Download - Gauge invariant Lagrangian for Massive bosonic higher spin field Hiroyuki Takata Tomsk state pedagogical university(ТГПУ) Tomsk, Russia Hep-th 0707.218.

Page 1: Gauge invariant Lagrangian for Massive bosonic higher spin field Hiroyuki Takata Tomsk state pedagogical university(ТГПУ) Tomsk, Russia Hep-th 0707.218.

Gauge invariant Lagrangian for

Massive bosonic higher spin field

Hiroyuki Takata

Tomsk state pedagogical university(ТГПУ)

Tomsk, Russia

Hep-th 0707.218

YITP  2007 年8月7日 =Not always totally symmetric, but general tensor.

Based on the work with

I.L. Buchbinder and V.A. Krykhtin

mixed symmetric

Page 2: Gauge invariant Lagrangian for Massive bosonic higher spin field Hiroyuki Takata Tomsk state pedagogical university(ТГПУ) Tomsk, Russia Hep-th 0707.218.

Motivations 1

1. Motivated by String/Brane theory.

Point particle sting

World line World sheet


World volume

•Higher dimensional extended object may naturally coupled with various tensor (gauge) field,

those are mixed symmetric in general (ex. )•Various HS states are also in string theory.

•Similarity between Mixed sym. HS alg and Virasoro algNote: we do not restrict ourselves from string/brane theory.

Page 3: Gauge invariant Lagrangian for Massive bosonic higher spin field Hiroyuki Takata Tomsk state pedagogical university(ТГПУ) Tomsk, Russia Hep-th 0707.218.

2. We are interested in investigating all irreducible tensor representation under Poincare group in arbitrary dimension.

howeverTotally symmetric tensors do not cover all irreducible representation of Poincare group in case more than 4 space-time dimension.

3. Interacting HS theory is not considered here though, technique introduced here may be useful for that.

Motivations 2, 3

Page 4: Gauge invariant Lagrangian for Massive bosonic higher spin field Hiroyuki Takata Tomsk state pedagogical university(ТГПУ) Tomsk, Russia Hep-th 0707.218.

For totally symmetric case, rank of tensor is its spin.For Mixed symmetric case,

a set of number ,(s1 ,s2 ,…) gives correspondent of “spin”. In other word, Young tableaux describe “spin” in this case.

… … … … s1

… … s2

… …

symmetric for ’s and ’s

Each tensor symmetry is described by corresponding young tableaux


What is spin for mixed symmetric case?

Page 5: Gauge invariant Lagrangian for Massive bosonic higher spin field Hiroyuki Takata Tomsk state pedagogical university(ТГПУ) Tomsk, Russia Hep-th 0707.218.

What are conditions for irreducible representation

under Poincare group?

Essence of Mixed symmetiric case is in 2 rows case, so,

Let us consider Massive arbitrary spin field like

, which corresponds Young tableaux with 2 rows (s1 s2)

1. K-G equation,2. Transversality condition3. Traceless condition

4. One more condition for irreducibility under symmetric group of tenser indices

Page 6: Gauge invariant Lagrangian for Massive bosonic higher spin field Hiroyuki Takata Tomsk state pedagogical university(ТГПУ) Tomsk, Russia Hep-th 0707.218.

Procedure (plan of talk)

Spin independent formulation introduce c-a op.

Introduce and extending Fock space to formulate HS state with gauge sym.

Treatment of arbitrary spin need more c-a op.

Gauge inv. Formulation need ghosts

Gauge fixing


FROM eq. of irreducibility for tensor field TO Lagrangian.

Constraint eq. With

HS alg.

BRST eq.with

gauge sym.

Lagrangian with

gauge sym.

Idea for introduce gauge sym. : formula

Page 7: Gauge invariant Lagrangian for Massive bosonic higher spin field Hiroyuki Takata Tomsk state pedagogical university(ТГПУ) Tomsk, Russia Hep-th 0707.218.

Starting: Irreducibility condition

Symmetric property of (i) symmetric by permutation of 1…s1 and 1…s2

We would like to find a Lagrangian that leads following conditions (i) - ( v) as its equations of motion

Not exist for totally symmetric case

Page 8: Gauge invariant Lagrangian for Massive bosonic higher spin field Hiroyuki Takata Tomsk state pedagogical university(ТГПУ) Tomsk, Russia Hep-th 0707.218.

Following 3 conditions are the same as in the totally symmetric case

(iii) Klein-Goldon equation

(iv) Transversality condition

(v) Traceless condition

Page 9: Gauge invariant Lagrangian for Massive bosonic higher spin field Hiroyuki Takata Tomsk state pedagogical university(ТГПУ) Tomsk, Russia Hep-th 0707.218.

Auxiliary Fock space representation

•Introduce auxiliary Fock space and creation-annihilation operators and rewrite above constraints.

•Unlike totally symmetric case, K kinds of c-a op. needed for K-row YT. Here we introduce 2 kinds of ones for 2-row YT.

Spin independent formulation introduce c-a op.

Introduce and extending Fock space to formulate HS state with gauge sym.

Treatment of arbitrary spin need more c-a op.

Gauge inv. Formulation need ghosts

Gauge fixing

Page 10: Gauge invariant Lagrangian for Massive bosonic higher spin field Hiroyuki Takata Tomsk state pedagogical university(ТГПУ) Tomsk, Russia Hep-th 0707.218.

To rewrite other constraints, define operators

Not exist for totally symmetric


Page 11: Gauge invariant Lagrangian for Massive bosonic higher spin field Hiroyuki Takata Tomsk state pedagogical university(ТГПУ) Tomsk, Russia Hep-th 0707.218.

Add Helmite conjugate of above operators (for Helmitisity of lagrangian)

(These are not constraints for Ket state but for Bra.)

Page 12: Gauge invariant Lagrangian for Massive bosonic higher spin field Hiroyuki Takata Tomsk state pedagogical university(ТГПУ) Tomsk, Russia Hep-th 0707.218.

Higher Spin algebra for Mixed symmetry

Independent generators:

Essential for Irr. HS

Virasoro algebra like

Some sub-algebras

Page 13: Gauge invariant Lagrangian for Massive bosonic higher spin field Hiroyuki Takata Tomsk state pedagogical university(ТГПУ) Tomsk, Russia Hep-th 0707.218.

Since these m2, G11, G22 are not regarded as 1st class constraints for neither Ket or Bra, there appear 6 2nd class constraints:

In order to make these right hand sides 1st

class constraints, we can modify algebra and find new representation for that.

Hint: If right hand sides of these commutators have some arbitrary constants, they may control model and make r.h.s constraints. 6 arbitrary parameters will be introduced

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Page 14: Gauge invariant Lagrangian for Massive bosonic higher spin field Hiroyuki Takata Tomsk state pedagogical university(ТГПУ) Tomsk, Russia Hep-th 0707.218.

New representation

New representation is sum of original and additional:

we need to introduce 6 creation-annihilation operators corresponding above these 6 second class constraint, namely,

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Spin independent formulation introduce c-a op.

Introduce and extending Fock space to formulate HS state with gauge sym.

Treatment of arbitrary spin need more c-a op.

Gauge inv. Formulation need ghosts

Gauge fixing

Page 15: Gauge invariant Lagrangian for Massive bosonic higher spin field Hiroyuki Takata Tomsk state pedagogical university(ТГПУ) Tomsk, Russia Hep-th 0707.218.

To solve problem related spin, add

There are two parameters in above expression, those determine value of spin in our model , by requiring remaining 4 class constraint should be the 1st class.

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Page 16: Gauge invariant Lagrangian for Massive bosonic higher spin field Hiroyuki Takata Tomsk state pedagogical university(ТГПУ) Tomsk, Russia Hep-th 0707.218.

It is easily seen that these “new” operators also satisfy the almost the same algebra to the original one

difference: mass m does not cause 2nd class constraint problem and it includes two parameters those make model consistent

Note: modification of inner product is necessary because

…Follow red colors

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Page 17: Gauge invariant Lagrangian for Massive bosonic higher spin field Hiroyuki Takata Tomsk state pedagogical university(ТГПУ) Tomsk, Russia Hep-th 0707.218.

From algebra to BRST operator (General procedure)

If constraint operators Ta satisfy closed algebra:      [Ta, Tb ] = fab


Then, BRST operator is defined as

Where a , P b are canonically conjugate ghost variables.

….BRST equation

….Gauge transformation

Page 18: Gauge invariant Lagrangian for Massive bosonic higher spin field Hiroyuki Takata Tomsk state pedagogical university(ТГПУ) Tomsk, Russia Hep-th 0707.218.

BRST operator and Fock states

BRST operator is calculated as

, which is nilpotent. Here,

Page 19: Gauge invariant Lagrangian for Massive bosonic higher spin field Hiroyuki Takata Tomsk state pedagogical university(ТГПУ) Tomsk, Russia Hep-th 0707.218.

We define extended Fock state, which is independent of ghost momentum for G’s.

-k is ghost number

Spin independent formulation introduce c-a op.

Introduce and extending Fock space to formulate HS state with gauge sym.

Treatment of arbitrary spin need more c-a op.

Gauge inv. Formulation need ghosts

Gauge fixing

Page 20: Gauge invariant Lagrangian for Massive bosonic higher spin field Hiroyuki Takata Tomsk state pedagogical university(ТГПУ) Tomsk, Russia Hep-th 0707.218.

BRST equation and Reducible Gauge transformation

We have equation of motion for physical state

Page 21: Gauge invariant Lagrangian for Massive bosonic higher spin field Hiroyuki Takata Tomsk state pedagogical university(ТГПУ) Tomsk, Russia Hep-th 0707.218.

Lagrangian from BRST operator

Now, we can construct Lagrangian for fixed spin

K is a operator to define modified inner product.

Page 22: Gauge invariant Lagrangian for Massive bosonic higher spin field Hiroyuki Takata Tomsk state pedagogical university(ТГПУ) Tomsk, Russia Hep-th 0707.218.

Gauge fixing (with partial equations of motion)

Gauge fixing conditions to reproduce starting equations

Irreducible mixed spin state under Poincare group

Gauge invariant mixed spin state



Page 23: Gauge invariant Lagrangian for Massive bosonic higher spin field Hiroyuki Takata Tomsk state pedagogical university(ТГПУ) Tomsk, Russia Hep-th 0707.218.

Example the simplest mixed symmetric case: spin (1,1)

State expansion

Page 24: Gauge invariant Lagrangian for Massive bosonic higher spin field Hiroyuki Takata Tomsk state pedagogical university(ТГПУ) Tomsk, Russia Hep-th 0707.218.

Lagrangian for spin (1,1) click to simplify

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Gauge transformation


Tensor and Vector fields

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Scalar fields

Page 27: Gauge invariant Lagrangian for Massive bosonic higher spin field Hiroyuki Takata Tomsk state pedagogical university(ТГПУ) Tomsk, Russia Hep-th 0707.218.

Reducible Gauge transformation

Gauge transformations of gauge parameters are


Return to Lagrangian

Page 28: Gauge invariant Lagrangian for Massive bosonic higher spin field Hiroyuki Takata Tomsk state pedagogical university(ТГПУ) Tomsk, Russia Hep-th 0707.218.

Generalization to multi row YT


… …




k rows•Irr.condition & algebra, are the same form, but with i=1…k

• k(k+1) 2nd Class constraints.

• k h’s are introduced.

•Gauge fixing cond.


•Gauge transformation is reducible,

whose number of stage is k(k+1).

Page 29: Gauge invariant Lagrangian for Massive bosonic higher spin field Hiroyuki Takata Tomsk state pedagogical university(ТГПУ) Tomsk, Russia Hep-th 0707.218.


• Mixed symmetric Irreducible tensor field under Poincare group in arbitrary space-time dimension were studied.

• We found how to construct gauge invariant Lagrangian for the arbitrary mixed symmetric field by using BRST.

• Conversely, gauge fixing condition to reproduce irreducible field was found.

• Spin(1,1) example was explicitly given.


FROM eq. of irreducibility for tensor field TO Lagrangian.

Constraint eq. With

HS alg.

BRST eq.with

gauge sym.

Lagrangian with

gauge sym.

Gauge fixing