Download - Karan Hooda Manifesto 2014


Karan  Hooda      Applicant  |  Local  Committee  President  2014  

Section A | Opening note “If you don’t believe in what you do you wont achieve what you dream of” AIESEC Chandigarh has been stagnant from past few years and lost for which it was known for and somewhere lost in the galaxy of stars and when I look at the star it’s diminishing. The local chapter for which people used to idolize, follow and always dreamt of becoming like was the effort of thousand of soldiers who fort numerous battles to take the Local Chapter to great heights. I believe we should change the way we are, in order to get what we want. The power of believing is very strong, pure and genuine. If we as individuals in AIESEC Chandigarh wont believe in the Leadership body, people around, the experiences we give, the dreams we have, the vision, the leadership position we are in, the best LC which we want to be, the taste of victory that we all want to have. It won’t happen if we do not get together and believe in this local Chapter and myself for this matter for the year 2014. I am ready, excited, passionate and determined to Change this Local Chapter for you, myself, the city and for the AIESEC network. The year 2014 will be the year of culmination, where we accumulate our success and failures of the past year and Believe in Changing the LC which it is destined to be. It will be the year where Leadership will be redefined and real change agents will be created. It will be the year where AIESEC Chandigarh will turn the tables upside down and be the strongest pillars of AIESEC India.

But the question is that the idea of changing AIESEC Chandigarh in 1 year powerful enough?

If yes, AIESEC in Chandigarh, I hope you are ready for the Challenge!

I herby present to you the Direction for the belief and Change – My Manifesto Karan Hooda AIESEC Chandigarh BELIEVE – Inception of Change

Karan  Hooda      Applicant  |  Local  Committee  President  2014  

Section B | Personal Information Name Date Of Birth Address

Karan Hooda 15th April 1991 House no – 37, SECTOR 28-A, Chandigarh

Mobile +91-9915024395 Email [email protected],

[email protected] Academic Achievements and Qualifications: Bachelors of Engineering, B.Tech 4th Year, Chitkara University Class XII 66 % (CBSE, KB DAV, Sector 7, Chandigarh) Class X 78 % (CBSE, KB DAV, Sector 7, Chandigarh) Additional Achievements & Experiences:

• School Team Captain for Cricket for 10 years • Played cricket for Haryana Nationals • Organizing Committee for College Fest • Participated in various inter school events

Skills: Software Skill Level Packages MS Office Internet Designing

Excellent Excellent Good

Word, Excel, Power Point, Publisher, One note Firefox, IE, Chrome, Outlook Photoshop, Aviary, Corel


• Cricket • Food • Travelling • Reading • Technology

Karan  Hooda      Applicant  |  Local  Committee  President  2014  

Section C | AIESEC Experience

1. List all positions held in AIESEC along with duration of the role. Also briefly elaborate on your contribution/performance, as well as the main learning you derived from each role.

Exchange Coordinator

Work Abroad Programm

May 2010 – December 2010

A New World

I joined this organisation in pocket reruitments of May 2010,having no mentorship group no initial guidance. I was directly inducted into this department called WAP which at that time was small and didnt had much presence in forums. The enthusiasam, energy and excitment which I brought as a new recruit flowed down to my dept bringing a new culture , a new positive vibe to my dept. This was the time I went through a lot of failed attempts in giving a exchange expereience to a EP. I was very fortuante to learn from different people I met and inculcate and absorb as many good qualities I could.

Key Learnings:

• AIESEC’s Core work ’’Exchange’’ • Team Dynamics • Selling Skills

Member Finance | Global Village 2010

September 2010 – October 2010

A Positive Change

After doing hardcore exchange for 6 months,time came to grab a new oppurtunity in AIESEC as I was not afraid to try new things and always loved challenges. My first Organizing Commitee expereince came at the right time when I was challenged by a group of extremely talented and innovative people in my OC. Being a finance manager took my learning and expereince to a whole new level. It was an amazing sight seeing 60 plus interns having a gala time at lake. One expereince which I will always cherish and miss the most.Had sleppless night for the first time in my AIESEC journey just to deliver an amazing event.

Key Learnings:

• Be open to learn new things • Financial & Logistical management • If you have to grow as a individual Challenge yourself

Karan  Hooda      Applicant  |  Local  Committee  President  2014  

Team Leader | OGX Outbound

February 2011 – December 2011

Dont Manage ’’LEAD”

My first Leadership expereince was the most challenging,grilling,exciting and beutifull time in AIESEC so far. Having responsibilty of 5 new members who looked upto you made me realsie the expereinces which we can give to people in AIESEC and made me realise my ownus towards my Department as well as to AIESEC. I learnt some attributes of my leadership style with this ’’Team Expereince’’ I got but still a lot was left to be explored.

Key learnings :

• Strategizing & Planning • Leadsership Skills • Delegation of work

Vice President | OGX

Janaury 2012 – December 2012

Purpose , Passion & Performance – A year of Failure & Learnings

A year of failures,but more importantly learning from those faliures and improoving my weknesses was always the effort. Applied for Finance as my first preference but getting OGX department didnt had any affect,the love and dream for this department was always there and I made sure my hardwork helped in achieving that dream of giving some brilliant expereinces to people around the city.

Key Learnings:

• Strategizing • Portfolio Managment & Implemenatation • Understanding of a LC EB member • There is no excuse for failure

Vice President | Finance

Janaury 2013 – Till date

’’Dream’’ Come true

Always wanted to change how Finance worked in AIESEC India and in LCs. Drived a finance culture in the whole LC. Wanted to be a strong Executive body member for the local commitee to drive the LC in every aspect I could and was successful in doing so but alot needs to be done tille the end last 2 months will be exciting in setting my portfolio and the LC which i envision.

Key Learnings:

• Financial Management of the LC • You can do anything you want, If you really want too • Financial strategising

Karan  Hooda      Applicant  |  Local  Committee  President  2014  

2. What have been your main achievements and non achievements in AIESEC in the past? (Mention a max of three each)

I have always believed that one should work on there weaknesses more than there strengts and that has been my main focus on how to work or improove on my weaknesses rather to always capatalise on your strengths. Its useless to always play around your strenghts but its more challenging when you chalenge your weaknesses and improove upon them and learn and grow as an individual.

Key Achievements:

VP Finance ’’Making it Happen’’

Coming from a debt situation last year it was always a challenge to bring the LC to a healthy financial stage and to stand in the most performing and healthy LCs amongst AIESEC India right now has not been easy.But there hasnt been any challenge that i have not relished.Bringing alot of innovations and revolutionizing Finance in the LC so that it could contribute towards ELD has always been the focus throughout and resulted in some positive growth in different avenues.Main contribution was always towards driving AIESEC Chandigarh forward Operationally and culturaly.

Demonstrating Integrity:

Real Integrity is doing the right thing, knowing that nobodys going to know whether you did it or not.

-Oprah Winfrey

I have always believed in this value from the time I entered this organisation and always strived for it from the begining. Each role and responsibility I got I made sure it is reflected in me and my work and flowed down to the people I leaded.One thing I have learnt and followed in my life and the organisation has been eithical leadership that is something which is very close to me and I have strongly inculcated that and abid byt it throughout.

OC Experience:

Coming together is Beggining.

Keeping together is Progress.

Working together is Success.

My first OC Expereience was a very diverse expereince where I worked with people from different countries in the OC and catering to more than 70 interns and getting to know them and there culture was a beautifull expereience I had. Handeling a budget of 3 lakhs and making a profit of 75% was a difficult task in a small scale event but I enjoyed my expereience,from here the love of finance was given that spark thats still there.

A few avenues where I could’ve done better:

• I still regret and blame myself only for not taking an ’’X’’ expereience till now. • As a Executive body Member of 2012 I feel my contribution was very less in terms of a role of

a EB member of the LC. • Not taking more and more oppurtunities in AIESEC

Karan  Hooda      Applicant  |  Local  Committee  President  2014  

3. List the Local/ National/ International conferences you have attended and in what capacity.

Year Conference Location Role

2010 National Leadersip

Development Seminar

Jaipur Delegate

2010 May Local Congress Parwanoo Delegate

2010 October Local Congress Parwanoo Delegate

2011 Janaury Local Congress Windsmoor Delegate

2011 May Local Congress Parwanoo Delegate

2011 June National Conference Jaipur Delegate

2011 October Local Congress Shimla Delegate

2011 National Strategic Conference Silvassa Delegate

2012 National Leadersip Summit Kollkatta Delegate

2012 May Local Conference Parwanoo Facitilator

2012 Regional Youth

Leadership Conference

Amritsar Facitilator

2012 National Strategic Conference Hyderabad Delegate

2012 October Strategic Confernce Shimla Facitilator

2013 National Leadership Summit Jaipur Delegate

2013 May Local Congress Parwanoo Facitilator

2013 June National Conference Silvassa Delegate

2013 Regional Youth Leadesrhip COnfernce

Jaipur Facitilator

2013 National Strategic Conference Jaipur Delegate

2013 October Strategic COnference Shimla Facitilator

Karan  Hooda      Applicant  |  Local  Committee  President  2014  

4. Describe the experience of being a part of the Executive Body of AIESEC Chandigarh. How do you think other members on the team would evaluate your contribution to the team & LCs organizational direction?

Being a part of the Executive body is one experience, which makes you go through a lot of emotions in one year & that experience evolves you in a much more balanced and stronger individual with a bigger purpose in AIESEC or life. I had the opportunity to witness this experience two times, which taught me a different way to live, a life driven by motive, passion and most importantly values.

RooBaRoo – ‘’Finding Myself’’

The year was full of ups and downs, challenges, failures, learning’s and life long friends, which I made. This year could only be felt not described, I wish I had the time machine to go back to this time because it was beautiful, it was amazing the things which I felt the learning’s I got the passion people had, it was no less than a movie which has everything emotions, fights, thrill, love and happiness. The year gave me a lot to take back from strong individuals that the team possessed and the immense knowledge, inspiration and belief I got from the whole one year resulted in a stronger purpose and vision I had for the LC took me to the second most courageous step of my AIESEC Journey.

Superheroes – “Higher Purpose’’

I got the privilege to be a part of the Executive body of this LC two times and these two-year were the “defining moments” of my existence. This year was more about contributing and giving my best to the local committee than myself. It was the year where I had clear vision for my portfolio and having the experience of knowing that how things happen I didn’t wasted anytime and started putting my efforts and energy towards the upliftment of the organisation culturally & operationally.

My contribution towards the Local Chapter has been immense, my other members would evaluate me as valuable asset to the local committee as I was always there for the LC whenever needed and especially for my team members whom I supported and contributed in growing them as an individual and most importantly growing as a “Team”

5. What are your three basic Learnings/Values for life, which you have derived through your AIESEC experience? (Answer objectively)


I have given four years of my life to this beautiful local committee AIESEC Chandigarh because I always believed whatever we did resulted in doing something for the people of the city and to the city Chandigarh. I have always kept faith in the leaders and the organisation.

Never back down – “Believe” can Change it:

I really believe I am passionate about whatever I do and I love challenges it makes me go through a grilling experience where I come out more stronger and better. It’s easy to fail but still having that zeal to learn from that failure and go with same passion is one value that I have always lived up to. And remember it’s always up to you, if you really wish to change something from your heart and sole you can do it.

Karan  Hooda      Applicant  |  Local  Committee  President  2014  

Positivity & Attitude:

These two words real meaning I have learnt from the kind of experiences I have had in AIESEC. A positive mind-set towards things and the right kind of die-hard attitude towards whatever you love I got from here

Karan  Hooda      Applicant  |  Local  Committee  President  2014  

Section D | Motivation

1. Why did you decide to run for LCP of AIESEC Chandigarh? What are the qualities required for this role & what makes you best suited for this role?

I believe it is time for new leadership to come into place, in b old str ok es and sm all steps which is able to leave the previous decade behind. It is time for Change in Lead ershi p,mindsets, actions, Beliefs, culture and its time to change AIESEC Chandigarh I believe AIESEC has made me a better individual, every moment, every day. It has kept me on my toes ever since I joined it. It has challenged my thoughts, beliefs and the very basis of my notions. And it keeps doing it every day. I believe AIESEC makes me be the best person I could ever be, and I would like to do it for another year, but with a greater challenge , a greater purspouse , a greater belief that you all are ready to change in one year if this idea is powerfull enough then there will be no stopping in what every individual wants to do and achieve in this local commitee.

My reason to apply for this position –

’’AIESEC” & the City Beutiful ’’Chandigarh” – I have always asked this question to myself why AIESEC exist , and what I think is because of the city itself. AIESEC is present where its present because of the city,the people , there desires , there wants. I want to cater to the people who believe in our existence and cater more to them who do not believe in the organisation and feel AIESEC can not change anything. I am very emotionally connected to this City and more to AIESEC present in the city. I wany to change the existence of AIESEC which is present in the city and revolutnasie the impact which we can create in the city.

Expereience & Personal Development – At this tender stage of life, I cannot imagine myself handling the ambit of operations and scope of work which I shall be entrusted upon with, if given the opportunity to take up this role. 700 trainees, an operating budget of approximately 40 Lakh rupees, handling a membership of over 250 likeminded, young and brilliant individuals. Wow! I feel this is the best possible job for anyone, irrespective of age; it’s just that it pays you in a very different manner. It pays you back in terms of impact and societal benefit. It would be a perfect blend of personal learning and societal impact and contribution.

The LC - I owe a lot to this LC. And I believe this is the best possible manner to give back to it. The manner which would enable me to ensure that more and more people from the city and around still go through this humbling and overwhelming experience. I would do everything in my reach and possibilities, to ensure that this LC prospers and gets the recognition that it deserves.

All in all, my entire reason is summed up in this one single quote. ‘Gratitude makes sense of our past, brings peace for today, and creates a vision for tomorrow’ - Melody Beattie

Karan  Hooda      Applicant  |  Local  Committee  President  2014  

What makes me suited –

• Perseverance - "Many of life's failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up." - Thomas Edison

• The Vision – I believe I have the progressive vision which will take this LC towards realms undiscovered and I’m bold enough to lead the way. I believe the way we perceive this organization and its ‘products’ ( which I feel is a demeaning term to the life changing experiences provided by AIESEC) have to be completely renewed and it would start from us, AIESEC Chandigarh.

• The Belief! - In all capacities, namely being passionate for this role, having an understanding of the current scenario and the road ahead, personal expectations from this role and desired state of this LC, I think I’m more than ready in all domains and actually quite excited to take up this ‘out of the world’ role!

2. Describe your future short-term and long-term career and personal goals. How do you expect an LCP term to help you achieve these goals and why now?

Career Personal

Short term:

Start Preparing for MBA

Complete my Masters in Finance from a abroad

Short term:

Be LCP – AIESEC Chandigarh

Learn French and Guitar

Go on a GCDP Exchange

Long term:

Be a politician who brings Change

Own a elite restaurant chain

Own my own TV Channel

Long term:

Send my parents to a world trip


Stay with my mom

BOA of AIESEC Chandigarh

3. Highlight your time commitment throughout the whole of next year (till Dec 2013; Academic or otherwise). Ideally, how much time should an LCP give to his role?

As I have completed my graduation I don’t have any major commitments towards my education in the near future.

As a Local Committee President, one is ideally suppose to be available twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week. Since everything that happens in the local committee flows down from the LCP, he has to be ever available whenever the LC calls for his availability.

Karan  Hooda      Applicant  |  Local  Committee  President  2014  

4. What are your three most substantial personal accomplishments (non-AIESEC), and why do you view them as such? Provide a candid assessment of your strengths and weaknesses.

Working for the society – Belonging from a political background It was always taught to me to serve the people this is a strong quality and value I have in giving the people in everyway I can. I have worked in rural areas every summer to improve and understand the needs of the people and catering to them by taking the needs to the higher authority.

Being a Sportsperson – Being a diehard sports fan and playing cricket all my life at all levels has made be disciplined, proactive and it inculcated a never to loose attitude in me. It made me a stronger person from inside and outside.

Creative - I have always tried to be creative and innovative in my thoughts. I have always challenged thoughts of people around me. My dream creative idea is to have a system or a University for people who aspire to be politician is still under process and completing it and seeing it running and changing mind-sets is my objective. I always believe creativity is a painting that one draws from his thoughts and to be creative I have challenged myself to draw that painting which changes system changes thoughts of people.


• Ethical – It’s the one value one strength that has been there because of my family values, which were given to me.

• Passionate & Determined • Believing in what I do • Balanced & Genuine


• I overthink a lot on things for their betterment that prolongs my decision making sometimes.

• Overcritical about things sometimes.

5. What is your vision for AIESEC in Chandigarh for the year ahead? What legacy would you want to leave behind? Also, frame a mission statement for the LC for 2014

I would remain keen on envisioning through what we established this year as a vision since it is not meant to change, and something, which shall more than 1 year to materialize!

Vision 2014: ’A platform where Leadership and Global Mindset connect everyday!’

Mission 2014:

’Believe to change, collectively moving forward toward an ideal state’

Karan  Hooda      Applicant  |  Local  Committee  President  2014  

6. Describe your leadership style? Explain how your style will be suitable for AIESEC Chandigarh in it’s current state.

Leadership to me is the art of getting someone do something that you want and improoving both the individuals in the process. According to me anyone can be a leader a friend who helps you,challenges you or guide you , a teacher or coach who scolds you to show a path that is better for you , your parents who support you everytime you make a mistake.

My leadership Style is transformational, I try to keep the balance of everything and change according to situation that prevail. I believe more in action oriented approach rather than speaking alot that has been my way of being since i joined AIESEC. I believe in my goals and vision and believing in whatever you do makes you achive what you want.

I think in current reality AIESEC Chandigarh will need my style of leadership because It will inspire people to get out the best out of them. Initatives will be taken which adds new value.

• Implementatin of Strategies & Plans – I think everyone has alot of ideas & innovation but it somewhere gets lost,should not be the case because a idea is a waste till not implemented so implementaion of whatever you want to change should be done.

• Descion making – I feel descion making in AIESEC as a organisation is driven on sentiments and past, should not be the case. Descion making should become well structured and prudent.

• Encourage Innovation & welcome change – These are the two things AIESEC has not done from past year and thats why we have been stagnet in our growth. A lot of space would be given for innovation that will bring a healthy change to its work environment.

Karan  Hooda      Applicant  |  Local  Committee  President  2014  

Section E | LC Administration

1. List down the different aspects of the job role of an LCP.

The LCP is the face of the local chapter. He/ She is the responsible for the LC performance. He is the baton holder, provides vision and direction to its members. He is responsible and accountable for the local chapters performance and direction.

• Responsible for LC adherence to the Compendium • Manage the board of advisors • Legal representative of the LC along with VP Finance • Develop culture, identity and brand of the LC

• Facilitate and review year plan and objectives in alignment to national growth strategy.

• Overall responsible for delivery of AIESEC experience to all stakeholders, track effects of the same in alignment to LC vision.

• Representation of the LC in National and International association. • Strengthen the management of the Local Committee office to ensure efficiency,

accountability and sustainability of LC operations. • Leading and training the Executive Board for there growth and execution of the plans

Karan  Hooda      Applicant  |  Local  Committee  President  2014  

2. Analyse the trends of the past three years (including 2013) of AIESEC Chandigarh's strategic direction (include performance & culture). How do you see the organization direction of AIESEC Chandigarh shaping up in the coming two years? Also, give a SWOT analysis of the LC for 2013.

Year 2011: Dream Unlimited

The year began with a unique implementation of organisational structure. Our operations had expanded to various geographical regions. Focus was to have exponential growth in oGCDP & iGIP programs. The LC focused on high volume of leadership experiences with three cycles of management body opportunities. Hosted two national conferences that helped in fundraising and having cash flow, which benefited the LC at that time. Low membership retention lead to membership crunch in major parts of the year. Aligning with the national association lead to positive results in implementing national growth drivers which helped us pioneer a lot of things in the national & international network.

Year 2012: Purpose, Passion, Performance

The year started with challenges like poor pipeline of membership and exchange. Financial debt was a surprise that the LC was unknown and unprepared for. The year was focused on setting a example to the national association by recovering from debt, having a empowered and strong membership and delivering high quality of experiences to all our stakeholders.

Our TM processes evolved with regular initiatives taken up for the experience of membership by focusing on tracking, assessment and focusing on team experiences. AIESEC in Chandigarh did the most successful recruitments in both the cycles. Extensive measures were taken to cut down on the expenses and deliver high volume of exchange resulting into high revenue stream, which helped us clearing our debt at the start of Jan 2013. Ending the year by giving high volume of exchange and membership in pipeline resulted in a decent Q1 for 2013.

Year 2013: Delivering promises

The year started with a decent membership and good exchange pipeline. Focus was on developing and empowering MB. The portfolio GCDP OGX went well for the first half of the year with a major support from Expansions – Dehradun and Thapar, the latter of whom became a contribution by AIESEC in Chandigarh to the National plenary with AIESEC in Thapar University becoming a local chapter at JNC! Programs grew with 2 out of 4 exchange programs showing absolute growth, being GCDP OGX and GIP ICX! GCDP ICX fell in numbers but grew in quality, with a considerable NPS response rate and score. The recruitment in both cycles has been decent and wasnt sufficient to fulfill the talent capacity as targeted in planning. The year has seen a lack in leadership development through an unstable Management body culture and the result has been inadequate MB cycles and thus performance, most of which has been congruent to membership experiences.

Karan  Hooda      Applicant  |  Local  Committee  President  2014  

Next two years

I envision AIESEC in Chandigarh to have that culture in the coming years so as to define itself as the provider of one of the strongest leadership experiences one could get at a young age in the city Chandigarh, and also to be known for the same! After all, all that we build inside is what is projected outside effortlessly! Organisationally, I see AIESEC in Chandigarh achieveing its targets and pioneering as ever the internal network by achieveing not only targets but also considerable success in implmenting focus areas and the right kind of strategies, so as to make sustainability of the success achieved – inevitable! The years 2014 shall see the ever vibrant, culture of AIESEC in Chandigarh which shall define its external brand as a leadership organisation making way for a sustainable future, achieving all targets and implementing focus areas, so as to make way for the year 2015, an year which has been the topic of discussion since 4 years, an year who everyone would want to be a part of! In the year 2015, AIESEC in Chandigarh shall be the first of the few local chapters who reach the ideal state culminating into defining the 2015 vision – The three statements, we will be known for being ideal and transitioning into a state of complete and integral prosperity which also propagates sustenance of all operations and organisational culture! The much discussed state will then transform into being a benchmark in organisational achievement and further transition into what lies ahead keeping the BHAG up against our ambition, with both collectively driving the local chapter further!

The SWOT for the local chapter’s current reality -

Strength Weakness Opportunity Threat • Able and

Operationally Sound

• Fresh, Raw and Aware

• Energetic and open minded

• Purpose Driven Membership

• Huge number of leadership opportunities

• Inspiring and Well built as Individuals

• Leadership on dual roles

• Strong Operational understanding amongst membership and Leadership

• Oragnisational structure propogating better processes and thus exchange

• Low efficiency • Negligible Leadership

development • Negligible Integrated

Experiences • Untimely & not well

planned Recruitment cycles

• Talent allocation post February Recruitment

• Unsustainable Mentorship programme

• Exchange/Member Ratio is lesser than Ideal

• Loose ends in teams amongst portfolios

• Lack of consistent review mechanism for leadership

• No transition plan for middle level management

• Talent management hasnt fulfilled talent capacity throughout

• Timely and planned Talent Recruitment

• Planned talent allocation

• Centralized training and Induction through TM and Lnd

• Strong cultural and thought alignment

• More MB cycles for Leadership opportunities

• Management body engagament plan

• MB empowerment through providing opportunities in local forums

• Back office utilization in means of growth

• Cultural Distortion

• Mechanical workplace

• Brand acceptance due to improper understanding amongst youth of Tri-city

• Improper engagement avenues

• Improper models for governance and accountability

• NO Brand acceptance of GEP – YGEP!

• Brand acceptance of TMP TLP programme can be an issue!

Karan  Hooda      Applicant  |  Local  Committee  President  2014  

3. What focus areas do you propose for AIESEC in Chandigarh in 2014? Give action steps that will contribute to these focus areas.

Focus Areas for AIESEC in Chandigarh in 2014 –

Functions Driving Growth –

• Financial Stability and Profitability across all programs • Fulfilling the Talent Capacity & Managing the talent • Collaboration across sectors & External Positioning in student and corporate sector • CIM driving growth through investment and efficient use of all the portals

• Refining the process of TMP TLP Recruitment and defining key activities under each phase to refine the entire process as well inculcating more fucntional areas so as to maximize the efficiency and thus accuracy in terms of selections and allocation processes.

• Reallocation of all members based upon Membership review and assessment so as to maximize avenues for membership to contribute and fulfilling talent capacity.

• Investment tracking and research team headed by the VP F, calculating inflow and outflow of all business models of all programs, ensuring investment drives growth.

• Financial review of all programs and functions. • Member education and formation of sustainable education resources through IM. • BD & Finance raising In-Kind support for Infrastructure

Penetration & Expansions into new market –

• Penetrating to new markets through Product based promotions • Increasing Product and Brand outreach of AIESEC Geographically • Creating Specialised Units • EWA activities to initiate new market opportunities in student sector • Investment into events and membership in new market

Evolving TLP Program –

• Promotion of CEEDership programs, through investment in OGX, catering to driving growth as well as integrated experiences.

• Inculcation and leadership development modules for all international interns, using the same as a HR resource to drive operations of the LC whilst giving integrated experiences.

• Team leaders acting Leaders not manager. Hence giving strong experience to a TMP role • TLP going on International conferences for IR building and branding the LC in the

international network • TLP driving TMP program as the after engagement with AIESEC major interaction and

experience is through a TMP experience • Need based and specialised TLP role to be promoted in external market.

Karan  Hooda      Applicant  |  Local  Committee  President  2014  

4. Propose the organizational structure that you plan to follow for the next year including the middle level management, functional roles as well LC entities.

Executive body Structure


Incoming Exchange

Outgoing Exchange

Karan  Hooda      Applicant  |  Local  Committee  President  2014  


Karan  Hooda      Applicant  |  Local  Committee  President  2014  

Karan  Hooda      Applicant  |  Local  Committee  President  2014  

5. Give your assessment of the role-played and contribution made by AIESEC in Chandigarh towards the National Association? How should this evolve in the year 2014?

AIESEC in Chandigarh has always been a local chapter, which is humble, value- driven, and ambitious local chapter. But a lot has changed and the presence in the national plen has been diminished in the last few years.

Year 2014 – This year AIESEC in Chandigarh will be redefining how a AIESEC India LC should contribute towards the National Association. From a delegation in a conference to giving experiences to the people who open a AIESEC opportunity bag, driving the same thought and aligning with the MC and to be the strongest pillars of the AIESEC India will be the role of AIESEC Chandigarh.

6. Give an activity calendar of AIESEC in Chandigarh for the year 2014.

Event Timeline Details/Objectives

MB Submit January Empowering MB, Training MB, MB plans sync with VPs

Recruitment February & August TMP TLP Opportunities, Enhancing the Talent capacity

Y2B Jan-Feb Networking, Penetration into new avenues in corporate sector and ELD Conversions

Collaboration events (principal summit, TiE events, PEC fest)

Principal summit –Organised by TOI in august will get us good branding on schools & corporates.

TiE events- Build good network with young professionals from corporate world (VP BD & iGIP) can gain a lot.

Local Congress May & Oct Review,Membership development,Motivation, celebrate and strategies

National Strategic Conference October Revenue generation, national contribution

BKK June-July Fund Raising for iGCDP Projects

Alumni Event November Networking, engagement of Alumni & Life long connection

Intern Event (WCF or Cultural July Engagement with interns

Karan  Hooda      Applicant  |  Local  Committee  President  2014  


MB summit August MB development & training, review

7. Critically analyse the culture of AIESEC in Chandigarh. What aspects of the current culture will you retain and what aspects will you change in the coming year? How do you plan to do the same?

Culture is highly important for any organisation to survive and grow. Organisation culture for AIESEC in Chandigarh has been of value driven,humble and passionate.Few aspects of Culture of AIESEC Chandigarh :

• RnR drives performance • People’s organisation • Ownership towards department

Culture I see in 2014:

• TMP role changing and members doing most of the exchange and having an overall strong

experience of a TMP role. • TLP role also changing in which TL leaders become “Leaders” not mangers and handle there

over all project in which they track member experience, strategies and inculcate all sub systems.

• Re-integration of a lot of return EPs in the LC. Driving a culture of IXP. • CEEDS, Intern involvement in LC and International conferences should become the new IR

strategy and more emphasis opportunities will be given for people to go and build IR. • Office work culture • Sales culture to be followed by departments, which includes sales i.e., case studies,

proposals, visiting cards, event and impact reports etc. for each dept. • Member development through engaging learning partners and a series of workshops provided

by the VPs. • More front office strategies • Back office evolving becoming very strong to change things for us in 2014-2015 • Changing the RnR module as in RnR are given to make people feel good and giving them

assurance we are watching and appreciating your work. Having a RnR module for the whole year which tracks and reward people on regular basis not in a particular month or peak exchange cycle. That will Change the way we work in only some exchange cycles.

8. Describe the role a VP will play in the LC (around performance & attitude) in 2014.

Role of a VP:

• National alignment of the LC portfolio • Driving growth strategies, Planning and strategising for the portfolio • Be a Leader not a Manager • Contributing strategically and culturally towards the LC as a executive body memebr of the

Local chapter • Aligning Dept goals with LC Goals,vision and mission. • Focus on member learning,growth and there contribution.

Karan  Hooda      Applicant  |  Local  Committee  President  2014  

• Priortising and managing your professinal and personal life and keep your EB term above anything with full commitment throught the year

• Plan your portfolio well and stick to your plans • Be awesome

9. Propose a Governance & Accountability model for the LC for the year 2014.

Governance and accountability will majorly be uplifted using the following:

• Accountability Forums for Management Body and General body where we can review perfromance of a specific time period!

• Budgeting culture in the local chapter for all projects using Finance as a governance tool • Regular MBMs and GBM • Finance inculcation in every department though documentation and standardization for

governance and acoountability • Weekly Management Body and executive body perfromance review • Monthly Management Body and Executive body performance review

10. According to you, what role will AIESEC play in the city of Chandigarh as an International Youth Organization in 2015? In context to this, how will the year 2014 count to the progress to the same?

As an organization, we’re entering into an era in which we see a major shift in the scale of operations and impact we aim at to achieve in the coming years. For this to happen, we need a drastic and progressive shift in all the subsystems and internal functioning of the organization

Role AIESEC will play in 2015 in the city –

• AIESEC will be known as the pioneering leadership organisation providing life changing experiences in every sphere

Karan  Hooda      Applicant  |  Local  Committee  President  2014  

• AIESEC will be the leading youth organisation culminating itself into the most relevant provider of experiences

• AIESEC will outreach so much so to be called the global youth voice • AIESEC in the city will create an everlasting positive impact • AIESEC in the city of Chandigarh will become first choice partner for all sector

2014 Changing the existence of AIESEC in the City Chandigarh –

o Offering GCDP and GIP to all clients that we have something that has never happened before. o Ensuring 100% delivery and maintaining the consistency in the product offered. o Offering TLP and TMP as separate products while recruiting members. In

other words, we can now directly recruit leaders. o Individualistic approach in marketing all four products i.e. TMP, TLP, GCDP, GIP. o Providing a greater array of leadership and team member opportunities such as in Non

X portfolios. o Increasing the credibility through external certifications and engaging learning

partners. o Creating a more diverse opportunity of work in the organization. o Excellent CRM which should eventually lead to greater market capitalization. o Improving university relations and pitching TLP and TMP as a certified work

experience. The year 2014 is important in succession to 2013 for various factors but most importantly is major for establishing the right kind of focus areas so as to justify the 2015 vision and thus embark upon not operationally but essence towards the 2015 vision keeping in mind our BHAG and aspirations!

Karan  Hooda      Applicant  |  Local  Committee  President  2014  

Section F | Programmes

1. What will be the changes that will leverage the volume of AIESEC in Chandigarh ELD Experiences in 2013? How are these connected with the external environment?

Program Evolution Proposed Top 3 strategies Relevance with External Market

iGIP • Sub product wise team leaders and market capitalisation

• NEP Team focussing on delivery of national clients in chandigarh

• LnD team supporting sales development program and

• 200 Realisations

• Talent capacity driving iGIP

• Capitalisation on ET sector by separate department for the same

• Backoffice support in terms of Marketing and CLO ( customer loyalty)

Chandigarh as a emerging IT hub needs leaders with great attitude , skills & knowledge and this is what this program delivers. The sub product and ET teams of our LC will help the corporate sector of Chandigarh to grow further and gain leverage from our global talent

oGIP • From basic oGIP to sub product wise capitalisation

• 40 Realisations • Highly Skilled

membership ( Program based recruitment)

• Reverse raising and Alumni capitalisation

• Simplified structure focussing on 3 sub products

• Investment for promoters basically having promoter strategy

The managerial talent of the city needs global exposure as our education fails to provide the same , in the present scenario the oGIP product is strong and needs a better delivery to ensure faster conversion

iGCDP • Financially profitable program

• Advanced CIM leading to impactful internal marketing of the program and process

• Business Development module

• Customer loyalty for LC to LC

• New issues catering to city requirement

The external relevance for this program will involve a factual and verified impact review of all our projects. GCDP has been a high volume program for the city & with a plan to deliver 300 experiences it is important to cater to all buring issues

Karan  Hooda      Applicant  |  Local  Committee  President  2014  

optimisation of the city

oGCDP • A program that is nationally aligned and following all directives

• A program that becomes important for leadership development leading to 30% reintegrated membership

• Talent Capacity and increased productivity of membership by planned LnD implementation

• Advanced UR leading to new markets

• Integrated marketing

• Expansions leading to growth

The product will help to create socially strong and entrepreneurial leaders and will create change agents leading to a transformed city The potential of it being included in managerial colleges for skill development course is huge and hence that will add value to external world

TMP • There will be leadership in every experience

• TMP will be packaged as per needs of program

• Every experience will be based on program principles

• Program based recruitment leading to product packaging for TMP

• All team minimums/principles to be adhered in a TMP experience

• LnD team leading to development of TMP experience and leadership pipeline

TMP program is the most eternal part of AIESEC as this offers an opportunity for youth of the city to have the most intense and challenging leadership experience and witness

Every TMP experience will be profiled and certified by external partners and colleges

TLP • TLP would involve team experience delivery in the purposeful way

• Every TLP will be packaged as per the needs of program

• Executive training and lead for TLP of AIESEC in Chandigarh

• TC model to be the responsibilty of TLP

• Strong transition from one TLP experience to another

TLP program creates pool of leaders with entrepreneurial mindset TLP participants need to be youth voice of the city by being active in all youth events / activities happening in the city

Karan  Hooda      Applicant  |  Local  Committee  President  2014  

2. Please give your (probable) targets for the next year. Please justify the same, especially along the lines of:

AIESEC in Chandigarh Exchange Targets

Membership Volume & Experience

TMP 2000 Number of members in AIESEC Chandigarh – 150 Data from 2012 :- All realisations done by less than 50 people leading to poor productivity of membership

Membership experiences needs to be strong leading to stronger TLP conversions Adherence of basic TMP – TLP principles and fulfilling all minimum team minimums will lead to a evolved and much TMP experience.The overall idea is to ensure leadership ine very experience

TLP 450 In past 4 years our MB has been the major contributor to exchange numbers clearly showing that they have been super TMP’s and mere managers This year TLP will be leaders driving operation with membership and making them understand the purpose of program

• MB transition to be given utmost priority

• Leadership pipeline process to be strongly implemented

• MB training and lead

• MB empowerment by LST structure

GCDP ICX 350 • Every project following a business module leading to proper finances , business

• Technology and advanced CIM leading to optimised process

• Finance and delivery to ensure

Karan  Hooda      Applicant  |  Local  Committee  President  2014  

development and HR management

• New Issues • Customer


sustainability and tracking

• BD support for impact reporting to clients and fund raising

GCDP OGX 180 With such huge market potential we need to expand to new markets and with integration of marketing this target is a good possibility OGX from expansions is also an important focus area

GIP ICX 180 We have grown in GIP ICX which clearly signals the potential this city has for growth

With a evolved OS based on sub-products GIP ICX customer experience management and delivery becomes much qualitative

GIP OGX 65 Capitalisation on Alumni and sub product approach can lead to growth in raises EP preparation and ensuring a strong inner and outer journey can make this program grow over the years

A simple OS based on concentrated recruitment and implementation of sales development program

Portfolio Project Project Target Portfolio Target


Issue Health and Lifestyle 70


Issue Cultural Understanding 40 Issue Equal Rights 75 Issue Poverty Reduction 65 Issue Environment 50 Issue Economic Growth 30


Marketing 60

180 IT 35 Business Administration 20 ET 75

GCDP-OGX In-Bound 50

180 Out-Bound 70 Expansions 60

GIP-OGX Education 25

65 Marketing & Communication (Mgt) 15 IT 15

Karan  Hooda      Applicant  |  Local  Committee  President  2014  

Alumni 10 TMP 2000 TLP 450

Logistical Management –

• VP F takes up Outsourcing Project to reduce the burden of delivery and infrastructure. • Proper Internal auditing and efficient resource management • FTF review finances of the LC regularly, and control exchanges which are not financially

sustainable • Creating office space and maintain strong office culture to boost performance.

Stakeholders Experience Delivery – Internal Stakeholders – ü Major focus on implementation of TM processes and ensuring a high intensity experience to all members. ü Holistic competency tracking and work allocation a major focus next year. ü Providing a varied and different work opportunity to work in the organization. ü Clarity of JD, role and internal communication channels. ü Proper induction, training, expectation setting and re-induction of EPs. ü Offering more diverse and a larger number of leadership role, whilst also maintaining the intensity. External Stakeholders ü Maintaining great CRM via the CRM tool to be introduced by the MC at NLS 2012. ü Proper IM and database management. ü Maintaining the formalities of external communication. ü Following all processes of ICX and OGX. ü Encourage the practice of consolidating client referrals and endorsements.

International Relation -

ü CEEDS & international conferences to be encouraged by investing a lot on IR building. ü Internal marketing package to be branded in the internal network by CIM ü Progressive ways of building IR to be used for iGCDP by giving a good trainee experience by

having a trainee kit from the LC

3. How important is the integration of Net Promoter Score in evaluation of our Program Delivery? What are the action steps that you propose leading to better delivery of our programs?

Net Promoter Score (NPS) is a feedback mechanism tool.

Action steps :-

• NPS of GCDP and GIP will be direct responsibility of VP operations in the team • Process improvement will based on the score • Effective promoter strategy will be implemented • TMP / TLP NPS shall be given due consideration as well and a grievance

mechanism will be set for membership leading to better experience delivery and retention

Karan  Hooda      Applicant  |  Local  Committee  President  2014  

4. Propose key synergy areas for GCDP & GIP, and how it would lead to growth of GCDP & GIP. Be as elaborate as possible.

Draw a synergy chart of all back office with front office

GCDP ICX - 350

GCDP OGX - 200

GIP ICX - 200

GIP OGX - 50



Talent capacity and learning and development , program delivery efficiency, reintegration , AMwith TM GCDP fund raising , NEP implementation with BD Optimisation , tools , data analysis & internal communication with CIM Marketing for OGX raises, showcasing , EwA conversions , PR with VP M

Marketing • Showcasing

impact • Brand building

& outrach in student secotor

• Collabration with youth organisations

CIM • Internal branding

in the network by showcasing case studies

Finance • Sustainbility in

iGCDP by outsourcing infrastructure

BD • Selling of IGCDP

Projects • Product development • Fund Raising for iGCDP • Promotional

Partnerships for oGCDP

TM • EP induction

reintegration • Training Modules • Talent planning • AM engagment

Marketing • Product

based Marketing

• ELD conversion through events

Finace • Investments in

IR & CEED • Investment in

specialised recruitment

• Investment in Promotions

CIM • Process

optimisation • Internal


Karan  Hooda      Applicant  |  Local  Committee  President  2014  

Section G | Functions

§ External Relations

1. What is your understanding of External Relations and Business Development? What all according to you falls under the purview of the portfolio?

External relations and Business development as a portfolio is responsible for sales, product packaging, Board management, ARM and product development.

• In- Kind support to the Local Chapter which will do cost cutting for example office space, venue for LC forums, infrastructure, printing etc.

• Long term MDPs • Builds market position by locating different avenues. • Developing, defining, negotiating and closing business relationships. • Maintaining personal networks and participating in professional organisation forums.

BD • CRM • Product

packaging • NEP • Sales

training • Network

TM • Fulfilling of

Talent capacity

Karan  Hooda      Applicant  |  Local  Committee  President  2014  

• BD is responsible for maintaining a good CRM culture with every client. • ARM should be a priority and should result in ELD conversion, network and other learning

partner support.

2. Give your (probable) ER target for the next year. Justify the same, considering the ground realities faced in the LC in 2013.

Product Target Details

Recruitments 1,00,000 Both Recruitments will be sold to external organisation by collaborating, MDPs which makes us reach out physically & virtually

Youth to Business forum 3,00,000 ELD conversion and Funda raising, penetration to new avenues in corporate world.

National Strategic conference 3,00,000 Fund raising, building corpus and National alignment

Other Products (GBMs, Lcongs & other forums)

1,00,000 Selling Products like GBMs and other forums giving revenue generation throughout

NEP 4,00,000 We have pipeline raises & minimum 25 promised for next year

BOA Funding 1,00,000 BOA funding for intellectual and other In-Kind or member development Fund

GCDP ICX Projects 1,00,000 Selling and Packaging GCDP issues

BKK 2,00,000 ELD Conversions & Fund raising

3. What sources of revenue do you propose that will bring in regular income to the LC (apart from direct exchange programs)?

Other sources of revenue generation for the LC:

• Selling of GBMs, LCONGs, and other LC forums, Logo spaces in proposals to companies to generate regular income.

• Micro Financing for iGCDP projects. • GCDP project selling, intern engagement events, databases of stakeholders, recruitments • Events – Alumni event, Y2B, OGX promotional event(Empower)

§ Financial Management

Karan  Hooda      Applicant  |  Local  Committee  President  2014  

1. Describe your understanding of the role of Vice-President Finance in the LC.

Finance is the most important portfolio in AIESEC India right now it can make the organisation grow tremendously, make it reach out to different people and destinations if used well in the LC and if Finance is made a habit and inculcated strongly as a sub-system it can do wonders.

• LC Budgeting - Budgeting at all levels and regular reviewing keeping everyone accountable for there B vs A, reviewing and preparing the LC annual budget, holding portfolio heads accountable for B vs A on bi-weekly basis.

• Imparting Financial Knowledge • Financial Strategies – Having financial strategies for every program and function • Accounting – Accounting means maintaining and tracking all the financial accounts and

proper books of income and expense, which has all the records of financial transactions. • Governance – VP F is responsible for knowledge, understanding and implementation of the

financial policies both internally and externally. VP F is the legal representative of the LC along with the LCP.

• Smart Investments – VP Finance should know where to invest and do smart investments in avenues, which leads to a positive growth in the LC, and help the organisation achieve its objectives.

• ROI – VP F should make a monthly report on each penny spent on every avenue to track the ROI so that we can showcase the growth in ELD and track the investments. So that if in any sphere the investments are not working, we can make a report where for us investments are most fruitful.

2. Define a financially sustainable LC. How do you envision AIESEC Chandigarh in 2014 with respect to financial sustainability?

A Financial sustainable LC is when the organisation is able to deliver its products and services to its stakeholders and covers its operational expenditure & investments out of its core product (i.e. Exchange).

• Profitability from all programs • No liability, debt and pending receivables • Having reserves which enables the LC to function for minimum 6 months without income • Follow Financial policies • Having positive cash flow • Expense to never be greater than income in every quarter

Sustainable AIESEC Chandigarh in 2014:

• Average bank balance of 2-3 Lakh • Corpus increasing to 8 Lakh • Highly sustainable and Profitable iGCDP • Strong synergy with CIM to have all the documents and tracking in place.(internal Finance

tracking tool) • Planned exchange with regular income of exchange money with no pending receivable’s • Events generating minimum profit of 60 % resulting in good ELD conversions also. • Long term investment strategies • TLs taking accountability for there project Budgets • Finance day in a month for the whole LC where we will review, present and be transparent of

Finances of the LC.

Karan  Hooda      Applicant  |  Local  Committee  President  2014  

3. What long-term action steps do you propose that will prevent the LC from facing a similar financial situation as it did in the previous year?

AIESEC Chandigarh or in this terms AIESEC India is not also sustainable to last long and we are on a ticking bomb which can go off anytime and AIESEC will be shut like this if not taken care of.

• Ownership and believe in Finances • Outsourcing of Infrastructure through real estate company’s • CIM evolving tracking mechanism for Finance • B vs A to be the new tracking and accountability tool for everyone • Sustainable Programs • Financial Policies to be implemented strongly everywhere (members, exchange, stakeholders)

4. Attach an outline budget with respect to your ELD program targets, including ER income from events, collaborations etc.


GCDP ICX – 35,00,000

GCDP OGX – 18,00,000

iGIP – 21,60,000

oGIP – 9,75,000

Total ER Income – 16 lakh

TMP TLP – 1,50,000

Outflow –


• Membership



• Printing

• Events

• GBMs


• RnR

• Investments

• Lcongs

• Events

• Recon


• Expansions

§ Talent Management

1. What is your understanding of the distinction between TM as a function and TM as a program? Evaluate the performance of both in 2013.

Karan  Hooda      Applicant  |  Local  Committee  President  2014  

TM as program involves the working of Team member program and team leader program and how they are driving GCDP and GIP. MoS of TM as program as defined nationally involves achievement of TMP – TLP goals, number of members in process and function , % of EP reintegrated and NPS

TM as function involves HR implementation by the executive board helping to deliver TMP – TLP experience in a productive way and enhancing team experiences delivered by an entity. The MoS involves all TM processes, lead implementation, induction, training, recruitment and member education

With the new OD model talent management has taken a concrete shape in terms of realising the talent capacity of the local chapter.2013 involved a basic level of talent management which became a major concern area for the LC not growing on lines of 2015.Our team leaders need to deliver better team experiences leading to a productive TMP experience.

The major concern area was synergy of front office (operations) with human resource , the TC processes are sustainable and learning and development is the only area that can lead to every experience gaining most out of AIESEC experience.

2. Analyse the recruitment’s conducted this year. What innovations do you propose in the existing processes to make them even more effective for next year?

• We are a mature local chapter and with operations growing like never before we need to do proper student market analysis for ensuring TMP packaged as per member needs

• We need to shift to program based recruitment taking in mind the ELD cycle and not just recruit in February and August but plan recruitment as per our exchange cycle

• GIP program needs to have membership with sub product education field • The selection procedure should offer a member an analysis which helps him/her to

understand what exactly is the skill/ competencies state and knowledge state and how it can be improved with a particular program experience

• EwA should be a major focus area for marketing and talent management leading to a faster and optimised recruitment

3. Propose learning & development plan for 2014, and how would lead to evolution of membership learning curve and provide high quality leadership experiences.

Strategy: -

Karan  Hooda      Applicant  |  Local  Committee  President  2014  

1. Lead implementation leading to better team experiences and faster results 2. Operational training and induction of membership shortening the membership result giving

period from 6 weeks to 3 weeks 3. EB and MB transition leading to stability and better educated leadership 4. Induction leading to clarification, faster communication and Fast and Big AIESEC Chandigarh

Together with TC processes, learning and development will add value to Team member program by making them experience leadership in team and will enhance value of TLP as they will move on from being just manager to effective managers + being leaders to their team members.

This is how Learning and development will plan for all other programs. With LnD team under VP TM the team will support every single program and will provide healthy environment for membership to learn faster and grow as individuals contributing to organisational goals.

§ Marketing

1. What emphasis does Marketing as a function hold currently for AIESEC in Chandigarh? Critically analyse the same. Also evaluate its contribution to growth in ELD programs.

Karan  Hooda      Applicant  |  Local  Committee  President  2014  

AIESEC Chandigarh has had a quiet stable performance in marketing in the past few years. The year 2013 saw a slow start but gradually picked up with some unique changes in marketing which resulted a start in ELD conversions. Focus was laid on OGX in the first two quarters that did not fetched good results, but many changes were seen post JNC which resulted in good event and product promotions.

2. How should Marketing evolve in the LC in 2014? How do you see it contributing to ELD programs in 2014?

Change in Marketing in 2014 and Contribution to ELD programs:

• Marketing the events in a way so that they result in direct ELD Conversions • “I am a AIESECer” it’s easy to say than to live by it. Educate the membership and make them

understand they are branding AIESEC and how the brand can enhance because of our membership, which is present in diverse sectors of the city.

• More collaborative initiatives with other organisations for events, forums and other relevant issues in the city.

• Marketing should be done according to the ELD target • Marketing should be about the product not the organisation, whereas branding should be

about the organisation. • ORS conversion and focus should yield a lot of conversions • Every event should have a ELD target • National alignment in marketing is important because it amplifies the brand.

§ Communication & Information Management

1. What are the various spheres in the LC in which Communication & Information Management plays a huge role or can a play a huge role?

CIM plays a huge role in the following ways:

• Proper tracking and resource management leading to efficient operation • Efficient utilisation of virtual platforms & online tools • Management of internal communication channels • Structured outputs and there sharing

2. Comment on how you envision the role of Information Systems in the functioning and administration of the local committee in 2014.

The Changing role of CIM:

• Internal communication to be more effective and efficient • Analysis of a lot of numbers and documents making processes more optimised • Internal branding of the local chapter • Knowledge management and documentation of all the resources. • Evaluating client feedback and coming up with action steps. Hence resulting in good CRM. • Feedback and survey evaluation to cater to market requirements in the city. • Virtual engagement through newsletters, blogs, video blogs, photos and videos.

Karan  Hooda      Applicant  |  Local  Committee  President  2014  

Section H | Blank Page Challenge

STATE (Current) Strategies and Action Steps STATE (IDEAL)

YOUTH RUN ORGANIZATION • Talent capacity and LnD

• Talent allocation processes

• Defining synergy models

• Organisational brand and behaviour in the locality

• Inculcating of culture in all elements

• Sales development and BD upscaling

• Testing and experimentation; Pilot projects

• Showcasing and sustenance of synergy systems


• Strategy: the plan devised to maintain and build competitive advantage over the competition.

• Structure: the way the organization is structured and who reports to whom.

• Systems: the daily activities and procedures that staff members engaged in to get the job done.

• Shared Values: These are the core values of the company that are evidenced in the corporate culture and the general work ethic.

• Style: the style of leadership adopted. • Staff: the employees and their general

capabilities. • Skills: the actual skills and competencies of

the employees working for the company

Karan  Hooda      Applicant  |  Local  Committee  President  2014