Download - Fate of Ruby 1.8

  • 1. Ruby 1 .8 Fa te o f Ruby 1 .8 / Urabe, Shyouhei.

2. / Who I am / Urabe, Shyouheiat Trans New Technology, One of an active comitter Has been maintaining stable branches of Ruby, e.g. 1.8.5,1.8.6, and currently 1.8.7. 1981 ( ) 3. / AgendaRuby 1.8 past Ruby 1.8 recent Ruby 1.8 future of each branches of 1.8 series 4. 1.9.0 (Dec. 27 2007) 1.8.0 (Aug. 14 2003)1.6.0 (Sep. 19 2000)1.4.0 (Aug. 13 1999) 5. 1.8.6 1.8.0 6. @yukihiro_matz @yugui@knu@shyouhei@wyhaines 7. Ruby 1.8.6Mentor: Kirk Haines (at Engine Yard) Since May 2009 We will fix bugs and performance issues, address security issues, and test to ensure that when releases are made, they are of as high a quality as possible. Anything else, like adding new APIs or behaviors is completely outside of a maintainers role, so we wont bedoing that. 8. 9. 10. Ruby 1.8.7Mentor: Urabe, Shyouhei (at TNT) 11. Ruby 1.8.7Priority Security issues Bug fix Test fix / add Document fix / add Build system fix (e.g. 12. Ruby 1.8.8devMentor: Akinori MUSHA Stable branch Stable as stable API No incompatible changes But do have new things 13. Ruby 1.8.8dev1.8 1.8 is reaching to completion (of features) 1.8 1.9 We'll need some help to jump up to 1.9 and want to reduce the gap between them. 14. This gap 15. / What to come if RUBY_VERSION >= 1.9.0 # 1.9 grammar else # 1.8 grammar end / make it possible 16. Ruby 1.8.9? / Negative. 1.9 / Use 1.9 Ruby 1.9 Our future is in 1.9. 17. / Other branches1.8.5: / Already abandoned. 1.8.6: Ask Kirk and EY people. They say they'll maintain for a while. 1.8.7: / I'll maintain for a while. At least until 1.8.8 comes out.and planning to maintain a lot longer.1.8.8: / Uncertain. Said to be during 2008 but 18. / Other branches1.9.1: And beyond: Yugui