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( ]9 [ 2 . . ]7 [ . . . ]7 [3100 ) 3 .( 42 %. ]7 [ 3 100 )hydrocarbon process industry ( 1975 1986 )1988 Garrison ( : . 4 5 . 1 Flammable2 Safety3 Garrison4 Onshore5 Offshore3) 2010 . .( 1974 Nypro 1 . 50 2 3 . 4. ]1 [ 45 . 400000 ) m3 ( 2 % .5 16 -- 6 . 28 89 32 . . ]1 [ 1988 7 8 . 167 . ]1 [ 9 3/0 10. 2001 11 12)AN ( .. ] 10 [1 Flixborough2 tons3 Cyclohexane4 Temporary pipe5 Blast6 TNT7 Piper Alpha8 Riser9 Over Pressure10 bar11 Toulous12 Ammonium nitrate4 5 Nypro (UK ( p=44827.33943&lang=en&id=4722 4 30 2242 . ) 54 65 ( 7 . ]10 [ 20 40 ) -- TNT . ( 3.4 . ]10 [ 2005 1 15 170 . ]10 [ 2 . 3 . ( ) . ]10 [1 Isomerisation2 Raffinate Spilter3 Stack5 6 AZF p=44827.33943&lang=en&id=4722 7 8 61.2 : . . . ]7 [ : ]7 [ 1 2 3 4 . .]7 [2.2 : . .. . . ]7 [3.2 : . ) LFL UFL . (. ]7 [1 Ignition2 Strength3 Vent area4 Mitigation scheme74.2 : . 1 . . ) ) .( 2BLEVE ( . ]7 [ 9 ) Boiling Liquid Expanding Vapour Explosion) BLEVE .. ]7 [ 1.4.2 . : . . ]7 [ 3 . ]7 [ % 20 ) . atm 1 C 25 m/s70 . ( 1 Buildup Pressure2Boiling Liquid Expanding Vapor Explosion3 filling ratio8 . 9 . atm 1 bar 10-8 . ]7 [ 10 10 . 1 . . bar 5-4 . ]7 [ 11 STANJAN bar 1 C 25 : . ( ) . . . 11 . ]7 [ 1 slightly rich9 12 ) Moenand Saber, 1985) . . . .]3 [ DDT . ]6 [ 13 ) 2H2 + O2 ( Chung K. Law, Combustion Physics, 2006, Cambridge University Press. 3.4.2 : . . (... ) . ) 10 . (... CFD . 12 . ]5 [ 14 Maremonti M., Russo G., Salzano E., Tufano V. (1999). Numerical simulation of gas explosions in linked vessels. Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries x . x=0 . . ]5 [ 15 x 10 ) % () ( ) ( Maremonti M., Russo G., Salzano E., Tufano V. (1999). Numerical simulation of gas explosions in linked vessels. Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries1)1981 (2)1994 ( . . . . 1 . ]5 [1 Bartknecht2 Singh11 16 ) a)05/0 ) b) 076/0 ) c) 2/0 - 10 %Maremonti M., Russo G., Salzano E., Tufano V. (1999). Numerical simulation of gas explosionsin linked vessels. Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries 1 Maremonti M., Russo G., Salzano E., Tufano V. (1999). Numerical simulation of gas explosions in linked vessels. Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries5.2 : . : . . . . . . . ] 7 [ . . m/s1000-500 1 ) 10 .( bar 20 . ]7 [1 Overpressure12 1 . 2 m/s 100 . bar 8 . ]7 [ m/s 25-20 . ]7 [ ) 17 ( . . ]7 [ 17 17 . 8 9 . . . . . ]7 [ 17 . . (... ) . . . . . . 1 pressure build-up2 unlonfined13 . ]7 [ ... . . : 1 2 ) 18 .(]7 [ 18 : . . . ]2 [ :]2 [1 . . 14 19 cm 10 cm 36 Oh K., Kim H., Kim J., Lee S. (2001). A study on the obstacle-induced variation of the gas explosion characteristics. Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries 20 Oh K., Kim H., Kim J., Lee S. (2001). A study on the obstacle-induced variation of the gas explosion characteristics. Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries 21 cm 10 cm 36 Oh K., Kim H., Kim J., Lee S. (2001). A study on the obstacle-induced variation of the gas explosion characteristics. Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries2 . . 3 . ) ) ( 21 .( 22 15Oh K., Kim H., Kim J., Lee S. (2001). A study on the obstacle-induced variation of the gas explosion characteristics. Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries4 . 1 .( ) 23 Oh K., Kim H., Kim J., Lee S. (2001). A study on the obstacle-induced variation of the gas explosion characteristics. Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries1 blockage ratio16 171.3 : .1 . . . 1950 . ]4 [ . . . ]4 [ . . ]4 [) CFD ( . 2 CFD . CFD . ]4 [ . : ( )]4 [1 . 3) :( ) 4.( ) (... 2 . 5 () :. 1 Fire2 Field modeling3 Ignition4 Spark5 Growth18 . 1. 3 . ) Flashover :( . . 4 . 2 :. 5 . 3 :. 2.3 : .1.2.3 .4: . . . . (... ) ..]4 [2.2.3 .5: CFD . . . ]4 [ . 3.3 : . . : 1 Plume2 Fully developed3 Disipation4 Zone model5 Field model19 . . . . . . . ( ) . . . . . . . . . ]4 [ . ( ) CFD . ]4 [4.3 : . . RANS LES . 20 . ]4 [5.3 : . RANS 1 . . ]4 [1.5.3 . RANS : 2RANS . RANS . Favre . ( ) . RANS - . 3 . . . ] 4 [ K- : pS S Ut+ + +) ( ) () ( . . ( ) . . 1 Closure equation2 Reynolds Averaging Navier-stokes3 Favre-averaging211.3) McCaffrey ) ( 10 % ( . ]4 [22 2 Novozhilov V. (2001). Computational fluid dynamics modeling of compartment fires. Progress in Energy and Combustion Science232.5.3 : . RANS ) K .( K- . 1:


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