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English Reading and Translation III


I. Course Objectives

To enhance students’ reading comprehension in terms of reading speed and efficiency;

To develop students’ ability to conduct E-C and C-E translation at the discourse level based on improved reading comprehension.

II. Procedure

◆ Reading assignment check

◆Quiz (twice a week)

◆ Reading skills

◆ Fast reading

◆In-class reading passage

◆ Translation skills

◆ Exercises

III. Course Introduction

◆ Reading and Translating III

◆2 Credits(学分 )

◆Required course (必修课)


Written final exam 70 % Assignment 15% Class activity participation 10% Attendance 5%

Unit Two The English reserve and politeness

I. Objectives

1) to learn to read newspapers and obtain information from the headlines

2) to understand Englishman’s character and their culture

3) to understand long and difficult sentences

4) to learn the new terms and expressions in the passages

II. Procedures

i. Reading skill

ii. Fast reading

iii. Text

iv. Translation skills

v. Exercise

III. Reading Skills:

Understanding Headline Vocabulary

(1) The characteristics: a special vocabulary, much use of contraction.

(2) Short words, abbreviations, and shortened words and slang.

(3) Try to be familiar with the list of such words given by the editors.

Headline vocabulary

Short words

aid=assist, probe=investigation


Close-Up on Will

(Will=William Shakespeare) Shortened words and slang

Weekly mag for stamp lovers to

be launched (mag=magazine)

Fast reading practice

Finish the three passages in 10 minutes (100 words per minute)

Check the keys

Text Study

Previewing questions: Think over the title:“The English Reserve and

politeness”. What kind of style could the essay be? (Narration? Argumentation? Exposition?)

what would be written or described

in the text ?

Skim the whole text and think about the following


1. What kinds of characters do British people have?

2. What’s the function of Para.2 ? What’s the author’s purpose to write this article?

How to understand the beginning of the passage (the first two paragraphs):

a. To introduce the topic of the passage: the quality of the British;

b. Pay careful attention to the transitional function of the second paragraph: Leading the reader to the writer’s intention.

How many parts could the whole text be divided?

FivePart1(1-2), Part2(3), Part3(4), Part4(5), Part5(6-11)

Part I reserved: adj. (of a person) that does not like to

talk about himself or to make his feeling known. 缄默,沉默

restrained: adj. (of a person or his behavior) calm and controlled; not showing strong feelings 克制的;遏制的

ill-bred: adj. badly behaved or rude, probably as the result of being badly brought up as a child.

hospital/ hospitable barrier/ obstacle/ obstruction (remove the -) break down: destroy; demolish

1. English people tend to be like that. Tend means to be likely. e.g. Janet tends to get very angry if you disagree

with her.

2. English (except perhaps in the North) are not noted for their generosity and hospitality.

Noted (for) means well known because of a special quality or ability.

e.g. When I toured in the Netherlands, I visited a small town noted for its cheeses.

Break down---(in the text) to overcome Other usages: ① We are sorry to arrive late, but the car broke

down. ( =stop operating or functioning ) ② The bridge broke down in an earthquake. ( =fall apart ,collapse ) ③ Water can be broken down into hydrogen and

oxygen. ( =Decompose, separate (substances) into

constituent elements or parts ) ④ When she heard the news of her son's death,

she broke down at once. (=lose control of one's emotions )

Part 2 (3) What is the topic sentence?

What could be typically English?

What qualities could often produce a sort of indifference that makes foreigners misunderstand and irritate?

Self-deprecation (self-disapproval).

English reserve and English modesty.

Para.3 Topic: Closely related

to English reserve is English modesty.

be keen on: be fond of air: one’s manner or

bearing, appearance 态度,姿态 irritating: adj. annoying

British people’s modesty

Within their hearts, the English are perhaps no less conceited than anybody else, but in their relations with others they value at least a show of modesty.


Part 4 (5) How to understand “never hit a man

when he’s down”?

Sportsmanship is the ability to practise a sport in obedience to its rules, while also showing generosity to one’s opponent and good temper in defeat.

Never take advantage of another person’s misfortune.

Like a sense of humor, sportsmanship is an English ideal which not all Englishmen live up to.

Live up to means to keep to the high standards of or to put into practice

Other usages: ① We will live up to what our party expects of us. (=fulfil the requirements or expectations of ) ② You must live up to your promise. (=Carry out, fulfill) ③ I doubt if he can live up to his brother. (=Be as good as)

Part 5 (6-11) advance apology: apologize in advance/ before

doing something observe: v. follow or adhere to (a law,

command, method, principle, custom, etc.) alight: v. to get off or down from, esp. at the end

of a journey maxim: n. a rule for good and sensible behavior,

when expressed in a short well-known saying. 格言

seniority: n. the condition of being in high rank or age. 年长,资深

old age and … British: that they can get protection and support and other authority is not because of their old age and seniority.

tiresome: adj. annoying

When the request is granted, and at any time when you are receiving something, however obviously you are entitled to it, you are always expected to say "Thank you".

Entitle means to give (someone) the right to do something or have something. It is often used in the passive voice.

e.g. Only members of the company are entitled to use the facilities.

“We need some young blood” is often heard in organizations where the energy and modern methods of younger men are felt to be more likely to succeed than the long but partly irrelevant experience of older ones.


After reading questions:

The British “perfectly human” features:

a. Their modesty;

b. Their sense of humor;

c. Their sportsmanship;

d. Their politeness: the daily use of some expressions, request and offer, visit to others, politeness to women, politeness to old people, their attitude to age.

Difficult Points: (1) Why are the British considered reserved by other


(2) The different understandings of politeness.

Important words and expressions

1. ill-bred2. be noted for3. conceit4. no less…than5. self-deprecation6. live up to7. obedience8. generosity9. breach10. be entitled to

11. by means of12. be conscious of13. take advantage of14. alight from15. seniority16. protect…from17. keep pace with18. compliment19. embarrassment20. gaily

Translation skills:

明喻( smile)


在英语当中,多出现 like, as, seem, if, as though 等连接词。明喻的使用可以更鲜明,更简洁,更生动地描述事物,使人们通过联想更形象更深入地去了解事物。

例: Fat reserves are like bank accounts to be drawn on in the winter when food suppliers are limited and some times difficult to reach because of deep snow.


Every tree and every branch was encrusted with bright and delicate hoarfrost, white and pure as snow, delicate and defined as carved ivory.


由于文化、习俗的差异,对一些明喻的翻译我们要做出适当调整,如: as hard as nails(铁石心肠的) , as thin as a lath (骨瘦如柴的) , as poor as church mouse (一贫如洗的) , as timid as a rabbit (胆小如鼠的) , like a mushrooms (雨后春笋)等,我们在翻译中需注意。


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