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必背原因: 寫作用字中,使用頻率高,卻不落俗套,但最精彩的部份在於同義字的收錄,史上最



abortive [ ] 流產的;失敗的 (adj.)

墮胎藥;流產 (n.)

例句: It is bashful to accept this abortive fact.

中譯: 接受這個失敗的事實是讓人不安的。

absurd [ ] 荒謬的 (adj.) èabsurdity (n.)

例句: His idea is absurd.

中譯: 他的想法很荒謬。

同義字: risible; ridiculous; derisive (adj.)

補充: tease; mock; ridicule; deride; parody嘲笑 (v.)

adroitly [ ] 靈活地 (adv.)

例句:He uses the latest laptop adroitly.


同義字: deftly; deleteriously; nimbly

adversity [ ] 困境 (n.)

例句:A good friend will not desert one in time of adversity.


同義字: plight; predicament; impediment

affluence [ ] 富足 (n.)

例句:Most of the classmates are jealous of his affluence.


同義字:sufficiency; richness; abundance; opulence

agony [ ] 痛苦 (n.)

例句: They went through the agonies of war and famine.

中譯: 他們經歷了戰爭和飢荒的痛苦

aloofness [ ] 冷漠、疏離 (n.)

例句:Her aloofness made her inaccessible.


同義字:apathy; alienation; detachment; estrangement

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allurement [ ] 誘惑 (n.)

例句: The big cities are full of allurements to spend money.

中譯: 大城市充滿形形色色誘人花錢的事物。

同義字: lure; enticement; seduction; temptation; attraction

appraisal [ ] 評估 (n.)

同義字:evaluate ; assess

appraise [ ] 評估 (v.)

同義字:evaluation; assessment

例句:Committee needs more time to appraise whether he can receive the scholarship or not.


arbitrarily [ ] 隨意地/武斷的 (adv.)

例句: He always makes decisions arbitrarily.

中譯: 他總是武斷地做決定。

arduously [ ] 費力地 (adv.)

例句: He tried this method arduously, but he could not open the can.

中譯: 即便他很費力地試了那個發法,但他還是打不開那個罐頭。

同義字: strenuously; laboriously; painstakingly

assiduously [ ] 勤勉不懈地;辛苦地 (adj.)

例句: He always studies assiduously.

中譯: 他總是勤勉不懈地讀書。

同義字: laboriously; strenuously; painstakingly 辛苦地

diligently; zealously; ardently 勤勉不懈地

assimilate [ ] 融入 (v.)

例句: It is not easy to assimilate so many ideas.

中譯: 要吸收那麼多思想不容易。

同義字: assimilate; imbue; absorb; immerse融入; 吸收; 消化(v.)

astounding [ ] 驚人的 (adj.)

例句:His astounding progress in English comes from diligent effort.


同義字: startling; astonishing; terrifying; frightening

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avant-garde [ ] (音樂、藝術方面) 先進的、前衛的 (adj.)

例句:The wedding gown designed by Vivienne Westwood is really avant-garde.

中譯:那套 Vivienne Westwood設計的婚紗真的很前衛。

同義字: advanced; cutting-edge; state-of-the-art


babble [ ] (流水)潺潺 (v.)

例句:In front of my house is a babbling brook.


補充: babbling brook 潺潺流水的小溪

trickling stream 涓涓細流的河溪

shimmering lake. 波光粼灕的湖水

bane [ ] 元兇 (n.)

例句: The carbon dioxide is the bane of Global Warming.

中譯: 二氧化碳是溫室效應的元兇。

補充: Is it a bane or a boom to V…? 是福還是禍…?

beguile [ ] 欺騙(v.)

例句:Mary was beguiled by Tom’s charm .


benign [ ] 有助益 (adj.)

例句: Exercise is benign for you.

中譯: 運動對你有益。

同義字 beneficial; benignant; conductive

better [ ] 改善 (v)

例句: He had tried hard to better his English pronunciation.

中譯: 他努力要改善他英文發音。

blithe [ ] 輕鬆愉悅的 (adj.)

例句:He is so blithe that everyone can feel his happiness.


同義字: joyful; jolly; jocund; jovial; pleasant; merry; mirthful; upbeat; lighthearted

blooming [ ] 繁盛的;繁榮的 (adj.)

例句: The park is filled with blooming flowers.

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中文: 公園中全是盛開的花朵。

同義詞: flourishing; thriving; prospering; prosperous; booming

boisterousness [ ] 紛嚷 (n.)

例句:The boisterousness about this accident will drop its curtain .


同義字:clamor; vociferousness

boredom [ ] 無聊 (n.)

例句:Boredom makes me mad.


同義字:irksomeness; tedium; doldrums

built-in [ ] 內建的 (adj.)

例句:This software has built-in function of spellchecker.



calamity [ ] 災難 (n.)

例句: The recent flooding in the south was a calamity.

中文: 最近南方的洪水是一場災難。

同義字: catastrophe; disaster; havoc

capricious [ ] 善變的 (adj.)

例句: I don’t understand what she is thinking. She is too capricious.

中譯: 我不知道她在想什麼。她太善變了。

同義字: fickle; mercurial; changeable

collateral [ ] 連帶的 (adj.)

例句: He was involved into collateral damage.

中譯: 他被牽扯,受到池魚之殃。

與 lateral有關的單字: unilateral statement片面之詞/ bilateral talks雙邊談判/ multilateral

negotiations多邊協商/ collateral damage 池魚之殃。

colossal [ ] 巨大的 (adj.)

例句: This is indeed a colossal success.

中文: 這確實是個巨大的成功。

同義字: mammoth; gigantic; elephantine; huge

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commence [ ] 開始 (v.)

例句:For more petroleum, the company commenced drilling on the land.


commotion [ ] 動盪不安 (n.)

例句:The country is facing a political commotion.


同義字:agitation; commotion; turbulence; turmoil; tumult; uproar; unrest upheaval; clamor

criterion [ ] 標準 (n.)

criteria [ ] (複數)

例句:What criteria do you have for selecting a spouse?


同義字: standard; measure; gauge; touchstone; yardstick; benchmark

custom-made [ ] 特製的 (adj.)

例句:The custom-made wedding gown is costly.


同義字:customized; tailor-made; individualized

cutting-edge [ ] 先進的 (adj.)

例句:The cutting-edge computer software was designed by a teenager.


同義字:avant-garde; advanced; state-of-the-art


debilitated [ ] 疲憊不堪的 (adj.)

例句:She was debilitated because of housework.


同義字: exhausted; overwhelmed

decline [ ] 減少 (v.)

例句: As one grow older one’s memory declines.

中譯: 人的記憶力隨著年齡增長而衰退。

同義字: decrease; dwindle; diminish; reduce; slash; cut down; cut back; lessen

deride [ ] 嘲笑 (vt.)

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例句: They derided his efforts as childish.

中譯: 他們嘲笑他的努力是很幼稚的舉動。

同義字: deride; mock; ridicule; monger

destitute [ ] 貧窮困頓的 (n.)

例句:The destitute college student has no money to buy a lunchbox.


同義字: poor; poverty-stricken; stone-broke; finance-strapped; girdle-tightening ;

impoverished; indigent; impecunious; penurious; penniless

detrimental [ ] 有害的 (adj.)

同義字: deleterious; malign; malignant; malicious; pernicious; poisonous

devoid [ ] 缺乏 (adj.)

例句: Without love, my life is devoid of something.

中譯: 沒有愛,我的生活就缺乏了一些東西。

同義字: destitute; deficient; scanty; lack

dolefulness [ ] 悲哀 (n.)

例句: We can feel her great dolefulness after losing her family in the car accident.

中譯: 在一場車禍中失去家人後,我們能感受到她相當哀傷。

衍生字: (1) 悲傷的 (adj.): doleful; grievous; mournful; lamentable;

dolorous; woeful; downcast; down-crested

(2) 快樂的 (adj.): joyful; jolly; jovial; jocund; mirthful; merry; pleasant

divulge [ ] 透露 (v.)

例句:Magicians never divulge their secrets to anyone, even to their

intimate spouses.

中譯: 魔術師從不像任何人透露秘密,即便是親密的配偶。


indicate; demonstrate; state; show; find out; reveal; unveil; discover; unravel; disclose。

dolorous [ ] 悲傷的 (adj.)

例句:The dolorous girl shows a kind of charm of imperfection.

中譯: 那悲傷的女孩有種缺陷美。

同義字:grievous; mournful; lamentable; doleful; downcast; down-crested

dreadful [ ] 令人聞之喪膽的 (adj.)

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例句:The kidnapper’s cruel method is dreadful.

中譯: 這個綁架犯的殘忍手法令人聞之喪膽。

同義字:much-feared; appalling; fearful; frightening; horrible


earthshaking [ ] 意義重大的 (adj.)

例句: The invention of the Internet is earthshaking to human beings.

中譯: 網際網路對人類是一個重大的發明。

effortlessly [ ] 輕鬆地 (adv.)

例句: He won the Olympic golden medal effortlessly this year.

中譯: 他今年輕鬆地贏得了奧運的金牌。

elaborate [ ] 詳細說明 (v.)

例句:Some of these points will be elaborated in the next chapter.


emit [ ] (氣體)排放 (v.)

比較: discharge [ ] (液體)排放 (v.)

eminent [ ] 傑出的 (adj.)

例句:She is an eminent botany expert.


同義字:prominent; outstanding; distinguished; exceptional; extraordinary; excellent

empathy [ ] 同理心 (n.)

例句:The old lady has no empathy to her poverty-stricken tenant.


補充: apathy(n.) 冷漠; telepathy(n.) 心電感應; sympathy(n.) 同情心

engrossing [ ] 迷人的; 引人入勝; 扣人心弦 (adj.)

例句: He told me an engrossing experience when he traveled to Thailand.

中譯: 他告訴我一個當他去泰國旅行時,一個引人入勝的經驗。

同義字: appealing; grasping; grappling; fascinating; enchanting; enthralling; breath-taking;

magnificent; splendid

補充: 本文修飾 architecture建議用 magnificent/ splendid比較精準(富麗堂皇)。

eradicate [ ] 連根拔除,消滅 (v.)

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例句: The government is making efforts to eradicate racial discrimination.


同義字: get rid of; quit; uproot; root out

euphonic [ ] (聲音)優美的 (adj.)

例句:In the concert, everyone is immersing in her euphonic voice.


補充:euphony (n.)優美的聲音; cacophony(n.)嘈雜的聲音

eulogize (v.)稱讚

euphoria [ ] 幸福感 (n.)

例句:Father’s promotion prompted a wave of euphoria in my family.


同義字: felicity; happiness

expound [ ] 闡述、詳細說明 (v.)

例句:He expounded Taiwan’s shortcomings of financial system.


extravagantly [ ] 浪費地; 奢華地 (adv.)

例句: We should not use water extravagantly at school.

中文: 我們在學校裡不該浪費水。

同義字: prodigally; profusely; wastefully; lavishly ; exuberantly


facilitate [ ] 促使 (vt.)

例句: This activity can facilitate the exchange of our opinion.

中譯: 這個活動能促進我們意見的交流。

同義字: prompt v.

far-reaching [ ] 深遠的 (adj.)

例句: The manager's wrong policy caused a far-reaching consequence.


farsightedness [ ] 遠見 (n.)

例句:A good leader should have farsightedness.


補充 :nearsightedness短視近利; hindsight事後看來; foresight 先見之明

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faultless [ ] 完美無缺的 (adj.)

例句: The actors gave an absolutely faultless performance.

中譯: 演員們的演出實在是完美無缺。

同義字: errorless; flawless; exquisite; impeccable; immaculate; irreproachable

feasible [ ] 可行的 (adj.)

例句:Any exclusive story must be reported as soon as is feasible.


同義字: practicable; viable; doable; applicable

fickle [ ] 變化無窮 (adj.)

例句:The weather is so fickle in summer.


同義字: mercurial; changeable; lubricious; capricious

foxy [ ] 狡猾的 (adj.)

例句:Robert is a foxy merchant.


同義字:cunning; sheer; guileful; sly; insidious; tricky

fruited [ ] 結果實的 (adj.)

例句:The mango tree is fruited.


補充:fruited = fruitful結果實的


fertile/fecund (土地)豐饒的

rich/abounding 豐富的

fruitless [ ] 徒勞無功的 (adj.)

例句:Without her father’s permission, all the efforts he did to marry her

was fruitless.


補充: effortless不費吹灰之力的 (adj.)


gnaw [ ] 煩惱 (v.)

例句:Anxiety gnawed at his heart.

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gold-digging 敗金的 (adj)

例句:Typical gold-digging girls hope to find their wealthy Mr. Right someday.


greedy [ ] 貪婪的 (adj.)

例句: The dictator was greedy for power.


同義字: covetous; ravenous; voracious; gluttonous


hazardous [ ] 危險的 (adj.)

例句:These chemicals are extremely hazardous to children.


同義字: perilous; jeopardous; dangerous

heartless [ ] 無情的 (adj.)

例句: How can she be so heartless?


同義字: merciless; relentless; ruthless; cruel

hectic [ ] 瘋狂的 (adj.)

例句:Every stock exchange is extremely hectic in the financial crisis.


heedful [ ] 小心翼翼的 (adj.)

例句:Heedful selection in TV programs is necessary for children.


同義字:meticulous; punctilious; prudent; cautiously; carefully

herald [ ] 預告 (v.)

例句:The voice of trumpet heralds their return filled with victories.


hotly-debated [ ] 引起熱烈討論的 (adj.)

例句:American presidential election has been hotly-debated over months.


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impart [ ] 傳授 (v.)

例句:Imparting knowledge is teachers’ responsibility.


incentive [ ] 誘因; 刺激 (n.)

例句:They want to stimulate growth in the country by offering incentives

to foreign investors.


同義字:impetus; impulse; incitation; incitement; spur; stimulant;

stimulus; goad; catalyst

incomparable [ ] 無可匹敵的 (adj.)

例句:I am smitten with the incomparable beauty of the Sun-Moon Lake.


同義字:unmatchable; unsurpassable; unparalleled; inequitable

incur [ ] 招惹(爭議) (v.)

例句:She incurred his wrath.


indelible [ ] 難以抹滅 (adj.)

例句: He left an indelible impression on me.

中譯: 他給我一個難以抹滅的印象。

例句:The corruption case is an ineffaceable wound in the country’s history.


例句:For me, the physical punishment is inerasable memory.


同義字: unforgettable; ineradicable; inerasable; ineffaceable

indispensable [ ] 不可或缺的 (adj.)

例句:Music is an indispensable factor in my life.


補充:indexing factor 主要因素; deciding factor 決定性因素;

contributing factor 導因

ineluctable [ ] 無法避免的 (adj.)

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例句: I have an ineluctable duty to my family.

中譯: 我對家人有無法避免的責任。

同義字: inevitable

information-bombarding 資訊轟炸的 (adj.)

例句:Students can get sufficient resources in the information-bombarding era.


interweave [ ] 交織 (v.)

例句:This is a story interwoven by dreams, tears and laughers.


同義字:spin (the fantasy of + N)

intricate [ ] 錯綜複雜的 (adj.)

例句:The intricate machine requires a skilled operator.


同義字:complicated; complex; sophisticated

insatiable [ ] 永不滿足的 (adj.)

例句: They are insatiable of profits.

中文: 他們一味追求利潤。

insipid [ ] 乏味的 (adj.)

例句:The criticaster said the movie was insipid.


同義字 tedious; irksome; banal; monotonous; platitudinous; boring

補充: insipid中的 sip字根有口水的意思 in則是沒有,不流口水的引申叫乏味

例如:savory垂涎三尺的 sav也是口水的意思。以下形容美味還有:

toothsome齒頰留香的; palatable挑動味蕾的; relishing 回味無窮的; appetizing令人食指大動

irksome [ ] 令人厭煩的 (adj.)

例句:It is irksome to listen to his constant complaints.


同義字: boring; drudging; tedious

irreconcilable [ ] 無法調解的 (adj.)

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例句:The man decided to withdraw from the board due to the irreconcilable differences of



irreparable [ ] 不能挽回的 (adj.)

例句: Their relationship is irreparable.


同義字: irremediable; unredeemable; incorrigible; incurable; unrecoverable ; irretrievable

irritate [ ] 惱怒 (v.)

例句: His letter irritated me a little.


同義詞: aggravate; exasperate; anger; enrage; infuriate; provoke; abrade


jocund [ ] 歡樂的 (adj.)

同義字: jovial; jolly; joyful; merry; mirthful; pleasant



lavish [ ] 奢華的; 浪費的 (adj.)

例句: He is lavish in spending money on shopping.


同義字: prodigal; profuse; wasteful; exuberant; opulent

lavishly-acclaimed [ ] 廣受好評的 (adj.)

例句:The lavishly-acclaimed chocolate was made in China.


同義字:well-received ; highly sought-after

literally [ ] 逐字地 (adv.)

例句:The teacher literally corrected the student’s article.


同義字:verbatim; word by word

loathed [ ] 厭惡 (adj.)

同義字:resentful; repugnant

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lure [ ] 誘惑 (n.)

例句:The lure of money is hard to resist.


同義字: allurement; seduction; temptation; attraction


magnificent [ ] 富麗堂皇的; 奢華的 (adj.)

例句: We visit a magnificent palace in Thailand.

中譯: 我們參觀了一個在泰國富麗堂皇的皇宮。

同義字: (1) grandiose; majestic; splendid; sublime; superb富麗堂皇的

(2) luxurious; opulent; sumptuous奢華的

malicious[ ] 有害的; 不懷好意的 (adj.)

例句:The malicious stepmother tried to spread the gossip.


例句: Both smoking and drinking have malign influences to our health.

中譯: 吸煙和喝酒皆對健康造成有害的影響。

同義字: malign; malignant; deleterious ; detrimental; pernicious; poisonous; harmful

mammoth [ ] 巨大的 (adj)

例句:Building the new railroad will be a mammoth job.


同義字:colossal; huge; elephantite

mandatory [ ] 強制的 (adj.)

例句:In Taiwan, it is mandatory to fasten a seat belt in car.


同義字:compulsory; imperative; obligatory

meander [ ] 漫步 (v.)

例句: I love meandering on this street.

中譯: 我喜歡在這條街上漫步。

同義字: ramble

meritorious [ ] 值得稱讚的 (adj.)

例句: A good deed done to an animal is as meritorious as a good deed done

to a human being.


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同義字: commendable; praiseworthy; laudable; admirable

meticulously [ ] 小心謹慎地 小心翼翼地 (adv.)

例句: He conducted this experiment meticulously.

中譯: 他小心翼翼地做這次的實驗。

例句: The background to the issue has been punctiliously researched.

中譯: 該事件的背景已經有心小心翼翼地做過研究。

同義字: meticulously; heedfully; prudently; cautiously; deliberately

mirthful [ ] 快樂的 (adj.)

例句:The mirthful bird is singing.


同義字:merry: joyful; jovial; jolly; jocund; pleasing; pleasant; upbeat ; lighthearted

mirthless [ ] 悲傷的 (adj.)

例句: His gave me a mirthless smile when I asked about his family.


同義字:doleful; grievous; lamentable; dolorous; woeful; downcast

miscellaneous [ ] 各種的 (adj.)

例句:The criticism from miscellaneous fields is battering the corruptive politician.


例句:The store sells miscellaneous products.


補充: miscellaneous and tuition fee 學雜費

miscreant [ ] 惡徒 (n.)

例句:In Singapore, the only result for a miscreant who commits kidnapping

is death penalty.


同義字:scoundrel; rascal

mire [ ] 陷入困境 (v.)

例句: Most people are mired and shackled by the global financial crisis.


murky [ ] 朦朧的 (adj.)

同義字: murky; vague; dim; hazy; misty; foggy; nebulous; blurring; opaque; obscure

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myriad [ ] 大量 (n.)

例句: Myriads of mosquitoes from the swamp invaded our village every



補充: a myriad of / myriads of 各式各樣的...


nostalgic [ ] 懷舊的、懷念的 (adj.)

例句:A nostalgic visit to this fortress is worthwhile.


補充: nostalgia; reminiscence; homesickness 懷舊 (n.)


obstacle [ ] 障礙 (n.)

例句:Her parents' opposition is an obstacle to her marriage.


同義字:obstruction; impediment; hindrance; hurdle; barrier


pacify [ ] 使平靜 (v.)

例句: He tried to pacify the protesters with promises of reform.


同義字: appease; tranquilize; calm down; compose

passionate [ ] 熱情的; 熱切的 (adj.)

例句:The passionate dancer devoted most of his life to this drama.


同義字:enthusiastic; ardent; fervid; fervent; aspiring; hot-blooded exuberant

perplexed [ ] 苦惱的、困惑的 (adj.)

例句:Lily is perplexed with her future.


同義字:annoyed; vexed; confused

pivotal [ ] 重要的 (adj.)

例句:France plays a pivotal role in European affairs.


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同義字:critical; crucial; momentous

plight [ ] 困境 (n.)

例句:Government should come up with some projects to help the poor

in plight.


同義字:adversity; predicament

portray [ ] 描繪 (v.)

例句:He portrays his stepmother as a cruel woman.


同義字: sketch; illustrate 畫畫的概念引申為描述

predecessor [ ] 先驅者(n)

同義字: forefather; pioneer; vanguard

preposterous [ ] 本末倒置的 (adj.)

例句:It is totally preposterous that a student prefers doing part-time job

to studying.


prophet [ ] 先知 (n.)

例句: We listened to the words of the prophet.

中譯: 我們聽著這先知的話。

同義字: predict; foretell; presage; foresee; forecast

pursue [ ] 追求 (v.)

例句: She pursued the goal of perfection in her art.


補充: in pursuit of / in search of / in quest of 追求...


quench [ ] 撲滅 (v.)

例句: The fire was quenched with a bucket of water.

中文: 火被一桶水澆滅了。


rekindle [ ] 再點燃 (v.)

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例句: The English teacher rekindled my interest in learning.

中文: 英文老師再次點燃我對學習的興趣。

relishing [ ] 回味無窮 (adj.)

例句: Huger gives simple food to become relishing.

中譯: 餓肚子讓簡單的食物都讓人回味無窮。

同義字: toothsome齒頰留香的; savory令人垂涎三尺的; appetizing令人食指大動的; palatable


reminisce [ ] 回顧 (v.)

例句: I always reminisce what you told me.

中譯: 我總會回顧你對我說的事。

同義字: recall; recollect

renounce [ ] (法律)聲明放棄 (v.)

例句: He renounced his claim to the inheritance.

中譯: 他聲明放棄對遺產的要求。

同義字: abdicate; abandon; desert; discard; forsake; forgo; relinquish; jettison

renovate [ ] (人)創意/(東西)創新/(房子)更新/(文化)復興 (v.)

例句: We are striving for the budget to renovate our house.

中譯: 我們正為了爭取房子修繕的預算。


1. revive; rekindle; renew; revitalize; revivify振興

2. resurrect; resuscitate復活

3. renew; refurbish; restore; revamp 更新

4. rejuvenate; reinvigorate復原

rigid [ ] 僵硬的 (adj.)

例句:Rigid class system is the mutual memory of the students in Taiwan.


(1) 如果主詞是「人」,意思為倔強、嚴格

同義字:austere; severe; strict; stern; adamant; uncompromising; unyielding


同義字 stiff; inflexible; inelastic


scorching [ ] 灼熱的 (adj.)

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例句:Farmers are used to work under the scorching sun.


serene [ ] 寧靜的 (adj.)

例句: He was gazing at the serene sky.


同義字: tranquil; peaceful; still; quiet

solace [ ] 安慰,慰藉 (n.) (v.)

例句: I'm afraid he took his solace in drink.


同義字: consolation; comfort n.

同義字: condole; soothe; comfort v.


tether [ ] 能力 (n.)

例句:The task of protecting the earth is beyond a high school student’s tether.


同義字: beyond one’s line; beyond one’s ability

thrift [ ] 節儉 (n.)

例句:She learned from her father the virtues of hard work and thrift.


同義字: frugality

time-strapped [ ] 時間有限的 (a.)

例句:This discount activity is time-strapped, so the retail store is

inundated with customers.


補充:finance-strapped 經濟拮据的

tranquilize [ ] 使寧靜、安撫 (v.)

例句:Only chocolate can tranquilize her bad emotion.


同義字: pacify; appease ; compose; calm down

補充:tranquilizer (n.)鎮定劑 (=sedative)

tranquility (n.)寧靜 = quietness = serenity = composure= stillness

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transcend [ ] 超越 (v.)

例句:The bizarre tale of men from the Mars transcends belief.


同義字:surpass; eclipse; dwarf (使相形失色); overpower; overwhelm; outnumber ; outperform

traumatize [ ] 折磨 (v.)

例句:She was continuously traumatized by the boisterousness and chaos of love.


同義字:torture; afflict; gnaw

trifle [ ] 瑣事 (n.)

例句: A mere trifle brought about a quarrel between the brothers.


補充: trivial; petty 瑣細的(adj.) triviality 無聊的事 (n.)

turmoil[ ] 動盪不安 (n.)

例句: Her hometown was in a turmoil.

中譯: 她的家鄉一片混亂。

例句: Mass unemployment may lead to social upheaval.

中文: 大批失業會導致社會動亂。

同義字: turmoil; turbulence; tumult (翻攪; 動亂)

commotion (喧鬧)/ clamor(吵得沸沸揚揚) / uproar(動亂) / upheaval(動亂)/ agitation(騷

動) / uneasiness (不安)/ disorder (失序)

twist [ ] 扭曲 (n.)

例句:The twist of values nowadays can be a common phenomenon.

中文: 在今天,價值觀的扭曲是一個常態的現象。

同義字:distortion; disfiguration; deformity


ubiquitous [ ] 無所不在的 (adj.)

例句: Technology has become ubiquitous in our everyday life.



unrelenting [ ] 無情的; 難以取悅的 (adj.)

例句: He has no friends because of his unrelenting attitude

towards everything.

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中文: 他對事物冷漠的態度讓他一個朋友也沒有。

同義字: relentless; ruthless; merciless 無情的

implacable; unappeasable 鐵面無私的

unyielding; unflinching 難以取悅的

unshackle [ ] 解放 (v.)

例句: She unshackled herself from family responsibility finally.

中譯: 她終於從家庭責任中解放。

同義字: unfetter; set free (v.)

unyielding [ ] 不屈的毅力 (adj.)

同義字: unflinching; uncoiling ; unswerving


vehement [ ] 猛烈的 (adj.)

例句: Despite vehement opposition from his family, he quit school and

became an actor.


例句: They launched a vehement attack on the government's handling of issues of

environmental protection.


同義字: inclement; harsh; ferocious; fierce; furious; tempestuous

vexing [ ] 惱人的 (adj.)

例句:The math assignment is vexing.


同義字:annoying; perplexing ; confusing

vigor [ ] 活力 (n.)

例句:The girl lost her vigor due to her mother’s death.



vigorous活力十足的 (adj.)

invigorate 注入活力(v.)

invigorating 鼓舞人心的 (adj.) = inspiring = provoking

invigorated 受到鼓舞的(adj.) = encouraged = stimulated

vulgar [ ] 粗俗的 (adj.)

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例句:A vulgar joke mentioned about human’s sexual organs is a kind of

sexual harassment.


同義字:obscene; profane

vivify [ ] 歷歷在目(v.)

例句:History teacher’s vigorous speech makes the ancient scene vivify.


補充: v à n.








waxing [ ] 增加的 (adj.)

例句:Every employee in this factory is satisfied with the waxing salary.


補充:wane / wax (v.) 月缺 / 月圓

waning / waxing (a.) 減少的 / 增加的







1. attach importance to 著重、強調

同義用法: put premium on; put priority over; put precedence over; lay emphasis on



舉例: highlight v. 強調

(1)基礎單字: (多背同義字)

highlight; accentuate; punctuate; underscore; underline; emphasize; stress

(2)化簡為繁 (將單字轉換成片語)

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emphasize → put emphasis on

stress → lay stress on

(3)高階片語: (將基礎片語更換成高階片語)

*put premium on

*put precedence over

* attach importance to

(4)被動倒裝句: (將片語倒裝)

*The premium of N. should be put on N.

*The precedence of N. should be put over N.

*The importance of N. should be attached to N.

例句:The importance of Internet accessibility should be attached to the urban development in



說明: attach importance to à The importance of N should be attached to N

例句:Every effort should be made to protect our environment.


說明:make every effort to à Every effort should be made to V…

例句:Proper care should be exercised to carry the fragile items.


說明: exercise proper care to V à Proper care must be exercised to V…

2. bail...out 解救...

例句: Jason’s parents bailed him out when he bogged down in the economic mire.

中譯: 傑生陷入經濟困難時,他父母出錢解救他。

3. be bent on 一心要;決心要

例句: Jason used to be bent on becoming a musician.


4. brace oneself up for/ gear up for 準備

例句: The passengers were told to brace themselves for a crash landing.


5. cast doubt on 質疑

例句: New evidence has cast doubt on the guilty verdict.


6. cater to 迎合…(口味)

例句: The new courses offered this semester simply cater to student’s capricious needs.

中譯: 這學期所開的新課程純粹是為了迎合學生善變的需求。

7. dawn on 逐漸明白

例句: It dawned on me that the party was not given for my account.


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8. bear the brunt of 首當其衝

例句: The United States bore the brunt of the financial tsunami and show the sign of economic


中譯: 在這波金融海嘯當中,美國首當其衝,已呈現經濟蕭條的跡象。

9. deliberate on 深思

例句: The committee have been deliberating all afternoon on the question of the new


中譯: 委員會對新任命的安排,整整考慮了一下午。

同義用法: meditate on; contemplate on; ponder over; mull over (小心介係詞配對不要錯了)

10. be deluged with 充滿...

例句: The office was deluged with complaints.


同義用法: be inundated with; be flooded with; be saturated with; be brimmed with; be

permeated with

11. draw the curtain of N 揭開…的序幕

倒裝: The curtain of N will be drawn (unveiled; unfolded) to V…

說明: 可用於 linking sentence中,使句子更具有修辭味道。

舉例: The curtain of reasons will be drawn to support my opinion in the following paragraphs.

12. drum up 鼓吹;募集:努力爭取

例句: He was trying to drum up some enthusiasm for the project.


13. ensue from 隨之而來;接踵而至

例句: Who knows what troubles ensue from overpopulation?

中譯: 誰知道人口過剩隨之而來的問題是什麼?

14. etch into one’s mind 銘刻在心

例句: Hatred etched into his mind makes him unhappy.


15. fend off; ward off 預防

例句: In winters, I always take vitamin C to fend off (ward off) colds.

中譯:每到冬天,我總會服用維他命 C來預防感冒。

16. go to great lengths 大費周章

例句: He goes to great lengths to explain where he had been yesterday.

中譯: 他大費周章解釋昨天去哪了。

17. flinch at 畏縮

例句: We must not flinch at/from difficult decisions.

中譯: 做困難抉擇時不要畏縮。

18. harbor (anger) toward v. 對...懷抱(怨恨)

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例句: The neighbor next door had been harboring anger toward me since we had conflict last


中譯: 自從上次的衝突之後,隔壁鄰居一直對我懷有怨恨

19.hold sway 操作;掌控;影響 (抓住+搖擺 è掌控)

例句: Every word and deed of that politician deeply holds away the society.

中譯: 這個政治人物的一言一行深深影響著社會。

20. be not immune to + disputes (controversies; criticism) 招惹爭議

例句: The notion is not immune to disputes.

中譯: 這個說法招惹爭議。

同義用法: be not exempted from + controversies (disputes)

incur criticism (disputes; controversies)

例句: The statement is not exempted (absolved) from controversies.

中譯: 這個說法招惹爭議。

例句: The police might invite (incur) waves of criticism home and aboard.

中譯: 這個政策引起海內外的撻伐聲浪。

21. be in pursuit of + N 追求

例句: He wasted his life in vain pursuit of pleasure.

中譯: 他為了追求享樂而白白虛度了一生。

同義用法: be in quest of + N; be in search of + N

22. in retrospect of 回顧...

例句: In retrospect of the war history, human beings had suffered two world wars which

brought great death tolls.

中譯: 回顧戰爭史,人類已遭受兩次為大家帶來死傷嚴重的世界大戰。

同義用法: in reminiscence of

23. be infatuated with 著迷… 沉浸於 ...沉醉於...

例句:John is infatuated with Japanese culture.


例句: The sculptor was smitten with the sculpture he made.

中譯: 雕刻師深深愛上自己的作品。

同義字: be enchanted with; be enthralled with; be captivated with ; be fascinated with; be

possessed with; be obsessed with; be intoxicated with; be smitten with

24. in swarm 一窩蜂

例句:Buying egg tarts in swarm was a phenomenon in Taiwan.


同義片語:in droves

25. jog one’s memories

例句: The faded photo found in the drawer jogs the memory of my girdle-tightening college


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中譯: 這張在抽屜裡找到的泛黃的照片,讓我想起勒緊褲帶的大學生活。

26. jump on the bandwagon 趕上風潮

反義字: to be jostled off from the bandwagon 被時代所淘汰

例句: In order not to be jostled off from the bandwagon of English learning, children in Taiwan

are chauffeured to cram schools to latch onto the crazy.




bandwagon 馬車

chauffeured 名詞 è馬夫,動詞 è 開車載人

latch onto 攀爬

27. keep…at bay 使…不來犯

例句: Have some hot soup before you go out to keep the cold at bay.

中譯: 出門前喝一點熱湯,好抵禦寒冷。

28. latch on to ….craze 趕搭風潮

例句: Post offices issued a series of stamps to latch onto “Olympic Game” craze.

中譯: 郵局發行一系列郵票來趕搭奧運風潮。

29. lift ban on 解禁

例句: Elementary schools in America were attempting to lift ban on the use of cell phones.

中譯: 美國小學打算解禁手機的使用。

30. let up 停歇

例句: The rain has drizzled without letting up for three days.

中譯: 這場毛毛雨下不停已有三天了

31. make inroads into...大舉入侵

例句: Since drugs and violence had made inroads into campuses, the authorities concerned

came up with solutions to keep those malicious things at bay.


32. a myriad of 各式各樣的...:大量的

例句: A myriad of mosquitoes from the swamp invade our village every twilight.

中譯: 每天黃昏無數蚊蟲從沼澤地飛來侵襲我們的村子。

同義用法: an assortment of; a variety of

補充: 常見的量詞 a bunch of 一捆/束 a bundle of 一束

a handful of 極少 a school of (fish)一群 (魚)

33. put a shackle on 管理;掌控;壓制;控制

例句: Censorship is believed to put a shackle on speech freedom to a certain extent.

中譯: 審核制度被認為在某一種程度上限制了言論自由。

同義用法: put a bridle on; put a fetter on; put a shackle on; keep a rein on

說明: 馬鞍(bridle)、韁繩(rein)、腳鐐(fetter)、手銬(shackle)皆有掌控的含意。

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補充: unbridle; unfetter; unshackle 解放

補充: give the rein to 放任自由

例句: Children are encouraged to give their rein to imagination while they are writing.

中譯: 鼓勵小孩子在寫作中,讓想像力去奔馳。

34.put on high alert for N 對…提高警覺

例句: Governments all over the world should put on high alert for the outbreak of avian flu.


35. rekindle the flame of ... 重新點燃...的火焰

例句: The join of two basketball stars rekindles the flame of confidence of winning.

中譯: 兩位籃球明星的加入重新點燃贏球信心的火焰。

36. ride out (the storm) 渡過 (風暴)

例句: No countries in the world can ascertain whether they can ride out the financial storm or

not this year.

中譯: 全世界沒有一個國家確認是否能安然渡過今年的金融風暴。.

37. rivet attention on... 將注意力放在...

例句:In correcting writing errors, the attention should be riveted on grammatical ones.


38. shed light on 解釋;說明

例句:Can you shed more light on the details of the car accident?


同義字: explain; expatiate; expound; illustrate; illuminate; account for


描述(v.) describe; depict; delineate; portray; narrate; sketch

澄清(v.) clarify

佐證(v.) corroborate; verify

(以上補充之單字及同義字皆可在 linking sentence中使用。)

39. shy away from 逃避

例句: I’ve never shied away from hard work.

中譯: 我從不逃避做辛苦的工作。

同義用法: shun away from; veer away from; steer away from; shrink; duck; dodge + (the


40. snap up 搶購(一空)

例句: The tickets for the concert were snapped up within three hours of going on sale.

中譯: 在三小時的特賣中,演唱會的票被搶購一空。

41. soldier on 不畏艱難往前走

例句: Although he doesn’t like the job, he will soldier on until it is done.

中譯: 他雖不喜歡這差事,但他會繼續堅持下去,直到做完為止。

42. spring up 雨後春筍般的湧現

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例句: Thousands of new businesses have sprung up in the past couple of years.

中譯: 在過去幾年來,幾千個新興產業如雨後春筍般的湧現。

43. spruce up 把...打扮得整潔漂亮

例句: They employed an advertising agency to spruce up the company’s image.

中譯: 他們聘用一家廣告商來塑造新形象。

44. stumbling block 絆腳石

補充: stepping stone 墊腳石/ stumbling stone 絆腳石/ milestone 里程碑/

touching stone 試金石/ cornerstone stone 基石

45. take a giant leap 進步

例句:Mary took a giant leap in English learning because she always studies efficiently.


同義用法:make great strides

46. take a liking to 喜愛

例句: I take a liking to backpack traveling to accrue indelible memories.

中譯: 我喜歡自助旅遊來累積難忘的回憶。

47. take concerted action to …. 採取一致的行動

例句:Government and the general public should take concerted action to crack down pirated



補充: make every effort to… 盡每一心力

make concerted effort to… 齊心努力

work in tandem to V… 齊心合作

spare no efforts to V… 不遺餘力

do one’s utmost to V… 竭盡所能

48. take the helm 掌舵

例句: In the sailing of business operation, it is my parents who took the helm of the whole

company to make the ship back to the course although the firm almost ran aground several

times in its navigation.



49. be tinged with 飄著一絲絲…

例句:I found out that the architecture in this school is tinged with retro style while rambling

on campus.


同義用法:be tinted with

50. be traumatized by 遭受...(不幸的事物)

例句:The widow showed strong will power even though she had been traumatized by the

pain of being bereft.

Page 29: 一、iBT 寫作必背單字 寫作用字中,使用頻率高,卻不落俗套,但 … · 一、iBT 寫作必背單字:


同義用法:be tortured by; be gnawed by be afflicted with;

51. trump up 捏造 (= doctor v.)

例句: He was imprisoned because of trumping up corruption charges

中譯: 他因捏造貪污指控而被關。

52. vent out (one’s anger) 抒發(怨氣)

例句:It is wrong for you to vent out anger on the children, they were not at fault.


反義用法: bottle up (one’s anger) 壓抑 (怨氣)

53. wield the flag 打著...的旗幟

例句: Many weight control centers cash in by wielding the flag of losing weight without making



54. work in tandem with 齊心合作

例句: Proprietors should work in tandem with government to crack down on the pirated CDs.

中譯: 業者與政府應齊心合作一起打擊盜版光碟。

55. wreck havoc on... 造成破壞

例句:Oil leaking can wreck great havoc on the bio-system.
