Download - Hi Vong Song Sot

Page 1: Hi Vong Song Sot

PAST 1Nguoi dan ong ngoi voi chiec may tinh1B 2C 3C 4A 5B 6C 7C 8A 9A 10CNguoi dan ong ngoi ghe chong gay1D 2C 3B 4C 5A 6D 7C 8C 9D 10D2 chiec oto chiec truoc chiec sau nhin truc dien1A 2B 3A 4C 5C 6B 7A 8A 9C 10CHinh chiec tau giua bien 1D 2D 3B 4D 5D 6A 7B 8D 9A 10CChiec xe cu cu thoi xua canh rung cay1C 2A 3C 4A 5D 6A 7C 8B 9B 10B


TEST 1: who is going to writethe memo?2:when will the document be released?3:do you know where the nearest bank is?11C 2B 3B 4A 5B 6C 7B 8B 9B 20A 1C 2B 3A 4B 5A 6C 7A 8C 9B 30C 1C 2A 3A 4A 5C 6C 7C 8B 9B 40C

TEST 2:who was that with Mr.willows last week?Where can I take the red line subway into?What kind of apartment are you looking for?11C 2B 3A 4B 5B 6B 7B 8A 9A 20A 1A 2C 3A 4C 5C 6A 7C 8A 9B 30C 1A 2B 3C 4C 5C 6B 7B 8B 9C 40C


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TEST 3:where can I take the train to San Francisco?Has the parcel already been shipped today?Who will make the frist speech at the conference?11C 2B 3C 4B 5B 6C 7A 8C 9C 20C 1B 2B 3A 4A 5B 6A 7C 8C 9A30C 1B 2C 3C 4B 5C 6B 7C 8B 9C 40A

TEST 4:when are you moving out today?Where in Brussel does this subway stop?Iam sorry,but can I borrow your cell phone for aminute?11B 2C 3C 4B 5A 6B 7B 8C 9A20B 1C 2B 3A 4B 5B 6C 7B 8A 9A30C 1B 2A 3A 4B 5A 6A 7A 8B 9B 40B

TEST 5 : when can I take a look at the flat?Where should we meet for the job development workshop?Can you stay up tonight and linish your term paper by tomorrow?11B 2B 3A 4B 5A 6C 7B 8A 9B20C 1A 2B 3A 4B 5C 6B 7B 8C 9A30C 1B 2C 3B 4C 5C 6A 7A 8B 9B 40C


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PAST 3TEST1:where does the woman want to go?Where does theman tell the woman to take the bus?41A 2D 3B 4C 5B 6B 7A 8D 9D 50D 1D 2B 3B 4D 5D 6D 7A 8A 9D 60B 1C 2C 3A 4C 5C 6D 7B 8B 9D 70C

TEST 2: why is the man going to the conference center?Why is the man going to call Nancy?41A 2C 3B 4B 5A 6B 7A 8D 9B 50B 1D 2A 3D 4C 5A 6A 7D 8C 9B 60B 1C 2D 3A 4C 5C 6A 7B 8C 9B 70D

TEST 3:Why has Robert’s plan changed?What can you tell about the situation the company is in?41B 2C 3A 4D 5B 6C 7C 8D 9C50D 1A 2A 3D 4A 5C 6D 7C 8A 9C60B 1A 2C 3D 4D 5A 6B 7D 8B 9B 70C

TEST 4:When will the group meet for dinner?What did the man think was next on the schedule?41D 2B 3A 4B 5C 6B 7A 8B 9D 50A 1D 2C 3C 4B 5C 6D 7B 8D 9B60A 1D 2C 3C 4C 5D 6A 7C 8C 9D 70A


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TEST 5:how long is the sales convention this year?What did the woman………41B 2B 3C 4C 5C 6D 7D 8C 9A50C 1B 2A 3A 4B 5D 6C 7D 8A 9C 60D 1C 2D 3D 4D 5A 6D 7C 8C 9A 70D


TEST 1: What kind of program is this?

How many books has Dr.Monroe written?

71C 2A 3B 4B 5C 6B 7A 8D 9C

80C 1D 2D 3A 4D 5C 6B 7B 8D 9D

90C 1C 2B 3A 4C 5A 6B 7B 8C 9D 100D

TEST 2: Why has the rafting trip beendelayed?

What can the travelers do instead?

71B 2D 3B 4C 5A 6C 7D 8C 9D

80A 1C 2B 3C 4B 5B 6B 7A 8A 9B

90C 1D 2B 3D 4B 5A 6D 7C 8A 9A 100A


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TEST 3: What type of business is the Eastern Star?

What is the smallest number…….

71C 2B 3A 4B 5A 6A 7A 8B 9B

80A 1C 2C 3B 4C 5A 6A 7B 8A 9D

90B 1A 2A 3C 4A 5B 6C 7A 8C 9D 100B

TEST 4: What kind of work does the man do?

Why is the man calling?

71C 2D 3B 4D 5A 6C 7C 8A 9A

80C 1A 2D 3C 4B 5D 6D 7A 8C 9A

90D 1C 2B 3A 4C 5C 6C 7B 8A 9A 100B

TEST 5: Who most likely is the speaker?

When will the announcement most likely?

71B 2C 3D 4C 5B 6B 7C 8B 9D

80A 1C 2A 3B 4A 5B 6B 7A 8D 9B

90B 1D 2A 3C 4A 5C 6D 7B 8C 9B 100D


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TEST 1: Our company has over 200 workers…..

101A 2A 3A 4C 5D 6D 7C 8A 9C

110D 1C 2B 3A 4D 5B 6D 7C 8D 9D

120B 1C 2A 3C 4D 5C 6C 7C 8B 9D

130A 1A 2C 3D 4C 5C 6A 7B 8D 9B 140C

TEST 2: Ms.Harriet contrIbuted greatly to wards helping..

101A 2D 3C 4B 5D 6B 7C 8B 9A

110D 1C 2C 3C 4D 5D 6D 7C 8A 9A

120B 1A 2D 3D 4B 5D 6D 7A 8C 9D

130A 1D 2A 3D 4D 5D 6C 7C 8D 9C 140B

TEST 3: National Lift will investigate the billing errors only when…….

101A 2A 3D 4D 5B 6B 7B 8C 9A

110C 1D 2D 3C 4D 5A 6D 7B 8A 9B

120B 1A 2D 3C 4C 5C 6C 7A 8D 9B

130C 1C 2B 3C 4C 5D 6A 7C 8C 9D 140C


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TEST 4: We couldn’t afford to…our service contract last summer,so now well….

101A 2B 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8D 9D

110A 1D 2C 3A 4B 5B 6A 7B 8C 9B

120D 1C 2A 3B 4D 5D 6A 7A 8B 9C

130B 1A 2D 3B 4C 5A 6B 7D 8B 9C 140A

TEST 5: Mother theresa devoted her entire life not only to the service…..

101B 2C 3A 4A 5B 6C 7D 8D 9A

110A 1D 2A 3D 4B 5A 6D 7D 8A 9C

120B 1D 2C 3A 4C 5D 6D 7A 8D 9C

130B 1A 2B 3B 4B 5C 6B 7C 8A 9C 140D


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141D 2A 3B 4B 5D 6B 7B 8B 9A 150D 1A 2C

TEST 2: Texas INSTRUMENTS,due to rapid expantion, is seeking an experienced…….

141A 2B 3B 4D 5A 6B 7A 8B 9D 150D 1C 2B

TEST 3: Dear Jannes

Thank you for your recent interest in the accounting…

141A 2C 3D 4C 5D 6A 7C 8B 9B 150B 1A 2C

TEST 4 : Dear Jim

Chances are you would renew your…to Science

141C 2B 3D 4B 5B 6D 7C 8B 9C 150B 1D 2B


DATE : July 26th to August 4th…

141B 2C 3A 4C 5B 6B 7D 8B 9C 150A 1B 2A


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TEST 1: what is the fare for an eight-year-old child?

153B 4C 5D 6C 7D 8A 9D

160A 1D 2C 3D 4C 5C 6B 7A 8B 9A

170C 1B 2C 3D 4B 5C 6D 7C 8C 9C 180D 1A 2B 3D 4B 5D 6C 7A 8D 9D

190B 1C 2A 3C 4D 5D 6B 7A 8A 9B 200C

TEST 2 :who will has been asked to attend

The meeting?

153C 4C 5D 6D 7C 8B 9A

160C 1D 2A 3A 4C 5D 6A 7D 8C 9C

170C 1D 2D 3A 4D 5D 6C 7A 8B 9B

180B 1B 2C 3D 4B 5C 6A 7B 8D 9D

190A 1D 2B 3B 4C 5C 6B 7C 8D 9D 200C

TEST 3 : what is this article mainly about?

153B 4C 5D 6B 7B 8D 9C

160C 1B 2D 3D 4C 5A 6C 7A 8C 9B

170B 1D 2A 3C 4B 5D 6C 7A 8C 9D

180D 1C 2C 3B 4C 5D 6D 7B 8B 9B

190A 1D 2B 3B 4B 5C 6B 7C 8D 9B 200D9

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TEST 4 : what is the average cost of an apartment with two bedrooms and two bathrooms?

153C 4A 5C 6B 7A 8D 9D

160A 1D 2C 3A 4B 5B 6B 7C 8C 9C

170D 1A 2D 3C 4D 5B 6B 7D 8B 9D

180C 1C 2D 3C 4D 5B 6D 7C 8B 9C

190B 1C 2D 3A 4D 5C 6B 7D 8C 9C 200D

TEST 5 : How long has Speedcare been in business?

153B 4D 5D 6A 7C 8C 9D

160C 1C 2D 3C 4C 5D 6C 7D 8A 9D

170D 1B 2B 3C 4B 5A 6D 7B 8A 9C

180A 1B 2A 3A 4A 5C 6C 7B 8B 9A

190D 1C 2D 3D 4A 5D 6D 7A 8D 9B 200A