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Chris Mehuwe

Dwight Hartzler

Margaret Hartzler

TeIjemahan Bahasa Indonesia

Jack Yoku

Buku ini difotocopy


Summer Institute of Linguistics

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Orang-orang Sentani tinggal di pulau-pulau dan pantai Danau Sentani, dekat Jayapura, ibu kota propinsi Irian Jaya, Indonesia. Jumlah mereka melebihi 25.000 orang. Bahasa Sentani adalah bahasa rfon-Austronesian, terdiri dari dialek yang


ditentukart oleh letak tempat mereka di Danau Sentani, yaitu Sentani Timur, Tengah, dan Barat.


Kamus ini ditujukan terutama kepada para penutur bahasa Sentani. Kumpulan kata dalam kamus ini diambil dari bahasa Sentani dialek Tengah, kecuali kalau diberi tanda. Kamus ini belum termasuk sesuatu yang lengkap, tetapi merupakan s~atu publikasi kat~dari apa yang telah muncul secara alami dalam pengalaman kami dengan bahasa dan cerita­cerita setempat. Kamus ini mencakup lebih dari 3000 entri.

Ikhtisar Ringkas Tentang Pengucapan dan Tata Bahasa Sentani

Uraian singkat mengenai bunyi dan lambang bunyi berikut ini dimaksudkan untuk membantu mereka yang mempelajari bahasa ini dalam menguasai cara-cara pengucapan, sedangkan kemurnian dalam pengucapan itu sendiri hanya akan diperoleh dengan bantuan pembicara setempat dan latihan-latihan sendiri.

Abjad yang dipakai disini, yang disesuaikan dengan sistem Bahasa Indonesia, masih bersifat sementara.

(1) Konsonan

Harnbatan tak bersuara k, jika terdapat pada awal kata akan disertai dengan sedikit aspirasi (udara keluar sedikit mengikuti pelepasannya). Pada pertengahan kata, k menjadi seperti g, dimana udara dan bunyi keluar secara serentak (sesungguhnya frikatif g).

Dalam Bahasa Sentani, harnbatan bersuara .12. akan terdengar antara bunyi ~ dan.12.. Pada umumnya, bunyi ini rnenyerupai ~ pada awal kata dan .12. pada pertengahan kata.

£ adalah seperti dalam Bahasa Indonesia dan berganti rnenjadi ~ tanpa aspirasi pada awal kata.

Konsonan-konsonan lainnya dapat dikatakan harnpir sarna dengan Bahasa Indonesia atau Inggeris.


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(2) Vokal

Bahasa Sentani mempunyai tujuh vokal dengan beberapa variasi tergantung dari konteks pengucapan.

i diucapkan seperti 'berani' dalam Bahasa Indonesia kecuali sebelum bunyi sengau, berbunyi seperti i dalam 'tinggi'.

~ diucapkan seperti kata 'gnak' kecuali pada akhir kata atau seger a sesudah i, dalam hal ini diucapkan seperti vokal g dalam kata 'lgbar'.

Q (menyerupai vokal dalam 'lgbah') biasanya ditulis oleh orang-orang Sentani dengan lambang ~ tanpa ambiguitas. Para pembaca diharapkan untuk berhubungan dengan pembicara Bahasa Sentani untuk mendapatkan pengucapan yang jelas.

~ adalah sarna seperti dalam 'j~lgn'.

ae sarna seperti dalam Bahasa Inggeris 'cgt'.

g adalah seperti 'gjung'.

Q adalah sarna dengan 'cQcQk'.

Para pembaca hendaknya memperhatikan peraturan-peraturan pengucapan berikut ini:

(a) Jika g terdapat antara vokal dan konsonan, maka secara otomatis akan terdapat bunyi ~ sesudah konsonan, misalnya: ikeunge 'beri' diucapkan ikeungwe, tetapi g dalam buna 'dalam air' akan tetap sarna sebab tidak didahului oleh vokal lain.

(b) ng diucapkan seperti 'angin'; ngk diucapkan seperti dalam kata 'angguk'.

(c) Tekanan biasanya terdapat pada silabe kedua dari akhir, misalnya: unulu 'roh' dan ijen 'lurus'.

(d) (Aturan) Peleburan Vokal:

-Vi + V2- > V2, kecuali -e + a ae

Apabila sebuah morfem vokal akhir terjadi bersama-sama dengan sebuah morfem vokal depan, vokal akhir dari morfem pertama dihilangkan. Ini. terjadi jikatidak vokal akhir pertama adalah ~ dan vokal depan kedua adalah~. Dalam hal ini, keduanya lebur menjadi satu fonem /ae/.


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(e) (Aturan) Pemisahan Konsonan

Konsonan h menjadi ~ bila didahului oleh silabe Iii, dan konsonan £ menjadi ~ bila didahului oleh sibale Iii. Konsonan £ dan h menjadi 1 bila didahului oleh silabe lui. Konsonan £ menjadi Q bila didahului oleh n, dan konsonan y menjadi i bila didahului oleh silabe Iii atau n.

Deskripsi Konson dan Vokal yang lebih lengkap terdapat dalam M. Hartzler (1976)


Verba bahasa Sent ani mempunyai banyak bentuk yang berbeda­beda karen a sifat merekat yang alami pad a morfologi verbanya. Oleh sebab itu, verba dalam kamus ini didaftarkan menurut akar kata (kata dasar) saja atau diterjemahkan sebagai berikut:

akar kata •• N .. penanda aspek urutan

Apabila ada N, maka itu menunjukkan bahwa verba harus mempunyai obYek. Apabila penanda aspek urutan, seperti = ko, -bo, dll diberi tandai, maka itu berarti bahwa harus juga dicakupkan apabila seseorang mau mengungkapkan makna yang diberikan untuk entri khusus itu. Pen and a aspek urutan ini sebenarnya merupakan akar kata kerja yang menandai aksi dari akar kata awal. Namun demikian, dalam beberapa hal, akar kata yang kedua tidak lagi digunakan sebagai akar kata awal dan maknanya telah hilang; di samping itu, ada gabungan akar kata yang telah bermakna ritus sehingga (setidaknya bagi benak orang bukan Sentani) seluruh makna verba tersebut tidak lagi terdiri dari beberapa bag ian.

Contoh: Raisimbe Raisimbe

yomo -re au -ei -bo -ke. tajung-ke dayung-mereka -aspek-lampau selesai


Kedua orang itu mendayung (perahu) ke Tanjung Raisimbe.

Beberapa verba tidak mempunyai makna lain dalam verba itu sendiri, tetapi dipengaruhi oleh penentu sesudahnya. Dalam hal-hal ini, penentu itu juga dinyatakan. sebaliknya, apabila ada sebuah kata penentu dalam tanda kurung mengikuti akar kata, maka itu sebenarnya berarti kata dengan tanda () yang mendahului verba. Suatu upaya telah dilakukan untuk memberi satu kalimat contoh yang sengat


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bermakna dengan menggunakan tiap-tiap verba. Kadang-kadang mungkin sulit bagi pembaca yang belum tahu mengidentifikasikan akar kata dari contoh, kecuali kalau dia telah mengerti bagaimana cara penggunaan verba. Berikut ini adalah deskripsi singkat tentang verba bahasa sentani.

Verba bahasa Sentani, dalam bentuknya yang paling sederhana, terdiri atas akar kata verba diikuti oleh suatu rangkaian afiks yang menandai pronomina dan numeralia dari subyek dan obyek klausa, dan kala-aspek. Sebagaimana penanda subyek untuk kala lampau dan kala sedang berbeda dari kala yang akan datang, namun semuanya itu membentuk dikotomi alami antara realis dan irrealis, dengan penanda kala-aspek (berlawanan dengan penanda aspek urutan di atas) yang menyediakan perbedaan-perbedaan lanjutan dalam pernyataan realis saja. Penanda-penanda kala-aspek tersebut adalah -ke 'lampau selesai' dan -wo- 'lampau belum selesai.' Ada juga verba pilihan 'opsional' yang berakhir dengan morfem (-le/te/be/de). Konfigurasi ini adalah:

Akar kata +/- Kala-Aspek + Subyek +/- Obyek +/- Verba akhir

Bentuk "yang sederhana" ini bisa berubah dalam banyak cara. Verba negasi dan imperatif mengalami beberapa transformasi dan serialisasi verba terjadi.

Subyek dan obyek morfem agaknya berubah-ubah menurut keadaan verba dalam bentuk kala lampau atau kala sekarang (realis), atau kala yang akan datang (irrealis). Berikut ini adalah suatu kerangka tentang morfem-morfem tersebut:

Irrealis (kala yang akan datang)

ls 2s 3s ld 2d 3d lp 2p 3p subyek re eu en a 0 nei rna m nai obyek re ei ne me e mi me em mi

1 = orang pertama 'saya' s = singular

2 orang kedua 'engkau' d dual 3 = orang ketiga 'dia, mereka' p plural


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Realis (kala lampau dan sekarang) : subyek ls dan 2s

obyek ar aw an am ab arne am am arne subyek ale ae

subyek 3s - 3p

subyek eu en eu ei an au ai obyek sarna dengan kala yang akan datang


Kandei baemangkondere Kandei bae - ma- N-

Kandei Kandei

bae ma- ne­akar -subyek-obyek kata

Kandei berburu 1psaya 3s


ko­-aspek urutan


Mari kita pergi berburu untuk Kandei!


KS kata searti sinonim KL kata lawan antonim lht jg lihat juga jg juga dgn dengan


N- de-re

ne- le -re -obyek -verba-mau

35 verba-mau

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The Sentani people of Irian Jaya, Indonesia, live on the islands, shores and land surrounding Lake Sentani, approximately 30 kilometers from Jayapura, the provincial capital. Their language is one of the many Papuan (non­Austronesian) languages of the Trans-New Guinea phylum spoken on the island of New Guinea. There are three mutually intelligible dialects, designated by their positions along Lake Sentani as Eastern, Central, and western. speakers number more than 25,000.

As is typical of Papuan languages, Sentani is characterized by a Subject-Object-Verb word ordering in the clause. In noun phrases, adjectives and numerals follow the noun, while demonstratives, possessives, noun modifiers, and relative clauses precede it. Location words (in, at, from, to) are phrase-final.


This dictionary is primarily for sentani speakers. The corpus of the dictionary is taken from the Central dialect unless otherwise marked. This is not meant to be an exhaustive work, but rather a first publication of words which have arisen naturally in our experience with the language and in local stories. It includes more than 3000 entries.

Phonology and transcription

While the following brief description of Sentani sounds and symbols is intended to orient the reader to major features of pronunciation, it must be emphasized that these and other details of authentic Sentani speech production will only be accomplished with the assistance of a Sentani speaker and some practice.

The alphabet has been adapted to the Indonesian writing system with which the Sentani are familiar.

(1) Consonants

Voiceless stop k, when occurring at the beginning of words, is accompanied by slight aspiration (a small amount of air accompanies its release). In the middle of the word, ~ becomes more like g, except that air is again expressed simultaneously with the sound (actually a fricative g).


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Voiced stop Q is a sound midway between £ and Q. Generally, however, this sound most resembles £ at the beginning of words, and Q in the middle of words.

£ is flapped, as in Bahasa Indonesia, and alternates with an unaspirated ~ or g at the beginning of words.

other consonants are approximately the same as in English or Indonesian.

(2) Vowels

Sentani has seven vowels, with several variations depending on the context in which.they are articulated.

1 is pronounced as in English 'seed', except before nasals. Then it sounds the same as the 1 in 'r1ng'.

~ is pronounced as in 'f~d', except when it is the last sound in a word, or immediately prior to 1, in which case it is pronounced like the vowel ~ in 'l~me'.

Q is also regularly written by Sentani speakers with the ~ symbol without ambiguity, and is pronounced like the ~ in 'h~r, the Q in 'wQrth', and the ~ in 'h~rt', as well as the 1 in 'd1rt'. Readers are referred to a Sentani speaker for the separation of these two phonemes in written Sentani.

~ is the same as in 'f~ther',

ae is as in 'c~t'.

~ is like 'you',

Q is similar to the British English pronunciation of 'cQt', merging in open syllables into a sound similar to the Q in 'gQpher'.

The reader should also pay special attention to the following pronunciation rules:

(a) When ~ occurs between another vowel and a consonant, it is automatically carried over in the form of ~ after the consonant, e.g. ikeunge 'give' is pronounced as though spelled ikeungwe. The ~ in buna 'in the water' is not carried over, however, as it is not preceded by another vowel.


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(b) ng is pronounced as in 'singer'; ngk is pronounced as in 'finger'.

(c) Word stress (accent) occurs generally on the second last syllable, e.g. u'nulu 'spirit', except when the final syllable ends in a consonant (is closed): i'jen , straight' .

(d) Vowel Contraction Rule:

-V1 + V2- > V2, except -e + a- > ae

When a vowel final syllable occurs adjacent to a vowel initial syllable, the final vowel of the first syllable is deleted. This is true unless the first syllable ends in ~ and the second syllable begins with ~ In this case they contract to the single phoneme /ae/.

(e) Consonant Assimilation Rule:

-h > s / i- -f /u--r > d /n--r > t /i--y > j /i-, n-

Following ~ V syllable i, h become ~; following a V syllable g, h become i; following TI, K becomes Q; and following i, K becomes i. Following both V syllable i and TI, y becomes i. For a fuller description of the Sentani sound system, see M. Hartzler (1976).


Sentani verbs have many different forms due to the agglutinative nature of the verb morphology. Because of this, verbs in this dictionary are listed by root only, or rendered as follows:

root .. N .. serial aspect marker.

The H, when it is present, indicates that the verb takes an obligatory object. When a serial aspect marker, such as -ko, -bo, etc. is marked, it means that it too must be obligatorily included if one wants to express the meaning given for that particular entry. These serial aspect markers are actually additional verb roots which modify the action of the initial root. However, in some cases the second roots are no longer used as initial roots and their meanings have been lost; in others, the combination of roots has become ritualized so that (to non-Sentani


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minds at least) the whole meaning of the verb is not the sum of its parts.

An example:

Raisimbe yomo -re au -ei -bo -ke. Raisimbe point-to row-they 2-aspect-past perfective

Those two rowed to Raisimbe Point.

Some verbs do not in themselves have distinct meanings, but are conditioned by a preceding orienter. In these cases the orienter is also given. Consequently, when there is an orienter word in parentheses following the root it means the () word actually precedes the verb.

An attempt has been made to give a meaningful sample sentence using each verb. Occasionally it may be difficult for the uninitiated reader to identify the root from the example unless he has some understanding of how the verb works. The following is a brief description of Sentani verbs.

The Sentani verb, in its simplest form, is comprised of an initial verb root, followed by a series of affixes marking the person and number of the clause subject and object, and tense-aspect. As the subject markers for past and present 'tense' differ from those for future, they set up a natural dichotomy between realis and irrealis, with tense-aspect markers (as opposed to serial aspect markers above) providing further distinctions in the realis state only. These tense-aspect markers are -ke 'past perfect' and -wo- 'past imperfect.' There is also an optional verb ending morpheme (-le/te/be/de). This configuration is:

Root +/- Tense-Aspect + Subject +/- Object +/- Verb ending

This 'simple' construction can, however, be altered in many ways. Negated and imperative verbs undergo various transformations and verb serialization occurs.

The subject and object morphemes vary somewhat according to whether the verb is in the past or present 'tense' (realis) or future (irrealis). The following is a chart of these morphemes:


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Irrealis (future)

Is 2s 3s Id 2d

subject re eu en a 0

object re ei ne me e

1 first person 'I' 2 second person 'you' 3 third person 'hejshejitjthey'

3d Ip 2p

nei rna ern

mi me ern

s singular d dual p plural)

Realis (past and present): Is and 2s subject




object ar aw an am ab arne am am arne

subject ale ae

3s - 3p subject

subject eu en eu ei an au ai

object same as future tense


Kandei baemangkondere Kandei bae- ma- N- ko- N- de-re Kandei bae- ma- ne- ko- ne- le-re Kandei root-subject-object-serial aspect-object-ve-want Kandei hunt IpI 3s do 3s ve-want

Let's go hunt for Kandei!


KS KL lht jg

kata searti synonym kata lawan antonym lihat juga see also


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a kata word NEBEl A ELEWATERE FAMAt MOISE EKEISEI .•. Apa yang dikatakan orang tidak mempengaruhi Famai untuk mundur ..• That word that was spoken, Famai ignored it .•.

a bawah low EBI ANE RUKE. Ebi jatuh di bawah. Ebi fell down.

a tempat place NDA WANEN NEKEYANDEBE, HEKE BAN A BAN, NA BEKO HELE HUBAYANNELE. Hidup tanpa tempat berkebun rasanya sangat tidak baik. The way we are living, with no place for a garden, is very bad. Iht jg: anuwau

a ahun •• bo. • perumpamaan tell a parable, connect a story with something NDI KIYAELE U MEKAIBE A AHUNEUBOKE. Ia memberi kiasan tentang keadaan orang itu. He told a story about that person's character.

a bangka among kosong chatter OBORONNE MAE, A BANGKA BELE ELELE. Jangan menghiraukan dia, ia cerita omong kosong. Don't listen to him, he is talking idle chatter.

a be •. ho.. jawab answer NA HIBI MO HINEUNGENE A BEUNGEBOKE. Karena ia terus ditanyai, ia menjawab. He answered because they kept asking him.

a beko-beko sumpah, kata­kata jorok swear at,

curse NEBEl MIYAE NA YANE BAEI A BEKO-BEKO MO ELEYELE. Wan ita itu setiap hari mengeluarkan kata-kata jorok Every day that woman swears and curses. KS: a hau-fau

abo •• hi.. beri perintah yang pendek instruct briefly A BONYIBI, "MEl, RAMANDE ANEMAKONDERE I " Beri tahu dia, "Mari makan!" Tell him, "Come eat!"

a bubu bisikan, pembicaraan pribadi private discussion RAHE A BUBUBE HOKOLE BEE A MEHAE-MEHAE YAE HUWETE. Hal apakah yang sedang mereka bisikkan? What are they talking privately about?

a buke .. hi. . answer


HULUI YAE A BUKEUNGEBlKE. Ia menjawab sesuai dengan pembicaraannya. He gave an answer in line with what they were talking about.

a bulaeinye menggoda tease NDI FARE ABE BULAEINYE. Mereka hanya menggodai anak itu. They are teasing that child.

a bulaen-bulaen ko •. igau, bicara waktu tidur sleep talk NA ROKONE BAEI IJONGKUNE ISONOWOLE A BULAEN­BULAEN IKOWOLE. Ia selalu mengigau ketika

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tidur di waktu malam. He would always talk in his sleep.

a bulau ko •• nyanyijbicara ber-sama2 (paduan suara) sing/speak in unison (like a choir) NANEMENE KOI BAE A BULAU WAE IKOWATE. Bernyanyi serempak. They all sing together for traditional dances.

a bule .• bo •. ale •• bo •• bicara simpang siur chat about various things (maybe drunk) HOKOLO BEE A BULEIBOKE ALEIBOKE. Kedua orang itu berbicara simpang siur. The two of them chatted about various things.

a bule .• ko.. gurau joke around NA ROYAUNGE A BULENGEKOKE. Ia tidak sungkan bergurau kepada saudara (sepupu)nya. He jokes around with his nephew.

a bulu lubang hole a bum-bun semut besar dan

merah, yang tidak menggigit, yang hidup di dalam tanah. ant, big red, that doesn't bite, and lives in the ground.

a ehe no.. tuduh accuse strongly A EHE BELE NARE MO NOKAINYE. Orang itu mendapat tuduhan yang sangat berate They accused him strongly.

a elae hae .• bo.. tegur dengan keras scold sharply NAHIBI MO

WAINYENE A ELAE HAEUMIBOKE. Karena terus dilawan, ia menegur dengan keras. Because they kept arguing with him, he scolded them sharply.

a elae horo •. bo.. tegur (karena tidak setuju) scold harshly (because you don't agree) Lit: tear down words NEYAE KENA BANNE A ELAE YAE HOROUNGEBOKE. I a menegurnya karena tidak setuju. Because he didn't like (his opinion), he scolded him.

a foisi-foisi kabar news NANE ABU AKO YAE EWEl,

HIWA YO NAEISA A FOISI­FOISI MEUKOUKOKE WENA YAE BOROKANDE. Tanpa orang yang bersangkutan Berita itu telah dikabarkan kepada kami kemarin. The news was told to us yesterday.

a hale ko.. beri semangat, bersorak­sorak cheer for, shout encouragement BE BAHELENE, A HALE KOUMI NA KALlA RIYAU UNGAIBONDERE. Karena hari mulai gelap, ia memberi semangat untuk menyelesaikan pekerjaan mereka. Because it was getting dark, he shouted encouragement to them to get the work finished.


a hambeele [hambe'e'le'] mengalihkan pokok pembicaraan story deliberately distorted

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to cover up the truth RO MIYAE HELEN EREUMI FENE A BAMBEELE. Ia mengalihkan pokok pembicaraannya, karen a malu melihat orang banyak. Because he saw a lot of people and was afraid he told a story to deliberately cover up the truth.

a hau-fau sumpah, kata­kata kotor swear at, curse NEBEl MIYAE NA YANE BAEI A HAU FAU MO OKOYELE. Wanita itu setiap hari mengeluarkan kata-kata yang kotor. Every day that woman swears and curses. KS: a beko­beko

a heooNoobooo minta, mohon request KALIARE ENETERENE NA YA HI YAE A HEUNGEBOKE. Berhubung mereka hendak pergi bekerja, maka sebelumnya ia memintakan kesediaannya. He requested some time to get ready because they were going to work. KS: a riye .. hi..

a hele benar, fasih truth NEYAE A HELE BELE EYELEWOLE. Orang itu benar sekali bicaranya. That person speaks the truth.

a herau •. bo.. simpan rahasia keep a secret RO MIYAE BORON ATE BELENE A BERAWEUNGEBOKE. I a merahasiakan hal itu supaya tidak diketahui


orang. So that people wouldn't hear, he kept the matter secret.

a hete .. bo.. pesan (me-) tell to do, instruct NEBEl YORE UKEUMI ENATERENE A BETEWOUMI WEUMI: ... Ia memerintahkan mereka pergi, dengan pesan .•• Because the job needed to be done, he gave those people instructions.

a ho.. sangkal (men-) stop (someone's) talk RO MIYAE NAEI RAMBUN ROKE WAINYEBE NEBEIBE A HOINYANE ERA A YAE

HOLE. Dasar penyangkal, ia menyangkali orang-orang yg menuduhnya, bahwa ia yg mencuri barang orang lain. Other people said he took people's things, but because he was the type of guy who tries to cover up the truth he trys to shut them up.

a hoko •• ko.. putuskan decide NA U MEKAI MOKOUBOKE HULUINYE A BOKOUKOKE. Keputusan itu diambil sesuai dengan perbuatannya. The decision was made to fit the previous action.

a holo ko.. bersumpah, bertaruh jiwa make an oath, add surety to one's words WEYAE A BOLORE KOUKOKAE HAMSUN ASASI OKOI YAE. Jangan kau langgari taruhanmu! Don't break your

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" promises. a hOD •• N •• bo. • doa pray

KS: a bo .• N .. hi .. lht jg: ebeli bo •. N •. hi .•

a hufuu umpat, fitnah slander NA U MEKAI A BUFUU MO RONE, RO MIYAE HELEN IKELE IKOWAINYE. Karena sifatnya yg suka memfitnah, maka ia dibenei oleh banyak orang. He's the type of person who slanders others.

a hure •• ko. • menyebarkan berita spread news YOKO BANDEKOKE A HUREUKOKE. Serita perampokan (yang kita lakukan) telah tersebar. The story about our stealing things spread around.

a huwe a relen nasihat, peringatan advice YO HI YAN HI ELERE, A HOWE A RELEN WAYETE. Kami menasihati engkau karena kepergianmu merantau ke negri orang. We are giving you advice about your travel to another country.

a kaei-kaei berita/pesan keeil yang tidak penting unimportant news or request

a kalama-kalama eeritera angin saja story made up just to kill time, often ridicules someone else RO MIYAERE A KALAMA-KALAMA MOKOUMI HANNE OYEISOYATE HATE. Dengan kabar angin, ia menyebabkan orang-orang berkelahi. With a made


up story he cause people to fight.

a keleu suara tinggi soprano voice, high voice Iht jg: a nokon

a kile .. ko . • tengkar mulut quarrel WENA HOKOLO BEE A KILEIKOKE. Kemarin keduanya bertengkar. Yesterday the two of them were quarreling.

a koi-koi nyanyian dan tarian adat singing, dancing in the traditional way NA U MEKAI FOI EREUKEUNGENE, A KOI-KOI JAE KOUNGE. Dia memuji kebaikan temanya dengan nyanyi dan tari. He praised his friend's good character with singing and dancing.

a kole .. ke.. janji oleh hukum, tatanan, tata tertib, tata hukum, firman (Allah) accepted promise or law

A KOLOUKOKE HULUINYE WALl HARAMANDE. Kita harus hidup sesuai dengan the law. Our lives must be lived according to the law.

a mae .. be. . eampur, eampur tangan, ikut campur interfere HIWA YO NAEI A FAEU WANGKELE RAHERE A MAEUBOKAE? Mengapa engkau mencampuri urusan orang lain? Why are you interfering in their conversation?

a mae .• hi.. omel, oeeh, celoteh complain openly RARE RAMAN

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EYEINYE A MAEREHINDE KORELE. Sebab makanan tidak diberikan pada saya, saya akan terus menerus mengomel. I have not received any food so I am going to complain openly.

a maehae-maehae ele •. bisik whisper NA MANINGKO BUHAE KOLENE A MAEHAE-MAEHAE ELELE. Karena tenggorakannya sakit ia berbisik­bisik. His throat hurt so he whispered.

a mahe •• ko.. bicara kuat karen a marah speak in anger ABE BULAEINYEKOKEBE NOI RO A MABEUKOKE. Hanya gurauan saja, tetapi ia mengamuk dengan suara keras. They told jokes about him so that man retorted angrily.

a mekai kata-kata yang sopan dan terarah; cara (sikap) berbicara speech which is polite and careful RO KABAN MIYAE KABANOE A HA MEKAI BELE WEUMILE. Anda harus berkata-kata dengan sopan kepada mereka yang sudah dewasa. You must speak politely to your elders.

a mekandolo bicaraan keras, berteriak forceful, harsh speech A MALEU WAE ELEI BAN, A MEKANDOLO BELE ROROLE. Bicaralah perlahan­lahan, mengapa harus berbicara keras. Speak softelyJ Why do you


need to speak harshly? a melaeli ulang tanya

clarification A HUWAIKOKE FOI JAE ISAEYEMBONOERENE, A MELAELI BELE ROROLE. Karena persoalannya belum jelas, ia berulangkali menanyakannya. In order to fully understand, he asked again.

a moi-moi bujukan, rayu flattery, delusion A MOl-MOl MOKAINYEUKOKENE HAKOUMIBOKE ATE. Ia mengikuti mereka karena dibujuk. He followed them because of their flattery.

a mongko-mongko ceritera menghasut story to rouse people to action NENOON NEKATEBE A MONGKO-MOHGKO MOKOUM1KOKE HANNE HATE. Orang yg tidak tahu apa-apa, dihasutnya sarnpai berkelahi. Although they were just living normally when he told a stirring story they started fighting.

a mulun-mulun sungut­sungutan (waktu rnarah), cerewet, omel murmuring, as in anger NARE ERAMAN EYE1 AERENE, A MULUN-MULUN BELE ELEYELE. 1a bersungut-sungut karen a tidak diberi makan. He complained because he wasn't given food.

a nake-nake suka berbicara, peleter, cerewet loquacious

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EMBEI AIKO YAE AIBOYOUNGE KIYAE A RAKE-RAKE HELE. Orang yang congkak suka berbicara banyak. The proud man likes to talk a lot.

a nene hina, fitnah insult NA U MEKAl A RENE A HUFU MO YA. Pemfitnahan adalah pola hidupnya. He was an insulting person. KS: a hufuu

a nokon suara rendah bass voice, low voice lht jg: a keleu

a non nolo salah berceritera sebab kurang pandai; illogical, inability to keep facts straight. A ROR ROLO KOLENE, A NA lSOHI-ISOHl HUWELE. Karena ia kurang pandai ia salah berceritera. Because he he gets mixed up he tells it wrongly.

a noume-noume bicara ulang-ulang say over and over HU AKOYOLE EREUNGEBE ARE ELELE KlYAE A ROOME-ROOME BELE ELEYOLE. Walaupun ia melihat matahari sedang terbenam, tetapi ia mengulang-ulangi pembicaraannya. He saw the sun was setting but the speaker kept telling his story over and over.

a nule .. bo.. nubuat, ramal reveal by supernatural means, prophesy about the future NEKElMEYANDE A


NULEUNGEKOKE HULUINYE BAETE. Semua yang terjadi sesuai dengan apa yang dinubuatkan. In this life things happen as they were prophecied.

a ri-ti riye.. minta­minta, mengemis begging WAEl WALl RAMBUNDE A RI-TI YAE RIYEYEYAE. Engkau selalu mengemis untuk kebutuhanmu sehari­hari. You always beg for your everyday needs.

a ruke keputusan verdict, decision A

RUKE HULUlNYE, ME U MOKOMABONDE. Sesuai dengan keputusan, kami akan laksanakan. In accordance with the decision we will do it.

a usaei nasihat advice a usaei wasaei nasihat

advice, teachings KS: a usaei

a wake perkataan kuat untuk menghalangi pendapatan orang lain harsh words to keep others from speaking their opinions or put down what other have said NA U MEKAl HIWA YO NAElNYA ARE A WAKE HELE ElMELEWOLE Ia biasanya menghalangi pembicaraan orang lain. He was the type of guy who would not let others speak. (Speak harshly to keep others from speaking)

a waku bicara tanpa berbuat talk without

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action EYAE ME BAN U BAN A WAKURE MO OKOl YAE. Janganlah (kita) berbicara saja, tanpa berbuatan. Let's not just talk and not do anything.

a we-we ejek, sindir taunting, mocking, as when evaluating bride wealth items NAUWAKE MlYAE HOMBONl ERASlNYE, A WE-WE KOWAlNYE. la diolok karen a tidak rnarnpu rnengarnbil bag ian dalarn pernbayaran rnaskawin adiknya. Because he didn't put out brideprice for his younger brother's wife they ridiculed him.

a yako-yako kelakar joke A YAKO-YAKO KANALEBE

NEYAE HANDE HEBAELEKEUFE. Saya hanya berkelakar saja ia rnenyerang saya dengan kernarahan. I was .just joking but he got angry and chased me.

a yan bu yan (rime) Menjerit-jerit, rneraung-raung, tersedu­sedu crying loudly (in mourning) BORANELE RIME A YAH au YAH KOLE. Saya rnendengar ia menangis dengan suara nyaring. I hear him crying very loudly. KS: ara nene

a yane •. N •. ko.. tipu, rnenipu deceive NAEKORE A YAHEUNGEKOKE. Ia menipu ayahnya. He deceived his father.

a yani-yani bohong, dusta


lie NAEI WALl A YAHI­YAHI HELEM. Hidupnya banyak kali menipu orang. His life was filled with lies. KS: a arne-arne

a yarei-jarei kata rnarahi, kasar scolding

A YAREl-JAREl MA YAE MO EYELEWOLE. Pernbicaraannya selalu dengan kata-kata marah. He is constantly scolding.

a yo-yo berita kabar burung news, rumor

angin, uncertain NEBEl A

YO-YO BOROWANDE NA HELE BAN. Berita angin yang karni sudah dengar tidak benar. That rumor we heard was not true.

a YObo.. undangi desak dengan sopan urge politely in the other's interests A YOBOUNGEBOKE, "MEl ANGKEN MElNYUWEIBO!" la mengajak: "Mari silahkan duduk!" HCome and sit down," he urged politely.

a .. bo.. taruh ke bawah, rnasukan lower carefully, put down NEYAE AlBOKE BU KAISA WAISE OWATE. Mereka masukkan dia dalarn kapal yang berlayar ke daerah barat They loaded him into a boat going west. KS: ha .. bo .. Iht jg: ra .. hi..

a •• bo .. e •• (nibi) jalan yg biasa ditempuh follow a path KAHAEFAKO NIBI LONDA

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AUBOKEJELE • I a mengikuti jalan yg mElnuju bukit Kahaefako.. He followed ~he pa~h up Kahaefako mountain.

a .. hi •• (kelen) sebarkan bau busuk spread smell around, stink NDA YOKU HEREKE KELEN AUFlKE. Anjing mati ini menyebarkan bau busuk. This dead dog s~inks.

a •• nu. • 1 bangun wake up WEYAE YA HELE AINYUYEYAE BOROYAE MO, WAEI lMAE RIBO NA YO AINYUYAITE AKU-NAU EISOWATE. Setiap hari, waktu bangun, kamu bisa dengar orang di sekitar rumah yang juga bangun, sambil ribut dengan suara keras. Every day when you wake up you hear your family and neighbors waking up, complaining loudly. 2 berdiri stand up YESE AUNGUKE MO, ME

MOKOLE. Yese berdiri dan mengatur posisi. Yese s~ood up and waved his hand.

Abaele daerah sekitar Bioskop Dafonsoro di Sentani kota area around Dafonsoro theater in town of Sentani

abara (aye) burung gagak (cracticus quoyi) butcher bird KS: olaiwa

abiya layar sail sbu kakek moyang


abu aka 1 wakil assistant 2 pesuruh messenger

abu miyae nenek perempuan bapak father's mother lht jg: angken

abu ro nenek laki-laki bapak father's father lht jg: ahe

abune •. hi.. kumpul banyak barang gather a lot of items RAMAN HELEN SELE ABUNEKOKE. 0 ia mengumpul makanan terlalu banyak He gathered a lot of food.

abungkeleu jambu air water apple

se kita (objektif) us NEYAE AERE HOMONE OMOLOKOI. Dia belum tulis kepada kami. You have not written to us.

ae .. ho.. ambil dengan tangan (orang, kayu api) gather in arms (person, firewood) NEBEl YE HONATE MENE AEIFO! Pungutlah kayu api itu Gather up that firewood! 2 peluk hug tightly REI MAl KOWOLE RA HORO AEFEHOKE. Oia memeluk leher saya karena gembiranya. He very happily hugged my neck.

aefo pant at buttocks lht jg: febulu

aefo setengah (air) half (full)

aehu dasar, bawah (peti) base, bottom (of box)

aei milik kita our (incl) AEI AFAEU bahasa kita our language

aeinya kiyae tokoh kita,


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orang yg sedang dibicarakan our hero AEINYA KIYAE ELELE:

Tokoh kita berkata ••. Our hero says, " ••.

aen •. ho.. cekik, ikat choke, tie up ELAE HELE BEWOLENE HA YAE AENNEBOKE. Karena ia merontak kami mengikat dia dengan tali. Because he thrashed around strongly we tied him with a rope.

aene ranne tersusun satu diatas yang lain, lapis, susun stacked in log cabin fashion YARONGKOMBE EM BE MO NA RIYANE AENE RANNE KOLONGKOMBE. Bawalah dan letakkan bersusun­susun. When you have brought it, stack it in a log cabin fashion.

aengkaei bulu kunyeiboi adat memberi have kepada orang tua waktu anak perempuan baru lahir supaya dia bisa kawin dgn anak lelakinya nanti Bride price payment whereby a big have is given at the birth of a baby girl to start a future marriage arrangement and her ear is pierced to indicate she has been requested. KL: lit: pierce an ear hole

aere alasan reason RAHE AERENE EBl NA IJOKO EN NAUME YAE NEKANAE? Apa sebab kamu menusuk mata Ebi dengan


pisang panas? For what reason did you put the hot banana in Ebi's eye?

aere (bulo) hobatan spell BULO BELE AERE BELE YO OYERE NIHEMBOMBERE. Mereka yang mempunyai hobatan menyerahkannya supaya dimusnahkan. Those who practice spells should give them up to be destroyed.

aere rele .. N.. tekad, usaha keras membalas try very hard to compensate A SEKO WAlNYENE AERE HELE RELEYEUNGE BEMMlHONDERE. Ia berusaha untuk membalas karen a difitnah. They said something bad about him so he tried very hard to retaliate.

afa adik laki-laki bapak father's younger brother

afae sirih (tanaman and buahnya) tree whose fruit is chewed with bettlenut (tree and fruit)

afae! berdiri! stand up! NINAE ANGKEN NEKEKOKAE

AFAE AlNYU! Sudah cukup kau duduk, berdirilah! Enough of that sitting; get upl KS: ainyu!

afaeu bahasa language afelae [afe'lae] makanan

seperti kue panggang, dibikin dari sagu kering pancakes made from dried sago

ahamo suami saudari bapak (kakak atau adik)

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father's sister's husband (older and younger) lht jg: awau, arai

ahangkai tempat masak dibikin dari batu, tungku cooking place made from rocks KS: itukai, ondowasun

ahau jauh (kira-kira jarak lemparan batu) far (roughly a stone's throwaway)

ahau buhau jauh sekali (tidak bisa dilihat) very far away (out of sight)

ahau fele jauh (jarak lebih dari kira-kira lemparan batu) far (more than a stones throwaway)

ahau fele jauh sekali more than a stone's throwaway but still in sight

ahau folo jauh {jarak kurang dari kira-kira lemparan batu} far (less than a stone's throwaway)

ahe [ahe'] ayah dari ibu mother's father lht jg: abu ro

ahe [ahe'] gua cave ahe [ahe'] •• bo.. tangkap

binatang keeil catch small things KA FELE-FELENE WAU WAE ROWEl AHEIBO! Tangkaplah dengan jaring, karen a ikan-ikan itu terlalu keeil. The fish are very small so catch them with a net.

ahe [ ahe ' ] •• ko.. (ho ) meneungkil kelapa scoop out coconut meat HO AHEIKO! Cungkillah kelapa itu! Scoop the

meat out of a coconut! ahe •• ko., [ ahe' •. ko .• ]

tutup (pintu) close (door) lJOKO ERANALE HEE NA ROMAU ABEUKOKE. Sementara saya melihat dia, pintu tertutup. When I looked at him the door was closed.

ahi tidak mau, tidak suka don't want

ahowake langit-langit rumah ceiling

ahuba eeritera story MAEl MEWANDE AHUBARE WARE HOMONE EHUWEl SULUl. Tidak usah ditulis kepadamu eeritera kedatangan kami. It is not necessary to write to you about the story of our coming here.

ahumbo-ahumbo ko.. tuduh accuse NEYAE OMOKOl BAN RAMBUN BE AHUMBO­AHUMBO KAlNYE. Mereka menuduh dia, sebenarnya hal yang ia tidak lakukan. They accused him of things he had not done.

ahun kolo .. N .. ko -ra .• N •• hi. • larang forbid BENEN ELENDE BELENE AHUN KOLONNE.! Laranglah dia supaya jangan berbieara! So he can't talk again, forbid him!

ahun .. N •• bo.. tuduh accuse IJOKO EREIBOlBE, NARE MO AHUNEUNGEBOKE. I a tidak melihatnya, tetapi menuduhnya. He didn't see him, but he accused him.


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ahun •• N •• ko •• (ahuba) karang perumpamaan tell a parable, connect a story to something A HINA ABUBA AHUNEUKOKE HUWELE. Ia menceritakan perumpamaan dari tempat lain. He is ~elling a parable about another place.

ahune •• bo.. sambung join together 2 lanjutkan continue MEYAE ABUNEMAMBONDE Kami akan melanjutkan itu. We will con~inue it.

ai bulu (ayam, burung) besar and kasar feather

ai •. ha.. sepit dengan alat pick up by grasping the object with a pinching action MENAKE ISENBE INTAI YAE AYEUFAKE. Ibuku menjepit bara api dengan sepitan. My mother picked up the hot coal with tongs.

aimaima bubuk, binatang seperti bubuk ticks, as small as pin-pricks

aimake jarum yang dibuat dari tulang kelelawar needle made from a bat bone

Aime Wi Kali Aime river on north side of the lake which forms a border between Siba and Kwadewari

ainyake semut besar, merah, yang terbang. Orang suka makan, tetapi digigit. ant, big red flying. People eat them, but they bite. lht jg: kandu,

heise, rolombaei, a bum-bun

aisa baisa bagikan share

tidak mau refuse to

NAEI RAMBUN HIWA YORE YEISE AlSA BAlSA IKOWOLE. Hartanya tidak mau dibagikan dengan orang lain. He does not like to give ou~ his things with other people.

aiweke mereka putar cepat, tiba-tiba they turned around quickly, suddenly KAYA YO AlWEKE EREKAINYELE. Tiba-tiba penjaga menoleh dan melihat dia. The guards suddenly turned around and saw him. lht jg: e •. we .. lu ..

ajam baele baele (aye) burung layang-layang (Hirundo neoxena) welcome swallow (Hirundo neoxena)

Ajau Pulau Ajau island on which Ifale, Hobong, and part of Ifar Besar are located

aka kakak older brother for a boy, older sister for a girl lht jg: eneu, emaeng

aka baeke saudara, laki­laki di dalam keluarga dekat generasi sarna close relative of same generation 2 kawan, handai taulan friend

aka naei baeka nasi saudara-saudari friends and relatives

akaikai ulat hitam yang tinggal didalam sisir pisang insect, black banana bug


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akali Hutan yang ditebang untuk kebun baru. open space where trees have been cut down for a garden

akau dahan, cabang yg tersambung dgn pokok pohon branch connected to the tree trunk lht jg: maense

akau era Persembahan/pemberian yg diharuskan, sperti makanan utk kepala suku atau majelis/pekerja gereja expected offering, such as food, for a village chief or church worker

ake [ake'] kayu putih yang keras. Biasa dipakai untuk bikin rumah. teak-like tree; white hard wood used for house building.

ake .• bo.. gigit, pagut bite AKELARE EKE YAE RAMI AKEUBOKE. I a dipagut oleh ular di hutan. As he was walking in the woods a snake bit him.

ake .• N •• bo •. (ohen mae) disengat (lebah), digigit stung by a (one) bee KS: raro .. N .. ba. (ahen mae)

akela hutan, rimba, dusun, forest (with an occassional garden) Iht jg: hena

akela abo babi hutan, celeng wild pig

akele .. ko.. keringkan badan dengan mat a hari; hangatkan badan; jemur warm body in rays (fire, sun) EBEU KAl RANNE YEUKlTEKE MANSE

AKELELE. Penyu menghangatkan badan di atas perahu. Ebeu climbed on top of the canoe to sun away her coldness.

akeleu agas gnats aki cacing worm ako bapak father 2

kawan, sabat, teman friend

ako faeuko firman, perkataan word, saying

ako nake orang tua. bapak ibu father and mother

ako .. bo.. turun go down HU WAlSE BOHlNE AKOIBOYOLE. Matahari terbenam di sebelah barat. The sun goes down in the west.

ako .. N •• hi. . tekun persevere at doing something even by repeating a function over and over BE BAHE HELEBE KALlA AKOUNGEBlKE MOKOYELE. Ia tetap tekun bekerja, walaupun hari mulai gelap. It was getting dark but he kept working.

akobae orang dengan nama sama, senama namesake

akon alat mengambil kapur dari labu kering notched stick used to get lime out of a gourd

akona-akona bapak (para); keturunan dari satu fam; laki-laki klen di bawah koselo yang memberi dan menerima mas kawin. family lineage; clansmen below the koselo who give and


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receive bride price beads

aku ribut, gaduh noise, commotion (thunder talk) MIYAE HOMSONI MOKATENA AKUSE HATE. Kegaduhhan itu berasal dari orang-orang yang sedang membayar mas kawin. The commotion is from the brideprice ceremony.

aku nau bising karena suara manusia loud noise from a crowd

alau para-para, sejenis rak untuk mengasar A table like device for drying an 'ondofolo's' meat, probably has several shelves [r38]

ale [ale') kami dua akan pergi; saya sedang pergi HAKOISOBO ALERE! Mari, ikut saya! Kita pergi! Follow me, let's go! lht jg: e.

ale .. bo •. [ale' .• bo •• ) campur mix YU BELE HAE BELE NENEMBAINYE ALEUNGEBOKE. I a mencampurkan gula dan garam. He mixed sugar and salt.

ale .. hi.. [ale' •• hi..) dengarkan diam-diam turn ear toward noise and listen carefully MALEU-MALEU WAE ERELE NEBEl A ELATE ALEREHINDE BORORELE. Aku akan mendengarkan pembicaraan itu diam­diam. I will go very quietly and listen carefully to what they are saying.

ale .. ko.. [ale I •• ko .. ) injak step on ANE KINYEUBOKE RUKE ORO YAE ALEUKOKE. Setelah menolaknya jatuh, ia menginjaknya. After knocking him down, he stepped on him.

ale .. N .. ko .. (oro yae) urut dengan kaki massage with feet UWA BUHAE KOLENE RIYEUNGEHIKE ORO YAE ALENNEKONDERE. Karena sakit, ia memohon supaya diurut dengan kaki. He was sick so he asked to be massaged by someone's foot.

ali hese rasa muntah di korongkongan vomiting feeling in throat ELI HOHORE NEKALE RAMAN ANEUKOKALENE ALI HESE KALE. Perasaanku ingin muntah karen a makan makanan yang tidak halal bagiku. Because I ate repulsive food I feel like vomiting.

alin(g) pertuduhan (awan atau pohon), Ilndungan shade

ala roh jahat dalam orang atau binatang bad spirit in a person or animal NEYAE ALO AUNGEBOKE Ia sudah gila, kerasukan setan, dan berbahaya. He was insane, possessed, dangerous

alo .. bo.. patutkan, rapihkan put in order NAEI RAMBUN ALOUBOKE


HONATE. Barang dia dirapihkan His things

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are very neat. 2 dirikan dengan baik construct correctly AJAU ELU LONNE HU ALOWATE. Mereka mendirikan tiang rumah di bukit Ajau. They correctly set the house posts on Ajau hill.

alo •• N •• ko. e.. ikuti follow NDI YO ATE HOMO MBAISA ALOUNGEKOHDE ELE. Ikutilah orang-orang yg akan pergi. Follow those people who are going.

alon saudara laki-laki bapak yang lebih tua father's older brother lht jg: afa

alona fa anak yatim piatu orphan

alowai kapak batu warna hitam titik putih stone axe, black with white specks

alu angin wind alu koloi-koloi koloijeunge

angin yang baru mulai wind that is picking up

alu koloi-koloi koloyounge angin menghilang wind that is dying down

alu maken angin dari arah timur laut wind from northeast

alu yekele angin dari arah barat daya. wind from southwest

alu yo bei angin ribut, badai wind, strong and damaging

amarutulu kue sagu dari sagu kering dan kelapa yg dibakar dalam daun sago cakes made with dried sago and coconut,

and baked in leaves ambelae [ambe'lae)

pakaian clothes ambui siput kecil, tidak

dimakan snail, small, not eaten

ame tipu deceive KS: a yani-yani

amerela kotoran yang dikumpulkan di kebun leaves and st~cks lying around a garden

amin kulit kerang siput (dulu dipakai untuk memanggil orang yang akan berperang) conch shell (used formerly for calling people to arms)

amun bisu dumb ana ibu mother 2

saudari ibu sister of mother

Anaenaen Kowaisaei pesisir Anaenaen Kowaisaei a 'habala' near Harapan

andaendae jongkok squating position

andale penyakit kulit karen a lama di air skin problems from being in water too long

andeu pohon kulit merah tree with red bark

andui cara menangkapan ikan, di mana seorang wanita duduk di atas bahu temannya yang lain fishing method, whereby one woman sits on another shoulders so the lower woman can catch fish in the weeds

ane .. bo .• (bu) mati lemas drown KAMENDAKE KOIJELE HIREIJELE BUNE YEWANEUBOKE. Buaya itu


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mati lemas di dalam air. The crocodile thrashed around and drowned (lit: ate water).

ane •• bo.. makan eat RAHE YAE AHAXONDE BAN? Apa yg akan kami makan? What are we going to eat.?

ane •• bi.. minum drink ANEISI! minumlab! drink!

anei - a boroi adat memberi hemboni kepada orang tua waktu anak perempuan sudah mulai menjadi ibu dan nanti ambil perempuan itu kepada rumahnya untuk periksa sifat. Bride price payment whereby a boy's parents go to the house of a girl's parents, pay some bride price beads, eat a meal together, and then take the girl home with them to get acquainted before she becomes the wife of their son.

aneifoyole pergi dari tengah ke arah luar sambil makan (babi) go from the center to an outward location while eating (pig) Iht jg: aneimaeyele, aneijele, aneiyole

aneijele pergi dari bawah ke atas sambil makan (babi) go from a low location to a higher one while eating (pig) Iht jg: aneimaeyele, aneifoyole, aneiyole

aneimaeyele pergi dari darat ke arah danau sambil makan (babi) go toward the water while

eating (pig) Ibt jg; aneijele, aneifoyole, aneiyole

aneiyole pergi dari atas ke bawah sambil makan (babi) go from a high location to a lower one while eating (pig) Ibt jg: aneijele, aneifoyole, aneimaeyele

angka •. bo.. gerek lobang di kayu atau ubi dibikin oleh serangga drill holes in wood or tubers from insects 0 NA KAMBURA AHGKAUBOKENE. I YAE BEUKOKE. Karena akarnya lapuk kayu itu terbakar. Because the root of the tree was bug eaten it was burned.

angkaa yobo .. N •• bo .• nasihati warn WEITASI KOYELENE AHGKA YOBONNEBOMBE. Karena dia selalu menyusahkan orang lain nasihatilah dia. He is always making life difficult for others so warn him.

angkaei telinga ear angkaei ani cuping

telinga earlobe angkaei kali bising dalam

telinga buzzing in ears NA RENERA AHGKAEI KALI KOLE. Sejak pagi hari telinganya berdengung. In the morning, his ears buzz.

angkaei koko tahi telinga ear wax

angkaei robe gendang pendengar inner ear

angkaisabu alat pencedok


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air dari daun nibun. dish for water, made from wa wood

angkangka kain pengangkat barang-barang panas (dari angkat-angkat) hot pads

angkangka (0) kayu busuk rotten wood

angkelung ketam, kepiting crab

angken ibu dari ibu mother's mother Iht jg: abu miyae

angken nuwei kursi chair

angkoi hungkoi lahap, rakus gluttonise, eat and drink continously YEl, MAEBULE MOLONE NEKEWEKE ANGKOI HUNGKOISE MO KOWEKAE YUN BAE MOHl BAN BULO BAN AERE BAN. Ketika jadi isteri kakekku, kau hanya melahap saja, tidak mempunyai sesuatupun yg beharga di kepalamuJ When you were the wife of my grandfather did you just gluttonise and not learn anything important, any spells.

ani buah-buahan dari kebun, mentah atau masak produce from garden, ripe or unripe

ani era umbi-umbian tuber (classifer) Iht jg: faeyoko, fam, hekei, hoyombi, mali, ningkei, yara

anokon buah matoa yg hijau green matoa fruit

anuwau tempat place Iht jg: a

ara nene teriak nyaring

loud cry KS: a yan bu yan

arai bapak father 2 suami kakak atau adik perempuan ibunya mother's sister's husband (older or younger)

arai sena bapak kekal everlasting father

arile .. hi.. kumpul gather together NEYAE RO MIYAE MBEMBA ARILEMIHIKE HAMBAYAN HENGKELEN RAISlKATE. Dia mengumpulkan beberapa orang, dan mulai sembahyang. He gathered several people together and began having worship services.

arokou bunga (tidak menjadi buah) flower (does not produce fruit) Iht jg: kui

asasi ko .. ko.. lewati, langkahi step across UWA RANDA ASASI KOUKOKE. Melewati tubuh seseorang He stepped across a body. 2 langgar violate ELENDEKOKE ABE ASASI KOUKOKE Mengingkari janji yang telah kami berdua tetapkan. He broke an agreement the two of us had made.

Asei [Ase'i) sebuah kampung di Sent ani timur, de kat Ayapo eastern Sentani village near Ayapo

asun ular besar python au antung heart au kapur lime 2

tempat kapur gourd


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used for holding lime au layar sail au •. bo .• (ren) dayung

(men) row regular stroke REN A AWEKETE MO, ALU RAWEUBOKE. sesudah mereka berdayung sedikit, angin mulai bertiup After they had rowed a while, the wind started to blow. KS: awe .. bo .. Iht jg: file .. N .. ha .. , rano .. , buhee hale ..

au .. bo.. Iht jg: awe .. bo ..

au .. N •• bo •• around tree)

lingkar wind (as vines on a NIBINE WOKATE

HONOLE HA YAE ORORE AUNGEBOKE. Tali yang di jalanan melingkari kakinya. A rope that had been discarded on the path wrapped around his feet.

au .• N •• ko.. Iht jg: awe .. N •. ko ..

aubahe (aye) (Ajau) burung hantu (Ninox rufa) rufous owl (NinoK rufa) KS: aye aufokaa

aufokaa (aye) (Buyo Besar) burung hantu (Ninox rufa) rufous owl (NinoK rufa) KS: aubahe (aye)

aukaka ejekan criticism, sharp 2 pengehinaan mockery KS: a we-we

auma tumpukan tanah diatas kuburan mound of dirt on top of grave

auwaka mainan anak. Satu anak menutupi mata; yang lain bersembunyi dan bikin bunyi-

bunyian. Yang satunya harus beritahukan siapa yg bikin bunyi. game for children. One covers eyes, others hide and make noises. The one with eyes covered guesses who is making which noise.

awau kakak atau adik laki-laki ibu mother's older or younger brother

awe .• bo. • kupas peel KANDEl MBAISE MO ROWELE, AWEIBOYELE, MALEU-MALEUFERE ANELE. Kandei ambil satu [pisang), mengupasnya, dan memakannya pel an­pelan. Kandei took just one {banana], peeled it, and slowly ate it.

awe .. ko .. around

lilit wrap HA NINGKEISE

EN NORE AWEUNGEKOKE. Sulur rumput liar itu melilit pad a pohon pisang. The sweet potato vine wrapped around the banana tree.

awe •. N •• ho.. ganggu bother

awe .. N .. ko.. ikat dengan banyak sosok tie with multiple loops BULAERENGKONDE BELENE HA FOI YAE AWEUNGEKOKE. Supaya tidak terlapas ia mengikatnya dengan baik. So he doesn't get untied, hogtie him very well.

aweiso-aweiso ganggu bother often

aweiso-aweiso kaitkan unopinionated NAEI A MO ELEI, HIWA YO NAEI A


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BELE MO AWEISO-AWEISO IKOWOLE. 1a tidak mengungkapkan isihatinya saja, tetapi mengaitkan pembicaraan orang lain. He would not say anything himself but would go along with what other people said.

ayau anak laki-laki saudari bapak father's sister's son Iht jg: royau

ayaye [ayaye'] tempat sempit narrow place (inside a canoe, partially closed door) HAUMABONDE KAI l-1AINYOKE ERALE AYAYE HELENE EHAWEIBOI. Perahu yg kami mau tumpangi terlalu sempit sehingga kami tidak dapat menumpang. I saw the perahu that had come was very narrow so we didn't use it. Iht jg: ai-ai

aye burung, unggas birds, flying insects 2 hantu dari orang yang mati tidak wajar (kecelakaan) spirit of someone who died of unnatural causes

aye rebali burung tahun2 (Rhyticeros plicatus) Blyth's Hornbill (Rhyticeros plicatus)

ayam bumbung kupu-kupu butterfly

ayerengkonde kami/kita dua akan pergi lihat­lihat we two will go and look around for something RANGKELE YAE AYERENGKONDERE. Mari kita pergi

melihat-lihat bersama­sarna Let's go look around together. Iht jg: e .. ere ..

ba bekas luka scab KS: baya

baa tua (daun) old (leaves)

babili kayu besi iron wood

Babolongko narna asli Babrongko original name for Babrongko

bae kata ini mengurangi kejadian kata sebelumnya istimewa jarak waktu minimizer (It seems to have the effect of minimizing the extent of the preceding event. It often effects the time element.) EREWOLE BAE, NA BENE KAMENDAKE LOMBE YALE. Ketika melihat, di depan dia lihat buaya As he was looking around (a sort time), he saw a crocodile in front of him. MEKANDE BAE ISOUBE ERALE. Waktu kami datang, saya melihat pantai di depan saya. Just as we arrived, I saw a beach in front of me. Iht jg: wa, mo

baa nyanyian song 2 tari dance

baa hai-sai Orang yg mengangkat-angkat lagu­lagu singing the lead part in traditional music 2 pemimpin kor choir director

bae ko.. bernyanyi dengan gerakan lagu ad at singing traditional


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music with rhythmic motions

bae .• ho.. selesai finish NEBEl OYE ITALONE

BAIKOKE BAEFOKERA, FAMAI •.• Waktu kayu di api sudah selesai dibakar, Famai ••• When the sticks in the fire were finished burning, Famai •••

bae .• ko.. cari seek YE BELE BAEUKONDE! cari kayu api! Find some firewoodl

bae .• ko •. (me) hitung count

bae-bae tidak kuat, mudah bengkok turun not strong, will easily bend under pressure (bridges, branches) lht jg: baen-baen, mae­mae

baei ganti-ganti, trade, change NDA RAMBUN NEYAE IKEUFE BAElSE ROUKALE MALE. I have come to trade the things he gave me.

baeisehoke erewale penglihatan dalam mimpi, visi vision, to have a

baeiso-baeiso jatuh tiba­tiba, seperti jalanan, terperosok dropping off suddenly, like a path A NENERA MELENE, ORO BAElSO-BAElSO KOlMAEYELE. Karena ia melewati daerah rawa, ia selalu terperosok. Because he was crossing a swamp he kept falling in soft spots.

baeiso-baeiso (ubene) kehi1angan aka1 lose

your thoughts (because of trauma) NEBEl A HULUI MO WAINYENE UBENE BAElSO-BAElSO KOLE. Karena ia menerima teguran yang sarna, ia kehilangan akal. Because of what they said to him he lost his ability to think.

Baelowai Moko Ifar Gunung Ifar Mountain

baen •• N •• ha. • putar bend, turn YO NOBEUNGEKOKE MO NA KAI IMOLI BAENEUNGEHAKE. Setelah mendekat kampung ia memutar haluan perahunya. When he came close to the village he changed the course of the canoe.

baendo la1at fly Baendole Yomo Ujung ke

arah selatan Ifar Besar Point south of Ifar Besar, directly east of Puyo Besar

baengka tumbuhan sejenis rotan, dipakai orang untuk anak panah cane­like tree used for making arrows

baengkaei cahaya dari cirit bintang light from falling star

baengko kelihatan indah (bungga, dll) pretty to look at (flowers, neatly dressed person, clean village, etc)

baengko fere .. ha .. ke1ihatan indah beautiful (faces, trees, flowers, hand made articles) NDI



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sangat indab. That canoe they made is very pretty.

Baenjebei Yomo ujung yg paling selatian di pulau Kabeiterou south point of Kabeiterou Island

baere (oro) paha thigh baewi kencing atau bau

badan urine or body odor KS: marala

babe [babe'] alat rnernanjat pohon foot band for climbing trees

babe [babe'] debu dust babele menjadi gelap

become dark bai tupai pohon

squirrel, type of bai •• hi.. gantung hang

ROWEN MEl NDANE SAlMABINDERE. Bawalah ke sini supaya kita gantung. Bring it here so we can hang it up

baka bahu shoulder bako arnpas pinang chewed

betelnut Sakoi yaba

kampung east of paddy

lokasi dekat Netar point the Netar rice

bala saf, deret side by side line of people or objects, such as canoes lht jg: homo

bale.. jatuh fallout (many items) 0

MAENSAERA ISEUMIKOKENE ANE BALEKATE, Karena dahan itu patah, mereka jatuh ke tanah. Because the branch broke they fell down.

bale-bale segar fresh 2 baru recent

balo (aye) burung bangau

(Egretta intermedia) egret, white (Egretta intermedia)

Balwai daerah sebelah selatan Ayapo .area south of Ayapo in Nelebu (see map)

Balwai babala pesisir Balwai The straight stretch of shore in Balwai area

Balwai yomo tanjung Balwai Point on north end of Balwai habala

ban tidak, bukan not FAMAl YAE KELEWOUMILE MA BAN. ltu tidak sarna dengan apa yang diajarkan Famai. It was not like Famai's movement.

ban (olomali) akar tuba yang sudah dipakai untuk menangkap ikan used fish-stun roots KA EFAKOIBOl MONE OLOMALI BAN BELE YALENGKO .. Karena ikan tidak terapung gunakan akar tuba jg sudab dipakai. The fish are not coming to the surface so pound up a used fish killing root.

bangka kosong empty bara pohon sagu, sejenis

sago tree, medium sized, thorny, best for making sago flour 2 kue sagu yang dicampur kelapa sago cake rolled in coconut and eaten at parties

bara .. bo.. sandar, lean against, park along side KAlSA MEKATE BUNALORA BARAIBOKE, Perahu yg tumpangi merapat di jembatan.


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The canoe came and was parked by (leaned againB~J the back porch.

bara •• N .. bo. • tambah, tempel add to KAI HAEIKOKE ANANANE 0 HI YAE BARAINYEKOKE. Karena perahu yg dibuat itu rendah make mereka meoambahkaonya (menempel) dengan kayujpapan lain. Because the canoe they had made was not good enough they added ano~her board

baraka eawat loin cloth, made from bark

baukau kantong dibuat dari daun kelapa carry bag made from coconut leaves KS: kakali lht jg: bekangke, holoboi

bauwau luka, lama dan besar wound, big and old

baya KS:

bekas luka ba


be pinang betel nut be wajah face, front

ERA BULO HEKI KOKONE NA BE EREWANALE YANGKO­YANGKO YEUBOKE. Karena sakit lama wajahnya kelihatan pueat. Because he was sick a long time his face looked yellow. 2 dulu before in time BERE KANl BELE KELA BELENE EYAE RABO HALEWANDE. Dulu kita mempunyai harapan karena kita ada tanah. Before we had hope because we had land.

be bahe .. bo •. senja malam

night, almost be ban malu sekali shy

(bows his head so you can only see the top of his head and not his face)

be bule .• N .• bo .• memalingkan muka turn head away IKELE HELE KOWOUNGENE BE BULEUNGEBOKE, I a sangat marah sehingga memalingkan kepalanya He was very angry so he ~urned hiB head. 2 tolak reject NEBEl SULUI MO KOYELENE BE BULEUNGEBOKE. Karena kelakuannya tetap sarna, ia ditolak. Because he kept doing the same thing, he was rejec~ed.

be hau berani rampas brave to do bad things lht jg: rabule .. bo .. (be)

be hioe •. bo.. setuju agree NA HIBI MO RIWOUNGENE BE HlNEUNGEBOKE. Sebab terus-menerus ia memohon, keinginannya dikabulkan Because he kept asking he agreed. 2 hormati honor RIYANE NEKATE YORE BE HlNEUMlBOKERA MO EWEUFIKE. Ia memberi hormatjsalam kepada mereka yg sedang rapat, lalu ia memasuki gedung itu. When he had given honor to those meeting there he went in.

be hun ma hun diam karena marah silent because of anger

be ijokone ereyei


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bedakan, tidak impartial

be kale •. N .• ha •• beranikan make someone brave YO HI BELE HANDE ENAISONDERENE NAEBU YAE BE KALEUNGEHAKE, Kakeknya memberanikan dia untuk berkelahi dengan orang lain. Because they were going to war with another village his grandfather made him brave.

be lae wa lae durhaka disobedient

be mokoi rela adat memberi mas kawin kepada koselo perempuan bride price payment given personally to the girl's koselo before the yaka payment is made lht jg: yaka

be ne .. bo.. memimpin, merintis lead

be neiboi ro pemimpin, pelopor, perintis leader, one out in front lht jg: be yeiboi ro

be nulu kaca muka, cermin mirror

be rabule •. bo.. lht jg: rabule .. bo .• (be)

be rorole gelap, kira2 6.30 sore dark, around 6:30 p.m.

be yeboi ro pemimpin, pelopor, perintis leader, one out in front lht jg: be neiboi ro

be yomo ular, sejenis kecil yg tidak berbisa snake, non-poisonous, small. lht jg: uka ke, eki malilo

be yun be hebae perkasa

leader be [be'] •• bo.. hanyut

float in current NA KAI HA FOI YAE EMOLOISINYE BEUBOKE YAWEKE. Perahunya hanyut karena tali tidak diikat baik. Because the canoe was not tied properly it floated off.

be [be'] •• ho.. kembali return NEYAE FOI YEUBOKERA BEUFOKE AJAU YONE MEKE NEKEWOLE. Sesudah sehat, dia kembali tinggal di Ajau. When he was well, he returned to Ajau to live. KS: buke .. hi. .

be [be'] .. N •. ho .. kembalikan return something NA HOMSONI SU SANNE BAEUNGEBOKE. Ia mengembalikan mas kawin karena tidak bernilai. Because the brideprice was no good he returned it.

be [be'] .. N .. ko .. (rambun) tukar trade RAMBUN BENEIKONDERE A MBAINYE ELENEIKONDE. Untuk menukar barang harus ada persetujuan. To trade the things they will need to agree (both say the same thing).

be [be'] .. N .. ko .. (reufire)


balik (mem) turnover OBO WOKATE BU KUBA AKONDE MO REUFlRE BEUNGEBONDE. Daging babi yang direbus dalam belanga membalikkan

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setelah air mendidih. When the pork in the pot boils turned it over. KS: buke •• bo ..

be [be'] •• N •• nu. • dirikan men. stand something upright FENA NA BOMONE KAEUBONDE ELE IMAE RIBONE BEUNGENUNDE. Gaba-gaba eeikat itu harus kau angkat dan dirikan di balik rumah itu. You must carry the bundle of gaba gaba and install it (stand it upright) under the eves.

be •• [be'] jadi happen NEYAE HAMBAYANDE MOLOWOUMILE YO, FOI BEWATE. Mereka yg didoakan menjadi sehat. He prayed for them and they became well.

be •• ko •• [be' .. ko .. ] (fenaa) kupas kulit (gaba-gaba) peel (sago palm stem) FENAA NEHIRE NA KETEMBI BEIKOYATE. Kulit gaba­gaba mentah yg dikupas/dikuliti. They peel the skin from green sago stem.

bee [be'] dua (2) two (2 )

behalen hane •. ko.. lupa forget NA HOMO IKEUFEBE, BEHALEN HANEUFEKOKE NEBEl RORE EYEl. Dia menitip surat, tetapi saya lupa menyampaikan surat tersebut kepada orangnya. He gave me a letter, but I forgot to give it to the other

person. KS: ubene hane .. N .. ko.

behuwae henae.. malas lazy RAMBUNDE ROWENDERE UWAlNYELEBE BEHUWAE YAE EISENAEWOLE. Kalau disuruh untuk mengambil sesuatu, ia selalu malas melakukannya. They would tell him to bring something, but he was lazy.

bei solo wau folo [be'i solo wau folo] satu cara penangkapan ikan oleh wanita-wanita dengan mempergunakan bei (kantong) dan wau (jaring yg besar). fishing method, by women using large nets, called bei and wau. The women arrange themselves in two facing lines, and approach each other.

bei [be'i] piring makan umbian, dibikin dari daun kelapa plate for eating tubers, made from coconut leaves 2 bubu; jala ikan, dibuat dari daun kelapa fish net, made from coconut leaves

bei-bei [be'i-be'i] pulang pergi, bolak­balik come and go, come and go

beibo [be'ibo] kembalilah! balik! return! KS: Beiso! Bembo!

beinyaa makanan yang diberikan kepada pihak laki-laki sebagai mas kawin dari pihak wanita food given to the male


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clan in a bride price exchange

bekangke nokeng, ukuran sedang string bag, big KS: holoboi lht jg: baukau

bekelei kayu dari batang pinang bark of a bettlenut tree used for making arrowheads.

beko bako [be'ko bako] dosa sin 2 jahat evil

beko [be'ko] tidak baik, rusak, busuk bad KS: neban

bela-bela (ro) menjemur diri, mandi sinar matahari sun oneself (animate creature) BU KOUNGEBOKE ROUKE RO BELA-BELA HAUNGEBOKE. Setelah dimandikannya, ia menempatkan dipanas matahari He washed him off and laid him out to dry.

bele [be'le') .. bo.. cubit pinch ANE ELEWOTE HE NAUWA MENGKE1 JAE BELEUBOKE. Sementara berbicara (bertengkar) ia mencubitinya. When they were quarreling he pinched his body.

bele [bele'] dengan, lagi, serta, dan with, and

belene [bele'ne] supaya itu tidak jadi, supaya jangan so it doesn't happen

ben .• ho.. gelincir slip and fall KAN1 KALO­KALO RAN-RAN HONOLENE ORO BENDEHONDE BELENE FE YAE KALE. Saya takut tergelincir

karena tempatnya tidak rata. Because the ground was full -of holes, I was afraid of losing my footing.

ben-ben bengkak swellings on face or body

bena pertama first 2 sulung oldest 3 muka front

bena wanna (miyae) isteri yg pertama first wife

bene pikiran, pikir thought KS: ubene

beneku mas kawin warna putih (nokom, hawa, hefa) bride price articles, white nokom, hawa, or hefa

benen lagi, yg kedua again

bere dahulu kala before, in the old days BERE AE1 YOBE NAE1 KAMAHE NAE1 NA MALO BAN ORAYEKE. Waktu dahulu, nenek moyang kit a hidup tanpa pakaian. In the old days, our ancestors wore no clothes.

bere hale.. fokus, memusatkan focus, concentrate NA UBENE BERE HALEUNGEBOKE HULU1 MO NEKELE. 1a tetap pada apa yang dipusatkan oleh pikirannya (pendiriannya). He lives with his mind focused.

bere holo jadi duluan happen before something else happens

beu ujung yg runcing, puting end (pencil point, sharp end of an arrow, nipple) lht jg:


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huba beu (u mekai) malas lazy

beyoi muka, wajah face K5: be

bi rambut putih white hair 2 lumpur di bawah pohon sagu patch of mud under a sago tree

bi kumis moustache bihae empedu gall bim-bin tumpul, majal

dull KS: hun-sun bin bunyi benda yang

jatuh sound of something dropped

bo tulang bone bo saluran, got, parit

ditch bo bae-bae tulang rusuk

rib bo •• (rahuae) pukul hit

NDE YAE RAHUAE BOWOTE? Siapa yang memukul kamu? Who beat you up?

bo .. hi .. (imoli) kemudi steer

bo .. H •• hi.. (ebeli) doa pray KALIARE MOKOLERE EBELI BOISIYAHAE? Berdoakah engkau sebelum bekerja? Do you pray before you go to work?

bo-bo kuat, erat, ketat firm

bo-bo wabe.. umpan, perangsang bait (fish, girls) NA KENARE YOBOMBONDERE RAMBUN MAE BO-BO WABEUNGE. Untuk menarik hatinya ia menggunakan umpan. He used things that attract the heart to bait; her.

bohe .. bo.. bersihkan (kayu), kikis smooth

out (wood), with a plane, machete, etc. IJENDE ALONSANDERE REUFlRA BOHEUBOHDE. Supaya menjadi lurus bersihkan kayu itu dari sampingnya. In order to straighten out the edge plane it.

bohi setengah one half 2 bag ian, sepotong section YOKU KILl BAHE YAE WEUNGE: "ERANENDE UWANA WARE BOHI ROUFEMETE." Anjing Kili Bahe berkata kepadanya: "Bila ada makanan yg kumakan akan kubawa sebagian untukmu." Kili Bahe dog says to him, "Whatever food I will get to eat I will give you a portion."

bohira-bohira dari ujung dan pangkalnya from end to end

boi-boi bandingkan compare NAEINYA A ELEUKOKE BELE RAEI ISAEISE NEKALE ABELE BOI-BOI BANALE. Saya bandingkan apa yang ia katakan dengan pikiranku. I am comparing what he said with what I know.

bokela ginjal kidney boli kubangan puddle bolo .. H .. hi.. nyala


light a fire YE YAE NEWENDE MO I KEBEUFOKE MAWEUNGEHINDE BOLONSINDE. Dengan menggunakan kayu bakar api yang padam akan nyala kembali. When

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you have added wood, a dampened fire can be blown on and lighted. 2 semarak, seri radiate splendor OFAE KAEMAE YAE RILEUBOKE UWA BOLOUNGEBlKE, Ia merias dirinya dengan dedaunan eehingga semarak. He was decorated with leaves and looked splendid.

bolu kikir stingy KS: bolu kelen, bolu nalun 2 bibit seedling for transplanting KS: ansi, nu

bolu-bolu Umbi yg masih muda atau terlau tua, sehingga mubazir. Food that if it has hard spots in it it can make you sick.

bomekon (aye) burung rajawali (Harpyoysis Novae Guineae) New Guinea harpy-eagle (Harpyoysis Novae Guineae)

bomo ikatan (i.e. kayu api) bundle (i.e. firewood)

bomolo .• hi.. kumpul (e.g. kayu api) gather a bundle (e.g. ikatan firewood, sugarcane) YE RIYANE KOLOREKONDERA BOMOLOREHINDE. Kayu bakar dikumpulkan kemudian saya ikat. After I have depositied the firewood I will bundle it.


Karena saya rindu padanya saya memeluk dia waktu dia pulang. Because I longed for him, when he came I hugged him. KS: ae .. N •• hOe

bondelin angin keras, tanpa gelombang wind, very strong, that makes no waves

boro kuah sauce boro •• bo. . dengar hear

AJAU BOROWATE UNG KATE. Orang Ajau mendengarnya dan menunjukkan sikap tidak setuju. Ajau heard about it and disagreed.

bou (aye) burung beo black parrot

boye angin, bayu wind bu air water bu ane .. bo.. mati lemas

drown bu baembaem ganggang

hijau di danau algae in lake water

bu baembaem ma hijau green

bu baengka-baengka tumbuhan di pinggir danau, sejenis gelagah Trees that look like 'baengke' but really are not. They grow along the water and are not as strong as baengke.

bu fale ka fale nelayan, pencari ikan (istilah lama) an old term used for western Sentanis because they were considered people who could only fish and not do much else

bu habala pesisir water near the lake shore

bu haei tepi laut, pantai


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water's edge (either in or out)

bu haei yau faei pesisir laut shore

bu haengkare nake •. ko •• lompat ke dalam air jump in water and make a big splash NEYAE BU HAENGKARE NAKENGKONDERE. D ia ingin melompat ke dalam air. He wants to jump in the water with a big splash.

bu hi wa hi eantik (luar biasa) beautifu (unusually) 2 lain different KS: rna hi

bu hiho eaear air itch (type of) from the water.

bu hilo .• N .. bo. • tetap sarna, tak dapat dirubah remains the same (e.g. people, natural phenomena) U MEKA1 SEKORE BU BILOUNGEBOKENE A USAE1 WEYANNELE AN. 1a ditakdir untuk berbuat jahat, nasihat kami tak dapat dihiraukannya. Because his bad character stayed the same, we talked to him, but nothing happened.

bu hingkoi pelampung, seman boat bailor (often the triangular shaped stem of a big leaf)

bu horo air putih, air tawar plain drinking water

bu huke •. bo.. meneuei, barang lain dari sendiri wash, scrub something besides self RAE1 MALO H1RALE MANA

NARE BU HUKEUKOKALE. Pakaian yang saya pakai baru saja dieucinya. I washed. the clothes I am now wearing.

bu kala-kala tenang, teduh calm

Bu Kiki saluran keeil diantara pulau Masolo dan kedaratan small narrow channel between Masolo island and the mainland

bu ko.. mandi diri bathe self KOTARE ENDERENE BU KOUBOKE. 1 a maDdi karen a ia mau ke kota. Because he's going to town, he bathed.

bu kuba ako.. mendidih air boil water KS: bu malo .•

bu ma euaea weather bu mandou orang yang suka

mandi terus people who spend a lot of time in the water

bu melen sejenis ular air, hitam. Tidak berbisa. snake, big black water. Not poisonous.

bu molo.. didih boil YE NAHISI MO HlRATENE HAS ALE HELE BU MOLOLE. Karena kayu bakar yang terus menerus memanaskan api, air pun meDdidih dengan segera. Because the firewood is continuously added, the water boils quickly. KS: bu koba aka ..

bu mOD a mOD bag ian yg lepas bebas di danau wide open area in the lake where there are no houses lht jg: imaeu ran


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bu naume air panas hot water

bu nime air dingin, sejuk cold water (from spring, stream

bu no sumber air spring of water

bu nuku air segar, air dingin hot water that has cooled off

bu ro a ro orang yang ketagihan kerja person who is always working

bu ufele air sedang pasang high tide KL: hama akelele 2 banjir yg meluap high water from a flood

bu waka kapal boat bu yae bu yae yaunge

cantik, ganteng, gagah pretty, handsome (people, plants) NDI MAENGKE BU YAE BU YAE YAUNG ENE" ME RAN U RAN KOYAINYE. Karena cantiknya gadis itu, ia sangat di senangi. Because that girl is very pretty, they like her very much.

Buai Beram bag ian timur danau Sentani old name for the southeast (carrot shaped) section of the lake controlled by Buai. 2 orang yg tinggal di bag ian timur danau sentani eastern Sentani people

bubu biji sukun, muda dan tidak dapat dimakan breadfruit seeds, young and inedible

bufakoloo [bu. fa koloo] tidak tahu asalnya a person who does not know his ancestry (lit: carried along by the

current) MEKE ANUWAU ONELENE NEBEl FA BUFAKOLO YA WAINYE. Oleh sebab ia tidak mengenali tempat asal maka ia dinamakan orang yg tidak mempunyai silsilah. Because he did not where he had come from they called this guy a guy who doesn't know his heritage.

buhae sakit pain RA IJOKO BUHAE NA BEKO HELE KALE! Mata saya sakit sekali! My eye feels awful! [is experiencing very bad pain] 2 hati liver

buhae bubae ko.. hati­hati careful ABE YARENAINYELE BELE ENDERE BUHAE-BUBAE KOLE. la sangat berhati-hati untuk pergi karen a takut dimarahi. So he would not be scolded when he went, he was very careful

buhae he .. N .. ko.. kasihi, sayang love HERENE NEKEIMEYELE WEYAE ELE BURAE HEUNGEKONDE. Karena ia dalam keadaan duka, nyatakanlah kasihmu kepadanya. Because he is morning a death, go and show him love.

buhae hoko .. N .. bo .. takut. kuatir fear, worry NEYAE BURAE HOKOUNGE, NEBEINYE NA MALEU-MALEU WAE YAUBOKE .. Karena


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takut, dia mengapung pelan-pelan .. He was afraid of it, so he floated very slowly .. lht jg: fe fae.

buhae hole he .. N.. sembah (raya, Allah) worship continuously (king, God) ALLAHRE RA1NYEBOKE YO YAE NARE BURAE BOLE NA HELE BENAINYELE. Mereka yang sudah mengenal Allah akan menyembahnya dengan sesungguhnya. Those who have known God will truely worship Him.

buhae osaeiboi masih takut (hati belum tenang) still afraid (liver still not at peace NA M01SA MO HEBAELAETENE BUHAE OSAEIBOI KOLE. Karena dikejar terus maka hatinya tidak tenang. Because he was being chased he was afraid.

buhae yaro .. bo.. takut sekali fear (something) very much ENAELO EREUNGENE BUHAE YAROIBOYOUNGE. 1a takut sekali karena melihat hantu Because he saw a ghost he was very frightened. 2 tidak tenang, gelisah be uneasy BURAE YAROI BOYOUNGENE ANGKENDE AFAERE 1KOWOLE. 1a gelisah karen a terlalu takut. Because he was uneasy he kept getting up from his chair.

buhe •• ko.. elak, mengelak

ward off RUKA UKERE UWA BUHEUNGEKOKE, 1a mengelaki lemparan batu itu. He warded off the stone thrown at him.

buhee [buhe'e'] percik, percikan airbourne water (bailed, thrown from a paddle, etc)

buhee [buhe'e'] hale •• sibak (men-) air row a special way Iht jg: rano .• , file .. ha .•

buhi hujan rintik drizzle 2 biji di badan spots on body 3 para-para terrace

buhi-buhi macam-macam, berbeda-beda various (colors) KS: mahi­mahi, buna-buna

buhung pagar fence made in the water to indicate. no tresspassing in a cove lht jg: rabaa

buikai jarak ruang antara rumah-rumah, lowongan space between houses

bukalu manik-manik warna biru muda (nokom) bead, light blue nokom

buke .. hi.. kembali return, turn around NA M1YAE YAWOUNGEHOKERA, BUKEIBOKE AJAU YONE MEKE NEKEWOTE. Setelah isterinya dijemput dia kembali ke Ajau dengan isterinya menghuni disitu. After he got his wife, he returned to live at Ajau. KS: be .. ho ..

buke .. ko.. balik-balik turn over and over (as when frying food or cooking in coals)


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KANDEl U HALE ME HALE EWELEKOKE, lNYE EUFANEKOKE BUKEYEUMI. Dengan segera, Kandei memetik dan membakar buah-buah pisang itu, lalu membalik­balikannya. Kandei quickly picked (the bananas), put them in the fire and cooked them, turning them over and over. KS: be .. N •• ko.

buke •• N •• hi.. kembalikan return something NEBElNYE JAYAPURARE BUKAEIMIBlKE. Oleh karen a itu, mereka kembalikan dia ke Jayapura. Because of that, they returned him to Jayapura. KS: be .. N •• ho.

buke •• N •• ko .• (uma) ikat (rambut) kebelakang turn (hair) around NEBEl BUYO MOlFALE HOKOLO UMA BUKAIMIKOKE. Angkatan Moifale di Buyo semua mengikat rambut ke belakang. All the young people in the Moifale group tied their hair behind their heads.

bukeinyihi kembalikan (barang)! return (an irem), give back (imperative) 2 Balikkan arah (perahu)! Change the direction of a (canoe)! KS: beinyoho!

bukeisi kembali!i balik! go back, return ( imperative)

buki haus, dahaga thirsty

bukoba danau, air yg tergenang lake, puddle

bukou danau, kolam air yg dalam lake, puddle

bukun ikatan tali, simpul knot

bukuu air alur perahu wake (of a boat)

bula anting-anting earring

bulaeng cecak hijau, cecak pohon lizard, green

bulaeng kongkong kaki seribu, sejenis centipede

bulaere .• N .• bo. . buka tali, melepaskan untie

ENDERENE NA KAlNYA HA BULAEREUNGEBOKE. la melepaskan tali perahunya karena ia mau pergi. Because he was going to leave he untied his canoe.

bulaere •• N .. ha.. kembang bloom NA RENE HELE NDl 0 NA AROKOU BULAEREUNGEHAKE. Pagi sekali bunga itu berkembang. Very early in the morning that tree's flower bloomed.

bulau bersama-sama membuat, gotong-royong do together

bule .. bo.. tertukar substitue with inferior article

bule .. ha.. jatuh, roboh collapse ALU BONDlLlN ELAENE NDI 0 BULEUFAKE. Pohon itu tumbang karena angin kencang. Because of the strong wind the tree fell over.

bule .. ko .. sembunyikan


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korupsi hide corruption

bulei kuburan, makam grave

buleibo-aleibo eampur­baur, eampur aduk mixed up A ELATE BULEIBO-ALEIBO HUWATE. Berita itu simpang siur. What they were saying was all mixed up.

bulende pusar navel buli paling keeil (i.e.

jari kelingking) smallest (i.e. finger) 2 terakhir (i.e. pisang yang terakhir di sisir) last (i.e. last banana in a hand) NANE KEIJA BULINA, NEKE YOBOUBOKE. . Dia mengambil buah pisang keija yang terakhir •. He grabbed that last keija banana ...

bulii telentang lie on back 2 muda sekali (anak) very young (child) NA BERE FA MBAI HA BULII YAE •.. Seorang anak keeil biasanya telentang dulu ... First a very young child which is normally laid on its back •••

buloli jambu asam (pohon dan buah) Malay apple tree, one type. Fruit are sour.

Buloliyo-Faukiyo pulau keeil yang kosong di sebelah timur laut lfar Besar island north­east of Ifar Besar (Kabeitorou)

buloo hobatan, sihir spell (occultic)

buloo aere hobatan spell

buloo fela perang war buloo kelai fela kelai

taktik berperang, strategi war strategy

buloo yoku anjing yang dipakai untuk meneari babi pig hunting dogs

buloolo dukun shaman buloolo felalo pahlawan

perang dengan kekuatan magis warrior (with spells)

bulu lobang, liang hole bulu bae mau bae semaeam

nyanyian dalam kelompok sambil bergandengan tangan. sing while holding hands in a circle, with or without dancing

bulu-bulu berlubang, banyak lobang-lobang seperti pada jalanan atau kain full of holes (i.e. road, cloth)

bulu kai-kai celah crevice

buma langit sky KS: yaku 2 tinggi, atas high

buma buma ran dan limpah abundant

buma waka pesawat terbang airplane

buma yewa [buma ye'wa) sejenis ular yang hidup di atas pohon sagu brown, non-poisonous snake approximately 1 meter, that lives in sago trees KS: fa ijangko (Butali)

bumae banjir flood bumana di atas above

2 mahal expensive bumana ane hokoiboi mo

kiyae orang yg sakti,


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orang yg mampu person who can do spells from power above and below

bumoko danau, bagian tengah danau lake, center of lake KS: bukoba

bun-bun aneka ragam, macam-macam barang keci1 various kinds of small things (not people, animals, or houses)

buna ana di dusun dsb. countryside

buna-buna sarat, penuh muatan (perahu) fully loaded (canoe) 2 macam-macam various kinds

bunalo serambi di be1akang rumah porch at back of house

burai jumbai, rumbai, hiasan dari pakaian, noken d1l decorative fringe on clothes and bags, etc.

burau arau air di bawah rumah, seperti halaman air. water around a house, which is like a liquid yard.

burelen penyiar berita broadcaster of news

burengken sero fishing method whereby a maze structure to attract fish is surrounded by a fence, af~er ~he fish have come

buro tunas leaf shoot, new KS: onsi

buro kebun pohon ke1apa, sagu, dan pinang dekat air; dusun garden with coconuts, sago, and betelnut near the water

buro kela daerah subur di

hutan, baik untuk berkebun fertile virgin area, suitable for gardening

buru mata kayu knot in wood, tree 2 potong daging, yang dibagikan kepada orang di pesta bulau. meat cuts distributed at a clan feast (bulau)..

buru kara tepi gunung, dengan 1embah dan puncak ridge on mountain, with peaks and valleys KS: buru yoi

buruD bulun-bulun, gelembung besar bubbles, large, in water

buwa pegangan, tangkai handle

buyaka orang sentani Sentani people

buyaka Dau Orang Tobati, Enggros, Skou dan Nafri, yang tingga1 di sebelah timur dari Danau sentani, di pantai. Tobati, Enggros, Skou, and Nafri people who live east of Lake Sentani along the coast

Buyebei-Taijebei tanjung di sebe1ah timur 1aut Simporo, di mana terdapat banyak pohon sagu. poin~ nor~h-eas~

of Simp oro where there are many sago trees KS: bu yebei yomo

e.. pergi go YA MBA! MO EBl KANDElTE BOKORE EKE. Suatu hari, Ebi pergi kepada Kandei. One day, Ebi went to Kandei's place.

eba ge1ang yg dipakai


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untuk mas kawin dan bayar kepala bracelet used for bride and head prices

eba bu kapak batu warna biru tua stone axe, dark blue

eba he bele yo orang kaya, penting rich, important important people (lit: has a bracelet and stone axe)

Ebale Abar (kampung) old name for Abar village

ebe [e'be'] belanga pot for cooking

ebe [e'be'] bili-bili kuali parabolic clay pot

ebe [e'be'] ememe belanga tinggi tall cylindrical clay pot

ebeli doa, permintaan kepada orang yang tinggi kedudukannya request to person of higher status

ebeli bo •. N •• hi. • daa penuh dgn emasi pray with vigor

ebeu penyu, kura-kura hitam turtle, black

ebeu foro frambosia, sakit patek yaws

ebeu ha [ebeu fa] tali hutan pengikat kayu, rumah dand pagar kebun vine used in house building and making garden fences

ebeuwe haluan, muka perahu front of boat

ebi (aye) burung Centropus bernsteini (Centropus bernsteini) lesser black coucal bird (Centropus bernsteini)

ebi ken kecil, sedikit

tiny, little bit ebibi kecil sekali,

seperti nyamuk tiny (e.g. mosquitoes)

Ebuhu yo Kayu Pulau Kayu Pulau

ebui tali gantungan nokeng string for string bags from habolo tree

ebun selatan Ebaa Yo Nafri

south Nafri

ehe kotoran manusia/binatang dung

ehe bukulu beban yang berat burden 2 hukuman punishment

ehe [e'he'] ya yes ehekaei berat heavy ehekai (rami) ular

biludak maut (hitam berbintik putih), berbisa death adder (black with white spots)

ehe .• bo.. jadi berat heavy NA KAI EHEUBOKENE YOBOUBOKE ARE FELEUNGEHAKE. Karena perahunya terlalu berat, ia menariknya ke darat dan membalikkannya. Because the canoe was too heavy, he pulled it up on the shore and turned it over.

ehi karat rust ehu [e'hu] sisir pisang

bananas, a hand of 2 pecahan perahu, yang tua dan bekas a piece of canoe which is old and defective

ei dalam in NEYAE NAEI KAHILIRE NA KENA EISA BAE IKELE ... Dalam hatinya ia marah kepada temannya. He was


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feeling angry inside toward his friend.

ei pergilah! go! ei a •• H •• bo.. melindungi,

menemani protect, look after 2 sambut jemput welcome KS: ei hau •• N •• bo.

ei molo .. H •• bo. . sembah, pUJ~ worship, praise NA MEKAI JAE EI MOLOUHGEBOHDE. Kamu harus menyembah Dia dengan eara yg layak. Worship Him in a proper manner.

eibu rasa muntah, mual nauseous feeling 2 buah pertama fruit, first

eibure ane.. tahan endure RENIAI KOKO HIN MANSE EIBURE ANEYELE. Ia dapat menahan kedinginan sepanjang malam. He was able to withstand the cold all night long.

eije meije sifat suka memberi, dermawan philanthropist

eikibo ludah yang keluar dari eelah mulut, air liur saliva at side of mouth ANE EYELEWOLE EIKIBO RAN-DAN ETANEWOLE. Ketika ia berbieara, air liur selalu mengalir. When he talks, saliva comes out of his mouth.

einyo meinyo tubi-tubi consecutive action involving many people YOKO RORE ERAHUAE EINYO MEINYO KAINYE. Pencuri itu dipukul secara

bertubi-tubi. They whipped the thief for a long time.

eisako meisako gelepar flutter, squirm, twitch


KOWOLE. Sebelum meninggal, ia menggelepar When his death was ne~r, he started twitching. 2 saling membantu, toiong-menoiong help each other

eisi me~s~ ukuran tidak sama different heights and lengths NA MALO YAROUKOKE HUBA EISI MEISI MOLAIBOKE. Pakaian yang dibelinya ujungnya tidak rata. The clothes he bought were different sizes.

eisure meisure cari barang ke sana ke mari look for something here and there DASAR: hure .. ko ..

eituwe keIuarIah! get out! 2 jatuhIah! drop (dead)!

eiwela haiwala Iihat ke sana ke mari, sibuk menoleh look here and there, like a person hunting animals

eiwo meiwo ombang-ambing go up and down like floating on waves

ekaei belum pernah diangkat, tidak angkat never lifted KL: kae .. boo .

ekaemmae! Jangan angkat! Don't you all lift!

eki malilo (rami) ular yang hijau, kira-kira SO em panjang, kadang-


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kadang berbintik­bintik; biasa tinggal di pohon keeil. Anak­anak suka" main dengan ular ini. snake, green, sometimes spotted, around 50 cm long, non-poisonous; lives in short trees. Children play with them. KS: be yomo (rami)

ela jaring besar net, large, for catching fish 2 perburuan (babi hutan) hunt

elae kuat, keras power elae-haelae keras

berusaha, keras berjuang hard-working

elaekei kuat, keras (orang, kayu, sungai) strong, hard (people, wood, rivers)

elaere [e'laere] eyel jauhkan diri! get out of the way/ KS: felande yae

elala barang yang diisi melebihi tangled, because there's too mueh for the space

elale arah yang berlawanan current that is contrary to the direction of the boat

elan kulit skin ele pagar fenee ele mele melaneong he is

walking around ele moinya yo orang dari

luar people outside the clan

ele [e'le'] •• bo.. pilih choose RAMSUN HELEN HONATE REYAE MBAISE MO ELEREBONDE. Saya ingin memilih satu di antara sekian banyak. From all the things laying

there I will choose only one.

ele [e'le'] .. ho.. naik (tangga) go up (steps) KAI SUNALONE

BARARESONDE MO ELEREHONDE. Saya akan naik setelah saya tambatkan perahu. When I have stowed the canoe under the back porch I will go up (into the house).

ele. [e'le'] .N •• hi.. intai (meng-) peep, watch unseen

ele .• e.. bicara terus talk and talk A HUN ERAISINYA NA HIBI ELENONDE. Kalau tidak diisyaratkan untuk" berhenti, ia akan berbicara terus. If you don't forbid him, he will talk on and on.

ele .. ha.. angkat (barang besar) lift (big items) UWABE KAEI-KAEI ERARAE NA HULUI ELEREHANDE. Tubuhku keeil namun saya mampu mengangkatnya. You see my body is small, but I can lift it. KS: kae .. bo ..

ele .. ko.. bicara speak NAEI A FOI ELEKOKENE HAYAEINYEKOKE. Karena dia bicara baik, mereka lepaskan dia. Because he spoke well, they let him go.

elee suara keras, erang­erang, teriakan screams, moans, vocal production NEYAE ELEE FOMAI-FOMAI FOMAUNGE. Dia berteriak dengan


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suara keras. He uttered loud screams.

eleman lebih keras/kuat more than enough

elewa ganas (orang 'atau binatang) fierce (people or animals)

eli boho [e'li hoho] larang, pantang forbidden, taboo KS: era yili

eli [e'li] pohon enau yg tangkai daunnya dipakai untuk sapu sugar palm whose leaf is used to make brooms 2 sapu broom 3 pantang makan food forbidden by a taboo

elu gunung mountain elua-elua balas, saling

membalas disobedient emae [e'mae] tikus tanah,

tupai tanah rat, big ground

emaeho [e'maeho] kanguru keeil wallaby

emaeng [e'maeng] saudari keluarga dekat, sarna generasi (berlaku bagi laki-laki saja) close female relative of the same generation in family tree (for males only)

emale hamil pregnant Emaujebei Yaliyebei nama

tanjung di mana berpangkal arus yg kuat daerah Nelebu point where a stream empties into the lake in the Nelebu area

embei aiko angkuh arrogant

embei siki sombong proud

eme baru, masih utuh, belum dibuka new, intact, unopened

eme pohon dan buah matoa matoa tree and fruit

eme isolo raime isolo perahu besar dibikin dari perahu lain yang keeil, rakit canoe, large, made from other smaller canoes, raft

eme! kamu (banyak) pergi! you (pI) gol

emekai mempunyai lebih dari orang lain more than someone else (goods, love, etc) 2 hal yg baru (eeritra, sifat, bukan rambun) new (story, nature, not goods)

emembombe kalian akan masuk kedalam (rumah) you (plural) will go inside (the house ROMAU UFENNENDERA MAYAE EMEMBOMBE. Ketika saya membukakan pintu, barulah kamu akan masuk. When I open the door, you will go inside. lht jg: e .. e .. hi-/bo.

ememe benda yang masih bulat round

emerei emerei .. [e'me're'i e'me're' .. ] tambah2 terus menerus, melimpah-ruah keep adding and adding

emfaembombe mereka akan melarikan/luputkan diri they will escape lht j 9 : e .. f ae .. bo .

en [e'n] youme daun pisang yang kering banana leaves, dry

en(g) [e'n(g)] pisang banana

enaa raja hubungan keluarga istimewa dgn Ohei raja king with a special family


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connection with the Ohei king lht jg: maken, hila, ifale

enaa angin timur wind, east 2 arah timur easterly direction RO IFALE REUFIRA MIYAE ENAA REUFIRA. Laki-laki dari bag ian barat, wanita dari bag ian timur. Hen on the west, women on the east.

enaanaa gatal dalam deep inner itch

enaanaa molo •. N .. ko .. urut (meng) message the edge of a sore to ease the pain ORO KANGKING BUHAE KABAN KOLENE NA FA KAEI­KAEISE UKEUNGE ENAANAA MOLOUNGEKOKE. Karena luka di kakinya sakit sekali maka disuruhnya anaknya yg kecil mengurutnya. The sore on his foot hurt very badly so he told a small child to message the edge gently.

enaehu tato tattoo enaelo hantu ghost enaie' kayu putih dipakai

di bawah lantai wood, white, used for floor bearers 2 hiasan decorations 3 sirih, buah Piper betel, sirih fruit

ene [e'ne'] rai tempat di sekitar (halaman, dll), sekeliling outside edge (of crowd, field, etc. )

ene [e'ne'] pinggir (bukit, kayu, pisau) edge (hill, board,

knife) 2 sirip fin ene. [e'ne'] .N .• hi ..

miringkan, berat sebelah make aslant, off center RO MBAI NA KAl WANEI RANNE OWAKOUBOKE KAlKAl ENEUNGEHlKE OBULAEUKOKE. Karena menginjak pinggirnya perahu itu oleng dan terbalik. A man stepped on the edge of the perahu and it rolled and tipped over 2 rnenipu orang lain, tidak adil, curang witness falsely, unjust, dishonest, fraudulent NEYAE ENEMIHINDE. Dia akan menipu (orang lain). He will witness falsely.

enene [e'ne'ne'] perahu yang tak seimbang, oleng canoe that unstable, easily upset

eneu [e'ne'u] saudara keluarga dekat, generasi sama (berlaku bagi perurnpuan­perernpuan saja) male close relatives of same generation (for girls only)

eng ujung end of a log away from the roots 2 pucuk leaf/branch part of a tree

eng kombu [e'ng kombu 1 jantung pisang banana flower

engfaeu ehu [e'ngfaeu ehu] sisir pisang bananas, a hand

engko [e'ngko] anak perernpuan dari


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kakak/adik perempuan bapak (saudari sepupu), atau kakak/adik laki­laki ibu (saudara sepupu) daughter of father's sister or mother's brother

engkuku jelaga smoke dust ENGKUKU BELE ANUWAUNGE MALO HILOLE. Pakaian tergantung di tempat berjelaga. The clothes are hanging up in the smokey area.

era mungkin maybe MEYAE BEE ELEWONDE AEI BUYAKA BURE NOBEUNGEBOKE ERA Kami dua berkata mUDgkin danau ini hampir sarna seperti [Danau Sentanij ... We two were saying that maybe this lake would be like [Sentani Lake] ...

era makanan seperti ubi atau keladi, makanan pokok starch foods

era sakit sick WEYAE ERABE KOYAE? Apakah engkau sakit? Are you sick?

era benda things era (ani) hasil dari

kebun produce from garden

era bae padahal, akan tetapi whereas, and yet, even though, however

era bolu bibit tanaman plants that have barely sprouted

era buhi ni1ai keei1 worth little 2 barang lain other things

era hena adat, warisan nenek moyang customs, language, bride wealth,

etc. era hinoi 1awak joke era meyaka kematian

akibat keeelakaan yang tak diduga (keeelakaan mobil, mati lemas, dsb) death, sudden and violent (i.e. car wreck, drowning)

era moi-moi ro artist


era moi-moi uk iran carving

era yili tabu/larangan seeara takhyul (kawin, kematian karena sakit, bangun rumah, dsb). taboos for children, marriage, deaths due to sickness, housebuilding KS: eli hoho

era yo ani yo penghasil makanan, produsen gardeners

eraisi sului tidak bisa dipastikan, tidak bisa diukur can't be sure, can't be measured MENDE YA NAEISE REYAE ERAISI SULUI, Waktu pu1angnya saya tak bisa pastikan. I can't say exactly when he will come.

eraisi sului (rambun) tak bisa taruh, tak mungkin simpan can't put down NEBEl RAMBUN HDARE ERAISI SULUI. Benda itu tak mungkin ditaruh di sini. This stuff can't be put here.

eramai sejenis tumbuhan perusak tanaman, benalu a type of vine that wrecks plants

eraman makanan food KS: raman

ere .. bo .. lihat see YA


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HIRE MO ORAYENDE ERAYENDE. Kita berdua akan pergi melihat­lihat nanti suatu hari. We two will go have a look some other day.

ereiko rakeiko tunggu­menunggu wait and wait

NDA MON MEND ERE UKEUMENE MEYAE NARE EREIKO RAKEIKO KANNE. Katanya pada minggu ini ia mau datang, sehingga kami menunggynya terus. Because he told us he was going to come at this time we waited on him. Iht jg: ere •. rake ..

eremerele saya jalan­jalan saja I am just out walking Iht jg: e .. me •.

ereungemeke tunggu dia wait for him, look for him to come Iht jg: ere •. me .•

eubaeufoke selesai, habis he kept on until everything was finished

NEYAE NINAE HOWA EUMOLOUBOKE EUBAEFOKE. Ia makan sampai habis He kept eating greedily until it was all finished. Iht jg: e .. bae ..

eube haluan (kapal) bow, front (of boat)

eufaneukoke ia sudah pergi membakar he cooked NEYAE NANE ENDE INYE EUFANEUKOKE. Pisang itu dibakar di api He cooked the bananas in the fire. Iht jg: e .. hane ..

eufou mau •. bo.. tiup blow

eukileufoke ia sudah menyelam di air submerge, go under water YOKO RO HAWAISAKE BUNE EUKILEUFOKE. Pen cur i yg dikejar menyelam ke dalam air the hunted theif went under the water. Iht jg: e •• rile ..

eukiteke timbul, muncul, naik come/go up (over a period of time) ERAINYE BAE, NA HEKI BAN EUKITEKE. Sementara ia ditunggu, ia timbul pelan-pelan ke permukaan air While they were looking at him for a short time, he slowly rose to the surface. Iht jg: e .. kite ..

eukouke dia sudah pergi dan mengambil he went and took NEBEl KEIJA ANI KENDE MO EUKOUKE. Dia pergi mengambil pisang kecil itu. He went and took that small banana. Iht jg: e .. rou ..

eukuke dia sudah keluar he went out Iht jg: e .. ru ..

eumau kuap yawn eumokoubonde engkau akan

pergi dan melakukan you will go and make/do

WEYAE MAKEISE HEKE EUMOKOUBONDERE? Di manakah kamu akan membuat kebun Where are you going to make a garden? Iht jg: e .. moko ..

eungeneke ia masuk dan membaringkannya/menidur


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kannya he went and lay it down (put in horizontal position) NEYAE ISEN BULUNE EUHGEHEKE BEWOLE. Dia pergi dan aasukkan itu ke api He went and put it in the coals. lht jg: e .• ne ..

euwa mulut mouth lht jg: feng, isingkei

euwa bonei bibir mulut lips

euwa kaeu-kaeu mo kaeuwate heran, menganga surprised, agape

euwaeki air ludah saliva KS: eikibo

euweke (be) palingkan mUkanya turn his/her head NEBEl A UWAINYE KENA BANNE NA BE A HIRE YAE EUWEKE. Karena ia tak setuju nasihat orang, ia memalingkan mukanya. Because he did not like what they said he turned his head to indicate Lt.

eweufike dia sudah masuk he entered lht jg: e .. e .. hi. . /bo •.

eweukoke lebihi wealthier U MEKAI FOlSE NEBEl RO EWEUKOKE. Ia melebihi orang lain dalam hal kebajikan. In good character that man was better than anyone.

Ewi Nama teluk di daerah Nelebu A little cove north of Kabu in the Nelebu area

eyae [e'yae] kita we, incl

eyakoikoke Dua orang pergi turun Two people went and descended

HOKOLO BEE lMAERA EYAKOIKOKE. Dua orang itu turun dari rumah The two got out of the house. lht jg: e .. ako ..

eye pergilah! go, you! eyei5i masuklah! Silakan

masuk! enter! eyereikoke meyereikoke

mereka berdua sudah menyelidiki/mengobserva si he was looking here and there I JOKO EYEREIKOKE MEYEREIKOKE MO NEYAE HINEUNGE, ... Sesudah selidiki kemana-mana, dia bertanya, .• After looking all around, he asked, ... lht jg: e .. ere .. me .. ere ..

eyeuboke dua orang masuk two people enter lht jg: e .. e .. hi. ./bo .•

fa anak child fa bo.. heran surprise

EKATEBE FA YAE BATE. Mereka pergi, dan heran (melihat kebun mereka) They went, but they were very surprised (at what they saw).

fa bu yai-yai rahim, kandungan womb KS: fa roko

fae daun leaf fae kala-kala ma warna

coklat, sperti daun kering brown, like a dry leaf

fae yoko tal as gatal taro which makes the tongue itch

fae. (fe) takut (sebab orang mempunya wibawa) fear (toward a person with authority) NEBEIBE NEBEl RO BELE


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MIYAE BELE FE YAE FAEWOTE. Tetapi suami­isteri itu takut But that man and woman were afraid. 2 hormati honor, respect WALl HIRE FAEI HIRE FAEI NEKEMEMBE. Kamu harus saling menghargai satu sarna yg lain. You have to respec~ each other.

fae .. bo.. luput, elak, hindar escape from danger NA YOKEl YO NAEI MERA NEYAE FAEUBOKE. Ia telah luput dari tangan musuh-musuhnya. He escaped from his enemies.

fae .. N. • bubar, meninggalkan, pUlang. Subyek harus banyak orang. Situasi adalah banyak orang di rapat pulang ke kampung­kampung lain. return home. Subject must be plural, and refers to many people leaving one spot after a gathering, and spreading out in many directions to go to their different villages. KOI BAE MO KAIMEKATE NA YORE YANDE FAEWOUNGE. Sesudah selesai tarian, mereka pulang ke kampung­kampung. After the dancing was over, they re~urned home to their different villages in their canoes. KS: hani wani molo .. ko ..

fae-fae terlalu tipis (perahu, pendayung, dll) thin, very/too

(canoe, paddle, etc.) faeinyei. .bo •.

membersihkan clean awa.y, sweep up RO MIYAE MEt-rATERENE n'LAE HOUNGA RETARA FAEINYEIBO. Karena orang-orang mau datang, bersihkanlah kintal. Because people are coming, clean up the garbage around the house.

faeke [faeke'] sayur­sayuran dan ikan, yang dimasak/d-ibakar bersama-sama dalam daun vegetables and fish cooked together in a leaf

faelo manusia yg tidak mempunya sumbangsi apapun, orang pandit worthless person

faere pahit bitter faere .• ko.. pencar-pencar

(sperti minyak atau abu di atas air) spread out (like oil or ashes on water) RETARA IMAE HOUNGA HAYAEIKOKE FAEREUKOKE YAYATE. Semua sampah yg dibuang di halaman rumah terapung (berpancar­pancar) diatas air. The garbage around the house is spread all over.

faeu lidah tongue faeu kola-kola kata-kata

yg kurang dimengerti, yang dikatakan oleh orang sedang menghadapi maut. indicipherable words uttered by a dying person

faeu naenda-naenda gagap stutter


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faau-faau mentah, masih muda (buah yg) unripe

faijangko (rami) sejenis ular, kuning, bukan bahaya snake type, yellow, around one meter long, not dangerous KS: buma yew a

faka-fake kurang/setengah masak half-cooked

fako lumut moss fako •• bo.. timbul ke

permukaan air float to the surface KEWA NENAKE NALE FAKOUBOKERE MO ROUKATE KAN1NE A1MOLOFAKE. Jenazah ibu Kewa yang timbul ke parmukaan air dibawanya pulang, lalu dikuburkan. When Kewa's mother['s body] had floated to the surface, they took it and buried it in the ground.

fako •• ko.. tangkap (oleh cabang pohon) waktu jatuh, kandas caught (by a branch) in a fall, stranded HOB01SA RUKE MAENSAENE FAKOUKOKE. Waktu dia jatuh dia tersangkut pada cabang pohon. When he fell from the peak he caught on a branch.

fako-fako ringan sekali, benda yg bisa terapung light, very (i.e. canoe)

fa Ie gubuk, dangau garden house

fam siapu tuber (native with creeping unedible leaf system)

fangkengke ko.. heran

surprised A EME HELE BOROWOLE FANGKENGKE KOWOLE. 1a heran akan berita baru yg didengar. Because he heard something new he was surprized. KS: fangkengke yae boo

Faraka gunung dekat kampung Ayapo Ayapo mountain

faru tandang buah-buah cluster of fruit including the stems (matoa, manggo)

fau dataran flat land fau kaban lembah valley fau miyae menantu

perempuan daughter-in­law

fawe .. (onsi) tunas sprout BU N1ME NEMENE NEKATE NAH1B1 HELE ONSI FAUWATE. Karena sejuk, semua tanaman segera bertunas Everything stayed wet and the plants sprouted quickly.

fauman kurnis mustach fe takut, rnalu fear

BUNE MEUKUKE NA FERE EWOLE. 1a terjun ke dalam air dan berenang meluputkan dirinya. He fell into the water and out of fear (of drowning) started swimming.

fe bulu dubur, anus anus 2 gua cave 3

ternpat persernbunyian cache

fe fae. Iht jg: fae. (fe)

fe ko.. rnalu ashamed NAE1 A MO HUWATENE FE KOWOLE. Karena namanya


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terus rnenerus dibicarakan ia merasa malu. Because they kept talking about him he was ashamed.

fe kuinyei-kuinyei kui .• malu embarrassed RO MIYAE RANNE A YAREWAINYENE FE KUINTEI-KUINTEI KUINTEWOLE. Ia sangat malu karena ditegur di depan orang. Because they scolded him in front of people he was embarrassed.

fe maka •. ba. • malukan (me-) humiliate RO MIYAE BENE NA MOLORE FE MOKOUNGEBOKE. Ia memalukan suarninya di depan orang. In front of people she humiliated her husband.

fe waku ka.. dekam perasaan takut fearful

RENIAI NEMBAI EWOLENE FE WAKU KOWOLE. I a didekam perasaan takut karen a berjalan sendirian di waktu malam. Because he was going by himself at night he was fearful.

feisa luka di buah matoa split in a matoa fruit

fela pohon (sejenis) dipakai buat busur type of tree used for making bows KS: fela nana

fela anak panah, .senjata arrow

fela kase fela raufe kepala tentara army leader

fela menda senjata­senjata (anak panan dan

tombak) weapons (lit: arrows and spears)

fela nana pohon sejenis nibung, dipakai untuk buat busur panah type of tree used for making bows KS: fela

fela ai •• bo .• rele •• berperang make war, quarrel KANI HEE KENANE FELA OIBOYATE RELAEINYE. Mereka berperang karena persoalan batas tanah. They keep fighting over ·a border dispute.

fela andoi busur, pegangan saja, tanpa tali bow handle (not including the string)

fela raro •. ko. . perang, berperang make war MANEMFA BOROWANDE NEBEl YO BEE FELA ROROKOKATE. Baru-baru ini kami mendengar dua kampung itu berperang. We just heard those 2 villages are at war.

fela u busur bow (for use with arrows)

fela walo tali busur bowstring

fela yo pasukan soldier felaei .• hi.. cicipi, rasa

taste REYAE NEBEl OJO BORO FELAEIFlKALE. Saya mencicipi kuah ayam itu. I tasted the chicken soup.

felaei .• ka.. jilat lick OBO YU HOTENA YOKU YAE FELAEIKOKE. Lemak babi yg dipiring itu dijilat oleh anjing. The dogs licked up the pig grease in the pan.

felaele [felaele'] daging rambutan atau buah


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matoa flesh of a rambutan or matoa fruit

felan jauh far KS: ahau

felande yael jauhkan diri! get out of the way! KS: elaere eye!

felanna yo kerabat jauh distant relatives in the same clan KS: moinya yo felanna yo

fele keong, siput snail, small

fele bonsu tikus air muskrat

fele fale alat tangkap bia device shaped like a snow shoe, for catching, cleaning, and sorting snails

fele .• bo.. tutup cover NA UWA KABAN NANEMENE HIHO YAE FELEUNGEBOKE. Seluruh badannya tertutup kudis. His whole body was covered with sores.

fele •. ha.. menutup rapat (lantai) move two objects together to cover over a space between them. NEBEl FA NA ORO KERENSONDE SELENE NEBEl WA FELEUHGEHANDE. Rapatkan nibung lantai itu, agar kaki anak itu tidak terperosok. Move the flooring together so the child's foot won't go down through.

fele •• N .. ha. balik turn upside down NA KAI EHEUBOKENE YOBOUBOKE ARE FELEUHGEHAKE. Karena perahunya terlalu berat, ia menariknya ke darat dan

membalikkanoya. Because the canoe was too heavy, he pulled it up on the shore and turned it over.

fele-fele kecil, halus small

feli dahi, testa forehead

feli komaeu sakit kepala, pening headache

femae [fe'mae1 pemukul sagu sago pounder

femae [fe'mae] jambu, sejenis merah dan asam Malay apple type, long and dark red, sour

fen [fe'n1 paruh bill of a bird

fenaa gaba-gaba, pelepah sagu sago palm stem 2 dinding wall

feoae licin slippery KS: fenaekei

fenae-fenae licin sekali very slippery

fenaei .. hi.. gelincir smooth out OROWALE RAN YA YAE MOLOUKOKENE EKE FENAEYEUNGEHIKE RUKE. la tergelincir jatuh karen a jembatannya licin akibat hujan. Because it had been raining on the bridge, he slipped and fell.

fenan-fenan terlalu kenyang, kekenyangan overfull from eating NEBEl U FENAN-FENANNE HONOKE HONOKE WA NEBEISA ALOUNGEKOKE ...


Karena terlalu kenyang, ia tidur sebentar, kemudian ia berjalan lagi ... Because he was so full from eating, he slept for a while, then

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continued on .•• fenau bau amis smelly

(like fish) fenau (ka) belut keeil

eel, small fendei [fende'i] cecak

gecko fendai (fende'i] hako

tokek gecko (bigger, lives outside)

fendulum jamur sagu, eendawan sago refuse mushroom KS: okoo

feng moneong, eotok/paruh semua unggas snout, beak Iht jg: isingkei, euwa

fere saja, hanya, euma only HENGKELEN FERE NARE RANDEHIKE. Yang penting kita memulai pekerjaan ini saja. We only have to make a beginning (not finish it). KS: rna, ken

fere •• (kulun) bunyi peeah belah noise of something thin walled like an egg that could crack RAHE ERABE HELE BANGKA EINYE AIBOKATE? WENA KULUN YA MO FEREWOKE. Ada apa di dalam tempayan kosong itu? Kemarin berbunyi terus (bunyi peeah belah). What is in the clay pot? Yesterday it made a cracking noise all day long.

fere .. bo.. peeah, menetas crack (thin things), hatch (eggs) OIJO YA ME BEE RO RANNE RAREUFAKE HONOUKOKE MO FEREUBOKE. Telur-telur itu menetas setelah sepuluh hari ayam itu

mengeram. When the chicken had sat on her eggs for ten days, they hatched. Iht jg: kai .. ko ..

fere .. ha.. cut down the top edge of a canoe to make it slightly concave NEBEl KAlKAI WANEISA FERENANSANDERE KAlKAI UWA BELE YEMBONDE. He will trim down down the edge of the canoe to make it like a proper canoe.

fere .• H •. ko.. ganggu kandungan setelah hamil beberapa bulan disturb pregnancy in early months, causing bleeding FABE FEREUNGEKOKEBE HA RILELE. la mengalami perdarahan karen a mengalami gangguan kandungan setelah hamil beberapa bulan. She bled because her pregnancy had been disturbed.

fere-fere sibuk sekali busy, very KALIANE FERE-FERE YAEINYEKOKE MOKOLENE A WAINYEREBE EBEISOI. Karena terlalu asyik dengan pekerjaanya, ia tidak aku mereka yang menyapanya. Because he was very busy, he didn't turn his head when they talked to him.

feree-feree [fere'e'­fere'e'] kudis, bermaeam-maeam skin diseases of various kinds


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fereli lipas, kakarlak, kecoak, kepuyuk cockroach

fereyambi lemah sekali lazy, very

fete baka kulit bia snail shell

feu [fe'u] daging/isi sagu sago, unpounded 2 roti bread

feuma [fe'uma] pakis (sejenis) fern, young ones used for body decorations when dancing (not eaten)

feuma [fe'uma) kahili sahabat (dialek timur) friend (eastern dialect)

fi sagu sago fi hem ulat sago, sabeta

sago grub fi ho rumpun sagu clump

of sago trees fi kolei air sagu sagu

juice 2 warna ungu, getah yg menyertai pati sagu purple

fi mohi tepung sagu, pati sagu sago flour

fi naikoke sagu yang sudah ditokok sago which is pounded, but not yet washed

fi ndai bag ian daun sagu yg dipakai dengan filin sago leaf strip used formerly on the filin to hold the straining cloth

fi no pohon sagu, batang sagu, pokok sagu sago tree

fi ung dusun sagu sago patch

fi yambaei daun sagu, daun rumbia young sago leaves

fi yan daun sagu, daun rumbia sago leaves

file. (yu, fele) isap (meng-) suck on

file .. ha.. cungkil (batu, dll) pry loose (rocks, nails) ONGKI YAE ROWELE NDI RUKA FILEUNGEHANDE. Ambilah tongkat itu dan cungkilah batu itu. Get a strong stick and pry loose that rock.

file .. ko.. naik (kuda, mobil) ride (horse, car) HASALE YAE END ERE KOLENE BUMA KAISE FILEUKOKE OLE. Karena ia ingin ke sana dengan segera, ia naik pesawat terbang. Because he wanted to get there quickly, he rode on a plane.

file •• N •• ha. (oro) angkat dengan kaki pick up with your feet NAEKOLE ROI ANE RUKENE ORO YAE FILEUNGEHAKE. Ia mengangkat dengan kaki uang ayahnya yg terjatuh. His father's money dropped, so he picked it up with his feet.

file .. N •• ha. (rem) berdayung sambil menolak ombak row using hook stroke pushing outward Iht jg; ranD., awe., buhee hale.

fileuboke basah wet YA RUKA-RUKA HELE MOLOLENE NA MALO FILEUBOKE. Karena hujan lebat pakaiannya basah. Because it rained hard, his clothes were wet.

filin bulu lekukan


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pelapah sagu arch inside a sago stem 2 eara rnenangkap ikan yg rnernakai pelapa sagu fishing, using a sago leaf stem to attract the fish into the rounded out part and then catching them with a net

filin kili ular eoklat, SO em panjang, tidak berbahaya tetapi suka rnenggigit. (Lit.: filin = pelepah sagu; kili = bunyi eabang pohon dalarn angin.) snake, brown, 50 cm long, non­poisonous but vicious. (Lit.: fi1in = trough used for straining sago; ki1i = squeaking sound that a tree limb makes when it blows in the wind.) KS: filin kai-kai

filinna kainya anak sebaya (besar sarna) peer, person of same size, same class, etc. NA KULUN MBAINYA HONAIKOKE AERENA FILINNE KAINYE FAWEUKETE. Karena rnereka lahir pad a waktu yang sarna, rnereka rnenjadi teman sebaya. Because they were born around the same time, they became a peer group.

filinsaei penutup isi siput, snail membrane that acts as a covering on his "door".

findelau. bintang star fingki tebal thick fingki mangki KS:


fingki-fingki gernuk (pohon) fat (trees) KS: fingki rnangki Ibt jg: nuku-nuku

fa.. pergi ke seberang, rnenyeberang, rnelintas go across NEBEISA RO BELE MIYAE BELE NAEI JORE FOWOTE. Kernudian laki-laki dan perernpuan itu menyeberang (danau) ke karnpung rnereka. Then the man and woman went across (the lake) to their village.

fa .• hi.. jalar spread out from a central area

NAEI IMAE RANNE HA NINGKEI FOUKOKE. Tanarnan ubi itu menjalar di atas rurnahnya. His sweet potato vine is creeping up over his roof.

fa .• ka •. (baloboi) tenun (nokeng), rajut, sirat weave (nets, string bags) MENAKE HOLOBOI NEMEBE FOUKOKE. Ibu saya menenun sebuah noken yang baru. My mother wove a new string bag. KS: ha .. ko ..

fa-fa pendek, singkat, ringkas short KS: foken

fabiban tiga hari yang lalu three days ago

fai baik, selarnat good fai maka .. ka.. darnaikan

(rnen-) make peace MANA NINAE, FOI MOKOIKO! Cukup sekarang, berdamailah! Now this is enough, so make peace!

fai-fai fa. jalar


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slither, creep RAMI ORO BANNE KANI RANNE FOI-FOI FOYELE. Ular aerayap di atas tanah karena tidak mempunyai kaki. Because the snake doesn't have legs, he slithers along.

foijen lurus straight KS: ijen

foinye! Berangkatlah! Perintah kepada orang yang tinggal di arah jauh Go! Command to people who live far away NOA HEE YAE ORO MOLOIBO HILO NORORE FOINYE! Sekarang, berangkatlah ke arah selatan! Now, go to the south!

foisi-foisi ko.. tular jump from one place to another NOI ERA BULO FOISI-FOISI KOLENE UWA KAYE BELE HEBELE. Penyakitnya menular, jaga dirimu. Because this sickness is going around, watch yourself.

foisiyate (ka) tertangkap pada ekor atau sirip dalam jaring (ikan) caught by their tails or fins in the net (fish)

foisiyele (era bulo) tular/menular (penyakit) contagious (sickness)

foka bunyi dibikin oleh ikan waktu mereka memukul air dengan ekor noise fish make at night when slapping the water with their tails

foka buah hiasan decorative fruit

foka-foka ko. bunyi (benda, tempat) karena tidak padat sound made by beating on an instrument or place that's not solid

foke honole sesuatu yang ada disana one over there (the)

foken pendek short KS: fo-fo

fokoma topi hat KS: hokoma

folo pohon sagu yang besar, tanpa duri, baik untuk makan sago tree, big, no thorns, good for eating

folo .. bo.. potong, bagikan cut into pieces NEBEl OBO PENDETA SNEIDER BOKONE FOLOWATE. Mereka memotong babi di rumah Pendeta Sneider. They cut up the pig at Rev. Sneider's place.

fololo bau (baik atau kurang baik) smell (good or bad)

fololo kaei harum fragrant

foma mengkal, kelapa coconut, between young and old

foma. (ele) berteriak NEYAE ELE scream

FOMAI-FOMAI FOMAUNGE. Oia berteriak dengan nyaring. He screamed loudly.

foma .. N .• bo. . ringankan (me-) make lighter NA BAKANE RAMBUN NA HULUI FOMAUNGEBOKALE. Beban di pundaknya sudah kuringankan. I was able to make the load on my shoulders


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lighter. foma-foma ringan light

(weight) fomai-fomai nyaring

loud, loudly fomako paru-paru lungs fomene (nanemene) semua,

seluruh, segala all HAEISAEI AJAU FA FAEWOUNGELE HANEMENE FOMENE HAMBAYANDE. Haeisaei suku yang tersebar di Ajau semua pergi sembahyang. All the people who originated from the Haeisaei group at Ajau went to worship.

fona dua hari yg lalu two days ago

fonen pendek short (horizontal) KS: foken, fa-fa

fongka jeruk, sejenis yg dipakai untuk main bola lemon like fruit, used to play soccer

fonom belukar duri underbrush, thorny

forile .• H .. ko.. sebar, pencar spread out, like puzzle pieces NDA YORA NEKEWATEBE HUKAIMIHIKENE FORILEUNGEKOKE NEKEYATE. Mereka terpencar karen a di usir dari tempat ini. They were all spread out because they were chased from there.

foro kaeu lebar, bentuk perahu wide, canoe shaped

foro ufonde jalan tegak, bebas walk erect, freely BERE UWA EWEYEI NEKEWALE, NDA

HEE UWA FORO UFONDE ORORENDE. Dulu saya tidak bisa bebas, sekarang saya boleh berjalan bebas. Before I was hot free, now I walk erectly, freely.

foro wowonde buka lebar pry apart, widen KAI KAEU-KAEU NAEISEWANEI HERAWEUBONDE FORO WOWOHDE. Supaya perahu itu menjadi lebar, sisinya harus dibuka Iagi. In order for the canoe to be wide enough, the edges need to be pried apart.

fa to fae daun pembungkus sagu/papeda plant whose leaves· are used to wrap cold sago

fotowa tabu han wasp fou buah hiasan fruit,

decorative 2 kantung udara bladder (person or animal)

fou-fou gembung bloated fun u.. sesuatu bunyi

yang tiba-tiba (seperti anak panah dilepaskan dari busur) sudden noise (like when an arrow is released from a bow) NA FELA U RANGKE-RANGKE FUN UKE. Ada bunyi dari anak panah yg dilepaskan dari busurnya. There was the sound of a drawn arrow shot from a bow.

ha darah blood ha kei-kei ke.. peras

extort NAEI WALl RO


MIYAE NAEI HA KEI-KEISE MO KEYELE. Ia selalu hidup untuk memeras

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orang lain. He was continually extorting things from people.

ha •• bo •• (be) mamah pinang sampai menjadi merah chew betelnut until it becomes red NA BE KOBUNEUBOKE NA HEKI BAN MO BAUBOKE. la mengunyah pinang itu sampai merah. Not long after he began to chew on the betelnut, it became red.

ha .. bo.. (maengke ) kawinkan give in marriage NAEl MAENGKE MBAI NEKELEBE RONE BAUBOKE. Putrinya yang tunggal itu sudah dikawinkan. He gave his only daughter in marriage.

ha .• bo •• (malo) jahit sew MALO KAYEKOKEBE BAUKOKE. la menjahit pakaian yang koyak. She sewed the torn clothes.

ha •• bo •. (olon) tenun keranjang daun kelapa weave coconut leaf basket NOl RO NAEISAEl SELE OLON BAUBOKE. Orang itu tahu menenun keranjang. That person is skilled in making coconut leaf baskets.

ha .. N .• bo.. turunkan secara hati-hati lower carefully NEYAE BANEMlKONDE. Oia akan tempatkan mereka. He will place them down. KS: a •• bo .• Iht jg: kolo .. ko .. , ra .. hi ..

ha ningkeisa nama semua

tanaman menjalar vine, generic name

haa urat, pembuluhan darah vein

haa tali rope haba .• N .. bo. . bikin lemah

Make soft, tender 2 redahkan orang-orang quiet a quarreling crowd NEYAE HABAUMlBOKE. Oia meredahkan orang yang bertengkar mulut. He quieted the quarreling crowd.

haba-haba lembut, lemah soft, tender, kind NEBEl RO NA U MEKAl BABA-HABA HELE. Orang itu lembut wataknya. That person has a kind nature.

habala pantai, pesisir coastline, straight stretch 2 setengah panggang half roasted

habala.. dampar (men-) run ashore NANOOLO LAENE RAEl KAI BUHAEINYE MEKEHABALALE. Arus yg kuat menyebabkan perahuku terdampar. Because the current was strong my canoe ran ashore

habe .. N •. ha.. belok (mem­) turn, change course OHEI MIYAE YONI YONI KAI IMOLI YORE ALAIMIHAKEBE ROHABU NAEBULE A BOROKATENE KAI IMOLI OHaRE YAE HABEWATE. Haluan perahu wanita Ohei sudah ditujukan ke arah kampung, tetapi ketika mendengar suara kakek


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Rohabu, maka mereka mebelokkannya ke pantai. The Ohei women were headed ~oward the village, bu~ when they heard ~he voice of Rohabu's fa~her they turned toward shore.

habekai tembakau tobacco

habele [habele'] •. e .. lari ke arah run in a specific direction BABELEMAEYELE BAE, BUNE MEUKUKE NA FERE EWOLE. Karena takut ia berlari-lari dan terjun ke dalam air untuk meluputkan diri. In his fear, he ran into the water and went away.

habele [habele'] •• ko •• lari run lMAE I JAE BEWOLENE BABELEWATE. Mereka berlari karen a rumah terbakar. Because their house was on fire, they were running KS: haka .. bo ..

habele .. [habele'].N .. ko .. kejar chase EYAE BABELEMAKONDE lKlLEMAKONDE. Kita akan mengejar dan menangkapnya. We will chase ~hem and catch them.

habolo pohon melinjo, pohon dan buah melinjo/belinjo tree with edible nuts and leaves

habolo haka genemo (buah), melinjo (buah), Gnetum gnemon emping fruit

habu wadah yg dibikin

dari seludang nibung. container for water made from ~

hae garam salt hae (ka) ikan, nama

sejenis ikan; kandei besar fish, type of, big kandei

hae.. jaring (men-), dengan cara mengiring ikan ke jaring. Scooping up motion used in catching fish. Several people hold ends of the net and pull it up as fish come into it. NEBEl MANGKE BEE HEU ELA AlBOKETE, HEU ELANE HAElMEKE. Ke dua gadis itu menangkapi ikan dengan jaring. The two girls were throwing out their net and pulling it up again trying to catch fish.

hae .. bo.. bentak startle RAHENE WARE A ELAE

HAEUBOKETE? Mengapa'ia membentakmu7 Why were you star~led?

hae-hae (bu) dangkal, tohor, cetek shallow KS: haeijangka

haei ujung, tepi, pinggir (pohon, cabang, jalanan, waktu, dll) end point (tree, branch, road, time, etc.) KS: haeisaei (haei-haei) 2 janggut, cambang beard

haei puncak kepala back big rounded part of your head

haei-saei ujung benda panjang end of long articles 2 pinggir barang biasa (danau,


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rumah, gunung, dll) edge of regular articles (lakes, houses, mountains, etc)

baei-saei (a) terpencil. isolated KS: kou-kou 2 tepi jurang (atas) top edge of cliff

baei-saei (oro) ujung jari kaki jg kecil tip (of little toe)

baeijangka dangkal shallow KS: hae-hae bu

baembu orang kecil yang tinggal di gunung Cyclops. Mereka mempunyai dua jari kaki saja, dan mencuri makanan dari orang­orang yang tidur malam di gunung. small two­fingered people who live on Cyclops Mountain, and steal the food of anyone sleeping there at night

hafae koro kasihan what a pity! NA HIBI MO ERA BULO KOIMEYELE RAFAE KORO. Kasihan, ia terus menerus sakit. He is always sick, what a pity!

haha keras (makanan), liat, makanan berserat tough (food)

hahi peluk, rangkul embrace

bai .. bo.. lepaskan dari bungkusan release plural objects from a confined environment (hand full of rock, bundle of grass, bunch of trash, etc) NEBEl OYE ARILAISIKE IKOLAlBOKE lTALONE

RAIWATE. Benda yang dikumpulkan mereka lepaskan ke dalam api. They put the gathered sticks in the fire.

baL .N .. bo. - haye .• lepaskan (babi, orang, dll) release (pig, person, etc.) NEBEIBE NAEI A FOl ELEUKOKENE RAYAINYEKOKE. Tetapi karena dia bicara baik, mereka melepaskan dia But because he spoke well, they released him.

haka biji, besar seperti dari buah mangga seed, big like from a manggo Iht jg: ko, nu 2 buah pelir, testis testicle KS: kombo mahu

haka bo •• ko. . hambur, semai, tabur sow seed NEBEl HEKENE NDA HIYO HAKA BOKONDE. Bibit bayam ini akan disemaikan di kebun itu. Plant these bayam seeds in that garden.

haka ro.. kebirikan castrate NEBEl OBO HAKA ROUKAINYELE. Babi itu dikebirikan. That pig was castrated.



KITEUWEKE. Waktu penjaga menoleh ke tempat lain, ia berlari mendaki bukit. Seeing that the guards were looking elsewhere, he ran quickly up into the hills. KS: habele .. ko ..

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haka-haka rapuh, gampang rusak brittle 2 putus, mudah pecah, barang pecah-belah broken

hakala siput laut clam hakalu karang, batu

karang coral, reef hakalu (oro) mata kaki

ankle hakan tambal patch hake •• bo. • pukul sampai

hancur, banting smash by hitting forcefully YAUWAE NAEI AMIN BULORE BAKEUBOKE MOHl-MOHl KAMAl-KAMAl YAElBOKE. Alat pemberi tanda perang dari orang Yobe dipukul pada batu sehingga hancur berkeping-keping. He smashed Yobe's magic shells to pieces.

hake .• ko.. petik harvest FOKATE EKATE HEKERE

HABEKAI HAKAIKOKE. Setelah sampai di s~na mereka pergi ke kebun memetik daun tembakau. They came over to the garden and harvested the tobacco.

hako bunglon chameleon hako •. bo.. ikut, turut

follow KANDElSE WEUNGE, "HAKOISEBO ALEREI" Dia memanggil Kandei, "Ikut aku! Mari kita pergi!" He called to Kandei, "Follow me, let's gol" 2 tolong, bantu help BAKOREBOTE WEYAE RAHE YAE YEUFELE? Kalau saya menolong engkau, apa yang engkau akan berikan kepadaku? If I

help you, what will you give me?

hakowa .. terbatas limited A FAEU ELELE BUMAE MAE OKOI YAE, A BAKOWA BELE ELELE. Jangan terlalu lancang berbicara, batasilah pembicaraanmu. Don't talk a flood of words, limit what you say.

hala •• ko.. keluarkan air dari dalam perahu whisk water out of boat with your hands; spill water out of a container by shaking it

OMBOI KAI EINYA BALAUKOKENE, KAI FOMOUBOKE. Air dalam perahu sudah dikeluarkan sehingga perahu menjadi ringan If the canoe is bailed out, it is light. 2 meninggalkan fungsi kelompok (orang-orang) depart from a group function (many people) RIYANE NEKATE RO MIYAE NEMENE NINAE HALAUKOKE. Orang-orang yang mengikuti rapat sudah mening9alkan tempat rapat. All the people from the gathering have left. KS: hani wani molo .. ko, fae .. N ..

halaa-halaa pekerjaan yang belum rapi, membuat perahu, menyapu, dll. unfinished work, i.e. when making a canoe, sweeping, etc.

halaiko-halaiko waktu kosong (kampung, jalan, dll) deserted (village, road, etc.)


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hale. (hila rabo) percaya, yakin believe

MEYAE NARE MO RABO HALEYANENDE. KepadaNya saja kami percaya. In Him alone we believe.

hale •• bo.. asah, gosok, tajamkan (pensil, pisau, dll) grind down, rub, sharpen (pencils, knives, etc.) RAMENE ROWEl

HALEIBONE. Ambillah pisau itu dan tajamkanlah Take this knife and sharpen it. 2 gali dig 0 BOLURE MOLOUFANDE A BULU HALEIBO. Gali lubang dahulu sebelum menanam bibit itu. Dig a hole to plant the seeds. KS: wae .. bo •.

hale-hale cepat fast KS: me hale u hale

hama cadangan extra YO HAENIN HOLOKARE ELAE HELE KATENE, EYAE NANGKELE KOHALE HEE HIWA YO BAMARE BARAMAKONDE. Karena lawan kita sangat kuat, siapkan permain cadangan lebih pada saat melawan mereka. Because that other village plays very hard, when we play them we will take extra people along.

hama akelele [ake'le'le'] air surut tide, low 2 air surut karena musim kering water low from a drought KL: bu ufele

hama rake .. ha •. bersiap

menghadang, intai, menculik, menodong ready to attack (bows pulled, spears ready, etc) HEKE ELE MOINYE MO HAMA RAKAI SAKE HEBEWATE. Bersembunyi di luar pagar kebun, siap melakukan penyergapan. Outside the garden fence they waited in ambush.

hambala.. dampar (men-) run ashore NANboLO LAENE RAEI KAI BUHAEINYE HAMBALALE MENSAMBALANDE. Arus yg kuat menyebabkan perahuku akan mendampar. Because the current is strong my canoe will run ashore. KS: habalale

hambiki semangka, labu air watermelon 2 labu pumpkin

hambu wale ular hitam black snake

hambu yaka yo roh halus, mahluk dari dunia luar spiritual beings

hame .. N •• ko. . selidiki investigate RORE HAIBOKE ABE NEYAE NA IJENNE HAMEUNGEKOKE.


Kasus pembunuhan itu diselidikannya dengan sesungguhnya He investigated the murder justly. 2 bandingkan compare NAEINYA A BELE RAEINYA ABELE NANEMBAINYE HAMEUNGEKONDE. Ia membandingkao perkataanya dengan perkataanku. He

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compared my word with his word.

han kelahi (ber-) fight han oibo-oibo i ..

berkelahi, suka memulai suatu p~rkelahian fight NOI RO YAE MO BAN OIBO-OIBO IKOWOLE. Orang itu selalu memulai perkelahian. That man often starts fights.

han .• N.. temukan kembali barang find something lost MON MBAI BAEUNGEKOKERA BANGKEUNGELE. Setelah seminggu dicari kemudian ditemukan kembali. After looking for one week, he found it.

handa .. bo. . tak cakap/bodoh, tidak bisa belajar ignorant, unable to learn KELEYAINYE AN BANDAUBOKE NEKELE. Ia dibiarkan karena tak cakap walaupun diajar. They had no success in teaching him, so he remains ignorant.

handa-handa kaku, tidak trampil inept, doesn't do things properly even though he has been taught (can be from stupidity or rebellion)

KOLO RO MIYAE MEKATEBE NEBEl MIYAE U MEKAI HANDA-HANDANE RAMAN OMOKOIBOI. Travelers came but because the woman was inept she didn't fix them any food.

handele batu gosok stone

for rubbing hane •. bo. • bakar bake

ANI SELENA ROWELE MELE, INYE BANAKONDE. Kalau ada buah, bawa kemari supaya kita bakar. If there is fruit, bring it and we two will cook it.

hane .• ko .. (behalen) lupa forget NEYAE BEHALEN BANEUMIKOKE. Mereka sudah lupa hal itu. They forgot it. KS: ubene hane .. , ubene nunde ..

hangkei tajam sharp 2 galak fierce 3 pedis spicy hot

hangko ma a .. bo.. rakus sekali mencari barang, hasratkan barang, nafsu seek greedily to acquire, covet MIYAE HIRE HANGKO MA

AIBOYOLE. Ia sangat menginini istri orang lain. He wants someone else's wife very badly.

hangku pusing, pening dizzy (from illness, hunger, chewing bettlenut)

hani wani molo .. ko.. KS: fae .. N .. , hala .. ko ..

hara topang, kayu penada yang bercabang untuk menopang rumah, pohon dsb. stick, Y-shaped, prop for houses, papaya trees, etc.

hara .. N .• bo. . luruskan, mengarahkan (perahu, hidupan) steer, put back on course (canoes, lives) NA KAI AWEYATE IMOLI NOIRE YAE BARAUNGEBOKE. Haluan


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perahunya diarahkan ke sana When the canoe is moving, the one in the back steers it in the right direction. NA WALl FOI SELE BARAUNGEBOKE NEKELE. Ia telah meluruskan hidupnya. He has straightened out his life.

hara •• N .• bo. (ubene) maksud intend NEYAE UBENE BARAUNGEBOKE. Dia bermaksud (untuk berbuat) sesuatu. He intends (to do) something.

harambo lintah (darat) leech (land) Iht jg: kino

hare •• ko •• (re) tertawa laugh RERE BARENAIKONDERE WEUMI AN. 1a tak berdaya membuat mereka tertawa. He was not able to make them laugh.

hasai merah red hasaka dagu chin hasale cepat fast hato belalang

grasshopper KS: kesengki

hau kayu biasa dipakai untuk membuat perahu tree used for boat making 2 kotak kayu box made from wood

hau •• ha.. see hawe .. ha .. KS: yambe .. ho ..

hau •. bo.. Iht jg: hawe .. bo ..

hauboke (be) pinang yang sudah jadi merah karena dikunyah betelnut that has become red from chewing

haufau anuwau kantong

uang m~mey bag haungate (a) beri

pendapat give opinion haungate (ro) daftarkan

nama list names hawa manik-manik hijau,

mas kawin orang Sentani bead, green, used for bride wealth

hawa bu mas kawin warna hijau (nokom, hefa) pride price, green nokom or hefa

hawe .• bo. • muatkan teratur load in an orderly manner NEYAE KAI BEE HABEKAI BAWAIM1KOKE. Mereka memuatkan dua perahu penuh dengan tembakau They loaded two boats with tobacco. HOKOLO BEE KAI MBAISA BAWEIBOKE OROYEKE EREYEKE. Keduanya naik sebuah perahu sambil melihat-lihat. Those two got in a boat and went off to look around. Iht jg: ha .. N .. bo, kolo .. ko., hekele .. ko., a .. bo., mule .. bo.

hawe .. ha.. kejar chase YOKU HOBARE HAWEISAKE. Anjing itu mengejar kucing. The dog chased the cat KS: moisa habele ..

haye manik-manik kuning, kecil, mas kawin orang Sentani bead, yellow, small, used for bride wealth

haye .. bo.. Iht jg: haL .bo ..

he (aye) burung puyuh quail

he hebe •. bo.. tiba-tiba


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berhenti sejenak (waktu berdiri) stop and stand suddenly EKETE EKETE MO BE HEBEIBOKE. Setelah berjalan keduanya tiba-tiba berheDti sejeDak. While walking, they suddenly stopped and stood.

he [he') •• N •. ho.. tidak sengaja lupa memberikan apa2 forget to give someone something MERlNEUBOKENE HlWA BEUNGEBOKE. Karena terlalu sibuk, ia lupa (tidak seDgaja) untuk memberikaD sesuatu. Because he was too busy, he forgot to give something.

he [he') •. N •. ko.. (buhae) cinta/kasih love

he [he') •• bo •• (imae) bikin, dirikan build lMAERE BENAIBONDERE. Mereka mereDcaDakaD membuat rumah. They want to build a house.

he [he') .. bo .. (ya) hari mulai siang sun is full in the sky YA BEUMIBOKE NA YORE FAEWOUNGE. Waktu matahari terbit mereka masing-masing pulang ke kampung. When the sun came up they all went home.

he [he') •. ko.. hapus, gosok, kikis wipe up BU RlLEUBOKENE MALO YAE ROKE HEUKOKE. Karena air tumpuh, ia mengambil lap dan meDgeriDgkan Because some water was spilled,

he took a cloth and wiped it up. 2 gosok rub NA HEFA BURE YOLOMBONDERE RUKANE BEUKOKE. Kapak batu itu digosok pada batu supaya nilainya kentara. He rubbed the stone with a stone to determine its value.

he [he') •• Du.. hentikan stop NA KALlA MOKOWOLE HEUNGUKE. la berhenti dari pekerjaannya. He stopped working.

he [he'] .. (Dai) jual sell

hebakei yokoba Pulau lfar Besar Ifar Besar island

hebe [he'be') DO kapak batu, warna putih stone axe, white

hebe.. ada, untuk pohon, rumput, bunga, rumah, matahari, bintang, awan, dll. exist, tor a category which includes trees, grass, flowers, houses, sun, stars, and clouds. 0 HEBELE. Ada pohon. There is a tree.

hebe •. Du.. berdiri stand HEBEINYU! Berdirilah!

Stand upJ hee [he'] batas boundary


FAMAlTE AHUBA NDA BEENE. Inilah akhir ceritera Famai This is the end of Famai's story. 2 waktu time KAWARA MEUKUKE BEE NA MlYAE KAIMIYAE HEREKE. Waktu dia keluar penjara, isterinya, Kaimiyae, meninggal

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dunia. At the ~ime he came out of jail, his wife Kaimiyae died.

bee [be'] folaikoke peraturan yang sudah dibuat law has been set

bee [be'] ne .• ba .. hentikan (aksi orang, penyakit) stop (person's actions, sickness) NA HIBI ENATEREBE BEE HEUMlBAKE. Ia mengbentikan keberangkatan mereka walaupun mereka ingin melanjutkannya. They wanted to go but he s~opped them.

befa kapak batu axe, stone

bebe [be'he'] terang light

bebe [be'he'] bele garis­garis, bergaris striped KS: kuku bele

bebe [be'be'] bele terang-benderang clear

bebe [be'he'] ma warna mudah light color

bei-sei [be'ise'i] letak miring, kaki, badan, kayu, dll. leaning position

beke [be'ke'] kebun garden

bekei ubi, semacam; bentul, bete tuber, a type

bekele .. bo.. buka (tali, jahitan, dll), sobek, terlepas unravel (rope, seam, etc.) ORONE HABELEWOLE YAE NA MALO HA BEKELEKOKE. Sementara ia berlari,

jahitan pakaiannya terlepas. While he was running, a string on his clothes unraveled.

bekele •. ko.. lemparkan (banyak) throwaway, let go of (many items) YE ME MERINEYELENE BEKELEUKOKE. Karena ia tak mampu kayu api memegangnya,ia melemparkannya Because he was unable to hold it all the firewood he ~hrew it down. Ibt jg: ka .. N .. hi.

beki panjang, lama long time

belae [he'lae] bu percikan air splashed water KS: buhee

belaeba [he'laeba] bu manik-manik warna hijau (hawa) yang kurang baik beads, little green hawa, low quality

Belaei bu nama bag ian danau yang terletak di selat Buki Masolo dan Ayapo name of water between the narrow channel and Ayapo

helai sempe, tempat dari tanah liat, untuk bikin papeda clay dish used for making sago pudding

belai kondaeu tempayan kecil pot, clay, large enough to serve one person

belau •. N.. duduk di pundak put on shoulders (i.e. a child) FA KAEI-KAEI ETE ORO KEI-KEINYE BAKA RANNE HELAUKEUNGELE.


Anak kecil yang mendampinginya

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didudukannya di atas pundaknya oleh karen a letihnya. He put the child on his shoulders because his legs hurt.

helau •• N •• (walobo) ditunggang hantu possessed by an evil spirit AKELENE EKE YAE WALOBO NA UWA RANDA HELAUKEUNGELE. Ket ika ia berada di tempat yang sepi, ia ditunggangi oleh roh jahat As he was walking in the woods, an evil spirit attached itself to his body.

Hele Sere (nama lama kampung) Sere village (old name for)

hele sekali very hele (na) benar,

kebenaran true, truth hele [he'le'] tempayan

besar clay pot, large hele-hele [he'le'-he'le']

tipis thin KL: ruka­ruka

helee [hele'e'] bele ham bele tajam (barang) sharp (objects)

helen banyak many KL: kele name

helen-bolen banyak sekali very many

helu [he'lu] kelabang, lipan centipede

helu [he'lu] ehekai istilah umum bagi semua binatang menjalar yang berbisa generic name for all poisonous snakes and worms

hem [he'm] ulat worm hembae •• N •• ko .• (ya)

berhenti (hujan), keringkan stop (rain), dry off (wet clothes, body, etc) YA

HEMBAEUNGEKOKE, NA BU BELE KALAUNGEBOKE. Hujan telah berhenti dan lautpun teduh. The rain stopped and the lake became calm.

hemboni mau rela mau mas kawin diberi kepada bapak perempuan sebagai tanda pesta perkawinan selesai Bride price payment given to the girl's father to indicate the bride price party is finished.

hemboni rela kayaan (ke-) wealth

hemboni [he'mboni] -homboni manik-manik, mas kawin bride wealth

hemboni [he'mboni] kui-kui alat tar ian, bikin bunyi waktu bergerik­gerak string of beads used to make noise when dancing 2 kalung, manik-manik kecil/halus necklace

hemburui jerawat pimple heme simpul pad a ujung

jaring end of a fishing net

hemabon rahang, atas dan bawah jawbones, upper and lower

hemele •. ko.. kaku, kejang be stiff-jointed AHAU FELE EWANDENE ORO HEMELEUKOKE. Karena jauh berjalan, kaki kami menjadi kaku. Because we had walked a long distance, our legs became stiff.

hen-sen pelan-pelan (jalan) slowly (walk) KS: maleu-maleu


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hen-sen wa alat penampung untuk tepung sago dibuat dari daun mayang nibung. container made from ~ tree leaves, used for carrying sago flour

hena tua, dari nenek moyang, kekal old, from generations past 2 hutan rimba uninhabited jungle Iht jg: akela

hena .• bo.. matang, jadi dewasa (orang, binatang, buah-buahan) mature (people, animals, food) NA BERE ARE AFAEUFE KOBU NEKEWOLE NDA HEE ARE HENAUBOKE ELELE. Dahulu ia bodoh berbicara sekarang becaranya fasih sekali. Previously he talked ignorantly, now he talks like an adult.

hena-bona abadi, tahan lama durable, not easily destroyed

henae •• (behuwae) jadi malas, enggan, tidak mau be lazy ENDERE WANNE BE BEHUWAE HENAENELE. 1a enggan pergi, walaupun kita menyuruhnya. We told him to go bu he is lazy.

henafeu pakis besar tree fern

henahin pohon tree with leaves like a mangkali plant

henai-henai lambat bertumbuh, kerdil slow in growing or maturing, stunted 0 YAE

AYE1NYEKOKENE HENA1-BENAl HENANEYELE. Karena tertutup tumbuhan lain, maka tanaman itu kerdil. Because it was crowded by trees the plant was stunted.

hendai [he'ndai]-yauken bag ian yang lembut di kepala bayi baby'S soft spot in head 2 ubun-ubun crown of head

hendambo [he'ndambo] pohon besar yg tumbuh di pinggir danau dan berbuah buah berbentuk telur big tree which grows on the edge of the lake which has egg shaped Hfruit H

hene [he'ne'] sero-sero, sejenis fish trap; construction like a log cabin Iht jg: burengken

hen en [he'ne'n] tajam sharp (blade) KS: hangkei KL: hun-sun, yu-yu

henengkaei [he'ne'ngkaei) tajam sekali sharp, very

heng pelepa triangular shaped base of a coconut leaf system

hengka alat bakar sagu dibuat dari tanah liat, cetakan sagu pot, clay, square shaped

hengkaendu [he'ngkaendu) nyamuk mosquito

hengkelen [he'ngkele'n] permulaan, pertama dalam waktu, mulai beginning, first in time NEYAE RO MIYAE MBEMBA AR1LEMIHlKE


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HAMBAYAN HENGKELEN RAISIKATE. Ia mengumpulkan beberapa orang dan mulai mengadakan ibadatr. He gathered several people together and had his first worship service. KL: ahummabonde

hengmala [he'ngmala] tapas kelapa cloth like flammable substance that grows at the root of a coconut leaf

heraa gigi teeth he rae [he'rae] .• N .• bo ..

bubarkan chase away NEYAE HERAEYEWOUMI. Ia membubarkan mereka. He was chasing them.

heraei [he'raei] •. bo .• hambur, sebar sow, spread around, toss away from self 0 FAE REU HAKA ROWEYELE NA HEKENE HERAEIBOYELE. Sayur bayam itu disebarkan dalam kebunnya. He takes bay am seeds and spreads them around in his garden.

heraeye .. bo.. jatuh, mematahkan, dan berpencar-pencar fall down, break open, and spread contents FENAEYEUNGEHIKENE NA MENE RAMBUN HERAEYEUBOKE. Karena tergelincir barang yg ditangannya semua jatuh dan berhamburan. Because the things in his hand were slippery they fell out and spread allover.

Heram Sent ani timur

(daerah) Old name for the Ayapo . Asei area

herambo lintah warna putih leech, white

herau .. bo. . dorong kebawah, diinjak push down FAKOUBOKE YAWOLENE ORO YAE HERAWEUNGEBOKE. Karena benda itu terapung, ia menekan dengan kakinya ke bawah. Because the thing was floating, he pushed it down with his foot.

herau .• bo .. (kena) menahan hati endure BEKO HELE KAINYEBE NEYAE KENAHERAUBOKE. Walaupun ia diperlakukan secara kejam tapi ia tahan. He was treated badly, but he endured.

here molo ro lupa (pe-) forgetful people

here no mayat, jenazah corpse

here [he' re '] u .. N •. bo .. hamburkan scatter out, send away Iht jg: he're' ware u .. N .. bo., he're' boo

here.. mati, meninggalkan dunia die NA MIYAE HEREKENE KENA BEKO HELE KOWOLE. Karena isterinya meninggal dunia, ia merasa sangat sedih. Because his wife died, he was very sad.

hereke mati dead herene neke .• me. . keadaan

duka, berkabung time of mourning

hese semut ant Iht jg: kandu, inyake, rolombaei, a bum-bun


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hese •• bo. • panaskan (makanan, air, orang) heat (food, water, people) ANEKONDERENA BESEIBO SA. Panaskan makanan itu kalau mau dimakan. If you want to eat, heac the food first.

hesele sekali, paling very lht jg: hele-hele

hesele (na) (lit. na hele sele) paling benar, benar sekali very true

Besulu Kwadeware dan Yakonde Kwadeware and Yakonde

hete .. N •• ko.. nubuatkan prophecy WALl EMAYARONDE NAEI A BETEUNGEKOKE. I a menubuatkan tentang keselamatan kita. He prophecied that we would have life. KS: a nule .. ko ..

heu [he'u) (ka) segala macam ikan fish (cl assif ier)

hi lain other YA HIRE, Hari lain ...

Anocher day ... hi tanda pecah, retak

crack (in canoe, glass)

hi bag ian bawah lantai dibikin dari batang nibung bearers made from wa wood

hi ban hae ban tidak ada sarna sekali, kosong nothing, empty

hi .. ko.. garuk scratch (an itch) YOKO-YOKO HUBANALENE HIYEKOKALE. Karena gatal, saya menggaruknya. Because

I was itchy, I scratched.

hibi (na) terus immediately BUMA KAISE AKANDEUKOKE MO NA BIBI MAEI RAMBUN-RAMBUN GEROBAKNE HAWAIKOKE. Sesudah karni tiba, mereka terus mernuat barang kami ke dalam gerobak. As soon as we arrived and got out, they immediately unloaded our baggage into the wheelbarrow.

hibo tahi, kotoran burung bird droppings 2 pohon yg berasal dari biji-biji dari kotoran burung trees that are started by seeds from bird droppings 3 hararn jadah illegitimate children

hibo .. ko.. cairjmeleleh melt I KELAEUNGE RAISIKENE HIBOKOKE. Benda itu mencair karena diletakkan di samping api. Beause it was placed near the fire, it melted.

hihae berita terkenal well-known news "secret" (eg. who is shacking up with whom)

hihi bo.. derap dalarn minyak goreng sizzle in oil MINYAK NAUME HELE YEUBOKENE BIBI BOLE. Minyak goreng itu terlalu panas sehingga berderap. Because the oil was very hot, it sizzled.

hiho kudis skin disease with little blisters

hikae katak, kodok frog


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hikali lurus straight KS: ijen

hikelaelo tar ian perang war dance

hiki waktu lama long time KS: heki

Hiki-Hiki Yokoba pulau di selatan Puyo Besar island south of Puyo Besar

hikin •• bo.. tekan, jepit, tindis press together ELAMAN NEUNGEHIKENE NEBEl ROMAU HIKlNEUBOKE. Oleh karena ia membanting pintu dengan keras, pintu itu melekat dan sui it dibuka. Because he slammed the door hard it stuck and was very hard to open.

hikin •• N •. ko.. pukul, memalu chop something supported by a perpendicular log NEBEl 0 FOFO YAE HIKINNEKONDE. Memalu dengan sepotong kayu yg pendek. Put a support under that log and chop it off. 2 pukuli (mem­) hit continuously NEBEl MEKAI MO KOYELENE ERAHUAE HIKINEUNGEKONDE BA. Karena kelakuannya itu, pukuli saya dia. Because he does that beat him awhile.

hiko .• bo.. berenang swim EMAEHO KILl BAHE

REUFINE FOIFIKOBOKE [FOI+HIKOBOKEj. Kanguru Kili Bahe sudah. berenang ke sebelah sana. The Kili Bahe kangaroo is swimming to the other side.

hila orang yang mernbalas kebaikan dengan kejahatan, nakal person who returns evil for good

hile •• bo. . diamkan quiet, calm down HILEIBO! Diamlah! Shut upJ

hile •• N .. ko. . melihat ke bawah look down at something below you HOKOLO BEE HILEINYEKOKE NINAE LONDE ... Mereka berdua melihatnya di bawah, lalu ..• The two them looked down at him and then ...

hili akau persembahan offering to a spirit (usually food). Today this term is used for a church offering. KS: akau

hili fae daun besar, merah, sudah dipakai untuk panggil hantu leaf, big, red, previously used for divining spirits KS: kaiwa fae

hilingka tempat keringkan ikan, dibuat dari kulit gaba-gaba mesh for a drying rack, made from sago stem skin

hila angin tenggara wind, southeast

hila raja hubungan keluarga istimewa dgn raja Ohei king with a special family connection with the Ohei king lht jg: maken, enaa, ifale

hila (ka) belut eel hilo.. gantung hang down



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eetandan pisang disana I see a stalk banana hanging

hilohin angin tenggara yang datang sebelum dinihari wind, southeast, that blows just before dawn

hiloi garpu papeda fork for sago

hiloi-siloi tangkai stem (generic)

himalo .• N •• bo .. meluruskan, saleh (kayu, kehidupan, dll) straighten out (timber, lives, etc.) A USAEl NA HIBI MO WANNEKOKENE NA. WALl BlMALOUNGEBOKE. Karena terus menerus ia dinasihati, kehidupannya sudah mulai lurus (baik). Because he was instructed continuously, his life straightened out.

himan anak panah arrow, barbed lht jg: fela

hin manse cuaca dingin cold weather lht jg: hilohin

hin .• bo.. lht jg: hine .. bo .•

hin-sin (a) tanyaan (per­) question

hina organ peraba pada ikan lele, udang, dll whiskers (catfish, lobsters, crayfish) lht jg: rena, fauman

hinaa-hinaa terakhir (dari keluarga, dll) last one left (in a family, litter, etc.) KS: hoi

hine .• bo. (be) lht jg: be hine .• bo ..

hine .• hi.. tanya, selidiki ask,

investigate NEYAE A BINAINYE WAINYE, "EBI, WEYAE RAHENE ELE KAENEYAE?" Mereka bertanya kepadanya: "Ebi, mengapa engkau berteriak begitu? They asked him, "Ebi, why are you screaming?"

hine.. selidiki study, investigate NEYAE HlNELE. Dia sedang menyelidiki. He is investigating.

hine .. N .. bo.. jolok, petik shake (fruit) down or knock down (with a stick) NEBEl a HAKA NIME BELE YEUBOKENE, BINEUNGEBOKE. Buah pohon yg masak itu di panennya dgn cara menggoncang-goncangkan batangnya. Because the fruit was ripe he picked it. (shook it down)

hingkelaeu apit kebetulan (seperti pada pintu mobil), sakit karena terjepit pinch or squeeze accidentally (as in a car door) FA KAEI-KAEI HlNGKELAEU BELENE, NEBEl WA RANDA ORO MALEU-MALEU ELE. Jalan perlan-pelan diatas lantai supaya badan anak kecil jangan terjepit. Walk carefully so the small child doesn't get pinched as the wa goes up and down.

hingkelaeu ile •. bo •. bersihkan kotoran clean buttocks after a


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bowel movement FA WAYEU KANDO BALEUBOKE MALO YAE BINGKELAEU ILEINYEBO. Bersihkanlah pantat bayi itu dgn popok. Clean the baby's botton with a cloth.

hingkoi pengapung/pelampung dari pelapa sagu floats made of sago palm leaf stems

hire .• bo.. angkat timbun stack with ends toward you 2 timba (beras, tanah, dll) scoop up (rice, snail shells, dirt, etc.) KAN1 NEUBOKEBE UKA1NYELE BlREUBOKE. 1a disuruh mengangkat (timba) tanah yg longsor itu. He was told to clean up (by scooping) the dirt from the landslide.

hire .• ha.. angkat pick up (with a tool) KAN1 R1YANA HONATE REM MAE BlREUFANDE. Onggokan tanah itu haruslah kau angkat dengan pendayungmu. Use a paddle to pick up the dirt.

hire .• ko •. (malo) kenakan pakaian clothe, dress oneself NA MALO NEME ROKA1NYELE BE UWANE BlREUKOKE. Ia mengenakan pakaian baru. He dressed himself in the new clothes.

hire •• N •. bo •. (u naume) sembuhkan dari kesakitan panas get

over a fever U NAUME WAHENARE HlRENSEBONDE. Demamakan hilang besok. The fever will heal in me (i.e. leave) tomorrow.

hiron kay a jaga, pelihara guard, look after

hiwa lain other lht jg: hi

hiyake (aye) burung cenderawasih (Paradisaea minor) lesser bird of paradise (Paradisaea minor)

hiyake walama pohon pala nutmeg tree

hiyau pinggul waist .hiyaunge (fa) sakit waktu

melahirkan labor pains NEYAE HAMBAYANDE

MOLOWOUM1LE ... M1YAE FA BIYAUNGE FA NENDON WANEN HONGWATE. 1a berdoa, dan perempuan yang sakit melahirkan dapat melahirkan dengan mudah. He prayed, and the women in labor pains gave birth with no problems at all.

hiyei rane .. bo.. ratakan (tanah, kayu, dll), memperhalus, merapikan smooth out, i.e. flatten land, plane wood, edit stories 2 rata-rata flat

hiyo sayur bayam bayam, a type of spinach

ho pohon dan buah kelapa coconut tree 2 tali nokeng string made from coconut fibre

ho rumpun (sagu, pinang, pisang) clump of vegetation

ho ae run-dun kelapa yang besar coconut, large,


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flat bottomed haae yomo-yomo kelapa

yang kecil berbentuk lancip coconut, small with pointed bottom

ho ahe •• ko.. cungkil kelapa pry open a coconut

ho.. bunuh kill OBO HANGKE KOLENE, HOIBO. Karena babi itu galak, bunublah. Because the pig is fierce, kill it.

ho .• (aku) ribut, gaduh shout, commotion NOI lMAENA YO BORAMAELE AKU MO HOlMEYATE. Saya mendengar kegaduban di rumah itu. I hear a commotion in that house.

ho .• ko.. lindung (ber-) protected, deflect HOMBONOERE RAMIYAELE UKEBE NA BENA 0 HEBELENE BOUKOKE. Ia berlindung di belakang kayu, sehingga parang yg diayunkannya tidak mengenai dia. He swung a machete to kill him but because there was a wooden post in front of him he was protected.

ho .. N' •• bo.. (euweki) ludahi spit on A YAREUNGEKOKERA NA BE YOISA EUWAEKI YAE HOUN'GEBOKE. Setelah dimarahinya, mUkanya diludahinya. After being scolded, he spat on his face.

hob a kawan (dari bahasa Indonesia "sabat") friend KS: kahili

hoba yoku kucing cat hobahe bajing, tupai

glider possum hobe .• bo.. gosok rub

NA BENA KANI BARE BU YAE HOBEKOKE. Ia mengbapus debu di wajahnya dengan air. He scrubbed the dust off his face with water. 2 hapus erase NOI HOMO MOLAIKOKE HOBEIBO. Hap'uslah tulisan itu Erase this writing!

hobi bersin sneeze hobo rumput grass KS:

hun hoboi puncak gunung peak

of a mountain 2 pucuk endpoint of a tree, leaf, or sprout

hobolo sorak bersama waktu bekerja bersama­sama (menarik pohon, antar babi, dll) noise made when working in a group (pulling a tree, carrying a pig, etc.) KS: hobolo-mandu

boi tempat pegangan nokeng place in mouth of string bag where handle could be attached

hoime bahe benda2 keramat fetish with magical powers

Hoime yo Enggros (kampung) Enggros (the village of)

hoka pi sang (semua jenis) dengan beberapa sisir saja banana tree (any kind) which has only a few hands on the stem KEIJA HOKA KEMBE EREKE.


Ia melihat pi sang keija yang tidak banyak s1sirnya. He saw a banana tree which only

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had a few hands of fruit; •

hoko •• bo.. petik (buah­buahan, dll) pick (fruit, etc.) Iht jg: hine .. ko •. , inse .. ko .. 2 kumpul gather NEYAE EN FAEU BE BOKOWOLE. Ia memetik buah pisang. He was gat;hering/picking bananas.

hoko •• e.. ban yak pergi many people go RIYAE HUBA MOKOIKOI YA RO MIYAE NEMENE NA lMAE lMAERE BOKONENDE. Pada hari penutupan sidang banyak orang pergi ke rumah masing-masing. When the gathering was finished all the people went; t;o t;heir houses.

hoko •• ko •• (a) putuskan decide NEBEl A ELEUKOKE WEYAE A BOKOUKONDE. Putuslah (apa yg dilakukan) tentang apa yg dikatakannya. You decide (what to do) about what he said.

hoko .• ko .. (ha) potong, putuskan tali dengan tangan break string (with hands) HABE ME ELAE HELE YOBOUBOKE BOKOKOKE. Ia menarik tali dengan kuat sehingga putus. The rope he,was tugging on broke.

hoko •. N •• bo.. (buhae) kuatir worry REYAE BURAE HOKONSEBONDE. Saya akan kuatir I will worry.

hoko •• N .. ko • ru •• pingsan faint

jatuh NA

RENERA MONl MO NEKEYOLENE BOKOUNGEKOKE RUKE. Oleh sebab ia tidak makan pagi, ia jatuh pingsan. Because he was hungry in the morning, he faint;ed.

Bokoi Yebei tanjung di selatan Yabaso point, first large one, south of Yabaso

hokoiko-hokoiko ko .• jatuh pingsan faint

hokoli botak, gundul bald

hokolo angkatan one generational group NEBEl BUYO MOlFALE HOKOLO UMA BUKAlMlKOKE. Di Puyo, para pemuda seusia Moifa sedang disiapkan untuk diinisiasi menjadi orang dewasa. At Puyo, Hoifa was preparing the upcoming generat;ion for their initiation.

hokolo muda, taruna young 2 cantik, ganteng beautiful

hokolo bee [be'] two of them keduanya, mereka berdua HOKOLO BEE A MBAlNYE ELElKOKE. Keduanya telah sepakati. The t;wo of t;hem agreed.

hokolo-uneyau sebaya, satu angkatan, satu generasi peer, friend of same generation

hokan jahe merah red ginger

hokan kepercayaan tahyul kala sesudah melahirkan suami tidak bisa mendekati isteri


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period of time after childbirth when the husband cannot approach his wife

hokon fa nowaio fa dewa pembasmi hokan; takhyul suku Felle first child of the Felle family who first came to the Sentani area. He died, and was buried in Waena. His father claimed that he had become a walobo spirit. For many years it was this spirit whose spell was used to purify a woman after childbirth. This spell used red ginger (hokon). If her husband approached her before she was purified, he would become weak.

hokou tas, saku, kantung satchel, carrying bag, pocket

hole air tuban, plasenta, ari-ari placenta

hole .• hi.. pelihara (anak, binatang, kebun), gembalakan tend, raise (children, animals, gardens), shepherd NEYAE HOLEMMIYENDE. la akan menggembalakan mereka He will shepherd them. 2 selamatkan api tend a fire

holo golongan group NEBEl HOLONA OLOBE KELEWAlMlLE. Golongan itu mengajar tentang roh-roh. That group taught about spirits.

holo hutan di lereng Gunung Cycloop forest on the sides of Cyclop

Mountain holo kela hutan yang

belum dibuat kebun forest (virgin)

holoboi nokeng string bag Iht jg: baukau, bekangke

holoka ko.. main, bergurau play, tease A HOLOKA KOUNGEKOKE. la hanya bergurau kepadanya. He teased him.

holokombi tengkuk back of head

holomba bambu bamboo holomba kou rebung

bamboo sho'ots hom serpih kayu wood

slivers Homfolo nama asli Simporo

Simporo's original name

homo barisan orang-orang line of people, one behind the other lht jg: bala

homo molo .. ko.. ukir, tulis carve, write 0 BOHEUBOKENE RAKA HOMO MOLOUKOKE. la mengukir pada pap an yang disediakannya. On a smooth board, he carved a picture.

homo moloi pensil, alat tulis pencil

homo ro .. ko.. baca read NEBEl RO NAElSAEI SELE HOMO ROUKOKE. Orang itu tahu membaca. This man really knows how to read.

homofae buku, ukiran book, carving

homone haukate berbaris satu, satu baris single file

Homun Bobe nama bukit


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sebelah Barat Faraka mountain on west side of Faraka near Ayapo

hon tunas sprout hon-son pelan-pelan

slowly KS: hen-sen, maleu-maleu

hondombi pelapa kelapa stem of a coconut frond between the base of the leaf and where the leaves are located 2 gergaji dari ikan gergaji saw shaped nose on a sawfish

hongkambu pisang asli (sejenis) banana, native variety

hongkeu pohon (sejenis) yang dipakai untuk tiang rumah tree (type) used for house posts

hongkou tunas (umbian) sprout (tuber)

hono.. berbaring (orang dan binatang) lie down

NEYAE 1JONGKU HONOLE. 1a tidur (berbaring) He is iying down asleep. 2 letak (barang, dan tempat besar, jaitu gunung, awan, dll) is, are, exists (inanimate referents which cover a large area, such as a mountain or road, or items which are perceived to have been placed in position, such as furniture and toys). NDA BUHAE1-BUHAE1 NA KOU YEBE1 HONOYATE 1JOKO ERERENGKONDE. Semua tempat yang ada akan diselidikinya I will look around at the

shores, inlets, and peninsulas which exist around here. 3 lahirkan give birth M1YAE FA NENDON WANEN BONOWATE. Perempuan itu melahirkan anak tanpa kesulitan Women gave birth with no problems.

hono .. N.. simpan (Kalau menggunakan bentuk ini, harus membalikkan morfem subyek dan obyek dalam kata kerja.) store (In this form, the subject and object morphemes are reversed.) REYAE HONO-NAI-SE-NDE. Saya taruh-itu-saya = Saya akan menyimpannya. I lay down-it-I = I will store it.

hono .. N .. hi. loncat jump OLA1WA BUNE

HONOUNGEHIKE RUKE. Maka Olaiwa meloncat ke dalam air. The crow jumped into the water.

honoifoyole waktu depan, suatu waktu nanti some time in the future

honoimeyele waktu dulu sampai sekarang time from before to now (for a law being in effect)

horo biasa, tidak sakit normal, not sick KS: hosoro

horo leher neck KS: hosoro

horo. way)

sesat lost (the N1B1RA


ONEUKOKENE HOROWOLE. 1a tersesat karen a kehilangan jalan. Because he couldn't find the trail, he was

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lost.. horo .• bo.. bongkar

(rumah, hidup, dll), rusak tear down (house, message, life), mess up NDA RONA WALl BOROUBOKE HELE. Orang ini telah rusak hidupnya. This man has really messed up his life. KS: kela .. bo ••

horo •. bo •• (a) prates protest RAMBUN NARE MO RIYAINYENE A BOROIBOYOLE. Ia protes karena ia selalu dimintai barang. Because they keep asking him for things, he protests.

horo .. ko.. Iari Iepaskan diri, lolos break loose from being tied, escape ME FOI JAE IKILEIBOINYE NA FERE BOROUKOKE. Ia 1010s karena tidak ditangkap dengan baik. Because he was not properly held, he escaped.

horo kaifa sakit leher dari salah tidur pain in neck from sleeping wrong or carrying something heavy REYAE IJONGKU ANUWAU BEKONE HONOWALENE BORO KAIFA BELE MOKOUFEBOKE KALE. Karena tidur pada tempat yg tidak rata, maka leherku sakit. Because I slept on the bed wrong it gave me a pain in my neck.

hosoro biasa average KS: horo

hote piring plate hou makanan yang diantar

kepada pihak laki-laki (mas kawin) foo.d given to the groom's clan in a bride wealth exchange

hou nibi mas kawin yg diberi kepada bapak perempuan sebagai imbalan ·makanan pokok yg diasediakan untuk pesta perkawinan anaknyaBride price payment given to a girl's father for providing the main elements of a bride price feast. Iht jg: yu nibi, rau nibi

Hou yo kampung dan orang Tobati Tobati village and people

hou .. bo.. Iht jg: howe .• bo ..

hou •. bo.. ada banyak, Iebih dari biasa is profuse, more than normal KOPI YU BOUBOKE. Kopi terlalu Manis The coffee has a lot of sugar. 0 FAE YAE HOUNGEBOKE. Pohon yang rimbun daunnya. The tree has lots of of leaves.

houbaen kiki keluang, kalong, kelelawar bat, flying fox KS: aye raku

hOubei tempat ampas sagu sago refuse dump

howa palang, kayu silang cross, intersecting sticks Iht jg: kai

howa mo10 .. bo.. habiskan dgn rakus consume greedily NANE RAMAN


NINAE HOWA EUMOLOUBOKE. Makanan itu sudah dihabiskannya. The

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food was all gobbled down.

howa-howa tamak, rakus greedily EBl YAE HO ROWA-ROWA MOLOLE. Ebi makan dengan tamak. Ebi greedily ate them.

howake kulit kelapa coconut husk KS: kume

howake mala sabut kelapa coconut husk dust/residue

howale •• (nunde-) tereerai berai lost, spread allover NEBEl RO MlYAE ONDOFOLO YAE A BEKO UKAlMlNE NA FERE FERE NUNDEYATE ROWALEYATE. Karena dicaei ondofolo, orang­orang itu pergi menghilang, sebab merasa malu. Because the king spoke very badly to those people they took off scared and scattered allover the place.

howan kayu yang keras sekali yang biasa dipakai untuk tiang rumah wood, very hard, used for house posts

howe •• bo.. tumpas destroy YONl-YONl ELATE, "EMAROWEMBONDERE!" Orang kampung berkata, "Mari kita menumpas mereka!" The villagers said, "Let's go destroy them! "

hoyeu daun kelapa, bukan tandan coconut leaves, not the stem

hoyombi pisang asli seperti jenis pisang

raja banana, type of native, (like raja bananas)

hu matahari sun hu tiang rumah house

post hu .. ko.. lht jg:

huwe .. ko .. hu akole matahari

terbenam sunset hu baenneungehake jam

1200-1400 1200-1400 o'clock

hu haibo-haibo hari berganti hari procrastinate

hu helae [he'lae] sinar matahari sesudah terbenam sunlight after sun has set 2 jam/hari yang sujuk (6-10 a.m., 4-6 p.m.) cool light hours (6-10 a • m., 4 - 6 pm)

hu halo waktu senja setting sun, time when the sun is in the Yakonde mountains

hu ijoko jam hour 2 arloji/jam (tangan, meja, dinding, dll) watch, clock

hu kite1e matahari terbit sunrise

hu na haeinye-haeinye sepanjang hari sunup to sundown

hu nukui sinar sebelum matahari terbit sunlight before sun has risen

hu yau kanna siang, tengah hari noon

hu yele jam 1000-1200 1000-1200 o'clock

huae malam, petang (18:00-20:00) evening

huae rai sore, petang (16:00-18:00) afternoon


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huba ujung end lht jg: huba mokoi .. , huba rawe .. bo. 2 sudut corner

huba haei akhir, kesimpulan conclusion, brief summation NEBEl A HUBA HUWEYAE BUBA RAEI EUNGEMOKOUKONDE. Engkau harus mengakhiri khotbahmu. You should bring your sermon to an end.

huba keli empat persegi square

huba man teliti careful, well planned manner

huba moko •• N •• bo. . akhir finish YA HI YAE NEBEl AHUBA BUBA MOKOUNGEKOKE. Ia mengakhiri kisah itu pada hari yang lain. He ended the story on another day.

huba rawe •. N •• bo.. awal, mulai beginning, opening NA MANA YARA BUBA RAWABONDE WANGKELE RANGKELE YOKEl JORE YAEBONDE NEKAYENDE AEI ORONA MENA BELE YAE. Mulai hari ini, kita dan keturunan kita akan selalu bermusuhan terus. Starting right now you and I will be enemies as well as our descendants.

huba •• N •. hi.. alami, rasa experience WEYAE NAENDAE YAE HUBANAE? Bagaimana rasanya mengenai ini How do you feel about this? NA BEKO HELE BUBAYANALE. Saya rasa

sangat menderita/buruk/sakit. I feel very bad.

huba .• N .. hi. . coba (barang baru) try something RAMBUN NEME ROKATE MEKATERE BUBAUNGEHINDERE. Cobalah dulu barang baru yg didatangkan mereka. You should try this new thing they have.

hubai •. ko.. temu, bertemu visit, meet MEKANDE, RO MBAI BUBAYAENDEKOKE. Sesudah karni tiba, karni bertemu seorang lelaki. When we arrived, we met a man.

Bubalo-Mando rnaha tahu very knowledgeable

hubare haeise yane .. ko .. junjung horrnati, taati honor, obey A USAEI UKAINYELE HUBARE BAEISE YANEIKOYOLE. Ia sangat menjunjung tinggi nasihat orang. He always obeys the advice they give him.

hube •. N •• bo. . gertak (rnen-) threaten, cause someone else to become afraid NA KENARA IKELE HELE KOLENE 0 BOHI HONOLEBE ROKE NEBEl RORE HUBEUNGEBOKE. Karena sangat rnarah, ia rnengarnbil tongkat dan menggertaknya. Because he was very angry he took a piece of wood and threatened the man.

Hubu tempat sagu di sebelah utara Balwai habala Little sagu


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patch north of Balwai habala

huhu bo •. ko . • pertemuan mendadak unexpectedly suddenly find something when hunting for it (people or animals) NEBEl RORE BAEWEUNGELE RENE YA HEUBOKE YAE KURU BOIKOKE. Dicarinya orang itu sampai pagi hari baru tiba-tiba bertemu. While they were looking for that man they suddenly found him as morning was dawning.

huhu ko.. memancang tiang plant house posts NEBEl ANUWAUNGE lMAE KURU KONGKO! Pancangkaniab tiang­tiang rumah di tempat itu! Plant the house posts in that place!

huinye •• ko.. tusuk string something up (i.e. fish, tobacco) HABEKAl WAHEWATE HULUNE-HULUNE HUINYEWATE. Tembakau itu dibagi, dan ditusuk dengan tali. They divided the tobacco, tied it, and strung it up.

hukaei serangga yang bikin bunyi sebelum matahari terbit insect that makes a noise just before sunrise

huke .. bo.. cuci wash MALO BUNE YALE BE HUKEUBOKE. la mencuci pakaian yang direndamnya. washed clothes in the water.

She that are

buke •. N .• hi.. buru, berburu, usir chase, expell OBO ANE HONGWOLE 1 JAE BUKEUNGEH1KE.E Babi yang berbaring itu diusir dengan api. They chased the pig lying in wait with fire.

hukele.. tari dance with lots of motion BERE MO BAHEMBOKE EMAEHO YONI-YONl BAENE YOLOUFAKE HUKELATE. Waktu hari baru gelap, kanguru-kanguru asyik menari. Just before it got dark, the kangaroos began to dance.

hukele .. bo.. terbakar burn up (house, paper, wood) RETARA HONATERE 1 RILEUNGEKOKALEBE, NEBEl IMAE BELE FOUFIKE BUKELEUKOKE. Maksudku membakar sampah, tetapi rumah itupun ikut terbakar. I set the rubble on fire and it spread to burn down the whole house. KS: i boo .ko ..

hukule .. bo.. lht jg: hukele .. bo ..

hukulu tiang rumah regular sized house post KS: hu

hulu cucukan line for stringing caught fish or pork 2 orang yg suka ikut-ikut person who always wants to go along

hulu kali siul, suit whistle 2 alat siul whistle

hului layak proper


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hului rumput, air semacam grass, type of

hului kira-kira approximately NAENNAEN BULUl NA AHAU NOARA NEBEISE? Berapa jauh kira-kira dari sini ke sana? How far approKima~ely is it from here to there?

hului (na) bisa possible WEYAE NA HULUI NEBEl

ROWOLE. Engkau bisa memperolehnya. You can take it.

hului kolo •• N •. ko. . ukur measure lMAERE HEMBONOE ANUWAU BE BULUI KOLOUHGEKOKE. Ia mengukur tempat untuk membangun sebuah rumah He measured the place where he was going to build the house. KS: hului ra .. N .. hi.

hului mbai sama dengan like, same NANE HULUl MBAl MOKOUKOKE MO BUYO YORE FOKATE. Setelah melalukan hal yang sama (di Hobong), ia berangkat ke PUyo. After doing the same (in Hobong), he went to Puyo.

hului moko.. lalukan yang sarna do the same AEI BUNE MOKOWOLE BULUI MBAl YANGKU YONE MOKOWOLE. Ia melakukan hal yang sama di kampung lain sarna seperti yang dilakukannya di kampung kita. He did the same in the interior villages as he did in ours.

hului ra .. N •. hi.. ukur measure a quantity NO I IMAE HULUl RAUHGEHlKE. Rumah itu sudah diukurnya He measured the house. KS: hului kolo .. N •• ko.

hului-sului betul sekali, sama betul precisely right 2 jumlah sum total

hum ban wai ban miskin sekali people with no family, house, or brideprice beads, very poor

humba-humba keras, benda yang tidak muda dipotong, digigit tough, can't be bitten off

humbui ban yaike ban yo orang miskin poor people

humelen lumut tiang rumah yang di bawah air mushroom that grows on submerged wood

humen ikan, hitam dengan mulut besar fish, black with big mouth

Humum Boube teluk kecil bat as tanah Kampung Ayapo dan Kampung Butali ke arah selatan dari Ayapo cove south of Ayapo in Nelebu which marks the border between Ayapo and Butali

hUD rumput liar, alang­alang wild grass

hun-sun tumpul (anak panah, pensil, dll) dull, blunt (arrow, spear, pencil) KS: yu-yu

hunde raisi sului tidak bisa dihentikan tak mampu ditahan


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unstoppable hundo (buloli) jambu

merah yang besar, merah, tidak manis Malay apple, large, red, and sour

hune •• hi.. endus, mencium sniff NEYAE BUHEUFlKE. Dia mendengus, mencium (sesuatu). He sniffed/smelled (s01lJething).

hune •• ko.. telan swallow FOI JAE ENAWEKOI YAE

BUHEKOKE. Ia menelan tanpa mengunyah dengan benar. He swallowed food he had not chewed properly.

hung-kun (fi) kulit pohon sagu tua bark from old sago tree branches

hungka-hungka tawar, tidak enak tasteless, unseasoned (food)

hungkae melaeli berkelebihan abundance


MELAELI EKAISONATE Untuk mengadakan acara besar, ia siapkan banyak barang di rumahnya. To get ready for a big social function he will prepare an abundance of goods.

hure hiloungeboke kebiasaan yang tak dapat dirobah normal thing to do, which cannot be changed

hure.. pencar, sebar (seperti tanaman semangka) branch out, spread around (like a watermelon plant)

NEBEl JAE YORE BURBLE LOMBE. [Perintah] itu yang menyebabkan penduduk bertambah banyak. That [instruction] will increase our population.

hure .. bo.. dorong push KAI NA HOLONE HUREIBOKE. Perahu­perahu itu bertolak keluar secara bersama­sarna. They pushed the canoes together.

hure .. ko.. cari (barang yang hilang) search here and there (for something)

hure .• ko .• (afae) berdiri segera stand up quickly A ELAE UKAINYELENE, AFAE YAE HUREUKOKE. Karena bicara dgn nada keras, ia berdiri segera. Because he shouted at him strongly, he stood up quickly. Iht jg: a .. nu ..

hure .. N •• ko . . dorong barang push something RAMBUN HELEN SELE HAWAKOKENE MEYAE HURENNEKO EU. Karena terlalu banyak muatan, doronglah dengan tangan Because we want to take a lot of stuff, push on it with your hands. 2 cerai divorce KS: ne .• hi. .

hureibo-hureibo rakus makan eat greedily, pushing more food in mouth before last is swallowed RAMAN MALEU WAE ANEl HUREIBO


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BUREIBO lKOWOLE. Cara makannya tidak pelan­pelan tetapi rakus. He didn't eat slowly, he ate like a pig.

hurelai alat dalam saringan sagu spring­like bamboo mechanism used for reinforcing the sago strainer

huruu mata anak panah arrowhead

huruu-huruu kasar rough KL: fenaeke

husulu siulan (dari binatang) animal whistle

husulu yanjan rumput (sejenis batang padi) Very sharp, tall grass that grows on the edge of the lake KS: yanjan husulu

huwaei sendok, skop spoon, shovel

huwe .. ko.. ceritakan tell a story HUWAINYEKOKE A HULUl YAE HUWEIKOYELE. la berceritera sesuai dengan apa yang telah diceriterakan. He tells stories just as they were told him, without changes.

i api fire KEIJA HOKA ROUFELERE INYE HANAKONDERE. Saya akan mengambil pisang keija ini supaya kit a bakar di api. I'll get the bananas and we'll cook them in the fire.

i jarak antara bekas kaki, tanda dayung, dll distance between foot prints, oar strokes, etc HOKOLO BEE NA REM I MBAl YOBOlNYEBOKE

MEKETE ROUKETE. Dengan sekali dayungl saja, mereka berdua telah datang mengambil ••• With Ibstrokes made together, the two ot them came and took ...

i (holomba) buku bambu bamboo joint

i be .• ko.. bakar burn up HEKE I BEUKOKE

BAEFOKE. Kebun itu sudah terbakar habis. The garden has been completely burned.

i bolo .. hi.. bersinar, nyala shine NOINA I BOLOUFlKE HE HE BE NAEUKOKE. Itu cahaya dari api yang menyala di sana. The fire is shining there and lighting everything clearly.

i faeu lidah api tongue of fire

i faeu-faeu sikap orang pemarah bad tempered

i fela letusan api, bunga api spark from a fire

i hasai api yang besar, tetapi tanpa asap (lit: api merah) fire with large flame, but no smoke (lit: red fire)

i hom bele api yang tidak cepat dinyalakan, mematangkan pad a panas api fire that won't start (because of wet wood, etc)

i jaka a yaka tempat luas yang sudah di bakar, sebelum menanam open area that has been burned off before planting

i kolo .. bo.. buat api make a fire NEBEl OYE


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ARILAISIKE YAUWAKANE I KOLAIBOKE. Mereka mengumpulkan lidi itu di lapangan terbuka lalu mereka membuat api. They gathered those sticks on the beach and made a fire.

i rele [re'le'] .. N •• ko .• bakar burn something (trash, dry grass, etc) OFAE RUKUN ARILEKONDE

MO I RILEUNGEKONDE! Setelah daun-daun kering dikumpulkan, maka bakarlah! When you have gathered the fallen leaves, burn them! KS: i U •• o •.

i soboi ra .• hi.. asapi (meng-) makanan, atau barang smoke something

NEBEl KA NA BALE­BALENE REYAE I SOBOINYE RAREHINDE. Saya akan mengasapi ikan segar itu. I will smoke the fresh fish.

i tan tela ran hidup yang penuh dengan perjuangan life full of struggles

i u .• o.. bakar (rumput, rumah) burn down (grass, house) lMAE LONBE I JAE WOKE BELE. Ia membakar rumah dengan api He burned down the house. lMAE LONBE I JAE UFONDE BENDE. Saya akan membakar rumah. I will burn the house. KS: i rele •. N .• ko.

i wo-wo terbakar semua burned completely


Mereka mendaki bukit dipulau Ajau untuk membangun rumah disitu. They went up the hill on Ajau and laid out the house posts.

i. .bo.. jadi become ERAMAN U YEUBOKE ( 1-EU-BO-KE). Makanan kita sudah (jadi) habis. The food is gone.

i. .hi.. (uwa) jadi lebih penting dari orang lain, menonjol become greater than others REYAE RELERENDE UWA ISENSINDE. Saya akan berusaha sampai melebihi orang lain. I will try to become greater than others.

i •. N.. beri give REYAE RUKA MBAI ISETE. Saya akan memberi sebuah batu kepadamu I will give you a stone. WEYAE RUKA MBAl YEUFELE. Engkau akan memberi sebuah batu kepadaku You will give me a stone. lht jg: kinye .. N .. bo ..

i .. N .. hi . . menorobos (tempat, jabatan) become greater than others REYAE RELERENDE UWA ISENSINDE. Saya berusaha menorobos kemungkinan. I will try to become greater than others.

ibo inse ko.. menangis cry NAEl AKA BAEKE NANEMENE IBO INSE KOWATE. Semua saudara­saudaranya menangisi


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dia. All his relatives cried loudly for him. KS: rime a

if a perahu laki-laki canoe for men

ifale raja hubungan keluarga istimewa dgn raja Ohei king with a special family connection to the Ohei king Ibt jg: maken, enaa, hila

ifale angin barat wind from west

Ifale nama kampung di Sentani Tengah name of village in Central dialect area

ifau pasir sand ifau-fau padang pasir

desert ijaija tekun persevere

ROLON SAN IJAIJA NEKEINYOKE. Mereka tekun di panas matahari sampai mandi keringat. They persevered in the hot sun.

1Jen tempat place NEBEl IJENNE HEKE RABEREHANOE MOKOREBONOE. Oi tempat itu saya akan membuka kebun In that place I will make a garden.

ijen lurus straight KS: hikale 2 tepat, persis correct, perfect

ijen-fojen luru6 sekali straight, very

ijen-ijen jurang (dilihat dari bawah), curam terjal cliff (viewed from the bottom) Iht jg: nona

ijo bunga api flame of fire

ijokai laju quickly KAI IJOYOKAI SELE ATE.

Perahu mereka laju sekali. Their canoes are going very fast. KS: ijaya KL: yai-jai

ijoko mata eye KOU­YEBEI HONOYATE IJOKO ERERENGKONOE MO. Semua tempat saya akan lihat (dengan mata). I will just look (with my eye) at all the inlets and peninsulas.

ijoko ani biji mata pupil in eye

ijoko baei tahi mata eye exudate

ijoko bene umum, depan umum, depan mata public, in the eye of the

ijoko bu air mata, karena sakit atau tertawa tears, from sickness or laughter

ijoko bulau-bulau nanar, mata ge1ap, mata berkunang-kunang see unclearly from working too hard or being beaten up

ijoko ene [e'ne'] balaa ekor mata corner of eye

ijoko bambaei bu1u mata eye lash

ijoko handai a1is mat a eyebrow

ijoko bekaei kant uk (lit: mata berat) sleepy (lit: heavy eyes)

ijoko ibo air mata, karen a menangis tears, from crying

ijoko kane.. khayalan, mendapat peng1ihatan hallucinate; have a vision; see a ghost ANE HONGWOLE YAE IJOKO KANEWOLE RO MBAI MEKE.


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Sementara tidur, ia mendapat penglihatan ada orang yang datang. As he was sleeping, he had a vision of someone coming. lht jg: ijoko rane •• bo ••

ijoko kelebi bular ca~aract in eye 2 mata juling cross eyed

ijoko kelei-kelei heran, kagum, peeonal (lit: eyes open very wide) surprised, awed (lit: eyes open very wide)

ijoko kunsi-kunsi ko •. kedipan mata blink ONDOWAI YAE NA IJOKO EINYE AYEUBOKENE IJOKO KUNSI-KUNSI KOLE. Karena abu masuk ke matanya, ia mengedipkan matanya. Because ashes entered his eye, he blinked.

ijoko mahu penyakit mata eye sicknesses

ijoko mehau kaca mata glasses

ijoko ne .• N •• bo .. memperhatikan, menonton be a~tentive to RAMBUN MOKOLERE IJOKO NEUNGEBOKE EREUNGE. Ia memperhatikan apa yang dikerjakan orang itu. He wa~ched a~tentively what the man was doing.

ijoko rane •• bo.. khayali, dapat penglihatan hallucinate, have a vision IJONGKUNE HONOLE YAE IJOKO RANEUNGEBOKE. Sementara ia tidur, ia mendapat penglihatan. While he slept, he had a vision. lht jg: ijoko kane •.

ijoko roboi.. periksa inspect WAEI HOMBONI BULENAIKONDE BELENE IJOKO ROBOINYOKO. Periksalah harta sebelum tertukar. So tha~ your bride price articles don't get exchanged for inferior ones, inspect them.

ijoko roroikoyainye buta blind KS: ijoko kumba

ijongku hono.. tidur sleep BENI IJONGKUNE BONOLE BELE WA. Maaf, Beni sedang tidur. Sorry, Benny is sleeping.

ijongku honson tempat tidur bed

ijongku ko.. antuk, mengantuk feel sleepy HEBEIMEYATE, RENIAI YEUBOKENE IJONGKU KOLE. Karena jaga malam, ia mengantuk. Because he had been on guard, when midnight came he was sleepy.

ijoyo cepat sekali fast KAI IJOYO HELE ATE. Perahu itu berlayar sangat cepat. The canoe is going very fast. lht jg: ijokai

ika arang charcoal ikei tempat di mana buah

tergantung, kelopak buah place where fruit is hanging

ikele marah angry ikile .. bo.. tangkap

capture AMBON FA AJAU YORE MEKE UKEUMI FAMAISE IKILAIKOKE. Orang Ambon yang datang ke Ajau, menyuruh orang menangkap Famai An


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Ambonese person came to Ajau and arrested Famai. KS: kile .. bo ..

ile .• bo •• (hingkelaeu) bersihkan kotoran clean buttocks after a bowel movement FA WAYEU EHE BALEUBOKE MALO YAE BINGKELAEU ILEINYEBO. Bersihkan pantat bayi itu dgn popok! Clean the baby's botton with a cloth.

imae rumah house imae ei me ruboi adat

memberi mas kawin kepada tokoh2 klen perempuan Bride price payment which is made to the leaders of a clan for the release of a girl so she can be married into another clan. lht jg: num meruboi

imaehou halaman rumah, kintal yard

imaeu ran daerah di air dekat rumah area in the water around a house lht jg: bu mon a mon

imainye •. N .. ha .• (bohira) lipat (kertas, atap) fold (paper, roofing) NEBEl YAN BOHlRA lMAYEUNGEBANDE. Lipatkan daun rumbia itu. He will fold the sago leaves.

ime mimpi dream imoli buritan (kapal)

stern, back end of a boat

imoli bo •. hi.. kendali (lit: kendali perahu dari belakang) steer, drive (lit: steer a

boat from the rear) NEBE! KAl REYAE IMOLI BOREBlNDERE. Saya mau menjadi jurumudi mengemudikan perahu itu. I will steer the boat.

imoli moko .. bo .. kemudikan steer HOKOLO BEE NA lMOLl KALlBULURE YAE MOKOlNYEBOKE MEWOTE. Keduanya mengemudikan perahunya menuju ke Kalibulu. The two of them steered toward Kalibulu.

imoli mokoi ro juri mudi, sopir, pilot driver, pilot OROYATE ME HENA NENDON WANEN MAE NDA IMOLl MOKOl WOKEUNGE KAN! RANDE OKANDE. Karena biasa, pilot itu dengan gampang sekali mendaratkan [pesawat terbang]. The pilot landed [the plane] like it was nothing.

imam sempatan (ke-) opportunity 2 ruang space

inimi saudari dari ayah sister of father

insaei sisip fin inse [inse'/ae] hitam

karena asap (seperti atap dapur) black from smoke (like kitchen ceiling, pot bottom)

inse .. bo.. patah (benda panjang) break (something long)


NEBE! MAENSA KALA-KALA lNSEKOKE. Cabang kering itu patah. That dry branch broke. lht j 9 : f ere .. bo .. ,

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kahe •• bo .• intai penjepit (alat)

wooden tongs for picking up hot items KS: inyai

inukui panas atau cahaya api heat or light from a fire 2 sinar merah dari mata hari pagi red rays from the sun in the early morning

inyai Iht jg: intai inyale makanan yang

disiapkan untuk suatu perjalanan jauh (sagu, kelapa, ikan kering) food prepared for a long trip (dried sago, coconut, and fish)

inyale kambu akar, kecil root, small

inyan kelun hainyan keluo kisaran angin, angin puyuh cyclone, whirlwind

inyau rangka rumah rafters 2 galah, jolok (pen-) fruit harvesting instrument, a long stick with a V shaped hook to pull off the fruit from tall trees

Inyei Yomo D tanjung terletak daerah Nelebu A little point south of Ayapo in Nelebu

isa duri, onak thorn isa ere •. bo.. nonton

view, watch something in action NA RENE HELE BAE KATE ISANE EREYAEMAELE. Pagi-pagi sekali saya DontoD orang berdansa. Very early in the morning I watched people dance.

isaei pengetahuan knowledge NEBEl

NEMENE ISAEI JAE YAWEUMIBOKE. Yang mempengaruhi semuanya itu adalah ilmu peogetahuan. That was all achieved with knowledge.

isaei hebaen bijaksanaan, hikmat wisdom ISAEI BEBAEN MO ARILEWENDE YESUS WAEI WALINE UNE BAE, BUMA HOSORO ELERE BAE RUWELE OUMOHENDE. Kebijaksaoaao yang engkau p~roleh membawa engkau setinggi­tingginya, tetapi hidupmu tanpa Yesus, engkau akan jatuh dan hancur berantakan. If you search for wisdom but Jesus is not in your life, even if you rise high, you will fall.

isaei.. belajar learn OLUME RO MIYAE HELEN HAKOWATE NDA WALl NIBI ISAEIWATE. Banyak orang Ormu ikut belajar dan mengikuti jalan hidup ini. Many Ormu people followed and learned this teaching.

isaei •• bo.. tahu know BERE ONEWEKAE HANDEWEKAE YO, MANA NEMENE FOMENA ISAEYEUBOKAE. Dulu kamu tidak tahu, sekarang engkau tahu semua! Before you were ignorant, now you know everything.

isasa alalo ko.. gelisa, cemas, kuatir unsettled, nervous

isen bara api glowing


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coal ISEN BULUNE EUNGENEKE BEWOLE. Dimasukkannya ke dalam bara api. He put it in the coals. isi nongka sejenis ikan

keeil sperti lele fish, (type of lele fish)

isian tidak tahu don't know NEBEl A HUWATE REYAE ISlAM. Kisah itu saya tidak tabu. I don't know what he is talking about.

isingka feufe fere pereikan air spray from boat NA KAl REN ELAE YAE AWETENE ISINGKA FEUFE FERE ROROLE ATE. Karena eepatnya perahu itu berlayar menyebabkan banyak percikan air. Because they were rowing the canoe so quickly, spray came in over the front.

isingkei moneong babi, anjing, atau binatang lain yg punya mulut panjang mouth of a pig, dog, animal with long mouth Iht jg: feng, euwa

isohi salah, keliru mistake KAI NEUMAEKE EKE lSOBlRE NOKE. Dia berlabuh di tempat yg salah. He docked at the wrong place.

isola panggung kayu di atas beberapa perahu besar yang diikat bersama-sama; dipakai untuk menari platform made by tying boards on top of several


canoeswhich have been lashed together; used for dancing

isou tempat perahu berlabuh, bandar harbor, place where a canoe can be beached

italo api besar, api unggun bonfire, big blazing fire

italo kaban neraka, api unggun yg besar hell

itukai tempat bekas api, tungku api fire place

iwa buah matoa yg merah matoa fruit, red

iwaiwa (Ondofolo) kepala yang paling tinggi, yang punya keturunan yang lebih sejati dari keluarga-keluarga pertama di Danau sentani highest ranking (chief), one descended with the purest lineage from the original families who settled around Lake Sentani

iwakelaeu kekuatan gaib yang diturunkan oleh nenek moyang pada keturunan mereka wibawa orang tua power of a special spiritual nature which has been passed down from generation to generation

iwau tanda, berita, peristiwa happening with special significance, omen, sign

ka tanda pengenal waktu mengintai babi dibuat dari rumput ketembi. string made from sago leaf (ketembi) thrown across a trail to

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indicate the passing of a pig in the jungle. ka ikan fish ka topeng disguise ka fako ikan mati yang

terapung di air dead, floating fish

ka kunyei-kunyei benda kuat di ujung depan dalam tali penusuk ikan fish stringer head section; part which first enters the strung fish.

ka rane •• N •• bo •. melumpuhkan penglihatan dengan hobatan make other people's eyes unclear by means of a spell YOKORE BAENGKONDERENE BULOO YAE KA RANEUNGEBOKE. Ia menggunakan kuasa gelap supaya tidak bisa dilihat orang waktu mencuri. Because he wanted to steal he made a spell so others would not see him.

ka riri ikan sepat fish, trichogaster

ka yan sarang ikan fish nest

ka yo heu jo tukang cari ikan, nelayan fisherman

ka •. bo •. (0) lapuk wood rotting NEBEl lMAE ORA KAIBOKENE OTOUBOKE. Rumah itu runtuh, karena kayunya lapuk. Because its wood was rotten the house collapsed.

ka .. N •• hi. . lemparkan (satu benda) throw (one object) NA MENE ROUKE MELE RUKABE KAUNGEBIKE. Batu yang


di tangannya dia melemparkannya. He took the stone in his hand and threw it.

kabai penutup pintu dari kulit kayu bark cloth door covering

kaban beear big kabe •• bo.. tembak, tetapi

gagal, tidak kena sasaran shoot, but miss (arrow, spear, gun) NOBE NA HELEBE UKE KABEUBOKE. Tembakannya tak mengenai sasaran walaupun dekat. He was close but he missed.

kabe .. N •• ko. tidak sanggup. tidak mampu unable RAMBUN HELEN HAWAIKOKENE KAEMBONDERE KABEUNGEKOKE. I a tak mampu mengangkatnya karena muatan barang terlalu banyak . Because they had loaded on many things, he was unable to lift it.

Kabeiterou nama asli kampung Ifar Besar Ifar Besar's original name

kabelau buah matoa yg kuning matoa fruit, yellow

kabiyae usus, tali perut intestines

kabo langau horsefly Kabu Yomo tanjung

terletak daerah Nelebu A little point south of Ayapo in Nelebu

kae .. bo. • angkat KS: ele .. ha .. carry ME MBAI KAEUBOKE. Ia

pick up 2 bawa JAE MO

mengangkat dengan satu tangan. He carried it

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with one hand. kae •• ha.. angkat,

menciduk air dip water KOLAEI JAE ROWEl ME


Berikan aku gayung/mangkuk supaya dapat aku menciduk air. Bring the mug so I can dip out some water.

kae-kae terbuka (pintu, percakapan, dll) open (door, conversation, etc) WAHENA AHUNEMAMBONDERE NDA A NA KAE-KAE YAE HONOU. BeBok akan kita sambung, jadi biarlah pembicaraan ini terbuka (tidak ditutup). Tomorrow we will continue, and talk about this again then. (leave it open)

kae-kae bo.. bunyi (ber-) orang tebang make a chopping sound

kaei-kaei kecil (anak­anak, rumah, perahu, dll) small (children, houses, canoes, etc.)

kaembaei buru bungkuk (karena barang berat sekali) bent over (from a heavy load)

kaendo penahan lantai floor bearers

kaene •• ko.. berteriak cry out WEYAE RAHENE ELE KAENEYAE? Mengapa engkau berteriak Why are you screaming?

kaene •• H .• ko. panggil callout NA REI BELE KANDEISE KAENEUNGE, "KANDEl, ... Dengan gembira dia memanggil Kandei, "Kandei, ...

Because he was happy, he called to Kandei, "Kandei, ...

kaeng suara babi kalau ditikam squeal of a pig when hit

kaeu-kaeu luas, lebar wide

kaeu-mau luas sekali wide, very

Kahaefako Moko bukit dekat Ewi di daerah Nelebu mountain near Ewi near Nelebu

kahe kaskado scabies, kaskado KS: bahe, wangkenda

kahe bu manik-manik warna merah (hawa) bead, red hawa

kahe .. bo.. buka tanah (untuk membuat kebun), menabang pohon-pohon cut down many trees, clear space (for a garden) HEKE MBAI MO KABEREBOHDERE. Hanya sebuah kebun saja saya buat. I will clear space for a garden. lht jg: ke.

kahe-kahe bekas tanah longsor bareness left by a landslide 2 bekas menderita penyakit kulit scar from a skin disease

kahelau tanaman dengan bau balsem, sejenis puring yg berbau type of croton plant with a fragrance like balsam

kahi tanarnan merarnbat dengan daun besar vine with large leaves

kahili ternan, sabat friend

kahu pipi cheek kahu (rame) kapak besi

axe, steel


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kai bag ian sarna yang berdampingan adjoining similar structures NEBEl lMAE KAI BEE HAElBOKATE. Mereka membuat dua rumah berdampingan. They made two adjoining houses (of similar construction). 2 kayu silang forked stick

kai perahu canoe kai fa anak jadah

illegitimate child 2 anak jahat, suka melawan rebellious child

kai •. ko.. lht jg: kaye •. ko ..

kai-kai antara, celah between

kaijeu obor dibikin dari daun kelapa kering, diikat dengan (tali merambat) supaya pelan­pelan berapi torch made from old coconut leaves tied together with vine to make them burn slowly.

kaikai perahu perempuan canoe for women 2 perahu besar canoe, large lht jg: kai

kaimae persetubuhan, senggama intercourse, sexual (human) Iht jg: mangkoi

kaimeke mereka membuat itu lama sekali they did it for a long time lht jg: ko .. me ..

kainye-kainye kembar twins

kaisi-kaisi tempat lekak­lekuk sloping MEYAE KAISI-KAISI ANUWAUNGE KOU WAE ANDEBEUBOKE. Kami terbalik di tempat

yg berlekak-lekuk. We rolled over (in the car) at the place where the road had a sudden steep slope on the edge.

kaiwa duri, sejenis thorn with barbed end 2 pancing, kail fish hook

kaiwa fae daun merah leaf, red, used for divining KS: hili fae

kaka busuk, lapuk rotten

kaka buloo guna-guna, mantera untuk membunuh spell, for killing people or destroying property

kakali kantong teranyam dari daun kelapa carrying bag made from coconut leaves KS: baukau lht jg: bekangke, holoboi

kala kait pada anak panah barbs behind the head of an arrow 2 kukuran kelapa, kulit kerang device for extracting coconut meat from the shell

kala •. bo.. hapus erase, eliminate something KALlA OMOKOr MONE NA RO KALAMABONDERE. Karena ia sudah tidak bekerja lagi, namanya akan dihapus Because he would not work, we will erase his name. 2 kurangkan subtract

kala •. ko.. keringkan dry


NEYAE KALAMMIKONDE. Dia akan mengeringkannya. He will dry them.

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kala-kala kering dry 2 bergerigi serrated, rough

kalangka jarak (pohon) castor-oil tree

kalawai anak panah, dipakai untuk tikus, burung arrowhead with several points, used for spearing rats or birds

kale •. N •• ha angkat satu ujung lift one end 0 BOHlRA NUWEUBONDE KALEUNGEHANDE. Duduk di satu siai kayu agar sisi yg lain terangkat. Sit on one end of the log to lift the other.

kale .• N •• ha.. (be) beranikan orang encourage someone YO HI BELE HANDE HONATERENE BE KALEUNGEBAKE. Karena akan berperang dengan kampung lain, ia menguatkan dirinya. Because they wanted to war with another village he made him brave. KS: rabule .. boo .

kalei [kale'i) (aye) burung camar (Hirundapus caudacutus) seagull, turn

kali suara besar, nyaring, pekik loud voice

kali pohon dengan bunga merah, kira-kira aebangaa Erythrina (dedap hutan) tree with red flowers (African tulip?)

kali kelang (aye) burung nuri lorikeet

kalia tugas, kerja,

pekerjaan job, work kalia maka.. berkerja,

berkarya work kalii tangkai kelapa

coconut stem kala lekukan, lepik (topi

yg ditekan) low place 2 kurangan (ke-) shortage

kala .• N .• ka.. mengintai sneak up on (like a cat after a mouse) OBO FI WAKENABE KALOUNGEKOKE

NEKE. Ia menembak babi di dusun sagu He sneaked up and speared the pig eating the sago bait. 2 mengajak kencan, berkencan court a girl

kalu lumpur mud kalun sisa (makanan,

uang) leftovers (food, money)

kam fela sekian end of a story

kamahe moyang ancestor KS: yobe

kamai-kamai potongan kecil crumbs NEYAE HAKEUBOKE MOHI-MOHI KAMAl-KAMAl YAEIBOKE. Dibantingnya sampai hancur menjadi berkeping-keping. He smashed them to little pieces. KS: mohi-mohi

kamau golok dari tulang kasuari dagger from Casowary bone

kambi pundak back kambimbi capung

dragonfly kambimbin lht jg:

kambimbi kambo bakau pohon

(sejenis) pandanus tree (type of mangrove), leaves used


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to make mats, grows along the shore

kambu akar root kame (kame') binatang

penyebab sakit mata gnat that infects eyes

kamehe [kame'he'] penebang pohon person who cuts down trees

kamendake buaya crocodile

kan daun besar big umbrella-like leaves 2 pelindung sementara dibikin dari daun kelapa atau sagu, untuk melindungi diri dari panas matahari. lean­to made from coconut or sago leaves, constructed temporarily to give shade

kan .• bo.. robek, rabik (kain, kertas) tear (cloth, paper) HOMO MOLOUKOKEBE KANEUBOKE HIRE IKEUNGE ROUKE ELE. Kertas yg ditulisinya disobeknya lalu diberikannya kepada orang lain. The paper on which he was writing tore so he gave it to someone else.

kana tahi hidung, tahi luka scab on top of wound; nasal exudate

kanau sisa makanan di dalam alat yg dimasaknya leftover food in the cooking pot

kanda-kanda (alu) lemah (angin); tidak kuat (angin) soft (wind)

kandei ikan gate, nama sejenis ka hae kecil fish, small ka hae

kando kotoran/tahi dari anak yang berusia tiga

atau empat bulan feces from a baby up to three or four months of age KS: ehe

kandu semut besar, hitam, yang mau menggigit dan tinggal di tanah ants, big black biting, that live in the ground lht jg: inyake, heise, rolombaei, a bum-bun

kane •• bo.. lihat ke atas, menengadah look up NEYAE OKORE KANEUNGEBOKE. Dia melihat ke atas, sambil memperhatikan bulan He looked up at the moon. 2 perhatikan pc.y attention to NEYAE NA GURURE KANEYOUNGE. Dia memperhatikan guru. He is paying attention to his teacher.

kane .. N •• bo. . hampir sarna be about the same MOISA HONGKATEBE BENA KIYAERE KANEUNGEBOKE. Ia lahirnya belakangan namun kelihatan hampir sama dengan abangnya/kakaknya. He was born later but now he is about the same as his older siblings.

kang-kan lihat tengadah ke atas upward looking

kangking luka kecil wound KS: bau-bau

kani tanah, dunia, negera, negri, benua dirt, earth

kani baeu lumpur mud kani era umbi-umbian

tubers kani kela bumi, daratan,

dunia earth, world kani kobou gumpal tanah


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clod kani man debu dust kani mele tanah timbunan

fill dirt kani yon-jon penggaruk

rake kani-kani lumpur mud

KS: kani baeu kanseli ikan sembilan

catfish kara alat pemikul barang

carrying stick with a load at each end carried by one man lht jg: ohe

karo tidak apa-apa it doesn't matter; never mind

kata •• N •• hi.. sentuh touch EBE BUMANA HILOLEBE KATAUNGEHIKE RUKE. Ia menyentuh belanga yang tergantung itu dan jatuh. He touched the cooking pot that was hanging up and it fell.

kase [kase'] golongan manik-manik mas kawin classifier for all bride price beads lht jg: rela

katau tombak panjang untuk mencari ikan penikam ikan spear, long, for nigh t f

kau-kau bayangan orang yg lewat shadow of something quickly passing

kau-kau pagi-pagi sekali, dinihari early, very RENE NA KAU-KAU BU KONKOMBE BU HEISE ANEMBE. Setiap hari pagi-pagi, mandilah dan minumlah air panas. Every morning early,

wash yourselves and drink hot water.

kawa penjara prison, jail ME KATE KAHANE AEHAEINYEKOKE HEBEWOLE. Mereka memasukkan dia dalam penjara. They came and put him in jail.

kayaa boo .N.. panggil, undang, umumkan call, invite, announce MAEBU WILl KAYAA BOUMINE HOKOIMEYELE. Mereka datang berkumpul, karena diundang oleh kakekku Halilintar My grandfather Wili has called us to gather.

kayaa hebe. jaga, kawal watch, guard KAYAARE BEBATE YO RAMEFELARE MO MULl YAE YONGKATE. Dengan cepat (orang) penjaga itu mengambil senjatanya The guards grabbed their guns. KS: kaya hensen ro

kayaa oro •. bo.. undang, panggilan, beritahukan semua (lit: jalan-jalan dengan berita) bring news; make known to all (walk around with news) RIYARE NEKENATERE

KAYAA OROUBOKE. Ia memberitahukan orang supaya mengikuti rapat. He spread the news that there was going to be a meeting.

kaye.. sobek sedikit break/tear off a small piece NEBEl MALO


MALENE, KAYEUKOKE. Kain terse but sobek karena sudah lama.

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Because the cloth was old it t.ore.

kaye •• ko.. belah break apart, split thick things YE KALA-KALA ROWEl KAYEKO. Ambillah kayu kering dan belahlah Bring dry firewood and split. it..

kayee [kaye'e'] yg bagian (kampung, keluarga) section (of a village, group, family) YAKOBUS ALFEUSLE FA KAYEE. Yakobus, anak Alfeus (aDak dari baqian Alfeus). James, the child of Alfeus (a child of his section).

kayee [kaye'e'] molo .• ko .. pisahkan (orang), menceraikan (bini) separate (people), divorce HAN HAUKOKENE KAYEE MOLAIKOKE. Mereka telah berpisah karena kalian berkelahi They separat.ed [themselves from the group] because you fought.

kayee [kaye'e'] ro pembagi barang divider of goods

kayee [kaye'e'] wabe .. ko •. bagi (barang) separate (things), divide up KOSELO YAE UKEUMl HULUlNYE RAMBUN KAYEE WAEHAEIKOKE. Harta itu dibaqi atas perintah kepala suku. They divided up the goods according to the instructions of the clan head.

ke rumput grass KS: hun, ke kolong-kolong

ke ru .. bo.. akar (ber)

Grow roots (from seed or green stick) BU BELE ANUWAUNGE NEBEl 0 NEKATENE, NA HEKl BAN SELE KAMBU KE RUWAIBOKE. Karena ditanam di tempat basah, kayu itu cepat sekali berakar. The stick that was in the wet place in a very short time grew root.s.

ke. tebang chop down one standing tree NEBEl 0 lMAERE FELEUFAKENE, UKEUMlLE KEKATE. Karena pohon itu condong ke atas rumah, maka disuruhnya tebang Because the tree was leaning over the house he told them to cut. it. do~n. KS: ne .. ha .• lht jq: kahe .. bo ..

ke •• bo.. isap, hirup suck, inhale, smoke (cigarette) NEBEl HABEKAl ROWEl KEIBO. Ambil rokok itu dan isaplab Take this tobacco (cigarette) and have a smoke. 2 tarik sesuatu (i.e. sebatang kayu) dari timbunan, copot pull something (i.e. board) out of a stack RlYANE HONATE 0 MBAl KEUBONDE.


Tariklab sebuah kayu dari antara kumpulan kayu itu Pullout a board from the stack. 3 tarik garis lurus carve a straight line o BOHE YAE lJENDE ALONSANDERE HOMO MOLOlJAE KEUBONDE.

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Garislah dengan pinsil kayu yang akan diluruskan To straighten out the wood, draw a line on it. 4 tanggalkan pakaian undress; pull off clothes WA MALO NIKl BELENE KEIBO. Tanggalkan pakaian yang kotor. Take off your dirty clothes.

ke .• hi.. tarik ke belakang, undur drawn backward NEBEl WALAMA NO IKENE MO ME FAE-FAE BOWEUNGE ARE YAE KEUNGEKOKE. Ditepuk­tepuknya pohon sehingga turun ke bawah (pohon itu yg balik jadi pendek). The nutmeg tree on which he came up, he hit it with the palm of his hand and it took him back down (by becoming short again).

keba •• bo.. terperosok sink into FI UNDE MELE KANI ELAE BANNE KEBAUNGEBOKE. I a terperosok waktu ke dusun sagu karen a tanahnya tidak kuat He sank into the mud when he went to the sago area because the land was not firm. 2 terlalu pendek too short (refers to a log or board which doesn't reach all the way over a span of water and allows someone to fall in).

keba •• N .• bo. . membenamkan (tiang rumah, dll) cause to sink

(houseposts, etc.) keba-keba pendek dan

gemuk (orang), tambun short and fat (people)

kebe .• ko .. (i) padamkan, matikan api extinguish fire ELE MELERE KOWENDERENA I KEBEKONDE. Matikan api apabila and a ingin ke luar berjalan-jalan. If you want to go for a walk, extinguish the fire.

kee [ke'e'] getah, lem, perekat sap

kei-kei capei, lelah (tangan, kaki) tired (arms, legs) Iht jg: uwa buhae

keija pisang (sejenis) banana, small native type

keinyahu kencing urine keka kulit kerang clam

shell, used for making lime

keke [ke'ke'] haha anak inimi children of inimi

kela (bu) daerah district NDA BU KELA HONOYELE OREYEKE EREYEKE. Sambil berjalan-jalan, mereka melihat sekitar daerah itu. They went looking around the district.

kela •• bo.. bongkar dismantle, tear down NDI lMAE WAHENARE KELAUBONDE. Beeok rumah itu harus dibongkar. You have to dismantle this house tomorrow. KS: horo .. bo ..

kela-kela jarak jauh (antara rumah-rumah,


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orang-orang, dll) spaced far apart (houses, people, etc) lht jg: kelaa-kelaa

kelaa-kelaa jarak jauh (gugusan buah-buah pada tandan, pisang, papaya, matoa dll) spaced far apart (fruit clusters), poor crop lbt jg: kela-kela

kelae-kelae kurus, kerempeng thin

Kelaei Isou teluk terletak di daerah Nelebu Little cove south of Ayapo

kelaeu dekat, samping close, beside

kelai moko .• bo •. berkhianat betray, plan to do an evil deed (kill, steal, etc) NEYAE KELAI MOKOUBOKE NOI RO HAIBOKE. Ia mengkbianati orang itu sehingga dibunuh. He betrayed that person, [which led to] his death.

kelai ro pengkhianat deceiver

kelama penyu besar turtle, large sea variety

kelang ranting twig kelare •• ko.. pisahkan

(orang yang perkelahi, dll) separate (fighting people, clumps of seedings, etc. HANNE HOWOTENE REYAE ME HEE KELAREUMIKOKALE. Saya yang memisahkan keduanya sementara berkelahi. Because the two of them were fighting, I separated

them. kele •• bi.. cungkil dig

out, pluck RUKA KANI EINYARE KELEREHINDERE. Saya ingin mencungkil batu yang ada di dalam tanah. I will dig out the rock from the dirt.

kele •• ko •• (ijoko) jadi sadar become conscious

NA IJOKO KELEUKOKE BAE HOMOFAE LOMBE NA MENE ERELE. Sesudah ia jadi sadar, ia me1ihat buku di tangannya. When he regained consciousness, he saw a book in his hand.

kele .. N. • mengaj ar teach NEBEl HOLONA OLOBE

KELEWAIMILE Kepada golongan itu ia mengajar mengenai roh­roh. He taught that group about spirits.

kele .• N .• bo.. tunjukkan show NANE RAMBUN KELEUFEBOKE, NDA HOMOFAE NIYAE. Buku ini yang diperlihatkan kepada saya What he showed me was this book. WAEI BEKO KELEUNGEBOKAE. Kamu sudah menunjukkan dosamu. You have shown your fault.

kelebi (ijoko) ju1ing biji mata yang sudah putih white exudate in corner of eye

kelee [kele'e') tingkat dibawah lower (in status) 2 di bawah below KAMENDAKALE HAS AKA KELENE KANOEIBE EREKEUNGE YALE.


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Dilihatnya Kandei di bawah dagu seekor buaya. He saw in front of him a crocodile with Kandei under his chin.

kelee [kala'e') hu tiang rumah foundation posts other than corner posts

kelei gelagah pond reed (saccharum spontaneum)

kelele (aye) be bet (burung), itik danau long necked black bird with duck like feet which can also roost in trees

kelemongkon alat timba air, penimba coconut shell bailer, used for rinsing sago

kelen bau (busuk) odor (bad) KL: falala

kelen-kelen kering, tidak basah (pakaian, badan, makanan seperti au sago) dry, nat wet (clothes, body, food, i.e. ou sago)

kelengke be tulang rusuk ribs

keleu-keleu krim, sedikit putih, agak terang cream, off-white

keleumon putih white kelewan pedang, keris

sword keli empat (4) four (4) keli name beberapa few kelin-kelin desak,

berdesak-desakan crowded

kelu anak binatang animal offspring

kelu fa anak laki-laki son

kelu omi anak-anak children

kema aurat/kemaluan wanita vagina

kembeli belalang (sejenis) locust, round green bug that sits in a tree and sings

kembo [ke'mbe) bau harum sweet smell KS: foto, fa lola

keme ne.,N •. bo.. jerat (men-) trip up, trap, snare NEBEI.RO KOBUNANE ERA RAMBUN YUKAEI-YUKAEI YAE KENE NEUNGEBOKE.

keme ne •. N .. bo.. rugikan (me), mengakali swindle, cheat, fraud (someone) RO MBAI NA KELU MIYAE NAEI HEMBONI ARILEWOLEBE NAEI KOSELO YAROUKOKE BAEUFOKE KEME NEUNGEBOKE. Harta mas kawin anak lelakinya yg dikumpulkannya diambil semuanya oleh kepala sukunya dgn cara mengakalinya. A man had gathered the bride price for his son, but his clan head took it, used it up, and cheated him out of it.

ken hanya only KEIJA ANI BULINA KENBE EREKE HONGWOLE. Disitu dilihatnya buah pisang keija yang terakhir saja. He saw only one last banana lying in front of him.

kena lereng, kaki gunung Somewhat level foot of a mountain that goes down into the lake, directly above the water.

ken a hati liver REYAE RA KENA EISA ELALE,


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"NAEI NINAE ..... Oalam hati saya berkata, "Itu sudah ... I said from the bottom of my heart, "This is it ••• " 2 mau desire, seat of emotion

NAEI KENA U HALE YAE YABANE MENAINOYONOERE. Mereka ingin dengan cepat ke pantai. Their desire is to come quickly to shore.

kena batuk cough ken a (elu) lereng gunung

steep sloping side of a mountain

kena beko ko.. rasa marah, susah, sedih feel angry KANDEl EBIRE NA KENA EISA NA BEKO HELE KOUNGE. Kandei marah sekali kepada Ebi. Kandei was feeling very angry at Ebi.

kena bubae cinta/kasih, sayang love

kena fae-fae murah hati generous

kena haba rendah hati, lembut humble

kena hebaen sabar patient

kena hen-sen iri hati, cemburu jealous

kena berau .. bo.. sabar (lit: tekan hati) show patience (lit: push down feelings) KARO YA WA KENA HERAWEIBO. Tidak apa-apa, sabarlab saja! It doesn't matter, just be patient

kena here •. bo.. timbul keinginan overcome by a strong emotion NOI MAENGKE HOKOLO EREKEUNGEKE NA KENA

HEREUNGEKOKE. Timbul keinginannya karen a ia melihat gadis yang cantik itu. When he saw that beautiful girl, he was overcome with passion.

kena ijen lurus hati, jujur honest, fair

kena isembu influensa, pilek influenza

kena ko.. cinta, kasih, asmara love REYAE WARE KENA KOWALE. Aku cinta padamu I love you. 2 suka like (something) REYAE KENA HELE KALE. Saya suka sekali [pikiran ini] I really like [this idea].

kena melae tawar hati, kecewa frustrated, disappointed

kena miyae isteri yang tercinta beloved wife

kena mobi ban tidak mau dislikes (food, peopleO

kena molo suami yang tercinta beloved husband

ken a molo •. N . . naf su lust NAUWAKELE MIYAERE ROWENDERE KENA MOLOYEUNGE. Ia bernafsu untuk menikahi isteri adiknya. He lusted after/wanted to take his younger brother's wife. KS: kena hae-hae ko ..

kena nime baba lembut hati merciful

kena ruka hati batu, hati keras, tegar hard hearted

ken a u perasaan dalam inner feelings


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kena u nihe •• N .• hi. • rendah hati humble NAEl KENA U NlHEUNGEHlKENE, NA AKA BAEKE A ELAElKOKE HULUlNYE HAKOUBOKE. Because he was humble he followed what his friends said.

kena wau-wau ragu-ragu, bimbang uncertain, doubt

kena yili sulit bernapas out of breath

ken a yon-jon menarik interesting-

kena-kena tidak sehat, badan merana unhealthy

HABEKAl NO BAN HE BAN KOLENE NAUWA KENA-KENA BELE. Karena selalu mengisap rokok, maka badannya merana. Because he chain smokes he is unhealthy.

kendaa tanah liat clay kendan wameran kemuliaan

raja king's position which he receives by having his big toe pushed down (not a literal chair)

kenen perabot yang dipakai untuk duduk atau tidur furniture for sitting or sleeping

kengku tulang daun sagu yg dipakai oleh anak untuk bikin anak panah center of sago leaf used for play arrows

kensi kelapa sebelah coconut half

kerale •. N .. ko. . buka terlepas (orang berkelahi) separate (people fighting) HOKOLO BEE HANNE HaTE BE

KERALEUMlKOKE. la memisahkan kedua orang yang berkelahi. He separated the two men who were fighting.

keramut beduk (semacam) dengan bentuk seperti perahu drum, boat shaped, used for dances

kere .. ho.. runtuhkan push over, tear down BUMANA HONOLE aBE ARE KEREUNGEBOKE. I a meruntuhkan kayu yang ada di atasnya. He tore down the upper wood. Iht jg: kerale .. ho ..

kere .. N .. ho.. turunkan orang atau barang besar lower a person or large article MANA RAMBUN KEREINYOKO au. Sekarang turunkan barang itu. Now let down the goods.

keren kotoran dirt (i.e. on shoes from walking)

keren nale kotoran banyak pile of dirt, rubbish 2 kekayaan riches

kerendeng (aye) burung hijau (Microeca flavovirescens) olive flycatcher (Microeca flavovirescens)

kesengki belalang grasshopper

kete.. tumbuh (pohon, rambut, orang) grow up (trees, grass, people) NEBEl a MENEMFA KITEKE. Pohon itu baru bertumbuh. That tree has just sprouted. 2 naik, mendaki, memanjat (pohon, gunung) climb NEYAE ELURE KITEUWEKE.


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Ia mendaki bukit. He c~imbed up into the hills

kete •• N •• bo rias diri (ke orang, rumah" tentara); hiaskanqecor,ate for special occa,sif;Jlls (person, house) i decorate a soldier, i.e. promote NEYAE KETENEMBOMBE. I a akan menghiasi kamu. He wi~~ decorate us.

ketembi kulit gaba-gaba skin of sago palm stem

keu gila crazy, insane keu a .• bo.. jadi gila

act crazy, insane ALO YAE HELAUNGEKOKENE KEU AUNGEBOKE KOLE. Ia gila karena dirasuki roh jahat. He went crazy because he was possessed by an evil spirit.

keu buli kelakuan orang yg kena kerugian, sinting irrational behavior a person takes on when he has suffered a great loss (los of child, money, etc)

keu ko.. lht jg: keu a .. bo ..

kewa tikar daun kelapa atau daun sagu mat, woven from coconut or sago leaves

kewa (aye) burung warna coklat, dulu dipercayai burung pembawa kabar buruk bird, brown, traditionally it was believed it would bring bad news Iht jg: yoye [yoye' j, aye

kibo papeda yang cair sago pudding, very watery 2 ingus mucus

from a runny nose 3 lendir pad a kulit ikan slime on fish skin

kibo ran-dan air liur saliva at ,t/?.e edge of mouth'

kibo •• bo. . ' j a~H' kurus become thin, ',' MONI YAE MO YA HELEN ;NE,KEUKOKENE NAUWA KIBOUBOKE. Karena berpuasa ia menj adi kurus". Because he had been hungry for a long time~ he is skinny.

kibo-kibo kurus, cair (penuh air), kental thin, shrivelled (as from hunger), watery

kiho mandul barren kiholo pohon yang biasa

dipakai untuk lantai rumah tree used for floor boards

kii-kii ayunan swing kika banyak (daun,

orang), rimbun dense accumulation (leaves, people)

kika .• bo.. terlepas let go, detach oneself EN NIME YEUBOKE NA NORA KIKABOKE RUKE. Pisang itu terlepas jatuh dari tangkainya karena masak The ripe banana let go of the mother stalk and fell. 2 lepas, potong sebagiiin detach, break off a piece NEBEl OBO NA BAEREBE KlKAIBO ROWEl. Po tong sebagian paha babi itu, dan bawalah kemari. Break off a piece of that pig leg and bring it here.

kika .. ko.. berdesak masuk, serobot masuk,


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desak squeeze through RO M1YAE HELEN HE BATE KA1-KA1SA KIKAKOKE EWEUF1KE. 1a berdesak aasuk meIaIui banyak orang. He squeezed through the many people standing there.

kiki sempit narrow kile.. tengkar quarrel

NO BAN HE BAN A KILEYETE. Mereka berdua seialu bertengkar tanpa henti­hentinya. The two of them quarrel ceaselessly.

kile •• bo.. lht jg: ikile .. bo ..

kili. bunyi yang kurang baik unpleasant noise (squeaking door, gnashing teeth, etc.)

Kili Bahe nama anjing dalam ceritra name of a mythical dog

kilika bunyi yg dibikin oleh akon sound made by the instrument akon

kimani ge1ang kecil,---­dipakai untuk mas kawin bracelet, small, used for bride wealth

kin (ka) te1ur ikan fish eggs

kin (oro) betis calf of leg

kinauwe .• ko .. (ha) ter1ingkar tangle F01 JAE ME IKILEIBOINYE HA KINAUWEUKOKE. Tali itu terlingkar karena tidak dipegangnya dengan baik. Because he was not holding the string properly, it tangled.

kingkaei timba perahu, seludang kelapa

bailing container on a boat,

kingko .• bo.. 1isut, susut shrink from being dried (meat) ROLANSANNE RA1S1KE HONOYOLENE KINGKOUBOKE. Karena diletakkan di panas matahari, menjadi susut. Because they put it in the sun, it shrank.

kini jangkrik praying mantis (short, fat, yellow) lht jg: mangkun-mangkun

kino 1intah (air) leech (water) lht jg: harambo

kinDle kanolo ge1ap sekaIi, gelap gulita pitch dark

kinye .. bo.. dorong, to1ak push away, reject NANEMBA1NYE HEBETEBE KINYEUBOKE. 1a menolak orang yang berdiri bersama-sama dengan dia. They were standing together but he shoved him away. KS: ne .. hi. .

kinye .. bo .. (me neke) mendorong, meno1ak dgn tangan, tikam (babi) dan biar bergu1ing ke bawah push and shove with your hands, spear (a pig) and let him roll down the hill


OBO KETELE BAE N1NAE ROHABU NEYAE ME NELE KINYEBOYELE. Begitu babi muncul, Rohabu menombaknya dan mendorongnya jatuh terguling dari bukit ke bawah). Rohabu was an avid hunter. (He would

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spear pigs which normally rolled down t;he hi11.)

kinye •. H .• bo.. memberi, serahkan give, surrender (probably more formal than i •• N-)

NDI KANl NAEKO YAE KINYEUNGEBOKE. Tanah itu diserahkan oleh ayahnya kepadanya His father gave him this land. Iht jg: i .• N ..

kite.. Iht jg: kete .• kite •• H .• bo.. Iht jg:

kete .. N •• bo .• kiyae ialah, yang that

one HOBONG RO YOUMAKROU YONE NEKEWOLE NEBEl KIYAE YAE ELELE. Orang Hobong yg tinggal di Yobe, yang berkata. A Hobong man who lives at Youmakrou, that one spoke.

kiyo-kiyo (ho) kelapa muda yg tidak berisi young coconut

ko buah atau biji dari tanaman yg bukan pohon (semangka, tomat, dll) non tree fruit or seed (tomato, watermelon, etc) 2 kayu di dalam pohon, inti pohon inside wood of a tree Iht jg: haka, nu, benih, bibit, biji

ko.. buat; kata kerja fungsi do; function verb which takes its meaning from its context. PEMERlNTAH YAE ERE KAIHYEKOKE NA KALlA MOKOWOLERE. Pekerjaannya itu diakui oleh Pemerintah The Government agreed that

he could work. BU KAIBOKERA, UKEUMI ... Sesudah mereka mandi dia beritahukan mereka .. After they had bathed he told them. . . 2 Dipakai untuk orang, binatang, dan tanaman untuk referensi gerakan. Used for humans, animals, and plants to indicate a state of long term activity. 0

HA REU FAE FOl KOWATE. Pohon dan tanaman tumbuh dengan baik Trees and plants were growing well. NEBEl MEKAlNYE KA BUNE NARE KOYATE. ltu sebabnya ikan hidup di air That's the reason fish live in the water. RALO YAKAMA KOWEKE. ltu bertahan bertahun­tahun It lasted for years. MAl HAM BAY AN KOMBE ... Kamu boleh beribadah .... You may have your services, ...

koba bag ian ujung satu alat, seperti anak panah atau pegangan pisau; ujung air, yaitu kolam, gundukan tanah, kolam air, dll tail end of things, i.e. arrow or knife handle; tail end of water, i.e. pool

koba hung pendek dan gemuk (babi, dayung, dll) short and fat (animals, objects)

koboki bulat round KS: kobou-kobou

kobou gumpalan tanah


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clod of dirt 2 awan cloud

kobou-kobou bulat round kobu semang-semang

outrigger kobu tandu stretcher for

incapacitated person kobu kandang babi kecil

pig pen, small kobu bodoh stupid

WEYAE ELEYAE ISAEI YEUBOKALE NEBEIBE WEYAE NA KOBU YAE NEKEYAE. Kamu pikir kamu sudah tahu banyak, tetapi kamu masih bodoh. You say you know a lot, but you are still very foolish.

kobu handa bebal sekali, pandir, goblok stupid, very

kobun .• bo. . kunyah (pinang) chew beetlenut NA BE KOBUNEUBOKE NA HEKI BAN MO HAUBOKE. Pinang yg dikunyahnya itu cepat sekali menjadi merah Soon after he chewed the betelnut, it became red. 2 bikin tumpul make something dull (machete, arrowhead)

koi tempat tidur sleeping mat

koi bae pesta (dansa dan menyanyi) waktu seraja diangkat party (singing and dancing) at the time a king is inaugerated KOI BAE MO KAIMEKATE YA HEUMIBOKE NA YORE FAEWOUNGE. Sesudah menari sampai pagi, semua orang pulang ke kampung masing-masing

After dancing till morning, everyone took their canoes and went home.

koi-koi (a) nyanyian song KANDEITE EBILE A KOI-KOI MOKAINYEBOKE. Mereka menciptakan lagu mengenai Kandei dan Ebi. They made up a song about Kandei and Ebi.

koijele hireijele terhuyung-huyung movements one makes in response to being hurt badly

koka kayu penahan mulut perahu brace sticks used to keep sides of a canoe apart

koko panjang long KA NA KOKO WORO HULUI? Apakah ikan itu sepanjan9 kakimu? Is the fish as long as your foot? 2 dalam deep

koko i. .bo .. diamkan KOKO YEMBO! calm down

Diamkan! Quiet down! KS: Hilembo!

kokun tuli deaf kolaei mangkok, cangkir

cup (drinking) kolei ma warna sagu

sesudah disaring maroon colored; color of sago after being pressed through a strainer

kolei-kolei angin yang baru mulai windy, suddenly

koli-koli sulit pisahkan difficult to separate S: Nda miyae a londe koli-koli hele eyelewole. Wanita ini


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biaea berbicara terus, tidak henti-hentinya. It is difficult to separate these women when they are talking.

kolo pergian (be-), perjalanan trip, journey

kolo hei (findelau) bintang, pagi star, morning

kolo ro miyae musafir travelers

kolo •• bo •• (i) bikin api start a fire lBE KOLOIBO! YE BELE BAEUKONDE! Bikin api! Cari kayu api! Make a fire! Get some firewood!

kolo .• ko.. taruh, letakkan put down carefully plural objects RAMBUN HEKAEl ROWEMMEMBENA, NlBlNE KOLOMBOMBE NO YENGKOMBE. Kalau anda memikul barang berat, turunkan sebentar dan istirahatlah. If you are bringing heavy things put them down on the path and rest. Iht jq: ha .. N •• ka-; hekele .. ko-; ra .. ha.

kolo .• H •• ko •. (a) beritahukan, timbangkan, bertengkar tell, consider, quarrel

NEBEl A NANEMBAlNYE KOLAINYEKOKE. Masa.lah itu mereka telah pertimbanqkan secara bersama. They considered the problem ..

kolo.H •. ko .. (hului) ukur measure NA KOKO NAENNAEN KOLOUNGEKOKE?

Berapakah panjang yang diukurnya? How long did it measure?

koloi tempat tidur (semacam) stretcher

kolole kebesaran too big for a hole NEBEl lMAENA ROMAU KlKINE, RAEI UWA ERENSlNDEREBE KOLOLENE BUKEUFlKALE. Saya balik, sebab tubuhku kebesaran untuk masuk pintu rumah yg sempit it. The house had a narrow door and I wanted to go into it but because it was too narrow I gave up and came back.

kololo bahu (aye) burung (Dacelo gaudichaud) rufous-bellied kookaburra (Dacelo gaudichaud)

kolowe •• bo.. lekat stick to (like glue) KE RAISlKEBE MALONE KOLOWEUBOKE. Rumput itu terlekat pada pakaian. The grass has stuck to his clothes.

kolu keong, siput (semacam) yang tinggal di pohon snail type creature which lives in trees

kolu hiasan kaki waktu dansa ankle bracelet made of snail shells

kolu mentah, masih muda (buah-buahan) raw, unripe

komaeu tempat tinggal hantu yang dilihat seperti sarang semut spirit dwelling that looks like an ant hill

komaeu (nali) hantu babi pig spirit KS: abo


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walobo 2 tempat tinggal hantu bai place of abode for a, pig spirit KS: nal~

kombae anak panah, dibikin dari tulang pelepah sagu arrow made from a sago leaf

kombaelu semangka, mentimun watermelon and a noncucumber yellow fruit called a mentimun

kombi pohon dan buahnya (sejenis) tree and its fruit (a type)

kombo (imae) rumah adat yang pernah dipakai untuk mengajar laki­laki yg mudah (bentuk biasa) house where the young boys used to live to be instructed (regular shape)

kombo mahu pohon buah­buahan (mangga, jeruk, matoa, dll) fruit trees (manggo, breadfruit, citrus, matoa, etc.)

kombo yeu pantai Yahim Yahim beach

kombou pohon (sejenis) yang kulitnya dipakai untuk membuat kain kulit tree from which bark cloth is made

kombou malo pakaian dari kulit kayu, cawat bark loinclot.h

kombu fako orang malas dan kotor, goblok, pandir dumb, stupid person; lazy and dirt.y

kombu-kombu basah kuyup soaking wet and cold

komo embun dew konda-konda bagi hati­

hati divide up things carefully (give a

little at a time) MELASA EBI KEN EBENE WOKENE RO MIYAE HELEN MATE EREUMINE, WAHEI­WAHEISE KONDA-KONDA KOLE. Berhubung nasi yg dimasaknya sedikit, maka ia membaginya hati-hati, supaya banyak orang yg datang bisa kebagian semuanya. Because they had only cooked a lit.t.le rice and many people were looking on he divided it up a little at a time (so there would be enough for everyone to have some).

kondaeu (helai) kendi, tembikar, buyung clay pot

kondaeu (ho) tempurung kelapa coconut shell (for storing bride price articles)

Kondaeu Yomo nama tanjung, Buki sebelah selatan name of a point just south of Buki

kong (wi) sungai kecil, hulu sungai tributary

kong bulu dubur anus 2 bekas gegat (papan, perahu) hole (in board, canoe)

konin tombak ikan kecil, sump it fish spear KS: katau, kalawai

konindo manik-manik warna biru tua (nokom) bead, dark blue nokom

kono-kono penuh, sarat (dari Ajau) full, loaded (Ajau term) KS: kon-kono

kono-kana penuh full KS: kolo-kolo


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kono-kono mae-mae penuh sesak, banyak sekali full, very

koo suara keras, pekik loud voice KOO YAE KOLOINYE. Panggil dia dengan suara besar/keras. Call him with a loud voice.

koo-koo ko.. sembunyikan diri avoid detection RO MIYAERE EREUKEUMINE, o MABONE KOO-KOO KOLE. Melihat beberapa orang, dia menyembunyikan dirinya di dekat pohon Because he saw some people he hid himself among some tree roots.

koro (na hele) kasihan what a pity

koro ban diam, teduh quiet, not say anything

koro .• bo. . cabut rumput liar pullout weeds IMAE HOUNGA HUN FOIMEYATE KOROUBONDE. Cabut rumput liar di halaman rumah. Pull ou~ the weeds in the yard.

korule .. bo.. jadi cair, larut dissolve HAE BUNE ALEIBOYAINYE KORULEIBOYOLE. Garam larut di dalam air. Salt dissolves in water.

kose hu tiang di tengah rumah, sokoguru, tiang utama central post in house

kose yo findai jo pemimpin-pemimpin sukujklen clan leaders KS: yo yo kose yo

koselo (kose'lo) kepala suku di bawah Ondofolo

clan head kou pucuk tip of a leaf,

sprouts, shoots kou teluk kecil cove

lht jg: koung kou keranjang basket kou kandungan, rahim

womb KS: yahi kou kalo tempat tidak

rata di jalanan, dll 2 kekurangan shortage

kou wae bengkonde ia jatuh terbalik he/it will flip over (like a diver) lht jg: be .. ko ..

kou yebei pantai (lit: teluk dan tanjung) shoreline (lit: coves and points)

kou-kou (a bulu) lubang yg dalam inside (a hole)

kou-kou (a) tempat terpencil isolated place KS: haei-saei (a)

koukou bisul boil 2 sudut corner

koungei buah dari pohon yang dimakan oleh tikus, dll fruit, from a tree, eaten by rats and other wild animals

ku jejak binatang di rumput animal tracks, trail in grass

ku gelang tangan arm band

ku perhiasan tar ian classifier for dance jewlery, ornaments

ku bula Perhiasan badan seperti kalung untuk leher, tangan, kaki, dll. neck, arm, leg, waist decorations made from cowry shells. When dancing the shells were shaken.


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ku melesai ro perintis pioneer

kuba seeara kejut tiba­tiba suddenly startled manner KANDEl KUBA LON NEKE OLEUKOKE NA FE LONDE HAKAUBOKE. Tiba-tiba Kandei melarikan diri. Kandei, B~artled, ran off.

kuba ako.. didih (men-) boil

kui bunga flower that produces fruit lht jg: arokou

kui-kui buah yang baru mulai muneul, masih sangat muda (buah yg keeil) fruit that has just formed from a bud

kui-kui mae-mae limpah, makmur, kaya-raya (makanan, mas kawin, dll) abundance (of food, bride wealth, etc. )

kuinye •• bo.. tusuk pierce (earlobe, nose, cloth) lMAKE ROUKE NA MALONE KUINYEUBOKE. I a mengambil jarum itu dan menusuk pad a pakaiannya. He took a needle and pierced the cloth.

kuinyei-kuinyei gatal, alergi itehy

Kukai Jomo nama tanjung sebelah timor Ayapo name of a point east of Ayapo

kukelaija ribut sekali, sangat gaduh loud noise

kuku main umpet-umpetan hide and seek

kula •• bo.. lucuti barang keeil, lepas, urai disassemble a small

item (chairs, watches) 2 kupas peel 3 buka pakaian take off clothes

kula-kula longgar loose kulu buhee hale •.

menyibak air di buritan perahu pad a upaeara ad at special event of bringing an ondofolo's daughters contribution to a head price payment

kulu-kulu kaget surprised

kulu-kulu ko.. gemetar, gigil shake, shiver RENE HIN MEUNGEKE MANSENE KULU-KULU KOWATE. Ia menggigil karena kedinginan akibat angin subuh. The cold morning wind made him shiver.

kulun musim, waktu/kejadian istimewa season, special time/event

kulun ribut, bunyi noise

kulun bo.. siap supaya mau berangkat ready to leave

kulun hai .. boo •

lht jg: kulun

kulun u.. telah berangkat bersama-sama leave as a group NEYAE KULUN UKATE NANDALI YORE MEKATE. Mereka berangkat ke Netar. They left and went to Netar.

kumba (ijoko) buta blind

kume (ho) sabut coconut husk string

kun wau angkasa luar outer space


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kun •. ko •• (ijoko) tutup (mata) close (eyes) ANE NEKE IJOKO NA HIBI KUNEUKOKE. Setelah berbaring, ia langsung menutup matanya. As soon as he lay down, he closed his eyes.

kun-kun busuk, basi rotten (food) KS: ma­ma

kundele mandele tidur pulas sound asleep

kunen dengkur, orok snore

kunsolo langit sky KS: kun wau

kuru bocor leaky kuse •• N •• ko.. gOyang

rock something back and forth ORO ELAE EWOLENE KUSEUNGEKOKE RUKE. Karena goncangan kakinya, bend a itu tergoyang dan jatuh. Because he walked heavily, he rocked {the wall hangings] and they fell.

kuye .• ko.. cuci wash lMAERE ENDERE ORO BU KUYEUKOKE. la mencuci kakinya karena rnau rnasuk ke rurnah. Before entering the house, he washed his feet.

lae kuat, keras strong KS: elaekei

lae .• N •. hi. Iht jg: elae .. N .. hi.

laeibo-laeibo (yun) pemberontakan, bandel, berandal rebel, one who is hard headed and will not submit to authority KAlFANA ERA RO MlYAE YAE ELATE ARE YUH LAEIBO-LAEIBO MO

IKOWOLE. Karena ia hararn jadah, rnaka selalu saja memberontak/melawan. Probably because he is an illegitimate child he rebels against what people say.

leu (ka) ikan yang kena penyakit sick fish

lewa-Iewa kasar, sifat kasar, cerewet coarse, coarse character, hard to please NEBEl RO NAEI U MEKAI LEWA­LEWANE KEPALA DESARE EYElBOI SULUI. Berhubung sifatnya kasar, ia tidak layak rnenjadi Kepala Desa. Because the man has a coarse character he can not become the Kepala Desa.

Ion pun, tanda rnenguatkan heran, luar biasa, hal rnenantikan yg tidak jadi .. Marker to emphasize surprize, something unusual, uncommon, unexpected, or to emphasize a dashed expection. EBI NA IJOKO LONBE NEBEl KEIJA NAUME YAE NEKEUNGE YA. Ditusuknya mat a pun Ebi dengan pisang (keija) yg panas itu Ebi poked the hot banana in his eye (unbelieveable)J

ma cara manner FAMAI YAE KELEWOUMILE MA BAN. Ajaran itu tidak sarna dengan (bentuk) ajaran Farnai. Famai did not teach people in such manner. 2 bentuk, rupa


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shape 3 warna, corak color BU MA warna air, biru/hijau color of water, aqua

bulu halus fur Ibt jg: ai

ma fili kayu ikan kering stick used to hold dried fish

ma bi berbeda, lain different

mabo kerabat dekat relatives, close clan

mabo tunggul, pangkal the part of a tree which would form the stump if it were cut down

mabon rahang jaw mae •• bo.. gantung hang

from something MAENSERA NIHEUNGEKOKE, o HINE MAEUBOKE. Ia jatuh bersama dahan yg patah, lalu bergantung pula pada dahan pohon yang lain. The branch broke and he hung from another branch of the tree.

mae .• bi.. terus-menerus continue action in next verb on and on A HUN KOLAISE AN NA HIBI MO MAEREBINDE ELERONDE. Saya akan terus berbicara, tidak ada yang dapat menghentikanku. There is no one to stop me so I will talk on and on.

mae •• i.. panjat climb o NO KABAN SELE BUMARE NENDONG MAEREYENDE. Saya akan berani memanjat pohon yang besar. I will easily climb the big tree.

mae .. ko. • terpesona

mendengarkan, terpikat listen, watch attentively; to be spellbound NEYAE MAEUMIKOKE. Mereka terpesona mendengarkan. They listened attentively to them.

mae-mae penuh, sarat full NEBEl KAI RAMBUN MAE MO HAWAIKOKE MAE­

MAE KOUKOKE. Perahu itu penub dengan barang. That canoe is full of things they have loaded.

mae-mae tidak kuat (tiang rumah, orang tinggi kurus) shaky, wobbly (house posts, tall skinny people) Ibt jg: bae-bae

maebae mbai lima five maebae •. N •• ko .. usir,

keluar dari persembunyian chase away OBO NOKOMBI RENA MO LON MAEHAEINYEKOKE

KULUN JAE KUKELAIJA. Mereka mengusir seekor babi hitam bertaring keluar dari persembunyiannya dengan bunyi gedebak-gedebuk. They chased a pig with tusks and he made a lot of noise running through the thicket.

maei kami punya our (excl)

maeko ayah kami father, our

maengke fa anak perempuan daughter 2 perempuan kecil, belum kawin, nona, gadis girl, young, unmarried

maengke bou makanan untuk mas kawin food for


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bride wealth exchange maengke nibi brideprice

custom of the wife's clan giving the groom's clan food in exchange for their hemboni.

maengkeu fa anak-anak dari saudara kandung perempuan kita son of a clanswoman

maenin (yO) kampung lain (tidak tertentu) another village (no specific one)

maensa dahan, ranting, cabang akau secondary branch of a tree, branch of an akau Ibt jg: akau ----

mahe arwah (orang mati) spirit of a dead person

mahe boi-boi ro pemanggil arwah medium

mahe yo alam baka, alam bersakh abode of the dead

mahe .• ko.. terlalu generous supply NOI RO NA FA BU MALI KOLE ABE UKAINYELEBE IKELE HAN MAHEUKOKE KOLE. Orang itu sangat marah karena dikatai bahwa anaknya peminum. They told the man his son was a drunk and he became very angry.

mahe .• N •• ko.. usir tangan untuk keluarkan anjing, lalat, dll wave hand to chase something away

MAHEINYOKO EU! Usirlah itu Wave it away! 2 dorong sampai jatuh rusak push until it falls and breaks MAHEINYOKO! Rusakkanlah itu! Break

it! mahi memburu binatang

waktu gelap hunt after dark BE BAHEMBONOE MO, REYAE MAHIRE ERELERE. Setelah gelap saya akan pergi berburu. After dark, I will go hunting. Iht jg: wala, aka

mahi-mahi macam-macam various

mahu musim penyakit sickness season, time when various villages are experiencing the same sickness.

mai pasilan parasitic plant, i.e. mistletoe

mai kepunyaan kalian yours (pI)

mai (be) tangkai pinang stem of a betelnut

maisaeibe maisaei ban tahu tetapi pura-pura tidak tahu, sangkal p~etence at ignorance; l~t: you know but you know not

maise naeise masing­masing kamu each of you

makei mana where MAKEISE? Ke mana Where to? WEYAE MAKEI ANUWAUNGE HEKE EUMOKOUBONOERE? Di mana engkau akan membuka kebun Where are you going to make a garden?

makei see kapan when maken raja hubungan

keluarga istimewa dgn raja Ohei king with a special family connection with the Ohei king Ihtjg: maken, enaa, ifale


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makensin angin pagi dari utara, tidak keras wind, light, blowing from north in morning

makili rasa bosan bored malangka bekas kunyah,

gigitan, ampas squeezed-out coconut pulp

male tua (barang) old (inanimate)

maleu tenang silent maleu (ho) kelapa yang

masih muda coconut, young

maleu-maleu pelan-pelan slowly NEYAE MALEU­MALEU WAE ANELE. Ia makan pelan-pelan. He eats slowly.

mali loteng, bubungan rumah attic

mali kerongkongan throat 2 rakus excessive

(eating, drinking, spending, etc.) NDI RO ERAMAN MALI HELE. Orang itu rakus makanan. That person is a glutton for food.

malo pakaian clothing malo hei-sei sampiran

pakaian, tempat gantung pakaian place to hang clothes

malo huba bungkusan barang kecil, dalam kantong. wrapper for small things (i.e. tobacco) carried round in bag.

malu •• bo,. panen harvest HEKE MEUFONOUKOKERA MO

ANI MALUNAIBOKE. Setelah kebun beberapa waktu barulah hasilnya dipanen. After the garden had matured, they harvested it.

mam ban tidak wajar socially improper KL: na man

mama kekuatan hilang karena busuk, tua, dll (kayu, kain, etc) lost its hardness from rot, age, etc (wood, cloth, etc)

mambulun (heraa) ompong (gigi) toothless, teeth came out RORELE YEUBOKENE NA HERA MAMBULUN NEKELE. I a ompong, karena sudah tua. Because he was an old man he was toothless.

man kebiasaan customary thing

man (kani) debu dust man no pohon sagu liar,

tidak dimakan tetapi bagus untuk mendapati ulat sagu; sago tree, small and thorny, not eaten but good producer of sago grubs;

mana sekarang, kini, masakini now NEYAE MANA MON! YAROUNGEKE. Sekarang dia lapar sekali. He was now very hungry.

mande [mande'] nama sejenis tar ian asli dance (traditional style)

mando-mando kuning muda (seperti buah masak) pale yellow (color of ripe fruit)

mandu (hobolo) nyanyian, tarian (sejenis) song, dance (type) lht jg: siaa, mandeKS: bae

mane (mane') rayap, ngengat termite

manemfa fere baru saja,


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tadi just now manemta-manemfa beberapa

hari yang lalu several days ago '

mangkali sayurgedi (kata Irian Jay~) ~egetable leaves that grows on a pepaya-like plant

mangkali ko manik-manik warna hijau (hawa) bead, green hawa

mangkele dengan kalian, kalain juga with, including you (pI)

mangko awan cloud mangko rainya ditutupi

awan, terlalu banyak awan, kabut cloudy, covered with clouds

mangkoi berhubungan kelamin (hewan) sexual intercourse (animals)

mangkun burung kasuari cassowary

mangkun-mangkun bela lang sentadu preying mantis, green Iht jg: kini

man in ngilu aching tingle, as teeth when acidic fruit is eaten after chewing betelnut.

maning kombu sejenis siapu, umbi besar yang biru dan bulat tuber, big, blue, round

maningko kerongkongan throat

manse rasa dingin feel cold Iht jg: nuku-nuku

marara bau kencing urine odor KS: baeiyi

masekaa kelap-kelip bintang twinkling light trom a star

masekaa kunang-kunang tirefly

Masolo nama pulau yang

terletak di sebelah utara selat buki name of island on north side otchannel

mau pintu door KS: romau

mau •• bo.. lht jg: mawe .. bo ..

mauka tempat alas belanga sagu, dibuat dari rotan sago pot stand made from rattan

mawe •• bo.. tiup blow NEBEl HULU KALI MAWEIBO. Tiuplah seruling itu. Blow that whistle.

mayae kalianj kamu sekalian you (pI)

maye-maye [maye'-maye') halus (kain, ukiran) fine, well executed (cloth, carving) NEBEl RAKA HOMO MAYE-MAYE HELE. Ukiran itu terialu halus. That carving is fine work.

maye-maye [maye'-maye') bae.. curi seperti tukang copet steal like a pickpocket, without making victim aware YOKORE MAYE­MAYE BAELE. 1a pencuri yang lihai. He steals skillfully.

mbai satu (1) one (1) mbai sambai hanya satu

one only mbainye bersama-sama

together mbemba satu satu one by

one FAMAI RO MIYAE MBEMBA ARILEMMIH1KE. Famai mengumpulkan orang satu satu. Famai gathered people together one by one.

me tangan arm 2


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tangan hand me bae .• ko. . hitung

count RAMBUN lKAINYELE ERAISI MO ME BAEUKOKE. Sebelum ia meletakkan barang itu, ia terlebih dulu mengbitungnya. Before he put down the things they gave him, he count;ed them.

me baei ban tidak hitung, remeh no problem, (lit: not counted) RAMAN BELE MALO BELE NAEISE ALLAH ME BAEI BAN EREUNGE. Bagi Allah, pangan dan sandang tidak masuk bitungan (sangat remeb). Allah looks at things relating to food and clothes as things that are are no problem to provide.

me bangka u bangka tangan koseng empty-handed REYAE ME BANGKA U BANGKA MEKALE. Saya datang dengan tangan kosong. I came empt;y­handed.

me bee sepuluh (10) (lit: tangan dual ten (10) (lit: two hands)

me bin me foka tepukan tangan hand clapping RO MBAl A ELEIKOYOLE MO, NANEMENE ME BIN ME FOKA WOYAINYE. Setiap kali seseerang berbicara, mereka semua menyambutnya dengan tepukan tangan. Whenever someone speaks, everyone claps. KS: me fae-fae

me bobo dipegang dengan

kuat tightly held UWANE KINYENATE RUWENDE BELE ME BOBO IKILEUBOKE. Dia berpegang kuat sehingga dia tidak akan terdorong dan jatuh. He held on t;ight;ly so that he wouldn't get pushed and fall.

me boi u boi ko.. pukul terus menerus (tifa) keep beating (on a drum) AKO NAEKORA HERAIBOKENE, NDA FARE ME BOI U BOI KOYAINYE. Karena orang tuanya sudah tiada, anak ini terus menerus dipukul. Because his parents have died, this child is regularly beaten.

me bu baengkara kayeke ro orang dengan ilmu gaib, peramal (bisa bicara salah) prophet (not always correct) KS: me hinin me wale kelaimiyeke ro

me bu baengke cara untuk mencari tahu pencuri method for uncovering thieves

me bubae upah, gaji wage, pay

me buhee [buhe'e'] gerakan tangan istimewa pad a tar ian dance, hands make a motion like they are bailing water Iht jg: buhee hale.

me buli jari kelingking finger (little)

me ebaeiboi tidak dihitung worthless AKO NAKE BAN FARE ME EBAEIBOI. Ia tidak terhitung karena ia


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anak yatim piatu. He is not counted for he is a child without parents.

me fae telapak tangan palm of hand

me fae-fae tepukan tangan hand clapping KS: me bin me foka

me hale (u hale) cepat, lekas, segera quick

me he •• N •. bo.. jam 21:00 (lit. waktu cuci tangan) 9.00 p.m. (lit. hand cleaning time)

me helen siku elbow me herau •• bo.. berkati

(lit. taruh tangan di kepala) bless (lit. place hands on head) ONDOFOLORE YENNUWEMBONDERE ME BERAWEUNGEBOKE. I a diberkati karena ia akan menjabat sebagai Ondofolo. To make him Ondofolo (chief), they blessed him.

me hila u hila sifat yg suka merusak, menganggu desires to destroy, desturb NA U MEKAI ME BILA U HILA MO ROBE NEKELE. Ia seorang yang nakal (suka merugikan orang lain). He is an inconsiderate/rude person.

me hila-hila suka berkerja likes to work

me hine.. jabat tangan shake hands AHAUFE END ERE ME HINEUMI. Karena ingin merantau ke negeri orang, ia menyalami orang dengan

berjabat tangan. He shook hands [to say goodbye] as he went away.

me hire •• bo.. mengulurkan tangan open hands to receive something FA KAEI-KAEI RIME RIMELENE ME HIREUNGEBOKE ROWENELERE. Ia mengulurkan tangannya untuk mendukung anak kecil yg menangis itu. Because the small child is crying open your hands and pick him up.

me horo tangan kosong, tanpa yg upacara cukup atau alat-alat perlengkapan empty­handed, without adequate ritual or tools RAEI YO IMAE ME BORO U HORO YAE HEMBOMBERE! Kamu akan membangun rumah saya dengan cuma-cuma You are going to build my house without adequate ritual! NA MONE YANEWEKENE ME HORO U HORO NEKELE. Ia tidak mempunyai sesuatu apapun karen a ia hidup menyendiri. Because he lived by himself, he had nothing.

me horo u horo ro orang tidak mempunyai ilmu gaib ordinary person with no special spiritual abilities

me hukun tong kat walking stick

me i sendi, pergelangan tangan arm joint, wrist

me kaba-kaba ketuk knock


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ma kala-kala jari fingers

ma kelaane <me kale'a'ne) dikuasai (lit.: di bawah tangan) under control (lit.: under arm)

me kana siku struck with elbow HOLOKARE KATE YAE ME RENA YAE NEKE. Ia manyikunya ketika rnereka berrnain. He was struck with an elbow while he was playing.

me kin otot lengan sebelah atas, bisep bicep

ma mbai u mbai kerja bersarna-sama working together KALlA EHEKAEI KAYEE RO NA ME MBAI U MBAINYE MOKOMABONOE. Pekerjaan yang berat haruslah dikerjakan secara barsama-sama (gotong­royong). Work that is very hard we must all do together.

ma mokoi ro orang yang effisien, mampu efficient, capable person, people NOA YOHO NEKANOE NEYAE ME MOKOI RO. Orang-orang ini mampu mengatur. This group of people is very capable.

me neban u neban perbuatan mac am-mac am yg tidak baik all kinds of evil deeds NEBEl MlYAE ME NEBAR U REBAR NA HIBl-HIBI MOKAYELE. Wanita itu selalu berbuat jabat. That woman continually

does all kinds of evil deeds. KS: me hila u hila, me beko u beko

me nene ko.. suka mencuri compulsion to steal ND I RO ME HENE KOYELE. Orang itu selalu mencuri. This person is a kleptomaniac.

me no tanda tangan signature

me no . . 0 •• no.. tuduh accuse A BEKO ELEUKOKENE NARE ME NOYOI NOKAINYELE. Ia dituduh karena memfitnah. They accused him of saying bad things.

me nungka tinju fist KS: me rulu

me ran baere ran gunci lap

me ran sele mokoumikoka manja (lit. pegang sepanjang waktu) spoiled, favored (child) (lit.: hold in arms a lot)

me ran u ran pegang dengan tangan (yaitu, anak) hold in arms

me ran u ran ko.. manja dote on (a child)

me ruboi - ituboi mas kawin yg diberikan kepada isteri koselo perempuan Bride price payment given to the wife of the koselo of the girl's clan.

me rulu tinju fist KS: me nungka

me u buatan, kelakuan deeds

me yalo lengan upper arm

me.. datang come EBI NANE ENOE MO ROUKE


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MEKE. Ebi datang rnernbawa pisang itu. Ebi came and took those bananas.

me .. [me'] pergi ke arah danau (dari air dangkal ke dalarn) go toward the lake (orginally: from shallow water to deep water along the lake bottom)

me .. bale. • keluar go outside MEYAE MEMABALENDE. Karni akan keluar. We will go out.side.

me'yae karni we, excl mebae etet belakang

bag ian atas upper back muscle

mehaa kecil small 2 penghubung, perancang mediator, bo between Iht jg: wale ro

mehaa ken rnasih kecil small still

mehaa-mehaa kecil sekali small, extremely

mehau sengaja intentional

mehena tukang, pengrajin craftsman, someone who gets things done

mehi hako folo.. sesal (rnen-) regret ,NA BEKO MOKOUBOKEBE MEHlNE BAKONE FOLOYE~E. Ia menyesali perbuatan yang dilakukannya. He regret.t.ed the evil deed that was done.

mehi-mahi rnacam-macam (ber-) various

mehine bee tujuh (7) seven (7)

mehine keli sembilan (9) nine (9)

mehine mbai enarn (6) six (6)

mahine name delapan (8) eight (8)

mehinin rencana plan mehinin ban tak sopan,

ceroboh impolite MEHININ BAN HELE WARE UKAWALE ABE WEYAE HIWA YORE HUWAMAE. sangat tidak sopan, engkau menceritakan kepada orang lain, tentang hal yg kukatakan kepadamu. It's really not proper for you to tell other people what I said. KS: me hila hila KL: mekai bele

mehinin mewalo kolaimiyeke ro ramal (pe-) fortune teller

meiko-meiko ro pendatang outsider (lit.: person who came) NOA KIYAE MEIKO-MEIKO NA RO. Orang ini seorang pendatang. This person is an outsider.

meisire makan (dengan sendok) eat (with a spoon) NOA RAMAN HUWAEI YAE ROWEl MEISlRE. Gunakanlah sendok untuk makan makanan ini. Use a spoon t.o eat. this food. Iht jg: me .. hire ..

mekaendolo (a) suara besar loud voice (in a clan discussion) NOI RO A MEKAENDOLO YAE WA. Orang itu selalu keras suaranya. This person always t.alks wit.h a loud voice.

mekai (na) metode, cara membuat method, way of doing things WEYAE NAEI MEKAI NA HULUI


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BAN! Kamu tidak tahu caranya You don't know how ~o do i~! 2 sifat characteristic NA HEKI MEKAI SULUI? Berapa panjangnya? How long is it?

mekai bele sopan polite RO MIYAE NOLONE A MEKAI BELE EYELEWOLE. Di tengah-tengah orang banyak, ia selalu sopan dalam percakapannya. Among many people he always talks poli~ely. KL: mehinin ban

mekeinyekewote mereka dua telah datang hidup bersama those two came and lived together lht jg: me .. neke ..

mekele tiang rumah jg panjang house posts, long

melaeli roro •. N •• ko •• tanya terus menerus keep asking and asking FOI JAE ISAEYEMBONDERENE A MELAELI ROROUNGEKOKE. Kepingin tahu dengan jelas, ia bertanya berulang kali. Because he wanted to know, he kep~ asking and asking.

melaeu sumber source of all kinds of blessings that a spiritist could tap into (fish, sago, pigs, children, etc) HIWA YORE FA MELAEUFE RAHENE HINEYAMAE, FA MELAEU WAEINYA MO HONNATE. Mengapa tanyakan berkat anak kepada orang lain? Semuanya (sumber berkat anak) ada padamu! Why

ask for a child from someone else's spiri~ual source of children there are children in your own heritage.

melaeye .. N .. bo.. (a> salamkan greet NIBINE HUBAYEIKOKE YAE A MELAEYEUNGEBOKE. I a memberi salam tatkala berjumpa di tengah jalan. As they met along the path, he gree~ed him.

melali gelembung kecil bubble, small

melan telanjang naked melasa beras, nasi rice mele ampas sagu sago

pulp left after the rinsing

mele [me'le'] pohon yg ada air dipakai untuk memerahkan badan untuk dansa-dansa a tree whose seeds produce a sap that can be used to rub on hair or skin to turn it red for dances

mele.. tumpah, meluap (karena penuh) air, dll overfill, cause to overflow ANUWAU KAEI-KAEINYE au RILAIKOKENE MELBLE. Air itu penuh dan meluap karena tempatnya kecil. Because it was a small container, the water overflowed.

mele .. bo.. lemaskan (me-) dalam air immerse, cause something to sink


KAMENDAKE OBORE BUNE MELEUBOKE. Buaya itu menenggelamkan seekor babi. The crocodile dragged the pig under

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the water. mele •• ba.. pecah dengan

cara memeras/menjepit break by squeezing EME ANEREKONDERENE, NA REBAUKA MELEREBANDE. Karena ingin makan buah matoa, saya memecahkan kulitnya Because I want to eat a matoa fruit I will break it's shell.

mele •. N •• ha .• (a wake) mengatasi pendapatan orang lain try to stop someone from expressing their opinion NAEI A ELELERE REYAE MELEUNGEBAKALE. Saya dapat mempengaruhi pembicaraannya. I influenced what he had to say.

melemai ikan gergaji sawfish

meleme tanaman ditanam oleh orang plant (domestic)

melen daging flesh, meat

meleyae (mele'yae) kebanyakan majority NOI YONA RO MlYAE MELEYAE BUYAKA. Kebanyakan penduduk desa itu adalah orang­orang Sentani. The majority of people in this town are Sentani.

meli kiri left meli bele mekai bele

sanggup accomplished, very capable in many areas NEBEl YOHO NEKATE NEMBAl MELl BELE HEKAl BELE RO. Dari kaumnya hanya ia sendiri adalah orang yg

sanggup. He is the only capable person in that clan.

meli mekai secara resmi proper way of doing something like planting a garden, making a boat, inaugerating a king, etc KS: isaei­hebaen

meli-meli tak biasa different, not customary, not accustomed YO KABAN ANATE RAMANOE NEYAE MELl-MELl. Ia tidak biasa dengan makanan umum. He is not accustomed to the food of the land.

melihau tak cocok improper, not according to custom NEMAENG DONBE MELlHAU FELE RGKE NEKETE. Salah sekali ia mengawini saudarinya sendiri. It is very improper for him to stab his younger sister.

melii yo kelompok pengusir pad a perburuan men who chase the pig in a hunt lht jg: yokoo yo

melu (me'lu) jagung corn

mema umbi yg masih kecil tuber, when still very small

menaijae kalian sendiri you (pl) yourself

mend a tombak spear menensinde ia akan datang

dan masuk ke sini he will come inside

mengkamau ibu jari,


jempol thumb KS: meumau

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mengkei kuku jari, cakar fingernail, claw

mera-mera arile •• kumpulkan bersama-sama gather together RAMAN MERA-MERA ARlLEMABINDERE . Makanan akan kita kumpulkan bersama-sama. He will gather together the food.

meran (ijongku) tertidur akibat guna-guna, mantera sleep very soundly as a result of a spell

meran-meran manja spoiled (child)

merau rencana, rancangan plan NEBEISA MERAU KOLOWAINYELE lMAERE HENAIBONDERE. Lalu mereka merencanakan bangunkan rumah. Then they made plans to build a house.

mere nule •• bo.. hitung dan setuju (mas kawin) count and agree to (the bride price payment) NEBEl HOMBONI NABU AKO MERE NULEUBOKE. Pesuruhnya menghitung dan setuju menerima mas kawin itu. The assistant counted and agreed to the bride price payment.

mere-mere [me're'-me're'] luruskan sedikit straighten a little, make it right NDI KAI IJEN MERE-MERE MOKOlKO, HIYEI RANEIBO! Perbaiki dan sempurnakan perahu itu! Make that canoe proper1y, plane itl

merembaengkonde Saya akan cari dia I will come and search for him/her lht jg: me .. bae ..

merere [me're're') alat angkat belanga hot pad (cloth, coconut husk)

merile mefale cari-cari (men-) hunt for something one place after another HOKOLO BEE OYEUBOKE, YANJAN BULURE NEBEl FE LA MERILE MEFALE BAEYEKE. Mereka dua mencari-cari anak panah di rumbut tinggi. The two of them went and hunted around for the arrow in the tall grass.

merine •. bo.. punya terlalu banyak; tak mampu memegangnya have more than can be carried ME MERINEYELENE HEKELEUKOKE. Karena tak mampu memegangnya, ia melemparnya Because he had more things than he could carry, he threw some away.

merine .. bo .. (kalia) terlalu sibuk too busy

meube kanan right (side)

meuboi-auboise siksa persecuted NA WALl NEKEWEKE MEUBOI-AUBOISE KAINYEKE. Selama hidupnya ia selalu disiksa. He has been persecuted all his life. KS: weitasi

meufeuboke (ya) sampai pagi hari night time until tomorrow morning


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RENIAI KOIMEYATE YA MEUFEUBOKE ••• Sesuatu dilakukan sepanjang malam sampai pagi hari ..• It is night up until morning comes ••• DASAR: me .• he ..

meukuke (bu) dia masuk ke (dalam air) he entered (the water) HABELElMAEYELE BAE, BUNE MEUKUKE NA FERE EWOLE. Sambil lari dalam ketakutan, dia masuk ke dalam air As he was running around, in his fear he threw himself into the water. DASAR: me .. ru ..

meumau ibu jari, jempol thumb KS: mengke mau

mewalo mehinin rencana plan

meyaa tempat bekas ampas sagu dikelilingi patuk­patuk place for squeezed sago, which is enclosed by a stick fence

meyae kalian, anda sekalian you (pi) KS: mayae

Meyane! eat!

Mari makan! Come Iht jg: me .. ane ..

meyau waku pesta raja yg sudah lama meninggal party in remembrance of an ondofolo who has been dead for some time

meyaya suka menggangu, nakal naughty, likes to disturb people MEYAYARE KOYATE FA FARE MO NEYAE RAHUAE BOLE. Ia hanya memukul-mukul anak-anak nakal. He beats only the naughty

children. meyereikoke mereka berdua

telah datang meninjau they tow came and looked Iht jg: me .. ere .•

mi kutu louse mikae muntah vomit mikae oko •• ha.. muntah

vomit ELI HOHORE NEKALE RAMAN ANEKOKALENE MlKAE OKOREBANDERE KALE. Rasanya saya mau muntah karena makan makanan yang haram. Because I ate repulsive food, I feel like vomiting.

milingkaei ketiak armpit

miyae istri, wanita dewasa wife, woman

miyae an bujang bachelor

miyae fa keluarga laki­laki, istri dan anak­anak man's wife and children

miyae nale janda 2 wan ita tua

widow old woman

miyae u aurat kema

kemaluan wanita, vagina KS:

miyae u .. o .• talak perempuan divorce a woman RAEI MIYAE KENA OKOINYA NARE UFONDE. Because I didn't like my wife I divorced her.

mo saja just; perfective bracketing marker YA MBAI MO, EBI AKOUBOKE KANDEITE BOKORE EKE. Suatu hari, Ebi pergi ke tempat tinggal Kandei. One day, Ebi went down to Kandei's


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place. EKE MO, KANDEISE WEUNGE, .•• Sesudah tiba ia berbicara kepada Kandei, . . Upon arrival, he said to Kandei, ... NEBEl MO. Itu saja. That's all, that's it.

mo-mo (Da) sendiri, mereka sendiri saja alone

mohe •• bo. • hancurkan, pecah crush, badly mutilate ME FOI IKILEIBOINYE ANE RUKE MOHEUBOKE. Karena tidak bergantung kuat ia jatuh dan hancur. Because he didn't hang on tightly, he fell and was badly mutilated, crushed.

mohi penggalan, hancuran small piece of something

mohi-mohi halus, ampas, hancur powdered NEYAE HAKEUBOKE MOHI-MOHI KAMAl-KAMAl YAEIBOKE. Dia membanting benda itu sampai hancur. He smashed them into powdery crumbs.

moho ipar laki-laki brother-in-law

mohomiyae ipar perempuan sister-in-law

moho-moho mudah jatuh, bergerak unstable (articles or people)

mohomo cara menangkap ikan dengan membalikkan perahu ke dalam air method of catching fish in which an old canoe is turned upside down in the water and the

attracted fish are caught in nets at the two ends

mohoDi perangkap untuk pencuri; lubang dengan sungga tajam di dasarnya. Baik untuk pencuri maupun untuk babi hutan. trap for thieves; hole with sharp sticks in bottom. Good for thieves or wild pigs.

moi belakang behind, back lMAE MOINYE di belakaD9 ruma behind the house NEBEl A ELEWATERE NEYAE MOISE EKEISEI. Apa yang dikatakan orang tidak mempengaruhi ia untuk mundur. Those things they were saying did not influence him to go back.

moi sekali very FOI MOl! baik sekali! very good!

moi haye .. ko.. lewati surpass NAEKORE MOl BAYEUNGEKOKE. Ia telah melampaui ayahnya. He surpassed his father['s abilities/achievements]

moi jae bule .. bo.. ~olak orang lain (lit.: membelakangi kepala) reject someone (lit.: turn head to the back) IKELE KAINYENE MOl JAE BULAEINYEBOKE. Ia ditolak karen a dibenci. Because he was angry at him, he rejected him.

moi ne .. hi.. dorong dari belakang, desak push from behind, urge


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NEYAE MOl NEONGEHIKE. Ia mendorongnya dari belakang. He pushed him from behind.

moi u •• 0.. lewati pass by ORO HEBAELEI­SEBAELEI HEBAELEYELENE BENA ATE YORE MOl WOKEUMI . Karena berlari-lari, ia melewati mereka yang mendahuluinya. Because he ran with urgency, he passed those in front.

moi-moi rapih neat IMAE EINYE RAMBUNDE MOl-MOISE MOKOUMI. Ia sangat rapih di rumah. She makes the house very neat.

moi-moi (ijoko) lihat dengan diam-diam carefully and quietly (look around) AHAUNGE HE SELENE RONNEBONDERENE IJOKO MOl-MOl BELE EREYEUNGE. Karena ia ingin mengenalnya dari jauh, ia berusaha menoleh secara diam­diam. He wanted to see [his friend] from a distance [before he himself was seen], so he kept a careful and quiet lookout.

moi-moi moko.. kerja dengan baik work very well HE RAMBUNDE NEYAE MOl-MOl SELE MOKOIKOYELE. Untuk kerajinan tangan ia bekerja sangat baik. He works very well with tools.

moinya wokande oko bulan yang lalu last month

moinya yo felanna yo

kerabat jauh distant relatives in the same clan KS: felanna yo

moise hebe.. setuju (lit. berdiri di belakang) agree with (lit. stand behind)

moisun terakhir last (one) REYAE NA MOlSON KAYAA. Saya yang terakhir. I am the last one.

moko gunung mountain moko bo tulang punggung

spine moko buru badan bungkuk

hump-backed moko kin pinggang waist moko •. bo.. kerja, buat

work, make RAHEBE MOKOYAE? Apa yang engkau kerjakan What are you making'!

moko .• N .. ha . s iapkan prepare NEYAE MOKONAINYEHANDE. Mereka menyiapkan diri. They will prepare themselves.

moko .. onde kerja lama work a long time REYAE MOKORONDE. Saya akan bekerja lama. I will work a long time KS: momoko ..

mokohu belakang back mokoisa-mokoisa siap

sedia prepared, ready molo suami husband molo.. tanam plant



Mereka menanam bibit bete They plant'ed sweet potatoes. 2 tulis write REYAE WAEISE HOMO YAE OMOLOI. Untuk mu saya tidak menulis dengan Burat.

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I have no~ wri~~en to you in a letter.

molo •• bo •. (eunge) tidak sadar unconscious YA NAME MONI MO NEKEKOKENE ANE NEKE NAHISI EUNGE MOLOUBOKE. Karena tiga hari tidak makan ia pingsan. Because he went three days without eating he fell down fain~ed.

molo •. bo •. (bambayang) daa pray MAl HAMBAYAN KOMBE HUBA MOKOIKOSE BAPAK KAMI YAE MOLOMBOMBE. Akhiri ibadahmu dengan berdaa 'Bapa kami'! At the end of your worship, pray the Lord's Prayer.

molo •. bo •• (imae) bangun rumah build a house FAEINYEUBOKE KANI RANNE lMAERE MOLOMBONDERE. Ia akan mendirikan rumah di atas tanah yang telah disediakannya. He will build a house on the cleared land.

malo •• bo •• (oro) mulai berjalan begin walking

NEYAE WAEI BOKORE ORO MOLOUBOKE ELE. Ia mulai berjalan ke rumahmu. He began walking to your house.

malo .. bo.. (uwa) menghiaskan (tanam tulisan di kulit atau rumah, dll) decorate (plant on skin or building, etc.) EBALE YAKALI MIYAE WANEN MAE U MOLOUBOKE. Ebale Yakali berdandan

seperti perempuan. Ebal.e>Yakali dressed hims~lf up to look like a woman.

molo .• ha •. (ro) kubur bury ABULU WAEIBOKENE NDA RO MOLOREBANDERE. Saya ingin menguburkan orang ini di liang yang tersedia. I will bury this man in the hole they have dug.

molo .. hi.. ikat tie KAI ALUNE BEMBONDE BELE NDA HUNE MOLOREBINDERE. Takut perahu itu dibawa arus saya mengikat dengan tali kepada tiang ini. Tie the canoe with rope to this post so it won't blow away. KS: rine .• ko ..

molo •. ko •. (kayee) bagikan make divisions

U KELEUMONNE U NOKOMBINE IJOKO YEREWONDE KAYEERE OMOLOKOI SELE. Mereka tidak mau menentukan pembagian karen a warna kulit dibedakan. They would not establish divisions on the basis of skin color.

malo .. N •• bo .. (buma) pUJ~ praise NAEI A USAEI ELEUKOKERE REYAE BUMA MOLOUNGEBOKALE. Saya memujinya karen a nasihat yang diberikannya. I praised the advice he gave.

malo .. N •. hi.. (fa) ayun­ayunkan anak sampai tidur rock a child to sleep ORO RANNE NENE KOUNGELE IJONGKU


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MOLOUNGEHINDE. Dengan mengayun-ayun anaknya di atas pangkuannya, ia menidurkannya. He rocks the child on his lap and he goes to sleep.

molo •. N •• ko. (enaanaa) lht jg: enaanaa molo.

momoko.. kerja cukup lama work for a long enough time MOMOKOKETE MO, EBI YAE ELELE, .. Setelah mereka bekerja cukup lama, Ebi berkata ... After working a long enough time, Ebi said ...

man minggu week 2 jarak space KS: imon 3 celah chink

man molo •• bo.. punya waktu luang have plenty of time WAHENARE MON MOLOMBONDENA WAEI BOKORE ERELE. Bila ada waktu luang besok, saya akan bertamu kepadamu. If I have plenty of time tomorrow, I will come to your house.

mongkon penimba dipper moni lapar hungry moni (aka baeke) tidak

punya saudara no relatives AKA BAEKE MONINE NEBEl IMAE KABAN WEMBAI MOKOIMEYEYAEl Apakah tidak ada saudara-saudarimu, sehingga rumah besar itu kau bangun sendiri? Don't have any relatives so you won't have had to build the whole house yourself!

monsu terlalu rapat very

close together (branches, houses, etc.)

mu zakar penis mukuu jantan male animal

muli yae yo •• bo.. tarik drag, pull RAME FELARE MO MULl YAE YONGKATE. Mereka menarik senjata [dari tempatJ They pulled out their guns. 2 bujuk, tarik hati entice

mun perintah command mun-mun tutup, mulut tak

buka closed (mouth) NDI RO RAMAN EUWA MUN-MUN MAE ANELE. Orang itu makan dengan mulut tertutup. That man eats with his mouth closed.

na kabut fog na dia punya, mereka

punya his/her/their/hers/thei rs/its NA IMOLI MOKOI DANI NA FA NA RO TOMI. Pilot mereka, dari suku Dani, bernama Tomi. Their pilot, who belonged to the Dani people, his name was Tomi.

na a hina ken tidak


lazim, .asing, dari tempat lain uncustomary, from another place YEI, ABU, REYAE RO MELEN NA A HINA KEN. Oh, kakek, saya belum pernah makan daging manusia. Yei, grandfather, I it is not my custom to eat human flesh.

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na hibi teruB, langsung saja immediately, straight away

na hingkin bisa, dapat possible KS: na hului

na hului mbai Barna same KS: nane wanen mbai

na mam wajar socially proper KS: na mekai jae KL: mam ban

nae .• ho.. terangi illuminate NAEUMlHOKAE? Sudahkah anda memasang lampu? Have you turned on the lights?

nae •• ko .• (enaehu) tatu tattoo NDl MlYAE NA BEYOl ENAEHU YAE NAEINYEKOKE. Wan ita itu mukanya dihiasi dengan tatoo That woman's face is tattoed.

nae .. ko .. (i) jadi terang light up NOl lMAE HEBELERE REUFlRA­REUFlRA I JAE NAEINYEKOKE. Rumah itu diterangi dari sebelah menyebelah. That house is all lit up.

nae .• ko .• (koka) palang bibir dengan pasak Bupaya kayu tidak jadi bengkok dari mata hari put in spreader sticks so the wood does not warp from the sun ROLON SAN NAUMENE KAl WANEI AYENSANOE SELENE KOKA FOl JAE NAEUKONDE. Palang bibir perahu itu dengan pasak supaya tidak terhimpit kena sinar matahari. Put spreader sticks in the

canoe so the sun does not warp it.

naei dia punya, mereka, itu punya his/her/their/hers/thei rs/itsFAMAI NAEI JO OLUMERA NANOALI YONE MEUTUKE. Famai berangkat dari ormu, kampungnya, dan tiba di kampung Netar. Famai left his village, Ormu, and went to Netar.

naei sangka sekian, sampai disini saja end (of a story), up to this point

naei u naeibe untuk dia sendiri (lit. badan dia muka dial for himself (lit. his body his face)

naeikele bersama-sama dengan dia/mereka together with him/them KS: nangkele

naeise supaya in order that MAYAE MAlSAEl MO NAENDAE WANEN MAE MAEl WALl MAl NOLONE NEKEWANOE MAl FOl MOKOWANOE NAEISE. Engkau tahu bagaimana caranya kami hidup di antaramu demi kebaikanmu You know how our lives among you were lived, so that we would do you good. 2 rnereka punya [barang] their [things) RO MlYAE HlWA YO NAEISE KENA OKOIJAE. Jangan mengingin barang kepunyaan orang lain. Don't desire other people's [possessions).

naeise-naeise masing-


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masing each other HOKOLO BEE LAE NAEISE­NAEISE. Keduanya mengadu kekuatannya masing-mBsing. Those two were as strong as each other.

naeisu-naeisu tiap hari pada saat yg sarna every day at the same time NAEISU-NAEISU BULEI RANDE EREWATE MO, AYOKOISE MOLAl SAKE BULEISA YEURUKE. Pada saat yg sama, mereka melihat ke arah pemakaman, maka keluarlah ia dari pusara Ayokoi. They noticed that every day at the same time he would come out of Ayokoi's grave.

naendae bagaimana how NAENDAE YAE MOKABONDE BAN? Bagaimana kita buat ini How are we going to do this? WEYAE NAENDAE YAE HUBANAE? Bagaimana pikirkanmu How do you feel? KS: naendae menen, naendae wanen

naendae menen bagaimana caranya how, in what manner NAENDAE MENEN NA A ELEUKOKE? Bagaimana kabarnya? How are things going

naendae menen horo biar bagaimana, walaupun, bagaimanapun even though NAENDAE WANEN BORO BEKO KOWAINYELE BE, NEYAE For JAE MOKOWOUMI. Walaupun mereka berbuat jahat

terhadapnya, dia membalas mereka dengan kebaikan. Even though they did bad to him, he did good to them. KS: naendae wanen horo

naendae wanen horo Iht jg: naendae menen horo

naennaem berapa how much MEYAE NA YA NAME

MELASA KILO NAENNAEN ANEMAKONDE? Berapa kilo beras kami akan makan dalam tiga hari? How many kilos of rice will we eat in three days?

naennaen hului berapa banyak how much NAENNAEN BULur NA AHAU NDARA NEBEISE? Berapa jauh dari sini ke sana? How much is the distance from here to there?

nafe [nafe'] betina female animal

nahina kumis (kucing dan sebagainya) feelers, whiskers (on animals, fish, not humans)

nai hiasan janur decoration made out of young palm or sago leaves

nai he .• ko.. jual sell KANI HIRE ENATERENE RAMBUN NAI HEUKOKE. Ia menjual barangnya karena mau berhijrah ke negeri lain. Because he wants to go to another country, he sold his things.

nainyahu tidak lengkap, kurang incomplete, lacking

nainyekong semua, tidak kurang all, nothing


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missing (brideprice exchange ceremony)

naise haete anuwau pasar market

naiwa bulu halus yang dipakai untuk membuat mata panah, suling cane like wood used for making arrowheads and flutes

nakano tangan kosong, yaitu, hidup dengan orang lain tanpa memberikan apa-apa empty-handed, i.e. moving in with someone without contributing to the household

oaks ibu, induk mother (for humans or animals)

nake •• ko.. terbang fly EBl NAKEUKOKE KELEl BULUNE EUKUKE. Ebi terbang ke tengah rumput gelagah Ebi flew away to the cane grass. 2 lompat dari atas jump from above

nakele .• bi.. bergeser move a short distance AHAUNGE NEKENDERA MANA NA BOKORE NAKELEREHINDE. Karena jarak duduk kami jauh sekarang saya harus mendekati (merayap ke arah) dia. Because I'm sitting [on the ground] too far away, I'll have to move closer.

nakele •• N •• hi.. geserkan, pindahkan sedikit move something a short distance NDANE HONOLE BE ROKALE NDIRE YAE NAKELEUNGEHlKALE. Benda yang tertinggal di sini telah saya

geserkan ke sana. It is normally here, but I moved it there.

nakelei-nakelei didorong moving

nako mabe oaks mabe arwah leluhur ancestral spirits

Dale sarang burung atau binatang liar nest of a bird or a ~ild animal

nale .. bo.. jadi liar to be wild NA FARE ISAEI EKELEINYE NA WALl NALEUBOKE. Karena ia tidak memdidik anaknya sehingga ia menjadi liar. Because he did not teach his children, they have gone wild.

nale .. bi.. terantuk stumble, trip (on stone) NIBINA RUKA KABAN HONOLE EKALE NALEUFEHIKE. Saya terantuk pad a batu besar yang ada di jalan. I stumbled on a big stone which was on the road.

na1e .. ko.. terperangkap step on or fallon a sharp point MOHON I RORAIKOKE RANNE NALEKOKALE. Saya terperangkap pada sungga yang runcing. I was caught by falling on the sharp sticks in the booby trap.

na1e .• ko .. (bole) mati me1ahirkan die in childbirth FARE FOl HONGKE NEBEIBE HOLENE NALEUKOKE. Anaknya sehat, tetapi ibunya meninggal akibat


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melahirkan anak. A healthy child was born, but the mother died giving birth.

na1ehi serambi front porch, toward the land which is enclosed lht jg: bunalo

nali hantu babi pig spirit KS: obo walobo 2 tempat tinggal hantu babi place of abode for a pig spirit KS: nali komaeu

nali miyae raksasa giant (from legends)

nali walobo hantu, roh spirit KS: bulo walobo

nambai tidak putus asa persevere BE BAHELENE, NA FA NUNDEBOKERE NAMBAI SELE HINELE BAELE. Karena hati sudah gelap, maka ia tidak putus asa mencari anaknya yg hilang. Because it was dark, he patiently persevered looking tor his lost son.

nambai ton kelihatan rapih look very neat HESULU YONI YONI UKEUMI NAMBAI TOM NDE UMAA BELE UMAA WALA MOISE YON-JON KEN YOBAIKOKE Ia memerintahkan orang­orang Hesulu segera merias diri dengan menyisir rambut mereka ke belakang. He told the Hesulu people to make themselves look neat by pulling their hair back.

name [name'] tiga (3) three (3)

name [name'] keli

beberapa, kekurangan few KS: keli-name'

Damman (lit. Dane man) belum not yet 2 masih still

nan a tak terang, kabur unclear, blurred

Nandali Netar (nama lama kampung) Netar village (old name for)

nandolo arus current Dane tersebut that,

already mentioned NANE RAMBUN UKAWALE, BENE FOI NEKENAYETE. Jangan lupa barang yang sudah saya sebutkan. Do not forget the thing that I already mentioned.

nanembai sarna same nanemene semua all

NANEMENE KULUN UKATE NAEI JORE EWATE. Mereka semua berangkat ke kampung mereka. They all went home. KS: nemene

nanene di situ, di sana there

nangkayau pohon jambu malay apple tree

nangkele bersama-sama dengan dia/mereka together with him/them KS: naeikele

nangko kura-kura danau turtle with square pattern on shell

nansau orang jahat wicked, violent man

nare.. beri makan, suap feed NAREINYE! Suapilah dial Give him food!

nare .. bo.. pelihara anak atau binatang, mengasuh raise animals or children NAREIBO!


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Asuhlah dial Look after it!

naro manik-manik warna putih (nokom atau hawa) bead, white nokom or hawa KS: kabihae

narulu ban tanpa sungut without griping KS: aloma ban, rilibo ban

nau timur east nau bu lautan ocean nau bu wala bu lautan

sea, ocean nau hOe (bu) . bunyi air

sebelum mendidih, dll water noise, when boiling, etc.

nau miyae wanita-wanita yang dari pantai laut, bukan dari Danau Sent ani women from the coastal areas (not from Sentani Lake)

nau miyae anak mantu perempuan daughter-in­law

nau •• bo.. Iht jg: nawe •. boo .

naume panas, agak hot, rather

naume robo-robo hangat, air, ukuran panas hotter than normal, but not blistering

naumekai panas sekali hot, very

nauwae rupanya, mungkin apparently, maybe

nauwake miyae istri dari adik laki-laki wife of younger brother

nauwala ombak besar wave, large

nawa syukurlah, untunglah fortunately, good that it happened RARE NA BEKO MO KOlYEUFENE NAWA LON RAHUWAE BAIKOKE. Syukurlah mereka memukulnya, sebab ia

selalu jahat padaku. It's great they beat him because he always treats me badly.

nawe.. kunyah, mamah (makanan keras) chew (something tough)

nda ini this nda mekai seperti ini,

begini like this ndane di sini .here nde siapa who ndi itu that ndine di sana there (at)

ndire ke sana there (to)

ne tempat yang ditakuti (karena kecelakaan besar disana) place people fear (because of a bad accident there)

ne bu hae bu bekas perkampungan old village site, now deserted

ne.. tikam satu kali stab one time RAHE AERENE EBl NA lJOKO EN NAUME YAE NEKANAE? Mengapa engkau menusuk mata Ebi dengan pi sang panas? Why did you stab Ebi with a hot banana? Iht jg: roro .. ko. . 2 tabrak collide

ne .• (ane) berbaring lie down BUHAE HELE HUBAUNGELENA ANE NEWENDE. Bila terlalu sakit, berbaringlah. If you feel sick, lie down.

ne .• (me) capai stretch out hand, reach for ANE HONOLE MERE MO NEWENDE ROWELE. Sementara berbaring,


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anda boleh mencapainya dengan tangan. You can s~re~ch ou~ your hand while you are lying down.

ne.. hono.. bar ing, t idur one person lay dOwn and go to sleep Ihtjg: rele •. bo .. hono .•

ne •• bo •• (ele) membuat pagar build a fence HEKE NA ERA BOLU aBO ANENATE BELE ELE FOI JAE NEUBONDE. Pagarilah kebunmu dengan baik supaya tanamannya tidak dimakan oleh celeng. Build a good fence so that the pigs don't eat the garden produce.

ne •• bo •• (imae) bangun rumah di tempat lain build a house or village in another location WAEI YO YANNE ELE IMAE FOI NEUBONDE. Anda boleh membangun rumah yang baik di kampung sendiri. You can build a nice house in your village.

ne •. bo.. (kani) tanah guguri, longsor land falls away, landslide YA YAE MO MOLAIMEYELENE NEBEl KANI NEUBOKE. Tanah itu longsor karena hujan turun terus-mererus. Because it kept raining, there was a landslide.

ne •• bo.. (yo yan) bangun kerajaan set up a kingdom ALLAH NA YO YARDE NEMBONDE YA EYAE lSI AN. Kita tidak

tahu kapan Allah akan memdirikan kerajaariNya.

We do not know when God will set up his kingdom.

ne .. ha.. potong sebarang (daging, kertas), cut across something (meat, self, paper), cut in front, take a short cut, struck by lightning HEKI EMALE BELENE NOARA NEMABANDE FOMALERE. Supaya tidak berjalan jauh kita akan memintas dari sini. Cu~ across here so we can save time.

ne .• hi.. tolak push away RO MIYAE EMEI MONE NOI

KAISA NEREBINDE ERELERE. Karena tidak ada yang datang, saya akan bertolak pulang dengan perahu itu Because no one came, I will push off with this canoe and leave. 2 cerai reject, divorce MIYAE U MEKAI BEKONE NEUNGEHlKALE. Saya menceraikan istrinya saya karena kelakuannya tidak baik. Because my wife was bad, I divorced her. KS: kinye .. bo ..

ne •• ko.. tokok, cangkul pound, pulverize (ground, sago, dll)


BE EBAHEIBOI JAE NEBEl FI NEIKOKE BAEUFOKE. Sebelum malam tiba, mereka telah selesai dengan penokokan sagu itu. Before the sun went down, they finished pounding the

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sago. ne .. mae •• mele bawalah

(mobil, perahu, dll) bring (a vehicle) KAl HEUMAENDE MELE MO BULU WANGKEREHONDE. Bawalah perahu supaya aku bisa membuat lubang. Bring a canoe and I will make a hole.

ne .. N •. bo •• (na) kabut tutup sight becomes dim

ne •• N •• bo.. (oku) tegur scold HOLOKA MO OYOLENE om YAE

HEKEUNGE. Ia dit.egur karena terus bermain­main. He was scolded because he was always playing [and not doing anything profitable}.

ne •• N .. bo.. (aloma) tegur dengan keras curse at, swear at, rant and rave at, really tell off lKELE HELE KOWOUNGENE OLOMO YAE NEUNGEBOKE. Karena saking marahnya, ia mengut.ukinya. Because he was very angry, he really told him off.

ne .. N •. bo.. (rambun) terima (barang) tukar­menukar receive (goods) in exchange HOMBON! FOI IKEUNGENE, RAMBUN HELEN SELE HEUNGEBOKE. I a memberikan terlalu banyak harta kepadanya, maka kepadanya diberikan kembali lebih banyak barang dari orang lain. Because he gave lots of good bride wealth items, he

received a lot in return.

neban tidak baik, rusak, busuk bad KS: beko

neban (Sent.ani Timur) tidak baik, jelek bad KS: beko

neban-seban banyak many KS: nekai

nebei itu that NEBEl ANUWAUNGE RABEWOTE. Mereka membabat rumput di tempat it.u. They cut the grass at that place.

nebei kenane sebab itu for that reason KS: nebei aerene

nebei mekai seperti itu in that way

nebei merau seperti itu like that

nebei mo itu saja, hanya itu that's all

nebei see (se') waktu itu at that time NEBEl SEE YAE PEMERINTAH AJAU YORE MEKE. Wakt.u itu Pemerintah datang ke Ajau. At that time the Government came to Ajau.

nebei sului mbai sarna dengan itu likewise, like that

nebei uwane karena begitu because of that

nebei wanen sebab itu therefore, for this reason

nebeibe tetapi but FAMAI IKILAIKOKE NEBElBE NAEI A FOI ELEKOKENE HAYAINYEKOKE. Mereka menangkap Famai, tetapi karen a keterangannya mereka melepaskan dia. They arrested Famai, but


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because he explained the situation they let him go.

nebeiDye karen a itu because of that, therefore YESE BUHAE HOKOUNGE .': NEBElHYE NA MALEU-MALEU WAE YAUBOKE MO ... Karena takut, Yese pelan-pelan berlabuh disitu .. Yese was frightened. Therefore he moved very slowly. . . 2 di tempat itu in that place

nebeisa nanti, kemudian then NEBElSA YAUWAE YOBE NAElSE OKE. Kemudian dia ke Yobe. Then he went to Yobe.

nebele (Buyo) itu that KS: nebei

nebelene sebab itu because of that KS: nebeinye

nehebu [ne'be'bu] ingus nasal mucus KS: isembu

nebebu [ne'be'bu] kena flu, pilek flu

oebi belum matang/masak betul (makanan) not completely cooked (food) 2 belum kering (kayu) uncured (wood)

oehi bual (orang) boasting (person) KS: yakali

oehi kabur (air) cloudy (water)

Dei hu .. bo.. lht jg: nei huwe .. bo •.

nei buwe •• bo.. sesal, tobat repent ALLAHLE YO El YAN ElSE NEl HUWENNEBONDE KlYAE YAE ENENSlNDE. Mereka yang sudah bertobat layak

untuk masuk ke dalam Kerajaan Allah. Those who repent will enter God's Kingdom. KS: nulu ke •. bo ..

Dei-oei megap-megap, kena sawan, tergoyang up and down like gasping for breath, convulsing, shaking

Dei-oei cangkul (tanah, sagu, etc) pulverize (land, sago pulp, etc)

oei-oei ko.. terengah­engah pant (like a dog)

oeiboi (bakane) sangga sesuatu yang berat dengan bahu shouldering a heavy load

Deiboi (kani) longsor landslide

oeije-oeije menanjak slope upward

oeke udang sunggai crayfish lbt jg: neke hambui

oeke babo udang besar lobster lht jg: neke, neke hambui

Deke bambui udang ukuran sedang big crayfish (has whiskers) lbt jg: neke, neke habo

neke. tinggal, hidup, duduk stay, live, sit RO MBAl NEKEWOLE, NA RO EBALE YAKALl. Dahulu hidup seorang yang bernama Ebale Yakali. There was once a man named Ebale Yakali.

oekei-oekei (ro) (u) lambat (orang) sluggish (person)

oekeiioyate [neke .. foyate] mereka yg hidup di sana those that live around here


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Delau tempat empas sagu place where sago pounding dregs have been poured

Dele [Dele') .• ko.. ramas sagu squeeze sago BE BAHELENE U HALE ME HALE MELE HONATE NELEUKOKE. Karena hari sudah petang, ia seger a meramas ampas sagu itu. Because it was getting dark, she quickly squeezed ~he sago.

Nelebu kampung tua terletak di sebelah selatan barat Ayapo old village on two islands southwest of Ayapo; the people were all killed. 2 nama pesisir antara Ayapo dan Buki name of water between Ayapo and Buki

Delei-Delei [Dele'i-Dele'i) sagu diramas squeezed

sago Delei-Delei [nele'i-nele'i]

wa keranjang sagu dibuat dari daun wa basket made from the wa tree leaves which is used for carrying squeezed sago

neleme daun gatal nettle

neli rumput air, hidrila grass in water

Deli raDdo (aye) burung (Porzana pusilla) bird, small grey with red head and long beak, Baillon's Crake (Porzana pusilla)

Dembai dia sendiri by himself NANE EN DON NEMBAI JAE MO HOWA-HOWA MOLOLE. Dia seDdiri menghabiskan pisang

itu. He gobbled those bananas down all by himself.

Dembai-sambai dia sendiri, hanya seorang diri he himself KS: nembai

Deme baru new DemeDe woke bae hampir

semua almost all NEMENE WOKE B.AE NANE HULUI MBAI ELATE. Hampir semua orang setuju. Almos~ all agree.

Denaeijae refleksif, dia/mereka sendiri reflexive pronoun, he/she/they themselves

neDai lain different DeDake ibu dia, ibu

mereka mother, his, her, their

Denakele bewoi Dime rauboi hou rela adat memberi mas kawin untuk imbalan kesedian ibu waktu anak perempuannya akan ke rumah laki Bride price payment which is made to cover the loss a mother will feel when her daughter leaves to be married.

Dendahena [nendahe'na] dulu, sudah lama long ago

Dendon sebarang, tidak apa-apa, tak kesulitan, hiasa immaterial, not important, no effort, nothing unusual, no problems NEYAE FA


NENDON WANEN HONGWATE. Tanpa kesulitaD mereka melahirkan anak They gave birth with no effort. REYAE NENDON NEKALE. Saya tidak

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berbuat apa-apa. I am here not: doing anyt:hing.

nendon ban tak sebarang, penting, luar biasa important, unusual

nene lemah, lunak (dag ing) . soft, tender (meat) N.DA OBO NA HELEN HENE YEUBOKE. Daging babiini agak lunak. This pig meat is very t:ender.

nene cemar dirty, repulsive

nene ko... goyah wobble, shake IMAE HU ELAE BAN RORAIKOKENE NENE KOLE. Rumah itu goyah karen a tiangnya tidak kuat Because the house posts were not put in correctly, the house wobbles.

nene waewae tinggi martabatnya exalted (very)

neneke •• [ne neke •. bo .. ] tinggal lama stay for a long time NENEKOKETE BE BAHEUBOKE YAE NDARE MEKETE. Mereka berdua tinggal terlalu lama sehingga pUlangnya pad a malam hari. The two of them st:ayed a long t:ime, until evening, before returning.

neu talas (sejenis) plant which grows by the water and produces a big leaf in which food (fi nuku) is wrapped

neyae dia, mereka he, she, they

nibi jalanan path nibi ku ro perintis (lit.

orang pertama yang turunkan rumput tinggi) leader (lit. man who first presses down the high grass) ."

nibi walo jembatan· bridge ....

nihe .• bo. • pecahkan sepenggal break off a small piece (to give away) NDA FEU NIBEREBONDE RO HI ISENDE. Saya akan memmecahkan roti ini sepenggal dan memberinya kepada orang lain. I will break off a piece and give it to another person.

nihe •. hi.. bungkuk (mem­), bengkok (mem-) bend at least 90 degrees in the middle, stoop, NEYAE EME BUMARE YEUKITEKE EMENE NIHEWOLE. Dia naik pohon matoa dan panen (membengkokkan) buahnya. He climbed a matoa tree and harvested (break them off) the fruit.

nihe .. N •• hi .• (kena u ane) tunduk, rendah hati submit to NEBEl FA U


MEKAl FOlNYE NA AKO NAKE YAE A BEKO-BEKO WAlNYERE KENA U ANE BELE NIHEUNGEHlKE NEKELE. Anak yg baik sifatnya itu tetap tenang dan rendah hati, walaupun dimarahi ayah­ibunya. Because the child has a good character he submit:s to his parents scoldings. 2 selediki (men-),

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tekun study carefully niheiko-niheiko patah

broken niheisi! tunduklah!

bungkukkan badanmu! submit! bend over!

nihiDgkei mancang snout Diki katar dirty nimboi masak di belangga

cooked in a pot Dime buah dada, payudara

breast, female 2 masak ripe

Dime haba lemah lembut kind

nime kalakoi anak bungsu youngest (child in family)

Dime kauDgei kemakmuran abundance of wealth

Dime •. bo. • masak ripe ENGFAEU RAEI HEKENA NIMEUBOKE. Pisang di kebunku sudah masak. The bananas in my garden are ripe.

Dime •• N .. ko.. (uwa, oro) lumpuh paralyzed UWA NIMEUNGEKOKENE HONOYELE. Ia tak dapat berjalan karen a lumpuh. Because he was paralyzed, he lay around.

Dimeke yaleke malek, cantik sekali (perempuan) beautiful (girl)

nimoko dada chese nimoko bo tulang dada

chest bone, sternum Dimoko me yae hele sesal

(lit,: menggesek-gesek dada) regretful (lit. rub chest)

nimoko me yae bole sombang (lit. menepuk dada) proud (lit. beat chese)

nin kan dari sagu leaf

alat pelindung daun kelapa atau

coconut or sago shade, protection

from sun ninae sudah, selesai,

cukup already, finished, enough EBI YAE NINAE HOWA EUMOLOUBOKE EUBAEFOKE. Ebi sudah merighabiskan semua Ebi had already eaten them all up. MANA NINAE, FOI MOKOIKO! Sudahlah, sekarang berdamai Now that's enough, make peace! KS: ninae fere

Dinae fere cukup enough NINAE FERE MOKOYANDE. Sudah cukup kami bekerja. We are doing enough.

Dinae lombe sudahlah, biarkan let it happen NEYAE ROI ROUKE, NINAE LOMBE RARE BENEN EYEI YAE. He borrowed money from me but don't worry about giving it back again.

Dinae londe terus-menerus immediately, next event

HOKOLO BEE HILEINYEBOKE NINAE LONDE HAWEISAKE. Keduanya melihatnya di bawah dan terus-menerus mengkejarnya. The two of them looked down and saw him and immediately chased him.

ninae ma uwane cukup saja, pulang! that's enough of you, leave!

Ningkei nama asli Kemiri original name of Kemiri


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ningkei petatas sweet potato

ningkei (ka) sisik fish scales

nino Iht jg: ninokaei nino heuboke heboh,

keributan yang menarik perhatian banyak orang, seperti keeelakaan mobil. disturbance that attracts a lot of attention, like a car wreck.

ninokaei biji keeil minute piece of something 2 tepung sagu yang halus fine sago flour

niyae yg ini, yg itu this one is it. NDA


HOMO EISA WARE HUFEKOTERE, NDA HIYAE. Yang hendak kuceritakan kepadamu dari surat ini, ialah ini. In this letter I want to tell you a story; this is it.

napas breath 2 pokok main point 3 pohon tree 4 jenazah corpse

no fae monire anaikoke buah banyak big harvest

no fofo penyakiti sesak nafas, asthma illness characterized by shortness of breath

no hai.. Iht jg: no haye ..

no haye.. nafas breathe ME YAE RAME WAINYE HO BAIWOLE. Ia bernafas setelah diurut. After he was massaged, he started breathing.

no i.. istirahat rest

NONE IWOLE MO, MEYAE HUBAYAENDEKOKE. Sementara ia beristirahat, kami bertemu dengannya. While he rested we visited with him

no man bau mayat odor of a dead body

no .• o.. sampai (di kendaraan) arrive (in one vehicle) KAI NEUMAEKE MEKE NEBEl lMAE HOUNGE HOKE. Ia sampai dengan perahu dan menambatnya dekat rumah itu He came in a canoe and docked near that house. NORONDE, NOWONDE, NONONDE Iht jg: yoro .. bo ..

nobe dekat near nobe .. H .. bo.. dekati

draw near NEYAE YAE RARE ME YAE lSAEI IWOUFENE BAE, lSAEI YEUBOKALE HOBAENNEBOKE. Karena dia memberi isyarat, saya tahu kami sudah dekat. Because he signalled to me, I knew we were close.

noko pakis fern noko ha tali hutan yg

dipakai untuk mengikat bangunan rumah vine used in housebuilding

noko kahi ad at memberi mas kawin kepada saudara2 perempuan yg sudah beristeri Brideprice payment given to the married brothers and close relatives of a girl to cover the grief their wives will feel when she leaves.


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nokom manik-manik mas kawin berwarna biru bead, blue bride price bead

noko. bu manik-manik warna biru tua (hawa) bead, dark blue hawa

nokombi hitarn black YOUMAKROU YAUWAKA NA RUKA NOKOMBI HONGWOLE. Di pantai Youmakrou ada batubesar, berwarna hitam. On the beach at Youmakrou is a black rock.

nokommon nokommon


Iht jg: nokornbi kapak batu warna stone axe, black

nolo tengah center, middle 2 bag ian batang pohon trunk part of a tree lht jg: eng, wee

nolo ular (sejenis) red, orange, or black 30cm non-poisonous snake that lives in swamps and rice paddies. If he bites his head must be cut off to release his jaws.

nolo bodoh stupid KS: kobu

Nolokla nama Desa diantara Abepura dan Sentani name of area between Abepura and Sentani lht jg: Nolo + Kela

nolona di antara, di tengah between

Noloukou Atamali (nama lama kampung) Atamali village (old name for)

nomiwa [na ami wa] anak­anaknya yg perempuan his/her daughters

nona jurang, terjal cliff (viewed from the

top) lht jg: ijen-ijen

nona ko •• (oro me) menurunkan kaki dan tangan Climb down something like a tree working both hands and feet NOLOU ORO ME NONO BAE KOLE. Cucunya mulai menurunkan kaki dan tangannya. His son was climbing down (a house post.)

nona molo .• ko .. (oro me) lemas kaki dan tangan hands held out feet relaxed (like when dead)

nora sayap wing 2 arah direction EBUN NORa bag ian selatan south section

norofa teras rumah front triangular eave

norongka pohon pan dan (sejenis pandanus) yang daunnya dipakai untuk membuat tikar. pandanus tree (a type) whose leaves are used to make mats.

nou (oro) jejak kaki footprints

nou ehei tak peduli uncaring

nou he .• bo.. peduli, perhatian care, attention WAEI FA ERA MO KOYELE, NOU HEUNGEBONDE. Anakmu terus menerus sakit, pedulikan dia. Your child is always sick, take care of him.

nou he .. N .. bo.. pikirkan ponder (a problem)



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memikirkan bagaimana berdamai I pondered on how to make peace. 2 menanggapi give a response NEBEl A ELEUKOKEBE, NOU HEUNGEBOKALE. Saya menanggapi perkataannya. I gave a response to what he said.

nou-nou takik pohon sebelum dibelah, takikan, torehan notch chopped in a tree to cut it down

nu anak pisang, ubi, dll young plants grown from a mother plant to be transplanted (like bananas) Iht jg: bolu, onsi, haka, ko

nu-nu samar-samar unclear KS: na-na

nuhe .• ha .. (horo) patahkan leher (orang, ikan, babi) break neck (people, fish, pigs) NEBEl KA NA WALl MO KONDENA, HORORA NUHEREHANDE. Bila ikan itu tetap hidup, saya akan patahkan lehernya. If that fish is still alive, I will break its neck.

nuhe •• N •• ko. • kocok swish around in water OLOMALl REYAE WINE NUHEUNGEKOKALE. Saya yang mengocokkan geta tuba itu di sungai. I swished the noxious root around in the river water.

Duhu nahu hancur luluh broken beyond repair

nuke •. bo.. tinggalkan (sesuatu) leave behind

(something) ALLAHLE A FAEUFA KELEWOUMlRA NUKEUBOKE. I a sudah meniDggalkan pekerjaannya sebagai pemberita Firman Allah. He left behind his work as an evangelist.

nuke .• bo •• (menda) tikam, tusuk stab AKELA OBOBE MENDA YAE NUKEUBOKE. Ia menikam babi hutan dengan tombak. He stabbed a wild pig with a spear. KS: ne •.

nuke •• bo.. (oro yae) tendang kick NEBEl KUDA YOKURE ORO YAE

NUKEUBOKE. Kudu itu menendang anjing. The horse kicked the dog.

nuke •. ha.. rampas rob, seize NEBEl RADIO RARE EYEINYE, NA MERA NUKEUFAKALE. Dia tidak mau memberikan radio, jadi saya meampasnya. He wouldn't give the radio to me so I seized it.

nuke .. ko.. ramas, peras wring out WA MALO YANE FILEUBOKE, BU NUKEUKONDE. Peraslah pakaianmu yang basah kehujanan. Wring out your cl6thes that are wet from the rain.

nuku dingin (makan, air) cold (food, water)

nuku-nuku gemuk (orang, binatang) fat (people, animals) Iht jg: fingki-fingki 2 dingin (cuaca) cold (weather) Iht jg: mansa


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nule •• bo.. hitung count HOMSON1 KOLAIKOKE NEYAE ME NULEUBOKE. Harta yang dikumpulkan dia yang aenghitungnya. He counted all the bride price items they had laid out.

nulu bayangan shadow nulu ke •• H •• bo.. tobat

repent MANEMFA HELE YOKORA NULU KEUNGEBOKE. Saru saja ia bertobat dari pencurian. He has just repented of being a thief.

nulu aahe arwah spirit of a dead person

nulu yo aahe yo alam barzakh, tempat orang mati place of the dead

numbaei semut, besar, merah, mengigit, yang tinggal dipohon ant, big red biting ones that live in trees KS: kandu, heise, rolombae, a bum bun

Humbai nama dulu Jayapura former name for Jayapura

nun tersembunyi hidden 2 tempat rumput tinggi thicket, lots of thick grass and trees (good for hiding)

nun kelai rene ana untuk membunuh plot to kill

nunde .. bo.. hilang lose WENA TAXI EINYE RAE1 ROI MAEHAE MBAI NUNDEUBOKE. Kemarin say kehilangan Rp5.000 di dalam taxi. Yesterday I lost Rp 5000 in a taxi.

nunde •• H •• ko •. (ubene) lupa, jatuh pingsan

forget, lose consciousness EME KAMBUNE UKE UBENE NUNDAEIHYEKOKE HONOWOLE. 1a tersandung pada akar pohon matoa dan jatuh pingsan. He fell on the matoa roots and lay there unconscious.

nuwe .. bo. . duduk si t down NEYAE NUWEUBOKE EBIRE IJOKORE MO EREUNGE. Ia duduk dan memperhatikan Ebi. He sat down and watched the bird.

o pohon tree 2 kayu wood

o bulu bele kayu beriubang wood with holes 2 eara menangkap ikan pakai kayu berlobang tengah fishing, using a hollowed out log where the fish would swim into the middle of it and be caught Ibt jg: filin bulu bele

o bulu ba bulu hut an rimba jungle

o fi ha fi pohon sagu (sejenis) yang tidak biasa dimakan sago tree (one type) not generally eaten

o ha tumbuh-tumbuhan (semua jenis) plant (classifier)

o haka ha haka pohon buah-buah semua jenis fruit tree classifier KS: 0 nime ha nime 2 biji-bijian pohon buah fruit tree seed (classifier) lht jg: ko


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o hasara kayu yang dimiringkan wood stacked diagonally

o heu pagar kayu wooden fence

o 1JeD kayu lurus wood stacked vertically

o kahu kapak (nama asli) axe (traditional name) Iht jg: fi kame, ye kahu

o mahau tongkat crutch o mehambu ha mehambu

patung idol o Dime ha Dime buah masak

ripe fruit o DO tree, the whole

thing (trunk, leaves, branches) pohon, semua bagian-bagian

o ra kulit pohon bark of tree

o wa kulit kayu bark of tree

o wau bayangan (pohon) shadow (tree) Iht jg: imae wau

0.. turun pergi ke


go down 2 barat go west KABElTEROU

YORA YAUWAE YOBE NAElSE OKE. Kemudian dia pergi/turun dari lfar Besar ke Yobe. Then he went down/west from Ifar Besar to Yobe.

o •• bo.. runtuh, gugur collapse FELANDE YAE EYE, lMAE KAKA HE BATE OHAIBONDE.BELE Menjauhlah dari situ mungkin bangunan­bangunan tua akan bergugur. Get away from there, those old rotten houses may collapse.

obe kaum clan 2 ruang rapat besar di depan

rumah, atau rumah tanpa kamar big room in front of house for group gatherings, or house with no rooms

obi kutu busuk, kepinding bedbug

obo babi pig obo maeDgke perempuan

yang siap dikawin girl of marriageable age

obo uli babi hutan, sejenis pig, wild striped

obo walobo hantu babi spirit that controls pigs KS: obo nali, nali komaeu

obo yoku binatang, hewan, ternak animals (classifier)

Oboli Yo pulau di antara Kensi Yo dan Puyo Besar islands between Kensi Yo and Butali

obolo felalo orang berani (lit. pemburuh yg gagah perkasa) brave person (lit. a hunter who is especially brave)

obulaei .. ko.. balik (ter­) capsize KAl MELAE KENNE ALU RUWE WOKEUMl OBULAEKOKE, Karena perahunya sangat kecil, mereka terbalik diterpa ombak. Because the canoe is very small, it will capsize when big waves hit it.

obule •. bo.. dihanyutkan, diterbangkan carry along in a flood or strong wind KANl MAN ALU BOYE YAE OBULEUBOKE. Debu yg diterbangkan angin The dust got swept away by the wind.


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obule •• bo.. (malo) tar ik pakaian waktu jalan dalam air pull up clothes when walking through water BU WAU­


OBULEUBOKE la menarik pakaianDya ke atas, karena airnya dalam. If you walk through deep water pull up your clothes.

obule •• ko.. cabut banyak pull up a clump of weeds MBAl JAE UKANALEBE NEYAE HELEN SELE OBULEKOKE. Saya pesan hanya satu tetapi ia meDcabut lebib dari satu(banyak sekali). I told him to pullout just one but he pulled out a whole bunch.

ObUD •• bo.. tutupi close, cover KANI MAN BELE BU YALE WALAMBA OBUNElBO. Tutupilab air itu supaya tidak kena debuh. Put the cover on the water container so that it won't get dust in it.

ofae sayur (daun) vegetable (leafy)

ofae raD ular (sejenis) (lit. atas daun) snake, brown, yellow or green non-poisonous, that lives in trees (lit. leaf top)

ofaloi rayap termite obali palang cross obe [obe'] batang kayu

dipakai dua orang untuk mengankat barang berat (babi, pisang), pikulan a stick with which two men carryon their shoulders to carry a

heavy object like a pig, bunch of food, etc. NEBEl YO OBO OBE-OHENE YAROWATE EWATE. Mereka pergi dengan berpikul-pikul babi They carried a pig hanging by its feet from a pole. Iht jg: kara

Db em ulat kayu wood worm

obem reme basai lebah buntut merah bee, red tailed, normal size KS: ohem reme hato lbt jg: yoku rote, ohen reme nokon

obem rame hato lebah buntut merah bee, red tailed, normal size KS: ohen reme hasai Iht jg: yoku rote, ohen reme nokon

obem reme Dokom lebah dgn buntut warna hitam bee, black tailed, small Ibt jg: ohen reme hasai (hato), yoku rate

oheD lebah bee obira keturunan

descendants KS: orona mena, onsira

obo ternpat air yang dangkal shallow water KS: yaba Iht jg: ruwabou, wabo

obobi anak dari anak perempuan, cucu child of daughter, grandchild Iht jg: olou

obote piring makan yg dibikin dari kayu wooden serving tray

obule •. bo.. bengkak, menjadi gemuk/besar (roti) swell, get bigger (bread) OHEN


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MAE AKEUBOKENE NA ANGKAEI OHULEUBOKE. Telinganya beoqkak karen a disengat lebah. Because a bee had stung it, his ear was swollen.

oi •• bo.. kerat, potong sudut keeil (dari batang kayu, kertas, kain, dll) cut small pieces from corners (of pieces of wood, paper, cloth, etc.) NEBEl 0 HUBA OYEIBO, KOKO HELE EWEUFIKE. Keratlah ujung kayu itu karena terlalu menonjol keluar. Cut off a piece of the log so that it won't stick out too far.

oi •• bo •• (hao) bangkitkan perselisihan stir up trouble HAN HOY ATE NOI RO YAE MO A OIBOYOLE. Orang itu se1alu membaoqkitkao perselisihao. That man always stirs up fights.

oi •. hi.. goyangkan shake o KABAN HONOLE BIKEN

OISEBINDE. Saya meneoba meoqqoyanqkao sedikit pohon besar itu I will try to shake the big tree a little. 2 bangkitkan, mengelilingi stir up, circulate something A

BAN FAEU BAN NEKELEBE OYEUNGEBlKE ELEYOLE. Ia sebenarnya pendiam tetapi orang itu membaoqkitkao biearanya. He is very quiet, but he was

stirred to talk. oijo Ihtjq: ojo oime kayu (sejenis) yg

dipakai untuk membuat sisir atau mata panah wood for combs or arrowheads

oioye •• bo. . pintal (memintal) tiali make string by rolling fibre between your hand and thigh NOI MIYAE WEUNGELE HOLOBO! NAEI HA OINYEIBOTE. Beritahukan wanita itu supaya memiotal tali untuk noken. Tell that woman to make string for a string bag.

oioyeu gempa bumi earthquake

oisukulu pohon sagu (sejenis) baik untuk makan, tanpa duri sago tree, medium sized, edible, no thorns

ojo ayam chicken oko bulan (langit) moon

2 bulan (waktu) month 3 buruh babi hutan di cahaya bulan hunt wild animals by the light of the moon Iht jq: wala, mahi

oko heodauboke bulan berada pad a posisi matahari jam 12:00 (siang) moon at peak of circuit, top of sky

oko kai bulan sabit crescent moon

oko .. ha.. tuang pour OKOISA! Tuaoqlah! Pour it!

oko •• hooo.. terletak di bawah di darat look down from a high position and see something on the land


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Iht jg: oko .• ya •. oko •• ya.. terletak di

bawah di dalam air look down from a high position and see something in water MANA EREI! BUNA RO NARE OKOYALE. Sekarang lihatl Ada seorang lelaki di dalam air itu! Look! There is a man in the water. Iht jg: oko .. hono ..

okoi yae [jae)! jangan begitu!, jangan main! don't do thatl, don't play around! RO MIYAE HIWA YO NAEISE KENA OKOI YAE! Jangan ingini kepunyaan orang lain. Don't covet other people's possessions.

okoo jamur-jamur, bukan fendulum mushrooms, all except fendulum Iht jg: fendulum

okore walare berburu malam hunting at night (lit. by the moon to the hunt)

oku teguran, bentak scolding

oku ne •• N.. memerintah shout a command ENATERE A MALEU MALEU WAE WEUMI ANNE OKU NEKEUMILE. Perintah untuk berjalan dengan suara keeil, tidak dihiraukan maka ia perintabkan dengan suara nyaring. With a soft voice he told them to move ahead but they didn't go so he commanded ~hem with a loud voice.

oku roro.. tegur scold

OKU ROROUMI HEE REYAE ALOUNGEKOKALE. Ketika ia menegur, saya berjalan pergi. When he scolded them, I left.

olaiwa burung gagak crow KS: abara mali

olale kayu melintang pukang wood stacked helter-skelter

olan (lit: a elan) kulit pohon bark of tree

ole .. bo.. berguling­mengguling, yaitu sendiri, batang kayu, rokok, dll roll (something) over, i.e. self, log, cigarette, pant leg, etc. NEYAE ANE RUKE, NDIRE :OLEYELE:R, NDARE OLElMEYELE. Dia jatuh, terguling ke sana ke mari He fell down, rolling here and there. 2 lumurkan smear 3 pergi sekitar roll around (the end of something) MEYAE KAISA OLAENDEBOKE. Dengan perahu kami ke sebelab We went round the end of the island in our canoe. 4 kalah. (lit: mundur karena tak bisa menang) lose (a game) lit: (go from front to back, because you can't lead)

olemebe (ole'mebe) kuali, belanga dari tanah liat clay pot used for cooking.

olialia anggerek orchid 010 roh spirit 010 tandan (pisang,

kelapa) stem {coconut,


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bananas) lht jg: faru 010 (ka) insang gill olokaka laba-laba spider

olokei (oloke'i) bui-bui, gelembung foam

01010 belimbing starfruit

01010 bu manik-manik warna hijau (hawa) bead, green hawa

olomali akar tuba yang dipakai untuk tangkap ikan vine whose roots are used to stun fish KS: kaha

aloma kutuk (dari seorang raja) curse (from a king)

aloma ban tanpa sungut, tanpa kutukan without griping, wit.hout cursing KS: narulu ban, rilibo ban Iht jg: ongkongko

aloma narulu keluh complaint

aloma ne .• bo.. lht jg: ne .. bo .• (olomo)

olomo •• bo .• (uwa) berobah sifat, bertobat change character, repent A

USAEI NA HIBI MO YAE UWA OLOMOMBONDE Kalau ia terus-menerus dinasihati, ia akan merubah sifatnya. He will change if he is continually instructed.

olon keranjang yang terbuat dari daun kelapa basket made from coconut. leaves

olongkiho pakis (sejenis halus) fern, very delicate lht jg: noko

0100 tidak ada (orang di rumah) not home "ELI lMAENE?" "OLOO." "Eli

ada di rumah?" "Tidak ada." "Is Eli at home?" -No, he's not.-

olou anak dari anak laki­laki child of son, grandchild lht jg: ohobi

olouma tepung sagu dibungkus dengan daun sayur gedi, sejenis makanan rakyat Sentani sago flour rolled in gedi leaves and boiled

olu tikus kecil mouse, field KS: we', emae, folo bonsu.

olumbo hal umbo sifat orang yg bertindak sembarangan dari tempat ke tempat, sembrono, gegabah doing things at random NA U MEKAI HANDE ELEIKOYOLE BAE OLUMBO BALUMBO WEISAYEUNGE. Kalau berkelahi, ia sangat gegabah Because of his violent, he keeps striking out at things in various places.

Olume yo nama asli kampung Ormu former name of Ormu village

am (aye) burung mambruk (Goura Victoria) Victoria crowned pigeon (Goura Victoria)

omai kunang-kunang firefly

omboi air dalam perahu water inside a canoe

ami anak perempuan; anak perempuan dal" i saudara/i. daughter; daughter of brother or sister.

ondo ma warna abu-abu gray

ondofolo kepala suku,


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kepala adat chief, king

ondofolo kose para kepala suku dan adat the group which includes th.e chief and clan heads

oDdofolo riya kerabat kepala adat chief's close family

oDdowai abu ashes ODe heDgko kemuliaan,

kekuasaan power, authority

oDe •• ko.. lupa forget NA MEKAI MA UKARAE REYAE ONEKOKALE. Saya lupa caranya. I forgot the way you told me.

ODe •. N •• bo.. halang­halangi block something already in motion KAKAI ALU KASAN MAE SERA WOKEUNGENE ONEUBOKE YALE. Kapal laut yang besar itu berhenti karena dihalangi ombak laut yang dahsyat Because the canoe was being beaten by a head wind it's forward motion was stopped. 2 bendungi kali dam up a stream 3 tutup air dari keran turn off faucet 4 pikiran hilang, bingung block thoughts; be confused 5 matikan mesin turn off a motor

ODe •• N •• ko.. tidak kenaI unacquainted, unable to recognize YO HINE EKENEKEWOLE ONEUNGEKOKALE HELE. Saya tidak mengeDal dia karen a ia tinggal di

tempat lain He lives in a different place, so I am unacquainted with him.

oDei jo baDdai jo orang asing yang tidak tahu adat (lit. orang bingung) foreigners who don't know the correct customs (lit. confused people)

oDei-oDei bingung confused

ong yuyu induk ulat sagu sago beetle, very hard shelled, source of sago grubs

oDgki tajak (semacam) alat angkat dan dorong hoe, big stick used to break the sod

oDgko ruang pertemuan meeting room, large KS: obe

oDgkoDgko panggar untuk asar sagu kering, ikan rack for drying meat or storing sago cakes which is used by regular people Iht jg: alau

ongkou asap smoke oDomi sehat, damai

sejahtera health, peace ONOMI FOI! Selamat Peace I REI MAl, ONOMI FOKA, NIME KAUNGEI NOLONE NEKANDE. Kami tingga1 dengan bahagia, damai, sebat, dan hidup berkelimpahan. We live in happiness, peace and health, and abundance.

onsi tunas, pucuk sprouts Ibt jg: bolu, nu

ODS ira keturunan (lit: dari tunas)


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descendants (lit: from a sprout) KS: orona mena, ohira

onu fae daun bete kering dimasak dengan ikan dried hekei leaves cooked with fish

oro kaki foot, leg oro ane ranne koloukoke

pangku kaki sit with legs crossed

oro baere paha thigh oro bele i.. jalan kaki

walk KAISA AKONGKOMBE MO SENTANIRE ORO BELE YEMBE. Setelah tiba dengan perahu, kalian harus berjalan kaki ke Sentani. After you arrive with the canoe, you have to walk to Sentani.

oro buhee [buhe'e') kak­kaki diangkat ke belakang pada gerakan tari. dance, feet make a motion like they are bailing water ORO BUHEE NOIRE NOARE HALELE WA WEUNGE, ....... Oia berdansa dengan gerakan kaki keluarkan air dan berkata: .... He danced with water bailing foot motions and then said, n ••

oro buli jari kelingking pada kaki little toe

oro bundili bekas luka (besar) scar (big)

oro fae telapak kaki sole of foot

oro hemen-semen kesemutan, senyar (pada kaki) foot asleep

oro i otot leg joint oro kala-kala jari kaki

toe oro kei-kei letih leg

ache oro kin betis calf of

leg oro kino-kino lompat­

lompat dengan satu kaki hop around on one leg

oro mabo adat memberi mas kawin kepada saudara2

perumpuan Bride price payment made to the brothers and close male relatives of a girl.

oro mehau sepatu shoes oro mengkei kuku jari

kaki toe nails, claws oro mum (aye) burung kum­

kum (Oucula pinon) pinon imperial pigeon (Ducu1a pinon)

oro nou jejak kaki footprint

oro selen lutut knee oro seme (se'me) tumit

heel oro u .• o.. injak, hardik

dengan kaki stamp foot ANE UWEUNGE NA HIBI

ORO WOKE. Sambil berbicara, ia menginjak dengan kaki. When he was speaking, he stamped his foot.

oro umau ibu jari kaki toe, big

oro umau herau.. upacara serah terima Ondofolo di Sentani; jari kaki ditekan acceptance ceremony for a new chief, in which the big toe is pressed down as the acceptance signal

oro walo tangga steps 2 jembatan bridge

oro wene de kat kaki (orang yang tidur atau duduk) at the feet of (someone sleeping or sitting)

oro.. jalan kaki walk


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NEYAE SEKOLAHRE OROYAE OROWATE. Mereka berjalan kaki ke sekolah They walk to school. 2 pergi (berjalan kaki atau dengan perahu) go (whether by foot or canoe) HOKOLO BEE KAI MBAISA HAWEIBOKE OROYEKE. Keduanya pergi bersama-sama dengan perahu The two of them took one canoe and went. 3 berfungsi dengan baik (motor, gereja, dll) function properly (engine, church, etc.)

orona mena keturunan descendants

orowe mewene tekuk lutut, berlutut kneeling at someone's feet

orule .• bo.. takluk di bawah kekuasan submit to another's authority ALLAH NA ME KELENE AEI WALl ORULUMABONDE. Hidup kita harus takluk di bawah kekuasaan Allah. Our lives are submitted to God's authority.

osae ••• bo •• (uwa) sadar, insaf conscious, aware

A USAEI NA HIBI MO WEUNGEKOKALE NA UWA BELE OSAEUBOKE. Karena kunasihati terus, maka ia sadar Because I have continually given him advice, he is aware of what is right. 2 mogok kerja silently protest (by not working)

osaku mesaku tendang air

dengan kaki dan tangan thrash around in water KS: eisaku meisaku

oselaa rasa sakit pada pangkal paha pain/swelling in groin from local infection or snake bit on leg

oto .• bo.. jatuh, runtuh, rubuh collapse (tree, house, part of a house, usually from being rotten) NEBEl lMAE ORA KAIBOKENE OTOUBOKE. Rumah itu rubub, karen a kayunya lapuk. Because its wood was rotten the house collapsed.

ou sagu kering sago, dried

ou felae sagu kerin9, yang dicampur dengan kelapa dan gula, dan dibungkus dalam daun. sago, dried and mixed with coconut and sugar and wrapped in a leaf.

ouben gelap dark ouben-bauben gelap gulita

pitch black oukuke dia sudah jatuh di

bawah he fell down below lbt jg: o .. ru ..

oUDguweuboke dia pergi dan duduk he went and sat down lbt jg: o .. nuwe .. bo.

owabu pohon kayu susu, pohon pulai milkwood tree

owami uban grey hair oyaya kayu gegat wood,

bug-eaten oye u .. o.. tarik di atas

batang kayu pull across rollers (this expression is also used for good food that is easy to eat or a speech that is easy to give.


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KAI OYE WOKE RANDA YOBAIBOKE IJOKAI ATE. Mereka menarik perahu di atas kayu bulat dan perahu bergerak dengan cepat seka1i. They pu1led ~he canoe across log rollers and it went at top speed (easily).

aye yae nihe •• bo.. hitung jum1ah dengan cara mematahkan 1idi count up by breaking sticks 2 bikin hobatan dengan cara mematahkan 1idi do spells by breaking sticks

oye [oye'] batang kayu yg dipakai sebagai rod a untuk menarik perahu logs used for rollers when towing a heavy canoe

ra saya, objektif atau posesif me, my NEYAE BUKU RARE YENSELERE. Dia memberi buku kepada saya. He gave the book to me.

ra skin of humans, animals, fruit ku1it orang, binatang, buah, atau pohon bark 2 kacang-kacangan pod

ra •• hi.. taruh, tetapkan di tempat 1ebih tinggi set, put in place of higher position OBO HARE MO ROWELE, ANGKAISABUNE MOKOIBOYOLE RAISIYELE. Diisinya darah babi itu da1am sebuah wadah, 1a1u pergi menyimpannya. He would get pig blood, make water containers and pu~ it in them. Iht jg:

a •. bo .. , ha .• N •. bo .• ra •• hi.. (hengke1en)

mu1ai initiate, set in motion, begin HAMBAYAN HENGKELEN RAISlKATE. Mereka mulai beribadah. They began having worship services.

ra •• hi.. (merau) rencanakan plan NEYAE MERAUFE MO RAINYEHlKE. Mereka hanya membuat rencana. They planned accordingly.

ra .• N •. hi.. arahkan (men­) align in a certain direction NEBEl FE LA YOBUMA YORE RAUNGEBlKE, RANGKE-RANGKE NEKE, MEKE BAEINJEBEINYE NA MEUKUKE. Diarahkannya panah itu ke 1angit ditariknya sekuat tenaga, dilepaskannya, hingga jatuh di Baenjebei. He pointed the arrow toward the sky, shot it very hard, and landed in Baeinjebeinye.

ra •. N .. hi.. (hului) ukur (objek kata kerja, jaitu, kain, tanah) measure (object of verb, i.e. cloth, land)

lMAERE.HENAIBONDERENE WENA KANI HULUI RAINYEHIKE. Mereka mau mendirikan rumah, jadi kemarin mereka sudah mengukur tanah. They want to build a house, so yesterday they measured the land.

rabaa tanda 1arangan dari daun pohon leaf


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barrier (coconut, sago) to indicate no transpassing lht jg: bu hun, ele

rabe •. ha.. jemur (ikan, babi, tembakau) dry (fish, pig, tobacco) KA HEKI HONNATERE INYE RABEREKONDE. Supaya ikan ini awet, saya akan menjemur di api. To keep fish a long time I will smoke them in the fire. KS: kala.

rabe .. ha .. (ke, hun) babat rumput cut grass

REYAE KE RABEREHANDE HEKERE MOKOREBONDE. Saya akan babat rumput untuk membuka kebun. I will cut the grass to make a garden.

rabingkae kulit jagung atau beras (sekam) husk of grain (corn, rice)

rabo harap hope REYAE RABO HAL ALE RAEI FA FOI YEMBONDE. Saya harap anakku akan pulih dari sakitnya. I hope my son will get well.

rabu yo norak, udik, penduduk yg jauh dari danau uncultured, people who live far into the jungle (between Genyem and Lereh) lht jg: yangku

rabuhi sesuatu yang penting, mempunyai arti something significant RABUBI WANENNE RO MIYAE HELEN SELE ARILEWOLE. Mungkin ada sesuatu yang penting sehingga banyak orang berkerumum. There

migh t be something significant which has caused people to gather.

rabuhi-rabuhi tak ada apa-apa nothing, void of possessions

rabuhine ban sebab itu because of that RABUHINE BAN YORE MO KINYEWANEMILE. Sebab itu semuanya kami serahkan kepada orang kampung. Because of that we surrendered everything to them.

rabule •. bo.. (be) beranikan diri (perbuatan baik) take courage (to do something good) FENE KOYELE BE MANA YA MBAI BE RABULEUBOKE. Biasanya ia seorang penakut tapi sekarang ia memberanikan diri. Normally he is fearful, but now he has become brave. lht jg: be hau

rae .. bo.. besarkan grow up (people, plants) NEYAE ANEWEKE RAEWEKE. Dia menjadi besar sekali. He is grown up.

raei saya (posesif), kepunyaanku my RAE I MIYAE Istri saya By wife

raekun tanah merah red soil

rahe apa what WEYAE RARE BE MOKOYAE? Kau buat apa? What are you making?

rahene mengapa, apa sebabnya why WEYAE RAHENE ELE KAENEYAE?


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Mengapa kamu berteriak? Why are you screaming?

Rahene bae? Mengapa tidak? Silahkan! why not? Go ahead!

rahinoi lucu, lawak amusing, funny NEYAE RABINOISE KOYELE RO. 1a seorang pelawak. He's an amusing person.

rahoiton luar biasa, wah •.. outstanding NEYAE 1MAE RABOITON YALEUNGEBOKE. 1a membangun rumah bagus sekali. He built a very beautiful house.

rahoiton ko.. merasa kecewa feel disappointment RAHOITON KOLE, KAWANE A1NYEHEUKOUBE LONDEBE ERE1MEYA1NYE. Sangat menyesal lebih baik orang itu dipenjarakan tetapi mereka melihat saja (tidak bertindak). He felt disappointed, the man could have been put in jail but they just looked at him (didn't do anything).

rai siang noon rai-tai sepenggal,

secarik small part torn off something larger

raiboke mereka sudah duduk they sat down Iht jg: ro-ai-bo-ke

raikele kulit sagu sago bark

raime pohon (sejenis) kayu dipakai untuk membuat perahu tree (type of) wood used for making canoes

raime yalo bu kapak batu warn a hitam stone axe,

black Raisimbe Yomo tanjung ke

arah barat Rouwai Kou west point on the end of Rouwai Kou

raka susunanl lapisan, tingkatan layers (of clothes, dirt), levels (in a house), etc.

raka homo ukir-ukiran kayu carving in wood

rake.. harapkan expect rake .. ha.. tunggu dalam

keadaan siap waiting in an alert state NEYAE 1KATE HEKE ELE MOINYE MO HAMA RAKAISAKE HEBEWATE. Mereka naik bersembunyi di luar pagar kebun, siap melakukan penyergapan. They went up outside the garden fence, and waited in ambush.

rakei-takei tunggu dengan harapan, penantian waiting, expecting

raku (aye) kelelawar flying faxes

raIe .• bo.. jemur layout wide things in the sun to dry

ralibuna yo orang dari Sentani timur people from eastern Sentani

ralo musim angin barat (kira-kira Oktober . April) west wind season (approximately October . April)

ralo yakama tahun year ramaa lumut yg terbakar

di musim panas moss which starts burning spontaneously in the hot season

ramaa sumber api alam fire (a unique type)

raman makanan food KS:


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eraman raman bulau pesta feast rambun barang wealth,

goods, things NANE RAMBUN KELEUFEBOKE, NDA HOMOFAE NIYAE. Barang yang diperlihatkan adalah buku ini. That objec~ he had seen, it was this book.

rame besi metal asing, dari luar foreign


rame eme rambutan (buah matoa dari luar) rambutan (foreign matoa fruit)

rame fela bedil, senjata (panah dari luar) gun (foreign arrow)

rame hekei keladi, talas taro

rame hele (hele'e') kikir, gerinda file

rame hiloi garpu fork rame hun sembilu knife

made from 'nauwaa' wood

rame hun rame wau perkakas tajam sharp tools

rame hun rame wau sembilu knife made from 'naiwaa' wood

rame kahu kapak axe rame kelai sepeda (kaki)

bicycle rame kombaelu semangka

watermelon rame nangkayau

avocado avokad

rame nauwaa mata panah dari semacam bambu arrowhead made from cane

rame obo binatang yang di bawa ke daerah Sentani oleh orang lain, yaitu sapi, kambing, domba, rusa, tetapi bukan

babi, anjing atau kucing .. animals imported into the area, i.e. cows, goats, sheep, deer, but not pigs, dogs, cats.

rame 01010 belimbing manis star fruit or carambola

rame ru nangka, sirsak jackfruit, sirsak

rame yaeli parang machete

rame yo pendatang; orang yang rnembawa besi ke daerah Sent ani Javanese, Sulawesi, etc. settlers in the area; people who brought metal to the area

rame .. hi.. raba tangan supaya ingin tahu kalau panas atau dingin, dll touch in order to detect heat, cold, etc.

ERA ELAE KOLE NAEISE ME RAMEREBINDE. Karena ia sakit keras saya harus menjamahnya. Because he is very sick, I need to touch him.

rame .. ko.. rarnas, peras squeeze LEMON RAMEREKONDE MO, NA BU ANDEHINDE. Saya akan memeras (meramas) jeruk itu dan rninurn airnya. When will squeeze the lemon and drink the juice.

ramehe ememe beliung dipakai di dalarn perahu adze used for making the inside of a canoe

ramehe foro beliung dipakai di luar perahu adze used for making


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the outside of a canoe ramene [rame'ne')

knife rami ular snake


rami kelai ular sawah yang cukup besar yg dapat menelan babi python large enough to swallow pigs

ran atas top YOKU KILl BAHE KAMENDAKE NA MOKO RANDA HEBEUNGUKE. Anjing Kili Bahe berdiri di atas punggung buaya The Kili Bahe dog stood on the crocodile's back. 2 dasar based NA WALl AME-AME RANNE NEKEWEKE. Hidupnya berdasar atas penipuan. His life was based on trickery (lit. lived on top of tricks)

ran .. bo. . tiup blow (whistle, trumpet) AMIN RANEUBOKE MO, NEMENE lMAE ElSE EYEUBOKE. Setelah nafiri ditiup semuanya masuk ke dalam rumah. When he blew the conch shell, everyone went home.

randan rarangke menarik sekuat tenaga pull back an arrow very hard and shoot it a long distance NEBEINYE FELARE MO NA RANDAN RARANGKE NEKE KONDAEU YOMO LONNE MEUKUKE. Oleh sebab itu ia menarik busurnya sekuat-kuatnya, melepaskannya sampai jatuh di tanjung Kondaeu. He pulled

back on the arrow very hard and shot it strongly and it went to Kondaeu yomo. Iht jg: rangke-rangke

rane •• (kibo) berliur (dari bau enak) mouth waters (from smelling something good) OHEI MIYAE RO MONINE NEU KAN KEUFAKE, KIBO RAN-DAN RANGKATE UKATE HABEWATE. Karena kelaparan, mulut orang­orang Ohei itu berliur, lalu mulai membelokkan perahu mereka. Because the Ohei woman was so weak (limp like leaves), saliva ran out of her mouth and they turned their canoe around (and headed home) .

rane .. bo .. (fela) tarik tali busur (jaitu, anak panah) pull back (i.e. arrow on bowstring) OBO HAKAMBONDE BELE FELA NA HIBI RANEUBONDE. Pemburu itu menarik tali busurnya takut buruannya lari. So the pig won't get away, pull back your arrow.

rane .. bo .. (hulu kali) seruling, siul whistle

HULU KALI RANEUBOKE, NEYAE OBOROIBOI. Mereka tidak mendengar tiupan peluit (siulan) itu. He didn't hear the whistle.

rane .. bo .. (ka yae)


topeng, kedok, samar disguise NA BE RONAINYEBONDE BELENE KA

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YAE RANEUBOKE. Ia menyamar, supaya tidak dikenal. So they would not recognize him he disguised himself.

rane •• i.. naikkan, mengangkat lift YONlME ROWELE BUMARE RANEUNGEJENDE! Angkatlah bender a itu ke atas! Raise that flagJ 2 naikkan pangkat promote NDA RIYA NEKATENE, ONDOFOLO RANENAlJENDE Dipertemuan ini, mereka akan mengangkat ondofolo. At this meeting they will inaugurate an ondofolo.

rangke-rangke menarik busur dengan kencang strain very hard pulling back an arrow NEBEl FE LA YOBUMA YORE RAUNGEHIKE, RANGKE­RANGKE NEKE, MEKE BAElNJEBElNYE NA MEUKUKE. Diarahkannya panah itu ke langit, ditariknya sekuat tenaga dilepaskannya hingga jatuh di Baenjebei. He pointed the arrow toward the sky, pulled it back very hard, and it landed in Baeinjebeinye.

rangkele bersama-sama dgn saya together with me

rano. dayung ke samping row a hook stroke pulling toward the boat

lMOLlNA KlYAE FlLELE, EUBENA KlYAE RANOLE. Orang yang dayung di buritan berusaha

sedangkan yang di haluan berusaha ke samping. The one in the back rows straight, the one in the front steers by rowing perpendicular to path of travel. Iht jg: file., awe., buhee hale.

ranoi (wali) orang yg suka merampas person who likes to be in charge

rare .. ha.. keram, eram settle on top of OlJO NAEl RO RANNE RAREUFAKE HONOLE. Ayam itu mengeram diatas telurnya. The chicken is sitting on her eggs.

rau lagu song KS: a hili, a koi-koi

rau air dalam, jauh dari pantai water (deep), far from shore 2 bag ian rumah di tempat dalam part of house over deep water Iht jg: oho

rau .. bo.. Iht jg: rawe .. bo ..

rau .. hi.. mulai begin KABITOROURA HENGKELEN RAUFlKE. Dia mulai bersembahyang di lfar Besar. He began [having services] on Ifar Besar.

rau-kau jalan seperti di pasir plodding manner, walk as though in sand

rauwake adik laki-laki saya bagi laki-laki, adik perumpuan saya bagi perumpuan my younger brother for a boy, my younger sister for a girl Iht jg:


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uwake rawe. (kama) pagi waktu

embun sudah kering time in the morning when the dew has just dried HEKERE ENATE YO RAKEIKOYATE KOMO RAWEIBOYOLE HEE EYEWATE. Mereka yang berkebun menunggu sampai embuD sudah keriDg. The people going to the garden wait until the dew is dry.

rawe .. bo. . buka open RAWEIBO! Bukalah! Open it! KS: rau .• bo •. Iht jg: u .. 0 ••

rawe .. bo.. buka (pintu, kaleng, daerah) open up (doors, cans, areas)

BUYO RAWAIBOKE HAMBAYANG NAEI YONE NEKEWATE .• Kebaktian dibuka di kampung Puyo Besar. Puyo Besar opened up for regular worship services there.. 2 mulai begin, start OBOYEI MO NA, NDA HEERA HUBA RAWEUBONDE BOUNGELE! Kalau belum berdoa, mulai sekarang! If you are not praying, start today!

raye [raye'] dari bend a yg lurus dibuat sebagai tempat taruh kayu, atau gantung tali notch made in straight wood to hold a wooden cross member of hang something

rayee [raye'e'] reia adat memberi mas kawin kepada klen untuk

mengambil perempuan yg tidak biasa memberi perempuan kepada klen yg diminta waktu ini. Bride price payment whereby a stone axe is given to a clan to provide a girl to another clan which is not a normal recipient of their girls.

re lumpur mud re tertawa laughter

BUMOKONE RE BELE ABELE KAI MAEKE. Mereka tertawa dan senda gurau di danau sementara berdayung menuju kampung. Out on the lake they laughed and talked as they rowed home.

re mUD-mUD tertawa dengan mulut tertutup giggle

re waka-waka tertawa terbahak-bahak laugh, hearty

re [re' ] dubur anus kenyang satisfy YEUNGELE

reo .bo .. RAMAN

ANENGKONDE UWA REMBONDE. Berilah dia makan sampai kenyaDg. Feed him until he is satisfied.

re .. ko.. isi dengan air, menimba dip water, fill container with water BU NEYAE, REIKO. Itulah air, timbalah! Dip some of this water!

re .• ko.. lepas, urai pull up first and then take down (like taking something down that is hanging from a peg) NEBELE ELEWOLENE NA KU NAEI ANGKAEINYA REUKOKE


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YEUNGEKOKE. Karena berkata demikian, ia melepaskan anting­anting dari telinganya dan memberikannya. Because she said that she took the earing out of her ear and give it to her.

re •• N •. ko. tekan lebih keras ke dalam, misalnya: babi yang ditikam push harder into, i.e. a stabbed pig OBO NEKATE HA~BONDE BELE MENDA KOBARA REUNGEKONDE. Babi yang ditikam tombaknya di tekan lagi ke dalam supaya babi tidak lari So the speared pig won't run off, push the spear head in harder.

rebaele •. bo. • bincut bruise RUKANE NALEUNGEHIKENE NO OROMAU REBAELEUBOKE. Karena terantuk pad a batu, ia jatuh dan ibu jari kakinya bincut. Because he hit a rock [with his foot], his big toe was bruised.

rebali (aye) Burung Tahun Year Bird

rebauka kulit buah matoa, kulit siput, penyu, dll shell of a snail, turtle, matoa fruit

rebe .• N .. bo.. longgarkan slacken (rope, opinion)

NA KAINYA HA REBEUNGEBOKE. Ta 1 i perahunya ia longgarkan. He slackened the rope on his boat.

rebei-rebei (oro) pincang

limp ANE RUKENE ORO REBEl-REBEl REBELE. Ia pincang karen a jatuh. Because he fell, he limps.

oro sakalu mata kaki ankle

rebeisi-rebeisi pincang, jalannya pincang limping

rei senang, gembira, ria happy NEYAE REI SELE KOLE NA MIYAE KELU FA BE HONGGENE. Ia sangat senang karen a istrinya melahirkan seorang anak laki-laki. He was very happy because his wife gave birth to a son.

rei mai bahagiaan, sorak­sorai happiness REI­MAl ONOMI FOKA NIME KAUNGEI NOLONE NEKANDE. Kita tinggal di tengah kebahagiaan, perdamaian, dan kemakmuran. We live in happiness, peace, and prosperity.

rei tei mai mai gembira, sukacita enjoyment

rela [re'la] mas kawin classifier for all bride price wealth KS: hemboni

relae .• ko ... sambung, rekat splice two long objects by overlapping their ends and tying them together BE NO KOKO HELENE 0 BEE YAE YAROUKONDE RELAEUKONDE. Ambillah dua batang kayu, lalu sambungkan untuk memetik buah pinang dari pohonnya yg tinggi. Because the beetlenut tree is very


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tall get two sticks and splice ~hem ~oge~her (to get the beetlenut). 2 ukur tinggi measure height or length by standing two objects beside each other to see which is longer NANEMBAINYE HEBEBO UWA RELAEKO! Kalian berdua berdirilah bersama-sama dan ukurlah badan kalian! Stand together to see which is taller!

relahi bekas used KL: neme

relabi moko •. ha.. sudah siap, tersedia prepared

relau koba manik-manik warna dark blue (nokom) bead, dark blue nokom

rele [re'le'] •• (kulun) dengar berita, bunyi yang pasti hear reliable news, unmistakable sound

rele [re'le'] .. N •• ko •• berusaha strive, try hard ERA BOLU OBO NA HIBI MO ANEIMEYELENE, ELE ELAE RELERENGKONDERE. Oleh karena babi memakan tanaman di kebun terus menerus, saya akan bekerja keras membuat pagar. Because the pigs keep eating the garden plants I will work very hard to build a fence. KS: huba •. hi. •

rele [re 'Ie' ] .• nu .• (i) menyalakan api, rokok, dll dan light a fire, cigarette, etc. NA FA BIKEN ISE MO RELEUNGUKE

MEKE. The small child li~ a torch and brought it. Anak yang kecil datang membawa api yang sudah dinyalakan.

rele [re'le'] •. N .. ko .• (era bulo) derita suffer, be sick HEKI HELE ERA BULO RELEUNGEKOKE. Ia menderita sakit cukup lama. He has suffered [from sickness] for a long time.

rele .• bo.. hono.. tidur bersama-sama (orang banyak) many people lay down and go to sleep Iht jg: ne. hono.

relime dongeng fairy tale, legend

relun berudu tadpole rembo anak mantu child-

in-law reme ekor tail ren dayung ren ko yeu

oar dayung anak children oars for

ren .. N •. ko .. iris slice RAMENE YAE OBO MOHI

RENEUNGEKOKE. Daging babi itu diirisnya dengan pisau. The pig was sliced up with a knife.

ren-den (bu) bersih sekali clean, crystal clear

rena belalai proboscis of insect 2 taring tusk

rena taring whiskers (cat, animals) Iht jg: fauman, hina

rene [re'ne'] pagi morning

rene [re'ne'] kau-kau subuh dawn

rene. titis drip IMAE


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YAN BULURA YA RENEWOLE. Air hujan menitis dari atap. The rain dripped through a hole in the roof.

rene •• bo.. iris, sayat slice off little pieces

U HALE ME HALE KOWOLENE ME BELE RENEUBOKE. Karena tergesa-gesa ia mengiris tangannya. Because he worked fast he cut off a piece of his hand.

reniai malam night retara kotoran (di

lantai) dirt (on floor)

reu pucuk leaf shoots reu baikoke buah yang

matang sehingga terbelah sendiri fruit that has split open by itself because of its ripeness

reu buro pucuk leaf shoots, very new

reu foi faeu foi pohon yang subur healthy tree

reyae saya, aku I ri .. hi.. lht jg: see

riye .. hi. . ribo tempat di bawah tepi

atap di sebelah bawah area under the eaves

rike .• N .• bo. . menolong seseorang lain help someone RAMBUN EHEKAE1NYA RlKEUNGEBONDE KAEBOBE. Bila berat tanggungannya, mengangkatnya. load is heavy, carry it.

to long If the

help him

rikei-sakoi ro orang yang suka membantu helping

person rile .• bo ..

over siram pour

NEYAE BU HEISE NAUME YAE RlLAINYEBOKE. Mereka menyiram dia dengan air panas. They poured hot water on him.

rile .. ho.. selam dive into water RILEUFOKE MEWOLE MO, EREWOLE BAE, NA BENE KAMENDAKE LON BE YALE. He dived into the water, and was looking around when a crocodile appeared right in front of him. Waktu ia menyelam ke dalam air, sambil melihat ke kiri ke kanan, dilihatnya buaya di depan mukanya.

rile .. ko.. tuangkan pour BU MELEWOLENE ANUWAU

HINE RILEUBOKE. Karena air itu meluap, ia menuangkannya ke wadah yang lain. Because the water was overflowing, he poured it into another container.

rilewole (iwau) tanda, alamat, peristiwa sign, omen

rili han dendam, benci hate, hold a grudge NA M1YAERE RILl HAN KOUNGE. 1a membenci istrinya. He hated his wife.

rilibo malas lazy 2 bersungut-sungut grumbling

rilibo ban tidak mengeluh, tidak sungut without griping KS: olomo ban, narulu ban

rilibo ha. sungut-sungut


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grumble RAME YAELIRE YENSELERE WANALEBE, NEYAE RILIBO-RILIBO BAYEYOLE. Kumintakan parang saja, tetapi ia bersungut-sungut terus. I just asked for the machete, but he grumbled and grumbled.

rimahili ratapan, keluhan dirge like song sung when taking a new bride to a husband or at a death

rime.. tangis cry NAEKOLE NENAKELE EWOTENE, NOI FA RlMELE. Anak itu menangis, sebab ayah dan ibunya sudah pergi. Because his mother and father left, the child cried.

rime •. N •• ko. . ratap wail NENAKE HEREKENE, HEKI

HELE RIME RlMEUNGEKOKE. Karena kematian ibunya, ia meratap sangat lama. Because his mother had died he wailed a long time.

rime-rime ratapan karen a seorang gadis yang akan kawin di kampung lain song of lament for a girl going off to another village in marriage

rimi-rimi licin smooth rimolone yangkone kekal,

selama-lamanya forever

rin •. ko.. Iht jg: rine .. ko •.

rine .• ko.. mengikat tie, wrap around many times HAKAMBONOE BELENE HA FOI JAE RINEUKONDE. Supaya tidak lari,

ikatlah sebaik-baiknya. Tie him well, so that he can't run away.

ritile (ani) buah-buahan berlimpah abundant fruit

riya rapat, sidang consultative group of select people

riyau we .• bo.. selesaikan finish NA KALlA UKAINYELE NA HEKI BAN SELE RIYAU WEUNGEBOKE. Pekerjaan yang dibebankan padanya diselesaikannya dengan segera. He finished the work he was given in a short time.

riye .. hi.. minta request ARAISE ROI

RIYEUNGEHINDE! Mintalah uang kepada ayahmu! Ask your father for money!

riyen manik-manik warna biru tua (nokom) bead, dark blue nokom KS: yansubu

ro telur egg 3 nama name WA RO NDE? Siapa namamu? What is your name?

ro orang laki-laki man NDI RO MIYAE ROUKE. Laki-laki itu sudah menikah That man took a wife.

ro bae .. N .. ho. . beri nama name NENAKE HONGKE YA RO BAEINYEHOKE. Pada waktu ibunya melahirkan, ia diberi nama They named him at birth. KS: ro .. N .. bo. (ro)

ro be ro yoinye di muka banyak orang in front


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of many people ro bu nama tanah (lit.

nama air) traditional name (lit.: water name)

ro kaD ya kaD payung, daun besar umbrella, big leaf

ro melaei •. bo.. hormati honor 2 beri salam greet NAEI IMAERE EMEMBOMBE NA RO MELAEYENEBOMBE. Waktu masuk ke rumahnya, berilah salam kepadanya. When you (pl) enter his house, greet. him.

ro miyae orang-orang, manusia people

ro u miyae u alat kelamin, aurat sexual organs

ro YUD fa YUD semua orang all the people

ro YUD ro haeise balas dendam revenge

ro .. bo. • duduk bersama­sarna sit down together

ANUWAU UNE NANEMBAINYE ANGKEN ROBOBE. Karena tempat terbatas kalian dua boleh duduk bersama-sama. Because there's not enough room, you two can sit together.

ro .. ko.. parut grate NEYAE HO KENSI BEE ROUKOKE. Ia memarut dua belahan kelapa. He grated two coconuts

roo .N .. bo.. kenaI baik know (someone) well RO FOI JAE ROUNGEBONDE. Usahakan supaya meDgenalnya dgn baik. Get to know him well.

2 memperkenalkan sesuatu yang baru kepada orang lain introduce something new to others

ro .. N •• bo.. ( ro ) menamakan seseorang tell someone else's name RO ROISO .• Sebut namanya Tell me his name. KS: ro bae .. N .. ho.

robia uang (dari Rupiah) money (from Rupiah) KS: roi

robo-robo hangat (air, badan, dll) warm (water, body, etc.)

rob on utara north rohai (buloli) jambu

(sejenis) asam, merah Malay apple; large red unsweet jambu

rohai (ukae) jambu (sejenis) manis, merah Malay apple; red, sweet jambu

roi uang money roi moko .. bo. • bayar pay

ROI MOKOUBONDE, KARO ENEKEI JAE. Kau harus bayar, jangan biarkan. You must pay, don't say it doesn't matter.

roi-toi parut (kelapa) grate (coconut)

roibu keringat sweat NDA HU KOKO ROI JAE BU BEWOTE. sepanjang hari, mereka berkeringat. (lit. dengan keringat) All day long those two sweated. (lit. were with sweat)

roibu hobe .. N .. ko.. bayar gaji (lit. menghapus keringat) pay wages (lit. erase sweat)


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roijando laki-laki dewasa manhood

roko kali occurance, instance ROKO NAENAEM JAYAPURARE OROUKOKAE? Berapa kalikah anda pergi ke Jayapura? How many times have you been to Jayapura?

roko mbemba sekali-sekali periodically

rokone baei setiap waktu, seringkali each time

rolo kayu (sejenis) kayu dipakai untuk membuat rumah tree (type of) its wood is used for house building

roloku dermaga dock rolombaei semut kecil dan

merah. Tidak menggigit. Tinggal di tempat yang ada gula atau buku­buku. ant, small red. These don't bite. They live in sugar or books. lht jg: kandu, inyake, heise, a bum-bun

rolonsan panas matahari hot sun

romau pintu door roming bau anyir (busuk)

stench, bad smell romou katupkan mulut

dengan kuat, karen a kemarahan atau kesakitan yg ditahan. make lips tight because of anger or pain.

ron-don terlalu basah untuk dibakar too wet to burn, green

rondo pohon sagu (sejenis) baik untuk membuat roti sagu sago tree, medium sized, thorny, best for making feu, used for borders

rorele orang laki-laki tua old man 2 pandai

wise, skilled rorilime anai-anai kecil

termites, very small KS: rokelen

roro .. bale •• (kaisa) terjun dari perahu ke air Jump out of a canoe HOKOLO BEE ROROKETE BALEKETE OKETE, ..• Ke duaoya terjun ke dalam air .•. The two of them jumped out (into the water) KS: hono .. N .• hi ..

roro .. ko. . t ikam menikam stab many times or many objects OBO BEE MENDA YAE ROROUKOKE. Ia menikam dua ekor babi dengan tombak. He stabbed two pigs with his spear. lht jg: ne.

roro .• ko .. (tela) berperang fight, war FELARE RORONAIKONDE NAEI RIYABE NEKATE. Mereka sedang berunding untuk berperang. They are having a meeting about going to war.

roro .. N .. bo .. (ohen mae) sengat lebah banyak stung by many bees Iht jg: ake .. N .. bo .. (ohen mae)

roro .. N .• ko.. (mangko) tutupi (dalam awan) engulf in a cloud

rate jahe ginger rote (aye) burung elang

(Haliastur indus) Brahminy kite (Haliastur indus)

rote (emae-obo) jahe, warna putih ginger, white

rote (hokan) jahe, warna merah ginger, red

rou.. ambil take NEYAE


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MIYAE ROUKE. Ia mengambil seorang isteri (Ia sudah kawin) He t;ook a wife.

Roubo DOYo Lama (nama lama kampung) DOYo Lama village's original name

Rouwai kou nama teluk ke arah selatan timur dari kampung Butali big cove southeat of Butali village

rowa tuan master roweisi-rowe1s1 semangat

sekali enthusiastic, lively

roy au anak laki-laki dari saudara ibu. male descendant from mother's brother lht jg: ayau

ru sukun breadfruit ru .• bo •• (bu) lht jg:

ruwe .• bo .. (bu) ru .• bo •• (ke) akar (ber-)

Form a body under ground like roots growing BEYOI ME ORO NANEMENE NINAE KE RUWAIBOKE. Wajah, tangan, dan kakinya, semuanya terbentuk. His face, hands, and feet were already formed.

rubo •• bo.. lepaskan, tarik kebawa pull down

NA MALO YAUNGE RUBOUNGEBOKE. I a melepaskan pakaiannya di darat He pulled off his clothes on the shore. 2 babat cut grass HA NINKEISA lMAE HOUNGA RUBOIBO BAEUFO. Rumput liar di halaman rumah dibabat

habis. Clean up (pull down) the crawling weeds around the house. KS: rabe .. bo ..

rubo •• N •. bo.. (alu) angin turun, mulai reda wind calms down ALU BE BAHELE YA RUBOUNGEBOKE. Angin mulai reda setelah menjelang malam. The wind will calm down in the evening.

ruka batu stone, rock ruka bulu gua cave ruka bulu-bulu tanah

banyak berbatu-batu rocky ground

ruka yalo sepelempar batu jauhnya stone's throw away

ruka-ruka tebal thick rukun (ofae) daun-daun

yang sudah gugur falling leaves

rule .. ha.. jatuh terkulai fall over from exhaustion. AHAU FELE HABELEMEYELENE NEBEl ANUWAU NAHAN MAE RULEUFAKE RUKE. Karena ia berlari dari jarak yg jauh sekali, dan belum tiba di tempat tujuan ia jatuh terkulai. Because he had run a long way and still not reached the place he was going he fell over from exhaustion.

rulu gUlungan (besi, tali, rotan, dlll roll (of wire, rope, rattan, etc. )

rulu (hese) sarang semut ant nest

rulu bongkou pohon yg baik untuk tiang rumah


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tree used for house posts

rulu •• bi.. bungkuskan wrap RAMBUN KALUN RULUREBINDE ROFENDERE. Barang-barang sisa ini akan saya bungkus dan bawa. I will wrap up and take the leftovers.

rumfela busur bow KS: fela u

run pohon yang digunakan untuk busur, tombak, dan sisir tree used for bows, spears, and combs

run kangke kain yang terbuat dari kulit pohon dipakai untuk menyimpan mas kawin bark cloth used for storing bride wealth items.

run-dun bentuk sekitar mata bengkak, karena menangis lama atau dipukul swollen around the eye from crying or being beaten 2 gemuk dan pendek (binatang, orang) fat and short (animals, people)

runsoko manik-manik warna biru (hawa atau nokom) bead, blue hawa or nokom

rure •. ko. • pangkas trim (hair, trees) MAENSA HELENNE NEYAE RUREUKOKE . I a mempangkas dahan itu karena terlalu banyak. Because there were many branches, he trimmed them. KS: rubo .. bo ..

ruruna pohon sagu, jenis besar, tidak banyak duri, bisa makan sago tree, big, few thorns,

edible ruwa (kata Ajau) lbt jg:

ruwae ruwa-ruwa mudah tenggelam

(karena perahu memuat terlampau banyak) easily sinkable (because of overloading)

ruwabou dasar laut middle layer of water, between surface and bottom lht jg: ohou, wabo, yaba

ruwae ombak, gelombang wave (of the ocean)

ruwe •. bo •• (bu) tenggalam sink KAI OBULAEUKOKE NA HIBI BUNE RUWAUBOKE. Perahu yang kemasukan air langsung tenggelam. The canoe tipped over and sank immediately.

siaa nama sejenis tar ian dari PNG dance (PNG style)

u uwa badan body u babe-bahe white

particles shed when kaskado is scratched

u bau-bau penyakit kusta leprosy

u bee wa bee sifat munafikhypocrite KS: faeu kai bee, ubene ma bee, wali mekai bee

u bokoo jinak tame u bulingkae tegak bulu

roma goose bumps u bulu-bulu penuh dusta

(sifat hidup) full of trickery

u bun-bun u hilae-hilae jahat violent (person)

u bale cepat quick u bale me hale cepat,

buru-buru, tergesa-gesa fast, hurriedly HOKOLO BEE NAEI U BALE


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ME BALE WEIJEHAKE MOKOWOTE. Dua orang ini bekerja cepat sekali. These two worked very quickly.

u hena-hena larnban slow (person)

u hilae-hilae jahat, kasar violent (person)

u huku-huku ko .• N •. ko .• gertak threat, intimidate AKU HOYOLE HILEMBONDERE U HUKU­BUKU KOINYOKO! Supaya tidak mengomel lagi, gertaklah dia. Threaten them to quiet down their constant rioting.

u i u Dukui. bercahaya, seperti hantu glowing, like a ghost

u kaei-kaei congkak, sombong karen a bisa menipu orang lain conceited, proud because of his trickery

u kai-kai antara (orang) between (people)

u kamae barang perhiasan jewelry

u kau-kau bayangan fleeting figure (human, animal)

u keu-keu gila, sinting insane

u koi-koi tak sehat, tidak waras sickly

u mafili bentuk badan (yaitu, besar, kecil, dll) shape of body (i.e. large, small, etc.)

u maDgkeu orang sombong, bangga proud person KS: u kaei-kaei

u mbai dua puluh twenty

u mbai (Da) sendiri alone

u mekai sifat characteristic, personality

u mekai wa mekai sifat characteristic

u Daume demam fever u nekei-Dekei ro orang

yang lambat bergerak person who works very slowly and lazily, and is perhaps sick

u nene jijikan (men-), ngeri repulsive, terrible, horrible

u nene ko.. gerikan horrify

u no istirahat (lit.: badan napas) rest (lit. body breath)

u no i .. ko.. istirahat rest

u Dolo u kai antara, dari antara orang-orang among, one of a group NDA RO MIYAE HELEN BOLEN HOKOUMEKE U NOLO U KAISA RO HI WENNELE A USAEI ELENGKONDE. Mintalah seseorang dari antara banyak orang yg hadir ini untuk memberi nasihat. Chose one person from the many people who have gathered here to give advice (teach).

u DODOlo bodoh, goblok, pandir retarded

u rani-rani ko.. otak yg tidak waras epileptic

u ruku bisul boil u ruwei-tuwei bengkak

swelling u/uwa buhae letih

exhausted lbt jg: kei­kei

u wake usaha sendiri own strength, effort


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U wanen bele makin kurang fewer

u yebae bulu bad an body hair

u.. pukul, menyepak hit RAHUAE NA YUNDA UKE. Ia dipukul kepalanya He was hit on his head. 2 berpaling turn away (from) BEKO RIYARA HERE UFELE ERELE. Saya harus berpaling dari komplotan yang jahat. I will turn away from the evil plot.

u. be' •. bo.. balik segera return immediately BAEIJEBEINYE MEKETE, BAEYEKE, ROUKETE, UKETE BEIBOKE. Mereka berdua tiba di Baenjebei, mencari dan menemukannya, lalu segera balik kembali. They came to Baeijebei, looked for (the arrow), got it, and came back very quickl.y.

u .• H.. suruh order YUNDE NEKEWATE YO YAE AMBON FA UKAIHYELE AJAU YORE MEKE. Pemerintah menyuruh orang Ambon datang ke Ajau The Government ordered an Ambonese man to come to Ajau. 2 berkata say EBI KANDEISE WEUHGE [U­EU-NEl, "NDA WANEN NEKEYANDE •.. Ebi berkata kepada Kandei, "Cara hidup kami seperti ini ..• Ebi said to Kandei, "This way we are living •..

u •. H •• e •• buka open NEYAE WEKEUHGE. Ia

sudah membuka itu. He opened it. REYAE UFEHENDE Saya akan membuka itu. I will open it. DASAR: u-re­ne-e-en-de DASAR: u-e­ke-eu-ne

u •• H •• ha. (habelei-sabelei) berlari tergesa-gesa

outrun ORO BABELEI­SABELEI WEUHGEHAKE WILILE YO NOBENNEKONDERE. Ia berlari tergesa-gesa untuk mendekati kampung Halilintar. He ran very fast to come close to Wili's village.

u .. H .• ha •• (uhale mehale) membuat lebih cepat dari orang lain do something faster than someone else does it EBI YAE BAE, UHALE MEBALE WEUHGEBAKE, HI BAEYELE MO, HI ETOWELE. Ebi melahap lebih cepat-cepat (dari kawannya). Segera disambarnya yg lain, sementara yg satu

. sedang habis. But Ebi, he was trying to eat faster (than his fried),·while finishing one he would take another.

u .. H •• ha. ane.. makan tergesa-gesa, lahap, rakus eat quickly


HIWA YORE EWEI NEMBAI JAE WEUNGEHAKE [U-EU­HE-HA-LE] ANELE. Ia tidak mengundang orang lain, tetapi ia melahap sendiri. He didn't invite anyone else, but ate everything by

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himself. u •• H •. ne.. buka open

NO I ROMAU UNGENHENDERE UKEUNGE. Ia disuruh untuk membuka pintu itu He was ~old to open the door. DASAR: ufennende (u-re-en-ne-en-le)

u •. ne .. (imoli) putarkan sedikit, belok turn slightly KAI IMOLI UFEHHENDE RUKANE NEMALE BELENE. Saya akan memutarkan kemudi agar kami tidak menghantam batu. I will turn the canoe slightly so we don't strike a rock.

u •. o.. lepaskan benda satu release one article, NEYAE WAU WOHONDE. Ia akan menebarkan jala. He will cast out the net. Iht jg: hai .. bo ..

u .. 0 •• (walangka) Iht jg: walangka u .. o ..

u .. 0.. [e 'be' ne] cook REYAE EBENE UFOHDE. Saya akan masak. I will cook.

u(wa) rowe .. hi.. sombong, bangga proud NDA RO UWA ROWEUNGEHIKE KOLE. Orang ini sangat bangga. This man is very proud.

ubene pikiran thoughts ALLAHLE UBEHE EYAE EHAMEIKOI. Kita tidak dapat memahami pikiran Allah. We cannot comprehend God's thoughts. KS: bene

ubene ha .. H •• bo.. lupa forget NOI RAMBUN UKEUFE ROUFELEREBE,

NEBEIBE UBENE BENEUFEBOKENE OROWEI MALE. Aku lupa mengambil barang yg dipesannya. He told me to bring those things but because I forgot I came without them.

ubene neke •. H .. hi.. ingat remember YOKU KILl BAHE ALONNEKONDE ENDERE MO KAMENDAKE ELEIKOKE ABE BENE NEKEUNGEHlKE. As the dog, Kili Bahe, was walking along he remembered what the crocodile had said.

ubene nunde .. N .. ko •. lupa, jatuh pingsan forget, unconscious WENA AKALARE UKANALE ALERE UBENE NUNDEUNGEKOKEHE ERA HEKI HELE RAKANALE. Lama sekali saya menantinya. Mungkin ia lupa, bahwa kami hendak ke dusun sekarang. Yesterday we were going to go together to the forest but because he forgot I waited for him a long time.

ubene wabene pikiran thought

ufe .. ko.. genang raise level (i.e. water) BUMAE MEKENE, BU


UFEUKOKE. Karena banjir, air naik Because a flood came, the water rose. 2 melebih, mengumpul barang pakai more than enough NEMAENGKE HOUFE ENDERENE, RAMBUN HELEN UFEUKOKE lMAENE

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HONNATE. Karena dia akan mas kawin, dia mengumpu1 banyak baranq da1am rumahnya. Because he was going to a bride price exchange he had gathered lots of things in his house.

uinye .• bo.. pintal (meminta1) make thread by rolling on thigh Ibt jq: oinye .. bo ..

ukae jambu merah Malay apple, red

Ukawai Kou nama te1uk di sebe1ah barat Pulau Kabeiterou mana kebun ke1apa name of a bay on the west side of Kabeiterou island where there is a grove of coconut trees

umaa rambut hair umaa beraei .. ko.. sisir

rambut comb hair liMA

HERAEISEKONDE MO HAKOREBONDE. Saya akan menemani anda sete1ah saya menyisir rambut saya. When I have combed my hair, I will join you.

umaa biloi sisir comb umali buba .• N •. hi ..

uji(meng), coba(men), test someone, something

NA U MEKAI NEKELE UMALI BUBAUNGEHINDE. Ujilab dia untuk mengetahui sifatnya Test him to see what kind of person he is. 2 umpan (men-), god a seseorang bait, tempt someone NEBEl RO ROI JAE UMALI BUBAUNGEHINDE. Tempt him with money.

umfo wamfo sibuk busy un ban aen ban diam

silent undau rawa swamp uneyau (bokolo) sebaya,

segenerasi person of same generation

unq ko.. tidak setuju disagree with an action or a proposed action NDI RO AFAEU NAIJEN BAN HUWOLE BOROKENE UNG KOKE. Ia mendehem tanda, tidak setuju, ketika mendengar orang itu berbicara tidak benar. Because he heard the man did not tell it like it really was he disagreed with him.

unulu bayangan shadow ure-ure sendiri-sendiri

everyone for himself urure mengarahkan pada

diri sendiri wrap things around body to hide one self NEBEl MAENGKE MEWOTE WA, IKE NA HOBOISA FAE URURE YOBOUKOKE HENGWOLE. Ketika ke dua gadis itu, datang, ia memanjat ke puncak pohon dan menarik dedaunan ke tubuhnya untuk berlindung. As those girls were coming he went up into the tree top, pulled the leaves around him and stood there.

uwa badan, tubuh body uwa ba pembuluh darah,

urat vein uwa hono.. bersetubuh,

bersanggama engage in sexual intercourse NAEI MIYAE BANBE UWA


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BONOWOTE. Ia bersetubuh dengan wan ita itu yang sebenarnya bukan istrinya. He had se%ua~ in~ercourse with another woman (not his wife).

uwa hube •• hi •• tersinggung offend NAEI ABE ELATENE, UWA BUBAUNGEBlKE. Ia tersinggung karena rnasalahnya yang dibicarakan. Because of what they said, he was offended.

uwa kete .• bo.. dandani diri dress up (for party) HIYAKE BELE UWA KETEUNGEBONDE. I a mendandani dirinya dengan bulu cenderawasih Decora~e him with birds of paradise. 2 dihorrnati (dengan perhiasan) honor (by decorating)

uwake adik-adik kalarnin sarna younger siblings of the same sex

uwane-uwane pribadi private

wa kulit pahon untuk lantai tree bark that is used for flooring 2 lantai floor 3 kulit orang, binatang skin (people, animals) KS: elan

wa rnenunjukkan jangka waktu antara suatu kejadian dan kejadian yg lain specificness emphasizer, indicates a long time span between one event and another, relative time span of an imperfect verb, noun

vs noun class, specificness of a reason, etc RAMAN ANAlKOKERA WA EWOLE. Sesudah (lama) rnakan, ia pulang After(qui~e a whi~e) lunch, he went home. NEYAE NAEI AKA

BAEKE WA BELE RAMAN ANAIKOKE. Ia rnakan dengan keluarganya. He ate together with is relatives (group vs one).

wa no pohon nibung type of palm, oncosperma filamentosum

wabe •. ko.. sengaja dibuat lambat late (intentionally) NA RENE YAE SENTANIRE EMBERE LOMBE, WEYAE WABEUKOKAE MEYAE! Seharusnya pagi-pagi sekali kalian berangkat ke sentani, tetapi engkau datang lambat sekali! Even though you should go to Sentani very early, you have (intentionally) come late!

wabe .. N .. bi.. gada tempt 2.tipu trick NEBEl

KIYAE WABEUNGEHINDE ROI RARE YENSELE. Godailah orang itu supaya uangnya diberikan kepada saya. Trick him so he will give me his money.

wabei-wabei ganggu teasing, annoying

Wabele Yomo tanjung di daerah Nelebu point south of Kondaeu Yomo

wabo dasar danau bottom of lake


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Wabou nama suku yang musnah di pesisir Yabaso, di waktu dahulu village that was on the site of Yabaso in former times; all the inhabitants were killed.

wae alat menangkap ikan, udang fish net, shaped like a tennis raquet

wae •• bo.. gali dig NA MA YA YAE MO A BULU WAEUBONDE. Gali lubang itu hari ini juga. Dig the hole now. KS: hale .. bo ..

wae •. N •• hi.. biarkan, memberi jalan/kesempatan allow

NA MOISE RO HELEN HAWAISAKE MATENE WEYAE WAEINYEHI EWEUFI. Karena dikejar oleh banyak orang, biarkan dia lewat. Because many people are chasing him let him come in. 2 luputkan, loloskan, bebaskan liberate

waeaei mangga mango waei engkau punya your

(sg) WAEI RAMBUN Barang engkau (barangmu) Your things

waeisaei engkau tahu you know

waeli bengkok bent down like the end of a branch

waeli be.. tuntut demand, fight for HEMBONI INYAINYELERE WAELI BELE BELE. Ia menuntut mereka memberinya manik-manik mas kawin He demanded they give him bride

price beads. waembin uke menghentak

do quickly, derived from pulling on a rope that suddenly is released or breaks ROHABU NA KA

ROROUNGEKOKE BELE WAEMBIN UKE. Rohabu menghentak bersama ikan-ikan yg ditikamnya. Rohabu took the fish he had caught and ran off quick1.y.

waen gonggongan anjing, salak dog's bark

waenda-waenda tak lurus, kaki, kayu bent, crooked like an arm bent at the elbow

waere [waere'] sayur lilin candle vegetable

waera-waere berusaha keras (menang) trying very hard (to win)

waeren ampas sagu, kayu, makanan rubbish left from processing sago, wood, or food

wafeu sobat, ternan friend KS: kahili

wahe .• bo.. bagikan divide up ELAIKOKE HULUI JAE YOHO WAHEUMIBONDE. Dia membagikan barang di antarakeluarganya sesuai pembicaraanya. He divided up the stuff among his clan as they said.

wahena besok tomorrow wahenare yahende dua hari

lagi two days ahead wabibola kus-kus, hitam,

ganas Kus-kus, black, very fierce


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wai barat west wai buna yo orang dari

Sent ani Barat Western Sentani people

wai-wai tangis tersedan­sedan Cry like a child when he is upset and keeps going "Wah, wah".


duanya meletakkan dayung ke dalam perahu, dan hanya duduk meratap: Yei, ..... The two of them as they fished and rowed cried and cried saying, "Yei, .•.

waiman (miyae) adat memilih isteri dari klen ibu bapak custom that a man would normally get a wife from the clan of his father's mother

waimi mereka berkata kepada mereka they said to them Iht jg: u. 'say' (u-ai-mi)

wainye mereka berkata kepada dia they said to him Iht jg: u. 'say' (u-ai-ne)

waisawa manik-manik warna hijau (hawa) bead, green hawa

waka kendaraan vehicle Iht jg: bu waka = boat, burna waka = airplane

waka-waka perahu keeil canoe, small

wake (fi) bagian ujung batang dgn daun leaf part of a sago tree. Iht jg: nolo, wee

wake (ho) kulit kelapa coconut

wake (lae) kuat strong, hard (as in "hard

word" ) wake [wake'] kuat (badan)

strong (body) waku biawak iguana,

goanna 2 tifa drum wakun balai room, large,

inside house KS: obe wala palu, godam, gada

tool for pile driving (stone, wood, metal)

wala (umaa) jalinan rambut, kepang hair that has been packed around the head very tightly to look neat

walaa berburu di waktu malam hunt at night by putting out bait, and then shooting the taker with an arrow

walama pohon pala hut an nutmeg tree

walamba penutup cover walangkajerat, alat

perangkap trap walangka u .. o.. pasang

jerat set a trap wale .• N •• bo.. hidupkan

pula revive, bring back to life YEsUs NA HULUI WALEUNGEBOKE. Yesus mampu menghidupkan dia. Jesus was able to revive him [and bring him back to life].

wali kehidupan life wali an ko.. sorakan

nyanyian kegembiraan sebab babi hutan dibunuh A dance held in the woods to indicate a pig has been killed OBO KETELE BAE


NINAE ROHABU NEYAE ME KINYEBOYOLE NINAE WALl AM KOlMAEYATE. Babi yg muneul segera ditombak Rohabu, lalu mereka

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menuju ke pantai dgn nyanyian dan sorak­sorai. While the pig was running up the hill Rohabu would spear it and they would dance and sing as they went back to the edge of the water.

wali bo •. ko.. bandingkan hidupan, perbuatan compare lives, deeds NA A ELELE HULUINYE WALl BOIKOYAINYE. Mereka membandingkan sikap hidupnya dengan tutur katanya. They compare his life to what he says (people should do.

wali heera folo .. ko .• hukum-hukum laws WALl BEERE FOLOUKOKE NA MEKAI JAE MOKOMALE. Kita rnelakukan sesuai dengan hukum-hukum. We will do things as the law requires.

wali hena hidup kekal life without end

wali himale •. N •. bo.. tak rnenyirnpang, saleh straighten up life, righteous HOMONE HONATE HULUINYE NA WALl BlMALEUNGEBOKE. Ia tidak menyimpang dari apa yang tertulis. He straightened up his life in accordance with what was written.

wali moi-moi moko.. rnawas diri self-disciplined A USAEI-SAEI WAINYEKOKE HULUINYE NA WALl MOI­MOl MOKOYEUNGE. He made himself do as he had been advised.

wali nibi jalar kehidupan way of life RO MIYAE HELEN HAKOWATE WALl NIBI ISAEIWATE. Banyak orang rnengikuti pengajarannya dan rnengerti cara hidup yang diajarkan. Many people followed his teaching about how to live.

wali u mbai naei pentingkan diri sendiri, egois egotistical

wali u mbemba hidup pribadi personal life

Walibei tanjung sebelah utara pulau Butali Northern most point on Butali island

walilo pernberi hidup life-giver, person who blesses, heals

walin banting dengan keras throw down hard NA RAMAN IKELENE ROUKE A WALIN HAKEUBOKE. [Karena rnarahnyaj, rnakanannya dibantingnya dengan keras {He was angry] so he picked up his food and threw it down hard.

walo rotan rattan walo-walo kurus (rnanusia,

pohon) skinny (people, trees) KL: nuku-nuku

walobo hantu tanah spirit from the earth, not an ancestor KS: bulo-walobo lht jg: naIi, rna he

walora rnelalui, perantara via

wambe •. bo.. jadi gelap, karena ada banyak orang, at au jadi sore darken, because of a


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crowd, or evening HU OWAKEUBOKENE lMAE WAMBEUBOKE. Karena matahari terbenam, rumah menjadi gelap. Because the sun went down the house became dark. 2 kumpul banyak barang gather many articles together 3 berbuah banyak bearing much fruit on a tree

wambou lengkuas liar ginger, wild

wan-wan 2 lebat (buah­buahan, dll) 'thick (with fruit, trees, etc.) KS: wambeuboke

wande kami sedang turun we are going down REYAE ELALE, "NAEI NINAE WANDE OMENUHENDERE! " Saya katakan, "Kami pasti jatub, kami akan hancur luluh! I said, "We wil~ go down for sure, we're going to crash!" Ibt jg: o. (o-an-le)

wande [wande') kenyang, puas satisfied

wandu timpang (karena salah satu kaki diamputasi) one-footed (because one foot has been amputated)

wandu-wandu timpang hobbling, limping gair because one foot has been amputated

wanei [wane'i] pinggir atas perahu top edge of canoe

wanen seperti like NDA WAKEN NEKEYANDE NA BEKO HELE HUBAYANNELE. Kehidupan seperti ini saya rasa buruk sekali.

Living like this is very bad, I feel.

wangke .• bo •. (bulu) gurdi lobang, melubangi bore a hole KAI NEUMAENDE MELE MO BULU WANGKEREBONDE. Bila anda membawa perahu ke sini, maka akan kubuatkan lubang pengikat talinya. When you have brought the canoe I will make a hole in it

wangkele besama-sama dgn engkau together with you

wangkenda 2 kaskado kaskado, scabies

wani pohon sagu, jenis yg besar, tidak ada duri, bisa dimakan sago tree, big, no thorns, edible

wani bani bubar sendiri leave on their own voalition HIWA YORE HEKI RAKEYAIMI EMEINYE WANI HANI MOLOUKOKE. Oleh sebab menunggu orang lain terlalu lama, maka mereka bubar. Several people waited a long time for others but because they didn't come they all went away.

wanon nolo anai-anai malam flying termite

wau jala, jaring fish net

wau kabut fog wau-wau dalam deep waunge kalian berkata

kepada dia you all said to him Iht jg: u­au-ne

wayang ko.. balasan karena dipermalukan


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revenge for humiliation A BEKO UKAINYELENE

WAYANG KOLE. Karena mereka mengejeknya kepadanya, ia membalas mereka. Because they talked badly to him, he took revenge. ~ tindakan karen a keinginan tidak di penuhi bad reaction to unsatisfied desires NAEKO NENAKE RAMAN EMEIYEINYE WAYANG KOUMI. Karena orang tuanya tidak memberikan makanan, ia bertindak dengan keras. Because his parents didn't give him food, he behaved badly.

wayeu fa bayi baru baby, new

wayeu miyae perempuan yang baru melahirkan anak new mother

we [we'] tikus rat we [we'] feng-fen ular

sawah yang besar, coklat, hidup dekat kampung, suka makan tikus python, brown, that lives near villages and likes to eat rats.

wee [we'e'] pangkal kayu root end of a log

weije moko.. angkat muka look up KALlA BE BUMARE WEIJE MOKOI. Angkatlah mukamu sambil bekerja. Look up from your work. DASAR: u­ei-ye

weije-weije (me) bahasa isyarat sign language

weije-weije ko.. bertunas sprout 0 HAKA

MOLAIKOKE ONSI WEIJE­WEIJE KATE. Bibit yang ditanam sudah mulai bertunas. They planted the seeds and now they are sprouting.

weijei kaeiboi tak bisa angkat karena ketidaksanggupan fisik unable to lift because of a physical disability

weimi mereka dua sedang berkata kepada mereka they two say to them DASAR: u-ei-mi

weinye "mereka dua sedang berkata kepada dia they two say to him DASAR: u-ei-ne

wena kemarin yesterday wenemae? mengapa tidak

beritahukan dia? why didn't you tell him?

wenende ia akan memalingkan kepalanya he will turn his head DASAR: u-en-e-en-de

weumi ia sedang berkata kepada mereka he says to them DASAR: u-eu­mi

weunge ia sedang berkata kepada dia he says to him Iht jg: u-eu-ne

wewe ko.. mereka sudah membuka sendiri they opened by themselves


o HUSA FOI JAE EHERAWEISOINYE HUSA WEWEKAIKOKATE. Kayu­kayu bangunan itu ujungnya sudah terbuka sendiri karen a tidak di rapihkan Because they did not pound the posts down properly, the ends split open. 2 mereka berpisah they

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separated weyae engkau, satu orang

you, singular weye! melihat ke samping

look to the side! 2 belok jalan! turn!

wi sungai river wi faeu muara river

mouth wi ha anak sungai

tributary wi kai eabang sungai

fork of a river wi kelou ular, sejenis yg

coklat, 50 em snake, brown 50 cm poisonous

wi yabai muara kali mouth of river

wili kilat lightning wili halaman kilauan,

pantulan cahaya pada suatu permukaan yang licin reflection of lig~t on a smooth surface

winwin (aye) belibis hitam (Anas 9uperciliosa) Pacific black duck (Anas superciliosa)

wo ko.. jawab answer a question or a call KAENENDE BOROLENA WO KOUNGEKONDE. Bila mendengar teriakan dia, berilah jawaban padanya. If he hears his call, he will answer it..

wo-wo terapung-apung up and down with the waves

woke (ebene) Iht jg: u .. 0.. [ e ' be • ne 1

woke yo semua yang hadir everyone around

ya hari day ya hujan rain ya buhi-buhi hujan

rintik-rintik, gerimis




drizzling rain KS: ya ka-ka

baei pagi subuh time from 3 . 5.30 a.m.

he •. bo.. dinihari (li.t. j adi hari) day break (lit. day happened) YA BEUMIBOKE NA YORE YANDE FAEWOUNGE. Pada dinibari mereka pulang ke kampung masing­masing. At daybreak they left for their village.

buluinye hari yg ditentukan proper time

ya ka-ka hujan gerimis drizzling rain KS: ya buhi-buhi

ya mefo sedikit waktu lagi in just a little while Ibt jg: yabu, yai

ya naennaen foi nekekonde beberapi hari kemudian several days later

ya ya setiap hari every day

ya yoli (bu) tenang (air) calm (water)

ya yolole dinihari, fajar menyinsing dawn

ya.. labuh float, lie in water or air NA BENE


KAMENDAKE LONBE YALE. Buaya berlabub di depannya In front of him lay a crocodile. 2 ada, untuk lautan, sungai, mobil, pesawat terbang, dll. exist, for a category of inanimate referents which normally move in a smooth, constant direction, i.e. the ocean, rivers, cars,

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canoes, and airplanes. BUMA WAKARE YATE lJEN Tempat parkir pesawat A place where airplanes park.

yaba dangkal shallow yaba haei-saei tempat

dangkal yg landai place where water gets deep gradually

yaba no-no tempat dimana dasar laut menurun secara mend adak place where water gets deep quickly

yabi-yabi sulit difficult

yae dengan (alat) with (an instrument) KANDEl EBl NA lJOKO NEBEl KE1JA NAUME YAE NEKEUNGE. Kandei menikam mata Ebi dengan pisang panas Kandei stabbed Ebi's eye with a hot banana. 2 tanda caranya manner phrase marker NEBEl YAE YORE HURELE. Dengan cara itu penduduk bertambah That way of doing things will restrict our development. 3 tanda pelaku percakapan dan tindakan agent marker for speech and actions which involve carrying, leading KANDEl JAE WEUNGE, "EYE!" Kandei berkata, "Pergilah! Kandei said, "Go!" PANDA YAE ROUKE NAREWOLE. Panda mengambilnya dan memeliharanya The bear took him and raised him. 4 fokal emphatic or focus marker RO

NAEl MlYAE KENA OKOYE1 JAE. DON'T lust after other men's wives. JANGAN mengingini isteri orang lain.

yae-yae jurang cliff yahan-felahan pelangi,

bianglala rainbow yahe.. meniru perilaku

imitate EMAEHO YAE KATE U MEKAl NEBEl SULUlNYE KOLE YABEUNGE. 1a meniru perilaku kanguru. He imitated the kangaroo's actions.

yahe .. bo •. (uwa) memisahkan diri dari golongan separate self from group RAHE A UKA1NYELENE NDA YOHORA UWA YAHEUBOKE? Berita apakah yang diterimanya sehingga ia menyingkir dari kelompok ini? What did they tell him to make him separate himself from the clan?

yahei [yahe'i] (findelau) bintang fajar morning star

yahi perut besar distended stomach

yahi (bu) tak penuh air partially full of water

yai-Ja~ ikut tanpa mendayung riding without rowing, just floating 2 tidak layu moving slowly KL: ijokai

yaka keluarga bukan dekat yang berhak menerima mas kawin, kerabat jauh distant relatives, including koselo, who would be involved in a bride wealth exchange Iht jg: mabo

yaka mas kawin yg


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diberikan kepada koselo perempuan Bride price payment made to the koselo of the girl's clan.

yaka tempat terbuka clearing 2 keluar outside

yaka (Da) terang, jelas clear

yaka bu yaka (Da) terbuka visible, open KS: a yaka fo yaka, a yaka ha yaka

yaka baikoke kedapatan, ketemu discover a secret, meet someone new

yaka me ruboi mas kawin diberi kepada kosele2

yg lain di kampung itu dari koselo perempuan yg di kawinkan Bride price payment made to the 5 village koselo's not including the koselo of the girl's clan.

yaka .• bo.. jelaskan explain NANE A UKAWALE RIYANE ENNEKEMBE ¥O YAKAUBONDE. Hal yang ku beritahukan, jelaskan kepada mereka waktu rapat. When you meet together, explain what I have told you.

yakali penipu deceiver Yakali .Suku Tabla Supa

Tabla people yakali haye-baye tanaman

asli dgn buah sperti tanaman rica, cabe a traditional plant with fruit which looks like present day red pepper plants

yakalobe pohon sagu,

jenis yg besar, sedikit berduri, bisa dimakan, seperti ruruna sago tree, big, tew small thorns, edible

yakama musim kering, musim angin timor dry season, east wind season

yakamalo hilokoi (aye) burung pemberi tanda musim (glareola maldivarum) bird that signals the change in seasons by diving toward the water from high in the sky for a day or two as the winds change.

yakele (ukae) jambu, jenis yg putih, besar, manis Malay Apple, white, large, sweet

yakeD nasi hangus, burnt rice in the bottom of a cooking pot

yakoo kayu keras, baik untuk lantai atau tiang rumah hard wood for floor or posts

yaku langit sky yaku sarung kencing

binatang animal's bladder

yale.. tumbuk (rica, padi) pound to a pulp (onions, peppers)

yale .. hi .. (imae inyau) siapkan kap rumah set the roof cap NENDAHINA lMAE INYAU YALEREHINDERE. Sudah lama saya rencanakan untuk menyiapkaD kap (atap) rumah. For a long time I have wanted to install the roof cap.

yale .. N .. bo.. mernperbaiki improve, fix up very


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nicely NEBEl lMAE NA FOl SELE YALEUNGEBOKALE. Saya sudah memperbaiki rumah itu dengan baik seka1i. I have really improved that house.

yale .. N .. ha •. (fela u) pasang tali di busur install string on a bow

WA FA KABAN YEMBONDE HEE FELA U YALEUNGEHANDE. Bila anakrnu sudah besar, pasang tali pad a busurnya. When your child is big, put a string on his bow.

yale-yale tinggi, 1angsing tall

yali nama semua benda tajam (dulu) name for all sharp things

yali rumah tanpa atap baru didirikan house without a roof . just being built

yalo lenggan upper arm 2 semang-semang outriggers

yalu pohon kasuari, cemara casuarina tree

yambe .• ho.. kejar chase YOKO RO RAMBUN YAROUKOKENE WA HALE YAE YAMBENSO. Pencuri itu seger a dikejar karen a ia telah mencuri barang. Quickly chase that thief because he's stolen something. KS: hawe .. ha ..

yambe •• ko.. tak sampai fail to reach destination RUKA EHEKAElNYE UKEBE NANE YAMBEUKOKE. Batu yang di1emparnya tak sampa,i

sasaran karena ter1alu berat Because the stone was heavy, it didn't reach the target when he threw it. 2 1ambat tumbuh slow to sprout BU BELE ANUWAU MOLAlSAKENE YAMBEKOKE. Karena ditanam di tempat berair, lambat tumbuhnya. Because they planted it in a swampy place, it sprouted slowly.

yambe .. ko. . pingsan faint

yambei-yambei [yambe'i­yambe'i] yambele keadaan tubuh manusia merana, kerdi1 atau pohon sangat 1ambat bertumbuh body or plant that grows very slowly, small for age

yambi tempat lumpur di bawah pohon sagu penuh dengan daun dan kotoran lain. patch of mud under a sago tree where leaves and other trash have fallen

yambi horo tidak bisa angkat barang berat can't lift heavy objects

yambi-yambi tak kuat, lemah weak

yan atap roof 2 daun sagu, rumbia sago leaves

yan beinyui adat memberi haye kepada orang tua waktu anak perempuan baru bisa jalan kaki untuk membertahankan dia bagi anak 1aki2-nya Bride price payment whereby a have is given to the parents of a girl when she starts to


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walk to protect a marriage arrangement. KL: Yan beinyui means to stand up coconut or sago leaves to make a fence indicating a garden is private property.

yanl kamu berlabuhlah! command to just stay in the boat for many people RONAINYAHU WEUMI: "YAH!' Renainyahu berkata kepada mereka: "Berlabublab!" Ronainyahu told them, -Stay in your boatl-

yana bana sehari-hari everyday WALl YAHA SANA Kehidupan sebari­bari. Everyday life

yane baei bune baei setiap hari every day

yane .. bo.. lari hilang run off and hide MIYAEBE AUBOKE YANEIBOKE. Ia membawa seorang gadis, lalu ia lari dan sembunyi. He took a woman and ran off with her.

yane .. bo.. kelilingi, mengerumuni encircle NEYAE YAHAISOKE. Mereka mengelilingi dia. They encircled him.

yane •. bo •. (bubara haeise) hormati show homage turut obey

yane .• N •. ko .• (a) tipu, bohong, dusta trick NDI RO NA KAHILI YAE KENARE KOLE RAMBUN YENNELE NAEI A YANEUNGEKOKE. Ia menipu temannya, agar

diberikan barang yg diperlukannya. He tricked his friend so that he would give him the things he wanted.

yangkalu alat putar sagu sago stirring instrument

yangke pohon kayu, sejenis yg lembut tree, type of softwood

yangko-yangko kuning yellow

yangkobu Iht jg: yengkobo

yangkobu hiloiboi nama roh yang bisa mengembalikan nyawa orang mati name of spirit who can make people come back from the dead

yangku rabu orang hut an yang tidak tahu apa-apa dan tidak miliki apa­apa people from the interior who know nothing and own nothing

yangku yo kampung pedalamanjudik village from further out in the jungle Iht jg: rabu yo

yanjan rumput besar dan tajam di sekitar danau grass, large and sharp, growing at edge of lake

yanjan husulu rumput (sejenis batang padi) Very sharp, tall grass that grows on the edge of the lake KS: husulu yanjan

yano ulat yang makan daun sayur worm that eats vegetable leaves

yanokoi yase [yase'J penuh belas kasihan,


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damai-sajahtera loving character NEBEl MIYAE NAEI U MEKAI YANOKOI YASE HELE NEKEYELE. Wanita itu sangat baik, hatinya penuh damai sejahtera. That woman is a very loving person.

yanso-yanso tikungan (jalan) curved (road)

yara ubi jalar tuber (big native), viney inedible plant lht jg: ani era

yare mefo hampir siang almost noon

yare .• ko •. (a) tegur scold harshly AME-AME BEUFEKOKENE ELELE A YAREUNGEKONDE! Karena ia menipuku, pergilah dan marahi dial Because he lied, go and scold him harshly!

yarei-jarei (a) suka marah contentious A YAREI-JAREI MO KIYAE, KAYA HEBELE! Ia seorang yang suka marah, hati-hatilah! Watch out, he's a contentious person!

yarele perut stomach yarele-yarele sakit

mencret, diare diarrhea

yaro panau, penyakit kulit light spots on skin

yaro .• ko. • antar, membawa (barang lebih dari satu) take, carry (plural items) NEYAE OBO OHE-OHENE YARAIKOKE. Mereka membawa beberapa ekor babi diusung pada kayu.

They carried some pigs strung up on a pole. lht jg: rou ..

yaro •. ko •. (roi) beli buy NAENNAEN ROI YARONAIKONDE? Berapa banyak yg mereka akan beli? How much will they buy?

yau tanah land lht jg: kani, darat 2 bagian rumah dekat tanah side of house close to land

yau foube bu hoube permainan di luar rumah (main-main di pantai) playing outside the house (lit: playing on the shore) lht jg: yau hou (isolo)

yau isolo tempat datar di pantai, baik untuk menari atau bermain flat place on beach, good for dancing or playing

yau •. hi.. lht jg: yawe .. hi. .

yau .. N .. ho lht jg: yawe .. N .. ho.

yaufako kadal lizard, small

yaufimen kadal [coklat kemerahan, ukuran besar] lizard, large

yaukan puncak mountain peak

yaukan (hu) siang noon yaunga miyae mayat orang

perempuan, almarhumah dead body of a female

yaunga ro mayat orang laki-laki, almarhum dead body of a male

Yauwae Yobeh (nama lama kampung) Yobeh kampung's original name

yauwaka lapangan open area in the village


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(for dancing, sports, etc)

yawe .• hi.. eelup dip NDA FEU BUNE YAWEREBIHDE ISETE. Saya akan mencelupkan roti ini dan memberikannya kepadamu. I will dip this bread in the water and give it to you.

yawe •• H .• ho. • pimpin dengan tangan lead by the hand NDA FA BIKEN NAEI ARAI YAE YAWEUNGEBOKE BUNE EIBALEKETE. Ayahnya memimpin anak keeil itu dengan tangan kedalam air His father led that small child by the hand into the water. 2 jemput pick up

yawe .• H .. ho .• (foi) mereka selamatkan dia, mereka akan membimbingnya they welcomed him, led him in A UWAINYELENE YANEUFOKERA BAEWAINYELE. MOM MBAI YEUBOKE YAE NA FOI YAWAIHYEHOKE. Ia menghilang, karena dimarahi. Seminggu kemudian, ia dibimbing kembali dengan baik. They said something to him which offended him so he took off but they found him again. A week latter they brought him back with all feelings mended.

ye kayu api firewood ye ba pohon sagu, sejenis

yg besar, banyak, tidak ada duri, lebih bagus

dimakan sago tree, big, no thorns, best tasting and most plentiful tree in the area

ye baei bu baei pembantu servant

ye rondon kayu yg Bulit menyala wood that is hard to burn (wet, soft, etc)

yebae lye'bae] bulu badan, bulu roma body hair

Yebasou nama pelabuhan dangkal di ujung timur lapangan terbang village located on the east end of the airport runway

yei jae ko.. sesal regret RAMBUN EHEKAEI MO KAEYELENE YEI JAE KOLE. Karena terlalu berat pikulannya, ia menyesal. He regrets having taken up such a heavy load.

yei! wah! hey! yeisi raiboi orang yg

berkemampuan important, rich, powerful person

yeke bunyi dari kerongkongan karena waktu makan lambat minum air hiccough, burp

yekeli pohon dan buah gomo tree similar to breadfruit, but only the seeds are eaten

yele hasil yang pertama first fruits

yele .. H .. ko. . bengkokkan bend FOI SELE IKANALEBE NEYAE YELEUNGEKOKE. Saya serahkan kepadanya


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dalam keadaan baik, tapi dia yang bengkokkan. I gave it to him in good condition, but he had bent it.

yelei-yelei bengkok­bengkok crooked, very

yembonde itu akan menjadi it will become DASAR: i-en-bo-en-de

yeme nanah pus yemele •• N •• hi. . keluarkan

extract NA UWA NA YEMEI FERAIBOKE ELE YEMELEUNGEHINDE. Nana yang ada padanya harus dikeluarkan. Extract the pus from the broken boil.

yemmile dia akan memberi kepada orang banyak he will give to many DASAR: i-en-mi-le)

yen tanda sign yen yo kayaa yo [yenjo

kayaayo] pemberita, orang yang membawa berita messenger, person who brings news KS: abu ako

yenemae Mengapa kau tidak berikan itu kepada dial Why didn't you give it to him! Iht jg: i.

yengke pohon dan buah gayang qayanq tree and fruit

yengke .. N .. ko. . bangunkan revive, awaken someone or something NA BERE NANDALI NA YAKO YAE MOKOWOLE WALl HUBA YENGKAINYEKOKE? Apakah ajaran Yako orang Netar dulu, yang dihidupkan kembali? Are the Netar people reviving the Yako movement?

yengkei-jengkei bangunkan seseorang beruIangkaIi awakened

yengkobo ular, jenis yg kuning, 1 meter panjangnya, tidak berbisa snake, yellow, 1 meter long, non­poisonous

yese (aye) burung kasa kecil (Phalacrocorax sulcirostris) little black cormorant (Phalacrocorax su1cirostris)

yeu rabaa pagar tanda Iarangan dari daun a fIno tresspassing" fence made of leaves

yeuboke sudah terjadi became NEYAE FOI YEUBOKERA BEUFOKE AJAU YONE MEKENEKEWOLE. Sesudah dia menjadi sembuh lagi, dia kembali tinggal di Ajau. When he became well again, he returned to Ajau to live. DASAR: i-eu-bo-ke

yo kampung village 2 orang-orang people Iht jg: ro miyae

yo fa orang yang berhak membicarakan masalah kampung, anak desa yg bertanggung jawab person well acquainted with all the tribal traditions, and able to handle the village problems

yo imae ralo imae rumah umum, balai public meeting house

yo kaban do kebanyakan orang, yang buat seperti satu majority of people, acting as a group


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yo koi yo bae tar ian dan nyanyian tradisional traditional dancing and singing

yo maengke ondofolo daughter

puteri sulung first

of an ondofolo

yo malo pakaian resmi, pakian jabatan ceremonial costume

yo mei-mei sejarah history






meyau yo waku pesta dansa untuk arwah orang mati celebration to appease the ancestral spirits. Lots of food was eaten, and the people danced for several days as a form of sacrifice.

miyae Iht jg: yo maengke

obo babi peliharaan, ternak babi domestic pig

ran tempat dangkal de kat pantai shallow area near shore where land has caved in

ran yo rande dari kampung ke kampung from village to village

yo rela harta pusaka umum milik selurh kampung special, very old hemboni (haye > eba) which have spiritual powers

yo waku kerajaan, orang yang berada di bawah kuasa seorang ondofolo (lit. yang bisa dengar tifanya) kingdom, persons under the authority of a particular chief (lit. within the sound of his

drum) yo yan kampung village

NEYAE NA YORE YANDE FAEWOUNGE. Mereka pulang ke kampung masing-masing. They each went home to their villages.

yoangka ubi jalar (sejenis) traditional edible plant (not eaten today)

yobe kama he nenek moyang ancestors

yobe naeite hena zaman dulu ancient times

Yobebe [Yobe'be'] pulau di selatan danau, diantara Puyo Besar dan Ayapo island on south side of lake, between Puyo Besar and Ayapo land

yobei yambei kebinasaan, kiamat calamity, act of God

yobo .• bo.. tarik pull KANDEl NANE KElJA BULlNA lSEN BULURA NEKE YOBOUBOKE. Kandei menarik pisang itu dari bara api. Kandei pulled that last banana out of the coals.

yobo .. N •• bo.. ( a) tersiar, tersebar spread NA MEKAl MA KELEWAlMlLE ABELE BU BELE YOBOUNGEKE. Pengajaran mereka tersebar di mana-mana. Their teaching spread across land and water.

Yoboi nama kampung Sentani tengah name of western dialect village

Yobuma Robonna dewa dari utara deity of the


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north yoho marga, keluarga

besar clan yoho-yongko keluarga

besar, dari suku lain juga clan KS: yoho

yoi hidung nose yoi bulu lobang hidung

nostril Yoka nama kampung Sent ani

Timur name of eastern dialect village

yoka jambu, jenis yg merah, asam Malay apple; red, bell­shaped, unsweet jambu

Yoka Waufoboi nama kampung di sebelah barat Abar new village on south side of lake west of Abar

yokei jo musuh enemy yoki (ka) ikan sperti

ikan salam yg dulu masuk Kali Jaifuri di musimnya salmon like fish that used to swarm the Jaifuri River in their season

yoko pencuri thief yoko bae.. curi steal

RAMBUN RIYANE ARILEUFIKALE YOKO YAE BAEUKOKE. Barang yang saya kumpulkan, dia yang mencuri. A thief stole the things I had gathered together.

yoko kaeimae berzinah adultery

yoko miyae wanita yg mencuri thief, female (perpetual)

yoko-yoko hi •• ko.. garuk scratch

yokoba pulau island yokondolo pencuri (yg

mencuri-curi terus) thief, male (perpetual) Iht jg: yoko miyae

yokoo yo para pengintai dalam keburuan babi men who wait for the pig in a hunt Iht jg: melijo

yokou-yokou! Mari kerja! Let's get working!

yoku anJLng dog yoku rate lebah besar

bee, very large yokune .• bo.. gigit

seperti anjing rip to pieces with mouth, like a dog NA MOISA HAEBELEYEKE 0 ANGKANGKA BULUNE YOKUNEKOKE. Dia mengejarnya kedalam lubang kayu dan menerkamnya. He chased it into a hole in the wood and tore it up.

yolo .. bo. . bersihkan clean NDA MALO NA HIBI MO KUYEUNGELE FOI SELE YOLOMBONDE. Pakaian ini harus dicuci terus-menerus sampai benar-benar bersih Keep washing these clothes and they will become very clean.

yolo .. ha.. asyik act of dancing or playing sport EMAEHO YONI­YONI EMAEHOLE KO! YAUNGE YOLOIsAYELE KATE WA, REYAE NUWEIBOYALE ISANE EYEREWAMAELE. sementara kanguru­kanguru itu asyik menari, saya duduk menyaksikan mereka. While the kangaroos are dancing I sit and watch them.

yolo-yolo bersih clean yolokaei bersih sekali,

murni clean, very lht


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jg: yolo-yolo yolongko pohon beringin

banyan t.ree yolu ikat pinggang belt. yombe •• N •• ha. putar

dengan cepat spin NEYAE YOMBEUNGEBAKE Ia yang memutarnya. He ~urned i~ round and round.

yombe •. N •. ko. . 1 ingkar i (seperti tali di kayu) wind around (as string on a spool) HA MOLOUFlKAE BURAELENGKONDE BELE FOI JAE HA YOMBEUNGEKONDE. Supaya tidak terlepas, lingkarilah tali itu dengan baik. So he will not untie it, wind the rope around him very well.

yomboi tanah liat, warna mudah clay, light colored

yomo ujung yg lancip point 2 tanjung peninsula

yon.. tarik draw out RAMEFELARE MO MULl YONGKATE. Mereka menarik senjata. They pulled out their guns.

YODdowa orang penting, dengan sejarah keluarga yang panjang karena memiliki kekuatan­kekuatan gaib. important people, people with a long family history of spiritual powers

yoni-yoni kata salam, seperti "Bapak-bapak, ibu-ibu, saudara­saudari" term of address, as in "Ladies and Gentlemen"

yoniki fa putera sulung ondofolo first son of a king

yoniki hemboni harta pusaka traditional village wealth

yonime bendera flag yoro •. bo.. perahu-perahu

berlabuh beach canoes, park other vehicles (must be plural) NEYAE KAI YORAIBOKE. Mereka sudah melabuhkan perahu-perahu di . pantai. They b~ached their canoes. lht jg: no.

you (ka) ikan gabus fish, small black, type of pike, found in lake

youbei batang hidung bridge of nose

yowai kamar, ruang room yoyae-yoyae molo .. bo ..

memperingatkan berulang-ulang, paksa urge time and time again, force NA FARE YOYAE-YOYAE MOLOYOUNGE, NOI FA NAEI RAMBUNOE BENNEHONOERE. Ia berulang-ulang memperingatkan anaknya, supaya mengembalikan barang anak itu. He reminded the kid over and over so he would return the other guys ~hings.

yoye [yoye') (aye) burung pemberi tanda alarm mengenai ular dan binatang liar di rumput bird that warns against snakes and wild animals lht jg: kewa (aye)

yu tebu sugarcane 2 lemak fat

yu rasanya, cita rasa yg


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baik (manis, enak, asin, dsb) taste, good flavor

yu mele [me'le') kunyit tumeric

yu moko pucuk pohon sagu yg umbut (sagu dll pohon palma) edible young sago (and other palm tree) shoots

yu rau bau daging yang dipanggang smell of roasted meat

yu walobo rau walobo dewa yang menguasai babi spirit that controls pigs KS: obo walobo

yu yo nali yo orang yang bisa berbicara dengan dewa babi person who can communicate with pig spirits

yu-yu tumpul dull KS: hun-sun

yu-yu cita rasa yg belum cukup sempurna flavor that is not yet right

yukaei manis sweet yun kepala head 2

kepala chief OLORE KELEWAIMILE YUH BAUKA. Kepala golongan yang mengajar mengenai roh (jahat) adalah Bauka. The head of the spirit teaching group was Bauka.

yun danna lebih tinggi higher in authority

yun kaeng-kaen nakal naughty 2 keras kepala hard-headed

yun kahe-kahe ketombe dandruff

yun kai bekas luka kepala head scar

yun laeibo-laeibo yo rebel, one who won't submit to authority

AEI YORE NEKANDE RO MIYAE, HOLO MBAI YUH LAEIBO-LAEIBO YOBE NEKATE YO NAEI YAN NAEI A EHAKOYEI. One group of our people are rebellious and don't follow the the village leaders.

yun make bantal kayu wooden pillow

yun neu otak brain yun saiyu yae nake .• ko .•

terjun ke dalam air dengan kepala dive in head first NEYAE YUH

SAIYU YAE NAKENGKONDE. Dengan kepala ia terjun He will dive in head first.

yunu kentut gas passed from anus


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