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Page 1: Does Taking a MOOC as a Complement for Remedial Courses have an effect on my learning Outcomes?

15 September 2016, EC-TEL 2016 | Lyon, FrancePresented by Mar Pérez Sanagustín

Does Taking a MOOC as a Complement for Remedial Coursera Have an Effect on my Learning Otcomes? A Pilot Study on CalculusPérez-Sanagustín, M., Hernández Correa, J., Gelmi, C., Hilliger, I., Rodriguez, M. F.

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Gartner Hype Cycle with MOOCs


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SOURCE: Online Course Report. Data from Class Central

Although not in the hype, MOOCs are still marching on

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MOOC distribution is inequal and universities are looking for alternative plans Ng’ambi & Bozalek, 2015; Nisseson & Shih, 2015


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MotivationOnline & Blended Learning Models▪ SPOCs (Delgado Kloos et al., 2015): Based on the idea

that traditional and online learning are equiparable (Shachar & Neumann, 2010)

▪ Flipped Classroom (McLean et al., 201): Effective in terms of learning gains, learning strategies & active learning

Models that go beyond▪ Hybrid Models for extending the curriculum (Zhang,

2013; Delgado Kloos et al., 2015; Pérez-Sanagustín et al., 2016;)

▪ Remedial Courses (Delgado Kloos et al., 2015)

1. Motivation

2. The Pilot Study

3. Results

4. Lessons Learned

5. Future Work


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Are these models useful for learning?

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Context: a remedial course on Calculus▪ 600 Freshmen per year at UC-Engineering

▪ Diagnostic exam on Calculus with 4 Modules:▹ M1. Algebra and Functions; ▹ M2.Trigonometry; ▹ M3. Polynomial and Complex Numbers; ▹ M4. Sequences and Series

▪ Those who do not pass a particular section have to attend a face to face intensive remedial course.


1. Motivation

2. The Pilot Study

3. Analyisis & Results

4. Conclusions

5. Future Work

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Pre-Calulus Model


Diagnosis exam

Exam M1

Exam M2

Exam M3

Exam M3



4 MOOCs in Open edX, self-paced and open to everyone

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2 Research QuestionsStudents’ Adoption

RQ1. What is the students’ adoption of this MOOC initiative?

Effects on Learning Gains

RQ2. What are the effects of participating in the MOOCs in terms of students’ learning gains?

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Data sources


Data from the launch on 27th December until the last exam on 31st January

1. Motivation

2. The Pilot Study

3. Analyisis & Results

4. Conclusions

5. Future Work

Students’ Adoption1. Students’ activity interaction with the course: active

vs. pasive

Students’ Adoption2. Scores in the Diagnostic Exam3. Students’ prior knowledge composed by: admission

scores; high school grades; and class ranking

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3.500+Learners registered



589Took the diagnosis


1. Motivation

2. The Pilot Study

3. Analyisis & Results

4. Conclusions

5. Future Work

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1. Motivation

2. The Pilot Study

3. Analyisis & Results

4. Conclusions

5. Future Work


Students to the remedial phase

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Students’ Adoption

RQ1. What is the students’ adoption of this MOOC initiative?

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1. Motivation

2. The Pilot Study

3. Analyisis & Results

4. Conclusions

5. Future Work

Diagnosis Phase








88%84 vs. 505 97 vs. 492 48 vs. 541 73 vs. 516

M1 M2 M3 M4

Active Non Active



l Ph









90%42 vs. 547 79 vs. 510 29 vs. 560 56 vs. 533

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AdoptionR1.1. More active learners during the diagnostic phase.

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1. Motivation

2. The Pilot Study

3. Analyisis & Results

4. Conclusions

5. Future Work

Diagnosis Phase

Video-Lectures Exercises



l Ph






R1.2. Students use the MOOC for exercising

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Learning gains

RQ2. What are the effects of participating in the MOOCs in terms of students’ learning gains?

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Learning gains: Diagnostic Phase1.


2. The Pilot Study

3. Analyisis & Results

4. Conclusions

5. Future Work

R2.1. The percentage of active students passing the diagnostic exam is higher than those who were not active.

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Learning gains: Remedial Phase

R2.2. Active student’s during the diagnostic exam showed better scores, but not effect found in the scores that were required to take the f2f courses.

1. Motivation

2. The Pilot Study

3. Analyisis & Results

4. Conclusions

5. Future Work

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RQ2. On Learning gains1.


2. The Pilot Study

3. Analyisis & Results

4. Conclusions

5. Future Work

R2.3. Being active is a predictor variable for the score of the Diagnostic exam, but not for the scores on the final exam on the corses, which predictor is the universidy admission exams in Mathematics.

Results of a stepwise multivariable regression analysis. Example of 2 courses.

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More effort on dissemination to increase the adoption of a MOOC as a Service.

MOOCs to understand what students need to reinforce.

Design MOOCs for exercising

Lessons Learned

MOOCs for refreshing concepts

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Future work


▪ Including this as part of the university strategy

▪ Analyisis of the MOOC adoption during the first semester

▪ Support self-regulation in these courses

▪ Understand the reasons of the low adoption

1. Motivation

2. The Pilot Study

3. Analyisis & Results

4. Conclusions

5. Future Work

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MOOCs are now part of the higher education ecosystem, we have to make efforts to understand their usage from a broad perspective.


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