Download - Dragons’ Wedding by Hong Chi 龍的婚禮 結緣匡智 · Brides’ friend. Our friends love it as they can enjoy it right away knowing and each cookie came with a good cause, though

Page 1: Dragons’ Wedding by Hong Chi 龍的婚禮 結緣匡智 · Brides’ friend. Our friends love it as they can enjoy it right away knowing and each cookie came with a good cause, though

Dragons’ Wedding by Hong Chi 龍的婚禮 結緣匡智 (Contributed by the Dragons 英文原文由龍氏夫婦親撰,中文為譯本)

We are just one of the many

common couples that get

married in 2009, the only

un-common thing maybe HIS

last name 龍 , so we can call

ourselves the Dragons.

有很多新人選擇在 2009 年結婚,我們是其中的一對。他姓「龍」,所以我們自稱為「The Dragons」,


The one thing we know about

this wedding -- we want to share

the LOVE we have, as marriage

is about love, not only the LOVE

between we two, but also those

LOVE around us. In our catholic

ceremony, we have all our

friends’ and families’ kids lead

the procession as blessing to our

marriage ahead; as all these kids

are from loving family.




Page 2: Dragons’ Wedding by Hong Chi 龍的婚禮 結緣匡智 · Brides’ friend. Our friends love it as they can enjoy it right away knowing and each cookie came with a good cause, though

It all started when friends brought us to the Hong Chi Garden View Lounge and tried the

Hong Chi cookies. Hong Chi Gourmet Cookies became our first wedding vendor as we

decided to serve their cookies (later found out they can also made cheesecake, and the

all-time-favourite Coconut Tart…..). And eventually we used their cookies as 嫁女餅 for the

Brides’ friend. Our friends love it as they can enjoy it right away knowing and each cookie

came with a good cause, though complaint heard is they are too fresh, some became

cookies crumble when they got them from the post.(Fault is on us as we don’t have time to

hand deliver all of them and mailed some of them!)











It got expanded when we need to discuss with Bakery Chef about the bakery details, so we

visited the bakery in Pinehill – and toured the facilities there. Then turned into spending a

weekend-gateway at the Jockey Club Hong Chi Lodge. We were also introduced to

another Fundraising activity of Valentines floral arrangements, eventually confirming our

second vendor – FLORAL arrangements by Hong Chi.

為了與餅房師傅研究曲奇餅的包裝細節,我們專程跑到匡智會的總部 - 松嶺村,更順道參觀了餅房



Page 3: Dragons’ Wedding by Hong Chi 龍的婚禮 結緣匡智 · Brides’ friend. Our friends love it as they can enjoy it right away knowing and each cookie came with a good cause, though

We then spent further time in Hong Chi Kwong Fuk Wai Yin Workshop (which you can see

in later pages). It further extended to having our Invitations and Program also printed by

The Jockey Club Hong Chi Siu Sau Wan Workshop).


一個工場 ─ 賽馬會匡智小西灣工場,為我們印製邀請卡和場刊。

With the help of the volunteer team lead by Lydia who has been helping with the floral

arrangement fundraising, we started the design our floral pieces, We had picked our color

scheme so Lydia helped to match something pretty, but still manageable by the workshop.

We came with the Flower Cup idea; small cups of flowers that will be arranged together as

center piece, while also serve as the gift for our guests after the party – what a Green idea!

We concluded that fresh flower is not ideal as there is time pressure to finish within a short

period before the wedding. Lydia then revised the design by using silk flower, which

became even better. The cups lasted much long and we still see them around at our friends’

places (and became a good talking point for our friends to spread the story).

Page 4: Dragons’ Wedding by Hong Chi 龍的婚禮 結緣匡智 · Brides’ friend. Our friends love it as they can enjoy it right away knowing and each cookie came with a good cause, though

擔任義工大隊長的 Lydia 是匡智會慈善花藝活動的「大旗手」,在她的專業建議下,我們選定了婚禮的

主題色調,Lydia 隨後以此色調配合場地佈置構思出不同的花藝設計,包括用「小花杯」組合成大型的

花藝擺設,作為場地佈置的中心;待派對完結後,再送予來賓留念,非常環保!我們還接納 Lydia 的建




Fun began when we go search for flowers, we learnt together with the instructors on how

to make flower cups and how they can teach their workshop to assemble them.



Page 5: Dragons’ Wedding by Hong Chi 龍的婚禮 結緣匡智 · Brides’ friend. Our friends love it as they can enjoy it right away knowing and each cookie came with a good cause, though

During the period when the

280 cups are being

assembled, we had visited

the workshop to show our

support. They are so eager

to meeting “新郎哥哥&娘新

姐姐” (they made this name

for us). Can you imagine

your wedding supplier

clapped when they see you

come to their shop?

在大家同心協力下,工場總共製作了 280 個小花杯。期間,我們亦有上門探訪,為學員打氣。他們也很



We were told by the instructors and Ms Wong – General Secretary of Hong Chi, that

workshop members are all excited about the wedding. So with not much trouble, we made

plans and arranged them helped out on the Big Day on site. There were some helping with

the fresh flowers décor, same helped arranging the flower cups and some came in to set up

the dessert corner. The Workshop instructors told us afterwards that they were very thrilled

to came and saw their products in real. We are so glad that our photographers had

captured the precious moments.

匡智會總幹事 Ms Wong 和其他導師告訴我們,工場上下都很興奮能夠為這次婚禮出一分力。我們亦毫




Page 6: Dragons’ Wedding by Hong Chi 龍的婚禮 結緣匡智 · Brides’ friend. Our friends love it as they can enjoy it right away knowing and each cookie came with a good cause, though

Because we have some many Blessed Kids in the ceremony, making them fresh flower

bouquets are not ideal (and very expensive). Again, Lydia came in the rescue with the silk

flower ball wristlet. Those look so align with the Flower Cups. Those wristlet balls were

tossed around, rolled on the aisle and still look amazing.

Page 7: Dragons’ Wedding by Hong Chi 龍的婚禮 結緣匡智 · Brides’ friend. Our friends love it as they can enjoy it right away knowing and each cookie came with a good cause, though


Lydia 於是提議以絲花球代替,她設計的絲花球不僅與小花杯的外型非常配合,小人兒舉手投足時令絲


Our Unity Candle and bride’s bouquet are all in

our color theme, were made by the workshop

with the help of volunteers.



Flower cups during production

and in the wedding reception.



Page 8: Dragons’ Wedding by Hong Chi 龍的婚禮 結緣匡智 · Brides’ friend. Our friends love it as they can enjoy it right away knowing and each cookie came with a good cause, though

Instead of the traditional wedding cake, we have a 3-tier flower cake made by the

Workshop while serving Hong Chi Gourmet pastry as deserts.



As mentioned earlier, we were referred to another workshop that can do print our

Invitations and Programs. This is a blessing for us, the workshop instructors and designers

are so patience with

us changing the program so

many times and helped out

so much to make each

photo, each font type look

best. And each booklet

was hand tied by workshop

member, somehow is like

bringing more love into

our wedding. Seeing our guests reading our personalized program made all hard work

Page 9: Dragons’ Wedding by Hong Chi 龍的婚禮 結緣匡智 · Brides’ friend. Our friends love it as they can enjoy it right away knowing and each cookie came with a good cause, though

worth. With their sponsored equipment, they were also able to print the inserts of our

invitations, which were another life-saver, because we have 6 versions of it and each type

is in small quantity.






We planned our wedding this

way and would not change a

thing even we were to do it

again. About our experiences

with Hong Chi, there are choices

to be made but “giving up on

quality” will not be one of them.

We can testify with the pictures

shown that the quality of all the wedding items were as good as commercial vendors,

maybe even better. Maybe you need to allow a little more time then commercial vendors,

but in return you will get the experiences to work with the amazing staff and workshop

members and it will be all worth it.






Page 10: Dragons’ Wedding by Hong Chi 龍的婚禮 結緣匡智 · Brides’ friend. Our friends love it as they can enjoy it right away knowing and each cookie came with a good cause, though

We didn’t start this with any grand mission, we only wanted to purchase our wedding items

in a reasonable price, and ended up learning a life lesson of real love & appreciation.



We want to end our sharing by quoting what we heard from the workshop members. One

of them said to us proudly “因為這個婚禮要趕工 我很開心告訴啊哥我同他一樣要加班。”And we

were both stunned as we didn’t recall friends/ colleague or ourselves ever appreciated what

we already have. Please spread their good deeds.




The Dragons

December 2009

〔Photo Courtesy 圖片鳴謝:Willow Production, Renee Lam & Kevin Sun〕