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This industrial training is the training for the student in a period of time in

order to let them have some working experience. It is also essential for practical

evaluation to decide whether the students are worthy to receive the certificate.

Besides that, all their activities and task been given during the training session must

be recorded in the log book been provided. The chances that are given by the

University are good opportunity for the students to let them gather knowledge and

experience as much as they could in the 16 weeks of training period.

This is a better chance for them being exposed to the working experience before

graduating in their studies. Student also gets to study about safety precautions when

working in industries. They also are being exposed about the hazard of working with

the engineering professions that usually are popular for accident tragedies.


1.1 Objective of Industrial Training

Among the objective of industrial training are :

1. Apply engineering methods such as design and problems solving.

2. Develop understanding of the functioning and organisation of a business.

3. Develop technical, interpersonal and communication skills, both oral andwritten.

4. Study the safety and hazard at workplace and the respective Personal ProtectiveEquipment (PPE).

5. To expose students to working environment in their respective fields, namely as

the first step for student to prepare before entering the working field after


6. Able to be discipline and follow all the rules and regulations at work.

7. Fostering teamwork and good communication with employees in the company.


1.2 Industrial Training Importance

Industrial training is to expose the students to real jobs and to improve their

knowledge and skills in their respective fields as well as towards producing graduates

who are competent, ethical, professional, competent and creative. In addition, it helps

student to adapt to a challenging environment. With this, students will be more

prepared and confident in their own capabilities. In addition, students can also learn

how to work in groups effectively, and to understand the role of each team member as

well as to foster a sense of responsibility, trust and cooperation between each other..


1.3 GG Circuits Industries Sdn. Bhd.

The Industrial Training (INTRA) was done in GG Circuits Industries Sdn. Bhd.:

No. 18 Jalan Riang Utama, Gembira Industrial Park, Off Jalan Tampoi, 81200 Johor

Bahru, Johor.

Figure 1 : Location of GG Circuits Industries Sdn. Bhd

The position assigned was as a lab assistant Trainee and reported duty on 20th JUNE

2016 to MLB manager, Mr Muhammad bin Md Arip. The major task given was to

assist in ensuring the chemical running at production lane always on spec that have

been set. Provide prevention and also corrective action if any problem on chemical

happen at production lane.



GG Circuits Industries Sdn. Bhd

2.1 Company Background

GG Circuits Industries Sdn. Bhd. has a relatively long history and recognized tradition,

since its establishment in 1985. Previously, GG Circuits Industries was known as

Golden Glow Enterprise. Figure 2.1 below shows the company logo. Basically, this

company involved in manufacturing of printed circuits board (PCB) for industrial

electronics, automotive, home appliances and communication. Besides, this company

also known globally as one of the advanced in PCB manufacturing for electronics and

automobile industries. Figure 2.2 shows some PCB’s.

Figure 2.1: Company Logo


Figure 2.2: Printed Circuits Board

The achievement were supported by the company’s commitment to drive

towards manufacturing efficiency, new process development and operation capabilities

encompass state of art equipment to meet and exceed customer’s demand.

The core competence of the company includes manufacturing of Single Sided,

Double Sided and Multi-layer Printed Circuit Boards.

Furthermore, this company have experienced strong growth by being a true

partner with their customer. All GGC teams believed the long-term relationship with

their clients is their competence. The key component of their business is service to

the customer. GGC is known to provide responsive and individualized product and

services on whatever the project size and willing to fulfill client’s requirements with

the best efforts.


Table 2.1: Details of Company

Name of Company : GG Circuits Industries Sdn. Bhd.

Address : No. 18 Jalan Riang Utama, Gembira Industrial

Park, Off Jalan Tampoi, 81200 Johor Bahru,


Telephone No. : 07-2761288

Type of business : Manufacturing

Registration No. : 136273-M

Company’s registration date : 5 March 1985

No. of Employee : 200

Products : Printed Circuits Board

Figure 2.3: The main gate of GG Circuits Industries Sdn. Bhd.



Figure 2.4: Parking area for higher management staff

Figure 2.3 and 2.4 shows the main gate of GGC and parking area provided

for higher management staff.


2.2 Vision, Mission and Objective of Company

2.2.1 Vision and Mission

GGC aims to achieve total satisfaction through its vision and mission as an efficient

and reliable manufacturer of PCB. This will be accomplished by:


Continually improved the effectiveness of quality management system.


Continually delivered superior products and services to customer in the

most cost effective and timely manner.

With the total support by empowering and quality conscious workforce, all GGC teams

shall commit themselves to comply with the requirement for continuing success.


2.2.2 Objectives of Company

The objectives of GGC are:

1. To be a company which can give profit and achieve target sales.

2. Able to provide good life style to all GGC teams and develop

excellent manner of each GGC teams.

2.3 Organizational Chart

2.3.1 Main Organizational Chart

Managing Director

( Albert Tan )

Quality Mnagement General Manager EnvironmentalRepresentative

( CP Lim )Management

( Mrs. Jariah )Representative

( WY Wan )

Figure 2.5:Main Organizational Chart


2.3.2 Department Organizational Chart

Figure 2.6: Department Division Organizational Chart


2.3.3 Operation Management Organizational Chart

Figure 2.7: Operation Management Organizational Chart

2.4 Department Function

There are 8 Main departments in GGC where each department play an

important roles in contributing to company achievement. Moreover, without good

communication, cooperation and management, more profit cannot be made. Thus,

specific management plan and job scope were listed according to department


MLB department was placed under Operation management together with

SLB and maintenance department lead by Mr. Kumar. The general function of

operation management department were to provide good products within given

period of time. In order to achieve its function, full attention needs to be given to

each section under both MLB and SLB department.


2.4.1 MLB Department

MLB department specialized in manufacturing double sided PCB and multi-

layer PCB while SLB focusing on single sided PCB. There are more than 10 sections

under MLB department. Each section plays an important role in order to complete the

output. Each section was placed under specific supervision and monitor by production

manager. Figure 2.8 and 2.9 shows the general MLB process flow for double sided

and specific MLB process flow for both double sided and multi-layer PCB


Figure 2.8: General MLB Process Flow for Double Sided PCB


Figure 2.9: Details MLB Process Flow for Both Double Sided and Multi-layer



Besides, each part number of PCB have different process flow depends on customer

order. Process flow of each part number can be refer on traveller which also known

as part number ID. Figure 2.10 shows examples of traveller.

Figure 2.10: Traveller

Laboratory Section

Previously, laboratory section was placed under engineering department.

However due to it’s important to the production line, changes have been made. Thus,

laboratory section was placed under MLB department from that time onwards.

Laboratory section are monitor by Mrs Nur Zehan and Mrs Rabiatul Adawiyah. The

main role of laboratory section are to analyse each samples from both MLB and SLB

department such as dry film, solder mask, organic solderable preservation (OSP),

copper plating, gold plating and hot air levelling (HAL).




3.1 Understanding of Laboratory Responsibility and Scope

3.1.1 Purpose

The purpose of laboratory section is to monitor the chemicals concentration

use in each section under production line. It is important to make sure that all

chemicals were in good condition and enough to support ongoing panels. Besides, as

lab engineer we need to fully understand the method use and chemicals condition in

order to avoid accident.

Furthermore, lab section needs to follow up each samples an hour after

distributed the report or after any replenishment have been made. Sometimes, trainee

also need to follow up samples after new make-up have been made. Normally, each

section will called us and informed regarding new make-up process.

On trainee first day, trainee learned basic analysis which involved titration

method, calibration and observation. There are more than 20 samples that need to be

analysed everyday not including waste water treatment samples (WWTP). Moreover,

trainee have to get used to analyse samples as fast as trainee can since each section

need the chemicals report before run the ongoing panels.


3.2 Understanding of MLB Process Flow and its Function

As trainee was placed under MLB department, trainee have to understand the

process involved in PCB manufacturing. According to MLB process engineer, 4

months is not enough for trainee to completely understand every process. . Besides,

during free time trainee learn about the process and output from production lane

3.2.1 Blackhole and Dry Film Section

Panels from drilling will be send to blackhole section. In blackhole section,

panels will be clean at deburring stage before pass to conditioner tank. In conditioner

tank, the alkaline solution will clean the copper surface from through hole plating.

Then, panels enter SP starter tank which act as main blackhole chamber. It will coats

substrate material with carbon providing the means to electrolytically copper plate

the hole walls. Figure 3.1 below shows panels before and after coating with carbon.

After that, panels will be clean in microclean G5 tank before proceed to dry film


Figure 3.1: Panels Before and After Coating with Carbon


Dry film consist of lamination, pattern expose and develop stage. In this

section, panels from blackhole will be laminate. After lamination process, pattern

will be exposed on the panels. Before panels went to next section, panels will be

develop in dry film develop to any unwanted resist. Figure 3.2 below shows panels

before and after dry film developing. If panels from dry film developing have

problems and need to redo its process, panels from dry film will be strip in dry film

stripping section.

Figure 3.2: Panels Before and After Dry Film Developing


3.2.2 Copper Plating Section

Basically, copper plating is a process where a layer of copper is deposited on

the item to be plated using electric current. This section applied electrolysis theory.

Before copper is plated on panels, panels will be clean in acid cleaner tank. Then,

panels will be dipped in microetch G4 tank which promotes copper adhesion. After

that, panels will be dipped in copper plating tank for copper deposition. Lastly,

panels will be dipped in restin tank consist of tin solution which act as etch resist to

protect copper surface against the attack of etching media in SES later. Figure 3.3

shows the panels before and after copper deposition.

Figure 3.3: Panels Before and After Copper Deposition


3.2.3 SES Section

SES section stands for strip etching strip. This section consist 3 different

stage which are dry film stripping, ammonium etching and tin stripping. Figure 3.4,

3.5 and 3.6 shows panels before and after dry film striping, ammonium etching and

tin stripping, respectively.

Figure 3.4: Panels Before and After Dry Film Striping


Figure 3.5: Panels Before and After Ammonium Etching

Figure 3.6: Panels Before and After Tin Striping


3.2.4 Solder mask Pre-treatment and Develop

In solder mask pre-treatment section, panels will be clean from impurities in

microetch G5 tank. Then, panels will be provided with optimum roughness for

excellent ink adhesion in multiprep tank. Besides, anti-tarnish solution is used to

prevent copper surface from oxidation.

After undergo pre-treatment, ink will be printed on the panels before

exposing pattern on its surface. Then, unwanted ink on panels will be removed in

solder mask developing chamber. Final bake is needed in order to cure solder mask

ink. Figure 3.7 below shows solder mask final bake conveyor oven.

Figure 3.7: Solder Mask Final Bake Conveyor Oven


3.3 Routine Jobs

3.3.1 Taking Samples

During this industrial training, trainee need to take samples from each section

every morning, afternoon and evening. Normally, sample was collected from on

8:30 am every day. Morning samples are from blackhole, solder mask develop, dry

film and desmear. For normal production schedule, lab section will take samples

from copper plating around 11:30 am. Exception for samples from OSP, HAL, SES

and solder mask pre-treatment (multiprep), each section technician will collect

samples and send to laboratory for analysis. Figure 3.8 shows some of morning


Figure 3.8: Samples from Blackhole, Dry Film and Solder Mask


3.3.2 Analysis, Observation and Monitoring Samples

Basically, samples analysis in this laboratory involved titration method.

Besides, figure 3.9 and 3.10 shows spectroscopy instruments that were used which

are UVVisible and Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy (AAS), respectively. As

laboratory engineer, colour changes of each samples analysis need to be observed

carefully. This is because, it is important to avoid using too much titrant which

overshoot the endpoint. This action can caused different result. Figure 3.11 shows

titration of some of the samples.

Figure 3.9: Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy


Figure 3.10: UV-Visible Spectrophotometer

Figure 3.11: Titration of Samples Analysis and Observation


Monitoring samples is a process which involved follow up samples and

suggesting for new make-up. Besides, we need to monitored that all chemicals

concentration are in it spec. Low concentration and high concentration chemicals can

affect the ongoing panels. For examples, if concentration of tin which is use in

copper plating section as etch resist was too high, thick layer of tin will be plated on

the panels. Hence, it will be hard to remove thick layer of tin in stripping process

later. If tin residue was present in the panels, it may cause other potential failure such

as presence of stain under solder mask and solder mask peel off. Table 3.1 shows

routine schedule of samples analysis and observation that were conducted every day.

This schedule was arranged according to each section control plan.


Table 3.1 Schedule of Samples Analysis and Observation per Day for EachSection

Section Schedule of Samples Analysis andObservation Per Day

Blackhole Once (except for Microetch G5)

Desmear Once (analysis was not conducted everyday)

Dry film Twice

Solder mask develop Twice

Solder mask pre-treatment (multiprep) Once

HAL Twice

OSP Twice

Strip Etching Strip (SES) Once

Copper plating Once

Multibond Once (analysis was not conducted everyday)

Gold plating Once (analysis was not conducted everyday)

Punching Once


Besides, we need to monitor etching rate and make sure that etching rate is within

specification. High etch rate indicates insufficient copper thickness due to high

concentration of chemicals concentration or high temperature. Thus, from samples

analysis we can decide whether we need to add water, add chemicals or adjust the


3.3.3 Preparation of Standard Solution and Indicator

In order to carry out analysis, we need to prepare standard solutions and

indicator. Some of the standard solution that were used in samples analysis are 1.0N

NaOH, 1.0N Na2S2O4, 0.1N HCl, 50% HCl, 20% H2SO4 and 0.2N EDTA. While,

methyl red, PAN, bromocresol green, sodium chromate, methyl orange,

phenolphatalein, and thymolphatalein are some indicators used in samples analysis.

Before preparing standard solution and indicator, it is important to rinse all apparatus

with deionized water in order to avoid contamination. Figure 3.12 and 2.13 shows

some of the standard solution and indicator use samples analysis.

Figure 3.12: Standard Solution and Indicator Use in Samples Analysis


Figure 3.13: Standard Solution and Indicator Use in Samples Analysis

3.4.3 Record and Report

Two months after started industrial training, Mrs, Nur Zehan of MLB process

engineer was on maternity leave. Thus, she teaches trainee briefly about each process

for PCB manufacturing. Besides, she also teaches trainee how to do monthly yield

performance report, key in yield and reject percentage, record SPC copper plating

and solder report.

For monthly yield performance, trainee need to complete the report after 26th

of each months. Then, after finished key in and print out report, trainee need to

distribute it to each section supervisors. Yield performance report was important in

order to monitor performance of each sections. Besides, each supervisor can take

action to reduce major type of reject. Perhaps, this report can motivate all employee

to work hard to achieve target performance every month. Figure 3.14 below shows

yield performance report.


Figure 3.14: Yield Performance Report

Figure 3.15: SPC Copper Plating Data

Figure 3.15 above shows SPC copper plating that were record weekly in order to

monitor copper thickness after plating process.




As conclusion, trainee managed to learn new things within 16 weeks of

industrial training. Besides, trainee was able to build confidence level, teamwork and

good relationships with other employees. Within this training, trainee was able to

expand knowledge and skills on handling chemicals, quality surveyor and others.

Furthermore, exposure of industrial training give student a real working

environment. Besides, throughout this training, trainee learned to practice more

safety precaution in the industry. Industrial training also worked as basic preparation

for working life after graduate.

GGC is a good company for those who wished to experience real working life.

Moreover, GGC also concerned to produce a multi-tasking employee which able to

do various type of job

There are some recommendations that the author would like to suggest to

UniKL MICET for the next coming Industrial Training candidates to gain better

working experience and knowledge. The current months of Industrial Internship

Training Program which is four months are not sufficient enough for the trainee to

gain experience and knowledge. The author would suggest that the duration of

training which is in five to six months should implement so that more experience and

knowledge could be gained. Moreover, Student Industrial Training Unit (INTRA)

needs to prepare a list of companies that are suitable to the student’s respective

course. This is to avoid the student from undergoing training in the company that is

not related to their field of study. Student Industrial Training Unit also needs to


provide some general information for each company listed to help student to

understand the host company first before undergo their training there. INTRA also

need to remind the student to seek earlier the place they want to intern as this will

ease the flow for INTRA itself as it can process their form earlier. This also helps the

host company which provide a longer time for them to choose and think about the

intern they want to take. The author also reminds the student in UniKL MICET to

choose the host company based on their field of study, not referring to allowances or

place to intern. This is to prevent the difficulties in performing projects in the host

company if the company working environment is not related to the student’s field of

study. Lastly, creating more working environment activities in UniKL MICET will

helps student to gain experience, practice their work ethics and increase their
