Download - Corée 2014

  • 1. Seoul Spring 2014 Florence Lojacono Vice Dean of International Affairs Facultad de Traduccin e Interpretacin ULPGC, Spain

2. ARRIVAL DAY, INCHEON AIRPORT Chae, JungWonLee, HoSong Responsible for Korean Language Institute Responsible for International Joint Agreements 3. Our street and first dinner with Pr. Kim, YongTae Dean of International Affairs Seodaemun-gu 4. Han, HeaKyung Director of Office of International Affairs Natural Science Campus, Yongin 5. The best Blueberry Latte in the world! Natural Science Campus, Yongin Chulsu, Park Student Responsible for International Students 6. lets twist! EVERLAND: Amusement park in Yongin 7. GYEONGBOKGUNG Palace Jong-Hee, Choi, Office of the President and his daughter, Diana, Korean-Spanish Interpreter. 8. INSADONG ALLEY ice cream 9. INSADONG ALLEY Korean paper, hanji Calligraphy and ink paintings 10. HAND-CARVED SIGNATURE STAMP Mine is from the jujube tree 11. KOREAN LUNCH first cold noodles! 12. JOGYESA Temple 13. Visiting the city 14. Jongno Tower 15. KOREAN WOMEN 16. Bongeunsa Temple 17. YOUNG COUPLES 18. LANTERN PARADE LANTERN PARADE 19. LANTERN PARADE 20. LANTERN PARADE 21. BRUNCH AT THE MARINA Caf Breeze 22. Tempte takes place on UDO, a small island near JEJU Thanks to Pr. Kim YongTae for planning the trip 23. ARRIVAL ON JEJU ISLAND hareubang hareubang 24. Haenyo, women or mermaids? 25. ARRIVAL ON UDO ISLAND 26. BIKING AROUND THE ISLAND 27. ARRIVAL OF HAENYO ON THE DIVING SPOT 28. DRAWING HAENYO 29. STONE ART ON THE SHORE our modest contribution! 30. BACK TO SEOUL The City Hall 31. Digital Art at the City Hall Click to see the video 32. CHEONGGYECHEON 33. CHEONGGYECHEON Click to see the video 34. Thanks to Tenny Kim for scheduling our time slot at the archery range ARCHERY in SEOUL, M:I? 35. YOUNG HAK JUNG Archery Club 36. Lunch at the 63 TOWER 37. The park near the river, 63 Tower 38. Sunny Sunday and blue sky 39. COFFEE AT HANKANG PARADISE 40. TYPICAL DOG FROM SEOUL White Small In this case with green socks, but not always! 41. Going to watch a movie? 42. CHANGDEOKGUNG Palace and HUWON (Secret Garden) 43. STREET FOOD 44. ! 45. A DAY IN THE BIG CITY 46. WHAT DO YOU PREFER? Lunch at home Lunch outside 47. KOREAN BEAUTY SHOPS Facial masks are a must-have Korean beauty product ! 48. MYONGJI UNIVERSITY Going to school! 49. MYONGJI UNIVERSITY guest office 50. Myongji University, the Library My guest office at the Library 51. This is my fish! Still small Click to see the video 52. Library Week, live event Thanks to Pr. Young-Seok Kim, Departement of Lib. & Inf. Science, for inviting me 53. CNN Cafe, in front of the Library 54. My great ! 55. WITH THE PRESIDENT OF Pr. Byong-Jin You, President of Myongji University 56. OFFICE OF INTERNATIONAL AFFAIRS 57. International Affairs going for pizza! 58. to Myongji University for making our stay an unforgettable experience!