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Page 1: LIVING BETWEEN TWO WORLD... and avoiding cognitive dissonance

an observer's view



and avoiding a cognitive dissonance


Page 2: LIVING BETWEEN TWO WORLD... and avoiding cognitive dissonance

an observer's view



and avoiding a cognitive dissonance


Page 3: LIVING BETWEEN TWO WORLD... and avoiding cognitive dissonance


Copyright © 2020 by Cyrillo DeSouza. All rights reserved. Except as permitted under the U.S. Copyright Act of 1976, no part of this

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Published by Intelligence3, Inc.

LIVING BETWEEN TWO WORLD... and avoiding cognitive dissonance, are registered trademarks of

CYRILLO DESOUZA 100 Lincoln Road

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Printed in the United States of America First Edition: 2020

ISBN: 000-0-00000-000-0

Library of Congress Control Number: 0000000000

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prologue Living Between Two Worlds... and avoiding cognitive dissonance.

fragment 1 Dreams, wishes, imagination and reality

fragment 2 discovering different realities, how to avoid cognitive dissonance

fragment 3 Personal perception, visionaries, future and timeline

fragment 4 Dealing with our shadows ... possible changes from our past?

fragment 5 Align with the Universe, searching and opening the gateway

fragment 6 Form of thought, thinking outside of the linear way

fragment 7 Values and actions, Time acceleration and data internalization

fragment 8 The truth

fragment 9 Our planet is alive

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fragment 10 Matter / Visible Universe

fragment 11 There is no physical plan

fragment 12 we are watched by someone from outside ... choose what you want to experience

fragment 13 What would a holographic society be?

fragment 14 Mental Control, Transhumanism and Genetic Mutations

fragment 15 Consciousness, Vibrational Frequency, Densities/Dimension

fragment 16 Constructive and Destructive Interference

fragment 17 Between lives / Transmigration of the Human Soul

fragment 18 See you on Earth

fragment 19 Contacts, Contacted, Messengers and... mistakes

fragment 20 Futures, various possibilities and several alternatives

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fragment 21 Law of Attraction / Point of Attention

fragment 22 New Age ... Spirituality ... A lie?

fragment 23 Time: sequence of thoughts and conscious achievements

fragment 24 New Earth and a Paradigm Shift

fragment 25 Love is the key to everything

the author About Cyrillo DeSouza

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for me

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to my dear and beloved daughter, who

without your empathy and encouragement this book would not have been completed

I love you Vicky

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this is a vision, experiences and 'contacts' of a silent observer of this world and this reality, being in it and at the same time outside, and trying to avoid cognitive

dissonance ...

coming into contact with the infinite, which is himself ... listening to the inner voice ... trying to hear

the answers to tireless questions ... thinking out loud ...

as the observer always says: "I am the master of my own faith ... and the captain of my own soul ... so I don't need intermediaries ...

experiences and conflicts between an apparently material world and the etheric side in which we really

reside, and what we are ...

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the observer, once apprehensive wanting to know how he could predict tomorrow, a dear friend and also a

former observer of this world, said:

"visit tomorrow... look through the time interval and...

visualize it as you wish... "

the conclusion he reached is that we have to keep in mind that we are gods (beyond the theological sense) and co-creators of the reality around us, and that we

should not be afraid of absolutely nothing ...

he also concluded that we are the ones who manifest the reality we live in ... and that we need to learn to always expect the unexpected, awakening the homo

empathicus asleep within us, understanding the differences and enjoying the experience of life in this

infinite dimensional ...

so ... let's celebrate life ...

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“no matter how I know...what matters is that i know"

before waking up as an observer of the world, I asked who created our reality and whether or not there were victims in this world ... today I know that we are the creators of our own reality and co-creators of the world around us in a way dynamic, and it all starts with our imagination which is the basis of everything that exists ...

imagination has always been very discredited as an empty fantasy, discarded as irresponsible and childish, but both are the basis for creating reality, because everything that exists, at the same time, was an imagined idea, a fantasy ...

imagination is one of the main faculties of our mind because it has absolute priority over all elements of consciousness, shaping the outside world according to what we think and feel ...

in this world where you feel that everything is attacking you, it is easy to fall into the mentality of the victims and the mentality of believing that you have no power over everything that happens, when in reality, everything comes from you, you are the creator, so much at the collective level and especially at the individual level ...

we experience this every day, where our thoughts, fears, desires and insecurities manifest before us in the world of dreams while we sleep, in another lighter existential plane, everything manifests instantly ... in short, everything that exists and happens is a direct mirror of ourselves ...

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fragment 1

dreams, wishes, imagination and reality

“reality is abstract, intangible because there is no eye that sees what the other sees, because for each heart

life shows a scenario and the success of shapes, colors, sounds and fragrances does not reveal the personal

path of each look in the search for oneself.”

dreams are the reality that you experience in another density of matter, faster and lighter ... but they are not something that does not exist as most people think ...

this world in which you are and perceive, and which you call reality, is also the result of the same creative process of reality that you experience in the world of dreams, but things do not happen so fast due to the greater density of the manifested matter, and where vital energy is pasty and all handling costs work and with great patience ...

this slowness results in the illusion of an event - temporal linearity, in which one thing gives rise to another within what would be called a logical cause - effect in a linear way ...

but in the end, it's just a dream ... the higher the density, the lighter and faster things manifest, the lower the density the slower the manifestation, this is an individual experience, because there is no time ...

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so what you think, what you create and what you feel is your external reality, as I said collectively and especially individually ... with all the above options, what I want to tell you, to remind you, is that you has all the power to stop everything you don't like and stop everything you don't agree ... what you know is hurting you and what deprives you of the quality of life ... whatever ...

first of all, and first of all, you must know the enormous strength of the word "no" ... I well know that people have a certain rejection of that word, because they just want to please others and to be accepted by them, because deep down they always want to feel loved ...

once you think clearly and have developed a conviction to follow what seems right, you have enormous strength against all kinds of entities and circumstances that may arise against you ... if you are afraid of something that may happen or even if you are on the right path according to your convictions, without fear and with all your inner strength say: no, I do not accept this to happen to me, I do not want to! everything within that matrix will insist in every possible way to accept what you don't want or want, that accepts what can or is happening to you as inevitable, but it is not so ...

is what those who rule the world or hidden government as you want to call it, most use is manipulation through fear ... the matrix constantly tests you by playing your adversity ... those who do not have enough strength and conviction for everything, because , otherwise, it would be contrary to the universal laws of free will, and because the matrix game is yours and for you to generate an experience ...

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the victim's mentality only prevails in an environment where people do not exercise their own responsibility for themselves, their thoughts, values and actions ...

the fact that you ignore negative agendas, even if they are not under your attention - the creation of reality, affects you because everyone has tactical, unconscious agreements and also prenatal agreements that make you vulnerable and susceptible to many negative agendas. and remain so in ignorance and think that if I don’t see that it doesn’t exist in my reality, it’s an ostrich attitude ... the realization of what happens and the firm conviction that this is not desired in your reality, under the universal laws of free will, you can deactivate these agreements ...

although I know that all we want is for us to do, I still see that something outside is stopped and I don't know why, as I said: complicated times we are all living in, we are already suffering from this law of the cause and collective effect, even without being part of it, unfortunately ...

before we still managed to separate, in a way as in protected cells, but from what I realize today there is no more separation. because the system of cause and effect (which some call karma) is being eliminated due to changes on the planet ...

we need to understand that now, more than ever, we have to be aware of the unknown that is to come, I think also due to our clarification, perhaps to our level of consciousness ...

expect the unexpected, as simple as that ... and ... never close "windows", always open one and then another, so that your minds can process so much information, nothing is

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contradictory, just add, the mind is enough not to worry , the only ones that limit are ourselves ...

                                            dreams are like a seed; it takes time to plant it ... and it doesn't happen overnight ... we forget that we have to win it ... we're in this instant gratification, give it to me now and, by the way, I don't have to do anything so just give it to me ... and dreams are achieved ... if it hasn't happened, keep trying ...

listen to your body, use your sensitivity, your intuition and learn to choose what to put in it or in your mind ...

there is a place inside you where nothing is impossible ... dedicate your whole life to finding that place and then spend the rest of your days taking care not to leave it ...

our mind, our dreams and our fears generates the harmonics of a frequency that materialize the world around us, so be very careful with what you think or wish ...

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fragment 2

discovering alternative realities ... how to avoid cognitive dissonance ...

“we believed, rather, most still believe in what was said to believe, in what made sense in the face of beliefs and

dogmas to believe ... we are currently looking for answers to try to understand the old truths"...

the term cognitive dissonance refers to a situation that involves conflicting attitudes, beliefs or behaviors in the face of new "realities", "truths" and or "new experiences", especially with regard to the search outside reality perceived by the majority of them back, including the search for the unknown and even hidden, following the old question as an example: who we are, where we came from, where we are going, or even the doubt in relation to what they taught us as "truths" ...

 this produces a feeling of mental discomfort when we are faced with realities called "parallel" to which we live, rather, the reality we perceive ...

these findings lead us to a change in attitudes, beliefs or behaviors in an attempt to reduce discomfort and restore the supposed previous balance ...

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it usually happens when we experience new and different realities from those we have been conditioned throughout our life, whether by cultural impositions, dogmas, and especially religious beliefs ...

change in attitude? ...

the problem is that this so-called cognitive dissonance always suggests something like a survival instinct, an internal impulse to keep all our attitudes and behaviors in harmony and avoid disharmony (or dissonance) ... this is the principle of cognitive consistency. ..

it is also worth remembering the fact that advertisements in the current media, which subjectively and evasively enslave customs and induce predictable behavior, by the "owners of the world" who create them with the simple objective of massive control ... that is very visible with the advent of social networks, apparently free, but in fact "conducted" by the said groups, following a hidden agenda with harmful objectives and control of humanity on this planet ...

when there is an inconsistency between attitudes or behaviors (dissonance), something must be done to change and eliminate the dissonance ...

dissonance can be reduced through changes in attitudes, behaviors, beliefs, etc., to make the relationship between the two elements a consonant ...

but when one of the dissonant elements is a behavior, the individual can change or eliminate the behavior ...

however, this way of reducing dissonance often presents problems for people, as it is often difficult for people to

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change well-learned and / or impregnated behavioral responses ...

the second way would be to acquire new information that overcomes the "dissonant beliefs" that we deal with in this book ... that new information as "research" and experiencing the new "realities" can reduce dissonance ...

reduce the importance of cognitions (that is, beliefs, dogmas, attitudes) ... a person should be convinced that it is better to "live for today" than "save for tomorrow" ...

in other words, continuing life following what you have learned in the past is easier and more comfortable, more comfortable, because changes and adaptations to new realities are not as simple as people say ... this way, the person ends up decreasing the importance of cognition dissonant and ignores the new realities, leaving aside the possibilities of a different view of life ...

however, life is full of decisions, and decisions as a general rule arouse dissonance ...

a simple example, suppose you have to decide whether to accept a job in an absolutely beautiful area of the country or refuse the job in order to be able to be close to your friends and family ... anyway, you would feel dissonance ... in this example, if you took the job, you would miss your loved ones; if you refused the job, you would look for the beautiful streams, mountains and valleys ...

both alternatives have their positive and negative points ... the problem is that making a decision eliminates the possibility that you can take advantage of the unselected alternative, but ensures that you must accept the disadvantages of the chosen alternative ...

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people have several ways to reduce dissonance, avoid it or get around it, when this dissonance is awakened when making a decision ... one thing they can do is change behavior ... as noted earlier, this usually it is very difficult, so people often employ a variety of mental maneuvers ... a common way to reduce dissonance is to increase the attractiveness of the chosen alternative and decrease the attractiveness of the rejected alternative ... this is called "separating the alternatives" ...

under the influence of planetary changes and paradigm changes in the aspect of changes in frequencies / densities / dimension, as well as the socio-cultural context of postmodernity, it has placed human beings in the face of an identity crisis, with the old question: "who I am ... where I came from ... where I am going to "... and despite the high degree of independence and dominance, made possible by science and technique, individuals live in a situation of helplessness and existential anxiety ... this helplessness it generates a strong tendency to search for supernatural values in the world, contradicting the pre-established beliefs and dogmas ... this transcendence has such an impact on the transformation of the person's life, generating internal conflicts, cognitive dissonance and shocks of realities in the face of new truths ... and this is directly related to mental health ...

this "personal" experience is not just explained by forces contained in the person's interiority, but in the vision in relation to the perception and way of seeing the world in a different way from what they have learned throughout their lives based on local culture, family and academic education,

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as well as beliefs and dogmas induced by society and control groups ...

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fragment 3

personal perception, visionaries, future and timeline

“I turn on the spotlight of my consciousness inside, because everything and everyone is living inside me!"

the self—at one and the same time the self of all living creatures, and therefore my self—knows no bounds; so

the entire universe is within me, and my self fills all the universe...

everything that is—I am!

I try to see remotely, although it is difficult but possible, something is blocking the air ... as if we are being bombarded intensively by external waves, perhaps of artificial intelligence, in an attempt to block our contacts with higher frequencies ...

I affirm that there is no future as we imagine, but as many futures as people on the planet expressing their future, and their changes at every moment, what they see is a promise of probabilities, the intention and the visualization-perception of the population ...

all visionaries / visionaries see probabilities of a future compatible with their own personal timeline, frequency

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perception, so that as probabilities they can be altered as timelines as this is how time works ...

the future of humanity on this planet is in the hands of each of its inhabitants and what they want to live in, it is not a destination in the collective society, because they are not victims, they are choices ...

we are the ones who work to understand and believe, because we are the creators, we are not the victims ...

each person who is generating the world in which he lives, controls everything, not as a collective, at all levels, I mean a great individual power ...

each conscience only sees and understands what it knows, using its previous knowledge as a basis for interpreting and understanding the external (apparently external) person ...

the limit of your own awareness and understanding, is the limit of what you can understand and what you can see ... this is a density (dimension) ...

there are no densities (dimensions) as they speak, but only a low to high frequency gradient ...

the higher the frequency of the density in which your consciousness mainly lives, the faster you know and perceive things as you wish ...

time for example is part or by-product of consciousness ... it is a self-perception, but not something external, it is how consciousness perceives itself and how it animates what it perceives as a sequence of events ...

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fragment 4

dealing with our shadows ... and possible changes from our

past ...

“the destiny is in one way or another the consequence of your past actions ..."

I would say yes, the past can be changed, but only for your own perception, for yourself ... we can change the past only with conscience / intention and our will ... although it seems crazy to some, more true for others ...

if we want, we can make the decision to change our past at some point, ignore it or move it to a new memory without having to forget the other traumatic memory, because our past memories are the basis for our unconscious shadows that repress later ... fate as Carl Jong said is in one way or another the consequence of his past actions ...

using this method of dealing with your shadows, sometimes it generates moments that are sometimes traumatic, as we have to see and identify the causes of these so-called "shadows", although visualizing this hurts us a little bit in the process to trim the negative effect .. .

with that, we then thought of an alternative way in which things should have happened, the simplest is that the past alternates the imaginary in the simplest possible way, because

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the unconscious is simple and has replaced the event in a natural or positive way in a credible way remembering this alternative event, we can with repetition, we begin to associate the date and context with memory and not with the negative effect ...

many could say that this is false, and that it is a false memory implanted in what you are refusing to deny, but it is not false ... the past is no more, just what you are today and your memories are dedicated to you ...

important in this case not to get into a fight with other people's memories about old memories, just the part they remember is the one you want to wish them well, but as you have already done the shadow work, accept it because other people remember that part as they saw it, but you see an alternative future that was designed by you and for you ...

although you know that not only what happened to you, but that there are an infinite number of variants of the same effect that are worse and better than you remember ...

but you can choose to see a positive alternative event, because everything is already there anyway, you will be pulling an alternative memory of that quantum field of your life ...

it is not a false memory implanted by you using your empty imagination ... what you are doing is taking part of another self from your other timeline and inserting it in the present ...

this is thinking, it is mentalizing ... what you think is ... because the imagination does not create anything, it just pulls what is in another timeline ... we are scalar and multidimensional beings ...

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and that other people remember what they remember, each one lives in a similar reality but with great differences ... you know that this is also something like that, but you don't have to live with it, because you also don't have to remember what happened when you were, for example, 7 years old ...

in my view there is no danger here to develop some schizophrenia in taking memories of others and I differentiate their personalities, each with memories of a different past ... is that living in this dimension is really dangerous, it is not the clean field for experiments and psychological exercises as in higher dimensions ...

that's why we should do a dark job, but in the end with methods that few dare to do ... it is not easy to try to be satisfied with an irritating past ... whatever you remember from your past, this is also yours past ... but if you are already satisfied, you still feel the need to take other memories and simply accept that nothing happens ...

you agree and do not deny, but neither do you deny your inserted alternative past; you are everything, at least choose what you perceived to be living ... you can accept or face other difficulties using this tool ... you decide what works best for you ...

schizophrenia? yes, you may like that, but who told you this is bad? extreme schizophrenia is not positive, the fact of imagining being a person for a moment and changing to another 5 minutes later, and you don't remember what the first one says and there are extreme cases, so I don't think that would be positive .. that is why, in shadow work, you should always have control, especially when needed when in public or with your family, because you cannot show yourself

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as it really is in this society where people constantly judge one another, running the risk of being classified as unbalanced or even crazy ...

but this is not schizophrenia, as you understand and classify current science ... there are extreme cases in which one personality speaks after another leaves the memories of the first ...

blocked by facial neurosis as a lack of control, in addition to adverse reactions to the social ... I do not agree with the definitions of mental illness in the current science of the planet, for me, there are not only misfits ... these people usually have only access to other realities, but we will not know if they do not control them and perceive them as a problem that they are told that you do not see reality ...

it ends up being a fight against the impossible ... it's just a quantum mental illness that goes against the interests of a society ... it's when a person with a syndrome of whatever it is and who no longer perceives reality according to the agreements and parameters of the majority ... it's like being outside the matrix that people take as a real basis ...

certainly the people around you commented when you saw that you say that this will give you a lot to talk about and create problems, but with these insertions of other pasts in your life, you are changing the past of other people. it doesn’t affect the reality of other people, so you can’t show yourself as it really is in this society ...

  you can build a whole story that explains why you decided to live is something happier ... and with that you will also have the freedom not to be in circles of negative

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thoughts that keep you stuck in a life dynamic that is not a precursor .. .

constant negative thoughts are signs of victim mentality constantly blaming others around you and the universe for your misfortunes ... that is why this exercise of inner work serves to get rid of those thoughts associated with negative events ... it is to implant or grafting a memory, this can also be done with hypnosis therapy ...

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fragment 5

align with the universe, researching, opening the

gateway to a better world ...

“when you search or love with all your heart, you get your echoes in the universe ..."

when our personal energy vibrates at a frequency that is directly aligned with what the universe is trying to offer throughout our lives, we start living in the flow and the real miracles start to happen ...

our imagination is the gateway to another world that exists parallel and intertwined to what we live in ...

what we see, feel and perceive of the world is our reality, however, the people who are close to us see and feel different, so their reality is different ...

but the correct view is to open consciousness in search of our personal questions, listening to our inner self and, in this case, the person must put aside all the beliefs and dogmas that he learned during our life, because the beliefs established by "religions", beliefs and dogmas "were established to control people", spreading fear and inducing the worship of nonexistent gods ...

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meditation helps us to increase our vibrational frequency and, thus, project our personal reality, changing the way we see our world, after all it is we who create our reality, we do not depend on anyone for that ...

the greatest sense of freedom occurs when our actions flow directly from feelings ...

if we find ourselves in a "dark night of the soul", where there is no light to be found, we have an option: to become the light we were looking for ...

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fragment 6

way of thinking, creative harmonics, thinking outside of

reality and linear path

“it's great to be enthusiastic about encouraging thinking outside the box when there's evidence of

anything going on outside..."

it would be interesting if we could show what we think, because words do not speak everything as the mind imagines and processes ... shapes ... colors ... flavors ... fragrances ... it is really difficult to exhibit what our mind processes the information received by our unconsciousness, imagine how seriously we try to think in the way of thinking, or that the consciousness expresses or tries to transmit to the drone (our biological suit) used by our conscience / soul, in other higher densities I know it is possible .. .

it would also be good to put aside the intellectual aspect of our mind and think without concrete, non-logical things and without following the linear pattern that works in this infinite dimensional we live in ...

in my case, trained in technology and linear thinking, it is something that locks or stays, a logic of 1 or 0 (binary thinking) positive or negative (duality) but that does not fit in what is my conscience ...

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in my trips to the center of my being, i realize that everything i live in this density has nothing to do with the reality i planned or that i think i planned, after all i don´t remember the details of the agreements i made, but it seems to me a great theater to life here, although I’m not so sure what my role or character should be, so I just have to live intensely every second ...

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fragment 7

values and actions, acceleration of time and internalization of

data received

“people need to think about their values and actions..."

when a person has clear things and has developed a conviction to follow or that seems correct, the no has enormous strength against all kinds of alleged inducements, external suggestions, and even influences from entities or groups of controls and diverse situations that can arise against you ...

 if you are afraid of something that may happen or even if it is in progress, without fear and with all your inner strength, say: no, I do not accept this to happen to me, I do not want to, I do not accept this reality! and everything within that matrix requires all possible ways to accept what you don't want or want, what you accept or what can or is happening to the inevitable, but it is not so ...

and what the control groups of the so-called "hidden government of the world" most use is manipulation through fear ...

  and the matrix tests you to play your adversity ...

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a no with strength and conviction is available for everything, because the opposite would be against the universal laws of free will and because the matrix game is yours and you can generate an experience ...

the victim mentality only prevails in an environment where people do not exercise their own responsibility for themselves, their thoughts, values and actions ...

the fact that we ignore negative agendas, even if they are not under our attention - the creation of reality, affects us because everyone has tactical, unconscious and

also prenatal agreements that make you vulnerable and susceptible to many negative agendas ...

to continue like this in ignorance and to think what is not seen does not exist in our reality, it is an ostrich attitude ...

the realization of what happens and the firm belief that it is not desired in its reality, under the universal laws of free will, we can disable these agreements ...

if the processing of information in large quantities remains only in the mental state, as in the inhabitants of the earth, most cause a mental and nervous breakdown that triggers well-known problems in modern human society, such as neurosis, schizophrenia and post-traumatic stress, mainly, to name a few ... so the ability to process large amounts of information is accumulated and passed on to the subconscious, as it would when we learned to drive or ride a bicycle ... we don't need to think about it anymore, because it becomes automatic. We think about it and it changes to automatic. We free the mind to learn more. and already processed we move to the automatic, subconscious, unconscious ...

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by itself, if there was no technological thing involved here, you would not be able to see or speak to me because I would be "moving" too fast ... that is why the temporary landslide that is perceived between the planets .. and that, although the order of events is the same for me in my perception and for you, that's why we can talk ... but, by itself, the difference is still very fast ...

this is how data is internalized ... it is not a matter of repeating everything like parakeets, or it will simply collapse in the mind ... that is why people do not understand these things ... generally, they are not assimilating you as part of your person ... and if the body is not adapted to a different frequency, it causes a dissonance between the frequency of the body and the mind ... and can be deadly ... this is more pronounced when a person from another infinite dimensional or frequency range goes down to an experience or even work in this density that we perceive, either in perception or physically, because this dimension tends to overload the body issue through the principle of dominant frequencies, in this case, the frequencies of this dimension ...

therefore, the mind of a fifth-dimensional being for example has a rhythm or voltage and the other body, causing a neuronal nerve overload, known as frequency dissonance syndrome or foreigners disease ... in other words, the brain, the nerves and the entire 3D body of an alien on Earth, that his body was forced by the principle of dominant frequencies, is severely overloaded by the amount of data, voltage, which performs the accelerated perception of a 5d person, because the 3d frequencies do not affect the mind, the self, because the mind is not within the body at this density ...

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fragment 8

relative truths

“It is only with the heart that one can see rightly; what is essential is invisible to the eye." - Exupery

there is no absolute truth ... the truth is related to the interpretation of each person, each individual and their particular point of attention ... among more awareness, more points of attention can be understood and perceived and seen ... many contradictory points of attention can be valid ... many points of attention also contradictory and can all be invalid ...

what matters is the search for understanding, and understanding not an absolute truth, because there cannot be ... apparently, there will only be agreements of points of view, be it between two people, a community or an entire planet. but they are just agreements ...

listen to everyone, even if they don’t resonate, even if they don’t agree at the moment, because later on you can change your mind when receiving new data ... always keep your mind open and always critical ... never think you understand everything, because it will never be like this ...

there is always more to know than to learn ... we are souls in constant evolution ... and the change of

opinion when receiving new data is not only inevitable, it is also healthy and correct ... receiving and studying more and

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more information about each of the possible sources, you will be forming your own criteria , which you can call

of their particular truth ... they will know who to listen to and who not ... however, I strongly suggest, not listening to the media as a real source because it is controlled and manipulated ...

when teaching universal truths, it is very easy to misinterpret them ... "don't make anyone else responsible for your happiness, take responsibility for your own happiness" has such a good way of looking "isolate yourself and work on your issues alone ... alone, alone, alone ...

"but that's not what it means ... if your happiness includes being around people who can help you work through your problems, surrounding yourself with people is taking responsibility for your own happiness" ...

more importantly, our happiness depends on the quality of our thoughts ... it is an internal job ... and we should not give the other person so much power over our life ...

the universe doesn't understand if something is good or bad, it just sees that you're focusing on it, whatever it is, and offers more of what you think ...

it is the basic operation of the law of attraction that is so much discussed in the world today ... like a law of the mirror so to speak ...

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fragment 9

our planet is alive

“we live on a living planet, a complex organism with consciousness and movement..."

to understand this fragment in its entirety, it would be interesting to study the falsity of human science and biology ...

our planet is alive, it is a complex organism with consciousness and movement... it is not an inert rock obeying purely physical factors, or physics, as you agree with Socially Accepted Science... all planets are beings with advanced consciousness, you can connect with them, you can talk to them in a way or another. other... like any complex being with a lot of awareness, it has its own energy patterns and functions that nourish its internal systems and it also has a transdimensional nature, that is, its existence is present in multiple existential planes...

some of its vital systems are water currents such as rivers and marine currents, but it also has other internal systems, not only underground rivers but also other substances, such as magma and oil... the latter is the one that concerns us in continuation... petroleum, or crude oil as it is said, is not a substance composed of sediments of organic origin accumulated for millions of years, that is to say not renewable fossil substance, as it is said... this is another of the great lies that the tells humanity in order to continue

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exploiting them... it is not lacking, and it is self-renewable because of its internal processes on the planet...

oil is a hydrocarbon in the way that it is mainly composed of hydrogen and carbon atoms, but it is not strictly of organic origin... it is a liquid mineral that is produced by the earth through a process of chemical transmutation... this is based on the progressive accumulation of magnetic scalar properties, that is to say they are present in several existential planes simultaneously, in the medium base which is water, mainly sea water...

the water self-ionizes when it is subjected to speeds higher than 200 meters per second and when it is subjected to pressures in excess of 1110 bar or barometer units or 15954 PSI, it begins to transmute its properties as water by losing its oxygen composition and changing it for carbon atoms, present inside the earth's crust, which will adhere to the ionized hydrogen... the same movement, the intra-terrane electromagnetic vortices of the magma and of the very Black Goo provide the base of energetic flow for the transmutation... “Black Goo”... what's that? Conspiracy And The Falklands Cover-Up?

anyone who is a fan of The X-Files will be aware of a recurring theme about black oil... this is an alien substance and is central to the overall story that is interwoven into the series... very plausible – for a sci-fi TV show, right? however, there are conspiracies in reality that suggest a very similar material exists...

the Black Goo is said to be an alien life form of some kind, and was the reason the Falklands War raged as it did in 1982... the sinking of the Belgrano – already an affair

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covered in suspicion – and the apparently imminent threat to British citizens of the island was part of the deeper cover-up, and draw attention from the real reason the British military suddenly descended as it did upon the Falklands Isles...

as far as conspiracies go, this is as outlandish a theory as you are ever likely to hear... although that doesn’t mean that it might not be true, or at least elements of it...

regardless of “true” motives, the Falklands conflict itself was very real, and for many, very consequential or even fatal... of that, there is no doubt... while we will not get into the specifics of the conflict – official or otherwise - but just to provide a backdrop to the gritty events of 1982...

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fragment 10

matter / visible universe

“try to understand what you see ... and think about what makes you see and exist ... be curious ..."

matter does not exist as such, it is only the perception of a consciousness that creates it ... its solidity is just a mirage and is only perceived as such from one point of view, point of attention and not another ... of a frequency mental, something is solid, but otherwise, mental frequency is not ... a mental frequency is nothing more than an existential plane ... it is an idea and an idea is a frequency ...

based on this principle, the entire visible universe is a great illusory matrix ...

a great idea imagined individually and collectively by countless billions of holographic fragments of the whole, the great final consciousness, the great total consciousness, the so-called Original Source ...

the universe is an idea imagined by an original source or ether as many call it ...

an object is a node or point and each point or node at a frequency within a potential energy field is being supported by its own frequency harmonic and this is nothing more than the attention that is given at that place or point, creative awareness , individual or collective ...

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although there is never a purely individual conscience, it is always the result of the sum of more than other consciences ...

even what we call individual consciousness, our concept of ego, is formed by fragments of attention-awareness of the consciousness of ourselves and the ideas that other consciences have about ourselves ...

it is also the result of the set of consciousnesses in different planes of us, both of the higher planes where we are the shadow of something else, something more complex interpreted by a simpler existential plan, as well as we are the result of the conjunction of individual consciences ...

from the lower planes, we could interpret it to the extent that we are the sum of the set of small consciousnesses coming from the perception of our individual cells, as this affects us in our way of feeling and in our way of interpreting what we call the external world. ..

in conclusion, the whole universe is the result of consciousness, there is no matter as such, everything is consciousness, imagination of a consciousness, imaginative creation, manifestation, consciousness of being ...

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fragment 11

there is no physical plan

“there is only one Great All ... and everything is the source ..."

for me there is no physical plane ... everything is a great existential plane, everything is etheric, everything already exists ...

it is not necessary to express anything in one way or another, because everything already is, and what we perceive as something physical is only for the sensory limitation and the frequency range to which each individual is confined or limited by his own level of consciousness. .. the greater the awareness, the greater the perception in general ... that means more details, which is the same as perceiving a progressively larger existential plan ...

there is only one big whole ... everything is this original source ... everything is ether ...

individual consciences are only points of attention of the original source of everything, but they are the original source, inseparable from being holographic fragments of it ...

these are the points of attention that give us the illusion of separation, but they are just us or points of frequency of a large unit and form how cells form a more complex biological body ... the source is all together, but it includes everything.

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we need to have your attention on everything, because without conscience there would be nothing ...

everything is awareness That's why you need to have many nodes or points of attention, so you need to fragment holographically, to be able to put your attention on everything at the same time ... individual consciousness is one of these nodes and the holographic fragmentation of the source it's also just an illusion ...

in the end, contradicting current science, life is not biology, but consciousness ...

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fragment 12

other races watch us and maybe try to control us, but we are the ones who choose what we want

to experience

“in the future we'll be able to mentally contact anybody we want..."

beings from outside this planet who observe us closely, transmit through direct contacts with the so-called "contacts", say that they cannot interfere, because the choice to be here was made by each one of us; otherwise, it would be an interference in the first directive of a supposed Galactic Federation, according to the principle of each one here, for this experience in this world of holography, but personally I disagree with that statement and realize that there is an agenda on their part about the subject, or it makes me understand that there is a question between them about who will have or the greatest dominion over the planet ...

parallel to that, the dark side did in a way that they are directly impeding our evolution, but mentally makes us want to stay in that cycle ...

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another thing is that, contrary to what we learned, we have to change the frequency while we are here in this dimension, so to speak, incarnated, after dying, it becomes difficult to go through the siege of reincarnation ... because we leave here with frequency as we currently have ...

as simple as that ... in the next density, in the astral plane, 4d, there is no way to change our frequency, so we have to live in the now trying to change while we can ...

so-called spiritualists sell the erroneous idea that we should expect a magical ascent ...

anyway, the person approaches the frequency it is today and in this soup of energy that is the source, each one is in tune with the intimate moment in which he lives ...

worrying about not knowing how we are does not lead to anything, so we have to continue living in the best possible way and even enjoy what is valid in this experience ...

nowadays I don't care much about others anymore, because I know that everyone has their own agenda, something agreed upon before entering this experience, not to mention the agreements made after arriving here with these dark forces disguised as forces of good (including and more strongly the religious and so-called spiritual congregations) who forged gods so that people could convert energies to such entities ...

that is, there is nothing bad in this world, because in one way or another we get involved or continue to get involved ... however, it is important to know that it is possible to undo these "contracts", but it depends with a lot of determination and changes in the way of thinking, and people in general do not want or believe that they should not change, it is sad to

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realize that ... but each one chooses what suits him / herself even in terms of choice as an experience in many cases ...

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fragment 13

what would a society be like in other worlds with densities and frequencies higher than ours?

“are we living in a hologram world?..."

there are as many variants of holographic societies as there are cultures ... not only that, but within the same culture, they can vary according to the areas within each region of the same culture ... a main and more important premise than the more conscience one less people are controlled by the government ... it is inversely proportional ...

when a city has all the resources it needs and sympathizes with colleagues and members, when it knows that everyone is connected, as in a small community or that it affects someone, it affects everyone ... therefore, the abuses among those being used and nonexistent ...

therefore, you do not need a government that imposes rules on this population, because they already follow their rules and get along with a premise of freedom and responsibility, individually and collectively ...

know that in some types of societies in other countries, there is a series of councils that go to a small town another, a creative group, a region, a group of regions, another

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planetary council and, finally, a great council representing all civilization ...

that is, a group of people who gather around a table, sitting in a circle where you can see everyone's faces ... they are made up of members of the general population, freely, that is, anyone can ask to do part of such a board, in general or for a discussion on a specific subject, or on the same board ... one or more people involved in the discussion, either because they are being considered in that topic or because they are such an important problem .. .

any citizen of a culture can be a member of the council, including children, as they have very good and welcome ideas ... when the problem exceeds the resolution capacity of a city or region, seek help with the next council that includes a city or region that sends a petition, that is, that belongs to its jurisdiction and continues until reaching a higher council of the species or culture ...

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fragment 14

mental control, transhumanism

and genetic mutations

“belief or theory? that the human race can evolve beyond its current physical and mental limitations..."

when we look up, we can see how the negative agenda (alien who knows), or even a hidden government, which points to the brain, the central nervous system... our thinking is formed through the promotion of transhumanism caused by the hybridization and synthetic integration of our species... everything to maintain control over the central nervous system and the brain...

obviously, our brain is neurologically connected to empathy that connects us to a higher consciousness that has a spiritual connection... this negative archon agenda consists of synthetic artificial intelligence beings and they do not have the biocircuit that empathizes them...

they are targeting our central nervous system with toxic chemical agents and low frequencies of vibration trying to create a human without empathy... as I have said many times, as long as we are an emotional being, they cannot completely control us...

probably an artificial intelligence network and / or other technological or mental control devices, will continue to try

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to imitate the functions of the central nervous system and the brain of living beings, people and animals, since control through genetic mutations has a temporary function, given the fact that the original etheric DNA existing on another dimensional plane regains control after a certain time ...

we will certainly continue to fight against this genetic modification / manipulation already in operation established by beings inside and outside the planet ... the modification Genetics of the human being is a big business and a very dark business ... it's called bioneurological slavery ... when the human race wakes up and realizes the dark agenda that these beings bring and which is not very empathic ... it's very easy to understand and it is very clear how they can do this with us ...

the increase in corruption, bribery and technological abuse that leaders are forcing us to do is somewhat difficult to observe through deceptive marketing practices and the clever use of intimidation to force us to crack down on the biggest bioneurological manipulation program...

people are being bullied into allowing their own babies to be used as experimental guinea pigs to make way for a future generation of disconnected biotech drug users... we are in a period of transition and we must realize that we must stop feeding this enslavement of global consciousness and mind control... we must regain our power of conscience through informed consent, which means that people need to wake up and start investigating and asking questions about why and what is being done for us...

what is being done for the human race is not something agenda and we all need to wake up from it... we have to

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wake up and see very clearly what is going on with our central nervous system and brain...

we have to realize that our bioneurological functions are directly responsible for our interconnection with our spiritual bodies... and if our bioneurological bodies are invaded, it disconnects us from emotions, heart and soul...

a brain controlled by bioneurological artificial intelligence does not feel empathy or connection with life... the health of our central nervous system and the functions of our brain are extremely critical in the proper transmission of DNA and frequency signals that work with the etheric network...

during this ascension cycle and those who are waking up, as well as the new generations that are born, are experiencing a positive range of genetic mutations that are affecting the development of the nervous system and the processing of the brain... so, what this dark agenda is doing to suppress this human awakening is to medicate everyone who falls under the diagnostic label... if we continue to be attacked bioneurologically, implanted, drugged and overloaded with cocktails of energetic chemical toxins, this not only negatively affects our immune system, but also blocks messages between the body, the brain and our conscience...

so, basically, these toxic chemicals that we are ingesting through food, water, air, pharmaceuticals and vaccines keep us at an extremely low frequency that is blocking these higher frequencies, all to hinder the messages needed for our Ascension, limiting our frequency at this density...

also the masses are manipulated through social networks to manage to manipulate the consciences in Timelines...

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we should not pay attention to catastrophic news: agreement with information and attitudes, only negative timelines cemented in the human mind and agreement with the mentality of manipulators who are aware of the timelines...

with these definitions, they also gain adherents; therefore, in our opinion, it is proof that they are manipulating the mind of the human collective in their favor and that, by themselves, they are controlling the planet in the way that best suits them. them, whoever they are, so I don't doubt they tell the truth, is that they look like what prevents when they are causing the problem, with no sense that they are creating a timeline that is more combined with them ...

the masses are manipulated through social networks in order to manipulate the consciences in the population block with false events, which are the only way in which we can be manipulated...

another thing that we have to take into consideration, there is a concept in which it is believed that "God is a delusion", a program inserted in our minds to live alienated and far from what we really are: It is believed that we are the creative fragment itself, the creative source itself, the portion of the cosmic totality in evolution and transcendence ...

when they say god is closer than you think they are referring that we are part of him, we are him ...

there is, however, a hierarchy of beings said to be "evolved" and of different races who are in charge of the design of this planet as well as many others, everything here is planned and we descend (so to speak) to experience life in this density by choice ...

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living here is a unique opportunity, suffered but unique to experience, especially in these periods of change, what is happening now has happened before many times on this same planet, other civilizations have gone through similar things ...

but returning to the subject dimensions (vibrational frequencies) they are intertwined in ours, it is not elsewhere but here ... even many of the ETs that appear are not from other "planets" but from other dimensional worlds, and they project here in the shape and appearance they want ...

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fragment 15

consciousness, vibrational frequency, densities and


“we must have to increase the vibrational frequency of our truths and lives ..."

awareness and vibrational frequency go hand in hand ... when you are low frequency, you are in a diminished state of consciousness and your perception is limited ...

when you are in high frequency, you are in an increased state of consciousness and your perception is increased ...

the lower your vibrational frequency, the less you are able to understand why your ego is restricting the flow of the life force / energy source and intuition / love through your mind and body ...

the higher your vibrational frequency, the more you are able to understand why you are allowing a greater flow of vital force through your mind and body ...

we know that the 3d matrix (operated by alien technology installed on the moon) cannot be turned off at once, as it would be a total mess, although the reactors that

keep 3d from starting to fail ...

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however, the change in density depends on each of them, because there are no densities (dimensions), as such, only a low to high frequency gradient ...

no person has the same frequency as the other, despite living on the same timeline, but there are agreements and similarities in frequencies ...

as a dear friend says, a density is similar to a radio station; therefore, each of us independently, we are at a certain frequency that corresponds to that huge interval between one density and the next that we simplify by saying 1, 2, 3, 4a, 5th density / dimension and so on ...

it is also known that there is already a parallel timeline in which the Earth is in the said density / dimension 5d and those who are already fit for that frequency automatically move to that timeline, while the 3D Earth remains parallel, something like that to be easier to explain ...

we change the frequency / densities / dimension every nano second, so to speak, life experience is something dynamic ...

we also have to remember that changing the frequency is not something that changes and that is it, it is something that must be maintained, because life is a constant, so it is useless to do it now and then vibrate back at the lowest frequency to speak. ..

remember that in the past we heard the word "vibration", which in the end refers to the frequency of vibration ...

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personally, I am concerned about the number of "contacts" saying things and more about these changes ...

in addition to a lot of wrong information, there are also "contacts" who are at the service of the hidden government, giving false hopes and making people wait for outside help ...

it also worries the number of people who are still in process, so to speak, devotional or even submission to said "contacts" and, thus, completely close the perception of what is right or not ...

I think we always need to validate this information with our inner self, with the very source of which we are a part ...

otherwise, the dimension does not dissolve ...

the densities / dimensions exist and continue to exist, we are the ones who change the tuning and start to vibrate according to the next one ...

each consciousness only sees and understands what it knows, using its previous knowledge to understand the external (better saying the apparently external) for itself ...

the limit of his own awareness and understanding, is the limit of what the person can understand and what he can see ... this is a density / dimension that the person himself lives ...

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so much so that no person lives and experiences the reality of another, however, depending on a previous agreement, people can have "similar" experiences and also visualize "similar realities" ...

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fragment 16

constructive and destructive interference

“these are peculiar times ..."

an observer-consciousness has the same damage as another consciousness / frequency, it adds strength to the concentrated node or energy point common to both, this will be constructive interference ...

but when you damage a different frequency, they decrease the energy or the node or cancel it completely, dissolving it ... this will be destructive interference ...

all damage of a frequency combined to establish new nodes or concentrated points of energy resulting from mathematical interactions between destructive interference and constructive interference ...

where the amount of energy from each is combined to reduce or increase the power granted to each node or point of energy concentration, or that results in a combined manifestation or in a perceived external or shared world ...

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fragment 17

between lives / transmigration of the human soul

“when your soul leaves the body at the time of death, at some point enters in the ether/source and after that

you can choice back into a new body in the process of being born ..."

you are and see what your frequency dictates, and you are your frequency... you don't have a frequency, you are...

when you die there's only your frequency, without the part of the solid physical manifestation we call body... so, when you die you see what you want to see, because in superior planes it manifests everything faster, progressively faster...

but in the between-life or the high astral world, where it is said that souls are going to rest... everything is manifested immediately, because it is the source, it is one with the source, it is the source, it is in the source...

but the concept of going to the source is like displacement, like you go from one place to another... the source is everywhere, everything is the source, and as has already been said before, every person, every conscience or soul only sees what he perceives, what is in his conscience, his perception, which is dictated by his unique frequency , which in turn is

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the result of what he has seen, where he has had his attention, his experiences and his interactions with other people who come being...

by dying a person will see and experience exactly what he expects to see, that will find, as has already been said and already known in other places...

if anyone believes in Jesus to Jesus will find, if anyone believes in Allah, Allah will find, if anyone believes in Vishnu, Vishnu will find, if anyone believes in the cosmic cat, the cat will find...

there can be no cheating traps waiting to force souls to reincarnate, they only find that because that's what they expect to see...

heaven or hell is the result of guilt or what a person firmly believes to deserve, and it is the same person that generates that, then, everything is due to mental control or perception that every soul has, but this is Easily overcome with the knowledge that it is going wherever it is that we have to go by own right... it is the idea of guilt, karma, which is nothing more than a religious belief that forces souls to return...

you can't be apart from the source, because one is the source and the source is everywhere...

itself, everyone external to the person is illusory, everything is within the person, everything you want to see and experience, your reality, universal laws, scientific laws... everything is a great illusion... what they seek find...

the fight for which God is the true, the fight if there is or not a God and how it is, what is the most important particle, the main? Lack of sense; everything is perception then,

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everything is true or everything is lie, except one thing, who watches, yourself, your soul...

that's the only indisputably real thing...

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fragment 18

see you on earth...

“each experience is personal, not comparable to anyone ..."

they say that before birth, when we decide to come to Earth to live a human experience, we make pacts between friendly consciences, colleagues in the task of evolution ...

we all select experiences that we can live in this incarnation. maybe you learn from detachment, loneliness, observation, study, leadership, poverty ... exploring relationships, living with difficulties, being born in countries or complex situations, experiencing a type of treatment or treatment of other people ... living or challenging the material of wealth that is applied ...

how people are chosen to enroll in university, in missions, in relationships, each one receives their role ... and they are born ...

we must be corrected on the ground knowing that we arrived with everything forgotten, without marked letters!

some of these versions are available from birth; they are the brothers, a family, these people so close, that sometimes they hurt us and are so strange to us ...

others are responsible for classmates, neighbors, best friends, first friends, friends at university or at work ...

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others find adults "by chance", although behind every chance we have a plan that is not noticed, even on social networks. With some, some play: the doctor who deals with an accident, the stranger who helps in a difficult situation, the insolent and noisy neighbor who causes the tested patience or assertiveness, or what leads to the limit ...

nothing is casual in any life ... there is free will ...

we distribute the papers, but there is no script ...

we improvise ... each creates their own dialogues and actions, learns to edit, takes initiatives and takes on needs and learning ...

perhaps it is worth thinking: why is this boss or colleague demanding, critical and perfectionist? and are these successful partners used or abusive? what if what you need to do is stop working at that company and train an initiative and detachment?

difficult to know or that we need to resolve with each person ... but the soul knows it ... and whispers messages to us through intuition ... that intuition that many ignore ...

we don't remember ... just sometimes we intuit an agreement to stay in a group ... each of them intervenes in their own development and that of others ...

in every life experience, every time we enter this (bio suit) biological uniform that is the human body, we begin to add knowledge to our consciousness ...

each experience is personal, not comparable to anyone ...

some nourish, caress and soothe ... they all teach us ...

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you recognize these people in the course of your journey, something like: "I recognize you ... thanks for respecting our alliance" ...

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fragment 19

contacts, contacted, messengers and... mistakes

“channeling: contacts with the beyond ..."

that there is nothing wrong with curiosity and investigation, proving and verifying ... it is also very normal to be hooked for seasons to the message and the messenger, and to divinize them ... so, nothing happens ... talvez vai liberá-lo tarde demais ...

"contacts" , "contacted", and or messengers, whether in a visible, extrasensory, online (yes, online) or even telepathic way... communicate with (someone) in order receive information about the future for example, as predictions... as well as the belief in the so-called sacred writings of the books of the main religions of the planet, written also by enlightened or inspired followers...

as it is worth alerting to the fact that not everything that seems to be, it is even known that many pretend to be high beings and transmit fatalistic messages in order to spread fear, making people vibrate in a low frequency and generating an appropriate energy for these so-called entities to absorb, as food, as well as distancing people from their

real selves and reaffirming old beliefs in "gods" and "saviors"... it is a very delicate topic but it deserves attention...

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in case of him, he's "contacts" do not transmit anything fatalistic messages, nor any date, especially since each person is by law lives in a different timeline... and the so-called

fatalistic messages have the objective of generating fear to humanity and in the end it is a view of the timeline of the said entity that is transmitting, even more if this said entity is part of the 4th. dimension that people call the astral world...

some of he contacts, for example, friends who are stationed in the stratosphere, along with other fleets of racing spaceships that are part of what we could call the Galactic Confederation ...

the ideas of these contacts have always been to stonewall us and make us remember who we really are and not to give us predictions of what is to come, because in the end despite sharing a timeline of humanity, each of us follows our own line of time independent of others in a way. So much so that when many of the so-called seers talk about what will happen they are probabilities and even so in his own timeline...

on the other hand, they always told me that they cannot interfere in anything because they cannot go against a main directive of the non-interference because it would go against what each one chose and agree to live on this planet...

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fragment 20

futures, various possibilities and several alternatives

“the future ... depends on the focus and the individual and collective frequency of those who live in a

corresponding timeline ..."

sometimes, watching videos on the Internet, I see that there are videos, there are themes where the attention of humankind is so directed that in relation to certain catastrophic or slightly ugly events, not for our fixed future, it is worth remembering that, just as for our individual and collective future, there is not only one fixed timeline, there are multiple timelines and multiple possibilities and alternatives, there are multiple futures; that's why they can't predict what will happen to human beings because it doesn't work ...

 it works that way, the timelines, as we know, everything depends on the focus and the individual and collective frequency ...

here, the law of attraction works is a very important and very real law in the universe, which simply says that we are manifesting and making ourselves manifest on the physical level. where our strategic focus flows our mint energy and

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this mental focus this view of certain events that we accept in our reality, as in the sweep of this future, they are cemented for us, focusing on the possibly catastrophic events, because only that is possibly catastrophic and negative is inventing this timeline...

so, I think it is very important to realize this when watching these videos, if there is a future for the human collective line, because there are several possibilities and different alternatives, and you choose with awareness where you want to focus what you want to manifest and that later is created as a collective human line, you always invented the future between the positive timeline and were able to worship human beings, so that we could choose what we want to live and experience that we are not victims of what some people say they are saying it can happen or they may not happen, we are the creators of our approach and, thus, we attract new ones and bring to our reality what we are touching the ball with its information collapsing in the matrix, manipulating and altering the matrix for the positive future, is collapsing certain negative schedules and creating new ones with the global effort of many humans who were and still are very focused on training the timeline ...

we want to share content that aims at something positive, because that is the strength and power of our mind and our creative effort; if there are videos and information floating around, where the focus is something negative ...

what is behind and who is behind, I could say that they are doing it on purpose to manifest the negative line and, therefore, you must be even more careful because we know that there are many races in the universe, these races know how such timelines work: there are many races and many of

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them are in communication with people on Earth talking to human beings, there are many races communicating with many people and I don't know what any interstellar race would say what happens there , this type of information focused on ancient and catastrophic events may be that they have other agendas here for the future of humanity, because knowing how collective schedules work, like these, depends on the focus, frequency and awareness of each person...

present this type of information to human beings and encourage the frequency of fear, because that is basically what produces this type of information...

be careful and if you are not happy with the power of fear frequency, imagining that there is not just a future...

there is no fixed future for human beings ... it may be that some people present this type of information because they think it is helping, but they are just inventing the schedules. collectively, for the negatives that increase fear, it is very important to take this into consideration ...

  all the people who are real in this world, and in their own timeline, what they live is legally under their own control; I believe that the imposition of certain futures...

  taken into consideration by especially negative human beings is invasive and is a collective manipulation, as it is only your conscience, using your frequency, that determines what you live...

imagine yourself walking along your timeline ... take a little trip of imagination then imagine walking on your timeline ...

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you can see it now as a path or paths ... graphically, you put yourself in several alternative paths in front of you, like a crossroads on your left for example ... you have the timelines that are most catastrophic for you , where negative events occur on your right, and the positive timelines where everything is going well ...

in the middle all the subtle variations between the two supposed paths, the most negative ones being closest to your left and the positive ones to your right ...

this is an example left here, there is no symbolism beyond ... now it's you and only you are using your own path ...

often the one who ends the path in which he selects all frequencies with his willpower and his focus and intention of the current mood are worthwhile, so it is so important that his frequency does not fall within that low frequency ...

having already crossed paths between all these innumerable ones, in the same timeline, depending on their mood and frequency and, at any time, for the decision, we are jumping from one timeline to another and only you, with your frequency of intention and focus, choose which league to follow ...

it's time for you to be the one who animates your timeline like a movie projector animates a film made up of countless photographs or photos, that awareness that speeds up or lowers your perception of time depending on its frequency again ...

that is why I affirm and maintain that the timelines of other consciousnesses cannot be changed from your personal line, you cannot change them, but you can and do what we

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know by changing the perceptions, frequency and approach of manipulative people ; that's why we are seeing all of this catastrophes on TV ....

  that's why they are giving us so often that we are scary everywhere; I speak of television as well as videos on YouTube for example, except that there are different approaches that we wanted to train and explain that timelines don't work, so energy is important here, we will delegate power and that timeline to us and, collectively, we will encourage to each decision in each pact as often as your intention is not ...

examples of creative source that is within us and is able to animate time for us, but also for the human collective ...

and we can say that no one else can tell us what may or may not happen in our future ...

although there may be certain trends, even if it is not something fixed and solid, none of the futures are pre-fixed and that at any moment you can change what you want and take the next step individually and for the collective ...

we are great, we are powerful and no one can tell us that our future is like that, it just depends on your intention ...

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fragment 21

law of attraction / point of attention

“the only time you fail is when you fall down and stay down ..."

as a reference the expression I use "law of attraction", was an expression widely used by a spiritual movement that broke out in the United States in the 19th century called New Age, and that emphasizes metaphysical beliefs.

however, the law of attraction expressed here refers to: equal frequencies are attracted because they are equal, they are one and the same ... the frequency of thought is equal to the thing or situation in the individual's mind and is equal to the external object perceived and the situation ...

    thought is the object, and thought is the situation or situations, there is no difference! there is no outside world! everything is on your mind! you are doing all your work individually and collectively ... this is called the law of attraction ...

point of attention: each individual-observer-person consciousness creates a personal reality and also a collective reality, where the nodes (knots) or points of concentrated energy that create hard matter are the result of combining the personal frequency of perception with that of others people or points of attention ...

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we define the point of attention as each awareness-observation that has its own individual flow of thought patterns and perceptions, a person, a being ...

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fragment 22

new age ... modern spirituality ...

lies and control system? ...

“life is really simple, but we insist on making it complicated ..."

In my current experience, I have explored all the options that come up and I always end up discarding those that don't resonate with me ... almost all of them until the present moment ... and almost all for a very simple reason, I realized that we came to this planet to try diverse realities, different from those you can have in other spheres in other densities and even in the perception of the reality of other people ...

not being interested in knowing the names of my supposed guides, not being interested in knowing what stellar "lineage" I come from, not caring whether I am Indigo or Rainbow, not caring whether I am an old soul or not, I don't care if this is my last incarnation, I don't care about channeling or not, I don't give a shit about whether the Moon is hollow or stuffed with cotton candy and, at the same time ... I worry about everything ...

throughout my walk and, as a result of my inner work, I have been broadening my perceptions, tuning, decoding and digesting so to speak certain information and accumulated data, I am understanding and decomposing, but as a

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consequence of ... and this is the heel Achilles of modern spirituality ... we are escapists by nature ...

we escape from our "lives", it is everything we always escape, and it is precisely the only thing we should not do, because we have nothing but our life, in it are all the questions and all the answers ... in nobody's life you'll find your answers ... in anyone's book, in someone's course or therapy ...

  the only thing you will find in all these things are "stimuli", that is, awareness, inspiration, mirrors, many things ... and it is necessary ... to pretend to believe that we grew up alone is an act of sovereign pride ... nobody you can do this, we all grew up together, hence the pre-life agreements, who are you going to meet and where, everything is well defined before accepting the experience of living this great theater ... however the problem appears when you get addicted to the messages or messengers ...

we should use common sense ... we are born with mind, ego, intuition, toenails, skin, blood ... and, among many other things, we are born with a spark called conscience ... we all have a supreme guide above all which we call "intuition", we should stick to it more than anything ... I also think it is wrong to want to mutilate ourselves, killing the tools we bring as standard, but it is also true that we need to educate ourselves or train ourselves in the proper use and healthy of these tools, each of which has its function ...

with regard to the issue of spiritual pollution ... it is true that today there are, and increasingly, many people who are

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they call spirit guides, masters of light, I know many ... the problem is so common that it is difficult to identify them ...

it's okay to listen to other people's developments regarding the problems that concern you, that concern us, again, the additional problem appears when you cling to the message or the messenger, and "you will surrender your power", that is ... your will ... at that moment, you lose your personal power, because you nullify it as invalid in favor of the will of a being external to you, whom you call "your spiritual guide" and to whom you grant the power to have the truth ...

I activated an intimate alarm of mine, and it's about making my “red light” jump for those who try to treat me from a position other than “equal to equal”, for those who spread rules, laws or authorizations, because "nobody" has that authority about anyone's conscience or the ability to attain the wisdom of the Source, which is freely accessible to everyone ...

as to the said guides that are not of this plan ... when I ask for guidance, it is not always given to me, and when it is given in a concise, precise and complete way for me, for the specific case ... I never received messages for the humanity ... somehow, I imagine that, as it is above, it is below and we are connected by vibration ...

anyway, this path is not easy, but I would say which is complicated and difficult, but the reward is fullness ... and if you use the tool, let go and learn not to resist ... the pain is no longer suffering and your tolerance expands just like your happiness and conscience .. .

spirituality in my view is growth and expansion ... follow your rhythm, follow your steps and trust in the light of your

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intuition. returning to the theme of your life ... your life is your main tool, all the situations that occur there, the people who accompany you, your different selves according to your age and stage, all your questions, all your pains ... there is "everything", there is nothing to look for outside ... and if the outside looks for you ...

well, listen to it and pass it by intuition, because in reality, intuition is the only filter you have ... it is the divine sensor that we all bring as standard ... you don't have to ask anyone, you can ask yourself about your intuition ...

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fragment 23

time: sequence of thoughts and conscious achievements

“time is just an experience and not something external to the person ..."

I think and soon I exist ... but that only happens if there is a sequence of thoughts ... and that sequence of conscious thoughts or achievements is time itself ...

the real "world" is a complicated energy matrix, like an advanced multidimensional film tape that expands in a not necessarily linear way with a fluid direction ...

in short, time is part or by-product of consciousness ... it is a self-perception, but not of something external, but rather how consciousness animates what it perceives as a sequence of events ...

time itself, from the point of view of an external observer, is as if we were animating a film tape ... they are just animated frames ... the observer is the one who interprets the sequence of such frames with a temporal sequence .. but each person displays the images or frames of the films and animations in his mind ... it is a totally personal perception, although it can be shared with others depending on the agreements made, as well as according to the frequency of

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each person, like-minded people they experience similar things, but each one perceives and lives the event in their own way, similar but different ... so ... the people we see around us have a mentality similar to ours ...

although we can also see negative or aggressive people around us ... because in the end they are also part of ourselves ... makes who we are, we know what not to do and how not to be thanks to them ... in the same way, we can focus on what we want to see, experience and live, not what we don't want ...

the speed of perception of the temporal progression is according to the perception of the inhabitants who experience such realities ... this perception depends on the data that are processed in their own consciousness ...

in relation to timelines, the realities are in accordance with each decision we make, making us jump from one "reality" to another, in an infinite number of variants and possibilities ... that's why I say that we are the ones who we choose what we want to live "experience" ... and this happens with every thought we have ... we jump from one timeline to another constantly, and everything we live on already exists ... that is, there is already a destination writing, better saying a variation according to what we choose, the free will that they talk about so much ... so the line that each person experiences is not a single fixed sequence, but a continuous jump between already written and fixed possibilities, in the each person's perspective, their individual conscience ...

we have to keep in mind that we cannot change someone else's perception ... because time depends on the perception of a point in a consciousness, as an experience, and it is

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private. everything is perception ... what you interpret from the external world is apparently illusory and depends only on what you know, on your evolutionary level, as a soul, as a holographic fragment of the original source

time is just an experience and not something external to the person ...

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fragment 24

changes on the planet ... paradigm shift

“we are living in the most important time in the

history of the universe ..."

we are moving to a new range of frequencies that will attune us to a new density / dimension, a new Earth, with a smoother duality and where we can experience and live higher feelings and more balance with the universe and in tune with other worlds of similar densities ...

we are moving away from the current negativity and it will be a complete turnaround, in addition to current beliefs, and all or almost all of us will experience this ... the new Earth ...

the most important thing is that we are living in the most important time in the history of the Universe, and it is very important to be here now ...

there are thousands of souls / consciences who want to be here to experience this - even if they can stay here for a few hours ... and say that even if they are born and die immediately, they can say, "I was there when it happened ..." that so many races are watching us very closely at this moment ... it is important for the whole universe because everything is interconnected ...

so, if you are here now, you are living a wonderful moment that will never be repeated ...

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fragment 25

love is the key to everything

“integration as a whole ... be one ..."

changes are coming ... indeed, it has arrived ... like a star seed sent here to help prepare this humanity for the long-awaited shift in frequency / densities / higher dimensions ... time to awaken the feeling of love ...

it is sometimes difficult to communicate on your own personal frequency, as this knowledge goes beyond most others ...

our heart is an electromagnetic motor that envelops us in a toroid of energy and is used as a transmitter ... what we think and what we feel determines the frequency of what it transmits to the universe and it is the heart that sends this toroidal energy generating our reality ...

when we have low frequency, we attract only situations and things that are consistent with that frequency ... we just need to feel ...

real knowledge is free and encoded in your DNA ... and everything you need is inside you ... great masters and teachers have already said that ... find your heart and you will find your way ...

then... let's love...

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the author

Cyrillo DeSouza, is a consultant in the areas of Technology, International Relations, Government, Intelligence and Geopolitics. Cyrillo fell in love with the perceived reality, as well as the unknown and even hidden, and tirelessly seeks answers about human nature and its mysteries, as well as for the unusual questions that wander in the sleeping minds of the diverse races that live this unique experience on this beautiful planet undergoing dimensional paradigm changes...

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Page 86: LIVING BETWEEN TWO WORLD... and avoiding cognitive dissonance

CYRILLO DESOUZA fell in love with perceived reality, as well as with the unknown and even hidden, and tirelessly seeks answers about the source of everything and about human nature and its mysteries, as well as for the unusual questions that wander in the sleeping minds of the different races that live this unique experience on this beautiful planet undergoing changes in the dimensional paradigm...

This are an insight, experiences and "contacts", of a silent observer and co-creator of this world and this reality, being in it and at the same time being out, and trying to avoid the cognitive dissonance ... contacting the infinite, which is himself ... so he just came to a conclusion, that to keep in mind that we are gods (beyond the theological sense) and co-creators of the reality around us, so we shouldn't be afraid of anything, absolutely nothing ... and he finally concludes that we are the ones who manifest the reality ... and also always need to expecting the unexpected, as simple as that ...

Printed in the United States of America First Edition: 2020

A suggestion portrayed in this book would be to listen to our inner voice ... and try to hear the answers to tireless questions ... thinking outside the box ... after all, we must be the master of our own faith ... and the captain of our own soul ... so we don't need intermediaries ...go straight to the source ... after all we are fragments of the source ... which in the end we are ourselves ...