Download - James Salsman jim@talknicer Sustainability Jam 22-24 November 2013 CBi China Bridge, Shanghai


A quick variety of business models promoting, effecting, and compatible with sustainability

A quick variety of business models promoting, effecting, and compatible with [email protected] Jam22-24 November 2013CBi China Bridge, ShanghaiIntroduction to James SalesmanCarnegie Mellon-trained statistician working since the 1990s on pronunciation assessment using speech recognition for language learning and at EF in Shanghai since May 2013. 199020135Hobbies include evaluating peer reviewed secondary academic journal literature, which uses statistics to describe the confidence and significance of inferences, and editing Wikipedia. is what we must do to

45502We will do it, because solar and wind power are growing so

()Even if solar power did not exist, wind power alone is growing fast

Scope of this talk does not include::Any business opportunities that existing companies are likely to be able to addressTraditional forms of renewable energySynthetic carbon neutral fuels: require large chemical engineering infrastructure:Petro-conglomerates already have this Batteries: very competitive industry:Pumped hydro storage: constrained by geography:Compressed air storage: too new for likely success:, container-based wind powerMakani Power (acquired by Google, 2012) (,2012) to very rapidly displace traditional tower-based wind farms, including by scrapping,Because they cost less than half and produce twice as much per land area, and they can go on ordinary trucks,,Logistics of marketing, sales, installation, grid integration, support and repair services vastly larger than current Makani staffing levels can support. Google is very likely to outsource these container-based wind


:11.5/ :350 - 600 m

:: E-

:8: :Shipping container-based wind


,,1,,,23,400Shipping container-based wind power

AWTSeawater carbon extraction Palo Alto Research Center (PARC) owns this:(PARC): will manifest as likely very large or outright giant plants on ocean ports Very opaque commercialization prospects PARC may be fielding lock-up offers from petroleum companies who are likely to be severely disrupted PARCHowever, their DARPA funding contract almost certainly requires reasonable and customary licensing termsDARPACoastal and island jurisdictions may choose to opt out of patent encumbrance on national security

Seawater carbon extraction


Income equality Very complicated political history, but a mistake by Yale Professor Arthur Okun is the source of most of the confusion: , profound and wide-ranging implications, especially in China ,New unoccupied property transaction tax: 20% :20%Property tax announced last week New down-payment for second urban home: 70% ,:70%Likely to cause continued sharp increases in the broad healthcare sectors equality



High-yield bond funds Likely destination of most Chinese investment savings as real estate becomes less attractiveStock market is far too volatile under command economy Chinese bond market has been remarkably stable and consistent, including through crises ,Returns have been about half of investment grade U.S. high-yield bond funds with 30+ bond

500Shareholder activism and resolution support servicesAs the 1% who stand with the 99% age and become more active as shareholders, they are likely to become extremely successful1%99%, However, pushing shareholder resolutions requires delegate attendance at shareholder meetings and limited power of attorney actions,Such actions are easy to outsource to service bureaus, if and only if such services are being offeredExamples: fossil fuel divestment, CEO pay caps, strengthening social security, etc. :,CEO, [email protected]

Thank you!