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Looking at the table on the right, I can see that in 2013 there were

approximately 172 films released.

I can also see that the total number of films released in the year has

declined in comparison to previous years- such as in 2005 and 2006

where the movies released were 265 and 255.

In comparison to other genres the amount (of 172 films) is quite high,

such as the ‘action’ genre which had only 36 films released in 2013 and the ‘adventure’ genre which had only released 23 films in 2013.


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From looking at the below table, I can see that in 2013 ‘The Great Gatsby’ was the top ranking for box office performance in dramas. This film

would have been successful due to numerous reasons.

Firstly, The Great Gatsby was already an extremely popular and well known novel and thus would initially already have a huge fan base- who would instantly watch the film as soon as they could. Not only this, but it had Leonardo DiCaprio starring in the main lead of the film, who in himself would engage the interest of the audience who already like his work. Lastly, the soundtrack to the film was extremely modern, with songs

written by names such as Jay-Z, Kayne West and Frank Ocean, as well as being openly promoted by extremely successful musician-

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From looking at the below table, I realise that the market share for 2013 placed the genre of drama 4th in the rankings. I do realise however, that

although they produced the most films in 2013, their gross was significantly lower than those above- even the ‘adventure’ genre was

significantly higher.

That being said, the genre is still profitable making a gross profit in 2013 of $1,018,217,29 and comparing this to those below it (even just the

‘thriller’ genre) is significantly higher than these, a romantic comedy is also far lower than this, considering the way that genre is deemed to be

popular especially amongst a young adult female audience.

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AUDIENCE CHARACTERISTICS- DRAMA For drama films, although they will contain characters of

both sexes and thus probably appeal to both genders- they are predominantly preferred by a female

audience. The table on the right shows 2 dramas highlighted, Anna Karenina and The Best Exotic

Marigold Hotel; both of these dramas have a significantly large proportion of the audience made up

of females. Anna Karenina having a 71% female audience and The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel having a 64% female audience. This shows that there is quite a

significantly higher amount of females who watch dramas than there are males.

Not only this but dramas often target a very broad target audience in terms of their age- they will vary from

teenagers to elders. However, the audience I intend to target (roughly aged 15-24) appear to watch a variety

of drama films- as seen in the second table on the right.

Lastly, in terms of social class and background, dramas again often target this with a fluctuation- this is

because dramas follow the lives of characters and focus on this social element and thus although they will focus

on a particular group they would not exclude a significant amount. However, the most popular class within drama films appears to be AB, as seen in the third table on the right. This group have the largest

audience share for drama films, in comparison to the groups I had perhaps intended to target- who go for

more action or adventure films.

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After researching into multiple areas of the drama genre, I have realised that generally the genre is extremely successful- making a

large amount of films and (mostly) creating a good gross profit.

In terms of my own production however, dramas are also often the cheapest films to create- for they don’t require special effects or

expensive techniques; the focus is more on the characters and their own personal development and growth.

I have noticed however, that perhaps my initial target audience (16-25 females, of group D/E) needs to be broadened. This is due to how

although the gender is appropriate and successful with dramas, the age and social class is less appropriate. In terms of this, I may need to try and aim for a higher social class (as this has a large share in

dramas) and maybe even a more general age group- for young adults could be quite restrictive.