or not /whether she should put offthe meeting or not. 5. I would empry the dustbin / I would 6. if I would marryher lI wouldn't 7. if I was h^ppy lI wasn't 8.dancing 9. not giving it to her 10. putting an advemisementin the newspaper Il. going to the beach 12. taking the dog for a walk 13. whether to phone the police orkeep it quiet / he should phone the police or keep it quiet 14. not bothering abour the details

Ex . 13 .2. He wished us a nice weekend 3. She said what a lovely dog it was. 4. She complained how boring hewas. 5. He congranrlated her on her wedding. 6. She called her son an incurableliar.

Ex. 14.2. Bob said that when he was / had been a child he had gone to church every Sunday 3. Emma said that herlitde daughter had started to speak a few weeks before. 4. Tina said that som" y""rc before she couldn't


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irnagine that her sistcr rvould also have children. 5. Shcila's brodrer said that if she got a bank lo'an, shcwouldn't be able to pay it back. 6. She complained that her neighbours were always quarrelling in the middleof the night. 7. She advised him not to spend all his rnoney on her. 8. She said that they wouldn't need to lcndd-reir car to him because he had already had his car repaired. 9. Shc said she hadn't wanted to go to |ack'sparty the day before because her husband was / had been drere too. 10. He said that they would havereached the coa^st of America by that time the following month / the next month. 11. She said that herchildren hadn't dared to behave badly because they had seen that she was / had bcen in a bad mood. 12. Shesaid drat I must apologise to her for my rude bel-raviour otherwise she would be very disappointed. 13. Heclaimed that Ted can't have been at home at drat time since he had left dre ofiice at 5.30. 14. He said drat hisparents wished they had more money 15. He said I had better stay away fi'om work for a couple of davs ifI didn't w'ant to get ill again. 16. He offered to show my brother how drat machine worked. / He asked if hesl-rould show my brother how that machine worked. 17. He suggested not postporling the meeting. 18. Hesuggested / recommended travelling to the sea in summer. 19. My mother said shc would radrer I didn'tw'aste my time reading that silly magazine. 20. She said whcn she entered dre room the children wereclimbing out through the rvindow

Ex. 15.T . C 2 . B 3 . A 4 . B 5 . D

Ex. 16.l. Your colleag;r-res said that you were in thc office.2.The researchers said that we would be satisfied widr the result.s.3. Jack said that when I was phoning him he was having a bath.4.My neighbour said that he had seen nobody enter my house.5. We thought that before you left you would give us a ring.6. You thought that I would forgive you.7. Peter said that his sister was preparing for her exams then.B. We thought that you had already arranged every,.thing.9. I drought that Jack had been living in America for years.

10. Mrs Black said that Thornas had been expelled from school that dayll. We wouldn't have thought d-rat you were ablc to carrv out the project.12. They said that he had been in Holland then, but he hadn't.13. They said that you were having talks with drem at five o'clock.14. They said they were going to find new partners.I5. They claimed that the book had already been published in English too.16. The board decided to cancel the contract widr that firm. I that they would cancel...17 . The author of the article said that thirty years earlier he met the discoverer of the Seizo-treasures in

Person, too.18. We thought that you could persuade Paul not to go to the scene of dre rnurder.19. The witness said that he must have seen the robber escape.20. The teacher said that the essay would have to be handed in the following week.21. You said that you didn't need help.22. My husband told me that he could never have lied to me.23. His teachers told hirn that he could pass the exam if he learnt harder.24. Why did you tell him that if we had known that he was at home, we would have invited him to dre

Parry25. My boss said that it was a messy business and he also added that I had better not get involved.26. He said that when he was / had been young he hadn't smoked.27. My wife said that two days earlier she hadn't wanted to go out because it was / had been late.28. ]ack said that since he had already been to New York the previous summet the following year he

would like to go to L.A.29.He said drat l-re had met his new boss in drat bar the orevious week.30. He said that everything would corne to light that drry31. He said that film should be recorded.32. It was reemphasized / underlined drat the managerial rneeting had been put off.33. He admitted drat he had had someone else write his dresis.34. They predicted drat the catastrophe would t'ake place.35. He boasted that he hadn't got any grades worse than four in that term.


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36. He insisted that he pay the bill.37.He denied that he had gone to see his parents the previous month'38. We asked the children why they had said that everything was / had been O.K. at school.

39. We wanted to know how long he had been learning English.40. They wondered who we had invited to our wedding.4I. They asked what my job was.42.They wanted to know what he was worldng on then.43. We r.vondered what he was doing in the offtce when we entered.44.We had no idea why she wanted to divorce Tom.45. He asked me if I would like to learn to ski.46. He rvanted to know if he had any chance of getting into thc flnal.47 . He asked if we had been waitir-rg for hirn long.48. I had no idea how she had got there.49. She wanted to know if she could come to the theatre with us.50. We asked if he liked books on history51. He wanted ro lanow if we wouJd do our best for his sake atthe trial in two days'time.

52.They asked if they would have to clean the flat before they left and I said of course they would.

53. They asked if they could borrow the car in two days'time.54. They asked if tl-rey might smoke there. / srnoking was allor,r'ed55. Tom asked if I wanted to go to the cinema with him that night.56. He asked who had used the copy machine wo days before.57. They wanted to knorv whether I would do that favour for them if drey asked me.

58. We advised them to get in touch widr dre insurance agent.59. He commanded the soldiers not to shoot.60. We suggested going on holiday that summer.61. He suggested d-rat I shoulcl turn to a specialist as sooll as possible.62. He hesitated whedler to stay at home or come with us.63. He couldn't decide whether to apply for that job or do what he had been doing uP to then.

64. He asked me if I would marry l-rim but I said that I wouldn't.


Ex. I .2. to rvork harder 3. to buv a car 4. to lend him her car 5. to go to Spain for a holiday 6. to post the lener

7 . not to drive fast B. to sray at )ack's Guesthouse 9. to smoke there 10. to see the doctor I l. to give him

tlrc money L2. to drive 13. not to tell anyone 14. not to go there 15. to beat him up if he tells anyone

F 'x .2 .2. promised 3. failed 4. rnanaged 5. forgot 6. deserved 7. dared 8. advised 9. hoped 10. arranged

Ex. 3.3. I'd like you ro lend me your bicycle. 4. I want you to work harder. 5. Kathy would like you to help her.

6. I would like you ro rurn the radio down. 7. I would like you to stop talking. 8. I want you to give me

some advice. 9. I would like you to meet me at dre station. I0. I want you to stav at home.

E x . 4 .2. rvould yor.r like me ro cook something 3. would you like me to lend you mine 4. would you like me to

speak to hirn 5. would you like me to l'relp you 6. would you like me to show you 7. would you like me

to stay here with youEr . 5 .

3. Jack seems to be preparing for something 4. Your son appears to bc bored with school. 5. His daughtcr

clirims to have pasJed the exam. 6. Bill tends to be absent-minded. 7. Sarah seems to be looking for

somedring. 8. She appears to have lost her glasses.E r . 6 .

2. She is bclieved to bc working for the CIA. 3. Joe is known to have lost his job. 4. They are said to travel

abroad. 5. Her flat is thought to have been sold. 6. A new bridge is known to be built. 7. More workers

are cxpeced to be employed. 8. Her flat is thought to have been broken into. 9. They are believed to be

doing new experiments.


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F;x.7.3. She isn'r clever enough to understand it. 4. She is too short to reach the top shelf. 5. )essica is notstrong enough to lift it. 6. Kathy is too lazy to do her homework for Mondair 7. Kathy is not hard-working enough to learn the topics for the exam. 8. jeremy is too shy to speak in public. 9. I'm too tiredto finish this report today 10. I'm not fit enough to climb the stairs.

Ex. 8.2. second to leave the room. 3. happy to see him. 4. easy to understand him 5. difficult to understandhim 6. It will be diffrcult to solve dris problem 7. pleased to meet you.

Ex. 9.2. how ro ger 3. where to stay 4. how to use 5. what to say 6. what to do 7. how to persuade 8. where tolook for them 9. how to tell her 10. whether to accept

Ex. I0.2. I didn't dare to 3. Did you need to 4. won't dare to 5. dare 6. needn't / don't need to 7. dared to B.dare 9. Don't dare to

Ex. l I .2. cry 3. give 4. go 5. look 6. do 7. speak 8. feel9. drive 10. watch ll. laugh

Ex.12.2. smoking 3. to smoke 4. spending 5. open 6. to show 7. to study 8. drive 9. to apply for I0. to stay I go12. tell 13. to take 14. to do 15. take

Ex. 13.2. It will take him eighty days to travel around the world. 3. It took him two weeks to get to the toP. 4.It will take them about five years to find the remedy 5. It takes him about twenty minutes to get to schoolon foot. 6. It takes about half an hour to get to the centre by bus. 7. It takes about two hours to get toBudapest from Veszprdm.

Ex. 14.l. We agreed to compensate him for his losses.2.He aimed to reach the target by the end of the year but he didn't manage to realize it.3. F{e seems to be satisfied with the result.4. He didn't seem to be very h^ppy5. They seem to have done their best for the sake of success.6. They don't seem to have coped with the task.7. We arranged to meet him at the station at seven.8. They tried / attempted to draw his attention to / to warn him about the dangers of the expedition

but l-re didn't seem to bother much about it.9. When I was a child. we couldn't afford to travel abroad.

10. They decided to approve the proposal of the committee.Il. This characteristic of his enabled him to persuade anybody about anything.12. He didn't manage to mislead the authorities.13. They offered to help to take the first steps.14. What he said proved to be true.15. The king ordered his servants to find his daughter.16. We promised Mum to write her a postcard as soon as we got there.17. I would like you to take part in the competition as well.18. Did you tell her to mind her own businessf19. The doctor advised his allergic patients not to leave the flat for a couple of days.20. I advise you to consider your decision.2I. To make promises is easy but to kee p them is difficult. / It's e asy to make promises but it's difficult

to keep them.22. It's impossible to persuade him because he is so stubborn.23. It's dangerous to talk about things like these in public.24.Itwas very considerate of you to take flowers to your teacher.25.We would be delighted to take part in the conference.26.kwas stupid of you to go there without being invited.27. Arnong communist countries Hungary was the first to make progress towards liberalisation.28. Terence was the next to resign.29.I'll be the last to leave the room.


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30. You are too gifted to stay at this small firm.31. He is too young to understand it.32. He is not brave / courageous enough to undertake this task.33. I don't know how to say good-bye to him.34. I don't know where to start it.35. He can't decide whether to leave or stay36. Did you explain to him how to get to the centref37. Do you know what to dof38. Have you learnt what to say in such a situation)39. How long does it take you to get to your place of work)40. It took me an hour and a half to get to school.41. It will take you a lot of time to accomplish this project.42.They expect me to be there at the reception. / I'm expected to be there at the reception.43. Would he also like me to be there|44. I want you to stay here with me.45. I don't expect you to help me.46. Would you like us to resign too)47. I would prefer to stay at home now / I would rather stay ar home now.48. He doesn't know what to do.49. He is said to have moved.50. You are said to have got divorced.5I. He was told not to go anyrvl-rere.52. I was told to wait for them.53. How dare you speak to your mother like thatl54. I daren't go there alone. / Full infinitive: I'm afraid I don't dare to go there alone.55. You needn't go there alone. / Full infinitive: You don't need to go there alone,56. I won't let anvbody harass vou.57. My mother doestr't let me go with you.58. I wouldn't let her behave like this.59. He will make me tell lies.60. He made me laugh.61. This smell made me feel sick.


Ex. 1.2. travelling 3. buying 4. losing 5. riding 6. translatingT. reading 8. 9. waiting I0. going

Ex.2 .2. remember 3. escape 4. resents 5. involve 6. put off7. mind 8. dread 9. means I0. admit ll. recommend

Ex. 3.2. stealing my watch 3. teliing lies again 4. taking a few days off5. using the phone 6. watching the match7. taking sugar 8. waiting 9. meeting I0. eating sweets Il. taking the dog for a walk 12. losing everything

Ex. 4.2. being wrong 3. being over forty 4. closing the door 5. leaving 6. not speaking so loud

Ex. 5.I like working in the garden, travelling, learning languages, translating sentences, listening to the news,practising grammar, speaking, cooking, going to the cinema.I dislike cleaning the windows, hoovering the carpets.I hate sweeping dre floor.I don't mind watching soap operas, driving, working, watching TV

E x . 6 .2. I can't stand working at night. 3. I can't help crying. 4. I can't help / stop laughing. 5. I can't bearwatching violence on TV 6. She can't stop asking stupid questions.

Ex.7.2. doing crosswords 3. cooking ... washing-up 4. going on holiday 5. getting manied 6. watching TV athome they went to the cinema 7. feeling ill Sue went to school 8. watching nature films 9. climbing inthrough the window I0. taking on more employees


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Ex. B.2. stealing the kevs 3. taking a taxi 4. visiting his family 5. moving abroad 6. by using a magnifvingglass 7. putting some photos in

E x . 9 .2. going3. having4. seeing 5. having 6. r"rsing 7. going 8. taking 9. hearing 10. srvinrming lJ.. doing 12.doing 13. asking

Ex. 10 .2. wasn't used to sleeping / got used to / is used to 3. wasn't uscd to getting up / get used to / is used tc-r4. rvasn't used to running / got used to / got used to ntnning

E x . 1 1 .2.I'm used to eating 3. am not used to getting up early 4. used to going to bed late 5. I'm used to working

Ex. 12.2. will be able to get u^sed to 3. haven't been able to get used to 4. was able to get used to 5. Have ),ou beenable to ger used to 6. I ',r'ill be able to get used to 7.I've had to get used to B. I'll have to get used to

Ex. 13.2. gening up 3. go 4. living 5. smoke 6. swirn 8. living 9. going

Ex. 14 .2. eating 3. seeing 4. buying 5. attending it 6. buying 7. rrving it 8. going there

Ex. 15 .2. reading 3. It isn't worth telling them. 4. It's worth tasting 5. They aren't worth keeping 6. Herproposal is worth thinking about. 7. It's worth taking a ta-ri.

Ex. 16.2. There is no point in asking anybody if you know everything. 3. There is no point in taking a taxi if itis very close. 4. There is no point in drinking it if you don't like it. 5. There is no point in staying in ahotel if we don't have to. 6. There is no point in going home if nobody is waiting for you.

Ex .17 .2. It's no use watching 3. It's no good telling 4. It's no use repairing it 5. It's no good trying 6. It's nogood learningit. T.It's no use worrying 8. It's no good shouting

Ex. 18.2. difficulry translating 3. difliculty coping with this problem 4. I have difficulry understanding him. 5. Ihad difficulry finding a flat. 6. have difficulty doing this jobl

Ex. 19.2. buying 3. doing 4. learning 5. doing 6. working 7. preparing

Ex. 20.2. go skiing 3. went riding 4. go fishing 5. going sl-ropping 6. go jogging

Ex. 2 I .2. applying 3. travelling 4. goit'tg 5. buying 6. solving 7. hearing 8. having

Ex.22.2. on having 3. from making 4. against buying 5. for being 6. of telling 7. to ... for deceiving 8. on paying9. to going I 0. in finding I I. of moving 12. of . . . we aring

Ex.23 .2. congratulated 3. are looking forward 4. thanked 5. warned 6. feel 7. dreamt / thought 8. approve

Ex.24.2. of her drinking spirits 3. me on my passing dre driving test 4. to me for not writir-rg to me earlier 5.against sitting on the bench 6. from escaping 7. hirn for taking her home.

Ex.25 .2. talking 3. having taken 4. saying 5. going 6. phoning 7. having told

8x .26 .2. She was grateful for being promoted. 3. She can't get used to being exploited. 4. I dislike being askedabout rny husband. 5. Tim will thank them for being rescued from the river. 6. Mary was unhappy abor.rtbeing left alone in the dark. 7. After being dismissed I decided not to help him. 8. She went there rvithoutbeing invited.

Ex.27.l. Although nobody was listening to him, he went on speaking about his experiences in the Middle East.2. He said good-bye to them without looking up from his newspaper.3. What about / How about going for a walkl


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4. M)'wifc is fbnd of eating.5. He is looking forrvard to seeing his friends.6. The children are looking fbrward to going on holiday7. lnstead of-focusing on dre poirlt, he began to speak about unimportant things.B. In spite of / Despite his being a strict teacher, the children love him.9. I know a lot about John's private life in spite of / despite not talking to him for a long time.

10. Charlie can solve dre task or-rly by askins for help.11. After p<-rstponing / putting off the meeting he booked a ticket for the flight to Menco.12. Bcfore saying good-byc hc gave a litde present to evervone .13. It's no use u'asting our time on it.14. It's worth buying this site . It would be a good investment.15. It's no good watching this performance. It's said to be rubbish.16. There is no point in arguing about it.17. It's llo use asking him. He won't know anything either.18. \Ve have wonderful weather. Don't you fcel like going on a trip in the forestl19. Whenever I see him I can't help laughing.20. She can't ever help crying when she can see starving children on TV2l . I can't stand being ignored.22. Forttnately he is used to doing overtime .23. He hasn't got used to being regarded as a boss.24.I'm not used to being treated like that.25. He prefers living alone to sharing his flat with someone.26. She has difficulty making herself understood.27 . I have difficulty meeting new people.28. It's a waste of time dealing with this matter.29. It would be a waste of money buying this car. It's fifteen years old and consumes ten litres of petrol

oer I00 kilometrcs.30. While I was on a maternity leave, I spent a lot of time reading.3I. If I'm on holiday I waste a lot of time doing nothing.32. I think swimming is healthier than ruming so I go swimming rwice a week.33. Did the board succeed in rnaking a decision concerning the pay-risef34. The headmaster insists on the school entering the competition.35. We insist on seeing the hostages before paying the ransom.36. I'm drinking about buying a yacht for my wife's birthday37 . Yov parents won't approve of you I your going on holiday with Tom.38. Jack is dreaming about being promoted.39. The board of directors won)t approve of the plant in Brighton being closed.40. I think the staff rvill decide against starting the academic year in August.41. Tirn congranrlated me on getting the scholarship.42. Who accused Tom of breaking into the databasel43. I suspect Peter of coming into my office rvidrout my permission.44. You can't stop me from telling the trudr at the court.45. We were unable to prevent him from prosecuting you.46. Yesterdal Iohn thanked Clara for lending him nvenry thousand dollars.47. He will never forgive you for being unfaithful to him.48. I rvamed Julia against marrying drat swindler.49. Michacl won't apologise to vou for not inviting you to his wedding ceremony50. The burglar admitted having stolen the Browns'Ferrari on l2d' October.51. I rvould appreciate not having to take part in dris enterprise.52. She will do her best to avoid meeting you.53. I'll consider buying drat car.54. They denied falsiff ing / having falsified the data.55. When iessie was a litde girl she dreaded having to see the dentist.56. Forrunately my grandfather escaped being imprisoned.57. I don't feel likc skating.58. I tliink I'll give up smokir-rg.


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59. I can't leave my daughter and son at home. They keep on quarrelling.60. He didn't even mention getting the job.61. The organisers will put offopening the exhibition.62. He can't risk his wife being ridiculed.63. I can't imagine him being dismissed.64. I don't like my children being asked about the family65. I suggest taking a few days off.66. Your father and me disapprove of you sharing the flat with criminals.67.If yo:u keep smiling, your colleagues will love you.68. I missed meeting the Prime Minister in person when he was visiting our factory69. I couldn't resist buying this beautiful evening dress.70. He confessed beine bribed for some confidential information.


Ex. I .2. to interrupt / to ask 3. complaining 4. to fill 5. barking 6. to hurt 7. to make B. to go 9. to give J,0.promising to do II. earning 12. to switch 13. meeting 14. to see 15. seeing 16. crying 17. working Iworking 18. to work 19. to rain / raining 20. doing I trying

F , x . 2 .2.I regret giving up my studies. 3. I didn't mean to spoil the evening. 4. I dread going to the dentist. 5.I remember meeting a famous actor. 6. I need to work hard. 7.I tried smoking but I gave it up. B. I'mconsidering moving to the country 9. I feel like dancing. 10. I often imagine having a flat of my own. I I.I can't stand queuing.12.I wouldn't like to spoil my children.

E x . 3 .2. Sarah can't remember having a car accident. 3. She can remember playing truant from school. 4. Shecan remember spending a year abroad at the age of ll. 5. She can remember going to university 6. Shecan't remember getting a degree in computer programming. 7. She can't remember rescuing her friendfrom a house on fire. 8. She can't remember getting married at the age of 23.

8x.4.2. to say 3. having to 4. investing 5. to phone 6. to do 7. to inform 8. saying 9. not talking 10. to tell 11.not snrdying 12. speaking 13. to say 14. doing 15. to take 16. to giveIT. switching 18. travelling 19. todo 20. to write / to post 2I. being 22. readtng23. ro ralk24. to be 25. living26. to give 27. to close 28.seeing 29. to collect 30. ler-rding/lending 31. snowing 32. argdng33. to argue 34. to buy 35. complaining36. disturbing 37. to disturb 38. to trouble 39. not going 40. going / to think 41. to think 42. going

t x . ) .2. moving it to the other side of the room 3. putting on the blue one 4. drinking herbal tea 5. wearingcontact lenses

E x . 6 .2. to push 3. to move 4. moving 5. to put 6. puning on 7. travelling 8. to catch

8x.7.3. not possible 4. The windscreen wipers need repairing. 5. not possible 6. my grandparents need lookingafter. 7. not possible 8. The fence needs painting. 9. not possible 10. The garage needs cleaning.

Ex. 8.The right answers are:

2. cleaning 3. to catch 4. caring for 5. washing 6. to speak to you.Ex. 9.

2. It needs ironing. 3. It needs cutting. 4. It needs pulling out. 5. It needs watering.Ex. I0.

2. someone smoking 3. a dog barking 4. a man shouting 5. a man phoning 6. a phone ringing 7. twowomen waiting. 8. a woman typing 9. someone playing the guitar

Ex . I I .2. come in 3. fall4. knock at the door 5. slam 6. sun rise

Ex. L2.2. singing lflying 3. go down 4. cryrng 5. cooking 6. ringing T.lying 8. burn down 9. arrive 10.announce Il. to climb / to go into


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Ex. 13 .I. I tried to console her but she couldn't stop crying.2. -they stopped in the middle of the road ro exchange a few words.3. Stop teasing her! Can't you see how nervy he isf4. On our way home we stopped to have a coffee.5. Jessie didn't mean ro hurt you. She just wanted to tell you the truth.6. If you want to go overseas for your holiday in summer, it means having to work day and night.7 . Before leaving / you leave, speak to Jason. Of course it doesn't mean having to ask him for

permission to leave.8. i wanted to inform our boss about the details in time but I didn't manage to reach him.9. He can't remember ever travelling to the United States.

I0. He remembered / didn't forget to sign the necessary documents.lI. Now I remember meeting you earlier.12. My grandmother can still remember poor children going to school on bare feet.13. Remember / Don't forget to phone the depury director before going home .14. Due to her accident she forgot marrying me.15. She doesn't remember switching offthe TV16. We forgot to remind our father of their wedding anniversary17.I regret to inform you that we can'r offer this job to you.18. He regretted being so rude to his wife.19. We regret / are sorry to tell you that your exam was unsuccessfirl.20. I regret not applying for this good job.21. I dread being alone in the flat late at night.22. She dreads to think what she will do if she has to spend a night alone.23. My children dread having ro see the doctor.24. I'm sorry for getting home so late last night but I had a lor of things to do in the office.25.I'm sorry to disturb you but may I speak to you nowl26. Now that his wife had died he regretted not spending more time with her.27. I was sorry to hear what happened ro vour son.28. I tried to find the way to the station but as I was a stranger in the rown, I couldn't.29. I tried to ask a passer-by but unfortunately it turned out that he is just a rourisr, roo.30. Julia tried to take offthe book from the top shelf, but as she was too short, she didn't reach it.31. "I'm unable to reach our sales representative." "Flave you tried calling him on his mobilef"32. However hard I try to understand my daughter I can'r.33. She tried to keep her eyes open, but she was too tired.34. The Prime Minister spoke about domestic policy first then he went on to speak about foreign policy35. After a short break the lecturer went on presenting the technology of cloning.36. When I got home, my son was writing his essay We exchanged a few words and then he wenr on

writing the essay37.In the beginning he srudied only the whales then he went on to study the sharks too.38. You don't need to come with me, I can find my way there.39. This man needs looking after.40. Your flat needs cleaning.41. The oil in the car needs changing.42.The dustbin is full. It needs emptying.43. Are you interested in divingl44. I was interested to hear what happened at your firm.45. I was interested to read the latest Stock Exchange news.46. When we looked out of the window, we saw a burglar climbing over the fence.47. It's interesting that granny didn't hear anybody going in.48. Can you smell something burning|49. The witnesses saw a black car run over the old lady and drive away50. We have never heard you playing the piano.51. And we haven't seen you dancing.52. On entering the flat I could smell my husband cooking something.53. I should finish working because I'm srarting to feel tired.54. When did your daughter srarr / begin learning to learn languages)55. I intended calling / to call her but then I changed my mind


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Ex. I .2. The bus going to London had a puncture. 3. Thc comp:rny closing down next month hi'rs bccnbought by Americans. 4. Jack will speak to the delegation arriving next week. 5. There are ir lot ofhotels in this town offering cheap accommodation. 6. The students taking part in this cornpctitior-rcould learn a lot of interesting things. 7. I know dre man standing by d're window 8. Do you mcan thcman wearing a black hat? 9. Can you see the girl reading a magazine) 10. Have yor"r heard about tl'rcactor coming to Veszprdm soon.

Ex.2.2. Do you like the books published by the Universiw Pressf 3. Do you know thc woman kiclnappcd bysome terroristsl 4. The murderer arrested by the police last week turned out to be Bill's cousin. 5. \Vefound the money stolen from the bank in a black sack. 6. Did vou enjoy the programme broadcast bvCNN ) 7 . Have you read dre letter written by our teacher) B. Did you enjov thc parw organiscd by ttrcschoolf 9. We received the offer made by our business partner. 10. We saw drc man accused of robberv

E x . 3 .2. We have agreed on the decisions to be made. 3. The question to be discussed is far too importi'Lnt. 4.The problem to be solved is very complex. 5. The money to be borrowed from dre bank rvill solve ourproblem. 6. The product to be advertised in the papers is very competitive. 7. The campaigr-r to bclaunched next year costs a lot of money 8.The application to be worked out must be very clear. 9. Thebook to be published in june will be very popular. 10. The house to be let will be renovatcd.

8 x . 4 .2. Listening to the radio I was correcting test-papers. 3. Waiting for him we were watching the traffic. 4.Walking in the forests the students were singing. 5. Watching TV I was eating. 6. Climbing the rock theywere talldng. 7. Driving to Manchestcr we were listening to music. B. Walking in the rau-r hc was silrgingloudly 9. Lyng on the bed she was doing a crosswords puzzle. 10. Reading the book she was crving.

Ex . 5 .Underlined sentences are:

2 , 1 '3 . A ,C 4 . A , C 5 . B , CEx. 6.

2. l fell, aslecp reading a book. 3. The woman fell down running downstairs. 4. I fcll off climbing thetree. 5. Kate had an accident riding a bicycle. 6. They heard a strange noise coming down in d-re lift.

Ex .7 .2. Havingwatered the flowers, I hoovered the carpets. 3. Having phoned Jack, Tom left home. 4. Hirvingbought the newspaper, she went to the bus stop. 5. Having run olrt of petrol, they filled up the tank.

Ex. 8.3. Having turned the key in the lock, Tom entered the house. 4. Having put on our anoraks) we wentoutside to build a snowman. 5. X 6. Sitting in the restaurant,I saw him with a blond girl. 7.X8.X9.Having left home, they caught a taxi. 10. Having posted the letter, I gave her a ring. LI. Not knowing hisphone number, I couldn't call him up. 12. Not leaving in time, we missed the bus. 13. X 14. Havingexamined me dre doctor prescribed me somc medicine. 14. Not having a car) we find it difflcult to getaround.

8 x . 9 .3. While watching the film in the cinema we were eating pop-corn. 4. On entering the house I saw aburglar in my living-room. 5. X 6. On arriving home we found a box on the doormat. 7. When talkingin the street we saw a strange light in the skiz 8. X 9. )ack bought a bunch of flowers at the nearbl'florist's before visiting his wife in the hospital. 10. While embroidering Sue was listening to Beethoven'sFtir Elise.

Ex. 10.3. Having been arrested, he didn't want to meet his girlfriend. 4. Having been / Ileing threatened shedidn't dare to speak about dre murder to anyone. 5. Hzrving been / Being warned against going to drc scaalone, the children got even rnore curious. 6. Having been asked to make a report on the llulls, I travelledto Chicago. 7. Having been made to do dre job, we didn't want to do it. B. Being followed by a big blackcar, they were trying to drive faster. 9. Having been shown around the factory drey seemed to be rirthersatisfied. 10. Having been promoted, my husband got more salary


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L,x . 11 .2.The emperor was lying on the bed surrounded by slaves with palm leaves. 3. He took part in a

comperirion sponsored by a big multinational company 4. Encouraged by his teachers Tim sent his

application. 5. Ann got the promotion supported by the rnajority of dre comPanyEx. 12 .

2. a) borine b) bored 3. a) ernbarrassing b) embarrassed 4. a) exhausting b) exhausted 5. a) depressing b)

dcpresseclEx . 13 .Thc right answers are:

2. ii'rteresting 3. embarrassing 4. amused 5. disappointed 6. frightened 7. terri$'ing B. surprised 9. shocking

10. astonished Il. bored / interesting 12. amusing / amusec.Ex. 14.

r . D 2 . D 3 . C 4 . D 5 . C 6 . B 7 . BE x . 1 5 .

l. More than half dre women working at the comPany have a familil2. The m'an standing by dre window is constandy staring at us.3. The woman sitting next to you is the boss's wife.4. The girl wearing a rcd hat was my classmate at the grammar school.5. The oflce block being built in the ciry centre will be fhe new headquarters of d-re comParl)z

6. It's no use buying a car consuming too much petrol.7 .'the assernbly lines producing too many faulty products rvill be replacecl.8. The colleagues teaching here are u,ell-qualified.9. The shopping centre to be opened tomorrow was being built for three years.

I0. The majority of those taking part in the competition came from abroad'11. The students concentrating on their task will pass the exam.12. The report being prepared now will account for everything in detail.13. The recorded conversation will dtrow light on everydring.14. According ro dre bill amended yesterday teachers'salaries will be raised by fifteen Per cent.

15. More than l-ralf of drose killed in the fights were under age.16. The play showed last week was a tremendous success.17. The money raised for dre flood victirns will be spent on food.18. The relatives will have to identify those killed in the terror attack.19. The letter received yesterday informs us about everything.20. James has already spent the money withdrawn from the bank yesterday21. The money spent on the renovation had been credited by the National Savings Bank.

22.The treasures of art lost during World War II were found.23. More than sixry per cent of the products manufacfured in our plant are exported to dre West.

24.The materials purchased in the East are cheaper.25. Tl-re books published by our company are available all over dre country26. Nl the readings listed here are compulsory27. He was taking a nap lying in the sun.28. I{c rvas watching the film biting his nails.29. On entering dre room he could hear strange noise.30. He fourd the solution reading an adventure story31. While travelling he was listening to his walk-man.32. While running he was reciting poems.33. Walking in thc park he found a golden necklace.34. While waiting for his friend he was window-shoPPing.35. While learning I always listen to music.36. On arriving / After arriving home l-re switched on the TV and watched his favourite series.

37. Having read our / Reading out the names of the participants he handed out the test-PaPers.38. Having finished / Iinishing the test-paper he stood up and left the room.39. Having found the key to the problern they called the patent office.40. Being arrested he can't find out the truth.41. Being / Having been told lies I couldn't do anything.42. Having been threatened he didn't dare to call the police.


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43. Having been assaulted he didn't tell anyone what hadthappened.44. Having been blackmailed he was obliged to betray some confidential information.45. Having been given an excellent education, he always behaved like a gendeman46. He arrived at the court accompanied by policemen,'47. He spent his holiday surrounded by wonderful women.48. He won the election supported by the constituenq{49. He applied for the managerial position encouraged by his colleagues.50. The foundation stone of the department store to be opened next September will be laid tomorrow:51. We informed the colleagues about the issues to be discussed in the meeting tomorrow:52.We will discuss the problems yet to be solved.53. The questions yet to be answered are very important.


Ex. 1.2.Thewoman who / that lives next door has been kidnapped. 3. The building which / that was built fifryyears ago was pulled down. 4. The restaurant which / that is on the corner has been closed. 5. Thecomputer which / that I bought last year went wrong. 6. The girl who / that escaped from the hospitaldisappeared. T.The teacher who / that smacked a child was dismissed.

Ex .2 .3. not necessary 4. necessary 5. not necessary 6. necessary 7. necessary 8. not necessary 9. not necessary10. necessary

Ex. 3.2 . - 3 . w h o / t h a t 4 . - 5 . w h i c h l r h a t 6 . w h o / t h a t 7 . - 8 . - 9 . w h o / t h a t l 0 . w h i c h / t h a t l l . w h i c h / t h a t12. which / that 13. who / that 14. - 15. -

Ex.4.2. who / that cheated in the exam 3. the doctor prescribed for you 4. who / that caused the accident 5. Isent them last week 6. you met in the trade union meeting 7. which / that are on your table 8. Aunt Nancyhad cooked for them 9. which / that was advertised in the papers 10. you gave me last week

Ex. 5.2. |udy is dancing with 3. she was looking for 4. Jack is sitting next to 5. we insist on 6. you are writingwith 7. you spoke to at the party 8. I was invited to 9. he applied for I0. I had always dreamt of.

Ex. 6.2. who lives in Hollyr,vood (defining) 3. which is in London (defining) 4. who I and my husband lookafter (non-defining) 5. they look after (defining) 6. where I grew up (defining) 7. where lovers getmarried in secret (non-defining) B. who is wearing a suit (defining) 9. whose husband is a politician(non-defining) I0. that I bought last month (defining) Il. which is a BMW (non-defining) 12. the roofof which was repaired (non-defining) 13. whose windows were broken by some young thugs (defining)

Ex.7.2. whose 3. who 4. which 5. where 6. whom 7. whom 8. which

Ex. 8.2. that/ which; no commas 3. ,who ...) commas 4. whom; no commas 5. who I that l- ; no commas 6.

,wh ich . . . , commas 7 . ,who. . . ) commas 8 . ,who. . . ) commas 9 . tha t /wh ich ; no co l runas 10 . tha t /which; no commas lI. ,which ...) commas 12. which I that l-; 13. that / which I - ; no commas 14.which I that l- ; no corrunas 15. whom ; no commas

Ex. 9.3. ,which ..., commas 4. which I that; no commas 5. ,which ..., commas 6. which / that ; no commas 7.

,which ..., commas 8. which / that ; no corrunas 9. both possible, but ,,that" is more likely ; no colrunas10. both possible, but,,that" is more likely ; no commas

Ex. 10.3. ,who ...) commas 4. who I that ; no commas 5. who / that , no corrunas 6. ,who ..., commas 7. ,who..., commas B. who / that ; no commas 9. who / that ; no commas 10. who / drat, no commas

Ex. l l .5. Chris is dancing with a girl whose parents are very rich. 5. Jack uses his parents'car, the tank of whichis never empty 6. Tom is always using my car, the tank of which he never fills. 8. Jessica's grandparents,whose big house is let, live in a small rented flat. 9. Her grandparents live in this small rented flat, the


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costs of which are low. 10. Tim wants to apply for admission to a university whose entrance exam is verydifficult. lI. I want to go to Oxford University, the tutors of which are said to be excellent.

Ex. 12.3. ,who ...) commas 4. - ; no commas 5. , ... whom ..., colilnas 6. whom; no commasT.- ; no commas8. ,who ..., commas 9. ,who ..., commas I0. whom, no commas

Ex. 13 .2. He introduced me to his girlfriend, with whom he had been going out for a couple of months. 3. Hisfuneral, to which only few people came) was on Friday 4. These special ingredients, from which you havero make the cake, are rather expensive. 5. Our holiday to which we are looking forward, starts on l" July6. This is a guide book on Crete, from which you can get a lot of usefirl information.

Ex. 14.2. Jack has four degrees, all of which are university degrees. 3. Sheila has five children, all of whom aresecondary school srudenrs. 4. Her neighbour has a lot of flats, most of which are let. 5. I met four newmembers in the meeting, all of whom are over 30. 6. We invited a lot of people, most of whom were ourcolleagues. 7 . The children bought five ice-creams, all of which they ate up very quickly 8 . Our parentshave a lot of friends, most of whom are famous people. 9. Carol has got a lot of relatives, most of whomIive abroad. 10. Elisabeth writes plenty of books, most of which are published by the University Press.

Ex . 15 .3. what 4. that 5. that 6. Whar7. that 8. what 9. that 10. what Il. that 12. what I3. that 14. what 15. that16. What

Ex. 16.2. I didn't wanr to stay abroad any longer 3. we moved into our new house 4. I spoke to him 5. he metthe singer of his favourite band 6. I repeat everything twice

Ex. 17.2. I couldn't take part in the race, which was a pitlu 3. Tom and Sarah have a two-week old baby, whichmeans they can't go out. 4. Matthew put me up, which was very kind of him. 5. The lift was out oforder, which meant we had to climb the stairs. 6. The weather was bad, which we didn't expect, becausethe weather forecasr said that it would be good. 7. We paid two hundred thousands forints for his ten-year old Toyota Corolla, which was quite reasonable. 8. My purse was stolen at the railway station,which meant that I had to borrow money to be able to go home.

Ex. 18.r . A 2 . B 3 . A 4 . A 5 . B 6 . C 7 . D 8 . C

Ex. 19.I. The house that/which is being renovated at the end of the street is more than hundred years old.2. Our neighbour's house, which is being renovated now, is for sale.3.My brother, who is a dentist, has been a widower for three years.4.My brother that/who works abroad bought a flat last week.5. Jessie, who you've also met, is arriving in Budapest tomorrow:6. The train that/which is due to leave at B is half an hour late.7.The Orient Express, which is due to arrive at 7, has been derailed.8. The woman whose husband does the housework is very lucky9. Tom, whose wife suffers from a very serious illness, has been fired.

10. I have met the man (drat/who) Sue is talking to.I l. Have you seen the film (that) I have told you aboutf12. I have applied for the job that was advertised in HVG.13. The Danube, which flows into the Black Sea, is the most important river in Hungary14. The litde girl who/that is playing in the garden is Samantha's youngest daughter.15. The computer that/which is in the shop-window is high quality16. Laurel and Hardy, who were the stars of the burlesque, can only be seen in the film museum.17.He is the man (who/that) I like.18. The National Theatre, which is located on the bank of the Danube, may be finished next year.19. Sheila's sister, who Tom married, had divorced twice.20. The doctor who also got injured in the accident rescued our friends daughter from the burning car.21. I have never met a man (who/that) I could live with.22. This is the reason why lessie hasn't phoned me.23. This is the place where I would live with pleasure.


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24. Last month we travelled to Pui Saint Vincent, where we met.25. Tomorrow I will show you the street where |ohn Lennon was shot dead.

26. Terry, with whom our secretary is going out with, has been promoted.27.-the worker (rhat/who) the manager is talking to now will get the highest bonus at the enc-l of the \aar.

28. What I have done I've done it for you.29. You'll regret saying what you said to him.30. What / Everything that you've heard here is berween us.31. The car whose dashboard is made of wood is regarded as a luxury car.

32.The house whose gate is painted red is to let.33. The shares the prices of which have declined lately can be bought uP at a low price.

34. The Houses of itarliament, the dome of which is being renovated now, is onc of the most beautiful

buildings in Hungary35. This year I've seen four films all of which were directed by Thrantino.

36. )ack earns a lot of money most of which is spent by his wife.37 . Today I've met ten clients all of whom wanted to make a complaint'38. This surnmer I've read a lot of books most of which were about World War II.

39. I think I've told you ever)"thing (that) you wanted to know40. He'll explain to you everything (that) ,vou don't understand.41. I don't really understand what you mean by that.42.If we don't save up money we'll spend every Penny (that) we earn.43. We'll find out what they expect from us in time.44. We'll find out everything (that) we need to know45. Everything (that) he says is a lie.46. You are what you eat.47. What you want to do is nonsense.48. A,nydring (that) you do will only worsen the situation.49. He gave you everything (that) you wanted.50. He gave you what he could, you can't expect more from him.51. He is always asking stupid things, which is irritating.52. He never understands what I say, which is annoying.53. He never listens to his parents) which is disappointing.54. He passes his exams without learning, which is incredible.55. My sister lent me hundred thousand forints, which was nice of her.


Ex. l .2. I opened the window to get some fresh air. 3. We left early in order to get to dre station in time . 4. Sue

goes jbgging every day so as ro lose weight. 5. You have to phone the ticket office in ordcr to book tickets

for tomorrow 6. |ack went to bed to have a rest.8x.2.

2. to borrow 3. to make 4. to protect 5. to encourage 6. to sell 7 . to earn B. to tell 9. to go 10. to leirrn 11.

ro ease watch l-3. to srudy 14. to eat 15. to buy 16. to speak 17. to recover lB. to celebrate

Ex. 3.2. so as not to offend 3. so as not to owe 4. so as not to make 5. so as not to put on 6. so as not to bc

Ex. 4.2. He stood up in order that everybody could see him well. 3. She will hide the keys so that he can't le'ave

her. 4. Let's leave now so that we won't meet James. 5. The teacher was very atteittive in order that thc

srudenrs r.r,ouldn't cheat. 6. I cooked everything in the evening so that my husband could have luncl'r thc

nexr day 7. We left the room at different times so that nobody would see Lls together.E x . 5 .

3. in order that 4. so that 5. to learn 6. to see 7. in order that 8. in order to buy 9. so d'rat 10. so that

Ex. 6.2. He wore a false moustache and a wig so that nobody would recognize him. 3. She turned clown dlc

radio so thar she wouldn'r wake her husband up. 4. The man spoke very loudly so that cverybodv cor'rld

3 1 0

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hear his voice. 5. I accelerated so that the FBI wouldn't follow me. 6. Don't be late so rhat I can stirrtthe lecture on time. 7. She drew the curtains so that the neighbours couldn't see r.vhat shc wirs doing. 8.He srvitched offhis mobile so that nobody would disnrrb him.

Ex.7 .2. She always had a gas spray in her bag for fear that somebody would assault her at night. 3. fi'acy ran rothe bus stop for fear drat she would miss the bus. 4. fhe children hid thc video cassettes fbr fear drar dreir

Pareltts would find them. 5. They had bars put on their windorvs for fear that somebody rvould break intotheir house. 6. Mr and Mrs Barnes paid a big amount of insurance on dreir car for fear drat somebodyu'ould steal it. 7. Jean never swaln in the lakc for fear that she wor"rld catch some infection. 8. lack hasnever travelled by .ship for fear that ir will sink.

Ex. B.2. Sally never tells anydring to her colleagues about her private life lest sornebody should misusc rheinfbrmation. 3. jack never boasted about his fortune lest somebody should be envious of hirn. 4. Shel<eeps a gun at home lest somebody should break into her flat. 5. I didn't tell my husbancl :rbout my illnesslcst he should get depressed. 6. I was whispering lest somebody should hear what I wzrs saying. 7. I neverexceed the speed limit lest the police should fine me. B. We never gamble lest we sl-rould iose monelr

Ex. 9.I. He worked day urd night so that he could / to be able to meet the deadline .2. Torn went running every day tct keep fit.3. We turned on the light so that we could see in the dark.4. I went to see the doctor to find out why I had a headache all rhe time.5.My d:rughter enrolled for a course to learn to use the word processor.6. She tried to speak in a low voice so as not to wake her husband up.7. They took a ta-xi so as not to rniss the train to GlasgorvB. He put out his cigarette so as not to disturb the others.9. Liz didn't tell her parents about her bad marks so as nor to disirppoint them.

10. I closed the window so that the children wouldn't catch a cold.ll. Our parents worked hard so that we would always have something to eat.12. His roomrlate went to the cinema so drat they could be alone for a couple of hours.13. Hc went to university so drar his parents would be sarisfied widr him.14. Tornorrow I'll book a room in the sfi,rdent hostel so drat our guests will have somewhere to sleep.15. Next year we are going on holiday with our children so that they can see the sea.16. He left his mobile switched on so that anybody could reach him.17. He hid the presenrs so that the children would not find them.lB. He wiped the pistol so that the policemen would not find his fingerprints on it.19. I'll leave a message on the desk so that Jack can know where I am.20. Grannv will make apple pie romorrow to please the children.2I. He deleted the confidential files on the computer in order drat nobody would have access ro drem.22. He s'"vitched off the iight to save ele ctriciry23. He gave Llp sweets so as not ro get overweight.24. Thosc students who cheat rvill be dispelled so as ro ser a precedent.25. He wrote on the blackboard with capital letters so that everybody could read it.26.

-the lawyer will show the recording so that everybody will believe him at last.

27. He will do his best so drat nobody can refute what he says.28. Hc was wearing a fake beard and wig so that nobody would recognize him.29. He rvas accelerating for fear that somebody would follow him.30. He behavcd as anybody else lest somebody should suspect what hc rvas actually up to.31. I always keep the rules lest the policeman should fine mc.32. He always kept a pistol with him fbr fear drat he would be assaulted.33. Ilefore going to bed he always switched on the alarm for fear that somebody would break into the

house.34. Before going home he always finished his work lest he should be fired.35. He didn't even dare to move lest the burglars should hear rhat he was ir-r the house roo.

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Ex. I .2.HardJy had she enrered the room when the phone rang. 3. Scarcely had we-finished building our house

when a tornado came and destroyed it. 4. No sooner had he crossed the road than a mad driver knocked

down the passers-by 5. Seldom do I make such a delicious chocolate cake. 6. Scarcely ever has Terence

spoken to h". 7. Rarely do they play so well. 8. Never have we eaten such bad scrambled eggs. 2.. Ng,

onty do they threaten him but they aiso beat him up. 10, Not until he got home did he realise that his wig

had failen off. ll. Nowhere .orid I find him. 12. Only by breaking dre window could he enter his

house . 13. On no accounr musr you touch that wire. 14. On no condition will I betray him. l_5. Only in

rhis way was he able to reach what he wanted. 16. Only when he looked into the mirror did he see that

he had spilt coffee on his shirt. 17. Little did he understand my intention. 18. Ody after he had closed

all the windows did he leave home. 19. So big was the demand for the product that the comPany

decided to produce more. 20. So angry was her husband that she got frightened. 2l.Were I yo.u I

wouldn't teise him. 22. Should I arrive late, don't wait for me.23. Had I not got there in time, they

wouldn't have started the meeting. 24.IJnder no circumstances would I get involved.Ex .2 .

l. Never have I seen 2. she would never go there 3. So devastating were the floods 4. Only when the

chilclren have woken up 5. than 6. Should you miss 7. Such was the storm B. Only by listening to it twice

could I 9. knows f 0. did I believe 11. when 12. I handed in my test-paPerEx. 3.

2. Scarcely had Jackson got out of his car when it exploded. 3. No sooner had he put down dre receiver

thzu-r the phone r"ng "glin. 4. No sooner had she gbne to bed than there was a knock on the door. 5.

Hardly naa tim tUea tfre fly when another one flew onto his nose . 6. Hardly had he started his car when

a poliieman stopped l1tn.7-. No sooner had the client left the office than another one entered. 8. Hardly

had rve switched the TV on when the picture went blank. 9. No sooner had I finished cleaning the floor

than my spilled some milk on it. 10. Scarcely had I switched on rny mobile when it went dead.

E x . 4 .2. the srudenrs le:rve the classroom 3. will I 4. did we know 5. I understand 6. can you see 7. can you

enter 8. had I stopped 9. we bought the car 10. I winEx. 5.

2. No sooner had he stopped ar the rraffic lights than the car stalled. 3. Such were the waves that the

sailing boars overfurned. 4. Under no circumslance must that letter be sent. 5. Not until I wanted to Payat thJcash clesk did I notice that I had lost my purse. 6. Litde could she see the point of this exercise 7. At

no time did Jack regret going to college instead of universiry 8. So tired were the children that they

couldn't fir-rish the tour. 9. Only when we moved into the flat did we realise that the walls were damp. I0.

Scarcely ever have I made such bad Christmas pudding'Ex. 6.

3. Only by reducing rhe price could he get rid of tinned fish. 4. Not possible . 5. Only ryifi l kis:of life

could he i"r.t,. thJgirl. 6. Only by showing their membership card could they enter the club. 7. Not

possible. 8. Only after breaking the window could he get the ignition key that he had left in the car. 9' Not

possible. 10. Not possible.F-x.7.

2. we rravelled to America did we first meet our grandparents. 3. had I had my car repaired than I

crashed it again. 4. had I switched on the computer when there was a power cut and it stopped. 5 1.. lget rhe promotion what would you sayf 6. can you see this kind of animal in this part of the world. 7 .

fue phone rang did I realize that I had overslept. 8. he has consulted his lawyer does he have to say

ro--"thitrg abour the crime. 9. you live to be a hundred can you see Haley's Comet again. I0. accoullt

were journalists allowed to take part in the wedding ceremony of the famous stars.8 x . 8 .

3. So will we. 4. So have L 5. Neither has Sue. 6. So are rhey.7. So does iim. 8. Nor do we. 9. Nor will

I. 10. Nor can she. II. Nor had he. 12. So did I. 13. So are we. 14. Nor did my daughter. I5. Nor do the

children. 16. So could he. 17. Nor am I. 18. Neither will we. 19. So did you 20. So do I.E x . 9 .

L. Never could I understand what she loved about that guy2. Never have we seen anything like that.3. Never will you find out what has actually happened.


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4. Rarely can you meet such an outstandinq personalirv5. S_carcely can you see dogs making friendi*ith."tr.'6 -Nowadays hardly.ever.can you see erderry couples warki'g hand in hand.7 ' Hardly had they closed the door behind tir.- -h.n the baby began cryrng agai'.B. Hard\' had drey.had the car repaired when it broke down again.-9. No sooner had drey got married than they got clivorced.

10' No sooner had he^ left prison than he got in"volved in something.11. Hardly had we left the house when ititarted to rain.12. u'der no circumstances am I willi'g ro answer your questions.13. In no circumsrances will he betray hIs best friend.


14. In no circumstances can yo,.r to your mother like that.]q i" no way can you meet him again.16. In no way can you speak to him about it.17. In no way can rhey do it with vou.1l If no way will we"go to his wedding.19. On no condition am I willing to fisGn to it further.20. I cen't sing. Don't worry! Neither / Nor can I.2I. Jack has never

.b...-" ," Egypt. Neither / Nor has Judy22. Yesterday we didn't cook zuiythrng. Nor did we.23.I'l l go to bed soon. So will i.24. They will be late . So will we.25' Next week we are_ travelling to America. Are youf so are the Browns.26. Fhrnr'ately my children aie not choosy Neither are my children.27. our relatives come to see us regularly'so do our relatives.28' Not until he looked into a mirror.onid h. imagine why everybody was laughing at him.29. Not until he mer me did he know what true lorie was.30. Not until steve arrived home did he know what had happened to his familyil Io, until they can buy a flat do they want to starr a family32. Not only was he unfaithful to his wife but he arso told hlr [es.13 _\", only did he.bring a ling for her but he also proposed to her.34. Not only did he buy dre flaibut he also had it red^ecorated.1! I.. o'ly did he go ice-skating in winter but he also wenr skiing.36. Nowher" .-11yo_u buy a house ar such a low price.37. Nowhere did I find rny glasses.38. Norvhere did he go alone.39. Nowhere do I want ro meet him.

19 9rly by practising a lot can you learn English grammar.41. Only by asking for help .an he solve this Iifficrilt task.42. Only by getting a bank loan can we buy the flat.

t1 9"!V when he got home did he see what had happened to his flat.

t! 9"!V 11h5n you left him did he understand ho*i-portanr you had been for him.1! 9rly llthey have i.r repaired can rhey sell the car ar; good price.+! only if we meet all the requiremenis will they accepiour


tT 9"!V j" Sit way can you get the necessary iniorm"iior,.11 9dt in dris way can you cirry out the plan.49. Rarely can you see such a beautiful.or'rbl..

19 lqr:ty can you meer such polite young -".,.

ll l"l{.- can you get such nice bread irithe shops.

!? |d{.ry.:1n you read such an interesting article in the newspapers.53. Litde did he understand what I wanred"ro talk ro him aboui.54. Little can he imagine what you acrually expect from him.55. Little did he befiJve what you told him.

19 l*n was the explosion thit all the houses in rhe surrounding area had to be evacuated.

5 7' so sudden was the attack that m.. :i.y was unable to get back io normal / get back on its feet for days.58. Had I been there, I could have helped vou.59. Were I you, I wouldn't deal with ii.60. Had you allowed me to speak to him, he might be still alive.

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E r . 1 .2. It rvirs Unclc ]oe who diecl in a car crash three years ago. 3. It was after they had heard the nervs that the

childrer-r got very sad. 4. It was she who didn't let him 6orro- their car. 5. It is dre contracts that rvc will

sign torn-orror.v'6. his brother your colleague is talking to. 7. the refusal of his application tl-rat he , is

dilappointcd about. B. been a virus that distroyed the-programme. 9. It's in Madrid rvhere / that the

championship will takc place. 10. It's me who should go olt a diet because it's me u'ho is overu'cight.

F ,x .2 .2. Thirr's the thing (that) she has always wanted to do. 3. That's the thing / dre word (tl-rat) I don't

undcrstand. 4. Thit'i the film i the play'/ the thing I would like to see. 5. That's the colour / the car she

likes. 6. This is the place / tl-re thing (that; nobody knows. 7. This is the story (that) I wanted 1s 6gll you.

tl. This is thc tool / the place (that) we necd. 9. This is the flat/ the house/ dre car I have always dreanrt

of. 10. Thirt's dre dress / tl-re book / dre sofa (that) Jean would like to buyEx. 3 .

2. Wl-rat annoys mc is vioience . 3. What is important now is rlot to lose our temPe_r. 4. Wl-rat irritates hirn

is that his rvifi is ah.l'ays late . 5. What hc loveJabout this town is that it is so peaceful. 6. What I've always

wiurred to do is have i swim in the ocean. 7. What she hated as a child was going to school. B. What I did

aftcr the party \\/as give him my address.Ex. 4.

2. boast about his prerr,v girlfriend. 3. is that the house was on fire. 4. is; that we have broken into the

rn:rrket. 5. is that I'm goin[ to leave soon. 6. Iove.7. be patient. B. is an acknowledgcment 9. ask his narne

10. was to comDensate us.-

t ix . D.

2. is certain ro get thc cenificate. 3. is likely to tell us everything 4. are likeiy to win the race 5. is not likely

ro accepr our essay 6. doesn't seem to be satisfied with the new flat. 7. They seem to have lost the ir way

B. seems to be ir-r a very good mood.E x . 6 .

2.They are difficult ro undersrand. 3. He is difficult to reach. 4. A car is expensive to maintain. 5. Vince

is pleaiant to speak to. 6. The problem won't be easy to talk about. 7. A dog isn't cheap to keep. B. Sheis er-rjoyable to dance widr.

I:.x. 7.2 . . a t the veryendof i t .3 . . . . in theverycent reo f thec i ty 4 . . . .a t theverynex tmoment5 . . . . in theverysame minute.6. . . . the verynextday 7. . . . the verytruth

Ex. B.1. It's Jack who is responsible for the accident.2. It's the fans of the team who vandalize the grandstand.3. It was dre managers of the company who bankrupted the firm'4. It is your friends who tell you lies.5. It rvas a hot sumrner night when I first saw her.6. It will be romorrow rvhen they'll celebrate their fifth wedding anniversary7. It is today that the evidence will be made public.8. It is his rnarriage drat spoiled his life.9. It is the science subjects that he is good at/ he does well.

10. It was yesterday that he first invited me for inner.11. It was his wealth drat made the man so attractive to her.12. That's rvhat I can do fbr you.13. Tl-rat's rvhat he wanted to tell you.14. That's what he was afraid of.15. That u,as what he wanted to achieve in his life.16. That was what the blackmailers demanded.17. Tl-rat rvas u,hat aroused his interest.I B. That's all I can give you.19. That's all I knorv about the case.20. That's irll he betrayed to him.21. That was all he achieved.22.Thatwas all he could say about this topic.23. Nl. (that) he does is a futile effort.


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24. AII (that) you srart ends in failure.25 All (drat) he says arc empry words.26. What I u,anr to do is calt him on dre phone.27. \Yhat don't understand is why he turned ro you for help.28. He is certain to turn up.29. They are ccrtain to "rriu" in time.30. Tl-rev irre certain to irtvite \rou.31. Tl-rev are certain to accept dre proposal.

1? llt"i' are likell, to uncle'rstand'o.ri problern.33. TI'ro, are likelv ro reporr rhc case tb the police.34. They are likcly to demand a ransom for the hostasc.35. Thcv are nor likely 16 reach the train.36. We ire not vcry likell,to come to an agreemenr.37. Tl-rc lecture is not likely ro srart on timi.38. Vrur son seelrls to be happy39. You don't seem to be satisfied.40. He clclcsrr't scern to rccognize vou.41 . Hc scems fo hevc drunl<-too much.12. The word-processor is r-rot difficult to use.43' The cl-rir-rese are hard ro undersrand if they speak English.44. Thq, are easv to deceivc.45. A brg car is expensive ro maintain.46. I had ro leave the room at the very beginning of the lecture.47' It tumed out only at the very end of the fitir that the protagonisr was a ghost, too.48. The beggar was sitti'g in the very middle of the ,tr".i.


Ex. l .2' Wh1' does he say he is going to resign) 3. Where does your mother think you spent the night)'esterdayf 4. What do"t,Yglt boi.s suggest you should dof 5. i{ow much money,io yo,rr. friends thiJTorn has wonf 6. How do.his colleagiEs reiommend she should get the promotionf 7. Which car doesJulie say she.'uvants rg.byr_f B' How hgy times a week does youi sister ihinL t will propose to herl g.

.. {otu often do you think I go abroadl r0. Why does your father believe yo,, Jo,r't speak to himfEx.2 .

3 Hg'Ilgry ala she say he had P:.1.g":g 9:: *i+ your sisterl 3. where did your wife think you hadbeen) 4. Why.clid you say.)rou had left lierl 5. When did;ane say she would be balkt 6. How often did herbofricnd say he went to the pubf 7. How did the boss say he would posrpone signing the conrracrl g. Whodid t'ou believe I would tell y-our secret tof 9. How did he rhink h" *iua'u";11"-;;;p" with the problemfI0' Wl'rich flat did she say she wanted to move intof I l. \A/ho did you say had broken into your housel

Er. 3.2' When " . we can get together to discuss a few thingsl a. u9r1j9ng ... he had been learning Japanesel1^lgtt,g"n1'times ... he has to tell her that he lov"es herl 5. What time ... the nexr train to Londonleftf 6' Where ... yolr had beenl 7.How often... he went running before the accidentl 8. Which busstop '. . rve had to get off atf 9.. Why .. . you had told her thc truthilO. What ... he would say when herealised tl-rat l-re had been deceived)

E x . 4 .

,.. ,; t"tr", 3. FIow often 4. How long 5. what 6. where 7. who g. why 9. who / where 10. whyt x . 5 .2' meet after the fihn 3' work for that company 4. been 5. a swindler 6. has cheated on him 7. boyfrield

.- ir-8 avoid gerting inro prison 9. wc are going'to move 10. loves

E x . 6 .I. Horv old did he think I was)2. Wl-ren do you think he will resiqnl3 low ma'y rimes did vou r"y y"ou had been to the Middle Eastl1 l-:* I9."9 _d" you rhink I have been going out with Sue)

9 -Ylr., did they think I.would say if thi t .ih.",rr" to lightf6. who did vou say you had been to the cinema with theiay beforef

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7. How many times do you think I will explain the same equationf8. Why did they believe we hadn't gone to their parryf9. What kind of car did you think I was going to buyl

10. How long did your hu.sband think you would stand his unfaithfulnessllI. How maiy times did the committee say they would refuse our application)12. How do you think I will travel to Moroccol13. How many people do you say will take part in the competitionl14. Who did you think we would co-operate with)15. Which dress did you say I should put onl16. Who do you drink is in the linel17. Whv do vou think I haven't invited you so far)f 8. What do'you think Sharon's new boyfriend looks like)19. Wl'ren did they say they would arrive I20. How many people do they believe could have seen the accident)21. Who do you think I told dre story tol22.Whichlairguage course do you say I should enrol forf23. Who did h1 bilieve I was talking to while he was in the toilette)24. How much did you say you had paid for the flat)25. How much did they say they would ask for the carl26.Why did you believe I had given twenty drousand forints to himf27.Who did they think I wasl28. Why do they say they don't want to workl29. Who do you suggest I should rent a flat with)30. Who do they advise I should turn to for helpl


Ex. l .2. wasn'r he 3. has she 4. aren'r we 5. aren't I 6. did he 7. will he B. should I 9. could he l0' isn't she ll.

didn'the 12. willyou 13. shallwe 14. haven'tthey 15. weren'tthey 16. amI17. willyou 18' wouldhe

19. had yo,t 20. will you 21. may IEx .2 .

2. Let's have a drink, shall we) 3. You don't like it, do you) 4. It was bad, wasn't itf 5. You are cold, aren't

you) 6. The shop assistanrs weren't polite, were theyf 7.Yott have lost weight, haven't youf 8. You've got

up late again, haven't youfEx. 3.

2.Liz,you haven't got a telephone card, have youf 3. )ason, you don't know where our teacher of Engli1lt

is, do ybu) 4. Tim,"you dont have a ruler, do youl 5. ]udy, you haven't seen my glasses, have you) 6. Iill'you can't help me, can you)

Ex. 4.I. You go running regularly, don't youl2. Jack is speaking to the new colleague, isn't he )3. The weather will be bad next week' won't itf4. The prices won't rise this year, will they)5. You don't need help, do youf6. Johnny will marry July, won't hef7. Yesterday you weren't at home, were you)B. Last week you saw the film, didn't you)9. The factory was sold last year, wasn't itl

I0. You have met the new boss, haven't youlll. Jack has never been to Hungary before, has he )12. Everybody was satisfied with the service, weren't theyl13. Nobody has made a complaint, have they?14. Somebody has climbed in through the window, haven't theyf15. Nobody has enrolled for the course' have theyf16. Everybody has arrived, haven't theyl17. Don't speak too loudly will youf18. Don't tell anyone that I have told you, will youf

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19. Have some salad too, will you|20. Let's have a glass of beer iomewhere, shall we)21. Let's meet at five o'clock in front of the cinema, shall wef22. Let's turn to the next issue of the agenda, shall wel23. Don't drink so much. will vou)24. I shouldn't tell him what his happened, should I|25. We should visit him, shouldn't wef26. You wouldn't like to go to the cinema today would you)27. He wouldn't have behaved like this if he were me, would hel28. You hadn't eaten anyrhing before you left, had you)29. By the time you arrived home everybody had left, hadn't they)30. He mustn't, must hel31. We mustn)t enter here without permission. must we I32.Ihad better nor argue with him^, had Il33. They had better put offthe negotiation, hadn't theyf34. I am not too skilful, am Il35. I am too impatient, aren't If36. I am too curious, aren't If37. You are about to leave. aren't voul38. This is not the streer we are looking for, is itf39. You haven't got the pen, have youf40. You are not looking for the book, are youl


Ex. L2. - l l j : 'e 3. the / - / the 4.- I a /- 5. the 6. the l -7. rhe l - B. - I the9. - I -10. the / the I I . a12. a Ia 13. - 14. rhe I a 15. the / a 16. the / the

Ex.2 .2 . d r e 3 . t h e 4 . - 5 . T h e l r h e 6 . - 7 . - / t h e B . t h e / t h e 9 . t h e 1 0 . - l l . t h e 1 2 . t h e 1 3 . - / t h e 1 4 . t h e

8 x . 3 .2. ... get into Room 22insread of Room 243.The sun ... in the sky4. Right. 5. ... playing the pianol6. Right. 7. a B. a 9. An apple 10. Right. ll. The more ... the fatter 12. was more inreresting 13. by thesea 14. fught.

E x . 4 .2. the ground 3. size 42 4. the Earth 5. television 6. line 25 7. rhe radio

Ex. 5.2 The bicycle. 3. The African elephant. 4. The lei. 5. The ballpoint pen. 6. The penguin. 7. The cheetah.8. The chimpanzee. 9. The Panda bear. 10. The jaguar.

E x . 6 .2. the disabled 3. the unemployed 4. the homeless 5. the dead 6. the injuredT. r}re rich / the poor B. Theyolrng / the old 9. the sick

Ex.7 .2.The Spanish 3. The Dutch 4. The French 5. The Irish 6. The ChineseT.The Scors, the Welsh / theEnglish / the British 8. The Hungarians 9. The Japanese 10. The Swiss

Ex. 8.2. a Chinese 3. a Frenchman 4. an Enelishman 5. a Welshman 6. an IrishmanT. a Scot 8, a li:rk 9. aJapanese I0. a Brit ll. a Dutchman l2-a Swiss

E x . 9 .2. the same 3. the very 4. The only 5. the same 6. the very 7. the only 8. the very beginning 9. the only

Ex. 10.Rivers & canals: The Panama Canal, the Danube, the Suez Canal, the English Channel, the Nile, theAmazon, the Seine, the MississippiSeas & oceans: the Black Sea, the Mediterranean, the Pacific, the Adantic, the Indian Ocean, the Red SeaMountain Ranges: the Andes, the Alps, the Tatras, the Carpathians, the Himalayas, the UralsGroups of islands: the Philippines, the Bahamas, the West Indies, the Canaries, the British IslesDeserts: the Sahara, the Chalahari, the GobiCertain countries: the Czech Republic, the Netherlands, the United Srares, the People's Republic of China


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Ex. l l . a )2. the Suez Canal3. dre ttras 4. The Urals 5. the People's Republic of China 6. the Hirnalayas 7.ThcDanube, the Black Sea B. The Pacific Ocean 9. the Carpathians 10, the Mediterranean ll. The Sahara /dre Chalahari 12. the Rockies 13. the Alps 14. The Canaries

Ex. i I b )l. Tl-re Amazon is the longest river in South America. 2. People were able to fly to America over theAtlar-rtic only in the second half of the 20'h centurlz 3. The Gobi is dre syrnbol ofMongolia. 4Jhe_people',vho live in ihe Andes are very short. 5. Many French poets have written about the Seine. 6. The PanamaCanal was built to connect North America and South America.

Ex. 12.Hotcls: the RitzRestaurants & pubs: the Chinese Restaurant, the Red LionTheatres and cinemas: thc Odeon, the National TheatreMuseums and galleries: the National Museum, the National Gallerl6Other buildingi (common nouns): the Ftstival Hall, the Flouses of Parliament, the Vatican, the EmpireState Building, the White F{ouseOrganisations: dre BBC, the CIA, the European UnionNewspapers: the Sun.. .of . . . : The Gulf ofMexico

Ex. 13 .2. IIIM 3. McDonalds 4. Harrods 5. Buckingham Palace 6. Tiafalgar Square 7. St Peter's Basilica B.Lloyds Bank 9. Hyde Park

Ex. 14.Right answers:

2. to Philips 3. to the Sur-r 4. St James's Park 5. The Hotel Hilton / the Houses of Parliament 6.Kennedv Aroort 7.The Globe 8. Harrods 9. The White House 10. the FinancialTimes 11. in theNational Muieurn 12. Woman's Own 13. Unilever / Kraft Jacobs 14. Broadway 15. Oxford Universiry16. at dre Universiry of London L7. to the Chinese Restaurant

Ex . 15 .2. at school 3. in hospital4. to prison 5. at home / to work 6. to hospitalT. in prison 8. at school9. atwork 10. at universiry 11. to bed 12. in bed 13. to church 14. in church

Ex. 16.2. school 3. school 4. the school 5. school 6. school 7. the school 8. school g. the school 10. church 11.tlre church 12. the church 13. the church 14. The church 15. the church 16. prison 17. the prison 18.prison 19. dre prison 20. prison 21. hospital 22. the hospital 23.The hospital 24. the hospital 25. the sea26. sca 27. the sea / the sea 28. home 29. work 30. bed 3I. bed 32. dre bed

Ex. 17.Right anslvers:

2. dogt I cats ldogs / cats 3. women / men 4. The meat 5. meat 6. LifeT . The life 8. Death / peoplg 9 Tll.deatli1O. All children lf. All the children f2. All the people 13. Most people / death 14. Seeing 15.swimming / cold water 16. Unemployment / homelessness

Ex. IB.2. 215 forints a litre 3. Once a month 4. 80 kph 5. 30 days a year 6. 25 pounds a metre

E x . 1 9 .L . D 2 . C 3 . D 4 . D 5 . C 6 . D 7 . B 8 . A 9 . B 1 0 . B I l . C 1 2 . B 1 3 . A

E x . 2 0 .l. Hungary's currency is the forint.2. The toad is an amphibian.3. He was the first to arrir.e and the last to leave.4. That would be the last thing I would do.5. If it weren't for dre Moon, the Earth would move faster.6. He can play a lot of musical instruments, for example, he can play the guitar, he can play the bass

guitar and he can also play dre drums.7. I think Fotex is the best handball team in Hungary8. They rvon t-he most championships.9. Most people still think that a woman's place is in the home.

10. That was the most boring fiJm I have ever seen.I I. I think the lecture was most interesting.12. With thc new system of retirement the elderly can't retire before sixtlz13. The elderly should be respected by the young.

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Answen rry

14. Mother Theresa looked after the ooor and the sick all her life.15. It is very diffrcult for thc disabledto travel around in dre ciry16. The homeless need help.17 . The French have alwal's been proud of their country language and culfi;re just like the Welsh.18. A Frenchmall) an Englishman and a Dutchman were argung about whose courtry is the most developed.19. The Italians are often called dagos in America.20. The Czech Republic and the Ukraine are not neighbouring countries.21. I'n-r going to spend the summer in the Bahamas.22.Tltis rvinter we are going skiing in the Alps.23. Verdi wrote Aida for the inauguration of the Suez Canal.24. Tbe sea of Southern Europe is the Mediterranean.25. The Danube divides dre capital of Hurgary into two parts.26. There have always been territorial disputes in the Middle East.27 . Thc Hotel Kempinski is one of the most elegant hotels in Hungary28. I havc never had dinner in the Tower Restaurant.29. If I don't have much time I have a snack in McDonalds.30. Thc Globe rvas founded by Shakespeare.31. Which cinema shall we go tol To the Corvin.32. What about going to the National Museum and the National Gallery tomorrowl33. What kind of English newspapers do you regularly read) I subscribe to the Times and the DailyTelegraph.34. Tl're Gobi Desert can be found in Mongolia.35. Tl're FBI and the CIA are u,orking hard to find the terrorists.36. I rvouid like to go for a walk on dre Great Wall of China.37. I'he White Ilouse can also be the target of terrorist attacl$.38. Buckir-reham Palace can be found in the centre of London.39. Mv brother is the same ase as vour sister.40. The onlv thing you can dJir *,"it.41. The police and the fire brigade arrived at the scene at the s'ame time.42. The more you read in EngTistr, the rnore fluently you can speak.43. Most people drir-rk that dogs are more intelligent than cats.44. I think all babies are cute.45. In the maternity ward all the babies caught a cold.46. Death is always cruel.47. Sl're u,as deeply shocked by the death of her husband.48. My children never want to eat fruit and vegetables. They only like meat.49. Religious people go to church once a week.50. I took a few photos in the church.5I. \4/e visited our classmate in the hospital.52. He has been ir-r hospital for four weeks.53. If he is fbur.rd guilt$ he will be sent to prison.54. His son gocs to universiry55. The concert was held at the universitlt56. When do you usually go to bed?57. Can you see that book on the bedf Could you bring it here!58. The fishermcn are at sea again.59. jessie has never swum in the sea.60. Are you coming by carl6I. \4/e'll go in the red car.62. Open your books on / to page 27.63. You have to take Bus No. 56.64. I rvould like half a kilo of onions.65. We'll meet in half an hour, all rightl66. How much are the pearsl They're 150 forints a kilo.67. ADoctor Watson wanted to talk to you.68. You shouldn't go on a trip in such bad weather.69. I have never seen such a handsome bridegroom.70. What a beautiful flower!71. What a piw that we can't lneet tomorrow.72. You look pale. FIave you got a headachel73. Yes, and I have a temperatllre too.

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T e s t I L C 2 . D . 3 . C 4 . C 5 . B 6 . D 7 . A . 8 . C 9 . D I 0 . B 1 1 . B 1 2 . D 1 3 . A 1 4 . C f 5 . C 1 6 . B 1 7 . B 1 8 .B 1 9 . C 2 0 . B

T e s t 2 1 . 8 2 . B 3 . D 4 . A 5 " D 6 . A 7 . A 8 . B 9 . C I 0 . D l l . C 1 2 . B 1 3 . A 1 4 . A 1 5 . B 1 6 . A 1 7 . D 1 8 .C 1 9 . B 2 0 . A

T e s t 3 L . A 2 . B 3 . B 4 . C 5 . C 6 . A 7 . C 8 . D 9 . A 1 0 . C l l . B 1 2 . B 1 3 . D 1 4 . A 1 5 . C 1 6 . A 1 7 . D 1 8 .D t9. C 20.D

T e s t 4 I . C 2 . A 3 . C 4 . 8 . 5 . A 6 . D 7 . D 8 . A 9 . B 1 0 . C r 1 . C 1 2 . D 1 3 . D 1 4 . D 1 5 . C 1 6 . A 1 7 . D 1 8 .A 19. C 20.D

T e s t 5 L . C 2 . D 3 . C 4 . B 5 . A 6 . D 7 . A 8 . B 9 . B 1 0 . C 1 1 . D L 2 . C 1 3 . A 1 4 . B 1 5 . C 1 6 . B 1 7 . A I B . A19. D 20. A

Tes t6 1 .D2 .A3 . B 4 . D 5 . B 6 . D 7 . A8 . D 9 . D 10 . D 11 . C 12 . D 13 . C 14 . D 15 . C 16 . B 17 . C I8 .A t 9 . A 2 0 . A

Test 7 L. D 2. C 3. B 4. B 5. C 6. C 7. D 8. B 9. B 10. A I l . B 12. C 13. C 14. A 15. C 16. D 17. C lB.C 1 9 . C 2 0 . A

T e s t S L . A 2 . A 3 . B 4 . C 5 . D 6 . B 7 . D 8 . D 9 . C 1 0 . B I l . B 1 2 . B 1 3 C 1 4 . B 1 5 . D 1 6 . B 1 7 . B 1 8 . C19. A 20. D

Tes tg L .C2 . B 3 . A4 . D 5 . B 6 . D 7 . B 8 . C9 . A10 . A I l . A 12 . B 13 . C 14 . C 15 . B 16 . D 17 . D lB .D 1 9 . B 2 0 . C

T e s t I 0 l . D 2 . D 3 . C 4 . D 5 . A 6 . C 7 . C 8 . C 9 . D l 0 . D l l . D 1 2 . C t 3 . D 1 4 . D 1 5 . B 1 6 . C 1 7 ' C l B .C 1 9 . C 2 0 . A

T e s t I I l . B 2 . A 3 . D 4 . A 5 . D 6 . D 7 . D 8 . C 9 . D r 0 . B l I . D 1 2 . D 1 3 . D 1 4 . C 1 5 . D 1 6 . C r 7 . D 1 8 'D 1 9 . A 2 0 . C

T e s t 1 2 I . D 2 . B 3 . C 4 . C 5 . D 6 . D 7 . A 8 . C 9 . A 1 0 . C 1 l . D 1 2 . A 1 3 . D t 4 . B 1 5 ' C 1 6 . B 1 7 . C 1 8 .B 1.9. D 20.D


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ISBN 978-963-9357 -70-9

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