Download - CV( يا ّفشح كثإع يدشف تبصخؾي · Gilan University of Medical Sciences, 2014. PakGohar Minoo, Bastani F. Rezaei

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(CV) عاثك حشف اي

يؾخصبت فشدي

بو فريذي

بو خبادگي تاستاوی

يحم تنذ

خيبثب ني ػصش، ثبالتش اص ييذا ک، خيبثب تشا،

سؽيذيبعي، داؾکذ پشعتبسي يبيبيي ايشا

آدسط يحم كبس

ؽبس تهف يحم كبس 88882885 - 88882886

فبكظ يحم كبس 88201978

[email protected] ,

[email protected]

پغت انكتشيكي، آدسط


(Professor) استاد: ستج ػهي

:يصؽيآيذاسن دس بي

، 1363كبسؽبعي پشعتبسي، داؾگب ػهو پضؽكي ايشا

،1361كبسؽبعي اسؽذ پشعتبسي، داؾگب تشثيت يذسط

1313داؾگب تشثيت يذسط، عاليت، استمبء دكتشاي آيصػ

: دوري اي آموزشي داؾگب کبسنيبی آيشيکب -سػ تحميك کيفی پيؾشفت

داؾگب کبسنيبی آيشيکب -عاليت صب

ثشيتبيب -کبنج اعتيغ –ثب ثيبس اصل يؾبس





صب دس حص عاليت آيصػ پضؼ : عالق مىذي اي حرف اي

ي کىوويعضويت اي حرف ا

Member of Sigma Teta Tu, USA

Member of the Nursing Organization in Iran

Member of the Research Consultations Committee- School of Nursing & Midwifery-


Member of the Scientific Committee of the 2nd

Congress on New Approaches to

Education in Nursing and Midwifery- IUMS

Member of theScientific Committee of 4th

national congress on nursing& midwifery

شتی ردمانی اریان دااگشنه علىم زپشکی و خدمات بهدا

دادکشنه رپستاری و مامایی

Page 2: CV( يا ّفشح كثإع يدشف تبصخؾي · Gilan University of Medical Sciences, 2014. PakGohar Minoo, Bastani F. Rezaei


care- /health promotion- IUMS

Member of the research committee of the Community Health Nursing Group-


Member of The Scientific Committee of New Approaches in Nursing& Midwifery

Education Congress-IUMS

: اوتصاتات آكادميك

غئل ايس پژؾي اػضب يئت ػهي ي

يغئل ساثظ داؾكذ ثب صؼت

اعتبديبس، داؾگب ػهو پضؽكي ايشا،

ػض يئت ػهي ) داؾگب ػهو پضؽكي ايشا ( ،

داؾيبس، داؾگب ػهو پضؽكي تشا )ايشا(،

داؾگب ػهو پضؽكي ايشا، اعتبد،

يذيش گش پشعتبسی عبنذی يذيش گش ثذاؽت جبيؼ يبدسا صادا ،

كگش استجبطبت اغبي ػض كيت ػهي

پ ديي كگش يشالجتبي پشعتبسي يبيبيي، داؾكذ پشعتبسي يبيبيي ايشا، داؾگب ع ػض كيت ػهي

يشا، تشا، ايشا )ػض(ا

يب يشالجت دس يضل ثشاي اني ثبس دستشا، ايشا، دس عبل 6جت دس يضل اجشاي طشح ػض كيت يشال

ػض كيت ػهي پبم يشالجت دس يضل دس داؾكذ پشعتبسي يبيبيي ، داؾگب ع پضؽكي ايشا،

ػض كيت ػهي كگش عشاعشي سيكشدبي ي دس آيصػ پشعتبسي يبيبيي داؾكذ پشعتبسي يبيبيي

پضؽكي ايشا، داؾگب ع

بيؼ عشاعشي آيصػ ثذاؽت، داؾگب ػهو پضؽكي يضد، ػض كيت ػهي

كيت صؼت داؾگب ػهو پضؽكي ايشا بيذ داؾکذ دس ػضيت

، 1311پضؽكي ايشا، ػض كيت ػهي كگش عشاعشي پشعتبسي يبيبيي داؾكذ پشعتبسي يبيبيي داؾگب ع

1314 ،1315 ،1311 ،1331 ،1332 ،1333 ،1334

: ساتق كار حرف اي و تجرتيات آموزشي

ی پشعتبسیيمطغ دکتشا -مذ تحميمبت کی کيفی

ی پشعتبسیيمطغ دکتشا -تذسيظ دس پشعتبسیسيکشدبی ي

ی پشعتبسیيمطغ دکتشا –چبنؾبی پشعتبسی

ی پشعتبسیيمطغ دکتشا -يمبيغ ظبيبی آيصػ دس پشعتبسی جب

داؾگب ع پ ايشا – ثشای سصيذت بی پضؽکی اجتبػی MPhilثذاؽت خباد: يمطغ

گشايؼ ثذاؽت خباد-کبسؽبعی اسؽذ يبيبيی -يشالجت اص صادا آعيت پزيش

گشايؼ ثذاؽت خباد-کبسؽبعی اسؽذ يبيبيی -لجت ثذاؽت کدکب يشا

پشعتبسی عاليت جبيؼ اسؽذ عبنذی يمطغ اسؽذ –سػ تحميك

عبنذی يمطغ اسؽذ -عبنذی اپيذيينژی

عاليت جبيؼ )يؾتشک ثب ديگش کبسا( يمطغ اسؽذ -پشعتبسی ثذاؽت خباد

عبنذی يمطغ اسؽذ –اخالق حشف ای ساثظ اغبی

عبنذی يمطغ اسؽذ–پشعتبسی عبنذی عبنى فؼبل

Page 3: CV( يا ّفشح كثإع يدشف تبصخؾي · Gilan University of Medical Sciences, 2014. PakGohar Minoo, Bastani F. Rezaei


عبنذی يمطغ اسؽذ -پشعتبسی عبنذی د

عبنذی يمطغ اسؽذ -عيغتى ب عبختبسبی يشالجتی دس عبنذا

کبسؽبعی پشعتبسی –تحميك دس پشعتبسی

پشعتبسی کبسؽبعیيمطغ –پشعتبسی کدکب

پشعتبسی کبسؽبعیيمطغ -1 -صاداثذاؽت يبدسا

پشعتبسی يمطغ کبسؽبعی-2-ثذاؽت يبدسا صادا

)يؾتشک ثب ديگش کبسا( يمطغ کبسؽبعی- 2پشعتبسی ثذاؽت جبيؼ

ؽبيغتگي بي آيصؽي

:تجشثيبت پژؾي

: تحقيقات کيفی

يذيشيت(-خذيبت -عاليت دس اثؼبد آيصػ ص الذاو پژی )دس ح ثب سيکشد گشاذد تئسی

: تحقيقات کمی

، )دس اثؼبد فيضيکی، سای، اجتبػی يؼی عاليت( دس حيط استمب عاليت بی ثبنيی یکبساصيبي -

عبنذی عجک صذگی کيفيت صذگی دس ثيبسيبی يضي -

)دس دس ثبسسی، يبئغگی عبنذی ( عاليت صب -

طت يکم جبيگضي -

(عبنذیتغکيی )دس دس طت -

ای مصوب )طرح ای تحقيقاتی( پايان وام

:ثجؼذ4133اص عبل عبنذیشعتبسی پبي بی بيپب

(ثشسعي استجبط گشػ غجت ث اسائ يشاثجتببي ان ي.خبى آرس سيضبي تي داؾجي كبسؽبعي اسؽذ

(1334يذت ثب ثبسيشاثجتي دس يشاثجي خبادگي عبنذا يجتبل ث اختبل ت سا پضؽكي ثيبسعتب صاسع عبسي دس عبل

(ثشسعي تشط اص عمط استجبط آ ثب اعتمبنم.داؾجي كبسؽبعي اسؽذ يؼصي ثيشجذي خبى

)تبسا 2 1ػهكشدي عبنذا يميى عشابي عبنذا يبانك

سيبي) ثش(ثشسعي تبثيش سفهكغنژي (ثبصتبة د.خبى آصاد خيشي داؾجي كبسؽبعي اسؽذ .

)كيفيت خاة دسد صب عبنذ تحت جشاحي ؽكى

خبى يصس عجبدي داؾجي كبسؽبعي اسؽذ ث سابيي خبى جؼفشجبنم (ثشسعي آگبي اص ثيبسي آنضايش استجبط .

133يژگي بي جؼيتؾبختي دس يشاجؼي عشابي يحه ي ؽبسداسي تبسا، عبل آ ثب

(تبثيش يبعبژ اعتشن عطحي پؾت.ثصيشي ن دؽتي داؾجي كبسؽبعي اسؽذ خبى يؼصي .

)ثش اضطشاة عبنذا ص يجتبل ث عشاال پغتب تحت ؽيي دسيبي


دسد بؽي اص خشج نن عشيب دسيبي ثش)يمبيغ تأثيش انت فؾبسي .خبى عكي حبجي صاد داؾجي كبسؽبعي اسؽذ

)دس بژ ثفغ صذسي دس عبنذا

عبنذ اصديذگب عبنذا (اسصيبثي ينف بي يشتجظ ثب ؽبس دعتذاس.خبى پشيغب گدسصي داؾجي كبسؽبعي اسؽذ .

)تبساي يشاجؼ كذ ث يشكض ثبداؽت ؽبل غشة تبسا

Page 4: CV( يا ّفشح كثإع يدشف تبصخؾي · Gilan University of Medical Sciences, 2014. PakGohar Minoo, Bastani F. Rezaei


صب عبنذ يجتبل ث (ثشسعي تأثيش سصػ تبي چي ثش اعتشط دسن ؽذ.نجي داؾجي كبسؽبعي اسؽذ بطخبى انبص .

)پشفؾبسي خ

دس عبنذا "ب "عبنت يؼي(ثشسعي" اضطشاة يشگ" استجبط آ ث.خبى فتب فشد داؾجي كبسؽبعي اسؽذ .

(1334يجتبل ث عشاال تحت ؽيي دسيبي دس يشكض آيصؽي دسيبي كثش عب، عبل

كتشل دسد صب (ثشسعي تبثيش يبعبژ يبنيى پب ثب سغ يؼطش صججيم ثش.خبى آي پيؼ ثذو داؾجي كبسؽبعي اسؽذ .

)عبنذ يجتبل ث اعتئآستشيت صا

دسد اضطشاة (ثشسعي تبثيش سايح دسيبي ثب گم يحذي ثش ؽذت.خبى پشا صذي كيب داؾجي كبسؽبعي اسؽذ .

)دس عبنذا تحت جشاحي تؼيض يفصم صا

ؽبسي ثبسعتبييشاجؼ كذ ث (يمبيغ يبصبي حبيتي عبنذا.آثبي بة كشيي ذ داؾجي كبسؽبعي اسؽذ

(1335يشاكض ثبداؽتي دسيبي ؽبس كشيبؾب دس عبل


صب عبنذ يجتبل (ثشسعي تأثيش يبعبژ ثبصتبثي پب ثش كيفيت خاة.خبى ايي ػجبعي فخشآسي داؾجي كبسؽبعي اسؽذ

)ث عذسو پبي ثي ثشاس

ػهكشدي" دس عبنذا (ثشسعي استجبط "ادسان اص عبنذي" ثب "اعتمبنم.خبى پشا ثيگي داؾجي كبسؽبعي اسؽذ .

(1335،يشكض ديبثت ؽبسعتب ثشج، 2يجتبنج ديبثت ع

:1334بي بی عاليت جبيؼ پشعتبسی عبنذی لجم اص پبيب

Bastani F, Poormohamadi Asghar, Haghani H. Evaluation of relationship between spiritual

well-being with stress and coping strategies in mothers of hospitalized newborn infants in the

neonatal intensive care, 2014.

Negarandeh R, Bastani F, Mohamadali Soleimani. Exploration of the process of self-care in

Parkinson Disease, Presenting a theoretical Model.2014.

Khanjari S. Bastani F., Kamalinahad R., Hosseini A.F . Prevention of Child Sexual Abuse:

Parents’ Knowledge, Attitudes and Practices Iran Journal of Nursing (IJN) Vol.27, No.89, Aug

2014: 12-20

Bastani F, Poodineh Alireza, Haghani H. The relationship between religious coping with

anxiety Vtbyt the drug regimen in elderly patients with heart failure hospitalization and martyrs

gonbad kavoos, 2014.

Bastani F, Abbasabad Arabi Hadi, Haghani H. Investigating quality of life and its relationship

with emotional intelligence (EQ) in old people with diabetes who attending to Clinic of

Diabetes in Shariati Hospital, Tehran, 2014.

Page 5: CV( يا ّفشح كثإع يدشف تبصخؾي · Gilan University of Medical Sciences, 2014. PakGohar Minoo, Bastani F. Rezaei


Bastani F, Behzad Yousef, Haghani H. Effect of Empowerment Program with the Telephone

Follow-up (Tele-Nursing) on Self - Efficacy in hypertensive Older Adults, 2014.

Bastani F, Mir lashari Zhila, Tajik Alie, Haghani H. The relationship between emotional

intelligence (EI) and stress among mothers of hospitalized neonates in Neonatal Intensive Care

Unit (NICU), 2014.

Navab elham, Bastani F, Chalik Raheleh. Social Network Status and it`s relationship to Quality

of Life among elders in Bojnourd, 2014.

Rahnavard Zahra, Bastani F, Rezaei Atefeh. Study of relationship between emotional

intelligence with general self-efficacy regarding tendency to substance abuse in students of

Gilan University of Medical Sciences, 2014.

PakGohar Minoo, Bastani F. Rezaei Fereshte,. Investigating the Quality of Health Care (or

Nursing Care)and Quality of Life among hospitalized Elders with Urinary Incontinence in

Kahrizak Nursing Home, 2014.

Khanjari S, Bastani F , Kamalinahad Rezvan ,. Knowledge, attitudes and practices of parents

about sexual abuse prevention education among preschool and elementary school children in

Arak, 2014.

Bastani F, Ghasemi Elham. Investigating relationship between religious coping and perceived

stress in women as family caregivers of elders with dementia, 2013 (RES. PROJECT).

Bastani F, Women's caregiving burden and its relationship with general self efficacy, 2013,

Code= 13742

Bastani F, Effect of acupressure on anxiety and its severity in women with Gestational

Diabetes Mellitus, Code= 12269, 2013

Taghavi Larijani Taraneh , Bastani F, Tork Ghashghaei Roya, Nasihat Kon Aliasghar. The

investigating emotional intelligence and its relationship with therapeutic compliance

among elders with hypertension in Shiraz university of Medical Sciences – 2013

Bastani F, Mohammad salehi Bahareh, Rahnavard , Z, Haghani H. The effect of refloxology on

fatigue and anxiety after cesarean section in mothers with high risk neonates.2013.

Bastani F, Sobhani Marzieh, Bozorgnejad M, Haghani H. Effect of acupressure on severity of

pain and fatigue in women with multiple sclerosis (MS). 2013.

Page 6: CV( يا ّفشح كثإع يدشف تبصخؾي · Gilan University of Medical Sciences, 2014. PakGohar Minoo, Bastani F. Rezaei


Bastani F, Mohammad salehi Bahareh, Rahnavard , Z, Haghani H. The effect of acupressure on

quality of sleep and fatigue in female students with premensdural syndrome. 2013.

Bastani F, Effectiveness of acupressure on Fatigue and pain in women with Multiple sclerosis,

code=13783, 2012

Bastani F, Effectiveness of acupressure on Fatigue and pain in women with Multiple sclerosis,

code=13783 , 2012

Bastani F, Amini Elaheh, Rajai Nahid, Jan Mohammadi, Haghani H. Effect of Congaroo care

on the sleep and wake state of preterm neonates, 2012.

Jafar jalal E, Bastani F, Azim beik Zohreh , Hosseini, F. Investigating the relationship between

quality of working life and work ability in nurses, 2012.

Bastani f, Gol aghaei Farzaneh, Ashghali Farahani Mansoureh, Establishing sustainable

Patient Education through Action Research, 2012.

Rahnavard , Z, Bastani F, Bagh Abrishami Elaham, , Haghani H Effect of educational

intervention based on adult learning theory with and without nursing telephone counseling

(TELENURSING) on self management behaviors of patients with epilepsy, 2012.

Bastani F, Khosravi M, Borim nejad, L, Haghani H. Effect of acupressure on chemotherapy

induced nausea/ vomiting and fatigue of children with luckemia, 2011

Farahani A. Mansoureh , Bastani F, Ahmadian Zahra, Haghani H.Nurses perspective of

organizational culture and its relationship with job satisfaction , 2011.

Haji Kazemi E, Bastani F, Torki yousef, Haghani H. comparison of general self efficacy in

elders living in Nursing home and with their family in Tehran. 2010.

Bastani f, Momenabadi Hemattallah, Safdari Mohamad Taghi, Haghani H. Effect of

acupressure on pain severity and physiologic indexes of chest tube removal in patients with

open heart surgery. 2010.

Bastani F, Roozbeh Farah, Sayahi Somaieh, Haghani H. Assessment of the relationship

between social support, spiritual health and self efficacy with hope in mothers of children with

leuckemia. 2010.

Bastani F, Aliabadi Tayebeh, Raftari Z, Haghani H. Assessment of the impact of participatory

program of primipara mothers in the care of preterm neonates on anxiety, satisfaction and

neonatal readmission. 2010.

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Mohamad aleiha, J, Bastani F, Ghasemi Elham, Samiee Niloofar, Haghani H. Correlates of

lifestyle and quality of life in women with coronary artery disease (CAD), 2010.

Bastani F, Effect of a wewb based education on PMS Symptoms, 2008, code =783

Bastani F, Raziehsadat Hosseini, Bani Asad Mah monir, Haghani H. Effect of educational

counseling intervention on general health , caring burden and perceived stress in women as a

family caregivere of elders with Alzheimer disease. 2008

Bastani F, Zarrabi Roya, shokrabi Sholeh, Haghani H. Association of self efficacy health locus

of control and perceived stress with pregnancy outcomes in women with gestational diabetes

mellitus. (GDM), 2008.

Bastani, F, khodarahmian, Mahshad, Shokrabi, Sh, Haghani, H. Effect of An

Educational- Counseling Intervention based on the Health Belief Model and the Self Efficacy

Theory on the Elements of Empowerment Towards Prevention of Osteoprosis Among

Women. 2008.

Bastani F, Mohammadi Yeganeh Ladan, Vafaei Maryam, Haghani H. Effect of educational

intervention on mood and perceived stress in women with OCP consumption, 2007.

Bastani F, Effect of a Breast Feeding workshop with Telephone counseling on exclusive breast

feeding self efficacy in primipara women, 2007, Code= 681

Bastani F, Preconception education in Premarital clinics, 2007, WHO.

Bastani F, Rahmat nejad, L, Jahdi F, Haghani H. Breast feeding self efficacy and its

relationship with perceived stress and disconnect of exclusive breast feeding in primi para

mothers, 2007.

Shapoorian F, Bastani F, Mahmoodi Z, , Parsay Sousan, Hosseini, F.. Effect of carbohydrate

supplements and carbohydrate-rich diet on premensdural symptoms among students of nursing,



مقال اي مىتشر شذي

Farideh Bastani, Nahid Rajai (Corresponding Author), Zahra Farsi, and Heidelise Als . The

Effects of Kangaroo Care on Sleep and Wake States of Preterm Infants. Journal of Nursing

Research, Vol. 25 , 2017 ARTICLE IN PRESS.

Page 8: CV( يا ّفشح كثإع يدشف تبصخؾي · Gilan University of Medical Sciences, 2014. PakGohar Minoo, Bastani F. Rezaei


Bastani, F. Ramezani R, Azimi Lolati H, Haghani H. Studying Family Caregivers’ Attitude

Toward Long-Term Care of Psychiatric Elderly & its Associated Factors. Iranian Journal of

Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, 2016 ARTICLE IN PRESS.

Bastani, F, Hajizadeh, S, Sa`atchi, K & Haghani, H 2016, Comparing the effect of acupressure

and cryotherapy on the pain caused by removal of chest drain tube in the elderly patients

undergoing open heart surgery, Journal of Client-Centered Nursing Care, vol. 2, no. 1, pp.


Kheyri, A, Bastani, F* & Haghani, H 2016, Effects of reflexology on sleep quality of elderly

women undergoing abdominal surgery, Journal of Client-Centered Nursing Care, vol. 2, no. 1,


Mohammad Ali Soleimani, Farideh Bastani, Reza Negarandeh, Ryan Greysen Perceptions of

people living with Parkinson’s disease: a qualitative study in Iran . British Journal of

Community Nursing Vol 21, No 4. P 188-195. April 2016

Farideh Bastani 1, Marzieh Sobhani2 & Hormat Sadat Emamzadeh Ghasemi3 . Effect of

Acupressure on Fatigue in Women with Multiple Sclerosis Global Journal of Health Science;

Vol. 7, No. 4; P. 1-7, 2015

Farideh Bastani Elaheh Rouhi Rahim Begloo Hamid Haghani . Effect of Foot Reflexology on

Anxiety of Mothers of High Risk Neonates undergone Cesarean Section: a Non Randomized

Controlled Trial .Journal of School of Nursing and Midwifery, Tehran University of Medical

Sciences. 2015; 21(2): 81-94. (Persian)

Soleimani MA1, Bastani F, Negarandeh R .Exploraing of challenges of self-care in people

with Parkinson’s disease: Resulting from qualitative research study .Journal of Gerontology , 1

(1), p.1-16, 2015.

Farideh Bastani .Elaheh Roohi Rahim Beigloo, Hamid Haghani Effectiveness of Foot

Reflexology on Maternal Post C-Section Fatigue: A Non-Randomized Clinical Trial Evidence

Based Care Journal 2015; 5 (16): 51-62

Farideh Bastani, Maryam Khosravi, Leili Borimnejad, Negar Arbabi The effect of acupressure

on cancer-related fatigue among school-aged children with acute lymphoblastic

leukemia Iranian Journal of Nursing and Midwifery Research | September-October 2015 | Vol.

20 | Issue 5

Bastani F . Effect of acupressure on maternal anxiety in women with gestational diabetes

mellitus (GDM): a randomized clinical trial, Journal of Clinical Nursing Research, 2015

Page 9: CV( يا ّفشح كثإع يدشف تبصخؾي · Gilan University of Medical Sciences, 2014. PakGohar Minoo, Bastani F. Rezaei


Soleimani MA, Negarandeh R, Bastani F, Greysen Ryan. Disrupted social connectedness in

people with Parkinson's disease. British J of Community Nursing, 19 (3 ), 136-141, 2014.

Bastani F1, Sobhani M2, Shamsikhani S3, Negarandeh R4, Borna M5, Haghani H6Effect of

Acupressure on Severity of Fatigue in women with Multiple Sclerosis. Iranian Journal of

Complementary Medicine, 3, 2 (8), 2013.

Bastani F, Golaghaie, Farahani A, M, Rafeie M. Cooperative working towards family –

centered health education in acute care: improvement in client satisfaction, Health Education

Journal, , 2013.

Golaghaie F*, Bastani F1, Farahani A, M.. Establishment of sustainable patient health

education in clinical care: An action research study. Journal of Kermanshah University of

Medical Sciences. 2013; 17(2): 121-130 ,

Bastani F, Hosseini R, Javanbakhtian Raheleh. Effect of group discussion and telephone

counseling on perceived stress of female caregivers of older people with Alzehiner . Clinical J

of Nursing & Midwifery (Shahr e Kord), 1 (1), 2012, 61-72.

Bastani F*, Momenabadi H, Safdari M.T, Haghani H. Effect of acupressure on the pain

severity of chest tube removal in patients with open heart surgery in ICU. Medical J of

Daneshvar, (Shahed Universty), 20, (101), 2012, 1-12.

Bastani F, Sayahi S, Haghani H. Social support and its association with Hope among Mothers

of children with Leukemia. Clinical J of Nursing & Midwifery (Shahr e Kord) 1 (1), 2012, 23-


Bastani F, Ghasemi E, Negarandeh R, Haghani H. General Self efficacy of Women as family

caregivers of older people with Alzheimer. J of the Faculty of Nursing & Midwifery , Tehran

University of Medical Sciences., 18 (2), 2012, 27-38.

Bastani F. The effect of education on nutrition behavioral intention and self efficacy in women.

Journal of Health Scope, 2012 , 1, 1 (1), 12-18.

Bastani F,Rajai Nahid, Amini Elahe, Haghani H, Janmohammadi S. Assessment of sleep and

wake state of preterm neonates and its correlates with Demographic variables in NICU. J of

Albourz Medical Sciences University, 2 (1), 2012, 1-6.

Bastani F*, Hashemi S. Effect of a web based lifestyle education on general health and severity

of the symptoms of premenstrual syndrome (PMS) among female students.: a randomized

controlled trial. Procedia –Social and behavioral Sciences 46 (2012) 3356-3362.

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Hoseini R*, Bastani F, Sayahi S, Momenabadi H, Alijanpoor Agha Maleki Masoomeh , Effect

of educational counseling program on general health of women as family caregivers of elders

with Alzheimer disease. Clinical J of Nursing & Midwifery (Shahr e Kord), 2011, 13 (5), 83-


Bastani F, Hashemi S, Bastani N, Haghani H. Impact of Preconception Education on Health

Locus of Control and Self efficacy in Women. Eastern Mediterranean Health Journal, 2010, 16

( 4), 396-401 .

Mahmoodi Z, Shahpoorian F, Bastani F, Parsay S, Hoseini F, Amini Leila, Jhanfar Sh. The

prevalence and severity of premensdural syndrome and itsassociated sighns and symptoms

among college students. Aust J of Basic & Applied Sciences, 4 (8): 3005-3009, 2010.

Bastani F. * Assessment of Self efficacy Among Women with Gestational Diabetes. Journal of

Medical Safety October, 2009, No.2, P: 12-18.

Bastani F*, Rahmat nejad L, Effect of prenatal education with Telephone counseling on

primpara women's adherence on Exclusive breast feeding. Urmia Journal of Nursing &

Medwifery.7 (1) 2009, 1-7.

Bastani F*, Mohammadi Yeganeh L. Does OCP consumption affect on the women's mood and

stress ? Iran Journal of Nursing. 22 (60), 2009, 65-74.

Bastani F*, Hakimi Gilani Tahereh, Ghane Fard, Shadi, Ghane Fard Shirin, Haghani H.

Investigate Perceived Stress in Women with Multiple Sclerosis. Shahid Beheshti Journal of

Nursing & Midwifery. 19 (66), 2009, 14-21.

Din Mohammadi Mohamadreza, Jalali Amir, Bastani F, Parvizi S, Borim Nejad Leili.

Feedback: The fundamental element on clinical education. Iranian Journal of Medical

Education. 2009, 9 (3) 278-282.

Mohammadi Yeganeh, Ladan, Bastani F*, Feyzi Zohre, Vafaei Aguilar Maryam, Haghani H.

Effect of stress management education on women's mood and perceived stress . Iran Journal of

Nursing. 21 (53) 2008, 1-11.

Bastani F*, Rahmat nejad Leila, Jahdi Fereshteh, Haghani H. Breast Self Efficacy and

Perceived stress in Primepara women. Iran Journal of Nursing. 21 (54) 2008, 9-23.

Bastani F*, Hidarnia Alireza, Kazemnejad Anoshirvan, Kashanian Maryam. Effect of

relaxation training based on self efficacy theory om mental health in pregnant women. Iranian

Journal of clinical psychology (Andishe va Raftar), 2006, 12 (2) 109-116.

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Bastani F*, Hidarnia Alireza, Montgomery, Kristen S , Kazemnejad Anoshirvan, Does

Relaxation Education in Anxious Primigravid Iranian Women Influence Adverse Pregnancy

Outcomes?: A Randomized Controlled Trial. Journal of Perinatal & Neonatal Nursing,

April/June 2006, 20 (2), 138-146.

Shapoorian Farangis, Mahmoodi Zohreh, Bastani F, Parsay S, Hosseini F. Premensdural

Syndrome and related signs and symptoms in selected sample of students. Iran Journal of

Nursing. 18 (44) 2005, 1-10.

Bastani F*, Hidarnia Alireza, Kazemnejad Anoshirvan, Kashanian Maryam. A Randomized

Controlled Trial of the Effects of Applied Relaxation Training on Reducing Anxiety and

Perceived Stress in Pregnant Women. Journal of Midwifery and Women's Health, July/August

2005 , 50 ( 4), 36-40 .

Hashemi B, Bastani F. Introduction to internet and Wide Web World, (Section 1). Journal of

Modaress Medical Sciences, 1 (2), 1988, PP 99-113.

Hashemi B, Bastani F. Introduction to internet and Wide Web World, (Section 2). Journal of

Modaress Medical Sciences, 1 (2), 1988.

Bastani F, CHILD ABUSE, Iran Journal of Nursing, 1, (2) 1987, 23-29.

: كتاب ا )گردآوري و تذويه، ترجم، ويرايش(

1334عاليت دس دس عبنذی استمب -

)ينف( 1311، يش دیؽينف بی يفميت دس -

)يکی اص يغذگب دس تذي تشج يک فصم اص کتبة( 1311، يشالجت دس يضل -

كىفراوس ا/سميىارا/ ارائ ا

رخی مقاالت مىتخةت ارائ شفاي

Bastani F. "Fatigue Among School-Aged Children With Acute Lymphoblastic Leukaemia

.The 23rd Asia Pacific Cancer Conference (APCC) August

20th – 22 nd, 2015

Bastani F. General Health in Family Caregivers. International Congress of Public Health

Nursing, 11-13- March 2011, Malaysia.

Bastani F. Caregivers Burden of Women as family members of elders with Alzheimer Disease.


Bastani, F., Hidarnia, A. Application of Pender’s Health Promotion Model in healthy behaviors

of pregnant women¸ presented at the 5th

Iranian National Congress of Nursing, Hamedan

Page 12: CV( يا ّفشح كثإع يدشف تبصخؾي · Gilan University of Medical Sciences, 2014. PakGohar Minoo, Bastani F. Rezaei


University, Hamedan, Iran, February 2002.

Bastani, F. The Process of Effective Home Health Care, Presented at the National Iranian 2nd

Congress of New Approaches in Nursing and Midwifery Education (Iran University of Medical

Sciences), Tehran, Iran, February, 2002.

Oral presentation in the Biomedical Seminar in University of S. Carolina (USC) as “Effect of

relaxation training based on the synthesizing of the PRECEDE Model with the Health Belief

Model and the Self-Efficacy theory on reducing anxiety and adverse pregnancy outcomes

among pregnant women”, Dec, 6, 2004.

lecture presentation under title of “Iranian Health Belief” in the course of Trans-Cultural

Nursing (class of Dr. Marlene Mac Key), School of Nursing , USC, Jan 2005.

اسائ پعتش

Bastani F. Self Efficacy in Women with Gestational Diabetes. International Congress of Public

Health Nursing, 11-13- March 2011, Malaysia

Bastani, F.; Hidarnia, A.; Kazemnejad, A.; Vafaei, M.; and Kashanian, M. Effect of the

Theory-Based Health Education on Improving Mental Health in Pregnancy, International

Congress of Health Education and Health Promotion, Melbourne, Australia, 26-30 April

2004.(accepted, no participation).

Bastani, F. Screening for Cervical Cancer in Iran: Strategies For an Effective Program,

Presented at the 3rd

Iranian Medical Sciences Meeting in UMIST, Manchester, UK. Dec 1996.

Bastani, F. Phototherapy of newborns with Hyperbilirobinemia at home, presented at the 1st

national congress of New Issues of midwifery, in Kermanshah University. 4-5 March 1999.

Bastani, F. HIV Infection in Pregnancy, Presented at the 10th

Iranian Infectious and Tropical

Diseases Congress in Tehran. November 2001.

Bastani, F. Different Approaches and Frameworks in Health Promotion Interventions.

Presented at the 5th Iranian National Congress of Nursing, in Hamedan University. February


Bastani, F.; Hidarnia, A.; Kazemnejad, A.; Vafaei, M.; and Kashanian, M. Factors influencing

on Pregnant Women Regarding Compliance of Mental Health Recommendations. 2nd


of Non- Communicable Diseases. Tehran, Iran. 22-24 Febuarary 2004

: يؾبس بی داؾجيیفعاليت اي فرىگي

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اعتثارات پژوشي

2111- (WHO) عبصيب ثذاؽت جبی –گشت پژؾی

1331 -جؾاس اث عيب –گشت پژؾی

جوايس و افتخارات 1313داؾگب تشثيت يذسط - ستج ال دکتشا جبيض

1311ظبو پشعتبسی جؾاس –پشعتبس جبيض

2111 -کگش ثي انههی يبنضی –جبيض اسائ ثتشي يمبن

1331جبيض جؾاس اث عيب،

اطالعات ديگر

اگهيغی صثب ػض يئت تحشيشي يجه ( داؾکذ پشعتبسی يبيبيی ايشاJCCN)

داس يجالت ػض کيت ػهی کگش ب

ثي( پضؽکی گهغتبػض يئت تحشيشي يجه داؾگب ػهو(

ػض يئت تحشيشي يجه پژؼ دس پشعتبسی

1593 آخريه تازتيىي: