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Page 1: Myanmar Proverb With Eng Translation

ဗဟ�သ�တလကေ�ဆငပ ။န�စသ��ကရကေ�ကေ����တ� ကေ��ကေ�၀မ��န��ငပ တယ��မန��ကေပ��မ�(အဂလ�ပ"� ကရ#ဘသပန ပ%တြတ'ပသည�။)^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

Adjust burden to strength, like arrow to bow. ညေညေညေ ညေညေညေညေညေညေညေညေညေညေညေတန �ငပ*+,ကေ�� ေလငပ*��မ�ကေ'*သ��႔ည/အ+ငပ"ကရ# ပ ။

Although cowardly be slow to run.

မရေ'သလည� ေ�ပခေ'�။

The anger of the prudent never shows.

ညေညေညေညေညေညေညေညေညေညေညေပညရေ��အမ�ကေ�အ�ပငပ� ထြ3ကေ�။

Arrows all gone before the battle begins.

���ရေကေ4ငပ� ေ�မ�ကေ�န �။

As the doe gives birth to a fawn the tiger eats it.


As to eating it, will it is covered with grit; but as to throwing it away, well, it is rich and luscious.

ညေညေညေ ညေညေညေညေညေညေညေညေညေ ညေညေညေညေညေညေညေညေညေညေညေညေညေ ညေ ညေညေညေ ညေ ညေညေညေညေညေ ညေ ညေညေညေညေညေညေညေညေညေ�ရေမ�လည�သ'တရေ�ပ�� ပ�၊လငပ* �� မ�ကေလည�အဆ/န'႔တ၀ငပ�၀ငပ�။

As you are fated to eat honey, bees swarm in your beard.

ညေညေညေညေညေညေညေညေညေညေညေညေညေညေညေညေညေ�ရေကေ�ၾကေ�8တမ�တ9 �� တ � စြ�'။

Ask when you don't know, wash when you're dirty.

ညေညေညေညေညေညေညေညေညေညေညေညေညေမသ�လ��ငပ�မ၊မ�ငပ"�� ငပ�ဆ။

At the sight of fresh fish away goes the roast.

ညေညေညေညေ ညေညေညေညေညေညေငပ��မ�မငပ�၊ငပကေငပ ��။

Bad children? Blame the parents.

ညေညေညေညေ ညေညေညေညေညေညေသသမ/မကေငပ�မ�ဘခေငပ�။

The black elephant dare not look at the royal white elephant's face.

Page 2: Myanmar Proverb With Eng Translation

ဆငပ��ဖ<မ�ကေ� ဆငပ�ည� မၾကေည*�၀�*။

Being afraid of the tiger he takes refuge with the lork Spirit, but the lord Spirit is worse than the tiger.

ညေညေညေညေညေညေညေညေညေညေညေညေညေညေ ညေညေညေညေညေညေညေညေ ညေညေညေညေညေ ညေညေ ညေညေညေညေညေကေ�ၾကေကေ" �#႔ရ��စသငပ> ကေ/ကေ��၊ရ� စသငပ> ကေ/ကေ�3ကေ9 �# ။

The bigger the tiger, the bigger the pug-marks.

ကေ�ႀကေ/တ* ေ�ခေရေႀကေ/။

A blind fowl came upon the rice-pot .

ၾကေကေA န �ဆန,�စသ#တ��။

The blind man is not afraid of ghosts.

မ�ကေA န �တ��ဆမၾကေကေ�။

The care of one daughter equals that of a thousand cattle.

သမ/တ��ကေငပ� ေတ��3ငပ�။

The cat jumps with joy when the forest is on fire.

ညေ ညေညေ ညေညေညေညေညေညေညေညေညေညေညေတမ/လငပ� ေတၾကေငပ�လကေ4 မငပ�ခေတ�။

Cheeks shinning because of gold earrings.


Clear water cannot be obtained from a well that has just been dug.

ညေညေ ညေ ညေညေ ညေ ညေညေညေ ညေညေညေညေညေ ညေညေညေခေ� ေရေထြတငပ�တ%၊ခေ� ေရေၾကေည�သကေ�၍မရေ။

Day will not break for a hen's cackle; it will break only for a cock's crow.

ညေ ညေ ညေညေညေညေညေညေညေညေညေ ညေညေညေညေညေ ညေညေညေညေ ညေညေညေၾကေကေ�ထြတန �၍ မ��မလငပ�၊ၾကေကေC ထြတန�� မ��လငပ�သည�။

Desire for haste is delay

အရ+ငပ"�ကရ# အဖ��။

Discard only bad baskets and punnets, not bad sons and daughters.

Page 3: Myanmar Proverb With Eng Translation

ညေညေညေညေညေညေညေညေညေညေညေ ညေညေညေညေညေညေညေညေညေညေညေညေညေ ညေညေညေညေ ညေညေညေ ညေညေညေညေညေညေညေညေ ညေညေညေညေညေညေညေညေညေညေ ညေညေညေညေညေညေညေတငပ���တ�ပလ����တ� ပ��႐��3����ရေ��သည�။သဆ��သမ/ဆ��ကေ��ပ��႐��3����မရေ��။

Do not spare a bullock or a wife.

ညေညေ ညေညေညေညေညေညေညေမယန'႔မသနန'႔။

Do not tread on a heap of thorns because you have faith in you karma.

ကေ�ယ��#၍ ဆ%ပ��မနငပ�န'႔။

Eat a section of garlic; you smell of garlic. Eat two sections; you smell the same.

ညေ ညေ ညေညေညေညေညေညေညေ ညေညေညေညေညေညေညေညေညေညေညေ ညေညေညေညေ ညေ ညေညေညေညေညေညေညေတ�EကရကေFလည�ၾကေကသြကေ� န �၊ ေစသ�E ကရကေF လည�ၾကေကသြကေ� န �။

Eczema comes on the teprous place.

H%ရေ ၀'စြ�'။

An ember about to blaze glows brightly.

ညေ ညေညေညေညေညေတကေ�ည*�/ခေ'တရေ'ရေ'။

Empty pockets, empty promises.

မြငပမရေ�� �ကေမတည�။

An error may go on for ever, but it can be set right in a moment.

ပ�ကေ, �ဥ� ေ�ပငပ4ဏ။

Even if you do not love him (her), hold your breath and kiss him (her), even if yor do not kiss him (her), heave a sigh.

ညေညေညေညေညေညေညေညေညေ ညေညေညေ ညေညေညေညေညေညေညေညေညေညေညေမခေ���သလည� ေအငပ*+Aနမ�၊နမ�သလည�ပငပ*+� ကေ�႐�<။

Falling face downwards in the front of the tiger.

ကေ�ရေ�႕ ေမ�ကေ�ကေ" '။

Fetching water in an open wicker basket.

�ခေငပ�ၾကေန'႔ ေရေသယ�။

Flipping sesamum seeds into an elephant's mouth.

Page 4: Myanmar Proverb With Eng Translation

ဆငပ �ပ� H�မ�ပကေ�။

A floor which has no binding is in disorder.

အထြကေပ�ရေ��ၾကေမ� ပရေမ�ပတ။

Fondle a dog and it will lick your face.

မြခေကေလ အရေ၀ငပ�တ ပလ�ကေ� နလ�ကေ�။

The future price will be fixed in the future; sell it at the current price.

နငပ4လ နငပ4��။

Going to plough and forgetting the catte.

လကသြယL နသြနN Hမြမ*။

A good beginning ensures a satisfactory ending.

အ�ကေငပ�မ� အငပ�သခေ�။

A good tree can lodge ten thousand birds.

သ�Eကရ� ငပ�ကေငပ� ငပ�ကေE ��သငပ�နငပ�။

Grass depends on the island, the island on the grass.

ထြကေၽန �ကေ��ငပ�မ�/ ကေ��ငပ�ထြကေၽန �မ�/။

Great desire obtains little.

အလ��ႀကေ/ကေ အရေနည�။

Guests only come to a happy house.

အ�မ�လ��႔ ဧည*Q"။

He asked for

bones because he wants flesh.

အသလ��လ��႔ အ႐��တငပ�။

Page 5: Myanmar Proverb With Eng Translation

He breathes through someone else's nose.

သ%မ�ခေငပ�ပကေR'႔ အသကေ�႐။

He calls her aunt only when her cucumber fruits.

ဘ%သ/သ/လ��႔ အရေ/တ။

He climbs up the pole of the morquee to show his alms-giving.

အလ�<႕ရေ�ငပ��န �သ�အငပ� မ႑ပE�TစသငပEကေ��ပ။

He does not catch the monitor lizard and he has lost his chopper.

မြဖတ�ရေ ဓမဆ��။

He dropped a fish-hook whenever the fish sent up bubbles (expecting to catch it).

ငပမြပကေ� ငပ�ခေ�။

He leans on a white elephant and sucks sugar-cane.

ဆငပ��ဖ<တမ�/၍ ၾကေ���ပ�။

He lives in the bushes but

his spirits is in the heavens.

လ%နခေ�8�ၾကေ ��တ�နဘ��ဖ�။

He may be poor, however intelligent he may be, if he has no karma.

ကေ�မရေ�� ဥဏ���တ��ငပ�စြမ'။

He praises the pickling of his own fish.

ကေ��ယ*Vခေ�ဥ� ကေ��ယ4�ဥ�။

He rides without knowing whether it's a stallion or mare.

ကေ��ယF/တ'*�မငပ� အ3/မ�န �အမမ�န � မသ�။

He tries to establish relationship with a person only when the person has gold.

ရေရေ��မ� အမ�8�တ။

Page 6: Myanmar Proverb With Eng Translation

He was all right when he was sitting; only when he got up did I realize he was lame.

3��ငပ�နတ အကေငပ�သ၊ 3ထြသမ� အကေ��8မ�န �သ�။

He who talks isn't strong; he who's

strong doesn't talk.

လ%�ပမသန �၊ လ%သန��ပ။

He would like to ride a difficult buffalo but hasn't enough courage.

မရေ'ဘ' ထြကေၽ'�ပ'�/ခေ�ငပ�။

His mouth say; "Buddha Buddha, " but his hand acts contrariwise.

ပ�ပA ဘ�ရေ ဘ�ရေ၊ လကေA ကေယ ကေယ။

Husband and wife are like tongue and teeth.

လငပR'႔မယ လ��န'႔ထြသ။

I have no money to pay the debt and no land abscond to.

ပ�ရေ မြငပမရေ��၊ �ပ�ရေ �မမရေ��။

If a needle can pierce it don't chop with an axe.

အပ��ဖငပ*� ထြ3ငပ�၍ရေလ��ငပ�၊ ပ�ဆ�န ��ဖငပ*� မခေ�တ�။

If the beginning is good, the end must be perfect.

အ�ကေငပ�လ��ငပ� အငပ�သခေ�မည�။

If the cattle are scattered the tiger seizes him.

Hမြတြကေ'လ��ငပ� ကေ�တြဆ'မည�။

If the fire is greater the fire wins; if the water is greater the water wins.

မ/မ� မ/ငပ�၊ ရေမ� ရေငပ�။

If the thorn falls the leaf is pierced; if the leaf falls the leaf is pierced.

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ဆ%ပၚဖကေA �လ��ငပ� ဖကေ�ပကေ� ည�။ ဖကေ�ပၚဆ%ကေ�လ��ငပ� ဖကေ�ပကေ� ည�။

If there is a question, there is also an answer.

အမရေ��လ��ငပ� အ�ဖရေ��သည�။

If you carry the world" No" with you, you will never be poor even in old age.

ဘ%တ�"��ဆငပ� အ��တငပ�ဆငပ�ရေ'။

If you do not know, ask; if it not clean, wash.

မသ�လ��ငပ�မ၊ မ�ငပ"��ငပ�ဆ။

If you don't believe me , ask my wife.

မယ��ရေငပ� ငပမယကေ��မ။

If you want to go fast, go the old road.

အလ�ငပ"�ကရ# လမ�အ��လ��ကေ�။

If you desire is great you obtain little.

အလ��ႀကေ/ကေ အရေနည�သည�။

Ignorance is more troubles me than poverty.

မရေ��တ3ကေ� မသ�3ခေကေ�ည�။

In a basket it is the binding, in a man it is his clothes.

တငပ�မ�အထြကေပ�၊ လ%မ�အ၀တ�။

In a forest where there is no heart-wood the castor-oil plant rules.

အ��ရေ��တ'*တ ၾကေကေ9 Xပငပ� မငပ�မ%။

In another's eyes, but in his own eyes he sees no dirt.

အ�ခေလ%မ�၏ မ�ကေ�ခေ�ကေ���မငပ�၍ ကေ��ယ*��ကေ�ခေ�ကေ��ယ�Zမငပ�။

In journeying at improper time, one step; in eating improper food, one mouthful is sufficient to course mishap.

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အ�မတ တ�"ကရ#ပ�၊အထြသမတ တ�"�မ�။

It is for bird to fly and die; it is for man t5o scheme and die.

ငပ�ကေ� ည� ပ[ရေငပ�သသည�။ လ%သည� ၾကေ�ရေငပ�သသည�။

It's like threading a dog's crooked tail through a joint of bamboo.

မြခေၿမ/ကေကေ� ကေ�ည�တကစြကေFစသပ�လ��။

Just as the breeze carries the flower's fragrance, so do men carry men's news.

ပန �သတငပ� လည�ငပ�ဆငပ� လ%သတငပ� လ%ခေ�ငပ�ဆငပ�။

Just when he wants to cry you touch him.

ငပ��ခေ�ငပ"�ကေ� လကေE �#႔။

Karma is the mother and karma is the father.

ကေ�သလ��ငပ� အမ�၊ ကေ�သလ��ငပ� အဖ။

Karma watches over your property; your intellig- ence watches over your life.

ဥ�ၥကေ��ငပ*�၊ အသကေ�ဥဏ��ငပ*�။

A lazy man lies flat on his back, a lazy woman stretches out her legs.

ယကေ��ပ�ငပ�တ ကေ�ခေငပ�၊ မ�န �မပ�ငပ�တ �ခေဆငပ�။

Let enmity stops short, but love lingers on.

ခေ��Fကေ�� ရေ�ည��၊ မ�န ��ကေ�� တ���။

Let them know about it but not see it.

သ�တသ�� မ�မငပ��န'႔။

Like father and grandfather alike.


Loss of good is one day spoiled; loss of a hrsband is a ruined life.

ကေ�န �႐တ တ��ကေ�၊ လငပ�႐တ တ��ကေ�။

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A man does not lose his life if the time at which he is fated to die is not arrived.

သန႔မ�*သလ��ငပ� မသ။

The man from hell is not afraid of hot ashes.

ငပရေ'ကေလ% �ပပ%မၾကေကေ�။

Mice cease to fear the cat

when she is too old.

ၾကေစသငပ,�စသ# ၾထြကေကေ�လ။

Minds together, bodies apart.


Moderation is medicine, excess is peril.

ထြလန�ငပ�ဘ၊ တန�ငပ�ဆ။

The moon shinning in the hollow of the bamboo.

၀လ��ခေငပ�3' လသ။

More money always wins the cause.

မြငပမ� �ကေငပ�။

A motherless son is a fish in low water.

အမ�မ'႔သ ရေနည�ငပ။

Near a fisherman one is a fisherman; near a hunter a hunter.

တ�ငပနန/ တ�ငပ၊ မ�ဆ��နန/ မ�ဆ��။

No lawyer is infallible, nor a doctor immortal.

မမ�သ ရေ�႕န၊ မသသ ဆသမ။

The oar broke while the boat was going.

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လ�လ�ရေငပ� တကေA ��8။

Offering a sword-hilt to a thief.

သ%ခေ�� အ႐��ကေမ�။

Old bullocks are partial to tender grass.

Hမြအ�� �မကေ�ႀကေ�8ကေ�။

Once you have died you know how to lay out the corpse.

တ�4သဖ% ပ�ဥC�#နလည�။

One can but fall to earth or rise to the golden umbrella.

သ�မႀကေ/ ရေ�ငပ�ရေ3/။

One capable many and a force of ten thousand was crushed.

တ��ယကေ�ကေငပ�ကေ တ��သငပ�ဗ��လ��ခေ ညကေကေ�ၾကေ။

One day, six feet, where will Bagan move to ?

တ��န႔တ�"� ပ�ဂ�ဘယ�နသြရေ႕။

One day to die, and one day to born.

သတ��န႔ မြမတ��န႔။

One in a thousand mothers bears such sons.

မတ��3ငပ� တ��ကေနသြငပa။

One mouthful of unsuitable food, one imprudent step may lead to peril.

အ�မတတ�"ကရ#ပ�၊ အထြသမတ တ�"�မ�။

One needs a full stomach to keep the precepts.

အ%မတငပ*�� သ/လ�ငပ*�ငပ�ည�။

One seasum seed will not make oil.

H�မ�တ���*ငပ*� ဆ/မ�ဖ��ငပ�။

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One should not open the mouth for a presentation cow and look at the teeth.

အလကေရေသည*�ကေ�� ထြသၿဖ'မၾကေည*+�ငပ*�။

One's bed is a throne if one thinks to be so.

ကေ��ယL +ငပ"��ငပ� ခေ�တငပ�ရေနန �။

Only the sufferer knows how his belly aches.

ကေ��ယ�၀မ�န ကေ��ယ� သ�။

Only when the thief has run away do the tatto spots show their power.

သ%ခေ��ပမ� 3��ထြကေငပ�3။

Picking up frogs with a perforated bag.

ပလ��ငပ�ပကေ�ငပ*� ဖကေကေ�။

Pinning for the aunt rather than the mother.

အမကေ� ထြတတထြလမ�။

Playing a harp before a buffalo.


Pot against pot, the pots will touch; ropes together, the ropes will tangle.

ႀကေ�8ခေ�ငပ�3 ႀကေ�8ခေ�ငပ�3�၊ အ��ခေ�ငပ�3 အ��ခေ�ငပ�3�။

The price of the hook(goad) is greater than the prick of the elephant.

ဆငပC�#3ကေ� မြခေၽန �ဖ��ကေႀကေ/။

Property is guarded by luck.


Rain water leaks through the roof-top.

ခေစသငပA မ��ယ��။

Page 12: Myanmar Proverb With Eng Translation

Riding on the same boat, going on the same journey.

တ��လ�တည��/ တ�4ရေ/တည�ထြသ။

Rubbing liniment on the unaffected spot.

မရေငပ� ဆ/လ%။

Said to be marrying a captain, she married a sailor.

ကေ�တလ�သ%ႀကေ/ ညတ လ�3��သ။

Searching for a lime before he gets the hare.

ယ�န�ရေခေငပ� သ�ပရေရေ�။

Seeing the bark you know the tree; seeing his expression you know his character.

အမြပမငပ� အပငပ��၊ အထြသမငပ� အထြသ+ငပ��။

Setting fire to the grannary because one cannot beat the mice.

ၾထြကေကေ�ငပ� ကေ�/မ/န'႔႐႕။

She wears the flower when it has a sweet scent, but disards it when it has lost its scent.

မလ��ငပ န �၊ န�လ��ငပ ��။

Silence is worth a thousand pieces of silver.

ဆ�တ9 �တ�န 3စသငပEန �။

The snare was set to catch a hare but the cat was caught.

ယ�န �3ငပ� ၾကေငပ��။

The son is one month older than his father.

အဖ3ကေ� သတ�"ႀကေ/။

The stick falls on the sore.

အနပၚ တ�တA �။

Store up the water while it rains.

Page 13: Myanmar Proverb With Eng Translation

The strongest young bullock is only as strong as an old bullock with a broken leg.

Hမြပ�8�သန"� Hမြအ��ပစသငပA�8�သလကေ ' �ဖ��စသည�။

Sugar-cane is sweet always, man only sometimes.

ၾကေ�သည� အ�ဥ4�8�သလည� လ%သည� အ�ဥ� မခေ�8�။

Taking shelter in the shade of a tree and breaking off the branches.

အရေ�ပ�နန၊ အခေကေ4�8�ခေ�8�။

Teaching a monk to read; showing an alligator king the water business.

ဘ�န �ႀကေ/�ခေ�၊ မ�ကေ�ငပ�မငပ� ရေခေငပ�ပ။

Teasing eventually turns to quarrel.

အကေ�/�သန"��ငပ� ရေန ��ဖ��စသည�။

Teeth that are going to chew for a long time must aviod bones.

ၾကေၾကေ၀မယ*မြ+� အ႐��ၾကေည*�ရေ�ငပ�။

A thing floats when it gets rotten; the news, if not true will not spread.

ပ�+ပ"��ငပ�ပၚ၊ ဟ�တ" ��ငပ�ကေ�။

Those who are unaware walt over it, those who are aware unearth it and eat it.

မသ�သ%ကေ�ထြသ သ�သ%ဖ�။

Throwing sand at the meat he cannot eat.

မ�ရေတ'*အမ' သ'ငပ* ကေ�။

The tiger who courts death moves to another jungle.

သခေ�ငပE'bကေ� တပငပ�။

Timidity relieves one of responsibitity.

ၾကေကေEတ" ��ငပ� ၀နAငပ�သည�။

Page 14: Myanmar Proverb With Eng Translation

To be ignorant is worse than being poor.

မရေ��တ3ကေ� မသ�တခေကေ�။

To dig one's grave with one's own hands.

ကေ��ယ*�သထြတငပ� ကေ��ယE X။

Too many doctors and the son dies.

ဆရေမ� သသ။

Too much carp makes the curry in stupid.

ငပသ��ငပ�မ� ဟငပ�ဟ��။

Too much talk will include errors.

�ကေမ�လ��ငပ� အမ�ပမည�။

The top of a pinnade now, firewood soon.

မ�+နAငပ�တ�"�ည*� 3ငပ�တ�"�ည�။

Travelling by raft and yet thirsty.

ဖစသငပ9/ရေငပ� ရေငပတ�။

Trust a slave you lose an eye; trust your childrin you lose both.

ထြကေၽနc��တ တ�"��ကေန �၊ သသမ/ယ��တ ���လ��ကေန �။

Unitl timber is available, use bamboo as a girder.

သ��ရေခေငပ� ၀ကေ%။

A village ox does not feed on village grass.

နသြရေနကေ�မကေ� နသြရေမ�။

Water falling into sand.

သ'3' ရေထြသန �။

Wax will show the quality of gold.

Page 15: Myanmar Proverb With Eng Translation

ရေအၾကေငပ� ဖယငပ�သကေ�သတည�။

When an elephant shrinks it's still a buffalo.

ဆငပ �န �တ ထြကေၽ'။

When diamonds are being sold, the tobacco-stalk verchant is in the way.

��န �ကေငပ�ကေ�ကေ�ကေငပ� ရေငပ�နသည*� အခေ၌ ဆ႐��သညe ကေန *Q"န *+Aန *Q"န *�။

When I work for my living the rains are sconty, when I sted for my living the dogs bark.

လ�ပFတ မ��ခေငပ�၊ ခေ���တ မြခေဟငပ�။

When in agony a mother will even deny being related to her son.

ကေ��ယ�ခေ�� အမ�သလည� သတခေ'။

When the disease is not known there is no remedy.

အနမသ� ဆမရေ��။

When your strength is not sufficient, humble yourself.

အမတန � မန �လ��။

Where there is a question, there must be an answer.

အမရေ��လ��ငပ� အ�ဖရေ��ရေမည�။

While being troubled by snakes, he is harassed by centipedes.

�မြမပ%ရေ ကေငပ�မ�ငပ*�။

The whole boat is putrid because of a single carp.

ငပခေ��မတ��ကေငပ�ၾကေငပ*� တ��လ�လ��ပ�ပ�။

A woman's modesty cannot be bought with gold.

မ�န �မတ��႔အ��ၵ ရေပ၍မရေ။

You will face a hundred peoblems in your lifetime though you may not live that long.

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အသကေE ��မနရေသလည� အမတ��ထြတ႕ရေ။

�မန�-အဂလ�ပ�(�ကေပ��မ�)ဧဒငပhသပန,စသစြဖ' *အထြတကေ��ကေ%ယ%ဖၿပသည�