Download - MEXTapplication Both Side Printing2015



Research Students for 2015

Type application, if possible, or write neatly by hand in block letters.) Use Arabic numerals.)Write years in the Anno Domini system. )Write proper nouns in full without abbreviation. )Personal data entered in this application will only be used for scholarship selection purposes, and contact information such as E-mail addresses will only be used to create academic networks after the student returns home and by the Japanese government to send out information when needed.E-mail


Name in full in native languageMale

)) (Surname) (Given name) (Middle name)Female

In Roman block capitals(Marital Status)

(Surname) (Given name) (Middle name)Single

(Please write your name exactly as it appears in your passport.)Married()

-Nationality - Japanese nationality Yes, I have No, I dont have it.()Date of birth and age as of April 1, 2015(20154119 AgeMonth DayYearPresent status with the name of the university attended or employer

Present address, telephone/facsimile number, and E-mail addressFAXE-mail(Present address

/FAX(Telephone/facsimile number

E-mail address

If possible, write an email address that can be used continuously before, during and after your stay in Japan.E-mailField of specialization studied in the pastBe as detailed and specific as possible.)

Academic Background:

Name and Address of SchoolYear and Monthof Entrance and

Completion()Duration of AttendanceDiploma or Degree Awarded, Major Subject, kipped Years/Levels

Primary Education()

Elementary School Name ()

Location ()




and months

Secondary Education

Middle School Name ()

Location ()




and months

High School Name ()

Location ()




and months


Tertiary Education

Undergraduate Level Name ()

Location ()




and months

Graduate Level Name ()

Location ()




and months

Total number of years of the aforementioned schooling

*as of April 1, 2015201541 years


Exclude kindergarten education and nursery school education. ()Preparatory education for university admission is included in secondary education.If the applicant has passed the university entrance qualification examinations, indicate this in the column with *-1.(-1)Any school years or levels skipped should be indicated in the fourth column (Diploma or Degree Awarded, Major Subject, Skipped Years/Levels). (Example: Graduated high school in 2 years.)

If you attended multiple schools at the same level of education due to moving house or readmission to university, then write the schools in the same column and include the number of years of study and current status for each school.. Calculate and write the total number of years studied based on duration as a student. (including extended leave such as summer vacation). You may use a separate piece of paper if the above space is insufficient. In such a case, please stipulate that the information is on a separate page.State the titles or subjects of books or papers (including graduation thesis authored by the applicant), if any, with the name and address of the publisher and the date of publication.

Employment Record: Begin with the most recent employment, if applicable.

Name and address of organizationPeriod of employmentPositionType of work

From To

From To

10Japanese language proficiency: Evaluate your level and insert an X where appropriate in the following blank space.





11Language ability: Evaluate your level and insert an X where appropriate in the following blank space.






12Past awarded recordHave you been awarded a Japanese Government (Monbukagakusho) Scholarship in the past? Please check ) or ) below. If so, please specify the period, the name of the university, etc.

) Yes, I have.

Period: University:

) No, I have not. 13Accompanying Dependents (Provide the following information if you plan to bring any family members to Japan.)

* All expenses incurred by the presence of dependents must be borne by the grantee. He/She is advised to take into consideration various difficulties and the great expense that will be involved in finding living quarters. Therefore, those who wish to be accompanied by their families are advised to come alone first and let their dependents come after suitable accommodation has been found.


14. Person to be notified in applicant's home country in case of emergency():

Name in full:

Address with telephone/facsimile number, and email address.E-mailPresent Address(Telephone/facsimile number(/FAX

E-mail address Occupation:

Relationship to applicant:

15.Immigration Records to Japan




I understand and accept all the matters stated in the Application for Japanese Government(MONBUKAGAKUSHO:MEXT) Scholarship for 2015, and hereby apply for this scholarship.2015

Date of application:

Applicant's signature:

Applicant's name

(in Roman capital letters)

Paste a passport sized photograph or digital image taken within the past 6 months. Write your name and nationality in block letters on the back of the photo.

4.5cm3.5cm photo


