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Page 1: Low Endotoxin Recovery - Detection of Endotoxins in Common ...€¦ · inconsistencies during testing of biopharmaceutical drug products have been observed. In certain drug products,

Low Endotoxin Recovery - Detection of

Endotoxins in Common Biopharmaceutical

Product Formulations


zur Erlangung des Doktorgrades der Naturwissenschaften

(Dr. rer. nat.)

an der Fakultät für Chemie und Pharmazie

der Universität Regensburg

vorgelegt von

Johannes Reich

aus Regensburg


Page 2: Low Endotoxin Recovery - Detection of Endotoxins in Common ...€¦ · inconsistencies during testing of biopharmaceutical drug products have been observed. In certain drug products,


Die Arbeit wurde angeleitet von: Prof. Dr. Hubert Motschmann

Promotionsgesuch eingereicht am: 05.07.2016

Promotionskolloquium am: 04.08.2016


Vorsitz: PD Dr. habil. Axel Dürkop

1. Gutachter: Prof. Dr. Hubert Motschmann

2. Gutachter: Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Ulrich Koszinowski

3. Prüfer: Prof. Dr. Joachim Wegener

Page 3: Low Endotoxin Recovery - Detection of Endotoxins in Common ...€¦ · inconsistencies during testing of biopharmaceutical drug products have been observed. In certain drug products,

3 matter how many instances of white swans we may have observed, this does not

justify the conclusion that all swans are white.

Karl Popper, 1934, Austrian and British Philosopher

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Page 5: Low Endotoxin Recovery - Detection of Endotoxins in Common ...€¦ · inconsistencies during testing of biopharmaceutical drug products have been observed. In certain drug products,


Table of Content I. Preface .................................................................................................................................7

II. Zusammenfassung ...............................................................................................................9

III. Abstract ............................................................................................................................. 11

IV. Abbreviations .................................................................................................................... 12

1 Fundamentals .................................................................................................................... 13

1.1 Endotoxin (LPS) ............................................................................................................. 13

1.2 Structure and activity of LPS ......................................................................................... 15

1.3 Clinical relevance of LPS ................................................................................................ 16

1.4 Need for control of endotoxins and their detection methods ..................................... 18

1.5 Regulatory aspects ........................................................................................................ 20

1.6 Low Endotoxin Recovery ............................................................................................... 20

1.7 Purpose of the study ..................................................................................................... 21

2 Material and Methods ...................................................................................................... 23

2.1 Reagents ........................................................................................................................ 23

2.2 Endotoxins and bacteria ................................................................................................ 23

2.3 Other materials ............................................................................................................. 24

2.4 Preparation of crude endotoxins extracts .................................................................... 24

2.4.1 Preparation 1 ......................................................................................................... 24

2.4.2 Preparation 2 ......................................................................................................... 24

2.5 Sample handling ............................................................................................................ 25

2.5.1 Addition of endotoxin to a sample ........................................................................ 25

2.5.2 Sample preparation before endotoxin detection ................................................. 25

2.5.3 Incubation of endotoxin in a sample ..................................................................... 25

2.5.4 Preparation of endotoxin recovery kinetics .......................................................... 25

2.5.5 Endotoxin recovery and masking controls ............................................................ 26

2.5.6 Sample preparation for demasking of endotoxin ................................................. 26

2.6 Limulus-based endotoxin detection assays .................................................................. 27

2.6.1 Recombinant Factor C assays (rFC) ....................................................................... 27

2.6.2 Limulus Amebocyte Lysate assay (LAL) ................................................................. 27

2.7 Silver stained SDS-PAGE ................................................................................................ 27

2.8 Calculations and plots ................................................................................................... 28

3 Results and Discussion ...................................................................................................... 29

3.1 Masking of endotoxin in surfactant samples: Effects on Limulus-based detection

systems ...................................................................................................................................... 29

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3.1.1 Introduction ........................................................................................................... 29

3.1.2 Results ................................................................................................................... 31

3.1.3 Discussion .............................................................................................................. 37

3.2 Endotoxin Masking: A kinetically controlled reaction mechanism ............................... 41

3.2.1 Introduction ........................................................................................................... 41

3.2.2 Results ................................................................................................................... 42

3.2.3 Discussion .............................................................................................................. 49

3.3 Heterogeneity of endotoxins and their detectability in common biopharmaceutical

formulations .............................................................................................................................. 54

3.3.1 Introduction ........................................................................................................... 54

3.3.2 Results ................................................................................................................... 56

3.3.3 Discussion .............................................................................................................. 63

3.4 Demasking of Endotoxin ................................................................................................ 68

3.4.1 Introduction ........................................................................................................... 68

3.4.2 Results ................................................................................................................... 71

3.4.3 Discussion .............................................................................................................. 79

4 Conclusions ........................................................................................................................ 86

4.1 Endotoxin demasking – a technical solution ................................................................. 86

4.2 Perspectives of sample treatments in BET .................................................................... 87

4.3 Need for structural analysis of endotoxins in complex sample matrices ..................... 88

4.4 Clinical relevance of masked endotoxin ........................................................................ 89

4.5 Key findings ................................................................................................................... 91

5 Appendix ............................................................................................................................ 93

5.1 List of figures ................................................................................................................. 93

5.2 List of tables .................................................................................................................. 95

5.3 References ..................................................................................................................... 96

5.4 List of publications ....................................................................................................... 107

5.4.1 Selected poster presentations............................................................................. 107

5.4.2 Oral presentations ............................................................................................... 107

5.4.3 Published articles................................................................................................. 108

5.4.4 Intellectual Property ............................................................................................ 108

5.4.5 Declaration .......................................................................................................... 109

5.5 Curriculum Vitae .......................................................................................................... 110

5.6 Eidesstattliche Erklärung ............................................................................................. 111

6 Annex ............................................................................................................................... 113

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I. Preface This work was carried out between October 2012 and June 2016 at the Hyglos GmbH, Research

and Development Department, Bernried, Germany in collaboration with the University of

Regensburg, Institute of Physical and Theoretical Chemistry, Regensburg, Germany under the

supervision of Prof. Dr. Hubert Motschmann.

This work would not have been possible without the help and guidance of the following people:

First of all, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to Prof. Dr. Hubert Motschmann from

University of Regensburg, who enabled this interdisciplinary project and supervised my thesis.

Thank you for guiding my work in an ambitious way and having faith in my work and decisions.

Parts of this work could not have been realized without the close collaboration with Hyglos. I am

likewise grateful to Dr. Wolfgang Mutter, who supported the industrial application and mentored

the attendance in international endotoxin working groups. Beyond that I want thank Hyglos for

the financial support.

Furthermore, my special thanks go to Dr. Holger Grallert from Hyglos for introducing me to the

fascinating, comprehensive science about endotoxins and for the numberless, long and very

valuable discussions.

Likewise, I would like to thank the whole research and development group at Hyglos. Especially,

I would like to thank Martin Vogel, Katharina Heinzelmann, Anja Schlicht, Rebecca Jörg and Petra

Schneider, who helped me with some experiments during this work. Many thanks also go to the

trainees Frederik Kappelt and Franziska Schmitz for their help with some experiments.

Furthermore, I want to thank Dr. Frederik Baumkötter for critical reading parts of this manuscript.

I also would like to express my gratitude to Dr. Bernd Buchberger from Microcoat Biotechnologie

GmbH, Bernried, Germany for path-breaking and thought-provoking impulse on experimental


In particular, I would like to thank Prof. Dr. Jack Levin from University of California, San Francisco,

USA, Prof. Dr. Ulrich Zähringer from Forschungszentrum Borstel, Borstel, Germany, Dr. Hiroshi

Tamura from Juntendo University School of Medicine, Tokyo, Japan and Prof. Dr. Ulrich

Koszinowski from Ludwig Maximilian Universität, München, Germany for sharing their

outstanding experience about endotoxins and giving me unaffordable advice in all matters.

I also would like to thank Dr. Steven Zeman and Dr. Franz-Josef Zimmer from Gruenecker Patent-

und Rechtsanwälte PartG mbB, München, Germany in all questions about the development and

application of a patent.

Furthermore, I would like to thank Sylvia Becker and Dr. Georg Rössling from PDA Europe

gemeinnützige GmbH, Berlin, Germany for the warm welcome to the scientific committee of the

European pharmaceutical microbiology conference. Moreover, my sincere thanks go to the PDA

for admitting me to the low endotoxin recovery task force, and special thanks go to the chairman

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Dr. Friedrich von Wintzingerode, Roche Diagnostics GmbH, Penzberg, Germany and Dr. Dayue

Chen, Eli Lilly and Company, Indianapolis, USA.

Likewise, many thank go to Axel Schroeder from Concept Heidelberg GmbH, Heidelberg, Germany

for inviting me to diverse trainings, meetings and webinars and the subsequent discussions about

low endotoxin recovery.

I also would like to thank all collaborating partners in pharmaceutical industry for cooperative

working partnerships and for giving trust in our advanced technologies.

Moreover, many thanks go to Pierre Lang from F. Hoffmann-La Roche Ltd, Basel, Switzerland

(retired since 2015) and Kevin Williams from General Electric, Boulder, USA for great discussions

about low endotoxin recovery and innate immune response modulating impurities.

Furthermore, I would like to thank Dr. Patricia Hughes from CDER, Food and Drug Administration,

Silver Spring, USA for giving me insights into regulatory requirements for biological license

applications of biopharmaceutical drug products during several round table and panel discussions

and I highly appreciate the scientifically based considerations of the low endotoxin recovery


Last but not least, I would like to express my deepest thanks to my family and very special thanks

go to Elisabeth - thank you infinitely for everything - especially for giving me strength and

incredible encouragement in hard times.

Johannes Reich

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II. Zusammenfassung Bakterien gehören zu den ersten und ältesten Lebewesen auf der Erde und aufgrund ihrer

Allgegenwärtigkeit ist der Mensch permanent in direktem Kontakt mit ihnen. In dieser Arbeit wird

einem Abbauprodukt der Gram-negativen Bakterien, den sogenannten Endotoxinen, spezielle

Aufmerksamkeit gewidmet. Diese sind der Hauptbestandteil der äußeren Membran von Gram-

negativen Bakterienzellen und werden während des Wachstums oder beim Absterben und der

Lyse freigesetzt. Endotoxine sind für den Menschen generell nicht gesundheitsschädlich, solange

sie nicht in den Blutkreislauf eingetragen werden. In diesem Fall können sie jedoch zu

schwerwiegenden pathogenen Wirkungen führen (z.B. Sepsis). Ein potentielles Risiko der

Übertragung in den Blutkreislauf ist beispielsweise bei der Injektion von Medikamenten gegeben.

Um dieses Risiko zu minimieren, sind Hersteller von injizierbaren Medikamenten (Parenteralia)

verpflichtet, diese streng auf Endotoxin-Kontaminationen zu überprüfen. Hierzu wird

üblicherweise der „Limulus Amöbozyten Lysat“ Test verwendet. Dieses Testsystem basiert auf

enzymatischen Reaktionen, die der Blutgerinnungskaskade von Pfeilschwanzkrebsen

entstammen. Aufgrund der Sensitivität und Anwenderfreundlichkeit stellt diese Methode seit

Jahren den „Goldstandard“ zur Bestimmung von Endotoxinen dar. Seit neuestem werden jedoch

Unstimmigkeiten während der Testung von biopharmazeutischen Medikamenten beobachtet. In

bestimmen Medikamenten konnten die Positivkontrollen nicht innerhalb bestimmter

Akzeptanzkriterien detektiert werden. Dieser Effekt wird als „Low Endotoxin Recovery (LER)“

bezeichnet und führt zu Bedenken auf Anwender- und Behördenseite, ob diese Testmethode

weiterhin zuverlässig und anwendbar ist.

In dieser Arbeit wurde die Detektierbarkeit von Endotoxin in biopharmazeutischen

Formulierungen mittels Limulus-basierten Testmethoden untersucht, um die Ursachen des LER-

Phänomens zu verstehen und die gegenwärtigen Testmethoden zu optimieren. Die präsentierten

Daten machen deutlich, dass allgemein verwendete Formulierungsbestandteile der

Medikamente den LER-Effekt verursachen können. Als Hauptursache wurde die simultane

Anwesenheit von Tensiden und Chelatoren identifiziert. Des Weiteren wird gezeigt, dass LER ein

zeitabhängiges Phänomen ist und die Reaktionsgeschwindigkeit hauptsächlich von der

Konzentration des Chelators in der Probenmatrix abhängt. Darüber hinaus wurden verschiedene

Endotoxine untersucht, die aufgrund ihrer strukturellen Heterogenität unterschiedliche

Empfindlichkeiten hinsichtlich der Detektierbarkeit aufweisen. Zusammengenommen deuten die

Daten darauf hin, dass sich das Endotoxin in einem zweistufigen Prozess in Tensidmizellen der

Probenmatrix einlagert und somit für die Detektion maskiert ist. Mittels dieser Arbeitshypothese

wurde eine „Toolbox“, mit verschiedenen amphiphilen und chaotropen Reagenzien zur

Demaskierung des Endotoxins entwickelt. Schließlich wird gezeigt, dass durch eine gezielte

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Probenvorbereitung der LER-Effekt aufgehoben und das Endotoxin mit herkömmlichen Limulus-

basierten Testmethoden wieder detektiert werden kann.

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III. Abstract Bacteria are one of the first and oldest living organisms on earth and due to their ubiquity,

humans are permanently in close contact to them. This work focuses on special breakdown

products of Gram-negative bacteria so-called endotoxins. Endotoxins are the major component

of the outer membrane of Gram-negative bacteria. They are released during growth or death and

lysis of the bacterial cell. Endotoxins are usually not hazardous to man, as long as they do not

enter the circulating blood system. However, if for example endotoxins enter the blood system

they can lead to severe pathogenic effects like sepsis. One prominent risk is the accidental

injection of contaminated drug products. In order to reduce this risk, manufacturers of parenteral

drug products are forced to meticulously control their products before they are released to the

market. To this end, Limulus Amebocyte Lysate (LAL) assays have been the gold standard for

detection of bacterial endotoxins since years. These assays are based on enzymatic reactions

derived from the blood coagulation cascade in horseshoe crabs. Most quality control

departments in pharmaceutical industry have established such methods to release their drug

products, because these assays enable fast and sensitive results. However, in the recent past

inconsistencies during testing of biopharmaceutical drug products have been observed. In certain

drug products, positive controls of endotoxin were not detectable within given acceptance

criteria. This effect is called Low Endotoxin Recovery (LER) and users as well as authorities are

concerned about the reliability of the existing test procedures.

In this work, the detectability of endotoxin in biopharmaceutical drug product matrices using

Limulus-based detection systems was analyzed to understand the phenomenon of LER and to

optimize existing test procedures. The results show that common formulation components of

biopharmaceutical drug products are capable to induce LER. The minimum prerequisite is the

simultaneous presence of surfactants and complex forming agents. It is demonstrated that the

occurrence of LER is time-dependent and that the reaction rate of LER is substantially depending

on the concentration of the complex forming agents in the sample matrix. Moreover, endotoxins

from different sources were studied, because their structural heterogeneity may lead to different

masking susceptibilities. Together, these results indicate that LER is caused by masking of

endotoxin leading to an alteration of its supramolecular structure, in which endotoxins are

embedded in surfactant micelles. The further elucidation of a two-step LER reaction mechanism

served as a basis for the development of a toolbox including amphiphilic and chaotropic reagents,

which enables the demasking of endotoxin. In conclusion, the dedicated sample treatment using

such reagents allows the detection of LER-affected endotoxin by Limulus-based detection


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IV. Abbreviations

API Active Pharmaceutical Ingredient

Ara4N 4-Amino-4-Deoxyarabinose


B.cepacia Burkholderia cepacia

BD BSA + Dodecanol

BET Bacterial Endotoxin Testing

BSA Bovine Serum Albumin

C Calcium Dichloride

Ci Citrate

Ca2+ Calcium2+

CBSD Calcium dichloride+ BSA+ SDS + Dodecanol

CMC Critical Micelle Concentration

CSE Control Standard Endotoxin

D Dodecanol

E.cloacae Enterobacter cloacae

E.coli Escherichia coli

EDTA Ethylenediaminetetraacetic Acid

EU Endotoxin Unit

FDA Food and Drug Administration

HLB Hydrophilic Hydrophobic Balance

LAL Limulus Amebocyte Lysate

LB Lysogeny Broth

LER Low Endotoxin Recovery

LPS Lipopolysaccharides

MAT Monocyte Activation Test

NOE Naturally Occurring Endotoxin

OMV Outer Membrane Vesicle

P.aeruginosa Pseudomonas aeruginosa

PBS Phosphate-Buffered Saline

P.mirabilis Proteus mirabilis

PPC Positive Product Control

R.pickettii Ralstonia pickettii

rFC Recombinant Factor C

rpm Round per Minute

RPT Rabbit Pyrogen Test

RSE Reference Standard Endotoxin

RT Room Temperature


S.maltophilia Stenotrophomonas maltophilia

S.marcescens Serratia marcescens

SDS Sodium Dodecyl Sulfate

SDS-PAGE Sodium Dodecyl Sulfate-Polyacrylamide Gel Electrophoresis

TLR Toll Like Receptor

TNF Tumor Necrosis Factor

TRIS 2-Amino-2-(Hydroxymethyl)-1,3-Propanediol

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1 Fundamentals Bacteria are one of the first and oldest living organisms on earth and their diversity is practically

unlimited. Since modern analytical techniques enable the determination of genetic codes in

bacteria, they can be categorized by their molecular phylogeny[1]. However, for historical and

practical reasons bacteria are also classified by structural differences in their cell walls. Based on

chemical and physical properties of the cell walls, bacteria can be differentiated between Gram-

positive and Gram-negative. This dates back to times in which bacteria were stained (e.g. methyl

violet) to enhance the visibility of bacteria [2].

1.1 Endotoxin (LPS) Endotoxins are a unique group of molecules, which occur naturally in the cell wall of Gram-

negative bacteria[3]. They are derived for example from various bacteria like Neisseria

meningitides, Vibrio cholera or Escherichia coli (Figure 1A). If administrated into the blood stream

of mammalians, bacteria and their toxic breakdown products can cause severe pathogenic effects

including fever and septic shock[4]. Due to their fever inducing capability, endotoxins are also

classified as pyrogens.

Figure 1 Gram-negative Bacteria

A) Scanning electron micrograph of Escherichia coli, grown in culture and adhered to a cover slip. (Credit: National Institute of Health, National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, Image Library). B) Schematic representation of the Gram-negative membrane. The outer membrane possesses an asymmetric bilayer, in which LPS covers mostly the surface and phospholipids are located in the inner leaflet as counter molecules. In addition, a variety of further components like proteins, lipoproteins, peptidoglycans are present in the cell envelope of Gram-negative bacteria. (Source: [4]) C) Chemical structure of LPS from E. coli O111:B4 LPS. The particular regions of LPS (lipid A, core region and O-antigen) and the variability of sugar units are indicated. (Source: [5])

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The end of the 19th century is of particular importance in the context of endotoxins. Dramatic

cholera outbreaks threatened large harbor cities including Hamburg, Germany and St. Petersburg,

Russia and have led to a large number of death. During that time, systematic research began and

is still ongoing to better understand the hazardous effects of Gram-negative bacteria and

endotoxins (Figure 2).[6]

Figure 2 The history of endotoxin research

Research on endotoxins started in the end of 19th century with the description of the deleterious and

beneficial bioactivities of endotoxins. A further phase comprised efforts undertaking their biochemical

and immunochemical characterization, while the immunological properties of this molecule were

mainly defined in the mid-20th century. (Source:[7])

Around 1890, Richard Pfeiffer, a co-worker of Robert Koch, stated:

“In ganz jungen, aerob gezüchteten Choleraculturen ist ein specifischer Giftstoff

enthalten, welcher ausserordentlich intensive toxische Effecte entfaltet. Dieses

primäre Choleragift steht in sehr enger Zusammengehörigkeit zu den

Bacterienleibern und ist vielleicht ein integrirender Bestandtheil derselben. Durch

Chloroform, Thymol und durch Trocknen können die Choleravibrionen abgetödtet

werden, ohne dass dieser Giftstoff anscheinend verändert wird.1”[8]

1 In very young aerobically grown cholera cultures, a specific toxic substance is contained which exerts extraordinarily intense toxic effects. This primary cholera toxin is closely attached to, and probably an integral part of, the bacterial body. By chloroform, thymol, or by drying, the cholera vibrios can be killed without any detectable change of the toxin[6].

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This was the genesis of the concept of endotoxins. Within the mid of the 20th century, it was

figured out that endotoxins are located at the surface of Gram-negative bacteria (Figure 1B) and

are liberated when bacteria multiply, die and lyse[9]. During the development of techniques for

extracting and preparing endotoxins, lipopolysaccharides (LPS) (Figure 1C) were identified in

bearing the toxic principle of endotoxin[3]. To this end, the two terms endotoxin and LPS are used

for the same molecule and thus represent synonyms. However, the term endotoxin reflects its

biological activity and the term LPS its chemical composition[10]. Moreover, it has been shown

that LPS are the dominating constitutes of the outer membrane of Gram-negative bacteria and

LPS play an important role in maintaining the integrity of the membrane architecture and is

therefore an essential component for bacterial viability. Noteworthy, LPS are accompanied by

certain proteins and lipids, but LPS covers three-quarters of the bacterial surface and one

bacterial cell contains approximately 3.5 x 106 LPS molecules.[9]

1.2 Structure and activity of LPS LPS are a broad and complex group of molecules, which possess a common general

architecture[11]. The molecules can be divided in three parts: O-antigen, core region and lipid A

(Figure 3)[12]. The latter is based on a phosphorylated diglucosamine which is esterified with fatty

acids (e.g. caproic acid (C6), lauric acid (C12), myristic acid (C14), palmitic acid (C16), stearic acid

(C18)) and anchors the molecule in the outer membrane of Gram-negative bacteria and is

covalently substituted by a saccharide portion. The core region comprises an oligosaccharide

containing up to fifteen monosaccharides (e.g. diverse heptoses, glucose, galactose and

mannooctulosonic acid) to which a polysaccharide portion of repeating units, the O-specific chain

including glucose, galactose, rhamnose and mannose, is linked.[10] Noteworthy, also LPS mutants

lacking the O-antigen have been isolated. These LPS forms are donated as rough LPS, whereas LPS

containing O-antigen are called smooth LPS[13]. However, it has been shown that the lipid A part

represents the “endotoxic principle” of LPS, and in contrast to the role of the polysaccharides

(core region and O-antigen), alterations of the lipid A moiety were found to influence the

bioactivity dramatically[14], [15]. Full endotoxic activity is expressed by a molecule containing

two hexosamine residues, two phosphoryl groups, and six fatty acids including 3-acyloxyacyl

groups with a defined chain length and at a distinct location[9]. As a consequence, not all LPS are

toxic, just as not all bacteria are pathogenic[3]. Moreover, due to the hydrophilic (O-antigen and

core region) and hydrophobic (lipid A) regions, LPS tend to aggregate in aqueous solutions.

Depending on the molecular structure and environmental conditions diverse supramolecular

structures either non-lamellar inverted (cubic Q or hexagonal HII) or lamellar can be formed[16].

It has been shown in several studies that the aggregation state of LPS affects its biological activity

as well as its detectability.[14], [16]–[19]

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Figure 3 Schematic structure of lipopolysaccharides

With regard to the biological nature, LPS can be divided into three functional subunits: O-antigen, core region and lipid A. The latter is the toxic fragment of the molecule. With regard to the chemical structure, LPS is an amphiphilic molecule. The fatty acids within the lipid A are hydrophobic and the polysaccharides in the core region and O-antigen are hydrophilic. In addition, LPS is electrically charged due to substituents (e.g. phosphates) in the core region and on the diglucosamine of lipid A.

1.3 Clinical relevance of LPS Years ago, clinicians have recognized that humans are especially sensitive towards endotoxin. In

some cases, intravenous infusions containing bacterial contaminants have led to death and

severe pathogenic response in patients.[20]–[22] Thereby, LPS are able to induce a variety of

biological effects in-vivo (Figure 4). To fight against pathogenicity, bacteria and its LPS are the

primary target for interaction with antibacterial drugs and components of the immune system of

the host.[17]

Figure 4 Schematic representation of the activation mechanisms induced by LPS

LPS is released from the bacterial outer membrane by the attack of immune components (drugs, proteins) or simply by cell division. It may interact with serum and membrane proteins, which subsequently leads to an activation of macrophages, which secret mediators such as tumor necrosis factors alpha and interleukins. (Source: [17])

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In order to understand pathogenicity, an important finding has been the identification of the

plasma membrane protein Toll-like receptor 4 (TLR4) as the lipid A signaling receptor of animal

cells. Activation of TLR4 by lipid A triggers the biosynthesis of diverse mediators of inflammation

including tumor necrosis factor (TNF) or interleukins, ultimately resulting in multiple organ failure,

septic shock in the case of systemically overproduction.[23] Generally, TLR4 belongs to a family

of innate immunity receptors (Figure 5) and besides endotoxins, there are also other pathogens,

which are not limited to Gram-negative bacteria (Lipoteichoic acids, peptidoglycans, proteins etc.)

and stimulate the innate immune system resulting in pyrogenic reactions. However, endotoxins

are considered to be an outstanding alarm marker due to their relatively high pyrogenicity.

Endotoxins are active in the picogram range per kilogram bodyweight. Therefore, a little amount

of endotoxin can generate a very strong host response.[24] In contrast, peptidoglycans are 50,000

times less pyrogenic than endotoxins[25].

Figure 5 The Toll-Like-Receptor family

Toll-like receptors (TLRs) recognize a variety of pathogen-associated molecular patterns. Recognition of LPS by TLR4 is aided by accessory proteins (CD14 and MD-2). TLR2 recognizes a broad range of structurally unrelated ligands and functions in combination with several (but not all) other TLRs, including TLR1 and TLR6. TLR3 is involved in recognition of double-stranded RNA. TLR5 is specific for bacterial flagellin, whereas TLR9 is a receptor for unmethylated CpG sequences in DNA. (Source [26])

For further comprehension of the pyrogenicity of endotoxins, dose-febrile response curves for

endotoxins have been studied and it was found that man, cat, horse and rabbits have

approximately the same threshold to pyrogen simulation by endotoxins. However, larger doses

are more pyrogenic and more toxic for man than for rabbit, due to much steeper dose-febrile

response curves for man. Dogs and chimpanzee were notably less susceptible to the pyrogenicity

of endotoxin than the other species.[27] Moreover, depending on the source of endotoxin

different thresholds were found to initiate pyrogenicity. For example approximately 0.1 to 1.0

nanogram per kilogram of bodyweight of endotoxin from E.coli is needed, whereas 50 nanogram

per kilogram of bodyweight of endotoxin from P.aeruginosa are required for pyrogenic response

in man[28]. This already gives an indication about the heterogeneity and complexity of

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endotoxins. In order to enable a comparison of biological activities, endotoxin units (EU) were

introduced, based on the approximated threshold of pyrogenic activity of E.coli. 1 EU reflects the

biologic activity of 0.1 nanogram of purified endotoxin from E.coli in man.[24]

1.4 Need for control of endotoxins and their detection methods The occurrence of Gram-negative organisms in virtually every environment on earth makes LPS

one of the most prevalent complex organic molecules occurring in nature. Gram-negative

bacteria have been isolated wherever man has gone: in soil, fresh and salt water, frigid oceans

and hot springs. Minimal growth requirements of Gram-negative bacteria allow their growth in

the cleanest of water.[24] Therefore, the ubiquity of endotoxins requires routine screening of all

fluids and medications prepared for parenteral therapy.[27] Although the pyrogenic dose

response curve in man is much steeper than it is in rabbits, the minimum pyrogenic dose on a

weight basis in rabbits is in a passable range compared to man[28]. Hence, the Rabbit Pyrogen

Test (RPT) was introduced as an in-vivo test method for the detection of fever-causing (pyrogenic)

contaminations in pharmaceutical products, and has already been manifested in various

pharmacopoeias and guidelines around the world in the 1940th[29]. Over the years, alternative

in-vitro detection methods were discovered and established. One method of pyrogen detection

relies on mimicking the human fever reaction, which can be found in the Monocyte Activation

Test (MAT). It employs the cytokine response of blood monocytes for the detection of

microbiological contaminants.[30] However, handling of appropriate blood or cell lines for

running the assay and regulatory issues prolong the universal application of this assay.

Another and more prominent method was discovered by Bang and Levin in the 1960th. They

utilized the defense system of an animal with over 450 million years of experience, fighting

against microbial attacks. It has been demonstrated that bacterial endotoxins rapidly induce

clotting of the blood of horseshoe crabs[31]. The amebocytes in horseshoe crabs´ hemolymph

contain a coagulation system, which is activated by minute amounts of endotoxin.[32] The

principle of this test method is based on an enzymatic reaction cascade. In the presence of LPS,

an LPS-sensitive serine protease zymogen Factor C, is autocatalytically activated. The active

Factor C* then activates zymogen Factor B to Factor B*, which subsequently activates proclotting

enzyme to clotting enzyme. The resulting clotting enzyme converts soluble coagulogen, an

invertebrate fibrinogen-like substance, to an insoluble coagulin gel. (Figure 6B)[33]. This cascade

system found in the hemocytes allows for an extremely high sensitivity of the lysate to picogram

quantities of endotoxins. [34] For production of the so called Limulus Amebocyte Lysate (LAL),

horseshoe crabs (Figure 6A) are collected when they migrate to shallow coastal waters for

reproduction. Once collected, the lively crabs are placed in restraining racks. Sterile needles are

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inserted through the muscular hinge between the cephalothorax and abdominal region[24], [32]

and up to 150 mL blood of one horseshoe crab can be obtained. If the crabs are handled with

care, they normally survive this procedure. Depending on country-specific regulations they are

returned into the ocean or are further processed (e.g. fishing bait). However, after collection the

blood is centrifuged and the harvested amebocytes are washed. The cells are lysed by addition of

distilled water and cellular debris is removed by centrifugation. Finally, the lysate is decanted and

can be used for testing.[35] Comparative studies between LAL tests and the RPT on various

samples resulted in good agreement and the results achieved by LAL detection methods were

more sensitive, when samples were properly handled[36], [37].

Figure 6 Horseshoe crabs and their endotoxin specific reaction cascade

A) Horseshoe crabs at Pickering beach, Delaware, USA. Horseshoe crabs are found along the northeast coasts in America and southeast costs in Asia. For reproduction, adult crabs travel during late spring and early summer from deep ocean water to coastal water and females deposit eggs on the beaches. B) Tentative reaction mechanism for the coagulation cascade of the Limulus amebocyte lysate with endotoxin.

Practical experience and technological progress led from simple test techniques, based on the

occurrence of gel formation by the reaction of the lysate with endotoxin; to photometric

techniques, which are based on the change in lysate turbidity during gel formation; and

chromogenic techniques, which are based on the development of color after cleavage of a

synthetic peptide-chromogen complex[38]–[40]. Moreover, growing demand and limited

resources of horseshoe crabs are leading to the use of recombinant sources of Limulus-based

enzymes. These novel techniques use, recombinantly produced Factor C (rFC), the first enzyme

of the Limulus coagulation cascade, and a fluorogenic substrate is generating the signal[41], [42].

In the present work, mainly recombinant test methods were used. Today, these Limulus-based

methods including LAL and rFC are recognized as the most sensitive in-vitro assays available for

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bacterial endotoxin testing (BET). These methods are more economical and require a smaller

volume of sample for testing than does the RPT and MAT. In addition, a large number of tests can

be performed by one individual in a single day.

1.5 Regulatory aspects Endotoxin is only a concern for man, when it comes into contact with the circulatory blood

system. One relevant mechanism for such contact involves medically invasive techniques

including injection or infusion of parenteral solutions[24]. Therefore, pharmaceutical regulatory

agencies around the world are asking for BET in parenteral drug products. For example, the

European Directorate for the Quality of Medicines (EDQM) states that

“bacterial endotoxins are the most common cause of pyrogenicity in pharmaceutical

products. Any preparation administered parenterally should be sterile and comply

with the test for bacterial endotoxins. Substances to be used in parenteral

preparations must comply with the BET, whatever their origin…”[43]

In consequence, manufacturers of parenteral drug products are obliged to perform BET of in-

process samples and finished products. Fortunately, the occurrence of contaminations in

parenteral drugs, devices, infusions and transfusion solutions has been relatively rare since the

introduction of BET.[24] In order to maintain such a high level, the meticulousness in quality

control of pharmaceutical products has to retained and continuously improved.

1.6 Low Endotoxin Recovery With regard to certain pharmaceutical drug products some inconsistencies were recognized

during BET. In 2013, Chen and Vinther from Genentech reported the phenomenon of Low

Endotoxin Recovery (LER)[44]. During the establishment of diverse test procedures, to simulate

potential contamination events, known amounts of endotoxin were inadequate detectable.

Defined amounts of endotoxin were spiked to undiluted drug products and these samples

containing endotoxins were incubated for a certain period of time. After incubation, the detection

of spiked endotoxin contents resulted in low endotoxin recovery. Interestingly, this phenomenon

was mainly observed in biopharmaceutical drug products, in which the Active Pharmaceutical

Ingredients (API) are proteins like monoclonal antibodies. For stability reasons, such products are

commonly formulated using excipients like phosphate and citrate buffer systems and

polysorbates (Table 1). First investigations of affected samples have indicated that excipients of

the drug products provoke the phenomenon of LER, but non-harmonized test procedures in

industries leading to confounding results. The observation of this phenomenon is meanwhile

frequently discussed in many forums, as it may result in an underestimation of hazardous

endotoxin contents in injectable drug products. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) pointed

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out that endotoxin might be present in high amounts in a certain drug product and current assays

are not detecting it or only detecting “acceptable” levels. Depending on the drug product dose

and the potential amount of endotoxin contamination a pyrogenic reaction could occur.[45] In

conclusion, to avoid the underestimation of a potential endotoxin contamination, the driving

forces of the LER phenomenon have to be understood and current test procedures have to be

optimized to ensure entire endotoxin detection in biopharmaceutical drug products.

Table 1 Common formulations of biopharmaceutical drug products

Monoclonal antibodies are prominent active pharmaceutical ingredients (API) in commercial biopharmaceutical drug products. For formulation excipients like phosphate, citrate, sodium chloride and polysorbates are used. (Source:

Commercial Drug Product:

Active Ingredient:

Formulation components:

Actemra ® Tocilizumab Phosphate, Sucrose, Polysorbate 80

Avastin ® Bevacizumab Phosphate, Trehalose, Polysorbate 20

Erbitux ® Cetuximab Phosphate, Sodium chloride

Humira ® Adalimumab Phosphate, Citrate, Mannitol, Sodium chloride, Polysorbate 80

Lucentis ® Ranibizumab Histidine, Polysorbate 20

Mabthera ® Rituximab Citrate, Sodium chloride, Polysorbate 80

Remicade ® Infliximab Phosphate, Sucrose, Polysorbate 80

Simponi ® Golimumab Histidine, Sorbitol, Polysorbate 80

Soliris ® Eculizumab Phosphate, Sodium chloride, Polysorbate 80

Synagis ® Palivizumab Histidine, Glycine, Mannitol

Tysabri ® Natalizumab Phosphate, Sodium chloride, Polysorbate 80

Xolair ® Omalizumab Histidine, Sucrose, Polysorbate 20

1.7 Purpose of the study Aim of this work is to improve existing test procedures and to detect endotoxin out of samples,

which are affected by the LER phenomenon. First of all, the phenomenon has to be analyzed

according to the questioning observations, which were made in pharmaceutical industry.

Therefore, endotoxin recovery in common formulation components of drug products including

citrate and phosphate buffer systems as well as surfactants like polysorbates has to be

investigated. Due to the temporally delayed occurrence of the LER-effect, reaction kinetics has to

be examined in order to identify the time limiting parameters of LER and to establish a model

system, which enables the simulation of such kinetics. In addition, as endotoxins represent a

heterogeneous group of LPS, it has to be examined which influences this variability has on the

LER-effect and if it is depending on a certain species of endotoxin. Therefore, endotoxins from

different sources have to be tested with regard to their detectability under LER conditions. After

analysis of the driving forces, an approach to render the endotoxin detectable has to be figured

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out. Due to the regulatory scope in pharmaceutical industry, existing test procedures have to be

maintained, but advanced by sample treatments prior to the actual measurement. Thus, purpose

of this work is to discover “demasking” agents for sample pre-treatment to detect endotoxin out

of LER-affected samples using Limulus-based test methods and in turn to reduce the risk of wrong-

negative test results during quality control of drug products in pharmaceutical industries.

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2 Material and Methods

2.1 Reagents Polysorbate 20, polysorbate 80, octoxynol 9, ethanol, 1-octanol, 1-decanol, 1-dodecanol, 1-

tetradecanol, 1-hexadecanol, 1-octadecanol, sodium chloride, sodium azide, citric acid, trisodium

citrate, phosphoric acid, sodium dihydrogenphosphate, potasium dihydrogenphosphate,

disodium hydrogen phosphate-heptahydrate, ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA), 2-amino-

2-(hydroxymethyl)-1,3-propanediol (tris), 2-mercaptoethanol, isopropanol, D(+)-glucose, sodium

chloride, calcium dichloride and magnesium dichloride were obtained from Sigma-Aldrich Chemie

GmbH, Steinheim, Germany. Ammonium hydroxide, formaldehyde and D(+)-trehalose-dihydrate

were obtained from AppliChem GmbH, Darmstadt, Germany. Acetic acid, glycerol, periodic acid,

sodium hydroxide, silver nitrate, sodium dodecylsulfate (SDS) and yeast extract (powdered) were

obtained from Carl Roth GmbH & Co.KG, Karlsruhe, Germany. Bromophenol blue sodium salt was

obtained from Merck Chemicals GmbH, Darmstadt, Germany. Bovine Serum Albumin (BSA) and

20x Tris-tricine/SDS electrophoresis buffer were obtained from Serva Electrophoresis GmbH,

Heidelberg, Germany. A bovine polyclonal immunoglobulin G (PAK) and a mouse monoclonal

antibody (MAK33) were obtained from Roche Diagnostics Deutschland GmbH, Mannheim,

Germany. Tryptone Bacto TM was obtained from Becton Dickinson GmbH, Heidelberg, Germany.

Prior to the experiments, all relevant materials have been tested on endotoxin contents and were

proven to contain less than 0.05 EU/mL.

2.2 Endotoxins and bacteria Endotoxin from E.coli O55:B5 (gel-filtrate), P.aeruginosa and S.enterica were obtained from

Sigma-Aldrich Chemie, Steinheim, Germany. Phenol-extracted clinical isolate endotoxins from

E.coli, K.pneumonia, M.morganii, Y.enterocolitica, N.meningitis, P.mirabilis and S.marcescens

were a kind gift from Dr. Andreas Wieser, Universitätsklinik München (LMU), München, Germany.

Endotoxin from E.coli K12 was obtained from InvivoGen, Toulouse, France. Freeze dried bacteria

from E.coli O55:B5 (DSM 4779), E.cloacae (DSM 30054) and P.aeruginosa (DSM 500 71) were

obtained from Leibniz Institute DSMZ-German Collection of Microorganisms and Cell Cultures,

Braunschweig, Germany. Freeze dried bacteria from E.coli O113 (Ecor 30) was obtained from

Escherichia coli Reference Collection, East Lansing, USA. Freeze dried bacteria from B.cepacia

(2008 B02-12.20.164) and S. maltophilia (DSMZ 50 170) were obtained from Robert Koch-

Institute, Wernigerode, Germany. Bacteria from R.pickettii (isolate) were a kind gift from Hyglos

GmbH, Bernried, Germany.

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2.3 Other materials 20% gradient tris-tricin gel was obtained from Anamed Elektrophorese GmbH, Rodau, Germany.

0.2 µm Acrodisc 25 mm Syringe Filters were obtained from Pall GmbH, Dreieich, Germany. Kinetic

chromogenic Limulus Amebocyte Lysate test was obtained from Lonza Inc., Walkersville, USA.

Depyrogenated water, depyrogenated borosilicate glass tubes and recombinant Factor C tests,

EndoZyme® and EndoLISA® were obtained from Hyglos GmbH, Bernried, Germany.

2.4 Preparation of crude endotoxins extracts

2.4.1 Preparation 1

For growth of bacteria, 5 mL lysogeny broth (LB) media (10 g/L sodium chloride, 5 g/L yeast extract

and 10 g/L tryptone) were inoculated with desired bacterial strain, followed by incubation at 37

°C in a shaking incubator (Platform shaker: Innova 2300, New Brunswick Scientific Co, Enfield,

USA; Incubator: Wärmeschrank für Plattformschüttler, Mytron Bio- und Solartechnik GmbH,

Heilbad Heiligenstadt, Germany) overnight. Afterwards 200 µL of the preparatory culture were

transferred into 500 mL of media (12.8 g/L disodium hydrogenphosphat-heptahydrat, 3 g/L

potassium dihydrogenphosphat, 0.5 g/L sodium chlorid, 1 g/L ammonium chloride, 0.01 g/L

calcium dichloride and 0.4 wt % glucose) and incubated for 24 hours at 37 °C. Growth of bacteria

was tracked by light absorption at 600 nm using a spectro photometer V550 Jasco Germany

GmbH, Gross-Umstadt, Germany. Bacterial growth was stopped by temperature reduction to 4

°C, centrifugation at 4500 rpm and sterile filtration (0.2 µm) of the bacterial suspension. For

conservation 0.05 (v/v) % sodium azide was added. Required endotoxin concentrations for

endotoxin recovery studies were adjusted by dilution with depyrogenated water.

2.4.2 Preparation 2

For growth of bacteria, 5 mL LB media (10 g/L sodium chloride, 5 g/L yeast extract and 10 g/L

tryptone) were inoculated with desired bacterial strain, followed by incubation at 37 °C in a

shaking incubator (Platform shaker: Innova 2300, New Brunswick Scientific Co, Enfield, USA;

Incubator: Wärmeschrank für Plattformschüttler, Mytron Bio- und Solartechnik GmbH, Heilbad

Heiligenstadt, Germany) overnight. Afterwards the preparatory culture was transferred into 20

mL of media*1 and incubated for 18 hours defined temperatures*2. Bacterial growth was stopped

by temperature reduction to 4 °C and sterile filtration (0.2 µm) of the bacterial suspension. For

conservation 0.05 (v/v) % sodium azide was added. Required endotoxin concentrations for

endotoxin recovery studies were adjusted by dilution with depyrogenated water.

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*Modification of growth conditions:

1) LB media: a) 100 % media

b) 1 % (v/v) media in depyrogenated water

c) 100 % media plus 20 mM tris buffer

d) 100 % media plus 20 mM EDTA

2) Growth temperature: i) room temperature (20 – 25 °C)

ii) 37 °C

2.5 Sample handling

2.5.1 Addition of endotoxin to a sample

Samples were prepared in 5 mL borosilicate glass tubes with sample volumes of 1 mL per sample.

Unless otherwise described, samples were spiked with 10 µL of endotoxin from E.coli O55:B5 (gel-

filtrated) out of a 10,000 EU/mL stock solution. Before adding the endotoxin spikes to the sample,

the endotoxin stock solution was shaken at 1400 rpm for 10 minutes using Multi Reax shaker

(Heidolph Instruments GmbH & Co.KG, Schwabach, Germany). After spiking, the samples

including the endotoxin are shaken again at 1400 rpm for 60 seconds.

2.5.2 Sample preparation before endotoxin detection

To eliminate test interference and ensure validity of endotoxin detection assays, samples were

vortexed for 2 minutes at 1400 rpm and diluted in depyrogenated water immediately prior to the

measurement. The validity of the measurement was controlled by spiking of defined endotoxin

amounts to the diluted samples (Positive Product Control (PPC)). Endotoxin determination in a

sample was considered valid, if 50 to 200% of the spiked endotoxin (PPC) were recovered.

2.5.3 Incubation of endotoxin in a sample

For time dependent endotoxin recovery (hold time) studies, endotoxin was incubated in

undiluted samples over time. If not otherwise specified, the pH of used buffer systems was

adjusted to 7.5. After addition of defined endotoxins spikes to undiluted samples, the resulting

solution was vortexed for 60 seconds at 1400 rpm. Samples were subsequently stored without

further vortexing at defined temperatures (4° C (2 – 8 °C), RT (20 – 25 °C) and 37°C (35 – 40 °C)

for a desired period of time.

2.5.4 Preparation of endotoxin recovery kinetics

Samples for kinetics can be prepared in two opposed sequential arrangements: Online mode

( vs. reverse mode ( Both preparations were used. Online mode has the advantage

that the endotoxin spike in all samples is exactly the same. Disadvantage is that each time point

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needs a new test and standard curve at different days. The advantage and disadvantage

performing the reverse preparation are vice versa compared to the online mode. Online mode – kinetics (OM)

Determination of endotoxin masking kinetics was prepared out of one stock solution using the

online mode. The start of the kinetics was defined, when at least surfactant, chelator and

endotoxin were combined and vortexed. In order to measure endotoxin at individual points of

time, 10 µL of the corresponding sample were transferred to 990 µL of depyrogenated water after

desired incubation period. Prior to the measurement, no further dilution was required. Samples

were vortexed at least for 2 minutes at 1400 rpm before the individual time points were

measured. The online method was used for all preparations of endotoxin masking kinetics, if not

otherwise indicated. Reverse mode – kinetics (RM)

Reverse endotoxin masking kinetics was prepared by spiking aliquots of a sample at different time

points. The particular spiked and not spiked aliquoted were stored under equal conditions over

time. The aliquot with the longest endotoxin incubation period was spiked first (e.g. 7 days prior

to the measurement). Further aliquots with shorter incubation periods were spiked later in

accordance with the respective incubation period. After spiking the time point zero aliquot, all

samples were equivalently prepared and measured on the same assay.

2.5.5 Endotoxin recovery and masking controls

To control accuracy of the endotoxin spiked into the undiluted samples, equal amounts of

endotoxin were spiked into depyrogenated water (positive control), mixed and identically

incubated as the actual sample. For calculation of endotoxin recovery, the determined endotoxin

concentrations in the actual sample is compared to the determined endotoxin concentration at

time zero in the positive control and stated as percent.

2.5.6 Sample preparation for demasking of endotoxin Preparation of demasking agents (working solution).

For demasking, different molecules (Sodium citrate, calcium dichloride, BSA, SDS, alkyl-alcohols)

and mixtures of them were used. Before addition of these molecules to the masked sample a 10-

fold concentrated working solutions of the desired component and concentration were prepared.

Irrespective of the used alkyl alcohols, the components were dissolved in depyrogenated water.

Alkyl alcohols were dissolved in 70% (v/v) ethanol. Sample treatment for demasking of endotoxin.

Endotoxin demasking was performed by the addition of 100 μΙ of each demasking agent (

working solution) to the masked sample. The particular agents were sequentially added and 2

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minutes vortexed after each addition. After addition of all demasking agents, the samples were

incubated for 30 minutes at room temperature without vortexing.

2.6 Limulus-based endotoxin detection assays

2.6.1 Recombinant Factor C assays (rFC) EndoZyme®

For detection of endotoxin, a recombinant Factor C test (EndoZyme ®), based on a homogenous

test format, was used according to manufacturer’s instructions. The released amount of

fluorescence substrate was measured fluorometrically at 440 nm (Excitation: 380 nm) with a

FLx800 fluorescence microplate reader (BioTek Instruments GmbH, Bad Friedrichshall, Germany).

All samples were measured in duplicate and average values were used for further calculations.

Standard curves were fit using a four parameter logistic non-linear regression model. The

detection limit of the assay was 0.005 EU/mL. EndoZyme was used in all experiments, if not

otherwise indicated. EndoLISA®

For detection of endotoxin, a recombinant Factor C test (EndoLISA ®), based on a heterogeneous

test format, was used according to manufacturer’s instructions. The released amount of

fluorescence substrate was measured fluorometrically at 440 nm (Excitation: 380 nm) with a

FLx800 fluorescence microplate reader (BioTek Instruments GmbH, Bad Friedrichshall, Germany).

All samples were measured in duplicate and average values were used for further calculations.

Standard curves were fit using a four parameter logistic non-linear regression model. The

detection limit of the assay was 0.005 EU/mL.

2.6.2 Limulus Amebocyte Lysate assay (LAL)

For endotoxin detection using Limulus Amebocyte Lysate, a kinetic chromogenic LAL assay

(Kinetic-QCLTM) was used according to manufacturer´s instructions. The released amount of

chromogenic substrate was measured spectrophotometrically at 405 nm with an Epoch2

absorbance microplate reader (BioTek Instruments GmbH, Bad Friedrichshall, Germany). All

samples were measured in duplicate and average values were used for further calculations.

Standard curves were fit using a linear regression model. Detection limit of the assay was 0.005


2.7 Silver stained SDS-PAGE Endotoxin samples (crude extracts, 2.4.1 preparation 1) were vortexed for 30 seconds. 40 µL of

the sample were mixed with 10 µL SDS sample loading buffer (1.25 µL tris buffer, 0.5 mg sodium

dodecylsulfate, 2.87 µL glycerol, 1.25 µL EDTA, 5 µg bromphenol blue and 0.25 µL

mercaptoethanol) and boiled for 10 minutes. 18 µL of each sample were loaded onto a 20%

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gradient tris-tricin gel. The SDS-PAGE (sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel

electrophoresis) was run in tris-tricine/SDS buffer at 130 V (Electrophoresis power supply: EPS

301, Amersham Pharmacia Biotec, Uppsala, Sweden; Vertical Electrophoresis unit: Mighty small

SE260, Hoefer Inc., Holliston, USA) for 90 minutes. For silver staining of the gel the following

procedure was used:

1) Fixation: Incubation of gel overnight in 150 mL of 25% (v/v) isopropanol and 7% (v/v) acetic acid.

2) Oxidation: Incubation of gel for 5 minutes in 75 mL depyrogenated water with 0.5 g of periodic acid and 1 mL of fixation solution (25% (v/v) isopropanol and 7% (v/v) acetic acid solution).

3) Washing: Four times 5 minutes wash in depyrogenated water.

4) Silver staining: 10 minutes in a solution containing 350 µL sodium hydroxide (8 M), 1 mL concentrated ammonium hydroxide (28%), 2 mL silver nitrate (20% (w/v) and 75 mL depyrogenated water.

5) Washing: Four times 5 minutes wash in depyrogenated water were done.

6) Development: 20 min in a solution containing 50 mL depyrogenated water, 50 mg citric acid and 50 µL formaldehyde (37%). Development was stopped using 10 % (v/v) acetic acid.

2.8 Calculations and plots For calculation of endotoxin recovery, plotting of graphs and simulation of endotoxin recovery

kinetics Microsoft Excel 2010, Version 14.0.7015.1000 was used. Sigmoidal experimental data

points were fit using SigmaPlot 2001 for Windows Version 7.0. Calculation of standard curves for

determination of endotoxin concentrations, Gen5 Data Analysis Software Version 2.05 from

BioTek Instruments GmbH, Bad Friedrichshall, Germany was used.

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3 Results and Discussion

3.1 Masking of endotoxin in surfactant samples: Effects on Limulus-

based detection systems

3.1.1 Introduction

Bacteria and their breakdown products like endotoxins are ubiquitous[46]. The presence of

endotoxins in aqueous compositions is an intractable problem, which severely threatens and

limits the application of many compositions, in particular if intended for pharmaceutical use. This

is especially true for parenteral administrated biopharmaceutical drug products. Therefore, there

is a risk of endotoxin contamination in the production process of pharmaceutical drug products.

To safeguard against potentially hazardous incorporation of endotoxin, measurements must be

performed to exclude endotoxin from all steps and products used in the production process of

parenteral drug products. For such measurements, a method of choice is the LAL assay. Since

decades, these assays are positioned in quality control of pharmaceutical production and have

been proven to be a sensitive measure for endotoxins. However, some reports have shown that

detection of endotoxins is not always suitable in complex samples[47], [48]. One reason for

inadequate detection of endotoxin is interference of sample constituents with the enzymatic

reaction of the Limulus-based detection system. In this case, certain components (e.g. heavy

metals, protease inhibitors) can directly disturb enzyme activation of the detection system, which

is called test interference[49]. This phenomenon is well known and to identify test interference,

positive product controls (PPC) are performed. To this end, a known amount of endotoxin is

added to the sample and immediately measured. A test is considered valid if the spiked endotoxin

is recovered in a range of 50 to 200%. If the validity criterion is not fulfilled, it is recommended to

overcome interference by suitable sample treatments such as dilution, filtration, neutralization,

dialysis or heating[40]. Another potential reason for inadequate endotoxin detection is the

interaction of endotoxin itself with matrix components of the sample. For instance, it has been

reported that endotoxin can interact with blood components[50], proteins[47] or amphiphilic

molecules[51], [52], resulting in a significant change of endotoxin activity. Notably, approaches

which eliminate test interference problems are not effective in overcoming such effects[47]. In

the 1990´s Greaves and co-workers already differentiated between dilution-dependent and

dilution-independent interference in environmental samples[53].

In the recent past, inadequate endotoxin detection has been observed in biopharmaceutical drug

products[54]. In such cases, the APIs are mainly proteins[55], which are capable of intrinsic

binding to endotoxin as previously described by Anspach and co-workers[47]. The inadequate

detection of endotoxin might be explained by protein-endotoxin interactions, but furthermore,

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therapeutic proteins are usually stabilized by excipients, like nonionic surfactants and certain

buffer components[56]. Surprisingly, endotoxin spiking experiments in formulations that lack the

API resulted in LER. Such observations of disturbed endotoxin determinations in

biopharmaceutical products occurred over time and the related risk of undiscovered endotoxin

contamination events compelled us to study the impact of common formulation components on

the detectability in Limulus-based detection systems.

Therefore, crucial formulation components of common biopharmaceuticals are extracted from

popular biopharmaceutical drug products (table 1) and endotoxin recovery out of such buffer

systems containing single and multiple components is investigated. Due to the expected time-

dependency of LER, the end-point of the reaction is determined by using different sample

incubation temperatures. While multi-parameter interactions between surfactants, complex

forming agents and endotoxin are assumed, the particular influence of the buffer components on

the detectability of endotoxin is focused. Hence, the impact of pH in a sample, different buffer

systems and the effects of different nonionic surfactants are studied. Finally, various endotoxin

concentrations are added to a LER causing formulation to evaluate the masking capacity of such

a sample.

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3.1.2 Results

For analysis of LER, undiluted samples were spiked with defined amounts of endotoxin and

incubated over time. With regard to biopharmaceutical drug products, single and mixtures of

common formulation components were examined to identify critical components or

combinations affecting endotoxin detection. Endotoxin recovery in the presence of different

formulation components is shown in table 2.

Table 2 Endotoxin recovery out of single and multiple component samples

Endotoxin recovery over time in presence of single and multiple formulation components is shown. Samples were spiked with an endotoxin amount of 10000 EU/mL. Endotoxin was detected after preparation (approx. 45 min., T0)) and after sample incubation of seven days (T7) at room temperature. Prior to the measurement samples were diluted up to 1:10000.

Sample: Formulation components: T0 Recovery [%] T7 Recovery [%]

1 H2O 100 94

2 Sodium citrate 125 94

3 Sodium phosphate 95 69

4 Polysorbate 20 91 79

5 Sodium citrate + polysorbate 20 1 0

6 Sodium phosphate + polysorbate 20 52 0

The recovery was determined after endotoxin spiking of the samples without incubation (T0) and

after sample incubation for seven days (T7) at room temperature (RT). Samples 2, 3 and 4,

containing only single component additions showed no significant loss of activity over time,

according to a validity criteria of 50 to 200% of endotoxin recovery. In contrast, endotoxin could

not be detected in samples containing both buffer and surfactant (samples 5 and 6) after an

incubation period of seven days. This result shows that endotoxin recovery is substantially

affected by the sample incubation period and mixture of formulation components.

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Figure 7 Endotoxin recovery kinetics in citrate-polysorbate formulations

The endotoxin recovery is plotted as a function of the incubation time. The different curves indicate

incubation temperatures at 35-40°C ( ● ), 20-25°C ( ) and 2-8°C ( ). 100 EU/mL endotoxin were added to samples containing 10 mM sodium citrate and 0.05 % polysorbate 20 and incubated for different time periods (reverse mode, For detection (A) kinetic chromogenic LAL tests and (B) recombinant Factor C tests were used. The error bars reflect the standard deviation of three independent replicates (n=3) of the sample. The replicates were measured on the same microtiter plate.







0 1 10 100



ry [







0 1 10 100



ry [


Time [hours]


Page 33: Low Endotoxin Recovery - Detection of Endotoxins in Common ...€¦ · inconsistencies during testing of biopharmaceutical drug products have been observed. In certain drug products,


To examine the time-dependency of LER more in detail, kinetics of endotoxin recovery in samples

containing polysorbate 20 and sodium citrate was analyzed. Figure 7 shows the endotoxin

recovery of three identical samples as a function of time at different incubation temperatures

(4°C, RT and 37 °C) using a Limulus amebocyte lysate (LAL) test (A) and a recombinant Factor C

test (B) for detection. After approximately 24 hours of incubation, all samples showed low

endotoxin recovery in both detection systems. This result clearly indicates that this phenomenon

is independent of the test system. Furthermore, the loss of activity was significantly accelerated

with increasing incubation temperature.

Together, these experiments show that the combination of a buffer system and a surfactant

results in LER over time. Thus, the impact of different buffer systems was studied (Figure 8). In

order to investigate pH dependency of endotoxin recovery after sample incubation, defined

compositions under different pH conditions were studied (figure 8A). In the absence of

surfactants, the variation of pH had no impact on endotoxin detection. This confirmed again the

previous results (table 2). However, in the presence of polysorbate the recovery significantly

decreased at pH values higher than pH 2 (citrate system) and pH 5 (phosphate system),

respectively. The transition to higher pH values hampered endotoxin recovery. In addition, the

diverging curve progressions (Figure 8A) indicate an intrinsic effect of each particular buffer

system. Hence, endotoxin recovery kinetics using different buffer systems such as

ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA), citrate and phosphate were studied (Figure 8B).





1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9



ry [




Page 34: Low Endotoxin Recovery - Detection of Endotoxins in Common ...€¦ · inconsistencies during testing of biopharmaceutical drug products have been observed. In certain drug products,


Figure 8 Impact of buffer system on endotoxin recovery

(A) Endotoxin recovery is shown as a function of the pH. The pH varied in a range from 1 to 9 and incubation was at RT for seven days. 100 EU/mL of endotoxin were added to solutions containing 0.05

wt % polysorbate 20 plus 10 mM citrate ( ), 0.05 wt % polysorbate 20 plus 10 mM phosphate ( ),

citrate only ( ) and phosphate only ( ). The error bars reflect the standard deviation of three independent replicates (n=3) of the sample. The replicates were measured on the same microtiter plate. …………………………………………………… (B): Endotoxin recovery is plotted as function of incubation time using different buffer systems. Sample incubation was at RT. 100 EU/mL of endotoxin were added to solutions containing a buffer (5 mM EDTA

( ), 10 mM sodium citrate ( ) or 10 mM sodium phosphate ( )) and 0.05 wt % polysorbate 20 (reverse mode, The error bars reflect the standard deviation of three independent replicates (n=3) of the sample. The replicates were measured on the same microtiter plate.

The endotoxin recovery in the described buffer systems is plotted as a function of time. The

system containing EDTA showed a rapid loss of activity. The loss of activity was slower under citric

conditions and slowest under phosphoric conditions. After six hours, recovery was below 30%

under each condition. As confirmed before, surfactants are significantly involved in reducing the

activity of endotoxin in common detection systems. Therefore, the effects of different surfactants

at constant buffer and endotoxin conditions were examined. In figure 9, the endotoxin recovery

out of surfactant solutions (polysorbate 20, polysorbate 80 and octoxynol 9) in the presence and

absence of citrate are plotted as a function of surfactant concentration. In general, all used

surfactants substantially reduced endotoxin detectability in the presence of citrate after seven

days of incubation. In absence of citrate, only octoxynol 9 showed low recovery at relatively high

concentrations after the incubation period. Without incubation, endotoxins were detectable in

all cases (> 50%), except using highest octoxynol 9 concentration including citrate.





0 1 2 3 4 5 6



ry [


Time [hours]


Page 35: Low Endotoxin Recovery - Detection of Endotoxins in Common ...€¦ · inconsistencies during testing of biopharmaceutical drug products have been observed. In certain drug products,


Figure 9 Surfactant dependent endotoxin recovery

Endotoxin recovery is shown as a function of the particular surfactant concentration. 100 EU/mL of endotoxin were added to solutions containing various amounts of (A) polysorbate 20, (B) polysorbate 80 or (C) octoxynol 9. Endotoxin recoveries were determined in the presence of 10 mM sodium citrate

immediately after preparation ( ) and after incubation for seven days at RT ( ). In parallel endotoxin

activities were determined in the absence of citrate, without incubation ( ) and after incubation

( ).






0,00001 0,00010 0,00100 0,01000





Polysorbate 20 (%(w/v))







0,000001 0,000010 0,000100 0,001000





Polysorbate 80 (%(w/v))







0,00001 0,00010 0,00100 0,01000 0,10000





Octoxinol 9 (%(w/v))


Page 36: Low Endotoxin Recovery - Detection of Endotoxins in Common ...€¦ · inconsistencies during testing of biopharmaceutical drug products have been observed. In certain drug products,


Summarizing the results above, nonionic surfactants and complex forming buffer components in

combination cause a significant perturbation of endotoxin detection in Limulus-based detection

systems. The resulting LER is time-dependent and may solely occur after a certain period of time.

For a final evaluation, the masking capacity was examined. Endotoxin was titrated into samples

containing a citrate buffer system and polysorbate.

Figure 10 Endotoxin masking capacity of citrate-polysorbate 20 formulation

Detectable endotoxin concentration is shown in relation to the spiked endotoxin concentration. Defined amounts of endotoxin were added to solutions containing 0.05 wt % polysorbate 20 and 10 mM sodium citrate and incubated for seven days at 4 °C. Endotoxin spikes were prepared out of a LPS stock solution containing 10-6 EU/mL.

Figure 10 shows the endotoxin masking capacity of such a particular matrix. Spiked endotoxin

contents of up to 250 EU/mL resulted in no endotoxin recovery after seven days of incubation.

Medium and high-level spikes resulted in very low (<1%) and low endotoxin (< 5%) recovery. This

result illustrates a high masking capacity of common formulation matrices and suggests the need

for vigilance in BET under such conditions.




< 0,2 < 0,2 < 0,2









250000 25000 2500 250 25 2,5






y [E



Endotoxin spike [EU/mL]

Page 37: Low Endotoxin Recovery - Detection of Endotoxins in Common ...€¦ · inconsistencies during testing of biopharmaceutical drug products have been observed. In certain drug products,


3.1.3 Discussion

BET is a standardized control instrument in pharmaceutical microbiology. To check the absence

of test interference and validity of a measurement, PPCs are regularly used according to

pharmacopoeial requirements. However, since the observation of inconsistencies during BET,

although valid PPC are given, users are partly asked by regulators to establish additional test

procedures for storing samples and demonstrating the stability of assayable endotoxin

contents[57]. Consequently, there are two different control procedures in BET. The first are PPCs,

which are used to identify test interference. Thereby, defined contents of endotoxin are spiked

into diluted samples immediately before the measurement is started. The measurement is

considered valid, when 50 to 200% of this spike is recovered. The second procedure to investigate

LER is the application of “hold time” or “endotoxin recovery” studies. In this case, defined

contents of endotoxin are spiked into undiluted samples and the spike is incubated for a certain

period of time in the sample before the actual endotoxin measurement. A sample is popularly

classified as LER, when less than 50% of the spike is recovered over time.

Basically, test interference directly affects the detection system, but can be overcome by dilution.

In the case of LER, sample dilutions up to a factor of 10,000 could not overcome inadequate

recovery (Table 2), demonstrating that LER is dilution independent and therefore not caused by

test interference. Furthermore, after short incubation periods of endotoxin in the sample, the full

endotoxin content could be recovered, showing the functionality of the detection system (Figure

7). These findings confirm a previous observation, namely that under certain conditions the

interference in Limulus-based detection methods is dilution independent. In this case, it is

assumed that the aggregate conformation of LPS is affected and not the detection system

itself[53]. Hence, the results above indicate that the phenomenon of LER is also caused by

alterations in the aggregate conformation of the endotoxin, meaning the endotoxin is masked.

This is also supported by the time-dependent appearance of LER, while test interference appears

immediately and is therefore time-independent. This time-dependent behavior of LER can be

illustrated by an alteration of the supramolecular structure of the amphiphilic LPS. In general, the

process of aggregation of amphiphilic molecules can be very variable with respect to time-scales

for structural changes, which range from sub-microseconds to several days, weeks and even

month[58]. This time-dependent occurrence of LER might also explain confounding experimental

results in pharmaceutical industries (results not published), in which the LER phenomenon was

not observed, although masking conditions were present. Effects of complex forming agents

The results demonstrate that endotoxin recovery is affected by the formulation components

themselves, even if the active pharmaceutical substance, such as a protein, is absent. The

Page 38: Low Endotoxin Recovery - Detection of Endotoxins in Common ...€¦ · inconsistencies during testing of biopharmaceutical drug products have been observed. In certain drug products,


simultaneous presence of a nonionic surfactants and complex forming components (chelator)

suffices to decrease the detectability of endotoxin. The presence of only one of the formulation

components does not effectively disturb endotoxin recovery. These findings confirm former

assumptions of endotoxin disaggregation [59], [60] and explain the interdependent interaction of

surfactant and chelator on endotoxin. Due to the amphoteric and amphiphilic nature of LPS

(Figure 3), complex forming agents disturb the electrostatic interactions and surfactants

potentially disturb the hydrophobic interactions in endotoxin aggregates. Certainly, to disturb the

supramolecular structure of endotoxin a reduced rigidity is beneficial. The rigidity is controlled by

the salt form of LPS, which again involves the presence of multivalent cations like Ca2+.[61], [62]

Consequently, it can be assumed that complex forming agents are in competition with negatively

charged patches of the endotoxin. Therefore, the salt bridges between LPS molecules are

disturbed, which should result in a reduced rigidity of endotoxin aggregates, which in turn

facilitates changes in the supramolecular structure. In the presence of EDTA the recovery drops

faster than in the presence of citrate or phosphate based buffer systems (Figure 8B). Using buffer

components with higher metal complex forming capabilities accelerate masking kinetics. Thus,

the chelating capability of the buffer component is crucial. The related metal complex formation

constants are directly proportional to the denticity of the ligand (rule of thumb[63]). A

hexadentate ligand like EDTA forms more stable metal complexes than a tridentate ligand like

citrate. Furthermore, the equilibrium complex formation ability and the complex stability of a

chelator are pH dependent. At low pH values, protons are in competition with cations, which

hamper formation of metal complexes[64]. Consequently, LER is affected by the free

concentration of protons reflected by pH, which is controlled by the buffer system and its

particular acid dissociation constant. This explains the pH dependent endotoxin recovery in

different buffer systems (Figure 8A). Effects of surfactants on LER

As shown above, complex forming components alone do not result in inadequate endotoxin

detection, additional amphiphilic components like surfactants are necessary. Due to the fact that

LPS itself are amphiphilic, these tend to aggregate, driven by the low solubility of hydrophobic

fatty acids of lipid A in an aqueous solution[65]. Thus, LPS exhibit certain supramolecular

structures, which influence detectability in Limulus-based detection systems[66]. Structural

transitions of amphiphilic systems are affected by a large variety of physical and chemical

parameters. One major principle to control these structures is the head group repulsions of self-

assembling molecules. They can be affected by co-surfactants, electrolytes, and amphiphilic

counter ions[67]. If the masking surfactant (e.g. polysorbate) intercalates between LPS molecules

resulting in reduction of head group repulsions, the establishment of a new equilibrium is favored

Page 39: Low Endotoxin Recovery - Detection of Endotoxins in Common ...€¦ · inconsistencies during testing of biopharmaceutical drug products have been observed. In certain drug products,


and the supramolecular structure of LPS is altered. The interaction of nonionic surfactants with

LPS aggregates is favored if the LPS aggregates possess a certain degree of rigidity. The latter is

controlled, to some extent, by ionic interactions as described above. To this end, after the

addition of surfactants and chelators to LPS solutions, the supramolecular structure of LPS is

changed into a structure with a lower affinity to the endotoxin sensitive Factor C of the Limulus-

based detection system resulting in the measurement of a lower activity. Such a structure could

be disaggregated LPS due to a molecular excess of surfactants. This hypothesis fits well to the

observation of Mueller et al., who have shown that disaggregated LPS molecules (“monomers”)

are substantially less active than aggregated LPS in the detection system used[66]. Additionally,

Tan et al. proposed a cooperative binding mechanism of LPS to Factor C, which consequently

requires more than one LPS molecule in close spatial arrangements[68]. On the other hand, it

has been shown that monomeric LPS show a higher potency in activating LAL assays than

aggregated LPS[27]. Under these circumstances, the inadequate detectability might has steric

reasons, in which the activating spots of the LPS (lipid A) are hidden by surfactant molecules and

are not accessible for Factor C. Potential two-step reaction mechanism of LER

In summary, we propose a two-step mechanism of endotoxin masking. Figure 11 illustrates the

effects of chelating buffer components and nonionic surfactants on endotoxin. In this mechanism

the equilibrium LPS structure is shifted to an altered supramolecular structure.

Figure 11 Two-step mechanism of endotoxin masking

Potential reaction mechanism of endotoxin masking, caused by complex forming agents and surfactants is schematically illustrated. In a first step, pure endotoxin aggregates are disturbed by chelators reducing the rigidity of the aggregate. Then, surfactants interact with endotoxin by forming mixed aggregates.

In its natural state, LPS monomers tend to aggregate due to the hydrophobic interactions

between the lipid A molecules. Additional ionic interactions formed by divalent cations and

Page 40: Low Endotoxin Recovery - Detection of Endotoxins in Common ...€¦ · inconsistencies during testing of biopharmaceutical drug products have been observed. In certain drug products,


negatively charged substitutes (e.g. phosphates) of the LPS increase the rigidity of aggregates. By

adding a complex forming agent (I), the salt bridges formed by divalent cations (e.g. Mg2+) and

LPS are destabilized, leading to a reduced rigidity of the aggregate. The additional presence of a

surfactant (II) can then change the initial supramolecular structure by formation of mixed

aggregates. This structural change leads inevitably to a certain change in detectable activity, as

endotoxin activity is dependent on its supramolecular structure. Due to the common molar excess

of complex forming agent and surfactant (micromolar range) compared to endotoxin content

(nanomolar range), mixed surfactant micelles containing monomerized LPS are the most probable

resulting supramolecular structure.

Together, this study confirmed the phenomenon of LER in Limulus-based detection systems and

exemplifies a potential mechanism of endotoxin masking. Due to the time-dependency of

masking, the unknown period of endotoxin presence during a potential event of endotoxin

contamination in a sample defines the chance of endotoxin recovery. Hence, LER is under control

of kinetics that governs the formation of mixed endotoxin-surfactant aggregates, which make

them less prone to activate the enzymatic reaction of Limulus-based detection systems. Capacity

experiments have shown that commonly used excipients are capable of masking hazardous

amounts of endotoxin. Consequently, the phenomenon of LER has to be especially considered

during quality control of drug products including surfactant and complex forming agents. In order

to further investigate the time-dependent masking behavior of endotoxin, detailed reaction

kinetics is studied in the next chapter (3.2).

Page 41: Low Endotoxin Recovery - Detection of Endotoxins in Common ...€¦ · inconsistencies during testing of biopharmaceutical drug products have been observed. In certain drug products,


3.2 Endotoxin Masking: A kinetically controlled reaction mechanism

3.2.1 Introduction

In the previous chapter (3.1), the phenomenon of LER was studied in common biopharmaceutical

product matrices and it is supposed that LER is caused by the interaction of sample matrix and

endotoxin, resulting in masking of endotoxin. Basically, LPS aggregate due to their amphiphilic

nature and in turn form certain supramolecular structures[70]. Yet, during the transition from

detectable to undetectable (masked) endotoxin a change in its supramolecular structure is

probable. Moreover, a disaggregation of LPS may occur during masking. With regard to parenteral

drug products, regulators consider this phenomenon as a potential safety issue due to the

possible underestimation of critical endotoxin levels in a sample[54]. To investigate if a product

is affected by LER, an industrial guideline for BET suggests hold time studies[57], which intend to

incubate known amounts of endotoxin over time in undiluted products prior to the actual test


The aim of such hold time studies is to prove assayability of endotoxin in a particular sample over

time. In order to provide a better understanding of the LER mechanism and in turn to improve

efficiency in planning of such hold time studies the time-dependent appearance of LER is analyzed

in detail. Therefore, a common formulation matrix containing sodium citrate and polysorbate 20

is used in the present study. This matrix was chosen, because it is a common formulation

composition for biopharmaceutical drugs products[56]. Furthermore, such a composition reflects

the minimum factors responsible for endotoxin masking and should therefore help to elucidate

the driving forces of endotoxin masking. Apart from the temperature dependency of a reaction,

the change in concentrations during chemical reactions is often directly proportional to the rate

of a reaction[71]. Derivation of a rate law according to the underlying masking reaction enables

prediction of the reaction rate depending on a given product formulation and help to plan sample

hold time periods for identification of LER. In order to determine a rate law of the reaction,

endotoxin recovery kinetics is recorded using different concentrations of citrate, polysorbate and

endotoxin. The variation of concentrations is used to identify whether there are certain reactants

controlling the reaction rate. Furthermore, the rate determining step in the proposed two-step

reaction mechanism ( is specified and the derived reaction law is and used for the

simulation of endotoxin masking kinetics.

Page 42: Low Endotoxin Recovery - Detection of Endotoxins in Common ...€¦ · inconsistencies during testing of biopharmaceutical drug products have been observed. In certain drug products,


3.2.2 Results

Endotoxin masking, caused by the simultaneous presence of surfactants and complex forming

agents, has been shown in the previous chapter (3.1). In these studies, mixtures of formulation

components influenced the occurrence of masking. To analyze whether the preparation of the

samples affects endotoxin masking, kinetics with different order of sample preparations was

investigated. Two of the three components (polysorbate, sodium citrate and endotoxin) were

pre-incubated overnight and masking kinetics was started by addition of the third component

(Figure 12). As expected, all preparations were affected by LER, but diverging kinetics are

observed. Endotoxin pre-incubated with sodium citrate shows the fastest masking kinetics and

pre-incubation of polysorbate with sodium citrate shows the slowest kinetics. Endotoxin pre-

incubated with polysorbate shows likewise slow kinetics. Based on the accelerated reaction

kinetics by pre-incubation of endotoxin with sodium citrate, the interaction between endotoxin

and sodium citrate appears to be the time limiting reaction step. The large error bars reflect test

variables of Limulus-based assays, but also the experimental setup. Depending on exact ambient

temperatures and hands on time for sample preparation including spiking, mixing as well as

vortexing may influence reaction kinetics.

Figure 12 Endotoxin recovery depending on order of matrix component and LPS addition

Endotoxin recovery is plotted as a function of incubation time. 100 EU/mL endotoxin were spiked to solutions containing 0.05 wt % polysorbate 20 and 10 mM sodium citrate. The particular kinetics was generated by different sequential arrangements during sample preparation at RT. In the first kinetics

(dark grey triangles ( )) LPS and sodium citrate were pre-incubated (overnight) and polysorbate was added at time zero (0 min) to start the reaction. In the second kinetics (light grey squares ( )) LPS and polysorbate were pre-incubated (overnight) and sodium citrate was added at time zero (0 min). In the

third kinetics (black diamonds ( )) sodium citrate and polysorbate were pre-incubated (overnight) and LPS was added at time zero (0 min). For calculation of the data points the mean values of two (LPS/sodium citrate and LPS/polysorbate pre-incubation) and three (polysorbate/sodium citrate pre-incubation) individually performed repetitions of the kinetics were used and the error bars reflect the corresponding standard deviations. For a better comparison of independent measurements, the data was normalized and the starting points were set to 100 %.








0 10 20 30 40 50 60





time [min]

Page 43: Low Endotoxin Recovery - Detection of Endotoxins in Common ...€¦ · inconsistencies during testing of biopharmaceutical drug products have been observed. In certain drug products,


In order to further analyze the driving forces of this endotoxin masking effect, recovery kinetics

using different concentrations of the reactants were analyzed. First of all, recovery of different

endotoxin concentrations (50, 500 and 5000 EU/mL) were studied under constant

polysorbate/citrate conditions (Figure 13). The recovery over time showed no significant

difference using different endotoxin concentrations, indicating that masking is independent of

the initial endotoxin concentration. After 10 minutes of incubation, all recoveries are above 50%

and after 45 minutes all recoveries are below 7%.

Figure 13 Endotoxin recovery kinetics depending on LPS concentration

Endotoxin recovery is plotted as a function of incubation time. Varying contents of endotoxin were added to samples containing 0.05 wt % polysorbate and 10 mM sodium citrate at RT. The black columns reflect 5000 EU/mL, grey columns 500 EU/ml and white columns 50 EU/mL. For calculation of the data points the mean values of two individual prepared kinetics were used and the error bars reflects the corresponding standard deviations. For a better comparison of independent measurements, the data was normalized and the starting points were set to 100 %.

Thereafter, masking of endotoxin was analyzed using reduced concentrations of polysorbate and

sodium citrate (Figure 14A). The recovery of endotoxin in a sample containing 0.05 wt %

polysorbate and 10 mM sodium citrate was below 1 % after one hour of incubation. Using a

sample matrix of 0.0125 wt % polysorbate and 2.50 mM sodium citrate the endotoxin recovery

was not reduced after one hour of incubation, but after incubation of 20 hours, the endotoxin

recovery was very low, too. Using a sample matrix containing 0.0008 wt % polysorbate and 0.16

mM sodium citrate, no significant decrease in recovery of endotoxin is observed over the analyze

period of time (20 hours). Thus, masking can be delayed or even avoided, when the entire sample

matrix is diluted before spiking the endotoxin. Furthermore, endotoxin recovery was determined

in samples, in which only the polysorbate concentration (0.0500, 0.0125 and 0.0008 wt %) was

reduced (Figure 14B).












0 5 10 20 30 45 60 120 180



ry [


Time [min]

Page 44: Low Endotoxin Recovery - Detection of Endotoxins in Common ...€¦ · inconsistencies during testing of biopharmaceutical drug products have been observed. In certain drug products,


Figure 14 Endotoxin recovery kinetics depending on concentration of matrix components

A) Endotoxin recovery is plotted as a function of incubation time. 100 EU/mL of endotoxin were spiked to samples containing polysorbate 20 and sodium citrate at RT. The three different colored columns reflect different polysorbate and sodium citrate concentrations. The set of black columns correspond to 0.0500 wt % polysorbate and 10.00 mM sodium citrate, the set of grey columns correspond to 0.0125 wt % polysorbate and 2.50 mM sodium citrate and the set of white columns correspond to 0.0008 wt % polysorbate and 0.16 mM sodium citrate. …………………………………………… B) Endotoxin recovery over time in samples containing polysorbate, sodium citrate and LPS is shown. The different colored columns reflect different polysorbate concentrations. The set of black columns correspond to 0.0500 wt % polysorbate, the set of dark grey columns correspond to 0.0125 wt % polysorbate and the set of light grey columns correspond to 0.0008 wt % polysorbate. The concentrations of endotoxin (100 EU/mL) and sodium citrate (10 mM) as well as temperature (RT) were kept constant.

Concentrations of the other components (endotoxin and citrate) were kept constant. In this case,

the recovery kinetics is similar within a given measurement uncertainty. The endotoxin recovery

is below 2 % independent of the polysorbate concentration after one hour of incubation. This

result differs from the previous result, in which the endotoxin was recovered after one hour of

incubation (> 100%) at reduced polysorbate and citrate concentrations (Figure 14A). Although the

polysorbate concentration was comparably titrated in both cases, the sodium citrate

concentrations were different among the two experiments (Figure 14: A vs. B). This again

indicates that the role of sodium citrate is crucial within the given experimental conditions. Due

to the fact that sodium citrate is capable of forming metal complexes with divalent cations,

endotoxin recovery kinetics was examined in the presence of divalent cations (Figure 15A). Here,

masking kinetics is delayed in the presence of 1 mM magnesium dichloride compared to the

samples without magnesium dichloride. In the presence of 5 mM magnesium dichloride, no










0,0 0,1 0,2 0,3 0,5 1,0 1,5 2,0 3,0 20,0





time [h]











0 10 20 30 45 60





time [min]


Page 45: Low Endotoxin Recovery - Detection of Endotoxins in Common ...€¦ · inconsistencies during testing of biopharmaceutical drug products have been observed. In certain drug products,


reduced endotoxin recovery is observed within the analyzed time scale. Importantly, the

magnesium dichloride was added to the samples prior to endotoxin. In a further experiment,

magnesium dichloride was added to the polysorbate/sodium citrate matrix 20 minutes after start

of the reaction (figure 15B). Although the recovery of endotoxin was already reduced at this point

of time, no further decrease of endotoxin recovery was observed after addition of magnesium

dichloride. In comparison, the sample without supplementary addition of divalent cations was

masked as expected. Hence, the addition of magnesium dichloride can stop endotoxin masking

and keep the recovery constant at the actual level. Notably, the original endotoxin activity could

not be retrieved after the addition of magnesium dichloride.

Figure 15 Endotoxin recovery depends on the presence of divalent cations

A) Endotoxin recovery is plotted as a function of time in samples containing polysorbate 20, sodium citrate, endotoxin and magnesium dichloride. The different colored columns reflect different contents of magnesium dichloride (0 mM (white columns), 1 mM (grey columns), 5 mM (black columns)). Concentrations of polysorbate (0.05 wt %), sodium citrate (10 mM) and endotoxin (100 EU/mL) as well as temperature (RT) were kept constant. ……………………… B) Endotoxin recovery is plotted as a function of time in a sample containing 0.05 wt % polysorbate, 10 mM sodium citrate and 100 EU/mL endotoxin (white columns). After 20 minutes, the sample was divided into two equivalent aliquots (1 mL each), whereof one aliquot was treated once by the addition of 20 mM (20µL of 1 M) magnesium dichloride and the other fraction were continued without treatment. Endotoxin recovery of the treated fraction is expressed by the black columns.










0 30 60 120





time [min]











0 5 10 15 20 30 45 50 60 80 90 110 120





time [min]


Page 46: Low Endotoxin Recovery - Detection of Endotoxins in Common ...€¦ · inconsistencies during testing of biopharmaceutical drug products have been observed. In certain drug products,


Obviously, there is a relation between masking kinetics and complex formation. For deeper

analysis of this effect, masking kinetics using three different citrate concentrations (5, 20, and 80

mM) were recorded (Figure 16). A distinct acceleration of masking by increasing the citrate

concentration in the sample from 5 mM to 80 mM is observed. Furthermore, the experimental

data points are compared to a model curve using an exponential decay function, in which the

endotoxin recovery [LPSd] is calculated as a function of time t:

[LPSd]=[LPSd]0*exp(-[Ci]kt) (1)

The parameters of this function were set in analogy to the experimental conditions. Endotoxin

recovery at time 0 [LPSd]0 was set to 100%, time t was given in minutes and k was chosen by

chance and set to 7. The sodium citrate concentrations [Ci] were set to 0.005, 0.020 and 0.160

mol/L in the particular curves. The simulated curves are in good agreement with the experimental

data, illustrating that the endotoxin masking kinetics is depending on the sodium citrate

concentration. Derivation of this model function is discussed in chapter Simulation of LER


Figure 16 Sodium citrate concentration determines endotoxin recovery

Endotoxin recovery is plotted as a function of incubation time. 100 EU/mL of endotoxin were added to samples containing varied sodium citrate concentrations (5 mM ( ), 20 mM ( ), 80 mM ( ). Concentration of polysorbate 20 (0.05 wt %) and temperature (RT) were kept constant. For the corresponding simulation ( ), an exponential decay function was used (Equation 1). For a better comparison of independent measurements, the experimental data was normalized and the starting points were set to 100 %.








0 20 40 60 80 100



ry [


time [min]

Page 47: Low Endotoxin Recovery - Detection of Endotoxins in Common ...€¦ · inconsistencies during testing of biopharmaceutical drug products have been observed. In certain drug products,


Summarizing the kinetics above, 100 EU/mL endotoxin will be substantially masked within 90

minutes of sample incubation in the presence of at least 5 mM sodium citrate and 0.05 wt %

polysorbate 20. Variation of the polysorbate concentration (Figure 14B) showed no significant

acceleration or deceleration of the masking kinetics. In contrast, the increase of sodium citrate

concentration (Figure 16) resulted in considerably accelerated endotoxin masking kinetics. To

determine, whether there is a minimum citrate concentration for endotoxin masking, sodium

citrate was titrated under constant polysorbate and endotoxin concentrations and the samples

were incubated for seven days prior to endotoxin measurement (Figure 17). According to the

previous kinetics, it was assumed that equilibrium of the masking reaction will be established

after seven days. Plotting endotoxin recovery as a function of citrate concentration results in a S-

shaped data point’s progression, from full recovery at a constant level to no recovery of endotoxin

depending on the citrate concentration. This behavior indicates that there is a limiting

concentration of citrate to facilitate endotoxin masking which can be deduced from the transition

point. In order to determine this citrate concentration, the experimental data set was fitted using

the following nonlinear fit function:

y(x)=a/(1+(x/x0)b) (2)

Figure 17 Endotoxin recovery depends on sodium citrate concentration under equilibrium conditions

Endotoxin recovery is plotted as a function of sodium citrate concentration. 50 EU/mL endotoxin and 0.05 wt % polysorbate were incubated with varying sodium citrate concentrations for seven days at RT prior to the measurement. For calculation of the data points the mean values of two individual performed repetitions were used. Error bars reflect standard deviations. For the corresponding fit a logistic function with three parameters is used (Equation 2).

2D Graph 7

Sodium Citrate [mM]

0,001 0,01 0,1 1 10








ry [


Page 48: Low Endotoxin Recovery - Detection of Endotoxins in Common ...€¦ · inconsistencies during testing of biopharmaceutical drug products have been observed. In certain drug products,


A three parameter logistic function (Equation 2) was chosen, because it reflects a sigmoid curve

progression and the transition point can be determined easily. The resulting sigmoid curve fit

shows endotoxin recovery as a function of sodium citrate concentration. The calculated

coefficients “a” equates 125.66, “b” equates 1.50 and “x0“ equates 0.06. The transition point (x0)

of the curve can be assumed as the limiting citrate concentration and corresponds to a citrate

concentration of 0.06 mM under given conditions (Figure 17). In consequence, masking of

endotoxin does not occur in solutions containing polysorbates and less than 0.06 mM sodium


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3.2.3 Discussion

Endotoxin masking (LER) has been identified as a time-dependent phenomenon and in contrast,

test interference occurs instantly[72], [73]. The latter can be therefore clearly distinguished from

masking. The results presented here show that endotoxin masking in a sample may not be

discovered when the spike is added to the diluted sample, because the original ability of the

sample matrix for masking may be weakened or even avoided, when the concentration of a matrix

component is reduced. For example, Figure 14A shows a significant delay in time until LER is

recognized when endotoxin is spiked in a diluted sample. Due to the fact that test interference is

considered since decades, common and compendial BET procedures are trimmed to identify and

overcome test interference, but these procedures are not prone to discover and overcome time

dependent masking effects. Therefore, it is important to universally include endotoxin spikes into

undiluted samples to actual test procedures as well as careful consideration of suitable incubation

conditions. In 2012, US FDA has already updated their guidelines for BET[57] and European

Pharmacopoeia includes hold time experiments in the coming 9th edition (2017). To this end, it is

necessary to generally extend and harmonize worldwide compendial test procedures to

thoroughly identify the endotoxin masking capability of a sample.

However, to control the phenomenon of LER, understanding of the masking mechanism is a key

factor. There are several examples showing that endotoxins interact with a variety of

components, including proteins[47], surfactants[51] or nano particles[74], but the reaction

mechanism remains to be elucidated. Most likely, due to the amphiphilic and amphoteric

character of LPS[9], hydrophobic and electrostatic interactions are involved. According to

previous assumptions the two-step masking mechanism ( may formally be described as


[M-LPS]+[Ci] [LPS]+[M-Ci] (3)

Chelating buffer components (Ci) destabilize salt bridges formed between divalent cations (M)

(e.g. magnesium) and negatively charged substitutes (e.g. phosphates) of LPS (LPS) (Equation 3).

[LPS] +[P] [P-LPS] (4)

Subsequently, non-ionic surfactants (P) (e. g. polysorbate) can interact with LPS and result in an

altered supramolecular structure of LPS (P-LPS) (Equation 4), leading to a change in detectable

activity. For a deeper understanding of this mechanism, identification of the time depending

reaction step is necessary. To this end, the kinetics of endotoxin masking was studied in the

presence of citrate and polysorbate. Interestingly, pre-incubation of LPS with citrate and the

subsequent addition of polysorbate resulted in very fast masking kinetics. However, pre-

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incubation of LPS with polysorbate, and subsequent addition of citrate resulted in somewhat

slower kinetics (Figure 12). Furthermore, masking kinetics with increased citrate concentrations

and constant polysorbate concentrations (Figure 16) show accelerated reaction rates. In turn, a

variation of polysorbate concentration under otherwise identical conditions had no significant

impact on the reaction rate (Figure 14B). As a consequence, the first step of the reaction

mechanism (Equation 3) seems to control the reaction rate and depends on the citrate

concentration. Simulation of LER kinetics

To establish a simplified model describing the reaction rate, only the first step of the reaction

(Equation 3) will be considered. The second step of the reaction (Equation 4) can be neglected,

because this step is fast and does not limit the reaction rate within the given conditions. Basically,

the reaction rate [R] is given by the change of detectable endotoxin [LPS d] as a function of time t

and can be expressed as follows:

R = d[LPS d] /dt (5)

In addition, the results implicate that the reaction rate depends on the citrate concentration

(Figure 16). Generally, it is supposable that the reaction rate is also depending on the LPS

concentration, although the results indicate no concentration dependency of LPS (Figure 13).

Thus, the reaction rate R of endotoxin masking is described as depending on detectable LPS [LPS

d] and the citrate concentration [Ci] resulting in the following equation:

R = k[LPS]d[Ci] (6)

Equalizing equation (5) and (6) results in a differential function, which is the basis for a second

order reaction kinetics:

d[LPS d] /dt = k[LPS d] [Ci] (7)

After rearrangement and integration of equation (7), the rate equation of a second order reaction

is obtained, provided that the concentrations of LPS [LPS d] and citrate [Ci] are not equal[75]:

(1/([Ci]o−[LPSd]o)*(ln([Ci]/[Ci]o)/ ([LPSd]/[LPSd]o))=kt (8)

Yet, the change of detectable [LPSd] is based on the change of activity, which is usually given in

EU/mL, whereas citrate is given in mol/L. In order to convert EU/mL in mol/L it is assumed that 1

EU correlates approximately to 10-10 g (100 pico gram) LPS from E.coli[76], [77]. With a molar

mass of approximately 10000 g/mol for LPS, 100 EU/mL are equivalent approximately to 10-9

mol/L[78], [79]. As a consequence, 10-3 mol/L citrate is in a substantial molar excess compared to

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10-9 mol/L of LPS ([C]>>[LPS]). Theoretically, this would already lead to reaction kinetics of pseudo

first order, because the concentration of citrate will not change significantly during the reaction

and can therefore be neglected. However, our results (Figure 16) show that the actual citrate

concentration has indeed a significant effect on the reaction kinetics. Furthermore, the results

indicate that the kinetics seem to be independent of the LPS concentration, which is reasonable,

because citrate is in an excess of up to seven orders of magnitude [C]>>[LPS]. A change of the LPS

concentration, for example by a factor of 1000, will presumably not affect the kinetics, since

citrate would still be in excess. Keeping this in mind, the starting molar concentration of citrate

[Ci]o will only be marginally reduced by subtraction of the initial molar concentration of LPS [LPSd]o

and leading to the following approximation:

[Ci]o−[LPS]o = [C]o (9)

Concomitantly, the marginal consumption of [Ci] due to the low molar concentration of LPS is

also negligible and allows for the following assumption:

[Ci]/[Ci]o = 1 (10)

With respect to the equations (9) and (10) the equation (8) can be approximated and written as


(1/([Ci]o)*(ln(1/([LPSd]/[LPSd]o))=kt (11)

Finally, the equation can be rearranged to give the detectable concentration of LPS [LPSd] as

function of time, and depending on the citrate concentration:

[LPSd] = [LPSd]o*exp(-[Ci]kt) (12)

The simulation of masking kinetics with different citrate concentrations, using equation 12,

resulted in a good agreement with the experimental data (Figure 16). Consequently, this model

reflects very well the observed behavior of the reaction, in which the endotoxin recovery is

strongly dependent on the citrate concentration. However, specifications may change, if initial

concentrations of the components are substantially changed or if additional components (e.g.

salts and proteins) are included in the sample conditions. Minimum citrate concentration

Citrate has been identified to control the reaction kinetics of endotoxin masking. To get a deeper

understanding of the role of citrate, the minimal concentration of citrate required to initiate

masking at constant polysorbate concentrations was analyzed. The result shows that

approximately 0.06 mM of citrate is necessary for masking (Figure 17). This concentration is

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orders of magnitude higher than the molar concentration of LPS, assuming that there is no

reasonable reaction stoichiometry. Nevertheless, citrate might destabilize LPS aggregates by

considering the potential role of citrate during masking. For example, permeabilization (reduction

of rigidity) of LPS aggregates occurs when ionic interactions between LPS molecules are disturbed.

Primarily, magnesium as well as calcium cations (M2+) stabilize LPS-LPS interactions by the

formation of salt bridges[62], [80]–[82]. It has also been shown that complex forming agents can

permeabilize such structures [83], [84]. In the presence of citrate, complex formation between

divalent cations and chelator occurs. Thus, it is supposed that citrate competes for divalent

cations bridging LPS molecules resulting in a permeabilization of LPS aggregates, because of

complex formation[85]. Corresponding complex formation constants of magnesium or calcium

citrate are in the range around 0.05 mM[86]–[88]. This might explain the required molar excess

of citrate compared to LPS for masking, because at lower citrate concentration, the complex

formation of calcium or magnesium by citrate is not favored and in consequence the LPS-LPS salt

bridges are not destabilized, which prevents intercalation of surfactants and in turn masking of

endotoxin. The role of divalent cations

As described above, divalent ions play an important role in the stabilization of supramolecular

LPS structures. Aggregates of LPS possess a certain degree of rigidity, maintained by salt bridges

between LPS molecules, which in turn affect the susceptibility to masking. To this end, masking

rate can be inhibited by the supplementary addition of divalent magnesium ions. This explains

former observation showing that under certain circumstances, endotoxin activity in LAL can be

maintained through the suppression of aberrant aggregation of endotoxin by saline and

buffers[89]. It is most likely that the addition of divalent cations neutralizes the complex

formation capability of chelators and favors the stabilized LPS state, because the state of

equilibrium is changed, when the sample matrix is changed. Importantly, the retrospective

addition of divalent ions to samples in which the endotoxin is masked, enabled no recovery of

endotoxin, but the progress of masking can immediately be stopped (Figure 15B). Thus, the

effective addition of cations has to take place before endotoxin is already masked. These results

demonstrate that the destabilization of LPS (Equation 3) can be prevented by the addition of

divalent ions, but when LPS is already masked, the consecutive reaction step (Equation 4) is not

affected by supplementary addition of divalent ions. To achieve a reversal of endotoxin masking,

the merely addition of divalent ions is not sufficient. For such an approach, also surfactants have

to be neutralized or removed. This approach will be discussed in detail in chapter 3.4 demasking


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53 Control of reaction rate

In general, to start the reaction of endotoxin masking, a certain energy barrier has to be

overcome, which controls the reaction rate. Obviously, the reaction rate can be manipulated by

its energy input. For instance, the reaction kinetics can be accelerated chemically by e.g.

increasing chelator concentration (3.2) or physically by e.g. increasing incubation temperature of

a sample (3.1). Moreover, it is conceivable that the degree of the energy barrier depends on the

endotoxin itself. Endotoxin from different sources may have different molecular structures and

in turn different masking susceptibilities due to varying stabilization mechanisms of bacterias´

outer membrane. In consequence, endotoxins with different stabilizing mechanisms may have

different energy barriers and result in manipulated reaction kinetics. To this end, the

heterogeneity of endotoxins and their detectability in LER-affected samples is studied in the next

chapter (3.3).

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3.3 Heterogeneity of endotoxins and their detectability in common

biopharmaceutical formulations

3.3.1 Introduction

LPS play an important role in the pathogenesis and manifestation of Gram-negative infections

and in particular of septic shock. Due to the fact that the structures of LPS can vary significantly

in its O-antigen, core region and lipid A, not all endotoxins possess the same toxicity[17].

However, to control a potential contamination event in drug products by bacterial endotoxins,

the sensitive and specific detection of LPS is of great importance. BET has been proven to

effectively detect LPS. These tests are based on reactions between the lipid A of LPS and specific

enzymes derived from the clotting cascade in horseshoe crabs[33], [90]. For quantitative

detection of endotoxin, measures of the unknown samples are compared with standard curves.

Such standard curves are prepared by known and defined standard endotoxins. The primary

standard in BET is called Reference Standard Endotoxin (RSE), which is endotoxin from E.coli

O113:H10:K negative. The RSE is purified in several steps including hot phenol-extraction,

alcoholic precipitation, enzymatic digestion of nucleic acids and intense dialysis[91]. For a better

handling lactose and polyethylene glycol are added. This standard is worldwide accepted and sets

the baseline for secondary or tertiary standards. Due to the limited availability of the RSE, vendors

of BET systems distribute secondary standards called Control Standard Endotoxins (CSE), which

are calibrated against the RSE. The preparations of these secondary standards are inspired by

RSE, but the source can differ from E.coli O113 and exact production processes and formulations

are not published.

After public recognition of the LER phenomenon, many not publicly accessible endotoxin recovery

studies in biopharmaceutical drug products and their formulations were performed by endotoxin

test providers, contract labs and pharmaceutical companies. The masking effects have been

widely confirmed, especially if the tested drug products contain surfactants and chelators. Such

hold time experiments are usually performed using standardized endotoxins like CSE and RSE as

spike. However, since bacterial endotoxin tests are commercially used, the source and

preparations of appropriate standard endotoxins are debated[24]. Especially in the case of LER

the source of endotoxin can be discussed, again. It is questionable, whether LER is depending on

the endotoxins used in BET. Obviously, depending on the source, preparation and degree of

purification, the LPS itself and the accompanying matrix components can vary in a respective

preparation[11], [92]. For instance, endotoxins from different bacteria can differ in their

molecular structures. There are differences in the lipid A (e.g. acylation), core region (e.g.

substation of sugar units) and O-antigen (e.g. distribution of sugar units). Moreover, depending

Page 55: Low Endotoxin Recovery - Detection of Endotoxins in Common ...€¦ · inconsistencies during testing of biopharmaceutical drug products have been observed. In certain drug products,


on the preparation endotoxin suspensions may vary in their compositions. For example, crude

suspension of bacteria, popularly known as Naturally Occurring Endotoxin (NOE), may contain

substantial amounts of lipids and proteins and phenol-extracted endotoxin preparations may only

contain limited contents of hydrophobic matrix components. Some experiments have supposed

that the detectability of selected endotoxins in complex samples might be more robust compared

to detectability of commercially available standard endotoxins[93], [94]. Therefore, endotoxins

from different bacteria, grown under manipulated conditions, crude and highly purified

endotoxins as well as endogenous endotoxins are analyzed with regard to their detectability in a

polysorbate/citrate matrix in the present study.

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3.3.2 Results

In order to study the masking susceptibility of endotoxins from different bacteria, crude

suspensions of bacterial endotoxin were prepared. To this end, bacteria from E.coli, E.cloacae,

S.marcescens, P.aeruginosa, B.cepacia, S.maltophilia and R.pickettii were grown under equal and

defined conditions (2.4.1 preparation 1). After approximately 18 hours of growth, absorbance of

all bacterial suspensions were determined (Table 3). Bacteria from E.coli and E.cloacae showed

highest absorbance (> 1.7), whereas S.maltophilia and B.cepacia showed lowest absorbance (<

0.7). Bacteria from S.marcescense showed a medium absorbance of 1.4.

Table 3 Growth of different bacteria and release of endotoxin

Growth of different bacteria and activity of their endotoxins are shown. Bacteria were grown under constant conditions and before harvesting, absorbance (600 nm) of the entire bacterial suspension were determined (2.4.1 preparation 1). Endotoxin activity was determined in the particular sterile-filtrated supernatants of bacterial suspensions.

Source Absorbance

[600 nm] Activity [EU/mL]

E.coli O55:B5 1.9 146,174

E.coli O113 1.7 402,789

E.cloacae 1.7 189,103

S.marcescens 1.4 116,175

P.aeruginosa 0.9 8,595

B.cepacia 0.7 357

S.maltophilia 0.3 4,557

R.pickettii 0.8 77,815

The absorbance reflects the evolved biomass and in turn is an indicator for growth of the

particular bacteria under given conditions. This result clearly indicates varying growth

characteristics of different bacteria under given conditions. Endotoxins are usually incorporated

in the bacterial cell wall, but during growth, substantial amounts of endotoxin are released into

the environment of the bacteria. Therefore, the endotoxin activity in the supernatant is of great

interest. Interestingly, the detectable endotoxin activities of the different bacterial supernatants

ranged from approximately 400 to 400,000 EU/mL. Between the generated biomass of cells and

the detectable activity only a weak correlation is given.

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Figure 18 SDS-PAGE of crude bacterial endotoxin preparations from different bacteria

Silver-stained SDS-PAGE of sterile filtrated supernatants of bacterial suspensions (2.4.1 preparation 1) is shown. The lanes reflect endotoxins from E.coli O55:B5 (1), E.coli O113 (2), E.cloacae (3), S.marcescens (4), P. aeruginosa (5), B.cepacia (6), S. maltophilia (7) and R.pickettii (8).

Furthermore, these bacterial supernatants were applied to SDS-PAGE and silver stained (Figure

18). The typical ladder pattern of LPS can be observed at most lanes and the limited intensities of

the bands reflect low concentrations, which are approximately in agreement with the detected

activities (Table 3). Upon closer examination, also variations in the arrangement of bands

between the different endotoxin samples can be observed, which reflect different molecular

structures and proof heterogeneity of endotoxins. To study the masking susceptibilities of crude

endotoxin preparations, these preparations were used as endotoxin source for recovery

experiments in polysorbate/citrate matrices (Table 4). The crude extracts of endotoxins from

E.coli, E.cloacae and S.maltophilia resulted in low recovery already at day 0. Endotoxins from

S.marcescens, P.aeruginosa, and R.pickettii showed a gradual loss of recovery over time. The

endotoxins from B.cepacia could be detected over time and showed no trend in reduced activity.

This result clearly indicates that endotoxins from different bacteria, but grown and prepared

under equivalent conditions exhibit different masking susceptibilities.

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Table 4 Endotoxin recovery of different endotoxins

Recovery of endotoxin from different species over time is shown. Sterile filtrated bacterial supernatants (2.4.1 preparation 1) were diluted to approximately 50 EU/mL in depyrogenated water (positive control). For recovery experiments the endotoxins were spiked with 0.05 wt % polysorbate 20 and 10 mM sodium citrate (reverse mode, Endotoxin recovery was determined after 0, 1, 2, 5 and 7 days of incubation at RT.

Recovery (%)

Source positive control

T0 T1 T2 T5 T7

E.coli O55:B5 40.9 32 7 8 2 0

E.coli O113 64.7 42 0 0 0 0

E.cloacae 50.9 20 4 1 0 0

S.marcescens 60.5 106 46 29 12 8

P.aeruginosa 79.6 135 29 25 23 16

B.cepacia 48.5 248 81 141 92 113

S.maltophilia 37.9 20 1 1 0 0

R.pickettii 68.4 108 73 80 71 55

Furthermore, crude endotoxin extracts from E.coli O113, P.aeruginosa and B.cepacia were

prepared under different growth conditions (2.4.2 preparation 2). Thereby, the bacteria were

grown under conditions including rich-nutrition media (100 % LB) and elevated temperatures (37

°C) as well as low-nutrition (1 % LB) and ambient temperatures (RT).

Figure 19 Comparison of crude endotoxin preparations from different bacteria

Endotoxin recovery is plotted as function of incubation time. 100 EU/mL endotoxin from different bacteria ((A) E.coli O113:H21-, (B) B.cepacia and (C) P.aeruginosa) were spiked into samples containing 10 mM sodium citrate and 0.05 wt % polysorbate 20 and incubated at RT (reverse mode, The used endotoxin extracts were derived from two different bacterial growth conditions (2.4.2 preparation 2). Squares reflect recovery of endotoxin from bacteria grown at 37 °C using 100% LB media. Triangles reflect recovery of endotoxin from bacteria grown at room temperature using 1% (v/v) LB media. Each endotoxin was prepared in triplicate. The corresponding endotoxin measurements of three repetitions were analyzed on the same microtiter plate and for calculation of the data points the mean value of the three individual preparations were used. The error bars represent the standard deviation of the three replicates.







0 5



ry [









0 5Time [d]








0 5


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Endotoxin from E.coli O113 is not recovered independent of the growth conditions of the bacteria

(Figure 19A) after one day of incubation. In contrast, the recovery of endotoxin prepared from

B.capecia shows no significant decline, regardless of the different growth conditions (Figure 19B).

Interestingly, recovery of endotoxin from P.aeruginosa depends on different growth conditions

(Figure 19C). In this case, modified growth conditions resulted in diverging masking kinetics. To

this end, it has been described that bacterial growth under limitation of divalent cations may also

affect the molecular structures of endotoxin[95]. To further study this effect, bacteria from

E.cloacae were grown under rich nutrition conditions in the presence (EDTA) and absence (TRIS)

of the strong complex forming agent EDTA (2.4.2 preparation 2). The endotoxin recovery kinetics

indicates that both endotoxins are affected by masking over time (Figure 20). However, the

recovery over time of endotoxin, which was prepared out of EDTA-treated bacterial cells (Figure

20B) is greater than the recovery of endotoxin from bacteria which was not treated with EDTA

during bacterial growth (Figure 20A). Comparing the error bars in both experiments, endotoxin

recovery from EDTA treated cells tend to be more variable and by chance, a trend to reduced

recovery over time is not observed. Although chelators have crucial effects on masking of

endotoxin, the presence of chelators during bacterial growth reduces the masking susceptibility

of the endotoxin under given conditions.

Figure 20 Endotoxin recovery kinetics of endotoxin from E.cloacae

Endotoxin recovery is plotted as a function of incubation time. 100 EU/mL endotoxin were spiked into samples containing 10 mM sodium citrate and 0.05 wt % polysorbate 20 and incubated up to seven days at 4°C. The crude endotoxin extracts were derived from E.cloacae and the media (100% LB) for bacterial growth at 37 °C was supplemented with (A) tris buffer and (B) EDTA (2.4.2 preparation 2). Each data point represents the mean of three independent measurements. The slope is obtained by linear fit of the mean data points. The error bars represent the lowest and highest determined values at each time point.






0 1 4 7



ry [


time [d]







0 1 4 7



ry [


time [d]


Page 60: Low Endotoxin Recovery - Detection of Endotoxins in Common ...€¦ · inconsistencies during testing of biopharmaceutical drug products have been observed. In certain drug products,


However, for investigation of endotoxin masking in quality control of pharmaceutical industries

standardized endotoxins are requested by regulatory authorities (US FDA). Such standard

endotoxins are prepared by hot-phenol extraction of LPS [91]. Thereby, hydrophobic components

like phospholipids and lipoproteins are removed. To analyze, if masking susceptibilities of

endotoxin are affected by purification, phenol extracted endotoxins from E.coli, S.marcescens and

P.mirabilis were spiked into samples containing a chelator and surfactant and detected over time

(Figure 21). In this case, endotoxin from E.coli was low (14%) in recovery directly after spiking and

no activity of endotoxin was detectable after one day of incubation. The endotoxin from

S.marcescens was detectable (90%) at day 0, but likewise low (21%) after one day of incubation.

Although endotoxin from P.mirabilis decreases over time, significant amounts of endotoxin were

recovered (>43%) at all time points. These results show different masking susceptibilities of the

studied endotoxins, indicating that phenol extraction is not eliminating the heterogeneity of

endotoxins from different bacteria.

Figure 21 Comparison of phenol-extracted endotoxins from different bacteria

Endotoxin recovery is shown over incubation time. 100 EU/mL of three different endotoxins were spiked into samples containing 10 mM sodium citrate and 0.05 wt % polysorbate 20 and incubated up to 4 days at RT. The used endotoxins were phenol-extracted clinical isolates. The black bars reflect endotoxins from E.coli, grey bars reflect P.mirabilis and white bars reflect S.marcescens.

To further evaluate the impact of endotoxin purification, endotoxins from the same bacterial

species (E.coli O55:B5), but prepared by different methods were analyzed. Phenol-extracted

endotoxin and crude supernatants of bacterial suspension were spiked into a polysorbate/citrate

matrix and incubated up to six days at room temperature (Figure 22A). Both preparations show

no recovery after one day of incubation, which confirms the pronounced masking susceptibility

of endotoxin from E.coli. Due to the fast kinetics of masking, the experiment was also performed

at decreased incubation temperature (4 °C) (Figure 22B). The reduced incubation temperature

was chosen, because endotoxin masking can be decelerated, allowing a better resolution of slight







0 1 2 3 4





time [days]

Page 61: Low Endotoxin Recovery - Detection of Endotoxins in Common ...€¦ · inconsistencies during testing of biopharmaceutical drug products have been observed. In certain drug products,


differences in masking susceptibilities (3.1). After 2 days of incubation 50% and after 14 days 14%

of the initial endotoxin content can be detected within the crude extract. In comparison, the

recovery of phenol-extracted endotoxin was low after one day of incubation (27%) and no

significant content of endotoxin was detectable after three days of incubation. Under these

circumstances the detectability of crude endotoxin preparations decreases slower compared to

phenol-extracted endotoxin. However, both preparations of endotoxin are affected by masking.

In consequence, endotoxin masking kinetics can be affected by the extraction method of

endotoxin, but the kinetics rather depends on the source of bacteria.

Figure 22 Endotoxin recovery kinetics of different endotoxin preparations

Recovery of endotoxin from E.coli O55:B5 is shown over incubation time. 100 EU/mL of gel-filtrated endotoxin (black bars) and sterile filtrated bacterial suspension (grey bars) were spiked into samples containing 10 mM sodium citrate and 0.05 wt % polysorbate 20. The samples were incubated up to 14 days at (A) RT and (B) 4°C.

In all of the examples above, the source of endotoxin was known and the endotoxin was

consciously added to samples containing surfactants and chelators. In order to examine a real

endotoxin contamination, the detectability of an endogenous contaminated monoclonal

antibody was analyzed. Therefore, a lyophilized antibody was solubilized in four different buffer

systems and an average endotoxin activity of 135 EU/mL and 114 EU/mL was determined before

and after sterile filtration, respectively (Table 5a). The different buffer systems as well as the

filtration had no major effects on the detectability of the endogenous endotoxin contamination

of the antibody.






0 1 2 3 6



ry [









0 1 2 3 4 7 14



ry [





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Table 5 Detection of an endogenous endotoxin contamination

Activity of an unknown endotoxin contamination under different buffer conditions is shown. 10 mg/mL

monoclonal antibody (MAK33) were solubilized in A) 25 mM sodium citrate, pH 6.5; B) 10 mM sodium

citrate, pH 7.5; C) 160 mM trehalose, 50 mM sodium phosphate pH 6.2 and D) 10 mM sodium

phosphate, pH 7.5). a) Endotoxin content was determined before and after sterile filtration (0.2 µm).

For endotoxin detection EndoZyme® was used. b) After filtration 0.07 and 0.05 wt % polysorbate 80

were added to the samples 1.1 and 2.1, respectively. 0.04 and 0.05 wt % polysorbate 20 were added to

the samples 3.1 and 4.1, respectively. Endotoxin activity was determined immediately after addition of

polysorbate (day 0) and after incubation of three days (day 3) at RT. For endotoxin detection EndoLISA®

was used.

a before filtration after filtration

# Sample: Activity [EU/mL]

Activity [EU/mL]

1.1 MAK + Buffer A 116.9 109.0

2.1 MAK + Buffer B 140.1 118.3

3.1 MAK + Buffer C 128.7 93.5

4.1 MAK + Buffer D 152.8 136.2

Average 134.6 114.3

Known from previous studies, the simultaneous presence of polysorbate and a chelator like

citrate can mask the endotoxin (3.1 and 3.2). Therefore, polysorbate was added to the antibody

solution. Immediately after addition of polysorbate, the endotoxin content was determined and

comparable contents of endotoxin were detected. However, when the antibody was incubated

for three days at room temperature, the detectable amount of endotoxin significantly decreased

in all of the examined samples (Table 5b). This clearly demonstrates that an endogenous

endotoxin contamination, which reflects a real naturally occurring endotoxin, may be masked in

common formulation matrices.

b day 0 day 3

# Sample:





1.2 MAK + Buffer A + Polysorbate 80 98.5 2.8

2.2 MAK + Buffer B + Polysorbate 80 95.6 2.1

3.2 MAK + Buffer C + Polysorabte 20 117.9 5.3

4.2 MAK + Buffer D + Polysorbate 20 131.7 6.8

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3.3.3 Discussion

In previous studies (3.1 and 3.2), the phenomenon of LER has been studied, using standardized

endotoxins from E.coli. For analytical applications, standards are indispensable to determine

unknown concentrations and to validate a detection method. However, to investigate if the

phenomenon of LER is limited to the use of standardized endotoxins from E.coli, detectability of

endotoxins from different sources was studied in a typical biopharmaceutical drug product matrix

containing polysorbate and sodium citrate. Phenol-extracted endotoxins (Figure 21), crude

endotoxin extracts (Table 4, Figure 19 and 20) and endogenous endotoxin (Table 5) were

incubated into samples containing polysorbate/citrate. These results show that LER is not limited

to standardized endotoxins from E.coli. Endotoxins from different sources and alternative

preparations of endotoxin can be affected as well as standard endotoxin preparations by LER.

Basically, these results clearly demonstrate different masking susceptibilities of different

endotoxins. LPS reflect a complex group of molecules, which possess a common general

architecture[11] and due to the amphoteric and amphiphilic nature of LPS supramolecular

structures are formed[17], [70]. In the case of masking, it is supposed that the presence of

complex forming agents destabilize the salt bridges of divalent cations between LPS, leading to a

reduced rigidity of the aggregate. The additional presence of a surfactant may then change the

initial supramolecular structure and promote the formation of mixed aggregates, thus limiting

the detection of endotoxin. Taking this assumption into account, differences in the molecular

structure of LPS may explain the diverging masking susceptibilities of endotoxins from different

sources. Molecular heterogeneity of LPS

In general, LPS are very heterogeneous molecules. Already the application of a single source LPS

on a SDS-PAGE results in a ladder of bands (Figure 18). This reflects the nature and number of

sugars within a unit, the nature of the linkages of the sugars as well as the number of repetitive

units. O-antigen sugars appear to be most variable, core structures appear to be less variable and

in turn Lipid A structures are considered as the most conserved part of LPS within a genus.[9],

[96], [97] With regard to the previously described studies on endotoxin masking, it has been

demonstrated that destabilization of the LPS aggregates is the crucial step in masking (3.2). Due

to the fact that the O-antigen only marginally contributes to the ionic stabilization, the

heterogeneity of the O-antigen will be neglected in the following examination. Although lipid A

and core region are supposed to be the most conserved part of LPS, diverse molecular structures

of LPS have been observed[11], [23], [98]. Relevant modifications are expected within the charged

substitutes (e.g. phosphates, amines) as well as acylation (e.g. number, length, saturation) in the

core region and lipid A of LPS.

Page 64: Low Endotoxin Recovery - Detection of Endotoxins in Common ...€¦ · inconsistencies during testing of biopharmaceutical drug products have been observed. In certain drug products,


In consequence, LPS from different bacteria may exhibit different molecular structures and

therefore, equivalent prepared endotoxins (phenol-extracted) from different bacteria are

expected to show different kinetics in endotoxin recovery studies. For instance, recovery of

endotoxin from E.coli and S.marcescens is low (< 25 %) already after one day of incubation (Figure

21). In contrast, the endotoxin from P.mirabilis showed substantial detectability over time.

Interestingly, the lipid A structures of E.coli and S.marcescens are assumed to be similar[99],

whereas the proposed molecular structure of lipid A from P.mirabilis exhibits some differences.

Differences are seen for example in the acylation and the substitution of the ester bound

phosphate groups linked to the glucomsamine backbone[100]. Thus, modifications in the lipid A

of P.mirabilis might be a reason for the diverging masking kinetics compared to E.coli and

S.marcescens. A similar behavior was observed when crude preparations of different endotoxins

were compared in recovery kinetics (Figure 19, Table 4). The results show endotoxins which are

rapidly affected by LER (e.g. E.coli O113) and endotoxins which are less susceptible (e.g.

P.aeruginosa). Endotoxin from B.cepacia was not affected by masking within the given conditions.

For B.cepacia, it is also described that the LPS possess an unusual structure. The bacteria lower

the anionic charge of the cell surface by the substitution of 4-amino-4-deoxyarabinose (Ara4N)

residues bound to phosphates of the lipid A backbone[101], [102]. Interestingly, endotoxins from

P.mirabilis and B.cepacia are less susceptible to endotoxin masking and both are known for their

almost stoichiometric substitution of Ara4N[103]. This might explain the limited masking


Figure 23 Structural modifications of lipopolysaccharides

Depending on the environmental conditions during bacterial growth phosphorylation or acylation can change the molecular LPS structure. Changed LPS structures can result in different interactions between LPS molecules: Ionic interactions between LPS molecules in the presence (A) and absence (B) of divalent cations. (modified figure from Yan et al.[95])

As described above, chelators destabilize ionic interactions between negative charged LPS

molecules and divalent cations. Here, if LPS molecules possess additional positively charged

substituents, like Ara4N, LPS molecules can form ionic interactions without divalent cations to

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stabilize their supramolecular structures. Under such conditions, LPS structures are independent

from divalent cations and chelation of divalent cations has no effects on stability of the

supramolecular structures of LPS (Figure 23). Consequently, the intercalation of surfactants into

LPS aggregates is limited and the endotoxin is less susceptible to masking under such conditions.

Moreover, different bacteria need different conditions for an optimal growth. Comparing

absorbance of bacterial suspensions from different bacteria and the corresponding detectable

endotoxin activities, huge differences in growth and endotoxin content are observed (Table 3).

However, bacteria are able to adapt themselves to an unfavorable environment to ensure

viability. It is known that bacteria are able to modify their primary LPS structure under certain

growth conditions, in order to reinforce the external membrane to assure best protection against

the environment[95]. Moreover, bacteria possess the ability to alter or regulate their lipid A form

under specific environmental conditions[98]. For instance, after growth of bacteria under divalent

cation limitation (e.g. in the presence of EDTA), their LPS exhibits raised contents of aminoethanol

and Ara4N (Figure 23)[95]. Therefore, using endotoxin from bacteria grown under divalent cation

limitation, displays attenuated recovery kinetics (Figure 20), supporting previous assumption.

However, it has to be pointed out that not all endotoxins are similarly affected, if growth

conditions are modified. Comparing the recovery kinetics of endotoxin from the same source, but

grown under different conditions does not automatically result in a change of the masking

susceptibility (Figure 19). Thus, due to the unknown source of a potential contamination, it is

impossible to predict the species of bacteria, its modifications due to the growth conditions, its

molecular structure and consequently its susceptibility to endotoxin masking. Breakdown products of Gram-negative bacteria

In case of a bacterial endotoxin contamination event, LPS might be present in diverse assemblies.

For example, if viable bacterial cells are present, LPS are embedded in the outer membrane of

the cell to form its outer layer. In addition, LPS can be exposed in so called outer membrane

vesicles (OMV), which are segregated by intact cells to improve their protection. Furthermore,

during cell division or cell death monomers and multimers of LPS can be released from the

bacterial cell. Hence, a set of LPS assemblies (Figure24) can exist in parallel. Noteworthy, the

composition of such assemblies can be diverse. A mixture of LPS and accompanying molecules

like lipoproteins, phospholipids are not necessarily evenly distributed. For example, OMV

frequently contain a high ratio of LPS with extended O-antigens but contain less protein compared

to the originated bacteria[104]. Depending on a particular contamination event, the whole set of

assemblies can be present in a sample. This would be the case, if there is an acute bacterial

contamination event. Otherwise, it is also possible that there are only break down products of

the bacteria present in a sample. This can be the case if break down products of the bacteria are

Page 66: Low Endotoxin Recovery - Detection of Endotoxins in Common ...€¦ · inconsistencies during testing of biopharmaceutical drug products have been observed. In certain drug products,


transferred into a sample or parts of the contamination are already eliminated during handling

(e.g. chromatography) of the sample.

Figure 24 Origin of LPS – Bacterial cells and their breakdown products

(A) LPS are the major building block of the outer membrane of Gram-negative bacteria. Break down products of the bacteria can be (B) fragments of bacteria, (C) OMVs which are segregated by the cell and (D) monomers.

Considering not only the heterogeneity of LPS, but also accompanying bacterial components (e.g.

lipids, porins or proteins), a contamination can be very diverse. Keeping this in mind, comparable

experiments with regard to LER are only possible using defined endotoxins. Reference or control

standard endotoxins meet such requirements, because these are highly purified suspensions. For

preparation of such standards, bacterial suspensions from e.g. E.coli pass through a set of

purification steps in order to meet the ordinary requirements for a qualified standard[4]. During

such purification steps, accompanying components like lipids or lipoproteins are removed. The

removed components do not directly contribute to the endotoxic potential, as the Lipid A of LPS

has been identified responsible for toxicity of Gram-negative bacteria[14], [15]. Moreover, the

direct comparison of crude and purified endotoxin preparations gave no indication that the

purification process is responsible for the masking susceptibility of an endotoxin (Figure 22). Only

at reduced incubation temperatures, which decelerate the process of masking, the crude

endotoxin preparations show slower masking kinetics than the highly purified endotoxin. It can

be speculated that the supramolecular structures of the less purified endotoxin are partly

stabilized by its accompanying membrane molecules, but masking is not prevented. Obviously,

crude endotoxin preparations showed also diverse masking susceptibilities (Table 4 and Figure

19) and the recovery of an endogenous contamination was also low over time (Table 5). This

proves that endotoxin masking is not driven by a certain preparation of endotoxin. It can be rather

supposed that the molecular structure of LPS determines if an endotoxin is susceptible to masking

or not. Accompanying molecules other than LPS can modulate the stability against endotoxin

masking, but they cannot prevent it. BET and their standard endotoxins

The different behaviors of endotoxins from different sources raise the question, whether the

established standard endotoxins from E.coli are still adequate in BET? This question was already

Page 67: Low Endotoxin Recovery - Detection of Endotoxins in Common ...€¦ · inconsistencies during testing of biopharmaceutical drug products have been observed. In certain drug products,


discussed in the 1970th, at the time when E.coli O113 was determined as source for reference

standard endotoxins (RSE)[24]. Finally, endotoxins from E.coli were chosen, because they were

very well characterized and their toxic effects were studied also in man[28]. The establishment of

endotoxin standards from other species was and is possible, but a likewise deep characterization

would be necessary. Purification is also necessary in order to standardize and enable

comparability of the endotoxin and fulfil the general requirements of a standard. The alternative

use of crude endotoxin extracts like the supernatant of a bacterial suspension might reflect in

certain cases a potential contamination more realistic, but it is very difficult to standardize such

preparations. However, due to the heterogeneity of endotoxins from different sources, it can be

supposed that there will be no single standard available, which reflects the diverse nature of

bacterial endotoxins. The origin of LPS is inevitable connected to the bacteria and in turn an

intrinsic heterogeneity is included. Moreover, it is impossible to predict the source and way of a

bacterial endotoxin contamination in a sample. As a consequence, the masking susceptibility of a

potential contamination is unknown. In order to ensure reliable detection of endotoxin the

masking capability of a sample has to be evaluated. To analyze the masking capability of a sample,

endotoxin recovery studies have to be performed with endotoxin spikes, which are susceptible

to masking. The results above have shown that standardized endotoxins from E.coli exhibit a

pronounced susceptibility to endotoxin masking and represent an appropriate source for

endotoxin recovery studies. However, an endotoxin spike should reflect the worst case with

regard to its masking susceptibility. Although standard endotoxins are susceptible to masking in

the investigated cases, it is not proven that standard endotoxins always reflect a worst case

situation. With regard to the heterogeneity of endotoxins and the diversity of sample

compositions a panel of different endotoxins might be the safest way to determine the masking

capability of a sample and to ensure detectability of a potential contamination. Finally, if a sample

is identified with the capability of endotoxin masking, a suitable detection method has to be

developed in order to detect endotoxin and avoid underestimation of a potential contamination.

Such developments are discussed in the following chapter (3.4).

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3.4 Demasking of Endotoxin

3.4.1 Introduction

Endotoxin is well detectable in aqueous solutions. However, it becomes significantly less active

(i.e. undetectable) by common detection systems, if it is masked by surfactants and chelators (3.1,

3.2 and 3.3). This may have various consequences. The endotoxin can lose its activity, meaning

that potential endotoxin contaminations in a drug product are basically not harmful anymore

because the endotoxin is masked and pyrogenic reactions are prohibited. For a sustainable

suppression of pyrogenic reactions, masking must be irreversible. It has to be ensured that the

endotoxin will not be demasked in-vivo and becomes pyrogenic again. Noteworthy, modified

endotoxins with significantly reduced pyrogenicity are well known and used as an adjuvant to

enhance efficacy of vaccination[105]. Due to this fact, it cannot be excluded that the masked

endotoxin retains its stimulating effects on the innate immune system, even if the endotoxin is

depyrogenated. Last but not least, the detection of endotoxin in a sample, independent of the

toxicity of present endotoxins, gives an indication about the quality of the tested sample. Thus,

existing test procedures have to be optimized to detect masked endotoxin. Due to the widespread

use of Limulus-based detection methods, a sample-treatment prior to the use of such

conventional test methods is desired. Importantly, successful demasking of endotoxin strongly

indicates that endotoxin is not irreversibly deactivated by masking. In consequence, when

demasking is possible in-vitro, it cannot be excluded that demasking in-vivo is also possible.

In order to develop a demasking approach, the nature of endotoxin and the driving forces of

masking need to be understood. Due to the amphiphilic nature of LPS, it tends to aggregate in

aqueous solutions. The basic cause of aggregation is to lower Gibbs free energy, which is

depending on the inner energy and entropy of a system. The latter is predominant in such cases

and driving hydrophobic effects.[18] Thereby, a variety of supramolecular structures can be

formed, which are obviously depending on the particular conditions (e.g. molecular structure,

salinity and polarity). In order to get an idea of a potential supramolecular structure of amphiphilic

molecules, the concept of packing parameter is a helpful tool. Israelachvili introduced a

dimensionless equation describing the packing parameter S, which in turn is depending on the

molecular volume of the hydrophobic moiety, the length of the fully extended hydrophobic

moiety and the cross-sectional areas of the hydrophilic and hydrophobic moiety. Depending on

the value of such a calculated packing parameter, a particular supramolecular structure of the

amphiphilic molecule can be deduced[106].

Page 69: Low Endotoxin Recovery - Detection of Endotoxins in Common ...€¦ · inconsistencies during testing of biopharmaceutical drug products have been observed. In certain drug products,


Figure 25 Molecular shape of an amphiphilic molecule determines its supramolecular structure

The molecular relationship of amphiphilic molecules is illustrated in relation to their supramolecular structure. Depending on the molecular shape of an amphiphilic molecule (e.g. cone, cylinder and inverted cone) a corresponding supramolecular structure is formed (e.g. micellar, bilayers and inverted). (Source: [18])

Figure 25 gives some examples of supramolecular structures depending on their molecular shape.

For example, cone shaped amphiphilic molecules, which often contain only a single hydrophobic

tail tend to form spherical micelles (e.g. polysorbates); truncated or cylinder shaped molecules

(e.g. phospholipids) often contain two hydrophobic tails and form preferably bilayers; and

inverted truncated molecules which contain a pronounced hydrophobic portion tend to form

inverted structures (e.g. LPS).[18] This concept does not fully describe the supramolecular

behavior of amphiphilic molecules, as further parameters like the fluidity of acyl chains influence

likewise the aggregation state. However, the concept of packing parameter helps to understand

the formation of supramolecular structures.

Several studies have been performed to explore structure-function relationships of LPS with

regard to its biological activity[9], [11], [18], [23], [107]–[109]. The primary lipid A structure of LPS

was identified to constitute the endotoxic activity[9]. Moreover, due to the amphiphilic nature of

LPS the effects of their supramolecular structures were examined concerning the endotoxic

activity[18], [66], [109]. Brandenburg and co-workers proposed to extend the term “endotoxic

conformation”, which is used to describe the conformation of a single lipid A molecule required

for optimal triggering of biological effects, to “endotoxic supramolecular conformation” which

denotes the particular organization of lipid A aggregates in physiological fluids causing biological

active LPS [110]. Obviously, there is a relationship between endotoxicity and the supramolecular

structure of LPS (Figure 26). Inverted structures possess a higher degree of endotoxicity compared

to lamellar structures.[18] This might be comprehensible, as the hydrophobic part of LPS tends to

be more accessible in solution. In the case of lamellar structures, the hydrophobic part (lipid A) is

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shielded by the sugar units (core region and O-antigen) in solution and is consequently less toxic.

Taking this knowledge into consideration, demasking can be achieved by changing the sample

environment affecting the aggregation state of endotoxin. Based on this hypothesis sample

treatment for demasking are investigated below.

Figure 26 Relationship between supramolecular structures and endotoxicity

Correlation between supramolecular LPS structure and bioactivity is shown. Depending on the molecular structure of LPS and the environmental conditions, LPS form certain supramolecular structures. The latter in turns affects the activity of LPS, in which the lamellar structures possess less endotoxicity compared to inverted structures. (Source: [18])

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3.4.2 Results

Various sample compositions are capable to mask endotoxin and render it undetectable (3.1, 3.2

and 3.2). In order to release masked endotoxin out of polysorbate 20 complexes, samples were

treated with alkyl alcohols (C8 to C18) prior to endotoxin measurements (Figure 27).

Figure 27 Demasking of endotoxin using co-surfactants

Endotoxin recovery after demasking using different concentrations of alkyl alcohols with various chain lengths is shown. 100 EU/mL of endotoxin were spiked into samples containing 10 mM sodium citrate and 0.05 wt % polysorbate 20 and incubated at least for 24 hours at RT. For demasking, samples were treated using alkyl alcohols with varying chain length from C8 to C18 (1-octanol (green bars), 1-decanol (blue bars), 1-dodecanol (black bars), 1-tetradecanol (white bars), 1-hexadecanol (grey bars), 1-octadecanol (orange bars)). The concentrations of the alcohols ranged from 0.6 to 40.0 mM. For detection of endotoxin EndoLISA® was used.

This result indicates that sample treatment of masked endotoxin using 1-dodecanol and 1-

tetradecanol enable substantial recovery. Highest recovery was obtained using concentrations of

5 mM 1-dodecanol and 10 mM 1-tetradecanol, respectively. Using alcohols with alkyl chains

lengths below C12 or above C14 resulted in recovery below 10 %. Thus, the alkyl chain length of

the alkyl alcohol is crucial for demasking, but it clearly demonstrates that masked endotoxin can

be rendered detectable again. There is a small range of 1-dodecanol concentrations which

enabled demasking. In order to improve demasking using 1-dodecanol, 10 mg/mL Bovine Serum

Albumin (BSA) was added to the particular 1-dodecanol concentration. BSA was chosen due to its

capability of binding surfactants (Figure 28). Comparing demasking results in presence and

absence of BSA, a consistent increase in the recovery of endotoxin can be observed in the

presence of BSA.












40,00 20,00 10,00 5,00 2,50 1,25 0,63



ry [


Concentration [mM]

Page 72: Low Endotoxin Recovery - Detection of Endotoxins in Common ...€¦ · inconsistencies during testing of biopharmaceutical drug products have been observed. In certain drug products,


Figure 28 Demasking of endotoxin using dodecanol and BSA

Endotoxin recovery after demasking is shown as function of 1-dodecanol concentration. 100 EU/mL of endotoxin were spiked into samples containing 10 mM sodium citrate and 0.05 wt % polysorbate 20 and incubated for at least 24 hours at RT. Black bars reflect sample treatment using only various concentrations of 1-dodecanol and white bars reflect sample treatment using various concentrations of 1-dodecanol and additional 10 mg/mL BSA. For detection of endotoxin EndoLISA® was used.

To investigate whether demasking is due to similar alkyl chain lengths (C12) of polysorbate 20 and

1-dodecanol, endotoxin was also masked in the presence of polysorbate 80, which possesses C18

alkyl chain and octoxynol 9 which in turn possess a tetramethylbutyl-phenyl group. All of these

surfactants induce LER in combination with sodium citrate (3.1). Sample treatment with 1-

dodecanol leads to recovery of 29 % out of polysorbate 80. Out of samples containing octoxynol

9, no demasking effects were achieved. The combination of 1-dodecanol and BSA lead to a full

recovery out of polysorbate 80, but only to limited recovery out of octoxynol 9 samples (Figure













40 20 10 5 2,5 1,25 0,625





1-Dodecanol (mM)

Page 73: Low Endotoxin Recovery - Detection of Endotoxins in Common ...€¦ · inconsistencies during testing of biopharmaceutical drug products have been observed. In certain drug products,


Figure 29 Demasking of endotoxin out of different sample matrices using dodecanol and BSA

Endotoxin recovery is shown after demasking as function of 1-dodecanol concentration. 100 EU/mL of endotoxin were spiked into samples containing 0.05 wt % (A) polysorbate 80 and (B) octoxynol 9. All samples were buffered using 10 mM sodium citrate. The samples were incubated for at least 24 hours at RT. For demasking, samples were treated with 1-dodecanol (black bars) as well as with 1-dodecanol and 10 mg/mL BSA (white bars). For detection of endotoxin EndoLISA® was used.

These results indicate that there is a relationship between the alkyl chains of the masking and

demasking components, but the combination of 1-dodecanol and BSA enables demasking out of

polysorbate 20 and 80 masking conditions. Demasking out of octoxynol 9 is less effective,

indicating that the LPS-octoxynol 9 complex is stabilized under these conditions (Figure 29B). To

further enhance demasking, additional agents including sodium dodecylsulfate (SDS) and calcium

dichloride were added to the previously used demasking agents.

Figure 30 Demasking of endotoxin out of octoxynol 9 matrices

Endotoxin recovery is shown in dependence of various demasking compositions. 100 EU/mL of endotoxin were spiked into samples containing 10 mM sodium citrate and 0.05 wt % octoxynol 9 and incubated for at least 24 hours at RT. Demasking was performed using the following components: 5 mM 1-dodecanol (D), 10 mg/mL BSA (B), 100 mM calcium dichloride (C) and 0.1 wt % sodium dodecylsulfate (S). In different demasking approaches, combinations of the components were used (D, BD, CBSD, CBS and BSD). For detection of Endotoxin EndoLISA® was used.























ry [


1-Dodecanol [mM]
















1-Dodecanol [mM]











ry [


Page 74: Low Endotoxin Recovery - Detection of Endotoxins in Common ...€¦ · inconsistencies during testing of biopharmaceutical drug products have been observed. In certain drug products,


The combination of calcium dichloride, BSA, SDS and 1-dodecanol resulted in a substantial

recovery of endotoxin out of samples containing octoxynol 9 (Figure 30). Table 6 gives an

overview of different demasking approaches out of the different surfactant masking conditions.

These results indicate that the demasking approach including calcium dichloride, BSA, SDS and 1-

dodecanol is suitable for demasking of all examined masking conditions.

Table 6 Comparison of different demasking approaches

Endotoxin recovery after demasking out of different masking surfactants using different approaches is shown. In each case 100 EU/mL of endotoxin were spiked in samples containing 10 mM sodium citrate and 0.05 wt % of the corresponding surfactant (polysorbate 20, polysorbate 80 and octoxynol 9). After incubation of at least 24 hours at RT the samples were treated using 5 mM 1-dodecanol (D), 10 mg/mL BSA (B), 100 mM calcium dichloride (C) and 0.1 wt % sodium dodecylsulfate (S). In different demasking approaches, combinations of the components were used (D, BD and CBSD). For detection of Endotoxin EndoLISA® was used.


Masking – Surfactant: Recovery [%] Polysorbate 20 78 170 141 Polysorbate 80 28 94 161 Octoxynol 9 0 23 168

In the experiments shown so far, endotoxin demasking was performed with a commercially

available, highly purified endotoxin preparation from E. coli 055:B5. According to previous studies

(3.3), endotoxin from different sources may have different masking susceptibilities, due to

variances in acyl chain length of the lipid A part of LPS, as well as modifications of side chains[3].

Even more, the length of the O-sugar side chains of LPS potentially impacts the demasking

approach. It cannot be excluded that highly purified endotoxin and crude endotoxin extracts

(often called “NOE”) behave different in demasking mechanism. To address this issue and to

exclude the possibility that the demasking approach is specific for the above used LPS from E. coli

055:B5, endotoxins from different bacteria with different structures and purities were masked in

sample matrixes containing polysorbate 20/citrate (Table 7a), polysorbate 80/citrate (Table 7b)

and octoxynol 9/citrate (Table 7c). For subsequent demasking the various approaches using either

1-dodecanol alone, BSA/1-dodecanol or calcium dichloride/BSA/SDS/1-dodecanol were applied.

The results clearly show that the ability to successfully demask endotoxin from various masking

systems is independent of the source and type of endotoxin used. It shows that demasking is a

general technique applicable to various types of endotoxin from various sources, under a variety

of masking conditions.

Page 75: Low Endotoxin Recovery - Detection of Endotoxins in Common ...€¦ · inconsistencies during testing of biopharmaceutical drug products have been observed. In certain drug products,


Table 7 Demasking of different endotoxins

Endotoxin recovery before (masking control) and after demasking of endotoxin from different sources and types out of 10 mM sodium citrate and 0.05 wt % (a) polysorbate 20, (b) polysorbate 80 and (c) octoxynol 9 are shown. Approximately 50 EU/mL of the particular endotoxin were spiked into the corresponding sample matrix. The endotoxins were incubated for seven days at RT in the sample matrix. For demasking, the samples were treated using 5 mM 1-dodecanol (D), 10 mg/mL BSA (B), 100 mM calcium dichloride (C) and 0.1 wt % sodium dodecylsulfate (S). In the particular demasking approaches, combinations of the components were used (D, BD and CBSD). For detection of endotoxin EndoLISA® was used.

a) Polysorbate 20 / sodium citrate

Endotoxin: Source: Masking control



Recovery [%]

K.pneumonia LMU 0 66 128 212 M.morganii LMU 0 81 110 120 Y.enterocolitica LMU 0 63 174 243 S.marcescens LMU 0 128 168 182 N.meningitis LMU 0 9 23 38 A.baumanni LMU 0 0 124 655 E.cloacae Hyglos 0 55 156 187 S.enterica Sigma 0 42 63 76 E.coli K 12 Invivogen 3 78 80 137 P.aeruginosa Sigma 0 14 5 179

b) Polysorbate 80 / sodium citrate Endotoxin: Source: Masking

control Demasking


Recovery [%] K.pneumonia LMU 10 22 12 162 M.morganii LMU 6 35 23 48 Y.enterocolitica LMU 0 13 19 236 S.marcescens LMU 4 28 20 80 N.meningitis LMU 0 55 14 161 A.baumanni LMU 8 0 57 918 E.cloacae Hyglos 0 2 26 85 S.enterica Sigma 0 1 11 25 E.coli K 12 Invivogen 0 21 12 234 P.aeruginosa Sigma 0 54 17 78

c) Octoxynol 9 / sodium citrate Endotoxin: Source: Masking

control Demasking


Recovery [%] K.pneumonia LMU 0 12 173 353 M.morganii LMU 15 15 39 99 Y.enterocolitica LMU 7 22 168 309 S.marcescens LMU 0 105 199 326 N.meningitis LMU 0 0 11 42 A.baumanni LMU 0 7 337 511

Page 76: Low Endotoxin Recovery - Detection of Endotoxins in Common ...€¦ · inconsistencies during testing of biopharmaceutical drug products have been observed. In certain drug products,


E.cloacae Hyglos 24 27 74 183 S.enterica Sigma 1 1 1 90 E.coli K 12 Invivogen 0 18 10 69 P.aeruginosa Sigma 2 85 106 176

To this end, demasking has been demonstrated in diverse surfactant/buffer matrices. These

matrices were chosen, because pharmaceutical industries often have been using such

components for formulation of APIs like proteins (table 1). Further, antibodies constitute

frequently formulated pharmaceutical protein products. Hence, the established demasking

approaches are applied to systems containing surfactant and an antibody buffered in phosphate

and saline. Polysorbate 20 and 80 were chosen as surfactants (Table 8).

Table 8 Demasking of endotoxin out of formulated antibody samples

Endotoxin recovery before and after demasking out of formulated antibody (PAK) samples is shown. 50 EU/ml of endotoxin were spiked into samples containing water, buffer (10 mM sodium phosphate and 50 mM sodium chloride), antibody (10 mg/mL polyclonal antibody) and surfactant (0.05 wt % polysorbate 20 and polysorbate 80). Samples were incubated for three days at RT. For demasking, the sample containing buffer, surfactant and antibody was treated by using calcium dichloride (C), BSA (B), sodium dodecylsulfate (S) and dodecanol (D). For detection of endotoxin EndoLISA® was used.

Masking surfactant: polysorbate 20

polysorbate 80

Sample: C

[mM] B

[mg/ml] S

[%] D

[mM] Recovery


water - - - - 100 100

buffer - - - - 102 99

buffer + antibody - - - - 31 44

buffer + surfactant - - - - 0 2

buffer + surfactant + antibody - - - - 0 9

buffer + surfactant + antibody - - - 10.0 17 9

buffer + surfactant + antibody - - - 1.0 20 7

buffer + surfactant + antibody - - - 0.1 0 5

buffer + surfactant + antibody - 10 - 10.0 41 11

buffer + surfactant + antibody - 10 - 1.0 3 6

buffer + surfactant + antibody - 10 - 0.1 2 12

buffer + surfactant + antibody 100 10 0.1 10.0 5 3

buffer + surfactant + antibody 100 10 0.1 1.0 16 23

buffer + surfactant + antibody 100 10 0.1 0.1 67 91

The results show that the buffer solution without polysorbate does not mask the endotoxin.

Buffer solutions containing antibody, but no surfactant, resulted in reduced endotoxin recovery

suggesting that already the antibody contributes a masking effect. The endotoxin recovery from

buffer solutions containing polysorbate and antibody are below 10 % when no demasking

Page 77: Low Endotoxin Recovery - Detection of Endotoxins in Common ...€¦ · inconsistencies during testing of biopharmaceutical drug products have been observed. In certain drug products,


treatments were performed. Thus, not only the surfactants but also the antibody is capable of

endotoxin masking. Endotoxin recovery after demasking of such samples, simulating a drug

product containing endotoxin, surfactant, buffer and antibody are low using 1-dodecanol alone

(< 10%). Using a combination of BSA and 1-dodecanol allows moderate endotoxin recovery (10

to 40 %), but a combination of calcium dichloride, BSA, SDS and 1-dodecanol shows a substantial

endotoxin recovery in the presence of Polysorbate 20 and 80 (> 60 %).

To show that demasking is not only possible from solutions containing LPS of a known source, a

commercially available mouse monoclonal antibody for diagnostic purpose was used, which

contained an “endogenous” LPS contamination from an unknown source (Table 9).

Table 9 Demasking of unknown endotoxin

Endotoxin recovery before and after demasking of endotoxin from an unknown source is shown. A contaminated monoclonal antibody (MAK 33) was dissolved in a buffer containing 25 mM sodium citrate (pH 6.5) and 150 mM sodium chloride. Directly after solubilization of the antibody, an endotoxin content of 11 EU/mg was determined. Endotoxin masking was initiated by addition of 0.07 wt % of polysorbate 80 and incubated for three days at RT. For demasking, the sample containing buffer, polysorbate and antibody was treated by using the indicated concentrations of calcium dichloride (C), BSA (B), sodium dodecylsulfate (S) and dodecanol (D). For detection of endotoxin EndoLISA® was used.

Sample: C

[mM] B

[mg/ml] S

[%] D

[mM] Recovery


buffer + antibody (0 days) - - - - 100

buffer + antibody (3 days) - - - - 57

buffer + polysorbate 80 - - - - 0

buffer + polysorbate 80 + antibody - - - - 3

buffer + polysorbate 80 + antibody - - - 10 45

buffer + polysorbate 80 + antibody - 10 - 10 68

buffer + polysorbate 80 + antibody 100 10 0.1 0.1 178

This antibody was dissolved in a buffer composition corresponding to the formulation of the

known antibody drug product Rituximab containing sodium citrate, sodium chloride and

polysorbate 80 (MabThera®, Rituxan®). The buffer solution containing antibody without

polysorbate masks approximately 40 % of the endotoxin contamination within 3 days of

incubation at room temperature. Incubation in buffer containing either polysorbate 80 or

antibody and polysorbate 80, results in endotoxin recovery below 4%. This shows that an

endogenous endotoxin contamination can be masked and that the risk of masking applies not

only for purified or crude endotoxin extracts, but also for endogenous endotoxin. Demasking of

this endotoxin contamination out of the antibody/surfactant sample resulted in an endotoxin

recovery of 45 % using 1-dodecanol, 68 % using a combination of BSA and 1-dodecanol and 179

% using a combination of calcium dichloride, BSA, SDS and 1-dodecanol. This demonstrates that

the developed approaches are able to demask endotoxin under conditions of relevance for the

Page 78: Low Endotoxin Recovery - Detection of Endotoxins in Common ...€¦ · inconsistencies during testing of biopharmaceutical drug products have been observed. In certain drug products,


pharmaceutical industry.For detection of demasked endotoxin, the EndoLISA assay was used in

all experiments shown above. EndoLISA is the method of choice due to its heterogeneous test

format, which reduces test interferences substantially[42]. However, in order to investigate if

other test formats and methods are also applicable after demasking, a recombinant Factor C test

(homogeneous format) as well as a kinetic chromogenic LAL assay was used for detection of

demasked endotoxin. Endotoxin recovery before and after demasking was analyzed out of

polysorbate 20 and 80 in phosphate-buffered saline (PBS) (Table 10). The masking controls

showed no endotoxin recovery in either sample. However, after demasking substantial contents

of endotoxin were recovered in all samples using LAL as well as rFC test methods. This experiment

proves that the detection of demasked endotoxin is independent from the detection system used.

LAL and rFC are suitable test methods after demasking.

Table 10 Comparison of different detection methods after demasking of endotoxin

Endotoxin recovery out of PBS containing 0.05 wt % polysorbate 20 (P20) and polysorbate 80 (P80) is shown, respectively. For masking, approximately 10 EU/mL endotoxin were spiked into the samples and incubated for three days at room temperature. Afterwards, the samples were treated using 200 mM sodium citrate, 100 mM calcium dichloride, 1 mg/mL BSA, 0.1 wt % sodium dodecylsulfate and 0.1 mM 1-dodecanol. For detection of endotoxin rFC (EndoZyme®) and LAL (Kinetic-QCLTM) assays were used.

Recombinant Factor C Limulus Amebocyte Lystate Sample: PBS + P80 PBS + P20 PBS + P80 PBS + P20 [EU/mL] Positive control 9 7 12 7 Recovery [%] Before demasking 0 0 3 0 After demasking 65 66 96 47

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3.4.3 Discussion Concept of Demasking

Endotoxin masking by surfactants is currently the most prominent masking cause in quality

control of biopharmaceutical drug product manufacturing. During masking, the aggregation state

of LPS is changed, leading to LPS disaggregation and embedment of LPS in surfactant micelles and

in turn the endotoxin becomes undetectable. Considering the molecular shapes of surfactants

like polysorbates (cone shape) and LPS (cylindrical / inverted truncated cone shape), mixed

aggregates result most likely in micellar structures (Figure 31), given that surfactants are in molar

excess. In the case of a potential contamination event, the commonly used surfactants in drug

products are in a great molar excess compared to expected LPS concentrations (3.2).

Figure 31 Potential effects on supramolecular structures: Mixing polysorbate and LPS

Formation of mixed polysorbate-LPS aggregates is shown. (A) Polysorbates possess cone shaped structures and form spherical supramolecular structures. (B) LPS possess cylindrical as well inverted truncated cone shaped structures and form bilayers and inverted supramolecular structures. (C) Mixing polysorbates and LPS, the formation of mixed micelles is predicted, under condition that polysorbates are in molar excess.

To detect masked LPS, LPS have to be liberated from their masking complex. Therefore, it was

searched for molecules, which are capable to destabilize the LPS-surfactant complex and in turn

enable a reassembly of LPS. It is hypothesized that a reorganization of LPS is possible, when

surfactants and LPS do not favor the spherical micellar aggregation state. Concurrently, the

surfactant LPS complex is unfavored and LPS are released and reassembled. Noteworthy, the pure

sample dilution below the critical micelle concentration (CMC) of surfactants was not sufficient

(3.1), assuming that mixtures of LPS and surfactants form stable aggregates. Therefore, the

application of co-surfactants was considered, because the co-surfactants are capable in affecting

the supramolecular arrangement of surfactants (Figure 32).

Page 80: Low Endotoxin Recovery - Detection of Endotoxins in Common ...€¦ · inconsistencies during testing of biopharmaceutical drug products have been observed. In certain drug products,


Figure 32 Mixing surfactants and co-surfactants

The change of supramolecular structures is shown when surfactants and co-surfactants are mixed. (A) Cone shaped surfactants (e.g. polysorbate) form spherical micelles above critical micelle concentrations (CMC). (B) Addition of co-surfactant (e.g. dodecanol) to surfactants. (C) Mixing of surfactants and co-surfactants results in alteration of supramolecular structures. The overall hydrophobic portion increases, whereby the hydrophilic portion remains constant. As a result, potentially cylindrical micelles or even bilayers are formed.

Typically, co-surfactants are not able to form micelles because their solubility in water is lower

than their critical micelle concentration[111]. But co-surfactants can intercalate into surfactant

micelles and swell them[112]. Moreover, co-surfactants like long chained alkyl alcohols can

change the overall packing of aggregates and lead to altered aggregation states[113]. In the event

of demasking it is expected that co-surfactants intercalate into both surfactant micelles and mixed

LPS-surfactant micelles. This disturbs the aggregation states of pure and mixed micelles and new

aggregation states are established. It is probable that the surfactants in presence of co-

surfactants no longer prefer the formation of spherical micelles, but rather prefer the formation

of cylindrical and bilayered aggregates. This reorganization may in turn enable the release of LPS

out of masking complex (mixed LPS-surfactant micelles). Moreover, co-surfactants are also

capable to interact with the fatty acids of LPS, which can affect the aggregation state of LPS. It is

supposed that co-surfactants support the reaggregation of LPS and “catalyze” the formation of

inverted truncated cone shaped LPS, which in turn favors the assembly of inverted cubic or

hexagonal supramolecular LPS structures (Figure 33). This is the working hypothesis of demasking

and the application of this concept will be discussed below (

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Figure 33 Potential effects on supramolecular structures: Reassembly of LPS

Potential reassembly of LPS is shown. (A) Mixed LPS-polysorbate aggregates form spherical or cylindrical micelles. The addition of a demasking agent (e.g. co-surfactant) changes the overall packing of aggregates and leads to segregation of surfactants and LPS. (B) Surfactants form cylindrical micelles or bilayers, which no longer stabilize monomeric LPS embedded in micelles. (C) LPS forms preferably hexagonal inverted structures which are well detectable. Realization of demasking concept

According to the above described concept (, co-surfactants were studied in order to

demask endotoxin. To this end, long-chained alkyl alcohols were used for endotoxin demasking

out of polysorbate 20/citrate samples (Figure 27)[114]. Using alcohols with chain length of C12

resulted in full recovery of endotoxin. The use of C14 alcohols also resulted in a substantial

endotoxin recovery, whereas the use of alcohols with longer or shorter alkyl chains was not

suitable. The beneficial effects of C12 alkyl alcohol might be explained by its chain length, which

fits well to the alkyl chain length of polysorbate 20. Using the C12 alkyl alcohol for demasking out

of a matrix, containing polysorbate 80 (Figure 29Aa), the demasking efficiency is lower. In this

case, the C12 alkyl chain of the alcohol can interact with the C18 of polysorbate as well, but it

possesses a relatively shorter hydrophobic proportion. However, the principle of swelling micelles

is still given. The use of alcohols with longer alkyl chains than C12 or C14 would have been

beneficial for demasking out of polysorbate 80, but was difficult in handling due to their limited

solubility in water. The working solutions of the alkyl alcohols were already solubilized in ethanol

to enhance solubility in aqueous solutions. Nevertheless, by adding the working solutions (alkyl

chain length > C14) to the particular aqueous samples, the ethanol content is likewise diluted and

phase separation occurs. Under such conditions the endotoxin measurement is not necessarily

reliable. It is also not possible to increase the ethanol content in the sample to be tested to

provide better solubility of the long chained alcohols, because of subsequent interference of

ethanol with the enzymatic reaction of the endotoxin assay.

Page 82: Low Endotoxin Recovery - Detection of Endotoxins in Common ...€¦ · inconsistencies during testing of biopharmaceutical drug products have been observed. In certain drug products,


Due to the limited applicability of co-surfactants with alkyls chain lengths above C14, the

demasking efficiency out of polysorbate 80 was increased by addition of an ancillary component

capable of binding surfactants. It is supposed that the demasking efficiency of 1-dodecanol is

extended, by limiting the concentration of “free” surfactants in solution. To this end, BSA was

chosen, because it is widely available, well characterized and known to adsorb polysorbates[115],

[116]. The use of 1-dodecanol in combination with BSA resulted in significant enhancement of

endotoxin demasking out of samples in which polysorbate caused endotoxin masking (Figures 28

and 29A). However, in the case of octoxynol 9 masking, using BSA and 1-dodecanol for demasking

was not sufficient. This observation suggests that the masking LPS-octoxynol 9 complex is more

stable than the LPS-polysorbate complex and 1-dodecanol is less effective in this case. Comparing

polysorbates and octoxynol 9, dissimilarities in their nature are given. Polysorbates comprise of

sorbitan substituted with approximately 20 repeat units of polyethylene glycol and an

unbranched alkyl chain. Octoxynol 9 comprises of approximately 10 repeat units of polyethylene

glycol and phenyl with a branched alkyl chain (Figure 34).

Figure 34 Molecular structures of surfactants

Chemical structures of (A) polysorbate 20, (B) polysorbate 80 and (C) octoxynol 9 are displayed.

Polysorbates contain approximately 20 repeat units of ethylenglycol (=w+x+y+z), which are distributed

across four chains. Polysorbate 20 possess a saturated alkyl chain of 12 C-atoms and polysorbate 80

possess an unsaturated alkyl chain of 18 C-atoms. Octoxynol contains 9-10 repeat units of ethylenglycol

(=n), which are connected to a tetramethylbutylphenyl group. (source: [117]–[119])

Comparing hydrophilic hydrophobic balances (HLB) of these surfactants, octoxynol 9 (HLB 13.5)

is more hydrophobic than polysorbate 80 (HLB 15.0) and polysorbate 20 (HLB 16.7)[120].

Furthermore, octoxynol 9 micelles are described to be more asymmetric than polysorbate

micelles and bind less water than those composed of polysorbate[121]. Hence, it is conceivable

that octoxynol 9 forms more stable aggregates with LPS compared to polysorbates due to its more

pronounced hydrophobic nature. In order to destabilize the LPS-octoxynol 9 complex, it was

searched for a well characterized charged surfactant, because these are harsher than non-ionic

surfactants[122]. To this end, SDS was chosen, because of its anionic nature, which does not favor

ionic interactions with LPS and has the capability to mix very well with octoxynol 9[123].

Page 83: Low Endotoxin Recovery - Detection of Endotoxins in Common ...€¦ · inconsistencies during testing of biopharmaceutical drug products have been observed. In certain drug products,


Moreover, SDS has a high affinity to bind to proteins[124]. This effect may also be beneficial for

displacing LPS adsorbed to BSA and further proteins like antibodies. Taking these considerations

into account, a combination of SDS, BSA and 1-dodecanol was used for demasking. However, the

full content of endotoxin could not be retrieved, so that further optimization was needed. It was

supposed that the masking complex is still too rigid under given conditions. It has been described

that an increase of ionic strength in octoxynol 9/SDS mixtures can significantly change the

aggregation state[125]. Especially in the presence of calcium dichloride, SDS aggregates are

swollen and progress from prolate ellipsoids to extended cylinders or rods[126]. Furthermore,

divalent cations stabilize LPS aggregates, which may also support the reassembly of LPS and

neutralize chelators. Using the combination of calcium dichloride, BSA, SDS and 1-dodecanol

(CBSD) for demasking, endotoxin was successfully detected, when it was masked in the presence

of octoxynol 9 (Figure 30). These results show that depending on the masking condition different

approaches are necessary to demask endotoxin. Interestingly, the most complex approach (CBSD)

was also suitable for demasking out of polysorbates and octoxynol. Demasking of endotoxins from different sources

To challenge the described demasking approach, endotoxins from diverse sources were masked

using different surfactants and treated with different approaches. Summarizing these results,

sample treatment using CBSD enabled demasking of all endotoxins out of all masking conditions.

The approach using only 1-dodecanol was expected to be sufficient for demasking out of

polysorbate 20 (Table 7a). In fact, most of the endotoxins could be adequately recovered, but a

few endotoxins were limited in recovery. This might be explained by the fact that LPS from

different bacteria as well as originated from various conditions may possess different molecular

structures. There are differences in the length and number as well as modifications in linearity

and saturation of the acyl chains in the lipid A part of LPS. Moreover, variations in the

composition, decoration and length of the sugar residues in the core region and O-antigen are

given[3], [98]. These molecular modifications can have effects on the nature and assembly of LPS.

As assumed before, endotoxin masking is driven by hydrophobic effects, and formation of mixed

aggregates with additional amphiphilic molecules. Thus, the stability of a LPS masking complex is

not necessarily only depending on the masking components, but also on the molecular structure

of LPS. Consequently, to demask some of the endotoxins (e.g. Acinetobacter baumanni), the more

complex and harsh approach (CBSD instead of D) was necessary for full recovery of endotoxin.

Moreover, it can be noticed that the detected activity is sometimes partly enhanced compared

to the detected activity in pure water of the particular endotoxin (Table 7). Basically, the

molecular structure of endotoxin defines the potential activity of endotoxin[11], but the

formation of a certain supramolecular structure modulates the detectable activity[18], which is

Page 84: Low Endotoxin Recovery - Detection of Endotoxins in Common ...€¦ · inconsistencies during testing of biopharmaceutical drug products have been observed. In certain drug products,


also depending on the environmental conditions[127]. Thus, inverted structures are more active

than lamellar structures[16], [18]. This is comprehensible, because the activity depends on the

interaction of a receptor (e.g. Factor C) and lipid A of LPS, which in turn is better accessible by

inverted than by regular supramolecular structures. For this reason, it is also possible that LPS in

water possess not exactly the same supramolecular structure compared to LPS after demasking,

resulting in a diverging detectable activity. However, the overall results in recovery of different

endotoxins after demasking are in a passable range, considering variabilities in Limulus-based

detection methods and the heterogeneity of LPS. Influence of proteins on demasking

In order to simulate the impact of a protein-based API on demasking, samples containing

formulated polyclonal and monoclonal antibodies were studied. Also in these cases, the full

contents of endotoxin could be recovered after demasking. The applied approaches were

similarly effective as in the absence of a protein during masking. Nevertheless, it is observed that

a significantly reduced concentration of 1-dodecanol is sufficient for successful demasking in the

presence of an antibody (table 8). Further demasking studies have also shown that the required

concentrations of demasking components can vary, depending on the concentration and

composition of the analyzed sample (data not shown). In consequence, using the discovered

components for demasking, the required concentrations of demasking components have to be

adjusted individually. Although there is a good perception of the masking and demasking

principles, it is difficult to predict the interplay and aggregation state of all sample components

while endotoxin masking and demasking. Hence, the described molecules used for sample

preparation represent a toolbox of demasking agents. To develop a dedicated sample preparation

protocol for demasking endotoxin, broad approaches with various combinations and

concentrations of all described demasking components are recommended.

In the case of biopharmaceutical drug products, the API (mainly proteins) is the major component,

which predetermines the overall sample conditions. Surfactants are added to such protein based

products to saturate hydrophobic interfaces in order to prevent adsorption and aggregation of

the API[56]. The results above have been shown that that the phenomenon of LER can be driven

by the formulation components lacking the API (3.1 and 3.2), but the API can also contribute to

masking of endotoxin and initiate LER (Table 8 and 9). In contrast, BSA has been shown being

beneficial during demasking. To this end, depending on the composition and aggregation state of

sample compositions, more or less surfactants can be adsorbed by a protein[116] and

noteworthy, proteins are also capable in adsorbing LPS[47]. Thus, the presence of a protein can

enhance or reduce the endotoxin masking capability of a sample. It is assumed that the “free”

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concentration and aggregation state of surfactants in a sample can be affected by the API, which

in turn can influence masking and demasking of endotoxins. Endotoxin demasking – rearrangement of endotoxin aggregates

In summary, depending on the particular sample conditions a combination of 1-dodecanol, SDS,

BSA and calcium dichloride can render the masked endotoxin detectable again. Noteworthy, 1-

dodecanol represents the essential reagent and was present in all demasking approaches. It is

supposed that 1-dodecanol provides the major driving force in disturbing endotoxin masking

complexes and supporting the rearrangement of LPS. Figure 35 schematically illustrates

hypothetical rearrangements of lipid A and polysorbate 20 in the presence of a long-chained alkyl

alcohol. The illustration emphasizes the pass through several transition states, in which co-

surfactants force swelling of the endotoxin masking complex, followed by forming lamellar

structures, which in turn enable a reassembly of detectable LPS.

Figure 35 Potential effects on supramolecular structures: Re-arrangements during demasking

Hypothetical rearrangements of endotoxin during demasking are shown. (A) The lipid A part of LPS is embedded in the hydrophobic core of a small sized surfactant micelle. (B) Co-surfactants intercalate into the mixed surfactant-LPS micelle and swell it. (C) Intercalation of co-surfactants rearranges the micellar structures into lamellar and channel structures. (D) LPS molecules are free to diffuse. (E) Surfactants form bilayers and LPS reassembles into detectable structures (e.g. hexagonal inverted).

In conclusion, the data demonstrate that the detection of endotoxin depends on the particular

sample conditions. LPS are reversibly deactivated during masking, because LPS can be detected

again after sample treatment. Concomitantly, it cannot be excluded that demasking also takes

place in-vivo. Thus, masking of endotoxin is most likely driven by alterations in the supramolecular

structures of endotoxin, which is controlled by environmental conditions.

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4 Conclusions

4.1 Endotoxin demasking – a technical solution LER has been observed during quality control of biopharmaceutical drug products using Limulus-

based detection systems[44], [54]. As consequence, the detection of bacterial endotoxins can

lead to wrong-negative test results. In this work, the detectability of endotoxins in typical

formulation matrices of biopharmaceutical drug products was analyzed in order to understand

and overcome LER. The results demonstrate that LER is caused by simultaneous presence of

surfactants and complex forming buffer agents. The appearance of LER is time and temperature

dependent and complex forming agents were identified in limiting the reaction kinetics. Variation

in surfactant and endotoxin concentrations showed no substantial effects on the reaction

kinetics, but endotoxins from different sources showed effects on the kinetics. Taken together,

the results above lead to the assumption that LER is caused by alteration of the endotoxin

aggregation state. Moreover, a two-step masking mechanism is proposed, in which salt bridges

between LPS molecules are destabilized and subsequently mixed micelles are formed masking

the endotoxin. In order to render endotoxin detectable again, a sample treatment procedure was

developed. Thereby, dodecanol was identified very efficient in demasking the endotoxin. The

presented results clearly demonstrate that demasking is possible out of various formulation

matrices and independent of the endotoxin source. However, the experiments were based on

model systems and the conditions of drug products were simulated. The ultimate proof of

concept is the application in a real drug product which is affected by LER. The cooperation with a

world´s leading pharmaceutical company enabled the analysis of endotoxin masking in one of

their biopharmaceutical drug products, which is intended for commercial use. The studied

product was unequivocally affected by LER (Figure 36A).

Figure 36 Recovery endotoxin before and after demasking out of a drug product

Endotoxin recovery before and after demasking out of a real life sample is shown. A) Recovery of 10 EU/mL endotoxin after incubation for 7 days at 4 °C in depyrogenated water (control) and finished drug product (DP). B) Recovery of endotoxin out of the drug product after sample treatment. For detection a LAL assay was used. The error bars reflect the standard deviation of four individual sample preparations (n=4).





Control DP



ry [







Recovery referred to control



ry [



Page 87: Low Endotoxin Recovery - Detection of Endotoxins in Common ...€¦ · inconsistencies during testing of biopharmaceutical drug products have been observed. In certain drug products,


For demasking the developed toolbox including ionic and amphiphilic demasking agents was used

and a dedicated sample treatment protocol was established to overcome the LER effect in the

drug product. Application of the protocol restored the detectability of endotoxin out of the

affected drug product (Figure 36B). As expected, not all endotoxins show equivalent masking

susceptibilities. For example, endotoxins from E.coli O55:B5 are less affected than E.coli

O113:H21 (RSE) and E.cloacae (NOE). However, after sample treatment, all endotoxins were

detectable in a range between 50 and 200% recovery. Interestingly, the degree of masking had

no impact on demasking efficiency (Figure 37). This approach enabled for the first time an

adequate detection of endotoxin over time in this drug product. Consequently, to ensure the

detection of potential endotoxin contaminations and to reduce the risk of underestimation of an

endotoxin contamination, the sponsor will use this approach in quality control departments in

the future to improve patient safety.

Figure 37 Masking and demasking of different endotoxin out of a drug product

Endotoxin recovery of 2.5 EU/mL of different endotoxins out of a finished drug product after incubation for 15 days at 4°C is shown. Endotoxin was measured before (black bars) and after demasking (white bars). For detection a LAL assay was used.

4.2 Perspectives of sample treatments in BET The occurrence of LER demonstrates that the requirements for endotoxin testing of modern

biological drug products are changing. To this end, snapshot measurements of endotoxin will be

extended by time dependent measurements and trends have to be identified. Moreover, the

complexity of present and future drug products will not decrease and in consequence, it is

expected that individual sample preparations prior to the actual test methods will increase.

Moreover, there are further exciting fields of application, which suffer from inadequate

endotoxin detection. For example, vaccines can exhibit difficult conditions for BET, because of

complex sample formulation including aluminum-based nano particles, which are able to adsorb

endotoxin and strongly interfere with the enzyme reaction in Limulus-based detection systems.

In such a case, the optimization of given detection methods is of great interest. Another challenge









ry [


Page 88: Low Endotoxin Recovery - Detection of Endotoxins in Common ...€¦ · inconsistencies during testing of biopharmaceutical drug products have been observed. In certain drug products,


in BET is the group of Advanced Therapy Medical Products, which possess enormously increased

sample complexity, because such products often contain living cells. However, the ultimate

challenge of endotoxin testing is the analysis of blood samples, because of pronounced masking

effects and strong test interference, which substantially reduces sensitivity of the test system.

Therefore, fast and sensitive detection of endotoxin in blood samples would be a great

achievement in the field of sepsis diagnosis, which in turn would substantially support decisions

in the medical treatment of acute infections. Taken together, the presented data contributes to

a better understanding of endotoxins and helps to improve detection of bacterial endotoxins in

complex sample matrices.

4.3 Need for structural analysis of endotoxins in complex sample

matrices Goal of the present work was to establish a technical solution for endotoxin detection in the case

of endotoxin masking (LER) of biopharmaceutical drug products. To this end, a technical solution

was developed and a mechanistic model was established, assuming structural rearrangements of

LPS during masking and demasking. Yet, to confirm the working hypothesis and to further

improve the current methods, detailed structural analysis of endotoxin will be of interest. It might

be conceivable to track a change of endotoxin aggregates during masking and demasking with

physical methods. For instance, it is most likely that the size of aggregates is changed, which could

be determined using scattering methods like Dynamic Light Scattering (DLS) or microscopy

methods like Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM). The application of such methods is highly

appreciated, but there are a few obstacles that need to be overcome. Due to the heterogeneity

of endotoxin, it exists in a broad variety of aggregates with different shapes and sizes. Thus, the

analysis of simultaneous alterations of different aggregates will be difficult. A further challenge

is the particular endotoxin concentration. Basically, the aggregation state is concentration

dependent and relevant LPS concentrations are in the pico- to femtomolar range, which

challenges the detection limit of most analytical methods. Further difficulties are given by the

molar excess of surfactants compared to LPS. To this end, the detection of structural alterations

of LPS might be interfered by surfactant aggregates. Due to these difficulties, it might be

reasonable to start experiments using the above studied polysorbate/citrate matrix as sample,

but with reduced polysorbate concentrations still allowing for masking, but possibly reducing

interference. In addition, using rough mutants lacking the O-antigen as endotoxin source could

be beneficial in such experiments, because a reduced heterogeneity of endotoxin can be

achieved. Obviously, such conditions do not reflect real conditions in industry, but will support

the understanding of endotoxin aggregation. This further elucidation of supramolecular

Page 89: Low Endotoxin Recovery - Detection of Endotoxins in Common ...€¦ · inconsistencies during testing of biopharmaceutical drug products have been observed. In certain drug products,


alterations can be used in diagnostics for improving endotoxin detection methods, but also

support fundamental research of stabilities in bacterial membranes.

4.4 Clinical relevance of masked endotoxin Beyond the presented analytical approach, it is also of great interest to further understand the

clinically effects of masked endotoxin. Endotoxin, when masked could be assumed as

depyrogenated i.e. the endotoxic activity is neutralized and detection could be assumed as

dispensable. At a first glance, this is a solid argument, because Limulus-based detection methods

are useful for identification of LPS and LPS-like structures in samples like biopharmaceutical drug

products. Comparative studies have shown that activities measured with Limulus-based detection

methods indicate bacterial contaminations very sensitive. However, it has to be kept in mind that

Limulus-based detection is derived from an invertebrate crab and is not an in-vivo measure for

endotoxicity in man. Obviously, to study the real pyrogenicity of masked endotoxin, it must be

administrated intravenously to man under a variety of conditions (varying concentrations,

different endotoxin sources, etc.). Yet, such kinds of studies do not correspond with ethic

guidelines. Alternative test procedures are experiments in animals. In Europe it is difficult to

perform such studies, because of animal welfare directives of the European Commission.

Nevertheless, a few unpublished studies using the RPT have been performed, indicating that

rabbits can positively respond to masked endotoxin, but not imperatively. Using another in-vitro

method which mimics interaction of endotoxin and Toll-like receptors of the human innate

immune system might be also beneficial[30]. Interestingly, first results indicate that monocyte

activation tests (MAT) are also affected by LER. The interaction of masked endotoxin with Toll-

like receptor in the assay seems to be not possible. However, the MAT does not reflect in-vivo

conditions. It has to be investigated, whether other physiological functions are needed to break

up the masked endotoxin complex. Otherwise complex formation of endotoxin by chelator and

surfactant might inhibit immune stimulation via Toll-like receptor immune response. In

consequence, there is no definite statement available, if masked endotoxin is still hazardous in

man. Moreover, it has to be considered that masked endotoxin might activate alternative

immune stimulating pathways. In the field of vaccination, depyrogenated endotoxins are actively

added to certain drug products to serve as an adjuvant, stimulating the immune system. Such

effects are desired and support the development of certain adaptive immunity. In contrast,

biopharmaceutical drug products (e.g. therapeutic proteins), which are focus in the present work,

can lose their efficacy or lead to life threatening responses due to innate immune response

modulating impurities.[128], [129] Hence, in the case of therapeutic monoclonal antibodies, the

presence of masked endotoxin could lead to inadvertent side reactions. Consequently,

Page 90: Low Endotoxin Recovery - Detection of Endotoxins in Common ...€¦ · inconsistencies during testing of biopharmaceutical drug products have been observed. In certain drug products,


continuous improvement of endotoxin detection methods is essential to maintain and improve

patient safety.

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4.5 Key findings Endotoxin testing is mandatory in quality control of parenteral drug products. Low

recovery of known endotoxin contents has led to the presented work and resulted in the

following findings:

The occurrence of the Low Endotoxin Recovery (LER) is time and temperature dependent.

LER can be detected after minutes to hours and days of sample incubation depending on

the experimental setup. To thoroughly identify if a sample (e.g. drug product) is affected

by LER, incubation temperature and periods have to reflect handling and storage

procedures of tested samples.

LER is caused by endotoxin masking. Endotoxin detection assays have been proven

functional, but detectability of endotoxin is limited due to alteration of its supramolecular

aggregation state, which in turn can be manipulated by the sample matrix. It is supposed

that endotoxin is monomerized in its masked state.

Common formulation components of biopharmaceutical drug products like surfactants

and buffer systems as well as proteins can lead to LER. However, only the simultaneously

presence of amphiphilic molecules and complex formation agents cause LER. The

complex formation capability of a sample matrix strongly determines the reaction rate.

Endotoxin masking is associated with a two-step reaction mechanism. In a first step,

endotoxin aggregates are permeabilized by destabilization of salt bridges between

endotoxin molecules. In a second step, amphiphilic molecules like surfactants intercalate

between endotoxin molecules and result in masking of endotoxin.

Endotoxins from different sources possess different susceptibilities to endotoxin

masking. Depending on the molecular structure of endotoxin, different stabilization

mechanisms are used. Endotoxins with substantial contents of positively charged

substituent’s (e.g. 4-amino-4-deoxyarabinose) are less susceptible to masking.

Demasking of endotoxin is possible. Endotoxin can be released from its masking complex

and detected again using common detection methods. Sample treatments using

dodecanol, calcium dicholoride, sodium dodecyl sulfate and bovine serum albumin have

been shown to be very effective. It is most likely that endotoxin reaggregates and forms

inverted aggregates.

Sample treatment for demasking is case related. Depending on the sample matrix, above

described components and combination thereof as well as concentrations have to be

adapted case by case. Co-surfactants like long chain alkyl alcohols have been identified

as key components and are necessary in all cases.

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5 Appendix

5.1 List of figures Figure 1 Gram-negative Bacteria .................................................................................................. 13

Figure 2 The history of endotoxin research .................................................................................. 14

Figure 3 Schematic structure of lipopolysaccharides ................................................................... 16

Figure 4 Schematic representation of the activation mechanisms induced by LPS ..................... 16

Figure 5 The Toll-Like-Receptor family ......................................................................................... 17

Figure 6 Horseshoe crabs and their endotoxin specific reaction cascade .................................... 19

Figure 7 Endotoxin recovery kinetics in citrate-polysorbate formulations .................................. 32

Figure 8 Impact of buffer system on endotoxin recovery ............................................................. 34

Figure 9 Surfactant dependent endotoxin recovery ..................................................................... 35

Figure 10 Endotoxin masking capacity of citrate-polysorbate 20 formulation............................. 36

Figure 11 Two-step mechanism of endotoxin masking ................................................................ 39

Figure 12 Endotoxin recovery depending on order of matrix component and LPS addition ....... 42

Figure 13 Endotoxin recovery kinetics depending on LPS concentration ..................................... 43

Figure 14 Endotoxin recovery kinetics depending on concentration of matrix components ...... 44

Figure 15 Endotoxin recovery depends on the presence of divalent cations ............................... 45

Figure 16 Sodium citrate concentration determines endotoxin recovery .................................... 46

Figure 17 Endotoxin recovery depends on sodium citrate concentration under equilibrium

conditions ...................................................................................................................................... 47

Figure 18 SDS-PAGE of crude bacterial endotoxin preparations from different bacteria ............ 57

Figure 19 Comparison of crude endotoxin preparations from different bacteria ........................ 58

Figure 20 Endotoxin recovery kinetics of endotoxin from E.cloacae ............................................ 59

Figure 21 Comparison of phenol-extracted endotoxins from different bacteria ......................... 60

Figure 22 Endotoxin recovery kinetics of different endotoxin preparations ................................ 61

Figure 23 Structural modifications of lipopolysaccharides ........................................................... 64

Figure 24 Origin of LPS – Bacterial cells and their breakdown products ...................................... 66

Figure 25 Molecular shape of an amphiphilic molecule determines its supramolecular

structure ........................................................................................................................................ 69

Figure 26 Relationship between supramolecular structures and endotoxicity ............................ 70

Figure 27 Demasking of endotoxin using co-surfactants .............................................................. 71

Figure 28 Demasking of endotoxin using dodecanol and BSA ...................................................... 72

Figure 29 Demasking of endotoxin out of different sample matrices using dodecanol and BSA . 73

Figure 30 Demasking of endotoxin out of octoxynol 9 matrices .................................................. 73

Figure 31 Potential effects on supramolecular structures: Mixing polysorbate and LPS ............. 79

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Figure 32 Mixing surfactants and co-surfactants .......................................................................... 80

Figure 33 Potential effects on supramolecular structures: Reassembly of LPS ............................ 81

Figure 34 Molecular structures of surfactants .............................................................................. 82

Figure 35 Potential effects on supramolecular structures: Re-arrangements during demasking 85

Figure 36 Recovery endotoxin before and after demasking out of a drug product ..................... 86

Figure 37 Masking and demasking of different endotoxin out of a drug product ........................ 87

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5.2 List of tables Table 1 Common formulations of biopharmaceutical drug products .......................................... 21

Table 2 Endotoxin recovery out of single and multiple component samples ............................... 31

Table 3 Growth of different bacteria and release of endotoxin ................................................... 56

Table 4 Endotoxin recovery of different endotoxins .................................................................... 58

Table 5 Detection of an endogenous endotoxin contamination .................................................. 62

Table 6 Comparison of different demasking approaches ............................................................. 74

Table 7 Demasking of different endotoxins .................................................................................. 75

Table 8 Demasking of endotoxin out of formulated antibody samples ....................................... 76

Table 9 Demasking of unknown endotoxin ................................................................................... 77

Table 10 Comparison of different detection methods after demasking of endotoxin ................. 78

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5.4 List of publications

5.4.1 Selected poster presentations

Evaluation of two new recombinant Factor C based assays as alternatives for Limulus blood based

endotoxin detection methods, European Society for Alternatives to Animal Testing, Linz, Austria,


Low Endotoxin Recovery in Limulus Based Detection Systems, Dechema Gesellschaft für

Chemische Technik und Biotechnologie, Irsee, Germany, 2013

Case study - Low Endotoxin Recovery in bio-pharmaceuticals: Comparison of Natural occurring

Endotoxins (NOE) and commercial standards Annual meeting, Parenteral Drug Association, San

Antonio, USA, 2014

Endotoxin Contamination in Biopharmaceuticals: False Negative Results Induced by Endotoxin

Masking, Bioprocessing Summit, Boston, USA, 2014

Endotoxin Testing – A Gamble on the Test System, Annual meeting, Parenteral Drug Association,

Las Vegas, USA, 2015

Challenges of Endotoxin Detection in Biologics Drug Products, Bioprocessing Summit, Boston,

USA, 2015

5.4.2 Oral presentations

An advanced Endotoxin Assay: Insights and Strategies for overcoming Low Endotoxin Recovery in

complex formulations, Parenteral Drug Association, Tokio, Japan, 2013

New Challenges of Endotoxin Detection in modern Pharmaceuticals, International Endotoxin and

Innate Immunity Society, Salt Lake City, USA, 2014

Endotoxin Contamination in BioPharmaceuticals: Overcoming False Negative Results Induced by

Endotoxin Masking, Bioprocessing Summit, Boston, USA, 2014

Endotoxin masking & de-masking, Food and Drug Administration, Bethesda, USA, 2014

Heterogeneity of Potential Endotoxin Contaminations in Parenteral Drugs, Parenteral Drug

Association, Pharmaceutical Microbiology, Berlin, Germany, 2015

Understanding and Overcoming LER, Lonza Endotoxin Summit, Annapolis, USA, 2015

Understanding the Principles of Endotoxin Masking and Demasking, Bacterial Endotoxin Summit,

Iselin, USA, 2015

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Endotoxin Masking /Low Endotoxin Recovery Update, Webinar, European Compliance Academy,

Heidelberg, Germany, 2015

Overcoming Endotoxin Masking in a Drug Product, PharmaLab, Düsseldorf, Germany, 2015

Masking and Demasking of Endotoxins in Common Biological Product Matrices, Annual Meeting,

Parenteral Drug Association, San Antonio, USA, 2016

Detectability of Endotoxin Contaminations in Biologicals, Protein & Antibody Engineering and

Development Summit, Shanghai, China, 216

Understanding and Overcoming LER II, Lonza Endotoxin Summit, Annapolis, USA, 2016

5.4.3 Published articles

J. Reich, K. Heed, H. Grallert, Detection of naturally occurring bacterial endotoxins in water

samples, European Pharmaceutical Review magazine, Issue 6, 2014

Z. Hu, T. Murakami, K. Suzuki, H. Tamura, J. Reich, K. Kuwahara-Arai, T. Iba, und I. Nagaoka,

„Antimicrobial cathelicidin peptide LL-37 inhibits the pyroptosis of macrophages and improves

the survival of polybacterial septic mice“, Int. Immunol., 28, 5, 2016.

L. Wimbish, J. Reich, Better understanding LER and how to detect endotoxins in medicinal

products, Pharmaceutical Processing, Vol 31, No. 3, 2016

J. Reich, P. Lang, H. Grallert, H. Motschmann, Masking of Endotoxin in Surfactant Samples: Effects

on Limulus-based detection systems, Biologicals, 2016 (in press)

H. Tamura, J. Reich, I. Nagaoka, Bacterial endotoxin assays relevant to host defense peptides,

submitted to Juntendo Medical Journal, 62, 2, 2016

5.4.4 Intellectual Property

J. Reich, H. Grallert, Unmasking endotoxins in solution, EP20140172151, 2014

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5.4.5 Declaration

The studies presented in chapter 3.1 “Masking of endotoxin in surfactant samples: Effects on

Limulus-based detection systems” led to a publication which is was already submitted to the

Journal of Biologicals in 2015 (J. Reich, P. Lang, H. Grallert, H. Motschmann, Masking of Endotoxin

in Surfactant Samples: Effects on Limulus-based detection systems). The article has been

accepted on 26th of April 2016 and is currently in press.

The findings described in chapter 3.4 “Endotoxin demasking” are included in a patent application

in 2014 to protect this unique approach. Therefore, parts of this chapter (3.4) were already

published in 2015 (J. Reich, H. Grallert, Unmasking endotoxins in solution, EP20140172151, 2014).

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5.5 Curriculum Vitae

Johannes Reich

Address: An der Bärenmühle 6

82362 Weilheim, Germany

E-mail: [email protected]

Employment History and Experience

09/2016 – Microcoat Biotechnologie GmbH, Bernried, Germany General Manager - endotoxin test service

02/2005 – 12/2008 Profos AG, Regensburg, Germany Product Manager - drugs of abuse (DoA) testing product range (whilst concluding final elements of University degree)

08/2004 – 01/2005 Profos AG, Regensburg, Germany Marketing Assistant - all technology/product categories. Industrial year during University degree course.

01/2002 – 08/2002 Raiffeisen-BayWa Waren GmbH, Lobsing, Germany Management Assistant - wholesale outlet

Education and Training

10/2012 – 08/2016 Universität Regensburg, Regensburg, Germany Hyglos GmbH, Bernried, Germany Doctoral Research Study - Low Endotoxin Recovery

10/2010 – 09/2012 Universität Regensburg, Regensburg, Germany Institute for Separative Chemistry, Marcoule, France Master of Science (COSOM)

10/2007 – 09/2010 Universität Regensburg, Regensburg, Germany Bachelor of Science (Chemistry)

09/2003 – 07/2007 University of Applied Sciences, Regensburg, Germany Diploma (Business Administration)

09/2002 – 08/2003 Upper vocational school, BOS, Regensburg, Germany Advanced technical college entrance qualification

03/2001 – 12/2001 Bundeswehr Pionierlehrbatallion, Ingolstadt, Germany Military service -Technical training as mobile crane operator

09/1998 – 02/2001 Raiffeisen-BayWa Waren GmbH, Lobsing, Germany Professional training / work experience - Training in commercial aspects of wholesale and export trades.

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5.6 Eidesstattliche Erklärung Ich erkläre hiermit an Eides statt, dass ich die vorliegende Arbeit ohne unzulässige Hilfe Dritter

und ohne Benutzung anderer als der angegebenen Hilfsmittel angefertigt habe; die aus anderen

Quellen direkt oder indirekt übernommenen Daten und Konzepte sind unter Angabe des

Literaturzitats gekennzeichnet.

Weitere Personen waren an der inhaltlich-materiellen Herstellung der vorliegenden Arbeit nicht

beteiligt. Insbesondere habe ich hierfür nicht die entgeltliche Hilfe eines Promotionsberaters oder

anderer Personen in Anspruch genommen. Niemand hat von mir weder unmittelbar noch

mittelbar geldwerte Leistungen für Arbeiten erhalten, die im Zusammenhang mit dem Inhalt der

vorgelegten Dissertation stehen.

Die Arbeit wurde bisher weder im In- noch im Ausland in gleicher oder ähnlicher Form einer

anderen Prüfungsbehörde vorgelegt.

Regensburg, den 05.07.2016


Johannes Reich

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6 Annex

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Page 119: Low Endotoxin Recovery - Detection of Endotoxins in Common ...€¦ · inconsistencies during testing of biopharmaceutical drug products have been observed. In certain drug products,


Page 120: Low Endotoxin Recovery - Detection of Endotoxins in Common ...€¦ · inconsistencies during testing of biopharmaceutical drug products have been observed. In certain drug products,