Download - Magazine evaluation


My magazine evaluation

The magazine on the left is my recreation of the magazine on the right.

The programs that I used to recreate my magazine were:

Photoshop InDesign

The tools that I used to recreate the magazine were

Photoshop tools Move tool Rectangular marquee tool Quick selection tool Eye dropper tool Spot healing brush tool Pencil tool Eraser tool Gradient tool Paint bucket tool Blur tool Sharpen tool, Smudge tool Horizontal text tool Hand tool Zoom tool

InDesign tools Text tool Arrow tool (select tool) Colour tool Fonts

The one I tried to recreateMy recreation



How I re-created the magazine cover:

First I got the original magazine front cover and then placed my-myself over the top of it so that just the background was showing.

Then I brought the text forward so that it overlapped me and matched the original magazine cover to the best of my ability.

After that I added so more text that’s on the side of the front cover a made sure that it matched the original.

Lastly I added the final piece of text in the centre of the magazine and then I was done recreating my magazine.

I used a program called InDesign to type up all the text that I used in the recreation of my magazine.

For this unit we were set the task of choosing and then recreating a magazine of our choice to the best of our ability. For this unit I chose to do a recreation of a TOTAL FILM magazine presenting “Inception” the newest film to hit the big screen.

There were many challenges whilst recreating this magazine such as the fact that I had nether used InDesign (a program that we used to create our fonts etc.) before which was quite a struggle to get to grips with it at first, but as time went on and we progressed further into the unit I eventually got the hang of it and was able to produce text that matched the text on the official magazine to the best of my ability.

I think that the best part of this unit for me was when we got to a point whilst recreating our magazines were you could see clear similarities between the recreated and the official magazine. I also enjoyed working in Photoshop were we could tweak our photos and make them look as close to the official as we could.

Although it took a while to get to grips with it I really enjoyed working with a new program such as InDesign to help create the best recreation of an official TOTAL FILM magazine.

I think the biggest weakness while doing this unit was the fact that I was still pretty new to Photoshop and I had nether used InDesign before so that all probably held me back a bit from recreating