Download - Inglés 1 - Temas de Grammar

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    Articles Los Artculos

    Artculos determinados (the) e indeterminados (a, an).

    A diferencia del indeterminado, el artculo determinado se usa para personas o cosas concretas: the(de/di)-el,la,lo,los,las. the boy -elnio the boys-losnios the apple-lamanzana the girl-lania the girls-lasnias the buses-losautobuses

    a(i/e)-un,una.(seusacuandolapalabrasiguienteesunaconsonante) a boy -unnio a girl-unania a man-unhombre a woman-unamujer a factory -unafbrica a house-unacasa

    an(an)-un,una.(seusacuandolapalabrasiguientecomienzaconvocalocon consonantes mudas) an apple-unamanzana an engineer-uningeniero an umbrella-unparaguas an elephant-unelefante an hour-unahora an honor-unhonor

    La nica excepcin a esta regla son las palabras que empiezan con u y sta se pronuncia i:

    a university-unauniversidad a union-unsindicato a uniform-ununiforme a universe-ununiverso

    PRONOUMSLos Pronombres


    Pronombres Pronombres Adjetivos Pronombres Pronombres Personales AcusativosPosesivosPosesivos Reflexivos

    I me my mine myself you you your yours yourself he him his his himself she her her hers herself it it its -- itself

    we us our ours ourselves

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    PronombresIndefinidos everybody nobody somebody anybody everyone no one someone anyone everything nothing something anything

    Pronombres Relativos who which that whom whose

    Pronombres Recprocos each other / one another

    NOUNSLos Sustantivos

    En ingls la mayora de las palabras que sirven indistintamente para masculino y femenino: friend = amigo/a, writer = escritor/a, etc. Pero aqu veremos tambin cmo se pueden hacer distinciones.

    La mayora de los sustantivos sirven indistintamente para masculino o femenino friend(frnd)-amigo/amiga writer(riter)-escritor/escritora teacher(tcher)-profesor/profesora pupil(pipil)-alumno/alumna lawyer(lier)-abogado/abogada

    Algunos sustantivos cambian en su forma:

    Masculine Feminine

    king(king)-rey queen(kuin)-reina prince(prins)-prncipe princess(prnces)-princesa actor(ctor)-actor actress(ctres)-actriz waiter(witer)-camarero waitress(witres)-camarera host(just)-anfitrin hostess(justes)-anfitriona god(gd)-dios goddess(gdes)-diosa heir(er)-heredero heiress(eres)-heredera hero(jrou)-hroe heroine(jrouin)-herona

    Pronombres Pronombres Adjetivos Pronombres Pronombres Personales AcusativosPosesivosPosesivos Reflexivos

    you you your yours yourselves they them their theirs themselves

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    Algunas personas que cambian:

    Masculine Feminine

    man (man)-hombre woman(wman)-mujer boy(bi)-nio girl(gurl)-nia father(fder)-padre mother(mder)-madre husband(jsband)-marido wife(wif)-esposa son(san)-hijo daughter(dter)-hija brother(brder)-hermano sister (sster)-hermana uncle(nkl)-to aunt(ant)-ta nephew(nfiu)-sobrino niece(nis)-sobrina boyfriend(bifrend)-novio girlfriend(gurlfrend)-novia gentleman(yntlman)-seor lady(lidi)-seora

    Algunos animales que cambian:

    Masculine Feminine

    bull(bl)-toro cow(cu)-vaca cock(ck)-gallo hen(jen)-gallina lion (lion)-len lioness(liones)-leona tiger(tiguer)-tigre tigress(tigres)-tigresa stallion(stlion)-semental mare(mr)-yegua drake(drik)-pato duck(dk)-pata ram(rm)-carnero ewe(i)-oveja

    Podemos hacer una distincin agregando las palabras male (mil) -para masculino-o female(fimil)-parafemenino-.Paraprofesiones,podemosanteponerman o woman al sustantivo.

    Masculine Feminine

    A male pupil-unalumno A female pupil -unaalumna A male dancer-unbailarn A female dancer-unabailarina A male canary-uncanario A female canary-unacanaria A male baby -unbeb A female baby-unabeb A man doctor -undoctor A woman doctor-unadoctora A man lawyer-unabogado A woman lawyer -unaabogada

    SINGULAR AND PLURAL NOUNSLos Sustantivos Singular y Plural

    En ingls, la mayora de las palabras se pluralizan agregando una s al singular, pero veremos que tambin hay otras formas.

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    La mayora agrega s al Singular

    Singular Plural

    boy (boi)-nio boys(bis)-nios girl(gurl)-nia girls(gurls)-nias car(car)-auto cars(cars)-autos plane(plin)-avin planes(plins)-aviones boat(but)-barco boats(buts)-barcos

    Hay palabras con plurales irregulares

    Singular Plural

    man (man)-hombre men(men)-hombres woman(wman)-mujer women(wumen)-mujeres person(prson)-persona people(ppl)-personas child(child)-nio children(chldren)-nios tooth(tz)-diente,muela teeth(tiz)-dientes,muelas foot(ft)-pie feet(fit)-pies louse(lus)-piojo lice(lis)-piojos mouse(mus)-ratn mice(mis)-ratones ox(ks)-buey oxen(ksen)-bueyes goose(gsss)-ganso geese(guis)-gansos

    Hay sustantivos que son siempre plurales trousers(trusers)-pantalones pants(pnts)-pantalones pajamas(padchmas)-pijama drawers(drers)-calzoncillos clothes(clus)-ropa scissors(ssors)-tijeras glasess(glses)-anteojos goods(gds)-mercancas stairs(strs)-escaleras thanks(znks)-gracias savings(sivings)-ahorros scales(skils)-balanza pincers(pncers)-pinzas shorts(shrts)-pantalonescortos shears(shers)-tijerasparapodar tweezers(tuisers)-pinzasdedepilar binoculars(binkiulars)-prismticos measles(msls)-sarampin mumps(mmps)-paperas

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    Algunos sustantivos tienen la misma forma en el plural y en el singular

    sheep(ship)-oveja/ovejas fish(fsh)-pez/peces fowl(ful)-avedecorral/avesdecorral deer(dir)-ciervo/ciervos moose(mus)-alce/alces species(spshis)-especie/especies aircraft(ercraft)-avin/aviones means(mins)-medio/medios

    Cuando terminan en s/z/x/sho ch, agregan es para formar el plural

    Singular Plural

    dress(drs)-vestido dresses(drsis)-vestidos bus(bs)-autobs buses(bsis)-autobuses buzz(bss)-zumbido buzzes(bssis)-zumbidos church(chrch)-iglesia churches(chrchis)-iglesias beach(bich)-playa beaches(bichis)-playas dish(dish)-plato dishes(dshis)-platos brush(brsh)-cepillo brushes(brshis)-cepillos box(bx)-caja boxes(bxis)-cajas fox(fox)-zorro foxes(fxis)-zorros

    Cuando los sustantivos terminan en o hay dos maneras:

    Si la o es precedida por una consonante, las palabras agregan es. (hay muchas excepciones a esta regla)

    Singular Plural

    potato(potitou)-papa potatoes(potitous)-papas tomato(tomitou)-tomate tomatoes(tomitous)-tomates hero(jrou)-hroe heroes(jrous)-hroes echo(kou)-eco echoes(kous)-ecos torpedo(torpdou)-torpedo torpedoes(torpdous)-torpedos

    -Silao es precedida por una vocal, agregan s

    Singular Plural

    rodeo(rudio)-rodeo rodeos(rudios)-rodeos patio(ptio)-patiotrasero patios(ptios)-patios

    Cuando los sustantivos terminan en y, hay dos maneras:-Sila y es precedida por una consonante, la y cambia por ies

    Singular Plural

    city(cti)-ciudad cities(ctis)-ciudades lady(lidi)-seora ladies(lidis)-seoras story(stri)-historia stories(stris)-historias fly(fli)-mosca flies(flis)-moscas country(cntri)-pas countries(cntris)-paises

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    -Silay es precedida por una vocal, agregan una s

    Singular Plural

    boy (bi)-chico boys(bis)-chicos day(di)-da days(dis)-das

    Algunos que con terminacin en f o fe, cambian por ves

    Singular Plural

    life(lif)-vida lives(livs)-vidas wife(uif)-esposa wives(uivs)-esposas knife(nif)-cuchillo knives(nivs)-cuchillos thief(zif)-ladrn thieves(zivs)-ladrones half(jf)-mitad halves(jvs)-mitades calf(cf)-ternero calves(cvs)-terneros elf(lf)-duende elves(lvs)-duendes shelf(shlf)-estante shelves(shlvs)-estantes loaf(luf)-hogazadepan loaves(luvs)-hogazasdepan wolf(wlf)-lobo wolves(wlvs)-lobos sheaf(shif)-fajo sheaves(shivs)-fajos leaf(lif)-hoja leaves(livs)-hojas

    Cuando terminan en is, cambian por es

    Singular Plural

    thesis(zses)-tesis theses(zsis)-tesis analysis(anlises)-anlisis analyses(anlisis)-anlisis crisis(crises)-crisis crises(crisis)-crisis oasis(ouises)-oasis oases(ouisis)-oasis hypothesis (jaipzeses)-hiptesis hypotheses(jaipzisis)-hiptesis diagnosis (daiagnuses)-diagnsis diagnoses(daiagnusis)-diagnsis

    Cuando terminan en us, cambian us por i

    Singular Plural

    cactus(cctos)-cacto cacti(cctai)-cactos nucleus(niklios)-ncleo nuclei(nuklii)-ncleos focus(fukes)-foco,centro foci (fusi)-focos,centros stimulus(stmiulas)-estmulo stimuli(stmiuli)-estmulos syllabus(slabas)-programa syllabi(slabai)-programas de estudio de estudio

    Cuando terminan en on, cambian por a

    Singular Plural

    criterion(craitrion)-criterio criteria (craitria)-criterios phenomenon(fenmenon)-fenmeno phenomena(fenmena)-fenmenos

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    Algunos sustantivos se obtienen a partir del uso de un adjetivo precedido por el artculo determinado the: the rich, the poor.

    the + adjective (para grupos de personas)

    Podemos usar el artculo the con muchos adjetivos para referirnos a grupos de personas (notar que es siempre plural)

    the poor (depor)-lospobres the rich(derch)-losricos the young(deing)-losjvenes the old(diuld)-losviejos the sick(desk)-losenfermos the elderly (dilderli)-losancianos the blind(deblind)-losciegos the unemployed(dianemplid)-losdesempleados the dead (didd)-losmuertos the homeless(dejumles)-lossincasa

    the English-losingleses the French-losfranceses the Spanish-losespaoles the British-losbritnicos the Irish-losirlandeses


    Sustantivos Contables e Incontables

    Los sustantivos contables se pueden contar (one car, two bees) y los incontables necesitan unmodificadorparaexpresarcantidad(aglassofwater).

    Qusonlossustantivosincontables?Las palabras como azcar y dinero son incontables en espaol, puesto que no podemos decir dos azcares, tres dineros.

    En ingls tambin existen y poseen las siguientes caractersticas:No pueden usarse con los artculos a / an - Es incorrecto decir a money No pueden pluralizarse.-Esincorrectodecir3 electricities Toman verbo en singular. The sugar is.-Esincorrectodecir The sugar are ...

    Otra ayuda podra ser pensar que los incontables llevan cuantificadores comomuch y little,mientrasquelossustantivoscontablesllevancuantificadorescomomany y few.

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    Incontables Contables

    How much? - Cunto? How many? - Cuntos? much money-muchodinero many bills-muchosbilletes muchtraffic-muchotrfico many cars-muchosautos little food-pocacomida few cookies-pocasgalletas little fruit-pocafruta few apples-pocasmanzanas


    Con sustantivos incontables Con contables

    much (mch)-mucho many(mni)-muchos so much(sumch)-tanto so many(sumni)-tantos too much(tchmch)-demasiado too many (tchmni)-demasiados little(ltl)-poco few(fi)-pocos a little(altl)-algode a few(afi)-algunos less(ls)-menos-menorcantidadde fewer (fier)-menornmeroque the least(delist)-lamenorcantidad the fewest-elmenornmerode

    a large amount of-unagrancantidadde a large number of -ungrannmerode

    Aqu hay una lista de los sustantivos incontables ms comunes:

    Sustantivos incontables ms comunes Ejemplos de cmo convertirlos en contables

    accommodation -alojamiento a place to stay-unlugardondealojarse advice-consejo a piece of advice-unconsejo baggage-equipaje a suitcase-unavalija information-informacin a piece of information-undato news-noticias a piece of news-unanoticia travel-viaje a journey, a trip-unviaje work-trabajo a job-untrabajo


    Adjetivos comparativos y superlativos

    Cuando establecemos una comparacin utilizamos los adjetivos y sus tres grados: positivo, comparativo y superlativo.

    Grados de los Adjetivos

    Los adjetivos tienen tres grados de comparacin.Grado positivo, grado comparativo, grado superlativo:

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    positivo comparativo superlativo tall taller the tallest alto ms alto el ms alto

    big bigger the biggest grande ms grande el ms grande intelligent more intelligent the most intelligent inteligente ms inteligente el ms inteligente

    expensive moreexpensive themostexpensive caro ms caro el ms caro

    Johnistall,butBillistaller than John. John es alto pero Bill es ms alto que John. Jackisverytall.Heisthe tallest man in the team. Jackesmuyalto.Elesel hombre ms alto del equipo.

    Adjetivos Monoslabos - Formacin del Comparativo y Superlativo

    Monoslabos Comparativo Superlativo adj + er adj + est small smaller the smallest pequeo ms pequeo el ms pequeo tall taller the tallest alto ms alto el ms alto young younger the youngest joven ms joven el ms joven old older the oldest viejo ms viejo el ms viejo new newer the newest nuevo ms nuevo el ms nuevo long longer the longest largo ms largo el ms largo short shorter the shortest corto ms corto el ms corto big bigger the biggest grande ms grande el ms grande fat fatter the fattest gordo ms gordo el ms gordo

    Adjetivos Bislabos - Formacin del Comparativo y Superlativo

    Bislabos terminados en: -y, -er, -le, -ow, (y otros muy conocidos)

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    Bislabos Comparativo Superlativo adj + er adj + est

    easy easier the easiest fcil ms fcil el ms fcil

    happy happier the happiest feliz ms feliz el ms feliz

    crazy crazier the craziest loco ms loco el ms loco

    clever cleverer the cleverest inteligente ms inteligente el ms inteligente

    tender tenderer the tenderest tierno ms tierno el ms tierno

    humble humbler the humblest humilde ms humilde ms humilde

    gentle gentler the gentlest suave ms suave el ms suave

    narrow narrower the narrowest angosto ms angosto el ms angosto

    polite politer the politest amable ms amable el ms amable

    Adjetivos Largos - Formacin del Comparativo y Superlativo

    Adjetivos Comparativo Superlativo Largos more + adj the most + adj

    expensive more expensive the most expensive caro ms caro el ms caro

    modern more modern the most modern moderno ms moderno el ms moderno

    beautiful more beautiful the most beautiful hermoso ms hermoso el ms hermoso

    elegant more elegant the most elegant elegante ms elegante el ms elegante

    interesting more interesting the most interesting interesante ms interesante el ms interesante

    dangerous more dangerous the most dangerous peligroso ms peligroso el ms peligroso

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    Formacin irregular de comparativos y superlativos

    Adjetivo Comparativo Superlativo o Adverbio

    good better the best bueno mejor el mejor

    well better the best bien mejor de la mejor forma

    bad worse the worst malo peor el peor

    badly worse the worst mal peor de la peor forma

    much more the most mucho ms la mayor parte

    many more the most muchos ms la mayora

    little less the least poco menos el menos

    far farther the farthest lejos ms lejos el ms lejano

    far further* the furthest lejos ms lejos el ms lejano




    Hereisashortlistof70ofthemorecommonone-wordprepositions.Manyoftheseprepositionshave more than one meaning.

    aboard about above across after against along amid among anti around as at

    behind below beneath beside besides between beyond but by

    concerning considering despite down during

    except excepting excluding

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    following for from

    in inside into

    like minus


    of off on onto opposite outside over

    past per plus

    regarding round

    save since

    than through to toward towards

    under underneath unlike until up upon

    versus via with

    within without


    Verbos Modales

    Can puedo I can dance. Could podra / pude / poda / pudiera I could dance if I could practice. May podra / quizs / puede que It may rain today. Might podra / quizs / puede que They might come tomorrow. Must debo / debo de I mustgo. - Shemustbecrazy. Should debera / tendra que I should study more. Ought to debera / tendra que I ought to study more.

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    Oraciones condicionales

    Conditional Type 0

    Este condicional refiere a verdades universales o situaciones de causa y consecuencia:


    If clause Main clause If + Present tense Present tense If you freeze water it turns into ice.

    Ifyoufreezewater,itturnsintoice. Si congelas el agua, se convierte en hielo. IfIworktoomuch,Igettired. Si trabajo demasiado, me canso. IfIhavetime,Iusuallygotothemovies. Si tengo tiempo, generalmente voy al cine. Ifsheeatshamburgers,shegetsanallergy. Si ella come hamburguesas, le da alergia. Iftheycomehere,theyalwaysbringapresent. Si ellos vienen aqu, siempre traen un regalo. Ifshedoesntknowtheanswer,shekeepssilent. Si ella no sabe la respuesta, se mantiene en silencio. IfwedontgooutonSaturdays,werentavideoandstayhome. Si no salimos los sbados, alquilamos un video y nos quedamos en casa.

    Conditional Type 1

    If + simple present + simple future. Se emplea cuando una situacin es real o posible: If it rains today, Ill stay at home.

    If clause Main clause If + Present tense will / can / may / must + verb If it rains today, Ill stay at home

    Ifitrainstoday,Illstayathome. Si llueve hoy, me quedar en casa. Ifheisbusynow,Iwillcomebacktomorrow. Si est ocupado ahora, regresar maana. IfIhavetime,Illvisitmyparentsthisafternoon. Si tengo tiempo, visitar a mis padres esta tarde. Ifitiswarmtomorrow,wellgotothebeach.

    Si est caluroso maana, iremos a la playa. Ifitiscold,youmustwearwarmclothes.

    Si est fro, debes usar ropa abrigada.

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    Si ella no te llama, t puedes llamarla. Ifyouworkhard,youmaybecomeamillonairesomeday.

    Si trabajas duro, puede que te conviertas en un millonario algn da. Ifyouspendmorethanyouearn,youllbecomeapoorman.

    Si gastas ms de lo que ganas, te convertirs en un hombre pobre. Iftheydontinviteyou,youmustnotgo.

    Si ellos no te invitan, no debes ir. Ifwedonthurry,wellmissourbus.

    Si no nos apuramos, perderemos nuestro autobus. Ifyoupaynow,youllgetadiscount.

    Si pagas ahora, obtendrs un descuento. Iftheydontwanttogoout,theycanstayhome.

    Si no quieren salir, se pueden quedar en casa. Ifyoudrinktoomuch,youllgetdrunk.

    Si bebes demasiado, te emborrachars. Ifyoufeelsick,youmuststayinbed.

    Si te sientes enfermo, debes quedarte en cama. Iftheydontcomehere,wellhavetogothere.

    Si ellos no vienen aqu, tendremos que ir all.

    Conditional type 2

    Refiereaunasituacinhipotticayseformasegnlaestructur if + simple past + simple condicional.

    If clause Main clause If + Past Simple would / could / might + verb If I won the lottery, I would travel around the world.


    Si ganara la lotera, viajara por todo el mundo. IfIwereinBrazil,IwouldgotoRiodeJaneiro.

    Si yo estuviese en Brasil, ira a Ro de Janeiro. IfIwereyou,Iwouldbuythatcar.

    Si yo fuese t, comprara ese auto. Ifhewereinmyplace,hewouldntdothis.

    Si l estuviese en mi lugar, no hara esto. IfIhadmoremoney,Iwouldbuyaniceapartment.

    Si yo tuviese ms dinero, me comprara un lindo apartamento.

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    Si ella tuviera ms tiempo, viajara ms a menudo. Ifitwerenotraining,wecouldgoout.

    Si no estuviese lloviendo, podramos salir. Ifwedidnthavetoworktoday,wecouldhaveapicnic.

    Si no tuvisemos que trabajar hoy, podramos tener un picnic. Iftheywonthelottery,theywouldntworkanymore.

    Si ellos ganaran la lotera, no trabajaran ms. IfIsawher,Iwouldaskherout.

    Si la viera, la invitara a salir. IfyouwenttoBrazil,youwouldntwanttocomeback.

    Si fueras a Brazil, no querras regresar. IftheyspokeSpanish,wewouldunderstandthem.

    Si ellos hablasen espaol, los entenderamos. Ifhedidntlivebytheriver,hecouldntgofishing.

    Si el no viviera cerca del ro, no podra ir a pescar. IfIdidntwanttogo,Iwouldtellyou.

    Si no quisiera ir, te lo dira. Iftheyworkedforthatcompany,theymighthavebettersalaries. Si ellos trabajaran para esa compaa, podran tener mejores sueldos. Ifshewroteabook,itwouldbeabest-seller.Siellaescribieseunlibro,seraunbest-seller.

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    Tiempos verbales

    Tenses in brief

    Present TenseI do

    Present Continuous TenseI am doing, I am doing tomorrow

    Present Perfect TenseI have done

    Present Perfect Continuous TenseI have been doing

    Past TenseI did

    Past Continuous TenseI was doing

    Past Perfect TenseI had done

    Past Perfect Continuous TenseI had been doing

    FutureTenseI will do

    FutureContinuousTenseI will be doing

    FuturePerfectTenseI will have done

    FuturePerfectContinuousTenseI will have been doing

    Simple Present Tense

    I sing

    How do we make the Simple Present Tense?

    subject + auxiliaryverb + mainverb do base

    There are three important exceptions:

    1. Forpositivesentences,wedonotnormallyusetheauxiliary. 2. Forthe3rdpersonsingular(he,she,it),weaddstothemainverbores to the auxiliary. 3. Fortheverbto be, we do not use an auxiliary, even for questions and negatives.

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    subject auxiliaryverb mainverb

    I,you,we,they like coffee. + He,she,it likes coffee.

    I,you,we,they do not like coffee. - He, she, it does not like coffee.

    Do I,you,we,they like coffee? ? Does he,she,it like coffee?


    subject main verb

    + I am French.

    You,we,they are French.

    He,she,it is French.

    - I am not old. You, we, they are not old.

    He, she, it is not old. ? Am I late? Are you,we,they late?

    Is he,she,it late?

    How do we use the Simple Present Tense?

    We use the simple present tense when: theactionisgeneral theactionhappensallthetime,orhabitually,inthepast,presentandfuture theactionisnotonlyhappeningnow thestatementisalwaystrue

    John drives a taxi.

    past present future

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    It is Johns job to drive a taxi. He does it every day. Past, present and future.


    IliveinNewYork. TheMoongoesroundtheEarth. Johndrivesataxi. Hedoesnotdriveabus. WemeeteveryThursday. Wedonotworkatnight. Doyouplayfootball?

    Note that with the verb to be, we can also use the simple present tense for situations that are notgeneral.Wecanusethesimplepresenttensetotalkaboutnow.Lookattheseexamplesoftheverbtobeinthesimplepresenttense-someofthemare general, some of them are now:

    AmIright?Tara is not at home.

    You are happy.

    past present future

    The situation is now.

    I am not fat.Whyareyousobeautiful?

    Ram is tall.

    past present future

    The situation is general. Past, present and future.

    Present Continuous Tense

    I am singing

    We often use the present continuous tense in English. It is very different from the simple present tense, both in structure and in use.

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    How do we make the Present Continuous Tense?

    The structure of the present continuous tense is:

    subject + auxiliaryverb + mainverb be base+ing


    subject auxiliaryverb mainverb

    + I am speaking toyou.

    + You are reading this.

    - She is not staying inLondon.

    - We are not playing football.

    ? Is he watching TV?

    ? Are they waiting forJohn?

    How do we use the Present Continuous Tense?


    actionhappeningnow actioninthefuture

    Present continuous tense for action happening now

    a) for action happening exactly now

    I am eating my lunch.

    past present future

    The action is happening now.


    ...the pages are turning. ...the candle is burning.... the numbers are spinning.

    b) for action happening around now

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    The action may not be happening exactly now, but it is happening just before and just after now, and it is not permanent or habitual.

    John is going out with Mary.

    past present future

    The action is happening around now.


    Murielis learning to drive. Iam livingwithmysisteruntilIfindanapartment.

    Present continuous tense for the future

    Wecanalsousethepresentcontinuoustensetotalkaboutthefuture-ifweaddafuture word!!Wemustadd(orunderstandfromthecontext)afutureword.Futurewordsinclude,for example,tomorrow,nextyear,inJune,atChristmas etc. We only use the present con-tinuoustensetotalkaboutthefuturewhenwehaveplannedtodosomethingbeforewespeak.We have already made a decision and a planbeforespeaking.

    Iamtakingmyexamnextmonth. past present future


    Afirmplanorprogramme Theactionisin exists now. the future.


    Were eatinginarestauranttonight.Wevealreadybookedthetable.. Theycanplaytenniswithyoutomorrow.Theyre not working. Whenare you startingyournewjob?

    In these examples, we have afirmplanorprogrammebeforespeaking. The decision and planweremadebeforespeaking.

    How do we spell the Present Continuous Tense?

    Wemakethepresentcontinuoustensebyadding-ingtothebaseverb.Normallyitssimple-wejustadd-ing.Butsometimeswehavetochangethewordalittle.Perhapswedoublethelastletter,orwedropaletter.Herearetherulestohelpyouknowhowtospellthepresentcontinuous tense.

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    Basic rule Just add -ing to the base verb: work > working

    play > playing

    assist > assisting

    see > seeing

    be > being

    Exception1 If the base verb ends in consonant + stressed vowel + consonant, double the last letter:

    s t o p consonant stressed consonant vowel (vowels = a, e, i, o, u)

    stop > stopping

    run > running

    begin > beginning

    Note that this exception does not apply when the last syllable of the

    base verb is not stressed:

    open > opening

    Exception2 If the base verb ends in ie, change the ie to y:

    lie > lying

    die > dying

    Exception3 If the base verb ends in vowel + consonant + e, omit the e: come > coming

    mistake > mistaking

    Present Perfect Tense

    I have sung

    ThepresentperfecttenseisaratherimportanttenseinEnglish,butitgivesspeakersofsomelanguagesadifficulttime.Thatisbecauseitusesconceptsorideasthatdonotexistin those languages. In fact, the structure of the present perfect tense is very simple. The problems come with the use of the tense. In addition, there are some differences in usage between British and American English.

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    How do we make the Present Perfect Tense?

    The structure of the present perfect tense is:

    subject + auxiliaryverb + mainverb

    have past participle

    Here are some examples of the present perfect tense:

    subject auxiliaryverb mainverb

    + I have seen ET.

    + You have eaten mine.

    - She has not been toRome.

    - We have not played football.

    ? Have you finished?

    ? Have they done it?

    Contractions with the present perfect tenseWhenweusethepresentperfecttenseinspeaking,weusuallycontractthesubjectandauxil-iary verb. We also sometimes do this when we write.

    I have Ive

    You have Youve

    He has Hes She has Shes It has Its John has Johns The car has The cars

    We have Weve

    They have Theyve

    Here are some examples:

    Ivefinishedmywork. JohnsseenET. Theyvegonehome.

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    Hes or hes???Becareful!Thes contraction is used for the auxiliary verbs have and be.Forexample, Its eaten can mean:

    Ithas eaten. [present perfect tense, active voice] It is eaten. [present tense, passive voice]


    How do we use the Present Perfect Tense?

    This tense is called the present perfect tense. There is always a connection with the past and with the present. There are basically three uses for the present perfect tense:

    1. experience 2. change 3. continuing situation



    I have seen ET.HehaslivedinBangkok.Haveyoubeenthere?

    We have never eaten caviar.

    past present future !!!

    The action or state In my head, I have was in the past. a memory now.

    Connection with past: the event was in the past.Connection with present: in my head, now, I have a memory of the event; I know something about the event; I have experience of it.

    2. Present perfect tense for change

    Wealsousethepresentperfecttensetotalkaboutachange or new information:

    I have bought a car.

    past present future

    - +

    LastweekIdidnt NowIhaveacar. have a car.

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    past present future

    + -

    Yesterday John had Now he has a bad leg. a good leg.


    past present future

    + -

    Wastheprice$1.50 Istheprice$1.70today? yesterday?


    past present future

    - +

    Yesterdaythekiller Nowheisinprison. was free.

    Connection with past: the past is the opposite of the present.Connection with present: the present is the opposite of the past.

    AmericansdonotusethepresentperfecttensesomuchasBritishspeakers.Americansoftenuse thepast tense instead.AnAmericanmightsayDidyouhave lunch?,whereaBritishpersonwouldsayHaveyouhadlunch?

    3. Present perfect tense for continuing situation

    Weoftenusethepresentperfecttensetotalkaboutacontinuing situation. This is a state that started in the past and continues in the present (and will probably continue into the fu-ture). This is astate (not an action). We usually use for or since with this structure.

    IhaveworkedheresinceJune.He has been ill for 2 days.


    past present future

    The situation started in It continues up to now. (It will probably continue the past. into the future.)

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    Connection with past: the situation started in the past.Connection with present: the situation continues in the present.

    For & Since with Present Perfect Tense

    We often use for and since with the present perfect tense.

    Weusefortotalkaboutaperiodoftime-5minutes,2weeks,6years. Weusesincetotalkaboutapointinpasttime-9oclock,1stJanuary, Monday.

    for since

    a period of time a point in past time x------------ 20minutes 6:15pm

    three days Monday

    6 months January

    4 years 1994

    2 centuries 1800

    a long time I left school

    ever the beginning of time

    etc etc

    Here are some examples:

    Ihavebeenhere for 20 minutes. Ihavebeenheresince9oclock. Johnhasntcalledfor 6 months. Johnhasntcalled sinceFebruary. HehasworkedinNewYork for a long time. HehasworkedinNewYorksince he left school.

    For can be used with all tenses. Since is usually used with perfect tenses only.

    Present Perfect Continuous Tense

    I have been singing

    The structure:

    subject+auxiliaryverb +auxiliaryverb+mainverb

    have been base + ing has

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    Some examples:

    subjectauxiliaryverb auxiliaryverb mainverb

    + I have been waiting foronehour.

    - It has not been raining.

    ? Have they been doing theirhomework?

    Contractions Ivebeenreading. Thecarsbeengivingtrouble. Wevebeenplayingtennisfortwohours.There are basically two uses for the present perfect continuous tense:

    1. An action that has just stopped or recently stopped

    Weusethepresentperfectcontinuoustensetotalkaboutanaction that started in the past and stopped recently.

    There is usually a result now: Im tired because Ive been running.

    2. An action continuing up to now

    Weusethepresentperfectcontinuoustensetotalkaboutanaction that started in the past and is continuing now. This is often used with for or since.

    Ihave been reading for 2 hours. [I am still reading now.] Wevebeenstudyingsince9oclock.[Werestillstudyingnow.]

    Past simple Tense


    Tomakethepastsimpletense,weuse:pastformonlyorauxiliarydid+baseformHere you can see examples of the past form and base form for irregular verbs and regular verbs:

    V1 V2 V3 base past past participle regular work worked worked The past form forall verb explode exploded exploded regularverbsendsin-ed. like liked liked

    irregular go see went saw gone The past form for irregular verb sing sang seen verbs is variable. You need sung to learn it by heart. You do not need the past participle formtomakethe past simple tense. It is shown here for completeness only.

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    The structure for positive sentences in the past simple tense is:

    subject+ main verb

    - - past

    The structure for negative sentences in the past simple tense is:

    subject+ auxiliary verb + not + main verb

    -- did base

    The structure for question sentences in the past simple tense is:

    auxiliary verb + subject + main verb

    did -- base

    The auxiliary verb did is not conjugated. It is the same for all persons (I did, you did, he did etc).Andthebaseformandpastformdonotchange.Lookattheseexampleswiththemain


    subjectauxiliaryverb - mainverb

    + I - went to school.

    You - worked very hard

    - She did not go with me.

    We did not work yesterday.

    ? Did you - go toLondon?

    Did they - work athome?

    Exception!The verb to be is different. We conjugate the verb to be (I was, you were, he/she/it

    was, we were, they were); and we do not use an auxiliary for negative and question sentences.


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    subject main verb

    + I, he/she/it was here.


    You, we, they were in London.

    = I, he/she/it was not there.

    You, we, they were not happy.

    ? Was I, he/she/it right?

    Were you, we, they late?

    Past Continuous Tense

    I was singing

    We use it to say what we were in the middle of doing at a particular moment in the past.The structure:

    subject + auxiliaryverbBE + mainverb

    conjugated in simple present participle past tense was base + ing were

    Fornegativesentencesinthepastcontinuoustense,weinsert not between the auxiliary verb andmainverb.Forquestionsentences,weexchangethesubject and auxiliaryverb.Lookat these example sentences with the past continuous tense:

    subject auxiliaryverb mainverb

    + I was watching TV.

    + You were working hard.

    - He,she,it was not helping Mary.

    - We were not joking.

    ? Were you being silly?

    ? Were they playing football?

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    The spelling rules for adding ingtomakethepastcontinuoustensearethesameasforthepresent continuous tense.

    The past continuous tense expresses action at a particular moment in the past. The action startedbefore thatmomentbuthasnot finishedat thatmoment.Forexample, yesterday I


    At 8pm yesterday, I was watching TV.



    Iwas working at 10pm last night.

    Theywere not playing football at 9am this morning.

    Whatwere you doingat10pmlastnight?

    Past Perfect Tense

    I had sung

    Thistensetalksaboutthepast in the past.

    The structure:

    subject+ auxiliaryverbHAVE + mainverb

    conjugated in simple past participle past tense

    had V3



    example sentences with the past perfect tense:

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    subject auxiliaryverb mainverb

    + I had finished mywork. + You had stopped beforeme. - She had not gone toschool. - We hadnot left. ? Had you arrived? ? Had they eaten dinner?


    Iwasnthungry.Ihadjusteaten. Theywerehungry.Theyhadnoteatenforfivehours.

    Past Perfect Continuous Tense

    I had been singing

    The structure:

    subject +auxiliaryverbHAVE + auxiliaryverbBE +mainverb

    conjugated in simple past participle present past tense participle had been base + ing

    Fornegativesentencesinthepastperfectcontinuoustense,weinsertnot afterthefirstauxil-iaryverb.Forquestionsentences,weexchangethesubjectandfirstauxiliaryverb.Lookatthese example sentences with the past perfect continuous tense:

    subjectauxiliaryverb auxiliaryverb mainverb

    + I had been working. + You had been playing tennis. - It had not been working well.

    - We had not been expecting her.

    ? Had you been drinking?

    ? Had they been waiting long?

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    Thepastperfectcontinuoustenseislikethepastperfecttense,butitexpresseslongeractionsin the past before another action in the past.Forexample: Ramstartedwaitingat9am.Iarrivedat11am.WhenIarrived,Ramhadbeen waiting for two hours.

    Simple Future Tense

    I will sing

    The simple future tenseisoftencalledwill,becausewemakethesimplefuturetensewiththe modal auxiliary will. The structure:

    subject + auxiliaryverbWILL + mainverb

    invariable base

    will V1

    Fornegativesentencesinthesimplefuturetense,weinsertnotbetweentheauxiliaryverbandmainverb.Forquestionsentences,weexchangethesubjectandauxiliaryverb.Lookattheseexample sentences with the simple future tense:

    subjectauxiliaryverb mainverb

    + I will open thedoor.

    + You will finish beforeme.

    - She will not be atschooltomorrow.

    - We will not leave yet.

    ? Will you arrive ontime?

    ? Will they want dinner?

    How do we use the Simple Future Tense?

    No Plan

    We use the simple future tense when there is no plan or decision to do something before we speak.Wemakethedecisionspontaneouslyatthetimeofspeaking.Lookattheseexamples:

    Holdon.Illget a pen. Wewill see what we can do to help you. Maybewell stay in and watch television tonight.Intheseexamples,wehadnofirmplanbeforespeaking.Thedecisionismadeat the time of speaking.

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    We often use the simple future tense with the verb to think before it:

    Ithink Ill go to the gym tomorrow. Ithink I will have a holiday next year. Idontthink Ill buy that car.


    Weoftenusethesimplefuturetensetomakeapredictionaboutthefuture.Again,thereisnofirmplan.Wearesayingwhat we think will happen. Here are some examples:

    Itwill rain tomorrow. Peoplewontgo to Jupiter before the 22nd century. Whodoyouthinkwill getthejob?


    When the main verb is be,wecanusethesimplefuturetenseevenifwehaveafirmplanordecisionbeforespeaking.Examples: Ill be in London tomorrow. Imgoingshopping.Iwontbe very long. Willyoubeatworktomorrow?

    Note that when we have a plan or intention to do something in the future, we usually use other tenses or expressions, such as the present continuous tense or going to.

    Future Continuous Tense

    I will be singing

    The estructure:

    subject+ auxiliaryverbWILL +auxiliaryverbBE+mainverb

    invariable invariable present participle

    will be base + ing

    Fornegativesentencesinthefuturecontinuoustense,weinsertnotbetweenwillandbe.Forquestionsentences,weexchangethesubjectandwill.Lookattheseexamplesentenceswiththe future continuous tense:

    subjectauxiliaryverb auxiliaryverbmainverb

    + I will be working at10am.

    + You will be lying onabeachtomorrow.

    - She will not be using thecar.

    - We will not be having dinnerathome.

    ? Will you be playingfootball?

    ? Will they be watching TV?

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    The future continuous tense expresses action at a particular moment in the future. The ac-tionwillstartbeforethatmomentbut itwillnothavefinishedatthatmoment.Forexample,tomorrowIwillstartworkat2pmandstopworkat6pm:


    Whenweuse the futurecontinuous tense,our listenerusuallyknowsorunderstandswhattimewearetalkingabout.Lookattheseexamples:

    Iwill be playing tennis at 10am tomorrow. Theywontbewatching TV at 9pm tonight. Whatwill you be doingat10pmtonight? Takeyourumbrella.It will be raining when you return.

    Future Perfect Tense

    I will have sung

    Thefutureperfecttensetalksaboutthepast in the future.

    The structure:


    invariable invariable past participle

    will have V3


    subjectauxiliaryverb auxiliaryverbmainverb

    + I will have finished by10am.

    + You will have forgotten mebythen.

    - She will not have gonetoschool.

    - We will not have eft.

    ? Will you have arrived?

    ? Will they have received it?

    Inspeakingwiththefutureperfecttense,weoftencontractthesubject and will. Sometimes, we contract the subject, will and have all together:

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    I will have Ill have Illve you will have youll have youllve

    he will have itll have hellve she will have shell have shellve it will have hell have itllve

    we will have well have wellve

    they will have theyll have theyllve

    The future perfect tense expresses action in the future before another action in the future.


    Thetrainwillleavethestationat9am.Youwillarriveatthestationat9.15am. When you arrive, the train will have left.


    Youcancallmeatworkat8am.Iwill have arrivedattheofficeby8. Theywillbetiredwhentheyarrive.Theywill not have slept for a long time. Marywontbeathomewhenyouarrive.

    Really?Wherewill she have gone?

    Future Perfect Continuous Tense

    I will have been singing

    The structure:

    subject+auxiliaryverbWILL+auxiliaryverbHAVE+auxiliaryverbBE+mainverb invariable invariable past participle present participle

    will have been base + ing



    tences with the future perfect continuous tense:

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    subjectauxiliary auxiliary auxiliary main verb verb verb verb

    + I will have been workingforfourhours.

    + You will have been travellingfortwodays.

    - She will not have been using thecar.

    - We will not have been waitinglong.

    ? Will you have been playingfootball?

    ? Will they have been watchingTV?

    Fornegativesentences in thefutureperfectcontinuoustense,wecontractwithwont, likethis:

    Weusethefutureperfectcontinuoustensetotalkaboutalongactionbeforesomepointinthefuture.Lookattheseexamples: Iwill have been workingherefortenyearsnextweek. Hewillbetiredwhenhearrives.Hewill have been travelling for 24 hours.

    Future Perfect Continuous Tense

    I will have been singing

    The structure:


    invariable invariable past participle present participle

    will have been base + ing

    Fornegativesentencesinthefutureperfectcontinuoustense,weinsert not between will and have.Forquestionsentences,weexchange thesubject and will.Lookat theseexamplesentences with the future perfect continuous tense:

    subjectauxiliaryverb auxiliaryverbauxiliaryverbmainverb

    + I will have been working forfourhours.

    + You will have been travellingfortwodays.

    - She will not have been using thecar.

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    subjectauxiliaryverb auxiliaryverbauxiliaryverbmainverb

    -We will not have been waiting long.

    ?Will you have been playing football?

    ?Will they have been watchingTV?


    I will have been workingherefortenyearsnextweek. Hewillbetiredwhenhearrives.Hewill have been travelling for 24 hours.

    Irregular Verbs

    InfinitivePasttense Pastparticiple Meaning to be was / were been ser, estar to beat beat beaten golpear, batir to become became become convertirse, llegar a ser to begin began begun empezar to bet bet bet apostar to bite bit bitten morder to bleed bled bled sangrar, desangrarse to blow blew blown soplar tobreak broke broken romper

    to breed bred bred criar, reproducirse to bring brought brought traer to burn burnt / burned burn / burned quemar to burst burst burst reventar, explotar to buy bought bought comprar to catch caught caught coger to choose chose chosen elegir to come came come venir to cost cost cost costar to cut cut cut cortar to dig dug dug cavar to do did done hacer to draw drew drawn dibujar to dream dreamt dreamt soar todrink drank drunk beber

    to drive drove driven conducir to eat ate eaten comer to fall fell fallen caer to feed fed fed alimentar

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    Irregular Verbs

    InfinitivePasttense Pastparticiple Meaning to feel felt felt sentir tofight fought fought luchar

    tofind found found encontrar

    tofly flew flown volar

    to forbid forbade forbidden prohibir to forget forgot forgotten olvidar to forgive forgave forgiven perdonar to freeze froze frozen congelar to get got got (also US gotten) obtener to give gave given dar to go went gone ir to grow grew grown crecer to hang hung hung colgar to have had had tener, haber to hear heard heard oir to hide hid hidden esconder to hit hit hit pegar, golpear to hold held held sujetar, mantener to hurt hurt hurt herir tokeep kept kept conservar,guardar

    tokneel knelt/kneeled knelt/kneeled arrodillarse

    toknow knew known saber

    to lay laid laid poner, situar, colocar to lead led led dirigir, liderar to learn learnt / learned learnt / learned aprender to leave left left salir, dejar to let let let dejar to lie lay lain tumbarse, yacer to light lit lit encender to lose lost lost perder tomake made made hacer

    tomean meant meant significar

    to meet met met encontrarse to pay paid paid pagar to plead pled / pleaded pled / pleaded suplicar, abogar to put put put poner to read read read leer to ride rode ridden montar to ring rang rung sonar to rise rose risen levantarse, ascender

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    Irregular Verbs

    InfinitivePasttense Pastparticiple Meaning to sell sold sold vender to send sent sent enviar to set set set establecer, ponertoshake shook shaken temblar,sacudir

    to shine shone shone brillar, dar brillo to shoot shot shot disparar, tirar to show showed shown ensear to shut shut shut cerrar to sing sang sung cantar to sit sat sat sentarse to sleep slept slept dormir to smell smelt / smelled smelt / smelled oler, olfatear to sow sowed sown sembrar, plantartospeak spoke spoken hablar

    to spell spelt / spelled spelt / spelled deletrear to spend spent spent gastar to stand stood stood estar de pie to steal stole stolen robartostick stuck stuck encolar,pegar

    to swear swore sworn jurar to sweep swept swept barrer to swim swam swum nadar to swing swung swung columpiartotake took taken coger

    to teach taught taught ensear to tear tore torn desgarrar, derramar lgrimas to tell told told decirtothink thought thought pensar

    to throw threw thrown lanzar, echar to understand understood understood entender, comprender to undo undid undone deshacertowake woke woken despertar

    to wear wore worn llevar puesto, calzar to win won won ganar to wind wound wound bobinar, airear, ventilar to wring wrung wrung estrujar, retrocer to write wrote written escribir

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    Present Whatisdone?T he car is washed

    Present Perfect Whathasbeendone? The car has been washed

    Past Whatwasdone? The car was washed Past Perfect Whathadbeendone? The car had been washed

    Future Whatwillbedone? The car will be washed

    Future Perfect Whatwillhavebeendone? The car will have been washed

    Future (going to) Whatisgoingtobedone? The car is going to be washed

    Future Perfect (going to) Whatisgoingtohavebeendone? The car is going to have been washed

    Future in Past Whatwasgoingtobedone? The car was going to be washed

    Future Perfect in Past Whatwasgoingtohavebeendone? The car was going to have been washed

    Conditional Whatwouldbedone? The car would be washed

    Conditional Perfect Whatwouldhavebeendone? The car would have been washed

    Modals What(could,must,should)bedone? The car (could, must, should ) be washed

    Modals + Have What (could, must, should ) have been done? The car (could, must, should, ) have been washed