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华 南 理 工 大 学 本 科 学 生 出 国 成 绩 单

South China University of TechhologyUndergraduate Transcript for∷ OVerseas study

M苟 or CuⅡ允ulumCoⅡcge∶ sChool ofMechanica1J廴 Automotivc Enginccring spcciaⅡ ty:McChaniGal Enginccring

Enrolhncnt Datc∶ 2013,09 studcnt No∶ 201330661217schooⅡng Pcriod∶ 4ycars

Name∶ ZHANG KEHANNames of coursc Attr山 TCH CR Mark Names。 fcou阝c TCH CR Mark

2013ˉ 20141st term Introduction ofthe MaDosm Basic PrincipIc RC 48 30 84

Militarv Tr缸nin£ RC 3W 3,0 B Gcncral Chemi哎rv Expcrimcn‘ RC o.5 B

Ca1culusr1) RC ⒌0 86 PhⅤsical Educa"on(4) RC l。 0 76

Linear A1£ ebra&Analvtic Geomctrv RC 48 3,0 97 BIank bclow

Idcological&Moral CuItivation and Introduction

to LawRC 48 3.0

Collc旦 c En黑⒒sh(1 RC 64 4.0

Phvsical Education f1 RC 1.o 68

PrinCiD1cs ofEconoΠ 1ics RC 4,0 90

h坚垫些±n⊥ Comp刂 Cr s0Cncc RC 40

Research htcrest scnunar EC 16 I.o 86

2013ˉ 20142nd temMiⅡ仅rv PHnciDlc RCProbability&M犹 hcmatical⒏ atistics RC 48 3,o 90

Caloulus‘ 2、 RC 80 5,0 90

PsyGhological Hcalul Education for Collcgc`

studcntGE 36 2,0 93

An Introduction to thc Thought ofMao zcdong

and TheO「¢of sociaⅡ sm with ChineseRC 96 6,0 76

Colleε c Eng⒒ sh亻 2、 RC 64 40Phvsical Education r2、 RC I.0

Advanccd Lanεua£c PrOEra1n Dc“ £n亻Javm RC 64 40 93

Introduction to Logistics RC 2,o 82

Chincsc Korcan Japancsc sty1c Dancc

ADDrcciationGE ⒉o 98

Cognitive Practice RC lW 10 B2014ˉ 20151st teΠ n

DcscriDtive Geometn/&Machinc Dra、 vinε r1 RC 48 ⒊o 90Fluid Mcohanics RC 2,0 Bs

ThcOrctical McchaniCs I RC 64 4.0 82

【nte矸 al Tr引Ⅱformation RC 94

General Phvsics III‘ 2、 RC 64 4.0

CoⅡ c£e Phv“ c浏 ExDeⅡmcntr H RC B

An Outlinc ofChincsc Ncar P孙 t and

ContcmDOraryⅢ stoγRC

Gcnσ田Chem洫yI RC 32 2∶o 91

Phvsical Educ狨ion RC 32

Thc world nationalitv music GE 82

2014ˉ 20152nd tcⅡmEIcc饣onic C订 cuit CAD I EC CMatcrials ofMcchanical Enε inecFinε RC 40 82

DcscriDtive Geometrl,&Machinc Dra、 vin£r2、 RC 64 4.o

Introduction to Mcchanical Enε inecrinε RC 92

Enρ inccrinρ Trainin£ II RC 6WEnεInecrIng ThennodvnalnIcs RC

Mcchan“ s ofMatcrials H RC 4.5 90

EIcctrical En西 ncc“ n只 and Elcc饣 otechnicsⅡ I RC

Gencral Phv“ csIIIn RC 64 4.o

Collc旦 c Physical Expcrimcnt(I RC B



w教务 处处长签 字 :

Dean of The Re妒 晚rar’ s omce: t豇尸期 ⒛16~07ˉ 01
