Download - guru granth sahib ji

  • 1. There are two holy-scriptures of Sikhism: Guru Granth Sahib or Adi Granth and Dasam Granth. The Guru Granth Sahib was compiled by the fifth Guru, Guru Arjan Dev in 1604 AD

2. Guru means Spiritual teacher who dispels the ignorance. Granth implies a Scripture containing divine knowledge. Sahib is added as a mark of respect, which literally means The Master or The Lord. 3. Guru Granth Sahib Ji Compiled by the Sikh Gurus themselves Revered as living Master Any member, male or female, of the congregation can read from Guru Granth Sahib Ji. All religious activity of the Sikhs are focused upon and revolves around the Spiritual Scripture. Contains teachings of the Gurus and also other Muslim and Hindu saints 4. Guru Granth Sahib exalts the True Name of ek-Omkar, and prays for the welfare of the humanity as a whole. The Holy Granth Sahib starts with the Moolmantra, before jap: Ik Onkar, sat nam, karta purakh, nirbhao, nirvair, akal murat, ajuni, saibhang, gur prasad Moolmantra is the essence of the Sikh Philosophy 5. Mool Mantra Basic Tenet(s) There is but one God True is his name The Creator, without fear, without enmity Timeless, Without birth i.e. unborn and Self illumined The entire Moolmantra is repeated 33 times in the Granth, and is repeated 524 times in its short form. 6. Guru Gobind Singh, the tenth Guru declared Guru Granth Sahib Ji as the eternal Guru and ultimate spiritual authority for the Sikhs. Guru Granth Sahib The Sikh Scripture is purely monotheistic 1430 pages, 5894 hymns, the total number of Ragas is 31. The Gurus Experience of the Divine 7. It says: A man or woman without true love is an empty shell, which soon crumbles and is reduced to dust. A resting place at the Divine Portal can be found only through the devoted service of mankind He emphasized that he who enshrines the Name of God in his heart, is emancipated while living. This is the way to reach the state of enlightenment or Jeevan Mukti. APPROACH 8. Teachings : God and GURU The body is the palace, the temple, and the house of God, in which He has placed His infinite Light says Guru Nanak. Dependence on Guru or teacher is essential to understand the reality of God. Such is the distinctive greatness of the True Guru, that through His grace and guidance one can attain salvation, even while living a normal domestic life Cultivating a real personal devotion to God, fostering compassion and service for people who are poor or suffering, and promoting equality and seeking harmony among all human beings 9. Every one is answerable to God, no one is saved but for his good deeds Greed ruins mankind as moss spoils water. Whatever pleases God is the best of all things and actions Gather good qualities and thereby get rid of evil from the heart About God, the Guru Granth Sahib says: What pervades the universe also dwells in the human body; he who searches for Him shall find Him there. Teachings:- 10. Ego must be gotten rid of, if God is to be realized. Man degrades himself in human order because of his egotism Bhagat Surdas says in Guru Granth Sahib says O! Mind! Leave the company of those who have turned away from God Guru Ramdas says - keep away from association with lust, wrath, greed, attachment, pride and vicious taste of evil deeds. The central theme of the Guru Granth Sahib is concerned with the creation of a just social order and the commitment to social and gender equality and peaceful coexistence Teachings:- 11. Practices & Dress Code No magic: antidote for evil is to remember God (recite His name) No rituals. No superstitions. No statues or idol worship Sikh men and women keep uncut hair Dress code given by tenth Guru: Guru Gobind Singh, as a form of identity and uniqueness. Sikhs wear the five Ks: Kesh (unshorn hair) Kanga (small comb) Kara (iron bangle) Kirpaan (symbolic sword) Kachera (underpants) Color of turban is personal preference 12. Values & Practices Sarbat da bhala : Welfare unto all Seva: Daily selfless service to humanity Service to god through selfless service to humanity and Gods creation. Vand Chakna: sharing with the needy Kirat Karniyee: Honest Labor Honest earnings by hard work Do not become burden on the society Daily Prayers & Meditation 13. Sikhism and Women Rights Spiritual scripture ( Guru Granth Sahib ) mandate women must be respected and treated as equal to man Sikh Gurus rejected the old myth of females being inferior to men. Sikh followers are instructed not to associate with those who discriminate against Women Sikh Women can do everything Both men and women are considered capable of reaching the highest levels of spirituality 14. ONE GOD IN ALL