Download - Karmjit Kaur - Experience 1-1

  • 7/28/2019 Karmjit Kaur - Experience 1-1


    Mrs. Karmjit Kaur

    W/o Mr. Sukhpal Singh Sidhu

    Street No. 3,

    Sahibjada Jujhar Singh Nagar,

    Bathinda, Punjab

    Sub.: Your Appointment as T.G.T. in English.

    Dear Mrs. Karmjit Kaur,

    This has reference to your application for the post of T.G.T. in

    English in our institution and your subsequent interview for the same. We

    are pleased to inform you that you have been selected for the post of

    T.G.T. in English in our institution. Your appointment is on the

    following terms and conditions :

    1. You will be paid a consolidated salary of Rs. 4,000/- per month.

    2. Your appointment in the first instance will be on probation for six

    months. During this period either side has the option to terminate/

    leave service, without assigning any reason, by giving one months

    notice or pay /forfeit on months salary in lieu thereof.

    3. From time to time you can be assigned additional responsibilities

    which you are expected to perform diligently.

    4. You must complete at least one academic session i.e. which you havejoined.

    5. You will be entitled to ten (10) casual leaves per session. Leave

    must be applied for in advance and prior sanction obtained. As a

    rule keeping in view the best interests of the students and the

    institution, only one leave a month is sanctioned.

    6. You shall be governed by rules and regulations of institution.

    It the above terms and conditions are accepted to you, then we

    request you to sign and return the duplicate copy of this letter as a

    token of your acceptance.



  • 7/28/2019 Karmjit Kaur - Experience 1-1



    Certified that Mrs. Karmjit Kaur W/o Mr. Sukhpal Singh Sidhu has served in Janta Public High School

    as T.G.T. in English from 16.07.2007 to 30.03.2013. Her last salary drawn was Rs. 5,500.00. Duringthis period she was performing the following teaching activities in this institution :

    Teaching of English subject upto Secondary level students according to the prescribed curriculum

    of Punjab School Education Board using various teaching methods/aids like boards, charts andgroup discussion etc. for effective teaching and creation of interest.

    Prepare, administer and grade tests, listening oral presentations and maintain classroom


    Observe and evaluate students performance and potential and give appropriate feed back and

    maintaining record of students progress and development.

    Provide additional assistance in area which a student needs help.

    Grade papers, prepare report cards, and meet with parents and Principal to discuss a students

    academic program and personal problems.

    Prepare course outline and goals. Create and maintain a positive environment that promotes good behavior in the classroom.

    Invigilate Examination in the school.

    Participation in seminars, workshops and in-service training courses.

    Emphasis the need of curricular activities and extra curricular activities and to supervise the extra

    curricular activities.

    Advise and counsel students in academic area and on aspect of student life.

    Participation in annual program planning and staff meeting.

    Co-ordinate for conducting periodical parents teacher meeting in the school.

    Assist during new admission in the school.

    Her job responsibilities were also includes guidance to students in regard to course selection, careerplanning, truthfulness, study and work habits. She was also counseling students on various personal and

    family problems. She always remain constant in touch with the parents to make them aware of the

    growth and performance of students. She was an asset for our institution. We wish her success and

    happiness in the future.



  • 7/28/2019 Karmjit Kaur - Experience 1-1


    Dated : 18.03.2013

    Ms. Karmjit KaurW/o Sh. Sukhpal SinghStreet No. 3,Sahibzada Jujhar Singh Nagar,Bathinda, Punjab

    Sub.: Appointment as English Mistress.Dear Madam,

    Reference your application and subsequent interview. You are herebyappointed as English Mistress on the following terms and conditions :

    1. You will be paid total salary of Rs. 6,500.00 per month.2. Your services are liable to be terminated for non compliance of conditions

    (i-v) as mentioned below without serving any notice :i) Work and conduct found satisfactory.ii) On probation for six months.iii) Orders issued in verbal or in writing are to be complied with.iv) During the period of your services in this school, neither you are

    allowed to join any other school nor you are permitted to teach thestudent at home otherwise one-month notice in advance is requiredto leave the school.

    v) An agreement is required to be executed that you are legally boundto serve this school at last for one year.

    If you at any time during the period of your services desire to resign your post,you will be required to give one month notice or forfeit / deposit your pay inlieu thereof.

    If you are willing to accept the offer on the terms & conditions mentionedabove.

    You should report, yourself for duty to the Principal immediately but in no caselater than 03.04.2013 failing which the offer will be treated as cancelledwithout giving you any further chance in this regard,


  • 7/28/2019 Karmjit Kaur - Experience 1-1


    Dated : 08.04.2013


    Certified that Mrs. Karmjit Kaur W/o Mr. Sukhpal Singhhas been serving in this School as English Mistresssince 01.04.2013 to date and drawing monthly salaryof Rs. 6,500/- (Rupees Six thousand five hundredonly).

    She is teaching English subject upto Secondary Levelstudent according to the curriculum of Central Boardof Secondary Education, New Delhi.

    She is sincere, hardworking and committed to herprofession.

    We wish her success in the future endevours.