Download - Mengenal Alat Ukur Caliper

Page 1: Mengenal Alat Ukur Caliper


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1Pengetahuan Alat Ukur by Safrudin (

Materi PelatihanQC

Page 2: Mengenal Alat Ukur Caliper

PT. KYOWATujuan Pelatihan

2Pengetahuan Alat Ukur by Safrudin (

• Peserta dapat mengetahui bagian-bagian alat ukur

• Peserta dapat mempergunakan alat ukur dengan baik dan benar

• Peserta dapat melakukan perawatan pada alat ukur

Page 3: Mengenal Alat Ukur Caliper


3Pengetahuan Alat Ukur by Safrudin (

Caliper1 Caliper Depth Caliper

Page 4: Mengenal Alat Ukur Caliper

PT. KYOWAAlat Ukur Caliper

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If you like these templates, we would always appreciate a link back to our website. Many thanks.

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We have put a lot of work into developing all these templates and retain the copyright in them. They are not Open Source templates. You can use them freely providing that you do not redistribute or sell them.

4Pengetahuan Alat Ukur by Safrudin (

Caliper berfungsi untuk mengukur diameter luar, diameter dalam, panjang, kedalaman dan lebar benda.Cara penggunaan alat ini yaitu:1. Menggunakan outside jaw untuk

mengukur permukaan luar (contoh: diameter luar hole, panjang benda, lebar benda)

2. Menggunakan inside jaw untuk mengukur permukaan dalam (contoh: diameter dalam hole, lebar celah)

3. Menggunakan depth bar untuk mengukur kedalaman ( contoh: kedalaman hole)

4. Menggunakan step surface untuk mengukur tingkatan benda

Page 5: Mengenal Alat Ukur Caliper

PT. KYOWAJenis Caliper

You are free to use these templates for your personal and business presentations.

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site provided that it is not for the purpose of downloading the template.

If you like these templates, we would always appreciate a link back to our website. Many thanks.

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We have put a lot of work into developing all these templates and retain the copyright in them. They are not Open Source templates. You can use them freely providing that you do not redistribute or sell them.

5Pengetahuan Alat Ukur by Safrudin (

Ketelitian :0,02/0,05

Ketelitian :0,01/0,02

Ketelitian :0,01

Page 6: Mengenal Alat Ukur Caliper

PT. KYOWABagian-bagian Caliper

You are free to use these templates for your personal and business presentations.

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site provided that it is not for the purpose of downloading the template.

If you like these templates, we would always appreciate a link back to our website. Many thanks.

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download. This includes uploading them onto file sharing networks like Slideshare, Myspace, Facebook, bit torrent etc

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We have put a lot of work into developing all these templates and retain the copyright in them. They are not Open Source templates. You can use them freely providing that you do not redistribute or sell them.

6Pengetahuan Alat Ukur by Safrudin (

Dial indicator Clamp screw

Bezel clamp

Fine adjusting


LCD panelClamp screw

Fine adjusting


Battery cover

Page 7: Mengenal Alat Ukur Caliper

PT. KYOWACara Check Kondisi Caliper

You are free to use these templates for your personal and business presentations.

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site provided that it is not for the purpose of downloading the template.

If you like these templates, we would always appreciate a link back to our website. Many thanks.

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We have put a lot of work into developing all these templates and retain the copyright in them. They are not Open Source templates. You can use them freely providing that you do not redistribute or sell them.

7Pengetahuan Alat Ukur by Safrudin (

Untuk jenis vernier, amati penunjukkan skala utama dan skala kedua, semua harus pada posisi nol.

Amati celah antara jaw dan beaks harus benar-benar rapat dan tidak ada celah sedikitpun.

Jika kita akan menggunakan bar untuk mengukur kedalaman suatu celah atau lubang pastikan pada posisi ini semua bar masuk dan rata dengan skala utama.

Jika salah satu syarat diatas tidak dipenuhi berarti caliper tersebut sudah tidak akurat.

Posisikan caliper seperti gambar disamping, pastikan bahwa :

Page 8: Mengenal Alat Ukur Caliper

PT. KYOWACara Baca Vernier Caliper

You are free to use these templates for your personal and business presentations.

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site provided that it is not for the purpose of downloading the template.

If you like these templates, we would always appreciate a link back to our website. Many thanks.

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We have put a lot of work into developing all these templates and retain the copyright in them. They are not Open Source templates. You can use them freely providing that you do not redistribute or sell them.

8Pengetahuan Alat Ukur by Safrudin (

Main Skale/Skala utama

Vernier Skale/Skala nonius

Skala utama : 46,00 mm

Hasil pembacaan 46,40 mm

Skala nonius : 0,40 mm

Ketika membaca Vernier Caliper, garis penglihatan mata harus langsung lurus pada titik hasil pengukuran.

Page 9: Mengenal Alat Ukur Caliper

PT. KYOWACara Pengukuran Luar

You are free to use these templates for your personal and business presentations.

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site provided that it is not for the purpose of downloading the template.

If you like these templates, we would always appreciate a link back to our website. Many thanks.

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download. This includes uploading them onto file sharing networks like Slideshare, Myspace, Facebook, bit torrent etc

Pass off any of our created content as your own work

We have put a lot of work into developing all these templates and retain the copyright in them. They are not Open Source templates. You can use them freely providing that you do not redistribute or sell them.

9Pengetahuan Alat Ukur by Safrudin (



Tempatkanlah benda kerja yang akan diukur pada bagian dalam dari bagian alat pengukuran luar (outside jaws) dan sedekat mungkin dengan permukaan referensi dari batang ukur utama.

Agar menghasilkan pengukuran yang tepat, tempatkanlah permukaan ukur bagian alat pengukuran luar sehingga menyentuh permukaan benda kerja secara sempurna



Page 10: Mengenal Alat Ukur Caliper

PT. KYOWACara Pengukuran Dalam

You are free to use these templates for your personal and business presentations.

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site provided that it is not for the purpose of downloading the template.

If you like these templates, we would always appreciate a link back to our website. Many thanks.

Don’t Resell or distribute these templates Put these templates on a website for

download. This includes uploading them onto file sharing networks like Slideshare, Myspace, Facebook, bit torrent etc

Pass off any of our created content as your own work

We have put a lot of work into developing all these templates and retain the copyright in them. They are not Open Source templates. You can use them freely providing that you do not redistribute or sell them.

10Pengetahuan Alat Ukur by Safrudin (

Masukkanlah sejauh mungkin bagian alat pengukuran dalam (inside jaws) kedalam area yang akan diukur.

Agar menghasilkan pengukuran yang tepat, tempatkanlah permukaan ukur bagian alat pengukuran luar sehingga menyentuh permukaan benda kerja secara sempurna








Page 11: Mengenal Alat Ukur Caliper


Cara Pengukuran Kedalaman & Tingkat

You are free to use these templates for your personal and business presentations.

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site provided that it is not for the purpose of downloading the template.

If you like these templates, we would always appreciate a link back to our website. Many thanks.

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download. This includes uploading them onto file sharing networks like Slideshare, Myspace, Facebook, bit torrent etc

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11Pengetahuan Alat Ukur by Safrudin (




Untuk mengukur sebuah lubang atau lainnya, tempatkanlah batang pengukur kedalaman (depth bar) tegak lurus pada dasar permukaan benda kerja.

Pergunakanlah permukaan pengukuran tingkat (step face) seperti pada gambar disamping.



Hindarilah memakai batang pengukur kedalaman untuk mengukur tingkat.

Page 12: Mengenal Alat Ukur Caliper

PT. KYOWACara Perawatan

You are free to use these templates for your personal and business presentations.

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site provided that it is not for the purpose of downloading the template.

If you like these templates, we would always appreciate a link back to our website. Many thanks.

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download. This includes uploading them onto file sharing networks like Slideshare, Myspace, Facebook, bit torrent etc

Pass off any of our created content as your own work

We have put a lot of work into developing all these templates and retain the copyright in them. They are not Open Source templates. You can use them freely providing that you do not redistribute or sell them.

12Pengetahuan Alat Ukur by Safrudin (

Hindari kejutan / benturan yang keras

Jagalah setiap ujung-ujung pengukuran sehingga terhindar dari kerusakan

Menyimpan peralatan harus bebas dari sinar matahari langsung, kelembaban yang tinggi, debu atau kotoran

Penempatan alat tidak boleh ditumpuk

Membersihkan peralatan sebelum dan setelah selesai dipergunakan

Melapisi peralatan dengan oli apabila tidak dipergunakan untuk jangka waktu yang lama

Ketika akan menyimpan alat ukur usahakan jaws diberi jarak 0,2 ~ 2 mm

Page 13: Mengenal Alat Ukur Caliper

PT. KYOWATroubleshooting

You are free to use these templates for your personal and business presentations.

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presentations Display your presentation on a web

site provided that it is not for the purpose of downloading the template.

If you like these templates, we would always appreciate a link back to our website. Many thanks.

Don’t Resell or distribute these templates Put these templates on a website for

download. This includes uploading them onto file sharing networks like Slideshare, Myspace, Facebook, bit torrent etc

Pass off any of our created content as your own work

We have put a lot of work into developing all these templates and retain the copyright in them. They are not Open Source templates. You can use them freely providing that you do not redistribute or sell them.

13Pengetahuan Alat Ukur by Safrudin (

Vernier caliper (macet)1.Buka setting screw dan pressing screw 2.Lepaskan gib slider dan ganti dengan yang baru3.Kencangkan setting dan pressing screw dengan cara

memutar baut tersebut berlawanan dengan arah jarum jam sebesar 1/6 sampai ¼ putaran setelah baut tersebut dikencangkan dengan keras.

4.Perhatikan posisi jaw, harus rapat dan sliding halus.Setting screwPressing screw

Gib slider

Page 14: Mengenal Alat Ukur Caliper

PT. KYOWATroubleshooting

You are free to use these templates for your personal and business presentations.

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presentations Display your presentation on a web

site provided that it is not for the purpose of downloading the template.

If you like these templates, we would always appreciate a link back to our website. Many thanks.

Don’t Resell or distribute these templates Put these templates on a website for

download. This includes uploading them onto file sharing networks like Slideshare, Myspace, Facebook, bit torrent etc

Pass off any of our created content as your own work

We have put a lot of work into developing all these templates and retain the copyright in them. They are not Open Source templates. You can use them freely providing that you do not redistribute or sell them.

14Pengetahuan Alat Ukur by Safrudin (

Dial caliper (penunjukkan jarum berubah-ubah)1.Buka cover dan lepaskan jarum2.Cek kondisi gigi rack 3.Cek kondisi pinion assy, pinion center dan pinion back assy 4.Setting pegas pada pinion back assy

Page 15: Mengenal Alat Ukur Caliper

PT. KYOWATroubleshooting

You are free to use these templates for your personal and business presentations.

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presentations Display your presentation on a web

site provided that it is not for the purpose of downloading the template.

If you like these templates, we would always appreciate a link back to our website. Many thanks.

Don’t Resell or distribute these templates Put these templates on a website for

download. This includes uploading them onto file sharing networks like Slideshare, Myspace, Facebook, bit torrent etc

Pass off any of our created content as your own work

We have put a lot of work into developing all these templates and retain the copyright in them. They are not Open Source templates. You can use them freely providing that you do not redistribute or sell them.

15Pengetahuan Alat Ukur by Safrudin (

Digital caliper (tidak bisa zero)1.Rapatkan posisi jaw (posisi zero)2.Buka batery dan pasang kembali, kemudian tekan

origin (unit yang tidak memiliki tombol zero)3.Atau pada saat jaw rapat, tekan tombol zero

Page 16: Mengenal Alat Ukur Caliper

PT. KYOWAAlat Ukur Depth Caliper

You are free to use these templates for your personal and business presentations.

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presentations Display your presentation on a web

site provided that it is not for the purpose of downloading the template.

If you like these templates, we would always appreciate a link back to our website. Many thanks.

Don’t Resell or distribute these templates Put these templates on a website for

download. This includes uploading them onto file sharing networks like Slideshare, Myspace, Facebook, bit torrent etc

Pass off any of our created content as your own work

We have put a lot of work into developing all these templates and retain the copyright in them. They are not Open Source templates. You can use them freely providing that you do not redistribute or sell them.

16Pengetahuan Alat Ukur by Safrudin (

Depth Caliper berfungsi untuk mengukur kedalaman suatu benda.

Page 17: Mengenal Alat Ukur Caliper

PT. KYOWAJenis Depth Caliper

You are free to use these templates for your personal and business presentations.

Do Use these templates for your

presentations Display your presentation on a web

site provided that it is not for the purpose of downloading the template.

If you like these templates, we would always appreciate a link back to our website. Many thanks.

Don’t Resell or distribute these templates Put these templates on a website for

download. This includes uploading them onto file sharing networks like Slideshare, Myspace, Facebook, bit torrent etc

Pass off any of our created content as your own work

We have put a lot of work into developing all these templates and retain the copyright in them. They are not Open Source templates. You can use them freely providing that you do not redistribute or sell them.

17Pengetahuan Alat Ukur by Safrudin (

Ketelitian :0,02/0,05

Ketelitian :0,01/0,02

Ketelitian :0,01

Page 18: Mengenal Alat Ukur Caliper

PT. KYOWABagian-bagian Depth Caliper

You are free to use these templates for your personal and business presentations.

Do Use these templates for your

presentations Display your presentation on a web

site provided that it is not for the purpose of downloading the template.

If you like these templates, we would always appreciate a link back to our website. Many thanks.

Don’t Resell or distribute these templates Put these templates on a website for

download. This includes uploading them onto file sharing networks like Slideshare, Myspace, Facebook, bit torrent etc

Pass off any of our created content as your own work

We have put a lot of work into developing all these templates and retain the copyright in them. They are not Open Source templates. You can use them freely providing that you do not redistribute or sell them.

18Pengetahuan Alat Ukur by Safrudin (

Fine adjusting roll

Depth base

Clamp screw

Main skale

Main beam

Measuring face

Vernier skale


Reference surface

Depth base

Clamp screw

Measuring face

Battery cover

LCD panel

Depth base

Clamp screw

Measuring face

Fine adjusment screw

Dial indicator

Page 19: Mengenal Alat Ukur Caliper


Terima Kasih

19Pengetahuan Alat Ukur by Safrudin (