Download - Crisp Tears Kevin Kolo Srp

Page 1: Crisp Tears Kevin Kolo Srp

The glorious battle between the sea and the Night Ruby had utterly exhausted her crew members, once they had reached a bit strip of land they hauled over their acnhors to prevent their precious ship from floating off in midst of their humble rest. Unlike the rest of the men, the captain stood tall and balanced upon the highest foremast of the ship, her hand adorned with ruby rings, clutched tightly to the rope shrouds that hung for quick climb-ups and slide-downs. The salty breeze swirled and collided into the captain's daughter's youtful face, brushing away the several wild strands of her white mane of hair. The scents coming from this island were rather curious to her, almost intoxicating in a way...a new world filled with new secrets that were yet to be discovered. With a swing of a rope, she landed down upon her deck and shook her head while tsk'ing at her men who were draped over cannons and crates, their grubby hands tightly holding onto the necks of pirate's true treasure: Rum. All hats and banadas alike sloped over their eyes and noses as their large, grizzly chests rose up then fell as their minds were carefully taken over by their intoxicated slumbers. The captain's daughter hopped off her ship and landed upon the deck where she flipped a coin into one of the keeper's hands with one hand then slyly snatched a small sack of coins on his pedestal as she exited the docks and snickered to herself as she shook the little sack, enjoying the sound of the coins jingling as they collided into each other within their confined space. When she reached the near by village her colourless eyes darted from home to shop, alley to alley and person to person. Those who dared to make eye contact were greeted with a shudder down the spine, and the feeling of dread and suspicion. A pirate has entered their territory, what else could they expect from such a being? Rudeness, theft, constant blood lust for battle? No, this one, the daughter of Blackbeard himself, may appear utterly ferocious and intimidating though the warm, kind heart hidden deeply inside her bosom cried out otherwise.Her feathery companion made a purring sound, much like to the purr of a pigeon as his milky eyes also scanned through the village. The captain's daughter stopped near by a lamp post and pulled out a golden and blue compass, flipped it open and watched as the needle began to spin dizzingly quickly. "Hush not interrupt my concentration." she murmured to him while lifting her free hand to stroke his silky feathers with a finger.

Kevinikolo: ((oh wow, such creative entry :I))

CrispTears: Don't be hating on my lazy.}

Kevinikolo: ((just like the day before...and before ...and...before -slips into rp-))

CrispTears: hahaahhxD}

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CrispTears: I'm working on a new entrance so quit your complaining.}

Kevinikolo: ((hearing you work is a miracle itself, I shall hush))

Zipper: (( That captain jack sparrow coin switch.))

Zipper: (( luff it.))

CrispTears: Lmfao. Thanks cx }

Kevinikolo: -Dracule walks past the city gate, alone. His usual outfit covered and shaded by a giant black hooded coat. His face, his body; everything was covered by the black robe from tip to toe. He decided to sneakily infiltrate the town. He was first mate of the Doflamingo pirates, who ruled half the sea. Rivaling the Blackbeard pirates who ruled the other half. He had raided this toown many times and therefore gained an even higher criminal record, his face on multiple high bounty posters and his name known troughout the land. Dracule Hawk-Eyes Mihawk. He was a tall, decent muscled man. Holding a giant cursed cross blade on his back. Dracule made his way towards the tavern, hoping to get some information about the person he's looking for. Keeping his identity in the shadows-

Kevinikolo: ((dun dun.....dun dun.....dun dun.dun dun. dun.dundundundundun -slithers-))

AubreyLunarmorte: Astra huffed at the absence of people in the tavern, she needed to blend, and to blend she needed people. she got up, the chair scrapeing as she did so and hurried from the tavern, looking around almost frantically for a group. She looked over to the docks and nodded, perhaps she could blkend in with the crew? She looked down at herself and shook her head slightyl but walked towards the dock regardless, aiming for a look of casualality but more likely looking as cautious as she felt.

CrispTears: An impatient sigh escaped from her ruby lips as she snapped shut the compass, slipped it into the pocket of her dress and sat two fists upon her hips as she took a look around her surroundings with a perplexd frown. What exactly was so distinctive about this realm? To make the needle of her

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compass behave so strangely? As she began to study the world around her she took note of how similar the villagers were to an army of herring, shoulder to shoulder and moving briskly sometimes in a synchronized manner and sometimes breaking apart. She watched as people nodded to each other politely as they ducked into shops, banks, pastry shops and little taverns. Korokos purred softly in the daughter's ear and nipped at her hair which the daughter responded by lifting her finger back up to him. "Hungry are we ?" she cooed then let her eyes wander away from the view of the villagers towards the tavern. "I suppose it wouldn't hurt to revisist again" with that being said, she made her way through the bustling streets, up the steps and into the tavern. But before she could plant her palm firmly against the door of the tavern, her attention was termporarily taken away by a 'most desired' poster and stepped towards it. Plasterd upon the parchment was a face of a man with a malicious grin that seemed to dare anyone who looked his way. ~Another pirate, surprise surprise.~ she chuckled to herself then straightened up her posture, unsheathed her sword and with two clean swipes, the poster surrendered to her x-shaped slash then flopped down to the ground. The captain's daughter grinned and kicked the poster aside before sliding her sword back into place before opening the door and entering the tavern. Once she had entered she began to tip her hat to everyone, nodding to them all in polite greetings, not exactly caring if they would return her greeting back afterall the majority of the people inside the tavern hand fingers surrounding mugs, jugs and bottles of booze: that was the whole point of being in a tavern really, to drown your thoughts in alcohol. She took a seat at the bar at the end, stripped off her hat and flipped it upside down for her feathery companion to hop into it and nestle inside. Once a bar maid came by she ordered for a bottle of Whiskey and waited for her order by propping both elbows on the counter and supporting her chin and cheeks in her hands, tapping her cheeks with her fingertips while whistling a cheerful tune.

Espionage001: (whoa o.o )

Kevinikolo: ((well FUCK YOU TOO -slips back into rp-))

CrispTears: xD..}

CrispTears: I interracted with your poster kevin. That's about it. I haven't interracted/acknowledged anyone sorry Dx that's why I rambled.}

Guest_WarrenShade: []Your post is too short!! -boots-[]

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CrispTears: LOL.}

CrispTears: Fuck you Moussey xD}

Guest_WarrenShade: []MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA[]

Kevinikolo: ((yeah i'll be doing short ones guys sorry, it's late over here))

Kevinikolo: -As Dracule made his way to the tavern, he tipped his robes somewhat more over his face. he left his hat back at the ship so now all he had to shade him was the hooded robes. As he reached the tavern, his blade tapping his back softly as he walked up the stairs, a cut down poster flew at his feet. He reached down to pick it up, and saw his own face cut in 4 in a X mark.His eyes narrowed, watching the tavern trough the windows carefully. His hawk eyes peering from the shadow of his hood. A glint surrounded his eyes, it was not hard to find the person he was looking for. He had seen her before, and thus could identify her. But that was long years ago, so he had to do some rogue estimations. He blantly walked inside the tavern, still fully covered as he looked a bit downwards so his eyes coulnd't be seen, crouching a bit so his head woulnd't bump against the wall while entering before standing straight in the middle of the tavern, scanning his surroundings carefully-

AubreyLunarmorte: Astra, with her silent watching, raised a eyebrow at the woman who had entered the tavern. She seemed to be one of the creatures from the ship that had docked here. Astra glanced at her odd fashion and decided she must have been from the seas. Her gaze turned to that of the loyal bird that followed the woman. Astra's expressio changed, softer almost, a shadow of a sile. Her thoughts drifted to her falcon, whom the guards had taken away from her when they took her. Her face went sinister aagain as she began plotting ways for revenge.

Guest_XxMusubix has joined the chat

CrispTears: The sound of the tavern door opening, followed by a series of heavy foot steps captured the daughter's attention and so she turned her head to look past her shoulder to see a tall and intimidating man walk in. The smell of the sea reeked off him as he ducked his head to avoid bumping it at the door way. When he stopped in the middle of the tavern to take a look around she daughter simply turned her attention back to the wall of booze ahead of her...but she quickly straightened up, as though her body

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had just been shocked, then slowly turned her head to look at the man once more through the corner of her eye. ~Ahh~ she thought to herself wonderingly ~That must be that desired one.~ she nodded to herself then turned to look away once more. The bar maid was standing in front of her, pushing the bottle towards her then opened her hand in hopes for the daughter to pay her. The daughter smiled in stead and patted the girl's hand. "I'm not finished, love. I'd also like a load of bread for my Korokos." the bar maid rewarded the daughter a confused expression "I'm sorry?" "you heard me correctly, must I repeat myself?" she pointed at her bird and cocked an eyebrow. The bar maid sighed, turned and disappeared behind her door once more. The captian's daughter smiled smugly to herself then grabbed her bottle, popped out the cork with her teeth, and took a hearty swig.

CrispTears: I'm probably going to make her go high off your charri Aubrey soon xD}

Guest_taurielll has joined the chat

Kevinikolo: ((you're the desired one here lmao))

CrispTears: bahah. Smoooth }

AubreyLunarmorte: ((okay darling))

Kevinikolo: ((ye, like sandpaper))

Kevinikolo: -After Dracule took some time to scan the area, his hawk like eyes caught a girl looking at him. His eyes quickly taking in every little detail that he knew about the person he was looking for. As she fit the description rather nicely, he had to be carefull. He could not act rashly in this opportunity. He slowly made his way towards the seat next to her, lifting his hand up to orden an ale. His hooded robes shaded his face as once his ale got served on the counter, he leaned in to grab it, his cross necklace swinging from side to side. He took a deep gulp, drinking it in one go and placing the empty mug back on the counter. Without looking at her his deep yet smooth voice left his lips- "Nice day for a drink...isn't it, ma'am" -He'd chuckle under his breath, this wasn't his usual behavior but if it got what he needed to get he would do it. Softly placing the cross necklace back beneath his robes-

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Guest_XxMusubix: *^*))

Guest_XxMusubix: Crispy-chicken-feet i swear to god if you fuck him i will stab you -pocket knife clicks-))

CrispTears: She had noticed the pair of eyes that were watching her earlier, and she had noticed the scent that had radiated off this certan personage. Though the captain's daughter did well to avoid this person at all costs for the smell was much too strong for her to near, it was already causing her vision to slightly blur and a little exaggerated. The goofy smile slowly spread upon her lips as she continued to whistle to herself while taking another swing from her bottle. After a few moments she caught the sight of someone taking a seat next to her, ordering for a drink and then finally speaking to her. She didn't have to look at him as salty fragrance told her who exactly it was. She nodded to him, "Indeed, it is. It's good to have some sort of refreshment after traveling for so long in salty air." the bar maid returned once more "Here's your order miss. Anything else?" The captain's daughter smiled at her. "I'd like another." she pushed the empty bottle.

Kevinikolo: -he'd nod slightly, ordering another ale. He would peer his eyes out of the shade of his hat over to the side, looking at her. When the maid returned with his ale, he'd flip a bag of gold coins on the counter, making a gesture he'd pay for both towards the maid. He grabbed the mug, and once again started tugging at it, the liquid running down from his lip, over his chin and dropping on the floor. He placed the empty mug back onto the counter softly, before his voice muttered once more- "So....How is he" -he'd shove the empty mug over to the maid, ordering his 3rd drink- "Blackbeard, of course" -an eerie silence filled the room, before the maid returned with his 3rd drink.-

LilBibby00: ((See you tomorrow Crispy Cream.))

CrispTears: Cheers, love!}

AubreyLunarmorte: Astra watched the female with the peculiar dress with a sort of smirk. she seemed to be becmoing intoxicated, wich could very well mean that she was of the same kind. She had time to spare, she relaised this now. The guards wouldn't find her so soon. How long had it been since she had had some fun? Too long, was the only answer emanating itself. With her sinister look, she smirked again and rose, walking slowly and steadily towards the chair on the woman's other side. Perhaps this would have another affect on her? Perhaps not. She watched the woman as she took her seat, taking care to swing her braids over her shoulder, throwing her scent around the room.

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loesslane: So everyone is at the tavern, i guess?))

Kevinikolo: ((you just arrived at the best part))

CrispTears: Bra Baby! LOEEESS <3}

loesslane: Dobra baby! <3}

Guest_XxMusubix: -Sits on the opposite side of the room, keeping a close eye on kevin and crispy-chicken-))

loesslane: Guest_XxMusubix: -Sits on the opposite side of the room, keeping a close eye on kevin and crispy-chicken- > cracked me up! :DD))

Guest_XxMusubix: Ehee.))

loesslane: Setting for the RP? Time, weather?))

Guest_WarrenShade: []midnight, snow and fucking rain.[]

CrispTears: Once the bar maid had returned with yet another bottle, and this time a shot glass, the captain's daughter nodded with an expression of approval then slipped her fingers between her breasts to pull out a blue velvet sack then tossed it to the girl's open and waiting hands. "I kept it warm just for ya love." she daughter chuckkled to herself and winked at the girl then proceded her drinking by popping out the cork and pouring herself a shot. She felt another presence near her, and she didn't have to look t her other side either as the strong aroma of the elven fragrance invaded her nostrils. "Heavens..." she said with a surprised and impressed tone then turned to face the elven lady. "Your smell is he-hea-heavenly." she closed her eyes, allowing her eyes to roll upwards as she took in the

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scent. Korokos let out a raspy, dry caw and flapped his wings to grab her attention and snap her out of her trance...The captain's daughter shook her head, causing the wild white strands of hair to follow the motion. She cleared her throat and turned her attention back to the man when he plced the mug back down upon the counter. Then, what he said truly caused her body to freeze up. "I'm ...I'm sorry?" she asked, tilting her head and raising an eyebrow at him. "Now how would I know how the infamous Blackbeard is doing?" she did well to hide her surprise, perhaps the stiffness of her limbs was a slight give away but the expression on her face remained relaed, and unbothered though the heart beneath her bosom was beating a little more faster. The silence that hung heavily inthe air after Blacbeard's name was mentioned slowly died off but there were some men and women interested in the conversation that had suddenly sprung out.

Guest_XxMusubix: Im tempted to make a pirate outfit. Just sounds really fun))

Guest_WarrenShade: []-moans and giggles-[]

CrispTears: Lmao There I go, inspiring another xD}

Guest_XxMusubix: TOO BAD I ALREADY AM -Giggles like a maniac-))

Guest_Ericalovely4 has left the chat

Guest_WarrenShade: []ready or not, here comes Ren.....[]

CrispTears: Lmao good lawd. all we need is a manwhore vampire xD}

Guest_WarrenShade: []-'gets busy' writing a post-[]

loesslane: the pirate jugs Musu... the pirate jugs..emphasize it! :D))

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CrispTears: Make it funny again Moussey <3}


Guest_WarrenShade: []you got it crispy coochie[]

Kevinikolo: ((back))

CrispTears: Welcome back.}

Kevinikolo: ((I read 'Milk Jugs', i'm back people))

DraevynNocturnaFier has joined the chat

CrispTears: lmfao.. Yep xD}

loesslane: LOL))

CrispTears: Oh look your battle partner is back xD}

Kevinikolo: ((MOTHERFUCKER))

loesslane: HAHAHAHHA))

DraevynNocturnaFier: (XD)

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AubreyLunarmorte: Astra smirked again at the woman's reaction and decided to scoot her stool a little closer to her. "Why thanks you" She said, her voice dripping with the practised charm of an eleven. "Us elves tend to get that comment quite often. i hope it's not distracting you form you affairs?" She said, inching her face probably a little too close to the female, sending gusts of minty ad floral scents nto the woman's face. "I would so hate to distract someone" She said in her although seductive, rather sarcastic tone.

loesslane: Just in time.))

CrispTears: Omfg> }

CrispTears: Lmfaoo.}

CrispTears: And just so you know, my character smells earthy/husky fragrances off all elven races. Which is why she gets all high and shiet when she's around dem Elven bitches.}

loesslane: Sexy. ))

CrispTears: Ya know it }

Kevinikolo: -Dracule smiled beneath his robe, he slowly lift his hand up and pulled the robe off in one smooth swing. Revealing a man in a long crimon black coat, black boots, and his hawk like eyes which immediatly stared into her eyes. As if looking trough her soul, a blank face with only a small eerie smile looked at her, not leaving her sight- 'You have grown...Into a fine woman, at least' -he said while grabbing his mug on the counter, lifting it up and tugging it once mor ebefore smashing the mug down on the counter, shattering it into pieces- "My name is Dracule 'Hawk-Eyes' Mihawk. First mate of the Doflamingo Pirates." -since she was blackbaerd's daughter, she must've heard the name of the rivaling pirate band. With this he stood up from his stool, and looked down on her, adding to the bit he said before- "--And soon..Your father's murderer" -he half closed his eyes, staring at her as he decided to give her some time to let it sink in, not caring what would happen next as he finnally found her-

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DraevynNocturnaFier: (Olath is coming in. :P)

Kevinikolo: ((Olath must wait, Dracule is busy. Wait Olath, wait xD))

DraevynNocturnaFier: (Nope. But he isn't coming in to kill Mihawk yet.)

CrispTears: Most certainly does xD}

Kevinikolo: ((GREAT! We gonne be buddies now?!))

CrispTears: Omg. Imagine if he killed Mihawk xD}

CrispTears: My character: "Well, that's the end of that." xD}

Kevinikolo: ((fuck no xD))

AmeliaWinchester has joined the chat

CrispTears: Drae just comes swinging in like fucking tarzan. *DECAPITATES MIHAWK* }

loesslane: LOL. ))

DraevynNocturnaFier: (XD)

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Kevinikolo: ((y'know, even if he did kill me, i'd make the captain a character, or one of his other members a character: IT WILL NEVER END CRISP))

CrispTears: happened*}

CrispTears: O. O}

CrispTears: The neveer ending story x}

CrispTears: xD* }

AubreyLunarmorte: ((Crisp reply to my fricking post I'm getting you high as fuck)

Kevinikolo: ((imagine if i'm like, too busy with Crisp. Drae makes a clean cut inside my heart. I die, next week I sit next to her again with another character from the same crew))

AmeliaWinchester: (( Oh My god no did chrisp and kevin's charri meet w/out me there D: ))

Kevinikolo: ((it's still going))

Kevinikolo: ((I really like how me and Crisp meeting is like THE story of town? xD))

CrispTears: I know right ??}

AmeliaWinchester: (( :D It is ))

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Guest_SecondYuno: (Go back to the RP you two! *Wants to see what happens*)

loesslane: ((thanks to the gossipers at the market place xD))

AmeliaWinchester: (( PFFFT Gosspiers ))

DraevynNocturnaFier: Olath rolls over in bed, kissing Drada softly. "Rise and shine. It's time you learn how to feed properly." He threw the sheets back, revealing his nude form. He walked across the room and dug around in their wardrobe. He then threw on his normal outfit, setting his weapons in place and making sure everything was in order. He then waited at the door to their cabin out in the woods, watching her with a smile on his face. She was the one being in the multiverse that could warm his heart.

Kevinikolo: (('revealing his nude form' got send into prison for that once (._. ) ))

loesslane: NUDE FORM for the win))

loesslane: #yolo #comewhatmay #loveyourbody))

AmeliaWinchester: (( that nude form tho ))

Kevinikolo: ((It's power's...over 9000))

DraevynNocturnaFier: (This nude form is reserved for one woman only.)

Kevinikolo: ((I'm a man, Drae))

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DraevynNocturnaFier: (And?)

loesslane: LOL))

AmeliaWinchester: (( lol ))

Guest_WarrenShade: []hehehehehehe]



loesslane: Inner gayness springing up! xD))

Guest_WarrenShade: []NOT FOR LONG[]

loesslane: Come on Kev, we like you as you are and will accept you no matter what. It's ok. :D))

AubreyLunarmorte: ((gay pride is coming up guys js))

Kevinikolo: ((I'm not done inside the closet yet motherfuckers lol))

Guest_WarrenShade: []he secretly watches yaoi[]

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AmeliaWinchester: (( just go make love babies with warren so we're all happy? ))

Guest_XxMusubix: OMFG))

AmeliaWinchester: (( LOL OMFG ))

AmeliaWinchester: ((it looks like that LOL ))

Guest_WarrenShade: []bow chicka wow wow[]

DraevynNocturnaFier: (They're gonna make anal babies, aka naturally born assholes. XD)

Guest_WarrenShade: []-slithers and up grabs kevin's arm, tiptoeing my chilly fingers up to his shoulders and rubbing then gently, smiling and setting my cheek to his hair, whispering softly in his ear- its ok if you dont know how, ill teach you.[]

loesslane: LOL!!!! DRAE!!!!))

Kevinikolo: ((-slithers over the ground towards Narnia (deep, DEEP IN THE CLOSET) ))


Guest_WarrenShade: []-cough- slippery when wet. -cough cough-[]

Kevinikolo: ((...sure why not))

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DraevynNocturnaFier: (Give a new meaning to trouser snakes.)

Guest_XxMusubix: WARREN YOU HERE THAT!))

Kevinikolo: (( 'I have a snake in my pants' ))

Guest_XxMusubix: Here...))

Guest_XxMusubix: Its a trend))

Guest_WarrenShade: []i have a phython. we should see how they work out in habitat.[]

AmeliaWinchester: (( I hear thirsty ))

Kevinikolo: ((Crisp is writing a book >_> and she said that ME was dramatic))

VivicaDawnHel: *Waking slowly as she was kissed by her husband, her sire, her lover, she squirmed her own naked body against his till he pulled away from her and went to rummage through the wardrobe for clothes. Sitting up she groaned and pulled the sheets to cover herself, she was still getting use to someone seeing her body bare, "Do we have to do it now?" She asaked him as she grinned, her dainty little fangs peaking out as she ran her fingers through her snow white hair, her purple eyes were gleaming with intent as she watched his body move, her sin was lighter then his but still that dark ashy color of a drow, she'd have been content to stay in bed and play for eternity for that was what they had. With a soft sigh from her thick lips she slipped her young body from the bed and made her way to the wardrobe as well, her hips swaying seductively with each step, she was young, but everything about her breathed sex and danger.*


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AmeliaWinchester: (( sex first blood later? ))

Kevinikolo: ((I have the feeling i'm gonn ehave to fight Drae and the female version of Drae))

Guest_WarrenShade: []why seperate, amelia? bloody sex is fun.[]

loesslane: ((*coughs* Sex, drugs and violence... *coughs*))

VivicaDawnHel: (I wasa hoping for sex in the midst of a blood rain...)

AmeliaWinchester: (( True ^^ ))

AubreyLunarmorte: ((bloody sex just brings to mind sex whilst a female is on her period))

DraevynNocturnaFier: (Rip someone's head off and bang while the blood is raining down from spraying in all directions.)

AubreyLunarmorte: ((yeah or that))

Kevinikolo: ((A real pirate sails the red sea))

CrispTears: In one fluid motiont the black robes had been stripped off to reveal a man with a blood red coat and a malicious grin spreading across his gnarly face. She immediately recognized him from the poster that she had slashed into bits earlier. She didn't pull her snowy gaze away from his well known hawk-eyes. Why hasn't she recognized him before? The poster was clear, was it not? She leaned away as he smashed the mug down upon the counter, breaking the glass into several shards that sailed across the counter. The daughter looked up and narrowed her eyes at him, she didn't need to know his name

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as she had heard it far too many times in the past. Her father had always warned her to stay away from him, and his gang and if he were to ever lay a single fingertip on her she would have to do well to avoid it from happening again. He stood up, slightly towering over her with his full height as he stared down at her with a petrifying gaze. Korokos let out a growling caw as his beady milky grey eyes remained frozen upon Mihawk's figure. The captain's daughter was about to stand up to her own height but she kept herself calm and collected. She opened her mouth but shut it when she felt someone nudging closer to her. She turned her head and growled under her breath when the elven woman has suddenly became interested in her..."As a matter of fact-" she then kicked the stool to push the elven woman away from her, causing her to topple over and off the seat in a clumsy crash. "I do mind." she turned back to Mihawk and began to laugh softly. "My, seem to be awfully certain who I am. But even if I *were* Blackbeard's daughter I-" she paused when the heavy silence grew in the tavern which got on her neves and so she turned her head to face the people, "For bloody sakes, you all act as though that name is some kind of taboo! Move on you silly cowards. Move on!" she turned back to face the man to continue speaking, "As I was saying, even if I *were* Blackbeard's daughter, I don't think that telling me that you're about to murder 'my' father is a wise thing tyo say. In fact, it's quite foolish." her thin eyebrows curved inward, forming a neat frown upon her youthful features.

CrispTears: A real pirate sails the red sea naked. }

CrispTears: And shipless}


Kevinikolo: ((damn gurl, you goin' with me on that ship lol))

AubreyLunarmorte: ((ahh the rejection hurts crisp))

CrispTears: LmfaooxD}

CrispTears: Getouttaaa heeyaaa -kick- Ily Aubbie though xo My charri is just getting all defensive xD}

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AubreyLunarmorte: Astra snickered slightly at the woman's obvious frustration then decided to leave her fun for now. The two pirates cleaarly had unfinished business, and by the sounds of it, plenty of fun was to be had when it occurred. She smirked again and leant back in her stool, still close but not so close that her scent would be an obvious distraction, more of one to dull the senses.

CrispTears: I was speeding my posting btw. I hate taking so long Lol}

AubreyLunarmorte: ((Awh I'll forgive this once i suppose. Kev I'm basically helping you out with all my drugging up scents))

CrispTears: Lmfao xD...}

AubreyLunarmorte: ((omg imagine if pee was like a drug though

Guest_Blissfullovewithyou has joined the chat

CrispTears: uhm.. xD}

CrispTears: it can be }

CrispTears: along with shit}

Guest_XxMusubix: -She sat at the end of the bar, watching the glass fly over her peach rum tea, and she sighed in aggrivation then bitch slapped crispy-chicken-))

CrispTears: I head of strange addictions lol}

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AmeliaWinchester: (( pee could be a drug ))

DraevynNocturnaFier: He chuckled softly, then decided to tease her a little. "Faster you learn, faster we can hop back in bed." He knew that would put a fire in her step as he waited there. "While we're doing this, I can teach you a bit about our heightened senses, in a much wide array than when we're in bed." He grins at her, watching her every sway and sashe.

CrispTears: People can addicted to their own bodily excretions or w.e you call it.}

AmeliaWinchester: (( my favorite part bout being a vampire is the bloody sex ))

CrispTears: The period sex?}

CrispTears: Omg...xD}

AmeliaWinchester: (( ^^ they can because pee is actual sterile ))

DraevynNocturnaFier: (She's a Drow Vampire. I'm a Drow Dhampir.)

AmeliaWinchester: (( pfft no kill people and then have sex in their blood? ))

AubreyLunarmorte: that really is cringe worthy. Hey Crisp, I'll bet theres a fricking phobia for that))

CrispTears: If there's a phobia for phobias}

CrispTears: I wouldn't doubtit.}

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AubreyLunarmorte: And a phobia for ducks watching you))

Guest_WarrenShade: []vin diesal is petrified of ducks.[]

Guest_Blissfullovewithyou: [aye!]

Kevinikolo: -Dracule watched her carefully, he noticed the silence in the tavern, and saw her kick the stool away from the girl that sat next to her. It didn't matter, his objective was clear. The plan was set in motion. The moment Dracule walked into town the other pirates had moved towards blackbeard's location with full fleet. Game was over, his captain Doflamingo had decided it was time for a new era, were he ruled the sea by himself. Dracule was sendout to capture the daughter,and use her as a backup plan. Harkon, Munch and Jack all were going towards Blackbeard. Together with Doflamingo and his fleet, it would be a full head on confrontation. His eyes peered at her, accompanied with a loud chuckle- "Strange to see that the little girl who once cowered bahind Blackbeard himself, now stands infront of my face threatening me in response" -he'd smile softly, staring once again into her eyes- "Fun ends here, you're coming with me" -he'd reach in to grab her arm, wanting to use as less force as possible for a delicate reason.-

CrispTears: Ooooooooh}

CrispTears: This is getting good XD}

Guest_XxMusubix: Im tempted to jump in))

CrispTears: No one's stopping you lol}

CrispTears: This room is open afterall xD}

AmeliaWinchester: (( GO MUSU GO ))

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Guest_XxMusubix: -Wipes a tear away from face- I love you too amelia))

DraevynNocturnaFier: (Just wait, Olath is on his way, and he's bringing a newborn Vampire. Meaning first bite will be feral. :P)

Kevinikolo: ((no one's jumping in in our scene god dammit, you know how long it took for me to find this biatch?! Everytime she entered, someone blocked my fricken way! Drae was only 1/4th of it! lemme have my moment lmao))

AubreyLunarmorte: ((dibs on not getting bitten)

AmeliaWinchester: (( i love you too ))

CrispTears: But little did you know, Papa Blackbeard and the captain's daughter have a plan of their own xD}

AmeliaWinchester: (( PLOT TWIST ^ ))

Kevinikolo: ((well fawk you, my plan is more fabulous))

CrispTears: Lmfao. Perhaps }

AubreyLunarmorte: Kev you're such a girl sometimesz))

Kevinikolo: ((that awkward moment when theres that one person that doesn't realize it's all for the comedy))

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Guest_Blissfullovewithyou: [>.> your a mermaid now]

AubreyLunarmorte: ((bitch please))

AubreyLunarmorte: ((thats you rn))

AmeliaWinchester: (( Lol one moment I'll change to Evolet ))

Guest_Blissfullovewithyou: [lol]

Kevinikolo: ((I'm sorry, weren't you lying on the floor with a kicked over stool?))

CrispTears: LOL}

Guest_WarrenShade: []-throws more furniture into the courtyard-[]

CrispTears: "Move bitch get out of the way" xD}

AubreyLunarmorte: ((No I tohought crisp fell off her stool? >< -rereads-))


CrispTears: ....that was you my love *points to Aubrey*}

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DraevynNocturnaFier: (~acts like bad cop and starts kicking a chair around~)

CrispTears: I apologize, but my charri kicked your stool so she would get away from her DUH xD}


Kevinikolo: ((she kicked yo ass because she had urgent business to attend to. She had an appointment with....Dracule. m'kay? she needed D))

CrispTears: I DID I was like wow hr reaction was a lot better than expect.}

loesslane: ((LOL.))

CrispTears: appointment with Dracule lmfao. Uh. Okay. }

CrispTears: xD}


loesslane: ((This is a jungle.))

CrispTears: Poshtin}


AmeliaWinchester: (( crisp and kevin meeting feels like the season finale of a tv show ))

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Kevinikolo: ((if you'd get angry on crisp my chara would be all: fuck you gurl, I found her first >w>))

CrispTears: lmfaoo..good lawd.}

CrispTears: Should I wait for Aubrey's post then? xD}

CrispTears: I can do it. I rather do posting orders. }

CrispTears: Less confusing.}

Kevinikolo: ((idc, you're coming with me anyways))

CrispTears: Lmfao. I AINT YO PROPERTY.}

AubreyLunarmorte: Astra hissed slightly as her stool was kicked from underneath her, causing her to land in a delicate although aggravated crouch on the floor. She was tempted to start on the woman, but after noticing the tnesion with the other pirate, thouggt better of it. Instead, she closed her eyes and drew out her intoxicating elven scent, stronger than before, causing the woman to be dazed once more.

AubreyLunarmorte: ((PAYBACK BITCH)

AmeliaWinchester: (( das pretty hawt ))

CrispTears: NOO.}

CrispTears: FUCK YOU }

Page 26: Crisp Tears Kevin Kolo Srp

CrispTears: Omg. }

CrispTears: facedesk- x'D }

Kevinikolo: ((thanks! Now I can grab her))

CrispTears: Aubrey you're making my character's sitatuion even harder xD}

AubreyLunarmorte: ((have fun with the high crisp kev, she can't run away))

CrispTears: Korokos do some magic shit.}

Kevinikolo: ((Got myself some booty))

AubreyLunarmorte: ((shouldn't have kicked my stool, then aain you can blame kev for pointing it out because i missed it completely))

Kevinikolo: ((told you my plan was more fabulous...))

AubreyLunarmorte: ((crisp invite everyone to the occ room again bby?))

Kevinikolo: (("and so, he delicatly shoved his **** inside her ****." that your interpretation, Loes?))

Guest_XxMusubix: -She sat in the haystack with the dead guard next to her, she fed off of him too much. She sighed, no more secret food. She sat on the edge of the box where the hay was in. She would wait for a guard to go on his post so she could jump him.- Here little guard -She said quietly shaking her foot

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impatiently, she decided to leave for the tavern, the drink that her friend showed her was better than good, it was delicous. She sat at the bar disregarding the two pirates and broken glass on the bar. She called for the barkeep for her drinks, and waited patiently, occasionaly turning her head over to the fueding pirates. The captain looked delicous but she waved the thought from her mind. The barkeeper set down the drinks for her frightfully and Clarry nodded in appreciation giving her two coins. She sipped it slowly, giggling under her drink-

Guest_XxMusubix: Crispy... CRISPYYY I'm coming for you and Kevin))

AmeliaWinchester: (( i just read kevin say he shoved his dikk inside her dikk ?!?! ))

loesslane: LOL))

Kevinikolo: ((anus O_e))

loesslane: that's like moses' snake eating up another one... gah! the reference.))

loesslane: and yes.... this is the season finale of the PIRATE's TALE))

AmeliaWinchester: (( Bliss is waiting for you guys to keep roleplaying xD ))

Kevinikolo: ((she woulnd't want to miss the Season's finale now would she lol))

loesslane: Crisp hurry uppp!))

AubreyLunarmorte: (uh i need to sleep but I want to see what goes down with kev and crisp)

Page 28: Crisp Tears Kevin Kolo Srp

DraevynNocturnaFier: (Back.)

loesslane: Dun sleep))

loesslane: Or we can log it for you. xD))

Kevinikolo: ((I shoulda been asleep by now too lol))

AubreyLunarmorte: (kev and crisp GET RPING. and aha awh thanks Loess, it's cool I can keep myself sane for a bit longer, military wake up times aren't nice though ><))


AubreyLunarmorte: ((don't get crisp started on the rape game again though, we'll just ruin it for her

Kevinikolo: ((i'll just adbuct her and throw her onto my white (van) pirate ship and sail off))

loesslane: ((Uh uh, pressure is on Crisp. *eats popcprn*))

CrispTears: went afk for a sec sorry Dx}

CrispTears: At the very moment he took her arm she let out a chuckle but this time it was dry from humor and rich with sarcasm. For that moment she didn't slip her arm away from his grip, it was strange to see how gentle he was with her, espcially considering the fact that he was telling her, quite clearly, that she was about to be abducted by him. It was also the tone that confused his words, it was a tone that would fool any witness into thinking that he was simply offering her to come with him on a pleasant and casual stroll. "Again!" she laughed again, "You are speaking with such confidence, but I'm afraid that I will not be leaving this tavern until I have my refreshments." she then casually and quickly whipped her arm out of his grip and grabbed her bottle of whiskey to pour herself a shot. However, as she lifted the

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glass up to her lips a sudden wave of strange sensations tingled through her mind that flowed through her entire system. Her nose tickled and she let out a sneeze, then another and another. "Goodgod!" she managed to say after holding back another army of sneezes then turned to face the elven woman who was clearly the one throwing her fragrance at the captain's daughter. "How *dare* y-" her voice cut off as a drunken giggle escaped from her, her head light and her hearing was slowly drowning, the colours surrounding her in the tavern became even more exaggerated. "Bloody hell.." she murmured in utter ecstasy. Korokos' milky grey eyes widened and he hopped out of her hat to caw loudly and hysterically, trying to snap his beloved owner out of the spell that had been casted upon her.

DraevynNocturnaFier: (Looks like Kevin and Crisp will be done before I can even get to town. -.-)

loesslane: Now we need to set up cam on the ship. xD #bigbrother))

CrispTears: Omg..xD What is up with y'all }

CrispTears: It's not THAT exciting xD}



loesslane: hahahahahhahaha))

CrispTears: :L All's fair.}

CrispTears: LOL Ameila how you say that is horrible.}

AubreyLunarmorte: ((hahahaha)

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AmeliaWinchester: (( LOL xD ))

AmeliaWinchester: (( I meant im so excited to be in your presense? ))

AmeliaWinchester: (( idk if thats how you spell it ))

CrispTears: I can just imagine Mihawk carrying my charri fireman style she's all limp and we pass you and you're ike "okay....the fuck " xD }

AubreyLunarmorte: Astra smirked once again at the effect her aroma hand on the woman, a small victory in comparison to the bruises that would appear on the bottom of her feet from catching herself suddenly. She tilted her head, looking at the woman's bird and grinned, aiming some of her scent towards him too, curisous to see if it affected him in any way

Kevinikolo: -He'd look at her, his eyes half closing as she swung her arm out of his grip. He sighed at her words, she clearly had no idea how serious they took this moment, how long they waithed for this. But allas, luck was in his favor. He could clearly see she was off to her own drunken world, or was it that the woman she kicked off the stool had her payback. It did not matter, he could get what he wanted and he'd take it with all the pleasure in the world. He'd let out a soft sigh, watching her in such vulnerable state. He'd crouch down and reach out to grab her arm once more, only to push her back with his shoulder and flip her over his shoulder. If this worked, he would carry her as if she was luggage, just hanging there over his shoulder. Before muttering under his breath- "Silence, you're coming with me"


CrispTears: fireman style good lawd. }

CrispTears: Aubrey this is all your fault}

Page 31: Crisp Tears Kevin Kolo Srp

Kevinikolo: ((did what))

AmeliaWinchester: (( *watching the door waiting for them* ))

CrispTears: The fireman carrying< }

Guest_WarrenShade has left the chat

Kevinikolo: ((this is always how I carry my proprty))

CrispTears: omg. x'D}

AmeliaWinchester: (( omfg get it on ))

AmeliaWinchester: (( I MEAN ))

CrispTears: lmfaoo.}

CrispTears: Woah. }

AmeliaWinchester: (( nah thats what i meant ))

Guest_Sylthia has joined the chat

Kevinikolo: ((I feel like some fucking actor and Amelia's standing as one of the fans near the red carpet))

Page 32: Crisp Tears Kevin Kolo Srp

loesslane: Like a dead elk. xD))

CrispTears: Ikr.}

CrispTears: We're doing a movie lmfao.}

loesslane: OWNED cRisp. You've been owned! xD))

loesslane: HAHAHA KEV... ))

Kevinikolo: ((only thing i'll be doing is you -puts shades on-))

AubreyLunarmorte: soz crisp bby, have fun getting kidnapped doll))

CrispTears: -grabs kevins arms and shakes him while squealing like a fan girl, stars gleaming in her eyes- WE'RE CELEBRITIES!}

loesslane: Come on Crisp, match his post with yours. Make it romantic, graphic. xD For us?))

Guest_Sylthia: ((WHAT DID I JOIN?))

CrispTears: Omg. xD}

Kevinikolo: ((s&m))

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AubreyLunarmorte: (pffft crisp you love it)

CrispTears: So much shipping. It's so bad xd}

CrispTears: I do it's so funny xDD}

AmeliaWinchester has joined the chat

CrispTears: Omgg. I had to vaccuum the house like 3hours ago LOl. }

Kevinikolo: ((you just missed it, we ran past you Amelia))

AmeliaWinchester: (( my connection is such shit AH NO PLEASE RUN PAST ME AGAIN ))

loesslane: Im imagining Jen Lawrence and Chris Hemworth tbh. XD))

Kevinikolo: ((we have to do the whole run again?! xD))

AmeliaWinchester: (( NOO ))

AubreyLunarmorte: ((kev stop lying u bitch))

CrispTears: We haven't even left the tavern! XD}

CrispTears: Poshtin}

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AubreyLunarmorte: bout time crisp ><)

loesslane: We want to see bewbies. we want to hear clothes torn apart. ))

AmeliaWinchester: (( ^ ))

Kevinikolo: ((you should all support Crisp, because if she struggles now it'll take longer))

AubreyLunarmorte: we're a pervvy bunch of people))

loesslane: I'm sure Mihawk would be gentle. I mean, look at how he caressed the daughter's arms.))

Guest_XxMusubix: -She gulped down the drink and sighed ordering another, she couldnt get enough. It was her new favorite drink. Speaking of wich, Where did Evolet even go? She wondered and shook it off her shoulders. Clarry mixed the drinks together, and crossed her legs trying her best to ignore the pirates. She lost her food and now she cant even go to her favorite place in peace. She drank it slowly, putting the drink on the bar carefully, trying not the break the glass in any hope to repair the glasses. She tapped on the bar, the sound echoing through the tavern as she pulled back her hair slowly behind her shoulders-


Kevinikolo: ((crisp don't write a book, srsly, just write: -gets carried by Mihawk and faints-))

CrispTears: LOL}

CrispTears: That's so shitty.}

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CrispTears: xD}

Kevinikolo: ((yet effective))

loesslane: No, "*seiures and drools on his neck*"))

CrispTears: Yet shitty as fuck}

CrispTears: Omg...xD}

AmeliaWinchester: (( I could grow a tree in the time that kevin and crisp take to leave the tavern ))

Guest_XxMusubix: LOESS -Glares at her-))


loesslane: LOL. The fans are waiting Crisp!))

CrispTears: Omg I can't conentrate im laughing way to hard at this xD}

Kevinikolo: ((let's show them how a pirate sails the sea >_>))

loesslane: Nah, i will just perch atop my tree and look at the stars. Sooner or later my version of Kev's pirate will cum.))

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Kevinikolo: ((wait whut))

CrispTears: "cum" xD}

AubreyLunarmorte: and the sexual references begin...))

Kevinikolo: ((see crisp, her character is gonne cum faster then me, and I have a woman in my arms. You're obviously not doing your best))

AmeliaWinchester: (( LOL ))

AubreyLunarmorte: I'm definitely agaisnt your character rn, you rejected me and KICKED ME OFF MY STOOL))

loesslane: LOL. aubrey))

CrispTears: I'm so fucking done}

CrispTears: -signs out- xD}

Kevinikolo: ((<3))

Kevinikolo: ((you do that I will just rape your corpse))


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loesslane: Eh. Nuuuu. Carry on, for us. ))

loesslane: Perhaps Mosu should encourage you. Musu... yuhooooo xD))

AubreyLunarmorte: (i like that rhyming right there)

Kevinikolo: ((there's this...mug, in the tavern. That's blocking my camera' s sight on Crisp's milk jugs. As if this is a movie, and i'm watching the kids version))

AubreyLunarmorte: (say it in the accent of a yodler

loesslane: T'was funny last night, Musu said "I am totally over!...but i realized i just like his abs. xD))

oesslane: No straight guys nowadays has ABS musu.

loesslane: ))

Kevinikolo: ((well, you've never been to Belgium then))

Guest_XxMusubix: -Wraps arms around evolet and snuggles her boobs-))

Kevinikolo: ((xD))

loesslane: Lovies, let's try to cut on the OOC. Just so we can see the flow of story in here xD))

Guest_Blissfullovewithyou: [>.>]

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AmeliaWinchester: (( evolet's boobs are really nice I have to admit ))

Guest_XxMusubix: -Slaps her ass- So is her bumper.))

Kevinikolo: ((I want Crisp's >_> Dibs))

AmeliaWinchester: (( PFFT ))

CrispTears: One moment she was sitting at her stool, just about take her shot until suddenly the world ahead of her flipped in a blurring and colourful motion... "what the..." she frowned with a dizzy expression srpawling across her face as she realized immediately she was hanging on Mihawk's shoulder, she lifted her head and scowled then thumped his back with a fist with absolutely no strength whatsoever. The dizziness swirling through her mind hadn't wavered off just yet, it was toying with her senses and thoughts but she managed to do one thing. One, simple whistle through two fingers in her mouth. At this cue, Korokos stiffened, his eyes grew wide and suddenly he began cawing loudly, flapping his wings in such a manner several black quils were flying off him...then came the second wave, a black and red liquid squirted out from the back of his throat landing directly into Mihawk's face causing a stinging sensation to occur, enough for him to most likely drop the captain's daughter. If he were to drop her, she knew the next thing she'd have to do is leave the tavern and carry out their buisness elsewhere. She wasn't planning on running away so freely knowing that this desperate man wanted something from her and her father, something that was not going to be easy to win.

Kevinikolo: ((say bye bye to Kokoros do))

CrispTears: The undead raven? :p}

Guest_XxMusubix: Open a OOC room crispay.))

Kevinikolo: ((yes, cuz even if he's undead, he can't move if he has no body..))

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loesslane: Koko puked on our villain?))

CrispTears: I have to take a leave soon}

DraevynNocturnaFier: Olath watched her walk, enjoying the way she smelled and moved. He then decided to tease her a bit. "Think of it this way, the faster this gets done, the faster you can drag me back into bed." He grinned, watching her, knowing that would put a fire into her step.

AmeliaWinchester: (( NEH DX ))

Guest_WarrenShade: []ill probably leave soon too.[]

CrispTears: -going to have to make an exit post- xD}

loesslane: (( add Wolfy giggles xD))

CrispTears: LOLYES}

CrispTears: I was giong to loess xD}

CrispTears: Wolffyy's gigglesss}

loesslane: <3 Haunting ))

CrispTears: Amazing<3}

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Kevinikolo: -Dracule began walking off outside the tavern, noticing a small bird thing looking at him as if he did something wrong- "...what" -next thing he knew there was thus bruning sensation on his face, as if he got hit by a torch or something. He dropped the girl and growled under his breath, holding his right hand to his face- "Curse you damn--" -Even before he could finish his sentence, he pulled out the small hidden dagger in his cross necklace, and opened his left eye sending multiple strikes at lightning speed at the bird. Cutting off it's wings first but not stopping there, he kept cutting the bird into pieces untill all that was left were some feathers on the ground. He rubbed his face and sheathed his dagger back, looking around- "Why does this always happen to me" -he casually strolled towards her direction, taking his time as he started recovering from the pain, the blade on his back glowing green might be the cause of it. His eyes cold and deep staring towards her location as he walked towards her at regular pace-

VivicaDawnHel: *Hearing him she grinned more and nodded, "Very well, love." Telling him as she began to dress. Pulling her hair to the left side of her head she began to braid her hair, once she was done she ran her hands over her body sensually and looked at Olath, "Does this fit your approval or should I wear something more conservitive?" Asking him as she sashayed over to him, the dark lust and need in her eyes as she batted her long white lashes at him.*

CrispTears: LOLMYBIRD}

AmeliaWinchester: (( *watches them as kevin kills the bird ))

AmeliaWinchester: (( lol crisp i'll conjure up a new one for you don't worry ))

Kevinikolo: ((Kokoros got fucked up, next is his friend))

CrispTears: Go to bed bruh< }


AmeliaWinchester: (( ^ das fahking hawt i wanna watch where do i buy tickets? ))

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CrispTears: LOL.}

CrispTears: Not gonna happen. -makes her escape- }

CrispTears: lmfao@tiketes xD..}

DraevynNocturnaFier: Olath grinned softly. "The vampire is sexuality incarnate. You look amazing, my beautiful wife. That should attract plenty of attention, and shouldn't get in the way of any quick movements." He looked her up and down, forcibly controlling his hormones.

CrispTears: Movie: The Captain's Daughter XXX Captain's Rival }

AmeliaWinchester: (( lol ))

Kevinikolo: ((Out now. Rated 18+))

loesslane: Can't choose between the PIRATE's TALE and the NUDEFORM *is confuzzled*))

Kevinikolo: ((Maybe Drae and his wife will have sex on the street, let's watch that instead))

CrispTears: Lmfao. "It will be a nosebleed experience for sure" xD}

CrispTears: If Arthas came in right now.. xD}

loesslane: We'd all get booted, and you would lose your mod badge XD))

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CrispTears: Good lawd ;~; ... }

VivicaDawnHel: *seeing him having to strain to control himself she smiled, his words made her feel good but his actions made her feel amazing. "Alright, then I suppose it's time we should get going before we both decide staying here at home is more interesting then going out..."*

loesslane: I actually was getting exxcited awhile back, but the hullaballo on the KEV CRISP tandem is sooo immense, everyone is fanning over it.))

DraevynNocturnaFier: He grinned softly, then picked her up in his arms. He kissed her softly, then stepped out the doors. His eyes adjusted to the light, as their home had no lights in it, never having a use for them, as they saw perfectly fine in pitch black darkness. He then began running through the forest, dodging trees and hurdling over fallen logs. He finally came into town, booting the gates open. He then set her down on her own feet. "Once your body gets fully used to what you are now, you'll be able to run just as fast as I did, if not faster. Now, to find you a decent meal..." He scanned the area, using Hemokinesis to test each person walking past for their blood type and for any type of anomalies.

Kevinikolo: ((holy shit, i've been fighting Dhampires, Giants, wizards, dragons all the way to get to Crisp. And people all around me get more booty by just snapping there fingers))

AmeliaWinchester: (( lol oh my fucking god ))

AmeliaWinchester: (( Well crisp has like the ultimate booty? ))

Guest_XxMusubix: Pirates gotta work for de booty.))

Kevinikolo: ((noted.))

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Kevinikolo: ((well atleast I have a blade that can cut anything o- o maybe I should use it like Mozes to split Crisps's legs?))

Guest_Blissfullovewithyou: [XDDDD]

AmeliaWinchester: (( DO IT ))

CrispTears: She was dropped and as quickly as she had falen she was back up again, slightly swaying but nonetheless balanced on her petite feet. She was going to clap the dust off from her hands and cry out a victorious 'ha-ha!" with two fists upon her hips, unfortunately she caught the sight of her beloved feathery companion being morbidly destroyed. SHe looked back at the man and glared back at him as he neared her with a glowing dagger in his hand, a smirk spread across her features and she giggled softly and remained stationed at her spot. She pulled out a vile from the same pllace where she was hiding the velvety sack that she had given the bar maiden earlier and cocked her head to the right before unsheathing her cutlass, her snowy eyes glowing with blood lust. "So you want me to come with you but I will say this again, I'm afraid that won't happen tonight."

Kevinikolo: ((oh shit, what kind of plot twist would that be. First mate falls in love with rival's daughter))

CrispTears: Good lawd xD}

CrispTears: An enemy loving an enevemy's daughter. Jeeeez}

DraevynNocturnaFier: (Wouldn't be the first time something like that has happened.)

CrispTears: Nope xD}

DraevynNocturnaFier: (Remember Gnomeo and Juliet?)

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CrispTears: ...I didn't watch that so no.}

Kevinikolo: ((I call upon thee! Sea between Crisp's legs! For as I am MOZES! I shall splite you -moveshis hands between her legs and spreads them- <---- jk jk jk jk -skips back into rp- if Arthas saw THAT))

DraevynNocturnaFier: (Blue hats hate Red hats, but the son of the Blue hats leader falls in love with the daughter of the Red hats leader.)

Kevinikolo: ((OH SHIT. Crisp, this is our pimp romeo & juliet))

Guest_XxMusubix: Kevin im going to pretend i didnt hear that.))

Kevinikolo: ((you didn't hera shit, you read))

Kevinikolo: hear*))

CrispTears: LOL}

VivicaDawnHel: *Wrapping her arms around his neck as he picked her up in his arms, kissing him back she smiled and nuzzled against him as he stepped out of the door and began to run with her in his arms. She had closed her eyes to keep from seeing everything and freaking out as she wasn't use to all of this. Hearing him kick open the gates she peaked out and looked around with her light purple eyes as he sat her down on her own two feet. "I don't know if I could ever get use to that." She told him as he scanned the area, she felt her hunger growing as she smelt the blood all around her and heard the heart beats, "See anything that would be worth it?" She was fighting the urge to just grab the first person that walked past her, it was taking a lot of her will to do so.*

CrispTears: Arthas would kill you xd}

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CrispTears: And Is it really? I'm excited xD}


Kevinikolo: -He stood still. He stared at her, in his eyes. Hatred, pain, and in the shadow of it all, a touch of grief and sadness. He sighed, placing his fingers around the huge handle of his blade, unsheathing it from his back. A swing from it flipped up an air current which blew their clothes to the opposite direction. A hat with a plume, randomly got carried with the air current, and fell ontho his head. He tipped his hat to the front, only his hawk like eyes were peering at her from the dark of his hat- "As you wish" -He swung his blade over the ground, a clean cut trough the pebble and stone as a small green air slash came right at her, a small fissure right behind her just strong enough to give her a signal, having not used even half his power. He looked back at her, watching if she dodged it or not, accompanied by the words- "Notice our difference in power, and surrender" -he slowly lifted his blade, pointing it at her- "If you will"

Kevinikolo: ((that came straight out of a movie))

CrispTears: Great xD}

Kevinikolo: ((we both human baaaabe but me haz da blade C:))

CrispTears: omgomgomgmkasdf jhadklfhsdkf sdllfdka } }

Kevinikolo: ((you had the fucking bird))

CrispTears: What did I get myself into. I have never battled this is so hard XD}

Kevinikolo: ((...are you serious...XD))

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loesslane: and the bird says PUTTY TAT.))

AmeliaWinchester: (( bliss? ))

CrispTears: Yep! Dead serious xDD}

Kevinikolo: ((please say this is sarcasm, i'm not getting that feeling))

loesslane: wait, that's a really nice post Kev... wow, a wordsmith you are mate!))

Kevinikolo: ((why did you unsheathe your cutlass then gfhrjedfgrhj))

CrispTears: And you don't know that we're both human :p}

CrispTears: Going with the flow bro xD}

Kevinikolo: Loes, leave me the fuck alone okay? when you said 'I can speak dutch' you actually said 'I dutch speak' :I so stfu xD))

loesslane: As you wish.))

Kevinikolo: ((Fun Fact: I did a small fissure, because, Drae is standing at the other end of town C:))

DraevynNocturnaFier: (Olath can sense you, I hope you know. He can sense the blood of all people individually within 3 miles of his location.)

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DraevynNocturnaFier: Olath smiled, watching her walk back to him. When she got close, he leaned down without a word and kissed her lovingly, tasting the blood of the meal she just had. Afterwards, he leaned back, looking into her eyes. "Now, how do you feel after your first meal? You are welcome to feed from me when you wish, but sometimes it's a good idea to come here and grab a bite to eat, because I do have a limited amount to give." He chuckles softly, looking into her eyes.

Kevinikolo: ((so when can I have your post?))

CrispTears: Posting still I went afk earlier lol}

Kevinikolo: ((wow. Y'know usually I also plan carefully on my posts but we both have to go soon. This has no neg effects on you, BUT ON ME. please do post <3 happy with anyffin))

CrispTears: Her eyes widened only for a fraction of a second when he had pulled out the large weapon from behind his back and she also caught note of the strange gleam in his eyes, it did not match to hers which confused her for a moment. Wasn't this what he wanted? She kept her expression flat and emotionless, letting her eyes speak for herself. Suddenly a gust of inaudible and unnatural wind blew towards her direction, causing her hair to fly back along with the skirt of her dress followed by mild rumbling beneath her feet as a burst of green energy tore through the ground, targetting towards her. It wasn't large enough to dodge, and so she did by leaping away from it. She scowled at him and straightened up, staring directly towards him with pure hatred in her eyes. It was true, there was more power coming from him but she didn't want to surrender, not like this anyway. "Father wouldn't approve." she said tsk'ing at herself with a shake of her head, despite her mother's pacifist's nature, there was a crave to prove herself to others and she would do anything to present it. "Why should I so easily give up on someone who can't do an even match with their opponent? Are you afraid that I could beat you if you weren't to use stronger powers against me?" she paused for a moment then narrowed her eyes at him, that gleam that flickered in his eyes earlier brought a question that she couldn't stop from escaping off her tongue "Why is it that I feel like there's a different vibe coming off from you?" she readied herself, in case he would want to attack her once more.

Kevinikolo: -Dracule watched her take a leap from the attack, smart move, seems the pirate girl had atleast her wits. He stared blankly at her, gritting his teeth with closed lips so it woulnd't be seen, his eyebrows lowering, and his eyes staring into her blank...yet with so much emotion. He heard her words,

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and headed them- "Is that, what you desire. Daughter of Blackbeard" -He took a swing from his blade, wipping up another air current, before sliding it into the ground with a clean slide. Nobody could wield the blade exept him anyways, as they were bound by blood. He walked towards her, with a decent pace and heavy steps, hearing her talk about how she wants to prove herself, which made him even uneasier about the situation. His hands turning into fists, as he she started getting personal, telling him she senced something different about him. At that point his eyes darted open and he took a quick leap from the grund, dashing at her direction with formidable speed- "I shall hear none of your nonsense anymore!" -A angered tone behind his voice, pulling out his dagger swiftly from his cross before leaping at her with the dagger, his teeth showing as he gritted them, and his eyes darting at her-

DraevynNocturnaFier has left the chat

VivicaDawnHel has left the chat

CrispTears: Was afk again..sorry !! Poshtinnn}

Kevinikolo: (if it takes another hour i'm done do lol))

CrispTears: I had to leave so long ago xD ut i feel bad about leaving the Rp unfinished lmao xD}

Kevinikolo: ((same))

AmeliaWinchester: lol yeah you guys will never get a chance to finish im just saying[]

loesslane: The story is nice and the rebuttals are amazing, let them be Amelia. xD))

loesslane: I like how they build up the excitement... that's good advertising technique. It's like a drug, got us hooked. xD))

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AmeliaWinchester: (( I KNOW ))

Kevinikolo: ((well, it's more like, everytime Dracule came to the tavern something blocked his way. Dhampires, Giants, Dragons, wizards, etc))

loesslane: *tugs on Musu* Musu.. how's your heart? Too much feels? ))

loesslane: And well, CRISP is a wild pokemon. She always EVADES xDDDD))

Guest_XxMusubix: My head hurts and im pretty sure i have carpel-tunnel im on edge AND I NEED TO TAKE A SHOWER!))

loesslane: Your balls are not that potent Kev. *throws a master ball at his direction*))

Kevinikolo: ((more like her capture rate is that of Mewtwo))


AmeliaWinchester: ((*adjusts the camera so i can see kevin))

CrispTears: Amelia cn you please turn off the bats. }

AmeliaWinchester: ((Just did sorry love I know they make you lagg))

loesslane: LOL, you turned them on, on purpose, for you knew it would make CRISP lag? Evil. ))

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AmeliaWinchester: ((Pfft no....))

AmeliaWinchester: [[Im really upset now i have no love interest D:]]

AmeliaWinchester: ((I'm gonna go. I gotta get dinner for my flatmate as well but I might be on later. If not I'll be on 11:30 am est tomorrow))

AmeliaWinchester: ((Bye lovelies <3 take care ))

loesslane: Ni ni))

CrispTears: ughghh sdfjadlskfjd;asf }

Guest_Blissfullovewithyou: [bui]

loesslane: ur alive))

AmeliaWinchester has left the chat

loesslane: *prods on her milk jugs*))

Kevinikolo: ((o.o))

CrispTears: *moan* XD}

loesslane: ;D))

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loesslane: *yawns* ima sleep. it's almost 3 am))

loesslane: night night kewl pips))

loesslane has left the chat

Kevinikolo: ((2:44 am over here :I))

CrispTears: Yeah I can't think at all Kevs xD I just wrote, deleted, wrote , deleted lmao. Here's what I got. You got a decision, to allow her to make her escape so we can start again, or continue whatever is happening o3o }

CrispTears: 'Is that, what you desire.' the words echoed through her mind and she merely shrugged it off, she wasn't sure herself, all she knew was that she wasn't going to allow someone to suddenly walk in her life and kidnap her for unknown reasons. Once more the ground rumbled as another burst of energy sliced through the ground ahead of her and again she made a dodge but this time she lost her balance and fell on her side. As she rose back up she growled at her vulnerable state and at the situation that she had suddenly fallen into. Her grip along the handle of her cutlass tightened when the sound of his voice hollered through the air in a battle like cry she then looked up to see him sprinting towards her with full speed and the dagger at hand. She narrowed her eyes and readied herself to defend herself with her ordinaairy, indeed it was a foolish thing to think, that she may just have a chance to save herself from this man which is why she had to think quickly. Her hands firmly gripped tightly to the handle of her cutlass as she kept eye contact with her opponent, or perhaps he was just a mere obstacle that she simply had to jump over.

CrispTears: ordinairy weapon*}

Kevinikolo: ((you think -twitches- that after all the shit I did, i'm gonne let her escape? ahaha...hahaha...HAHAHAHHAHA <_< cute))

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CrispTears: x3...}

CrispTears: You'd do it for her milk jugs.}

Kevinikolo: ((NOT JUST's a bonus...))

CrispTears: hmmm.}

Kevinikolo: -Dracule watched her fall down in her vulnerable state, tsk'ing under his breath as he held up his dagger pointed at her, when a few feet away he'd kick himself off the ground and flip graciously over her head with enough height to avoid any attack from her cutlass. He'd whisper as he passed over her- "You have to prove nothing" -He landed behind her, quickly side stepping so he could embrace his arm over her shoulder, holding the dagger near her neck. Unless she could match his speed, which he tought wouldn't be the case since he has been training his whole life and she has been...drinking her whole life. He would move his lips next to her ear, and whisper once more- "It's alright, drop your weapon" -his eyes looking out straight infront of him instead of at her, for some reason-

CrispTears: o. o }

Kevinikolo: ((whut?))

CrispTears: Dramaticness xD}

Kevinikolo: ((sorry, is what i'm god at (._. ) ))

Kevinikolo: good*))

CrispTears: it's fine! I love drama xD}

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Kevinikolo: ((drama in rp makes things more interesting to my beliefs))

Kevinikolo: ((Then LOVE ME <_< for GOD SAKE xD))

CrispTears: LOL}

CrispTears: I ain't hating xD}

Kevinikolo: ((I ain't no need hatin' I need lovin'))

CrispTears: She was about to block any attack that he was about to make with his dagger, but she stopped when he suddenly disappeared from behind her...instead he was now behind her. She gritted her teeth when she heard him speak to her, as though he knew what she was thinking and feeling. The nerve of him, to think he knew her so well! Though, she had done the exact same thing to him earlier, and so this may just be exactly what she should have been expecting. She felt his arm then whip around her, holding her in a one-arm embrace with the tip of the dagger gently threatening her throat. A frown carved thruogh her outgraged expression as she heard him whisper in her ear, she caught the scent of Ale trailing after every word he spoke. Why is he speaking to her as though he felt sympathy towards her? What on earth made him think she was vulnerable? She didn't let go of her weapon, but she also didn't make a move to attack or escape. "I am not a wounded animal, do not speak to me in such a manner." she spoke through gritted teeth.

CrispTears: I have to go afk for like 15 mins. Kevs, you can take your leave xD}

CrispTears: We can continue this on thursday, or tomorrow if I'm awake in the morning lol}

Kevinikolo: ((ahahaha No))

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Kevinikolo: ((you surrender or stay >:I))

Kevinikolo: -Dracule hissed under his tone, noticing how she still didn't drop her weapon. Tough she didn't make any intent either, he had to force her to come with him if she liked it or not, it was for the best but of course she tought else. He'd grit his teeth, muttering in her ear once more, his deep smooth voice filling her eardrums- "It is because you are a threat that I need to ask you to drop your weapon, else i'll have to answer in sale proportion" -he'd flick his dagger in the palm of his hand, holding it backwards so he could hold it an hair string away from her throat, waithing for her response as for all he did was wait for her actions-

CrispTears: Lmfao. Surrenderrr}

Kevinikolo: ((I WILL NEVER))

CrispTears: Dooooeeeet. lmfao xD}

CrispTears: Poshtin}

Kevinikolo: ((you're the only one surrendering here!))

CrispTears: And then a gust of wind blew followed by a clap of thunder and a flash of lightning. The captain's daughter was no where to be found xDDD}

Kevinikolo: ((i'd kill you))

Kevinikolo: ((I'd go GOD MODE))

CrispTears: LMAO}

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Kevinikolo: ((xD))

CrispTears: After this post though I have to walk saba so like. You know. Leave when you want to and lmfaooo good lawd.}

Kevinikolo: ((.........never))

Kevinikolo: ((even if I die...))

Kevinikolo: ((I will conquer you e_o...and fulfill my true ambition..))

Kevinikolo: ((having a pirate girl (._. ) ))

CrispTears: She made a sco and stoped herself from rolling her eyes at him. "A threat?" she echoed then let out a drunken giggle that rumbled out of her system, "You are the one with a powerful sword and you call me a threat?" she paused as she felt the dagger move which her autotmatic response was to hit his chest with her elbow to make an escape, but she didn't though her shoulder twitched as she was readying herself to do it... she then responded to him in a breathy whisper, "There must be a reason as to why you haven't killed me yet..if you wanted me dead, along with my father, then you would have done the deed before any of this had happened." she paused once more "Why should I go with you."

CrispTears: Imma walk ze bitch now feel free to leaae}

Kevinikolo: ((oh god, i'll have all the time to think how I answer to your post. I STAY))

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Kevinikolo: -he chuckled, looking at her- "I'm using a dagger now, tough" -he smiled, but it quickly turned into a frown. He had to remember his position. He had to let out as little information as possible. His hand started itching, the dagger shivering along. He already noticed her elbow with his hawk-like eyes. Even if she did had the intent, he would've seen it seconds before. But she didn't. When she asked the question, his eyes would lose emotion, and his dagger stopped shivering, a slight change in distance between her neck and the dagger, as he held it out a bit further away- "That'll be made clear once you come along..." -he'd say once more, growling under his breath as he leaned in to grab her waist with his other arm, pulling her up and holding her in the air. The same dagger still in place- "Come with me...No struggle. I'll inform you why " -he started walking slowly, watching her to see how she'd act-

CrispTears: ~Reeeturned}

CrispTears: Oh my god you're still here XD}

CrispTears: GO TO BED! xD}

Kevinikolo: ((xD))

CrispTears: Lmfa. Do you have to make her carry her like that good lawd xD}

CrispTears: She isn't property damn it! lmfaoo}

Kevinikolo: ((i'm actually a very stupid guy, I won't stop untill I have what I want))

Kevinikolo: ((xD)

CrispTears: You mean stubborn :P}

Kevinikolo: ((ah there's a name for it? lol))

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CrispTears: We're both a little stubborn so this is a battle that shallnever end.}

CrispTears: Indeed! ^^}

Kevinikolo: ((tsk, guess I won't sleep today))

CrispTears: A corner of her lip twitched upward, planting a slanted smile upon her lips as he said this, she knew he was right and so she responded with a simple "Touche" she noticed the dagger once more dragged away from her throat and she knew this would be the moment to make her move, but once more she didn't as she knew he would most likely stop her and it would probably make things a lot worse. He may have the dagger now, but if she were to do any childish decisions it would be back to that unfair piece of metal and magic. She listened to him keenly, and just before she could respond to him she was pulled up in the air once more. "Ugh!" she scowled, squirming out of his hold, or at least trying to as she didn't want to thrash around especially with the dagger still near her. "I will listen to you, you disrespectful brute but I want to be treated as though I were a human being and not a piece of your property!" with that she skillfully managed to slip out of his hold once more. She brushed herself off and shot a glare towards him then raised her cutlass at him, pointing at him threateningly then lowered it down towards his manhood without breaking her eye contact then swiftly slipped it back into it's enclosed covering.

Kevinikolo: ((Idc she's finally coming with me! Sassy Crispy is win!))

Kevinikolo: ((and it took me 4 and an half hours, my god))

CrispTears: LOL.}

CrispTears: Congratulations, you have won a stubborn battle against stubborn bitch.}

CrispTears: BUT}

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CrispTears: She techinically didn't say she was coming with you. She was gonna listen xD}

Kevinikolo: ((EXP: 50+. Speed: 21+. Strength: 10+. Sass: OVER 9000))

Kevinikolo: ((....don't ruin this moment))

CrispTears: LOL}

CrispTears: Mm. But ruining someone's hopes and dreams never felt so goood}

Kevinikolo: -Dracule nodded at her words, dropping her blantly as he looked at her. His face stayed blank even when she pointed her blade at less favorable directions. As she sheathed her blade, he'd pass her to pull his giant cursed blade from the ground. And sheathing it onto his back, he walked back towards her, towering large above her as he peered his eyes down- "Let's go" -he walked towards the gate, hoping she'd follow and therefore explaining all his shit later-

Kevinikolo: ((-is dragging himself over the floor- I need....sleep...mygod))

Kevinikolo: ((I gotta work in like 4 hours holy shit))

CrispTears: Lmfao. Just go you fucking whore xD}

CrispTears: "all his shit later" so much lazy }

Kevinikolo: ((fuck no, not untill i'm certain you coming with me))

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CrispTears: Lmfao oh my god xD}

CrispTears: i feel bad this is actually all my fault hahaha}

Kevinikolo: ((too late to back down. Don't feel bad, this is my decision))

Kevinikolo: ((you couldve been nicer do but mkay xD))

CrispTears: Lmfao he y it's not me, it's my character xD}

Kevinikolo: ((sure, blame the chara lol))

CrispTears: Lmfao I will! >:c }

Kevinikolo: ((i've never once in my life posted less then 2 lines holyshit, you're special, be happy....COME WITH ME))

CrispTears: less than 2 lines?}

Kevinikolo: ((I said 3.))

Kevinikolo: ((I ment 3....HOLY SHIT IT'S HAPPENING. DELUSIONS))

CrispTears: LOL}

CrispTears: Bed.Now.}

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Kevinikolo: ((need myself a pair of milk jugs t keep dem away))

CrispTears: Omfg. x'D Posting..}

CrispTears: "hoping she'd follow and therefore explaining all his shit later-" god I am so tempted to say "and then she turned and ran the other way" xD}

CrispTears: Just to fucking piss you off bahah.}

Guest_cronangel has joined the chat

Kevinikolo: ((if you'd do'll make me skip work tomorrow))

CrispTears: Omg. You'd skip work are you serious xDD}

CrispTears: Much determination Such Desperate wow* }

Kevinikolo: ((I am))

Guest_cronangel: ayeeeeee

CrispTears: Ciaaaooooooo}

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Kevinikolo: ((starting to lose faith in this sheeeeet))

CrispTears: Booting yo aaaaassssssss -boot bumps cronangel-}

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Kevinikolo: ((4:43 am X_X))

CrispTears: Alright alright I'm working on my post lmfao}

CrispTears: Ready for this Kevin xD}

CrispTears: She ran away}

CrispTears: She crossed her arms over her chest and watched him as he pulled the blade from the ground and sliding it back into place on his back then straightened up when he approached her once more. As he towered over her a thought ran across her mind, a curious wondering if he was truly as threatening as her father has always told her. She watched as he turned from her and walked away, did he honestly trust her? He did give her a chance to make a decision, or perhaps he was challenging her loyalty. She stood there for a brief moment, pondering over her thoughts: Should she folllow him, or should she slyly make a move and escape while she can? The latter wouldn't be a very wise decision though, he had her trapped even if he gave her space to breathe. "very well then." she called out to him. "Explain to me as we go."

Kevinikolo: ((sorry but when you said she ran away I fell from my chair ready to die))

CrispTears: That was the point. bahah.}

Guest_KelalaIron: Poor kevin. LOL))

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Kevinikolo: ((can I take it you're following me and , I can like, tell you next time? yes? yeah?))

CrispTears: Lmfao. She's following your charri. I was kidding about the run away xD}

CrispTears: I'm not that annoying. Yeah we can continue.}

CrispTears: Perhaps tomorrow if not thursday.}

Kevinikolo: ((Oh my goooooddddddd . I entered IMVU when it's pitch dark outside, I hear morning birds Crisp))

Kevinikolo: ((MORNING BIRDS))

CrispTears: LOL.}

CrispTears: -says this sweetly- Good mooorrningg}

Kevinikolo: ((the feeling of relief I have right now is better then sex))

Kevinikolo: ((that just finished the cake, really lol))

CrispTears: Bahah xD}

CrispTears: You're welcome bruh. Now go um. Get some sleep. Even though it's like 2 hours ..1 hour...3 hours.. XD}

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Kevinikolo: ((now that I have her...I have no idea what to say :I))

CrispTears: Wait RP speechless or in general "i cn't believe it happened" speechless xD}

CrispTears: Seriously Kevin. I thought you had A PLAN DAMN IT xD}

Kevinikolo: ((general xD))

CrispTears: Ohh okay xD}

Kevinikolo: ((and rp...-runs-))

CrispTears: 4 hours , boyyy the desperation }

CrispTears: Good night :p }

Kevinikolo: ((if a man that fights for what he wants is called desperate...FUCK YES I AM))

Kevinikolo: ((bye hun))

CrispTears: G'night bruh xD}

Kevinikolo: ((good..morning -falls on bed-))

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