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Independent asse ssm ent forGreenw ood M anagem ent

Eucalyptus plantationgrow th  projection

Sites of Fazenda Santa M aria and Fazenda Tropical 

Version 1 ­ O ctober 6, 

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A fe w us e ful te rm s

MAI: Me an Annual Incre m e nt, th e m e an annual volum e grow th pe r stand h e ctare , m e asure d in cubic m e te rs (pe r stand h e ctare )

PAI : Pe riodic Annual Incre m e nt, pe riodic (annual) ch ange on volum e pe r plantation h e ctare , m e asure d in cubic m e te rs pe r stand h e ctare

Vob: Volum e outs ide bark , th at is volum e w ith bark (MAI Vob and PAI Vob accordingly) m e asure d in cubic m e te rs pe r stand h e ctare

Vib: Volum e ins ide bark , th at is volum e w ith out th e bark (MAI Vib and PAI Vib accordingly) m e asure d in cubic m e te rs pe r stand h e ctare . Us e ful e stim ate for com m e rcial and round w ood ass e s sm e nts

Basal Are a: th e s q uare surface of a cross s e ction of th e stand tre e s (usually pe r h e ctare ) Me asure d in s q uare m e te rs in our cas e

TPH a: Tre e s pe r h e ctare , th e num be r of tre e s plante d or standing pe r stand are a for a give n tim e pe riod

Ste m biom ass : th e biom ass of th e m ain tre e ste m , in our docum e nt w ith branch e s and bark , m e asure d in tonne s pe r h e ctare

DBH : D iam e te r at Bre ast H e igh t, diam e te r of a tre e at 1.35 m e te rs h e igh t

Me an DBH : Me an D iam e te r at Bre ast H e igh t pe r h e ctare pe r stand

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Table  of Conte ntsIntroduction and rationale , pg. 5Brie f note  about th e  Faz e nda s ite s , pg. 5

Soil re s ource s , pg. 6Site  Agro­e cology, pg. 9Te m pe rature , pg. 11Clim atic w ate r balance , pg. 11Sun radiation, pg. 11Available  s oil w ate r and irrigation, pg. 11Clim ate  data s ource s , pg. 11Grow th  proje ction note s , pg. 16Grow th ­s ite  q uality cas e s , pg. 16Mode ling note s , pg. 16Oth e r te ch nical note s , pg. 21Manage m e nt s ce narios , pg. 21As s um ptions  ans  cave ats , pg. 26Conve rs ion Factor ­ W ood volum e  to ch arcoal MDC, pg. 26Conclus ions , pg. 26Re fe re nce s  ­ Re s ource s , pg. 28

Softw are  re s ource s , pg. 29Ack now le dgm e nts , pg. 29About th is  docum e nt, pg.33

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Introduction and rationale

Th is te ch nical re port is an inde pe nde nt ass e s sm e nt of Eucalyptus plantation productivity bas e d on re m ote ly s e ns e d and acq uire d data for th e tw o prope rty s ite s , Faze nda Tropical and Faze nda Santa Maria, locate d close to Catolandia and Baianopolis Municipalitie s , Micro Re gion of Extre m o O e ste Baiano, in Re gion of Bah ia, Brazil. Th e product is bas e d on re m ote ly s e ns e d and m ode le d data, w ith no fie ld ass e s sm e nts , and it is to be us e d for an inde pe nde nt com parison of th e grow th proje ctions and fore st m anage m e nt plans re porte d by Gre e nw ood Manage m e nt. Both local statistical, e m pirical grow th m ode ls and also proce s s bas e d m ode ls (3-PG) w e re us e d to m ode l plantation grow th , for com paring and custom izing inte rpre te d re sults w ith local lite rature grow th re ports . Sate llite im age ry and ve ctor GIS data w as also proce s s e d and us e d to provide an ove rvie w of th e are a, th e te rrain, th e e nvironm e ntal and clim atological attribute s . Graph ical re pre s e ntation of re sults is th e pre fe rre d w ay us e d in th is docum e nt to com m unicate th e study findings .

Brie f note about th e Faze nda s ite s

Th e tw o s ite s e xam ine d, as also pre s e nte d in re le vant m aps, are locate d in an are a of Brazil w ith strong agricultural prim ary s e ctor productivity, close to th e are a of Barre iras , at th e re gion of Bah ia, Brazil. Th e approxim ate surface are as (as re porte d from Gre e nw ood Manage m e nt) are ~ 9 00 H e ctare s for Faze nda Tropical, and 205 h e ctare s approxim ate ly for


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Faze nda Santa Maria. Ple as e note th at grow th proje ctions in th is docum e nt are re porte d on a pe r h e ctare bas is for ave rage productivity sce narios for th e tw o s ite s , so it is e asy w ith s im ple m ultiplication to e xam ine th e stand grow th for e ach are a plante d w ith Eucalyptus .

Soil Re source s

According to re vie w e d data source s th e soils of th e tw o s ite s are class ifie d as Latossolo Ve rm e lh o Am are lo D istrofico (IBGE, 25, 26, 27, 28). Such soil is re porte d in m any s ite s of Eucalyptus plantation grow th , as in scie ntific studie s re vie w e d (16, 17, 18, 19 and oth e rs). Bas e d on th is re vie w , th is is a m e dium to prom ine nt clay te xture soil, w ith low nutrie nt availability and low fe rtility le ve ls. H ow e ve r, according to lite rature re vie w , th e re are ce rtain s ite and soil am e ndm e nt m e th odologie s to im prove soil conditions for plant grow th , and it is re porte d th at a lot of agricultural production in Brazil is com ing from such soils. Spe cifically for Eucalyptus, th e re w e re re vie w e d num e rous studie s of plantations grow ing on e xactly th e sam e soil class e ith e r in th e Re gion of Bah ia and in th e ne igh boring Re gion of Minas Ge rais re porting good (16, 17, 18, 19 and oth e rs) and in ce rtain cas e s ve ry h igh grow th tre nds give n appropriate s ite tre atm e nts . Th e re fore , th e s e studie s w e re us e d to cross com pare and locally adapt our m ode ling re sults. To re pre s e nt th e cas e s w h e re soil fe rtility is low , or h igh e r due to s ite tre atm e nts , s e parate grow th s ite q uality cas e s are us e d.

Agrofore stry re gim e (16, 17, 18, 19 ), w ith nitroge n fixing plants and fe rtilization w ill be th e m ain m anage m e nt syste m as re porte d from Gre e nw ood Manage m e nt, aim ing to im prove soil fe rtility and nitroge n availability to th e grow ing tre e s . Such sce narios of incre as ing soil fe rtility are include d in th e m anage m e nt sce narios e xam ine d and tabulate d and graph ical re sults are pre s e nte d. Sim ilar tre e crop e cosyste m s are re porte d by m any local scie ntific studie s for Eucalyptus plantations , such as th e one s us e d to custom ize and cross -com pare our m ode ling re sults.


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Site Agroe cology

Agroe cological Z oning

Lite rature re vie w (29 ), re ports th at th e tw o m unicipalitie s of inte re st are class ifie d as “Ch apadas Altas”. From local analys is (ple as e s e e re le vant m aps and ge ospatial analys is) th e are as are locate d at an altitude of 720 m e te rs approxim ate ly for Faze nda Tropical, and 750 m e te rs for Faze nda Santa Maria, w h ich is s im ilar to th e 800m altitude re porte d from lite rature m ap source s . From th e sam e lite rature source s (29 ), “Ch apadas” a h ave a dry pe riod during w h ich a pre cipitation de ficit occurs , and a s e m i-h um id clim ate w ith a dry pe riod from April to O ctobe r.

Grow ing Se ason Le ngth (12, 13, 14) is 200 days e ach ye ar approxim ate ly, according to agrom e te orological analys is m ade for one of th e close st w e ath e r stations m e an clim atic data, w h ich starts at th e be ginnings of O ctobe r (w h e n our tre e planting date is s im ulate d) and e nds at th e first days of May.

Th e Clim atic Ne t Prim ary Productivity (12, 13, 14) according to th e Miam i Mode l (12), re ports also th at th e pre cipitation patte rn is a lim iting factor for th is are a. As re porte d in re le vant paragraph s , such patte rn in tak e n into cons ide ration by th e m anage m e nt re gim e , s ince irrigation w ill be applie d to prom ote plant grow th during th e dry pe riod.

Pre cipitation

Th e sub-h um id clim ate of th is tropical biom e h as an e vide nt dry pe riod be tw e e n April to O ctobe r, w h ile for th e total of th e ye ar th e pre cipitation varie s be tw e e n 1000 to 1300 m m (de pe nding on natural clim atic variability). Th e re fore , to tak e advantage of th e h um id pe riod, our planting date of th e Eucalyptus s e e dlings in th e m ode l calibrations w as cons ide re d for th e m onth of O ctobe r. As w ith oth e r variable s , th e pre cipitation (Data Source 3) w as include d into our proce s s bas e d m ode ling proce dure s of 3-PG proce s s bas e d m ode l, in orde r to furth e r custom ize our re sults to th e spe cific s ite conditions .


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Te m pe rature

Th e te m pe rature is w ith in th e le ve ls of oth e r are as w h e re th e plantations of th e Eucalyptus spp. are grow n in Brazil. D e cadal, spatially inte rpolate d value s of te m pe rature for th e last de cade are provide d at th e re le vant graph ical re pre s e ntations of th is re port. Ple as e note th e re fe re nce s s e ction w h e re clim atic data source s (Data Source 3) are m e ntione d .

Clim atic W ate r Balance

Th e clim atic w ate r balance (Data Source 3) is th e diffe re nce be tw e e n th e m ode le d e vapotranspiration and th e pre cipitation for e ach tim e pe riod. Any ne gative value s rough ly de pict th e am ount of w ate r de ficit (clim atic). Ple as e note th at th e clim atic w ate r balance pre s e nte d h e re is not th e sam e as th e soil and plant w ate r balance s , but can be an indicator of w h e n m ore lik e ly plants w ill ne e d artificial w ate r supply. Such de ficit is alre ady addre s s e d by th e fie ld applications (e x. irrigation) follow e d by Gre e nw ood Manage m e nt as re porte d.

Sun radiation

Th e sun radiation (Data Source 3) is us e d as input to m ode l calculations , as oth e r variable s m e ntione d above . Spatially inte rpolate d data (Se e Ch apte r “Clim atic Data Source s”) on radiation on a m onth ly and de cadal bas is w as us e d for th is study, and as input to th e 3-PG m ode ling inte rpre tations . Also, th e “r.sun” (34, 35) m odule of GRASS GIS w as us e d to de rive spatial h igh re solution m aps (30m ) of diffus e , ground re fle cte d, and total irradiation and radiance , as can be also be obs e rve d for th e 100th day of th e ye ar in re le vant m aps and graph s .

Available soil w ate r and irrigation

As pre s e nte d in re le vant graph s and docum e nte d in th is re port, th e Clim atic W ate r Balance is de ficit for som e of th e dry m onth s of th e ye ar and th e grow ing pe riod of Eucalyptus, and th us artificial w ate r availability can re duce th e plant w ate r ne e ds and aid into plantation grow th . Irrigation is part of th e m anage m e nt re gim e of th e plantations according to Gre e nw ood Manage m e nt re ports , to cove r any available soil w ate r plant ne e ds , and so it is include d and m ode le d in th e grow th proje ctions of th is docum e nt. Ple as e note th at e ffe ctive irrigation is w h at is m ode le d in th e grow th sce narios , th at is artificial w ate r input provide d w ith th e appropriate w ay, fie ld applications and tim ing to actually be ne fit tre e grow th . Th e m e dium to prom ine nt clay te xture of th e s ite soils can h ave a h igh w ate r h olding capacity, w h ich can re sult to soil w ate r availability for th e plants cultivate d.

Clim ate data source s

Long te rm actually m e asure d data of agricultural and fore stry s ite s , prior to e stablis h m e nt of plantation is usually h ard to find, and th e re fore in m any cas e and scie ntific studie s , e ith e r inte rpolate d data of inte rnational truste d data source s or m onitore d data of th e close st m e te orological station is us e d. Afte r re vie w of m any data source s , originating w ith e r from from Brazil (CPTEC/INPE, SUDENE, INMET), inte rnational organizations (FAOCLIM,GH CN), or oth e r w e b w e ath e r fore cast re source s (Re f. Clim ate Ch arts), finally for th e m ode ling in our cas e one option w as


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s e le cte d (Data source 3) for th e close st to our s ite locations spatial data inte rpolation point. Us ing tim e s e rie s inte rpolate d clim atic data (Data Source 3) h as th e advantage of re pre s e nting both dry and non dry ye ars , and in ge ne ral re pre s e nting clim atic variability, w h ich is th e n us e d in our m ode ling proce dure s for w ood volum e incre m e nt, re sulting in both ye ars of h igh e r or low e r production. Th e data us e d h as a re solution of 0.25 de gre e s , and as m e ntione d be fore , th e close st point to th e tw o Faze nda Site s w as s e le cte d for furth e r analys is .


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Grow th proje ctions

Grow th – Site q uality cas e s

Re porte d Me an Annual Incre m e nts of Eucalyptus spp. are h igh ly variable , de pe nding on biom e and conditions grow n. Incre m e nts can be 8 cubic m e te rs pe r h e ctare , or e ve n low e r, bas e d on ce rtain studie s , in cas e of anth ropoge nic or oth e r s ite q uality re asons , spe cie s adaptation and oth e r e nvironm e ntal unde rlying caus e s . Fore st and tre e grow th can be h igh ly variable , and com m e rcial plantation grow ing for h igh productivity incre m e nts re q uire s th e s e le ction of appropriate tre e prove nance s and h ybrids , h igh le ve l e xpe rtis e and com m itm e nt to fie ld m anage m e nt in orde r to provide pos itive re sults. Assum ing th at such practice s are applie d on th e fie ld, tw o bas ic cas e s are pre s e nte d, one of m e dium -h igh grow th , and one optim al, h igh e r productivity cas e . For our study, w e cove re d tw o bas ic s ite q uality/grow th cas e s :

- Th e m e dium productivity cas e w h e re at plantation age 11 th e volum e pe r h e ctare is approxim ate ly at 260 cubic m e te rs , and th e ste m biom ass is 125 tonne s pe r h e ctare , as in re fe re nce s (28) -ple as e s e e also re le vant table -. Such grow th is re porte d by local lite rature from Brazil for Eucalyptus spp. w ith s im ilar stock ing and m anage m e nt practice s for a location in th e ne igh boring Re gion of Minas Ge rais , w h e re th e soil class w as as in th e tw o Faze nda Site s discuss e d (Latossolo Ve rm e lh o Am are lo D istrofico), but at low e r altitude and w ith h igh e r pre cipitation le ve l. Th e re fore w e as sum e th at for th e tw o Faze nda s ite s , nitroge n fixing plants are grow n in a tre e crop syste m w ith Eucalyptus, and th at ade q uate fe rtilization is applie d. Furth e rm ore , irrigation is applie d in a m anne r to provide soil w ate r for plant grow th as in th e local studie s . According to our ass e s sm e nt, m ore studie s re fe r to such grow th patte rns (for th e Site Quality Case 1), th an in th e s e cond cas e , and th e re fore w e cons ide r th is first cas e m ore fe as ible th an th e s e cond. H ow e ve r, th e re is an incre as ing num be r of publis h e d studie s de scribing such h igh volum e incre m e nt rate s w ith th e us e of Eucalyptus clonal varie tie s (w ith an MAI e q ual to 40 or m uch h igh e r), as th e s e are also in de tail m e ntione d be low and pre s e nte d as s im ulations to graph s and table s . - Th e optim al productivity cas e de scribe s a rath e r h igh incre m e nt le ve l. Bas e d on th e pre vious grow th cas e , w e as sum e th at m ost lim iting factors for plant grow th are re duce d s ignificantly bas e d on th e s ite m anage m e nt, fe rtilization and irrigation applie d, and th e planting of fast grow ing Eucalyptus clonal varie tie s . Such grow th is re porte d for s e le cte d prove nance s and plant h ybrids . Th e MAI is re ach ing th e 40, or m ore th an 40 cubic m e te rs pe r h e ctare in ce rtain ye ars , and th e total incre m e nt is m uch h igh e r th an in th e pre vious sce nario. Th is e stim ate falls close w ith th e production e stim ate s from local studie s from Bah ia (33) and oth e rs (11). Also, th e s e re sults as in th e s e cond optim al cas e , and e ve n h igh e r incre m e nts , are fe as ible according to fie ld studie s and e xpe rim e nts re porte d from Gre e nw ood Manage m e nt, bas e d on te sts of th e clonal varie tie s to be us e d.

Eucalyptus m anage d fore sts in Brazil are h igh ly productive . In both cas e s above , th e tre e productivity is ve ry h igh , w h e n com pare d w ith th e incre m e nt le ve ls of oth e r, non tropical fore st e cosyste m s (for e xam ple fir natural fore sts in h igh altitude , h igh re lative de ns ity s e le ction cut stands of th e Me dite rrane an re gion can h ave an annual grow th date of 3 cubic m e te rs pe r h e ctare in ce rtain s ite s , w h ile le s s can be obs e rve d in ce rtain e ve rgre e n oak stands , 2.5 cubic m e te rs pe r h e ctare ).

Mode ling note s

A lot of inform ation and studie s e xist for young fast grow ing plantations in Brazil, and according to our lite rature as s e s sm e nt, le s s inform ation e xists on th inning ope rations (such as Manage m e nt Sce nario 2 or 3) and th e stand be h avior afte r th inning. Both local


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statistical m ode ls de ve lope d from a study in Bah ia Re gion, and th e proce s s bas e d m ode l 3-PG custom ize d bas e d on local studie s (31, 16, 17, 18) for Eucalyptus spp. (including th e natural h ybrid of Eucalyptus cam aldule ns is x Eucalyptus uroph ylla). Adapte d for th is study Clutte r bas e d m ode ls (32, 37) and a Sch um ach e r bas e d m ode l (32) (us ing as our inte rpre tation input various s ite indice s to account for s ite q uality variation) and th e custom ize d 3-PG proce s s bas e d m ode l w e re e xam ine d for grow th and m anage m e nt sce narios , as give n in graph ical re sults. Cross com parison of our 3-PG adaptation w as m ade to m ak e sure th at our custom ization h as s im ilar e stim ate s w ith local e m pirical m ode ls.Th e re spons e to th inning w as also te ste d for th e – furth e r calibrate d for our study- Clutte r m ode l originating from re ce nt studie s in Bah ia (31, 32, 37) and such re sults w e re cross com pare d w ith th e 3-PG, as also pre s e nte d in re le vant graph s . Th e agre e m e nt of grow th proje ctions is provide d in re le vant graph s and table s , be fore and afte r th inning.For e xam ple , for a study m ade in Bah ia, publis h e d on 2009 (32), e xam ining s e ve ral incre m e nt m ode ls for 37 Eucalyptus clone s , th e Me an Annual Incre m e nt (MAI, IMA in Portugue s e ) w ith bark w as for th e various calculations m ore th an 40 cubic m e te rs pe r h a for young stand age s , and in m any cas e s surpass ing th e 50 cubic m e te rs pe r h e ctare , outs ide bark . Ple as e note th at th e above doe s not im ply th at all Eucalyptus plantation grow e rs in th e sam e re gion w ill h ave th e ve ry s im ilar re sults; rath e r it is an indication th at, if th e appropriate prove nance s and tre e varie tie s are ch os e n and th e ne e de d m anage m e nt re gim e s are follow e d on th e fie ld, th e n such h igh incre m e nt re sults are poss ible .

Oth e r te ch nical note s  

Octobe r is cons ide re d th e planting m onth , w ith 1333 s e e dlings pe r h e ctare e stablis h e d, and as m e ntione d in pre vious ch apte rs , it is s e le cte d as it is th e start of grow ing and rainy s e ason.

Th e volum e ins ide bark is cons ide re d to be 14% -15% of th e total ste m volum e , as in ite rations m ade from lite rature source s (37) - h ow e ve r th e bark volum e is re porte d sm alle r for clonal varie tie s , from 9 % to 12 % of th e ste m total in re ce nt publications (36)-.

Manage m e nt sce narios

Base d on th e s e tw o m ain grow th cas e s , ce rtain m anage m e nt re gim e s are pre s e nte d for e ach of th e th e cas e s discuss e d:

- A rotation pe riod of 7-9 ye ars , for th e production of th e total volum e pe r h e ctare for e ne rgy biom ass propos e s . - H arve sting th e m ajority of th e at th e produce d volum e at th e plantation age 7-9 ye ars , and le aving 250 ste m s pe r h e ctare for furth e r grow ing until 13-15 ye ars (of plantation age ). Such m anage m e nt re gim e is applie d by m anage m e nt studie s dim e ns ion w ood production and th e re fore is follow e d h e re . - Th inning ope rations as to k e e p th e re lative de ns ity low and th us tre e com pe tition in low le ve ls, in orde r to m axim ize plantation grow th , is th e last m anage m e nt sce nario propos e d, w ith re ducing basal are a by approxim ate ly 50% on Ye ar 4, w ith 650 tre e s re m aining, and furth e r re m oving about 60% of basal are a on Ye ar 8, le aving 250 tre e s pe r h e ctare . Th is proje ction s h ould be tre ate d w ith caption, s ince it is not re fe re nce d and cross ch e ck e d for corre ctions w ith local re sults and studie s (due to th e fact th at local q uantitative data on subs e q ue nt th inning e ve nts w as not available on pe e r re vie w e d publications as s e s s e d in orde r to com pare our re sults).


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Assum ptions and cave ats

Assum ptions , and poss ible inaccuracie s , about our approach e s on e stim ating w ood volum e incre m e nt and s ite productivity are discuss e d in m ore de tail at th e re le vant docum e nt ch apte rs . Natural variability, clim ate e xtre m e s , natural or m an caus e d disturbance s such as fore st fire s , can e as ily cre ate unfavorable conditions for plant grow th according to one 's plans . H ow e ve r, cons ide ring th e past and curre nt h igh productivity of Brazil Eucalyptus plantations and th e local e xpe rtis e de ve lope d, w e as sum e th at such grow th is fe as ible , as also re porte d by local studie s for th e sam e re gions , and/or for th e sam e or s im ilar agro-e cological biom e s . As it is obvious , any poss ible e rrors or inaccuracie s are of cours e not due to m ode ls and softw are us e d and us e d, but rath e r to our param e trization. Local adaptation and param e trization to spe cie s and s ite conditions of e m pirical-statistical m ode ls, such as th e Clutte r one , or proce s s -bas e d m ode ls such as th e 3-PG, can h ave e rrors or inaccuracie s caus e d from th e m ode le r (as in th is docum e nt), and re sult to m isle ading fore casts . Th e re fore , our re sults w e re com pare d w ith publis h e d q uantitative data of Eucalyptus incre m e nts of th e sam e biom e s in Brazil, in orde r to lim it th e occurre nce of any e rror in our proje ctions .

Conve rs ion Factor - W ood volum e to ch arcoal MDC 

Th e ratio of “stack e d w ood cubic m e te r/MDC of ch arcoal = 1,47” re fe rring to bone dry w ood is provide d h e re bas e d on local lite rature source s . Th e s e MDC factors and calculations de rive d from lite rature (30) w e re de ve lope d in Brazil for Eucalyptus spe cie s , and in th e re fe re nce d article th e clonal (Eucalyptus uroph ylla x Eucalyptus cam aldule ns is) varie ty in s im ilar to th e one in q ue stion for th is as s e s sm e nt . Th e ABRAF statistical Ye arbook 2009 (33) re fe rs to a ch arcoal conve rs ion rate of 1,33 for Eucalyptus spp. according to ne w de ve lopm e nts/im prove m e nts of th e carbonization proce s s .Conve rs ions of w ood volum e or w ood biom ass to MDC de pe nd on various factors , such as tre e de ns ity (w h ich for e xam ple can vary from plantation grow n to naturally grow n spe cie s , or from one location to anoth e r), dry volum e s h rink age , te m pe rature of carbonization proce s s and oth e rs .

Conclus ions

W orld k now n, pe e r re vie w e d approach e s on m ode ling plant grow th w e re furth e r adapte d to th e be st of our k now le dge in orde r to de rive th e above pre s e nte d m ode ling re sults. Analys is w as follow e d to ch e ck th at our adaptation fits in w e ll w ith th e grow th tre nds obs e rve d by auth ors of local studie s . Tw o bas ic s ite q uality cas e s are e xam ine d, one of m e dium -h igh and one of h igh e r grow th , and for e ach of th e s e cas e s 3 s ite m anage m e nt sce narios are propos e d, w ith production age s varying from 7-13 ye ars afte r plantation e stablis h m e nt, de pe nding on s ilvicultural tre atm e nts . Re ade rs s h ould note h ow e ve r, th at th is is a th e ore tical ass e s sm e nt of plantation grow th , bas e d on scie ntific m e th odology and data available , and can pre s e nt s ignificant variations of th e actual future Eucalyptus plantation grow th . W h ile th e utm ost care h as be e n tak e n to e nsure th e validity of th e re sults, th e auth or can not be h e ld re spons ible for variations be tw e e n th e curre nt proje ctions and actual future Eucalyptus plantation grow th , due to m ode ling, m anage rial, anth ropoge nic, or oth e r re asons .


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Com m e nt on th e table above : Th e data proje cte d for Site Quality Case 1, w h e re proje ctions agre e w ith re fe re nce s (18) h aving at 11nth ye ar volum e ins ide bark to 260 cubic m e te rs approxim ate ly, and ste m biom ass (including branch e s and bark ) at 127 tonne s pe r h e ctare .


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Re fe re nce s - Re source sSe ve ral lite rature , w e b and oth e r re source s w e re re vie w e d for th is as s e s sm e nt, w h ich are m e ntione d in de tail be low :

1. Ave ry, T.E., B.E. H arold, 2002. Fore st Me asure m e nts , fifth e dition, Ne w York ; McGrow -H ill 426 p.

2. J.J. Landsbe rg, R.H . W aring, A ge ne ralis e d m ode l of fore st productivity us ing s im plifie d conce pts of radiation-us e e fficie ncy, carbon balance and partitioning, Fore st Ecology and Manage m e nt, Volum e 9 5, Is sue 3, 1 August 19 9 7, Page s 209 -228, ISSN 0378-1127

3. R.H . W aring, N.C. Coops, J.J. Landsbe rg, Im proving pre dictions of fore st grow th us ing th e 3-PGS m ode l w ith obs e rvations m ade by re m ote s e ns ing, Fore st Ecology and Manage m e nt, Volum e 259 , Is sue 9 , Productivity in Tropical Plantations , 15 April 2010, Page s 1722-1729 , ISSN 0378-1127

4. J. J. Landsbe rg, R. H . W aring, N. C. Coops, Pe rform ance of th e fore st productivity m ode l 3-PG applie d to a w ide range of fore st type s , Fore st Ecology and Manage m e nt, Volum e 172, Is sue s 2-3, 20 January 2003, Page s 19 9 -214, ISSN 0378-1127

5. N. C. Coops, R. H . W aring, J. J. Landsbe rg, Ass e s s ing fore st productivity in Australia and Ne w Z e aland us ing a ph ys iologically-bas e d m ode l drive n w ith ave rage d m onth ly w e ath e r data and sate llite -de rive d e stim ate s of canopy ph otosynth e tic capacity, Fore st Ecology and Manage m e nt, Volum e 104, Is sue s 1-3, 12 May 19 9 8, Page s 113-127, ISSN 0378-1127

6. P. J. Sands , J. J. Landsbe rg, Param e te risation of 3-PG for plantation grow n Eucalyptus globulus, Fore st Ecology and Manage m e nt, Volum e 163, Is sue s 1-3, 28 June 2002, Page s 273-29 2, ISSN 0378-1127

7. ALMEIDA, A.C.; LANDSBERG, J.J.; SANDS, P.J. Param e te risation of 3-PG m ode l for fast-grow ing Eucalyptus grandis plantations . Fore st Ecology and Manage m e nt, v.19 3, p.179 -19 5. 2004.

8. SILVA, G.G.C. Nutrição, cre scim e nto e sua m ode lage m e m povoam e ntos de e ucalipto e m re sposta à disponibilidade de água e nutrie nte s . Viçosa, MG: UFV, 2006. 102f. Te s e (Doutorado e m Solos e Nutrição de Plantas) – Unive rs idade Fe de ral de Viçosa, Viçosa.

9 . SANDS, P.J. 3PGpjs - A Us e r – Frie ndly inte rface to 3-PG, th e landsbe rg and w aring m ode l of fore st productivity. Coope rative re s e arch ce ntre for sustainable production fore stry and CSIRO fore stry and fore stry products . Te ch nical Re port n. 29 , Edition 2.3, fe bruary, 2003.

10. Silva, W e lliam Ch ave s Monte iro da, 19 73- Mode lage m dos balanços de radiação e de água e s im ulação do cre scim e nto do e ucalipto na Bacia do Rio Doce -MG / W e lliam Ch ave s Monte iro da Silva. – Viçosa, MG , 2007. Te s e (doutorado) - Unive rs idade Fe de ral de Viçosa

11. BEPP Brazilian Eucalyptus Productivity Mode l online re source s at h ttp://lam ar.colostate .e du/~ m ryan/Re s e arch /BEPP.h tm , and also h ttp://lam ar.colostate .e du/~ bink le y/Brazile ucalyptus .h tm and h ttp://w w w .ipe pp/. W e bs ite s and citations w ith in.

12. FAOCLIM 2: W orld-w ide Agroclim atic Databas e , Ve rs ion 2.01. January 2001. Environm e nt and Natural Re source s W ork ing Pape r Num be r 5. Available on CD-ROM from th e Agrom e te orology Group, Environm e nt and Natural Re source s Se rvice (SDRN), Sustainable D e ve lopm e nt D e partm e nt (SD), Food and Agriculture O rganization of th e Unite d Nations (FAO ), Rom e , Italy. FAOCLIM 2 CD-ROM is de scribe d at [h ttp://w w w n.h tm ].

13. CLIMPAG: Clim ate Im pact on Agriculture , Environm e nt, CLim ate Ch ane g and Bioe ne rgy D ivistion (NRC), Food and Agriculture O rganization of th e Unite d Nations h ttp://w w w pag/

14. Lie th , H ., 19 72. "Mode lling th e prim ary productivity of th e e arth . Nature and re source s", UNESCO, VIII, 2:5-10.

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16. Re nabio - Re de Nacional de Biom assa para Ene rgia, Rua Profe s sor Albe rto Pach e co, 125 – sala 506 – Bairro de Ram os – 36570-000 Viçosa – MG h ttp://w w w .re p



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19 . Stape , Jos e Luiz; Ryan, Mich ae l G.; Bink le y, Dan "Te sting th e utility of th e 3-PG m ode l for grow th of Eucalyptus grandis x uroph ylla w ith natural and m anipulate d supplie s of w ate r and nutrie nts" 2004, Fore st Ecology and Manage m e nt. 19 3: 219

20. Stape , Jos e Luiz; Bink le y, Dan; Ryan, Mich ae l G. "Eucalyptus production and th e supply, us e and e fficie ncy of us e of w ate r, ligh t and nitroge n across a ge ograph ic gradie nt in Brazil" 2004, Fore st e cology and m anage m e nt. Vol. 19 3, no. 1/2 (May 2004): p. 17-31.

21. Stape e t al, 2007. “Production and carbon allocation in a clonal Eucalyptus plantation w ith w ate r and nutrie nt m anipulations” Fore st Ecology and Manage m e nt 255 (2008) 9 20-9 30

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23. Laércio Couto, Antonio de Arruda Tsuk am oto Filh o, Júlio César Lim a Ne ve s , Carlos Albe rto Morae s Passos , Carlos Antonio Álvare s Soare s Ribe iro e Mich e lle Margarido Fons e ca Couto Araujo "PRODUÇÃO E ALOCAÇÃO DE BIOMASSA EM UM SISTEMA AGRISSILVIPASTORIL COM EUCALIPTO NA REGIÃO DO CERRADO DE MINAS GERAIS" Re nabio - Biom assa & Ene rgia, v. 1, n. 4, p. 321-334, 2004

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25. IBGE: Instituto Bras ile iro de Ge ografia e Estatística h ttp://w w w .ibge om e /

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30. Álvaro Nogue ira de Souza, Antônio Donize tte de Olive ira, José Robe rto Soare s Scolforo, José Luiz Pe re ira de Re ze nde , José Marcio de Me llo “VIABILIDADE ECONÔMICA DE UM SISTEMA AGROFLORESTAL” Ce rne , Lavras, v. 13, n. 1, p. 9 6-106, jan./m ar. 2007

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33. Associação Bras ile ira de Produtore s de Flore stas Plantadas – ABRAF “ABRAF Statistical Ye arbook 2009 ”

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34. and applications . Manuscript subm itte d to th e Inte rnational GRASS us e rs confe re nce in Tre nto, Italy, Se pte m be r 2002

35. H ofie rk a, J. (19 9 7). D ire ct solar radiation m ode lling w ith in an ope n GIS e nvironm e nt. Proce e dings of JEC-GI'9 7 confe re nce in Vie nna, Austria, IO S Pre s s Am ste rdam , 575-584.

36. Ce lso Foe lk e l “Casca da árvore do e ucalipto: aspe ctos m orfológicos , fis iológicos , flore stais , e cológicos e industriais , visando a produção de ce lulose e pape l” Eucalyptus O nline Book , Capitulo 5, as s e s s e d O ctobe r 2010

37. LEITE, H e lio Garcia e t al. Avaliação de um m ode lo de distribuição diam étrica ajustado para povoam e nto de Eucalyptus sp. subm e tidos a de sbaste . Re v. Árvore [online ]. 2005, vol.29 , n.2, pp. 271-280. ISSN 0100-6762.

Softw are re source s

Se ve ral softw are re source s w e re us e d for th e re alization of th is as s e s sm e nt:

­ Th e  3­PG M ode l Softw are . 3­PG is  th e  acronym  of  th e   Ph ys ilological Principle s  Pre dicting Grow th , w h ich  is  a “ge ne ralize d fore st carbon allocation m ode l”, publis h e d by Landsbe rg and Waring on 19 9 7

h ttp://w w w .cs tm l

­ Microsoft Exce l and Microsoft W indow s XP Profe s s ional

­ Ope noffice .org 3.2.0

­ De bian Gnu/Linux 5.0.4

­ De bian GNU/Linux te sting, code nam e d “Sque e ze ”

­ Grass GIS 6.4.0RC6 (2010) - GRASS D e ve lopm e nt Te am , 2010. Ge ograph ic Re source s Analys is Support Syste m (GRASS) Softw are , Ve rs ion 6.4.0. O pe n Source Ge ospatial Foundation. h ttp://grass .osge

­ Quantum  GIS (QGIS) ve rs ion 1.4.0 Ence ladus

­ GNU Re gre s s ion and Econom e trics  Library, Ve rs ion 1.9 .0­1

­ Gnuplot, Ve rs ion 4.4.0­1

Ack now le dgm e nts

Th e m ain data source s , crucial for th e re alization of th is as s e s sm e nt, h ave to be ack now le dge d:

Data Source 1: Landsat ETM 2000 Mosaics , from Earth Explore r, Unite d State s Ge ological Surve y, US D e partm e nt of Inte rior, USA

Data Source 2: IBGE, Instituto Bras ile iro de Ge ografia e Estatística, Brazil

Data Source 3: © Europe an Com m unitie s , 2009 EC-JRC-MARS data, production by Me te oConsult (Nl) bas e d on ECW MF (Europe an Ce ntre for Me dium Range W e ath e r Fore casts) m ode l outputs – JRC of EC

Data Source 4: Global Land Cove r Facility (GLCF), Unive rs ity of Maryland, Maryland, USA

Ack now le dgm e nts are also ow e d to th e auth ors/de ve lope rs of th e 3-PG m ode l, Dr. J.J. Landsbe rg and Dr. R.H . W aring.

- J.J. Landsbe rg, R.H . W aring, A ge ne ralis e d m ode l of fore st productivity us ing s im plifie d conce pts of radiation-us e e fficie ncy, carbon balance and partitioning, Fore st Ecology and Manage m e nt, Volum e 9 5, Is sue 3, 1 August 19 9 7, Page s 209 -228, ISSN 0378-1127

Finally, ack now le dgm e nts are e xpre s s e d to th e Australian Com m onw e alth Scie ntific and Re s e arch O rganization (CSIRO )/Fore stry Manage m e nt for th e distribution and provis ion of th e 3-PG m ode l softw are .


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About th is docum e ntTh is inde pe nde nt ass e s sm e nt for Eucalyptus grow th w as de ve lope d by bio4m e t <w w w.bio4m e > bas e d on contract w ith Gre e nw ood Manage m e nt. Bio4m e t is a sm all (natural pe rson) consulting com pany bas e d in Gre e ce . Copyrigh ts be long to both partie s m e ntione d.