Download - MASS MATRIX STUDIESgous to inventing a new board for chess or the popular East Asian game go, which also arranges pieces on a square gridded board. The process of recon-figuring the

Page 1: MASS MATRIX STUDIESgous to inventing a new board for chess or the popular East Asian game go, which also arranges pieces on a square gridded board. The process of recon-figuring the














Page 2: MASS MATRIX STUDIESgous to inventing a new board for chess or the popular East Asian game go, which also arranges pieces on a square gridded board. The process of recon-figuring the

체계적인 _ 다음의두가지통계는현재한국이처한시공간적상황을가감없이

드러낸다. 첫째, 50년전한국의도시인구대비도시인구의비율은20 대80이었

다. 하지만이제는대한민국전체인구의82%가도시지역, 나머지18%가비도시

지역에거주한다. 이렇게상황이역전되면서한국은전세계에서대도시거주인

구가가장많은국가가됐다. 한국의전체인구중도시인구가차지하는비중은

2030년이되면90%에이를전망이다. 둘째, 1990년만해도아파트거주자대비

아파트거주자의비율이30 대70이었다. 하지만17년이지난지금은전체인구가

운데아파트거주자의비율이무려70%나된다. 이와같은이유로우리는스스로


이와같은상황은체계적인수직성장에만치중한결과라고할수있다. 이제까


생산의효율을극대화시키는것이었다. 하지만이방법은지난40년동안서울에

똑같은형태의도시공간을수없이양산해왔다. 서울은이제세계에서가장조

한도시중하나다. 아파트단지들이끝없이반복적으로늘어서있는모습은힐버


구성한것처럼보인다. 하지만이러한풍경또한나름의아름다움을지닌다. 서울

은마치앤디워홀의환상속의도시같다. 앤디워홀이마릴린먼로와같은선망의


움을완성했듯이, 한국은가장갖고싶은대상, 즉아파트를집요하게재생산해



스트휴먼도시가됐다. 이런도시에서장소의중요성은오로지가격표와투자가

치에따라결정된다. 물론이제서울의아파트가격은워홀의마릴린먼로실크스


불균질성_ 지난10년동안한국에서는앞서말한바와같이수직성장을지향하는

어떤체계적인움직임이있었지만, 동시에그와정반대의움직임도나타나기시

작했다. 주거용이든업무용이든수직적인건물을세우는경우, 설계를통해불균


른것이다. 이는서울역시전세계다른대도시들과마찬가지로

상징적인건물을의식하게됐기때문이다. 서울에서나두바이에서나





관에만신경을써왔다. 이를위해바로크부터미니멀리즘에이르는다양한양식의

포장술, 건물꼭대기에요소를첨가하거나건물의전체적인외피에적용하며브랜

드화되기를시도한다. 랜드마크건물은구조면에서대담한시도가돋보이는콘도

미니엄인경우도있고, 세계적인건축가가공들여설계한(그래서더욱상징적인)

커튼월의건물인경우도있다. 대부분이다양한종류의지명도와패셔너블한정도

의건축가들이과거에이미선보 던 웅적인시도들을모방해세운건물이다.

어떤경우이든간에, 상징성에대한갈증은주로건물의외관, 즉입면에주로반


탐구와혁신으로이어지지못했다. 따라서현재인기를누리고있는상징적외관


체계적인불균질성 _ 매스매트릭스스터디스는대량생산화, 고 화된도시환경

을전제로다양한 역을탐구하면서수직적건물의새로운유형을모색한다. 우

리는체계적으로건물을세우되똑같은환경만양산하지않을것이며, 불균질성



통해여러가지공간적가능성을모색하고자한다. 결국우리는다양한사회적가치

와잠재성을자극해이시장주도적이고고 화된도시에서진정한차이를이끌어

내기를희망한다. 수직장(Vertical Field)을탐구하는것은체스판이나동아시아

지역의게임인바둑판을새로짜는것과비슷하다. 우리는게임판을재구성하는과


이와같은작업을진행하면서우리는고 도고층건물과관련된구체적인문

제-이를테면전망, 환기, 채광과같은-를개선하고자한다. 도시환경에서그러한

문제들은간과되기일쑤다. 또한정원, 나무와같은자연적인요소를수직적으로

가능한한많이배치하려고한다. 궁극적으로우리는사회적상호작용을이끌어

낼 수 있는 새로운 공간 요소들을 체계화하려고 한다. 마치 로버트 모세스

(Robert Moses)가만든삭막하고빽빽한도시에제인제이콥스(Jane Jacobs)


우리는다음의두가지구체적인방식으로건물을재구성한다. 첫째, 우리는도



된매트릭스’,‘침식된매트릭스’.) 둘째, 우리는장방형매트릭스유닛자체를변화




Systematic _ Two statistics highlight the current spatial-temporal condi-

tions in Korea without exaggeration. First, the ratio of the urban to non-

urban population 50 years ago was 20 to 80. Now, the ratio has inverted:

82% percent of the entire Korean population lives in urbanized areas, leav-

ing 18 percent residing in non-urban areas. This makes Korea the most met-

ropolitan populace in the world - and the number is expected to grow to

over 90 percent by the year 2030. Second, the percent of the population

that lived in apartments vs. non-apartments in 1990 was 30 to 70; now, 17

years later, this ratio has inverted as well, and 70 percent of people inhabit

apartments. For this reason, we have begun to refer to ourselves as the

“apartment republic.”

These conditions exist as a result of a systematic focusing on growing

ever vertically. So far, the sole method for expanding a building vertically

has been to stack any number of identical flat slabs, allowing for a maxi-

mization of production efficiency. However, this method has produced

vast, homogeneous urban spaces over the last 40 years, particularly in

Seoul, which is now one of the densest cities in the world. An inex-

haustible, spartan repetition of apartment blocks resembles something like

a mutated, nouveau-riche version of Hilbersheimer utopian vision, yet

almost achieves a certain kind of beauty. Seoul is like Andy Warhol’s fan-

tasy city. The way Warhol accomplished a beauty of meaninglessness by

cheaply and quickly repeating something that is otherwise highly desired,

like Marilyn Monroe, Korea has relentlessly repeated its most desired

object - the apartment - to the point of perfecting a quality of “nowhere-

ness.” Seoul has become a post-human city where one can identify a loca-

tion only by the numbers and brand logos painted on buildings; a city

where the significance of a location is measured only by a price tag and

investment value. Not to mention, apartments are now as expensive as

Warhol’s silk-screened Marilyn Monroes.

Heterogeneity _ On top of this systematic force, a completely opposite

force has begun simultaneously in Korea in last decade. When constructing

vertical buildings - be it housing or office towers - heterogeneity or “differ-

ence” achieved by design has emerged as a significant

virtue in this icon-obsessed economy, as it has in other

large metropolises throughout the world. From Seoul to Dubai,

developers now competitively seek to build “landmark towers,” or

something that can be promoted as such, no matter how vague or

dubious the rational may be.

In an attempt to attain an instant landmark, architecture in Korea has

become concerned mostly with exterior appearances. Often topical accou-

trements or building skins are applied in ever-divergent styles, from

Baroque to Minimalist, as a means to create a brand through packaging.

The landmark buildings may be condominiums of an acrobatic structural

endeavor, or may have the most elaborate - and therefore iconic - curtain

wall designed by architects of international renown. Or, in most cases,

they are knock-offs of a previous heroic design attempt by architects of

varying degrees of fame and fashion.

In either case, the quest for landmark quality is mainly about appear-

ance, i.e., elevations, not about investigations into and innovations in

“sections” that could open up other potential, for example, in spatial or

even social areas.

It can be said that the buildings of landmark appearance that are cur-

rently in vogue are superficially camouflaged for quickly manufactured


Systematic Heterogeneity _ Mass Matrix Studies explores diverse new

sectional typologies for vertical buildings in a mass-produced, high-density

urban environment.

We attempt to produce a building systematically, without creating a

homogeneous environment, and aim to create heterogeneity without man-

ufacturing a superficial identity.

Taking a vertically gridded sectional condition, like the Domino Matrix,

as a starting point, we begin to pose various challenges as a way to open up

other spatial possibilities. As a result, we hope to trigger alternative social

content and potential for true difference in this market-driven, highly

dense urban context. This investigation of the vertical field could be analo-

gous to inventing a new board for chess or the popular East Asian game go,

which also arranges pieces on a square gridded board. The process of recon-

figuring the board allows for discovering new rules to the game, or invent-

ing a new game altogether.

In the new arrangements, we are looking specifically to resolve issues

with view, ventilation, and light in a dense skyscraper environment - fac-

tors that are often overlooked in urban building - as well as implement nat-

ural components like gardens and trees vertically as much as possible.

Ultimately, we seek to formulate new private/public spatial components

that stimulate social interaction, as if to bring back a bit of Jane Jacobs in a

harsh, dense urban environment made by Robert Moses.

We follow two concrete methods of reorganization: First, we maintain

the basic rectangular matrix unit of the existing Domino Matrix and dis-

rupt the composition of the units within their collective matrix or take out

units from the collective (“Skipped Matrix,” “Missing Matrix,” and “Eroded

Matrix”). In the second method, we alter the rectangular unit matrix

itself, (“Bundle Matrix,” “Honeycomb Matrix”, “Gourd Bottle Matrix,” and

“Wave Matrix”).

Let’s see what happens when we change the rules of the game and discover

new possibilities in the following case studies.



Mass Matrix Studies:SystematicHeterogeneity

Robert Moses & Jane Jacobs

©provided by M

ass Studies

Page 3: MASS MATRIX STUDIESgous to inventing a new board for chess or the popular East Asian game go, which also arranges pieces on a square gridded board. The process of recon-figuring the

실종된매트릭스Missing Matrix부띠크모나코타워, 서울 _ 2004년설계, 2008년완공예정

Boutique Monaco Tower, Seoul _ Planned in 2004, to be completed

in 2008

이프로젝트는연면적이5,500m2인건물로저층부에는상업₩문화₩커뮤니티공간이, 5층부터27층까지의상층부에는오피스텔이자리한다. 주어진부지의최대허용건폐율(40%)과최적의채광조건(남향)을살려‘ㄷ’자형태로배치된유닛들은도미노매트릭스형태의27층건물을구성하며, 높이는법정허용최고치인100m에달한다. 이렇게최대허용건폐율이적용된평면을단순히수직적으로반복해서쌓아올릴경우, 건물의연면적은법정허용치를약10% 정도초과하게된다. 이러한문제를보다효과적으로해결하기위해우리는실종된매트릭스를도입했다. 실종된매트릭스는평면,단면적으로고르게건물의체적을감소시켜이부지의최대허용용적률(970%)을만족시킨다. 결과적으로보면, 건물에는15개의

‘실종된공간’이생겨건물의표면과코너가늘어나고채광과전망도더좋아진다. 타워내부에는총49개의유형이적용된172개의유닛이풍부한공간적조건을반 , 활용하며불균질적으로자리한다. 예컨대15개의실종된매트릭스로인해창출된공간에는40개의유닛이배치되는데개별유닛마다공적인공간(거실₩주방)과사적인공간(침실)을구분하는다리가있으며, 그중22개의유닛에는정원이있다. 또한실종된매트릭스내부에는나선형계단이돌출돼있어건물내부의불균질성을증가시킨다.

This project involves the construction of a tower with floorarea of 5,500m2, whose lower levels are composed ofcommercial, cultural, and community spaces and whoseupper floors, from the fifth to 27th, are officetels. Toensure the maximum building footprint ratio (40%) as wellas optimal natural light conditions (southern exposure), aC-shaped plan is extruded into a 27-story towerconsistent with the Domino Matrix to reach a height of 100meters, the maximum height allowed by law. As such,when this plan with a maximum footprint ratio is simplyrepeated vertically, the floor space of the entire towermass exceeds the legally allowed amount byapproximately 10%. To reduce this mass systematically,missing matrixes are introduced to meet maximum FAR(970%) throughout the building mass with a pattern ofcarved out space. Through these 15 missing spaces, thebuilding gains more exterior surface and corners formore natural light and better views. The space created bymissing matrixes are landscaped with trees that arevisible from the inside and outside of the building. Insidethe tower, a total of 49 different types of units, 172 units intotal, are arranged heterogeneously to reflect/exploit richspatial conditions. For example, in the area created by the15 missing matrixes, there are 40 units with bridges thatdivide public (living/dinning area) and private spaces(bedroom) within individual units, along with 22 units withgardens. In addition, protruding spiral staircases areplanned within the missing matrixes, further adding to theheterogeneousness of the interior.

침식된매트릭스Eroded Matrix지웰타워(업무용건물), 서울_ 2005년설계, 2007년완공예정

Gwell Tower, Office Building, Seoul _ Planned in 2005, to be

completed in 2007

연면적1만200m2에높이가15층인이업무용건물은대다수건물이정면으로는넓은주도로및보행자도로와마주하고후면으로는저 도, 저층주거단지를바라보는도시환경(아시아의대도시에서흔히볼수있는대조적인도시경관)에서새로운건물유형을제시한다. 저층의소규모주거단지에면해있는건물의남측파사드는앞에보이는공간적특징을그대로재현한다. 즉, 건물남측에펼쳐진수평적인도시환경은수직적으로전환되면서그대로건물파사드가된다. 그결과각각의사무실에는개별야외정원이생겼고, 단순한라스커튼월타워가될뻔했던건물에는‘침식된’부분들이

자리하면서전체적으로독특한외관이형성됐다. 32개의야외정원에는다양한나무를심어정원마다다른모습을선보일예정이다.이러한개별정원들은65m 건물의각층에자리해거대한수직정원을보는듯한착각을불러일으킬것이다. 건물북측은주도로에면해있으며굵은수직선들로구성되어있다. 이러한수직선들은투명엘리베이터, 계단, 기계축, 전자표지판등의수직적인움직임을드러내며건물의남측과는대조적인규모와속도를반 한다.

This 15-story office tower with 10,200m2 of floor areafunctions as a tower prototype in an urban environmentwhere a row of towers faces a wide main street andpedestrian traffic on one side and low-density, low-riseresidential urban fabric on the other side, a contrastingurban condition that is quite common in Asianmetropolises. On the southern side where the towerconfronts low-rise, small-scale urban fabric, it mimicsthis spatial quality on its façade as if this horizontal urbanfabric had been turned vertical and become a tower. As aresult, each office unit has an outdoor space, creating aunique “eroded” appearance in an otherwise very simpleglass curtain wall tower. A variety of trees will be plantedin the 32 outdoor gardens, giving each its owncharacteristic. Together, the individual gardens willcreate the effect of a larger vertical garden, 65 meterstall, climbing the building. The northern side of thebuilding facing the main road is mainly composed of boldvertical stripes, revealing vertical movements within thebuilding, such as viewing elevators, the stairs,mechanicals shafts, and electronic signage in an effort toreflect contrasting urban scale and speed.


숍하우스매트릭스(대규모로침식된매트릭스)Shophouse Matrix (Massively Eroded Matrix)부띠크모나코사이공파이넌스센터, 베트남호치민시_ 2007년설계

Boutique Monaco Saigon Finance Center, Ho Chi Minh City,

Vietnam _ Designed 2007

이고층건물의수직표면은건물내부에자리하는업무₩상업시설의특성에따라달라지며, 내부의프로그램이외부의환경과만나는접점으로기능한다. 보통건물이높아질수록각층의표면적은그에비례해서증가하는반면채광, 전망, 환기와관련있는수직표면은급격히감소한다. 따라서단위표면적의전망과채광은악화되고인공적인환기시설로자연환기를대신해야한다. 이처럼기존의고층건물은외부와완전히단절되는경우가대부분이었다. 이전형적인고층건물들은수직적으로압축한공간매트릭스(레이아웃모듈에의해결정되는상자모양의유닛)들로구성되며, 전체적으로보면스킨으로감싼거대한상자형태를취하고있다. 이러한형태는건물의규모나목적에관계없이보편적으로적용돼왔다. 이프로젝트는그렇게과도하게활용되고있는압축상자형태에대한대안으로서과도하게압축되지않은공간, 도가충분한공간창출을목적으로한다. 이에따라외부공간을자연스럽게제거해더욱다양하고편안한활동이이루어지도록하고, 건물내₩외부간의역동적인관계를창조한다. 저층부에는각층마다천장의높이가일반층고의두배(8.4m)인네개의개방공간을배치해업무공간과건물외부를곧바로이어준다. 고층부에는가장이완된공간, 즉천장높이가일반층고의두배이면서외부와직접적으로연결된공간이여덟개나자리한다. 이와같이사무실이있는층에는외부와연결된공간들을더많이배치해전망, 채광, 환기조건을개선한다.

This skyscraper’s vertical surface varies according to thecharacters of the business and commercial entities within,where internal programs meet the external environment.Normally, as buildings grow taller, the surface area of eachfloor increases proportionately, while vertical surface withexternal contact (affecting light, view and ventilation)decreases drastically. As a result, the view and lightingconditions per surface area suffer and artificial ventilationsupplants natural air supply. Thus, the conventionalskyscraper model is completely isolated and closed offfrom the outside. By vertically compressing spacematrices - boxlike units determined by the layout modules- these standard skyscrapers become giant boxeswrapped in skin with no relevance to the structure’s scaleor purpose. This proposal is an alternative to the overusedcompressed box form: to create a space with sufficientlydecompressed spatial density. The intent is to enable morevaried and relaxed activities by naturally carving outexternal voids that produce dynamic relationshipsbetween the building’s inside and outside.In the lower-level offices, there are four double height

(8.4m) open spaces on each floor that directly connectwork areas with the outside. The higher-level offices willfeature the most decompression, i.e., with eightdouble-height spaces that open to the outside. There willbe more rooms on office levels with external connectionsthat improve the view, lighting and ventilation.


어긋난매트릭스Skipped Matrix네이처포엠, 서울_ 2003년설계, 2005년완공

Nature Poem, Seoul _ Planned in 2003, completed in 2005

이매트릭스는중정을중심으로설계되었으며저층부에는상업공간을, 지상4₩5₩6층에는주거₩업무공간인오피스텔을배치했다.주도로에면한건물전면의유닛들은단면적인변화를거쳐기존의도미노매트릭스에서스킵플로어형식의어긋난매트릭스로전환됐다. 각각의유닛은입면상의1.5m 차이로인해독특한공간감을자아내며, 최상층에자리한모든유닛은개별외부공간을갖는다.마지막으로이건물은반반사유리(Semi-reflective Glass)로된이중외피가감싸고있어외부에서보면단순한장방형상자처럼보이며, 그러한외관은내부구조의복잡함과대조를이룬다. 이건물에는개별야외공간을갖는10개의유닛을포함해총34개의유닛이자리하고있으며, 이들유닛에는면적이나공간의특성이서로다른14개의유닛유형이적용됐다.

This matrix was designed to center on an inner court, withcommercial spaces on the lower levels and “officetels”(Korean term for live/work spaces) on the fourth, fifth, andsixth levels. The units facing the main street aretransformed from a Domino Matrix into a Skipped Matrixby adding sectional changes to achieve a “skipped floor”format. Units with a unique spatial sense were derivedfrom a 1.5-meter difference in elevation. All units on thetop levels have private exterior spaces. Finally, thebuilding is enveloped in a double skin of semi-reflectiveglass, forming a simple rectangular box on the outside, incontrast to the complexity inside. It has a total of 34private units, ten of them with private outdoor spaces,composed of 14 different unit types of various sizes andspatial characteristics.



Page 4: MASS MATRIX STUDIESgous to inventing a new board for chess or the popular East Asian game go, which also arranges pieces on a square gridded board. The process of recon-figuring the

벌집매트릭스Honeycomb Matrix한섬호텔, 남양주_ 2005년설계

Handsome Hotel, Namyangju _ Planned in 2005

이호텔은북한강과인접해있기때문에입지조건을최대한활용해강을조망하고수변활동도가능한호텔을설계하고자했다. 이호텔의설계에서개별유닛(객실)은독특한수변조망을제공하며, 수평₩수직방향으로이어지면서규모와구조면에서다양한공간을선보인다. 각객실을구성하는기본유닛매트릭스는복도에서공간내부를거쳐발코니로이어지면서형태가변한다. 즉, 복도부분에서직사각형이었던매트릭스단면은공간내부로들어가면서형태가달라지고, 강과맞닿은발코니에이르면벌집형태가된다. 매트릭스의이러한단면적특징으로인해육각형의창문옆에는바닥아래로움푹들어간빌트인욕조를설치할수있으며, 이는곧발코니의좌석공간이된다. 6개층에걸쳐자리하는편의시설들-무도장, 스파,피트니스클럽, 지붕위의수 장-은수변활동공간이호텔까지연장된듯한인상을주며, 호텔투숙객들은등산을할때와마찬가지로한층한층올라가면서다양한공간을경험한다.

For this hotel located in a rural area by the Buk Han River,we aimed to maximize the experience of the river, as apart of the scenery as well as for activities. The design ofthis hotel employs a space matrix whereby each unit(room) serves as a unique viewing device of the river andexpands vertically and horizontally to allow for roomvariations, such as size and spatial composition. The basicunit matrix that constitutes each room is a transformativematrix that begins as a rectangular section at the hallway,then continues to change throughout the interior space,eventually becoming a honeycomb-shaped section as itreaches the balcony adjacent to the water. The uniquesectional attribute of this matrix allows a sunken built-inbath area located by a hexagonal window, which becomesa lower sunken seating area at the each balcony. Sixlevels of Amenities, such as ballrooms, a spa, a fitnessclub, and a rooftop swimming pool area are conceived asan extension of the riverside landscape, which allowsguests to experience each area at a different elevation, asthough continuously climbing a mountain.

다발매트릭스Bundle Matrix에스트레뉴타워, 서울_ 2006년설계, 2009년완공예정

S Trenue Tower, Seoul _ Planned in 2006, to be completed in 2009.

연면적3만7,000m2, 높이36층규모인이건물은주변의새로운고층건물들과함께서울의심장부이자아시아지역에서국제금융의중심지로거듭나기위해재개발을진행중인여의도에자리할예정이다. 지하1층~4층의저층부에는상업공간, 5~36층에는113개의오피스텔(주거₩업무공간)이들어서며이가운데14층과15층에는커뮤니티시설이자리한다. 개별유닛의전망과채광을최적화하기위해건물높이를법정최고허용치인154m까지끌어올리고1 대8의세장비에도전한다. 이건물은보다폭이좁은세개의건물로나뉘며, 가운데자리한코어건물과양옆에서수직으로뻗는방향이여러차례변화하는두개의주거₩업무용건물이서로의존하면서구조적안정성을획득한다. 개별유닛의공간매트릭스단면은직사각형부터평행사변형까지다양하며각유닛의볼륨은동일하다. 한편중앙의중심건물과양옆의건물들을연결하기위해다양한길이를지닌27개의공중정원₩데크₩실내다리를도입하고,이를여러가지방식으로배치해고층주거₩업무환경에최적의채광조건과사회적인가능성을부여하고공공공간을통해자연과접촉할수있는기회또한늘린다.

This 36-story tower with 37,000m2 of floor area will belocated in Yeouido Island, a newly redeveloping island inthe heart of Seoul aiming to become one of the majorinternational financial centers in Asia along with othernewly planned high-rise towers. Commercial spacesoccupy the lower five levels (from B1 to 4) of the building,while 113 units of officetels (live/work spaces) make upfloors 5-36 with community facilities on the 14th and 15thfloors. In order to optimize the view and light quality ineach unit, the building maximizes its allowable height of136m, giving the tower a challenging slenderness ratio of1:8. The tower is articulated into a bundle of three evenmore slender towers relying on each other to createstructural stability, with a core tower in the middle andtwo live/work towers that change vertical directions a fewtimes on either side. Unit space matrixes vary sectionallyfrom rectangular boxes to parallelogram boxes of varyingangles with the exact same volume for each unit. As aconsequence, 27 sky garden/deck/indoor bridges ofvarious length are introduced to connect the central coretower with the other two towers in various configurations,creating additional social possibilities in this high-riselive/work environment with superior light quality andincreased contact with nature in the public spaces.

물결매트릭스Wave Matrix주거공간내새로운욕실을위한이론상의프로젝트_2006년설계.

Speculative project for a workshop regarding new kinds of

bathroom in domestic space _ Planned in 2006

최근욕실의변화는넓고호화로운공간을창출하는데초점이맞춰져있다. 이와반대로우리는조 한대도시의소규모주거공간에서욕실을최대한편안하고넉넉하게구성하는데중점을두고신개념의주거공간매트릭스를제안했다. 좁은집에넉넉한욕실이라는표면상으로도모순돼보이는문제를우리스스로에게제기한셈이다.이주거공간매트릭스는좁은공간에거주하는개인혹은커플을위해설계됐다. 6.3×2.1m 크기의평면으로된공간매트릭스내에서기능이정해지지않은세개의레벨은일종의스킵플로어형식을띠면서층계처럼자리한다. 중간층에자리한입구는개별유닛의수평방향으로자리한복도로이어지고창문은복도맞은편에설치된다.화장실은입구층한쪽끝에자리하고, 주방혹은작업공간은창문이설치된벽을따라배치된다. 입구층에서두개의계단을거쳐80cm아래로내려오면거실이지만물을채우면욕실이되는,‘젖거나마른거실’인낮은층(3×2.1m)과만나게된다. 이공간은부드러운방수실리콘멤브레인처리가되어있으며, 샤워기가2.1m 높이의천장에설치되어물이떨어지면서폭포수와같은효과를발휘한다. 거주자는유비쿼터스디지털기술을통해욕조의물을자신이원하는시각에맞춰원하는온도로데울수있고, 바닥과벽의난방시스템을이용해공간을건조시킬수도있다. 최상층은천장이낮은다락공간으로침실로도이용할수있다. 이러한스킵플로어구조의주거공간매트릭스는수평₩수직적으로반복되면서수많은웨이브를형성한다.

We noted the fact that most recent innovations involvingbathrooms concentrate on spacious and luxuriousresidences. In contrast, we formulated a new concept of aresidential space matrix that allows the most comfortableand generous bathroom space possible on the smallestscale of residential environments in a congestedmetropolis, setting up a seemingly contradictory challengefor ourselves. This residential space matrix is designed foran individual or a couple in the smallest amount of space.On a 6.3m x 2.1m plan, three levels of undeterminedfunctions inside the space matrix are connected like astaircase, producing a sort of skipped-floor formation.Entry is possible at the middle level into a corridor alongthe length of the individual unit, with windows placed alongthe opposite length. The toilet is placed at one end of theentrance level, while a kitchen/workspace is situated alongthe length with the windows. Descending 80cm via twostaircases from the entrance level, the lower level (3m x2.1m) functions as a living room or, when filled with water,a bathroom or, perhaps a “wet/dry living room.” This spaceis composed of a soft, waterproof silicone membrane with ashower fixture that creates a waterfall effect from theceiling 2.1m high. Through ubiquitous digital technology,the resident can conveniently program the bath to fill at adesired temperature in time for his/her return home or drythe room with the floor/wall heating system. The highestlevel is a loft space with low ceiling that can be used as thebedroom. These residential matrixes with a skipped-floorcross-section can be mirrored and added on horizontallyand vertically, creating a congregation of waves.

호리병타워매트릭스+ 벌집매트릭스Gourd Bottle Tower Matrix + Honeycomb Matrix서울코뮨2026;‘공원속의타워들’에대한재고. 이론상의프로젝트_2005년설계

Seoul Commune 2026; Rethinking “Towers in the Park,”

Speculative project _ Designed 2005

기존‘공원속의타워들’은두가지상반된요소로구성된다. 그중하나는야외공공공간인공원이고다른하나는개인적주거공간의집합체라고할수있는고층건물이다. 이와같은공간유형의문제점은매개공간또는자발적인사회상호작용을이끌어낼수있는구조물의부재다. 우리는솔기없는하나의공간으로서건물이공원이되고공원이건물이되는공간적조건을상상해봤다. 호리병타워매트릭스는소규모개인공간인‘셀(cell)’과넓은공용공간이한건물안에공존할수있게해주며, 다양한평면구성과그에따른층고조절을가능하게해준다. 건물을부분으로나눠서살펴보면, 호리병의가장넓은부분에는공용공간들이수직적으로연계된채자리하고,좁은부분에는서로독립적인소규모개인공간(셀)이들어선다.이러한개인공간은채광과조망뿐아니라사생활보호에도유리한조건을갖추고있다. 우리는한섬호텔을설계하면서개발했던벌집매트릭스를이번프로젝트에재도입해벌집매트릭스의수직적인가능성을좀더탐구해보기로했다. 벌집매트릭스는사선방향으로확장되면서이중나선계단₩공동발코니₩정원을창출하고이를비상구로활용하며, 수직으로만뻗어있는기존건물에서는잘볼수없었던건물들사이의연계성과연결성을획득한다.

The existing “Towers in the Park” typology consists of twocontrasting elements: the park, which represents a publicexterior space; and the rising towers, which are anaccumulation of private, individual dwelling units. Thelack of an intermediary space or structure that fostersspontaneous social interaction is problematic in theirengagement. We have imagined a spatial condition inwhich the towers become the park becomes the towers asa seamless whole. The Gourd Bottle Tower Matrix allowsa mixture of purely private, small-scale “cells,” and largecommunal spaces within one tower, allowing a widerange of variation in plan and in ceiling heightproportional to the plan size. In a group configuration, thewidest parts of the gourd shape connect to form a verticalnetwork of communal spaces while the small, privatecells in the narrow areas remain separated from eachother to provide optimal natural light, viewing condition,and privacy. The Honeycomb Matrix that we developed forthe Handsome Hotel was reintroduced to further explorethe vertical potential of the matrix by allowing diagonalmovement, creating a double-helix of stairs/communalbalconies/gardens as two sets of emergency egress, andsimultaneously recovering the continuity and connectivitythat has been lost in the vertical environment of theexisting Towers in the Park typology.