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Civilization in Sumer

OBJECTIVE: Examinar las características políticas, sociales y culturales de la civilización Sumer.

LEARNING OBJECTIVE: Conoce el tipo de gobierno, organización social y las principales innovaciones de la civilización Sumer

BIBLICAL PRINCIPLE: “You shall have no other gods before me.

Exodus 20:3-5New King James Version (NKJV)

“You shall not make for yourself a carved image—any likeness of anything that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth; 5 you shall not bow down to them nor serve them. For I, the Lord your God, am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children to the third and fourth generations of those who hate Me

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Civilization in Sumer


Division of labor



Absolute authority





Social class Merchant

Page 4: Civilization in Sumer

Civilization in Sumer

What are the technological innovations that most appeal to you?

In what way these innovations meet your needs?

Page 5: Civilization in Sumer

Civilization in Sumer

The geographical area of Mesopotamia is among the countries current Iraq, Syria and Iran. It can be divided into three zones: the upper area, formerly called Assyria, is located north of Mesopotamia. The Media area, called Babylon, was at the narrowest point between the Tigris and Euphrates, (the most important rivers of Mesopotamia), and the lower area called Sumer, one of the world´s first civilizations formed.the people there spoke a common language now known as Sumerian. By about 3000 B.C. Several cities in Sumer had grown to become large, independent city-states. Each city-state had thousands of people and controlled lands covering hundreds of square miles. Like the many smaller farming settlements in Mesopotamia, the Sumerian city-states depended on agriculture for food.

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Civilization in Sumer

Advances in Farming and Witting

innovations in agricultureThey built dikes, or dams made of earth, to control river flooding, and they filled reservoirs, or human-made lakes, with water for later use. The Sumerians built canals to bring water to the fields in dry seasons.

Innovations in writingSumerians became the world´s first written language. The earliest writings were government lists and records. Using sharpened reeds as writing tools, officials marked numbers and pictographs, or picture writing, on wet clay, which dried into hard tablets.

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Civilization in Sumer

Advances in Farming and Witting

innovations in agricultureThe Sumerians were among the first to use wheeled carts to carry crops and other heavy loads. They harnessed donkeys and other domesticated animals to pull the carts.

Innovations in writingOver time, the Sumerians found ways to improve their writing. They began to use symbols instead of pictures to stand for words. The system came to be called cuneiform, or wedge-shaped writing.

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Civilization in Sumer

Advances in Farming and Witting

innovations in agricultureGrowing enough food to feed the thousands of people living in a city-state took many workers and a division of labor. Division of labor is the sharing of a large job so that each workers does only part of it.

Innovations in writingThe Sumerians created a standard unit for measuring an area of land, such as a crop field. They called it the iku. Today we call it the acre.

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Civilization in Sumer

Advances in Farming and Witting

innovations in agricultureA surplus is the amount of a product that is left after needs have been met. The Sumerians knew that failure to produce enough food would bring disaster. They learned to depend on organization and cooperation to be successful.

Innovations in writingThey where the first to mix copper and tin to make bronze tools and weapons. Also 12th month calendars , first to build sailboats and the potters wheels to form bowls.

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Civilization in SumerGovernment in Sumer


A governing system ruled by a King or a queen.



The rulers were always men

The EN help absolute authority, or complete control, over his city-state.

Most important duties included leading the military, arranging trade, settling arguments, and directing public events, including religious ceremonies.

Sumerian monarchs were believed to have been chosen by the gods. Because of their leadership, they were called “great men.”

Sumerian rulers needed help to rule over many people and large areas of land successfully. They created the world´s first known bureaucracy. A bureaucracy is a governing group made up of nonelected officials.

Priests or religious leaders

Their duties included choosing and marking lands for farming as well as distributing food to people in the cities.

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Civilization in SumerDivisions in Society


Page 12: Civilization in Sumer

Civilization in Sumerworkshop

Instruction: complete the workshop according to the story. page 97.

Page 13: Civilization in Sumer

Civilization in SumerExercise


Instruction: find on the word puzzle the word that corresponds to each definition.

Page 14: Civilization in Sumer

Civilization in Sumerexercise in class

1. What innovations helped the Sumerians grow enough food?

2. What form of government did the Sumerians have?

3. What innovations did the Sumerians develop for measuring?

4. What were Summer´s social classes?

Instruction: answer the questions according to the story. (add this to the blogger)

Page 15: Civilization in Sumer

Civilization in SumerActivity in Class

students must choose an agricultural product and explain by means of a graph can be transformed as an innovative way to sell the market today.

Due date: Wednesday, April 15th