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JPN 4th Grade Vocabulary

昨夜=last night 食堂=dining hall 低下する=decline [v.i]

昨日=yesterday 議事堂=Diet building 低温=low temperature 

昨年=last year 発達する=develop 最低=lowest, worst

一昨日=day before yesterday 調達する=supply 低い=low

好意=good will 配達する=deliver 低まる=lower [v.i]

同好会=club of like-minded people 速達=express delivery 低める=lower [v.t]

好調=favorable 達する=reach  以上=more than

好み-inclinating, taste 友達=friends 以下=less than

好き=like 単語=word 以来=since

物好き=(idle) curiosity 単位=unit, credit(in school) 以外=except

お人好し=softhearted 単に=merely 以内=within, less than

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以って=with, by means of 失望する=be disappointed  治安=public peace&order

借金=debt 失敗する=fail 治まる=be subdued[v.i]

借家=rented house 失言=improper words 治める=subdue[v.t]

借りる=borrow  失う=lose  治る=heal, get well[v.i]

変化する=change  無料=free of charge 治す=cure, fix [v.t]

変動する=fluctuate  無理=impossible  英語=English language

変な=strange 無意味な=nonsense  英国=England

大変な=terrible 無事=safety 英会話=English conversation

変わる=change[v.i] 無礼な=rude 文法=grammar

変える=change [v.t] 無くす=lose   方法=method

失礼する=be impolite 無い=no, not  試験=examination, test, trial

失業する=become unemployed 明治=Meiji era 試合=game, match

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試作する=make a prototype  連なる=stand in a row[v.i]  必死=desperate

試食する=taste, sample food 連ねる=join together in a row[v.t]  必勝=certain victory

試着する=try on clothes 連れて行く=take someone along 必読書=must-read book

試みる=attempt 日本的=typically Japanese 必ず=without fail

試す=try 歴史的な=historic, traditional 必ずしも=(not)always

実験する=experiment[v.t] 合理的な=rational, logical 不要な=unnecessary

受験する=take an examination 標的=target 重要な=important

体験する=experience [v.t] 目的=purpose  要約する=summarize

連休=consecutive holidays 的中する=hit a target, prove correct 要求する=demand[v.t]

国連=United Nations  的=target 要する=require

関連する=relate 必要な=necessary 要る=need

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連続する=be consecutive 必然的な=inevitable 要石=keystone

卒業する=graduate 伝達する=convey(e.g. news) 初初しい=innocent

中卒=junior high school graduate 伝える=tell 書初め=New Year’s writing

高卒=high school graduate 伝わる=be transmitted 最後=last

大卒=university graduate 手伝う=assist 最近=recently

冷静な=calm 最初=beginning 最高=best

冷たい=cold  初日=first day 最大=largest

冷やす=cool[v.t] 初対面=first meeting 最小=smallest

冷える=grow cold[v.i]  初級=elementary level  最長=longest

冷ややかな=cold 初心者=beginner 最短=shortest

冷める=become cool[v.i] 初期=early(days) 最新=latest

冷ます=let cool [v.t] 初めて=for the first time 最も=most

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伝言する=convey message 初めに=first of all この辺=around here

周辺=circumference 受信する=receive(e.g. Radio) 働く=work[v.i]

近辺=vicinity   通信する=correspond 下働き=assistant job

辺り=nearby  祝日=national holiday 共働き=duel income

川辺=riverside 祝福する=bless 号泣する=wail

全然=not at all 祝う=celebrate 泣き声=crying voice

当然=natural, as a matter of course 料理=cuisine 泣き顔=tear-stained face

自然=nature 料金=fee 不都合な=inconvenient

信号=traffic lights, signal 材料=ingredients, material 不公平な=unfair

自信=self=confidence   原料=raw material 不思議な=mysterious, strange

不信=distrust 送料=shipping fee 不安=anxiety

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信用する=believe 給料=salary;wages 不満=dissatisfaction

返信する=reply 労働=labor 不足する=be short of

不器用な=clumsy 願う=wish 特有な=peculiar (to)

不用心な=careless, unsafe お願い=request[ n.] 特訓する=give special training

建立する=erect (building)[v.t] 関東=eastern half of JPN 特集する=feature(newspaper)

建つ=be built[v.i] 関西=south western of JPN 別な=different, another

建てる=build[v.t] 関節=a joint(in the body) 別別に separately

建物=building 関心=interest, concern 別世界=another world

建前=public position 関係する=be related 差別する=discriminate

二階建て=two-storied building 関所=barrier, checking station 区別する=differentiate

願望=wish[n.] 関わる=concern oneself, have to do with  別れる=be divided,part from

願書=application letter 特色=characteristic  感覚=sense, sensation

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悲願=one’s dearest wish 特急=express train 知覚する=perceive

念願=one’s heart desire 特別な=special 自覚する=become aware of oneself

発覚する=come to light 熱心な=enthusiastic  朝飯前=simple, piece of cake

覚える=remember, memorize 加熱する=heat[v.t] 愛する=love[v.t] 

覚める=wake up[v.i]   発熱する=generate heat 愛用する=use habitually

覚ます=awaken[v.t]  熱中する=be absorbed, be enthusiastic 愛=love[n.]

出席する=attend[v.i] 熱い=hot 愛人=lover, mistress

欠席する=be absent 結局=after all  愛国心=patriotism

指定席=reserved seat 結果=result 愛しい=lovely

自由席=unreserved seat 結合する=combine[v.i.] 愛おしむ=love[v.t.]

熱=fever, temperature 完結する=be completed  飛行機=airplane

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高熱=High fever high temperature 結ぶ=tie 飛行場=airport

光熱費=light and heating expenses 結う=do up(e.g. hair) 飛行船=airship

熱湯=boiling water  飯=meal, food (derogatory) 飛ぶ=jump, fly[v.i]

飛び上がる=Jump up   未成年=minority(as in age)[n.] 人事課=personnel department

飛ばす=send, fly[v.t]  前代未聞=unheard-of 課長=section manager

喜ぶ=be delighted[v.i] 未だ=as yet 課題=task

喜ばす=give pleasure, please[v.t] 未だ=not yet(with-verb) 続出する=appear 1 after another

申告する=file a report 完成する=complete, finish 続く=continue[v.i]

告白する=confess  完全な=perfect 続ける=continue[v.t]

広告=advertisement  希望する=hope[v.t]  手続き=formalities, procedure

原告=prosecutor 希求する=aspire to, seek 要望する=request[v.t]

告げる=inform 希望者=candidate, a hopeful 望遠鏡=telescope

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告げ口=tell on(someone)[n.] 一課=lesson one 本望=long cherished ambition

未来=future 日課=daily routine 望む=wish for

未完成=unfinished 放課後=after school 望ましい=desirable

成功する=succeed[v.i.]  結束する=band together, unite 教養=education, sophistication

成長する=grow  束ねる=bundle[v.t.] 養子=adopted child

成立する=form, be born, be completed 花束=bouquet 養育する=bring up, raise

成人式=coming-of-age-celebration  札束=roll of banknotes 休養する=rest[v.i.]

成る=become[v.i.]  束の間=brief moment 養う=rear, cultivate

成す=accomplish[v.t.] 選考する=screen, select[v.t.] 原型=prototype

功労者=meritorious person 当選する=be elected 典型=archetype

約一年=about one year 選挙=election 定型=fixed form

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約束する=promise[v.t.] 選手=player 体型=figure(body)

予約する=reserve 予選=preliminaries, try-outs 型=shape[n.]

節約する=save, conserve 選ぶ=choose 朝型=morning person

先約=previous engagement 栄養=nutrition, nourishment 夜型=night person

大型=large scale 協力する=cooperate 機械=machine

小型=small sized 協調する=cooperate 機会=opportunity   

歯型=tooth-mark 協議する=discuss, negotiate 動機=incentive

満足する=be satisfied 協会=association 待機する=stand by[v.i.]

満員=full, crowded 協定=pact, agreement 投機する=speculate(stock, currency)

満開=full bloom 説明する=explain 機=loom

満月=full moon 説得する=persuade 共通=common, shared

満点=perfect score 小説=novel[n.] 共通語=common language

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未満=less than 小説家=novelist 共同=collaboration, partnership

円満な=harmonious, peaceful 社説=editorial 公共=public

満ちる=be full[v.i.] 遊説する=campaign(for an election) 共感する=resonate

満たす=fill, fulfill[v.t.] 説く=preach, persuade 共有する=share[v.t.]

共に=together, both 工芸=industrial arts 地位=(social)status

両方共=both  園芸=gardening 順位=rank[n.](E.g. in a race)

安静=rest[n.]  風景=scenery 一位=first place

静止する=stand still 夜景=night view 位=rank, about, almost

静脈=vein 光景=scene, spectacle 十分位=about 10mins

静かな=quiet 景気=business/economic conditions 配置する=arrange

静まる=quiet down, calm down[v.i.] 不景気=economic depression 放置する=leave as is

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静める=appease, pacify, calm[v.t.] *景色=scenery 置く=put, place 

芸=art, performance 求人=help wanted, position vacant 参加する=participate

芸者=Geisha, JPN dancing&singing girl 追求=investigate, pursue 参戦する=participate in war

文芸=belles-lettres 求める=seek, request 持参する=bring

手芸=handicrafts 位置=position, location 参考書=reference book

参議院=House of Councilors 別便=separate mail   残業=overtime(work)

参る=visit, go[hum.], be beaten 便利な=convenient 残高=(bank)balance

*人参=Carrot 不便な=inconvenient   残雪=lingering snow

果実=Fruit, nut 便所=toilet, Restroom 残る=remain, be left[v.i.]

果たす=accomplish, fulfill[v.t.] 大便=feces 残す=leave (behind), reserve[v.t.]

果てる=be exhausted, die[.v.i] 小便=urine *名残=remain, traces

果てしない=endless  便り=news, letters 信念=faith, conviction  

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果物=fruit 教材=teaching materials  記念日=anniversary

賞金=monetary award 木材=lumber, timber 記念する=commemorate

賞品=prize   人材=man of talent 側面=side

一等賞=First prize 取材する=gather materials(for news story) 側近=close advisor

受賞する=win a prize 残念な=unfortunate, disappointing 内側=inside, interior

勝敗=victory or defeat 会議=meeting, conference 印象=impression

敗戦=defeat(in war) 消印=postmark 重量=weight

敗北する=be defeated[v.i.] 印刷する=print[v.t.] 交通量=traffic volume

敗れる=be defeated[v.i] 印=mark[n.] 消費量=amount of consumption

敗る=defeat[v.t.] 目印=mark, landmark 大量な=large(quantity)

命令する=order, command[v.t.] 矢印=arrow mark, sign post 量産する=Mass produce

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辞令=notice of personnel change 対象=target, object, subject 量る=measure, weigh

号令=word of command, order 気象=climate 各地=each place

議会=congress 象形文字=hieroglyph 各国=each nation

議員=member of congress 象=elephant 各種=each type, each kind

議長=chairman 量=quantity, amount 各大学=each university

議題=topic of discussion 数量=number, quantity 各各=respectively

競争する=compete お得意さん=customer 主観的な=subjective

競走する=race[v.i.] 所得=income  客観的な= objective[adj.]

競売=auction 習得=learn, master 楽観的な=optimistic

競輪=bicycle racing 得る=obtain, acquire 悲観的な=pessimistic

競馬=horse racing  得る=obtain, acquire 観光する=go sightseeing

競う=compete, contend 止むを得ない=unavoidable, inevitable 観察する=observe

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競る=compete, bid 観点=point of view 人種=race(of people)

戦争=war 観念=idea, notion 業種=type of industry

争点=point at issue 景観=scenery 品種=brand, kind

争う=dispute, argue, compete 外観=appearance, exterior 一種=one variety, one class

得な=profitable, economical  歴史観=historical viewpoint 種子=seed

得意な=be good at 先入観= prejudice, preconception 種=seed

苦笑する=smile bitterly 良い=good 訓辞=admonitory speech

冷笑する=laugh scornfully 良い=good 訓読み=Japanese reading of Kanji

一笑する=laugh off 仲良し=close friend 訓読=Japanese reading of Chinese text

笑う=laugh, smile [v.i] *野良犬=stray dog  教訓=lesson, moral(of a story)

笑い話=funny story 散歩=walk, stroll[n.] 勇気=courage

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笑顔=smiling face, smile  散文=prose  勇士=brave warrior, brave man 

笑み=smile [n.] 散会する=adjourn 勇ましい=brave

良心=conscience 散る=fall, scatter[v.i.] 案=plan, draft[n.]

良好な=favorable 散らす=disperse[v.t.] 案外=unexpectedly

不良=bad, delinquent 散らかす=leave untidy[v.t.] 案の定=sure enough

最良=the best, ideal 散らばる=be scattered about [v.i.] 名案=good idea

改良する=improve 訓練する=train[v.t.] 法案=bill(law)

議案=legislative bill 徒労=fruitless effort 街灯=street light

答案用紙=exam answer sheet 徒歩=travel by foot[n.]  商店街=shopping district 

案内する=guide[v.t.]  改正する=revise(e.g. law)  地下街=underground shopping center

立案する=draft[v.t.] 改行する=start a new line/Paragraph 街道=highway

考案する=plan, devise, contrive 改札口=ticket gate 街=street, town

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案じる=be anxious, devise a plan 改める=revise, change [v.t.] 街角=street corner

案ずる= be anxious, devise a plan改まる=become formal, be renewed[v.i.]バス停=Bus stop

生徒=pupil, student 漁村=fishing village 停学=suspension from school

教徒=believer (religion) 漁業=fishing (industry) 停車する=stop one’s car

信徒=believer (religion) 漁船=fishing boat 停止する=stop[v.i.,v.t.]

使徒=apostle, disciple 漁=fishing catch 停電する=go out, get cut off (electricity)

暴徒=insurgent, rioter 出漁する=go fishing 停戦=cease fire, suspend hostilities

調停する=conciliate  産声=baby’s first cry 老人=the aged

府立=managed by an urban prefecture 反省する=reflect on, think over老後=old age 

首府=metropolis 帰省する=go home(for a holiday) 老化する=become senile, grow old

京都府=Kyoto prefecture 省エネ=economical use of energy 老いる=grow old[v.i.]

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都道府県=administrative division of Japan 省みる=reflect on 老ける=grow old[v.i.]

産業=industry 省く=omit 清算する=liquidate, settle(an account),burying(the past)

産地=producing area 車輪=wheel 清い=clear;pure;noble

名産=local specialty 年輪=annual tree ring 清める=purify, cleanse, exorcise[v.t.]

不動産=real estate 輪=circle, loop 清まる=be purified or cleansed [v.i.]

産出する=yield[v.t.] 輪ゴム=Rubber band *清水=a spring, spring water

出産する=give birth to 指輪=rubber band 月給=monthly salary 

産む=give birth to *高輪=Takanawa (place name) 時給=hourly page hourly wage

給付する=pay, provide 毒薬=poison 小康=lull[n.]

費用=cost, expense 毒物=poison 積雪=fallen snow

学費=tuition, school expenses 中毒=poisoning, addiction 面積=area, square measure

食費=food expense 有毒な=poisonous, toxic 体積=capacity volume

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会費=membership fee 気の毒な=unfortunate, a pity 積極的な=positive, active, proactive

出費=expense, disbursements消毒する=disinfect, sterilize 山積する=pile up, lie in heap[v.i]

生活費=living expenses 毒する=poison[v.t.]   積む=pile up[v.i]

交通費=traveling expenses, carfare 健康=health   山積み=huge mound, heap

消費する=consume, spend 健全な=healthy, sound, wholesome 積もる=pile up[v.i.]

費やす=spend, waste健康的な=hygienic, healthful, sanitary 見積もる=estimate[v.t.]

毒=poison 健やかな=healthy   北極=north pole, Arctic

毒ガス=Poison gas *健気な=heroic, brace, admirable 南極=south pole, Antarctic

消極的な=pessimistic 使節=envoy, delegate, embassy 利点

多極化する=become multipolar 調節する=regulate, adjust, control利息=interest(bank)

極=very, extremely お節料理=New Year’s dish 利害=advantages/disadvantages interest

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極楽=paradise 節=node, section, occasion, time 利口な=clever, shrewd, bright, sharp

極める=carry to extremes[v.t.]  差=difference, variation 有利な=profitable, advantageous

極まる=reach an extreme[v.i.]  大差=great difference 利用する=use, utilize, apply

極み=height, acme, extremity 時差=time difference 勝利=triumph, victorious, succeed

節電=conservation of electricity, brownout 交差点=(street)intersection利く=be effective

節度=moderation 差す=raise(hand, umbrella) 左利き=left handed

季節=season 差し当たり=for the time being, at present 陸=land, shore

礼節=decorum, politeness, propriety 刷新する=reform, renovate 陸地=land

章節=chapter&sections 刷る=print[v.t.] 陸上=land, ground, shore

陸橋=overland bridge, overpass 始末する=manage, deal , settle 固い=hard, firm, certain

陸軍=army 末子=youngest child 戦場=battlefield, battleground

陸路=overland route, land route 末=top, end, tip 戦前=pre-war

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大陸=continent 末っ子う=youngest child 戦後=postwar

着陸する=land, touch down 固体=solid(body), solid matter 作戦=tactics, strategy

上陸する=land, go ashore 固形=solid(body) 決勝戦=final round match, finals

週末=weekend 固有=characteristic(of), peculiar (to) 観戦する=watch a game(sports)

月末=end of the month 強固な=firm, stable, strong 戦=war, battle,fight,campaign

年末=end-of-year 固定する=fix, be fixed 戦う=fight[v.i.]

結末=end; conclusion 固辞する=refuse firmly  脈=pulse

期末試験=final exam 固める=harden, freeze, fortify[v.t.] 文脈=context

末期的な=decadent, final, terminal 固まる=harden, solidify[v.i.] 動脈=artery

山脈=mountain range努力賞=prize awarded for person’s efforts 欠ける=be lacking[v.i.]

葉脈=veins of a leaf 努力する=exert oneself, strive 欠く=be short of,lack,neglect[v.t.]

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不整脈=irregular pulse,arrhythmia努める=work,strive,exertoneself 欠かせない indispensable

氏名=full name, identity 右折する=turn right 菜園=vegetable garden

氏族=clan, family  左折する=turn left 野菜=vegetable

田中氏=Mr. Tanaka 折る=break, fold[v.t.] 白菜=Chinese cabbage

氏=linage, family, Mr. 折り紙=origami 山菜=editable wild plants

氏神=Shinto god, patron god 折れる=break, be folded, give in[v.i.]前菜=hors d’oeuvres 

害=harm, damage  折=an occasion, a chance 菜の花=rape blossoms

公害=public nuisance, pollution 欠員=vacancy, vacant position菜っ葉=greens, leaf vegetable

加害者=assailant, perpetrator,wrong-doer 欠点=faults, defect, weakness青菜=greens

努力家=hard worker 出欠=presence or absence 器械=1.machine2.instrument

便器=bedpan,chamber pot 牧歌的な=pastoral, idyllic 殺害する=kill, murder

食器=tableware 放牧する=put out to pasture 暗殺する=assassinate

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楽器=musical instrument 牧=pasture, grazing land 自殺する=commit suicide

兵器=weapons, ordinance 民族=race, nation, people 毒殺する=poison, kill by poison

消化器=digestive organs 国民=citizen, people, nation 相殺する=offset, cancel out

器用な=skillful, handy 市民=citizen, townspeople 殺生する=kill, destroy life

不器用な=clumsy, unskillful 県民=citizens of prefecture 殺す=kill, murder

器=bowl, vessel, container 住民=residents, population 人殺し=murderer

牧場=farm pasture 農民=farmer, peasants 標語=motto, slogan, catchword

牧場=meadow 民=nation 標本=example, specimen 

牧草=pasture, grass 殺人=murder 標高=height above sea level, elevation

遊牧民=nomads 殺風景な=tasteless, dreary 目標=mark, objective, target

指標=index, indices 全焼する=burn down completely 衣料品=clothing

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商標=trademark 焼く=bake, grill[v.t.] 白衣=(doctor/nurse’s)white gown

労力=labor, effort, toil trouble 焼き物=earthenware, pottery 衣=clothes

労働時間=working hours,焼きもち=1.jealosuy2.roaster rice cake 管=pipe,tube,duct

労働組合=labor union 焼き鳥=grilled chicken on a stick 管楽器=wind instrument

心労=anxiety, worry, fear 目玉焼き=eggs fried sunny-side up 配管=plumbing,piping

苦労する=undergo hardship, suffer 焼ける=be burned, be sunburnt[v.i.]血管=blood vessel

周囲=surroundings, circumference 日焼け=sunburn 気管=trachea

包囲する=besiege, encircle 夕焼け=sunset 水道管=water pipe

囲む=surround, encircle 衣類=clothes, clothing, garments 試験管=test tube

囲う=enclose 衣服=clothes 管理する=control, manange(e.g. of a business)

焼死する=be burned to death 衣食住=food,clothing&shelter 管=pipe,tube

胃=stomach  塩味=salty flavor 外貨=foreign money

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胃腸=stomach&intestines 塩水=salt water,brine 通貨=currency

栄光=glory 一億=100,000,000 金貨=gold coin

栄転する=transfer with promotion[v.i.] 億万長者=billionaire 麦芽=malt

栄える=prosper, flourish 参加者=participant, entrant 発芽する=germinate,sprout[v.i.]

栄える=look better, look attractive 加速する=accelerate 芽=sprout[n.]

見栄え=look, appearance 加工する=manufacture, process, treat 新芽=bud,shoot[n.]

出来栄え=quality of finished product 参加する=participate 芽生える=bud,sprout[v.i.]

塩分=salt;salt content 追加する=add, supplement 機械的な=mechanical

塩害=salt-air damage 加える=append,add,include[v.t.] 機械化する=mechanize

食塩=table salt 加わる=grow,increase,join[v.i.] 長官=chief,secretary

塩=salt 貨物列車=freight train 器官=organ(body)

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季語=seasonal word 反旗=banner of revolt 救う=rescue, help

四季=four seasons 国旗=national flag 救い主=savior(The Savior);rescuer

夏季=summer season 半旗=flag at half-mast 一挙に=at a stoke, with a single swoop

冬季=winter season 日章旗=The Japanese flag 挙手する=raise one’s hand

雨季=rainy season 旗=flag 挙げる=raise, give, arrest[v.t.]

紀元=era,C.E. 手旗=semaphore flag 挙がる=rise, proper, come up[v.i.]

紀元前=B.C.E. 救急車=ambulance 鏡台=dressing table

紀行文=traveler’s journal 救世主=savior, messiah, rescuer 鏡=mirror

風紀=public morals 救世軍=Salvation army 手鏡=hand-mirror

世紀=century,era 救命ボート=lifeboat 軍=army, force, troops

21 世紀=21st century 救出する=rescue[v.t.] 軍隊=army, troops

旗手=standard-bearer 救助する=aid, rescue[v.t.] 軍人=military personnel, soldier

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軍事力=military force, military strength候文=writing in old epistolary style入札する=bid

空軍=air force 兆候=sign,omen,indication,symptom 千円札=1,000 yen bill

海軍=Navy 航海=voyage, cruise, navigation 改札口=ticket barrier, wicket

一軍=an army, entire army, first team 航路=course, route,run 落札する=make successful bid

郡部=rural districts, counties 航空機=aircraft 札=note[n.]

新田郡=Nitta County 航空便=air mail 名札=name tag, name plate

直径=diameter 航空会社=airline company 察知する=sense, infer

半径=radius 運航する=run(between)ply(the waters) 考察=consider, inquire

口径=aperture ,bore, calibre  札=paper money 察する=guess, sense, presume 

気候=climate 札入れ=wallet, billfold 士官=officer

時候=season, time of year 表札=nameplate, doorplate 士農工商=feudal hierarchy

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天候=weather 表札=nameplate, doorplate 兵士=soldier

名士=celebrity,personage  司法=administration of justice 辞書=dictionary, lexicon

同士=fellow, comrade, companion 司書=librarian 辞表=letter of resignation

力士=sumo wrestler 司祭=priest,rabbi 祝辞=congratulatory address

博士=PhD holder, learned man 司令官=commandant お世辞=flattery, compliment

*博士=expert, learned man 司会者=chairperson,moderator,MC 辞める=resign, retire

史料=historical sources 上司=boss, superiors 周期=cycle, period

史実=historical fact 行司=sumo referee 周波数=frequency(esp. of waveforms)

史学科=history department 児童=children, juvenile 円周=circumference

歴史=history  園児=kindergarten pupil 百周年=centennial

世界史=world history 育児=childcare, nursing, upbringing 一周する=go around once

日本史=History of Japan 小児科=pediatrics 周り=perimeter, surroundings

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文学史=history of literature 辞典=dictionary 順=order, turn[n.]

順番=order, turn[n.] 唱和する=sing/cheer in chorus 照れる=be shy, feel awkward

順路=(regular) route 合唱する=sing in chorus 照れくさい=be embarrassed

道順=itinerary, route 暗唱する=recite(from memory) 臣下=retainer

手順==process, procedure, protocol 唱える=recite, chant, call upon 家臣=vassal, retainer

筆順=stroke order 照明=illuminating, lighting 重臣=chief vassal, senior statesman

先着順=order of arrival 残照=afterglow 大臣=cabinet minister

順調な=favorable, alright, doing well, O.K. 対照的な=contrastive 浅海=shallow sea

松竹梅=pine,bamboo,plum 照合する=collate, compare 浅学=superficial knowledge

松=pine tree, highest rank 照会する=make inquires 浅い=shallow, superficial

松林=pine forest 参照する=compare, result, refer to 浅黒い=darkish, swarthy

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松葉=pine needle 照る=shine[v.i.] 浅はかな=frivolous, thoughtless

門松=New Year’s decorative pine trees 照らす=illuminate[v.t.] 遠浅=wide shallow beach

倉庫=storehouse,warehouse 包帯=bandage, dressing 貯金する=save money, deposit money

正倉院=Shosouin 所帯=household, housekeeping 兆=trillion, billion

倉=cellar, depository, warehouse 時間帯=time zone, time slot 前兆=omen, portent, sign

倉荷=warehouse goods 連帯感=feeling of solidarity 一兆=trillion,1,000,000,000,000

病巣=focus(of a disease) 隊=party, company, body, corps 兆す=show signs/indications

巣=nest, haunt, hive 隊員=group members 腸=guts, bowels, intestines

巣箱=nest box 隊長=commanding officer 大腸=colon

古巣=old haunts, former homes 楽隊=band, orchestra 小腸=small intestine

子孫=descendants, posterity 兵隊=soldier, sailor 底流=undercurrent

孫=grandchild 仲=relation, relationship 底辺=base, bottom

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地帯=area;zone;belt(of land) 仲間=friend, fellow, companion 海底=bottom of ocean

一帯=region,zone,whole place 貯水池=reservoir 根底=root, basis, foundation

典礼=ceremony, ritual, etiquette 消灯=switching off the light 万博=world fair

事典=cyclopedia, encyclopedia 灯=light[n.] 博打=gambling

原典=original 梅林=Japanese apricot/Plum grove 票=label, ballot, vote

古典=old book, classics, classic 梅毒=syphilis 白票=blank ballot, white ballot

法典=code of law, body of law 梅雨前線=seasonal rail front 得票=number of votes polled

式典=ceremonoy, rites 白梅=white-blossomed plum tree 一票=a vote, ballot

祭典=festival 塩梅=seasoning, condition, state 伝票=sales slip, voucher

典型的な=typical, representative 梅=Japanese apricot/plum 住民票=resident’s card

灯火=light 梅酒=Japanese apricot/plum wine 固定票=solid vote, solid support

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灯台=lighthouse *梅雨=rainy season 投票する=cast a vote, vote

灯油=lamp oil, kerosene 博学=erudition 開票する=count votes

電灯=electric light 博物館=museum 夫人=wife,Mrs, madam

農夫=peasant  副産物=by-product, spin-off 包丁=kitchen knife, carving knife

前部=former husband 副社長=vice president(company) 包む=wrap up, pack

人夫=coolie, carrier, labourer 副次的な=secondary 包み=bundle,package,parcel,bale

工夫=device, scheme  粉末=fine powder 小包=parcel,package

夫=husband 花粉=pollen 浴室=bathroom,bath

付く=adjoin, be attached,adhere[v.i.] 鉄粉=iron powder 海水浴=seabathing,seawater bath

気付く=notice, recognize 金粉=gold dust 日光浴=sunbathing

付ける=attach, add, append[v.t.] 小麦粉=wheat flour 入浴する=bathe[v.i.]

付け=bill, credit account 粉=powder  浴びる=bathe,bask in the sun[v.t.]

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*受付=reception desk 粉薬=powdered medicine 水浴び=bathing in cold water

副賞=bonus prize 粉々=in very small pieces 浴びせる=pour onto

副作用=reaction, side effect兵役=military service, conscription*浴衣=yukata(type of clothing)

類型=type, pattern 実例=example,illustration,instance 録画する=videotape[v.t.]

類語=synonym 前例=precedence 記録する=record,document[v.t.]

種類=variety,kind,type,category 例える=liken, use a simile 登録する=register

人類=mankind, humanity 例えば=for example

同類=the same kind, accomplice 学歴=academic background

親類=relative, kin 病歴=clinical history

分類する=classify 歴然る=plain,distinct,clear

例=instance,example,case 目録=catalogue, catalog

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例題=example,exercise(for reader) 付録=appendix, supplement

例文=model/example sentence 語録=analects, sayings

例外=exception 会議録=minutes, proceedings

例年=every year, annual 録音する=(audio) recording[v.t.]

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