Download - Jerry V. McMichael Job Titles: Principal Systems Engineer and · Jerry V. McMichael Job Titles: Principal Systems Engineer and email: [email protected] Flight Test Engineer Engineering

Page 1: Jerry V. McMichael Job Titles: Principal Systems Engineer and · Jerry V. McMichael Job Titles: Principal Systems Engineer and email: Flight Test Engineer Engineering

dna reenignE smetsyS lapicnirP :seltiT boJ leahciMcM .V yrreJ :liame ten.tsaot@cmvyrrej tsilaicepS gnireenignE reenignE tseT thgilF

,tseT thgilF ,redaeL maeT :sllikS boJ 8230-692-718 :enohpdna ,tseT ,noitargetnI ,retirW lacinhceT 069 xoB .O .P

.sisylanA ataD 71388 MN ,tforcduolC

POTKSED a fo noitelpmoc retfA :)sraey 4 tsal( elbiB_tsirGnuS dna tsirGnuSfo ytisrevinU eht morf )tseuqer nopu elbaliava( etacifitreC lanoisseforP NOITACILBUP

no sgntirw fo dna skoob fo noitubirtsid dna noitacilbup potkseD eht desaercni ,anozirA( sraey 6 tsal eht fo etisbew a moc.namelbibmocelbib.www sah krow eht fo tsom elihW .)

,rolyaB ,atihcauO morf elbiB fo sruoh 04 revo evah I dna tseretni emit efil( elbiB no neeblacinhceT“ ,koobtxet a no dednepxe neeb sah troffe hcum ,)yranimeS tsewhtuoS dna,evatcO ,taMeerF ekil erawtfos nepo eerf dna baltaM htiw sretupmoC fo snoitacilppAta stnetnoC fo elbaT eht weiv nac uoY .biLhtaMJ dna ,baLicS

lmth.COT_CAT/moc.namelbibmocelbib.www :moc.nozamA no elbaliava era skoob 3 . dna ,”htiaF gniunitnoC fo yaW eht ,gniveileB rof stropeR elbiB“ ,”suseJ fo sdneirF“eerf dna skoobe eerf suoremuN .”ysehporP dna haimereJ ,seveihT fo sneD lanoitaN“ta enilno elbaliava edam era ”CAT rof xidneppA gnikroW“ sa hcus lairetam hcraeser

moc.namelbibmocelbib.www enilno dereffo esruoc ecnednopserroc CAT a si ereht oslA . .CAT rof COT eht swollof ylhguor hcihw liame yb dna

:yb EMUSER.1 gnireenignE reenignE tseT thgilF dna ,reenignE smetsyS lapicnirP :seltiT boJ

.reenignE scitsigoL roineS dna ,stsilaicepS .2 ,snoitarepo dna ,sputes ,sepyt yrtemeleT ,stsylanA ataD ,redaeL maeT :sllikS boJ

-fo-etats tnerruc dna detacitsihpos fo noitargetni ,tfarcria dna selissim fo tset thgilfdluow sraey 4 tsal eht ni dezilitu slliks ehT .gnitirw lacinhcet dna ,smetsys tra-ehtpotksed dna ,tsirGnuS rof noitartsinimda liame dna bew ,gnitirw eb yramirp

.noitubirtsid dna noitacilbup

...sthgilhgiH tseT thgilF fo sisoponyS.1 dna )IBS( rotpecretnI desaB aeS dna VKE dna )IBG( rotpecretnI desaB dnuorG

detset :}5002-0002{ sdnaS etihW dna ,aksalA ,ellivstnuH ,noscuT ta daehraW citeniKlausiV ,BALTAM htiw sisylana atad dna ;scinortleT dna ,scitamorcA ,055 laroL htiw

.tsylanA ataD daeL dna reenignE smetsyS lapicnirP sa lecxE dna ,cisaBnamurT eht no dna ,dnalyraM reviR tnexutaP ,retneC tseT lavaN ta gnikiV 3-S .2gnidnaL reirraC citamotuA ,rotalumis LIH/LIP htiw detset :}0002-8991{ reirraC tfarcriA

..reenignE tseT thgilF sa BALTAM htiw sisylana atad dna ;namurT dna ,ytilicaf tsetdetset :}8991-6991{ adanaC ,lebariM ta sretpocileh 034 dna ,724 ,704 ledoM lleB .3thgilF sa ATFAC dna lecxE htiw sisylana atad dna ;taes tfel gniylf dna moor lortnoc morf

.reenignE tseT

Page 2: Jerry V. McMichael Job Titles: Principal Systems Engineer and · Jerry V. McMichael Job Titles: Principal Systems Engineer and email: Flight Test Engineer Engineering

lanoitcnuf htiw detset :}8991-6991{ aigroeG ,atteiraM ,nitraM deehkcoL ta J031-C .4,erawtfos rof dna ;sredrO noitaraperP tseT thgilF dna ,sgniward enilder ,stuokcehc

.reenignE tseT thgilF sa AITAC dna )lortnoc noitarugifnoc( esaB ataD elcarOretal( scimanyD lareneG rof toped 61-F nedgO dna FTC 61-F BFA sdrawdE ta 61-F .5taht erofeb dna ;smetsys scinoiva dna snopaew lla gnitset :}sraey 01{ )nitraM deehkcoL

morf sdom 61-F rojam lla no redaeL maeT dna reenignE scitsigoL roineS .sraey 7 rofthgilF sa muigleB dna ,dnalloH ,kramneD ,nedgO ,htroW troF ta 06 kcolb ot 1 kcolb

.reenignE scitsigoL roineS dna reenignE lortnoC tseT

..tnemeriteR retfa kroW tcartnoC

.1 evaD rof dekroW .6002-5002 morf shtnom 8 ,saxeT nosdrahciR ,snilloC llewkcoR,metsyS tabmoC erutuF eht rof metsys latot dna retupmoc eht fo tnempoleved no xoC

.tnemeriter noehtyaR retfa.2 -C eht fo tset thgilf dna tnempoleved no sraey 2 ,aigroeG atteiraM ,nitraM deehkcoL

,)scimanyD lareneG yllaer( nitraM deehkcoL ta sraeY 71 morf tnemeriter retfa ,J031.DG retfa

.3 noitallatsni retfa gnikiV 2S eht gnitset ,dnalyraM reviR xaP ,ytilibatiuS reirraC yvaN.namurT .S yrraH eht no dna ,retupmoc lortnoc thgilf latigid wen a fo

.4 fo gnitset rof taes tfel eht gniylf ,adanaC lebariM ,nortxeT ,retpocileH lleB .034 dna ,724,704 sledom


gniriter ,BFA sdrawdE dna saxeT ,htroW troF ,)scimanyD lareneG( nitraM deehkcoL .1a ni sdrawdE ta 61-F eht gnitset ,tsilaicepS gnireenignE reenignE lortnoC tseT thgilF sa

.reenignE scitsigoL roineS a sa sraey 7 ylsuoiverp dna ;sraey 01 rof FTCthgilf ,)4002-0002( sraey 5 ,aksalA dna anozirA noscuT ,smetsyS elissiM noehtyaR .2

.WK dna VKE eht no redael maet sa sisylana atad dna tsetsa DEYOLPME-FLES revewoh ;)tneserp-7002{ deriter yllaiciffo ,yltneserPdna ,tiforp rof naht ssenisub ybboh a erom ,setisbew elbiB 3 fo renwo/rotartsinimdadna ,***”BALTAM htiw sretupmoC fo snoitacilppA lacinhceT“ fo ypoc tsrif etorwSTROPER ELBIB ,scitegolopA naitsirhC ot noitcudortnI nA moc.nozamA no dehsilbup


:sllikS dna egdelwonK ,ecneirepxE fo sliateD

ocixeM weN ,tforcduolC emoH niatnuoM tseroF lanoitaN nlocniL:seitivitca etirovaf ruof eludehcs dna lortnoc ot ytinutroppO )1102-6002( sraey 4-fleS .BALTAM htiw sretupmoc fo snoitacilppa lacinhcet dna ,sinnet ,setisbew ,gnitirwderedisnoc eb dluohs tsirGuS tcaf nI .tiforp rof naht ssenisub ybboh a erom ,deyolpmEeht dna eeL .G .R .rD yb hcaerp ot desnecsil neeb evah I ecnis noitazinagro tiforp-non a

Page 3: Jerry V. McMichael Job Titles: Principal Systems Engineer and · Jerry V. McMichael Job Titles: Principal Systems Engineer and email: Flight Test Engineer Engineering

,sgnirpS toH fo CBF eht yb deniadro osla ;7591 ecnis ,hcruhC tsitpaB euvelleBruo fo ehtit eht tsevni ew hcihw ni noitazinagro suoigiler eht si tsirGnuS dna ;sasnakrAyb UMNE dna egelloC tsitpaB atihcauQ hguorht yaw ym denraE .yenom dna emitdiap hcihw ,sehcruhc ytinummoC dna tsitpaB 61 revo fo gnirotsap miretni ro gnirotsapderetnec enilno na dekrow dna depoleveD .UMNE dna atihcauQ hguorht yaw ymsetisbew 3 gnitartsinimda ,tsirGnuS ,ssenisub etisbewfo gnitirw tsrif eht detelpmoC .gnitirw dna )moc.namelbibmocelbib.www\\:ptth(fo gnitirw lanif eht dna ,BALTAM htiw SRETUPMOC FO SNOITACILPPA LACINHCET

won scitegolopA naitsirhC ot noitcudortnI nA ,GNIVEILEB ROF STROPER ELBIBhtiw esruoc CAT eht enilno poleved yltnerrucnoC . moc.nozamA no dehsilbup

.BALTAM esu taht yllanoitanretni dna yllacitsemod stnapicitrapsnilloC llewkcoR saxeT ,sallaD smetsyS tnemnrevoG

)6002 yraunaJ – 5002 enuJ( shtnom 8yeldarB ecrof tnerruc rof metsyS retupmoC detargetnI eht fo ngised eht ni detapicitraPfo maet ngised eht fo trap sa metsyS tabmoC erutuF ’seimrA eht rof dna smarbA dna,kniL tcejorP ,ten no SROOD dezilitU .snilloC llewkcoR dna ,scimanyD lareneG ,gnieoBdna esoR lanoitaR dna ,snoitacinummoc fo snaem yramirp eht sa xeBEW eht dnasgniteem xeBEW deriahC .setoN sutoL htiw snoitcaretni fo snaem yramirp sa SROODni scimanyD lareneG ,sdipaR radeC snilloC htiw snilloC llewkcoR nosdrahciR morfdetargetnI eht ni devlovni seinapmoc rehto morf sevitatneserper dna ,atosenniMgnisu sgniteem xeBEW ni dael a fo snoitcnuf demrofreP .SCF rof metsyS retupmoC,debuC-E/CME rof seussi ngised ecroF tnerruC no snoitatneserp tnioprewoP,stnemeriuqer erutarepmet ,s BCP STOC no gnitaoc lamrofnoc sa ytilibarutcafunaM.seludom STOC ni erawtfos tset dna ,gniffins tenrehtE ,nacs yradnuob GATJlim ,srossecorporcim ,ngised deeps hgih no tra-eht-fo-etats tnerruc dehcraeseRot erawtfos rehto dna SROOD desU .STOC htiw ngised deddebme dna ,sdradnatsretni rof kniL tcejorP dna xeBEW .stnemeriuqer ngised krow-er dna ezylanaeht ni detapicitraP .seinapmoC ecapsoreA egral lareves htiw snoitacinummocsceps eht gnidulcni ,metsyS SCI ecroF erutuF eht rof )RDP( weiveR ngiseD yranimilerP,DCP htiw dekroW .smetsys retupmoc dna scinortcele dna selcihev desoporp 81 eht fo.droW tfosorciM ot detropxe dna SROOD ni stnemeriuqer ngised DDSS dna ,SIC ,SDICdna selcihev eht htiw gnitrats lecxE ni eert noitacificeps metsyS etelpmoc a deniatniaMngised etelpmoc eht gnirud SCI eht fo )seludom( sURS dna sURL eht ot nwod gnimocytiruces dna ecnarussA noitamrofnI esu laud dna ytilanommoc no desab llarevo

.erutcetihcrA dna gnireenignE smetsyS rof TPI ediw-noitan eht ni dekroW .sevalcne7331-43758 ZA ,noscuT 73311 xoB .O .P smetsyS elissiM noehtyaR

)4002 ,1 rebmevoN-0002( dna tseT ,noitargetnI ni ,tnemyolpme tcerid sraey 5 ,tsylanA ataD tseT thgilF daeL.tnemeganam atad rof medAID dna gnissecorp atad rof WEIVBAL esU .noitaulavEyrtemelet dnuora deretnec erawtfos deifidom dna ,dezylana ,dessecorp ,detcelloC,ycneiciffe lacitpo ,stneve elcihev thgilf rof noitatnemurtsni tset suoirav gnizilitu smetsysevorpmi ot dna stropeR ataD tseT ekam ot baltaM dna eborP desU .cte ,ytivisnopser

Page 4: Jerry V. McMichael Job Titles: Principal Systems Engineer and · Jerry V. McMichael Job Titles: Principal Systems Engineer and email: Flight Test Engineer Engineering

dna ,stsylana ruof fo maet a detiurcer dna deweivretnI .snoitatneserp tnioprewoPetelpmoc eht dna( metsys yrtemelet 055 laroL eht rof esabatad a depoleved ew rehtegot.stpircs BALTAM dna eborp ,yranoitcid atad eborp a ,erawtfos noitatummoced ,)789F055 laroL dna 6.2 siraloS htiw noitatskroW tnempoleveD nuS a putes dna desahcruPstnemngissa tset neht dna tnempoleved maet dengissA .edom lautriv eht ni erawtfostnioPrewoP edaM .snalp tset fo tnempoleved eht ni detsissA .stroffe detanidro-oc dnani detapicitrap dna dednettA .lennosrep noehtyaR dna tnemnrevog eht ot snoitatneserpatad citats puteS .uguM tP dna egnaR elissiM sdnaS etihW ta sgniteem gninnalp etisffo.006MCP eht htiw snoitalumis yrtemelet cimanyd dna 055 laroL eht ni snoitalumis

MSAL eht etorw dna ,puorg gnikrow yrtemelet margorp MSAL eht htiw detanidrooCfo tnempoleved ngised dna gninnalp eht ni detapicitraP .nalP sisylanA ataD yrtemeleT789F eht fo egasu dna esabatad MSAL eht no maet sisylana deniarT .elissim 4-MS ehtno sisylana atad rof xinU siraloS desU .metsys gnissecorp dna noitcelloc atad yrtemeletBALTAM dna ,C ,eborP ni demmargorP .789F eht fo trap sa snoitatskroW nuS larevesatad MT demrofrep oslA .noitatskroW nuS eht no dna retupmoc TN swodniW a notset atad fo noitatneserp eht htiw dna bal noitceS ecnadiuG eht ni WK eht no sisylanadna ellivstnuH ta gnitset dnuorg gnirud maet tset VKE eht fo rebmem a oslA .sweiver

.aksalAdnalyraM ,reviR tnexutaP retneC tseT thgilF dnammoC snopaeW riA lavaN

,ytilibatiuS reirraC lavaN rof tnemyolpme tcartnoc shtnom 51 ,reenignE tseT thgilF3S eht no namurT eht no xaP ta stset thgilf dna reviR xaP ta stset dnuorg gnitcudnoccitamotuA ,tolipotuA )1( :retupmoc lortnoC thgilF wen a fo noitallatsni retfa gnikiVtnexutaP ta ytilicaf tset SLCA gnisu gnitset lortnoc thgilf dna ,metsyS gnidnaL reirraCdnuorg demrofreP .reirraC tfarcriA namurT .S yrraH SSU eht no dna retneC tseT reviRhguoroht dna,gnitset rotalumis pool eht ni toliP dna pooL eht ni erawdraH ,gnitseteht etorw dna 3S eht fo tset-er thgilf etelpmoc a demrofreP )2( ;gnitset reirrac dna thgilfni stolp edob ,BALTAM ni sisylana reiruoF :sisylanA ataD )3( ;sdrac tset dna nalp tsetni scimanydorea/swaL lortnoC laretaL dna lanidutignoL fo noitalumiS )4( ;LECXElortnoC thgilF eht fo ngised wen fo noitcnuf lortnoC ytilauQ .noitalumis BALTAMyalpsid rof sretemarap noitatnemurtsni fo puteS )5( ;)retupmoC ataD thgilF( retupmoCsnoitatS reenignE tcejorP eht desu dna no deniarT )6( dna ;noissimsnart atad dna

.egnaR tseT ekaepasehC eht rof )smoor lortnoc(AG ,atteiraM tseT thgilF gnireenignE aigroeG nitraM deehkcoL

dna tseT gnireenignE ni ,tnemyolpme tcartnoc fo sraey 2 ,reenignE tseT thgilFnI )1( .tset thgilf gnirud s’J031-C 81 tsrif eht gniyfidom dna gnitset noitaulavEdna lanoitcnuf ,J031-C ,tnempoleved ngiseD did noitaulavE dna tseT gnireenignEAITAC denilder dna s’OPTF gnisu smetsys fo ngised-eR )2( ;smetsys lla ,stset noisserger,ecnanetniaM dna gnireenignE neewteb enil thgilf eht no detanidrooC )3( ;sgniwardfo lortnoc rof esabatad elcarO desab xinU )4( dna ;elpoep 06 yletamixorppa deganam

RED lla dellortnoc--noitacifitrec ssenihtrowria dna dna ,ssenihtrowria ,noitarugifnocsRED ,lortnoc dna yrotnevni ot woh no sRED tsrif deniarT{ .esabatad hguorht seitivitcadna stirB fo ecneserp etisno dna stcartnoc tnemtrapeD etatS fo esuaceb deriuqer gnieb

Page 5: Jerry V. McMichael Job Titles: Principal Systems Engineer and · Jerry V. McMichael Job Titles: Principal Systems Engineer and email: Flight Test Engineer Engineering

}.dnalaeZ weNAC ,BFA sdrawdE maeT tseT denibmoC 61-F )scimanyD lareneG( nitraM deehkcoL

htroW troF DG dnagnitset ,scimanyD lareneG htiw sraey 71 fo sraey 01 tsal ,reenignE lortnoC tseT thgilFtnempoleveD noitacifidoM dna ecnanetniaM ni sraey 7 tsrif :rethgif lacitcat 61-F ehtni ecnatsissa remotsuc dna ,pu dna 0 kcolb ,61-F eht fo snoitacifidom lla ni gnidaelslortnoC thgilF dna toliPotuA )1( .dnalloH dna ,kramneD ,muigleB ,hatU ,nedgOrieht gnirud s’61-F eht deifidoM )2( ;raey 1 ,repoleveD esruoC dna rotcurtsnI.s’D dna s’C ot s’B dna s’A morf gnidulcni 05 kcolb ot 1 kcolb morf sraey tnempolevedfo feihC eht ot detropeR )3( ;smetsys dna ,emarfria ,scinoiva ,gniriw dedulcni sdoM61-F eht no detset thgilF )4( ;elpoep 05 yletamixorppa ,tfihs dn2 gniganam ,tseT thgilF,xineohP ,kcirevaM ,redniwediS sa hcus selissim suoremun dna smetsys gnillortnoc

no ynnePevaP dna 111-F eht no kcaTevaP detset dna dellatsnI )5( ;worrapS dna ,marmA,noitarugifnoc lortnoc ot s’RAQ etorW )6( ;doP ecnadiuG resaL eht gnidulcni 61-F ehtlortnoc noitarugifnoc rof esabatad rekaMeliF desU )7( ;ecnanetniam dna ,snoitacifidom,gninnalP )8( ;stroper thgilf rof LECXE dna ,tcefrePdroW ,droW desU )8( ;stessa thgilf foenil thgilf thguaT )9( ;segnahc ngised 61-F lla fo tnempoleved dna ,gnifoorp tik ,gnitset

.slortnoc tolip-otua dna slortnoc thgilf no lennosrepdna ,htaM lacinhceT,...ygolonhcet gnireenigne scinortcele gnihcaet sraey neT dna ,saxeT nwotyaB ni egelloC eeL ,ytisrevinU ocixeM weN nretsaE ta scisyhP lairtsudnIlanoitacoV-lacinhceT sa aireglA sedremuoB ni scinortcelE dna yticirtcelE fo etutitsnI eht

dna tnempoleved eht ni del dna ,scinortcelE fo rosseforP tnatsissA dna rotcurtsnI.stnemirepxe bal dna mulucirruc fo gnitirw

reviR tnexutxaP reciffO ytteP ssalC tsriF naicinhceT scinortcelE noitaivA noitaivA lavaN9591-5591 dnaldnuofweN aitnegrA dna dnalyraM ,kraP notgnixeL ,SAN

thgilf ni ,51-WV htiw dnuorofweN ,aitnegrA ni nordauqs WEA na ni hcet tsrif gniylFdna ,radar rednif thgieh 54-SPA ,radar hcraes 02-SPA fo noitarepo dna ecnanetniamfo egrahc ni solA .spihs ot tnempiuqe yaler dna sepod epocs rof tnempiuqe detaicossata ylevisnetxe deniarT .tnempiuqe emas fo riaper dna ecnanetniam dnuorg ni pohs,reerac fo trap ylrae ni detaudarG .tnempiuqe MCE dna sradar no sloohcs C klofroNdna namroN ni gniniart noitaivA cisaB morf ,ogeiD naS ni pmac toob retfa dnadna ,reviR XAP ta snordauqs 3 eht pu demrof yllaitinI .sihpmeM CTTAN ta scinortcelEdemrofrep 1TA sA .dnaldnuofweN ni tnemyolped fo shtnom 6 hcae retfa ereht dernuterrehto dna ,ecnanetniam dnuorg ni ,werc thgilf ni dael a fo snoitcnuf yratilim eht lla

.snoitisop pihsredael...gniniarT dna noitacudE

;)scinortcele ni yvaeh sesruoc( htaM dna scisyhP .S.B )1( :noitacudE lamroF .1; ,ocixeM weN ,selatroP ;ytisrevinU ocixeM weN nretsaE

ta scisyhp ni yduts etaudarg ,HU dna UMS ta gnireenigne ni sgnilpmas etaudarg htiwmorf noigiler nI .A.B )2( ;noigiler dna seidutS naciremA ni yduts etaudarg osla ,rolyaB5 ,yranimeS lacigoloehT tsitpaB nretsewhtuoS dna 1691 ,egelloC tsitpaB atihcauO04 yletamixorppa{ .UMNE dna scisyhp ot derrefsnart nehw noitelpmoc morf sruoh

Page 6: Jerry V. McMichael Job Titles: Principal Systems Engineer and · Jerry V. McMichael Job Titles: Principal Systems Engineer and email: Flight Test Engineer Engineering

)3( dna ;}eerged scisyhp nI .S.B eht no tnuoc yllarutan ton did hcihw elbiB ni sruohsaw tahw )a( dna repap fo seceip revo noitacude ni deveileb syawla{ krow etaudarG)b( dna ralohcS naciremA eht ni nosremE ekil fo tros ,sesruoc ni krow rof lufesu yllaer

naciremA ni }ygolonhcet gnireenigne scinortcele gnihcaet rof lufpleh dna lacitcarpdna ,UMS dna HU ta gnireenignE ,rolyaB ta scisyhP ,UMNE dna rolyaB ta seidutSdna HU ta noitacudE dna ,yranimeS nretsewhtuoS dna rolyaB ta noigileR

.nretsewhtuoSno sessalc fo shtnom 3 :noisiviD gniniarT DG )1( :sesruoC gniniarT ynapmoC .2no shtnom 6 retal neht dna ,B/A 61-F eht no smetsys rehto lla dna ,tolip-otua ,scinoivatnemeganaM no sesruoc derosnops DG rehto suoremuN dna ;smetsys D/C 61-F eht.9;.cte ,eulaV redloherahS rof gniganaM dna ,OEE ,repaP no gnikaepS ,scimanyDskrowhtaM yb detcudnoc ,ogeiD naS ta gniniart decnavda BALTAM fo keew a detelpmoCsmetsyS elissiM noehtyaR detelpmoC )2( ;knilumis dna ,gnimmargorp ,lortnoc sedulcnidna ,scinahcem thgilf ,tnemeganaM ataD ,BALTAM ,eborP no smargorp gniniart)4( ;ogeiD naS ta esruoc gniniart 055 laroL moC3L eht detelpmoC )3( ;scimanydoreayvaN )5( ;nitsuA ,IN morf gniniart medAID dna WEIVBAL rof noitelpmoc fo setacifitreC,moor lortnoc( SPTR eht no dnalyraM ,reviR tnexutaP ta yltnecer )TJO( sessalc gniniart

.gnikiV 3-S eht fo retupmoC ataD thgilF latigiD wen eht dna )ctefo ytisrevinU eht morf etacifitreC lanoisseforP ::setacifitreC noitacudE gniunitnoC .3ot eud esohc yramirP )2( dna ;5002 yraunaJ detelpmoc noitacilbuP potkseD ni anozirAhtiw noitacudE gniunitnoC fo etuor eht elyts efil elibom dna esruoc fo erutan lacitcarpaidemitluM dna ,UTL ,ALCU morf noitacudE gniunitnoC ni noitelpmoC fo setacifitreCfo setacifitreC osla ;sesruoc aidemitlum dna ,erawtfos ,erawdrah retupmoc no cigaMytisrevinU etatS ainrofilaC ,hceT nrehtuoS ,hceT aigroeG morf ++C dna C ni noitelpmoC

.ytisrevinU eerT gninraeL dna ,egdirhtroN ta

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Upfront textbook matter and the detailed Table of Contents pages are attached for you to chose the chapter in which you are interested.
Page 7: Jerry V. McMichael Job Titles: Principal Systems Engineer and · Jerry V. McMichael Job Titles: Principal Systems Engineer and email: Flight Test Engineer Engineering

Technical Applications of Computers 1

CHAPTER 1 Data Analysis and Systems Integration 131-1: Simulation of Space Shuttle with MATLAB programming. 131-2: Numerical Analysis the Anchoring Discipline. 151-3: Excel and MATLAB for Data Analysis. 171-4: Large Modern Systems in the Evolution of the Digital Atomic Age. 181-5: Differential Equations and Physics Have Taken a Bad Rap. 201-6: Many Threads of Modern Technology Made the Technical Revolution. 231-7: Sharing of Learning Theory. 25

1-9: Drilling with MATLAB Basics. 27

CHAPTER 2 The Digital Atomic Age 292-1: Math led the technical world into the Digital with Linear Algebra. 312-2: Some Things from “Optimization in Simulation Studies”. 312-3: New on Minimization, Optimization, and Parameter Estimation? 332-4: The Place of Equations in the Digital Revolution. 332-3: Most Physical Phenomenon is Analog, Requring Coversion to Digital. 332-4: The Math of Motion is a Good Starting Place for the Technical. 342-5: Digital and Digital Computers to Technical Applications of Computers. 362-6: “Digital Signal Processing”. 372-7: MATLAB, Path, and Workspace. (D1) 392-8: Plotting, Subplots, Axis and Labels. (D2) 432-9: Polynomial Algebra and Polynomial Roots. (D3) 442-10: Graphics and Descriptive Stats. (D4) 47

CHAPTER 3 Systems Integration. 533-1: Cl, Cd, and Cm on seleted Aircraft. 543-2: Steady State Flight with Principles of Stability and Control. 573-3: We can use the Transfer Function in MATLAB before the Theory. 593-4: Trim equilibrim as far as pitch when all moments at the C.G. are zero. 613-5: Numerical Optimization and the Trim. m Program. 623-6: Intro to Numerical Optimization. 643-7: FMIN in MATLAB. 643-8: FEVAL in MATLAB. 663-9: The Steady-State Trim Algorithms. 683-10: Polynomials and Plotting (D1). 69

Table of Contents

1-8 Ups and Downs of UAV Testing by John Del Frate of NASA. 26

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3-11: Matrices and Plotting (D2). 71

CHAPTER 4 UAV’s and Other Flight Test Reports 754-1: The Altair/Predator B. 764-2: Recent UAV Flight Test Experience at NASA, 1998. 774-3: Flight Tests of the X-48B UAV between 2007 and 2008. 794-4: AFTI/F-16 Flight Test Results and Lessons Learned. 824-5: Aircraft Parameter Estimation. 874-6: Graphics and Plot (D1). 904-7: Flow control (D2). 904-8: Plotting Complex Numbers and Function Plot (D3). 904-9: Normal Distribution (D4). 91

CHAPTER 5 The Process 935-1: The 10 step Process of this book. 935-2: The 10 step Process of Aerospace. 945-3: The Process of Learning: ILS. 955-4: Historical PROCESS of The Digital Atomic Age. 965-5: Math led the technical world into the Digital with Linear Algebra. 985-6: The Place of Mathematical Equations in the Digital Revolution. 985-7: Most Physical Phenomenon is Analog, Requring Coversion to Digital. 995-8: The Math of Motion is a Good Starting Place for the Technical. 995-9: Digital and Digital Computers & Applications of Computers. 995-10: Digital Signal Processing. 1005-11: Evolution in Math Techniques for Engineering Applications. 1025-12: Software, Firmware, and Digital Math. 1025-13: The Process in CMMI. 1035-14: The Process in “Embedded Systems Architecture”. 1035-15: Global Hawk Unveiled the Process at work in UAVs. 1045-16: Files/Directories, Handling Data, & External Programs (D1). 1065-17: Fourier Transform (D2). 1065-18: Plotting Polynomials with “polyval” (D3). 1065-19: Matrices of Data and Plotting (D4). 106

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CHAPTER 6 Parameters and Data Analysis. 1076-1: Practical Aircraft Parameter Estimation. 1096-2: List of Parameters. 1116-3: Approach of NASA Report # NASA TM-88281. 1116-4: Modern Minimization {Curve Fitting} Techniques. 1136-5: Cost Function, J or PI, for a Transport Aircraft. 1156-6. Basic Aircraft Parameters and Equations. 1166-7: The Cost Function, J. 1176-8: Cost Function in Model Methology of Operations Research. 1176-9: “Fminsearch” of MATLAB, Nelder and Mead Simplex Algorithm. 1176-10: Place of the Cost Function in Parametric Estimation. 1176-11: MATLAB Program for Aircraft Trim plus. 1176-12: Model Differencing Tool (D) 117

CHAPTER 7 Systems and Parameters. 1197-1: Ways to Model Linear Systems: State-Space and Transfer Function. 1217-2: Some history of State Space and the Transfer Function. 1237-3: Large Scale Digital Computer as Catalyst to Digital Atomic Age. 1247-4: The notions of State and Space. 1257-5: Linear Systems. 1267-6 Background for Cl, Cd, and Cm. 1277-7: Coefficients from Flight Test versus Mach and Altitude. 1287-8: From Aerodynamic Coefficients to Aerodynamic Derivatives. 1287-9: Plot of Moment Coefficient Curve with a Negative Slope. 1307-10: Aerodynamic Derivatives Simply Mean the Use of Partial DEs. 1317-11: Questions About Table 1 on Lift, Drag, and Moments. 1317-12: Working with the Pendulum System in MATLAB. 1327-13: Data In/Out, Printing, and Exporting Figures (D1). 1327-14: Text in Graphics, Symbols and Greek Letters (D2). 1327-15: Low Pass Filter and Log Plots (D3). 1327-16:Trend Analysis (D4). 132

CHAPTER 8 Programming with MATLAB. 1338-1. Measurement of the Damping Roll (NASA Dryden). 1338-2: Study of Longitudinal Dyanamic Stability in Flight. 1348-3: Files/Directories, Handling Data, & External Programs (D1). 134

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8-4: Fourier Transform (D2). 1348-5: Plotting Polynomials with “polyval” (D3). 1348-6: Matrices of Data and Plotting (D4). 1348-7: Programming Simulation of a Transport Aircraft. 1348-8: The Use of Functions in MATLAB programming. 1368-9: The Transport Aircraft Simulation in C&S. {Trim.m Program} 1388-10: Examples of “cost function” in CONTROL AND SIMULATION. 1418-11: Programming Input/Output in MATLAB. 1458-12: Relational and Logical Operators. 1458-13: Looping in MATLAB. 1468-14: Control Flow Statements in MATLAB programming. 1468-15: If-Else-If Statement in Programming. 1468-16: Using Loops in Programming Missiles. 1468-17: Function for [Mach,Qbar] = ADC(VT,H). 1468-18: Program 8-1 to Calculate State Derivative Vector for Transport plane. 146

CHAPTER 9 Programming Optimization. 1479-1: Aircraft State and Parameter Identification. 1479-2: A Good Place to Introduce the Wing Standards of NACA. 1489-3: The three types of Numerical Optimization are repeated here: 1489-1: Zero routines in Optimization. 1499-2: MATLAB calls it “Optimization”. 1509-3: Optimization in MATHEMATICA. 1529-4: Optimization in the Excel Data Analysis ToolPak. 1549-5: Optimization in MINITAB. 1549-6: “Cost Function” in Mathematica. 1549-7: Cost Function is Often Called Performance Index. 1559-8: Two Experts on Optimization and Parameter Estimation. 155 156

CHAPTER 10 System ID 15710-1. Basic Aircraft Parameters and Equations. 15810-2: The Cost Function, J. 15910-3: Cost Function in Model Methology of Operations Research. 15910-4: “Fminsearch” of MATLAB, Nelder and Mead Simplex Algorithm. 15910-5: Place of the Cost Function in Parametric Estimation. 159

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10-6: MATLAB Program for Aircraft Trim plus. 15910-7: Modeling, Parameter Estimation, and System Identification? 15910-8: Statistics Toolbox of MATLAB versus Data Analysis ToolPak of Excel. 15910-14: Model Differencing Tool (D). 160

CHAPTER 11 Automatic Control (holder) 16110-1. Basic Aircraft Parameters and Equations. 16210-2: The Cost Function, J. 16310-3: Cost Function in Model Methology of Operations Research. 16310-4: “Fminsearch” of MATLAB, Nelder and Mead Simplex Algorithm. 16310-5: Place of the Cost Function in Parametric Estimation. 16310-6: MATLAB Program for Aircraft Trim plus. 16310-7: Modeling, Parameter Estimation, and System Identification? 16310-8: Statistics Toolbox of MATLAB versus Data Analysis ToolPak of Excel. 16310-14: Model Differencing Tool (D). 164

CHAPTER 12 Integrated Electronics: Circuits and Systems. 16512-1: The Transfer Function makes this Evolution Process Evident. 16612-2: Modeling of Spring-Mass System and an LCR electronic Circuit. 16612-3: The PIDs, PD, and PI of today understandable with Circuits. 16612-4: Large Part of Digital Signal Processing is Circuits called Filters. 16712-5: From Circuits to LaPlace to Transfer Function. 16712-6: Select Electronic Circuits into Transfer Functions and Analysis. 16712-7: MATLAB for a “Gravity” function. 16712-8: MATLAB uses a lot of built in functions like “mean”. 16812-9: MATLAB Built-in Functions are in C:\MATLAB\toolbox\matlab\.. 17012-9: The Quadratic Equation function script with MATLAB. 17112-10: Strings and “feval” (D2). 17112-11: Data Markers and Line Types (D3). 17212-12: Linear Regression and Curve Fitting (D4). 172

CHAPTER 13 Integration. 17313-1: Programming in MATLAB. 17313-2: Programming Weather Data. 17413-3: Some More Work with Input/Output. 174

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13-4: Input/Output in Aircraft Time-History Simulation. 17813-5: Programming the NLSIM.m for Aircraft time-histor simulation. 18013-6: Methods of Aircraft State and Parameer Identification. 18313-7: Measurement of the Damping Roll. 18313-8: Study of Longitudinal Dyanamic Stability in Flight. 18413-9: Creating Graphical User Interfaces in MATLAB (D1). 18413-10: Guide for Drawing GUIs and “help unitools” (D2). 18413-11: Function Discovery (D3). 18413-12: Fourier Series (D4). 18413-13: Arrays, Matrices, Vectors, and Data Types (D5). 184

CHAPTER 14 Matrix Manipulations. 19114-1: Differential Equations and Matrix Manipulations. 19114-2: Matrix Manipulations from Raytheon Training. 19214-3: Matrix Manipulations from MATLAB training and books. 19214-4: Linear Algebra and Vector Calculus from Engineering Math and MATLAB. 19214-5: The Applied Physics of Practical Differential Equations and Matrices. 19214-6: Equations of Electrical Circuits like Equations of Motion. 19614-7: Equations of Motion are Differential Equations of Matrix Manipulations. 19814-8: More Programming and Vectorized Computations (D1). 19914-9: Another Drill on Saving and Loading Data in Other Formats (D2). 20014-10: Input, Eval, Feval, Debugging, and Profiling (D3). 20014-11: Subplots, Double Axis, and Labels (D4). 20014-12: Progressing on Finess of Plots (D5). 20014-13: Filters (D6). 200

CHAPTER 15 Applied Physics and Electronics. 20115-1: MATLAB and Simulink. 20115-2: Laplace Transform and Transfer Function. 20215-3: More RC Functional Networks with their TF(s) Equivalency. 20515-4: Programming the Motion of the Pendulum into MATLAB. 20515-5: RLC Circuit of Electricty also deals with physical motion. 20615-6: The TF to solve Motion Problems of an F-16 Accelerometr. 20615-7: The Spring Mass System Measures Acceleration of the F-16. 20815-8: Continuous Systems and Model for Bungee Jumping. 21115-9: Electromagnetic Spectrum, Microwaves, and Radar. 211

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15-10: Load Line Analysis of an Electric Circuit (D1). 21115-11: Time Series and Autocorrelaton (D2). 211

CHAPTER 16 From DEs to the Transfer Functions. 21316-1: Conversion of the DE to a Transfer Function Can be Done Directly. 21416-2: Applications of the Transfer Function. 21516-3: The Transfer Function. 21716-4: LaPlace Transform, parameters in s. 21716-5: State-Space Variable Equations. 21816-6: Solution of Second Order DE by State-Space. 22016-6: Concepts/Techniques Applied to the Electric Circuit. 22116-7: Program 5-1, MATLAB for the RLC Circuit of Figure 6-1. 22316-8: Put MATLAB to work for you! 22416-9: Damping and Natural Frequency with the Transfer Function. 22416-10: Transfer Function and State-Space. 22416-11: Fun Applications of TF to F-14 and F-16. 224

CHAPTER 17 MATLAB and Simulink. 23317-1: Blocks and Models of Simulink. 23317-2: Laplace Transform and Transfer Function. 23517-3: More RC Functional Networks with their TF(s) Equivalency. 23717-4 The Pendulum, Programmed and Simulated with Simulink. 23717-5 RLC Circuit of Electricty also deals with physical motion. 23917-6: The TF to solve Motion Problems of an F-16 Accelerometr. 23917-7 The Spring Mass System Measures Acceleration of the F-16. 23917-8: Continuous Systems and Model for Bungee Jumping. 24317-9: More Programming and Vectorized Computations (D1). 24317-10: Data Analysis. 24317-11: Another Drill on Saving and Loading Data in Other Formats (D2). 24317-12: Load Line Analysis of an Electric Circuit (D3). 24317-13: Time Series and Autocorrelaton (D4). 243

CHAPTER 18 Applications of The Transfer Function. 24518-1: The Boeing Aircraft Plant. 24518-2: What we need is some sort of Controller, An FCC. 246

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18-3: A Kp Controller. 24718-4: A PD or Pd Controller. 24818-5: The PID Controller. 24818-6: Simulation with Simulink (Flight of a Mission). 24818-7: Data Analysis of the Test Mission. 24818-8: Computation and Plotting of a Least-Squares Polynomial (D1). 24818-9: Numerical Evaluation of a Polynomial (D1). 248

CHAPTER 19 Equations of Flight 25719-1: Practical Equations of Motion for the Longitudinal Axis. 25719-2: We must Derive the Coefficients of Lift, Drag, and Moments. 26019-3: Numbers into the Equations of Motion. 26019-4: Some Equations Necessary for CL and CD calculations. 26319-5: Parameter Estimation and Modeling Save Our Hide. 26519-6: FS&AC summarize Equations of Motion in 5 separate sets. 26519-7: Steady State Trim Program and the State Space Concept. 26619-8: A Definition of Steady State Flight. 26619-9: Life, Drag, and Moment Coefficients. 26719-10: Lift, Drag, and Moment Coefficients in NASA reports. 26819-11: Power for Steady State Flight. 26819-12: Flight Mechanics. 268

CHAPTER 20 Numerical Analysis 27720-1: POLYFIT and POLYVAL on CD versus altitude Curve Fit. 27720-2: Three Dimensinal Plot of CD versus Altitude and Mach Number. 27920-3: Three Dimensional Plot with Meshgrid. 27920-4. Aerodynamic Derivatives are simple Partial Differential Equations. 27920-5: Interpolation of F-16 Coefficients from Tables. 27920-6: Interpolation of the Boeing Longitudinal and Lateral Aerodynamic Data. 27920-7: More Integration for the Text. 27920-8: Must Have Routines to Continue on in this book. 27920-9: The cost function, J or PI, that we must Minimize. 28020-10: Numbers and the Newton-Raphson method. 28220-11: Interative Solution in Linear Algebra and the Jacobi. 28320-13: Error Analysis. 28520-14: Data Analysis. 285

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1. Integral Under a Curve by the Simpson Method. 285 2. Numerical Analysis with the Newton-Rapson method. 285 3. The Taylor Series Polynomial. 285 4. The LaPlace Transform. 286

CHAPTER 21 Parameter Determination (Selection). 28921-1: Parameter Determination (Selection). 28921-2: Aircraft Motion and Control Variables. 29121-3: Combining Aircraft Parameters with Non-dimensional Coefficients. 29221-4: Categories of Coefficients by Aircraft Motion. 29221-5: The DATCOM User’s Manual and Computer Software (Digital Datcom). 29321-6: Parameter Coefficients. 29421-7: Inputs to the Digital Datcom Computer Program. 29521-8: Outputs. 29521-9: Output Sheet for Digital Datcom from the User’s Manual. 29721-10: DATCOM on the Boeing 737-100. 29821-11: Motion and Analysis. 298 1. Stability and Control. 298 2. Center of Gravity and Neutral Point. 298 3. Vtrim and Static Longitudinal Stability. 298 4. A GENERIC TRIM Program. 298 5. The Bulirsch-Stoer Polynomial Interpolaton. 298 6. Polyfit Finds Coefficients of the Polynomial. 298 7. Newton’s Raphson Method of Numerical Analysis. 298

CHAPTER 22 Missiles, Trajectories, and Guidance 30122-1: A Missile Program and Data Analysis (Flight Mission #22-1). 30122-2: What the Table Looks Like. 30622-3: Error Analysis of Calculated Pressure Vs Standard. 30822-4: It is always easier to Analyze Data or A Routine with Plots. 30922-5: Cleaning Up the Plot. 30922-6: Motion and Analysis. 309 2. A Linearization Program. 30922-7: Introduction to Handle Graphics (D1). 31022-8: GUIs (D2) 31022-9: Stem, Stairs, and Bar Plots (D3). 310

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22-10: Time Series (D4). 310

CHAPTER 23 Telemetry Data Analysis 31123-1: Range and Airborne Instrumentation. 31123-2: IRIG. 31223-3: Common Airborne Instrumentation System (CAIS). 31223-4: Motion and Analysis. 31223-6: Least Squares Approximation. 31523-7: Fourier Methods such as FFT (Fast Fourier Transform). 31523-8: Numerical Differentiation and Integration. 31523-9: Missile Test Mission #4, Data Analysis, and Test Report. 315

CHAPTER 24 Modern Automatic Control 31724-1: The Goal of Automatic Control is Stability of Flight. 31724-2: Longitudinal Stability in Flight Test. 31824-3: Flight Controls Enhanced by the Digital Revolution. 32024-4: A Working Knowledge of MATLAB (Essentials Review of MATLAB). 32124-5: Modeling with MATLAB. 32224-6: The Famous PID Controller. 32224-7: MATLAB for Root Locus. 32324-8: Frequency Response with the Bode and Nyquist Plots. 32324-9: State-Space with MATLAB and Simulink. 32424-10: Controller of a Digital Computer. 32424-11: Review of Simulink Essential Basics for Automatic Control. 32524-12: Model Based Design with Simulink. 325 325

CHAPTER 25 The Flight Control Computer (FCC). 32725-1: FBW. 32725-2: The Pitch Actuator Simulink Model of the F-14. 32825-3: Modified LTV Corsair actually first on Fly By Wire. 32925-4: Simultaneous Testing on AFTI and the X36 at NASA Dryden. 32925-5: The FCC of the AFTI F-16. 32925-6: F-16 Simulation in Straight and Level Configuration. 32925-7: Flight Control Computer. 329

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25-8: FCC as Classic Feedback Control System. 32925-9: Analogies Between FCCs and the G-H Block Diagram. 33125-10: Negative Feedback Control. 33225-11: Transfer Functions of the AFTI FCC. 33225-12: Feedback Control with an Inner Loop. 332

CHAPTER 26 Predicted versus Measured. 33326-1: Dr. R.A. Millikan’s, the Nobel Prize winning physcist, “ultimate truth”. 33426-2: Proceedure of “Parameter Estimation”. 33526-3: NASA Test Reports Show a Trend of 1 Calculated and 3 Measured. 33526-4: Predicted versus Measured in Physics Lab Experiments. 33526-5: Motion and Analysis. 33626-6: Program to Calculate Cl, Cd, and Cm. 33626-7: Analysis of Flight Data from the AFTI/F-16. 33626-8: MATLAB Program to Calculate Aerodynamic Derivatives. 33826-9: MATLAB Program to Calculate Cl, Cd, and Cm. 33826-10: Methods for Ordinary Differential Equations. 33826-11: The Saving and Loading of Data. 33826-12: Plotting for Graphical Visualization. 338

CHAPTER 27 F-16 Simulation with FORTRAN and MATLAB 33927-1: Some Data Analysis of A Test on the F-14. 34027-2: Stability Analysis of This Flight Control System. 34027-3: The Actuator. 34127-4: Dynamic Characteristics of the Aircraft. 34227-5: From FORTRAN to MATLAB. 34327-6: Data and Data Analysis of F-16 Flight Test Mission #3. 34427-7: Variables, ADC, Engine, and Coefficients in Tables. 344 1. State and Control Variables. 344 2. Air Data Computer and Engine. 344 3. Look up Tables for Aerodynamic Derivatives. 34427-8: Derivatives, State and Force Equations. 344 1. Damping Derivatives. 344 2. More on State Equations. 344 3. Force Equations. 34427-9: Kinematics. 344

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27-10: Moments. 34427-11: Navigation and Outputs. 34427-12: Functional Simulation Program for the F-16. 34427-13: Simulations at NASA. 34527-14: Simulator Study of F-16 Stall Characteristics. 345 350

CHAPTER 28 Flight Tests and the Process. 35128-1: Prime Differential Equation and the Process. 35228-2: Process Step #1: The Problem to Calculate and Measure Stability. 35328-3: Step #2, A Sketch of the Problem with Parameters. 35428-4: Step #3, Equations to Predict Plane Flight Characteristics. 35428-5: Step #4, Program the Equations into MATLAB. 35528-6: Step #5, View and Analyze the Plots in MATLAB. 35528-7: Step #6, Simulate in MATLAB SIMULINK. 35628-8: Animation of Flight Test for Step #7. 35628-9: Flight Test (Step 8). 35628-10: Data Analysis (Step 9). 35628-11: Flight Test Report (Step 10). 35728-12: Motion and Analysis. 35728-13: Curve Fitting to Test Data. 35928-14: Airfoil Data. 359

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Jerry V McMichael

Copyright © 2012 Jerry V

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Technical Applications of Computers with Matlab, FreeMat, Octave and Scilab.
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This book of TECHNICAL APPLICATIONS of Computers, along with the book "Who Is Jerry McMichael?", CHRONICLES OF AN RN, ENGINEER, PASTOR, AND ASSISTANT PROFESSOR, are both

dedicated to my great grandsons {preferably a second sweep of grandsons as "great" is so awesome}. Since I can not be there for

their (Graeson and Ryland Gentry) graduationout into the world, providing this world even makes it

that long before the Second Coming and END, they will need extras along with their generation for the challenge of the Falling Away.

Page 21: Jerry V. McMichael Job Titles: Principal Systems Engineer and · Jerry V. McMichael Job Titles: Principal Systems Engineer and email: Flight Test Engineer Engineering

Technical Applications of Computers 1

CHAPTER 1 Data Analysis and Systems Integration 131-1: Simulation of Space Shuttle with MATLAB programming. 131-2: Numerical Analysis the Anchoring Discipline. 151-3: Excel and MATLAB for Data Analysis. 171-4: Large Modern Systems in the Evolution of the Digital Atomic Age. 181-5: Differential Equations and Physics Have Taken a Bad Rap. 201-6: Many Threads of Modern Technology Made the Technical Revolution. 231-7: Sharing of Learning Theory. 25

1-9: Drilling with MATLAB Basics. 27

CHAPTER 2 The Digital Atomic Age 292-1: Math led the technical world into the Digital with Linear Algebra. 312-2: Some Things from “Optimization in Simulation Studies”. 312-3: New on Minimization, Optimization, and Parameter Estimation? 332-4: The Place of Equations in the Digital Revolution. 332-3: Most Physical Phenomenon is Analog, Requring Coversion to Digital. 332-4: The Math of Motion is a Good Starting Place for the Technical. 342-5: Digital and Digital Computers to Technical Applications of Computers. 362-6: “Digital Signal Processing”. 372-7: MATLAB, Path, and Workspace. (D1) 392-8: Plotting, Subplots, Axis and Labels. (D2) 432-9: Polynomial Algebra and Polynomial Roots. (D3) 442-10: Graphics and Descriptive Stats. (D4) 47

CHAPTER 3 Systems Integration. 533-1: Cl, Cd, and Cm on seleted Aircraft. 543-2: Steady State Flight with Principles of Stability and Control. 573-3: We can use the Transfer Function in MATLAB before the Theory. 593-4: Trim equilibrim as far as pitch when all moments at the C.G. are zero. 613-5: Numerical Optimization and the Trim. m Program. 623-6: Intro to Numerical Optimization. 643-7: FMIN in MATLAB. 643-8: FEVAL in MATLAB. 663-9: The Steady-State Trim Algorithms. 683-10: Polynomials and Plotting (D1). 69

Table of Contents

1-8 Ups and Downs of UAV Testing by John Del Frate of NASA. 26

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3-11: Matrices and Plotting (D2). 71

CHAPTER 4 UAV’s and Other Flight Test Reports 754-1: The Altair/Predator B. 764-2: Recent UAV Flight Test Experience at NASA, 1998. 774-3: Flight Tests of the X-48B UAV between 2007 and 2008. 794-4: AFTI/F-16 Flight Test Results and Lessons Learned. 824-5: Aircraft Parameter Estimation. 874-6: Graphics and Plot (D1). 904-7: Flow control (D2). 904-8: Plotting Complex Numbers and Function Plot (D3). 904-9: Normal Distribution (D4). 91

CHAPTER 5 The Process 935-1: The 10 step Process of this book. 935-2: The 10 step Process of Aerospace. 945-3: The Process of Learning: ILS. 955-4: Historical PROCESS of The Digital Atomic Age. 965-5: Math led the technical world into the Digital with Linear Algebra. 985-6: The Place of Mathematical Equations in the Digital Revolution. 985-7: Most Physical Phenomenon is Analog, Requring Coversion to Digital. 995-8: The Math of Motion is a Good Starting Place for the Technical. 995-9: Digital and Digital Computers & Applications of Computers. 995-10: Digital Signal Processing. 1005-11: Evolution in Math Techniques for Engineering Applications. 1025-12: Software, Firmware, and Digital Math. 1025-13: The Process in CMMI. 1035-14: The Process in “Embedded Systems Architecture”. 1035-15: Global Hawk Unveiled the Process at work in UAVs. 1045-16: Files/Directories, Handling Data, & External Programs (D1). 1065-17: Fourier Transform (D2). 1065-18: Plotting Polynomials with “polyval” (D3). 1065-19: Matrices of Data and Plotting (D4). 106

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CHAPTER 6 Parameters and Data Analysis. 1076-1: Practical Aircraft Parameter Estimation. 1096-2: List of Parameters. 1116-3: Approach of NASA Report # NASA TM-88281. 1116-4: Modern Minimization {Curve Fitting} Techniques. 1136-5: Cost Function, J or PI, for a Transport Aircraft. 1156-6. Basic Aircraft Parameters and Equations. 1166-7: The Cost Function, J. 1176-8: Cost Function in Model Methology of Operations Research. 1176-9: “Fminsearch” of MATLAB, Nelder and Mead Simplex Algorithm. 1176-10: Place of the Cost Function in Parametric Estimation. 1176-11: MATLAB Program for Aircraft Trim plus. 1176-12: Model Differencing Tool (D) 117

CHAPTER 7 Systems and Parameters. 1197-1: Ways to Model Linear Systems: State-Space and Transfer Function. 1217-2: Some history of State Space and the Transfer Function. 1237-3: Large Scale Digital Computer as Catalyst to Digital Atomic Age. 1247-4: The notions of State and Space. 1257-5: Linear Systems. 1267-6 Background for Cl, Cd, and Cm. 1277-7: Coefficients from Flight Test versus Mach and Altitude. 1287-8: From Aerodynamic Coefficients to Aerodynamic Derivatives. 1287-9: Plot of Moment Coefficient Curve with a Negative Slope. 1307-10: Aerodynamic Derivatives Simply Mean the Use of Partial DEs. 1317-11: Questions About Table 1 on Lift, Drag, and Moments. 1317-12: Working with the Pendulum System in MATLAB. 1327-13: Data In/Out, Printing, and Exporting Figures (D1). 1327-14: Text in Graphics, Symbols and Greek Letters (D2). 1327-15: Low Pass Filter and Log Plots (D3). 1327-16:Trend Analysis (D4). 132

CHAPTER 8 Programming with MATLAB. 1338-1. Measurement of the Damping Roll (NASA Dryden). 1338-2: Study of Longitudinal Dyanamic Stability in Flight. 1348-3: Files/Directories, Handling Data, & External Programs (D1). 134

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8-4: Fourier Transform (D2). 1348-5: Plotting Polynomials with “polyval” (D3). 1348-6: Matrices of Data and Plotting (D4). 1348-7: Programming Simulation of a Transport Aircraft. 1348-8: The Use of Functions in MATLAB programming. 1368-9: The Transport Aircraft Simulation in C&S. {Trim.m Program} 1388-10: Examples of “cost function” in CONTROL AND SIMULATION. 1418-11: Programming Input/Output in MATLAB. 1458-12: Relational and Logical Operators. 1458-13: Looping in MATLAB. 1468-14: Control Flow Statements in MATLAB programming. 1468-15: If-Else-If Statement in Programming. 1468-16: Using Loops in Programming Missiles. 1468-17: Function for [Mach,Qbar] = ADC(VT,H). 1468-18: Program 8-1 to Calculate State Derivative Vector for Transport plane. 146

CHAPTER 9 Programming Optimization. 1479-1: Aircraft State and Parameter Identification. 1479-2: A Good Place to Introduce the Wing Standards of NACA. 1489-3: The three types of Numerical Optimization are repeated here: 1489-1: Zero routines in Optimization. 1499-2: MATLAB calls it “Optimization”. 1509-3: Optimization in MATHEMATICA. 1529-4: Optimization in the Excel Data Analysis ToolPak. 1549-5: Optimization in MINITAB. 1549-6: “Cost Function” in Mathematica. 1549-7: Cost Function is Often Called Performance Index. 1559-8: Two Experts on Optimization and Parameter Estimation. 155 156

CHAPTER 10 System ID 15710-1. Basic Aircraft Parameters and Equations. 15810-2: The Cost Function, J. 15910-3: Cost Function in Model Methology of Operations Research. 15910-4: “Fminsearch” of MATLAB, Nelder and Mead Simplex Algorithm. 15910-5: Place of the Cost Function in Parametric Estimation. 159

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10-6: MATLAB Program for Aircraft Trim plus. 15910-7: Modeling, Parameter Estimation, and System Identification? 15910-8: Statistics Toolbox of MATLAB versus Data Analysis ToolPak of Excel. 15910-14: Model Differencing Tool (D). 160

CHAPTER 11 Automatic Control (holder) 16110-1. Basic Aircraft Parameters and Equations. 16210-2: The Cost Function, J. 16310-3: Cost Function in Model Methology of Operations Research. 16310-4: “Fminsearch” of MATLAB, Nelder and Mead Simplex Algorithm. 16310-5: Place of the Cost Function in Parametric Estimation. 16310-6: MATLAB Program for Aircraft Trim plus. 16310-7: Modeling, Parameter Estimation, and System Identification? 16310-8: Statistics Toolbox of MATLAB versus Data Analysis ToolPak of Excel. 16310-14: Model Differencing Tool (D). 164

CHAPTER 12 Integrated Electronics: Circuits and Systems. 16512-1: The Transfer Function makes this Evolution Process Evident. 16612-2: Modeling of Spring-Mass System and an LCR electronic Circuit. 16612-3: The PIDs, PD, and PI of today understandable with Circuits. 16612-4: Large Part of Digital Signal Processing is Circuits called Filters. 16712-5: From Circuits to LaPlace to Transfer Function. 16712-6: Select Electronic Circuits into Transfer Functions and Analysis. 16712-7: MATLAB for a “Gravity” function. 16712-8: MATLAB uses a lot of built in functions like “mean”. 16812-9: MATLAB Built-in Functions are in C:\MATLAB\toolbox\matlab\.. 17012-9: The Quadratic Equation function script with MATLAB. 17112-10: Strings and “feval” (D2). 17112-11: Data Markers and Line Types (D3). 17212-12: Linear Regression and Curve Fitting (D4). 172

CHAPTER 13 Integration. 17313-1: Programming in MATLAB. 17313-2: Programming Weather Data. 17413-3: Some More Work with Input/Output. 174

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13-4: Input/Output in Aircraft Time-History Simulation. 17813-5: Programming the NLSIM.m for Aircraft time-histor simulation. 18013-6: Methods of Aircraft State and Parameer Identification. 18313-7: Measurement of the Damping Roll. 18313-8: Study of Longitudinal Dyanamic Stability in Flight. 18413-9: Creating Graphical User Interfaces in MATLAB (D1). 18413-10: Guide for Drawing GUIs and “help unitools” (D2). 18413-11: Function Discovery (D3). 18413-12: Fourier Series (D4). 18413-13: Arrays, Matrices, Vectors, and Data Types (D5). 184

CHAPTER 14 Matrix Manipulations. 19114-1: Differential Equations and Matrix Manipulations. 19114-2: Matrix Manipulations from Raytheon Training. 19214-3: Matrix Manipulations from MATLAB training and books. 19214-4: Linear Algebra and Vector Calculus from Engineering Math and MATLAB. 19214-5: The Applied Physics of Practical Differential Equations and Matrices. 19214-6: Equations of Electrical Circuits like Equations of Motion. 19614-7: Equations of Motion are Differential Equations of Matrix Manipulations. 19814-8: More Programming and Vectorized Computations (D1). 19914-9: Another Drill on Saving and Loading Data in Other Formats (D2). 20014-10: Input, Eval, Feval, Debugging, and Profiling (D3). 20014-11: Subplots, Double Axis, and Labels (D4). 20014-12: Progressing on Finess of Plots (D5). 20014-13: Filters (D6). 200

CHAPTER 15 Applied Physics and Electronics. 20115-1: MATLAB and Simulink. 20115-2: Laplace Transform and Transfer Function. 20215-3: More RC Functional Networks with their TF(s) Equivalency. 20515-4: Programming the Motion of the Pendulum into MATLAB. 20515-5: RLC Circuit of Electricty also deals with physical motion. 20615-6: The TF to solve Motion Problems of an F-16 Accelerometr. 20615-7: The Spring Mass System Measures Acceleration of the F-16. 20815-8: Continuous Systems and Model for Bungee Jumping. 21115-9: Electromagnetic Spectrum, Microwaves, and Radar. 211

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15-10: Load Line Analysis of an Electric Circuit (D1). 21115-11: Time Series and Autocorrelaton (D2). 211

CHAPTER 16 From DEs to the Transfer Functions. 21316-1: Conversion of the DE to a Transfer Function Can be Done Directly. 21416-2: Applications of the Transfer Function. 21516-3: The Transfer Function. 21716-4: LaPlace Transform, parameters in s. 21716-5: State-Space Variable Equations. 21816-6: Solution of Second Order DE by State-Space. 22016-6: Concepts/Techniques Applied to the Electric Circuit. 22116-7: Program 5-1, MATLAB for the RLC Circuit of Figure 6-1. 22316-8: Put MATLAB to work for you! 22416-9: Damping and Natural Frequency with the Transfer Function. 22416-10: Transfer Function and State-Space. 22416-11: Fun Applications of TF to F-14 and F-16. 224

CHAPTER 17 MATLAB and Simulink. 23317-1: Blocks and Models of Simulink. 23317-2: Laplace Transform and Transfer Function. 23517-3: More RC Functional Networks with their TF(s) Equivalency. 23717-4 The Pendulum, Programmed and Simulated with Simulink. 23717-5 RLC Circuit of Electricty also deals with physical motion. 23917-6: The TF to solve Motion Problems of an F-16 Accelerometr. 23917-7 The Spring Mass System Measures Acceleration of the F-16. 23917-8: Continuous Systems and Model for Bungee Jumping. 24317-9: More Programming and Vectorized Computations (D1). 24317-10: Data Analysis. 24317-11: Another Drill on Saving and Loading Data in Other Formats (D2). 24317-12: Load Line Analysis of an Electric Circuit (D3). 24317-13: Time Series and Autocorrelaton (D4). 243

CHAPTER 18 Applications of The Transfer Function. 24518-1: The Boeing Aircraft Plant. 24518-2: What we need is some sort of Controller, An FCC. 246

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18-3: A Kp Controller. 24718-4: A PD or Pd Controller. 24818-5: The PID Controller. 24818-6: Simulation with Simulink (Flight of a Mission). 24818-7: Data Analysis of the Test Mission. 24818-8: Computation and Plotting of a Least-Squares Polynomial (D1). 24818-9: Numerical Evaluation of a Polynomial (D1). 248

CHAPTER 19 Equations of Flight 25719-1: Practical Equations of Motion for the Longitudinal Axis. 25719-2: We must Derive the Coefficients of Lift, Drag, and Moments. 26019-3: Numbers into the Equations of Motion. 26019-4: Some Equations Necessary for CL and CD calculations. 26319-5: Parameter Estimation and Modeling Save Our Hide. 26519-6: FS&AC summarize Equations of Motion in 5 separate sets. 26519-7: Steady State Trim Program and the State Space Concept. 26619-8: A Definition of Steady State Flight. 26619-9: Life, Drag, and Moment Coefficients. 26719-10: Lift, Drag, and Moment Coefficients in NASA reports. 26819-11: Power for Steady State Flight. 26819-12: Flight Mechanics. 268

CHAPTER 20 Numerical Analysis 27720-1: POLYFIT and POLYVAL on CD versus altitude Curve Fit. 27720-2: Three Dimensinal Plot of CD versus Altitude and Mach Number. 27920-3: Three Dimensional Plot with Meshgrid. 27920-4. Aerodynamic Derivatives are simple Partial Differential Equations. 27920-5: Interpolation of F-16 Coefficients from Tables. 27920-6: Interpolation of the Boeing Longitudinal and Lateral Aerodynamic Data. 27920-7: More Integration for the Text. 27920-8: Must Have Routines to Continue on in this book. 27920-9: The cost function, J or PI, that we must Minimize. 28020-10: Numbers and the Newton-Raphson method. 28220-11: Interative Solution in Linear Algebra and the Jacobi. 28320-13: Error Analysis. 28520-14: Data Analysis. 285

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1. Integral Under a Curve by the Simpson Method. 285 2. Numerical Analysis with the Newton-Rapson method. 285 3. The Taylor Series Polynomial. 285 4. The LaPlace Transform. 286

CHAPTER 21 Parameter Determination (Selection). 28921-1: Parameter Determination (Selection). 28921-2: Aircraft Motion and Control Variables. 29121-3: Combining Aircraft Parameters with Non-dimensional Coefficients. 29221-4: Categories of Coefficients by Aircraft Motion. 29221-5: The DATCOM User’s Manual and Computer Software (Digital Datcom). 29321-6: Parameter Coefficients. 29421-7: Inputs to the Digital Datcom Computer Program. 29521-8: Outputs. 29521-9: Output Sheet for Digital Datcom from the User’s Manual. 29721-10: DATCOM on the Boeing 737-100. 29821-11: Motion and Analysis. 298 1. Stability and Control. 298 2. Center of Gravity and Neutral Point. 298 3. Vtrim and Static Longitudinal Stability. 298 4. A GENERIC TRIM Program. 298 5. The Bulirsch-Stoer Polynomial Interpolaton. 298 6. Polyfit Finds Coefficients of the Polynomial. 298 7. Newton’s Raphson Method of Numerical Analysis. 298

CHAPTER 22 Missiles, Trajectories, and Guidance 30122-1: A Missile Program and Data Analysis (Flight Mission #22-1). 30122-2: What the Table Looks Like. 30622-3: Error Analysis of Calculated Pressure Vs Standard. 30822-4: It is always easier to Analyze Data or A Routine with Plots. 30922-5: Cleaning Up the Plot. 30922-6: Motion and Analysis. 309 2. A Linearization Program. 30922-7: Introduction to Handle Graphics (D1). 31022-8: GUIs (D2) 31022-9: Stem, Stairs, and Bar Plots (D3). 310

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22-10: Time Series (D4). 310

CHAPTER 23 Telemetry Data Analysis 31123-1: Range and Airborne Instrumentation. 31123-2: IRIG. 31223-3: Common Airborne Instrumentation System (CAIS). 31223-4: Motion and Analysis. 31223-6: Least Squares Approximation. 31523-7: Fourier Methods such as FFT (Fast Fourier Transform). 31523-8: Numerical Differentiation and Integration. 31523-9: Missile Test Mission #4, Data Analysis, and Test Report. 315

CHAPTER 24 Modern Automatic Control 31724-1: The Goal of Automatic Control is Stability of Flight. 31724-2: Longitudinal Stability in Flight Test. 31824-3: Flight Controls Enhanced by the Digital Revolution. 32024-4: A Working Knowledge of MATLAB (Essentials Review of MATLAB). 32124-5: Modeling with MATLAB. 32224-6: The Famous PID Controller. 32224-7: MATLAB for Root Locus. 32324-8: Frequency Response with the Bode and Nyquist Plots. 32324-9: State-Space with MATLAB and Simulink. 32424-10: Controller of a Digital Computer. 32424-11: Review of Simulink Essential Basics for Automatic Control. 32524-12: Model Based Design with Simulink. 325 325

CHAPTER 25 The Flight Control Computer (FCC). 32725-1: FBW. 32725-2: The Pitch Actuator Simulink Model of the F-14. 32825-3: Modified LTV Corsair actually first on Fly By Wire. 32925-4: Simultaneous Testing on AFTI and the X36 at NASA Dryden. 32925-5: The FCC of the AFTI F-16. 32925-6: F-16 Simulation in Straight and Level Configuration. 32925-7: Flight Control Computer. 329

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25-8: FCC as Classic Feedback Control System. 32925-9: Analogies Between FCCs and the G-H Block Diagram. 33125-10: Negative Feedback Control. 33225-11: Transfer Functions of the AFTI FCC. 33225-12: Feedback Control with an Inner Loop. 332

CHAPTER 26 Predicted versus Measured. 33326-1: Dr. R.A. Millikan’s, the Nobel Prize winning physcist, “ultimate truth”. 33426-2: Proceedure of “Parameter Estimation”. 33526-3: NASA Test Reports Show a Trend of 1 Calculated and 3 Measured. 33526-4: Predicted versus Measured in Physics Lab Experiments. 33526-5: Motion and Analysis. 33626-6: Program to Calculate Cl, Cd, and Cm. 33626-7: Analysis of Flight Data from the AFTI/F-16. 33626-8: MATLAB Program to Calculate Aerodynamic Derivatives. 33826-9: MATLAB Program to Calculate Cl, Cd, and Cm. 33826-10: Methods for Ordinary Differential Equations. 33826-11: The Saving and Loading of Data. 33826-12: Plotting for Graphical Visualization. 338

CHAPTER 27 F-16 Simulation with FORTRAN and MATLAB 33927-1: Some Data Analysis of A Test on the F-14. 34027-2: Stability Analysis of This Flight Control System. 34027-3: The Actuator. 34127-4: Dynamic Characteristics of the Aircraft. 34227-5: From FORTRAN to MATLAB. 34327-6: Data and Data Analysis of F-16 Flight Test Mission #3. 34427-7: Variables, ADC, Engine, and Coefficients in Tables. 344 1. State and Control Variables. 344 2. Air Data Computer and Engine. 344 3. Look up Tables for Aerodynamic Derivatives. 34427-8: Derivatives, State and Force Equations. 344 1. Damping Derivatives. 344 2. More on State Equations. 344 3. Force Equations. 34427-9: Kinematics. 344

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27-10: Moments. 34427-11: Navigation and Outputs. 34427-12: Functional Simulation Program for the F-16. 34427-13: Simulations at NASA. 34527-14: Simulator Study of F-16 Stall Characteristics. 345 350

CHAPTER 28 Flight Tests and the Process. 35128-1: Prime Differential Equation and the Process. 35228-2: Process Step #1: The Problem to Calculate and Measure Stability. 35328-3: Step #2, A Sketch of the Problem with Parameters. 35428-4: Step #3, Equations to Predict Plane Flight Characteristics. 35428-5: Step #4, Program the Equations into MATLAB. 35528-6: Step #5, View and Analyze the Plots in MATLAB. 35528-7: Step #6, Simulate in MATLAB SIMULINK. 35628-8: Animation of Flight Test for Step #7. 35628-9: Flight Test (Step 8). 35628-10: Data Analysis (Step 9). 35628-11: Flight Test Report (Step 10). 35728-12: Motion and Analysis. 35728-13: Curve Fitting to Test Data. 35928-14: Airfoil Data. 359