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  • 8/7/2019 Centaurus Da Cheyren



    Centaurus "The Alpha" and Sagittarius "The Omega"

    The Centaurs: Duality, Twins, Or Equals?By Dr Reverend Lynn Wedewer, DD, PhD

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    Revelation 21:6 "...I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end. I will give unto him that isathirst of the fountain of the water of life freely."

    Back in history in the early 12th

    century into the 17th

    centaury at one time in history theconstellation Centaurus the Centaur was also known as "The Alpha Centaur" and Sagittarius wasknown as "The Omega Centaur". Some time through out history Centaurus was known to havesmall stars in its constellation of alpha and omega which made up what was know as two morecentuarians, but were still referred to as a dual role as being one representation yet separateunlike Pisces. Each sharing many things in between them with great importance and yetsometimes even over looked. Also noted in history Centaurus at one time had a crown whichsome believed he threw into the sky. Some say to prove his love to a woman. I wonder, could itbe that it depicts Jesus in the first coming, as it is no longer needed once he died and wasresurrected. Through out history in many old century maps it still shows Centaurus with a "wreathlike" crown nested in between his legs. Indeed also notable is Sagittarius though out history askeep the "Golden Crown" resting on the kneecap just within reach at any given moment whenneeded or at the time it was required.

    One should also mention the importance of the Crux nested in Centaurus feet and again withinreach above Sagittarians head on the shield and the Swan clearly flying towards this Centaur. I

    find great interest in these points since they both double, dual, or mirror these aspects leading tothe first and second coming of Jesus. Some believed Sagittarius held the knowledge of theGolden Fleece. Sagittarius has also long been referred to as the all knowing or all seeing. Inbetween the two is the Alter in which in the bible speaks many times of the heavenly alterwhich in Hebrews 9 is the presence of the Holy of Holies was the golden altar of incense.Revelation 5:8 describes bowls of incense that represent the prayers of the saints. Revelations8:5 And the angel took the censer, and filled it with fire of the altar, and cast it into the earth: andthere were voices, and thunderings, and lightenings, and an earthquake.

    Centaurus: First Coming Of Jesus

    The second decan is the Centaur(Centaurus), which, being half horse and half man, might wellsymbolize that fact the woman's child would genetically be half god and half mortal. The Greeks

    called this centaur Chiron, who was immortal, being the son of Chronos, but who was then mademortal so that he could be allowed to suffer death to relieve him from the agony caused by havingbeen shot with an arrow dipped in the blood of the monster Hydra.

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    The first decan is theCross, also called theSouthern Cross(Crux). This is anotherconstellation whichwas lost to theGreeks, and countedas part of the stars ofthe Centaur. ThePersians included it asa separateconstellation, as aman holding a balance

    in one hand and a lamb in the other. It mayappear that the Lamb is being used to paythe price demanded by Justice. It could alsorepresent Gods statement that he will placethe sheep on one side and the goats onanother and the sheep will be at his righthand.

    The second decan is called the Beast (Lupus), shown above with the Centaur and it is oftencalled the Wolf. According to the Greek myth, it was about to be slain by the Centaur to be placedon the Altar (Ara). That could well represent that Christ would be slain as a sacrifice, to pay theprice of sin. It is also noted in the bible that the wolf is a representation of the Benjamin Tribe andthe law of the covenant promise made by God to Abraham. In many ancient very old constellationmaps it depicts Centaurus not slaying the wolf but holding or petting it with the right hand thisclearly shows the passage in the bible that speaks of Benjamin had a different name at birth, afterhis mother passed away he was later renamed Benjamin meaning at the right hand (of God).

    The third decan is the Crown, or

    Northern Crown (Corona Borealis). Thisbeautiful little constellation which isindeed a ring of stars, seems clearly torepresent the crown in heaven which isthe reward for having paid the price. Inthe stars, it is the crown being eyed bythe Serpent, indeed, for which theSerpent is apparently reaching but wellguarded and kept from the serpent. TheCentaurs are clearly the ones depictedwith the crowns in history. Crownsusually stand for royalty of prominentposition. In this case it could representhaving the heavenly crowns.

    The Centaur slaying the Beast. Some believe inancient celestial maps that he was petting the

    wolf with his right hand supporting theBenjamin Tribe covenant promise to Abraham.

    The Cross.

    The Crown.

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    The Caduceus: Most of the English translations of constellation namesgiven in this article agree with astronomy books, which generally call thisconstellation the Serpent Bearer. Here I introduce a new name for thisconstellation, the Healer, for two reasons. First, a shorter name issometimes needed, and second, that is the deeper meaning of theconstellation. Since Centaurus was known through out history and by theGreeks as the great healer even to teach some of the greatest such as thefather of medicine. Sagittarians are also known as great healers. It is notonly death, but all disease which is overcome, and indeed, Jesus was themaster healer and God was the master physician. He gave his disciples the

    "power to tread on serpents and scorpions" (Luke 10:19). The constellation reminds us of thecaduceus, which is the serpent entwined around the pole, the symbol of medical doctors to thisday. In the Greek myths, this constellation represented Asclepius, the god of medicine, who wasso skilled that he could even raise the dead.

    The Archer: The fourth zodiac constellation is theArcher(Sagittarius), a centaur who was depicted withwings in the ancient Egyptian zodiacs. The Greeks

    showed him with a great cape flowing from his back,but to me it appears that they could not recognizewhat the wings signified the holy angelic presence. Inany case, the Archer is apparently depicted by someas shooting at the Scorpion. The associated role ofJesus is that of the Savior. Some people believe theArchers arrow is pointed at the center of the MilkyWay, while others think it is pointing out the Garden ofEden in heaven. There are even stories that the arrowof God was once shot and lays in the stars.

    This has not been associated with Sagittarius yet, butit leaves one to wonder if it should not be. The

    associated planet is Jupiter and Jupiter is earthsparent galaxy. Jupiter is associated the Greek God Zeus father of the Gods. I feel in this casemost fitting. When looking at Sagittarius from a Magi point of view it is important to look at allassociations or better put the whole story. So as above so as below, what is in front, behind, tothe right, and of course to the left. Some say there are 2 centaurs while others say there are fourand that this could also represent the famous 4 horsemen of Revelations. I am not so convinced

    Then I feel it should be considered that we have always been horizontal to the Milky Way in whichSagittarius has also been positioned at the Galactic Center as if to be cut off from the Garden ofEden in the heavens. It is interesting that the Milky Way turned for the first time in history in mid2007. Now for the first time in history two galaxies will unite Jupiters parent galaxy with the NewSagittarius b Galaxy. So as above so as below which makes my next point in Genesis mankindwas cut off from the Garden of Eden until End times then classified as New Zion or NewJerusalem. Could this be showing us now that we are no longer cut off from Eden in theheavens. If so this would give much credence to the Flaming Sword of God and Holy of HoliesCoal appearing near Cedar Rapids, Iowa May 2007. In giving more detail this person was female,a minister, Sagittarius, died as a small child and seen God and was sent back with a message. Itseems to collate with the findings of this research. I must add that this was not the purpose of thispaper but did seem to support this theory.

    The Caduceus.

    The Archer.

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    The first decan is the Harp or Lyre (Lyra). It is the small, hand-held type ofharp, and is usually depicted as made of a tortoise shell (by Hermes in theGreek myth) or sometimes in the shape of an Eagle. It was believed bysome that the holy sound of the Harp was so beautiful that mankind couldnot handle the sound. The harp has long been associated with angels andangelic music, probably because it has seen in vision as being held byangels (Rev. 5:8, 14:2), especially by the seven angels after having gottenvictory over the beast and his image and his mark (Rev. 15:2). This givesus a clue that the archer is a symbol of the rejoicing after the victory overSatan and Death. The first one is Lyra, The Harp, or lyre, meaning 'Praisefor the Conqueror.' Lyra is shown as a harp combined with an eagle or aneagle rising with a harp. The eagle in the bible represents one of the fourCherubim that guards the east gate of the Garden of Eden once Adam and

    Eve was thrown out by God.

    The brightest star in the constellation of Lyra, the Harp, is also a second magnitude star in ourgalaxy. Vega is described by E.W. Bullinger as a most glorious star which means 'He shall beexalted':

    "Its brightest star, a, is one of the most glorious in the heavens, and by it this constellation may beeasily known. It shines with a splendid white lustre. It is called Vega, which means He shall beexalted. Its root occurs in the opening of the Song of Moses, quoted above. Is this not wonderfully


    A very bright star in [Lyra] is Vega, a glittering gem in the night sky. Vega has been this star'sname through antiquity. It is the name which God Himself gave to it that He should be exaltedthat Jesus has come forth conquering and to conquer. What should be our response to that? Ourresponse for Sagittarius should be: He shall be exalted!It is further interesting that this term isfound in the song of Moses, after God overthrew the forces of Pharaoh in the Red Sea: 'I will singunto the Lord, for he hath triumphed gloriously' (Exodus 15:1).

    "Verse 12 of Psalm 21 talks about making ready for His arrows against the face of them and

    says, 'Be thou exalted, LORD, in thine own strength; so will we sing and praise thy power. 'HeShall Be Exalted.' By His great power and might has He conquered; therefore, we are to sing Hispraises." Some say it means eagle and the east gate of Eden.

    The second decan is the Altar(Ara). In this context it is apparently thealtar of sacrifice on which the Savior was slain, as described above. Beloware a few more important passages. Many places in the bible the Holy ofHolies coals were used to cleanse his holy ones he chooses. Fire wasmany times the messenger of God. Albeit, the fiery finger of God thatengraved the Ten Commandment tablets, the burning bush, the pillars offire, and so on. Moses, Jesus, and Aaron, had the flaming sword of God

    and had the Holy of Holies coal also the fire cleaning, and even one of theseraphim touched Isaiahs mouth with a burning coal to cleanse him andhis words. The Holy coals or incense is used on the Day of Atonement andupon the altar, he received the speech from the mouth of the Holy One.As you can see it is considered holy to be touched with these coals or bekept near them.

    8:1 And when he had opened the seventh seal, there was silence in heaven about the space ofhalf an hour. 8:2 And I saw the seven angels which stood before God; and to them were givenseven trumpets. 8:3 And another angel came and stood at the altar, having a golden censer; and

    The Harp.

    The Altar.

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    there was given unto him much incense, that he should offeritwith the prayers of all saints uponthe golden altar which was before the throne of God. 8:4 And the smoke of the incense, whichcame with the prayers of the saints, ascended up before God out of the angels hand. 8:5 And theangel took the censer, and filled it with fire of the altar, and cast itinto the earth: and there werevoices, and thundering's, and lightening's, and an earthquake. 8:6 And the seven angels whichhad the seven trumpets prepared themselves to sound.

    8:7 The first angel sounded, and there followed hail and f ire mingled with blood, and they werecast upon the earth: and the third part of trees was burnt up, and all green grass was burnt up.8:8 And the second angel sounded, and as it were a great mountain burning with fire was castinto the sea: and the third part of the sea became blood; 8:9 And the third part of the creatureswhich were in the sea, and had life, died; and the third part of the ships were destroyed. 8:10 Andthe third angel sounded, and there fell a great star from heaven, burning as it were a lamp, and itfell upon the third part of the rivers, and upon the fountains of waters; 8:11 And the name of thestar is called Wormwood: and the third part of the waters became wormwood; and many mendied of the waters, because they were made bitter. 8:12 And the fourth angel sounded, and thethird part of the sun was smitten, and the third part of the moon, and the third part of the stars; soas the third part of them was darkened, and the day shone not for a third part of it, and the nightlikewise. Later in Revelations it states at some point the only light we will have will be the light ofGod which is further explained later.

    Hebrews 10:19-20 states, "Therefore, brethren, since we have full freedom and confidence toenter into the Holy of Holies by the power and virtue in the blood of Jesus, by this fresh and livingway which He initiated and dedicated and opened for us through the separating curtain (veil ofthe Holy of Holies), that is, through His flesh, and since we have such a great and wonderful andnoble Priest Who rules over the house of God, let us all come forward and draw near with true(honest and sincere) hearts in unqualified assurance and absolute conviction engendered byfaith, having our hearts sprinkled and purified from a guilty conscience and our bodies cleansedwith pure water." Could this be the part of Aquarius we see in the age of Aquarius? We have theliberty to enter in to the Holy of Holies.

    The first area of the tabernacle was the outer court which contained the altar and the lavar. Thealtar is a type of the cross. You cannot enter into God without the cross. Note the crosses arewith, within, or within reach of both Centaurs. At the cross our past sins are forgiven (Romans3:25); sin is put away (2 Cor. 5:21); our old nature is crucified (Romans 6:6); and we devoteourselves as a living sacrifice (Romans 12:1-2). All four aspects of the altar must be dealt with.

    The lavar typifies God's Word in three aspects -- as mirror (James 1:23-34), judge (John 12:47-48; 1 Cor. 11:31; 1 Peter 1:17), and as cleansing water (Eph. 5:25-27; 1 John 5:6). Those whocame to the altar and did not wash at the lavar were subject to death (Ex. 30:17-21; Titus 3:5;John 13:6-8). As disciples of Yeshua (Jesus) we must cleanse ourselves of worldly contaminationby studying God's Word. Once you've come by the water and the blood, the Holy Spirit bearswitness to your spirit and assures you to move in to the Holy Place. Did Jesus not state in one ofhis most famous of sentences. You must come though me to get to my father. With Centuariansguarding the Galactic Center and these holiest of items could this again not be a clearrepresentation.

    The first item in the Holy Place is the shewbread which represents our will. The shewbread wasground (totally yielded); molded (conformed to God -- delight to do His will); baked (tried by fire);placed in two rows of six loaves (ordered according to God's direction -- discipline); covered byfrankincense (worship); perpetually before God's face; surrounded by a double protective crown(watch and pray -- Matthew 26:41); regularly dedicated afresh to God. We must be willing to keepour will open and constantly before the face of God. This could be considered Divinely Willing.

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    The next item in the Holy Place is the seven branched lamp stand which represents our intellect.The lamp stand was fashioned from beaten gold. Through the renewing of our minds, by studyingthe Word of God, we allow the Holy Spirit to fashion our intellect to be pleasing to God (2 Cor.10:5; Romans 8:7; 1 Thes. 5:8). The illumination of the intellect depends upon the yielding of thewill (James 3:13-18). Sagittarius is depicted as all knowing, all seeing, wisdom and religion.

    The final item found in the Holy Place is the golden altar of incense which represents ouremotions. Only after we bring our will and our intellect in line with God's requirements can wecome to the right use of our emotions. The altar was square (balanced); had a protective crown(self-control); fire (intensity, passion for holiness, Gods messenger); incense (devotion madefragrant by fire); smoke (adoration expressed in praise and worship). Some also believed thatupon the smoke of the fire the prayer would be there fore lifted to God (Native American); hornssanctified by blood (acceptance of Jesus' atonement); highest piece of furniture (adoration lifts usup); point of transition to the Holy of Holies.

    Only through praise, worship and adoration can weenter in to God's presence -- into the Holy of Holies.Would this then not mean that both the Centuariansshould be considered Holy of Holies since they are

    allowed in its very presence kept between them both?

    To further explain this importance, we now come to theHoly of Holies, described as a small room 10 cubits x10 cubits (15' x 15') separated from the Holy Place bythe veil. It housed one piece of redemptive furniture,the ark of the Covenant, with its mercy seat. There wasno created light like the sun and no artificial light butGods own "Shekinah" glory that lit up the Holiest Place. Remember what is said about the endtimes and the only light of God again refer also to the milky way and the light in the middle thatnow glows since turned. The Ark is a symbol of God, of the Christian Tabernacle to come in theTemple where Jesus is really present, with His Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity... not in a symbolicform, but by real, God Himself present! This Ark is the most sacred object of the Jews, but whenthe Temple was destroyed, the Ark was lost... but the Bible says that Jeremiah put it in a hugecave at Mount Nebo, in Jordan, and he made two prophecies:

    1- It will stay there until God gathers his people together again.2- At that time, the columns of fire and cloud will be seen again as in the times of Moses... a

    huge column of fire and cloud of 1 kilometer high that will be seen from all over Israel andJordan... and by TV from all over the world. The golden altar of incense points us to the Lord. Ittells of His ministry of intercession today, and it to praise the Lord our God.

    The two contains in the Courtyard are to clean the sins with blood and water: The Altar of BurnOffering or Brazen Altar, to offer the blood of animals, and the Washbasin with water.

    Neither one is enough to take away the sins. The Blood of animals refers to the Blood of Christ,who really takes away the sin of the world (Jn.1:29,36).

    The prophets say that after Christ the offering of animal's blood will be abolished andsubstituted for the Blood of Jesus the Messiah (Daniel 8:11, 9:27, 11:31, 12:11).

    So, the Christian Temples do not have this Altar of Burn Offering, but the Altar to offer the Bodyand Blood of Christ inside the Church. Eucharist. (Jn.6:35, 48-58).

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    Regarding matter of the veil: And when Jesus had cried out again in a loud voice, he gave uphis spirit. At that moment the curtain (veil) of the temple was torn in two from top tobottom.(Mt.27:50-51).

    Therefore, brothers, since we have confidence to enter the Most Holy Place by the blood ofJesus, by a new and living way opened for us through the curtain, that is, his body, and since we

    have a great priest over the house of God, let us draw near to God with a sincere heart in fullassurance of faith, having our hearts sprinkled to cleanse us from a guilty conscience and havingour bodies washed with pure water(Hebrews 10:19-22).

    There was no seat for man but here Jehovah sat alone on the throne of glory and righteousness.As the high priest entered once a year, he entered with bowed head, unsandalled feet, and bells.No human voice was heard, only the voice of God. With this being true then how could theCentuars depicted in this area born on that day called upon at that hour again on that birthdatelater in time be anything other then that coming from holiness.

    The mercy seat in which is stated when upon the cross Jesus dripped his holy blood upon themercy seat which was under ground below him. Inside the ark were three items: the two tablets ofstone; the golden pot of manna; and Aaron's rod that budded. The tablets represent God's eternal

    law -- an expression of His righteousness. The pot of manna represents Yeshua, our true mannafrom heaven. Aaron's rod represents supernatural revelation received directly from God throughYeshua. And the only source of light was the manifest presence of God above the mercy seat.

    The ark represents Yeshua. In Him God's law has been fulfilled and through Him God's law iswritten in our hearts. He is our spiritual manna. And through Him we receive supernaturalrevelation of God. When we are in Yeshua we are under the mercy of God (Romans 3:24-25;Hebrews 4:16). And when we are in His merciful presence we find His beautiful peace.

    I think I should add a side note here to explain a bit more further the role of cleansing with thewater, and cleansing of sins and so on I feel this next statement says it very well. TheWashbasin... at the Holy Mass


    The Laver or Basin of Bronze for Washing before the sacrificeof animals was also abolished after Jesus. Jesus is our realLaver, who takes away the sin of the world with His Blood... inBaptism, through the HolySpirit.But the water bearer at endtimes may play a part in the cleansing of the earth and all whoare unto it with the sacred water before the arrival of God.

    Jesus answered, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born of water and of the Spirit,he cannot enter into the kingdom of God. (Jn.3:5).

    In the Holy Mass, the washing of the hands is always made in remembrance of the purity ofpriests to offer the Sacrifice of the Mass, just as if they were immediately after Baptism.

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    The third decan is the Dragon (Draco). It is found at thevery top of the sky (the ecliptic pole, the center of theupper circle in Figure 1). In this context, it representsSatan who wanted to exhalt himself to the top of theheavens (Isa. 14:12-13). He is coiled in such a way thatthe folds of his tail open up such that they could be saidto hold about one third of the stars of heaven.

    Accordingly, this was most likely the great red dragonsign (constellation) seen in the heavens seen by John(Rev. 12:3-4). Again, this is the dragon whose head isfound under the foot of Hercules. Thus, these threeconstellations fit nicely with the theme of Satan havingbeen overcome. You can also see in the definition of

    the shield where the shield is in between the Dragon and Sagittarius.

    The Sea Goat: The fifth zodiac constellation is strange indeed. The top half is a goat, and thebottom half is the tail of a fish. Hence it is called the Sea Goat (Capricornus). It is to the side ofSagittarius. It is wounded and on one knee, and some of the ancient star names indicated that it

    is a sacrifice. The goat was one of the sacrificial animals in the law of Moses, especially thescapegoat that took upon itself the sins of Israel to atone for them on the Day of Atonement (Lev.16:10). The corresponding role of Jesus Christ is that of the Great Sacrifice.

    The first decan is the Arrow (Sagitta). It is not well understood.Eratosthenes said it was a silver arrow of Apollo. In this context itwould be the arrow with which the Sea Goat was slain as a sacrifice.

    Apollo's Arrow: According to one tale the Arrow belongs to Apollo.Apollo was associated with the sun, also with wisdom and truth. He was known for his good looksas well. The son of Apollo was the God of Healing,known as Asclepius. Aclepius had the power to heal

    even the dead, returning them to life again.

    Hercules' Arrow: In another story the Arrow isidentified with the great hero Heracles (Hercules). Thisis the Arrow with which Heracles slew the eagle peckingat the liver of Prometheus. Prometheus had beenpunished by Zeus for giving human kind the gift of fire.He was chained to a rock in the Caucausus Mountainsto be tormented by an eagle pecking eternally at his liver. Prometheus was released when theimmortal Centaur Chiron agreed to accept death in order to save Prometheus. But first Heracleshad to slay the eagle. It is to commemorate Heracles' feat that the Arrow is placed in the sky.

    Eros' Arrow: A third story identifies the Arrow with Eros, the God of Love. It was this Arrow that

    ignited the passion of Zeus for the young boy Ganymede, whom Zeus had abducted to MountOlympus to serve as the Cup Bearer to the Gods. The constellation of Aquarius is also identifiedwith Ganymede. And in the constellation of Aquila, we see the Eagle of Zeus bearing Ganymedein his claws.

    The Dragon.

    The Arrow.

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    The second decan is the Eagle (Aquila). In this context somefeel it would probably be a wounded eagle, which is whatRolleston and all who have followed her have proposed. TheEagle and the Arrow might also represent Jesus as a

    messenger from the Father. The eagle also represents the eastgate as one of the protectors of the Garden of Eden. The eagleis above the head of Sagittarius but also in front of the galacticCenter behind Sagittarius. Could this be the perfect sign to theheavenly Garden of Eden pointing to the other side of the MilkyWay?

    The third decan is the Dolphin (Delphinus). This decan would indicate thatthe tail of the Sea Goat is that of a dolphin. It is shown jumping out of thewater, and very much alive. Anciently, the dolphin was a symbol of life andresurrection. The Dolphin is located right to the side of the swan and nearthe eagle.

    Thus, putting the four all together suggests that two halves of the Sea Goatrepresent that the sacrificial goat would die for the sins of Israel, but wouldthen resurrect.

    The third decan is the Swan (Cygnus). The Greek myths arenot much help here; there are many variations, but most

    agree that the Swan represented Zeus in disguise. TheChristian interpreters have mostly associated the Swan withthe swift return of the Savior (the one who blesses) at theSecond Coming. Thus both the Swan and the Flying Horseare seen as variations on the same theme. Note it appearsthe Swan is flying down towards Sagittarius and at somepoint Sagittarius could reach up and grab it. It is seen as thecross above the Sagittarians head. The swan is also statedforms a cross.

    The Eagle.

    The Dolphin.

    The Swan.

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    The second decan is the River(Eridanus). It is ariver which begins at the knee of the Hunter andproceeds down and was supposed to encircle thesouthern ecliptic pole, much as the Dragon is

    coiled about the north ecliptic pole. In themythology, this is the river into which Phaethonwas cast and his body burned after he failed tocontrol the chariot of the sun. The Christianinterpreters have associated it with the river of firementioned in Daniel, which issued forth in front ofthe Ancient of Days: "A fiery stream issued andcame forth before him" (Dan. 7:10). While itcertainly appears to be some sort of River ofJudgment, it was not considered a River of Fire bythe ancients rather a purifying cleansing fire. It iseven been referred to as the fire that mirrors watersince the fire of the alter over laps it. For example,Jason and the Argonauts navigated it.Nevertheless, the association of this River is withthat of the Ancient of Days. That is, the MillennialKingdom of God, then the Hunter could be the Ancient of Days who will come and the River thejudgment of the wicked. Moreover, the entire myth of Phaethon losing control of the sun's path inthe heavens, and starting the earth on fire sounds a lot like the prophecies of the earth reeling toand for like a drunken man, and the earth burning before the Second Coming. All of these eventstie to the beginning of the Millennium.

    The third decan is the Ship (Argo). This was a hugeconstellation in the southern sky and has since been divided intoseveral constellations by modern astronomers. The Greek

    mythology is that Jason led the expedition of the Argonauts on aquest to get the golden fleece of the Ram. He had someillustrious passengers aboard including Hercules. They finallysucceeded in their quest. In the Persian tradition, thisconstellation also is a woman, and the three decans areconsidered a group of three women. Indeed others believe thatthe Golden Fleece was with the Centaurs, I am unsure otherthen this association how the Fleece is at all involved with theship. I must wonder if the two (ship and Golden Fleece) are notseparate from each other.

    So what do all of these decans have in common, and how dothey help explain the meaning of the crab? To me, they allrepresent different groups of saints who were or will be deliveredby the great Deliverer. The ship is most likely referring totraveling in the underworld. That is, Jason is leading spirits ofdead heroes on a quest for resurrection (represented by the

    golden fleece) and eternal life. Similarly, the Herdsman is leading the bears or flocks to a similargoal. I do know that at the beginning of the millennium, many righteous will be resurrected (Rev.20:4), so their quest for the Golden Fleece for many will be fulfilled at that time. In the Bible thereare a few famous stories there is Noah and the Ark, then the Holy people with great fleets ofmany ships, and so on.

    The River.

    The Ship.

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    The first decan is the giant WaterSerpent (Hydra). This is a verylong constellation which wrapsnearly a third of the way aroundthe heavens. Anciently it wasnear the celestial equator, andgave rise to the mnemonic thatthe dragon swallows the sunduring an eclipse. The Greekmythology is that Hercules had tofight the Hydra, and when he cutoff one of its many heads, it grewtwo new heads in its place. It is

    clearly one of the great forces of evil, similar to the Sea Monster. The Sea Monster representsdeath and hell, which were overcome at the First Coming, but the beast of evil government wasnot overcome at that time and again in end times the people of God will be delivered from thebeast. The Water Serpent apparently corresponds to that monster which comes out of the sea topersecute the saints (Rev. 13:1). It is only overcome at theSecond Coming of Jesus.

    The second decan is the Cup (Crater). It is apparently attachedto the back of the serpent. It does not have much mythology norclear symbolism in the scriptures. The Christian commentatorshave noticed that it might represent the cup of the wine of thewrath of God, to be poured out on the harlot (Rev. 16:9). Itoccurs to me that it might also represent the golden cup held bythe harlot who rides the beast (Rev. 17:4). By using the figure ofa cup, both the harlot herself and her punishment can berepresented. To find the harlot one must only look who is aboveit ready to climb on its back. The only female above would beVirgo. This is not to say Mary in any sense only that it is clear tosee that in Revelations the Harlot will be born under the sign ofPisces. Now then another possibility is that the female is a Leoas the Lion is also clearly above the Hydra. Now the only other figure so far that I can find on anyof the maps is Aquarius which is also known to have the vessel of water it holds. So could thecoming in of the era of Aquarius not be what we once thought? This is still being researched atthe point of finishing this paper the final answer will be found in the paper I will write on the beast,anti-christ, o satan of Revelations at a later time.

    The third decan is the Raven (Corvus). It is also on the back ofthe Serpent and Aratus stated that it looked like it was peckingat the snakes coils.

    [32]That is reminiscent of the Lord's invitation

    to the fowls of heaven to devour the body of the slain beast, thatis, the flesh of the armies of the wicked nations who foughtagainst God (Rev. 19:17-18).

    Other important things around and included with The twoCentaurs as we continue below

    The Water Serpent.

    The Cup.

    The Raven.

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    Corona Borealis The Northern Crown

    The Northern Crown.

    According to a Greek myth going back about 450 B.C., a young man named Theseus, son of theking of Athens, touched off the chain of events that led to the Corona Borealis. At this time theruler of the Island of Crete, King Minos, kept a fierce monster called the Minotaur, a beast thatwas half-bull and half-man and fed on human flesh. The monster lived in a maze that was socomplex that once in it no one could find the way out without help.

    Once each year, Minos demanded that the king of Athens send him the seven mosthandsome young men and the seven most beautiful maidens of the land. These fourteen youthswere then forced into the maze where one by one they were found and devoured by theMinotaur.

    When Theseus became of age he told his father that he wanted to be one of the youths to besent to the King Minos so that he might slay the Minotaur. His father agreed.

    When King Minos' daughter, Ariadne, saw Theseus, she immediately fell in love with him. Shetold him of her love and gave him a small sword and a ball of thread.

    As Theseus led the way into the maze, he carefully unwound the ball of thread step-by-step.Eventually, he heard the ferocious roars of the Minotaur as it came charging around the corner ofthe maze to attack him. Theseus dropped the ball of thread and began slashing at the beast withthe sword of Ariadne's. He managed to weaken the Minotaur and then cut off its head. He thenpicked up the thread and followed it out of the maze, on the way leading his thirteen companionsto safety also.

    Theseus and the others escaped the island with Ariadne. As they sail back to Athens, theystopped to take on fresh water and rest. As Theseus slept he received a message from agoddess telling him that Ariadne had been promised to a god and that no mortal shouldinterfere. So he silently crept back to the ship leaving Ariadne on the island.

    When Ariadne awoke see found herself abandoned and wept. The god Bacchus came uponher and seeing her great beauty begged her to marry him. Ariadne did not believe he was a godand refused to marry him. To prove he was a god, Bacchus produced the most beautiful goldencrown she had ever seen. Ariadne did marry Bacchus and they had a long life of happinesstogether. When his beloved wife died, Bacchus placed the golden crown high in the heavens tohonor her for her kindness to Theseus and to him as her husband.

    According to Shawnee Indian legend, twelve beautiful maidens who inhabited the stars of theNorthern Crown nightly descended on Earth and danced on the fields.

    The early Arabs knew the constellation as the Dish, and as the Broken Platter, because it forms

    an incomplete circle.The ancient Chinese called the constellation Kwan Soo, meaning "a Cord."

    The Australians recognized the constellation as Woomera, or the Boomerang."


    Crux, the four-star Southern Cross, toward the upper right, lies southwest of Centaurus, andprecedes the two bright stars of the Centaur across the southern sky. The smallest constellation in

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    the sky, it just beats Equuleus (the smallest ancient constellation) for the record. Rigel Kentaurus,Alpha Centauri, the closest star to the Earth, lies at far lower left. Beta Centauri, Hadar, lies betweenAlpha and the Cross. Epsilon Centauri, toward upper left, links this photo to one of northernCentaurus. The stars near the far right edge also belong to Centaurus. Acrux, Crux's brightest star,is at the bottom (the southern end) of the Cross, Mimosa (Beta Crucis) is on the left side, Gacrux(Gamma Crucis) is on top, and Delta Crucis is on the right. Mu Cru is the brighter star up and to the

    left of Mimosa. Alpha Circini (of Circinus) lies near the lower left edge, while Alpha Muscae (ofMusca)is near the lower right edge


    Going back further in history you will see Sagittarius as depicted with angelic wings.

    Lets take a closer look at the forehead. In most religions it is believe that in end times those chosenby God would receive a mark given by the angels for God. In Jewish tradition it is believed that the

    foreheads should be marked with a Shin with ashes. Further research shows in the bible in

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    Revelations Gods has people marked on the forehead just before the wrath. Notice how it is kept inbetween the eyebrows in what some traditions classify as the third eye or the all knowing eye. Many

    believe it to be a cross Jewish believe it to be a shin of four heads and that three stood for sin.

    So could it stand for the god of the world to come? There is a lot of support of both theories; could it

    be that the image above is just simply showing the marks will be on this his holy people?

    NATIVITY : We see here the Epiphany Star shedding light on the world at the birth of Christ. TheEpiphany Star is also shown with the three kings and the Lantern, signifying light again and itemphasizes Christ as the Light of the World. The Epiphany Star is referred to as the Star of Jacob(Numbers 24:17). It finds its fulfillment in the manifestation of Jesus to the Gentiles (Matthew2:10). In the base scene we see the angels and the shepherds, which bring to mind the passagebeginning, "Behold I bring you great tidings." The upside-down Little Milk Dipper of Sagittarius(the Archer) dominates the upper center of the photograph, its handle sticking into the Milky Way.From left to right they are Ascella, Tau, Nunki, Phi, and Laus Borealis. The main part ofSagittarius' "bow" starts at the end of the Little Milk Dipper's handle and bends down and to the left(from top to bottom, Kaus Borealis, Kaus Media, and Kaus Australis). The bow then bends up andto the right to Polis. Just below Kaus Australis is reddish Eta Sagitarii. Rukbat is down and to the

    left, while Arkab is the double closer to the lower left corner. The arrow runs from the center of thebow down and to the right to the star Alnasl, and points close to the center of the Galaxy in thedark clouds of the Milky Way, seen running from upper right to lower center. Albaldah is the brightstar at the top center edge. The bow, arrow, and the Little Milk Dipper together make "the"Teapot." The cluster M 7 in Scorpius is seen just to the right of bottom center; Scorpius's two-star"Stinger" is just to the right of center at the bottom edge. The small reddish spot toward left centeris the Lagoon Nebula, M 8, which lies below Polis and just to the left of the Winter Solstice. Downand to the left of the Little Milk Dipper lies the semi-circle of Corona Australis, the Southern Crown.The brightest of the string of four stars near the lower left corner is Theta Ophiuchi.

    Horologium and The Sun Dial

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    Horologium the clock appears to be set at the hour of twelve forty 18 and 20 with a heart on it theend of the dial landing on December 18 and Solarium The Sun Dial. Note Sagittarius birthdatesrange is beginning on November 22 thru December 20-21 depending on which chart you consult.When I was a child and I died and was sent back God told me he would tell me when it was time. I findis amazing that the date and time shown corresponds with him saying it is time and December 18 thbeing my birthdate. I guess as they say it was written in the stars. (smiles)

    Even other information states that this would rather be the below corrected dates. If yourastrological sign was determined by the position of constellations 2200 years ago. Over time,Earth has tilted on its axis changing these positions...and maybe even your astrological sign!

    Capricorn - Jan 20 to Feb 16Aquarius - Feb 16 to Mar 11Pisces - Mar 11 to Apr 18Aries - Apr 18 to May 13Taurus - May 13 to Jun 21Gemini - Jun 21 to Jul 20Cancer - Jul 20 to Aug 10Leo - Aug 10 to Sep 16Virgo - Sep 16 to Oct 30Libra - Oct 30 to Nov 23Scorpius - Nov 23 to Nov 29Ophiuchus - Nov 29 to Dec 17Sagittarius - Dec 17 to Jan 20

    So under any of these you would find that December 18 th is still listed in all of them as Sagittarius.

    Constellation Horologium

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    The Clock.

    Horologium, The Pendulum Clock, is one of those so called obscure constellations of thesouthern hemisphere invented by Nicolas Louis de Lacaille in the mid-eighteenth century. Hemade this constellation from some faint stars near Eridanus. The pendulum clock was inventedby Christian Huygens and the constellation was originally called Horologium Oscillatorium. The

    clock appears to be set on the time of 12:40.

    Constellation Solarium

    Solarium (Latin forsundial) was a constellation located between the constellations ofHorologium, Dorado and Hydrus. It occurred in the 1835 star map of Elijah Hinsdale Burritt


    The origin of the constellation is unknown, but it is possible that it just occurred in this star map.The Solarium Augusti, the largest sundial the ancient world has known,

    [1]was erected in Rome

    by Emperor Augustus, with a 30-metre Egyptian red granite obelisk that he had imported fromHeliopolis. In a triumphant demonstration of Ptolemaic Egypt's subordination to Roman militarymight the obelisk was employed as a gnomon that cast its shadow on a marble pavement inlaidwith a gilded bronze network of lines, by which it was possible to read the time of day accordingto the season of the year. The solarium was dedicated to the Sun in 10 BC, shortly after JuliusCaesar's calendar reform. It was the first solar dedication in Rome

    CORONA AUSTRALIS Southern Crown

    The graceful half-circlet of Corona Australis lies to the south of the Little Milk Dipper ofSagittarius. Alphecca Australis, the central (and Alpha) star of the trio at the upper left of thecurve, vies with the Beta star (the lower of the three) for brightest. Gamma is at the top of thecurve, while Delta resides below Beta. Epsilon is the middle star of the small trio to the lower rightof Gamma. The bright star at far upper right is Kaus Australis in Sagittarius. Alpha Sagittarii liestoward upper left, while Beta-1 and Beta-2 Sagittarii make the double toward the lower left edge.

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    The major portion of Centaurus (the Centaur) sprawls across the picture. Muhlifein, GammaCentauri, lies at far right center, while Menkent (Theta Centauri) is the bright star toward theupper left and Iota is the bright one at the extreme upper edge near center. Eta lies at center left.This northern part of Centaurus is tied to the southern portion through Epsilon Centauri, the brightstar toward lower right. The bright fuzzy image to the right of center is the great globular star

    cluster Omega Centauri. Zeta Cen is just down and to the left of it. Lupus is down toward thelower left corner, the bright star there Kakkab, Alpha Lupi. Delta Cen, off the picture to the right,can be seen on the picture of northern Centaurus shifted to the west

    CORONA BOREALIS Northern Crown

    Corona Borealis, the Northern Crown, is a lovely semicircle of stars centered in the picture andopening to the left. Alphecca, or Gemma, is the bright star at the Crown's center directly in themiddle of the picture. Curving up and to the left are Nusakan (Beta) and Theta, while down andto the left are Gamma, Delta, and Epsilon. The strange carbon star R Coronae Borealis, whichoccasionally disappears from naked eye view after covering itself in carbon soot, is to the leftand just slightly down from Alphecca. Nu (Nu-1 and Nu-2) is at far left center; Sigma is just upand to the right of Nu. Bootes is at the top of the picture, Serpens Caput at the lower right,Hercules at lower left. The faint vertical red and green bands in the background are from a weaknorthern lights display. North is toward the upper left.

    CYGNUS Northern Cross

    Cygnus, the celestial Swan, flies toward lower right and to the horizon, great Deneb, seen towardthe upper left, marking its tail. Albireo, down and to the right, marks the Swan's head, Sadr, justup and to the left of center, its breast, Gienah Cygni (down and to the left of center) the east wing,and Delta Cygni the west wing. Zeta is down toward bottom left. Cygnus reversed becomes theNorthern Cross, Deneb now at the top, Albireo at the foot, the arms of the cross stretching fromupper right to lower left, Sadr at the intersection. The "luminous blue variable" P Cygni is justdown and to the right of Sadr, while 61 Cygni is the right hand star of the triangle at far left center.The Mira variable Chi Cygni, which lies well up and to the left of Albireo, is here too faint to be

    seen. The "Omicrons" are at top center, Omicron-2 (32 Cygni) on top, Omicron-1 (31 Cygni) atthe bottom. Just to the upper right of Omicron-1 and barely resolved from it is 30 Cygni. The blackhole binary Cygnus X-1 is near the center of the picture, and can be seen on the deep image.The Milky Way is faintly visible in the background. Deneb lies at the northeastern apex of theSummer Triangle.


    The northern and central stars of Lupus, the Wolf, loop around the picture to the southwest ofScorpius. The constellation is cut off by the horizon, which is bright from distant lamps. Pi Scorpii,the southern star of the three-star head of Scorpius, is the brighter star near the upper left corner.Kakkab, Alpha Lupi, is barely seen on the horizon at the lower right. Though a blue star, itappears reddish here because of absorption of the light by the Earth's atmosphere. Beta Lupi is

    the lower of the pair toward lower right (the upper is Kappa Cen), while Chi Lupi is the secondstar down and to the right of Pi Scorpii. Northeastern Centaurus is at right. From lower latitudes,central Lupus, including Kakkab, shines much more brightly than it does here. Some peopletheorize that Centaurus is stabbing the wolf but in some older Celestial sky maps in earliercenturies shows him petting the wolf with his right hand. This would stand in line with the bibleprophecy of the Benjamin tribe and the ravenous wolf, and the covenant promise given toAbraham could be clearly depicted here.

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    Triangulum Australe, the Southern Triangle, lies within the flowing southern Milky Way. Atria,Alpha TrA, is the orange-colored star toward the upper left. Beta TrA, toward upper right andGamma, toward lower right, complete the three-sided figure. The very red carbon star andirregular variable X TrA is just down and to the left of Gamma. Alpha Circini (which also appearsin the photo of Crux and Southern Centaurus) is at extreme lower right. Note the complex fingers

    of interstellar dust clouds that run through the Milky Way at the right-hand edge of the picture.This could be thought about in the bible in revelations in the measuring of things.


    Equuleus, the Little Horse, represented by the distorted rectangle in the middle of the picture, isthe smallest of all the ancient constellations, and is just beaten for smallest of all by modernCrux, the Southern Cross. Kitalpha, the constellation's brightest star, lies just to the right ofcenter, while much brighter Enif in Pegasus dominates the lower left corner. Delta Equ is theleft-hand star of the wide pair up and to the left of Kitalpha

    Constellation Equuleus

    The Little Horse.

    Equuleus is one of the smallest constellations in the heavens. It's quite old, and may havebeen founded by Ptolemy in the second century AD. However, the author of the Almagestoften borrowed from others, and it is possible his principle source, Hipparchus, was the truecreator of this constellation.

    The outstanding Greek astronomer Hipparchus (146-127 BC) composed the first starcatalogue, of about 850 stars. He also discovered the precession of the equinoxes andinvented trigonometry. It is not known if he actually created any constellations.

    The "little horse" that the name refers to is lost in antiquity. Some sources believe it to be ahalf-brother of Pegasus, Celeris. The only brother of Pegasus, Chrysaor, was bornsimultaneously with Pegasus. Instead of a horse, Chrysaor was a warrior.

    Its original name seems to have been Al Faras al Awwaland the Latin equivalent EquusPrimus, "the First Horse," since it rises just before Pegasus.

    Have we now found the four horsemen, the different colored horses?

    Scutum Shield

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    Note how Scutum Shield has a Cross on it and it is within reach as if the Sagittarian could justreach up and grab in down. It could also appear as it is shielding the Sagittarius from the tail ofthe snake and danger. Also note that the shield is in between the snake and Sagittarius.

    Scutum, the Shield, lies to the center and lower right of the picture across a bright star cloudwithin the Milky Way. Alpha Scuti is the brightest star down and to the right of center, while Betalies to the upper right almost directly above Alpha. This star lies just above center toward theright-hand edge. Delta is the lower of the two stars just up and to the left of Alpha. Aquila is tothe upper left, Sagittarius to the lower left. In end times did not God promise protection. Notethat the ancient image of this shield bares a cross.


    The Telescope, appears as a set of dimmer stars toward the lower left corner, the brighter oneAlpha Tel (Alpha Telescopii). The stars of Corona Australis lie at the upper left, those of lowerScorpius to the lower right; the bright one near the lower left corner is Girtab, Theta Scorpi

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    Here I would like to note that the Magi used instruments to read the stars of matters of God.

    Constellation Telescopium

    The Telescope.

    It is a shame that the most important instrument for astronomers should be associated with sucha tiny portion of the sky. Nicolas-Louis de Lacaille devised the constellation in the mid-eighteenth century. Lacaille borrowed stars from Sagittarius, Ophiuchus, Corona Borealis andScorpius. He originally called the constellation Tubus Astronomicus, in honor of Galileo's 1610invention.


    INDUS AND NORTHERN PAVO.Is located at the feet of Sagittarius

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    The Indian.

    Johann Bayer wanted to honor the American Indian in his collection of new constellations forhis 1603 book Uranometria. This was the time when many Europeans were exploring NorthAmerica.

    The modern constellation Indus, the Indian, lies from upper center toward lower left. The

    brightest star near top center, the Persian (the Alpha star), is near the constellation's northernboundary (the pair to the top in the modern constellation Microscopium, the Microscope).Epsilon Indi liles off the lower left edge of the picture. The pair at far right is Arkab, which lies insoutheastern Sagittarius. At bottom center, near the horizon, is the northern tip of Pavo, thePeacock, represented here only by bright Peacock, which takes its name from the entiresouthern constellation. While Peacock is actually a blue star, it looks reddish because of highatmospheric absorption. Between Sagittarius and Peacock is the eastern portion of the modernconstellation Telescopium, the Telescope. I would also like to note that Indus in ancientCelestial maps shows to be looking up at Sagittarius and looks to be awaiting handingSagittarius an arrow. Also notable is that some believe his arrows are also those of Gods.

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    The Indian

    Just a century after Columbus' discovery of America, Johann Bayer named this region of thesouthern sky after the native peoples of the New World. Perhaps the best known of Indus' starsis Epsilon Indi, which lies just 12 light years from the Sun. Indus by free dictionary onlinestates it is an Asian river that rises in Tibet and flows through northern India and then southwestthrough Kashmir and Pakistan to the Arabian Sea; "the valley of the Indus was the site of an

    early civilization"

    The constellation has little more than a few binaries, and one of the closest stars to our SolarSystem.

    As it closely matches our own sun, Epsilon Indi has been studied as a possible candidate forplanets, however none have yet been found circling the star.

    The constellation Indus represents a broad, thin 'slice' of the southern sky. Galaxy IC 5152 inthe constellation of indus. Galaxy NGC 7041 in the constellation of indus. Galaxy NGC 7090 in

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    the constellation of indus.

    Planetary Destinations In IndusParent Star: rho Indi (HD 216437 ) (G4 IV-V) in the constellation of Indus is located at adistance of 86.43 Light Years from our Solar system Co-ordinates are Right Ascension: 22 5439.4833 & Declination: -70 04 25.352 . The apparent Magnitude of the star is 6.064. The Inner

    Edge of Habitability Zone is 0.79 AU & the Outer Edge of Habitability Zone: 2.47 AU. Orbitingaround HD 216437 is planet HD 216437 b It is believed to be a Water Cloud Jovian, (Is thisjust one of the many ways Sagittarius born on specific date mirrors water? (Do I know thisdate. Yes, I do!)

    Eccentric and its existence has been confirmed. The Planets Appearance is White water iceclouds. The planet is positioned just out side the habitability zone at a Mean Orbital Distance of2.7 AU . The planet Orbits around the star every 1294 Days and was discovered byH.R.A.Jones on 13 Jun 2002.

    Apus and Octans the Birds Of Paradise

    Apus, Apous, and also known as

    the Bird of Paradise.It is located at the feet of Centaurus belowBelow the alter and flying towardsPaso and Sagittarius. It again shows thisarea holds Holy items.

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    Constellation Apus

    The Bird of Paradise.

    Apus was known from sixteenth century voyagers. It has also being called Apus Indica or Birdof India. Some say it comes from the Greek apous, meaning without feet, as a reference to aGreek myth about the swallow, which was said to be legless in flight.Apus is one of those small constellations adapted from others in 1603 by Johann Bayer,designed to fill in the blanks in the Southern Hemisphere. In 1603 Johann Bayer included it inUranometria, his book of constellations, and it's been with us ever since.

    Apus was known from sixteenth century voyagers. It has also being called Apus Indica or Bird ofIndia. Some say it comes from the Greek apous, meaning without feet, as a reference to aGreek myth about the swallow, which was said to be legless in flight.

    Apus is one of those small constellations adapted from others in 1603 by Johann Bayer,designed to fill in the blanks in the Southern Hemisphere. In 1603 Johann Bayer included it inUranometria, his book of constellations, and it's been with us ever since

    Constellation Microscopium

    Constellation Microscopium

    The Microscope.

    Microscopium is one of Nicolas de Lacaille's creations, celebrating the scientific instrument.

    Microscopium was introduced in the 17th century, and lies in the southern hemisphere

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    Musca, the Southern Fly, flits to the south (here to the right) of Crux, the Southern Cross, whichlies at the left edge of the picture, the scene here seen rising. Alpha Muscae is the brighter(upper) of the two stars at center. The lower one is Beta, while (top to bottom) Gamma and Deltalie a bit to the right. Lambda is a bit up and to the left. Part of Centaurus lies above Crux, partbelow, where the bright star at bottom is Hadar, Beta Centauri. Photo by Greg Dimijian. (not sureif any significance yet as it was a part of something that no longer exisits.)

    Circinus Compasses

    The Pair of CompassesCircinus, The Compass, is a Southern Hemisphere constellation introduced by Nicolas Louis de

    Lacaille in the mid-eighteenth century. The Drafting Compass is another name in history whichalso leads use to believe it is a form of measuring things for builders, in which can measure manythings such as spoken of in end times? In the 17

    thcentaury Circinus represented the type of

    compass used by a draftsman or cartograph. Cartography is the study of map making andcartographers are map makers. Craftsmen used them in designing the maps for buildings etc andmeasurements. Compasses also in history were used for navigation to make sure you wereheading the the proper direction.

    Only seven Bayer stars are brighter than sixth magnitude. Though it lies on the main belt of theMilky Way, this is an unremarkable region of the southern sky, most notable for the fact that it liesclose to the famous and bright Alpha Centauri.

    Nicolas Louis de Lacaille was born in 1713 in Rumigny, France. By 1739 he taught mathematics

    at Mazarin College in Paris. In 1750, he traveled to the Cape of Good Hope in southern Africa,and by 1754 had named 14 constellations (including this one), made important measurements ofthe moon, Venus, and Mars, and cataloged almost 10,000 stars. On his return to Paris heattempted to compile his data by himself, a process that hastened his death in 1762. His CoelumAustrale Stelliferum (Southern Sky Star Catalog) appeared the following year.

    TRIANGULUM AUSTRALE AND CENTRAL CIRCINUSTriangulum Australe, the Southern Triangle, lies within the flowing southern Milky Way. Atria,

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    Alpha TrA, is the orange-colored star toward the upper left. Beta TrA, toward upper right andGamma, toward lower right, complete the three-sided figure. The very red carbon star andirregular variable X TrA is just down and to the left of Gamma. Alpha Circini (which also appearsin the photo of Crux and Southern Centaurus) is at extreme lower right. Note the complex fingersof interstellar dust clouds that run through the Milky Way at the right-hand edge of the picture.

    Constellation Triangulum Australe

    The Triangulum is located between the centaurs and by the alter.

    The Southern Triangle.

    Triangulum Australe was introduced by Johann Bayer in 1603. The original creator of thisconstellation may have been Pieter Theodor about a century earlier.

    This nice little constellation is located close to circumpolar regions of the south pole of the sky. Itis lying between DECL=-60 degrees and DECL=-70 degrees and RA=17h and RA=15h. Thethree leading stars are so bright that this constellation can be used to find others around it (likeApus in the south, Norma in the north, in the west Circinus and Centaurus and east Ara andPavo). The southern edge of the Milky Way touches this constellation.

    The Night Owl

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    Noctua (Latin forlittle owl) was a constellation located between the constellations of Hydra andLibra right above the head of Centurus.. It replaced the earlier constellation Turdus Solitarius. Theorigin of the constellation is unknown. It is no longer in use.

    Created by French astronomer Lalande, the constellation contained stars between Antila, Hydra,

    and Pyxis. Lalande's justification for the constellation was, "I am very fond of cats. I will let thisfigure scratch on the chart. The starry sky has worried me quite enough in my life, so that now Ican have my joke with it" (in Star-Names and Their Meanings by R.H. Allen). The owl is wellknown through out history to symbolize the one who knows, all knowing, perceiving, it isassociated with great wisdom and intellect which well fits into the concepts of Sagittarius andCentaurus. You can see most items in these constellations was for holy things and measuringmankind and the heavens so any attempt to associate either Centaur with things otherwise otherthen myths seems to be unreasonable by Magi perception.

    The constellation first appeared in the 1801 atlas of J.E. Bode, but the beloved domesticated pethas since been erased from the night skies. Although the owl-shaped constellation ofNoctua hasalso been ousted from present-day constellations as well, other bird-shaped constellationsremain.

    Though the constellation resembles a female blue rock thrush (Monticola solitarius, family Turdidae). Le

    Monnier said he introduced the constellation in memory of the voyage to the island of Rodrigues in the

    Indian Ocean by another Frenchman, Alexandre-Guy Pingr, who observed the transit of Venus from there

    in 1761. Quite why this particular bird was chosen remains unexplained, though. The historian R. H. Allen

    said in his book Star Names that the constellation represented the Rodrigues Solitaire, an extinct flightless

    bird similar to the Dodo, but this seems to be a misunderstanding. Bode changed its name to Turdus

    Solitarius in his Uranographia atlas of 1801.

    The British scientist Thomas Young renamed the constellation the Mocking Bird on his star map of 1806,

    while the English amateur astronomer Alexander Jamieson changed it into Noctua, the owl, on his Celestial

    Atlas of 1822. Jamieson said he thought it was strange that no such bird had previously been placed among

    the constellations considering the frequency it is met with on all Egyptian monuments. Before it flew from

    the sky, the constellation occupied an area at the tip of the Hydras tail next to Libra.

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    Right above: Turdus Solitarius shown on the Uranographia of Johann Bode (1801).

    The first colored inmage of the owl shows the change.Below: Noctua on the Celestial Atlas of Alexander Jamieson (1822). By turning the bird so that its

    head is to the right, Jamieson has made it fit more naturally next to Libra. (Image Ian Ridpath.)

    Centaurus the Centaur Additional information

    Note on the shield the grail chalice or blood grail. Remember the meaning bhind the arkand the mercy seat. The chalice has many holy meanings.

    Although Crux the Southern Cross is probably more famous in northern latitudes, there is noquestion that Centaurus the Centaur is the most magnificent of the southern constellations. It'sthe ninth largest constellation and it contains two of the ten brightest stars. No other constellationcan make this claim although Crux the Southern Cross and Orion the Hunter each contain two ofthe twenty brightest stars. Centaurus also contains the closest star to the sun, the best globularcluster, and has its own meteor shower. It does not contain any Messier objects because theconstellation is too far south for Messier to have seen it.

    Also noted is that some believe the Centaur was going to kill the wolf, in other older sky maps isshowing him holding the wolf or petting the wolf here is one such image directly below. Notice inthe left hand the weapon is pointed downwards. In the bible the wolf is recognized as theBenjamin tribe and the covenant promise of God to Abraham. Was the Centaur saving the wolf inthis image from the scorpion or some other danger? Does it not show the covenant promise bythe sparing of the wolf?

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    That wasn't the case 2,000 years ago, however, when precession had carried the southern starsof spring into the view of the ancient Greeks. They could see the Southern Cross and all the starsof the Centaur. Although there are conflicting reports from ancient Greek sources, most seem toagree that this centaur whose name was Chiron was a wise and benevolent being as opposed tothe war-like Sagittarius but did the Sagittarius get a fore say bad wrap or bum deal? Somesources say he was the tutor for Heracles who accidentally wounded his teacher with a poisonedarrow. He begged Zeus to grant the noble creature immortality in the sky. Centaurus istraditionally depicted as carrying Lupus the Wolf to sacrifice on Ara the Altar.

    Centaurus contains Alpha and Beta Centauri, the third and tenth brightest stars in the sky. (Note:Some lists name Betelgeuse in Orion as the tenth brightest star, but Betelgeuse is a variable starmaking its ranking difficult). Alpha Centauri (proper name Rigel Kentaurius) is bright only becauseit is close and it is the closest star to the sun at 4.3 light years away. Alpha Centauri is a triple starsystem.

    Beta Centauri (proper name Hadar) is a blue-white super giant and in about 4,000 years, theproper motion of Alpha Centauri will carry it close enough to Beta Centauri that they will appear tobe a magnificent double star. Since Beta Centauri is about 300 light years away, they will be anoptical double. Now the two stars look like two eyes, the right one (Beta) distinctly blue. They arecalled the 'pointer stars' since they point to the Southern Cross to the west. Some of theAustralian aboriginals call them 'The Two Men that once were Lions'. Other aboriginals call themthe twins that created the world.

    Centaurus also contains Omega Centauri (NGC 5139), the largest and richest globular cluster inthe sky. It looks like a 4th magnitude star to those lucky enough to see it, but through even asmall telescope the stars resolve into pinpoints of light. The cluster is larger than the full moon.Centaurus also has its very own meteor shower, the alpha Centaurids that are best on the eighthof February.

    Centaurus also contains 20 open clusters and several galaxies including Centaurus A (NGC5128), one of the brightest radio objects in the sky. It also contains a significant portion of our owngalaxy, the Milky Way, and the river of stars through Centaurus is an awesome sight on a darkmoonless night. Centaurus contains over 100 visible stars (brighter than 5.5 magnitude).

    Centaurus is a magnificent sight on a balmy spring night (it reaches culmination on 30 March) ora pleasant fall evening if you live in the Southern hemisphere. Centaurus is truly a jewel of thesouthern sky.

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    We have previously met the most famous Centaur in Greek mythology, Cheiron, who taught theHermetic sciences to Ophiuchus, the Serpent-Holder. Cheiron had two natures, part man andpart horse, which, according to the false 'gospel in the stars', prefigured the two natures of Jesus.Bullinger must torture the etymology of 'Cheiron' to find something analogous to Jesus Christ.

    "It is the figure of a being with two natures....

    "The Greek name was Cheiron, which means the pierced, orwho pierces. In the Greek fablesCheiron was renowned for his skill in hunting, medicine, music, athletics, and prophecy. All themost distinguished heroes of Greece are described as his pupils. He was supposed to beimmortal, but he voluntarily agreed to die; and, wounded by a poisoned arrow (not intended forhim) while in conflict with a wild boar, he transferred his immortality to Prometheus; whereuponhe was placed amongst the stars.

    Cheiron is actually derived from the Greek word cheiro-o which means 'to handle', as theSerpent-Holderhandles the 'therapeutic serpent of wisdom and healing'. Although an immortalson of the god, Cheiron relinquished his immortality for the sake of others.

    " Greek mythology, centaurs were heaven-begotten; they were sons of the gods... The mostfamous centaur, and the head of all of the centaurs in Greek mythology, was called Cheiron, who

    was...thought to be immortal. But, he voluntarily agreed to die and transferred his immortality toPrometheus. Here we see a picture of the Jesus who was to come...who, though immortal, gaveup His life and transferred His immortality to others." (D. James Kennedy) (872:23)

    "In Greek mythology, Chiron ('hand') was a centaur... He was a son of Cronus andPhilyra. He was probably a Thessalonian god, later subsumed into the Greek pantheonas a centaur. He tutored Asclepius, Theseus, Achilles, Jason and Heracles. Heraclesaccidentally shot him with a poisonous arrow...and Chiron willingly gave up hisimmortality to escape the pain. He was placed in the sky as the constellationSagittarius...With the nymph Chariclo, Chiron was the father of Ocyrhoe. Alternative:Cheiron" (956) Jesus willingly suffered the fullness of God's wrath as a sacrifice for thesins of mankind.But he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities: thechastisement of our peace was upon him; and with his stripes we are healed. All we

    like sheep have gone astray; we have turned every one to his own way; and the LORDhath laid on him the iniquity of us all. He was oppressed, and he was afflicted, yet heopened not his mouth: he is brought as a lamb to the slaughter, and as a sheep beforeher shearers is dumb, so he openeth not his mouth. - Isaiah 52:5-7

    Neither Kennedy nor Bullinger mention that Cheiron, the Centaur, also trained Jason,the Greek hero who, with his crew of fifty Argonauts (reported to be the strongest andbravest band of heroes in Greek mythology), sailed the ship Argo in search of theGolden Fleece. "This epic tale begins with Aeson, the rightful heir to the throne ofIolcus, and Pelias, his jealous stepbrother. When their father, the King of Iolcus, passedaway Pelias imprisoned Aeson and took the crown for himself. However, unknown toPelias, Aeson's wife bore a son named Jason. Averting Jason's certain death at thehand of Pelias, his mother secreted him to the cave of Chiron, a wise and noble

    centaur. For twenty years Chiron schooled Jason in the arts of the ancient world untilthe time came for him to claim his birthright."

    Manly P. Hall wrote in The Secret Teachings of All Ages that the Golden Fleececontained the alchemical formulae for the divinity of man:

    "The Golden Fleece sought by Jason and his Argonauts is the Celestial Lamb thespiritual and intellectual Sun. The secret doctrine is also typified by the Golden Fleece the wool of the Divine Life, the rays of the Sun of Truth. Suidas declares the GoldenFleece to have been in reality a book, written upon skin, which contained the formulae

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    for the production of gold by means of chemistry. The Mysteries were institutionserected for the transmutation of base ignorance into precious illumination. The dragonof ignorance was the terrible creature set to guard the Golden Fleece, and representsthe darkness of the old year, which battles with the Sun at the time of its equinoctialpassage."

    Cheiron, the Centaur, who taught Ophiuchus the sciences, also served as Jason'smentor and spiritual advisor in his quest for the Golden Fleece. Some accounts portrayCheiron as the constellation Sagittarius, another centaur, who guided the Argonauts."The Argonauts first passed Mount Pelion where Chiron, Jason's teacher, lived. After anight's rest the Argonauts moved on. To help guide Jason and the Argonauts, Chironplaced his likeness in the stars, as Sagittarius. Throughout the journey, Jason wouldspeak to Chiron through the stars."

    The Garden Of Eden Cherubim

    I would also like to finalize by briefly talking just a bit about the cherubim of the Gardenof Eden. The Lion, the Man, Taurus, and the Eagle are known as the Cherubim put incharge of protecting the Garden of Eden once Adam and Eve was cast out. It isbelieved that The Eagle guards the East gate of the Garden of Eden. If you note above

    in many of the images of Sagittarius you will find the eagle just above the Sagittarianshead.

    3. Conclusion


    First I feel it is clear that the Centaurs face each other for a reason. It seems to be clear manymeasuring and holy items are in their courts and about them even shared by them in someaspects with them being right in between. This appears to be a twin aspect in many ways. It alsoclearly depicts that they are and should be recognized as one constellation not two, unless onewas to make a thirteenth month and have the two share both months together as dual aspects.

    This could also be a part of the representation of the uniting of the two galaxies we talked aboutearlier a coming together a union of what once was an now is to be again. Or I am the Alpha andOmega I was here in the beginning and will come again. Clearly no one can get into the heavenspast the holy of holies coals or into the Milky Way without first going throw Sagittarius could thisbe the famous bible statement that Jesus once made. Nothing can get to the father except byme? I am afraid I leave more questions in my conclusion as I am hoping in writing this you canalso see what I can see but I want to assure you at the same time I am not attempting to convinceanyone but to allow the reader to make their own educated decision on the information presentedhere in.

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    It appears that all 48 of the original constellations can be identified and that they indeed form amore or less coherent representation of the gospel of Jesus Christ. There is still much moreresearch to be done, especially to fill in details, but the general outline seems clear. A virginMaiden is the mother of an Infant Prince who is half mortal and half god (Centaur) and who willgrow up to be the Good Shepherd (Herdsman). He is the Redeemer who will pay the price of sin(Balance) through his suffering (Cross) as a sacrifice (Beast) in order to win the Crown. He will bethe great Healer who will crush sickness and death (Scorpion). He is the Savior (Archer,Hercules) who slays the Dragon, resulting in great rejoicing (Harp). He is also the Goat (SeaGoat) sacrificed on the Altar, but then resurrecting (Dolphin). He is the messenger of his Father(Eagle and Arrow). He is the Master Teacher (Centaurs fits perfect), who pours out knowledgeand blessings on his people (Water bearer and Southern Fish carries), carrying it upward (FlyingHorse) to someday be glorified. Sagittarius reaching up in end times for the cross again. (Swan)He is the Ram who breaks the Bands of Death, and the Hero who looses the chains of hell whichbind and shackle both his former-day and latter-day Church (Fishes) to the awful Sea Monster.The Hero is also the Bride or groom who then marries his Church or (Princess -Prince). I stateBride or bride groom because of the duality that is spoken about by Thomas and another famous

    apostles. Also I feel I should mention the Millennium Prophecy of Sophia says ...

    And I come for a second time, in the manner of a woman, and I shall speak withthem,And I shall instruct them about the coming end of the realm.And I shall instruct them about the beginning of the coming realm,Which does not experience change,And in which our appearance shall change.

    Prophecy of Sophia translated from the Trimorphic Protennoia.

    Recap: Sagittarius, the Archer called Toxotes in Greek, and in Hebrew, Kesith ("the archer" cf. Gen 21:20); in Arabic it is Al Kaus ("the arrow"), in Egyptian, Pimaere ("graciousness" or "thebeauty of coming forth"), and in the Akkadian of ancient Babylonia, Nun-ki ("Prince of the Earth").The constellation depicts a centaur (also identified as Cheiron), and a hieroglyph beneath the rearfoot reads Knem ("He conquers"). His arrow is aimed at the heart of Scorpio. Sagittarius is

    supposed to be relatively recent, but Berosus states that its image was in the Temple of Babylonfrom primeval times. Indeed, Centaurus is identified as Kronos himself whom we will learn to beNimrod. The prominent stars are Naim (H. "the gracious one" cf. Ps 45:2), Nehushta (H. "goingor sending forth"), Al Shaula (A. "the dart"), and Ruchba er rami (A. "the riding of the bowman");others have names denoting delight, grace, and speed. We find these images in Ps 45:4-5: inYour majesty ride prosperously because of truth, humility, and righteousness; and Your righthand shall teach You awesome things. Your arrows are sharp in the heart of the King's enemies .. . Again, in Ps 64:7-8, we read of those who have set a snare, God shall shoot at them with anarrow; suddenly they shall be wounded. So He will make them stumble over their own tongueIt once had only 14 stars, but now 69.

    He is enthroned as the King and the wedding commences to his Queen. At the beginning of theMillennium, Jesus reigns as King and Lord of Hosts of the Kingdom of God (Bull). As the royalHunter he destroys the harlot (Hare) who has perverted religions and governments worldwide,and he executes judgment on the wicked (River). He is both the Father and the Son (Twins). Hewho comes in power to destroy the great harlot (Hare) at the Second Coming (Big Dog) is also hewho came in meekness and allowed himself to be slain by her at the First Coming (Little Dog). Heis the Deliverer (Crab) who leads the dead up out of hell (Ship) and delivers his flocks (Big andLittle Bears). As the millennial King (Lion), he permanently overcomes the fleeing Water Serpent,who suffers the Cup of the wrath of God, and whose corpse is eaten by birds of prey (Raven).

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    The fact that so many precise scriptural types of Jesus Christ appear in the constellation figures,grouped by subjects and in chronological order, provides compelling confirmation that the claim ofthe Book of Enoch is true: The figures were revealed as a testimony of the Elect One who wouldcome to save mankind. It is a visual witness that details of the life of Christ were known longbefore the Great Deluge. Thus, the constellations form one of only surviving ante-diluvianwitnesses of the Good Shepherd, the Redeemer, the Righteous Judge and Great Healer, theSavior, the Ultimate Sacrifice, the Master Teacher, the Great High Priest, the Bridegroom, theLord of Hosts, the Son of God, the Deliverer, and the King of Kings: Jesus Christ.

    Nostradamus was a 16th century prophet who predicted the future of the world usingastrological charts and visions. The language of his prophecies is obscure andambiguous, and many commentaries have been published which purport to interprettheir meaning. One prophecy of Nostradamus forecast that a 'great Chyren' will restorethe monarchies of France and other nations of the world during World War III. Otherprophecies establish the rightful claim of a king to the French throne.

    Quatrain 6,70Chief of the world will the great "Chyren" be,Plus Ultra behind, loved, feared, dreaded:His fame and praise will go beyond the heavens,And with the sole title of Victor will he be quite satisfied.

    Quatrain 9,41The great "Chyren" will seize Avignon,From Rome letters in honey full of bitterness:Letter and embassy to leave from "Chanignon,"Carpentras taken by a black duke with a red feather.

    "Avignon will be taken by this leader, making it his capital. He will receive diplomatic lettersfrom Rome with bad news. He will send a letter to Canino, Italy. At this time Carpentras will becaptured by the black duke with a red plume. This last description of a duke makes one wonder ifhe stuck a feather in his cap, or is poetically described as a communist.

    "We have gone so far with the brothers from wood in reference to France that Nostradamusenthusiasts may be wondering what happened to Chyren. It may be that we have been describing

    Chyren in previous prophecies. If you associate the key words, which are connected to Chyren inseveral prophecies, you may find a link between the prophecies of Chyren and another character.For now we will refrain from making this connection, treating this Chyren as distinct from othercharacters. Chyren is believed by most commentators to be an anagram of Henryc. Otherprophecies indicate a possible new King Henry V of France. He is expected to rise in WWIII, restoring the monarchy and saving France and other nations. Before we get into the otherprophecies, which seem to establish his claim to the throne, let's explore this anagram Chyren.Henryc would be abbreviated from the Latin Henrycus. Nostradamus used the i and yinterchangeably. Some editions render it Chiren. He could have used any of the letters fromHenry to Henrycus. Chiren is also very close to Chiron (Greek Cheiron.) If we treat Cheiron as ananagram, dropping the o, we could derive Chiren! Cheiron was the wisest of all Centaurs, famousfor his knowledge of medicine. It should be remembered that a person born with any name, risingto kingship may take the title he wishes." (908)

    The 'great Chyren', according to Nostradamus, will bring peace to the world, but only after he hasconducted a global reign of terror to expunge his enemies and all rebels.There will be a new ruler system in the seventh millenium. The truth of my professesWill only be recognised when this is acted into society.The new king is "The Great Chyren", the new man and key-figure of the 21st century.The great Chyren will have many nicknames:

    - The conquerer of the half moon- The general of the nobles- The great Jupiter man- Conquerer and leader of the world

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    - Hendrik the lucky oneThe great Chyren will become the leader of the world. This name and fortune willlive long after his death. A short period after his death he will be given the title: The Conquerer.He and his followers will come to a high power position. The Kingdom will be governedBy Chyren. Who will do this in a very proper way. He gives the people on the earth peace for 57years.May all the other nobles see that it is him who has been sent from heaven and may theseNobles honour him.In this hand he holds a curve-staff. The curve holding in his hands, standing in front ofThe window in the middle. He will hit everyone with it."The terrible revange begins".Will be the terror of human kind. The lightning from his staff will be dangerous. Will shake the earth and see all countries. He will punish the rebels.There will never be anyone like him.The unconquerable, very powerfull, very Christian and Muslim: The Great Chyren.His followers shall not be murdered. And he will free all a great nation from great troubles.Similar prophecies concerning this 'Great Cheyren' are also found in the pages of Scripture,however, the length of his reign will be shortened to 3.5 years:. He is known by them as holy andin most cases called Sagittarius in the rest Centaurus.

    Note today this is known a Chiron-which duals Sagittarius.

    The constellation of Sagittarius Additional Information. This aspect of the GreatConjunction is of paramount importance because Sagittarius is the gateway to the centre of ourgalaxy. The galaxy to which Earth belongs is called the Milky Way. It is a flat, spiral galaxy exceptfor at the centre where it bulges. You can actually see this bulge formed by the internal dotted

    lines of the Milky Way where the Sun is rising in the Constellation of Sagittarius on the computersimulation. This is the Galactic Stellar Womb from which the rest of the galaxy was conceivedand born. Today the Womb is estimated to contain 200 billion suns! Sagittarius can be equatedwith the entrance to the birth canal of the galaxy. When the Sun is in Sagittarius as part of theGreat Conjunction, it is fathering a New Age... Or the Crowned of The New Age.

    "The Great Conjunction, when the Sun fathers a New Age, will last for only a split second ofTime. Nearly three hours later, at 9:34 am, the Sun will be risen and the new child of the Age ofAquarius will have been born. As with the virgin births of Hesus and Jesus, the father is God theSun. However in this instance the child is conceived in the Womb of Sagittarius, the Mother. Sonow we see a triad the mother, the father and the son.


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    The Two Tabernacle Gates represent Jesus. It is said There are two gates: One to enter the Tentand another to enter the Tabernacle. Jesus said twice "I am the gate... Whoever enters throughme will be saved"(Jn.7-9).

    The Gates of the Sun are the two points on the Zodiac where it is believed that souls enter orleave the material world. Before the present Age of Pisces, the Gates of the Sun were Cancerand Capricorn. By this is meant that, in the preceding age of Aries, Cancer was in the Milky Wayand, when the Sun passed through Cancer, souls from other star systems were able to incarnateinto matter (Earth) to assist mankind (the Microcosm) to ascend to the Universal Soul (theMacrocosm) where they became gods. The latter could only take place when the Sun was inCapricorn, the sign opposite Cancer, which also intersected with the Milky Way during the Age ofAries. Due to the precession of the equinoxes, the 'Gates of the Gods' became Gemini andSagittarius for the Age of Pisces. By 'precession of the equinoxes' is meant that, due to theearths wobble, the North Pole moves backward one zodiacal sign every 2,000 years. Albert Pikeexplains this astrological hogwash in Morals & Dogma:

    "The Galaxy, Macrobius says, crosses the Zodiac in two opposite points, Cancer and Capricorn,the tropical points in the sun's course, ordinarily called the Gates of the Sun. These two tropics,before his time [Aries], corresponded with those constellations, but in his day [Pisces] with Geminiand Sagittarius, in consequence of the precession of the equinoxes; but the signs of the Zodiacremained unchanged; and the Milky Way crossed at the signs Cancer and Capricorn, though notat those constellations.

    "Through these gates souls were supposed to descend to earth and re-ascend to Heaven. One,Macrobius says, in his dream of Scipio, was styled the Gate of Men; and the other, the Gate ofthe Gods. Cancer was the former, because souls descended by it to the earth; and Capricorn thelatter, because by it they re-ascended to their seats of immortality, and became Gods."

    Ancient Egyptians and the constellations describe Sagittarius as the portal or birth canal leadingin the present Age of Pisces. As the 'Galactic Stellar Womb' or Mother, Sagittarius will beimpregnated by the Sun, the father, when it passes through this constellation, and this union willproduce the New Age, the Age of Aquarius. That's right. The constellation Sagittarius is the

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    Galactic Stellar Womb that will be impregnated by father Sun. {See Galactic Chart showingSagittarius at the center of the Milky Way.}

    The twelve major constellations of the Zodiac are referred to in the bible as the "Mazzaroth." Theword "Zodiac" comes from the Greek zoad, which means "the way" or "the path." According tomany Christian scholars, God depicted his story and his promise of salvation within the stars.

    The saga begins with Virgo (a virgin) bringing forth a son. Libra (balance) follows, an indicationthat man does not possess the power to sa