Download - Interaction Design Practice # 1 : UI Design and Prototyping

Page 1: Interaction Design Practice # 1 : UI Design and Prototyping


Interaction Design

Practice #1: UI Design and Prototyping

Dr. 莊雅量

Page 2: Interaction Design Practice # 1 : UI Design and Prototyping


• Design Process• Usability Test• Paper Prototype Testing• Make UI with Photoshop and


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Generating New Experiences: Requires Two Fundamental Phases

Learning about People

Current Experiences

User ResearchEthnographyAnthropology


Designing New


Design(Graphics, products,

services, interactions)

Participatory DesignBusinessMarketing


Source: Maschi, S. (2012)。 The experience economy. In 2012丹麥服務創新研修行前補充講義。台北市:中國生產力中心。

New Concept



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Dieter Rams’ 10 principles for

good design

1. Good design is innovative2. Makes a product useful3. Aesthetic4. Makes a product understandable5. Unobtrusive6. Honest7. Long-lasting8. Thorough down to the last detail9. Environmentally-friendly10.As little design as possible

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General Design Process

Kristof, R., & Satran, A. (1995). Interactivity by design: Creating & communicating with new media. San Jose, CA: Adobe.

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Usability (使用性 ) and User Model

The design model and the user's model (based on Norman 1986, p.46).

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Usability Test

• Brief Demonstration

• Case—Amberlight:

• Bookstore Website (process)

• Usability Testing of Fruit

• Website for Kids (with paper prototype)

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Generating New Experiences: Requires Two Fundamental Phases

Learning about People

Current Experiences

User ResearchEthnographyAnthropology


Designing New


Design(Graphics, products,

services, interactions)

Participatory DesignBusinessMarketing


Source: Maschi, S. (2012)。 The experience economy. In 2012丹麥服務創新研修行前補充講義。台北市:中國生產力中心。

New Concept



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What & Who

• 你要幫人們解決什麼樣的問題 ?滿足什麼樣的需求 ?

• 生活的改善、文明的進步都是在把問題化解,使一切順適而已。如果這樣看設計,設計就是出點子,在我們人生中隨處都需要動腦筋,因此人人都需要有設計的頭腦,只是我們把用在物品的設計上的這份頭腦當成設計的典型,把它的過程加以分析,作為模式來傳播推廣。


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運用 5W1H, 界定你將設計的產品

• Who: 主要顧客、次要顧客、相關協助人員 ?

• What: 你要幫顧客解決的什麼問題 ?• How: 如何解決 ?• Why: 為何顧客會願意採用你的設計 ?你可以帶給他們什麼樣的價值 ?

• When: 顧客何時會使用 ?• Where: 顧客會怎麼使用你的設計 ?會不會分享給她的朋友 ? 10

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1. Tools:• Things you need, but do not want to spend time

on.• For these type of products a positive emotional

engagement is an asset – probably for high-end products -, and negative experiences should be avoided.

2. For Leisure Time:• Their task is to generate experiences, often

positive in nature, but not necessarily so: some elements in movies or art deliberately evoke negative emotions.


(3) 產品或服務的屬性,可大概分為下列兩類

Source: P. 7 in Westerink, J., Ouwerkerk, M., Overbeek, J. M. T., & Pasveer, W. F. (Eds.) (2008). Probing experience: From assessment of user emotions and behaviour to development of products. Dordrecht, the Netherlands: Springer.

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Design Process

1. Software Architecture -> Function Tree and the Main pages

2. Design the layout of each page3. Create the elements within the

pages4. Make the interactions in the pages

and between the pages


• Conduct usability test to verify the designs whenever you want to discuss with the users

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An example as demonstration 13

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Design Process

1. Software Architecture -> Function Tree and the Main pages


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Design Process

2. Design the layout of the main pages


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Design Process

3. Create the elements within the pages


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Design Process

4. Make the interactions in the pages and between the pages


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Design Process

4. Make the interactions in the pages and between the pages


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Design Process

5. Evaluate the design with your target users


① Prototyping on Paper

② Axure my demo with your devices:

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Design Process

1. Software Architecture -> Function Tree and the Main pages


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UI Design Principles

• Metrics and Grids

• Typography:

• Icons

• Gestures

• Navigation

• Conventions related to the platform