Download - Hungary 2015



A.Arputha Selvaraj APMP IIM Calcutta

- HUNGARY 2015

Located in the heart of


Size : 93 000 km2

Population: 10.3 Million

Capital: Budapest

Borders: Austria, Slovenia, Croatia, Yugoslavia, Romania, Ukraine and Slovakia.

Highest Point: Kékes-tető 1014m

„Isten, áldd meg a magyart Jó kedvvel, bõséggel, Nyújts feléje védõ kart, Ha küzd ellenséggel; Bal sors akit régen tép, Hozz rá víg esztendõt, Megbünhödte már e nép A multat s jövendõt!”

Kölcsey Ferenc

Frank Kölcsey

„O, my God, the Magyar blessWith Thy plenty and good cheer!

With Thine aid his just cause press,Where his foes to fight appear.

Fate, who for so long did'st frown,Bring him happy times and ways;

Atoning sorrow hath weighed down

Sins of past and future days.”

The Hungarian Anthem

The Chain bridge and the

Buda castle

Heroes Square

… and Budapest for one more time!

Fisherman’s Bastion

The House of Parliament

Lake Balaton

Our „sea” is a popular tourist – centre…

…and is about 700

km2 large.

Györ Györ – the Baroque city.

The culture in my Hometown

The National Theatre


The Györ-ballett


And the other side of Györ…

Other important cities




The Calvinist church

Cities with population near 200,000 are already big in Hungary.

The Culture in Hungary

As we paint it in Kalocsa…

…and as we dance it in Rábaköz

Hungarian musicians

Ferenc Liszt

Hungarian Rapsodies

Zoltán Kodály

Dances of Marosszék

Béla Bartók


Sports in my country

Our most popular sport is soccer

We are very successful in watersports.

The Hungarian cuisine

The foods from my country are famous for their characteristic, spicy taste.

Karaj Gulash Pacal

Famous Hungarian film makers

There are many Hungarians who became famous in the film industry!

Tony Curtis Alex Korda Andy Vajna

Great Hungarian inventorsErnö Rubik


John Neumann


Albert Szent-Györgyi

Vitamine C

Ede Teller – the father of the

hydroge bomb

Leó Szilárd – chain reaction in the atomic


Famous Hungarians scientists