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In honor of Mr. Jafari…

Session OneHow do you do? How do you do?

I am down the dumps. اوضاعم بی ریخت است

I am out of sorts. بی حوصله هستم

I am in doldrums. پکر هستم

I feel under the weather. لحاظ فیزیکی حال خوبی ندارماز -چمچمالم

I don’t feel like doing anything. حال هیچ کاري رو ندارم

I am in fine fettle. سرحال و بانشاط هستم

I am on spree سرحال هستم –کپکم خروس میخونه

I am interested in + …

o I am interested in doing sports.

I am fascinated by + …

o I am fascinated by surfing the net.

I am keen on + …

o I am keen on watching movie.

I am fond of + اسم یا عبارت اسمی

o I am fond of animals.

What are you interested in?

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It depends. When I am in doldrums I’d prefer to go mountain claiming butwhen I am on spree I’d prefer to dance.

I’d prefer to + …

I am good at + یک مهارت

Since I am fascinated by swimming, I am really good at that.

Something is at my best interest.

Swimming is at my best interest.

provide an example

make friend ا کردندوست پید

take walk in the open

What are you like? چطور آدمی هستی؟

What do you look like? چه شکلی هستی؟

What do you like? چی دوست داري؟

I fly off the handle. از كوره در رفتم

I am devoted. از خود گذشته

to win the trust of someone عتماد كسي را جلب كردنا

to win the heart of someone دل كسي را بدست آوردن

level headed آدم معقول

demure زن(باوقار(

trendy اهل مد

tolerance صبر- تحمل

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average height قد متوسط

supportive حامی

ruler of school ناظم مدرسه

housewife = homemaker

they carry the same meaning يك معني را دنبال ميكنند

Session TwoWhat are some features of a good ……..?

When I think of/about features of a good …… the first thing that occurs in to my mind is ……

He/she is good at …..

A good teacher must know what he/she teaches.

A good teacher must have a good mastery over what he/she teaches.

فاعل + used to + قبالً به كار عادت داشتن شكل ساده فعل

فاعل + be + used to + فعل + ing به كار هم اكنون عادت داشتن

فاعل + get + used to + فعل + ing به كار به تازگي عادت پيدا كردن

My father used to be a teacher but he is retired now.

amusement park شهرباز

get along کنار آمدن با

all walks of life همه ي اقشار جامعه

He is good at getting along with all walks of life.

eloquent خوش صحبت -فصیح

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get something across فهماندن چیزي به کسی

He can get his idea across easily.

A good teacher must be also eloquent.

Can I get along with you?

I don’t know much about you because we have not been in touched for a long while.

Some people are difficult and you have to be wise enough to find about their personality traits.

headway = progress

We all try to live better life.

Many people are determined to make headway. Sure enough education can pave the way.

sure enough ًمسلماً -قطعا

you bet. مطمئن باش

for sure. ًحتما

by all means. با کمال میل

tenacious محکم و استوار

He must be tenacious that means he sets goals and try hard to achieve them.

tough سختگیر –سخت

tough break چه بد –آخي

good grief بخشكي شانس - اَه چه بد!

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I strongly believe a good teacher is associated with some features. For one thing, he must be patient.

for one thing = for a particular example

He must deliver engaging lectures. او بايد سخنراني غرايي بكند.

I have a memory like a sieve. چيزها را به آساني فراموش كردن.

What is your favorite …..?

What kind of association does it make? چه چيز راتداعي ميكند؟

This song reminds me of my childhood.

How far have you come? تا كجا پيش رفتي؟

Session ThreeI can get much more done when I am in a circle of friends.

.كارايي من باال ميره وقتي در جمع دوستان هستم

I’ll rather study in groups because everyone drops in/contributed their ideas.

.من ترجيح ميدهم گروهي درس بخوانم زيرا همه ايده هايشان را مطرح مي كنند

to attend a class = to take part in class = to take a course on.

.حرف اضافه ندارد attendفعل : نكته

I don’t have any trouble reading English, but I want to understand people better when they talk to me.

.دار مي آيد ingفعل بعد به صورت have/has troubleبعد از : نكته

What do you have trouble doing?

I have trouble getting along with la-di-la people. خودنما –آدم ها فخر فروش

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I have trouble getting along with people who make big deals about themselves.

.از خودشان تعريف مي كنند

A good teacher can facilitate your learning.

wearing perfuming

street vendor فروشنده خياباني –دست فروش

peddler فروشنده دوره گرد

I am not much of a dancer / I am not into fashion of a dancer. اهل رقص نيستم

I’d prefer to watch people dancing because it put me in a good mood.

Have you thought about being impressive?

Have you ever tried to impress anyone?

o Yes I have. I have tried to impress my teacher by showing my talents.

Can I make a visible person?

What makes a person visible?

Actually, all people like being impressive. For sure, having good personality trait make a person visible.

There are a number of…..

There are a number of features that can make a person attractive.

What are you proud of?

I am really proud of my parents.

Welcoming face خوش رو بودن

cranky = grouchy بداخالق

shabbily شلخته

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slovenly شلخته

come of age به سن قانوني رسيدن

o when Jan comes of age he will buy his own car.

come up in the world ترقي كردن -به جايي رسيدن

o A good education helps my brother come up in the world

to crack a smile پوسخند زدن

o she crack a smile and I knew she was kidding

to cut someone losses جلو ضرر را گرفتن

o He cut his losses by putting better lock on the door.

efficiency كارايي

It does my heart good. موجب خوشحالي من شد -كيف ميكنم

every once in a while = every now and then گهگاهي

keep up with هماهنگ بودن با

come up with به ايده يا نظر جديد دست يافتن –فكر جديد را مطرح كردن

put up with تحمل كردن كسي يا چيز

break up with جدا شدن از –كردن قهر

Session FourTV is a popular form of entertainments for a great number of people.

TV programs are of different types and people based on their tendencies get to choose different TV shows.

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soap operas سريال ها خانگي

thriller هيجان انگيز

science fiction علمي تخيلي

documentaries مستند

horror وحشتناك

Which one is your favorite TV program?

o I am fond of documentary movie because it is full of mystery and show some marvelous facts.

These days almost everyone spares a few hours to watch TV but sure enoughthey have different preferences and inclinations.

I think soap operas are not that interesting because the subject is mostly banaland they have nothing to new offer.

I can’t stand science fiction either. They abound special effects. (The world of fictions is abundant with wonders) the subject is not tangible.

abound فراوان بودن

abundant فراوان

abundance فراواني

scarce = rare كمياب

scary ترسناك

How scarce are good teacher!

once in the blue moon نقطه نظر زماني خيلي به ندرت زا

every once in a while

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hardly ever خيلي به ندرت

Quiz show fascinates me because a question is posed and some people are expected to give the right answer. They blurt out something out of the blue.

out of the blue )قيد(ره غير منتظ

I like people express their feeling.

I like expressing my feeling because I can communicate better with others and win their hearts.

poverty result in crime

crime results of poverty.

health care = sanitation بهداشت

Session FiveThe most fondly remembered ….. I have even ……

The most fondly remembered trip I have even taken ….

خاطره انگيز ترين سفر كه تا به حال داشتم

The most fondly remembered book I have ever read …

I happen to know him.

I happen to be there.

I am pressed for time وقت ندارم –وقتم تنگه

My schedule is always tight. وقت ندارم –هميشه برنامه هايم پر است

Collocations of problem

:مواجه با مشكل

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1- running to a problem2- face a problem3- get into a problem

:راه حل پيدا كردن

1- find a solution2- work out a solution

:غلبه بر مشكل

1- solve a problem2- sort out a problem3- remedy a problem

something is growing in popularity. فالن چيز محبوبيتش داره باال ميره

laden with (verb)…

replete with (adj)… مملو از

heavily loaded …

laden with guilt

a house replete with every modern convenience

a heavily loaded lorry

devoted of

deplete with عار از

empty of

a criminal utterly devoted of conscience. يك جنايت كار كامالً عار از وجدان است.

some words are empty of meaning.

conscience وجدان

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conscientious وجداني

conscious هوشيار

stock ذخيره كردن

have little in common with اشتراكات كمي با بقيه داشتن

I rank conscience the most important feature.

I am replete.

I am as full as a tick ا ندارمجديگه (سير هستم(

I pigged out سير سير هستم

I ate to the content of my heart سير سير هستم

I am stuffed. سير سير هستم.

Session SixI can pay a role of ….

Help yourself د از خودتان پذيرايي كنيدبفرمائي

Help yourself with tea.

obscure مبهم -مشكوك - پنهان

furious نيعصبا

In one day a person may play many roles, depending on where he/she is. For example, the same person can be a father or husband, a boss or employee, ….

My father is my role model. پدرم بر من يك الگو است

put somebody on a pedestal قرار دادن شخصي را مدل و الگو

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You shouldn’t put him on a pedestal. He doesn’t deserve it.

I think highly of someone خيلي با ديده احترام به فالني نگاه مي كنم

I think highly of my mother

My father is a man of honor. پدر من آدم با شرفي است

He is a towering figure in his job او چهره برجسته ا در شغلش است

Ferdosi is a towering figure in the world of poem.

What do you expect a good ….

What do we expected the tenant? از يك مستاجر چه انتظار داريم؟

He should not be a bad debt.

A good tenant must be circumspect and clean.

good-will خوش نام

The school has to rely on the good will of the parents to help raise money.

I am a family person.

Lenders must try and protect themselves against bad debt.

A good wife is expected to be devoted and submissive, she must be a family person and she must be a good cook and good homemaker.

devoted فداكار

submissive مطيع

A good employer is expected to be open mind and wise enough so that you can put him on a pedestal.

open minded ≠ narrow minded

A good job is expected to be related to what you have mastery on.

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I can’t stand working as an office-temp كار موقتي

I can’t make end meet. خرجم به دخلم نمي خوره

I think for handling a good job, you don’t necessarily need to put in lots of hours during a day.

I put in 16 hours in a day.

grave yard shift شيفت شب

a regular 9-5 job كار متداول دفتر

white collar job ادار وكارها دفتر

blue collar job كار كارگر و صنعتي

working against the clock

working around the clock گاهي به معنا سگ دو زدن(ساعته ۲۴كارها(

clock in ساعت زدن صبح

clock out ساعت زدن عصر

You are well on your way راه را دار درست مير

entrepreneur كارآفرين

the same دقيقاً مثل هم

similar مشابه هم

The same here من هم همينطور

No problem

No big deal در جواب تشكر ار نكردم ك

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Don’t mention نفرماييد

You are welcome

You seem to be …….

It’s seems that …..

You seem to be an artist.

journey سفر

persuasive متقاعد كننده

affable دوستانه -خودماني

You should be involved in it.

The story itself must be engaging.

can could was able to/ managed to

Session Sevento dash around بدو بدو كردن

from the crack of dawn از كله سحر

to do back logs نجام دادنكارها عقب اقتاده را ا

to catch up on something كارها عقب اقتاده را انجام دادن

I catch up on my lessons.

long time no see پارسال دوست امسال آشنا

Where have you been hiding yourself ? كجايي نيستي؟

Would you mind staying here?

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We have a few things to catch up on.

avid طماع

voracious پر ولع

indolence سستي –رخوت

overcome problems

.حرف اضافه ندارد overcome: نكته

instructive آموزنده

boisterous مواج - طوفاني

to deliver a lecture سخنراني كردن

offer a lecture سخنراني كردن

I am tired of …..

I am sick and tired of…. خسته هستم از

I am fed up…..

I am tired of go my class.

The viewer in fact trades his place with the actor.

I like to trade my place with my teacher.

Do you like to trade your place with me?

The story itself must be engaging.

To understand the story you should be involved in it.

make effort = try = to work toward a goal

I have to make effort.

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to put our best foot forward = to try to make a good impressive

to do something at the best of my ability

having a feel of being effective

It is necessity of something.

.فعل به صورت مفرد مي آيد ولي ضماير به صورت جمع everyoneبرا : نكته

altruism بشر دوستي –نوع دوستي

C-command verb : فعلي كه به فعل بعد دستور مي دهد در قالب چه ساختار بيايد


I had my brother wash my car.

I got my brother to wash car.

I had my car washed.

I got my car washed.

It does not answer my purpose anymore. ديگه به كار من نمي آيد.

to an in restaurant در يك رستوران دوست داشتني

Session EightHe is taking bad habits داره عادت ها بد پيدا ميكند

They go hungry. گرسنه هستند

I feel pity for country that are poor and people go hungry.

what a pity چقدر غم انگيز

If the fine weather holds I take a long walk. اگر هوا مساعد باشد....

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before the cold weather sets in .....قبل از اينكه هوا سرد شود ..…

when you feel ill at ease… وقتي كه معذب هستي...

When you feel ill at ease and you have to talk to someone your conversation will

be full of awkward silence. سكوت سخت

It wrecked my job. شغل من را خراب كرد

It takes great skill to… مهارت بااليي مي خواهد تا...

This weekend we had such a pleasant spell of weather. هوا مطبوع

at first blush… در وهله اول

for one thing… يكي از آن اينكه

I can’t come up with any idea. ايده ا به ذهنم نمي رسد

What he said was interesting. آنچه گفت جالب بود

I gave him what he needed. آنچه او مي خواست بهش دادم

clumsy دست و پا چلفتي

clumsy shoes كفش ها به درد نخور

help to….. (formal)


We have to go through different books to be/get ready for the test. برم تو دل...-

بررسي كنم

I feel like a million dollar = be in excellent health and spirits

I can see through you فالن چيز را تو تو مي بينم

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go through something رسيدگي كردن به كار –پرداختن به كار

I am through with that كارم با آن تمام شد

Are you through with that? كارت تمام شد؟

Am I all set? ديگه كارم تموم شد؟

Don’t worry, I’ll make it tick. نگران نباش من درستش مي كنم

go phut (informal) = to break down or collapse يكهو خراب شدن

It’s a tough row to hoe = a difficult task to carry out كار حضرت فيل است!!!

child’s play = simple

I have some work to catch up on. يكسر كارها عقب افتاده دارم

I’ll bend over backward to give a good upbringing.

bend over backwards (to do something) = to try very hard to be helpful

تمام تالشش را كرد

to make a lot of money اد بدست آوردنپول زي

Session Ninehighly talented young people

She shows a good flair on something

She has a good niche for something

a gifted poet شاعر پر استعداد

I don’t think he has yet found his niche life.

yetمنفي و سوالي با : نكته

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artistic flair هنرذوق

knack = 1-natural skill at doing something 2 - a tendency to do something

My car has a knack for breaking down whenever I need it. هر موقع كارش دارم خرابه

This cellphone has a knack for going phut whenever I need it.

to speak tactfully يت و سنجيده حرف زدنبا درا

frugal = thrifty صرفه جو

I have a bone to pick with you از دستت گله دارم

bone of contention = The subject of a dispute لپ مطلب

bone up on = To study hard خرخوني كردن –س خواندن رخيلي د

marine food غذا دريايي

garnish the food تزئين غذا

It puts me right off my food. اشتهايم را كور مي كند

This food will grow on you. اين غذا بهت مي سازه

The way you eat whet my appetite با نحوه غذا خوردنت من را هم به اشتها انداختي

appetite اشتها

you talk about Kish and whets my appetite to go there.

frugal food = غذا حاضر ≠ extravagant food غذا مفصل

side dishes غذاها جانبي

bland fool = tasteless غذا ساده و بي طعم

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quite a few people خيلي از مردم

Quite a few people delight in eating ethnic food.

delight كيف كردن –لذت بردن

Beryuni is a prized dish for great many people.

here you go بفرمائيد

you should get regular exercise بايد منظم تمرين كني

What would I ever do without you? اگر نداشتمت چكار مي كردم؟

tag along = gatecrasher مهمان ناخوانده –سر زده

He decided to gatecrash the wedding.

enact ۱- وضع قانون كردن –تصويب كردن - ۲نمايش دادن

enactment تصويب

I beg of you = please

They behavior will fall into the range of acceptable college student behavior.

conflict تناقض –تضاد

inflict ضربه زدن –صدمه زدن

expulsion تبعيد –اخراج

at large = generally = in general ًبه طور كلي –عموما

let us take something as an example بياييد فالن چيز را به عنوان مثال در نظر بگيريم

flourish رشد كردن –شكوفا شدن

thrive موفق شدن –پيشرفت كردن

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burgeon جوانه زدن –شكوفا شدن

glorify ستايش كردن –تجليل كردن

latent پنهان - نهفته

dormant )خوابيده -ساكت ) معموالً برا آتش نشان و بذر

barren نازا -خشك - نابارور

arid باير –خشك

retard عقب انداختن زمان –تأخير كردن

retardation عقب ماندگي –عدم رشد فكر

mission مأموريت

The business is booming تجارت دارد شكوفا مي شود

burgeoning market for digital camera بازار شكوفا برا دوربين ديجيتال

Love burgeon between them.

latent talent

my mind was arid هيچي تو ذهنم نبود

inspiration گرايش –وحي –الهام

Ali loves Marry

Who loves Marry?

Who does Ali love?

.برا سوالي كردن نمي آوريم doesو doفاعل مورد سوال باشد، ديگر ) فقط و فقط(هر وقت : نكته

Session Ten

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Sorry to keep you waiting. ببخشيد كه منتظرتون گذاشتم

wonder never seem to cease چه عجب!!!

I have learnt something to my cost. درس عبرت شد برا من

Never underestimate kids. هرگز بچه ها را دست كم نگير

Don’t play jokes with me. نكنبا من شوخي

practical jokes شوخي ها فيزيكي

admiration تحسين

exquisite عالي -نفيس

mingle (with) معاشرت داشتن با

take trip

expedition سفر علمي

playing ducks and drakes سور باز

cold feet دودل –مردد

forgive آمرزيدن –بخشيدن

get ahead پيشرفت كردن

to go into debt بدهكار شدن

What was you first impression of somebody or something?

برداشت اول شما از آن چي بود؟

How did you know him? از كجا ميشناسيش؟

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draw my attention نظر من را جلب كرد

you can say that again = I agree with you completely آفرين زد تو خال

I get peeved مي رنجم –آزرده مي شوم

These are my pet peeves اينها دغدغه ها فكر من است

optimistic ≠ pessimistic

dependable ≠ reliable مورد اعتماد –قابل اطمينان

put off = postpone

stay away from = avoid پرهيز كردن از –اجتناب كردن از

Session Elevenget out of doing something از زير كار در رفتن

boost somebody’s confidence باال بردن اعتماد به نفس

give somebody a lift = give someone a boost روحيه دادن –تشويق كردن

have strong self-images داشتن اعتماد به نفس قو

ashen-faced / white- faced / gray-faced رنگ پريده


They avoid trusting people آنها به مردم اعتماد نمي كنند.

eschew خوددار كردن از –اجتناب كردن از

shun خوددار كردن از –اجتناب كردن از

They resist opening themselves up to others.

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.آنها مقاومت مي كردند از اينك در دسترس مردم باشند

They seldom admit being in the wrong. آنها به ندرت به اشتباهات خود اعتراف مي كردند

act out نقش باز كردن

I remember to walk by the sea. برم كنار دريا پياده رو يادم باشه

I remember walking by the sea. )يادش به خير(كنار دريا پياده رو را يادم مي آيد

I can’t stand the sight of somebody چشم ديدن فالن كس را نداشتن

stay on your own feet رو پا خود ايستادن

you little charmer عسلم -م عزيز

I stopped to smoke من ايستادم تا سيگار بكشم

I stopped smoking من سيگاركشيدن را ترك كردم

I am hating you داره ازت بدم مياد

I am loving you دارم كم كم عاشقت مي شم

It stands to reason that…. خيلي واضح و مشخص است كه....

meticulous خيلي دقيق -ريزبين

charming جذاب

pleasant جذاب

sincere = genuine صميمي -خالصانه

a sincere apologize عذرخواهي خالصانه

The family sent a heartfelt message of thanks to the man who saved their laugher’s life.

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gentle مهربان –ماليم

daydreaming خيال بافي

adventure ماجراجو

I’m not afraid of taking risk.

Be gentle with him.

Stubborn يك دنده –كله شق

.و يك چيز غير واقعي به كار ميرود در تقاضا would: نكته

let alone …. چه برسد به...

I can’t speak Persian let alone English.

greedy با معنا خوب(شكمو –حريص(

avid با معنا بد(حريص(

in groups گروهي

I was wondering if you would mind opening the door.

threaten ترساندن -تهديد كردن

Session Twelvebirds of same feather flock together. ا كبوتر باز با بازكبوتر ب

That behavior is beneath your dignity. آن رفتار به دور از شأن توست

Its of little value ارزش چنداني ندارد

Don’t belittle yourself خودت را كم ارزش نكن –خودت را تحقير نكن

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Cover a broad spectrum دطيف وسيعي را پوشش مي ده.

insightful روشن بين –بصير

by accident = by chance شانسي -اتفاقي

tasty treat غذا خوشمزه

If I had my way ...اگر دست من بود ..…

If I had my way I would do something.

since I was 12, I wanted a nose job.

Should I get a nose job?

how can I grow my hair longer?

that’s not my fault. تقصير من نيست.

what changes do you think I should make?

I will give it some thought. .بهش فكر مي كنم

you should care about yourself. تو بايد مواظب خودت باشي.

hang in there ه بدههمينطور ادام

She hung in there despite pressure to resign.

in the second half, we just had to hang in there.

she is full of good idea.

you should make g good use of your time.

You should be on your best behavior. تو بايد بهترين رفتار را نشان بدهي.

She is in good shape.

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for good = forever = definitively برا هميشه

good/great deal of = a large amount مقدار زياد

a book with a good deal of information.

my dreams came through/true روياهام به حقيقت پيوست.

Make a wish يك آرزو بكن

I wish health for everyone. آرزو سالمتي برا همه دارم

In contrast to …. بر خالف.....

carry out انجام دادن

know the value of your health قدر سالمتي خودتو بدون

go the limit تا اونجا كه جا داره. هرچي كه ميشه

to go down in history وددر تاريخ ثبت مي ش.

give me a ring = please call me يه زنگ به من بزن

give somebody the air (slang) نوشابه برا خود باز كردن -خيلي خود را تحويل گرفتن

Sally is always giving herself the air. You would think she had royal blood.

I could never get up enough nerve to… ...هيچ وقت جرأتش را نداشتم كه

in public در مأل عام

I could never get up enough nerve to sing in public.

to get Goosebumps. زياد تحت تأثير قرار گرفتن –مو به بدن سيخ شدن

to get from rags to riches از خاك بلند شدن –از هيچ به همه چيز رسيدن

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Session Thirteento make a go of it = succeed at something, produce good results

همه چيز را روبه راه كردن –همه چيز را درست كردن

It is a tough situation, but Ann is trying to make a go of it.

to make a hit = be successful or popular = to please someone كردن/خوشايند بودن

The singer made a hit.

She makes a hit with the audience.

You made a big hit with their daughter.

John made a hit with my parents last night.

to make something from scratch. از ابتدا ساختن - چيز را از ابتدا شروع كردن

He is marching to a different drummer. ديگه با ما نمي پره - ديگه با ما نمي پلكه

John is marching to a different drummer and he doesn’t come our parties anymore.

no skin of my nose عين خيالم نيست –به درك.

It is no skin of my nose if she wants to act this way.

It is of the first water. انسان(آدم حسابي است –) شئ(كيفيتش درجه يك است(

a pearl of the first water

Tom is of the first water.

on the mend = improving in health or condition; recovering رو به بهبود

pad the bill = to add false expenses to a bill

The plumber had padded the bill with things we didn't need.

to paint the town red = to have a great time around town بريم حسابي خوش بگذرونيم

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in mint condition ماشين و خانه و (تميز بودن -روپا بودن(....

be in the know بودن آگاه –پر بودن

He is in the know آدم پر است

I think I can get into the know very quickly. خيلي سريع ميتوانم ياد بگيرم.

in the pink of condition با نشاط - با طراوت

I would like to be in the pink of condition but I don’t have the time.

in the right حق با اوست –حق به جانب

Sean was not going to apologize as he believed he was in the right.

keep a civil tongue ادب را رعايت كردن –مودب بودن

to keep late hours تا دير وقت كار كردن

I would like to cut down on my work. كاستن–كم كردن

to keep someone on tenterhooks تو كف گذاشتن –بين زمين و هوا نگه داشتن

to hit the sour note نيمه خالي را ديدن

to hit a snag تو مخمصه افتادن

end up in… منتج مي شود به

gutter بدبختي

If I had my way I would keep late hours because I am sure if you don’t strengthen out your life you will end up in the gutter.

When the pressure at work just gets to me…. ... وقتي كه فشار كار رويم هست

thanks for your input on that ممنون از بابت اظهارنظر كه در آن رابطه كرد

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It would be more cost-effective هزينه ها را خيلي كم مي كند

Session Fourteen & FifteenMy hard work finally paid off. سختكوشي هايم باالخره جواب داد.

home houseHomebody كسي كه ترجيح ميدهد در خانه بماند Housebound كسي كه به علت بيمار خانه نشين شده

Homegrown سبزيجات و (خانگي (... House-proud كسي كه به خانه اش ميرسه

Homemade غذا(خانگي ( Housework كارها خانه

Homemaker خانه دار Household chores كارها خانه

Homework مشق Housekeeper نگهبان خانه

Housewife خانه دار

Some people are good at making witty remarks.

كته ها خنده دار بگويندبعضي ها مي توانند ن

They are not oblivious of what goes on around them.

.غافل نيستند كه دور و برشان چي مي گذرد

They are familiar with subtleties of life.

.با ظرافت ها زندگي آشنا هستند

from the onset از ابتدا

from the scratch از ابتدا

decent باحيا-محجوب-آراسته

precisely خيلي دقيق

regardless صرفنظر از

put forth مطرح شدن

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elite ممتاز –نخبه –زبده

They had little financial backing. ه مالي اندكي داشتندپشتوان.

bear in your mind – keep in your mind به خاطر سپردن

You made a good point به نكته خوبي اشاره كرد

You hit the nail on the head زد تو خال -به نكته خوبي اشاره كرد

Session Sixteento have someone’s heart set on something به دلش صابون مي زنه

o The children had their heart set on tasty treat at the party.

in name only ًفقط اسما

o She is a successful person in name only.

in the gutter خراب –داغون كردن

o Pornography puts his mind in the gutter.

to have somebody high and dry كسي را قال گذاشتن

to leave no stone unturned همه جا را زير و رو كردن

o The police left no stone unturned when they were looking for the little girl who was lost.

It is changing for the worse داره شرايط بدتر ميشه

o Since the new chief executive has come everything has changed to the worse.

encumber with دچار مخمصه و سختي شدن

o Her movements were encumbered by/with her heavy skirts.

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in rags ژنده پوش –لباس محقر پوشيدن

o No one recognized him because he was in rags.

at loose ends درهم برهم بودن

o I was at loose ends when the kids were fighting.

at one’s wits end ديگه عقلم به جايي نميرسه

o Consulting with your friends would be very helpful when you are at your wits end.

at sixes and sevens هشتم گرو نهم است –گيج شدن

at the outside دست باال –حداكثر

o The shoes coast $30 at the outside.

to be through the mills خسته شدم –بيچاره شدم

o Don’t tease him. He is through the mills these days.

beyond my means از پسش بر نمي آيم

o Buying a car is beyond my means.

be poles apart دو دنيا متفاوت داشتن

o They are poles apart. It seems they can’t have a long lasting friendship.

to buy a pig in a poke چشم بسته چيز را خريدن

Session Seventeentwo peas in a pod مثل دو سيب از وسط نصف شده

As a grown up…. به عنوان يك آدم بزرگ سال...

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I lost track of time زمان از دستم رفت

I keep track of my expenses حواسم جمع مخارجم هست


track of friends


food to go = a to-go box = food on the go غذا تو راه

people on the go آدمهايي كه خيلي بدو بدو ميكنند

the bare-bone essential of something اسكلت چيز –چهارجوب

I had a way with chemistry. پا به عرصه شيمي گذاشتم.

take after someone به كسي رفتن

che- chat گپ زدن

for the sake of … صرفاً جهت...

have a pep talk )گپ زدن) ترغيب كردن

The boss gave the staff a pep talk this morning in an attempt to boast sales.

end up with = lead to

since به جاbecause اول جمله مي آيددر.

Since he is a reach person, everybody respects him.

You call my bluff. دستم را خواند

rise intransitive

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raise transitive

snow -capped mountains كوه ها پوشيده از برف

make a living by ... امرار معاش كردن با …

earn a living by ... امرار معاش كردن با …

animal husbandry دامپرور

farming كشاورز

Session Eighteen & NineteenHe is a man of honor آدم با شرفي است

He is a man of mellow. آدم آرومي است

It is none of my business به من ربطي نداره

I have nothing to do with kitchen به من ربطي نداره

He is a man after my own heart اشتراكات زياد با هم داريم

There is no accounting for taste هر كسي سليقه خودش را داره

We do not see eye to eye in something يه جاهايي تفاهم نداريم

script سند –متن

Who is supposed to ….? ؟...كي قرار است كه

take risk

never let policy come up

scold كسي را دعوا كردن

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Her father scolded her for upsetting her mother.

up to the last moment تا لحظه آخر

knead ورز دادن

finger leaking

mouth watering

beef گوشت گاو

veal گوشت گوساله

mutton گوشت گوسفند

Lamb گوشت بره

ham = pork = bacon گوشت خوك

walnut گردو

basil ريحان

He is a health nut. خيلي به سالمتي خود فكر ميكند

gain weight = put on weight ≠ lose weight

food = dish = treat

prized dish د عالقهغذا مور

delight in = enjoy

That was all from me. Thanks for your listening. برا خاتمه يك سخنراني گفته ميشود

grind up the meat گوشت را چرخ كردن

mincemeat گوشت چرخ كرده

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chop up سبزيجات و (خرد كردن(....

settle the food غذا جا بيفتد

right amount به مقدار كافي

chase تعقيب كردن

simmer دم كردن برنج

brew دم كردن چا

spice ادويه

stir-fry تفت دادن غذا

homely فاقد زيبايي –زشت

I am not a name dropper اسم تو ذهنم نميمونه

I always refuse to be hurried تعجله تو كارم نيس

I don’t want a job which makes heavy demands on my time

شغلي نميخواهم كه تمام وقتم را بگيره

It’s well worse the effort به تالشش مي ارزه

We don’t get much opportunity to …. خيلي مجالي نيست كه.....

The part was in full swing ه داغ داغ شده بودمهماني ديگ

Put out the cigarette سيگار را خاموش كردن

I was drunk. مست بودم

Don’t tease somebody مسخره نكن -كسي را دست نينداز

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buckle up كمربند ايمني را بستن

stare at خيره رفتن به

for no reason همين طور

meanwhile در عين حال

last but not least آخريش و مهمتر از همه

welcoming face خوش رو

proposer خواستگار

I set my heart on that به دلم صابون زده بودم

believe it or not ميخواهي باور كن مي خواهي نكن

as simple as I told you كه گفتمبه همين راحتي

in terms of از نقطه نظر

I eat my words = I take my words back حرفم را پس مي گيرم

We have a lot in common مشتركات زياد داريم

null تهي

skive از زير كار در رفتن

Session Twentyto keep up with همگام شدن با

to keep abreast of

to keep in tandem with

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to lag behind عقب افتادن از

to get up enough nerve جرأت كافي داشتن

I will back you up هواتو خواهم داشت

flashy پر زرق و برق

figure hugging cloths لباس ها تنگ

loose fitting clothes لباس ها گشاد

sheer clothes لباس ها بدن نما

scanty clothes لباس هاي لخت

revealing clothes لباس هاي لخت

quirky clothes لباس هایی که عمداً یه جاهاشون پاره است

complexion رنگ پوست

brunet سبزه

I should like the cut and fabric. براي لباس

ostrich شترمرغ

I never make impulsive decision.

I can’t stand people are dillydally. دل دل کردن

a turning point of my life نقطه ي عطف زندگی من

to get a huge kick out of something حسابی لذت بردن از چیزي

to have whale of time = have an exciting time

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D-day روز موعود

a vibrant area منطقه ي با نشاط و پر تحرك

considerate neighbor همسایه ي با مالحضه

cautious محتاط

kiss it goodbye ببوس بگذارش کنار

she can’t deliver the baby بچه دار نمیشود

what do you drive? ماشینت چیه؟

as well as = and

demography جمعیت شناسی

Essential Idioms اصطالحات مهم

I am down the dumps اوضاعم بی ریخت است

I am out of sorts بی حوصله هستم

I am in doldrums پکر هستم

I feel under the weather زیکی حال خوبی ندارماز لحاظ فی -چمچمالم

I don’t feel like doing anything حال هیچ کاري رو ندارم

I am in fine fettle سرحال و بانشاط هستم

I am on spree سرحال هستم –کپکم خروس میخونه

take walk in the open پیاده روي در فضا آزاد

I fly off the handle از کوره در رفتم

carry the same meaning یک معنی می دهند

all walks of life همه ي اقشار جامعه

pave the way زمینه را فراهم کردن

tough break آخی چه بد

good grief اه بخشکی شانس

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for one thing یکی از آن اینکه –یکی از دالیلش اینه که

have a memory like a sieve زود فراموش می کنم

I can get much more done کاراییم باال میره

in a circle of friends. در جمع دوستان

I am not much of a …. نیستم.... اهل

make a beeline بهترین و کوتاه ترین روش و مسیر را انتخاب کردن

come of age به سن قانوني رسيدن

come up in the world دنترقي كر - به جايي رسيدن

to crack a smile پوسخند زدن

to cut someone losses جلوي ضرر را گرفتن

It does my heart good. موجب خوشحالي من شد -كيف ميكنم

every once in a while گهگاهي

every now and then گهگاهي

once in the blue moon ار نقطه نظر زماني خيلي به ندرت

hardly ever لي به ندرتخي

out of the blue )قيد(غير منتظره

I am pressed for time وقت ندارم –وقتم تنگه

My schedule is always tight وقت ندارم –وقتم تنگه

have little in common withI am as full as a tick )ديگه جا ندارم(سير هستم

I pigged out سير سير هستم

I ate to the content of my heart سير سير هستم

Help yourself بفرمائيد از خودتان پذيرايي كنيد

my father is my role model. پدرم بر من يك الگو است

put somebody on a pedestal شخصي را مدل و الگو قرار دادن

I think highly of someone مي كنم خيلي با ديده احترام به فالني نگاه

My father is a man of honor. پدر من آدم با شرفي است

He is a towering figure in his job او چهره برجسته ا در شغلش است

family person آدم فامیلی دوست

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I can’t make end meet خرجم به دخلم نمي خوره

working against the clock کردن ساعته کار 24–سگ دو زدن

working around the clock ساعته کار کردن 24–سگ دو زدن

clock in / clock out ساعت زدن

You are well on your way راه را دار درست مير

The same here من هم همينطور

to dash around بدو بدو كردن

from the crack of dawn از كله سحر

to do back logs ها عقب اقتاده را انجام دادنكار

to catch up on something كارها عقب اقتاده را انجام دادن

long time no see پارسال دوست امسال آشنا

Where have you been hiding yourself?

كجايي نيستي؟

be tired of خسته بودن از

be sick of خسته بودن از

be fed up خسته بودن از

to put our best foot forward to try to make a good impressiveto do something at the best of my

abilityبا بیشترین توانایی کاري را انجام دادن

It does not answer my purpose anymore

.ديگه به كار من نمي آيد

to an in restaurant در يك رستوران دوست داشتني

He is taking bad habits داره عادت ها بد پيدا ميكند

If the fine weather holds ....اگر هوا مساعد باشد

before the cold weather sets in ….. .....قبل از اينكه هوا سرد شود

when you feel ill at ease… ...وقتي كه معذب هستي

It wrecked my job شغل من را خراب كرد

It takes great skill to… ...مهارت بااليي مي خواهد تا

in such a pleasant spell of weather در چنین هواي مطلوبی

I feel like a million dollar be in excellent health and spiritsAre you through with that? كارت تمام شد؟

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Am I all set? ديگه كارم تموم شد؟

go phut (informal) to break down or collapse يكهو خراب شدن

It’s a tough row to hoe a difficult task to carry out ! كار حضرت فيله

child’s play simpleI have some work to catch up on. يكسر كارها عقب افتاده دارم

bend over backwards (to do something)

to try very hard to be helpful

to make a lot of money پول زياد بدست آوردن

I have bone to pick with you از دستت گله دارم

bone of contention The subject of a dispute لپ مطلب

bone up on to study hard خرخوني كردن

garnish the food تزئين غذا

It puts me right off my food. اشتهايم را كور مي كند

This food will grow on you. اين غذا بهت مي سازه

Sorry to keep you waiting. ببخشيد كه منتظرتون گذاشتم

wonder never cease !!!چه عجب

I have learnt something to my cost درس عبرت شد برا من

Don’t play jokes with me. با من شوخي نكن

draw my attention نظر من را جلب كرد

you can say that again = I agree with you completely

آفرين زد تو خال

get out of doing something از زير كار در رفتن

It stands to reason that…. ....خيلي واضح و مشخص است كه

let alone …. ...چه برسد به

birds of same feather flock together. كبوتر با كبوتر باز با باز

that behavior is beneath your dignity. آن رفتار به دور از شأن توست

if I had my way ….. ...اگر دست من بود

nose job جراحی بینی

that’s not my fault .ستتقصير من ني

I will give it some thought. .بهش فكر مي كنم

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hang in there همينطور ادامه بده

for good = forever = definitively برا هميشه

good/great deal of = a large amount مقدار زياد

my dreams came through/true .روياهام به حقيقت پيوست

go the limit تا اونجا كه جا داره. شههرچي كه مي

to go down in history .در تاريخ ثبت مي شود

give me a ring = please call me يه زنگ به من بزن

give somebody the air (slang) نوشابه برا خود باز كردن -خود را تحويل گرفتن

I could never get up enough nerve ...هيچ وقت جرأتش را نداشتم كه

in public در مأل عام

to get goose bumps زياد تحت تأثير قرار گرفتن –مو به بدن سيخ شدن

to get from rags to riches از خاك بلند شدن –از هيچ به همه چيز رسيدن

to make a go of it = succeed at something, produce good results

ز را روبه راه كردنهمه چي –همه چيز را درست كردن

to make a hit = be successful or popular = to please someone

كردن/خوشايند بودن

to make something from scratch. از ابتدا ساختن -چيز را از ابتدا شروع كردن

he is marching to a different drummer.

هديگه با ما نمي پر -ديگه با ما نمي پلكه

no skin of my nose .عين خيالم نيست –به درك

It is of the first water )انسان(آدم حسابي است –) شئ(كيفيتش عالي است

on the mend = improving in health or condition; recovering

رو به بهبود

to paint the town red = to have a great time around town

ي خوش بگذرونيمبريم حساب

pad the bill to add false expenses to a billin mint condition ....)ماشين و خانه و (تميز بودن -روپا بودن

be in the know آگاه بودن –پر بودن

in the pink of condition با نشاط -با طراوت

in the right حق با اوست –حق به جانب

keep a civil tongue ادب را رعايت كردن –مودب بودن

to keep late hours تا دير وقت كار كردن

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I would like to cut down on my work كاستن –كم كردن

to keep someone on tenterhooks تو كف گذاشتن –بين زمين و هوا نگه داشتن

to hit the sour note نيمه خالي را ديدن

to hit a snag تو مخمصه افتادن

end up in منتج مي شود به

when the pressure at work just gets to me….

...وقتي كه فشار كار رويم هست

thanks for your input on that ممنون از بابت اظهارنظر كه در آن رابطه كرد

you made a good point به نكته خوبي اشاره كرد

you hit the nail on the head زد تو خال - به نكته خوبي اشاره كرد

I lost track of time زمان از دستم رفت

I keep track on my expenses حواسم جمع مخارجم هست

people on the go آدمهايي كه خيلي بدو بدو ميكنند

take after someone به كسي رفتن

You call my bluff. دستم را خواند

make / earn a living by … امرار معاش كردن با...

It is none of my business به من ربطي نداره

I have nothing to do with kitchen به من ربطي نداره

He is a man after my own heart اشتراكات زياد با هم داريم

There is no accounting for taste هر كسي سليقه خودش را داره

We do not see eye to eye in something يه جاهايي تفاهم نداريم

up to the last moment تا لحظه آخر

He is a health nut. خيلي به سالمتي خود فكر ميكند

settle the food بيفتدغذا جا

right amount به مقدار كافي

I am not a name dropper اسم تو ذهنم نميمونه

I always refuse to be hurried عجله تو كارم نيست

I don’t want a job which makes heavy demands on my time

شغلي نميخواهم كه تمام وقتم را بگيره

It’s well worse the effort به تالشش مي ارزه

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We don’t get much opportunity to …. خيلي مجالي نيست كه.....

The part was in full swing مهماني ديگه داغ داغ شده بود

put out the cigarette سيگار را خاموش كردن

buckle up نكمربند ايمني را بست

for no reason همين طور

last but not least آخريش و مهمتر از همه

I set my heart on that به دلم صابون زده بودم

believe it or not ميخواهي باور كن مي خواهي نكن

as simple as I told you به همين راحتي كه گفتم

I eat my words = I take my words back

حرفم را پس مي گيرم

in terms of از نقطه نظر

to keep up with / to keep abreast of/ to keep in tandem with

همگام شدن با

to lag behind عقب افتادن از

to get up enough nerve جرأت كافي داشتن

I will back you up هواتو خواهم داشت

a turning point of my life نقطه ي عطف زندگی من

to get a huge kick out of something حسابی لذت بردن از چیزي

to have whale of time have an exciting timeD-day روز موعود

a vibrant area منطقه ي با نشاط و پر تحرك

kiss it goodbye ببوس بگذارش کنار

she can’t deliver the baby بچه دار نمیشود

What do you drive? ماشینت چیه؟

as well as andto have someone’s heart set on

somethingبه دلش صابون مي زنه

in name only فقط اسماً

in the gutter خراب –داغون كردن

to have somebody high and dry كسي را قال گذاشتن

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to leave no stone unturned همه جا را زير و رو كردن

It is changing for the worse داره شرايط بدتر ميشه

encumber by/with دچار مخمصه و سختي شدن

in rags ژنده پوش –لباس محقر پوشيدن

at loose ends درهم برهم بودن

at one’s wits end ديگه عقلم به جايي نميرسه

at sixes and sevens هشتم گرو نهم است –شدن گيج

at the outside دست باال –حداكثر

to be through the mills خسته شدم –بيچاره شدم

beyond my means از پسش بر نمي آيم

be poles apart داشتندو دنيا متفاوت

to buy a pig in a poke چشم بسته چيز را خريدن

two peas in a pod از وسط نصف شده مثل دو سيب

Essential Words کلمات مهم

level headed آدم معقول

demure )زن(باوقار

trendy اهل مد

tolerance صبر- تحمل

average height قد متوسط

supportive حامی

roller of school ناظم مدرسه

housewife = homemaker خانه دار

amusement park شهرباز

get along کنار آمدن با

eloquent خوش صحبت - فصیح

headway = progress پیشرفت

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tenacious محکم و استوار

tough سختگیر –سخت

street vendor فروشنده خياباني –دست فروش

peddler فروشنده دوره گرد

Welcoming face خوش رو بودن

cranky = grouchy بداخالق

shabbily شلخته

slovenly شلخته

efficiency كارايي

soap operas سريال ها خانگي

thriller هيجان انگيز

science fiction علمي تخيلي

documentaries مستند

horror وحشتناك

abound فراوان بودن

abundant فراوان

abundance فراواني

scarce = rare كمياب

scary ترسناك

hardly ever خيلي به ندرت

health care = sanitation بهداشت

conscience وجدان

conscientious وجداني

conscious هوشيار

stock سهم -ذخيره كردن

obscure مبهم -مشكوك -پنهان

furious عصباني

good-will خوش نام

devoted فداكار

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submissive مطيع

entrepreneur كارآفرين

the same دقيقاً مثل هم

similar مشابه هم

journey سفر

persuasive متقاعد كننده

affable دوستانه -خودماني

avid طماع

voracious پر ولع

indolence سستي –رخوت

instructive وزندهآم

boisterous مواج - طوفاني

clumsy دست و پا چلفتي

artistic flair ذوق هنر

frugal = thrifty صرفه جو

appetite اشتها

delight كيف كردن –لذت بردن

enact ۱ - وضع قانون –تصويب كردن -۲نمايش دادن

enactment يبتصو

conflict تناقض –تضاد

inflict ضربه زدن –صدمه زدن

expulsion تبعيد –اخراج

flourish رشد كردن –شكوفا شدن

thrive موفق شدن –پيشرفت كردن

burgeon جوانه زدن –شكوفا شدن

glorify ستايش كردن –تجليل كردن

latent پنهان -نهفته

dormant )خوابيده -ساكت ) معموالً برا آتش نشان و بذر

barren نازا - خشك -نابارور

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arid باير –خشك

retard عقب انداختن زمان –تأخير كردن

retardation عقب ماندگي –عدم رشد فكر

mission مأموريت

inspiration گرايش –وحي –الهام

expedition سفر علمي

mingle (with) معاشرت داشتن با

exquisite عالي - نفيس

admiration تحسين

practical jokes شوخي ها فيزيكي

cold feet دودل –مردد

forgive آمرزيدن –بخشيدن

dependable ≠ reliable مورد اعتماد –قابل اطمينان

get ahead پيشرفت كردن

eschew خوددار كردن از –اجتناب كردن از

shun خوددار كردن از –اجتناب كردن از

meticulous خيلي دقيق - ريزبين

charming جذاب

pleasant جذاب

sincere = genuine يميصم - خالصانه

gentle مهربان –ماليم

daydreaming خيال بافي

adventure ماجراجو

Stubborn يك دنده –كله شق

greedy با معنا خوب(شكمو –حريص(

avid با معنا بد(حريص(

in groups گروهي

threaten ترساندن -تهديد كردن

insightful روشن بين –بصير

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by accident = by chance شانسي - اتفاقي

tasty treat غذا خوشمزه

carry out انجام دادن

in public در مأل عام

gutter بدبختي

decent باحيا-محجوب-آراسته

precisely خيلي دقيق

regardless رفنظر ازص

put forth مطرح شدن

elite ممتاز –نخبه –زبده

animal husbandry دامپرور

farming كشاورز

script سند –متن

scold كسي را دعوا كردن

knead ورز دادن

beef گوشت گاو

veal گوشت گوساله

mutton گوشت گوسفند

Lamb گوشت بره

ham = pork = bacon گوشت خوك

walnut گردو

basil ريحان

delight in = enjoy لذت بردن از

mincemeat گوشت چرخ كرده

chop up سبزيجات و (خرد كردن(....

chase تعقيب كردن

right amount به مقدار كافي

simmer كردن برنجدم

brew دم كردن چا

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spice ادويه

stir-fry تفت دادن غذا

homely فاقد زيبايي –زشت

buckle up كمربند ايمني را بستن

stare at خيره رفتن به

for no reason همين طور

meanwhile در عين حال

welcoming face ش روخو

proposer خواستگار

in terms of از نقطه نظر

null تهي

skive از زير كار در رفتن

to lag behind عقب افتادن از

flashy پر زرق و برق

figure hugging cloths لباس ها تنگ

loose fitting clothes س ها گشادلبا

sheer clothes لباس ها بدن نما

scanty clothes لباس هاي لخت

revealing clothes لباس هاي لخت

quirky clothes لباس هایی که عمداً یه جاهاشون پاره است

complexion رنگ پوست

brunet سبزه

ostrich شترمرغ

cautious محتاط

come of age

to reach the age when you are legally an adult: My parents came of age during the 1960s.

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go/come up in the world

to have more money or a better social position than you had before Roger and Ann have gone up in the world - these days they only ever travel


crack a smile

to smile slightly: The coach cracked a smile, but didn't say anything.

every once in a while

sometimes, but not regularly: You meet some really interesting people every once in a while.

out of the blue

unexpectedly: My old roommate called me out of the blue.

once in a blue moon

rarely: Once in a blue moon he’d call, but for months at a time we heard nothing.

every now and then

sometimes, but not regularly: We still get together for lunch every now and then.

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to make a go of (something)

be successful in (something) He’s determined to make a go of his marriage.

to make a hit

be successful or popular You made a big hit with their daughter.

to make/start something from scratch

make/start (again) something from the beginning He made his own computer company from scratch.

march to a different drummer (or tune)

informal consciously adopt a different approach or attitude to the majority of people

He has always marched to a different tune but this time his perversity may be his undoing.

no skin off my nose

something that you say which means you do not care about something because it will not affect you

You can be as critical of them as you like. It's no skin off my nose.

of the first water

of the greatest brilliance and transparency; of the highest quality a gem of the first water

on the mend

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improving in health or condition; recovering The economy is on the mend.

pad the bill

to put unnecessary or additional items on a bill to make the total cost higher The plumber had padded the bill with things we didn't need. I was falsely

accused of padding the bill.

To paint the town red

go out and enjoy oneself flamboyantly You want to have a good time and paint the town red this weekend.

in mint condition

new or as new; it is in perfect condition The stamps are packaged to arrive in mint condition.

be in the know

be aware of something known only to a few people; Possessing special or secret information

Are you in the know about the current crisis?

in the pink (of condition)

in very good health; in very good condition, physically and emotionally He recovered completely from his surgery and has been in the pink ever


in the right

be morally or legally justified in one’s views or actions

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Hossein was not going to apologize as he believed he was in the right.

keep a civil tongue (in your head)

speak politely Please don't talk like that to each other. Keep a civil tongue!

to keep late (or regular) hours

get up and go to bed late (or at the same time) every day She’d been under the impression that natives of Spanish-speaking countries

kept late hours.

to keep someone on tenterhooks

to keep someone in suspense Don't keep me on tenterhooks! Tell me your news! We were all kept on

tenterhooks waiting to find out what happened.

to hit/strike the sour note

to signify something unpleasant Jane's sad announcement struck a sour note at the annual banquet. News of

the accident hit a sour note in our holiday celebration.

to hit a snag

to run into an unexpected problem We've hit a snag with the building project. I stopped working on the roof

when I hit a snag.

end up

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to be in a particular place or state after doing something or because of doing it

He ended up marrying his high school sweetheart.


Economical in terms of the goods or services received for the money spent; effective or productive in relation to its cost

the most cost-effective way to invest in the stock market