Download - CfH 網路座談會 201412B


Code for HealthcareWinter Briefing By Dennis Chen

CODE for What?

!Co-Creation !Objective !Dedication !Envisioning

Catch the trend...

!The health industry is undergoing rapid and historic change that is fundamentally altering the way in which we finance, deliver, and consume health care.

!Transforming healthcare data into insight

Are we “Boat-Rocker”

! … do or say something that causes problems, especially if you try to change a situation which most people do not want to change…

“Organization” Radical

!Velocity scare people! !People often need time to absorb a

new way… !!

“Code for Healthcare” prefer…


Available Resources for Experimentation - KAMERA

Geo-spatial UI (

Historical Review– Patient Census




Historical Review– Crowding Status

滿載率 100%

A Recent Disaster in KH

Midnight Explosion

2014.8.1 12:00AM


2014.8.1 1:00AM

顏⾊色表整個急診滿載率 圓徑⼤大⼩小表外科系傷病患數

2014.8.1 2:00 AM

2014.8.1 3:00AM

2014.8.1 4:00AM

Impact on major hospitals( in 24Hrs)

ED Strain

Trauma Volume

Infographic analysis of surge impact after Kaohsiung massive explosion

Time of massive explosion

Surge occurred within 3 hours

Regional Impact resolved

within 6 hours after surge

2014. July 31 2014. Aug 1

Question & Reflection

! What’s the surge impact? ! Ambulance diversion? ! Conjoint heterogeneous data for more

insights relevant to disaster preparedness

Unleash the power of Data Transparency !Code for Healthcare