Download - 站,擁抱藍色土耳其的綺麗風光。...for departure flight to home time.Time to wave hands and say goodbye to Turkey! Go with a Smile and Thank you for Visiting our Country



★雪白的世界遺產棉花堡(Pamukkale),景色奇特,令人樂而忘返!★聖索菲亞大教堂Hagia Sophia是一座見證歷史、宗教改革的拜占庭建築,現化身為博物館。★托普卡匹皇宮遊覽★藍色清真寺建於17世紀鄂圖曼帝國鼎盛時期,美的讓人屏氣凝神。★伊斯坦堡~羅馬地下宮殿YerebatanSarnici★伊斯坦堡~大巴扎 好看、好逛、好好買。 (如遇大市集休市,將安排香料市集代替)★以弗所(Ephesus)古城~帶你穿越時代,親密接觸聖母瑪利亞的故鄉,世界上最大的希臘羅馬古城。

★雪白的世界遺產棉花堡(Pamukkale),景色奇特,令人樂而忘返!★聖索菲亞大教堂Hagia Sophia是一座見證歷史、宗教改革的拜占庭建築,現化身為博物館。★托普卡匹皇宮遊覽★藍色清真寺建於17世紀鄂圖曼帝國鼎盛時期,美的讓人屏氣凝神。★伊斯坦堡~羅馬地下宮殿YerebatanSarnici★伊斯坦堡~大巴扎 好看、好逛、好好買。 (如遇大市集休市,將安排香料市集代替)★以弗所(Ephesus)古城~帶你穿越時代,親密接觸聖母瑪利亞的故鄉,世界上最大的希臘羅馬古城。

★雪白的世界遺產棉花堡(Pamukkale),景色奇特,令人樂而忘返!★聖索菲亞大教堂Hagia Sophia是一座見證歷史、宗教改革的拜占庭建築,現化身為博物館。★托普卡匹皇宮遊覽★藍色清真寺建於17世紀鄂圖曼帝國鼎盛時期,美的讓人屏氣凝神。★伊斯坦堡~羅馬地下宮殿YerebatanSarnici★伊斯坦堡~大巴扎 好看、好逛、好好買。 (如遇大市集休市,將安排香料市集代替)★以弗所(Ephesus)古城~帶你穿越時代,親密接觸聖母瑪利亞的故鄉,世界上最大的希臘羅馬古城。
















Fly to IST


Silk Road Train Tour

到達科尼亞,離開火車去科尼亞早餐,在當地餐廳早餐。在卡帕多西亞與已選洞穴酒店的客人會合。參觀科尼亞的地標Mevlana公墓;德維斯的土地。參觀阿拉丁山和大清真寺。在當地餐廳午餐參觀科尼亞熱帶蝴蝶園(或受季節性影響)。前往Sille村參觀。出發去享用當地晚餐,在科尼亞。在當地餐廳享用晚餐。回到火車。前往德尼茲利。享受火車上的娛樂設施。火車上過夜。Accommodation: Train / Standard cabin


繼續享受伊斯坦布爾這塊寶地,在酒店早餐後乘船遊覽博斯普魯斯海峽,從海上看這座城市。在當地的魚餐廳享用午餐。遊覽香料市場/大巴扎和伊斯坦布爾珠寶購物。在中餐廳享用晚餐。在伊斯坦布爾的酒店過夜。Continue to enjoy the treasures of Istanbul, see the city from the sea; Cruise on the Bosphorus after breakfast at hotel. Lunch at a local fish restaurant.Visit Spice Market / Grand Bazaar and Shopping opportunity for Jewelery in Istanbul.Dinner at a Chinese Restaurant.Overnight stay in hotel in Istanbul. Accommodation: Ramada Plaza or Wyndham Grand Istanbul or similar

Arrive IST

今天到達伊斯坦布爾。導遊接機後驅車前往酒店,辦理入住前去中餐廳晚餐, 返回酒店,在伊斯坦布爾過夜。Arrival IST Today Welcome to Turkey! Meet with your guide upon arrival and transfer to the hotel and check-in.Departure for dinner and dinner at a Chinese Restaurant.Return to hotel and overnight stay in hotel in Istanbul.Accommodation: Ramada Plaza or Wyndham Grand Istanbul or similar D


酒店早餐後,前往土耳其的首都安卡拉(伊斯坦布爾距離安卡拉450km)。在途中當地餐廳午餐,參觀阿塔圖爾克陵墓,包括安卡拉城堡在內的全景城市之旅。在當地餐廳晚餐。登上“絲綢之路列車”並開始鐵路探險之旅。乘坐火車從安卡拉離開去開塞利。享受火車上的娛樂設施:如打麻將,打撲克,看電影或者唱卡拉ok。火車上過夜。Accommodation: Train / Standard cabinBreakfast at the hotel in Istanbul and check out from hotel.Depar-ture for Ankara. The capital city of Turkey! (Istanbul - Ankara 450 km).Lunch at a local restaurant in Ankara / en route.Visit to Ataturk Mausoleum, panoramic city tour and , including Ankara Castle with some free time.Dinner at a local restaurant in Ankara.Embarkation to "Silk Road Train" and the beginning of the rail adventure.Check in to train and departure to Kayseri from Ankara by train.Enjoy the facilities in train such as playing Mahjong and Card games, watching movie or Karaoke experience.Dining car will be open to serve drinks and snacks at an additional cost.Overnight in Train.Accommodation: Train / Standard cabin B/L/D




Leave Istanbul

在酒店享用早餐,驅車前往機場,是時候揮手跟土耳其說再見了!微笑著,感謝您參觀土耳其。Breakfast at the hotel and check out from the hotel at 11:30 hours.Lunch at a local restaurant. After lunch transfer to airport for departure flight to home time.Time to wave hands and say goodbye to Turkey! Go with a Smile and Thank you for Visiting our Country . B

Silk Road Train Tour

抵達德尼茲利,通往棉花堡之-帕姆卡萊的必經之路。在當地餐廳早餐。前往棉花堡。在當地餐廳午餐。參觀希拉波利斯古城。自由時間可享受天然溫泉浴場。在酒店享用開放式自助晚餐。回到火車。乘火車從塞爾丘克向庫薩達斯出發;享受您在絲綢之路列車的最後一晚。享受火車上的娛樂設施。火車上過夜。Accommodation: Train / Standard cabinArrival to Denizli; The gateway to Pamukkale, Land of Cotton Castles.Departure for breakfast in Denizli / Pamukkale.Breakfast at a local restaurant.Departure for the famous Cotton Castles (Travertens).Lunch at a local restaurant.Visit to Hierapolis Ancient City. Free Time to enjoy the famous natural spring Thermal Baths.Dinner at a Hotel with open buffet.Return to Train.Depar-ture for Selcuk - Kusadasi by train; enjoy your last night in the Silk Road Train.Enjoy the facilities in train such as playing Machong and Card games, watching movie or Karaoke experience. Overnight in Train. B/L/D


抵達塞爾丘克;以弗所的必經之路。從火車上岸,所有物品都要卸下。在當地餐廳早餐。探索以弗所古城的魅力;聯合國教科文組織遺產。在當地餐館午餐。塞爾丘克購物店:世界著名的皮革和皮革製品。庫薩達斯及其全景參觀後,抵達酒店。客人可選擇參加自選行程(推薦自選項目):吉普車衝砂體驗。入住酒店並享受酒店設施(如果時間允許)。在庫薩達斯酒店享用開放式自助晚餐。在庫薩達斯的酒店過夜。Accommodation: Grand Belish Hotel or Suhan 360 Hotel or similarArrival to Selcuk; The gateway to Ephesus.Disembarkation from train, with all belongings to be offloaded.Breakfast at a local restaurant.Explore the glamour of Ephesus Ancient City; a Unesco Heritage Site. Lunch at a local restaurant.Shopping opportunity in Selcuk for world famous leather and leather goods.Explore Kusadasi and its panoramas and arrival to hotel. Optional Tour 4: Jeep Safari Experience.Check in to hotel and enjoy facilities (time permitting).Open buffet dinner at hotel in Kuşadası.Overnight stay in hotel in Kuşadası. B/L/D

Kusadasi– Bodrum

酒店早餐後前往博德魯姆;海洋和太陽的土地。在途中當地餐廳享用午餐。入住博德魯姆的酒店。博德魯姆的自由活動時間;你自己的休閒。在博德魯姆的酒店享用晚餐。在博德魯姆的酒店過夜。Accommodation: Senses Hotel or Azka Hotel or similarBreakfast at the hotel in Kuşadası and check out from the hotel.De-parture to Bodrum after breakfast; the land of sea and sun.Lunch at a local restaurant en route to Bodrum.Check in to hotel in Bodrum.-Free time in Bodrum; at your own leisure.Dinner at hotel in Bodrum.Overnight stay in Hotel in Bodrum. B/D


博德魯姆的自由日;享受博德魯姆的設施。可選擇參加自選行程(推薦自選項目):博德魯姆亮點-聖彼得城堡和卡利亞公主大廳,Myndos門,陵墓,大劇院。酒店享用晚餐。在博德魯姆的酒店過夜。Free day in Bodrum; enjoy the facilities in Bodrum.Optional Tour 12: Bodrum Highlights - Castle of St.Peter& Carian Princess Hall, Myndos Gate, Mausoleum, Great Theatre .Dinner at the hotel in Bodrum.Overnight stay in Hotel in Bodrum.Accommodation: Senses Hotel or Azka Hotel or similar B/D


早餐後飛往伊斯坦布爾。抵達後在中餐廳享用午餐。享受伊斯坦布爾亮點,參觀托普卡帕宮,藍色清真寺和競技場。在中餐廳享用晚餐。在伊斯坦布爾酒店過夜。Check out and flight to Istanbul after breakfast at the hotel in


Silk Road Train Tour

到達開塞利。今天會贈送:觀看熱氣球飛行並拍照留念(團組1),也可選擇自選行程1:在非常早的清晨,乘坐熱氣球,體驗熱氣球(團組2,推薦自選項目);在當地餐廳早餐後,開啟你的卡帕多奇亞探險。參觀格雷梅露天博物館;卡帕多西亞的亮點。當地餐廳午餐. 午餐後,探索奧塔西薩和烏其希薩爾地區。購物店參觀:土耳其地毯。駕車前往Avanos購物,體驗陶瓷藝術,品嚐土耳其冰淇淋。體驗土耳其浴。當地餐廳晚餐,有特色的肚皮舞表演和東方音樂。客人可選擇參加自選行程:洞穴酒店(推薦自選項目),購買了洞穴酒店住宿的客人離開團隊前往酒店入住。其他客人返回火車上,離開去科尼亞。不參加自選行程的客人享受火車上的娛樂設施:如打麻將,打撲克,看電影或者卡拉ok。火車上過夜。Accommodation: Train / Standard cabinArrival to Kayseri. The gateway to Cappadoccia, the land of beautiful horses. Optional Tour 1: Hot Air Balloon at very early morning.De-parture for Hot Air BaloonExperience(Grp2); Hot Air Balloon watching departure for guests who would like to watch Hot Air Balloon with photo opportunity (Grp1).Group1 & Group2 & Group3 meet for breakfast at a local restaurant.Start your Capadoccia exploration.Visit to Goreme Open Air Museum; the highlight of Capadoccia.Lunch at a local restaurant.Explore Ortahisar and Uçhisar regions. Shopping experience explore the Turkish carpets.Drive to Avanos for Shopping Experience Ceramic art and enjoy Turkish Ice Cream tasting.Dinner at a local restaurant; with exclusive belly dancer show and oriental music.Optional Tour 3: Cave Experience.The guests who purchased Optional Cave accomodation leave the group and head to Turkish Bath.Turkish Bath experience in Kayseri.Return to Train.Departure for Konya 。 Enjoy the facilities in train such as playing Machong and Card games, watching movie or Karaoke experience.Dining car will be open to serve drinks and snacks at an additional cost.Overnight in TrainAccommodation: Train / Standard cabin

Arrival to Konya.Departure for breakfast in Konya.Breakfast at local restaurant.The guests who purchased Optional Cave accomodation in Cappadocia meet with the group.Visit Mevlana Tomb, the landmark of Konya; the land of Dervishes.See Alladdin Hill and Grand Mosque. Lunch at a local restaurant.Discover the Tropical Butterfly Gardens of Konya. (subject to seasonality).De-parture to Sille Village and village visit.Departure for local dinner in Konya.Dinner at a local restaurant.Return to Train.Departure for Denizli.Enjoy the facilities in train such as playing Machong and Card games, watching movie or Karaoke experience.Over-night in Train.












1. 行程中提到的所有交通接送2. 在伊斯坦布爾的3晚五星級酒店住宿/在博德魯姆的2晚五星級/度假村級別酒店住宿/在庫薩達斯的1晚五星級酒店住宿3. 全食宿服務(行程中提到的特色菜,中餐(8道菜),開放式自助餐或魚類菜單)4. 行程中提到的第一道參觀景點和博物館入場費5. 全程中文導遊6. 在伊斯坦布爾的博斯普魯斯海峽遊船7. 將分別提供4個購物參觀; 購物皮具(庫薩達斯),珠寶(伊斯坦布爾); 地毯和基里姆花毯((卡帕多西亞); 陶瓷製品(卡帕多西亞)8. 卡帕多西亞獨家肚皮舞表演/·冰淇淋品嚐/土耳其浴體驗磨砂和泡沫按摩/每天為每位客人提供一瓶水

1. 土耳其入境簽證(請諮詢我社旅遊顧問)2. 個人保險及国际机票3. 就餐期間的所有飲料及個人消費:如酒精飲料,軟飲,洗衣房;紀念品4. 包含部分中未提及的任何其他費用5. 套餐行程小費6. 以上一切未列之事項


*****當地旅遊供應商保留對旅遊安排進行修改的權利,包括旅遊活動,酒店及其位置(如果認為必要)。 ******

LAND ONLY $1648$800




Bodrum. Arrival to Istanbul and transfer from the Airport. Lunch at a Chinese Restaurant.Enjoy Istanbul Highlights, visit Topkapı Palace, Blue Mosque and the Hippodrome. Dinner at a Chinese Restaurant.Late check in and overnight stay in hotel in Istanbul. Accommodation: Ramada Plaza or Wyndham Grand Istanbul or similar