Download - EEE Lisans Ders Icerikleri TR- EnG 05.07.2013




1. Dnem:Zorunlu Dersler: (Teorik Uygulama Kredi AKTS Grup)

GNL105Trk Dili ve Yazm Kurallar I (2022G)Dil kavram. Dil-dnce ilikisi. Dil-kltr ilikisi. Dnya dilleri (kken ve yap Bakmndan). Trk dilinin Dnya dilleri arasndaki yeri. Trk Dilinin tarihsel geliimi. Trk dilinin yaps. Trk Dilinin ses bilgisi. Gnmz Trkesi. Yazma eylemi ve kompozisyon bilgileri. Yazm Kurallar. Doru ifade. Bilim dili ve bilim dili olarak Trke. Trk iiri ve iir dili.

GNL101 Atatrk lkeleri ve nklap Tarihi I (2 022G)Trkiyenin cumhuriyetin kurulmasndan itibaren geirdii evreleri, dier lkelerle ilikilerini, ada uygarla katlma atlmlarn deerlendirir. Ortaya atlarak bunun i planna dntrlmesi, elektronik ticaret yntem ve aralarnn tantlmas

GNL103 ngilizce I (2022G)

Geni Zaman, imdiki Zaman, Gemi Zaman, Kipler, Edatlar, Eylemsiler, Gelecek Zaman, Diyaloglar, Role- Play, eviri, Metin okuma.

FEN111 Fizik I


SI-Birim Sistemi ve lm. Tek Boyutta Hareket. Vektrler ve ki Boyutta Hareket. Hareket Yasalar. Dairesel Hareket ve Newton Yasalarnn Dier Uygulamalar. Bir Sistemin Enerjisi ve Enerjinin Korunumu. Lineer Momentum ve arpmalar. Kat Cisimlerin Bir Sabit Eksen Etrafnda Dnme Hareketleri. Asal Momentum. Statik Denge ve Esneklik. Evrensel Ktle ekim Yasas. Akkanlar Mekanii. Titreim hareketleri ve Dalgalar.

MTF111 Fizik Laboratuvar I (0212TB)lme kavram. Uzunluk, ktle ve zaman standartlar. SI birim sistemi. Birim ve boyut analizi. lmede Hata. Hata eitleri. Grafik analizi ile verilerin deerlendirilmesi. Kk kareler metodu. Temel lm aralar ve kullanm. Kumpas, mikrometre vb. lm aralar kullanm. Vektrler ve vektrlerle ilemler. lekli grafik ve ekil izme. Kinematik konusu ile ilgili temel kavramlar. Fiziksel byklkler ve gnlk hayattan rnek problemler. Newtonun Hareket kanunlar ve dinamiim temel prensipleri. ve Enerji teoremi, enerjinin korunumu. Srtnmeli yzeylerde hareket. Ik ve optik. Yaylar ve diferansiyel uygulamalar. Radyoaktivite ve radyasyon konular. MTF121 Programlama I (2236M)

Programlamann temelleri, If, While, For. For dngsyle matris ilemleri, , diziler ve matrisler kullanarak kompleks ilem rnekleri, dngleri kullanarak fonksiyonlarn grafiklerini alma ilemleri rnekleri, verilere eri oturtma ilemleri rnekleri, numerik trev, integral alma, matematiksel fonksiyonu bir limite gtrme ilemleri rnekleri, numerik olarak bir deere yaklaan fonksiyon zdrme rnekleri.

MAT121 Matematiksel Analiz I(4046TB)Fonksiyonlar. zel tanml fonksiyonlar. Limit ve Sreklilik. Trev. Trev alma kurallar. Trevin Uygulamalar. Diferensiyeller. Eri izimleri. ntegral. Belirli integraller ve zellikleri. ntegralin Uygulamalar. Moment ve arlk merkezi. Genelletirilmi ntegraller. EEE101 Elektrik Mhendisliine Giri(2023M)

Elektrik-Elektronik Mhendislii ve dier mhendislik alanlar. Elektrik-Elektronik Mhendislerinin uzmanlk alanlar. Elektrik-Elektronik Mhendisliinin tarihsel geliimi ve alana katkda bulunmu bilim insanlar hakknda genel bilgi. Elektrik-Elektronik Mhendisleri iin mhendislik aralar. Mhendislik problemlerini zme teknikleri. Teare ve Ver Planck yaklam, Polya Yaklam. Gerek bir mhendislik problemi zerinde durum almas.

Alan D Semeli 1(3033G)

Alan D Semeli Dersler

REK101Kltr ve stanbul(2023G)Bireyin yaad ehri tanmas, aidiyet duygusu iinde ona sahip kmas, sosyal ve kltrel bilincin gelitirilerek ok ynl bir kiilik kazanmas.2.Dnem Zorunlu Dersler: (Teorik Uygulama Kredi AKTS Grup)GNL102 Atatrk lkeleri ve nklap Tarihi II (2022G)Trkiyenin cumhuriyetin kurulmasndan itibaren geirdii evreleri, dier lkelerle ilikilerini, ada uygarla katlma atlmlarn deerlendirir. Ortaya atlarak bunun i planna dntrlmesi, elektronik ticaret yntem ve aralarnn tantlmas.

GNL104 ngilizce II(2022G)

Pozitif cmleler, olumsuz senences ve sahip sorular, pozitif cmleler, olumsuz cmleler ve sorular ile irade, Gelecek Zaman, Gerunds ve infinitive, Nonspesifik tutarlar ile Nesne zamirleri, Past Progressive Tense, Olumlu cmleler, olumsuz cmleler ve Past Progressive, Cmleleri ile sorular, Sfatlar ile ilgili Kelimeler, Koullu Cmlelerin Sras: Tip 1, yelik Zamirleri, Manner zarflar

GNL106Trk Dili ve Yazm Kurallar II(2022G)

Yaz trlerinin genel zellikleri./ Trk Edebiyatnda, roman, yk, tiyatro, eletiri. Szl anlatm; ak oturum, tartma, panel, sempozyum. Szl anlatmlarla ilgili kurallar, rnekler. Szl ve yazl anlatm trleriyle ilgili renci almalarnn deerlendirilmesi. Edinilen bilgilerle ilgili olarak, snava ynelik tekrarlar, almalar.

FEN112 Fizik II

(3034TB)Elektriksel Ykler ve Coulomb Yasas. Elektriksel Alanlar. Gauss Yasas. Elektriksel Potansiyel. Sa ve Dielektrikler. Akm ve Diren. DC Devreleri. Manyetik Alanlar. Manyetik Alan Kaynaklar. Faraday Yasas. ndktans. AC Devreleri ve Elektromanyetik Salnmlar. Maxwel Denklemleri ve Elektromanyetik Dalgalar.

MTF112 Fizik Laboratuvar II(0212TB)Elektrik ve manyetizmann temel kavramlar. Ampermetre, voltmetre, ohmmetre lm aralar. Multimetre ile lmler. Elektrik devre elemanlar. Basit elektrik devreleri ve devre analizleri. Elektrik ve manyetizma deneyleri. Elektromanyetik indksiyon ve uygulamalar. Maxwell denklemleri. MTF122 Programlama II(2234M)

Program yazarken kullanaca ak diyagramlar ve yalanc kodlarn tantm. C programlama dilinin yaps. Editrn kullanm. Veri tipleri ve Bellekte gsterimi. Kullanc tanml fonksiyonlarn oluturulmas ve Fonksiyonlara parametre aktarm. Dinamik diziler ve Bellein dinamik olarak Kullanlmas. Katarlar ve Katar Fonksiyonlar. Katarlar zerinde ve Bellek Alannda lem Yapan Fonksiyonlar. Pointerler.

MTF126Mhendislik Matematii I (3035TB)

Mhendislik uygulamalaryla, lineer denklem sistemleri, matrisler ve matris ilemleri. Lineer sistemlerin zm. Determinantlar ve zellikleri. Reel vektr uzaylar, lineer bamszlk, homojen sistemler. zdeerler ve zvektrlerin mhendislikteki eitli uygulamalar. Gram- Schmidt metodu. Cramer kural. Kegenletirme. Null uzay, kolon uzay , lineer baml ve lineer bamsz vektrler.

MAT122Matematiksel Analiz II (4046TB)Diziler ve Seriler. Kuvvet serileri, Fonksiyonlarn seriye alm. ok deikenli fonksiyonlar. Ksmi trevler. Maksimum ve Minimumlar. ki katl integraller ve uygulamalar. katl integraller ve uygulamalar. Vektrler. Vektr deerli fonksiyonlar. hesab ve erisel integraller. Green Teoremi. Yzey integralleri. Stokes ve Diverjans Teoremleri.

Alan D Semeli 2(3033G)

Alan D Semeli Dersler

REK102Medeniyet ve Toplum(2023G)Tarm devrimi, Yakn Dou ve Asyada ilk medeniyetlerin ykselii, Yunan ve Helenistik medeniyetin douu ve geliimi, Roma medeniyeti, slam medeniyetinin douu ve geliimi, Batda Ortaa, Rnesans ve Reform alar, Aydnlanma ve sonras modern dnem medeniyetinde siyasi, sosyal ve ekonomik anlamda yaanan dnmler.3. DnemZorunlu Dersler: (Teorik Uygulama Kredi AKTS Grup)MTF211Saysal zmleme(3034TB)Mutlak Hata, Bal Hata. Matris lemleri, Dorusal sistemlerin zm, Geri yn ve ileri yn yer deitirme, Cramer Yntemi, Matris Tersi Yntemi, Gauss Eliminasyonu, Gauss-Jordan yntemi, Ters matris, LU paralamas, Dolayl yntemler, Jacobi Yntemi, Gauss-Siedel iterasyonu, zmin varl ve teklii problemi, Dorusal olmayan denklem sistemlerinin zm, Eit olmayan aralklar iin nterpolasyon, Eri uydurma, Saysal trev.

MTF227Mhendislik Matematii II(3035TB)

Birinci mertebeden diferansiyel denklemler: diferansiyel denklemler ve matematiksel modeller, genel ve zel zm olarak integraller. Matematiksel modeller ve saysal yntemler. Homojen Diferansiyel Denklemler. Homojen Hale Dntrlebilen Diferansiyel Denklemler. Tam Hale Dntrlebilen Diferansiyel Denklemler. Yksek mertebeden lineer denklemler, mekanik titreimler, homojen olmayan denklemler ve belirsiz katsaylar. Diferansiyel denklem sistemlerine giri: Lineer olmayan Bernoulli diferensiyel denklemleri ve zmleri. Lineer Hale Dntrlebilen Diferansiyel Denklemler. Diferansiyel Denklemlerin Uygulamalar. Yksek mertebeden sabit katsayl homojen lineer diferansiyel denklemler. kinci ve yksek mertebeden sabit katsayl homojen olmayan lineer diferansiyel denklemler. Laplace Dnm.

MTF231Olaslk ve statistik(3034TB)Sayma Teknikleri, Sigma cebri, olaslk aksiyomlar, koullu olaslk, Bayes forml. Standart sapma, Varyans, Asimetri lleri, ndeksler. Dalm fonksiyonu, olaslk fonksiyonu, Chebyshev eitsizlii. Kesikli ve Srekli Dalmlar: Uniform dalm, Bernoulli dalm, Poisson dalm, geometrik dalm, hipergeometrik dalm, normal dalm, eksponansiyel dalm, gamma dalm, beta dalm. Rasgele deikenin tantlmas, kesikli rasgele deikenler, srekli rasgele deikenler. Rasgele deney sonularna ait olaslk fonksiyonu, birikimli olaslk fonksiyonu, beklenen deer. Karar Teorisi. Kestirim Kavram. Hipotez Testi. Parametrik Olmayan Testler. Korelasyon ve Regresyon. EEE205Elektrik Malzemeleri(3034TB,M)Malzemelerin snflandrlmas. Atomun elektronik yaps. Atomlar aras balar. Atomlar aras denge mesafesi veetkileyen faktrler. Atomik dzen, amorf, molekler ve kristal yaplar. Atomik dolgu faktr. Teorik younluk. Allotropik ve polimorfik dnmler. Noktasal, izgisel ve dzlemsel hatalar. Malzemelerde atom hareketleri. Elektriksel iletkenlik. Enerji bantlar. letkenler. Yariletkenler. Yaltkanlar. Manyetik malzemeler ve zellikleriEEE213Devre Teorisi(4045M)

Devre elemanlar ve deikenleri. Devre analizlerinin teknikleri. Mesh akm teoremi. Node voltaj teoremi. Kirof Kanunlar. Akm ve Voltaj kanunlar. Mesh ve Node teknikleri kullanarak devre zmleri. Thevenin ve Norton teoremleri. Yldz-gen dnm. Sperpozisyon teoremi. Maksimum g teoremi. ndktans, kapasitans ve e (mutual) indktans. Birinci dereceden RL ve RC devreleri ve sinusoidal ve DC uygulamalar. RLC devresinin doal (natural) ve adm (step) zmleri. Sinusoidal durgun hal analizi. Sinusoidal durgun hal g hesaplamalar. Ani, ortalama, reaktif ve kompleks g faktr hesaplamalar. Laplace transform ile devre analizi. Transfer fonksiyonu. SPICE tabanl bilgisayar ortamnda devre analizi ve hesaplamalar.Alan D Semeli 3(3035G)

GNL201Staj 1


4. DnemZorunlu Dersler: (Teorik Uygulama Kredi AKTS Grup)EEE202 Elektroteknik Laboratuvar (031,53M)Deney setinin incelenmesi. Doru akm Motoru. Multimetrenin incelenmesi. Alternatif akm devreleri (elektrik devrelerinde faz kaymasnn incelenmesi). Rezonans devreleri. Transformatr deneyi. Geici olaylarn incelenmesi. Demir ekirdekli sarg. Thevenin ve Norton teoremleri. Kirchoff'un akmlar ve gerilimler yasasnn deneysel salanmas. Maksimum g transferi. Elektronun static ve magnetik alanda saptrlmas.

EEE204Saysal Tasarm I(3035M)Binary. Dijital sistemler. Boole cebri ifadeleri. Temel lojik kaplar ve ilgili tmdevreler, semboller. Gate Level minimizasyonu. Kombinasyonel lojik devre zellikleri, toplama ve karma devreleri. Decoder ve Encoder devreleri, display uygulamalar. Multiplexer ve demultiplexer devreleri, seri/paralel bilgi dnmleri. Karnaugh map uygulamalar ve zel tasarm rnekleri. Ardl (sequential) devre zellikleri. Flip-floplar. Sayclar, trleri, tmdevreler, cihaz uygulamalar. Shift Register trleri, tmdevreleri. Bilgisayar ortamnda dijital saat uygulamas.EEE210Elektronik Devreleri I (4045M)lemsel ykseltelerin (Op-amp) analizi ve hesaplamalar. Yariletkenler, tayclar, pn jonksiyonunun fiziksel yaps ve davran. deal diyot, gerek diyot, elektriksel davran ve akm-gerilim erisi. Diyot modeli, diyotlu devrelerin DC analiz yntemleri, Diyotlu devrelerin AC analizi. Zener diyot. Bipolar jonksiyonlu tranzistor (BJT) BJT alma blgeleri, elektriksel modeli. Bipolar jonksiyonlu tranzistrlerin AC ve DC analizleri. Tek ve ok katl BJT ykselte devreleri. JFET incelenmesi DC ve AC analizi. MOSFET'in fiziksel yaps ve davran, alma blgeleri, karakteristikleri. MOSFET DC ve AC analizi. BJT ve MOSFET'in anahtar uygulamalar. SPICE tabanl bilgisayar ortamnda devre analizi ve hesaplamalar.EEE212Elektromanyetik Alan Teorisi(3035TB,M)Vektrler. Kartezyen, silindirik ve kresel koordinat sistemleri. Koordinat sistemleri arasndaki dnmler. Statik elektrik alanlar ve aralarndaki iliki (E) ve (D) . Coulomb yasas. Gauss yasas ve uygulamalar. Elektrik potansiyel. Statik elektrik alanda malzeme ortamlar. Elektrostatik alanlar iin snr koullar. Kapasitans ve kapasitrler ve indktans. Gradyan, Diverjans ve Rotasyonel teoremleri. Stokes teoremi. Manyetik ak younluu (B) ile manyetik alan kuvveti (H) arasndaki iliki. Elektrostatik enerji ve kuvvet. Durgun elektrik akm. Akm younluu ve Ohm yasas. G harcanmas ve Joule yasas. Faraday yasas. Ampere kanunlar. Elektromotor kuvveti. Lenz yasas. Statik manyetik alanlar. Biot-Savart yasas ve uygulamalar. Manyetik enerji. Maxwell denklemleri. EEE214aretler ve Sistemler(3034M)

aretler ve zellikleri; aretlerin ilenmesi; rnekleme; iaretlerde g ve enerji, evriim (konvolsyon); sistemler ve zellikleri, srekli zamanl periyodik iaretlerin zaman ve frekans analizleri. Dorusal ve zamandan baml sistemler. Dorusal ve zamandan bamsz sistemler. Fourier serisi ve Fourier dnmleri; Ayrk zamanl iaretlerin zaman ve frekans analizleri, Fourier serisi ve Fourier dnmleri; Laplace dnm ve Ters Laplace dnm; sistem frekans cevab, Z dnm.

GNL202Staj 2

(0003M)Alan D Semeli 4

(3035G)5. DnemZorunlu Dersler: (Teorik Uygulama Kredi AKTS Grup)EEE301Elektronik Laboratuvar(031,53M)FET, JFET, MOSFET ve onlarn DC modelleri, Osilatrler, Diferansiyel ve ok Durumlu Amplifierlar, Akm AynalarEEE303Elektrik Makineleri(3035M)AC elektrik makinelerinin sarmalndaki titreimlerinden ve dnmelerinde oluan elektromanyetik alanlar, bir sarmalda oluan EMK, ndklenme makineleri: denk devre, kalc durum analizi, hz kontrol. Senkron makineler: denk devre, kalc durum analizi, kararllk. Tek fazl indkleme makineleri. zel elektrik makineleri.

EEE311Elektronik Devreler II(4045M)FET, JFET, MOSFET ve onlarn DC modelleri, Osilatrler, Diferansiyel ve ok Durumlu Amplifierlar, Akm AynalarEEE313Elektromanyetik Dalga Teorisi(3035TB,M)Dalga eitlii, Zaman Harmonik Elektromanyetik Alan, Dzlem Dalgas, Polarizasyon, Waveguides, Antenler

EEE321Haberleme Teorisi (3034M)

Haberleme sistemlerinin yaptalar. Sinyal tipleri, vektr uzaylar, genelletirilmi fonksiyonlar, Hilbert transformasyonu ve analitik sinyaller, lineer ve asal modlasyon metotlar, FDM. GM/SM uygulamalar, stereo TV. rnekleme, nicemleme, PCM, DPCM, DM, TDM, darbe aktarm; PAM, PDM, PWM. Baseband veri iletimi; Nyquist pulse sharping; Bant geiren veri iletimi ve dijital modlasyon teknikleri: ASK, PSK, FSK, QAM

Alan i Semeli 1(3035M)

GNL301Staj 3

(0003M)Alan i Semeli Dersler

EEE304Lojik Tasarm(3035M)Say sistemleri, veri formatlar, integer saynn gsterimi, kayan noktal saylar, boolean cebri ve lojik alar, bilgisayar aritmetii, lojik komponentler, Karnough haritas, Flip-floplar, MSI devresinin sistemlerde kullanm, ROM ve PLDlerEEE305Saysal Tasarm II(3035M)Statik ve dinamik memoriler: RAM, ROM, EPROM, PAL, PLA, FPGA. A/D ve D/A dntrcler. eitli sinyal reten devreler.EEE323Yksek Gerilim Teknikleri

(3035M)Statik elektrik alan: temel elektrot sistemleri, maksimum elektrik alan iddetinin yaklak hesab, tabakal elektrot sistemleri, konform dnm, saysal yntemler. Boalma olaylarna giri: gazlarda boalma olaylar (Townsend ve kanal teorileri); korona, yldrm ve yzeysel boalma, kat ve sv yaltkanlarda boalma olaylar. Ar gerilimler ve ar gerilimlere kar korumann temelleri. Yksek gerilimlerin retilmesi ve llmesi.

6. Dnem

Zorunlu Dersler: (Teorik Uygulama Kredi AKTS Grup)

EEE300Enerji Dnm(3035M)Genel ilkeler. Tanmlar; giri, k byklkleri ve bala alan, motor, generatr ve transformatr. Enerji saknm ve enerji denge denklemi. Moment ve kuvvet ile manyetik alan ve elektrik alan enerjileri arasndaki ilikiler. z ve kart endklemeler, moment ve kuvvet. Genelletirilmi ve ilkel makina modelleri; matematik ve devre modelleri. Srekli enerji dnm koullar, eitli makina modelleri.

EEE302Analog Elektronik Laboratuvar(031,53M)Switch olarak transistrler, dk frekansl ykselticiler, dalga reteleri, Schimitt trigger, sinsodial osilatr, aktif filtre, PLL, darbe modlasyonu, geri besleme

EEE330Kontrol Teorisi

(3034M)Laplas dnm, durum uzay ve sfr, kutup, kazan gsterimleri, son deer teoremi, sfr ve kutuplar, 1. derece, 2. derece sistemler, karakteristik denklem, kutuplarn kompleks dzlemde gsterimi ve kararllk stndeki etkileri, geri besleme ve kararlla etkileri, PID kontrol kurallar, kk yer erisi, frekans cevab, durum uzay, kontrol edilebilirlik, gzlemlenebilirlik, kontrol edilebilir kanonik form, Lyapunov kararll, Ruth-Horwitz kriterleri,

Alan i Semeli 2(3035M)

Alan i Semeli 3(3035M)

Alan i Semeli 4(3035M)GNL302Staj 4


Alan i Semeli Dersler

EEE306Mikrodenetleyici Temelli Sistem Tasarm(3035M)CPU, bellek devreleri, programlanabilir I/O, interrupt ile alan I/O, Dorudan bellek eriimi, Mikrobilgisayar programlama, assembly ve makine dili, bellek adresleme, rnek uygulamalar, tek ipli bilgisayar ve programlanmas, Mikrodenetleyici kontroll sistem projesi

EEE332Analog Tmdevreler(3035M)Akm ve gerilim kaynaklar, besleme gerilimi ve scaklktan bamsz kutuplama. Fark kuvvetlendiricileri, tmdevrelerde kullanlan kazan katlar, k katlar. lemsel kuvvetlendiriciler. Tmdevre osilatr yaplar. Analog arpma devreleri. Analog MOS yap bloklar: Akm kaynaklar, kuvvetlendirici yaplar, referans gerilimi reteleri, MOS ilemsel kuvvetlendiriciler, gei iletkenlii kuvvetlendiricileri(OTA), akm tayclar, analog arpma devreleri.EEE334Devre Sistem Analizi(3035M)Kompleks Saylar, Fazr Kavram, Sinzoidal Srekli Halin (SSH) Mevcudiyeti, Empedans ve Admitans Tanmlar, SSHde Devre Elemanlar, SSHde Elektrik Devreleri ve Yasalar, SSHde G, SSHde Analiz Yntemleri, SSHde Devre Teoremleri, SSHde Devrelerin Frekans Yant, Filtre Devreleri, Laplace Dnsmleri, Laplace Dnsmnden Yararlanarak Analiz Yntemleri, Fourier Serileri, Fourier Dnsmleri, Dengeli -fazl Devreler.

EEE326Uygulamal Elektromanyetik(3035M)Elektromanyetik Yntemlerin Teorik Fiziksel Temelleri, Maxwell denklemleri, Grnr zdirencin Tanm, Yer Yzeyinde ve Havadan Zaman ve Frekans Ortam Elektromanyetik Yntemlere ait Arazi Sistemleri ve lme Teknikleri, Yatay Elektrik Dipol ile Derin Geici Elektromanyetik Yntem, Yatay Manyetik Dipol ile S Derinlik Aratrmalar, Tek ve ok Kanall Sistemler.

EEE328Saysal aret leme(3035M)aretler ve zellikleri; aretlerin ilenmesi; rnekleme; iaretlerde g ve enerji, evriim (konvolsyon); sistemler ve zellikleri, srekli zamanl periyodik iaretlerin zaman ve frekans analizleri, Fourier serisi ve Fourier dnmleri; Ayrk zamanl iaretlerin zaman ve frekans analizleri, Fourier serisi ve Fourier dnmleri; Laplace dnm ve Ters Laplace dnm; sistem frekans cevab, Z dnm.

7. DnemZorunlu Dersler: (Teorik Uygulama Kredi AKTS Grup)

MTF401Tasarm Projesi

(0425M)Takm almas, takm dinamikleri, takm normlar ve iletiim, etkin toplantlar hazrlama ve kalite deerlendirme. novatif Problem zme yntemleri, problem tanma/tanmlama, zm retme, zm seme yntemleri, seim metodolojisi, zm uygulama, uygulamann deerlendirilmesi. renme seviyeleri ve iselletirmenin dereceleri. Etik kararlar. ve tasarm gnl organizasyonu. Tersine mhendislik ve tasarm projeleri.

EEE411Enerji Datm Sistemleri(3035M)Enerji Datm sistemleri ile alakal temel bilgiler ve proje yapm konusunda gerekli bilgiler.

Alan i Semeli 5(3035M)

Alan i Semeli 6(3035M)

Alan i Semeli 7(3035M)

Alan D Semeli 5(3035G)

Alan i Semeli Dersler

EEE401Donanm Tanmlama Dilleri(3035M)ematik donanm tanmlama, Verilog ve VHDL donanm tanmlama dilleri. VHDL kod yaps: Library, entitiy ve architecture. VHDL data tipleri. Operatrler ve nitelikler. Ezamanl kod: WHEN, GENERATE, BLOCK. Sral kod: PROCESS, IF, WAIT, CASE, LOOP. Sinyaller ve deikenler: CONSTANT, SIGNAL ve VARIABLE. Durum makinalar. Paketler ve komponentler. Fonksiyonlar ve prosedrler. VHDL kullanarak lojik devre tasarm. Xilinx FPGAs.

EEE407Elektrik Santralleri(3035M)Elektrik enerjisi elde edilme yntemleri, Buhar trbinli termik santrallerin ileyii, Gaz trbinli termik santrallerin ileyii, Nkleer santrallerin ileyii, Hidroelektrik santrallerin ileyii, Yenilenebilir enerji santrallerin ileyii, Enerji santrallerinde oluan arzalar, Koruma rleleri ve uygulamlar, Parafudur, Sigorta bilgisi ve uygulamalar, Kuranportr uygulamalar

EEE417Biyomedikal aretler(3035M)Biyomedikal iaretlerin genel zellikleri. Biyoelektrik sinyallerin (EKG, EMG, EEG vb.) zellikleri, frekanslar ve ilenmesi. Temel iaret ileme yntemlerinin biyomedikal mhendisliinde uygulanmas. Stokastik sinyal ileme yntemleri, AR, ARMA modeller. Biyolojik iaretlerin modellenmesi.

EEE419Biyomedikal Mhendisliinin Temelleri(3035M)Biyomedikal mhendisliinde temel kavramlar Biyolojik iaretlerin llmesi ve deerlendirilmesi. Aritmi ve aritmi dedeksiyonu. Kalp vuru dzenleyicileri (pacemaker). Defibrilatrler. Hastanelerde kullanlan cihazlarn kullanmnda karlalan sorunlar (elektriksel emniyet). Biyotelemetrik sistemler.

EEE423CMOS VLSI Tasarmna Giri(3035M)Lojik kaplarn elektronik karakteristii, MOS teknolojisi iin fabrikasyon ilemleri, Yerleim plan tasarm kurallar ve rnekler, tasarm dorulama, devrenin bilgisayar ortamna aktarlmas, Analog ve dijital simlasyon, CMOS dijital devreler, CMOS anahtarlama mant.

EEE427Modlasyon ve Kodlamaya Giri(3035M)rnekleme. Shannonun bilgi kuram. Kaynak ve kanal kodlama kuramlar. Bilgi sas kuram. Hz-bozunum kuram. Hata kontrol kodlamas. evrimsel fazlalk kontrol kodlar. Evriim kodlar. Viterbi algoritmas. Serpitirme. Grltnn etkisi. Turbo kodlar. Kanal kestirimi ve denklemesi. Alc mimarilerinde uzay eitlilii. Seimli birletirme. En byk oranl birletirme. Eit genlikli birletirme. Kare kanunu birletirme.

EEE429Optoelektronik(3035M)Bolukta Elektromanyetik Dalga. Madde inde Elektromanyetik Dalga. In KutuplanmasOptik Sabitlerin Frekansa Ball. Fresnel Eitlikleri. Kristal Optii. Elektro-Optik. Elektriksel ve Optik zellikler. Yariletken Yaplar. Optoelektronik Devre Elemanlar. Optoelektronik Tmleik Devreler

EEE431Anten Tasarm(3035M)Anten tipleri. Elektromanyetik kuramsn gzden geirilmesi. Duality ve Reciprocity kuramlar. Hertzian dipol. Elektrik dipol. Manyetik dipol. Yakn, orta ve uzak alanlar. Kresel ve dzlemsel dalgalar. Herhangi bir akm dalmnda radyasyon. Anten polarizasyonlar. Anten parametreleri. Friis tama forml. Radar denklemi. Anten grlt ss. Radyasyon empedans. Anten dizileri. Anten radyasyon diyagram.

EEE433G Elektronii(3035M)Anahtarlama devreleri ve g elektronii temel kavramlar. Diyot, SCR, Triyak, GTO, BJT, MOSFET, IGBT, MCT operasyonel zellikleri. Kontroll ve kontrolsz bir ve fazl dorultucular. DC helikopterler. nvertrler, bir ve fazl inverter, darbe genilik modlasyonu ve gerilim reglasyonu. AC/AC kyclar. Koruma devreleri. DC/DC dntrcler.

EEE451Saysal Grnt leme(3035M)Dorusal sistemler, Olaslk, Birimsel dnmlerle grnt ifadesi (DFT, DCT, Walsh-Hadamard, KLT), Nokta ilemleriyle grnt iyiletirme, Histogram ilemleri, Konumsal filtreleme, Frekans uzaynda filtreleme, Restorasyon, Rekonstrksiyon, Radon dnm, Filtrelenmi gerikestirim, Bozulmalarn modellenmesi, Grnt segmentasyonu (piksel-temelli, kenar-temelli, blge-temelli), Grnt sktrma, rnt tanma.

8. Dnem

Zorunlu Dersler: (Teorik Uygulama Kredi AKTS Grup)

GNL472Bitirme Projesi

(0425M)Bitirme Projesi yaparak Mhendislie ilk admn atlmas

EEE400Lojik Laboratuvar(052,55M)Saysal devrelerle alakal laboratuvar bilgisi, And, Or, Nand, Nor kaplar, Lojik devre tasarm, Astable Multivibratr tasarm, Lojik katl devreler, Monostabl Multivibrator tasarm, Proje tasarm, Proje teslimi

Alan i Semeli 8(3035M)

Alan i Semeli 9(3035M)

Alan i Semeli 10(3035M)

Alan D Semeli 6(3035G)

Alan i Semeli Dersler

EEE420Aydnlatma Teknii ve Tesisat(3035M)Aydnlatmacln konusu, amac ve trleri. Fotometrik byklkler (Ik aks, k miktar, k iddeti, aydnlk dzeyi, parlt, fotorafik uyarma, fotometrik radyans). Fotometrik kanunlar (Kosins kanunu, uzaklklar karesiyle ters orant kanunu, lambert kanunu, uzay a izdm kanunu). Aydnlatmann bileenleri. Ik ve grme olay, k kaynaklar. Aydnlatma hesab.

EEE422Elektrik Makinelerinin Tasarm(3035M)AC elektrik makinelerinin sarmalndaki titreimlerinden ve dnmelerinde oluan elektromanyetik alanlar, bir sarmalda oluan EMK, ndklenme makineleri: denk devre, kalc durum analizi, hz kontrol. Senkron makineler: denk devre, kalc durum analizi, kararllk. Tek fazl indkleme makineleri. zel elektrik makineleri. DC elektrik makineleri.

EEE424Makine Src Sistemleri

(3035M)Elektrik tahrik sistemlerinin temel bileenleri, g elektronii ve devreleri, elektrik motorlar ile mekanik yklerin ortak hz-moment karakteristikleri, DC motorlarn hz kontrol, asenkron motorlarn hz kontrol, elektrik makinalarnda frenleme, DC ve asenkron motorlarda frenleme, elektrik tahrik sistemlerinde geici rejim almas

EEE432Proses Kontrol(3035M)Proses Kontroln Temel Prensipleri, Gerek dnyada kullanlan proses sistemlerinin davrannn bilgisayar simlasyonu ile incelenmesi, Proses Dinamiinin modellenmesi, Proses Sistemlerinin P,PI,PID Kontrol, Nonlineer denklemlerin lineerletirilmesi, Zaman domeninde Adi Diferansiyel Denklemler, Laplace Dnmleri, Transfer Fonksiyonlar, Blok Diagramlar.

EEE438Kat Hal Elektronii(3035M)Kristal yaps, Atomik balar, Yar iletkenlerin enerji bandi zellikleri, Elektronlarn ve deliklerin istatistii, Tayc dinamii, retme ve rekombinasyon sreleri, P-N jonksiyonlari ve diodlar, Metal/yari iletken jonksiyonu, Heterojonksiyonlu aygtlarn fizii ve teknolojisi, bipolar jonksiyon transistrleri, jonksiyon ve yaltlm kap transistrleri, elektronik tm devreler, Btnleik blok devreler ve ykselticiler, Hafza sistemleri, letim sistemleri

EEE442Tbbi Grntleme(3035M)Tbbi terminoloji, Direkt radyografi, Mamografi, Ortopontomografik film yntemleri, Bilgisayarl tomografi, Manyetik rezonans grntleme, Direkt ve indirekt rntgen yntemleri, Anjiografi, Giriimsel radyoloji (Vaskler, nonvaskler) teknikleri, Tbbi grntlemede kullanlan cihazlar.

EEE446Haberleme Elektronii

(3035M)Elektriksel grlt, Diren ve devrelerde sl grlt, Grlt says, Grlt scakl, Bozulma, Dorusal yksek frekans ykselteleri, Kk iaret ykselteleri, Ykselte kararll, Rezonansl ykselte tasarm, Faz kilitlemeli evrim, Dk grltl ykselte, Dengeli diyot kartrclar, FET ve BJTli kartrclar, Alclar ve vericiler, G ykselteleri, Dorusallatrma teknikleri.

EEE456Uydu Haberlemesi

(3035M)Uydularn tarihesi, Yrngelerine gre uydularn snflandrlmas, Uydunun mrn belirleyenparametreler, Uydularn yrnge hareketi ile ilgili olarak Keplerin birinci ve ikinci kanununu, Yer-Uydu balants, uydu verici/alcs ve uydu-yer balants alarndan temel uydu haberleme sistemi, Ku band ve C band sistemlerinin tipik sinyal g dzeyleri, anak antendeki kutuplayclar, Geni band haberlemesi

EEE450Kablosuz Haberleme

(3035M)Kablosuz kavram, Haberleme kavram, Kablosuz letim Temelleri ile Radyo ve Mikrodalga Prensipleri, Sinyal Kodlama Teknikleri ve Spread Spektrum, FDMA/TDMA,/CDMA ve Rastgele eriim metotlar, Kodlama ve Hata Kontrol, Kablosuz letiim Sistemleri Snflandrmas, Kablosuz Bilgisayar A Topolojileri ve Mimarileri, IEEE 802.11x Ailesi, IEEE 802.16x Ailesi, Bluetooth Protokol, Hcresel Sistemler (GSM/GPRS)

EEE452Mikrodalga Teknii

(3035M)Transmisyon hatlarnda yansma, Az kaypl hatlar, Transmisyon bozukluklar, Transmisyon hatt diyagramlar Empedans uygunlama, Fiber optik ve mikro erit hatlar, Transmisyonhattna edeer devreler, Telefon hatlar ve edeer devreleri, Enerji letim hatlarnn edeer devreleri, Ksa orta-uzun hatlar, S parametreleri matrisi, Transmisyon borular, Transmisyon borularnda zayflama ve dalga hzlar, Optikklavuzlar ve atmosferik ortam.

Alan D Semeli Dersler

REK402Meslek Seminerleri


Dier Alan D Semeli Dersler

Gz Dnemi Alan D Semeli Dersleri

MTF303 Sal ve Gvenlii(3035G) Sal ve Gvenlii Kavram, nemi, Yaplmas Gerekenler, Sorumluluk, Yol Haritas, alanlar Bilgilendirme Ykmll, alanlar Eitme Ykmll, Ynetim Sistemi, Temel Bilgileri. Risk Analizi ve Deerlendirmesi, Bilgi ve Veri Toplama, yeri Acil Eylem Planlarnn Hazrlanmas. yeri Yllk Plannn Hazrlanmas, Meslek Hastalklar ve Kazalar, Beslenme Bilgisi, Meslek Hastalklarndan Korunma, Kazalar Ve Meslek Hastalklarnda Grnen-Grnmeyen Zararlar, Salk, Gvenlik ve evre ile lgili Yasal Dzenlemeler, Kanunlar ve Ynetmelikler.

MTF305 Hukuku(3035G)Toplum dzeni ile ilgili kurallar, hukuk kurallar, hak kavram, hak ehliyeti, fiil ehliyeti, hukuki ilem, drstlk ve iyi niyet kurallar, yarg organlar grev ve yetki, medeni hukuk kurallar. Bireysel i hukuku ve toplumsal i hukuku kurallar.

MTF307 Giriimcilik ve Proje Tasarm I(3035G)Giriimcilik nedir? Giriimci Olabilmek iin Gereken eyler, Baarl Giriimcinin zellikleri, Giriimcinin Temel Fonksiyonlar, Giriimcinin Ana Faaliyetleri, Giriimci Olmann Fayda ve Mahsurlar, Trkiyede Giriimciliin Tarihi Geliimi, Etkinlik ve Verimlilik, Fikri Gelitirme Teknikleri, Plan ve Tanm, Giriimcilik ve Yatrmlar, Giriimcilikte Getiri ve lmlenmesi, letmelerde Gider-Gelir Konusu, Dorudan ve Dolayl Maliyet Unsurlar, Baa Ba Noktas Analizi, Gelir Tablosu, Bilano, Nakit Akm Tablosu, Parann Zaman Deeri

MTF309 Srdrlebilirlik ve evre(3035G)Kresel snma ve global dier evre sorunlar. Doal alanlar ve hassas ekosistemlerin kentleme-sanayileme sonucu maruz kaldklar tehlikeler. evresel srdrlebilirlik. Doal alanlar ve insan hayatn koruyan evresel plan karar sreleri. Alternatif enerji kaynaklarnn ve srdrlebilir/ ekolojik mimarinin gelitirilmesi.

MTF311 Aratrma Teknikleri(3035G)Doru, gvenilir ve geerli bilgiye ulama yollar; kaynak aratrma sistemleri ve yntemleri ve verileri yorumlama becerisi kazandrlr. Deerlendirme ve rapor yazma ilkeleri.

kinci Yabanc Dil I, III, V(3035G)

Bahar Dnemi Alan D Semeli Dersleri

MTF306 Mhendislik Etii(3035G)Mhendislik meslei ve etik; Mhendislik etii nedir ve niin renilmelidir. Mhendisin sorumluluklar; Gvenlik ve risk, halk gvenliinin korunmas. alanlarn korunmas ile ilgili mevzuat. Mhendislik etik kodlar ve nemi. Enformasyon teknolojisinde etik; Bilgisayar ve internet etii. evre etii. Bilimsel almalarda ve danmanlkta etik. Genetii deitirilmi organizmalarla ilgili etik. Uluslararas haklar ve etik. Gelien teknolojilerden seilmi baz vakalar.

MTF308 Giriimcilik ve Proje Tasarm II(3035G)Temel kavramlar, giriimciliin temel fonksiyonlar, Trkiyede giriimciliin geliimi, giriimcilik trleri, Giriimcilii etkileyen faktrler, Kobiler, i kurma, hukuki yap, Giriimin srdrlebilirlii, baar ykleri, rnek olay incelemeleri.

MTF310 Ekonomi

(3 0 3 5 G) Mikro ve makroekonomi tanmlar. Arz ve talep kanunlar. Piyasalar ve tketici davranlar. Ekonomik sistemler. Mill gelir ve mill gelir dalm. stihdam. Para teorisi. Enflasyon ve makroekonomik politika aralar. D ticaret ve uluslararas kurumlar.

MTF312 Bilim Tarihi(3035G)Bilimin douu. Medeniyetler perspektifinden bilim: Nil ve Anadolu medeniyetleri; Asya, in, Hint, Roma, Yunan ve slam medeniyetleri. Avrupa, Amerika, Asya, Uzakdou, Orta-Dou medeniyetleri. Trk Dnyas Bilim ve Teknoloji tarihi; Cam, tekstil ve seramik teknolojisi tarihi; demir-bakr ve dkm teknolojisi tarihi.

kincil Yabanc Dil II, IV, VI


GNL105 Turkish Language and Spelling Rules I(2022G)The concept of language. Relationship between language and thought. Relationship between language and culture. World languages (Terms of origin and structure). The historical development of the Turkish language. The structure of the Turkish language. Today's Turkish. The act of writing and composition information. Spelling Rules. The correct expression. Turkish language as the language of science, and science. Turkish poetry and poetic language.

GNL101 Principles of Ataturk and History of Revolution I(2 022G)Turkish Independence War, Atatrks Revolutions and Principles, Thought System of Atatrk and giving right information about Turkish Republic, Turkey and Atatrk Revolutions and Principles, giving right information about Atatrks thoughts, uniting Turkish Youth around national goals and about unsperatable unity of the Country, Nation and Government with Atatrk Revolutions and Principles.GNL103English I

(2 022G)Baby Talk, Child Development, Face Reading, Psychology, A language for Women only, Antrophology, Litereature, Computer Science, Law , Internet, Cell phones,Sociology, Cosmeotology, Music, Math, Geometry, Beauty,Information Technology, Environmental Studies, Aviaton, Engineering.

FEN111Physics I

(3 034TB)Physical units, vectors, Newtons Laws, Work and Energy, Conservation of Energy and Momentum, Rotational Kinematics and Dynamics, Equilibrium, Oscillations and Waves, Gravitation.

MTF111Physics Laboratory I(0 212TB)Measurements and Uncertainty. Graphical Representation of Data. SI unit system. Unit and dimensional analysis. Length, mass, time standards. Error analysis. Basic measuring tools and their usage. Light and electromagnetic waves. Mechanics, dynamics and optics experiments.

MAT121Mathematical Analysis I(4 046TB)Functions, Limits, Continuity, derivatives, derivation rules, applications of derivative, integral, definite integrals and their properties, Applications of Integrals, Improper Integrals.MTF121 Programming I (2236M)Flow charts and pseudo-codes. The C programming language. Editor's usage. Data types and memory representation. The creation of user-defined functions and parameter transfer of functions. Dynamic arrays. Dynamically using of memory. Strings and String Functions. Functions that operate on strings and the memory area. The demonstrators.

EEE101Introduction to Electrical Engineering(2 023M)Electrical and Electronics Engineering fields. Electrical and Electronics Engineering, scientists have contributed to the historical development and general information about the area. Engineering tools for Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Techniques to solve engineering problems. Teare and Ver Planck approach, Approach to Polyarthritis. Case study on a real engineering problem.

Non-Area Courses 1

(2 023G)Non-Area Courses

REK101Culture and Istanbul

(2 023G)The individuals recognition of the city, protect the city along with the sense of concern, to gain a multi-dimensional personality by developing social and cultural awareness.

2nd Term

Compulsory Courses (Theory Application Credit ECTS Group)

GNL106 Turkish Language and Spelling Rules II(2022G)General characteristics of text types. In Turkish Literature, novels, short stories, plays, criticism. Oral presentation, panels, discussions, panels, symposiums. Rules on oral narratives, examples. Assessing student work on the types of oral and written expression, Repeats.

GNL102 Principles of Ataturk and History of Revolution II

(2 022G)Turkis Independence War, Atatrks Revolutions and Principles, Thought System of Atatrk and giving right information about Turkish Republic, Turkey and Atatrk Revolutions and Principles, giving right information about Atatrks thoughts, uniting Turkish Youth around national goals and about unsperatable unity of the Country, Nation and Government with Atatrk Revolutions and Principles.

GNL104English II(2 022G)Best Selling Medicines, Fighting Diseases, Saving from death, Behavioral Science, Animal Studies, Health Care, Physiology, Food and Nutrition, Culinary Arts, Biology, Criminal Justice, Language Studies,Technology, Sport and Fitness

FEN112Physics II(3 034TB)Electrical charges, Coulomb law, Elecrical field and potantial,Gauss Law, Electrical currents and resistance, DC devices, Magnetic Force, Magnetic Field Courses , Electromagnetic induction,AC circiuts, RLC circiut analysis, Maxwell Equitions.

MTF112Physics Laboratory II(0 212TB)Basic concepts of electricity and magnetism. Ampermeter, voltmeter, ohmmeter measurement tools. Measurements with multimeter. Electric circuit devices. Simple electric circuits and circuit analysis. Electricity and magnetism experiments. Electromagnetic induction and applications. Maxwell's equations.

MAT122Mathematical Analysis II(4 046TB)Sequences and Series, Power series, series expansion of functions, multivariate functions, partial derivatives, double and triple integrals, vectors, vector-valued functions, business account and line integrals, Greens Theorem, surface integrals, Stokes Theorem, Divergence Theorem.MTF126Engineering Mathematics I

(3035TB)With engineering applications, linear equations, matrices, matrix operations. The solution of linear systems. Determinants and their properties. Real vector spaces, linear independence, homogeneous systems. A variety of engineering applications of eigenvalues and eigenvectors.

MTF122Programming II

(2234M)Data processing method of computers, If, While, For loops, matrix operations through For loop, complex matrix operations through For loop, image processing application examples, complex operation examples by utilizing arrays and matrices, graphic generation examples by utilizing loops, curve fitting examples, examples of numerical derivation and integration, convergence of a function to a limit, visual data processing examples.

Non-Area Courses 2

(2 023G)

Non-Area Courses

REK102Civilization and Society

(2 023G)Agricultural revolution, rise of the first civilizations in Near East and Asia, birth and development of Greek and Hellenistic civilization, Roman civilization, birth and development of Islamic civiliation, Middleage, Renaessence and Reformation in the West, political, social and economic changes during the Enlightenment and afterwards modern civilizations.3rd TermCompulsory Courses (Theori Application Credit ECTS Group)

MTF211Numerical Analysis(3034TB)Absolute Error, Relative Error, Matrix Operations, Solution of linear systems, Matrix Inverse Method, Gaussian elimination, Gauss-Jordan method, Inverse matrix, LU, Indirect methods, Jacobi method, Gauss-Seidel iteration, The existence of solutions and uniqueness of the problem, The solution of systems of nonlinear equations, Curve fitting, Numerical differentiation.

MTF227Engineering Mathematics II(3035TB)First order differential equations: differential equations and mathematical models, integrals and their general and specific solutions. Mathematical models and numeric methods. High-order linear differential equations, mechanical vibrations, non-homogeneous equations, undetermined coefficients. Introduction to systems of differential equations, first-order systems and applications. Linear differential equations. Laplace Transform.

MTF231Probability and Statistics(3034TB)The multiplication rule, permutations, combinations. Sigma algebra, probability axioms, conditional probability, Bayes formula. Distribution function, probability function, the Chebyshev inequalityuniform, Bernoulli, Poisson, geometric, hypergeometric distribution, normal distribution, exponential distribution, gamma, beta distributions. Generating Functions. Decision Theory. The concept of estimation. Hypothesis Testing. Correlation and Regression.

EEE205Electrical Materials(3034TB,M)Introduction to Materials. Structure of Atom. Atomic Bonding. Bonding Strength and Energy. Crystal Structures. Crystal Defects. Solid Solutions. Composition Specification. Mechanical Properties of Materials. Engineering Material. Ferrou Non-ferrous. Ceramics. Polymers. Composites. Electrical Properties of Materials. Semiconductor Dielectric Materials. Magnetic materials. Optical Properties of materials.

EEE213Circuit Theory(4045M)

Physical circuits. Load, flux, power and energy definition and modeling their waveforms. Kirchoff's laws: Current and voltage equations. Load and flux relations. Circuit graphs. Ideal circuit elements. Modeling of physical elements. Small-signal models of nonlinear circuit elements. Resistive circuits, Thevenin and Norton's theorems. First and second order dynamic circuits.

Non-Area Courses 3

(3 035G)GNL201 Internship 1

(000 3 M)

4th TermCompulsory Courses (Theori Application Credit ECTS Group)

EEE202Electrotechnic Laboratory (031,53M)Experiments. DC motors. The ampermeter. AC circuits. Resonant circuits. The transformer. Transient and Steady State Response. The inductor with iron core. Thevenin and Norton laws. Kirchoffs Current and voltage laws. Maximum Power Transfer Theorems. Deflection of electrons in statical and magnetic fields.

EEE204Digital Design I

(3035M)Large signal transistor models, TTL, MOS and CMOS logic gates. input and output circuits, NAND and NOR gates. Static and dynamic analysis. Renewing circuits: astable, monostable, bistable Multivibrators, Schmitt triggers. Introduction to VLSI

EEE210Electronic Circuits I(4045M)Semiconductors, Ideal diode, electrical behavior of a real diode. Diode model, the diode circuits DC analysis, AC analysis of circuits with diodes. DC power supply design. Zener diode. Bipolar junction transistors (BJT). MOSFET physical structure and behavior, work zones, characteristic of BJT and MOSFET switch applications.

EEE212Electromagnetic Field Theory(3035TB,M)Electromagnetic model. Static electric fields. Coulombs law. Gausss law and applications. Electric potential. Boundary conditions for electrostatic fields. Electrostatic energy and forces. Steady electric currents. Current density. Power dissipation and Joules law. Resistance calculations. Static magnetic fields. Biot-Savart law and applications. Behaviour of magnetic materials. Inductances and inductors. Magnetic energy. Magnetic forces.

EEE214Signals and Systems

(3034M)Signs and properties; signal processing, sampling, signal power and energy, convolution; systems and features, time and frequency domain analysis of continuous-time periodic signals, Fourier series and Fourier transforms, time and frequency domain analysis of discrete-time signals, Fourier series and Fourier transformations, Laplace transform and inverse Laplace transform, system frequency response, Z-transform.

Non-Area Courses 4(3 035G)GNL202 Internship 2 (000 3 M)

5th TermCompulsory Courses (Theori Application Credit ECTS Group)EEE301Electronics Laboratory

(031,53M)FET, JFET, MOSFET and their DC models, Oscillators, Differential and multistage amplifiers, Current mirrors

EEE303Electrical Machines(3035M)Electromagnetic fields created by AC electric machine windings: pulsating and rotating magnetic fields, emf induced in a winding. Induction machines: equivalent circuit, steady-state analysis, speed control. Synchronous machines: equivalent circuit, steady-state analysis, stability. Single-phase induction machines. Special electrical machines, DC machinesEEE311Electronic Circuits II(4045M)FET, JFET, MOSFET and their DC models, Oscillators, Differential and multistage amplifiers, Current mirrors

EEE313Electromagnetic Wave Theory(3035TB,M)Wave equations, Time Harmonic Electromagnetic Fields, Plane waves, Polarizations, Wavequides, AntennasEEE321Communication Theory(3034M)Building blocks of communication systems. Signal types, vector spaces, generalized functions. Linear and angular modulation methods, frequency division multiplexing. GM/SM applications, stereo TV. Sampling, quantization, PCM, DPCM, DM, TDM, pulse transmission: PAM, PDM, PWM. Baseband data transmission: Nyquist pulse shaping; Bandpass data transmission and digital modulation techniques: ASK, PSK, FSK, QAMArea Elective I

(3035M)GNL301 Internship 3 (000 3 M)

Area Elective Courses

EEE304Logic Design

(3035M)Number Systems. Data Formats. Representing Integer Data. Floating Point Numbers. Boolean Algebra and Logic Networks. Computer Arithmetic. Logic Components. Boole algebra. Simplification of Boolean functions. Karnough maps. Quine-McCluskey method. Multiple output networks. Flip-Flops. Counters and similar sequential networks. Analysis of clocked sequential networks. EEE305Digital Design II

(3035M)Static and dynamic memorie: RAM, ROM, EPROM, PAL, PLA, FPGA. A / D and D / A converters. Various signal processing circuits.EEE323High Voltage Techniques(3035M)Static electric fields: basic electrode systems, approximate calculation of the maximum electric field intensity, stratified electrode systems, conformal mapping, numerical methods. Introduction to the events of discharge, Lightning and surface discharges, discharge phenomena in solid and liquid dielectrics. Over-voltage and over-voltage protection basics. Generation and measurement of high voltages

6th TermCompulsory Courses (Theori Application Credit ECTS Group)

EEE300Energy Conversion(3035M)General principles: Input-output variables, motor, generator and transformer. Energy conservation and energy balance equation. Relationships between torque-force and magnetic-electric field energies. Self and mutual inductances, torque and force. Generalized and simple machine models, mathematical and circuit models. Conditions for continuous energy conversion, various machine models.

EEE302Analog Electronics Laboratory(031,53M)Transistor as a switch. Low frequency power amplifier. Waveform generators and waveshoping. Schmitt-trigger. Sinusoidal oscillators. Active filters. Phase-locked loop (PLL). Pulse modulation. Feedback. ModulatorsEEE330Control Theory(3034M)Review of linear algebra and system theory: stability, norms, linear spaces. Model reduction. Performance specifications and limitations, uncertainty and robustness. Robust stability and performance criteria, mu analysis and synthesis. n introduction to Linear Matrix Inequalities (LMI) and semi-definite programming. Application of LMIs in H2 and Hinf optimal control and filtering problems, l1 control.Area Elective 2


Area Elective 3


Area Elective 4

(3035M)GNL302 Internship 4 (000 3 M)Area Elective Courses

EEE306 Microprocessor Based Systems Design

(3035M)CPU, memory circuits, programmable I / O, interrupt working with I / O, Direct memory access, microcomputer programming, assembly and machine language, memory addressing, sample applications, a single-chip computer and programming, microcontroller-controlled system projectEEE332 Analog Integrated Circuits

(3035M)Current and voltage sources, supply voltage and temperature independent biasing. Difference amplifiers, integrated circuits,. Operational amplifiers. Integrated oscillator structures. Analog multiplier circuits. Analog MOS building blocks: current sources, amplifier, reference voltage generators, MOS operational amplifiers, transconductance amplifiers (OTA), the current carriers, analog multiplier circuitsEEE334 Circuit System Analysis

(3035M).Complex Numbers, phasor concept, sinusoidal continuous status, Presence, Impedance and Admittance Descriptions, Circuit Components, Electrical Circuits and Laws implement, Circuit Theorems, Frequency Response of the circuits filter circuits in sinusoidal continuous status, Laplace transforms, Laplace Transform Leveraging Analysis Methods, Fourier series, Fourier transforms, balanced three-phase circuits.EEE326 Applied Electromagnetics(3035M)Maxwell's equations, definition of apparent resistivity, ground and airborne time and frequency Environment, Land Systems electromagnetic methods and measurement techniques, deep transient electromagnetic method with horizontal electric dipole, horizontal magnetic dipole with a shallow Depth Studies, Single and Multi-Channel Systems.EEE328 Digital Signal Processing(3035M)Signs and properties; signal processing, sampling, signal power and energy, convolution; systems and features, time and frequency domain analysis of continuous-time periodic signals, Fourier series and Fourier transforms, time and frequency domain analysis of discrete-time signals, Fourier series and Fourier transformations, Laplace transform and inverse Laplace transform, system frequency response, Z-transform.7th TermCompulsory Courses (Theori Application Credit ECTS Group)

MTF401Design Project (0425M)Teamwork, team dynamics, team norms and communication, effective meetings, preparation and quality evaluation. Innovative problem-solving methods, problem recognition / identification and solution generation, solution selection methods, selection methodology, solution implementation, evaluation of the application. Learning levels and degrees of internalization. Ethical decisions. design projects.EEE411Energy Distribution Systems (3035M)Basic measurement theory, sensors, amplifiers, converters, Power calculations, The Transmission Line, termination, standing wave concepts, High-frequency and noise Forced commutations, construction of the project, Introduction of the necessary hardware for computer aided drafting, Program package used for drawing (AutoCAD) presentation, Use of basic drawing commands. Two-dimensional drawing, Text operations.Area Elective 5


Area Elective 6


Area Elective 7

(3035M)Non-Area Courses 5

(3 035G)

Area Elective Courses

EEE401Hardware Description Languages(3 035M)Schematic hardware description, Verilog and VHDL hardware description languages. VHDL code structure: Library, entitiy and architecture. VHDL data types. Operators and qualifications. Concurrent code: WHEN, GENERATE BLOCK. Sequential code: PROCESS, IF, WAIT, CASE, LOOP. Signals and variables: CONSTANT, SIGNAL and VARIABLE. The state machines. Packages and components. Functions and procedures.

EEE407Electrical Power Plants(3 035M)The methods of producing electricity, the operation of thermal power plants, operation of nuclear power plants, hydroelectric power plants, renewable energy plants, power stations defects occurring, protective relays, Parafudur, Power Line Carrier Applications

EEE417Biomedical Signals(3 035M)General characteristics of biomedical signals. Bioelectric signals (ECG, EMG, EEG, etc.). Properties, and processing of frequencies. The implementation of the basic signal processing methods in biomedical engineering. Stochastic signal processing methods, AR, ARMA models. Modeling of biological signals.EEE419Fundamentals of Biomedical Engineering(3 035M)The basic concepts of biomedical engineering. Measurement and evaluation of biological signals. Detection of arrhythmias and arrhythmia. Heart beats regulators (pacemaker). Defibrillators. Problems encountered in the use of the devices used in hospitals (electrical safety). Biotelemetric systems.

EEE423Introduction to CMOS VLSI Design

(3 035M)Electronic characteristics of logic gates, Fabrication processes for MOS technology, Design guidelines and examples of placement plan, Design verification, Circuit, transferring to a computer, Analog and digital simulation, CMOS digital circuits, Switching logic of CMOS

EEE427Introduction to Modulation and Coding

(3 035M)Sampling. Shannon's information theory. Source and channel coding theories. Capable of information theory. Rate-distortion theory. Error control coding. Cyclic redundancy check codes. Convolution codes. Viterbi algorithm. Interleaving. The influence of noise. Turbo codes. Channel estimation and denklemesi. Space-diversity receiver architectures. Optional integration. Combining equal amplitude. Merge square law.


(3 035M)Electromagnetic wave in a vacuum. Electromagnetic Waves in Matter. Polarization of Light. Frequency Dependence of Optical Constants. Fresnel Equations. Crystal optics. Electro-Optics. Electrical and Optical Properties. Semiconductor structures. Optoelectronic Circuit Elements. Optoelectronic Integrated Circuits

EEE431Antenna Design

(3 035M)Types of antennas. Duality and Reciprocity theories. Hertzian dipole. Electric dipole. Magnetic dipole. The near, intermediate and far fields. Spherical and planar waves. Any current distribution of radiation. Antenna polarization. Antenna parameters. Moving Friis formula. Radar equation. Antenna noise temperature. Radiation impedance. Antenna arrays. Antenna radiation diagrams

EEE433Power Electronics(3035M)Switching circuits and basic concepts of power electronics. Diode, SCR, Triacs, GTO, BJT, MOSFET, IGBT, MCTs operational characteristics. Controlled and uncontrolled one and three phase rectifiers. DC choppers. Inverters, one and three phase inverters, pulse width modulation and voltage regulation. AC choppers. Cycloconverters. Protection and snubber circuits. Parallel and series operation of switches.

EEE451Digital Image Processing(3035M)Linear systems, probability, unitary transformations and image expression (DFT, DCT, Walsh-Hadamard, KLT), Point processes of image enhancement, histogram processing, spatial filtering, frequency domain filtering, Restoration, Reconstruction, the Radon transform, filtered gerikestirim, the deterioration, modeling, and image segmentation (pixel-based, edge-based and region-based), image compression, pattern recognition.

8th TermCompulsory Courses (Theori Application Credit ECTS Group)

EEE400Logic Laboratory

(052,55M)Lab promotion, And the gates, OR gates, NAND gates, NOR gates, logic circuit design, astable multivibrator design, logic layer circuits, Monostable multivibrator design.

GNL472Graduation Project(0425M)Literature Survey, First Report, Practical Work, circuit testing, Interim Report, start to type the last report, the consultant teacher's initial approval, the project delivery.Area Elective 8


Area Elective 9


Area Elective 10

(3035M)Non-Area Courses 6

(3 035G)Area Elective Courses

EEE420Illumination Techniques and Indoor Installation(3 035M)Light theories. Eye, sensitivity and vision types. Internal lighting systems and calculations. Lighting apparatus and armatures. Fotometric measurements. Pre-project preparation fundamentals. Interior electrical installations, low current and high current systems and drawings. Feeder, column and main-column line formation. Fundamentals of practical application project preparations. Low power-factor correction methods, Voltage-drop calculation

EEE422Design of Electrical Machines(3 035M)The materials used in electrical machines, cooling arrangements, and the analysis and modeling of heat conduction problems. General concepts and limitations of the design of rotating machinery. Motor windings and the permanent magnet DC motors, three phase induction motors, brushless DC motors, Leading mains frequency and variable-speed permanent magnet synchronous motors, and linear motors, switched reluctance motor structures.

EEE424Machine Drive Systems(3 035M)Analysis of motion using graphical and numerical methods. Calculation of mechanical properties and quantities. The moment of inertia, force, torque, work, power, energy, and friction. Direct coupling and gear mechanisms. Characteristics of electric motors and driven loads. Steady-state and dynamic stability conditions of electric drives. Driving and regenerating modes. Starting, acceleration, breaking and speed adjustment times.

EEE432Process Control(3 035M)Basic Principles of Process Control, the analysis and computer simulation of the behavior of process systems, Process Dynamics Modeling, Process Systems, P, PI, PID Control, linearization of nonlinear equations, ordinary differential equations in time domain, Laplace Transforms, Transfer Functions, Block Diagrams.

EEE438Solid State Electronics(3 035M)Crystal structure, atomic bonding, energy band properties of semiconductors, carrier dynamics, generation and recombination processes, PN junctions and diodes, metal / semiconductor junctions, bipolar junction transistors, junction and insulated gate transistors, all of your electronic circuits, integrated circuits and amplifiers block , memory systems, Operating systems

EEE442Medical Imaging

(3 035M)The medical terminology, plain film radiography, mammography, computed tomography, magnetic resonance imaging, direct and indirect methods of X-ray, angiography, interventional radiology (vascular, nonvascular) techniques, The devices used in medical imaging.

EEE446Telecommunication Electronics(3 035M)Electrical noise, thermal noise in resistance and circuits, the number of noise, Noise temperature, distortion, high frequency linear amplifiers, small signal amplifiers, amplifier stability, resonant amplifier design, phase locked loop, low-noise amplifier, a balanced diode mixers, Receivers and transmitters, power amplifiers, linearization techniques.

EEE456Satellite Communications

(3 035M)The history of the satellites, the orbits of the satellites by the classification of orbital motion of satellites, the first and the second law of Kepler, Earth-satellite connection, satellite transmitter / receiver and the satellite-to-ground connection, basic satellite communications system, the signal power levels of Ku-band and C-band systems, Single monopole antenna polarizer, wide band communications

EEE450Wireless Communication

(3 035M)Wireless concept, the concept of communication, Fundamentals of Wireless Transmission Radio and Microwave Principles, Techniques and Spread Spectrum Signal Coding, FDMA / TDMA / CDMA, and random access methods, and Error Control Coding, Classification of Wireless Communication Systems, Wireless Network Topologies and Architectures , IEEE 802.11x family, IEEE 802.16x family, the Bluetooth Protocol, Cellular Systems (GSM / GPRS)

EEE452Microwave Technique

(3 035M)Reflection, Less lossy lines, Transmission impairments, Transmission line diagrams, Fiber optics and micro-strip lines, Transmission line equivalent circuit, Telephone lines, Power transmission lines, Short-medium-and long-lines, the S matrix of parameters, Transmission lines, Transmission attenuation, Wave velocities in transmission pipelines and atmospheric setting.

Non-Area Courses

REK402Vocational Seminars

(2 020G)

Other Non-Area Courses

Fall Term Non-Area Elective Courses

MTF303 Occupational Health and Safety (3 0 3 5 G)Concept of Occupational Health and Safety, Importance, Duties, Responsibility, Road map, Responsibility of Briefing for Employees, Responsibility To Train Employees, Management system. Risk Analysis and Assessment, Collection of Information and Data, Preparation of Emergency Activity Plan, Preparation of Annual Plan, Occupational Diseases and Accidents, Nourishment Knowledge, Protection from Occupational Diseases, Harms in Occupational Diseases and Accidents. Laws and Regulations Related to Health, Safety and Ecological Conditions.MTF305 Labour Law (3035G)Labour law aims to provide insight into the nature and functioning of law; legal concepts and terminology; principal sources of law and of the means by which laws are made, develop an understanding of the nature and purpose of rights and duties in law. Collective and individual labour law; the obligations and duties between employers and employees; the termination of an employment relationship.MTF307 Entrepreneurship and Project Design I

(3 0 3 5 G)What is Entrepreneurship? Prerequisites for becoming an entrepreneur, successful entrepreneurial characteristics, Basic Functions of the entrepreneur, the main activities of an entrepreneur, the benefits and drawbacks of being entrepreneur. The Historical Development of Entrepreneurship in Turkey, Effectiveness and Efficiency, Business Idea Development Techniques, and Description of Business Plan, Entrepreneurship and Investments, Entrepreneurial success and its appraisal, business cost and benefit statement. Direct and Indirect Cost Elements, Break-Even Point Analysis, Income Statement, Balance Sheet, Cash Flow, Time Value of Money.MTF309 Sustainability and Environment(3035G)Global warming and other global environmental issues. Natural areas and fragile ecosystem under attacks with urbanisation and industrialization. Environmental sustainability. Planning processes to protect the natural world and to support human life. The development of alternative energy sources and sustainable architecture and ecological architecture.

MTF311 Research Techniques

(3035G)This course introduces the ways to achieve proper and available know-how through research systems of academic resources. Epistemological issues, modes and designs of inquiry, academic writing, style sheets, prose, charts, figures, reference managers, methodology, testing and measurement.Secondary Foreign Language I, III,V


Spring Term Non-Area Elective Courses

MTF306 Engineering Ethics

(3035G)Ethics and professionalism; What is engineering ethics and why study engineering ethics. The responsibility of engineers; Safety and risk, protection of public safety. Employee protection legislation. Engineering ethics codes and importance. Ethics in information technology; Computer ethics and the internet. Environmental ethics. Ethics in scientific research and counselling. Ethics of genetically modified organisms. International rights and ethics. Selected case studies from emerging technologies.

ENM308 Entrepreneurship and Project Design II(3035G)Basic concepts, basic functions of entrepreneurship, the development of entrepreneurship in Turkey, entrepreneurial types, factors affecting entrepreneurship, business start-up, legal structure, the sustainability of the initiative, success stories, case studies.

MTF310 Economy

(3035G)Micro and macro economy concepts. Demand and supply laws. Consumer behaviour. Markets. Economic systems. National income and distribution of national wealth. Employment. Theory of Money. Inflation. Macroeconomic political instruments. Foreign trade and international institutions.

MTF312 History of Science(3035G)The origin of science. Science from the perspective of civilizations: the Nile and the Anatolian Civilizations; Asian, Chinese, Indian, Roman, Greek, Islamic Civilisations. Europe, America, Asia, Far East, Middle-Eastern civilizations. History of Turkish World Science and Technology; History of glass, textiles and ceramics technology.

Secondary Foreign Language II, IV,VI
