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Dear partners,

ICD has signed one of the largest exclusive contract to develop photovoltaic projects in France with

CGNEE group.

To mark the strong and solemn commitment, the signing took place on November 18 in the Chinese

embassy with all the economic representatives.

CGNEE, whose capital is 10 billion euros, will invest during 5 years over 1, 6 billion euros through this

cooperation pact.

They must be secured on the reliability of the company, its officers and all employees, as well as the

quality of our projects and their profitability.

This study demonstrated that ICD, 100% French company, has the legal, financial and technical skills

to carry out the projects.

We programmed:

• Evidence of funds to projects 45MW

• Late 2015 starting of more than 200 turnkey projects

• Mid-March 2016 to year end 2016, 50 projects of 500 MW or about buildings or sheds solar roofs

for a total of +/- € 96 million

• To present the upcoming tender over 60 projects Mw

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For 2017, we will step up the development of projects to quickly reach the 250 Mw projects per year,

or 2,500 housing starts.

To best meet the demands of CGNEE, ICD has planned to recruit 45 people in the coming months.

This contract is expected to create more than 3,500 indirect jobs over 5 years in the construction

sector and renewable energy, and contribute to the development of agricultural exploitations in


The financial support CGNEE, combined the expertise of ICD, will allow us to move to our project

construction phase.

Do not hesitate to contact us for further information

Sales Management

Page 4: dossier de presse complet anglais

Few articles

Page 5: dossier de presse complet anglais

CGN considers solar power foray in France

China Daily, November 20, 2015

A worker checks solar panels at a solar energy plant. [Xinhua]

China General Nuclear Power Group, the country's biggest nuclear

power reactor operator, has outlined its plans to become the largest solar

energy distributor in France.

CGN will enter the French solar power sector through its subsidiary CGN

Europe Energy, and join hands with French solar energy company Inovia

Concept Development to build distributed solar energy generators across

France in the next few years.

The French side will be in charge of construction and maintenance of the

solar power facilities, according to ICD Chief Executive Johnny

Schlosmacher. According to him, the Chinese company bagged the project

despite competition from a Germany company.

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"The cooperation has a significant meaning to Chinese enterprises and is

also a milestone for the China-France renewable energy partnership," said

Lu Wei, general manager of CGNEE.

"It will enable us to build power stations which will have installed capacity

of 500 megawatts of solar energy in the next few years and add as many

as 3,000 direct and indirect jobs in France," he said.

Lu explained that in the last 30 years, his company has established strong

ties with French companies for energy cooperation, especially nuclear

power plants.

"Our new goal is to make CGN a world-class energy group by developing

both renewable energy and nuclear power, and proactively participate in

international competition," said Lu.

CGN is the pioneer and a good example of China's State-owned

companies competing in the French market, Lu said. It has already

cooperated with French companies to develop the third party market, such

as in Africa.

This is not the first clean energy project that CGN is participating in Europe.

In 2014, its French unit signed a deal for an 80 percent stake in three wind

farms in Eastern England owned by French electric utility company

Electricite de France SA, which will generate 72 mW of power.

Earlier this year, in February, the company won the bid for the Fujin

Onshore Wind Power Project in France and completed an equity transfer

deal with Eolfi, a new-energy company from France.

Page 7: dossier de presse complet anglais

中文国际 > 独家 中国央企首次进军法国太阳能市场 中国日报网 2015-11-19 06:16:03 打印 发送 我来说两句


签约现场 (摄影:唐书悦)

中国日报巴黎11月18日电(记者庹燕南 实习记者唐书悦)当地时间 11 月 18 日,中广核欧洲能源公司与法国INOVIA

CONCEPT DEVELOPMENT(ICD)公司在法国巴黎签署太阳能项目开发合作协议,标志着中广核欧洲公司迈出了进军法国太阳

能产业领域的第一步,成为首家进军法国太阳能市场的中国央企。 作为中广核集团在法国全资控股的子公司,中广核欧洲能源公


位于法国南部波尔多地区的知名太阳能公司,专注于中小型分布式电站以及中型地面式太阳能的开发、 EPC 建设和运营维护。中




是恰逢其时,该项目的落地是对即将在巴黎召开的气候变化大会最好的响应 他还表示,公司计划在未来几年内,分阶段完成


法国ICD公司首席执行官Johnny Schlosmacher对中国日报表示,他对于这次合作充满信心。Schlomacher表示在此次项目

国际竞标中,中广核打败其竞争对手成为这 太阳能项目的合作伙伴。他认为通过和中国企业的合作,这一太阳能合作项目将会得

到快速有效实施。 法国ICD 太阳能项目是中广核欧洲能源公司继收购英国陆上风电项目、法国陆上风电项目和英国绿地风电项目



Page 8: dossier de presse complet anglais

Les Echos

Le chinois CGN investit

dans le solaire en France VERONIQUE LE BILLON / CHEF DE SERVICE ADJOINTE | LE 19/11 A 01:00

Le groupe nucléaire, qui a créé une filiale dédiée aux énergies

renouvelables en France, a signé mercredi un accord avec une


La Chine veut investir dans les énergies renouvelables en France. Mercredi, CGN Europe Energy

(CGNEE), une filiale du groupe nucléaire chinois CGN créée il y a dix-huit mois, a signé avec ICD, une PME basée à Gradignan (Gironde), un « partenariat important portant sur le développement de projets d'installation de centrales photovoltaïques » en France, selon le communiqué publié.

L'objectif affiché est de développer et d'installer d'ici à cinq ans « plusieurs centaines de mégawatts de projets ». A l'échelle européenne, CGNEE vise même 1 gigawatt de capacités de production renouvelables, précisent deux sources au fait du dossier. CGNEE, qui apportera les financements, devrait se centrer en priorité sur des centrales photovoltaïques sur des hangars agricoles livrées clefs en main. En France, CGNEE indique avoir déjà fait l'acquisition, auprès d'Eolfi, d'un portefeuille éolien d'environ 80 mégawatts, baptisé « Fujin ».

CGNEE, doté d'une trentaine de salariés basés à la Défense (Hauts-de-Seine) est à ce jour la seule filiale de CGN dédiée aux énergies renouvelables et située hors de Chine. Mais en dépit de son ADN nucléaire, CGN est également largement présent dans les énergies renouvelables en Chine, avec 7 gigawatts de capacités installées dans l'éolien et 500 mégawatts dans le solaire, selon Emma Xu, porte-parole de CGNEE.

Partenaire historique d'EDF

Le choix de la France pour installer sa filiale européenne ne relève pas du hasard. « Le marché français est mature, avec peu de risques pays et un cadre régulatoire stable », salue Emma Xu. Mais CGN est surtout un partenaire historique d'EDF dans le nucléaire. En Chine, les deux groupes construisent 2 EPR à Taishan. Et CGN doit entrer à hauteur de 33,5 % dans le projet de construction de 2 EPR en Grande-Bretagne, sur le site de Hinkley Point. EDF a d'ailleurs cédé fin 2014 à CGNEE 80 % de 3 parcs éoliens au Royaume-Uni pour un montant proche de 100 millions de livres, l'un de ses premiers investissements en Europe.

V. L. B., Les Echos @VLeBillon

Page 9: dossier de presse complet anglais

CGN investit dans l'énergie solaire en France

le Quotidien du Peuple en ligne | 20.11.2015 13h16

Le groupe de la China General Nuclear Power (CGN), le plus important fournisseur de

l'industrie nucléaire du pays, a fait part de ses plans pour devenir le plus grand distributeur

dans le domaine de l'énergie solaire en France.

La CGN va faire son entrée dans le secteur de l'énergie solaire à travers sa filiale française CGN

Energy Europe, et coopérer avec la société française d'énergie solaire Inovia Concept

Developpement (ICD) pour construire plusieurs générateurs d'énergie solaire à travers

l'hexagone au cours des prochaines années.

Le côté français sera en charge de la construction et l'entretien des installations, selon Johnny

Schlosmacher, directeur général d’ICD. La société chinoise aurait remporté l'appel d'offre,

malgré la concurrence d'une entreprise allemande.

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"La coopération a une signification importante pour les entreprises chinoises et est également

une étape importante pour le partenariat de l'énergie renouvelable franco-chinois", a déclaré

Lu Wei, directeur général de la China General Nuclear Europe Energy (CGNEE).

"Cela permettra de construire dans les prochaines années des centrales qui auront une

puissance plus 500 mégawatts d'énergie solaire et de créer plus de 3000 emplois directs et

indirects en France", a-t-il souligné.

Lu a expliqué qu'au cours des 30 dernières années, son entreprise avait établi des liens étroits

avec des entreprises françaises sur le plan de la coopération énergétique, et des centrales

nucléaires en particulier.

"Notre objectif est de développer à la fois les énergies renouvelables et l'énergie nucléaire, et

ainsi participer activement à la concurrence internationale", a-t-il noté. Ajoutant que le groupe

CGN était un pionnier et un bel exemple pour les sociétés chinoises d'Etat en concurrence sur

le marché français. Ayant notamment collaboré avec plusieurs entreprises françaises pour

développer le marché de tiers, comme en Afrique.

En 2014, son unité française avait signé un accord pour une participation de 80% dans trois

parcs éoliens en Angleterre (est du pays) détenue par la société de services publics Electricité

de France SA, pouvant générer 72 mw de puissance.

Plus tôt cette année, au mois de février, la société a remporté la candidature pour le projet

d'énergie éolienne onshore de Fujin en France et réalisé un transfert de capitaux propres avec

Eolfi, nouvelle entreprise française indépendante, spécialiste de l'énergie éolienne.

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CGN considers solar power foray in France Nov 20 - China Daily: Hong Kong Edition

China General Nuclear Power Group, the country's biggest nuclear power reactor operator, has outlined its plans

to become the largest solar energy distributor in France.

CGN will enter the French solar power sector through its subsidiary CGN Europe Energy, and join hands with

French solar energy company Inovia Concept Development to build distributed solar energy generators across

France in the next few years.

The French side will be in charge of construction and maintenance of the solar power facilities, according to ICD

Chief Executive Johnny Schlosmacher. According to him, the Chinese company bagged the project despite

competition from a Germany company.

"The cooperation has a significant meaning to Chinese enterprises and is also a milestone for the China - France

renewable energy partnership," said Lu Wei, general manager of CGNEE.

"It will enable us to build power stations which will have installed capacity of 500 megawatts of solar energy in the

next few years and add as many as 3,000 direct and indirect jobs in France ," he said.

Lu explained that in the last 30 years, his company has established strong ties with French companies for energy

cooperation, especially nuclear power plants.

"Our new goal is to make CGN a world-class energy group by developing both renewable energy and nuclear

power, and proactively participate in international competition," said Lu.

CGN is the pioneer and a good example of China's State-owned companies competing in the French market, Lu

said. It has already cooperated with French companies to develop the third party market, such as in Africa.

This is not the first clean energy project that CGN is participating in Europe.

In 2014, its French unit signed a deal for an 80 percent stake in three wind farms in Eastern England owned by

French electric utility company Electricite de France SA, which will generate 72 mW of power.

Earlier this year, in February, the company won the bid for the Fujin Onshore Wind Power Project in France and

completed an equity transfer deal with Eolfi, a new-energy company from France.

Apple to invest in 3 PV power plants

Page 12: dossier de presse complet anglais

Apple Inc is investing in three upcoming photovoltaic power stations in Inner Mongolia autonomous region, official

sources said on Thursday.

The United States tech giant will team up with a Chinese semiconductor company and another US photovoltaic

company for the project, according to an announcement from the Tianjin -based Zhonghuan Semiconductor Corp

, which is participating in the investment.

The three photovoltaic power stations in Wuchuan, Sunit and Saihan in Inner Mongolia will have capacity of 100

megawatts, 50 megawatts and 20 megawatts respectively, and are being set up with registered capital of 403

million yuan ( $63 million ), 181 million yuan and 75.3 million yuan .

Apple will account for 34.2 percent of the total investment in Wuchuan and for 40 percent in Sunit and Saihan.

Zhonghuan Semiconductor is the major shareholder in all the three power stations.

This is not the first time that Apple has invested in the Chinese photovoltaic industry. Along with US solar

manufacturer SunPower it has invested in two photovoltaic power stations with a total capacity of 40 mW in

Sichuan province.

The National Energy Bureau has set a 23.1 million kilowatt output target for the photovoltaic industry by the end of

this year.

The installed capacity of the photovoltaic industry in China by the end of the 13th Five Year Plan in 2020 is

expected to be around 150 million kilowatts.

"The huge growth potential in the Chinese photovoltaic industry has prompted Apple to invest in the sector. The

current projects are only the beginning of the company's endeavor in tapping the market," said Zhao Wenyu ,

head of the photovoltaic department at the China Renewable Energy Industry Association .

Lisa Jackson , Apple's vice-president of environment, policy and social initiatives, said that Apple's investment in

China's photovoltaic industry is far smaller than what it has invested in the same industry in the United States .

Apple's current engagement with China's clean energy industry has just started, she said.

[email protected]

Page 13: dossier de presse complet anglais

China’s CGN plans 500-MW solar debut in

France - report

Nov 20, 2015 09:15 CET by Militsa Mancheva

Solar farm in France. Featured

Image: Mny-Jhee/

November 20 (SeeNews) - China General Nuclear Power Group (CGN)

will enter the French solar market by installing roughly 500 MW of

photovoltaic (PV) capacity over the next few years with local firm Inovia

Concept Development (ICD).

The two companies have signed a project development and cooperation

agreement on November 18 in Paris, China Daily said today. The partners

will focus mainly on the distributed generation (DG) solar segment. The

alliance is expected to turn GCN Europe Energy into the largest solar power

distributor in the country, according to the report.

Inovia Concept will be responsible for the construction and maintenance of

the PV plants, CEO Johnny Schlosmacher was quoted as saying.

Apart from nuclear power plants in France, GCN has previously been

involved in several wind schemes across Europe. It has also worked on

power projects in Africa in cooperation with French companies.

Page 14: dossier de presse complet anglais

China General Nuclear Power Group, the country's biggest nuclear power reactor

operator, has outlined its plans to become the largest solar energy distributor in


CGN will enter the French solar power sector through its subsidiary CGN Europe

Energy, and join hands with French solar energy company Inovia Concept

Development to build distributed solar energy generators across France in the next

few years.

The French side will be in charge of construction and maintenance of the solar power

facilities, according to ICD Chief Executive Johnny Schlosmacher. According to

him, the Chinese company bagged the project despite competition from a Germany


"The cooperation has a significant meaning to Chinese enterprises and is also a

milestone for the China-France renewable energy partnership," said Lu Wei, general

manager of CGNEE.

"It will enable us to build power stations which will have installed capacity of 500

megawatts of solar energy in the next few years and add as many as 3,000 direct and

indirect jobs in France," he said.

Lu explained that in the last 30 years, his company has established strong ties with

French companies for energy cooperation, especially nuclear power plants.

"Our new goal is to make CGN a world-class energy group by developing both

renewable energy and nuclear power, and proactively participate in international

competition," said Lu.

CGN is the pioneer and a good example of China's State-owned companies competing

in the French market, Lu said. It has already cooperated with French companies to

develop the third party market, such as in Africa.

This is not the first clean energy project that CGN is participating in Europe.

In 2014, its French unit signed a deal for an 80 percent stake in three wind farms in

Eastern England owned by French electric utility company Electricite de France SA,

which will generate 72 mW of power.

Earlier this year, in February, the company won the bid for the Fujin Onshore Wind

Power Project in France and completed an equity transfer deal with Eolfi, a new-

energy company from France.

Page 15: dossier de presse complet anglais

CGN gaat voor groen in Frankrijk (PAYS BAS)

China General Nuclear Power Group wil in Frankrijk de grootste

verdeler worden van zonne-energie. Het is de bedoeling om via filiaal CGN Europe Energy

de handen ineen te slaan met de Franse zonne-energie firma Inovia Concept Development en

in het land elektrische zonnecentrales te bouwen. De Franse partner zal instaan voor de bouw

en het onderhoud van de installaties aldus ICD baas Johnny Schlosmacher. De nieuwe

centrales zouden een capaciteit van 500 GW hebben en zouden goed zijn voor 3000 directe en

indirecte banen. Voordien tekende CGNP al deals voor 3 windcentrales in het oosten van

Engeland met Electricite de France, verwierf de firma het Fujin Onshore Wind Power

Project en had ze een deal met Eolfi voor de onderlinge overdracht van aandelen. China



Speciale energia: Cgn stringe rapporti con Francia su settore delle energie


Pechino, 23 nov 14:30 - (Agenzia Nova) - China general nuclear power group (Cgn), il più grande operatore nucleare della Cina, ha delineato i suoi progetti per

divenire il più grande distributore di energia solare in Francia attraverso la cooperazione tra la controllata Cgn energy europe (Cgnee) e la società francese

Inovia concept develompment. "La collaborazione tra i due paesi ha un significato rilevante per le imprese cinesi e rappresenterà una pietra miliare per il partenariato bilaterale nel settore delle energie rinnovabili", ha dichiarato Lu Wei,

direttore generale di Cgnee, aggiungendo che tale legame permetterà la costruzione in Francia di centrali solari con capacità installata di cinquecento

megawatt e tremila nuovi posti di lavoro. "Il nostro obiettivo è rendere Cgn un gruppo energetico di classe mondiale attraverso lo sviluppo sia delle energie rinnovabili sia dell'energia nucleare e partecipare attivamente alla concorrenza

internazionale", ha affermato il direttore Cgnee, ricordando che i rapporti con la Francia sono già molto solidi: lo scorso anno ha siglato un accordo per acquistare

una quota dell'ottanta per cento di tre parchi eolici in Inghilterra di proprietà di Electricité de France sa e costruirà un parco eolico in Francia. (Res)

© Agenzia Nova - Riproduzione riservata

Page 16: dossier de presse complet anglais

CGN Aiming to Become Major Player in France’s Solar Power Sector Manny Salvacion | Nov 20, 2015 05:53 AM EST

China General Nuclear Power Group (CGN), the country's biggest nuclear power reactor operator, plans to build distributed solar energy generators across France. (Photo :

China General Nuclear Power Group (CGN), the country's biggest nuclear power reactor operator, has drawn up plans to become the largest solar energy distributor in France, China Daily reported. According to the report, CGN will enter the French solar power sector through its subsidiary CGN Europe Energy, and partner with French solar energy company Inovia Concept Development. In the next few years, the company will build distributed solar energy generators across France. Like Us on Facebook

ICD chief executive Johnny Schlosmacher said that CGN's French partner will be responsible for the construction and maintenance of the solar power facilities. Schlosmacher said that CGN got the project although it faced stiff competition from a German company. "The cooperation has a significant meaning to Chinese enterprises and is also a milestone for the China-France renewable energy partnership," Lu Wei, general manager of CGNEE, said, adding that it will enable CGN to build power stations that will have installed capacity of 500 megawatts of solar energy in the next few years, as well as provide as many as 3,000 direct and indirect jobs in France. In the last 30 years, CGN has established strong ties with French companies for energy cooperation, especially nuclear power plants, Lu said. "Our new goal is to make CGN a world-class energy group by developing both renewable energy and nuclear power, and proactively participate in international competition," Lu added. Lu pointed out that CGN is a good example of China's state-owned companies competing in the French market. He added that the company has already worked with French companies to develop the third-party market, such as in Africa. The partnership is recognized as the first clean energy project that CGN has participated in Europe. In 2014, CGN's French unit signed a deal for an 80-percent stake in three wind farms in Eastern England owned by French electric utility company Electricite de France SA. The deal is expected to generate 72 mW of power. In February, the unit also won the bid for the Fujin Onshore Wind Power Project in France and sealed an equity transfer deal with Eolfi, a new-energy company from France.