Download - · L ~~·) Jc (/6 ilb}.c c6 oo d! Lt ce i · 2019. 8. 3. · Left common carotid artery Brachiocephalic artery I R. 1g

Page 1: · L ~~·) Jc (/6 ilb}.c c6 oo d! Lt ce i · 2019. 8. 3. · Left common carotid artery Brachiocephalic artery I R. 1g

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Page 2: · L ~~·) Jc (/6 ilb}.c c6 oo d! Lt ce i · 2019. 8. 3. · Left common carotid artery Brachiocephalic artery I R. 1g

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Page 3: · L ~~·) Jc (/6 ilb}.c c6 oo d! Lt ce i · 2019. 8. 3. · Left common carotid artery Brachiocephalic artery I R. 1g

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Ascending aorta --~

Superior vena cava '

Hight main bronchus

Esophagus ---

Ascending aorta ----l

Superior vena cava ----l

;)ht superior pulmonary vein ------1

Right pulmonary artery

Right main bronchus


Ascending aorta ---

Superior vena cava ---

Bight superior pulmonary vein

Right pulmonary artery 1'Z

Right main bronchus ---

Esophagus ----::;--

Pulmonary vessels: im


!---- Pulmonary trunk

L_ Left pulmonary artery

Left main bronchus

- --Thoracic aorta

~---Pulmonary trunk

'---Left pulmonary artery

'---left superior pulmonary vein

!----Left main bronchus

' • Thoracic aorta

!----Pulmonary trunk

!---- Left superior pulmonary vein

!---- Left main bronchus

p Left pulmonary artery

::- ---Thoracic aorta

A through C- Relationships of the pulmonary arteries, pulmonary veins, and bronchi in the mediastinum. CT images, with contrast, in axial plane

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Page 4: · L ~~·) Jc (/6 ilb}.c c6 oo d! Lt ce i · 2019. 8. 3. · Left common carotid artery Brachiocephalic artery I R. 1g



Ascending aorta ---

Superior vena cava ---~

Right superior pulmonary vein

Right pulmonary artery ------'':;'­

Right main bronchus ------"~

Esophagus ---


Ascending aorta ---

Right atrium ---

Left atrium ------,

Right superior pulmonary vein ---~

Right pulmonary artery ---'"="'

Right main bronchus ---

Esopnagus ---


Right atrium ---

Esophagus ---~

'---- Right ventricle

~--Left superior pulmonary vein

---Left main bronchus ~---Left pulmonary artery

~:-----Thoracic aorta

!-:-----Right ventricle

---Left superior pulmonary vein


~~--~ Left pulmonary artery .

,..---Right ventricle

--- Left ventricle

'----· Left inferior pulmonary vein

~--Thoracic aorta

D through F- Relationships of the pulmonary arteries, pulmonary veins, and bronchi in the mediastinum. C1 images, with contrast, in axial plane



Page 5: · L ~~·) Jc (/6 ilb}.c c6 oo d! Lt ce i · 2019. 8. 3. · Left common carotid artery Brachiocephalic artery I R. 1g

Right common carotid artery

Right internal jugular vein

R ght subclavian artery

Right brachiocephalic vein----'

Deoxygenated blood

Branches of right


Right pulmonary vein

Oxygenated blood

Coronary sulcus

Tricuspid valve

Right ventricle


Cardioc charnbers and heart vaives

Left common carotid artery Left intemal jugular vein

Left subclavian artery

Left subclavian vein

JilCff,_ ____ Left brachiocephalic vein

Arch of aorta

Pulmonary valve

t Deoxygenated blood

Inferior margin

Branches of left pulmonary artery

Left pulmonary veins

Oxygenated blood

Anterior interventricular

Obtuse rnargin


Cardiac chambers and direction of blood flow


Page 6: · L ~~·) Jc (/6 ilb}.c c6 oo d! Lt ce i · 2019. 8. 3. · Left common carotid artery Brachiocephalic artery I R. 1g

/ Left common carotid artery

Brachiocephalic artery~ I Left subclavian artery Right brachiocephalic vein !

Left brachiocephalic vein Right border of the \\\/ lf}V

ca,diov.,cula' sha:o..:. ___ .• ~L .. ; Le~~~~;;:,~~~e shadow

' · Aortic arch

Right dome of diaphragm

Manubrium sterni

(lJh ,. . Right brachiocep a 1c vem


Trachea ( f5ft'IC ~<e)


Aortic knob

-+----Pulmonary trunk

+--Auricle of left atrium

Left brachiocephalic vein {j) Brachiocephalic trunk@

Thoracic vertebra

Left common G) carotid arteryO/

Left scapula


Page 7: · L ~~·) Jc (/6 ilb}.c c6 oo d! Lt ce i · 2019. 8. 3. · Left common carotid artery Brachiocephalic artery I R. 1g

Right border of the cardiovnscular shadow

Right atrium-~~.-

R1ght dome of diaphragm

Auricle of left atrium


Unionof left and - -@ right brachiocephalic veins

-to -PtrrWI S • V. C

Trachea (Ct.b< fC.)

~gos vein

~ \

\. ~v ~- -··

Union ;f left and rlght­brachlocephalic veins

- to form superior vena cava

B /. Azygos vein


-/ c/ :

Aortic arch


4- ~ (}\_ 'Z-~.9 <}1t-7

v f:,Nv\

Page 8: · L ~~·) Jc (/6 ilb}.c c6 oo d! Lt ce i · 2019. 8. 3. · Left common carotid artery Brachiocephalic artery I R. 1g

\ ....


Left common carotid artery

Brachiocephalic artery I R

. ht b h. h 1. . ~ Left subclavian artery 1g rae 1ocep a 1c vem

1 Left brachiocephalic vein Right border of the ~v cardiovascular shadow L f b f h

e t order o t e cardiovascular shadow .

Aortic arch

~r----Pulmonary trunk

-r-- Auricle of left

Right atrium-~-atrium

Right dome of diaphragm



Aortic arch nea~origin

Left ventricle

Left dome of diaphragm

Aortic-pulmonary window

Aortic arch near its termination

Azygos vein 11\ arching overl,bf right primary bronchus


vena~ a


(j) Azygos vein

Trachea just above )De carina { /5 ("' Ct::)


---End of ' aortic arch

©: 'fftA ~ 6'6 fv.!,.. aM if !J fyun~ ...



Page 9: · L ~~·) Jc (/6 ilb}.c c6 oo d! Lt ce i · 2019. 8. 3. · Left common carotid artery Brachiocephalic artery I R. 1g



Eparterial bronchus

l Level of division of right main stem

f) . A ~ 1~ronchus into eparterial and -tAA:J r~ui c\.( ~ntermediate}bronchi

Ascending aorta

® E Superior vena cava


Epa rt e ria I ?n c h us


Arch of no1 tn

Lefl pulmrmnry artery

~..:;..... St._ Ch' (jf'. ~ u-tf L---=- Lefl pulmonary verns

----Left coronary artery

,.-----Lell 'entricle

;-----·Anl •·rt~>r mtcrventricular sulcu~

Left pulmonarytj} artery \:!::1

-Left main stern bronchus

;::st::-----+4----- Descending thoracic aorta

@ Esophagus

Level of division of right main stern bronchus into eparterial and interrnEWiate)bronchi ~~1~f~~~~~~-----------

® Pulmonary trunk

Lelt~nary artery

Left main stern bronchus ~

Descending ~ac1c aorta ~


Page 10: · L ~~·) Jc (/6 ilb}.c c6 oo d! Lt ce i · 2019. 8. 3. · Left common carotid artery Brachiocephalic artery I R. 1g




Intermediate bronchus



Pul~ry trunk

lt::J Level of division of left main stem

Superior vena cava


~ Intermediate bronchus

Right"\::;~ pulmonary artery

Level of division of left main stem bronchus into upper and lower lobar bronchi

bronchus into upper and lower lobar bronchi

Descending thoracic aorta

@ Esophagus

E Ascending aorta

Intermediate bronchus n of right lung~ ;1


Azygos vein/

Pulmonary trunk®

Bifurcation of left main stem bronchus into upper and lower lobar bronchi

-------~ e

'--------Descending thoracic aorta -------