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List of Warrant Articles

Article Number

Warrant Article Title Brief Description (full description in booklet)

Page Number

1 Reports Reports of the several Town Officers, Boards and Committees.


2 Re-establish Revolving Funds This will re-establish a revolving fund for programs for the Recreation Department, Inspectional Services, Senior Center, the Adams Center and the Town’s Electrical Vehicle Charging Stations.


3 Equipment Purchase

Annual Article to fund equipment purchases that are not funded in budgets.


4 Sampson Fund Appropriations This article appropriates interest-earned revenue from the Trust fund for FY2017


5 Renewable Energy Enterprise Fund Budget

This is the budget (accounting) article for the town land Renewable Energy Enterprise Fund.


6 Transfer from Renewable Energy Enterprise Fund Surplus Revenue to the Grant and Loan Opportunities Fund

The Renewable Energy Enterprise Fund contains 25% of the revenue generated by the wind turbine to be spent on grants for renewable energy improvements to privately owned property, including, but not limited to: energy conservation measures; alternative energy methods and operations; or development of such improvements as may be considered appropriate by the Renewable Energy Grant and Loan Opportunities Committee.


7 Wastewater Department Enterprise Fund Budget

This article is the Wastewater Department FY2017 Budget.


8 Wastewater Department Surplus Revenue Appropriation

This article will use funds that were appropriated and not expended for improvements and equipment.


9 Wastewater Treatment Plant Expansion Consulting Services

This article will use General Funds Free Cash to design a Wastewater Treatment plant expansion.


10 Wastewater Department Transfer to FY2016 Reserve Fund

This article reimburses the FY2016 Reserve Fund for monies needed by the Wastewater Department for unforeseen employee expenses.


11 Water Department Enterprise Fund Budget

This article is the FY2017 Water Department Budget. 14

12 Water Department Surplus Revenue Appropriation

This article will use funds that were appropriated and not expended for improvements, infrastructure and related appurtenances, and studies and testing.


13 FY2016 Budget Inter/Intra Departmental Transfers

This article is needed to augment the current year (FY2016) budget for any anticipated shortfalls.


14 Earned Retirement Buybacks FY2016

This article funds Sick Leave and Vacation Buyback for FY2016 retiring employees.


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2016 Annual Town Meeting Suggested Motions

This is a courtesy document; motions may change and are not intended to restrict any action.

Votes have been recorded in the following order: Favorable-Unfavorable-Abstain


Article Number

Warrant Article Title Brief Description (full description in booklet)

Page Number

15 Earned Retirement Buybacks FY2017

This article funds Sick Leave and Vacation Buyback for known FY2017 retiring employees.


16 Wage and Personnel By-Law; Amendments and Compensation Schedule

This article provides for the classification and FY2017 compensation schedules of municipal employees who are not covered by a collective bargaining agreement or employment contract


17 Elected Officials Compensation This article provides the funding for the annual salary of the following elected officials: Treasurer, Collector, Town Clerk, and the annual stipends for Moderator and the Chairman and members of the following: Board of Selectmen, Board of Health, Board of Assessors, Water Commissioners, Planning Board, Sewer Commissioners.


18 Town Clerk/Treasurer Salaries This article will not be moved. 20

19 Budget This is the town’s operating budget for FY2017. 20

20 Police Station Land Acquisition and Construction

This article is to authorize a proposed new police station.


21 Stipend Elected Officials Health Insurance

This Article is the first step that needs to be taken in the effort to eliminate Health Insurance from stipend elected officials. Passage of this Article will then allow the legislature to vote for a Special Act accordingly.


22 Transfer to Other Post-Employment Benefits (OPEB) Health Insurance Liability Fund

This fund was established at the 2010 Annual Town Meeting. The Governmental Accounting Standards Board (GASB) established GASB 45 in July 2004. GASB 45 is an accounting and financial reporting provision requiring government employers to measure and report the liabilities associated with other (than pension) postemployment benefits (OPEB). This does not apply to private employers.


23 Transfer to Stabilization Fund This article serves to transfer a sum of money from Free Cash to the Stabilization Fund.


24 Transfer to Stabilization Fund for Capital Projects

Free Cash being transferred into a Stabilization Fund for future Capital Projects.


25 Transfer Meal Tax Surplus Revenue to Stabilization Fund for Capital Projects

At the 2011 ATM the Town passed an article imposing a local meals excise tax rate of 0.75%. The revenue from this tax would then be voted into a Stabilization Fund for Capital Projects.


26 Chapter 90 Funds This is the annual article to appropriate the funds received from the State under Chapter 90 of the Massachusetts General Laws to be used for infrastructure improvements and repairs.


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2016 Annual Town Meeting Suggested Motions

This is a courtesy document; motions may change and are not intended to restrict any action.

Votes have been recorded in the following order: Favorable-Unfavorable-Abstain


Article Number

Warrant Article Title Brief Description (full description in booklet)

Page Number

27 Community Preservation Committee Administrative Budget

This is the FY2017 administrative budget of the Community Preservation Committee, funded by Community Preservation Act funds. Up to 5% of the anticipated revenue from FY2017 may be reserved for administrative expenses.


28 Community Preservation Fund Appropriations

This article distributes at least 10% of each year's Community Preservation Fund revenues to each of the three categories: Open Space, Historic Resources and Community Housing, as required by the Community Preservation Act.


29 Community Preservation Fund Application Kingston Capped Landfill Off-Leash Dog Area

To provide 10% matching funds to a private grant to construct a fully enclosed dog park to meet the following goals: (1) Allow dogs to exercise and socialize safely while off-leash; (2) Promote responsible dog ownership; (3) Provide an outlet for dog owners to socialize; and (4) Make for a better community by promoting public health and safety.


30 FY2017 Annual Maintenance for Off-Leash Dog Area

This article funds the FY2017 operating budget for maintenance of the Off-Leash Dog Area.


31 Capital Equipment/Project Funding The Capital Planning Committee will report on items proposed to be funded and funding sources.


32 Non-Binding Question Regarding Pay As You Throw Trash Disposal

The Selectmen are considering the adoption of a new system for disposal of trash at the Town’s transfer station.


33 Lake Street Culvert Easement The purpose of this article is to acquire a permanent easement for the purpose of replacing and maintaining a culvert through which the Jones River flows.


34 Amendment to the Zoning By-Laws; Location of Districts and Flood Plain Overlay District

This article is so that the By-Laws remain current with new FEMA Floodplain maps.


35 Library Construction Project Grant Application

This article authorizes the Town to apply for, accept and expend a State grant that would cover an estimated 42.4% of the cost of building a new library.


36 Establishment of Jones River Restoration Fund

This article will contribute to the funding of the removal of the Elm Street Dam, contingent upon receiving the balance of necessary funds, via State or Federal grant or otherwise, to complete said project.


37 Wireless Communication Facilities Lease

The current wireless communication facilities lease on the Town-owned property located at Opachinski Athletic Field Complex expires in 2017. A lease term up to thirty (30) years is not uncommon in the industry. The lease will have an annual rent escalation clause.


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2016 Annual Town Meeting Suggested Motions

This is a courtesy document; motions may change and are not intended to restrict any action.

Votes have been recorded in the following order: Favorable-Unfavorable-Abstain


Article Number

Warrant Article Title Brief Description (full description in booklet)

Page Number

38 Tax Agreement – 20 Elizabeth Drive (6 Acre +/- Parcel)

This article authorizes the Board of Selectmen to enter into a tax agreement regarding personal property taxes for a Large-Scale Ground Mounted Solar Photovoltaic Installation.


39 Tax Agreement – 25 Elizabeth Drive (9Acre +/- Parcel)

This article authorizes the Board of Selectmen to enter into a tax agreement regarding personal property taxes for a Large-Scale Ground Mounted Solar Photovoltaic Installation.


40 Amendment to the Zoning ByLaws Off-Street Parking Requirements

This article reduces the minimum off-street parking requirements for the structures or uses indicated.


41 Amendment to the General By-Law Chapter 6 Public Peace and Safety Article 2 Public Drinking

This article will allow for the consumption of alcoholic beverages on public property only at such times, special events, outdoor festivals, etc. as are sanctioned by the Board of Selectmen.


42 Disband the Permanent Building Committee

This article approves the disbanding of the Permanent Building Committee. The functions of the Committee have been assumed by the Facilities Manager, who is now a Town employee.


43 Disband the Audit Committee This article approves the disbanding of the Audit Committee. The Committee has not met in several years, and the Town engages the services of a professional audit firm.


44 Petitioned Article – Rezone 9 Basler’s Lane

None provided. 37

45 Petitioned Article – Change Zoning to all new uses in previously publically owned buildings

None provided. 38


Town of Kingston: FY17 Budget Summary

Capital Planning Committee Report – FY2017

Proposed Town of Kingston Wage and Personnel Bylaw with FY2017 Compensation Schedules


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2016 Annual Town Meeting Suggested Motions

This is a courtesy document; motions may change and are not intended to restrict any action.

Votes have been recorded in the following order: Favorable-Unfavorable-Abstain



Warrant Annual Town Meeting

To one of the Constables in the Town of Kingston, County of Plymouth and Commonwealth of Massachusetts, GREETINGS:

In the name of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, you are hereby directed to notify and warn the Inhabitants of said Town qualified to vote in town affairs to meet at the Kingston Intermediate School, 65 Second Brook Street, on Saturday, June 11, 2016, at 9:00 a.m., then and there to act on the following articles:

ARTICLE 1 – Reports

To hear and act upon the reports of the several Town Officers, Boards and Committees, or take any other action relative thereto.

Motion for ARTICLE 1 – Reports

Majority Vote: No Quorum Required Motion by: Board of Selectmen – Elaine Fiore

Move: That the Town accept the reports of the various Town Officers, Boards and Committees.

Board of Selectmen – 5-0-0 [Favorable]

ARTICLE 2 – Re-establish Revolving Funds

(A) To see if the Town will vote to re-establish a revolving fund for Recreation programs as provided in Massachusetts General Laws, chapter 44, section 53E ½: That said programs to be supported with these funds in FY2017 shall include recreation programs presented throughout the year. Funds deposited into this account shall include fees charged to individuals for recreation programs, gifts earmarked for said programs, and private sponsorship of programs and rental fees charged. The Recreation Commission shall authorize all expenditures of funds from these accounts. Funds will be used in direct support for the following items: administrative expenses, wages of part-time/seasonal staff for time spent running the programs, repair and purchase of equipment used, repair and maintenance of facilities and grounds used, necessary maintenance supplies, materials/supplies for programs, contractual services required to present a program. And that the amount of the funds to be expended shall not exceed $295,000.00, or take any other action relative thereto; and further

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2016 Annual Town Meeting Suggested Motions

This is a courtesy document; motions may change and are not intended to restrict any action.

Votes have been recorded in the following order: Favorable-Unfavorable-Abstain


(B) To see if the Town will vote to re-establish a revolving fund for the operation of the Inspectors in the Building Department as provided in Massachusetts General Laws, chapter 44, section 53E ½:

That funds deposited into this account shall include fees charged for plumbing, gas, electrical, sheet metal, and sewer connection permits and the portion of Permit Fees charged for Inspectional Services;

That said expenditures to be supported with these funds in FY2017 shall include but not be limited to direct support for staff stipends and wages for inspectors, mileage reimbursement, vehicles, repair and maintenance of vehicles, related inspection equipment, including meters, tools and safety gear and necessary forms and supplies;

That the Inspector of Buildings and Town Administrator shall authorize all expenditures of funds from this account;

And that the amount of the funds to be expended from this account in FY2017 shall not exceed $75,000.00, unless additional limits are approved by the Board of Selectmen and the Finance Committee, or take any other action relative thereto.

(C)To see if the Town will vote to re-establish a revolving fund for Senior Center programs as provided in Massachusetts General Laws, chapter 44, section 53E ½:

That said programs to be supported with these funds in FY2017 shall include but not be limited to exercise classes; zumba, zumba gold, stay fit and strong, tai chi, chair yoga, lite weights, bingo, and various instructional programs, special trips and events;

That funds deposited into this account shall include fees charged to individuals participating in a program, donations and gifts earmarked for said programs, and private sponsorship of programs and rental fees charged for the use of the Senior Center Building;

That the Council on Aging Board and the Director of Elder Affairs shall authorize all expenditures of funds from this account. Funds will be used in direct support of the listed programs for the following items: supplies for the programs, contractual services required to present a program, repair of equipment used in a program, repair of facilities used for a program, rental of facilities and/or equipment used in a program, administrative expenses required to run the program, wages of staff for time spent running the program; And that the amount of the funds to be expended from this account in FY2017 shall not exceed $50,000.00, or take any other action relative thereto; and further

(D) To see if the Town will vote to re-establish a revolving fund for the Adams Center programs as provided in Massachusetts General Laws, chapter 44, section 53E ½: That said programs to be supported with these funds in FY2017 shall include but not be limited to instructional classes, exhibitions, lectures, gatherings, meetings, special events, and extension of Local History Room collections;

That funds deposited into this account shall include fees charged to individuals participating in a program, donations and gifts earmarked for said programs, and private sponsorship of programs and rental and lease fees charged for the use of the Adams Center Building;

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2016 Annual Town Meeting Suggested Motions

This is a courtesy document; motions may change and are not intended to restrict any action.

Votes have been recorded in the following order: Favorable-Unfavorable-Abstain


That the Town Administrator and the Chairman of the Adams Center Library Trustees shall authorize all expenditures of funds from this account. Funds will be used in direct support of the listed programs for the following items: supplies for the programs, contractual services required to present a program, administrative expenses required to run the program, wages of part-time staff for time spent running the program, repair and upkeep of the facilities used for a program, rental of facilities and/or equipment used in a program;

And that the amount of the funds to be expended from this account in FY2017 shall not exceed $50,000.00, or take any other action relative thereto; and further (E) To see if the Town will vote to re-establish a revolving fund for the operation of the Town’s Electrical Vehicle Charging Stations as provided in Massachusetts General Laws, chapter 44, section 53E ½: That said monies will be collected from credit card payments to ChargePoint or comparable payment service. Proceeds from payments will be forwarded to the Town on a monthly basis net of processing charges to pay for electricity and upkeep on the charging station; That the Town Energy Manager and Town Administrator shall authorize all expenditures of funds from this account; And that the amount of the funds to be expended from this account in FY2017 shall not exceed $50,000.00, unless additional limits are approved by the Board of Selectmen and the Finance Committee, or take any other action relative thereto. Description: This will re-establish a revolving fund for programs for the Recreation Department, Inspectional Services, Senior Center, the Adams Center and the Town’s Electrical Vehicle Charging Stations. A revolving fund is a fund or account whose income (such as user or program fees) remains available to finance its continuing operations or activities. It requires annual authorization.

Motion for ARTICLE 2 – Re-establish Revolving Funds Majority Vote: No Quorum Required

Motion by: Board of Selectmen – Jean Landis-Naumann

Move: That the Town (a) re-establish a revolving fund for the operation of recreation programs; (b) re-establish a revolving fund for the operation of the inspectors in the Building Department; (c) re-establish a revolving fund for the operation of Senior Center programs; (d) re-establish a revolving fund for the operation of the Adams Center programs, and (e) re-establish a revolving fund for the operation of the Town’s Electrical Vehicle Charging Stations, as provided in General Laws, chapter 44, section 53E ½, all as detailed and printed in the

Warrant for the Annual Town Meeting.

Board of Selectmen – 5-0-0 [Favorable] Finance Committee – 7-0-0 [Favorable]

ARTICLE 3 – Equipment Purchase

To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate, borrow and/or transfer from available funds in the treasury a sum of money to be expended for the purchase of equipment and for projects of various Town

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2016 Annual Town Meeting Suggested Motions

This is a courtesy document; motions may change and are not intended to restrict any action.

Votes have been recorded in the following order: Favorable-Unfavorable-Abstain


departments, and to trade or dispose of any used equipment of those departments in the best interest of the Town, or take any other action relative thereto. Description: Annual Article to fund equipment purchases that are not funded in budgets.

Motion for ARTICLE 3 – Equipment Purchase

Majority Vote: Quorum 100 Motion by: Finance Committee – Carl Pike

Move: That the Town appropriate the sum of $153,522.00 for the purchase of the following equipment; and to meet this appropriation, the sum of $153,522.00 be transferred from Free Cash; said expenditures to be under the direction of the respective departments; and further that the Town Accountant be authorized to allocate such sums:


Fire Training prop (Training simulator for teaching firefighters forcible entry using existing tools carried on the fire apparatus)


Fire Ballistic Helmets (to fund the second and final phase of the active shooter armor kits allowing fire personnel to be deployed into active shooter situations as needed)


Fire Headset/Microphone (to purchase the hands-free headsets and microphones to accompany the ballistic helmets)


Police K-9 Dog (replace Oliver who is retiring after 8+ years of service to the Town)


Police K-9 Gear (equipment and gear to outfit KPD officer’s home with indoor/outdoor kennels, electric collars, harnesses and other equipment to care for both K-9 animals)


Police SEMLEC ammunition (ammunition for monthly training exercises for Kingston Police Officers assigned to Southeastern Massachusetts Law Enforcement Council SWAT)


Schools Network and IT Upgrades (implement school wide technology and network upgrades including wireless capabilities for KES/KIS)


Rec Property Management program (additional funding to implement property management program for Opachinski and Reed Center)


Rec Reed Center Heating System for Office (purchase and install ductless mini-split system for heating and cooling of Reed Center office space)


TOTAL $ 153,522.00

Board of Selectmen – 5-0-0 [Favorable] Finance Committee – 6-0-0 [Favorable]

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2016 Annual Town Meeting Suggested Motions

This is a courtesy document; motions may change and are not intended to restrict any action.

Votes have been recorded in the following order: Favorable-Unfavorable-Abstain


ARTICLE 4 – Sampson Fund Appropriations

To see if the Town will vote to accept the recommendations of the Trustees of the Elizabeth B. Sampson Memorial Fund to appropriate a sum of money from the income of said fund to be expended for the purposes the Trustees recommend, or take any other action relative thereto.

Description: This article appropriates interest-earned revenue from the Trust fund for FY2017.

Motion for ARTICLE 4 – Sampson Fund Appropriations Majority Vote: Quorum 100

Motion by: Treasurer – Kenneth Stevens

Move: That the sum of $22,500.00 be appropriated for Sampson Fund expenditures in FY 2017 and to meet this appropriation the sum of $20,031.96 be appropriated from the Elizabeth B. Sampson Memorial Fund and $2,468.04 be appropriated from the unexpended balances of the following prior year appropriations to the Sampson Fund:

Article 4, 2012 ATM $ 530.00 Article 6, 2013 ATM $ 513.50 Article 5, 2014 ATM $1,424.54 $2,468.04

And further, that the expenditures be under the supervision of the departments or organizations as follows:

DEPARTMENT/ORGANIZATION PURPOSE AMOUNT Adams Center Adams Center events $ 1,500.00

Jones River Village Historical Society, Inc. Bradford House (loom room) 2,500.00

Jones River Village Historical Society, Inc. Bradford House (stone path) 2,500.00

Kingston Fire Department Luminaries 2,500.00

Kingston Police Department National Night Out 5,000.00

Kingston Recreation Department Gray’s Beach movies 5,000.00

Kingston Board of Selectmen Memorial Day Parade 3,500.00

Total $22,500.00

Board of Selectmen – 5-0-0 [Favorable] Finance Committee – 6-0-0 [Favorable]

ARTICLE 5 – Renewable Energy Enterprise Fund Budget

To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate, and/or to transfer from available funds in the treasury a sum of money to be expended pursuant to Massachusetts General Laws, chapter 44, section 53F ½, for expenditures of the Renewable Energy Enterprise Fund, or take any other action relative thereto.

Description: This is the budget (accounting) article for the town land Renewable Energy Enterprise Fund. Funds will be appropriated from Eversource (NSTAR) reimbursements received in FY2017 to pay the wind and solar developers, via the Town’s power purchase agreements (PPAs), for all power generated from the renewable energy projects located on the Town’s capped landfill that is sold back to Eversource (NSTAR) – the ”grid.”

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2016 Annual Town Meeting Suggested Motions

This is a courtesy document; motions may change and are not intended to restrict any action.

Votes have been recorded in the following order: Favorable-Unfavorable-Abstain


Motion for ARTICLE 5 – Renewable Energy Enterprise Fund Budget Majority Vote: Quorum 100

Motion by: Board of Selectmen – Sandra MacFarlane

The Finance Committee recommends that the sum of $675,000.00 be appropriated to the Renewable Energy Enterprise Fund for partial costs associated with the generation of electricity under the Town’s Power Purchase Agreements to be expended pursuant to Massachusetts General Laws, chapter 44, section 53F ½ by the Board of Selectmen; and to meet such appropriation, $675,000.00 to come from the energy Net Metering Tariffs with any funds remaining to be transferred to the General Fund pursuant to the authority granted by the enabling legislation.

FY2017 RENEWABLE ENERGY ENTERPRISE FUND REVENUE FY2017 Recommended Net Metering Tariffs from Eversource for Generation of Electricity: Wind Turbine $650,000.00 Solar PV $25,000.00 Lease Agreements $0.00

Revenue Total $675,000.00

EXPENSES FY2017 Recommended Power Purchase Agreements Payments to Developers: Wind Turbine $650,000.00 Solar PV $25,000.00 Other (Note: Town energy use funded in

Department Utility Budgets; not in this enterprise fund) $0.00

Expense Total $675,000.00

Net Surplus $0.00 Move: That the sum of $675,000.00 be appropriated to the Renewable Energy Enterprise Fund for partial costs associated with the generation of electricity under the Town’s Power Purchase Agreements to be expended pursuant to Massachusetts General Laws, chapter 44, section 53F ½ by the Board of Selectmen; and to meet such appropriation, $675,000.00 to come from the energy Net Metering Tariffs, with any funds remaining to be transferred to the General Fund pursuant to the authority granted by the enabling legislation and authority

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2016 Annual Town Meeting Suggested Motions

This is a courtesy document; motions may change and are not intended to restrict any action.

Votes have been recorded in the following order: Favorable-Unfavorable-Abstain


granted under the 2011 ATM Article 6.

EXPENSES FY2017 Recommended Power Purchase Agreements Payments to Developers: Wind Turbine $650,000.00 Solar PV $25,000.00 Other $0.00

Expense Total $675,000.00

Board of Selectmen – 5-0-0 [Favorable] Finance Committee – 6-0-0 [Favorable]

ARTICLE 6 - Transfer from Renewable Energy Enterprise Fund Surplus Revenue to the Grant and Loan Opportunities Fund

To see if the Town will transfer from available funds in the Renewable Energy Enterprise Fund Surplus Revenue, a sum of money to be expended pursuant to the Acts of 2012, Chapter 80, Section 2, Section 5A for expenditures of the Grant and Loan Opportunities Fund, or take any other action relative thereto.

Description: The Renewable Energy Enterprise Fund contains 25% of the revenue generated by the wind turbine to be spent on grants for renewable energy improvements to privately owned property, including, but not limited to: energy conservation measures; alternative energy methods and operations; or development of such improvements as may be considered appropriate by the Renewable Energy Grant and Loan Opportunities Committee.

Motion for ARTICLE 6 – Transfer from Renewable Energy Enterprise Fund Surplus Revenue to the Grant and Loan Opportunities Fund

Majority Vote: Quorum 100 Motion by: Board of Selectmen – Sandra MacFarlane

Move: That the Town appropriate and transfer the sum of $35,044.00 from the Renewable Energy Enterprise Fund surplus revenue to the Grant and Loan Opportunities Fund with such funds to be administered by the Renewable Energy Grant and Loan Opportunities Committee.

Board of Selectmen – 5-0-0 [Favorable] Finance Committee – 0-5-0 [Unfavorable]

ARTICLE 7 – Wastewater Department Enterprise Fund Budget

To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate, and/or to transfer from available funds in the treasury a sum of money to be expended pursuant to Massachusetts General Laws, chapter 44, section 53F ½, for expenditures of the Wastewater Department, including those for the operation and maintenance, debt service,

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2016 Annual Town Meeting Suggested Motions

This is a courtesy document; motions may change and are not intended to restrict any action.

Votes have been recorded in the following order: Favorable-Unfavorable-Abstain


betterment receipts, asset depreciation, costs, engineering services and capital costs, or take any other action relative thereto.

Description: This article is the Wastewater Department FY2017 Budget.

Motion for ARTICLE 7 – Wastewater Department Enterprise Fund Budget Majority Vote: Quorum 100

Motion by: Wastewater Commissioners – Peter Cobb

The Finance Committee recommends that the sum of $3,635,571.00 be appropriated to operate the Wastewater Department Enterprise Fund to be expended pursuant to Massachusetts General Laws, chapter 44, section 53F ½ for the following expenditures of the Wastewater Department; and to meet such appropriation, $970,790.00 to come from Wastewater Revenue, $100,000.00 from Wastewater Surplus Revenue, $916,491.00 to come from Sewer Betterments, $1,172,102.00 to be transferred from the Massachusetts Water Pollution Abatement Trust, $231,926.00 to come from the tax levy, and $244,262.00 to be appropriated in the general fund and funded from Wastewater Enterprise Revenues.

Personal Services $424,980.00

Expenses $645,810.00

Debt Service $2,320,519.00

Subtotal $3,391,309.00

Employee Benefits $141,934.00 Accounting Department $7,941.00 Assessor Department $3,223.00 Collector Department $30,962.00 Treasurer Department $3,908.00

Audit $9,650.00

Data Processing $5,959.00

Insurance $40,685.00

Subtotal $244,262.00

Total $3,635,571.00

Move: That the sum of $3,391,309.00 be appropriated to operate the Wastewater Department Enterprise Fund to be expended pursuant to Massachusetts General Laws, chapter 44, section 53F ½ for the following expenditures of the Wastewater Department; and to meet such appropriation, $970,790.00 to come from Wastewater Revenue, $100,000.00 to come from Wastewater Surplus Revenue, $916,491.00 to come from

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2016 Annual Town Meeting Suggested Motions

This is a courtesy document; motions may change and are not intended to restrict any action.

Votes have been recorded in the following order: Favorable-Unfavorable-Abstain


Sewer Betterments, $1,172,102.00.00 from the Massachusetts Water Pollution Abatement Trust, and $231,926.00 to come from the tax levy.

Personal Services $424,980.00

Expenses $645,810.00 Debt Service $2,320,519.00 Total $3,391,309.00

Board of Selectmen – 4-0-1 [Favorable] Finance Committee – 6-0-0 [Favorable]

ARTICLE 8 –Wastewater Department Surplus Revenue Appropriation

To see if the Town will vote to appropriate from Wastewater Surplus Revenue a sum of money to provide for certain improvements to the Wastewater Treatment Facility and Equipment, infrastructure and related appurtenances under the direction of the Sewer Commissioners, or take any other action relative thereto. Description: This article will use funds that were appropriated and not expended for improvements and equipment.

Motion for ARTICLE 8 –Wastewater Department Surplus Revenue Appropriation

Majority Vote: Quorum 100 Motion by: Wastewater Commissioners - Peter Cobb

Move: That the Town appropriate the sum of $366,851.00 from Surplus Wastewater Revenue to be used to purchase and replace SCADA equipment, bio-filter, pumps, collection system repairs, vehicle, programs and any unforeseen expenses; and, that the Board of Sewer Commissioners be authorized to take any action to carry out these expenditures.

Board of Selectmen – 4-0-1 [Favorable] Finance Committee – 2-5-0 [Unfavorable]

ARTICLE 9 – Wastewater Treatment Plant Expansion Consulting Services To see if the Town will vote to appropriate by transfer from Free Cash a sum of money to provide for an analysis to determine the Return on Investment for a Wastewater Treatment Plant expansion at the Wastewater Treatment Facility under the direction of the Sewer Commissioners, or take any other action relative thereto.

Description: This article will use General Funds Free Cash to design a Wastewater Treatment plant expansion.

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2016 Annual Town Meeting Suggested Motions

This is a courtesy document; motions may change and are not intended to restrict any action.

Votes have been recorded in the following order: Favorable-Unfavorable-Abstain


Motion for ARTICLE 9 – Wastewater Department Treatment Plant Expansion Consulting Services Majority Vote: Quorum 100

Motion by: Wastewater Commissioners - Peter Cobb

Move: That the Town appropriate the sum of $30,000.00 by transfer from Free Cash to be used for an analysis to determine the Return on Investment for a Wastewater Treatment Plant expansion; and, that the Board of Sewer Commissioners be authorized to take any action to carry out these expenditures.

Board of Selectmen – 3-1-1 [Favorable]

Finance Committee – 2-5-0 [Unfavorable]

ARTICLE 10 – Wastewater Department Transfer to FY2016 Reserve Fund

To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate and/or transfer from Surplus Wastewater Revenue a sum of money to the FY2016 Reserve Fund, or take any action relative thereto.

Description: This article reimburses the FY2016 Reserve Fund for monies needed by the Wastewater Department for unforeseen employee expenses.

Motion for ARTICLE 10 – Wastewater Department Transfer to FY2016 Reserve Fund

Majority Vote: Quorum 100 Motion by: Wastewater Commissioners - Peter Cobb

Move: To appropriate and transfer the sum of $15,000.00 from Surplus Wastewater Revenue to the FY2016 Reserve Fund, and, that the Board of Sewer Commissioners be authorized to take any action to carry out these expenditures.

Board of Selectmen – 4-0-1 [Favorable] Finance Committee – 7-0-0 [Favorable]

ARTICLE 11 – Water Department Enterprise Fund Budget

To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate, and/or to transfer from available funds in the treasury a sum of money to be expended pursuant to Massachusetts General Laws, chapter 44, section 53F ½, for expenditures of the Water Department, including those for the operation and maintenance, debt service, asset depreciation, costs, engineering services and capital costs, or take any other action relative thereto. Description: This article is the FY2017 Water Department Budget.

Motion for ARTICLE 11 – Water Department Enterprise Fund Budget

Majority Vote: Quorum 100 Motion by: Water Commissioners – Bob Kostka

The Finance Committee recommends that the sum of $1,843,498.00 be appropriated to operate the Water Department Enterprise Fund to be expended pursuant to Massachusetts General Laws, chapter 44, section 53F ½ for the following expenditures of the Water Department; and to meet such appropriation, $1,568,579.00 to

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This is a courtesy document; motions may change and are not intended to restrict any action.

Votes have been recorded in the following order: Favorable-Unfavorable-Abstain


come from water enterprise revenue, and $274,919.00 to be transferred to the general fund and funded from water enterprise revenues.

Personal Services $503,599.00 Expenses $505,900.00 Debt Service $559,080.00 Subtotal $1,568,579.00 Employee Benefits $165,659.00 Accounting Department $3,176.00 Collector Department $28,619.00 Treasurer Department $4,758.00 Audit $483.00 Data Processing $5,959.00 Insurance $66,265.00 Subtotal $274,919.00 Total $1,843,498.00

Move: That the sum of $1,568,579.00 be appropriated to operate the Water Department Enterprise Fund to be expended pursuant to Massachusetts General Laws, chapter 44, section 53F ½ for the following expenditures of the Water Department; and to meet such appropriation, $1,568,579.00 to come from water enterprise revenue.

Personal Services $503,599.00 Expenses $505,900.00 Debt Service $559,080.00 Total $1,568,579.00

Board of Selectmen – 4-0-1 [Favorable] Finance Committee – 6-0-0 [Favorable]

ARTICLE 12 – Water Department Surplus Revenue Appropriation

To see if the Town will vote to appropriate from Water Surplus Revenue a sum of money to provide for certain improvements, infrastructure and related appurtenances, and studies and testing, under the direction of the Water Commissioners, or take any other action relative thereto. Description: This article will use funds that were appropriated and not expended for improvements, infrastructure and related appurtenances, and studies and testing.

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2016 Annual Town Meeting Suggested Motions

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Votes have been recorded in the following order: Favorable-Unfavorable-Abstain


Motion for ARTICLE 12 – Water Department Surplus Revenue Appropriation Majority Vote: Quorum 100

Motion by: Water Commissioners – Bob Kostka

Move: That the Town appropriate the sum of $545,000.00 from Surplus Water Revenue to be used to:

repair the water main under the Elm Street bridge ($250,000.00),

a water system study ($75,000.00),

a system upgrade ($120,000.00) and

new well site testing and permitting ($100,000.00); and, that the Board of Water Commissioners be authorized to take any action to carry out these expenditures.

Board of Selectmen – 4-0-1 [Favorable] Finance Committee – 5-0-0 [Favorable]

ARTICLE 13 – FY2016 Budget Inter/Intra Departmental Transfers

To see if the Town will vote to appropriate and transfer from available funds in the treasury a sum of money to supplement the FY2016 appropriations and revenue sources for the operation of the Town of Kingston, or take any other action relative thereto.

Description: This article is needed to augment the current year (FY2016) budget for any anticipated shortfalls. The purpose is to transfer funds from one line item to another, or to transfer from Free Cash for appropriation to the budget through June 30, 2016, each transfer being a separate appropriation.

Motion for ARTICLE 13 – FY2016 Budget Inter/Intra Departmental Transfers Majority Vote: Quorum 100

Motion By: Board of Selectmen – Jean Landis-Naumann

Move: That the Town appropriate the sum of $210,000.00 to supplement the appropriations to FY2016 Operating Budgets; and to meet this appropriation, the following sums be transferred from unexpended appropriations and Free Cash as follows:

FROM: ACCOUNT NAME ACCOUNT # AMOUNT Workers Compensation 01910-51176 $58,000.00

Unemployment 01910-51175 $10,000.00

From: Unspent Appropriations $68,000.00

From: Free Cash $142,000.00

Total $210,000.00

and to authorize the Town Accountant to allocate such sums to the operating budgets as follows:

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TO: ACCOUNT NAME ACCOUNT # AMOUNT Solid Waste 01433-52296 $58,000.00

Legal 01151-52312 $10,000.00

Snow & Ice 01423-54538 $142,000.00

Total $210,000.00

Board of Selectmen – Pending Finance Committee – 5-0-0 [Favorable]

ARTICLE 14 – Earned Retirement Buybacks FY2016

To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate, borrow and/or transfer from available funds in the treasury a sum of money to fund retirement buybacks, or take any other action relative thereto.

Description: This article funds Sick Leave and Vacation Buyback for FY2016 retiring employees.

Motion for ARTICLE 14 – Earned Retirement Buybacks FY2016 Majority Vote: Quorum 100

Motion By: Board of Selectmen – Lindsay Wilson Move: That the Town vote to transfer the sum of $6,579.00 from Free Cash to a fund a FY2016 retirement buyback in the Library; said expenditure to be under the direction of the respective department; and further that the Town Accountant be authorized to allocate such sums:

DEPARTMENT AMOUNT Library $6,579.00 Total $6,579.00

Board of Selectmen – 5-0-0 [Favorable] Finance Committee – 5-0-0 [Favorable]

ARTICLE 15 – Earned Retirement Buybacks FY2017

To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate, borrow and/or transfer from available funds in the treasury a sum of money to fund retirement buybacks, or take any other action relative thereto.

Description: This article funds Sick Leave and Vacation Buyback for known FY2017 retiring employees.

Motion for ARTICLE 15 – Earned Retirement Buybacks FY2017 Majority Vote: Quorum 100

Motion By: Board of Selectmen – Lindsay Wilson Move: That the Town vote to transfer the sum of $60,676.00 from the Inspectional Services Revolving Fund to a fund retirement buyback in the Inspectional Services Department, and the sum of $32,266.00 from Wastewater

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Votes have been recorded in the following order: Favorable-Unfavorable-Abstain


Surplus Revenue to fund the two (2) retirement buybacks in the Wastewater Department, and $6,000.00 from Free Cash to Highway department; said expenditures to be under the direction of the respective departments; and further that the Town Accountant be authorized to allocate such sums:

DEPARTMENT AMOUNT Inspectional Services $60,676.00 Wastewater $32,266.00 Highway $6,000.00

Total $98,942.00

Board of Selectmen – 5-0-0 [Favorable] Finance Committee – 5-0-0 [Favorable]

ARTICLE 16 – Wage and Personnel By-Law; Amendments and Compensation Schedule

To see if the Town will vote to amend the Wage & Personnel By-Law, including the classification and compensation schedules A. B. and C. contained therein, as printed in a document entitled, “Proposed Town of Kingston Wage & Personnel By-Law with FY2017 Compensation Schedules;” and to raise and appropriate or transfer from available funds in the treasury such sums as must be expended to effect such adjustments; and to authorize the Town Accountant to allocate such sums to the appropriate operating budgets, or take any other action relative thereto. Description: This article provides for the classification and FY2017 compensation schedules of municipal employees who are not covered by a collective bargaining agreement or employment contract. Please visit the Town’s website to view the current By-Law.

Motion for ARTICLE 16 – Wage and Personnel By-Law; Amendments and Compensation Schedule Majority Vote: Quorum 100

Motion by: Wage and Personnel – Fran Botelho-Hoeg

Move: That the Town amend the Wage and Personnel By-Law, including the classification and compensation schedules, A, B, C contained therein, as printed in a document entitled “Proposed Town of Kingston Wage and Personnel By-Law with FY2017 Compensation Schedules;” and that the sum of $56,543.00 be appropriated for this purpose; and to meet this appropriation, the sum of $48,831.00 be raised and appropriated, the sum of $2,747.00 be appropriated from Water Revenue, the sum of $1,681.00 be appropriated from Wastewater Revenue, and the sum of $3,284.00 be appropriated from Community Preservation Fund estimated revenue accounts to fund such amendments; and that the Town Accountant be authorized to allocate such sums to the appropriate operating budgets.

Description General Water Sewer CPC Total 2% COLA $ 34,364.00 $ 2,747.00 $ 1,681.00 Incl in

stipend below


Animal Inspector stipend 3,417.00 3,417.00

Veterans Agent – Admin Asst 6,854.00 6,854.00

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2016 Annual Town Meeting Suggested Motions

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Votes have been recorded in the following order: Favorable-Unfavorable-Abstain


Description General Water Sewer CPC Total Exec Secretary stipend: W&P Comm ($1,141 incr) ZBA ($1,141 incr) Finance Comm ($1,141 incr)

3,423.00 3,423.00

Exec Secretary stipend: Comm Preservation Comm ($3,284 incr)

3,284.00 3,284.00

2% Increase applied to stipends: Energy Manager Asst H'master/Shellfish Constable Veterans Agent Food Inspector

773.00 773.00

$ 48,831.00 $ 2,747.00 $ 1,681.00 $3,284.00 $ 56,543.00

Board of Selectmen – Pending

Finance Committee – 4-0-1 [Favorable]

ARTICLE 17 – Elected Officials Compensation

To see if the Town will vote to set the salaries of elected officers, effective July 1, 2016; and to effect those salaries, to raise and appropriate a sum of money therefore; and to authorize the Town Accountant to allocate such sums to the appropriate operating budgets, or take any other action relative thereto. Description: This article provides the funding for the annual salary of the following elected officials: Treasurer, Collector, Town Clerk, and the annual stipends for Moderator and the Chairman and members of the following: Board of Selectmen, Board of Health, Board of Assessors, Water Commissioners, Planning Board, Sewer Commissioners.

ARTICLE 17 – Elected Officials Compensation Majority Vote: Quorum 100

Motion by: Finance Committee – Carl Pike

Move: That the salaries of elected officials be set as of July 1, 2016, as follows:

Elected Official Stipend (included in FY17 operating budget)

Moderator $100 Chairman, Board of Selectmen $1,000 Other Selectmen, Each $800 Chairman, Board of Health $1,000 Other Health Board Members, Each $800 Chairman, Board of Assessors $1,000 Other Board of Assessors, Each $800 Chairman, Water Commissioners $1,000 Other Water Commissioners, Each $800

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Chairman, Planning Board $1,000 Other Planning Board Members, Each $800 Chairman, Sewer Commission $1,000 Other Sewer Commissioners, Each $800

Elected Official FY16 Budget

FY17 Recommended

Elected Officials Article

Collector $ 61,039 $ 66,221 $ 5,182

Treasurer (increase to FT) $ 36,624 $ 66,221 $ 29,597

Town Clerk $ 56,706 $ 63,828 $ 7,122

$ 41,901

and further, the sum of $41,901.00 be raised and appropriated for said salaries; and that the Town Accountant be authorized to allocate such sums to the appropriate operating budgets.

Board of Selectmen – Pending

Finance Committee –4-0-0 [Favorable]

ARTICLE 18 – Town Clerk/Treasurer Salaries

To see if the Town will vote to appropriate and transfer from available funds in the treasury a sum of money to be expended for the salary of the Town Clerk and Treasurer for the Fiscal Year of 2017, or take any other action relative thereto. This article will not be moved.

ARTICLE 19 – Budget

To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate and/or transfer from available funds in the treasury a sum of money to be expended to defray Town charges for FY2017, or take any action relative thereto. Description: This is the town’s operating budget for FY2017.

Motion for ARTICLE 19 – Budget

Majority Vote: Quorum 100 Motion by: Finance Committee – Mary MacKinnon

Move: That the sum of $43,299,946.00 be appropriated to be expended for the operating budgets for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2016, for Personal Services and for Expenses as printed in a document entitled “Town of Kingston: FY2017 Summary Budget”; and to meet such appropriation, that the sum of $42,709,562.00 be raised and appropriated, the sum of $274,919.00 be transferred from Water Enterprise revenue, the sum of $244,263.00 be transferred from Wastewater Enterprise revenue, and the sum of $71,202.00 be transferred from the Septic Loan Fund Balance.

Board of Selectmen – Pending Finance Committee – 5-0-0 [Favorable]

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Votes have been recorded in the following order: Favorable-Unfavorable-Abstain


ARTICLE 20 – Police Station Land Acquisition and Construction

To see if the Town will vote, in accordance with any existing or proposed Special or General Law, to appropriate, borrow and/or transfer from available sources a sum of funds for: (1) the purchase, from the Silver Lake Regional School District, of an approximately five-acre parcel of land fronting on Pembroke Street, the exact dimensions of which will be determined after further engineering and design work, and to authorize the Selectmen to negotiate and execute any and all agreements associated with such purchase provided that any share of the proceeds received by the Town in association with the purchase shall be donated to the School District solely for funding capital projects; and (2) the construction of a new police station on said land; and (3) all ancillary design, investigatory and engineering costs ancillary to such project; provided that any borrowing under this article shall be contingent upon the town voting to exempt from the limitation on total taxes imposed by General Laws Chapter 59 §21C (Proposition 2 ½) the amounts required to pay the principal of and interest on the borrowing, or to take any other action relative thereto. Description: This article is to authorize a proposed new police station.

ARTICLE 20 – Police Station Land Acquisition and Construction

Motion for Article 20 2/3 Vote: Quorum 100

Motion By: Board of Selectmen – Sandra MacFarlane

Move: That the Town vote to appropriate the sum of $9,210,486.00 to be expended for the purchase of approximately five acres of land on Pembroke Street ($275,000.00)and for the construction of a new police station thereon ($8,935,486.00), including the cost of architectural, engineering, project management and other preliminary and ancillary services, all as printed in the warrant; and that to meet this appropriation the Treasurer with the approval of the Board of Selectmen is authorized to borrow $9,210,486.00 under Massachusetts General Laws Chapter 44 or any other enabling authority, and to authorize the Board of Selectmen to negotiate any and all agreements and take all actions necessary to carry out this project on behalf of or in the name of the Town; and provided further, that this vote shall not take effect until the Town votes to exempt from the limitation on total taxes imposed by Massachusetts General Laws Chapter 59, §21C (Proposition 2 ½) the amounts required to pay the principal of and interest on the borrowing authorized by this vote.

Board of Selectmen – 4-0-1 [Favorable] Finance Committee – 2-3-0 [Unfavorable]

ARTICLE 21 – Stipend Elected Officials Health Insurance

To see if the Town will vote to authorize the Board of Selectmen to petition the General Court for Special Legislation relative to the contributions of certain employees in the Town of Kingston, as follows: Be it enacted by the Senate and the House of Representatives, in General Court assembled, and by the authority of the same as follows, provided, however, that the General Court may make clerical or editorial changes of form only to the bill, unless the Board of Selectmen approve amendments to the bill before enactment by the General

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Votes have been recorded in the following order: Favorable-Unfavorable-Abstain


Court, and provided further that the Board of Selectmen is hereby authorized to approve amendments which shall be within the scope of the general public objectives of this petition: Said Legislation to read as follows: An Act Relative to the Contributions of Certain Employees in the Town of Kingston Section 1. Notwithstanding a general or special law to the contrary, part-time elected officials of the town of Kingston who receive stipends by vote of the town at an annual or special town meeting under section 108 of chapter 41 of the General Laws shall not be considered employees under chapter 32B of the General Laws and shall not, as such, be eligible for participation in the town’s contributory insurance plan, in this act referred to as the plan. Section 2. Notwithstanding section 1: (a) any such part-time elected official who was elected prior to the effective date of this act, whether or not presently serving, if eligible and vested on the effective date of this act to participate in the plan upon retirement, or as presently retired, shall continue to be eligible and vested to participate upon retirement, or as presently retired; (b) any such part-time elected official who was elected prior to the effective date of this act who participates or elects to participate while still holding such office shall continue to be eligible to participate in the plan until the end of the part-time elected official’s current term or any successive contiguous term(s); (c) any part-time elected official who is elected after the effective date of this Act who receives a stipend may participate in the plan provided that the elected part-time elected official pays 100 percent in the plan, plus any administrative cost for the plan as may be imposed by the Board of Selectmen. Section 3. This act shall take effect upon its passage

or take any other action relative thereto. Description: This Article is the first step that needs to be taken in the effort to eliminate Health Insurance from stipend elected officials. Passage of this Article will then allow the legislature to vote for a Special Act accordingly.

Motion for ARTICLE 21 - Stipend Elected Officials Health Insurance Majority Vote: Quorum 100

Motion By: Board of Selectmen – Elaine Fiore

Move: That the Town eliminate Health Insurance benefits from future elected officials, said change to become effective only upon the passage of a Special Act of the Legislature, all as detailed in the warrant.

Board of Selectmen – 4-1-0 [Favorable] Finance Committee –7-0-0 [Favorable]

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2016 Annual Town Meeting Suggested Motions

This is a courtesy document; motions may change and are not intended to restrict any action.

Votes have been recorded in the following order: Favorable-Unfavorable-Abstain


ARTICLE 22 – Transfer to Other Post-Employment Benefits (OPEB) Health Insurance Liability Fund

To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate and/or transfer from available funds in the treasury a sum of money to the Other Post Employment Benefits (OPEB) Health Insurance Liability Fund for the purpose of funding future financial obligations of the Town for health insurance benefits of retirees, or take any action relative thereto. Description: This fund was established at the 2010 Annual Town Meeting. The Governmental Accounting Standards Board (GASB) established GASB 45 in July 2004. GASB 45 is an accounting and financial reporting provision requiring government employers to measure and report the liabilities associated with other (than pension) postemployment benefits (OPEB). This does not apply to private employers. GASB 45 was implemented because of the growing concern over the potential magnitude of government employer obligations for post-employment benefits. The Town is required to conduct bi-annual actuarial reviews of retiree benefits. While the Town currently is at a pay-as-you-go status, GASB 45 recommends that the funds accrue in the period of an active employee rather than the future cash flow/liability at retirement.

Motion for ARTICLE 22 – Transfer to Other Post-Employment Benefits (OPEB)

Health Insurance Liability Fund Majority Vote: Quorum 100

Motion by: Finance Committee - Claire Soares

Move: To appropriate and transfer the sum of $100,000.00 from Free Cash to the Other Post Employment Benefits (OPEB) Health Insurance Liability Trust Fund account.

Board of Selectmen – Pending Finance Committee – 4-1-0 [Favorable]

ARTICLE 23 – Transfer to Stabilization Fund

To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate and/or transfer from available funds in the treasury a sum of money to the Stabilization Fund Account, or take any action relative thereto. Description: This article serves to transfer a sum of money from Free Cash to the Stabilization Fund.

Motion for ARTICLE 23 – Transfer to Stabilization Fund

2/3 Vote: Quorum 100 Motion by: Finance Committee – Claire Soares

Move: To appropriate and transfer the sum of $200,000.00 from Free Cash to the Stabilization Fund Account.

Board of Selectmen – 5-0-0 [Favorable] Finance Committee – 7-0-0 [Favorable]

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Votes have been recorded in the following order: Favorable-Unfavorable-Abstain


ARTICLE 24 – Transfer to Stabilization Fund for Capital Projects To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate and/or transfer from available funds in the treasury a sum of money to the Stabilization Fund for Capital Projects Account, or take any action relative thereto. Description: Free Cash being transferred into a Stabilization Fund for future Capital Projects.

Motion for ARTICLE 24 – Transfer to Stabilization Fund for Capital Projects 2/3 Vote: Quorum 100

Motion By: Finance Committee – Mary MacKinnon

Move: That the sum of $100,000.00 be appropriated and transferred from Free Cash to the Stabilization Fund for Capital Projects Account.

Board of Selectmen – Pending Finance Committee – 5-0-0 [Favorable]

ARTICLE 25 – Transfer Meal Tax Surplus Revenue to Stabilization Fund for Capital Projects To see if the Town will vote to appropriate and transfer a sum of money from Free Cash in the amount that is generated by the Meal Tax to the Stabilization Fund for Capital Projects Account, or take any other action relative thereto. Description: At the 2011 ATM the Town passed an article imposing a local meals excise tax rate of 0.75%. The revenue from this tax would then be voted into a Stabilization Fund for Capital Projects.

Motion for ARTICLE 25 – Transfer Meal Tax Surplus Revenue to Stabilization Fund for Capital Projects

2/3 Vote: Quorum 100 Motion By: Capital Planning Committee – Mary MacKinnon

Move: That the sum of $248,807.00 be appropriated and transferred from Free Cash to the Stabilization Fund for Capital Projects Account, said sum being equivalent to the amount of funds generated by the Meal Tax.

Board of Selectmen – 5-0-0 [Favorable] Finance Committee – 7-0-0 [Favorable]

ARTICLE 26 – Chapter 90 Funds To see if the Town will vote to appropriate a sum of money to be expended in anticipation of the reimbursement authorized for the State’s share of the cost of work to be done under Chapter 90 of Massachusetts General Laws, or take any action relative thereto. Description: This is the annual article to appropriate the funds received from the State under Chapter 90 of the Massachusetts General Laws to be used for infrastructure improvements and repairs.

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Votes have been recorded in the following order: Favorable-Unfavorable-Abstain


Motion for ARTICLE 26 – Chapter 90 Funds Majority Vote: Quorum 100

Motion by: Board of Selectmen – Jean Landis-Naumann Move: That the Town accept and expend so-called Chapter 90 funds available for Fiscal Year 2017.

Board of Selectmen – 4-0-1 [Favorable] Finance Committee – 7-0-0 [Favorable]

ARTICLE 27 – Community Preservation Committee Administrative Budget

To see if the Town will vote to hear and act on the report of the Community Preservation Committee on the FY2017 Community Preservation budget; and to appropriate from the Community Preservation Fund estimated annual revenues a sum of money to meet the administrative expenses and all other necessary and proper expenses of the Community Preservation Committee for FY2017, or take any other action relative thereto. Description: This is the FY2017 administrative budget of the Community Preservation Committee, funded by Community Preservation Act funds. Up to 5% of the anticipated revenue from FY2017 may be reserved for administrative expenses. Unused administrative funds return to the town's Community Preservation Fund, Undesignated Fund Balance at the end of each fiscal year.

ARTICLE 27 – Community Preservation Committee Administrative Budget

Majority Vote: Quorum 100 Motion by: Community Preservation Committee – Craig Dalton

Move: That the Town appropriate $12,598.00 from the FY2017 Community Preservation Fund estimated revenue accounts for administrative expenses.

Board of Selectmen – 5-0-0 [Favorable] Finance Committee – 7-0-0 [Favorable]

ARTICLE 28 – Community Preservation Fund Appropriations

To see if the Town will vote to appropriate from the Community Preservation Fund to reserve for future appropriation a sum of money from the Community Preservation Fund estimated annual revenues for open space, historic resources, and community housing purposes, as well as a sum of money to be placed in the FY2017 Budgeted Reserve for general Community Preservation Act purposes, or take any other action relative thereto. Description: This article distributes at least 10% of each year's Community Preservation Fund revenues to each of the three categories: Open Space, Historic Resources and Community Housing, as required by the Community Preservation Act. The remaining revenue is deposited in the Community Preservation Fund, Undesignated fund balance.

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Votes have been recorded in the following order: Favorable-Unfavorable-Abstain


ARTICLE 28 – Community Preservation Fund Appropriations Majority Vote: Quorum 100

Motion by: Community Preservation Committee – Craig Dalton Move: That the Town reserve from FY2017 Community Preservation Fund estimated annual revenue amounts as follows:

Open Space $25,197.22 Historic Resources $25,197.22 Community Housing $25,197.22 Total $75,591.66

Board of Selectmen – 5-0-0 [Favorable] Finance Committee – 7-0-0 [Favorable]

ARTICLE 29 – Community Preservation Fund Application

Kingston Capped Landfill Off-Leash Dog Area To see if the Town will vote, pursuant to G.L. c. 44B, to appropriate from available Community Preservation Act Undesignated Funds, a sum of money for the construction of an Off Leash Dog Recreational Area to be located specifically on the grounds of the Kingston capped landfill adjacent to the Town Transfer Station as recommended by the Community Preservation Committee. Said project and the expenditures related thereto are to be under the supervision of the Kingston Town Administrator; And, further, to authorize the Kingston Town Administrator and the Board of Selectmen to submit, at their discretion, on behalf of the Town any and all applications deemed necessary for grants and/or reimbursements from the Stanton Foundation, and/or any other gift or grant programs for funds to offset the appropriation contemplated in this article; said appropriation being contingent upon receipt of grants or gifts of at least $222,962.00 for the construction of said Off-Leash Dog Area, or take any other action relative thereto. Description: To provide 10% matching funds to a private grant to construct a fully enclosed dog park to meet the following goals: (1) Allow dogs to exercise and socialize safely while off-leash; (2) Promote responsible dog ownership; (3) Provide an outlet for dog owners to socialize; and (4) Make for a better community by promoting public health and safety.

Motion for ARTICLE 29 – Community Preservation Fund Application Kingston Capped Landfill Off-Leash Dog Area

Majority Vote: Quorum 100 Motion by: Community Preservation Committee – Craig Dalton

Move: That the Town will vote, pursuant to G.L. c. 44B, to appropriate the sum of $24,774.00 from available Community Preservation Act Undesignated Funds for the construction of an Off Leash Dog Recreational Area to be located specifically on the grounds of the Kingston capped landfill adjacent to the Town Transfer Station as recommended by the Community Preservation Committee. Said project and the expenditures related thereto are to be under the supervision of the Kingston Town Administrator;

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Votes have been recorded in the following order: Favorable-Unfavorable-Abstain


And, further, to authorize the Kingston Town Administrator and the Board of Selectmen to submit, at their discretion, on behalf of the Town any and all applications deemed necessary for grants and/or reimbursements from the Stanton Foundation, and/or any other gift or grant programs for funds to offset the appropriation contemplated in this article; said appropriation being contingent upon receipt of grants or gifts of at least $222,962.00 for the construction of said Off-Leash Dog Area.

Board of Selectmen – Pending

Finance Committee – 4-1-0 [Favorable] Community Preservation Committee – 5-2-0 [Favorable]

ARTICLE 30 – FY2017 Annual Maintenance for Off-Leash Dog Area

To see if the Town will vote to appropriate and transfer the sum of $3,000.00 from Free Cash for the purpose of funding the FY2017 operating budget for maintenance of the Off-Leash Dog Area, or take any other action relative thereto. Description: This article funds the FY2017 operating budget for maintenance of the Off-Leash Dog Area.

Motion for Article 30 – FY2017 Annual Maintenance for Off-Leash Dog Area Majority Vote: Quorum 100

Motion By: Board of Selectmen – Lindsay Wilson

Move: That the Town appropriate the sum of $3,000.00 for the FY 2017 operating budget for maintenance of the Off-Leash Dog Area; and to meet this appropriation, the sum of $3,000.00 be transferred from Free Cash to the Care of Muni account; said expenditure to be under the direction of the Town Administrator.

Board of Selectmen – Pending Finance Committee –4-1-0 [Favorable]

Community Preservation Committee – 5-2-0 [Favorable]

ARTICLE 31 – Capital Equipment/Project Funding

To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate, borrow and/or transfer from available funds in the treasury a sum of money to be expended for the capital equipment and capital projects for the various Town departments, and to trade or dispose of any used equipment of those departments in the best interest of the Town, or take any other action relative thereto. Description: The Capital Planning Committee will report on items proposed to be funded and funding sources.

ARTICLE 31 – Capital Equipment/Project Funding Motion to Divide: Majority Vote; Quorum 100

Motion for Part 1: 2/3 Vote; Quorum 100 Motion for Part 2: Majority Vote; Quorum 100

(Note: Projects funded from Capital Stabilization: 2/3 Vote; Projects funded from Non-Stabilization: Majority) Motion by: Capital Planning Committee – Mary MacKinnon

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2016 Annual Town Meeting Suggested Motions

This is a courtesy document; motions may change and are not intended to restrict any action.

Votes have been recorded in the following order: Favorable-Unfavorable-Abstain


Move: That the article be divided into two parts where group one contains 11 projects for which an expenditure of funds is sought to be funded from the Capital Projects Stabilization Fund, Free Cash and Overlay Surplus; the other group contains one project for which an expenditure of funds is sought to be funded from non-stabilization monies. PART 1 Move: That the sum of $716,100.00 be appropriated for the following capital expenditures and to meet this appropriation the sum of $248,807.00 be transferred from the Capital Projects Stabilization Fund, $417,293.00 be transferred from Free Cash and $50,000.00 be transferred from Overlay Surplus said expenditures to be under the direction of the department(s) named below.


1 $100,000.00 for the purpose of purchasing two (2) Patrol Cars

Police Board of Selectmen – Favorable Finance Committee – Favorable Capital Plan – Favorable (5-0-0)

Free Cash $100,000.00

2 $50,000.00 for the purpose of purchasing one (1) K-9 Vehicle

Police Board of Selectmen – Favorable Finance Committee – Favorable Capital Plan – Favorable (4-1-0)

Cap Proj Stabilization $48,807.00 Free Cash $1,193.00

3 $200,000.00 for the purpose of purchasing two (2) ambulances via a lease to own program. This represents the initial down payment. [3 payments of $132,465 would remain]

Fire Board of Selectmen – Favorable Finance Committee – Favorable Capital Plan – Favorable (5-0-0)

Cap Proj Stabilization $200,000.00

4 $45,000.00 for the purpose of purchasing a generator for the Smith Lane Fire Station

Fire Board of Selectmen – Favorable Finance Committee – Favorable Capital Plan – Favorable (5-0-0)

Free Cash $45,000.00

5 $55,000.00 for the purpose of purchasing a generator for the Highway Barn

Streets, Trees, and Parks

Board of Selectmen – Favorable Finance Committee – Favorable Capital Plan – Favorable (5-0-0)

Free Cash $55,000.00

6 $64,000.00 for the purpose of refurbishing H-11 (a 35,000 GVW Dump Truck)

Streets, Trees, and Parks

Board of Selectmen – Favorable Finance Committee – Favorable Capital Plan – Favorable (3-0-2)

Free Cash $64,000.00

7 $32,100.00 for the purpose of purchasing an SUV for use by the Highway Superintendent

Streets, Trees, and Parks

Board of Selectmen – Favorable Finance Committee – Favorable Capital Plan – Favorable (3-0-2)

Free Cash $32,100.00

8 $40,000.00 for the purpose of purchasing a F-350 4wd w/plow to replace #H-3

Streets, Trees, and Parks

Board of Selectmen – Favorable Finance Committee – Favorable Capital Plan – Favorable (4-0-1)

Free Cash $40,000.00

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2016 Annual Town Meeting Suggested Motions

This is a courtesy document; motions may change and are not intended to restrict any action.

Votes have been recorded in the following order: Favorable-Unfavorable-Abstain



9 $70,000.00 for the purpose of purchasing a 645 HD-d Compactor

Solid Waste Board of Selectmen – Favorable Finance Committee – Favorable Capital Plan – Favorable (5-0-0)

Overlay Surplus $50,000.00 Free Cash $20,000.00

10 $40,000.00 for the purpose of renovating and improving basketball courts at Reed Center & Gray's Beach park

Recreation Board of Selectmen – Favorable Finance Committee – Favorable Capital Plan – Favorable (4-1-0)

Free Cash $40,000.00

11 $20,000.00 for the purpose of purchasing a sidewalk awning for the Senior Center

Council on Aging

Board of Selectmen – Favorable Finance Committee – Favorable Capital Plan – Favorable (5-0-0)

Free Cash $20,000.00


Move: And further, to move that the sum of $35,500.00 be appropriated for the following capital expenditures and to meet this appropriation the sum of $35,500.00 be transferred from the Waterways Improvement Fund, said expenditures to be under the direction of the department(s) named below.


12 $35,500.00 for the purchase of a Ford F-250 pick-up truck

Harbormaster Board of Selectmen – Favorable Finance Committee – Favorable Capital Plan – Favorable (3-0-2)

Waterways Improvement Fund $35,500.00

Board of Selectmen – Pending

Finance Committee – 5-0-0 [Favorable]

ARTICLE 32 – Non-Binding Question Regarding Pay As You Throw Trash Disposal

To see if the Town will vote to support the Town’s replacement of the flat transfer station sticker fee with a reduced flat fee plus a unit-based disposal fee, so-called “pay as you throw”, for disposal of trash at the town’s transfer station? Explanation: The Selectmen are considering the adoption of a new system for disposal of trash at the Town’s transfer station, as follows: The new system, known as “Pay As You Throw”, would charge a reduced sticker fee along with a per-bag fee to cover the costs of trash disposal, rather than a larger single yearly sticker fee paid by users of the transfer station. Per statistics compiled by the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection (DEP), 143 cities and towns have adopted a Pay as You Throw system since 1979. The DEP’s statistics show that, under a Pay as You Throw system, the average amount of solid waste disposal was 35% to 50% less than the output in cities and towns using conventional systems of disposal such as we currently use. With the generation of less trash, the costs for disposal would be reduced as well.

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2016 Annual Town Meeting Suggested Motions

This is a courtesy document; motions may change and are not intended to restrict any action.

Votes have been recorded in the following order: Favorable-Unfavorable-Abstain


A “yes” vote would signify support for the Selectmen to support a program that would replace the current trash disposal system whereby residents pay a single annual fee for the right to dispose of an unlimited number of bags of trash at the town’s transfer station with a system whereby residents would pay a fee for each bag of trash that is disposed of at the transfer station and have their annual fee reduced. This process allows residents to have more control of their trash costs just as they do with other services such as water and electricity. In other words, the resident pays only for what they use and do not subsidize other residents. A “no” vote would signify support for the Selectmen to make no change to the current system. Additional information regarding the “pay as you throw” system may be obtained by visiting the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection website at www.Mass/gov.dep.

Motion for ARTICLE 32 – Non-Binding Question Regarding Pay As You Throw Trash Disposal Motion by: Board of Selectmen – Jean Landis-Naumann

Move: To support a Pay As You Throw Trash Disposal program as presented in the Warrant.

Board of Selectmen – Pending Finance Committee – 1-4-0 [Unfavorable]

ARTICLE 33 – Lake Street Culvert Easement

To see if the Town will vote to authorize the Board of Selectmen to acquire and accept, from the City of Brockton, permanent easements on Lake Street (Parcels 008-041 & 015-001) in the Town of Kingston, being a 2,000 SF portion (Parcel 008-041) and a 1,000 SF portion (Parcel 015-001) of such parcels, as described in the deed recorded with the Plymouth County Registry of Deeds in Book 935, Page 175, for the purpose of replacing a culvert under the roadway as described in a proposed Grant of Easement, a copy of which is on file with the office of the Town Clerk, or to take any other action relative thereto. Description: The purpose of this article is to acquire a permanent easement for the purpose of replacing and maintaining a culvert through which the Jones River flows.

Motion for ARTICLE 33 - Lake Street Culvert Easement

Majority Vote: No Quorum Required Motion By: Conservation Commission – James Parker

Move: That the Town vote to accept easements from the City of Brockton for the purposes of replacing and maintaining a culvert on Lake Street, as detailed in the warrant

Board of Selectmen – 5-0-0 [Favorable] Finance Committee – N/A

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2016 Annual Town Meeting Suggested Motions

This is a courtesy document; motions may change and are not intended to restrict any action.

Votes have been recorded in the following order: Favorable-Unfavorable-Abstain


ARTICLE 34 – Amendment to the Zoning By-Laws;

Location of Districts and Flood Plain Overlay District

To see if the Town will vote to amend the Zoning By-Laws, Article 3.2. Location of Districts, Section 3.2.2., and Article 4.12. Flood Plain Overlay District, Section by adding the underlined language and deleting the strikethrough language, as shown below to reflect changes in FEMA Flood Maps: 3.2.2. The general boundaries of the Flood Plain Overlay District within the Town of Kingston are shown on the Plymouth County Flood Insurance Rate Maps (FIRMs) dated July 6, 2016 17, 2012 or November 4, 2016 and issued by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) for the administration of the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP). The exact boundaries of the District are defined by the one hundred (100) year base flood elevations shown on the FIRMs and further defined by the Flood Profiles contained in the current Flood Insurance Study dated July 17, 2012November 4, 2016. These maps, as well as the accompanying Study, are incorporated herein by reference and are filed with the office of the Town Clerk, Planning Board, Inspector of Buildings and Conservation Commission. The Flood Plain Overlay District is established as an overlay district to all other districts. The Floodplain Overlay District includes all special flood hazard areas within the Town of Kingston designated as Zone A, AE, AO, and VE on the Plymouth County Flood Insurance Rate Maps (FIRMs) issued by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) for the administration of the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP). The map panels of the Plymouth County FIRM that are wholly or partially within the Town of Kingston are panel numbers: 25023C0218J, 25023C0219J, 25023C0331J, 25023C0332J, 25023C0334J, 25023C0342J, 25023C0353J, 25023C0354J, and 25023C0361J, dated July 17, 2012, and 25023C0238KJ, 25023C0239KJ, 25023C0331J, 25023C0332J, 25023C0334J, 25023C0342J, 25023C0351KJ, 25023C0352JK, and 25023C0356K, 25023C0353J, 25023C0354J, and 25023C0361J, dated July 17, 2012November 4, 2016. The exact boundaries of the District are defined by the 100-year base flood elevations shown on the FIRMs and further defined by the flood profiles contained in the Plymouth County Flood Insurance Study (FIS) report dated July 17, 2012November 4, 2016. These maps and the accompanying FIS are incorporated herein by reference and are on file with the Building Department and the Conservation Commission. All development, including structural and non-structural activities, whether permitted by right or by special permit must be in compliance with Chapter 131, Section 40 of the Massachusetts General Laws and with the requirements of the Massachusetts State Building Code pertaining to construction in the flood plains and with the following: - Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) for the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) (currently 44 CFR 59, Paragraph 60.3); - Section of the Massachusetts State Building Code which addresses floodplain and coastal high hazard areas (currently 780 CMR); - Wetlands Protection Regulations, Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) (currently 310 CMR 10.00); - Inland Wetlands Restriction, DEP (currently 310 CMR 13.00); - Coastal Wetlands Restriction, DEP (currently 310 CMR 12.00); - Minimum Requirements for the Subsurface Disposal Sanitary Sewage, DEP (currently 310 CMR 15, Title 5) or take any other action relative thereto. Description: This article is so that the By-Laws remain current with new FEMA Floodplain maps.

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2016 Annual Town Meeting Suggested Motions

This is a courtesy document; motions may change and are not intended to restrict any action.

Votes have been recorded in the following order: Favorable-Unfavorable-Abstain


Motion for ARTICLE 34 – Amendment to the Zoning By-Laws; Location of Districts and Flood Plain Overlay District

2/3 vote: Quorum 100 Motion By: Conservation Commission – James Parker

Move: To amend the Zoning By-Laws, Article 3.2. Location of Districts, Section 3.2.2., and Article 4.12. Flood Plain Overlay District, Section as printed in the warrant.

Board of Selectmen – 5-0-0 [Favorable]

Finance Committee – N/A

ARTICLE 35 – Library Construction Project Grant Application

To see if the Town will vote to accept the schematic design for the Kingston Public Library building, contingent on the receipt of a state grant, and authorize the Board of Library Trustees and/or the Board of Selectmen to apply for, accept and expend any state grants which may be available to defray all or part of the cost of the design, construction and equipping of the library project when received, without further appropriation, or take any other action relative thereto. Description: This article authorizes the Town to apply for, accept and expend a State grant that would cover an estimated 42.4% of the cost of building a new library.

Motion for ARTICLE 35 – Library Construction Project Grant Application

Majority Vote: No Quorum Required Motion By: Library Building Study Committee – Vanessa Verkade

Move: To accept the design of the library building and authorize the Library Trustees and/or Selectmen to apply for and accept grants, as printed in the warrant.

Board of Selectmen – 5-0-0 [Favorable] Finance Committee – 5-0-0 [Favorable]

ARTICLE 36 – Establishment of Jones River Restoration Fund

To see if the Town will vote to appropriate or transfer a sum of funds, not to exceed $125,000.00, for the purpose of contributing to the funding of the removal of the so-called Elm Street Dam, along with all costs incidental thereto, said appropriation or transfer being contingent upon receipt of the balance of necessary funds, via State or Federal grant or otherwise, to complete said project, and to authorize the Board of Selectmen and Town Administrator to take any and all actions necessary to facilitate said project, or take any other action in relation thereto. Description: This article will contribute to the funding of the removal of the Elm Street Dam, contingent upon receiving the balance of necessary funds, via State or Federal grant or otherwise, to complete said project.

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2016 Annual Town Meeting Suggested Motions

This is a courtesy document; motions may change and are not intended to restrict any action.

Votes have been recorded in the following order: Favorable-Unfavorable-Abstain


Motion for ARTICLE 36 – Establishment of Jones River Restoration Fund

Majority Vote: Quorum 100 Motion By: Board of Selectmen – Lindsay Wilson

Move: That the Town appropriate the sum of $125,000.00 by the transfer from Free Cash to assist in the removal of the Elm Street Dam, as printed in the warrant, said appropriation or transfer being contingent upon receipt of the balance of necessary funds, via State or Federal grant or otherwise, to complete said project, and that the Board of Selectmen be authorized to take any action to carry out this expenditure.

Board of Selectmen – 3-1-1 [Favorable] Finance Committee – 6-0-0 [Favorable]

ARTICLE 37 – Wireless Communication Facilities Lease

To see if the Town will vote to allow the Board of Selectmen to negotiate and execute lease agreements for communication towers and wireless communication facilities, as originally approved under Article 22 of the 1998 Annual Town Meeting, for Town-owned property located at Opachinski Athletic Field Complex, for a term up to thirty (30) years; said lease agreements to be entered into in accordance with G.L. c.30B, or take any other action relative thereto. Description: The current wireless communication facilities lease on the Town-owned property located at Opachinski Athletic Field Complex expires in 2017. A lease term up to thirty (30) years is not uncommon in the industry. The lease will have an annual rent escalation clause.

Motion for ARTICLE 37 – Wireless Communication Facilities Lease Majority Vote: No Quorum Required

Motion By: Board of Selectmen – Susan Munford

Move: To authorize the Board of Selectmen to negotiate and execute lease agreements for communication towers and wireless communication facilities, as originally approved under Article 22 of the 1998 Annual Town Meeting, for Town-owned property located at Opachinski Athletic Field Complex, for a term up to thirty (30) years; said lease agreements to be entered into in accordance with G.L. c.30B.

Board of Selectmen – 5-0-0 [Favorable] Finance Committee – N/A

ARTICLE 38 – Tax Agreement – 20 Elizabeth Drive (6 Acre +/- Parcel)

To see if the Town will vote in accordance with G.L. c. 59, § 38H to authorize the Board of Selectmen to enter into a Tax Agreement with CEC Solar #1040, LLC, located at 361 Centennial Parkway, Suite 300, Louisville, CO 80027 for a period of up to twenty-five (25) years, and to approve said agreement under which CEC Solar #1040, LLC will pay the Town a sum of money per year relative to a SIX (6) acre +/- parcel of land located at 20 Elizabeth Drive, Kingston, related to the proposed construction and operation of a Large-Scale Ground Mounted Solar Photovoltaic Installation with an expected nameplate capacity of approximately 810 kW AC, said Tax Agreement is on file in the Town Clerk’s Office, and further to allow the Board of Selectmen to negotiate any

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2016 Annual Town Meeting Suggested Motions

This is a courtesy document; motions may change and are not intended to restrict any action.

Votes have been recorded in the following order: Favorable-Unfavorable-Abstain


amendments necessary to said Tax Agreement to reflect any changes in the size of the parcel of land up to 2 acres so long as the payments reflected in the Tax Agreement rise commensurately; or take any other action relative thereto. Description: This article authorizes the Board of Selectmen to enter into a tax agreement regarding personal property taxes for a Large-Scale Ground Mounted Solar Photovoltaic Installation.

Motion for ARTICLE 38 – Tax Agreement - 20 Elizabeth Drive (6 Acre +/- Parcel) Majority Vote: No Quorum Required

Motion By: Board of Selectmen – Susan Munford Move: That the Board of Selectmen be authorized to enter into a tax agreement, as printed in the warrant

Board of Selectmen – 5-0-0 [Favorable] Finance Committee – 5-0-0 [Favorable]

ARTICLE 39 – Tax Agreement – 25 Elizabeth Drive (9Acre +/- Parcel)

To see if the Town will vote in accordance with G.L. c. 59, § 38H to authorize the Board of Selectmen to enter into a Tax Agreement with CEC Solar #1041, LLC, located at 361 Centennial Parkway, Suite 300, Louisville, CO 80027 for a period of up to twenty-five (25) years, and to approve said agreement under which CEC Solar #1041, LLC will pay the Town a sum of money per year relative to a NINE (9) acre +/- parcel of land located at 25 Elizabeth Drive, Kingston, related to the proposed construction and operation of a Large-Scale Ground Mounted Solar Photovoltaic Installation with an expected nameplate capacity of approximately 660 kW AC, said Tax Agreement is on file in the Town Clerk’s Office, and further to allow the Board of Selectmen to negotiate any amendments necessary to said Tax Agreement to reflect any changes in the size of the parcel of land up to 2 acres so long as the payments reflected in the Tax Agreement rise commensurately; or take any other action relative thereto. Description: This article authorizes the Board of Selectmen to enter into a tax agreement regarding personal property taxes for a Large-Scale Ground Mounted Solar Photovoltaic Installation.

ARTICLE 39 – Tax Agreement – 25 Elizabeth Drive (12 Acre +/- Parcel) Majority Vote: No Quorum Required

Motion By: Board of Selectmen – Susan Munford Move: That the Board of Selectmen be authorized to enter into a tax agreement, as printed in the warrant

Board of Selectmen – 5-0-0 [Favorable] Finance Committee – 5-0-0 [Favorable]

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2016 Annual Town Meeting Suggested Motions

This is a courtesy document; motions may change and are not intended to restrict any action.

Votes have been recorded in the following order: Favorable-Unfavorable-Abstain


ARTICLE 40 – Amendment to the Zoning ByLaws Off-Street Parking Requirements

To see if the Town will vote Amend the Town of Kingston Zoning Bylaws Section 6.4. “Off-Street Parking Requirement” by adding the underlined language and deleting the strikethrough language, as shown below:

6.4. Off-Street Parking Requirements (Amended 6/8/98 ATM, Article 31; 5/9/00 ATM, Article 29)

6.4.1. Required Parking All parking demand created by new structures or uses, additions to existing structures or uses, and

change of use in existing structures shall be accommodated entirely off-street on the same premises as the

activity it services, or located within three hundred (300) feet of the building entrance on a separate

parcel, not being separated by an aertial, collector or sub collector street and in a zoning district allowing

such activity. The following minimums must be met, unless these are reduced on a special permit from the

Planning Board upon determination that special circumstances render a lesser provision adequate for all

parking needs:

a. Residential use: Two (2) parking spaces per dwelling unit plus one (1) space for each bedroom over

two (2). 1.5 spaces per Dwelling Unit with 2 bedrooms or less, and 2 spaces per Dwelling Unit with 3

bedrooms or more to be located within 300 feet of the Dwelling Unit.

b. Retail business, commercial or personal service establishment: One (1) parking space for each two

hundred (200) square feet of gross floor area. 1 space per 250 square feet of gross leasable floor area.

c. Office, professional, business or public: One (1) parking space for each two hundred (200) square feet

of gross floor area. 1 space per 333 square feet of gross floor area.

d. Medical or dental office or clinic: Four (4) parking spaces for each individual office or suite, plus four

(4) parking spaces for each additional doctor or dentist within a single office or suite.

e. Manufacturing, processing, wholesale: One (1) parking space per each thousand (1,000) square feet of

gross floor area, plus one (1) space for each three (3) employees on the largest shift.

f. Place of assembly, restaurant: One (1) parking space per every three (3) seats.

g. Other Use Categories: Use categories to be determined by the Planning Board or the Inspector of

Buildings, as appropriate, at the time of Site Plan Review when required by the Inspector of Buildings; in

other cases where Site Plan Review is not required, use categories shall be determined in accordance with

standards contained in Time-Saver Standards for Site Planning, Joseph De Chiara and Lee E. Koppelman,

McGraw Hill, New York City, 1984.

h. Pre-School/Day Care Facilities: The minimum reasonable parking requirements for such facilities shall

be as follows: (1) one off-street parking space shall be required for each faculty member who is required

to be present at the facility pursuant to the facility’s state license, based upon the maximum number of

children for which the facility is licensed; (2) one parking space or queue shall be required for every four

children based upon the maximum number of children for which the facility is licensed; and (3)

whenever safe to do so, pick up and drop off of children without the parking of a vehicle.

or take any other action relative thereto.

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2016 Annual Town Meeting Suggested Motions

This is a courtesy document; motions may change and are not intended to restrict any action.

Votes have been recorded in the following order: Favorable-Unfavorable-Abstain


Description: This article reduces the minimum off-street parking requirements for the structures or uses indicated.

Motion for ARTICLE 40 – Amendment to the Zoning ByLaws Off-Street Parking Requirements

2/3 vote: Quorum 100 Motion By: Planning Board – Susan Boyer

Move: To amend the Town of Kingston Zoning ByLaws Section 6.4. “Off-Street Parking Requirement” by adding the underlined language and deleting the strikethrough language, as printed in the warrant.

Board of Selectmen – Pending Finance Committee – N/A

ARTICLE 41 – Amendment to the General By-Law Chapter 6 Public Peace and

Safety Article 2 Public Drinking To see if the Town will amend Town of Kingston General By-Law Chapter 6 Public Peace and Safety Article 2 Public Drinking by adding the underlined language and deleting the strikethrough language, as shown below: Article 2. Public Drinking No person shall drink any alcoholic beverages, as defined in Chapter 138, Section 1 of the General Laws, while: (a) in or upon any public way, or any way to which the public has a right of access, or any place to which members of the public have access as invitees or licensees, or any park or playground municipal property, without consent of the Board of Selectmen or (b) while in or upon private land, building, structure or place without consent of: the public official or board; or the owner or person in control thereof. Any person violating this by-law shall upon conviction be fined not more than fifty dollars ($50.00) for each offense. or take any other action relative thereto. Description: This article will allow for the consumption of alcoholic beverages on public property only at such times, special events, outdoor festivals, etc. as are sanctioned by the Board of Selectmen. or take any other action relative thereto.

Motion for ARTICLE 41 – Amendment to the General By-Law Chapter 6 Public Peace and Safety Article 2 Public Drinking

Majority Vote: Quorum 100 Motion By: Board of Selectmen – Elaine Fiore

Move: To amend the Town of Kingston General By-Law Chapter 6 Public Peace and Safety Article 2 Public Drinking as printed in the warrant.

Board of Selectmen – 4-0-1 [Favorable]

Finance Committee – N/A

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2016 Annual Town Meeting Suggested Motions

This is a courtesy document; motions may change and are not intended to restrict any action.

Votes have been recorded in the following order: Favorable-Unfavorable-Abstain


ARTICLE 42 – Disband the Permanent Building Committee To see if the Town will vote to authorize the disbanding of the Permanent Building Committee as established at the 1990 Annual Town Meeting, Article 23 and amended at the 2011 Annual Town Meeting, Article 23, or take any other action thereon. Description: This article approves the disbanding of the Permanent Building Committee. The functions of the Committee have been assumed by the Facilities Manager, who is now a Town employee.

Motion for ARTICLE 42 – Disband the Permanent Building Committee

Majority Vote: No Quorum Required Motion By: Board of Selectmen – Sandra MacFarlane

Move: That the Town vote to disband the Permanent Building Committee as established under Article 23 of the 1990 Annual Town Meeting and amended under Article 23 of the 2011 Annual Town Meeting.

Board of Selectmen – 5-0-0 [Favorable] Finance Committee – N/A

ARTICLE 43 – Disband the Audit Committee

To see if the Town will vote to authorize the disbanding of the Audit Committee as established at the 1994 Annual Town Meeting Article or take any other action thereon.

Description: This article approves the disbanding of the Audit Committee. The Committee has not met in several years, and the Town engages the services of a professional audit firm.

Motion for ARTICLE 43 – Disband the Audit Committee

Majority Vote: No Quorum Required Motion By: Board of Selectmen – Sandra MacFarlane

Move: That the Town vote to disband the Audit Committee as established under Article 15 of the 1994 Annual Town Meeting and amended under Article 30 of the 1995 Annual Town Meeting and Article 29 of the 2001 Annual Town Meeting.

Board of Selectmen – 5-0-0 [Favorable] Finance Committee – N/A

ARTICLE 44 – Petitioned Article – Rezone 9 Basler’s Lane

To see if the Town will vote to amend the Zoning Map of the Town of Kingston by changing the classification of use of a certain parcels of land from Residential-20 District (R20) to Commercial District (C) said parcel being located at 9 Basler Lane and shown on the Kingston Assessor's Map 67 as Lot 38 or take any other action relative thereto.

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2016 Annual Town Meeting Suggested Motions

This is a courtesy document; motions may change and are not intended to restrict any action.

Votes have been recorded in the following order: Favorable-Unfavorable-Abstain


Description: [None provided].

Motion for ARTICLE 44– Petitioned Article – Rezone 9 Basler’s Lane 2/3 Vote: Quorum 100 Motion By: Petitioner

Move: Motion to be provided by Petitioner.

Board of Selectmen – Pending Finance Committee – N/A on Petitioned Article

ARTICLE 45 – Petitioned Article – Change Zoning to all new uses in previously publically owned buildings

To see if the Town will vote to amend the Kingston Zoning Bylaw by deleting in its entirety sub-section and to replace it with the following: Conversion of a building previously publically owned and used as a library, museum, office or other public use building, or any portion thereof, for the following uses: a. business or professional offices, artist studios and galleries, which uses may be a primary use or a use in

combination with a residential use of the property;

b. conversion into not more than four (4) residential dwelling units;

c. modest, reasonably scaled restaurant where food and beverage are consumed, or are offered for

consumption off premise, with no drive-in or window service, which uses may be a primary use or a use in combination with a residential use of the property.

Description: [None provided].

Motion for Article 45 - Petitioned Article – Change Zoning to all new uses in previously publically owned buildings

2/3 Vote: Quorum 100 Motion By: Petitioner

Move: Motion to be provided by Petitioner.

Board of Selectmen – Pending Finance Committee – N/A on Petitioned Article

AND, to transact any other business which may legally come before the meeting.

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2016 Annual Town Meeting Suggested Motions

This is a courtesy document; motions may change and are not intended to restrict any action.

Votes have been recorded in the following order: Favorable-Unfavorable-Abstain


FURTHER, you are directed to serve this Warrant by posting attested copies at the Kingston Public Library, at the Reed Community Building, at the Kingston Elementary School, at the Kingston Intermediate School, and at the main entrance to the Town House, the polling places of the precincts in said Town, seven (7) days at least before the time of holding said meeting.

HEREOF fail not and make due return of this Warrant with your doings thereon to the Town Clerk at the time and place of meeting aforesaid.

GIVEN under our hands this 17th day of May in the year of our Lord Two Thousand Sixteen, the Independence of the United States of America the Two Hundred Fortieth and the Two Hundred Ninetieth Anniversary of the Incorporation of the Town of Kingston.

BOARD OF SELECTMEN Elaine A. Fiore, Chairman R. Lindsay Wilson II, Vice-Chairman Jean M. Landis-Naumann Sandra D. MacFarlane Susan T. Munford

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Figure 1 Financial Guideline: Stabilization Fund

Figure 2 Financial Guideline: Free Cash


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CAPITAL PLANNING COMMITTEE REPORT – FY2017 The Town Bylaws require that the Capital Planning Committee report on all proposed capital improvements before a Town

meeting vote. The Bylaw also requires that the Committee recommend a capital improvement budget for the next fiscal

year and a plan for the subsequent four fiscal years.


The FY17 capital plan includes projects and equipment for several departments as shown below. The funding sources for

these items are specified in Article 31 of the June 11, 2016 Town Meeting booklet.

Itemized below are the individual projects that comprise the FY17 capital plan.


Description: Replace 2 Police Vehicles

This is to fund the replacement of two (2) existing police vehicles Ford Interceptor SUV models. This continues not only the

replacement of police vehicles but continues to conversion of all patrol vehicles to the Ford Interceptor AWD model.

Emergency vehicles experience abnormal wear due to extreme conditions and extended hours of use. It is vital to replace

these vehicles on a regular basis. The Capital Planning Committee has opted not to lease vehicles given that there are

sufficient reserves available to cover the capital outlay in FY17.

Description: Purchase K-9 SUV

The Police Department is looking to replace the existing 2010 Ford Expedition K-9 vehicle with a similar vehicle. The

existing K-9 SUV [with 67,000 miles] will be transitioned to the Animal Control Officer to replace the existing ACO van. The

Animal Control Officer had requested a new vehicle and after discussions, it was agreed that the ACO could utilize the

existing 2010 Ford Expedition K-9 vehicle for a minimum of 3 years before a new replacement would be needed for that



Description: Purchase Pick-Up Truck

The Harbormaster Department has requested a heavy duty 4WD pick-up truck with towing equipment. The department

does not currently have a Town owned vehicle to transport equipment, respond to rescue missions, remove disabled


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watercraft, check on shellfish beds and perform other waterway related activities. The Harbormaster and staff have been

utilizing personal vehicles in the past. They are requesting a department assigned vehicle to ensure that our waterways are

properly maintained and secured. This vehicle will be used by the Harbormaster staff from March – October. It may be

shared with other Town departments during the off-season.


Description: Replace the 2 existing Ambulances (A1 and A2)

This is to fund the replacement of both of the Town’s existing ambulances in FY17. This would be accomplished with a 3

year lease option. At the end of the lease, the Town would own the vehicles with no additional buyout provision. Each

vehicle costs $288,000 for a total cost of $576,000. This includes an extended warranty and does not include a trade-in

provision. The Committee believes that the Town could generate more revenue using the on-line auction site than the

$6,000 trade-in provision offered by the vendor. Further, the committee is recommending a lease option instead of direct

purchase in order to distribute the impact of this purchase across several years and allow other projects in the capital plan

to be completed.

FY17 Down Payment $200,000

FY18-20 Annual lease $132,465

Total Cost $597,395

The new vehicles would be Ford F-450 w/ 4WD models to access all locations in Town in bad weather. The F series chassis is

equipped with a diesel engine and the units are manufactured to facilitate future re-chassis options. The expected useful

life is approximately 7 years. The plan is to purchase both ambulances in FY17 and use them in rotation so that future

purchases would be staggered in years.

A1 A2

Age 2004 patient compartment (“box”)

2010 chassis

2002 patient compartment (“box”)

2010 chassis

Engine Diesel Diesel

Make/Model Ford E350 / PL Custom Ford E350 / PL Custom

Mileage* 89,421 87,732

Notes Unreliable, frequent breakdowns, approx. $18,000 spent in 18 months for


# Calls Since 2002, these vehicles have responded to over 21,500 emergency calls

[Average: 1536/year, 4/day]

* While the mileage may appear low, these vehicles experience abnormal wear/tear, cold starts and are required to be in-

use 24x7x365.

Description: Generator at Smith Lane Station

This to replace the existing generator with natural gas powered model with transfer switch. The 1973 gasoline powered

generator in use today was purchased as a used/refurbished unit and the unit is over 42 years old. The new model will

resemble a Generac 45 kW, 5.4L V-8 industrial style engine covered by a 5 year warranty and includes a 200 amp transfer



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This continues our efforts to ensure that our buildings are properly outfitted with necessary and reliable emergency backup

power options.


Description: Generator for Highway Barn

Replace the existing 45kw diesel generator located at the Highway Barn that is over 50 years old. It will be replaced with a

45kw natural gas housed generator and 400A automatic transfer switch. The Facilities Manager has inspected the unit and

deemed it in need of replacement.

Description: Refurbish Dump Truck H-11

Refurbish H-11 (a 1998 35,000 GVW Dump Truck/Sander). Refurbishing includes sandblast and paint the chassis, replace

heavy duty plow, replace the 6-8 cy dump body and other work to extend the useful life of the vehicle.

Description: Ford Explorer used by Highway Superintendent

Replace the existing 2005 Ford Explorer with a 2017 Ford Explorer (or equivalent). The existing vehicle cannot pass

inspection and requires extensive costly repairs. It is not covered under warranty. This vehicle is used year-round and the

Town requires a reliable vehicle for our Superintendent to perform his duties.

Description: Replace F-350 Plow Truck H-3

Replace an existing 2003 Ford F-350 truck with plow. The Town owns and operates 3 heavy duty plow trucks (non-sanders).

This would replace the oldest of those trucks.


Description: Compactor

Replace 1 of 2 town owned compactors located at the Transfer Station.


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Description: Basketball Court Repairs and Improvements

The Recreation Department has requested funding to repair and improve basketball facilities at the Grays Beach and Reed

Center properties. These basketball courts are heavily used, show significant signs of wear/tear and are in need of repair.

The project includes removing and replacing the hoop systems, replacing the concrete footings, various asphalt repairs,

acrylic sealcoating and other related services and equipment.


Description: Covered Awning

Purchase and install a covered awning system for the sidewalk located near the Great Room entryway. This sidewalk is a

safety hazard as it is prone to “slip” conditions in inclement weather. The radiant heat system does not extend to this side

of the building. The covered awning would protect the walkway and minimize ice, snow and rain buildup thereby providing

safer access to the Senior Center.


The FY17 capital plan includes items across both the Water and Wastewater Enterprise Funds totaling $742,400. The

specific funding sources are shown below.



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Description: Water Main under Elm Street Bridge

Replace 12” broken water main under Elm Street bridge that burst after the severe winter weather. This is not covered by

insurance nor by the State for related work done on the Elm Street bridge.

Description: Water System Study

Consulting and engineering services to determine future needs of the overall water system infrastructure using 10 year and

20 year build out models.

Description: Well Site

Testing, permitting and other services related to the investigation of an additional well site to the water system. The Town

currently operates 7 well sites.

Description: System Upgrades

System upgrades include testing, repair, replacement, and/or extension of water lines throughout the Town. It may also

include improvements to existing well sites, pumping stations and other related activities to continuously maintain and

operate our Town-wide water system.

Funding source: Water Surplus Revenue $545,000


Description: Superintendent Vehicle

Replace the Superintendent’s existing 2009 Ford Escape with Ford F-150 pick-up truck (or similar).

Description: PLC & Network Upgrade

Upgrade the PLC (Programmable Logic Controller) and other Network equipment that is original to the facility and no longer

fully supported by vendors.

Description: Septage Pumps

To purchase and install new septage pumps at the Jones River and Rocky Nook pump stations. This is year 1 of a 2 year

replacement plan for these pumping stations.

Funding source: Wastewater Surplus Revenue $197,400


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That the Wage and Personnel Bylaw be amended as printed here, excluding explanatory

comments in bold-face type, i.e.,


1. In Section 9, Classification and Rates of Compensation Schedules –

a. For Schedule A, the attached Schedule A.

Purpose: To add the position title of Energy Manager, Administrative, Schedule C-2

(housekeeping item – voted at last ATM to include in Schedule C-2); and to add the

word “if” at the beginning of the asterisk footnote at the bottom of the schedule so that

it reads: * If part-time: pro-rated based on hours worked.

b. For Schedules B-1 and B-2, the attached Schedules B-1 and B-2.

Purpose: To provide a 2% salary increase for all positions.

c. For Schedule C-1, the attached Schedule C-1.

Purpose: To provide a 2% salary increase for all positions; to increase the hourly rate

of Administrative Assistant – Veterans’ Agent to $24.00; and to increase the hourly

rates of Clerk – Special Town Committees Not Otherwise Specified, Groundskeeper,

and Supervisor Assistant/After School Programs to $10.00 (state minimum wage).

d. For Schedule C-2, the attached Schedule C-2.

Purpose: To provide a 2% salary increase for all positions; to increase the annual

salary of Animal Inspector to $6,000; and to increase the annual salaries of Executive

Secretary – Community Preservation Committee, Executive Secretary – Finance

Committee, Executive Secretary – Wage and Personnel Board, and Executive

Secretary – Zoning Board of Appeals to $6,500.

e. For Schedule C-3, the attached Schedule C-3.

Purpose: To provide a 2% salary increase for all positions and to increase the hourly

rate of Counselor to $10.00 (state minimum wage).


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Positions are part-time except where denoted full-time (FT). Positions are non-exempt except where denoted exempt



Title Group Rate

Administrative Assistant (FT) Administrative S-2

Administrative Assistant – Town Clerk (FT) Administrative H-6

Administrative Assistant – Veterans’ Agent Administrative Schedule C-1

Alternate Inspector of Buildings Administrative Schedule C-2

Animal Control Officer Administrative S-3*

Animal Inspector Administrative Schedule C-2

Archivist (FT) (E) Library S-3

Assistant Animal Control Officer Public Safety H-6

Assistant Assessor (FT) (E) Administrative S-9

Assistant Harbor Master/Assistant Shellfish

Constable Public Safety Schedule C-2

Assistant Summer Program Director Recreational Schedule C-3

Assistant to the Board of Selectmen and the Town

Administrator (FT) (E) Administrative S-7

Assistant to the Police Chief (FT) Administrative S-4

Assistant Town Treasurer (FT) (E) Administrative S-6

Assistant Zoning Enforcement Officer Administrative Schedule C-2

Athletic Field Maintenance Worker Recreational Schedule C-1

Call Fire Captain Public Safety Schedule C-1

Call Fire Lieutenant Public Safety Schedule C-1

Call Firefighter Public Safety Schedule C-1

Casual Part-time Worker Labor Schedule C-1

Chief Operator Superintendent (FT) (E) Supervisory S-9

Children's Librarian (FT) (E) Library S-3

Clerical Assistant (FT) Clerical H-6

Clerk – Election Clerical Schedule C-1

Clerk – General Clerical Schedule C-1

Clerk – Special Town Committees Not Otherwise

Specified Clerical Schedule C-1

Clerk – Treasurer's Office Clerical Schedule C-1

Conservation Agent (FT) (E) Administrative S-6

Cook – Council on Aging Recreational Schedule C-1

Counselor Recreational Schedule C-3

Department Secretary – Wastewater Department Clerical S-1*

Deputy Fire Chief/Fire Prevention Officer (FT) (E) Administrative S-7**

Deputy Harbor Master/Shellfish Constable Public Safety S-3*

Director of Elder Affairs (FT) (E) Administrative S-6

Election Officer Clerical Schedule C-1

Energy Manager Administrative Schedule C-2

Executive Secretary Administrative Schedule C-2

Executive Secretary – Community Preservation

Committee Administrative Schedule C-2

Executive Secretary – Finance Committee Administrative Schedule C-2

Executive Secretary – Wage and Personnel Board Administrative Schedule C-2

Executive Secretary – Zoning Board of Appeals Administrative Schedule C-2

Facilities Manager Administrative S-8*

Flag Attendant Recreational Schedule C-2


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Food Inspector Administrative Schedule C-2

Groundskeeper Labor Schedule C-1

Harbor Master/Shellfish Constable Administrative S-6*

Health Agent (FT) (E) Administrative S-6

Highway Laborer/Truck Driver Labor Schedule C-1

Human Resources Manager Administrative S-8*

Information Technology Manager Administrative S-8*

Inspector of Buildings/Zoning Enforcement

Officer (FT) (E) Administrative S-9**

Lead Counselor Recreational Schedule C-3

Library Assistant Library Schedule C-1

Library Director (FT) (E) Supervisory S-9

Library Page Library Schedule C-1

Lifeguard Recreational Schedule C-3

Lifeguard/Swimming Instructor Recreational Schedule C-3

Matron Public Safety Schedule C-1

Moth Superintendent Supervisory Schedule C-1

Park Attendant Recreational Schedule C-3

Patrolman Public Safety Schedule C-1

Pesticide Applicator Labor H-3

Recreation Office Program Administrator (FT) (E) Administrative S-2

Recreation Director (FT) (E) Administrative S-6

Reference Librarian (FT) (E) Library S-3

Registrar – Election Administrative Schedule C-2

Reserve Public Safety Dispatcher Public Safety Schedule C-1

Secretary – Permanent Part-time Departmental Clerical H-5

Senior Clerk – General Clerical Schedule C-1

Senior Counselor Recreational Schedule C-3

Senior Groundskeeper Labor Schedule C-1

Specialty Program Coordinator Recreational Schedule C-3

Streetlister/Census Clerk Clerical Schedule C-1

Substitute Circulation Assistant Library Schedule C-1

Substitute Driver – Council on Aging Recreational H-5

Substitute Librarian Library Schedule C-1

Summer Program Director Recreational Schedule C-3

Superintendent of Streets, Trees and Parks (FT) (E) Supervisory S-10

Supervisor/After School Programs Recreational Schedule C-1

Supervisor Assistant/After School Programs Recreational Schedule C-1

Town Accountant (FT) (E) Administrative S-10

Town Accountant/Financial Director (FT) (E) Administrative S-11

Town Planner (FT) (E) Administrative S-10

Veterans' Agent Supervisory Schedule C-2

Warden – Election Administrative Schedule C-1

Water Department Office Administrator (FT) Administrative S-5

Water Superintendent (FT) (E) Supervisory S-9

Waterfront Director/Head Lifeguard Recreational Schedule C-3

Young Adult Librarian Library S-3*

* If part-time: pro-rated based on hours worked.

** With an additional remuneration of $4,000.00.


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Hourly Schedule

Grade Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 Step 5

H-1 11.92 12.61 13.36 14.18 15.05

H-2 12.51 13.25 14.05 14.88 15.77

H-3 13.14 13.89 14.74 15.63 16.56

H-4 13.77 14.63 15.49 16.42 17.40

H-5 14.51 15.36 16.27 17.26 18.28

H-6 15.20 16.10 17.10 18.11 19.20


Salaried Schedule

Grade Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 Step 5 Step 6 Step 7 Step 8 Step 9*

S-1 37,148 38,541 39,987 41,486 43,042 44,656 46,331 48,068 49,871

S-2 39,749 41,239 42,786 44,390 46,055 47,782 49,574 51,433 53,362

S-3 42,531 44,126 45,781 47,498 49,279 51,127 53,044 55,033 57,097

S-4 45,508 47,215 48,986 50,822 52,728 54,706 56,757 58,885 61,094

S-5 48,694 50,520 52,415 54,380 56,419 58,535 60,730 63,007 65,370

S-6 52,103 54,056 56,084 58,187 60,369 62,632 64,981 67,418 69,946

S-7 55,750 57,840 60,009 62,260 64,594 67,017 69,530 72,137 74,842

S-8 59,652 61,889 64,210 66,618 69,116 71,708 74,397 77,187 80,081

S-9 63,828 66,221 68,705 71,281 73,954 76,727 79,605 82,590 85,687

S-10 68,296 70,857 73,514 76,271 79,131 82,098 85,177 88,371 91,685

S-11 73,077 75,817 78,660 81,610 84,670 87,845 91,139 94,557 98,103

* Attainable for only those positions that supervise 2 or more full-time equivalent positions.


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Hourly Schedule

Administrative Assistant – Veterans’ Agent hourly 24.00

Athletic Field Maintenance Worker hourly 21.23

Call Fire Captain hourly 16.86*

Call Fire Lieutenant hourly 16.86**

Call Firefighter hourly 16.86***

Casual Part-time Worker hourly 13.24

Clerk – Election hourly 13.24

Clerk – General hourly 10.83

Clerk – Special Town Committees Not Otherwise

Specified hourly 10.00

Clerk – Treasurer's Office hourly 15.98

Cook – Council on Aging hourly 14.09

Election Officer hourly 11.05

Groundskeeper hourly 10.00

Highway Laborer/Truck Driver hourly 16.23

Library Assistant hourly 15.62

Library Page hourly 12.05

Matron hourly 19.90

Moth Superintendent hourly 12.05

Patrolman hourly 19.00

Reserve Public Safety Dispatcher hourly 13.24

Senior Clerk – General hourly 12.62

Senior Groundskeeper hourly 12.05

Streetlister/Census Clerk hourly 12.62

Substitute Circulation Assistant hourly 14.91

Substitute Librarian hourly 22.70

Supervisor/After School Programs hourly 14.56

Supervisor Assistant/After School Programs hourly 10.00

Warden – Election hourly 13.24

* Plus $500.00 per year (first hour of duty paid at $20.96).

** Plus $300.00 per year (first hour of duty paid at $20.96).

*** Plus $150.00 per year (first hour of duty paid at $20.96).


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Salaried Schedule

Alternate Inspector of Buildings annually 1,377

Animal Inspector annually 6,000

Assistant Harbor Master/Assistant Shellfish Constable annually 3,365

Assistant Zoning Enforcement Officer annually 8,486

Energy Manager annually 5,100

Executive Secretary annually 3,623

Executive Secretary – Community Preservation

Committee annually 6,500

Executive Secretary – Finance Committee annually 6,500

Executive Secretary – Wage and Personnel Board annually 6,500

Executive Secretary – Zoning Board of Appeals annually 6,500

Flag Attendant per location 252

Food Inspector annually 6,174

Registrar – Election annually 888

Veterans' Agent annually 11,319


Seasonal Schedule

Assistant Summer Program Director hourly 14.29

Counselor hourly 10.00

Lead Counselor hourly 11.74

Lifeguard hourly 12.41

Lifeguard/Swimming Instructor hourly 12.41

Park Attendant hourly 11.06

Senior Counselor hourly 11.29

Specialty Program Coordinator hourly 12.35

Summer Program Director hourly 19.90

Waterfront Director/Head Lifeguard hourly 14.29