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Iznos sredstva, koje je lice uložilo u banku, odnosno poverilo svojoj banci na štednju, od davnina predstavlja jednu od najvećih

bankarskih tajni. To je osnovno pravilo koje primenjuju zaposleni od samog početka rada u bankarskom sektoru. Koliko li je zbog toga ostalo neotkrivenih sredstava mnogih lica u bankama u celom svetu, sredstava svrgnutih vladara i mnogih drugih moćnika? Verovatno je tih sredstava najviše u državama sa najvišim stepenom zaštite tajnosti štednog uloga, kao što je Švajcarska.

Što je zaštita privatnosti klijenata veća, to je banka cenjenija. To je onda institucija od poverenja, sigurnosti i integriteta. Banka ne bi trebalo da odstupi od ovog pravila, jer bi, u protivnom, izgubila poverenje klijenata. U tom slučaju, klijenti bi podigli svoje depozite, banka bi ostala bez štednih uloga, a bez štednje nema ni banke, kao ni daljeg razvoja društva u celini.

Po pravilu, podaci o štednji se mogu dati

na uvid štediši - licu koje je uložilo sredstva u banku. Ali, kako doći do tog podatka, ukoliko je štediša preminuo? Postavlja se pitanje, ko ima pravo da dobije podatke o štednji

pokojnika? Naslednici? Problem je što bankari ne raspolažu podacima o naslednicima, da li postoji testament ili drugi ugovor ili dokument kojim je on određen. Zvanično, naslednici su određeni posle završene ostavinske rasprave,

po dobijanju pravosnažnog rešenja, ukoliko ta

štednja bude njime obuhvaćena.

Međutim, čest je slučaj

da naslednici ne znaju u kojoj banci i

koji iznos je pokojnik imao na štednji, kao

ni to da li je štednja u dinarima ili u stranoj

valuti. U takvim situacijama obraćaju se Kreditnom birou

Udruženja banaka Srbije, znajući da on objedinjuje

podatke svih banaka. Međutim, to nije pravo mesto. Ono što mnogi ne

znaju je da Kreditni biro ne raspolaže podacima o štednji, već raspolaže

podacima banaka, lizing kompanija i drugih pružaoca usluga o obavezama pravnih i fizičkih lica, koje imaju prema pružaocima usluga i o

Autor rubrike: Slavica Kovačević, savetnik Kreditnog biroa Udruženja banaka Srbije

pitanja i odgovori





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��questions and answers

Autor rubrike: Slavica Kovačević, Advisor to the ASB Credit Bureau



The amount of money that a person deposited with a bank, i.e. gave to the bank for savings, has always

represented one of the biggest banking secrets. It is the basic rule applied by bank employees from the very beginnings of their banking sector career. Who knows how much funds have remained undiscovered in banks all over the world, the funds of the thrown-down rulers and many other powerful people? In all likelihood, the majority of these funds are placed in the countries with the highest level of secrecy protection in respect of savings deposits, such as Switzerland.

The higher clients’ privacy protection, the more respectable the bank. It is then deemed to be an institution of trust, safety and integrity. A bank should, under no circumstances, disregard this rule, because, otherwise, it could lose its clients’ confidence. In that case, the clients could withdraw their deposits, leaving the banks without their savings deposits, and without

savings, there are no banks, and, in turn, no further development of the society as a whole.

As a rule, the data on savings may be accessed by the saver - a

person who d e p o s i t e d

funds in a bank. However,

how can one access these data,

if the saver passed away? The question

is who has the right to gain insight into

the data on savings of a deceased person. The

inheritors? The problem is that the bankers do

not have the data on inheritors at their disposal.

Is there a will or any other contract or a document

specifying this? Officially, the inheritors are determined a�er the probate proceedings, upon receiving a legally valid decision, provided that it

referes to the savings too.However, it is o�en the case that the

inheritors do not know in which bank the deceased had a savings account, how high the amount of savings was, or whether the savings were denominated in dinars or foreign currency. In the situations like this, they appeal to the Credit Bureau of the Association of Serbian Banks, knowing that it keeps the data




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urednosti u izmirivanju tih obaveza.Znači, Kreditni biro ima podatke o

stvarnim i potencijalnim potraživanjima pružaoca usluga od fizičkih lica (krediti i jemstvo po njima, tekući računi, debitne i kreditne kartice, lizing ugovori), kao i od pravnih lica i preduzetnika (tekući računi, krediti i jemstvo po njima, eskontovane hartije od vrednosti, potencijalne obaveze - garancije, avali i nepokriveni akreditivi i jemstvo po potencijalnim obavezama, a uskoro će biti dostavljeni i podaci o kreditima uzetim kod inokreditora i o kreditnim poslovnim karticama). Prema tome, Kreditni biro ne raspolaže podacima o sredstvima pravnih i fizičkih lica.

Kreditni biro raspolaže podacima o delu ukupnih tekućih računa fizičkih lica. U Kreditnom birou nalaze se samo računi po kojima može doći do stvarnog ili potencijalnog potraživanja banke. Potencijalno potraživanje je odobrena, a neiskorišćena, pozajmica. Stvarno potraživanje je iskorišćeni iznos pozajmice i korišćenje sredstava preko raspoloživog limita, što uglavnom nastaje izdavanjem čekova bez pokrića ili naplatom bankarskih naknada za vođenje računa. Ostali računi nisu obuhvaćeni u Kreditnom birou, iako na njima ima sredstava, kao što su namenski računi za kupovinu hartija od vrednosti, štedni dinarski ili devizni računi, bilo da su po viđenju ili oročeni, namenski ili nenamenski i sl.

Podatak o iznosu štednje predstavlja tajnu i saglasno zakonskim propisima, posebno Zakonom o bankama i Zakonom o zaštiti podataka o ličnosti. Zakonom o bankama je precizirano da se podatak, koji predstavlja bankarsku tajnu, može dati na zahtev suda.

Prema tome, ukoliko je štediša preminuo, niko nema prava raspolaganja njegovim sredstvima do okončanja ostavinske rasprave. Stoga je potrebno da naslednici pokrenu postupak ostavinske rasprave i ukoliko sumnjaju, ili su sigurni, da je pokojnik imao sredstava u nekoj banci, ali ne znaju iznos, da zatraže od suda da se zvanično obrati toj banci, sa zahtevom da ona, u određenom roku, dostavi sudu podatak, da li to lice (ime i prezime i obavezno jedinstveni matični broj građana - JMBG pokojnika) ima sredstva u banci, na kojim računima i koji iznos. Ukoliko, pak, naslednici ne znaju kod koje je banke pokojnik imao sredstva, sud se obraća svakoj banci pojedinačno, sa zahtevom za dostavu podataka da li je pokojnik imao štednju i u kom iznosu. Spisak banaka sa adresama može se naći na sajtu Narodne banke Srbije Sve banke su dužne da, u datom roku, odgovore na zahtev suda. Po dobijanju odgovora banaka, održava se ročište ostavinske rasprave i određuje naslednik ili naslednici navedene štednje. Nakon pravosnažnosti sudskog rešenja, oni se obraćaju određenim bankama i mogu raspolagati tim sredstvima.




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from all banks in one place. However, it is not the right place to appeal to. What many people do not know is that the Credit Bureau does not hold any data on savings, but the data in respect of liabilities of natural persons and legal entities towards banks, leasing companies and other service providers, along with the regularity and timeliness in meeting these liabilities.

In other words, the Credit Bureau holds the data on real and potential claims of service providers in respect of natural persons (credits and related pledges, current accounts, debit and credit cards, leasing contracts), and in respect of legal entities and entrepreneurs (current accounts, credits and related pledges, discounted securities, contingent liabilities - guarantees, guarantees of bills and uncovered le�ers of credit, and pledges on contingent liabilities, and soon the data will also be held on credits extended by foreign creditors and on business credit cards). Therefore, the Credit Bureau does not hold any data on funds of the natural persons and legal entities.

The Credit Bureau holds the data on one part of the total current accounts of natural persons. This refers only to those accounts which may show the real or potential claims of a bank. Contingent claims are granted, but non-utilized loans. Real claims are utilized amounts of a loan, and overdra� amounts, usually caused by issuing cheques without cover or by charging bank fees for account maintenance. The rest of the accounts are not part of the Credit Bureau’s database, despite the fact that they hold funds, such as special-purpose accounts for securities purchase, dinar or FX savings accounts, whether they are sight- or time-accounts, special-purpose or regular, etc.

The data on the amount of savings is confidential according to the legal regulations, in particular the Law on Banks and the Law on Personal Data Protection. The Law on Banks precisely stipulates that the data, deemed to be banking secret, may be accessed upon request issued by a court of law.

Thus, if the saver has passed away, nobody has the right to dispose of his / her funds until the probate proceedings are over. That is why the inheritors are required to start the probate proceedings, and, if they believe, or are certain, that the deceased had some funds in a bank, but do not know the exact amount, to request from the court to officially appeal to the concerned bank, requesting the data to be submi�ed to the court, within the given deadline, stating whether a person (first name, last name, and obligatory unique personal identifying number - UPIN of the deceased) has funds in that bank, on which accounts and in which amount. If, however, the inheritors do not know the exact bank at which the deceased had the funds, the court needs to appeal to each of the banks separately, with a request for the data to be submi�ed on whether the deceased had a savings account and in which amount. The list of banks with the accompanying addresses can be found at the National Bank of Serbia’s website All banks are bound to respond to the request of the court, within the given deadline. Upon receiving the banks’ responses, the inheritance proceedings are held, on which occasion the inheritor(s) of the stated savings are determined. A�er the legally valid court decision, they appeal to the concerned banks, and have these funds at their disposal.